EU COMMISSIONER GEORGIEVA AND FAO GOODWILL , ITALIAN FOOTBALL PLAYER ROBERTO BAGGIO SOUND THE ALARM ON THE SAHEL CRISIS WITH THE MATCH DAY AGAINST (30 MARCH-2 APRIL) How to win the match against hunger How do you feel when you are hungry? Weak. Tired. Unable to concentrate, study, play or work. So what do you do? You grab something to eat.

It sounds so easy, but, one in seven people on this planet doesn’t have anything to grab.... They have no money to buy or to grow food. They suffer from hunger.

This is what is now happening in the Sahel region of West Africa (, Mauritania, , Burkina Faso, Niger, and Chad). People there are facing the consequences of a combination of drought, poor harvests and soaring food prices.

Nearly 16 million people are affected, half of which are at risk, the risk of dying from hunger. Five countries declared states of emergency and asked the world for help.

The most vulnerable are the more than one million children, many of them under two years of age. If these children do not get help in time, their mental and physical development will be stunted, even if they physically survive.

So, imagine, what about their dreams? Don't you think a child in the Sahel dreams about becoming another Seydou Keita from Mali, John Obi Mikel from , or Alain Traore from Burkina Faso?

It is true that the EU and the UN are already active in the Sahel region trying to avert the worst. The European Commission has mobilised €123 million in humanitarian aid to help 6 million people escape starvation.

But even this will not be enough if we want avoid a repeat of the catastrophe last year in the Horn of Africa. We need more help, more attention and more awareness to save more lives.

This is why the European Commission has joined the UN's Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) and the European Professional Football Leagues (EPFL) in the ‘Professional Football Against Hunger’ campaign.

Professional football has the power to mobilise the public awareness that we need.

During the 3rd European Match Day Against Hunger, from 30 March until 2 April, over 300 football clubs in 20 leagues across 16 European countries will dedicate their matches to the Sahel crisis, sending the message that urgent action is needed now. They will reach millions of fans, from Glasgow to Goteborg, from Moscow to Madrid.

This is also why the two of us, a European Commissioner for humanitarian aid, and a professional footballer and FAO , have joined forces and appeal to you.

You can also reach out yourself. Join the team. Tell your friends, tell your colleagues. Sign the petition at Or you may donate a small amount to an aid organisation in your country that works in the Sahel. With as little as €20, one child can be brought out of hunger and malnutrition in a few weeks time.

It is important that we do not stay silent when our fellow humans are dying of hunger. Because the suffering of any human being diminishes all of us. It’s our responsibility to speak up and help. Together we can save lives and win the match against hunger.


Roberto Baggio, one of the most accomplished football players in history, was named FAO Goodwill Ambassador in October 2002. He is the only Italian player ever to score in three World Cups and won both the Ballon d'Or and the FIFA World Player of the Year in 1993. Roberto Baggio has actively supported the Professional Football Against Hunger Campaign since the start in 2008. In recognition to his untiring commitment towards FAO’s activities and his involvement in global efforts to bring hope for a decent life to those who are suffering, he was bestowed with the prestigious Peace Award in 2010. Kristalina Georgieva

Is the European Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid, Crisis Response and International Cooperation. She directs the European Commission's Directorate- General for Humanitarian Aid and Civil protection (ECHO) with 750 staff around the globe, whose main mission is to deliver humanitarian assistance to people affected by natural and man-made disasters. Since its creation 20 years ago in April 1992, ECHO has channelled around €14 billion to victims of disasters in over 140 countries. Today, an average of €1 billion is provided annually, helping nearly 150 million of the world's most vulnerable people each year by providing food, shelter, water and other forms of life-saving assistance. Together with the support provided by EU Member States, the is the world’s leading humanitarian donor