CMAJ Research

Crystal and initiation of injection use among street-involved youth in a Canadian setting

Dan Werb MSc, Thomas Kerr PhD, Jane Buxton MBBS MHSc, Jeannie Shoveller PhD, Chris Richardson PhD, Julio Montaner MD, Evan Wood MD PhD Abstract Competing interests: Julio Background: Although injection drug use is involved youth provided 1434 observations, with Montaner has received grants from, served as an known to result in a range of health-related 64 (16.2%) participants initiating injection drug ad hoc adviser to or spoken harms, including transmission of HIV and fatal use during the follow-up period, for a cumula - at events sponsored by overdose, little is known about the possible tive incidence of 21.7 (95% confidence interval Abbott, Argos Therapeutics, role of synthetic in injection initiation. [CI] 1.7–41.7) per 100 person-years. In multivari - Bioject Inc., Boehringer We sought to determine the effect of crystal able analysis, recent noninjection use of crystal Ingelheim, BMS, Gilead methamphetamine use on risk of injection in - methamphetamine was positively associated Sciences, GlaxoSmithKline, Hoffmann-La Roche, itiation among street-involved youth in a with subsequent injection initiation (adjusted Janssen-Ortho, Merck Canadian setting. hazard ratio 1.93, 95% CI 1.31–2.85). The drug of Frosst, Panacos, Pfizer Ltd., first injection was most commonly reported as Schering, Serono Inc., Methods: We used Cox regression analyses to crystal methamphetamine (14/31 [45%]). TheraTechnologies, Tibotec identify predictors of injection initiation (J&J) and Trimeris. He has among injection-naive street-involved youth Interpretation: Noninjection use of crystal also received grant funding enrolled in the At-Risk Youth Study, a prospec - methamphetamine predicted subsequent from the BC Ministry of tive cohort study of street-involved youth in injection initiation, and crystal methampheta - Health, the US National mine was the most commonly used drug at Institute on Drug Abuse, Vancouver, British Columbia. Data on circum - Merck, Janssen and ViiV stances of first injection were also obtained. the time of first injection. Evidence-based Healthcare for the STOP strategies to prevent transition to injection (Seek and Treat for Optimal Results: Between October 2005 and November drug use among crystal methamphetamine outcomes and Prevention) 2010, a total of 395 drug injection–naive, street- users are urgently needed. in HIV & AIDS in IDU initiative. None declared for Dan Werb, Thomas Kerr, Jane Buxton, Jeannie 12 treet-involved youth are at high risk of increased risk of injection initiation. Globally, Shoveller, Chris Richardson initiating injection drug use. 1 This situa - -type stimulants have emerged as one or Evan Wood. tion is of concern, given that injection of the most commonly used groups of illicit drugs, This article has been peer S 13 drug use has been associated with increased second only to cannabis. This increase in amphet - reviewed. risk of transmission of HIV and C amine use is reflected in the epidemiology of drug Correspondence to: virus 2,3 and fatal overdose, 4 as well as a range of use in some Canadian settings. For instance, in Evan Wood, other serious negative health and social out - Vancouver, British Columbia, rates of injection use uhri-ew comes. Newly initiated injection drug users of crystal methamphetamine have increased sig - CMAJ 2013. DOI:10.1503 have also been identified as a subpopulation at nificantly among adult injection drug users. 14 This /cmaj.130295 particularly high risk of injection-related pattern is of substantial public health concern, harm. 5–8 Unfortunately, despite recent calls to given that crystal methamphetamine has been prioritize interventions to prevent the initiation associated with a range of health and social harms, of injection drug use, 9 there are few evidence- including the potential to drive high-risk drug-use based strategies to prevent injection initiation patterns, including injection. 15 Given these con - among street-involved youth. cerns and the well-established health-related harms This situation relates, in part, to the fact that lit - of injection drug use, we investigated the possible tle is known about the risk factors for injection in- role of crystal methamphetamine use in the inci - itiation within this population. Prospective dence of first injection drug use within a cohort of research from Montréal, Quebec, has alluded to street-involved youth in a Canadian setting. the role that crack and powder may play in promoting subsequent injection initiation, 10 as has Methods retrospective research conducted among drug users in Baltimore, Maryland. 11 Much less is known The At-Risk Youth Study, established in 2005, is about the possible role that synthetic drugs, such as an open and ongoing prospective cohort study of methamphetamine, may play in contributing to an street-involved youth aged 14 to 26 years based

© 2013 Canadian Medical Association or its licensors CMAJ, December 10, 2013, 185(18) 1569 Research

in Vancouver. 12 All study participants were itiation, stratified by crystal methamphetamine use. recruited through street outreach and self-refer - We then employed an a priori approach whereby ral. Consistent with previous studies of street- basic sociodemographic variables (i.e., age, sex involved youth populations, 10,16,17 potential partici - and ethnicity) were included in the final multivari - pants were eligible if they had used illicit drugs able model, along with potential confounders sig - other than marijuana in the past 30 days, if they nificant at the p < 0.05 level in univariable testing. provided written informed consent and if they This approach reflects recent guidance from Roth - were “street-involved.” Although there was no man and Greenland 21 encouraging specification of specific requirement that youth spend a mini - minimal models compatible with available infor - mum amount of time on the street to qualify for mation. Finally, we undertook a subanalysis inves - the study, in practice, the street-based recruit - tigating the circumstances of first injection in an ment produced a sample of youth who spent effort to identify specific microsetting phenomena extensive time on the street, a large proportion of accompanying injection initiation events. All sta - whom were homeless. Nevertheless, because our tistical analyses were performed using SPSS soft - study lacked an explicit requirement that partici - ware version 17.0 (SPSS, Chicago, IL). pants be living on the street, we use the term “street-involved youth,” rather than “street Results youth,” since the latter term is generally applied to youth known to live full-time or part-time on A total of 991 participants completed the At-Risk the street. 18 Once enrolled, participants com - Youth Study baseline questionnaire between pleted an interviewer-administered questionnaire October 2005 and November 2010, of whom 395 (available by request to the corresponding (39.9%) reported using crystal methamphetamine author ) at baseline, as well as physical and men - at baseline and 390 (39.4%) reported injecting tal health assessments, including blood sampling drugs at baseline. Those with a history of injection for diagnostic testing and assessment for phys - drug use at baseline were more likely to use crys - ical stigmata of injection drug use (i.e., track tal methamphetamine than those without a history lines). Participants subsequently underwent of injection drug use (183/390 [46.9%] v. 204/601 physical examinations and completed inter - [33.9%], p < 0.001). Among the 601 individuals viewer-administered questionnaires semiannual - who were injection-naive at baseline, 395 (65.7%) ly; the questionnaires solicited basic sociodemo - had a follow-up visit to assess for injection initia - graphic and drug-use data, along with data on tion and were therefore eligible for inclusion in other relevant behaviours, including injection of the present study. The 206 injection-naive partici - drugs. Participants were given a $20 honorarium pants who were ineligible for the present study at each visit. The study has been approved by the because they had not yet returned for a follow-up University of British Columbia/Providence Health Care Ethics Review Board. The study presented here includes data collected Pa rti cipants rec ruite d to ARYS and from street-involved youth who were drug injec - complet ed baseli ne interview betwe en Oct ober 2005 and Nove mber 20 10 tion–naive, who were enrolled in the At-Risk Youth n = 991 Study cohort between Oct. 1, 2005, and Nov. 30,

2010, and who completed at least one follow-up Exc luded n = 390 interview. The outcome of interest was a first • Reported injection episode of any injection drug use. The primary drug use at bas eline independent variable of interest was any noninjec - tion use of crystal methamphetamine (i.e., smoking Pa rticipants drug inje cti on –naive at baseline and/or intranasal use) in the previous 6 months. n = 601 Potential confounders identified in the literature 10 and included in the study were age, sex (i.e., male Excluded n = 20 6 v. female or male-to-female transgender), ethnicity • Did not return for (white v. other), 19,20 recent (i.e., in the previous 6 foll ow- up intervi ew months) noninjection use, 10 recent powder cocaine use (i.e., smoking and/or intranasal use), 10 Pa rti cipants drug injecti on –naive at recent smoking, 10,19,20 recent cannabis baseli ne wi th ≥ 1 fo llow-up intervi ew n = 395 use 19,20 and recent alcohol use. 20 First, we generated correlations between vari - ables and tested for significant correlations using Figure 1: Flow diagram of recruitment and retention 2 Pearson χ tests . We used Kaplan–Meier methods of participants in the At-Risk Youth Study (ARYS) to calculate the cumulative hazard of injection in- and inclusion of participants in the current study.

1570 CMAJ, December 10, 2013, 185(18) Research interview did not differ significantly from the than among those who did not report use of this study sample in terms of sex (142/206 [68.9%] v. drug (32.3% v. 13.3%; p = 0.010) (Figure 2). 269/395 [68.1%] male), ethnicity (140/206 In the multivariable analysis, recent noninjec - [68.0%] v. 242/395 [61.3%] white) or baseline tion crystal methamphetamine use (adjusted haz - crystal methamphetamine use (67/206 [32.5%] v. ard ratio [HR] 1.93, 95% CI 1.31–2.85) and 141/395 [35.7%]) (all p > 0.05), although there recent noninjection heroin use (adjusted HR was a 1-year difference in median age (20.7 v. 1.73, 95% CI 1.09–2.74) were associated with an 21.6, p = 0.002). Figure 1 outlines the process of increased risk of injection initiation (Table 3). By participant recruitment, retention and determina - contrast, older age (adjusted HR 0.81, 95% CI tion of eligibility for the present study. 0.75–0.88) and white ethnicity (adjusted HR In total, the 395 study participants provided 0.24, 95% CI 0.11–0.49) were negatively associ - 1434 observations over the study period. The ated with the risk of injection initiation. median follow-up time was 21 (interquartile Among participants who responded to ques - range [IQR] 13–26) months. tions on the circumstances of their initiation During the study period, 64 (16.2%) of the par - events, 50% (15/30) reported receiving their first ticipants reported initiating injection drug use, for injected drug as a gift. The drug of first injection a cumulative incidence of 21.7 (95% confidence was most commonly crystal methamphetamine interval [CI] 1.7–41.7) per 100 person-years. The (14/31 [45%]), followed by heroin (9/31 [29%]) median age of first noninjection drug use was 14 and cocaine (3/31 [10%]). Almost all respon - (IQR 12–16) years among subsequent injection dents (16/17 [94%]) reported that they did not in itiators and 12 (IQR 10–13) years among persis - believe that their use of drugs was out of control tently injection-naive participants. Among the 141 before the first injection. Furthermore, 19 (68%) participants who reported noninjection use of of 28 participants reported that they had not con - crystal methamphetamine at baseline, 137 sidered injecting before the initiation event. (97.2%) also reported cannabis use, 84 (59.6%) Although the reported microsettings for injec - reported non injection crack cocaine use, 67 tion initiation were diverse, 12 (39%) of 31 par - (47.5%) reported noninjection powder cocaine ticipants reported initiating injection drug use in use, and 32 (22.7%) reported noninjection heroin an outdoor public space. In terms of geographic use (Table 1). setting, the largest proportion of participants Ethnicity was highly and significantly correlated reported initiating injection in Vancouver’s with all other variables, including crystal metham - Downtown Eastside neighbourhood (14/30 phetamine use (Pearson r = 0.755, p < 0.001) [47%]), the site of a large open-air illicit drug (Table 2). After 36 months, the cumulative hazard market. Another 20% (6/30) reported initiating of injection initiation was higher among partici - injection in the Downtown South, an adjacent pants who reported crystal methamphetamine use neighbourhood previously identified as a poten -

Table 1: Bas eli ne characteristics of dr ug injectio n–naive, stre et-involv ed youth acc ord ing to non inject ion use of crystal me thamphet amine, Vanc ouver, Brit ish Co lumbia

Use of crystal metha mphet ami ne; no. (%) of pa rticipants *

Tota l No Yes Characteristi c n = 39 5 n = 25 4 n = 14 1

Sociodemographic Age, yr, m edian (IQR) 21.6 (19.6–23.3) 21.7 (19. 5–23.6) 21.4 (19. 7–22.8) Sex, mal e 269 (68.1) 177 (69.7) 92 (65.2) Ethnici ty, whit e 242 (61.3) 147 (57.9) 95 (67.4) Rec ent drug u se† Coca ine 194 (49.1) 127 (50.0) 67 (47.5) Crack c ocaine 221 (55.9) 137 (53.9) 84 (59.6) Heroin 63 (15.9) 31 (12.2) 32 (22.7) Ca nnabis 389 (98.5) 252 (99.2) 137 (97.2) Alco hol 69 (17.5) 50 (19.7) 19 (13.5)

Note: I QR = int erq uartile range . *Except wher e indi cated ot herwis e. †All dru g-use variables refe r to n oninje ction use in the pre ceding 6 month s.

CMAJ, December 10, 2013, 185(18) 1571 Research

tial geographic area of transition into drug depen - Interpretation dence among street-involved youth. 22–24 Partici - pants reported that a variety of individuals were Within a sample of street-involved youth in a present at initiation events, including friends Canadian setting, recent noninjection use of crystal (17/30 [57%]), family members (4/30 [13%]) and methamphetamine was independently associated acquaintances (3/30 [10%]). However, 17% of with an increased risk of subsequent initiation of respondents (5/30) reported initiating injection injection drug use. Furthermore, within a subsam - drug use alone. All but one of the initiates (30/31 ple of first-time injection drug users, crystal [97%]) reported that they had not shared needles methamphetamine was most commonly reported during their first injection experiences. A major - as the drug used during initiation events. Most ity of participants (25/31 [81%]) reported that studies of injection initiation have employed cross- someone else performed the injection during the sectional or retrospective data. 11,20,25–27 The retention initiation event. Finally, fewer than half of partici - rate of the current longitudinal study (65.7%) was pants (12/29 [41%]) reported subsequently comparable to that of other longitudinal studies of becoming regular injection drug users during the injection initiation (64%, 28 67% 29 ) but somewhat study period. lower than that reported in another Canadian study

Table 2: Correlations bet ween ind ependent variables of inter est

Recent dr ug us e

Ethnici ty, Se x, Cr ystal Variabl e whit e male Age, yr Coca ine Crack Heroin meth ampheta mine Ca nnabis Alco hol

Ethn ici ty, white Pearson correla tion 1 0.004 –0.18 5 0.71 7 0.67 6 0.83 8 0.75 5 0.80 4 0.79 0 p va lue (2-tailed) NA 0.888 < 0.001 < 0.00 1 < 0.00 1 < 0.00 1 < 0.00 1 < 0.00 1 < 0.00 1 Sex, male Pearson correla tion 1 0.218 0.01 7 0.02 9 –0.01 8 –0.01 5 0.12 1 0.01 1 p va lue (2-tailed) NA < 0.001 0.55 9 0.31 0 0.53 2 0.60 6 < 0.00 1 0.71 4 Age , yr Pearson correla tion 1 –0.19 8 0.05 6 –0.11 0 –0.09 3 –0.15 2 –0.15 8 p va lue (2-tailed) NA < 0.00 1 0.05 2 < 0.00 1 0.00 1 < 0.00 1 < 0.00 1 Rec ent drug u se* Coca ine Pearson correla tion 1 0.52 8 0.62 7 0.55 5 0.63 9 0.64 4 p va lue (2-tailed) NA < 0.00 1 < 0.00 1 < 0.00 1 < 0.00 1 < 0.00 1 Crac k Pearson correla tion 1 0.666 † 0.54 6 0.58 9 0.55 6 p va lue (2-tailed) NA < 0.00 1 < 0.00 1 < 0.00 1 < 0.00 1 Heroin Pearson correla tion 1 0.68 9 0.66 6 0.66 1 p va lue (2-tailed) NA < 0.00 1 < 0.00 1 < 0.00 1 Cr ystal meth amphet amine Pearson correla tion 1 0.64 2 0.57 2 p va lue (2-tailed) N A < 0.00 1 < 0.00 1 Ca nnabis Pearson correla tion 1 0.65 8 p va lue (2-tailed) NA < 0.00 1 Alco hol Pearson correla tion 1 p va lue (2-tailed) NA

Note: N A = not app licable . *All dru g-use variables refe r to n oninje ction use in the pre ceding 6 month s.

1572 CMAJ, December 10, 2013, 185(18) Research of injection initiation (in Montréal), which had a initiation. Although the data were incomplete, we follow-up rate of 89%. 10 found in the present study that not only was non- Canadian surveillance data suggest that injection use of crystal methamphetamine associ - reported levels of crystal methamphetamine use ated with subsequent injection drug use, but also in the previous 3 months among street-involved that crystal methamphetamine was most commonly youth aged 15–24 years increased significantly reported as the drug of first injection. These results in the early 2000s, from 2.5% in 1999 to 9.5% in differ from a study of street youth in Montréal, in 2005. 30 This trend is consistent with global pat - which use of cocaine (both powder and crack terns of crystal methamphetamine use, according cocaine) was significantly associated with subse - to data from the United Nations Office on Drugs quent injection initiation. However, rates of and Crime. 13 Indeed, methamphetamine remains methamphetamine use were much lower in that set - widely available, and levels of methampheta - ting. Notably, although both crack cocaine and mine use remain high among youth, particularly methamphetamine are commonly used and widely in Southeast Asia and North America. 13 This available, 14 the independent effect of methampheta - likely reflects the relative ease with which mine on increasing the risk of injection initiation in amphetamine-type stimulants can be produced, the current study nevertheless remained. as well as the fact that, unlike available - With respect to specific drug-related risks for substitution treatments, few effective stimulant- initiation, both the Risk Evaluation and Assess - substitution treatment options exist. 31 Further - ment of Community Health (REACH) III study 20 more, a recent review of clinical treatment for and the Montréal Street Youth Cohort study 10 con - methamphetamine dependence noted the dearth cluded that individuals identified as being at high of effective treatment options for this drug, stat - risk of initiating injection drug use require more ing that one barrier to the development of treat - peer-delivered information regarding different ment has been inadequate research on the char - routes of drug administration (e.g., injection v. acteristics and consequences of use of this drug. 31 noninjection) and their consequences. To that end, The data presented here appear highly relevant some studies have suggested that older injection in the context of these upward trends. Specifically, drug users should be enlisted in efforts to educate whereas previous research has identified a variety younger drug users regarding the harms of transi - of serious health harms associated with crystal tioning to injection drug use. 33 Our current find - methamphetamine use, 32 the current study has iden - ings regarding the microsetting characteristics of tified use of this drug as a risk factor for injection injection initiation events elucidate the context-

0.5 %

No crystal methamphetamine use ,

n Crystal methamphetamine use o i t

a 0.4 i t i n i

n o i

t 0.3 c e j n i

f o

d 0.2 r a z a h

e v i 0.1 t a l u m u C 0

0 6 12 18 24 30 36

Time from recruitment, mo

Figure 2: Cumulative hazard of injection initiation among street-involved youth, stratified by use of crystal methamphetamine in Vancouver, British Columbia, October 2005 to November 2010 ( n = 395).

CMAJ, December 10, 2013, 185(18) 1573 Research

specific roles that other injection drug users may lost to follow-up may have differed from the study play in determining risk of injection initiation participants on other unmeasured factors that could among street-involved youth. Specifically, half of have affected the study findings. In this regard, it is the subsample of injection initiates reported noteworthy that those lost to follow-up did not dif - receiving the injected drug as a gift, and over four- fer significantly in terms of crystal methampheta - fifths reported that someone else had performed mine use or key sociodemographic factors other the injection during their initiation event. These than age. Third, illicit drug use remains highly findings suggest that drug-using peers and estab - stigmatized, which may have affected participants’ lished injection drug users may play a critical role responses, 36 although such bias might not have in initiating street-based young people into injec - affected the response patterns of initiators and non - tion drug use through a variety of roles. However, initiators differently. Fourth, we cannot rule out the one potential avenue to mitigate the impact of potential for confounding as a result of exposures established injection drug users may be increasing or participant traits that were not measured as part community access to evidence-based forms of of the present study. For instance, illicit stimulant addiction treatment. Given that this approach has use has been associated with psychiatric disorders, the potential to reduce the overall number of including attention-deficit/hyperactivity disor - injection drug users in a community, it may there - der. 37,38 Unfortunately, standardized assessment of fore help in reducing youth exposure to estab - psychiatric disorders was not undertaken as part of lished injection drug users in general. the At-Risk Youth Study. Similarly, there is increasing recognition of genetic factors that may Limitations predispose individuals to addictive disorders and This study had limitations consistent with observa - high-risk drug use, 39 and these data were also not tional studies of drug-using populations. First, available in the present study. Nevertheless, we although the At-Risk Youth Study reflects many identified a strong independent association characteristics representative of street-involved between crystal methamphetamine use and subse - youth living in Vancouver, 34,35 the lack of registries quent injection drug use, a finding with immediate of such young people meant that recruitment was policy implications. Finally, data on the circum - not randomized. The generalizability of this study stances of injection were not available for all inci - may therefore be limited, particularly as few, if dent cases of injection initiation. Further research, any, previous studies have been able to investigate including qualitative methods, may be useful in the potential role of crystal methamphetamine use more fully elucidating the lived experience of in increasing the risk of injection initiation among drug-use activities and the social circumstances street-involved youth. Second, the potential exists that contribute to initiation of injection drug use in that those injection-naive participants who were high-risk populations.

Conclusion Table 3: Un adjusted and adju sted h azard rat ios for factors rel ated to In this study of drug-related risks for injection initiatio n of i njection drug use amon g street- involv ed you th in Vanc ouver, British Columbi a, 2005– 2010 (n = 395) in itiation among street-involved youth, noninjec - tion use of crystal methamphetamine was in- Ha zard ratio (95% CI ) dependently associated with an increased risk of injection initiation, after adjustment for socio - Characteristic Unad justed Adjust ed demographic and drug-related confounders. In a Sociodemographic subanalysis of the circumstances of first injec - Age (per yr ol der) 0.91 (0.86–0.97) 0.81 (0.7 5–0.88) tion, the largest proportion of participants Male sex 0.61 (0.42–0.88) 0.90 (0.6 0–1.36) reported initiating injection with crystal metham - phetamine. Addressing the impact of crystal White et hnici ty (v. other ) 1.28 (0.87–1.89) 0.24 (0.1 1–0.49) methamphetamine use in increasing the risk of Rec ent drug u se* injection initiation among injection-naive street- Coca ine 0.94 (0.73–1.21) — involved youth represents an urgent public health Crack 1.20 (0.93–1.56) — priority. 9,40 Development and evaluation of appro - Heroin 1.39 (1.06–1.82) 1.73 (1.0 9–2.74) priate interventions are therefore critically Cr ystal 1.51 (1.19–1.99) 1.93 (1.3 1–2.85) needed. Indeed, consistent with calls for an methamphetamine increased focus on the prevention of injection 9,40 Ca nnabi s 0.94 (0.67–1.26) — drug use, further research is required to Alco hol 1.02 (0.77–1.37) — develop and test evidence-based interventions to prevent injection drug use in ways that accom - Note: CI = con! den ce interval . modate the complexities of crystal methamphet - *All dru g-use variables refe r to n oninje ction use in the pre ceding 6 month s. amine and polydrug use.

1574 CMAJ, December 10, 2013, 185(18) Research

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CMAJ, December 10, 2013, 185(18) 1575