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The BG News September 25, 1998

Bowling Green State University

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Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News September 25, 1998" (1998). BG News (Student Newspaper). 6372. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/6372

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. FRIDAY,The Sept. 25, 1998 A dailyBG independent student News press Volume 85* No. 23 Alumni begin Homecoming weekend with dance □ The Alumni Center is hosting their first ■ The Falcon football All-Alumni Dance in team faces a daunting honor of homecoming challenge against weekend. Daunte Culpepper and Central Florida Saturday at home. By ERIN BERGER The BG News Swing! Rock and Roll! Disco! All of these types of music will be performed at the All-Alumni ■ The women's tennis Dance to be held during home- team is confident as it coming weekend, organized by goes into its first road trip Photo Provided the Alumni Center. of the season this week- This dance is something new end. This it the scene at the Firelands Campus 30 years ago when it opened. The campus Is celebrating its birthday this year. to the Homecoming festivities this year, one of many endeavors to give the returning alumni just □ Firelands College is kicking off their 30th what they want, according to anniversary with campus improvements and Nancy Ellis, associate director of ■ The men's and alumni affairs women's cross country an open house. As people begin to get excited for Homecoming and all of the teams are looking for festivities of the weekend, they big wins Saturday at the AMYJO L. BROWN may not realize who is behind Miami Invitational. The BG News all of these activities. The Uni- versity Advancement Division Serving its community for 30 years, the Firelands College is (which is located in the Alumni proud of the education and opportunities it provides its stu- Center and includes Alumni dents. Affairs, Public Relations, and The doors of the University's only regional campus opened on Development Staff) makes a celebrates Sept. 25,1968, 30 years ago today. large contribution. Its existence is owed much to the enthusiasm and hard work This year for the first time in of the residents in the surrounding communities said Lesley many years, they have planned Ruszkowski, assistant director of college relations for Firelands. activities enough to last return- The residents raised more than $1,062,000 for the construction of ing alumni the entire weekend, ■ University student and the campus. and there will be a little some- professional juggler Jay "We would like to thank the community," said Ruszkowski. thing for everyone, according to Gilligan performs in This year's anniversary celebration will include an open Ellis. "Question." Wfthaay house in November and a formal kick-off for the "University Some of the big events from • See FIRELANDS, page five. • See ALUMNI, page five.

■ Reviews of new by Sunny Day real Estate, They Might ITS undergoes new organizational changes be Giants and the □ Recently reorganized, ITS as the Help Center, has become a priority. priate support person. The resolution will skilled technical analyst will serve as an soundtrack to "perma- It is now the primary point of contact for then be written back and relayed to the instant resource to answer questions. nent Midnight." shifts its focus to include cus- users who want to address their technical caller. Singer said that this technical analyst tomer service as well as tech- support problems and related questions. Deb Wells, Customer Relations Manag- position did not exist before. Toby Singer, the executive director of er, said that students are now only direct- Besides the technical analyst, a manag- nology and software. Information Technology Services, said ed to one source. er and three help desk consultants will be these changes can lead to an improved "Technology Support Center serves as available to help answer the calls and Opinion 2 atmosphere. an advocate to help students and faculty make sure everyone is being helped. Page Three 3 By IVY CHIN "The purposes of these changes are to for better services," Wells said. Singer said that will be very World & Nation 4 The BG News provide better service, faster resolution to According to Wells, TSC provides critical for TSC. Blotter 5 Information Technology Services (ITS), the users, and to eliminate problems that voice mail accounts and class accounts to "Things are not perfect right now," Sports 6 formally known as University Computer occur," Singer said. faculty and staff. Mainframe accounts will Singer said. "Everything is changing now Agate 7 Services, has gone through a variety of According to Singer, one of the changes be given to those who request them. and we want to make it better for every- that has been made at the TSC is that a Singer also said that there will be more one." TV Listings 8 organizational and management changes recently. The goal of these changes is to new call-tracking system called Remedy ongoing changes. Renovation will be Duane Whitmire, assistant director and NOW 9 provide effective and efficient services to is being used. With this new system, users done at TSC during this winter break in office services manager of ITS, said prior better serve the University community can get a quicker response. order to provide more open area for peo- to these changes, technology and soft- QUOTE members. When a call is received by the help pie. ware were the primary emphasis. How- Among these changes, the Technology desk consultant, the consultant will type A committee team has also been "Only I can change Support Center (TSC), previously known in the question and send it to the appro- formed to hire a technical analyst. This • See ITS, page five. my life. No one can do it for me."

Carol Burnett Midwest Stamping plant to close actress □ Negotiations people are." legal studies professor and Ray said that the company expert on labor law, WARN was between management estimated losses of $530,000 designed to allow government, WEBSITE and workers reach an because of the strike. union and management leaders ' "They are demanding a two to work toward other solutions Visit our new website impasse. dollar an hour pay cut for one besides plant closures and lay- crossword puzzles from year, to compensate for the offs. the past week and inter- money they say they have lost Despite the company's notifi- active reporting: By MIKE WENDLFNG over the course of the strike," cation, however, sources indicat- The BG News Ray said. ed that the city is not currently WWW. Due to federal law, the compa- planning on getting involved in The Bowling Green Midwest ny has also notified Bowling negotiations. bgnews.com Stamping Plant, idled since Aug. Green city officials of the possi- "It seems to me that manage- 30 by a strike, may close down bility of closing the plant. ment is being very greedy. The for good. Under the Worker Adjust- two sides were close to settling STORY IDEA? The company notified union ment and Retraining Notifica- before this week ... it appears to officials of the possibility of per- If you have a news tip or tion Act (WARN), managers of me that management has a manently shutting down the certain medium- to large-sized warped sense of justice," he said. have an idea for a story, plant at negotiations on Tuesday. businesses are required to notify Holmes noted that the Union call anytime and ask to "I believe the plant will be both the union and the city, as may have grounds for legal BO News Photo/JASON SUGGS speak with an editor. shut down," said Jim Ray, presi- well as the State Employment action. dent of UAW Local 4444. "It's Department, if they plan to shut "The union could file a com- A sign hangs on the portable sanitation unit outside the UAW obvious that money is more a plant down. important to the company than stamping plant proclaiming it to be the home of owner Ron 372-6966 According to Bob Holmes, a • See MIDWEST, page five. Thompson. page 2 The BG News Friday, September 25, 1998

Opinion Editor Natalie Miller Opinion 372-2604 Ideals of thought nurture corruption PEOPLE ON THE I used to be a paranoid person. culture that doesn't operate in a thought as the basis for society, our STREET I was a conspiracy nut. It was capitalistic/democratic system like world is fragmented and chaotic. because I had Ancient Prophecies in our own? Is the only difference There must be another way. Do you read your horoscope? Do one ear, Oliver Stone in the other between our system and Hitler's, Society is the relationship and far too many herbs in my diet. that we kill with ideological rather you believe in it? 1 ' between human beings on a person- There are different types of than racial specificity? paranoia, but it's all based on fear. Paranoia can be a good thing if al level. From this it reaches into There are different types of fear, but Wk it makes you think. The danger the collective. If our relationship all fear is based on death. My about conspiracy theory, is becom- with those around us is poisoned, favorite paranoid person is the one w ing trapped in one yourself. It's then the relationship between mass- that thinks everything is a conspira- possible to believe that the whole es of human beings will also be cy. This usually manifests itself in world is out to get you. You won- ^ poisoned. government and politics. I've stat- der who's watching you, and if ed before that I think an overthrow attempting to conquer others until your friends are going to narc you Being skeptically paranoid of our government took place when eventually one country finally wins. out. The web of conspiracy grows shouldn't make you isolated from Hitler despised the Jews because he Kennedy was assassinated. I don't exponentially when drugs are added your community. Here's a little fact felt they had no homeland and that Mandy Krzystan Patrick Hespen say this with fear, and I'm not in. and eventually you* might they sometimes fail to mention in they rooted themselves in every Freshman afraid they're coming to gel me become another Holden Caulfield. Sophomore country of the world, thereby upset- this multicultural zoo called col- Criminal Justice because I said it. I say it because it Let's not forget the crucial Industry and Laborial ting his view of natural balance. lege: Every human being on this makes sense to me, although I don't moral of A Catcher In the Rye. A "Yes, I read it. If Relations He felt it was his mission to rid the planet shares the same process of morally agree with it. is good reading world of the Jews. teacher tells Holden. "The differ- "No, I think there is Another example of this is ence between an immature man and thought and communication. There when I wake up Hitler had a sick logic but it no scientific - basis Adolph Hitler. The whole world a mature man, is that the immature is a collective human mind that rec- and I am In the makes no moral sense. It's outra- behind It." knows Adolph Hitler is responsible man is willing to die for a cause ognizes common symbols and bathroom." geous that a human being could use for the most popular genocide in while the mature man is willing to this as a rational basis for political archetypes. Local manifestations of history. The whole world knows he action. But when I look at Ameri- live humbly for one." these archetypes construct different hated Jewish people. But do you can foreign policy, it seems we How many are willing to die cultures. So while you're all out A 9 know why he hated Jews? Hitler operate under the same assumption because our government is corrupt? there striving and being told that believed that all nations were insti- I'm not. I think governments have that it's natural for nations to be you're different just remember that tutions of nature, and it was Uie separate entities and always in con- always been corrupt and always / fundamentally, you're not! function of nations to perpetually flict. Obviously Anti-Semitism will be. As long as we place our David Belin be at war with one another for isn't the foundation of American faith in systems created by thought, Freshman ^- space and raw materials to live. He there will always be corruption and foreign policy, but isn't contempo- Josh Minion can be reached Criminal Justice believed it was natural for every rary American policy to destroy any inner pollution of the human spirit. nation to defend its own land, while And because we use the ideals of at jminion@bgnet. bgsu. edu "No, because the opposite always happens." Jake and Parvo the Talking Dingo Shane Herman

AHH! THE START OF A ^EU/ SCHOOL Janzen Phipps Jon Sweitzer YEAR... OOH, Freshman Freshman * FRESHMAN! Biology Criminal Justice GET READY "Yes, I read It "Yes. If it is good, it will PARVO. because I need a lit- make me have a tle bit of help in-my good day. I look for pathetic life** JV. the predictions."

Responses to Clinton controversy The BG News "An independent student voice serving It Is interesting to note that country will get back to "real- President Clinton refused to testi- issues of our own and around the Bowling Green since 1920" fy in front of the Grand Jury and world. settled for the video feed that the Joel M. Freimark world saw yesterday. If he would Freshman 210 West Hall have testified like other law abid- El Education Bowling Green State University ing citizens in the first place . . . we would not have had this spec- This whole Clinton scandal is Bowling Green, Ohio 43403 tacle. It is one of many examples getting out of control. 1 totally dis- of how Clinton brings these hard- agree with the article, people Phone: (419) 372-2601 ships upon himself. deserve to know about scandal. E-mail: [email protected] On the issue of his being First of all. if Clinton wasn't the president, would people be making impeached ... by all means he DARLA WARNOCK should. He took an oath to tell the this such a big deal? truth and uphold the constitution. The answer is NO! The public Editor-in-Chief Of course he broke both. (Adultery wouldn't care. Situations like these is wrong ... however not impeach- are shown on TV every day and SARAH BEDNARSKI NATALIE MILLER able.) We as a nation can not accepted by many viewers. Now Managing Editor Opinion Editor afford to allow his disregard for his that It's involving the President, duties to set a precedent. adultery isn't the worst thing that BRANDI BARHJTE KIM WILFONG This videotape is Slick Willy" someone could ever do. Assistant Managing Editor Copy Chief being himself. He showed his true Don't get me wrong, I'm not giv- ing praise to Clinton for lying to the colors on the seventeenth. He Is MIKEWENDLING TOD McCLOSKEY certainly not a man telling the country but I do think that people Chief Reporter Sports Editor truth. (He'll say anything to get are taking this out of control. He made a mistake as all other himself out of trouble.) He can fool JASON SUGGS JOHN WENZEL • the public every day of the week, humans do so let's forgive him Photo Editor Entertainment Editor but he can't fool Congress. They Several other presidents have done know exactly what he's doing. If he m Evvki the same thing but the only differ- ence Is that they didn't get caught TARA CANNON is not impeached, it is because the Graphics Editor people have demanded he stay In Keep Clinton In office and keep his office. fThls would be a sad day.) If personal life in the White House. he is impeached against the will of ■•MBM* Melissa Naymik . .Special Projects Editor the people...it would be a sad day KlmlUSlms Freshman Ana Pereira . .Wire Editor as well. What's the best solution? many problems. First and fore- you're President, you can lie Education Brian Taylor . .Assistant Opinion Editor Resignation. However, this man most, the country will be without under oath, and get away with It. El Denise Domanski . .Assistant Copy Chief believes he can get out of any- elected leadership and turmoil is This would make a mockery of the G. Michael Graham . .Assistant Sports Editor thing. He will not resign until the sure to arise. Secondly. Tipper U.S. Judicial System. 1 don't think that Clinton Stephanie Schneider . Assistant Graphics Editor last dog has died. Gore will become the first lady. My personal view says impeach For many years, her involvement should be Impeached. I really Scott Zimmer . Assistant Graphics Editor him. Not because I am Republican don't care if he had an affair or God Bleu America. with PMRC (Parents Music Scott Fauber . Assistant Photo Editor (I'm not} and not because I think not. Americans should be con Paul King Resource Group) has been a con- he is doing a bad job (I think he is cerned with his policies and what Jun'or stant threat to free speech within M doing his Job quite well). Impeach he does for this country not what Busineu the music industry. With her as on the basis that he lied. There is he does with his personal life. First Lady, she will gain more no way around the fact that he The situation is between him Copyright e 1998. The K Newt, Bowling Green, Ohio. Reprinting of any mate- power and this can only mean lied under an oath that our and his family not between him rial from this publication without u> permission of The K News Is strictly In response to your question on more bad news for the music Founding Fathers put in place. To and the country. He has been a prohibited. The K News Is an Independent publication founded In 1920 and Is If Clinton should be impeached: world. go against this would compromise good president so let It belli published dally during the academic year and weekly during the summer This question leaves the deci- But. if Congress decides NOT the Constitution and it would be a aester. Opinions expressed In columns and letters to the editor are not nec- sion makers in a sort of Catch-22. to impeach Clinton, this sets a terrible situation for our great Katie DUworth essarily those of the student body, faculty. University administration or The K If they do decide to remove the dangerous precedent for our coun- News. Unsigned editorials are ibe opinion of the Spring 1998 BG News staff. democracy. Hopefully, this situa- Freshman President from office, this creates try. It would basically say that if The BG News encourages Its readers to notify the paper of any errors In sto- tion will soon be resolved and our M History ries or photograph descriptions. Decisions made by the Edltor-ln-Chief and the Editorial Board are final. e-mail us at bgnews@bgnet T H E ||T ' / 3 t i= — 1 >? 13 6 b '" 14 CR S * 17 118 ' NEWSBG .T r-0 1l tf Si /* ■ -■ u PUZZLE ',7 29 H ■ 33 ACROSS 58 Ultimate degree 1 * 1 Poster 59 Petty problems :-* ■ ■ 1 6 Japanese city 64 Deadlock I * 65 Vine « 40 11 Beer barrel h 14 Stood up 66 Northwestern ' «? 1 15 Rugged saddle state 67 Tax grp. " " horse * 1* » 19 Historic period DOWN iS Have a problem? Need some advice on what you should do? Write a letter or e-mail THE NEWS at 1 Faux ,20 Salad vegetable w HI >i B l>3 [email protected]. 22 Onslaught 2 Ferocity a 3 11 of dates Dear BG News, gestions? Dear BG News, 26 Kernel M , 27 Eucalyptus 4 Take advantage of : I met this guy online a Clueless, E. Merry I am not doing well in a ealers 5 Convincing 6/ H ■ few weeks ago and started Dear Clueless, class. I don't have enough 28 Fast llyer character B 1996 Tt.L Ifflf S*rv CM, Inc 1 3t Presage 6 Hooter's kid 1 9/25/98 telling him all this made up time to keep up with assign- All rights reserved NOW, the entertainment 34 Loafed about 7 Vault •For the answer*, look on stuff about myself. I mostly section of the BG News, is a ments and I missed the 35 boom 8 Scads the web: www.bcnews.coni did it because I had heard great place to look for things drop/add deadline. Do I 37 Fellows 9 Some seaweed 10 Shakespearean 28 Elbow or knee 52 Patch roads lots of scary things about going on around BG. It have to fail my class? 38 Sch. near Internet relationships. Now Harvard forest 29 Finales 53 Against: pref. PAGE THREE is comes out every Friday. Didn't Drop, Offenhauer 39 Spiny anlealer 11 Larcenous 30 Can material 54 Mix intended as an irrev- that I've gotten to know this 32 Condescends 55 Small combo ertnl look at The Here are a few other idea's Dear Didn't Drop, 41 Ventilate obsession guy I really like him. though, to get you started: 42 Kind ot rap? 12 "Jane " 33 Light someone's 56 Islamic republic University. We at Should I come clean or No, there is hope for you. 43 Pours down 13 Toothed device fuse 57 Creeper The BG News con- horseback riding, hiking and 35 Something to sider it an offbeat maybe just break things off? If you cannot make any of 44 Nuku'alota's 18 Pointed tools 60 Actress Lupino nature walks. Go on a picnic country 21 Tavern by a tube bark page where we try to the university study skill labs 61 Thole insert Online Love, Prout before it gets too chilly, or 46 Actor Sharif station 36 converter 62 Org. of Senators offer something for everybody. Opinions plan a trip to the zoo. for whichever subject you are 48 T. Turner channel 22 With hands on 40 Hipster & Capitals 49 Revealing hips 45 Valuable vein expressed herein are studying, then you can with- 63 Distress signal solely those of oar Dear Online Love, 50 Balderdash 23 bicarbonate 47 Agile European draw. You have until Octo- 24 Seaside deer staff. Have a nice Dear BG News, 52 Liberale day. It's good that you are try- ber 27 to get your grade 53 With strong wetlands 49 Dracula Lugosi ing to protect yourself from I'm tired of waiting in above passing to receive a selt-assurance 25 Bass or ginger 51 Display of vibrato all those psycho's out there, line for food. What can I 'withdraw passing.' 'With- but there are other ways to make at home that's quick draw passing' appears as do it without lying. It's prob- and healthy? 'WP' on your transcript and ably a good idea to come Hungry, 2nd Street does not affect your cumula- clean but be forewarned this tive or semester G.PA. If guy may be upset you lied. Dear Hungry, you cannot get above passing Also, he may not have been Bringing lunches will save it may be better to take a Established in 1950, the honor society for totally truthful with you 'withdraw failing' ('WF' on either. you time in lines, although ROTC cadets is named for General Pershing. you will have to plan ahead your transcript) and take the at home. Try to incorporate course over than to let a fail- Dear BG News, at least three food groups ing grade hurt your cumula- I would really like to ask into any major meal you eat. tive or G.P.A.. You can with- out a classmate. My prob- (Low-fat dairy, fruits and draw pass/fail at the Regis- lem is I don't know what to vegetables, protein, breads trar's Office at the Adminis- ask her to do. Got any sug- and grains). tration Building. WKIISITE OF THE NAY lODAY'S

TODAY SATURDAY ?..{ Mostly Cloudy Mostly Cloudy

HIGH: 78 LOW: 55 HIGH: 83 LOW: 61 UPCOMING -I'pcomine Event*" is s service to our readers borrowed daily via the University web pafe. The caldendar of events on the web page has a more complete listing of events and can be accessed through -www.bgsu.edu". Friday, 9/25/98 tern. Class meets through Sept. traits are from 10 a.m. to 6 tion suggested. giate (TBA) call Continuing Education, Inter- 26. Fee. For more information or p.m. Iowa City, Iowa. national & Summer Programs at STAY DRY Pool Party (8 419/372-8181. Horseback Riding (4:30 a.m.) to register, call Continuing Edu- p.m.) Sanderson Stables, Cygnet. cation, International At Summer Public Skating (Noon - 2 Saturday, 9/26/98 Andrews Pool, Rec Center. BGSU Soccer at Loyal Tour- Children can learn the basics of Programs at 419/372-8181. p.m.) Dry Dock is sponsoring its annu- nament (Noon) horseback riding. Class meets Ice Arena. Cheap Skate ($2 Cross Country at Miami Invi- al pool party. Towels will be through Oct. 16. Fee. For more BGSEA Membership Drive (9 admission). tational (10 a.m.) Baltimore, Maryland. Watch given away, free food and more. information or to register, call a.m. - 3 p.m.) Oxford, Ohio. The women's Bowling Green vs. George Continuing Education, Interna- 1st Floor Hallway of Educa- Women's Soccer hosts Buffa- race begins at 10 a.m., with the Mason soccer with members of UAO. Campus Film 'What's tional & Summer Programs at tion Building. Bowling Green lo (4 p.m.) men's race set for an 11:30 a.m. the BGSU , DC/Bal- Eating Gilbert Grape" (8 p.m. 419/372-8181. Student Education Association. Cochrane Field. start. - 1 a.m.) timore Alumni Chapter. For tick- Olscamp 111. et details, call 410/617-2283. Media 100 Editor Certifica- Senior Portraits (10 a.m.) Volleyball at Marshall (7 Beginning Rubber Stamping tion Workshop (8 a.m. - 5 28 West Hall (basement). Any p.m.) (10 a.m. - Noon) Women's Tennis at Michigan Football hosts Central Flori- p.m.) Huntington, W.Va.. 2 College Park. Leam how to senior graduating in Dec., May State Invitational (TBA) da (Noon) Media 100 Lab. Media, mul- or Aug. must attend to be includ- make your own elegant greeting East Lansing, Mich.. cards and invitations in minutes Bowling Green, OH. The Fal- timedia and visual communica- ed in the historic 1999 Key Year- In Search of Planets with using rubber stamps. Fee. For cons open the home portion of its tion professionals can upgrade book. Please call 1-800-969-1338 Life (8 p.m.) Men's Golf at Iowa Intercolle- more information or to register, schedule, and last non-league their skills on the Media 100 sys- to schedule your sitting. Por- Planetarium. $1 dona- TV GUIDE SECTION (SEE PG. 8 FOR SAT. & SUN. LISTINGS)

FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 25,1998 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 I 8:00 8:30 I 9:00 I 9:30 I 10:00 1 10:30 1 11:00 1 11:30 DOMINO'S PIZZA BROADCAST STATIONS 353-MEGA CD Newel CBS News Wheel-Fortune Jeopardy I Kids-Damdest Candid Camera Buddy Faro "Pilot" X Nash Bridges "High Fair X News 1: Late Show X 6 3 4 2 CD NewsX ABC Wld News Ent Tonight Hollywood So. Two ot a Kind X Boy kits World Sebrina-Wltch [Brothee'aKpr 20/20 1 NewsX Nkjhtline 5 1616 E. WOOSTER 83 News II NBC News Grace Under Frtslarl Dateline (In Stereo) X Homicide: Lite on the Street X Newsl Tonight Show GREENWOOD CENTRE a> Baby Boomers Business Ft pi NewshourWithJ unLehrer K Wash. Week Wan SI. Week Living With Cane* Chemo Paintings (In Stereo) Charlie Rose {In Stereo) X WOOSTER I N m NewshourWithJ ImLenrerS Editors McLaughlin Wash Week Wall St Week To Our Credit: Bootstrap Banking To Our Credit: Bootstrap Banking Monty Python Charlie Rose X Open Early m Home Improve Mad About You Seinteld 1 Friends if Living-Captivity Get. Personal Millennium "The Time is Now" X NewsX [NewsradioX Simpsons X CD (5 00| Wrlil Watches Collectible Knives Collectible Knives Open Late © Simpsoni R jSimpsons.B [Major League Baseball Del-oil Tigers al Toronto Blue Jays From ite SkyDorne (Live) [News Friends X [Fraeler X CABLE STATIONS WE ACCEPT PERSONAL CHECKS Movie. • . wake island (1942) Brian Donlevy AMC Mum.*** TT# GreWl Banna (1988, W«rta)Jw«i Wayne, David Janssen. JmHution IRmberWENN Muvht: * i huriya (1961) Michael Guuyli WE ACCEPT COMPETITORS' COUPONS FOR LIKE PRODUCTS & SERVICES Rowan Atkinson: Face COM ComedyNetJ | Make Me Laugh Dally Show |R) Shin's Money Movie:.. "Hislc^ of the rVorkt Parr n 1981. Comedy) Mel Brooks Draw Carey [Upright Citizen Wings Medium Bomber" (R) DISC Gimme Shelter |1 } Wild Discovery' Jurass* Reel" (R) Discovery News World-Wond. [Missing Link Human 0119ns (R) Justice Files (R) MONDAY 2 for TUESDAY WILD Wove •, lonewoHMcQuaos (1983. Ao\enluie) Chuck Noms Movie: ..'> "Jackie Chan's First Str*e"(19%)I 2-Small Pizzas '7 WEDNESDAY EMC Movie: ...' j "VVcodstoc*. Three Days ot Peace 4 Muse (The Director's Cut)" (1970) I $ Add'l Topping 11.00 ESPN Up Close Sport scenter losing Manx League Baseball Chicago Cubs at Houston Astros or Montreal Eirpos at St Louis Cardmals (Live) I Sportscenter X 2-Medium Pizzas *9 Outrageous1 Cant Believe Show-Funny Show-Funiiy Oh No! Mr. Bill jUfe, Camera |Movte: MmsilMmeoMsGolP^~[iyx,Car^)jQm>mM.lL ,, 4 FAM ■ 700 Club Hand-tossed ■ Add'l Topping St .SO Large w Real Sports (R) (In Stereo] X Inside the NFL (R) (In Stereo)* Movie:.', Tt,'(BulenM-(t997)RayLiqlta FTJC [Movie: -r^SnaoowMen-(l996.ScienceFci«ri)EricRc«rts NR 1 [ChrisRockX HBO pepperoni 2-Large Pizzas *11 1-item HIST H»Jet(R)|ParlSolS) 20th Century (R) Bloody History-Sacrifice Great Minds: Ambrose [True Story ot the Big Red One (R) *M Wnra% CM, • Cwifaa Crt, Add! Topping 12.00 15.301 Jama Countdown MTV House ot Style Yews (In Stereo) Eye Spy video |Say What? A- Kickin' Videos |RI (In Stereo) Fanatic (R) |Lovellne{R) Last Word Sports News Racing Report Sports Ne«s SC Boxing; Fight Tarn (Live) FOX Sports News FOX Sports News THURSDAY Fantastic Weekender* Amanng Stories >et-Fi enter! Sightings ;R) X 'Tomonow Is Yesterday" X Seaquest 2032 Resurrection" X American Gothic "Resurrector" X Sighting*(R)X [SbvTrtkX SCIFI FRIDAY •FfilJSATTSUN. nx Renovation Renovation Home Again (R) Home Again (fi) a Hour. "Without a Trace" (R) Miracle Planet(R)(Part2d6) Miracle Planet (Ri [Part 1 ol 6) 41 Hours -Withoul a Trace" (R) $ TNT Babylon 5 "Rsrvg Star" [In Stereo) ER-MakeolTwo mar x Larry King Meets ER (R) (In Stereo) I Movie: MM In the Company of Darkness''(1993) Helen Hunt ».'i DfHtxT Medium ?5 Lg. 1 -tapping, 4Lg. l-oprlflFtaiBtD : Series jBatman: Series Freakaioid' Deiter'i Lab [AnHnanlaca Cow t Chicken Swamp and Tad [Tex Avety [ToonHeads Deep Dish ^^ lOWIngs. 12 TOON 6L0 1-tjiarjRnBK^O Pepperoni 8 BrearJstcte. USA -tercules: Legendary Jmys

W The BG News -m HT Editor-in-Chief, The BGNews Darla Warnock orld & N ation 372-6966 Eye on Hurricane Georges hits Keys □ Georges threatens roughly 80,000 people in the news Florida Keys were ordered out Florida and hundreds on Wednesday. compiled from staff and wire reports of thousands are being "When I return I might not told to flee. have a home. Anything could happen," Juana Ingles, a 67-year- old widow, said as she waited IBREASTS The Associated Press for a bus to take her from her Miami Beach apartment to a Teacher bares breasts to win acquittal shelter at a school. "I'm a sick ^ JONESBORO. Ga. |AP) — A teacher was acquitted of a charge that she person, too, with high blood iMli KEY WEST, Ha. — Leaving swapped sex for an A grade with a 16-year-old student after she bared pressure." her breasts to show Jurors a surgical scar the student failed to identify. nearly 200 people dead in its Doris Walker. 43, was acquitted Wednesday after she bared her wake. Hurricane Georges At 8 p.m. EDT, Georges was breasts in private in the Jury room in front of jurors, attorneys and the stormed toward the Florida Keys centered off the northern coast of |s - V- judge, said Lee Sexton. Ms. Walker's lawyer. with gathering speed Thursday, Cuba, 205 miles southeast of Key sBi('^aaH^V*C*iBW^^BBafl BBaaaT ■sBaafl Ms. Walker, a longtime teacher of biology and physiology at Riverdale and three-quarters of a million West, moving to the northwest at High School, was indicted this summer on a charge of sexual assault on people along the coast were 14 mph, with winds of 85 mph. a person in custody — a statute originally aimed at preventing sexual warned to clear out. Hurricane warnings were posted coercion of prison inmates and patients in mental hospitals. for four counties — Monroe, The former student testified that Ms. Walker promised him an A in Forecasters said Georges physiology if he would have sex with her. would probably slice through Dade, Broward and Collier — %>^\ x with a population of 3.8 million. the Keys — the curving, ^T saaaaP^ > ■ PAGEANT t^^ammmmmmimmmmmm^mmmmm^^ whisker-like string of islands off NASA initially ordered space Associated Press Photo Board says Miss Ohio will keep title the tip of Florida — with 105 shuttle Discovery rolled back to mph winds early Friday and its giant hangar 31/2 miles from Service personnel at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Fla., form MANSFIELD, Ohio (AP) — Miss Ohio 1999 did not misrepresent her- could be up to 125 mph by Sun- the Atlantic Ocean, but decided a sand bag line. More than 400 people are expected to fill self and should keep her title, the Miss Ohio Board of Trustees said day in the northern Gulf of Mex- Thursday evening to keep it on some 20,000 sand bags to protect buildings. Thursday. ico. Cheya Watkins. 21. of Cincinnati, told Miss America pageant officials its seaside launch pad. The shut- tle had been moved to the pad some food and a gallon of water. she was a freshman at the University of Cincinnati, majoring in comput- "This storm looks like it's all At least 110 people have died Monday for next month's flight and hundreds are missing since er science, but officials there said they have no record of her. set to explosively intensify once "I will sing, not too loud, so with John Glenn. the storm began its rampage Chairman Steve Cobb said Thursday that by the board's definition the eye gets over water," said a" God will help us get through it," Watkins has been a student at the University of Cincinnati because she across the Caribbea on Monday. worried Jerry Jarrell, director of The threat of lightning and she said. had taken classes at a branch campus. the National Hurricane Center in sporadic rain prevented the Georges could be the first "We define student as someone who has been accepted for enrollment Miami. He urged stragglers in shuttle from being moved into Joe Cirilli, 76, and his wife major hurricane felt in southern and has participated or intends to participate in academic classes and Rosie, 67, left their mobile home activities." Cobb said. the Keys to get out: "We're its hangar throughout the day. Florida since Andrew, which and checked into a Fort Myers Watkins was a part-time student at the university's Raymond Walters extremely concerned that the NASA decided the risk of a light- caused $25 billion damage in College campus in the fall of 1995. he said. land areas will be inundated ning hit en route to the hangar motel with three bottles of wine. Florida alone in 1992 and killed with water and we'll lose a lot of was greater than the risk of dam- 26 people in the . Cobb said her transcript from the university is clear that she has "I'm not really scared right folks down there." age in possible hurricane- earned credits toward a degree. He said she will return after she com- Still, as many as half of the pleting her commitment as Miss Ohio. spawned storms. now, but once that rain and wind As many as 690,000 people get going I bet I will be," Mrs. Keys' residents may have stuck "Cheya's reputation is important to all of us." Cobb said. "We wanted were urged to evacuate along to set the record straight ... she didn't intend to misrepresent herself." About 500 people huddled in Cirilli said. around this time. The 110-mile Florida's Atlantic Coast as far a Red Cross shelter at the gym in strand of islands is connected to Watkins was allowed to compete in the Miss America pageant while More than 1,000 people the Investigation continued. She did not make the top 10. north as Fort Lauderdale, and North Miami Beach Senior High the mainland by a single, two- Cobb said the board's decision is consistent with an earlier precedent. along the Gulf Coast up to the School. Blankets were spread-on checked into six Miami-Dade lane highway, and some of the Watkins will continue her reign as Miss Ohio and has two appear- Tampa Bay area, for a total of the floor. Marie Sinsmir, 62, had County shelters as winds gusted Keys have an elevation of only 7 ances Friday and another on Saturday. about 300 miles of coastline. The a book of hymns along with to 30 mph. feet

■ MEDICAL ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■MHMH.a. Doctors transplants a hand and forearm LYON. France (API — Doctors have transplanted a hand and forearm Ohio Valley ordered to curb smog, pollution on an accident victim in France, using a new procedure the surgeons said could restore hope to thousands of people with disfiguring injuries, □ Ohio objects to punishment the state, a group of states, or a "local con- The Environmental Protection Agency a hospital said today. sortium" of interested parties. said its primary aim with the new rule was The 13-hour operation Wednesday night at a hospital in this eastern for East Coast pollution and a to address the interstate flow of smog-caus- city was the first known hand transplant in years. The coming weeks will Bob Hodanbosi, chief of the division of air determine if the patient's body will accept it. lawsuit is possible. pollution control for Ohio's Environmental ing chemicals. It cited a two-year study, con- A team led by French and Australian doctors grafted a donor's hand Protection Agency, said such discussions ducted by the states themselves, which con- and forearm on the arm of a 48-year-old Australian businessman, whose were in preliminary stages only. cluded that pollution from the Midwest and own hand was amputated in 1989 after an accident. Edouard Herriot The Associated Press Dale Heydlauff, the utility's vice presi- Ohio Valley plants had an adverse impact on Hospital said in a statement. air quality in the Northeast. WASHINGTON — The Ohio Valley dent for environmental affairs, said "We will The physicians attached "all the arteries, veins, nerves, tendons, mus- would have to drastically curb smog-caus- do what we can to support (the state gov- "Reducing emissions from these sources cles and skin after setting the two bones of the forearm." the statement ernments) as they evaluate their options ... is absolutely essential to ensuring healthy air ing emmisons under new federal controls said. up to and including exercising their legal for many millions of people," Browner said. ordered Thursday. "It gives hope to all those who are victims of domestic or work acci- rights." The Ohio Environmental Council said it dents, anti-personnel mines, or have congenital deformations." Dr. Jean- The state of Ohio would have until 2003 AEP is one of the largest coal users in the Michel Dubernard. a leader of the transplant team, told French TV. was thrilled that the government was taking to reduce its nitrogen oxide emissions by 36 nation, burning some 54 million tons a year. steps to reduce the number of high-ozone The operation was the result of recent advances in microsurgery and percent and West Virginia would have to cut transplant techniques, the hospital said. Doctors said there was a 50 John McManus, the utility's manager of days, since that meant less bad air to impair percent chance of long-term success. its emissions by 51 percent from last year's environmental strategy, said AEP had not the breathing of the state's young, old, and The surgery involves serious risks because patients must take anti- levels. determined what it would cost to add the asthmatics. rejection medication that can be fatal. The drugs, which suppress the Leiuenant governor, Nancy Hollister, extra pollution-control devices the new rule "Cleaning up old coal-burning plants will immune system to keep the body from destroying the foreign tissue broached the possibility of going to court: "1 appears to dictate. improve our air quality and the health of could also raise the risk of infection, cancer and even death. think there could be some kind of legal reac- "We're still trying to develop what the Ohioans," said Kurt Waltzer, the umbrella tion," she said. A lawsuit could be filed by cost impact would be," he said. group's energy program manager.

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> Tod McCloskey Sports Editor The BG News Sports /^ 372-2602 "^^^^.W A DAUNTING challenge BG Newt Photo/JASON SUGGS Daunte Culpepper will be a challenge for Falcons

□ Bowling Green needs to "It's no secret. The only chance that we have is to be play ball control Football Sat- able to nm the ball and take time off the clock." urday's game against Central Florida. Gary Blackney btadfootball coadt By TOD McCLOSKEY The BG News ing up big plays. and Clark have combined for 32 receptions The Falcons have had two weeks to pre- for 484 yards and five touchdowns. Everything there is to know about the pare for the Golden Knights. Central Flori- The Falcons know how to beat Culpep- Central Florida football team can be seen da (2-1) is coming off a 35-7 loss to Purdue. per - keep him off the field. And with an by its 1998 media guide cov"er. It is the For BG, it's the last non-conference game Daunte Culpepper tour and Saturday it offensive line that has continued to before the homecoming game against Ohio stops in Bowling Green. improve, their performance will be a key Culpepper, the Golden Knights highly- on Oct. 3. factor is the success of the BG offense. touted senior quarterback, will be looking Even though the Falcons have had two "I don't think there is any question for the big play against the Falcons (0-2). weeks to study film, the team knows how about it," coach Gary Blackney said. "It's BG has given up points early in both of the dangerous Culpepper is. In only three no secret. The only chance that we have is team's two losses. games he has completed 52-of-70 passes for to be able to run the ball and take time off Missouri scored on it's first five posses- a 74.3 completion percentage, while gain- the clock." sions. Penn State scored on a 77-yard run of ing 776 yards and eight touchdowns Tailbacks Godfrey Lewis and Robbie it's first play from scrimmage and led 14-0 through the air. Hollis will both be seeing time in the back- after a 73-yard punt return. Culpepper's main target's include wide- BG knows it can't start off the game giv- outs Siaha Burley and Kenny Clark. Burley • See FOOTBALL, page 11. Netters on road to Marshall, ready to execute □ BG will try to keep Marshall tonight. year which includes an impres- Corbin lead the team with 26 the brown and orange can exe- The Falcons (7-6,1-0) have had "We're on the road again," BG sive sweep at the UNC-Charlotte aces last year and also averaged cute like they did against Toledo a rollercoaster year so far. Incon- their winning ways head coach Denise Van De Walle tournament. In their three over two kills and three digs a they will do just fine in the MAC. sistency has been a main prob- moving at Marshall. said. "I'm feeling good, I think matches, they only lost one game. Venable and Sammarco Left side hitter Heather Mur- lem that has plagued BG. Now the team is feeling good so we're game. Wendy Williams, a 5'9" were big for the Marshall phy has been tearing up the com- going into conference play the looking forward to the competi- outside hitter was named tour- defense attack combining for 215 petition the whole season. As of Falcons will make consistency By NICK HURM tion." nament MVP. Junior setter blocks last year. the Toledo game, she ranked one of their key issues. The BG News Last year, Marshall posted a Nicole Frizzo has already had Like BG, the Thundering Herd 16th in the country in kills with "I think the league is going to record of 12-18 finishing fourth three matches of 60 assist or bet- is coming off their first win in the five a game and averaged 5.5 be very competitive," said Van Over the hills and through the in the MAC East. The Falcons ter. They return five starters this MAC with a decisive victory kills in the three games against De Walle. "One match could be woods to Marshall they will go. won both matches against the year including three key seniors. over Akron. They upended the Toledo. JoAnna Papageorgiou the difference between hosting a The Bowling Green volleyball Thundering Herd last year. Mar- Middle blockers Michelle Sam- Zips in four games which includ- did a good job of steppin in for first round and having to go on team will try to make it two shall may pose to be even a marco and Juanita Venable and ed a dominating 15-1 victory in the injured (day to day) Kris the road. It could be the differ- straight victories in Mid-Ameri- greater challenge for BG. outside hitter Jenni Corbin have the third game. Pesorda last game. The game ence between finishing first or can Conference play taking on They hold a record of 8-6 this all been big players in the past. Van De Walle belives that if will start promptly at 7 p.m. second." Women t| Tennis team set look to for first road continue game of season □ The Falcon tennis down especially at the top," she said. successes team heads to East Eastern was last year's MAC Lansing in hope of champion and boasts senior Jean The Falcon women Kansuthi as their number one □ continuing their suc- expect to win at the player. cessful season. "She is the best player I have Miami Invitational. seen in the MAC — in 13 years of coaching," Dean said. By MARK WIESE By DAVE TRUMAN Regardless, the Falcons are m Photo/JASON SUGGS The BG News The BG News focusing on their own goals for the season at this point. The BG is trying to keep the Falcon runner Lisa Mariea (#23) runs through a gauntlet of people on her way to finishing 36th This is the first road trip of the overall at the Mel Brodt Invitational last Saturday. Teammate Nikki Monroe (#26) is close behind. team's goal is to continue to momentum rolling at the Miami season. improve until the MAC Individ- Invitational this weekend. All that is waiting for the Fal- ual Tournament. The women's cross country cons are the defending Mid- Right now, that means setting team is coming off of a dominat- Men starting to focus mentally, physically American Conference champs up the points more in singles ing performance at last week's and a Big Ten foe on its home play and improving the serve Mel Brodt Invitational. The Fal- □ Falcons looking to week is behind them. This week, good one," senior Jim Weckesser turf. and volley in doubles, according cons are hoping to have a repeat Ihey reaffirmed their team and said. "Everyone was really upset The Bowling Green women's to Dean. BG is also concentrating performance this weekend at a improve this weekend individual goals, and regained and frustrated. Coach Martin tennis team travels to East Lans- on improving its teamwork since very scenic Miami course. in Oxford at the Miami their focus. They are now men- assured us that there was noth- ing this weekend in a faceoff most of the doubles teams this BG is working hard in prac- Invitational. tally focused and physically pre- ing to worry about. He never lost against Michigan State and East- year are new. tice to be competitive in each pared to compete with the top faith in our abilities and never em Michigan in the Michigan Some of the players feel that meet. They are also going out teams not only in their confer- doubted us." State Invitational. the road trip is a great way to BG Coach Penny Dean with the intent to win each meet By KEVIN GUTEKUNST ence, but also in the nation. Freshman Aaron added build team chemistry. they compete in this season. Men's cross country coach his two cents on the matter. expects this tournament to be a Senior co-captain Tiffany "We have had a lot of hard The BG News Sterling Martin helped the team "What is done is done, we more difficult test than last LaSusa said the traveling is fun practices this week," BG's Angle After a satisfactory showing put things in perspective, and can't go back and change it. The weekend's home invitational. and is good for the team because Michael said. "We are looking to last week at the Mel Brodt Invita- helped them to forget about the only thing we can do is keep The Falcons placed first or sec- it keeps all the players together. win the meet at Miami this tional, the Bowling Green men's Mel Brodt invite. He told them to working hard and keep our ond in four of six singles flights "It's great bonding time," she weekend." cross country team travel to keep their heads up and to not heads up." and all three doubles flights in said. "You're only with your The Falcons are running at Oxford for the Miami Invitation- expect too much too early in the This week, the Falcons prac- their season opener. teammates and it's a lot easier to Miami this weekend instead of al. season. ticed exceptionally hard, and as a Dean calls Eastern Michigan focus." Well, what happened last "The initial reaction after, the and Michigan State outstanding. • See WOMEN, page eleven. Mel Brodt Invitational was not a • See MEN, page eleven. "They're strong all the way • See TENNIS, page eleven. s K Thursday, September 23, 1998 The BG News Page 7 TRANSACTIONS STANDINGS rOOTBALL KcKbi-rl LW Luke Curlln and LW Hob Wn-n American Leagwe NaUonal Football Uafue and D Scoll Ferguson and D Terran Sandwilh At A Glance National League Sub Standings. s™g£! ine By The Associated Press NFL-Flnrd lllliburfh SUrkra T Will Wol lo Cincinnati of I he American Hockey League. At A Glance fold S5.000 lot nghllng wllh Miami Dolphins AH Times EOT By The Associated Press compikt) (mm witr sources KINGS—Signed C Jamie East Division Dl. Jason Taylor in a Sept. 20 game All Times EDT Slorr lo a three-year contract. Assigned DRW W L Pet. GB CINCINNATI BENCALS-SHnrt S KrMn East Division x-NewYork 110 48 BBS Moon; lo the practice squad. Released DE Joe Corvo lo Sprtngtleld of the AHL W L Pet. GB Boston 89 69 rrfi.1 21 Marry Dcllftlanls MINNESOTA WILD—Named Alana Blahos- x-Atlanta 103 56 648 NBA Toronto 86 73 541 24 1/2 — kl. Neal Broten and Karyn Bye advisors. New York 88 71 .553 15 NBA lockout cancels DETROIT UONS-Slgned FB Brock Ollvo Baltimore 78 80 .494 32 and WR Andy McCullough Placed UT Travis NEW YORK RANGERS-Asslgned D Brent Tampa Bay 63 95 m 47 Philadelphia 74 84 468 28 1/2 Klrschke on Injured reserve Thompson lo Hartford ol the AHL Cautral DM.Ion Montreal 64 94 405 38 1/2 exhibition games Florida 51 107 333 51 1/2 SAN FRANCISCO 49ERS—Signed DB COLLCOE W L Pet. GB NEW YORK (AP) — The NBA Tyrone Smith lo the practice squad. • Cleveland 88 70 557 _ Ceatrsl Division MISSISSIPPI STATE—Named BUI Ball canceled 24 exhibition games HOCKST Chicago 77 81 1K7 II W L Pet. O* National Hockey Leafaa men's assistant nmkilha.fl coach. Kansas City 71 86 152 M. 1/2 x llous'on 100 59 629 — Minnesota 67 today and postponed the start of ANAHEIM MIGHTY DUCKS-Asslgned G SAM HOUSTON STATE—Named Darby 91 121 21 r:hn-. 88 71 553 12 Detroit 64 10.1 Tom Askey and G Blalne Russell: RW David Rich. Nell Hardln and Abar Rose men's assis- 95 21 I/2 si lands 80 78 506 I'l 1/2 training camps indefinitely as Wsst Drrlatoa Bernler. RW Peter LeBoulllller and RW Cralg tant basketball coaches. ■ 'ii* inrull 74 85 465 26 the lockout went into its 86th day W L Pet. GB Milwaukec 73 85 463 26 1/2 with only the faintest of hopes Texas 86 72 .544 fiilsliurgh 69 90 434 31 Anaheim 83 75 525 I West Division for a timely resolution. Sealtle 74 83 171 I I \IJ. w L Pel. OB Georges causing game cancellations Oakland 73 86 ir,», 14 The unprecedented loss of » Son liicgo 97 63 .610 S-in rr.ineiMO 87 72 547 10 preseason games came one day fans and employees in mind." x clinched division title The Associated Press l/is Aiiyelc s 80 78 506 16 1/2 after commissioner David Stem, If Friday's game is postponed, Wednesday's Ganus MIAMI — Hurricane Georges Toronto 6. Baltimore 3 ' lUWarta 76 83 478 21 deputy commissioner Russ the Marlins and Phillies would Boston 5. Tampa Bay 4 Arivma 63 96 396 34 Granik, union director Billy forced the postponement of try to play back-to-back double- NY. Yankees 8. Cleveland 4 Hunter and union president tonight's game between the Detroit 5. Kansas City 1 « I hn'heil division title headers Saturday and Sunday to Minnesota 7. Chicago White Sox 6. 12 n as Wednesday s Games Patrick Ewing met for about an Florida Marlins and the Philadel- end the season. Texas 7. Anaheim 1 MilwaukiT H Chicago Cubs 7 hour at the union's offices — the phia Phillies and the cancellation "That's the last thing we Oakland 8. 3 San Francisco 4. Pittsburgh of Saturday's college football Thursday's Games Atlanta II. Florida 0 first sit-down between the sides need," Marlins left fielder Cliff Baltimore at Boston. 70S p.m Philadelphia 4. Cincinnati 2 since owners stormed out of a showdown between Miami and Floyd moaned. "We're not going Tampa Bay al N.Y. Yankees. 7:35 p.m. Montreal 3. NY detsQ No. 3 UCLA. Chicago White Sox al Kansas City 8:05 p m Houston 7. St Louis 1 bargaining session Aug. 6. to get anybody out to the games Cleveland al Minnesota. 8:0! pm. Colorado 14. Arizona 11 With a hurricane warning in Texas at Sealtle. IO05 p m The sides, wondering whether anyway. If the hurricane hits the San Diego 3. Los Angeles 2 effect in South Florida, the Mar- Anaheim al Oakland. 10 05 p m Friday Games there will be an atmosphere of way they say it's going to hit, Detroit [Gretslnger 6-9) at Toronto (Clemens 20 01 7:05 p.m. Late games not neludr.d lins announced the postpone- Baltimore (Fussell 001 at Boston fWakcueld Ib-HI. 70S p m compromise, discussed whether who's going to come to a base- San Francisco 6. Pittsburgh 2 ment this morning, nine hours Tampa Bay lEUand 0 01 al NY Yankees (Hcmandea 11-41. 7:35 p m to resume formal talks at which ball game?" Chicago While Sox [Slrotka 13-151 al KansasClly ISuppan0-01. 80S the owners would be expected to before game time. The game will Saturday's nationally tele- Montreal at St. Louis. Inl be made up as part of a double- Cleveland fWrlghl 12-9) at M nnesota (Sampson 1-01. 8:05 p.m. Milwaukee at Los Angeles. In) present a new proposal. vised UCLA-Miami game was only games scheduled header Saturday beginning at Texas ILoalza 3-51 al Seattle (Abbot! 2-11 10 OS p m. "I don't know if we got the canceled this afternoon by agree- Anaheim (OINeras 9-8) al Oakland (Rogers 15-81, 0 35 p.m. Sutur Friday s Gsmes Philadelphia (Schilling 15-141 at Florida (Hernandez 10-121. 7 05pm ball rolling or not," Granik said 4:05 p.m. EDT. ment between the schools. It will day's Games "We feel it is in the best inter- Detroit at Toronto. 1:05 p.m. Pittsburgh (Cordova 13-131 at Cincinnati (Bere 2-21 7 05 p m. this morning. not be rescheduled; the only NY. Mcts {Reed 16-101 al Atlanta IGlavlne 20-61 7:40 p.m. est to postpone tonight's game in available date would have been Postsesson Baseball Wednesday. Sept. SO ■ NCAAHHHH advance to prepare the stadium Boston or Toronto at Cleve second-best percentage vs. after the season. The game was DIVISION SERIES land or Texas or Anaheim. Chicago or New York or San third best percentage or wild American League Francisco or San Diego at Toledo at Miami top and allow our fans, employees to be shown on CBS. 1:07 p.m. (ESPN) card New York vs. Texas or Ana Wednesday. Sept 30 Atlanta or Houston 4:07 p m. TueaduT Sent 29 and their families time to make helm or Cleveland (ESPN) MAC game of weekend The risk of playing the game, Boston or Toronto al Cleve Chicago oi New York or San Tuesday. Sept 28 land or Texas or Anaheim. Thursday. Oct. 1 preparations for the storm," Francisco or San Diego al school president Tad Foote said, Texas or Anaheim or Cleveland 1:07 p.m. (ESPN) Chicago or New York or San Marlins president Don Smiley Atlanta a Houston. 4:07 p.m. OXFORD (AP) - Mami of Ohio "would be a mistake." al New York. 8:07 p.m (FOX) Friday. Oct. 2 Francisco or San Diego at IESPNI coach Randy Walker finally has said. "Our plan is to play our The latest forecast had Wednesday. Sept. 30 Cleveland or Texas or Ana Atlanta or Houston. 8:07 p m. remaining four games of the sea- Texas or Anaheim or Cleveland helm at Boston or Toronto. (FOX) Thursday Oct. 1 current video footage of an Georges slicing through the al New York. 8 07 p.m. (NBCI 4:07 p.m. (ESPN) Saturday, Oct. 3 Chicago or New York or San upcoming opponent. son, but with the safety of our Florida Keys by early Friday. Friday. Oct. 2 Saturday, Oct. 3 Atlanta or Houston at Chicago Francisco or San Diego at New York al Texas or Anaheim Cleveland or Texas or Ana or New York or San Francisco or Atlanta of Houston. 4:07 p.m. The bad news is that oppo- or Cleveland. 8:07 p.m (NBCI helm at Boston or Toronto. San DKSJO 'IllA (ESPN) nent is Toledo. Saturday. Oct. 3 TBA. If necessary Sunday, Oct. 4 Saturday. Oct. 3 New York al Texas or Anaheim Sunday, Oct. 4 Atlanta or Houston al Chicago Atlanta or Houston al Chicago The RedHawks, one of two or Cleveland. TBA, If iwrcnanj Boston or Toronto at Cleve or New York or San Francisco or unbeaten teams in the Mid- Seahawks, Steelers now a big game' Sunday, Oct. 4 land or Texas or Anaheim. San Diego, TBA. if necessary Texas or Anaheim or Cleveland TBA. ll necessary Monday, Oct 5 or San Diego. TBA American Conference, play their The Associated Press teams and the AFC division at New York. TBA. If necessary National League Chicago or New York or San Sunday. Oct. 4 league and home opener Satur- races. Cleveland or Texas or Ana Beat percentage vs. wild Francisco or San Diego at ruaauta ■ HuuMiin at ChKago PITTSBURGH — For equally helm vs. Boston or Toronto card nr New York or San Francisco day when Toledo visits Oxford. Are the Seahawks for real Atlanta or Houston TBA. If compelling and contrasting rea- Tuesday. Sent. 29 or third best percentage necessary or San Diego Miami opened the season at after beating three teams with a sons, they are the talk of their North Carolina, which was play- combined 1-8 record? And are National Football League NATIONAL CONFERENCE towns. For one team, that rarely ing its first game under new the Steelers really that bad? AMERICAN CONFERENCE happens in September. The Steelers barely got by the KM coach Carl Torbush. Footage last w L T Pet. W L T Pet. In Pittsburgh, they can't get moribund Ravens and Bears Miami 3 0 0 1.000 Dallas 2 1 0 667 from the Tar Heels' games under Aitasaa over how badly the Steelers (2-1) despite scoring only 37 points, NewEngland 2 1 0 667 1 2 0 333 former coach Mack Brown was- N.Y. Jets 1 2 0 .333 NY Giants I 1 0 333 are playing even while winning. then melted down offensively Buffalo 0 3 0 000 Philadelphia 0 3 0 000 n't going to do Walker much In Seattle, where the NFL often is with only 78 yards passing in a Indianapolis 0 3 0 000 Washington 0 3 0 000 good. an afterthought in early fall, they 21-0 loss to Miami. Central Next up for Miami was Army, Central can't over how well the Sea- It was only the second shutout Jacksonville 3 0 0 1.000 Green Bay 3 0 0 1000 which was playing its season Pittsburgh 2 1 0 667 Minnesota 3 0 0 1.000 hawks (3-0) are playing — and, in coach Bill Cowher's seven sea- Baltimore 1 2 0 .333 Tampa Bay 1 2 0 333 opener. Once again, no video. even, winning. sons, and, afterward, he looked Cincinnati 1 2 0 333 Chicago 0 1 0 .000 Toledo, defending MAC West- No wonder Sunday's Sea- like he might explode. Tennessee 1 2 0 .333 Detroit 0 3 0 .000 em Division Champion picked hawks-Steelers game, one that He only wishes the league's Wsst Wast by many to "Now we have seen normally wouldn't rate much third-worst offense would. Denver 3 0 0 1 000 Atlanta 2 0 0 1 000 Seattle 3 0 0 1 000 New Orleans 2 0 0 1 000 Toledo on tape and have a pretty national scrutiny, has intriguing "Our problem is everything, Kansas CHy 2 1 0 667 San Francisco 2 0 0 1000 good idea of what they are going subplots that could alter the and I want to get answers," he San Diego 3 1 0 667 SI Louis 1 2 0 .333 0 333 Carolina 0 2 0 000 to do," Walker said. course of the season for both said. Oakland 1 2 Bowling Green's women's golf is looking ahead to next two weekends □ The Falcon women's nois, they hope to improve on at home this weekend." performance this weekend com- Men's Golf freshman Justin Gillham. that performance this weekend The falcons are hoping that bined with a strong showing After an off week, the men's Missing from the BG lineup golf team hosts only in the Falcon Invitational, their their familiarity with Forrest next weekend at the Wolverine golf team season gets back into are juniors Dave Kotsos and Ian tournament of the sea- only home tournament of the Creason golf course and a lack of Invitational in Ann Arbor will full swing with a trip to the Windsor. propel the Falcons into the "Both of them have played for son, Saturday. season. travel this weekend will lead top Hawkeye Invitational at the Uni- Leading the team at NIU was low scores. spring season in March. versity of Iowa. us in the past and they, are close senior Heidi Hansen, followed "Because we practice on this "We want to be playing our Some of the favorites in the to traveling with the team," said by junior Shannon Sharp. Also course so much, we should able best golf in the middle of April field at Iowa are Michigan, Wis- Winger. "But they both got off to By DAN NIED shooting for the Falcons were to handle the wind and other when the MAc championship is consin, and Akron. slow starts and did not make our top five." The BG News freshman Shannon Smith, junior variables better than the other played," said Thomas, "our ulti- "It will be a good test with this Kate Kolesnik and junior Missy teams competing" said junior mate goal is to win that tourna- field" said head coach Gary Winger said that the rest of the Home sweet home. It could be Hinds. Shannon Sharp. "Plus, it will be ment. We need to improve our Winger. " We can see how we fall season will be dedicated to finding the best five golfers. the best remedy for the women's "The conditions last week nice to not have to travel." scores in order to do that." measure up right off the bat." golf team. were horrible so we were disa- The field at the Falcon Invita- The Falcon Invitational get's Competing this week for BG is The Falcons finished 10th with pointed with our results." said tional includes every MAC underway at 9:00 Saturday are seniors Otto Larson, Jeff "We have our top three set but there are two spots that can be a two day score of 700 at the head coach Kurt Thomas. "But school except Northen Illinois. morning at Forrest Creason golf Hunt and Mike Kotsos, sopho- filled by anybody," he said. Huskie Classic at Northern Illi- everyone is really excited to play Thomas hopes that a decent course. more Jon Smarrelli and redshirt i^> (Q) .Q, «Q, 0 ,Q «Q, 43 «Q»

• Stand and Clap to our fight and Ay Ziggy Zoomba!!!!! TAILCATIWC TIPS 1. Come early - Tailgating • Stand and Cheer EVERYTIME we stop CFU lots open at 9:00am. on a 3rd or 4th down 2. Raise your BGSU banners. (Give the Falcons a Standing O)!!!!! 3. Bring breakfast. ■ Cheer loud on all CFU 3rd down plays 4. Use plastic cups for beverages. (MAKE NOISE)!!!!! 5. Please clean up your • Cheer for BGSU's offensive plays- BE POSITIVE!!!!! tailgating spots. • Have fun, cheer loud and come back next week 6. HAVE FUN!!! when the Falcons take on Ohio University!!!!!

SPONSORS: KROGER. PEPSI GAME SPONSORS: OHIO PORK PRODUCERS, OHIO LOTTERY DJ performs during pregame • Free Giveaways • Fafcon Marching Band performs at Halftime ^ (3^0 .Q, <0> <@> Q

) eight The BG News Friday, September 25, 1998 TV GUIDE SECTION (CONT. FROM PG. 3)

SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 26,1998 12:00 12:30 1:00 1:3(1 2:00 2:311 3:00 3:3(1 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30

(Q College Football UCLA al Muni |Lrve)X College Football Keniudcy at Florida (Live) I College Football Southern CaMorma al Florida Stale or Washington at Nebraska (Live) €D College Football Michigan Swte al Michigan of Wake Forest at Clemson (live) For Persons 4-64 Years of Age Hang Time X Inside Stufl Used Cars Kitchen Owik Select Comfort College Football Purdue al Noire Dame. (Lrve) X 3) fit Onojin-Wotl Victory Garden Vout House This 01-- House Yanks* Shop HoawMne: Base [Am Woodshop Cooking Secret Joanna Lund Anyplace Wad Spirits ol the Jaguar |R) X $1.25 Fare For Elderly. Disabled Persons, <& Children 4-13 w/Adull Michigan Anyplace Wild This OM House Yankee Shop Hometime X Know Your Fire Jacques Pepin Cucina Amore Joy ol Painting Brenda Harris flew Garden Victory Garden m Transil I.D. Card Required* Homers-Wksnp In the Zonal Maior League Baseball Regional Coverage-- New York Mats aiAllenia Braves or Teams to Be Announced Earth: Final Conflict "Destruction'' Xena: Warrior Prmceas (Rl I © "Available al Grant's Administrator's Office I'M 6203 a> (liOWAjioquee Natural History Collectibles Natural History Collectibles w Discount Taxi Ticket- Available. Please Call 354-6203 For Information. Movie:.. > EriemyV«w(1%:ySoenceFiOion)rjemisQuaid [Team Knight Rider ifl) Martin X [Living Single X 3D How: •*>; "The Goomes"(i965. Adventure) Sean Astn. Joan Brokn. w CABLE STATIONS Children Ride Free* MovN: ... "The F/ghtngSutnvrs't\944. Dramai Ame Baxter Movie: .'? ''Kong3"096t)MehaelGough Movie: "A Summer Place' (1959) Young love and an old romance threaten to rum families AHC *4 Years or Younger, or Under 40 Pounds, with an Adull COM Daily Show iR Da.lv Show f» Drew Carey JaneaneG. |ttovie: • » "TheCooch Tnp"(1987. ComedylDan Aykroyd Absolutely Fab [Absolutely Fabulous iso Tank" [Absolutely Fab. Children Musi Ride in Child Ri-struinl Scats Provided V DISC UMmata Guide: The Octopua (R) Invention (P Storm Warning! |Wings "Future Wrngs ' (R) |World-Wond. [Diecovery News Discover Magazine Poison ' (R) [Lightning- Weapon olihe Gods Van w/Lifl Available: Wheelchair Access & Group Scaling ENC III20|Movie: -RaisnoAnmra I Movie: ...• Jac«*Ch»isFirsfSrri«e'|i996II [Movie:.. "Sues UelJ5"(t985) Dan Aykroyd Movie:*** "Innerspace" (1987. Science Fictxxi) Dennis Guard X ESPN College FoottaX: Northwestern al H sconsav (Live) College Gmday Auto Racing NASCAR Craftsman Truck Series - NAPA 250. Senior PGA Goll Hours: 6:00 a.m. - Midnight FAM R**Jt»io*tbetrs|H»rv*ytoon [Heathclitt Mouse-Monster [Eeklstravag. [Bad Dog Monster Farm Waller Melon 13 Friends. Jerry [Countdown (R) Outrageous! Use. Camera Hovieiee'r "WhoAml?-(i998!JackieChan X Monday - Saturday HBO Movie: •> ■VrhoSHarn/CnimO?"(1989) JohnCandy Movie:••• "AteaoueoYineirOn"|t992 ComedylGeenaDavis (inSereo)PG'I -Clear-Danger" Restricted Hours on Holidays HIST Talet of the Gun H [Weapons at War (R) [Engineers at Battle ol Bulge Air Combat [Masters ol Wat [Sworn to Secrecy (R. Mrv To Be Announced [MTV Movie Awards The seventh annual awards presentaixxv (in Stereo) Kickin' Lei's MTV Video Music Awards iR) (In Slereo) sc College Football Central Florida al Bowing Green Stale (Live) College Football Coherence USA Game - Teams to Be Announced (Live) Service Area Bowling Green Thu wrvice it financed in pan from Please Id driver know how operating jmnunie gram from (II 00) Movie: "Ilia Zeiram" World Killer' (In Stereo! X Welcome to Paradox "The Extra" SOR Movie:... "Ama^in?Stories rbeMov*iv"(i99t)SamWalerston Mystery Science Theater 3000 many person, will ODOT & FTA 1 B.C. Taxi Hometime: Root Hometime: Rod Renovation [Renovation Men-Toolbelts |Home Savvy (R) Hometime [Hometime [Home Again (R) [Home Again (Rl How'd They Do That? he titlin. TLC ftBG Tail information is TNT Movie: ...:i "O f> Orr> ;JJ-;0J"? [19M Fcinlisv A'j- | atl -:;•:. :, .rj :-at J.xs-: tr—'c-'ICIC Movie: 'Short Circmt" (1966) Lightning endows a military robot with emotion and charm ■Snort Circuit 2" 352-0796 ■liable in large print and audio tape formal Cartoon Planet TOON Thundercats |Robot*ch IVoltron-Detndr IJonny Quest Super Friends [ [Huck. Hound [Hock. Hound | Huck. Hound Huck. Hound 'I'l Y: (52-154.1 upon MQMM USA Baywttch "Neat Generation' X Movie: •« "BijcJuK* (1998. Drama) Ooiph Lundgren (In Slereo) I Movie: •«• "Baa to me future PartII "(1989. Fanusyl Michael J. Fox (In Slereo) X "Sack-future »r VH1 An Bandstand [Am Bandstand Saturday Night [Grease Day |«-Trac« Flash la-Track Flash. Solid Gold [Solid Gold [Monkees [Monkees [Number Ones Vinyl Justice (R)

SATURDAY 1 6-M 1 6:30 1 7:00 1 7:30 1 8:00 1 8:30 1 9:00 1 9:30 1 10:00 1 10:30 I 11:00 | 11:30 BROADCAST STATIONS bt m College Football News it. Jeopardy! X Early Edition "Blackout" I Martial Law "Shanghai Express' I Walker. Texas Ranger-5. News X EP. P-:.: I re College Football News 1 Siskel i Ebert (In Slereo) I Fantaay Island "Pilot" X Cupid Pilot' X Newsl "Total Recall' © rlfni | isLJv *t" W J United Way Cash Explosion Death Defying Thrillt (In Slereo) Bad Boys of Saturday Might Live (in Stereo) I News It Sat. Night Live "What's Eating © Austin City Limits IR: llr Slereol Lawrence Welk show Bailykissangel Britannia. Palace at Sea X New Red Green New Red Green Bryan Adams: M V Unplugged X © Travels- 1 Travels-Europe Lawrence Walk Show Great Railway Journeys I Antiques Roadshow (in Stereo) X Keeping Up Keeping Up Great Performances Gilbert Grape" m Hetcut**: Legendary Jrnys. V.I.P. (Series Premiere) (In Slereo) Cops "Atlanta' [Cops (R) I America's Moat Wanted X-Files Quagmire" (In Slereo] X Mad TV (In Slereo) X © IS 00: Natural History CotacUban Showbiz Collection StowbiiCoNeclion Showing at Movie: •«'-.' The Pened Weapon (1991.Dramai Jett Speakman [NewsX j IFnsierX Viper About Face" (In Slereo) X <*) Home Improve. IHome Improve. [Friends 5 IFraaierl 8PM & 11PM Movie:.'!" ' '.' r|t956) [RmberWENN AMC Movie: S'I "Easy Come. Easy Go' 167. Musicall Errs Presley Movie: • • O "(i%9. Westen) Elvis PreskryJnaBalifi Premium Blend IR) COM Bob-Margraret [Critic "Or Jay Rowan Atkinson. Face Voung Comedians (R) One Night Stand [Comedy Haft South Park (Ri |Vnra Variety (R1 Tonight in 111 Oiscamp 1 New Detective*: Case Studies DISC Msaatg Link Human orrgns. (R) bfanjlfl Ultimate Guide: The Octopua (R) WHmat, Guide: Dogs ' Justice Files Tne Con Game" (R) ENC Movie: HH "Die Cnuman"(t969. Suspense) Gregory Peck. Movie: •»•'■ "Unoer Fn~'W2. Drama) Nek None tin Stereo) Movie: HI "Scaiface- (1983. Drama) AlPacmo (InSlereo)I #** ESPN Senior PGA Goll |Co«.Gmnghl [College Football Georgia Tech al North CartMia. luvel I [Coll. Gmnghi | Sport scerner I Movie: Loyal Opposifon Terror** the Mute House' (1998. Drama) X FAM Movie: •• "JajmeytoMC^rere»'rr»Ea*"(1993IKimMiyon. MoWe:»'i l>xmso3Kflci«''(1997.Suspense)C• MaaCry "(1997. Drama) John TravMa.'PG-13' I Boxing Lennox Lewis vs ZeiAo Mavrovic. (In Stereo Live} I Great Empires: IjgrMtjl *** HIST History Undercover (H) Groat Ships (R) Great Empires: Rome Great Empires: Emperors Great Empires: Empire Cartoon Sushi Loveline Howie Mandel (In Slereo) MTV MTV Awards [Housed Style To Be Announced Real Worlds [Reel World X Road Rules (R) [Road Rules |R) Celebrity Death $2.00 SC College Football: Conference USA College Football Be.'2 Gan-e ■• TeamstoBe Announced (Live) College Football: Bg 12 Game - Teams TBA son Mystery Science Theater 3000 Movie: ••> "Dune' (1984. ) Kyle MacUctiian. Francesca Anns A duke's son ra,ies a planet against its oppressors. Mystery Science Theater 3000 R) Bluing Infernos (R) Admission TLC Persia dies "Knights ol Newark Paramedic* "The Night ShiT (R) Blaaing Matnot (Rl Cau ght on Cam era '■■ Pablo Escobar - King ol Coearrve TNT (530)Movie: e* SnortCircurf2"11968.Comedy)Fisher Stevens Movie: ••■/ "Sioeiucks'11993 Dramai Chuck Noms. Jonathan Brando Movie: •• "Big Trout* in Lime Cn™ (1966. Adventure) Kurt Russet I0ON Huck. Hound [Huck. Hound jGhosts-Scooby [FlinlstonesX Yogi and the Invasion ol the Space Bears Acme Hour Sett Stakmgs "II the Shoe Fits" X US* (6 30i Movie:... "Baa to the Fmme Part III" (1990) MtchaelJ Fox I La Femme hkkita Spec Ops I The Net (in Stereo)! Sins ol the City IR) (In Slereo) X (In Stereo) ICher (In Slereo) VH1 Pop-Up Video [Pop-Up Video [American Graf. [70s Teen Idols Rock-Roll Jeo. | Mi Generation "Sleppenwoa' Cher in Slereo) [Cher (In Stereo) ^nn 7

SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 27,1998 TOO Display Personals I: Oakland Raiders at Dallas Cowboys From Texas Stadium (Lrve) X

GaryPinkel Gary Blackney Movie: ... "MiXil Mau*"(1994. Comedy) OurJey Moore. Amy Irving [Movie: ... "C-v D.!"ci.-g'. 1967 Drama; Jennrle- Grey Jem, Orba:n Htftpanic America: History TBA Carleton'Sheets Morter Graphic [Major League Baaebral Cleveland Indians at Mnnesota Twins From the Huben H. Humphrey Metrodome Movie:«'; -ran*a.-r;i996)l Firing Lin*: Itih Editors Social Security-End ol-Slory Week-Bu McLaughlin [McLaughlin Nova (Ri 'In Slereo) X Woodwnght Am. Woodshop This Old House [Home Cooking Great Desserts |Christina Cooks" America Sews SfrWirnf-fiWicy Lawrence Welk Show Living With Cancer re Fox NFL Sunday (In Stereo) X NFL Football Green Bay Packers at Carolina Panniers From Encsson Stadrum in Charlotte. N C X NFL Football Mtinesota Vikings at rncago Bears From Soldier Field cs (II 00) Attic Auction Collectible Knives Collectible Knives re Movie: •* "Man al IVork~{1990. Comedy) Emaro Eslevez. Leslie Hope Movie: ••• "In Ccvjryry" (1989. Drama) Bruce Wrais, Emily Lloyd. [Star Trek: Voyager (In SloreoTl" Star Trek: Deep Space Nine H; s: CABLE STATIONS anan weuaommr (i860. Adventure) Movie... "The rviarUai his Arms (1952. AoVertture) tSregoiy Peck. Movie:.. Geriro Up avid Gorng Home" (1992) {"Home ol Brave' COM Movie:.. -rrle&Ji^7rip"(l9e7.Comedy)0«nAykroyd. Mona: T3hori»usBrj«"(t9e9| A long-dead Carpathian warloclt anempts »return lo Earth [Movie:.. "The Toy "(1962. Comedy) Richard Pryor Movie Magic (R) [Discovery News [Strange Powers Mystery Univ. Animal X IR, into Unknown |Shadows o* the Forest (Ri [Egypt Uncovered iR) UJimate Guide. The Octopus « Movie:... "6Ve»WBuiier"ii97; Westerni Gene rSdonai Movie: MM "The Chairman"(196S. Suspense) Gregory Peck. Movie: ... Send a special message for all the ESPN NFL Countdwn Auto Hating NASCAR Winston Cup - NAPA AuioCare 500 From Mannsvlle Speedway. Va (Lrve) I NASCAR-Talk Senior PGA GoH Real Ghoetbilis Harveyloon |He*thclifl [Mouse-Monster [Eek'stravag. [Bad Dog [Monster Farm [Walter Melon 3 Friends Jerry Pee-wee P'ay Outrageousl I Show-Funny campus to see. Great for birthdays, Without Pity Movie: ..'i SpeceCarniri ll Ka'e Capshaw Movie: ee'i 'Ju!.'C"eoffieGuys"(t985l JoyceHyser PG-13'X Movie: . . "Dear Cot (1996. Comedy) Greg Kmnear. (in Slereo) PG X anniversaries, or any surprise! - HIST

SUNDAY "rilrjo Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, CBS News My Heart will Always re Movie: •• i "6eo'r^cr^-(iM7.Comedy) Brendan Eraser X 20/201 [Practice "Psssmg Go" X NewsX Siakell Ebert Belong to you! re DaaMna (In Stereo) X Movie:... acM»n£y»"(1995|PierceBfc«nan James Bond errlers Russia to tetreve stolen weapon codes Newel Pensacola-Wing Happy Lawrence Welk Show ' Specials (In Stereo) Spints ol the WT- Crown t Country (In Sertol'l Monly Python Monly Pytlion Tony Brown | Religion-Ethics - Natural World I Natural World s SrpMte ol the Jaguar (H: X ~ Crown ( Country (h StentofX Mystsfy! 'Ganowotass" |R) I Anniversary re NFL Football: Vkings al Bears iWortd-Funnieet Holding-Beby Sanpeonel [That 70s Show X-Files The End" (R) (In Slereo) IIX-FHea "Wennreo" [In Slereo) I Walkat. Texaa Ranger (H StereoT Mike! (5001 Collectible Knives (B Gem stones Gemstonee iLetl «i Progress) Love Always, Angie New Vert Undercover (In Stereo; [NHL Hockey Detroit Red Wngs vs re New York Rangers. (Live) Home Improve. jNewal [Sport* Xtra Home Improve. [Trarwrtion CABLE STATIONS lerave i'W9i |9ehmd-»g**n [aaovle:.. "BaTO fry rhePlanefo'the Apes'11973) mlaagvia: Trrwaaf ofr7aT*^w!errytTieApes"(1? a>»«av»lo/tri*Apes"(t97z) m lor Hap**of l» Apes' ,4 Xi Movie [Movie ... S.lwrSlrea*'(1976Cixned,) Gene Wedar.J.C«ytlur^ Ply Show (R) jUprigh. Cititen Come to 204 West Hall to DISC Ol Encounters UFO* in [Watch Your Pocrsts Rl Wad Discovery: Whale Caves |Raging Planet Tornado" IRF Survinll Ase^tTajxas-TheConGame'iR) Movie: ..«'i Fanustx Voyage"! 1966. Sconce Fiction) Stephen Boyd. »:..'. "The Boys an Company C"(1978. Drama) Stan Shaw I Movie: . "Snaa»Corispraey"|1997. Suspense) Charw Sheen. X place your ad! Or call Senior PGA GoH [SporlacoTlter ^NFLF NFL Footbae" Cncrmati Bengali at Balmore Ravens Ravens" Stadrum. (Lrve) X ISporUcentarT Movie: "The Face on the Mat Carton (1995. Drama) Ke*e Ma run I Movie:... "Ner'(i994.Qrama)JotteFoster.LamNeescn [Movie:..'. "Coiumoo Murr»rnMav«^'(l990.MysMry)PeleiFaii.X 372-6977 for more Movkt: e'i "MaiorL«oue r(1994, Comedy) . 'PG' X HBO Movie.... ■8TO«oownii997iKuitRusset RI [Movie: "7r»rJew''iAovo««"(l997)AnanorrviygWt1oworkalalawlirmn«iby Satan 5 COi l)areoavlh?(Ri |Greet Ship* -The Tankers" Tales ot the Gun Sworn lo Secrecy Hktlory Undercover True Action AoverrtureeIR) information. 5 30: MTV Movie Awarda R; (In Stereo) MTV Kickin' Lets Road Rules iR) |Road Rules (R) Ceiebrity Death Ukra Sound Loveline CndyUargoM (R) Motorsport* Hour (R) Racing Report T^ SC Major League Soccer Columbus Crew at D C United (Live) Sports News FOX Sports New* FOX Sports News IT'S BURSARABLE! | m MM*: laaTaaVkr(IHB) Space: Above and Beyond X SCIFI Earth 2 "GrervJMrs r me Myst" X Aaen Nation Fifteen W* Wanda" Stylrariu* Prophesies lor the future Space: Above and Beyond I TIC Trauma: Lite In the ER |R) Etlmnie Machines R' HowdTheyOoTnM? Titanic: Secret* neyamd Hc-'dtheyftothatr TNT Movie:.. "8<;r'ouD«»i.ift«C>i/ia"(i9ee Adventure)KunRusse Movie: •• 'rr»Gr)«»iCh*r(1986 Comedy) EdtM Murphy Movie: ... U HP.S" (1962. Ovnedy-brama) Nick Note TOON Hong Kong Jabberiaw Ammaniaca I Scooby Doo Flintstones X [ ToonHeada [ and Tad |Johnny Bravo Cow ( Chicken [Dorter's Lab (5 00)Movia:»e,, "K-9"(I969I X Deadline 2 days prior to USA WWF Sunday Ntght Heat Pacrtic Blue "Seduced" (In Stereo) Sifk Stakings (HI (in Slereo) I La Femme leejta "TrwrJ Person" X The Net (In Stereo) X VHI Rodt'n'Roi [Rock n' Roll RocTl nor Rock 'n' Rofl I Rock 'n' Rol r3ehirvdtheMueH"l9loivJ*- Leostida "David Bome" (In Slereo) Behind the Muetc "Blorv**' (ft) publication by 4:00. I'lwWW * BGSU's Weekly Entertainment Section * Swinging Robert Szorady reviews the The soundtrack to the dark Page N-l latest ' new comedy "Permanent The BG PJews in style disc, "Severe Tire Damage," Midnight," reviewed in this Friday, plus Sunny Day Real Estate. week's Sound Parade. September 25,1998 On almost any college campus, diversify can be Entertainment Editor found in every aspect of life, CD REVIEWS MOVIES John Wenzel and Bowling Green is no 372-2603 exception. ►»- N-2 ►*- N-2 Our campus is filled with different kinds of people who like all different things. Musical preference is proba- bly the biggest area where diversity is evident. Award-winning While walking down the hallway of my dorm, I can hear up to a dozen different musical genres blaring from juggler performs various stereos. Among these musical styles, the usual alternative, rap, R&B, country and classic rock can in 'Question' be heard. One very distinc- tive type of music that has accompanying score. With just recently become main- □ Award-winning music by Bjork, Smashing • stream is swing. University student Jay ; Just a year ago, I would Pumpkins, Beastie Boys and . have been laughed had I Gilligan performs his Annie DiFranco, the perfor- been blasting a swing special brand of jug- mance radiates a modern feel. • on my stereo. The present is "The reason I use a whole different story, gling this weekend. is because it's the contemporary though. Perhaps it's because sound of the times," Gilligan of the success of the movie said. "Jugglers used to use jazz "Swingers," or the sneaky By MICHAEL PLANICKA and classical in vaudeville. rise of swing bands into The BG News Today I use Soul Coughing and popular venues in big cities, the Beastie Boys." For centuries, but these groups are selling Gilligan creates a kind of jugglers have tried CDs left and right. It's high- Photo provided physical video for the he ly amusing to see that col- to defy gravity. This Chris Tucker (loft) and Jackie Chan star in "Rush Hour," an action-comedy that pairs the two uses. He works his movements lege students are boogying weekend, a Univer- high-energy stars in the search for the daughter of an American consul. into the songs in a way that must on down to music that their sity student will for- be seen to be believed. Last year, grandparents and parents get that it exists. in his campus performance grew up with. Jay Gilligan, a sophomore, "Wanted," Gilligan attempted to The music itself is, for the presents "Question," an evening mesmerize the audience through most part, not too shabby. of post modem juggling. "Ques- The in the swing "Rush Hour' is fast, his visual manipulation of reali- tion" is a collection of some of bands who are making a ty- name for themselves are tal- the best pieces from GUligan's Gilligan, while being a stu- previous works, along with new ented and full of energy. dent at the University, is also a material and an extended cast. Some of the more popular professional juggler. He holds This is not simply a juggling groups include Royal Crown furious and fanny the most gold medals ever show, it's an interactive visual Revue, Cherry Poppin' Dad- awarded by the International experience. "Question" is a per- - dies, Big Bad VooDoo the way. No one at the LAPD be believed. In one scene, for Juggler's Association. This past Daddy, Squirrel Nut Zippers formance art spectacle that wants the job, so they give it to example, Chan holds onto a summer in he broke the and the Brian Setzer Orches- By JAMES ELDRED focuses on object manipulation, their worst detective. beam 50 feet in the air. When world record for most objects tra. dance and juggling. The BG News The detective, played by asking for help, Tucker replies, juggled between two people. Swing has become so Chris Tucker, is absolutely hilar- "Can you hold on for an hour? It will run Saturday, Sept. 26 popular in such a short time Finally, a good Performing with Gilligan in ious. Tucker ("Friday") always No, no, I'm only playing." at the Findlay High School that it brings to mind many Jackie Chan movie "Question" are Ochen K and plays his roles over top, and it Also, the jokes severely down Auditorium. Tickets are $6 and other short-lived fads. So made in America! John Rauser, both from Min- fits "Rush Hour" well. He is play the seriousness of the situa- are available at the door. Perfor- should we get used to hear- It has been over neapolis. Ochen K is the founder never understated or calm. Even tions. In the beginning. Tucker mances will be held at both 3 ing this stuff on the radio? 10 years since an of the Collective, and John is a simple gestures, such as looking fouls up a sting operation and and 8 p.m. Local bars are eating up the American studio cast member in "Memer- t around, are played out humor- two officers are shot. While nei- Gilligan usually chance to attract more cus- has attempted to make a Jackie ously. In addition. Tucker always ther of them are killed, he quick- produces the tomers. A few BG bars and Chan movie in America. In fact, University stu- some in Toledo now offer seems to be moving incredibly ly jokes about the situation the entire arrange- only two American movies have "Swing Nights',' complete with fast. He talks quickly and reacts next day. ment, as well + See QUESTION, ever been made with Chan as the swing-dancing lessons. quickly. This fits well with Even with these setbacks, as the page N-2 star, and two of them ("The Big They're latching onto the Chan's fast-paced disposition, "Rush Hour" is a great action- Brawl" and "The Protector"), bandwagon that so many are giving the movie a high-energy comedy. While it's not necessari- were horrible. Fortunately, his riding. feel. ly realistic, it's funny and fast- latest offering, "Rush Hour," is There's absolutely noth- In fact, this movie could best paced enough to detract you ing wrong with the music, not. be described as "Lethal from thinking about the flaws. (I'm personally a big fan), Chan stars as Lee, a police Weapon" on speed. Everything While "Rush Hour" is sure to it's just hard to determine officer for the Hong Kong gov- happens at an incredibly fast please action fans and comedy how long something like this ernment (before it was handed pace. From Chan's fight scenes fans alike, it won't alienate will last. A song such as over to China). The movie begins to Tucker's wisecracks, nothing Chan's longtime followers in Brian Setzer's "Jump n' Jive" in China under the last day of in "Rush Hour" seems rushed, that it's similar to his previous is by no means a song to sit British rule. Chan is seen doing back and relax to. When just fast. work in Hong Kong. his trademark jumps, fights and everyone runs out of energy The chemistry between the Just don't take it very serious- slapstick gags, as he single- from the high-impact swing two is excellent. One delivers all handedly stops a ship carrying ly. dancing, they will head right of the lines and the other deliv- millions of dollars in smuggled back to the party music that ers all of the action. Fortunately, goods. is a little less difficult to the studio did not force Chan to Rush Hour The movie then cuts to a few dance to: Phish, Dave make his fights more serious months later. Jackie's friend in Woodland Mall Cinema 5 Matthews Band and the affairs, (as they did in previous hard-hitting bass of good old the Hong Kong government is Starring: Jackie Chan, movies). His battles are funny, Chris Tucker hip-hop. now. a Chinese consul in Ameri- but at the same time incredibly NOW says: Chan and Tucker As it goes for most things ca. After his daughter is kid- difficult due to the amount ot are a worthy and hilarious pair that appear to be a "sure in this action/comedy napped and held for ransom, he stunts. While watching him fight thing," its better to enjoy it immediately calls for Chan. while it's here. So all of you I laughed, but at the same time I • •• There's only one problem: the was amazed at his skills. swingers, get your partner FBI doesn't want him to help. So 1 war. jus go !o «• bar out on the floor and jump Unfortunately for Tucker, his 2 Mart: 90101» bar IK* Photo provided they call for the LAPD to send an 3 aura: mov*a. flan bar and jive until the world gets humor is sometimes too much to 4 tiara: rovto. man am again Award-winning University student Jay Gilligan presents his officer over to keep him out of sick of swing. postmodern take on juggling in "Question."

"Severe Tire Damage" is "Faust," directed by Jan vicissitudes of 3 p.m. in Bryan Recital Hall of This Saturday from 10 a.m. to reviewed in this issue of NOW, Svankmajer and Ernst Gossner, love, will open the the Moore Musical Arts Center. 4 p.m. in Chapman Hall, P^W^UVJTWW will play The Michigan Theater at 8:15 p.m. on Sept. 28 in the BGSU Theatre The program will include Michael Rohd, founder of in Ann Arbor on Oct. 4. Says Gish Film Theatre. The subtitled season. The play "Chansons de Bilitis" by Claude "Hope is Vital," will be facilitat- of TMBG, "Our film is a humorous and shock- will be presented Debussy, "Air du Feu" by Mau- ing an interactive workshop songs remind you of songs ing depiction of a disturbing at 8 p.m. from rice Ravel and "Va godendo" by with students and teachers. The Live music to you've never heard." Yep. world made real through live Sept. 30 to Oct. 3 and at 2 p.m. G.F. Handel. The Fac- workshop is a On Oct. 13 at Peabody's in action, wooden figures and clay- Oct. 4 in the Eva Marie Saint ulty Artist Series per- series of theatre tickle your ears Cleveland, DJ Spooky will per- mation in this interpretation of Theatre in University Hall. Tick- formance is free. exercises and Ekoostik Hookah form in support of his latest the Dr. Faustus myth. The film ets are $7 for adults and $5 for The BGSU Student si techniques will perform tonight album on Outpost Records. is free and open to the public. students and senior citizens. Composers' Forum will be pre- designed to create at the Main Event in sented at 8 p.m. in Bryan on dialogue and the- International Sept. 29. The forum will feature atrical material around ideas Toledo. The all-ages 'Learned Ladies' Bryan hosts con- show, which starts at si film series works by graduate and under- generated within the workshop 9 p.m., will cost $10. For more certs, forums graduate composition students. itself. opens next week You do not need to be an information on the band, check The BGSU Inter- out www.ekoostik.com. national Film Series "The Learned Ladies," On Sept. 27 soprano Myra Theatre workshop actor to participate in this pro- They Might Be Giants, whose will present the 1994 Moliere's witty examination of Merritt and pianist Virginia gram. For more information, Czech/British film intellectual pretension and the Marks will appear in concert at at Chapman Hall contact Leslie at bleslie@bgnet. new album on Restless Records t \ I N-2 The BG News Friday, September 25, 1998

the title track to the ironic "Shark's Own Private F"k." It is so rare to see a band truly encapsulate raw turmoil as well 'Shadrach' benefits as Sunny Day Real Estate. They pack it into little bottles called songs, and you can pop open a cold one whenever you released an album and exten- like. "How it Feels to Be Some- from fresh faces sively toured every two years thing On" is exactly that—how it since 1988. But, if that conclusion feels to be something alive, how O "Shadrach" tells the Depression. A dutiful, churchgo- dren. As Shadrach's death seems is correct, the whole affair and it feels to be human and more ing son, Paul is nevertheless near, Vemon begins to prepare album seem rather anticlimactic, importantly, how it feels to let story of a former slave attracted to the Dabneys, a large, for the burial. The sheriff teasing with a minimal amount music turn you on. and the lessons he impoverished and ill-mannered admonishes him that burial on of new material, and leaving -Michael Planicka family whose ancestors owned a private ground is forbidden in those who believe they are true teaches a Southern plantation. Virginia. Vernon faces the choice fans hungry for sustenance family. Vernon Dabney (Keitel) pre- of paying for a professional bur- rather that what amounts to sides over the family. A blustery, ial or flaunting the law, ,is he musical comfort food. bigoted, profane man, his skills does with his still. The Associated Press -Robert Szorady are limited to producing moon- A graduate of the American What is there about the back- shine in a wooded hideaway. His Film Institute, Susanna Styron They Might Be Giants: waters of Dixie that pumps the wife Trixie (MacDowell) directs evidences tendencies of former "Severe Tire Damage" creative juices of writers and the children's activities, beer bot- film students: shooting through 1996 - Restless Records Wffd filmmakers? From "Tobacco tle in hand. foliage, use of slow motion, etc. Road" to "Forrest Gump," from She shows real talent in dealing Acne-encrusted physics The Whitehurst parents must "Baby Doll" to "Ulee's Gold," leave for Baltimore because of a with characters; all of the actors enthusiasts and former high scarcely a Southern county has in "Shadrach" seem real and school overachievers rejoice: the death in the family. been overlooked. rooted in the Depression-strick- seminal rock 'n' roll band They Against their better "Shadrach" continues this en 1930s. Might Be Giants, probably Permanent Midnight: judgment, they long tradition. Based on a short Keitel is expert in domineer- known best for the 1992 fluke- accede to their son's "Original Motion story by William Styron, it has ing roles, and he shines as the mainstream hit "Istanbul (Not pleas to be allowed * Picture Sountrack" been lovingly translated to the rough but fair-minded paterfa- Constantinople)" have released a to stay with the Dab- '>>'<< * screen by his daughter, Susanna milias. The usually elegant new album, "Severe Tire Dam- 1998 - Gerlen neys. Paul immediately aban- Styron, who served as director Andie MacDowell seems to age." The dark new film "Perma- dons his well-scrubbed life as he Sunny Day Real and co-writer with Bridget Terry. The news of a brand new nent Midnight" chronicles the joins his earthy neighbors. enjoy playing the slovenly wife Estate: "How it Feels Hardly more than a vignette, the and mother. TMBG album should send any life of former television writer Along comes Shadrach. He is film is flawlessly acted by a pair John Franklin Sawyer brings a rightful lover of their skewed to Be Something On" Jerry Stahl (played by Ben a former slave nearing the end of of professionals, Harvey Keitel and brilliant (don't smirk) 1996 - Stiller) who, at the top of his his 99 years. He has walked all commanding presence to the and Andie MacDowell, and two Beatle-esque sense of melody to career, became addicted to hero- the way from Alabama to Vir- role of the old ex-slave; it would Indie-rock cult favorites newcomers, an old man and a have been fascinating to learn heights of musical ecstasy not in, fell from grace, recovered and ginia so he can be buried among Sunny Day Real Estate are back! young boy. seen since the new Candlebox wrote a book about it. his family on the old Dabney more about his life, not just his Lead singer has Paul Whitehurst (Scott Terra), opus was released. However, The original soundtrack to plantation. death. bottled up the tension from the is the only child of well-man- this album isn't quite what one "Permanent Midnight" certainly At first Vemon rejects the idea Terra is another of those band's last few years of disparity nered, middle-class parents in a would expect, at least after their sets a mood of palpable dread of caring for the old man. But he amazing actors whose fresh face and turned it into his best record Virginia hamlet during the reflects all the wonder of youth. brilliant 1994 album "John and disorientation from the start. is overruled by his wife and chil- to date. Breaking up after their Henry," and their exquisite 1996 Beginning with "Now is the last album the members all went follow-up "." Time (Permanent Midnight their separate ways. After being dropped from Mix)," The Crystal Method The core rhythm section of QUESTION their once-supportive record draws the listener into the world bass and drums went to the Foo "Questioning" of gravity, label Elektra, and one half of the of electronica (a genre that per- ■*■ Continued from N-1 Fighters, and front man Enigk objects and space. band, Flansburgh, now suitably vades the album) and psychotic dent Heather Baur, who worked pursued a solo career. For awhile The cast will be work- more inclined to write and techno blips. Following that is with Giliigan in last year's it looked like the indie-rock shopping experimental record with his side project Girls Against Boys' "EPR," a "Wanted," will also perform. giants were forever gone. While techniques about 45 min- (who just released the mildly amusing, slow-paced, University student Ben Guess Enigk"s solo projects carried the utes before the show. The great album "It's Fun To Steal"), growling, snarling "comedown will make his performance same feel, it seemed like he doors will open early so it comes to pass that this patchy blues" song. debut, and coming from Maine would never sing again under the public can view the new offering only partially Gomez and Black Lab present is "Fusion" cast member Matt the moniker of Sunny Day Real experimentation. quenches the thirst of the aver- grueling, spare tunes that crawl Estate. Tardy. Both Giliigan and fellow age TMBG fan for new music. along compared to the first two "It's certainly the best assem- The tides have changed, brin- performer Baur have stud- To be somewhat more tracks. "Godspeed" by BT and ing us "How it Feels to Be Some- bled in Ohio, and to tell the ied performing abroad, descriptive (something you, the "Honey" from Moby are two of thing On," a new record that truth, the states too," Giliigan and have a direct pulse on reader, are in no doubt dying the catchiest tracks on the disc, captures the emotion of a band's said of his cast. "Presentations movements that America for), it does not even seem to be the former reminding me of break-up and subsequent refor- this unique aren't even happen- has yet to witness. This is a a proper album at all. Mostly more recent Richard D. James mation. Now with J. Palmer as ing in cities like New York and recorded live, "Severe Tire Dam- efforts and the latter of Fatboy rare opportunity for Bowl- the bass player and William Los Angeles." ing Green and surround- age" is a fine hodgepodge of Slim. Goldsmith on drums, the sound One of the most interesting ing communities to see new studio tracks and live Spring Heel Jack and is more refined. Every song boils aspects of the performance is the first hand a new wave of recordings of already Morcheeba attempt drum n' bass over with love and hate, and cre- way in which Giliigan reappro- modern performers. Pro- familiar songs from and techno-rock, respectively, ates a new chapter in the Sunny priates the music. Using popular their back catalogue, but end up sounding weak and ceeds from the show will Day Real Estate dynasty. bands, he gives new meaning to benefit the Student Schol- with the overwhelm- hollow compared to the stronger The opening song "pillars" songs we may already know. arship Fund. ing emphasis on the tracks on the album. Spiritual- builds effortlessly to its "I choreograph to the music," Directions to Findlay High latter. IJ1 ized puts you to sleep with their epiphany, much like any classic Giliigan said. "It's not incidental, School: Traveling South on I- There are only five "new" beautiful but snail-like "Your Sunny Day would. Starting with it's where the dance comes songs on the album, including Time," and Art Alexakis (from 75, turn off at 159 then light, see-sawing , it from." east Heft) on St. Rt. 224 dri- short instrumentals such as Everclear) tries to break your breaks into a tense dramatic cho- In "Wanted," the movements Photo provided "Severe Tire Damage Theme." heart with "Overwhelming." ving across the overpass. rus. The subsequent ten tracks were on time with every beat of University student Jay Giliigan at work. The rest are made up of the All in all, it's a lively and Findlay High School is visible all share that same tension that the song. The mixed genres of on your right. ing lot. wordy styling typical of the worthwhile disc but it suffers was harnessed over the last few music, from the Beastie Boys to Traveling north on 1-75. Turn off songs of John Linnell, such as the from its split-personality, genre- At first stop light take a right years. Ani Di Franco, provides a broad onto Broad Ave., then right at the at exit 159 then east (right) on St. horn-infused single "Doctor hopping amalgamation of songs. A personal highlight on the canvas to paint on. All the pieces next stop light into the school park- Rt. 224. Proceed as directed above. Worm" and "," a record for me was the fourth -John Werzel flow into one powerful point, the wry take on the smaller parts of song "Two Promises." "I gave the commercial side of the musk her my heart/she tasted my business. These songs contrast to MIKE'S soul/now she's gone again," the more straightforward rock PARTY MART Enigk croons. These line* are songs of , such S Mam in "Big Lots Plaza" sung with a passion that is rarely as "First Kiss." Cold Beer at Slate Min Prices achieved by musicians today. It The live songs, recorded in consists mainly of a bitter sad- Natural various forums and nodes, are ness, but avoids coming across Light fine, and are a good indicator of as anger. He saves the anger for the blissful triumphs that can ** $7.99/Case the right moment in the song, occur at a live TMBG show, such Bud not letting it out until it needs to as live renditions of classic songs Monday: Monday Night Football Light be set free. Towards the end he like "" and assorted cries, "Why did you leave me 19 and over - No Cover. Cigar Night - Rree cigars lo the first $7.99/12pk. '•itt«f3r§ peculiarities like "Spider." down here? How could you lead 15 people through the Door. Beer & Drink Specials. KEG As good as these songs are, me down here?" Busch Light TAPS they do not take away the yearn- Each song on the record is one $5.99/12 pk. AVAILABLE ing for a full, brand-new album. of epic proportion, running the Tuesday: Open Mic Night. S10.99/Case But perhaps they simply want to 352-9259 gamut from love to loss. The 19 and over - $2.00 cover take some time off. They've whole album is brilliant, from 21 and over - No cover IMAGE Wednesday: Jazz Night Top 5 19 and over. S2.00 cover. ALBUMS HUB 1. The Mlseducation Of • Alternatlue Clothing 1. "Rush Hour.' New line • Beaded/Hemp jewelry 2. "One True Thing." Universal Lauryn Hill." Lauryn Hill Thursday: Band Spotlight 2. "Can-I-Bus." Canlbus • Clowe Cigarettes 3. There's Something About October 1, Blind Bobby Smith 10-2, • incense 3. "N Sync." 'N Sync Mary." 20th Century Fox • unique Candles 4. "Hello Nasty." Beastie 19 and over $3.00, No cover 21 and over. 4. "Rounders," Miramax • Class Curios Boys • Tapestries 5. "Simon Birch." Disney 5. Soundtrack: "Back To • Stickers Titanic" Friday: Happy Hour and Munchie Buffet • Posters SfflQI£8 • 200* Tees 1. "I Don't Want to Miss a XV Happy hour - 4:00-9:00 - 21 and over. • Ecuadorian Sweaters • wool Gloi/es and Slippers Thing." Aerosmlth 1. The Marriage Fool." CBS Munchie Buffet - 4:00-7:00 - S2.00 cover 2. Touched by an Angel," CBS 2. The First Night." Monica 445 E. Wooster 3. "Crush." Jennifer Paige 3. "60 Minutes." CBS (At the railroad tracks) 4. "My Way." Usher 4. "NFL Monday Night Foot- Friday and Saturday: D.J. Loutn Mon-Sat 11-9 Sun 12-6 5. The Boy Is Mine," Brandy ball." ABC 19 and over. Under 21 - $3.00 cover. 21 and over - no cover. arid Monica 5. •20/20-Wednesday." ABC 354-0176 T, Friday, September 25, 1998 The BG News Page 11 FOOTBALL- TENNIS- Continued from page six. on offense. Tailback Mike Grant Continued from page six. court. Game #3 has only 22 rushing attempts all "Players from other teams field. Together Lewis and Hollis season, but has gained 117 yards Senior Erika Mix agreed that it have commented to me that they have gained 149 yards in two on the ground - an average of 5.3 can be harder to play at home. are jealous of how tight we an'," BG (0-2) games for BG. But, in order to a carry. "There are a lot more distrac- LaSusa said. beat the Golden Knights the "It's important to not allow tions at home," Mix said. "It's Most of the players live with offense must find a way to score. him (Culpepper) to beat us run- easier to communicate on the teammates and the team eats Central Florida (2-1) Backup quarterback Ricky ning the football," Blackney said. court when you are close off the together after almost every prac- Schneider has led the Falcons on "The thing they have this year court." tice Lasusa added. kickoff noon at it's scoring drive of the year, a that I noticed they didn't have Building chemistry off the The team will leave around Jason Strasser field goal against two years ago when we played court is important to the team — noon on Friday and get a three- Perry Stadium Penn State. Senior Bob Niemet is them - they have a good running especially between doubles part- day look at the Spartans and expected to start for the Falcons. back." ners. LaSusa is proud of how Eagles. They will face both teams Broadcast on WBGU 88.1 FM But, Blackney knows that field Stopping Grant and Culpep- close the Falcons are both at again before the end of the acad- matches and away from the emic year. Pre-Game at 11 a.m. goals will not cut it against such per running the ball could be a with Jason Gibbs and Mike Rypel a powerful offense. problem for the Falcons. BG has Besides Culpepper, the Gold- given up 582 rushing yards in en Knights have another threat two games. MEN- Continued from page six. have to look as far as the indi- vidual and team goals that I direct result they are very confi- have posted on my walls," dent that they will at the top of Weckesser said. "I have been on their game on Saturday. 2002 Olympic budget set a MAC Championship team One of a coach's biggest jobs before, and 1 know what it takes is to motivate his players, as the federal government for trans- tion could have been gathered the "cheap Olympics," have to get there, and I know that it is portation, security and the Para- Martin has done by not losing and disclosed to board members steered clear of any suggestion of within our grasp." □ $1.4 billion is being lympics. soon after Salt Lake was award- a tax increase earmarked for the faith in them. However, a coach Usher takes a much simpler The proposal was presented to ed the bid in 1995. Olympics. can only do so much to motivate set aside to fund the approach. SLOC's board of trustees, which "To wait 31/2 years puts us at The proposed budget includes his athletes, but eventually it has 2002 Olympic Games "I try to keep the goals in is scheduled to approved a bud- a disadvantage," he said. repayment of the $59 million and to come from them. mind, and focus on doing well." in Salt Lake City, Utah. get on Oct. 8. The spending plan Bullock, executive director of sets aside a $40 million endow- Weckesser, for one, has been in this situation before. In 1995 Whatever the approach, a must also gain the approval of the Utah League of Cities & ment to pay for site operations poised and motivated BG cross Gov. Mike Leavitt, Mayor Towns, has complained for after the 2002 Games. when he was a freshman, BG I he Associated Press Deedee Corradini and the Inter- months about SLOC not releas- SLOC Chairman Robert Garff, won the Mid-American confer- country squad is ready to com- national Olympic Committee. ence title. pete at the Miami Invitational. SALT LAKE CITY — The Salt ing more details sooner so that a car dealer and former state Lake Organizing Committee John Krimsky, deputy secre- board members can better House speaker, said organizers "To motivate myself, I only today presented a $1.4 billion tary general of the United States understand what they will vote can stay within budget and not budget to stage what officials Olympic Committee, said that on in October. embarrass the state. hoped would be a successful yet while the proposed budget is The budget came after 10 "It will not be the lap of luxu- WOMEN- frugal 2002 Winter Games. made up of estimates, it is realis- months of dissecting the ry, but that's not the Utah spirit Continued from page six. Also, Hanane Sabri is also get- tic. The proposed spending plan Olympics into thousands of tasks anyway," he said. ting over some illness she suf- "There is always a degree of and assigning a dollar estimate the scheduled meet, The Min- is more than $400 million larger Some $44 million has already fered at last weekend's meet. She than the amount Nagano, Japan, escalation, but these are very to each. been spent planning for the nesota Interregional. The change is looking to hit the trail hard and spent to host this year's Winter achievable numbers and will The Salt Lake spending plan Games and work remains on the came about because of the strike Olympics and just $300 million enable us to put on a successful covers 41 functions, such as med- ski jumps at Utah Winter Sports at Northwest Airlines. BG had improve on her twelve place per- less than the cost of the 1996 and financially solvent Winter ical services or security; 200-plus Park, the speed skating oval in flight plans through the airlines, formance at last weekend's meet. Summer Games in Atlanta. Games," he said. projects, like the torch relay; 400 Kearns and the cross-country but they fell through as a result "I am feeling better," Sabri of the strike. SLOC officials described their SLOC's executive board was subprojects and 3,000 activities, and biathlon courses at Wasatch said. "I am going to give my best It doesn't really matter where proposed spending plan as disci- given a preview of the 45-vol- such as tree plantings. Mountain State Park. the Falcons are running at this at Miami this weekend". plined and lean. ume budget plan on Wednesday SLOC leaders noted the bud- Covering the expenses are $1 season. BG is always looking to The women's cross country "The budget is confined to and received mostly favorable get balances without additional billion in cash from television be competitive and try to win reviews from those willing to tax dollars. Taxpayers have rights, corporate sponsorships, team is doing very well this sea- expenditures that are essential to each meet. talk after their four-hour closed- already committed $59 million to ticket sales and licensed prod- son. The Falcons have a very tal- hosting a successful Olympic "The runners are doing well and Paralympic Winter Games," door meeting. build Olympic venues. And ucts. Another $443 million is ented team and have very high "It was well thought out and a by keeping their training and said Frank Joklik, SLOC presi- while a poll this year found tax- anticipated in goods and services practices at a very high level this goals set for this year. BG hopes dent and CEO. "After repeated good presentation," said John payers willing to pay more, state donated by sponsors. season," said Coach Steve Price. to continue their success they phases of reduction, the estimat- Price, a developer. "I'm very elat- lawmakers have made it clear Joklik said that organizers This week's meet is no differ- ed expenditures contain no fat ed." have been experiencing so far they don't want more tax dollars working with the United States ent. With Christine Thompson as nor redundancies." this season. The Falcons will run Ken Bullock was more frus- going to the Olympics. Olympic Committee have raised well as the rest of the team run- Joklik said the blueprint does trated than impressed by the 45- Olympic organizers, while at about half the cash and service ning extremely well, the Falcons at the Miami Invitational this not include an estimated $171 volume budget. one time warning that the 2002 contributions from sponsors have a good chance to finish Saturday with the intent of doing million organizers expect from He said much of the informa- Winter Games could go down as needed to balance the budeet. towards the top once again. finishing near the top. Don't go bananfis D^Join the BG News ooking for a /iladeA 88.1 WBGU Sports fo live//W^ Catch all the action of the Bowling Green's Solution Falcon Football Home Opener! Internet to Internet Access. Pirect Pregame 11:00 am only $15 per month vs. Central Florida Back to School Special: 88.1 WBGU Sports Mention this ad and get one month free. 113 Railroad St. (next to Kinko's) "More games than any college 352-9302 radio station in the country" 354-HOST www.BGHost.com Mon-Fri8-S Sat 8-12 oooooooooo £> Final 3 Days SENIOR PORTRAITS ARE NOW BEING TAKEN Call 1-800-969-1338 to schedule your sitting Portraits are taken in The KEY yearbook office in 28 West Hall (Basement) The $6 sitting fee can be charged through the bursar and sittings only take about 15 minutes.

r page twelve The BG News Friday, September 25, 1998

Owe si HLimmock Thievet: Senior Portrait* Hi my name is Kaley I'm an adorable 16 mo. CARS $1004500 End Soon who needs a flemble sitter in my N Baltimore Police impounds The Halfway girts (ust need to say. Senior Port ra He home Please caH my mom Kim at 257 2154. Hondas. Chevys, Jeeps A Sport "All you hammodc thtevet better 00 away." End Soon UBki.es MUST SELL" Long's Carpet Cleaner needs part Dme help Yea Swyt and Franc* warn oh to aiy. Carl Woff Studios is now on campus taking 1 800-522 273014556 Classified but iha real ol you Donlavenry. senior portraits from 10am 6pm daily. Any 10-20 hoursnwk Will work around your sched- Ads We're keeping waicn; we're up all night, senior graduating in Dec., May, or August ule. Starting pay $7.50/hr Apply in person at A call for iha Blotter? Not without a fight should attend Portraits are taken in your dress 1 lONapotean Rd. Long's Cleaners Come see an affordable 2 bdrm. 14 x 72 mo- bile home. $11,500. CavaJear A.A Green. Jo So rl 'hammock envy' 1a your thing, clothes and in a cap and gown provided by the Ostego High School is in need of a Junior Var- loe realtor 352 5331. VM 43 or 352 0937 372-6977 Forgat it guys, all hall (I will bring. studio. Sessions lake about 15 minutes and sity Girts basketball coach. If interested Call the $6 sitting fee can be charged to the Bursar Scon Bernthisel. athlenc director, at 823-4911 Mac and PC computers, excellent condition; Thr BG Nca* Mill MM knowtagly ».rpt ailvr.li.*™ i... Please call i 800-96S-1338 to schedule a sit- or Lisa Stevens, head coach, at 693-6067. also printers, modems, and hard drive Call lor thai diHdminMc. or CAComgr chwiiminaiiom againM Final Days Senior Portra its ting Portraits taken in 28 West Hall. Don't be Please respond by Pel 2 list. 419-872-1222. jr.. UhlivklMal Of frouponthr bain ..I ra. naliraval onfM. mull oncwMion. dn End Soon Part-time Student Employment POWERMAC 7300 atal.lv. viaiu. to a ton. or am ihr Sam of any other CaNNowt Think BG is a boring town? Not so. Entertain- Are you looking for part-time employment of 15 zip drive, CD ROM, modem, B&W printer. IrpUv proarctrr) uatu. > tD Sanior Portraits will soon be over. Don'! be ton ment anchors Kan Howard and Vic Fioreao can noun, plus per week within walking distance to Progs: photoshop.Excel. Quark. Word.more' out of iha Historic 1999 Key Yearbook Por BGSU campus? Interested m working various Musi sell. Call Erin @ 353-0330 TV BG New, rrwrvc, Irw riflw 10 dr.linr diwraMmur tell you exciting things to do weekdays on BG trans am taken in both your dress dothes and a unskilled |Obs in assembly, packaging, etc ' or rc.K an. ad«rni>*Tnrrd tucr. a, irr^c found In at 24 News! Turn to cable channel 24 everyday at cap and gown the studio provides. Tha sitting Rate of pay is $5.15 per hour. Apply in person ihf —lawn. lacamj in faLtaal ha»i>. ranlrad.nf. or (at^r 530.1030 and730am. Pnmestar writ onfy take about 15 minutes and your mem- between the hours of 9.00am and 5:00pm in natan All ad.rrtortnrni. are ujbaxi to cdiune and Lowest Install Guaranteed approval ories will last forever. The low $6 silting faa can Thursday's at KAMIKAZE S (Mon.-Fn) at: Advanced Specialty Products. $49 00/$98 00 one Dme payment be charged through tha Bursar. Portraits are Dtmers trom 7-9 pm Inc 428 Ctough St. BGCW 43402. taken in 28 Wast Hall (basement) Please cal Dollar pttchers all night long $25 99 programming. Rebates 1 800 969-1338 m advance to schedule a sit- Spring Break "99-Seil trips Earn cash A go Maintenance Free Special Offer? ting free"! Student Travel Services is now hiring Cal Now" 1 800 580 2765 CAMPUS EVENTS Tuesdays at KAMIKAZE'S 'Portraits make great Chnstmas gifts* campus reps. Lowest rates to Jamaica, Mex- • • swing coming ico, and Florida. 800-648-4849 or Trek 7000 Mountain bike. 22" aluminum frame. www ststravel com Final Days Excellent cond. $350 OBO Call Steve at Friday's and Saturdays Wednesday s at KAMIKAZE S Senior PonraHa at KAMIKAZE'S University Dining SefVH:es*4anagement In- 352-2535. sspi tl4KtgsvMaw.com Karaoke with Rich M-chels End Soon 80's and 90's dance formation Specialist Primary Responsibilities: CM Now! from 10-2 Perform system backup of all computers (IBM Sartor portraits will toon M over. Don! M left and IBM Compatibles. MAC Re-organize hard FOR RENT out o. »» Hitlonc 1998 Kay YearBOOk. Por QPhlS'GPhiB drives, upgrade menus, upgrade software. As- traits -r« taken in both your dress dorhes and a We love our new members" HELP WANTED sist programmer with answering user computer Welcome to your new home cap and gown me studio provides The sitting questions. Delivery and pickup of Gnf- 2 BDRM furn apt. close to campus OPhlB'OPNB anft onfy take about 15 minutes and your mem- fin/Dieboid RDT registers. Assist programmer Includes utilities, grad students ones wHi last forever. The low $6 fee can be H.OOO-e WEEKLY!' with developing Excel Spreadsheets Other du- welcome 353-5074. charged through the bursar. Portraits are taken Gamma Phi-* Gamma Phi Stuff envelopes at home for $2.00 each plus ties as assigned. Mon-Fri to be arranged m 28 West Hail (basement). Please can bonuses. F/T. P/T. Make $800. weekly, around class schedule Pay Rate $5.90/hr. Welcome home Sarah, Susie & Amy 2 bdrm. furnished apis loOO 989-1338 m advance lo schedule a sil- We missed you during RUSH1 guaranteed' Free supplies. For details, send Questions? Scon Biackwood 372-2893 352-7454 ling. Gamma Phi * Gamma Phi one SASE to: N-181.'12021 W-lshire Blvd.. Uptown ' Downtown 'Portraits make great Chnstmas gifts* Suite 552. Los Angeles. CA 90025 Floor walkers, coatcheck. bartenders 217 South College- 15 btocks from Hanna INTRAMURAL OFFICIALS NEEDED FOR $2000 Tuition Reimbursement Apply after 9pm. s ^ Hall. 3 BR House. 12 mo. lease, tenants pay aH Senior Portraits FLAG FOOTBALL AND ICE HOCKEY. APPLY United Parcel Service End Soon We are currently looking for permanent part- uttl.. sec. dep.. parental guarantee req, no IN 130 PERRY FIELD HOUSE AND PICK UP VAN DRIVER-Part-time position to provide Senior Portr.il. time employees who are interested m working pets (575/mo. Rent collected quarterly. AND COMPLETE TAKE-HOME TEST BE- transportation to and from social service End Soon from 3 k> 5 hours per day Available immediately. FORE SEPT 29TH AT NOON MUST AT agency. Must be between the ages of 21-65. Cad Wot! Studios is now on campus taking WE OFFER For more Information or lo sign a lease, TEND MANDATORY CLINIC FOR FOOT have a valid Ohio driver's license and an excel- senior portraits from I0am-6pm daily. Any *E loHtent entry level pay of contact Arbor Enterprises at 354-2654. BALL. lent driving record. Submit resume to P.O Box senior graduating in Dec . May, or August $8 5O/$9,50 per hour, and can earn Locally owned and managed. 738. Bowling Green. OH 4340? EOE should attend. Portraits are taken in your dress rNTRAMURALENTReSDUE BY 3PM IN 130 up to $12 45*13 45 per hour with clothes and in a cap and gown provided by the PERRY FIELD HOUSE: SEPT, 28-C 4 progression PLAYER VOLLEYBALL; SEPT 29-W.CFLAG Newly painted 2 bdrm. apt. with garage. Close studio. Sessions take about '5 minutes and *Ful time benefits for part lime work' to campus $450/month 372-2096 days, FOOTBALL; SEPT 30-M FLAG FOOTBALL; FOR SALE the $6 sitting tee can be charged to the Bursar 'Advancement opportunities' 419-872-9674 after Spm. Please call 1-800-989 1338 to schedule a ail OCT.6-GREEK & INDP. ICE HOCKEY. 'Holidays and weekends off' Occupant Needed Immediately ting. Portraits taken in 28 West Hall. Don't be Kappa Delta Sorority wishes to congratulate Call (419) 891-6820. EOE. '86 Toyota Camry $600 OBO. 419-877 0482. 2 MyF sublease's, each gets own room. left out of the Hi stone 1999 Key Yearbook. and welcome our outstanding new members- d r+ Will come to BG lo show Acroaa street trom Big Shots. 536 E. Woos- you are the greatsstl ABSOLUTE SPRING BREAK') 2 FREE TRIPS ter Please call 353 9274 tor Brian or Tony "Al women were created equal..until 1897" ON ONLY 15 SALES and EARN $$$$ Ja '93 Honda 750 Nghthawk 7000 miles. $3250 maica, Cancun, Bahamas, Florida, Padre1 Low OBO 354-1783 between 8am-i0pm. LOST& FOUND 1 Sublease? neededOwn bedroom in apart- Kappa Delta' Sigma Chi Prices' Free Meals. Parties A Meals '"Limited ForSale- menL. near campus Call Jeremy 352-1478. The sisters of Kappa Delia would Ike to thank Offer ' i pair of stereo speakers-Technics. 150 wans, the gentleman of Sigma Chi for serenading us 1800 426-771 Qrtivww sunspiashlours com 3-way floor speakers. $100 obo. SUBLEASERS NEEDED IMMEDIATELY Found: A lost dalmation m the area of S. Col- Monday mght 1 pair of Yamaha bookshelf speahers. 60 1 Br. open in 2 Br apartment. 2 full bathrooms, lege near the Pop Culture House. For info call BLAKELY Care Center is accepting applica- Kappa Delia * Sgma Chi watts $50 obo Call 353-2168 2 large bedrooms. AC, dishwasher, dose to 353-9459 tions for Nurse Aide positions. All shifts availa- ble, fun and pan time. Training class starting campus. Price negotiable. Call 354-0497 KKG" Alpha Xi'DG scon for those who are not slate tested Com- 35mm Camera Minolta Maxxum 7000t lens, SERVICES OFFERED Sisters of Alpha Xi Delta and Delta Gamma petitive wages, attendance bonus, dental in- flash, accessories. $500 induces everything. We're looking forward to a fantastic Saturday surance, comprehensive health insurance, 90 Please leave message & will consider offers ntghil See you at Greek Goddesses! day wage increase, annual wage increase, car- 3546438 MATCH POINT Love, the Kappas ing co-workers. Blakely Care Center is a family owned and operated facility that attends to our AAAA.i Early Specials' Panama City' Room GEAR FOR THE WILDERNESS with kitchen $129! Includes 7 Free Parties' Backpacks. Tents. Sleeping bags. Hiking residents with extreme care and consideration IWhen building a campfire, KKG"KKG'KKG If this is your type of work environment, please Daytona $U9 New Hotspot-South Beach Boots Canoes, Kayaks. Roof Rakes, etc NEW MEMBERS... $129! Cocoa Beach $149< spnngbreak- Tnps A Clinics* Backpacking, Canoeing apply at: We welcome you to Kappa Kappa Gamma - BLAKELY CARE CENTER travel com 1 •800-678-6386. clear a 5-foot area around And Kayaking. The Canoe Shop « We are so glad to have you1 600 Sterling Drive 1 Blackswamp Outfitters 140 S. River Rd. KKG'KKG'KKG AAAA.i Early Specials Cancun & Jamaica! 7 the pit down to the soil. Waterville. OH 43566 419878-3700 North Baltimore. Ohio nights Air A hotel From $399' Includes Free between 9am & 5pm 1 WWW.THECANOESHOP COM food, Drinks. Parties 1996 Belter Business Bu- KKG * KKG'KKG Monday thru Fnday reau Award Winner! spnngbreaktravel.com REMEMBER, ONLY YOU CAN Stacey. Lindsay. Sleph. and Misty...We are EOE 1-800-678-6386 JUMP at this new oner" SKYOIVE 8.O., |USt so glad you are home1 Great job during RUSH PREVENT FOREST FIRES. 10 mm. from campus is now ollenng a first We missed you. CDIS, Special Ed, Psych, Early Child Dev AAAA.t Earty Spring Break Specials' Baha iumpone day dass during the week (M-W-F) m KKG'KKG * KKG maiors: Dependable, enthusiastic and caring mas Party Cruise! 6 Days $279! Includes Most addition to our regular weekend dasses. Can individuals needed a few hours a week to help Meals' Awesome Beaches. Nightlife' Departs lor student special information 352-5200 implement a home educational program for my from Florida! 1996 BBB Award Winner I spring •^ VoVC accepted KKG KKG KKG KKG KKG KKG 6 year old autistic child Evening and weekend break travel com 1 600-678 6386 " Congratulations on an awesome recruitment"1 hours 419-875-6841 Learn Jason Quick Freelance Musi- Thanks again for the serenade at Bid-day AAAA*l Spring Break Travel was i of 6 small CHVVmstructor with master's degree from Celebranoni Kappas are the BEST " Checker's Pub businesses in the US recognized by Better 352 9837 Ne wlo ve BGSU For more inlo contact creative arts Love, Your House Assistant. Knsi Business Bureaus for outstanding ethics in the program 372-8177. Waitressmg and DJ marketplace! spring break travel com Realty Rentals 1-600-678-6386 Pregnant? Free pregnancy tests Confidential & caring. Make your own beer & wine Help wanted immediately for Stone Ridge Golf 354-4673 BG Pregnancy Center Club All golf operations, food & beverage. & 114 S . Main 11 2 1 3 Black Swamp Bootleggers has everything you need grounds crew Fun & part time positions ava-la- I bdrm. vpl. tUe Please can 353-4663. We also have Cmemark Theatres ' Located Hduntoun. Premium cigars, punch Help Wanted Newly decoralrd, PERSONALS macanudo, don Cubano Waiistaft. bartenders, and cooks Apply m per- and more son or call 823-0014. 100 W. Main St.. Has- CINEMA 5 wan" Cal Allowed. 344 S Mam St '353-7126 k-ns. OH 43525. The Haskina kin. 5 miles north BEYOND BG ol BG oft stale route 25. v isll OUR OFFICE I OK AND YOU THOUGHT LAST YEAR WAS Schedule tor 9/25 - 10/1 -New Restaurant Opening!- A COMPLETE LISTING GREAT? Ufban Legend (H) l-OR UNDERGRADUATE. BG HASNT SEEN NOTHsV YET. SPRING BREAKERS BEWARE (12^0 2:45) 5:00 7:30 9:50 ■EYONO BG Buy your package locally' GRADUATE AND Don't trust giving your CC number MMHWCIMTCTU-Maji One True Thing (R) PROFESSIONAL to a stranger • OaYI EIDTKS (12:30)4:20 7:?0 10:00 Cellular Phonea • SojfoMaKDmrigAni HOUSING! OR VISIT No credit check, no security deposit We will give you the best opoons for your money. FOUNMM KltefM Rounders (R) *99 kit includes: Motorola ftp phone (1:00)4:10 7:00 9:45 OUR NEW WEBSITE: Campus Worid Travet-352 7889 >ooocou»Ti;»T»ii battery, and charger 45 tree minute* • Kenan Snack Bar p://a a a n . « I... crrall* ..ore There's Something About Mary (R) L 2 D Call (419)356 2005 • Ksscei. Courtyard KMISCHt-rt SUNDUl (12:50) 4:00 7:10»:40 »00D C0UIIT[2-21251 j 332 South Main Street Ruah Hour (PG-13) • s*v* n*« CJ» ■ f^Smur only office) ■ Shadows Snacs Sir (12:40 2:55)5:10 7:4010:10 J MATCH POINT • Sunrjai Food Com 352-5620 Ncwlovc Realty Rentals HcDONUD Coming October 2 ♦ 3 : iWhen building a campfire, DMaHWCtHTHm-tTTII Fright Night" * I lxIn11 Hill (IAMIEAT. • GI ElOrtSS Only at Midnight Only $2.00 • HcDonaUOirilogCstMl NEWIPVE www.cinemark.com \VM IR & SEWER clear a 5-foot area around • Towars Wwl Rsslajijrt Rentals * llxlnnu'/'pnilik-LR •TUMHT UtNON (1-TS4T) (firlalmco times) on SAT. SUN only the pit down to the soil. (E-MM oiccaiOrWlW sail & tronl|x irili • Caawng I Call or slop b| ■ PteaunlRoom * I IxinnirVcr • PtnsOuM the following • Prom (km'i.iiM'u business BGSU • Ths Fiwxrs Sen V2)2rxlrmhf)iBCS • The Bcel K Grsenarv Dmg Service • Unon N»M Coaei snop 0 *f** ' [tlllKcllnlllVCT Centers; (ItAVIlllM'l, SliXTS \hii ouROfnafOfl \ COnTU II LISTING FOR UMI)[l!(illAI)IIATE. TOBACCO OUTLfT (iltAIXIATEAMI) I'liDIIAMOMAL 402 E. Wooster St IIOUMMd! OIIVIMIOLIII ( MI\V\tlBSITE: 352-BVTT hnpyAv\vw.n

• 602 Second, Furn. Eff. $260. per mo.

PG ; • 828 Seventh, 2 BR. Unfum. $423 per mo. Nighth 7:00 9JO Sot Sua& Wed Mat 2.-00 4 JO • 751 High St. 2 BR. Furn. $300 per mo. and up

Every Saturday 'Length lease negotiable*

at Mkhight Ifi* South Mam Street Bowling Green $52 259!S