TEACHERS’ STUDY GUIDE for Mr. Smith’s Bowl of Notes Mr. Smith’s Bowl of Notes Teacher Study Guide for Grades 1 & 2 This study guide is made available to orchestras performing Gregory Smith’s “Mr. Smith’s Bowl of Notes” at no cost to the orchestra or school system. This document is, however, copyrighted and may not be sold, bartered, exchanged in trade, or used beyond immediate reference to the live performance of the work. In particular, the orchestras presenting the work may not charge any school system for the use of these guides. These guides are authored by Karen R. Stanton, a long-time public school music teacher who is certified both in Orff and Kodaly methods. © 2004. Geocoso Music. August 2004 Note: If you are getting a copy or the Bowl of Notes Guide at this point, please note that the audio samples indicated are not presently available. From Gail, Education Chairperson on the Arapahoe Philharmonic Board: I’ve added to this Teacher’s Guide. I’d love to have you send me any of your ideas / lesson plans and I’ll post them.
[email protected] Some of the music in the Listening Sections of this guide are “quoted” in Mr. Smith’s Bowl of Notes. Grades 1 - 2 Prelude: These ideas and tools are presented for the use of the classroom teacher with limited musical knowledge and experience. Teachers with more musical background are invited to implement, substitute and expand these ideas. The basic material, Listening and Responding, can be covered before the concert in two to four class sessions, depending on class length, by presenting Part 1 in the first sessions and Part 2 in the last sessions.