U. S. Metals Also Will Hold Election Soon Independents File for Race
THS ADS BEFORE YOU THE STORK-YOU'LL WM«t Cittulattd feptr D IT SAVES MONEY. ing CarHrtr Compitttly; ttod Miyir'i "Skb A Sportt." XIV.—No. 49. CARTERET PRESS CARTjERET, N. J,,,FRIDAY, September 16,1938 PRICE THREE CENTS. he Week Now In Race U. S. Metals Orgnniittion Candidate it Review Independents Inter-Party 2 School Building Projects :; \: (,OI;.S OFF TO Also Will Hold • .,, ,v n| [Vnh ArnVioy, File For Race GOP Contest Passed on 2nd Referendum Inr-rrl « Hun on i.o speeding through Election Soon 504 Majority Piled Up fere • i, iinrns clamped down, Up Tuesday , their occupants hep- Next Month G.O. P. PICNIC HAS For Washington School; memhers of a wedding Annual Volf for Represen- High School 163 M.inhT (,li<» raves we had Makwinaki, FitiGerald and Mayor, Organisation Back- . , .n. inst. Summer when tatives to Employee*' LARGE ATTENDANCE |( ed, Opposed By Lubern, 30 VOTES THROWN OUT ,,i m he n wedrtlng-a- Awn Sept. 26, 27 Gregor S«t to Run for Office Young Attorney Many Cwdidtte. Printed |ToUl of A* 5th vMer* have thr rare PERRY TO SUPERVISE ffo r TalkTlk i to ThronTh g in | |,,!rll' SYNOWIECKI IN RACE tn<j 7^ ihl« year o( electing NOW 3 PARTY FIGHT , iff, who Is certain to Child Submits Liat Showing Terebetsky vs. Bracher Is an hanest-to-gftodne« Matlaga On Ticket for Jut- CARTEftET—Some 3,000 people 21 Nomineei Running CARTERET — By a voU of 10M Inn. William C Wilson Other Fight to Be Set- were present at various times dur- tice of Peace; Have for and 840 acalnst mtdenU Of toe ., ,,,.„ candidate either p»ftj for Placet ing the day Bunlay at the family tied By Vote community approved the referendum minted for the office In the C.
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