PRESS RELEASE SMBC Aviation Capital Orders Additional CFM

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PRESS RELEASE SMBC Aviation Capital Orders Additional CFM AIRCRAFT ENGINES PRESS RELEASE SMBC Aviation Capital orders additional CFM LEAP-1A Engines COMPANY NOW HAS 55 AIRCRAFT ON ORDER WITH LEAP-1A ENGINES LE BOURGET, France — 17 June 2019 — SMBC Aviation Capital, one of the world's largest aircraft leasing companies, announced it has ordered forty CFM International LEAP-1A engines to power 20 additional Airbus A320neo aircraft. The engine order is valued at $588 million U.S. at list price. A long-time CFM customer, Dublin-based SMBC Aviation Capital currently has a fleet of more than 350 aircraft powered by CFM56 and LEAP engines in service or on order. Our customers are very satisfied with the LEAP-1A engines in their fleets. This engine is delivering everything CFM promised and has become a valuable asset. Peter Barrett, CEO of SMBC Aviation Capital The LEAP-1A engine is providing operators with a 15 percent improvement in fuel consumption and CO2 emissions, along with dramatic reductions in engine noise and exhaust gaseous emissions. All this technology is focused on providing better utilization, including CFM's legendary reliability out of the box; greater asset availability; enhanced time on wing margins to help keep maintenance costs low; and minimized maintenance actions, all supported by sophisticated analytics that enable CFM to provide tailored, predictive maintenance over the life of the product. About SMBC Aviation Capital SMBC Aviation Capital is one of the world's leading aircraft lessors, with 86 airline customers in 40 countries. At 31 March 2019, the company owns, manages and is committed to purchase 729 aircraft. Established in 2001, the company was acquired in 2012 by a consortium comprising of two of Japan's biggest companies SMFG and Sumitomo Corporation. For further information go to Safran is an international high-technology group and tier-1 supplier of systems and equipment in the Aerospace and Defense markets. Operating worldwide, Safran has nearly 58,000 employees and generated sales of 15.8 billion euros in 2016. Working alone or in partnership, Safran holds world or European leadership positions in its core markets. Safran undertakes Research & Development programs to meet fast-changing market requirements, with total R&D expenditures of 1.7 billion euros in 2016. Safran is listed on the Euronext Paris stock exchange, and its share is part of the CAC 40 and Euro Stoxx 50 indices. Safran Aircraft Engines designs, produces, sells, alone or in partnership, commercial and military aircraft engines offering world-class performance, reliability and environmental-friendliness. Through CFM International*, Safran Aircraft Engines is the world's leading supplier of engines for short and medium-haul commercial jets. *CFM is a 50/50 joint company between Safran Aircraft Engines and GE For more information: and / Follow @Safran and @SafranEngines on Twitter JAMIE JEWELL, : / T +1 513.885.2282, Charles Soret, : / T +33, .
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