Nuclear Power in the Soviet Bloc
.- 1 . .!, . ., . ClC-l4 REPORT COLLECTION 722 ?.C..=:.;L-*W.2+G,,7L?SWX.\.‘.w,, .,-d.-.-*.....,..A“.,._..&.., .,.-. ~:,,<q> ., .!,., . .- . “-” . ?ol&.y Research Series No. 4 ‘ I ,,. I .,. wTy.&@A#4+i&5w#+++w&”4&.M.5 . .-, . — I ~1 —.—-.-.=... -...~>.- ,~L , ~1 ._i------- ,.--: -----:.....---.J .- —..-,. .: --=-- . .— —— -...——---——..——— ., . .. ..- ,., .,.. I , . ,, , .,>, .’. ,”. —.,:,. ““-’.”” ,. I ,.,j:~~~_~~~mo~ LosAlamos National Laboratory –=--~, -:-.?. ... .. .—,. ..-,--.. .... ..-.,, ,. .-,.,-, .. .Los.. Alarnos,New. Mexico 87545 .. AD rUhrUtive AStiOS@@ @sortudt y Empbycr t The documents in this series represent a range of studies carried out at Los ) Alarnos in the general areas of national security and energy. Previous publications in the series are given below. No. 1. Strategic Trends and Critical Choices by Donald M. Kerr, Steven A. Maaranen, and Robert E. Pendley, LA-8692-MS, January 1981. No. 2. Ballistic Missile Defense: A Potential Arms-Control Initiative by G, E. 13arasch, D. M. Kerr, R. H. Kupperman, R, Pollock, and H. A. Smith, LA-8632 January 1981. No. 3. Projection of Soviet Energy Use to 1990 by W. G. Davey and R. E. Pendley, LA-9153-MS, January 1982. Edited by Katherine H. Harper Prepared by Janis Dye, ADPA b . DISCKAfMER T?dsreport was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Govemmcrrt. Neither she United States Covemrrrent nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employee-s,rrrab any mrrarrt y, express or implied, or assumesaoy legal Iiabilit y or responaibilhy for the accuracy, mmpleteness, or usefulnessof any information, apparatus, product, or processdisclosed, or reprc.sentathat its use would not infsinge privately owned rights. References herein to ury spccillc commercial product, process,or service by trade mme, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwiw, does not nemsarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States C-overmnent or any agency thereof.
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