Torrance Herald October 30, 1960
THE TORRANCE HERALD OCTOBER 30, 1960 COATS AND SUITS—Second Floor BEDDING, SHEETS—Third Floor MEN/5_CLOTH IN G—Street FJoor______ o> LUV/O, Lev«.i 2/5.00 Long trans-season coots, colors, white 16.90 Men's Suits OO OC 3.98-4.98 If perfect, slacks 2.99. Long lightweight bottor coats 21.90 Seconds of Candycalc cotton percales 3.98 Cotton denim slacks, broken sizes, 1.99 Odds and ends, not all colors All wool navy gabardine suiis, or Dacron 5.99 Nylon wnsh & wonr jackets, 36-46, 2.99 WOMEN'S DRESSES—Second Floor 2.99 if perfect 72x108 twin fitted 1.99 polyester nnd wool tropical weights. 3.99 if perfect 81x108 double filled 2.39 FURNITURE Third Floor Assorted Urcsses 1.65.if perfect 42x38'/2 pillow cases 1.00 99.99 Green vibrator recliner chair 69.95 14.90 MEN'S FURNISHINGS—Street Floor 249.00 Turquoise 8' sofa; foam; as is 168.00 Final clearance of summer dresses includ 129.00 Modern tangerine chair, 'as is 68.00 ing prints and solids, cottons and sheers. Men's Dress Shirts 1.00 249.50 Oriental china; cherry finish 149.50 Sizes l2'/2-24'/2. North Star and Chatham Blankets First quality, blonds, wools, acrilans Mostly whites, counter soiled, to clear. 109.00 Low back occ. chair; modern 49.00 Val. 10.98-19.98 5.99-10.99 49.95 Modern walnut step table 22.00 SPORTSWEAR 49—Second Floor White dress shirts, sgl. ndl. tailored 1.99 89.59 Plastic rockor & ottoman; grey 55,00 11.98-15.98 Cotton dresses 4.97-6.97 3.99 Dacron polyester cotton shirts 2.99 299.00 Curved front sofa; import, 15.78 Arnol tracetate jersey print Morgan Jones Tattersal Spreads Men's neckties, fall colors.
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