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XT? ^AST LOS ANGELES COLLEGE Students Trackmen Receive Travel to Scholarships CAMPUS NEWS Bal(ersfield —Sec Page 3— —See Page 4— Vol. XVI, No, 26 Los Angeles, California Wednesday, April 19, 1961 MILESTONE 'Hour Set WINNERS—Cop ping i-'wards in tine Creative Writing semi-annual Mile On ^Inner stone writing contest are trom left, top, Jim Bigelow, Charles Winners Named Space' Jennings, Bob The Milestone Creative Writing Contest awards were divided Barton, Jim Birakos, among 26 winners, It was announced tills week. "Inner space" or tho unknowns of the ocean depths will be the topic for Don Sepulveda, and Awards were divided among 26 writers turning in one or more tomorrow's College Hour. Miss Selika Hayes. of 52 winning entrie.s. Tlie entries fall into ttie four categories of Comparing the knowledge of outer From left, bottom, serious prose, humorous prose, poetry, and light verse, and are space with that of "inner space" will Mrs. Geraldine rated according to whether they merit flrst place, second place, top be discussed by Ken Kvammen, head Woythaler, Mrs. honorable mention or honorable men- of the Coa.stal Engineering Section of Donnawayne Nelson, tion. the Los Angeles Countiy Engineer's First placc In the serious prose Darlene Kenner, Office. category was achieved by Geraldlne Booths Mrs. Barbara Kaplan, Woythaler for her entry, "The Spar A numbor of photographs and Miss Nancy King, row and the Boy"; In the humorous charts on 35mm slides will also be Mrs. Hanna Acker prose division by Selika Hayes for shown, "Old Yellow Jack": In poetry by Bar Need Club man, Phillip Sullivan, Kvammen has a Master's Degree In bara Kaplan for her "Trees of Life"; Oceanography from the University of man, Phillip Sullivan, and m light verse by Robert A. Bar California at La Jolla and has a pro and Truett Hollis. ton for "Parly." Sponsor s fessional license as a Registered Civil Second place in the four divisions Engineer from the Stale of Califor were scored by James D. Birakos In Auttientlcity will provide the key nia. serious prose for his enti-y, "The note In the AS Carnival next Priday "Special Lamb"; in humorous prose when Elans will witness weddings be He has done research and has by Donawayne Nelson for "Gypsy taught at the Univei'sily of Miami CN Wins Five AppUvatitm Date $200 Award ing held in the Marriage Booth, under Dance"; in poetry by James D. Bira the western theme of "Little Las Ve Marine Laboratory and the UCLA Extentled a Week kos for "Sparta": and tn light verse College of Engineering. Application deadline for all stu gas." publicity chairman Mary Alice Awards at LB Set for Elans by Donawayne Nelson for "You Can't Cabres announced recently. Kvammen is a meniber of the En- dent «mc('s has been rvtrnded one Win." The Campus Nows and three CN The attention of all engineering Several AWS women will be dre.-ised filnecrs and Architects Association, week. Date due now is Monday. May Top honorable mention honors writers walked ofl wilh five awards architectural and drafting students is in Western attire. The American Society of Civil Engl- 1, These applications arc now avail were awarded to Jamos Bigelow in at the Long Beach State Collego drawn to the fact that the Fluor Cor The marriage ceremony will come heers. The American Geophysical able in .\dm. 4, the office of the dean serious prose for "The Rosebush Journalism Day. last Saturday. poration Scholarship is again being as complete as posible. The bride and Union, and the Amorican Congress of nf Ktudeiits. Planting": to Donawayne Nelson in offered this year. groom will be accompanied by a Surveying and Mapiilng. The award for over-all excellence humorous prose for "The Vapors": to went lo the Campus News In addi The $200 scholarship is awarded to preacher, two witnesses, a crying D. A. Sepulveda in poetry for "Poems woman, and rice throwers ending the This particular College Hour is be tion to second plnce for tho sweep one student every spring semester I & 2"; and to Darlene Keener In scene in which rings and marriage ing sponsored by the Engineei's and stakes award. Former CN editor Pas Canipns Medicos from five applicants selected by the light verse for "Monkey's side." Architects of Elac. semester the quale Sosa placed fh-st In the column college, Selection is based upon schol license also play an impoitant part. Entries awarded honorable mention Elan. Cash Hart, who played the EAA sponsored the 'Hour in which writing division and third for feature arship, aptitude and evidence of In the serious prose category num To Watcli role of last year's preacher, was nomi- the story of the Atlas Missiles from writing. Steve Bishefl. CN editor, took planned purpose in the field. bered 11: "Leatha" nnd "The Raid" manufacture lo transportation to fir a third in column writing, and former by Dorothy Cassell. "Mtss informed" nated again this year to portray tht After selection of the applicants, ing was told. staff membor Bob Elias placed third Heart Surgery and "Growing Up" by M. L. Velarde, snme person. the college arranges, through the "Although several women have in sporls writing. Thctn Lambda Clii is prosonting Birthday Present for Pa" by James "We will try to spon.sor ono College Fluor Corporation, Ltd,, n meeting of signed up to decorate and complete Ovcr 30 high schttol and Jay Ceo Dr. Jolin Melliaus nnd tho drama of Bigelow. "Counterbalance" by James Hour every semester." said William the Scholarship Committee, composed the booth, all women who would en Cipriano. advisor of EAA. "The Asso journall.'^t.s alleiidcd the event, whicii an "Open Heart Surgery" April 25 at L. Birakos, "Dialogue" by Rex Galle of two Fluor representatives and one gos, "Metamorphosis" by George P. joy working on this project are urged ciation is a special Interest club whicli was the first "J" Day .sponsored by noon in 117-101. from the college. This group then Long Beach Stale. The CN repi-esont- May, "John Doe Exits" by David to sign up with Miss Mary Eileen motivates interest in engineering to Dr. Moihaus, cnrdialogist for the chooses the recipient of the award. ativos paiticipaled in the Bcneral as- Neidhardt. "The Biggest One" by Serak or myself," Miss Cabres re students," Cipriano continued. "At KEN KVAMMEN open heart surgical team at St. Vin ported. each club meeting either an interest •scnibly meeting at 9 a.m. From there Those receiving the scholarships Danlel Torres, and "Deception" by cent's Hospilnl in Los Angeles, is the Donawayne Nelson. Some of the other booths which ing speaker is brought in or special they attondod two workshop sessions doctor that operates the now-fnnious will be offered first opportunities for and the second general assembly and summer employment with The Fluor Honorable mentions in humorous will be in this year's carnival and the elides and films are shown." staled hearl-Umg machine. This very com clubs that have taken charge of them Cipriano. 111 awards presentation. plicated piece of equipment oxygen Corporation, which manufacturens all prose were throe in number: "Dolores Caslro Dance Sel of the Velvet Eyos" and "Tho Vain arc Mexlcattcssen. Theta Pi Omega; All Iho couiost onlrlos submitted by ates, removes waste nnd pumps the types of engineering equipment. This summer work serves as an appren Princesses" by Donawayne Nelson Dnnce. AS Social Committee; Candy Sunday, April 30 Elac were e.xaniples of the last semes- blood through the body which allows Shop. Engineei's and Architects Asso tor's work. Tlie statf, last semester, ticeship for the student. and "Shakespearean Tragl-Comedy" for a blpass of tho lungs and heart, by Pasquale Sosa. ciation: Hot Dogs, Extended Day; Tickets For was headed by Sosa as editor: Bl.shoIT, thus allowing tho heart lo be at rest The seventh annual fund-raising Students become eligible for the The poetry classification Included Coffee House. Wesley Club; Sponge dance for the Armando Ca.'=tro Mem city editor: Ellas, managing editor; so that surgery can be accomplished, scholarship at the beginning of the Throw. Mormon Group: Ring Toss Dave Barron, editorial edilor; Belly 21 honorable mentions, these being: orial Scholarship Fund will be held Tho drama of an open heart sur fall semester of their second year in "I Stand Astride." "You Came Closer Christian Science Organization; and Sail—Again Pleasant, feature editor; and Bill Sunday. April 30. at the Hollywood gery is epictod in the two fllms that junior college. Twelve units toward Yesterday." "The Circle Has En Cotton Candy. AMS. Palladium Irom 6 p.m. to midnight. Kuhler. sports editor. will be shown at this meeting by K. some engineering or drafting major A limited number of tickets is on chanting Charms." and "Spin Spin," More of the booths which will ndd HoIT of thi- Upjohn Company, These must have been completed and 12 sale for the semi-annunl AMS-AWS The bands of Ren? Bloch and Sal all by Barbara Kaplan; "One the tc the fun of the cornival are the films are the first surgeries of their moro must be carried at the time. An Moonlight Cruise which will be held Chico will piny nt the danco. Tickets Death of Socrates" and "Shake Penny Pitch. Delta Omega Psi; Toss Men To Attend kind lo be performed. applclation must be flled with the Saturday night. May 6, at Pierpoint aro S2 per person and nre available speare's Knowledge of Human Na the Garter. Alphn Omega: Fun Tho films will let the viewer feel colicge al least 30 days before the Landing in Long Boach, at the Business Olllcc.