+ PromotingEWSLETTE the art, skill and teaching of faceting. + Expanding the knowledge of natural and man-made crystals. + Developing and promoting uniform rules for faceting competitions within the U.S.A. and among other countries. + Sponsoring or assisting in managed competitions. + Serving as a national repository and clearing-house for faceting designs, published materials and general informationfor faceters everywhere. Officersand Appointed Staff2000-2002 The opinions expressed in the newsletter are those of the editor. contributing members, or quoted authors, and do not necessarily represent the United States Faceters Guild or its President (Acting) Keith Wyman 360-757-4572 membership. The ne\vsletter is for the express purpose of sharing information with the 20200 Cook Rd. members and other faceting guilds, and has no intent to show preference to or cause damage Burlington, WA 98233 to any product, manufacturer or commercial company. [email protected] Vice President The USFG Ne\vsletter is a quarterly publication of the United States Faceters Guild. It is (open) delivered by bulk (North America) and First Class (Canada & overseas) mail to all paid members of the Guild at the end of March, June, September, and December. Membership Secretary dues are $18 per year (U.S.). $21 (Canada), and $23 (Overseas) and are payable to the Alan Beck 208-884-0468 USFG treasurer. 2173 Sunny Slope Rd. Meridian, ID 83642 Correspondence concerningthe content of the newsletter, exchange bulletins and ne\vslet­ [email protected] ters should be sent to the editor. § Treasurer MEMBERSHIP-CARD POLICY Don Dunn 937-426-5112 Membership cards will be sent as inclusions in the newsletter. Members who rene\V their 993 Renown Rd. membership or new members \Viii receive ne\v membership cards in the issue following Dayton, OH 45430-1112 Don Dunn's recording of their dues payment. This procedure was instituted in place of [email protected] sending cards by snail-mail to reduce mailing costs and to simplify the coordination of Membership (Coordinated between Don Dunn and bookkeeping bet,veen ne,vsletter mailing-lists and membership lists (i. e., membership Jack E. Gross) card lists). Editor USFG NEWSLETTER BACK I Jack E. Gross 406-755-1279 ISSUES AVAILABLE 227 Segiah Way Kalispell, MT 59901 [email protected] Copies of the follo\ving back issues of the USFG Newsletter have been reproduced and arc no,v available from the Guild's Ne\Vslctter Editor: WebMaster Dan Linder 925-691-9898 March 1995: September 1995: December 1995: March 1996 1255 Detroit Ave #12 Concord, CA 94520 June 1996: September 1996: December 1996; and all issues since June 1998. [email protected] Back issues (\vhile the SUQply lasts) are priced at $2.50 per issue plus mailing costs ($LOO for one issue plus $0.50 for each additional issue mailed in the same package Emeritus Board Member {i.e.. $3.50 for one issue and $3.00 for each additional issue mailed in the same enve­ Charles L. Moon 707-822-6063 lope). 155 Myrtle Court Arcata, CA 95521-6511 SEND FUNDS AND ISSUE NUMBERS TO THE TREASURER DON DUNN. HE [email protected] WILL THEN PASS THE REQUEST TO THE EDITOR. § § December, 2002 Volume 12, Number4 !u.S.F.G. Newsletter Vol. 12 No. 4 December, 2002 ! IN THIS ISSUE Page PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE NEW MEMBERS_____, _______ _,,_3 Season's Greetings to all. DUES AND NEWSLETTER POLICY_____ _ __,,_3 I hope the briefbreak between Thanksgiving and Christmas gave everyone the chance to put the final polish on that special gem for SOURCES OF INFORMATION,___ _____ _,,_3 that very special person. And speaking of special gems, I hope everyone has taken a close look at the single stone competition USFG WEBPAGE URL_______. ___ ____,,_3 designs and, more important, has started cutting one ofthem. It's never too early to dop up a chunk of rough and at least cut a prac­ ABOUT THE "U/W''__ _________ __,,_3 tice stone. The Novice and Premaster designs are both to be cut out ofquartz, so the rough shouldn't be a problem for anyone. GEMSTONES AND LIGHT-2____. _____ ..:,:4 The Masters design is to be cut out ofthe most commonly avail­ able typesof beryl. Ifyou're thinking ofentering in this division FACETING TECHNIQUES FOR FRIABLE, and you don't have a piece ofnice clean beryl, then it's time to STRESSED, AND HEAT-SENSITIVE STONES__ __,,_5 start "prospecting". The designs were published in the September 2002 U.S.F.G. Newsletter and are on the web site. FACETING PLATONIC SOLIDS__ ______ _,_7 http://www.usfacetersguild.om/ DYING AND HEAT TREATING QUARTZ AND OTHER STONES__ _________.L9 JC.ar.'W:,"'"" MAST ALIGNMENT-ANOTHER LOOK__ ___ �!�! President, USFG § ABOUT USFG FACETING-SKILL CERTIFICATION_ __,J _,,_3 CORRECTION TO FIG. 6 IN "GEMSTONES AND LIGHT-2" FACETER'S QUIZ__ ___________J"" 3 ON PAGE 4 OF THIS NEWSLETTER ANSWERS TO LAST QUIZ__ _______ ____el,,_3 Figure 6. Ideal Light Path in last month's article, "Gemstones and FIRST "HEALING CRYSTALS"-AND NOW THIS 14 Light -2," on page 6 showed the critical angle incorrectly. The corrected figure is shown below: § ABOUT COMPETITION-STONE GIRDLE THICKNESS_ll HEATLESS DOPPING 20 COLD DOPPING ON HOLLOW DOPS WITH EPOXY PUTTY 20 PREPARATION AND USE OF TYPEMETAL LAPS 21 LAP TIP #9 22 FACETING SYNTHETIC GEMSTONES DESIGN NO. 4 OF A SERIES-LIGHTHOUSE -00' USFG FACETERS E-MAIL LIST 24 THE LOUPE 25 POST FROM THE USFG "FACETERS LIST'- ULTRA LAPS 26 Figure 6. Ideal Light Path POST FROM THE USFG "FACETERS LIST"- ALCOHOL FOR CLEANING 26 SOME THOUGHTS ON DESIGNING FACET CUTS 27 USFG MEMBERS WEBSITES 28 AUSTRALIAN FACETERS' GUILD ANNOUNCES THE INTERNATIONAL FACETING CONFERENCE 2004___1Q APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP__ __ ___�3""2 2 lu.S.F.G.Newsletter Vol. 12 No. 4 December, 2002 l �----11,____ 11,_1 ABOUTTHE "U/W" IN THE USFG 1'i1 NEW MEMBERS 111 NEWSLETTER'S STONE DIAGRAMS EDITOR'S NOTE: Many stone diagrams/or this newsletter are MEREDITH BANKS, GA 1111 1111 !printedwith GemPrint. The GemPrint software converts one of 111 DAVID E. CORN, AL 11,1 �he stone dimensions into a "UIU'" expression. Robert Strick­ 1 JOHN-PIERRE DUFOUR, TX and, developer ofthe GemPrint software, provides an explana­ 1�1 l�ll "ion ofthe term.§ 'lJ MICHAEL W. HANES, CA 'lJ and U/W will not necessarily be measured point-to-point or 1"·1'lJJI OLIVIA HENDERSON, NC I".'lJ ""I T/W flat-to-flaton all designs. The most precise definitionI can think .,. GARY KRATOCHVIL, TX 111 ofat the moment is: On the top (plane) view ofthe stone drawing, fi:1 JOE KROGAN, AZ draw the smallest possible rectangle with sides parallel to the l SAMUEL M. MIGLIACCIO, NJ lfi:J edges ofthe paper that contain all ofthe table. This rectangle will ]I f.i ;i· touch at least four points on the table and might lie on top ofone 'lJ" FRANK H. NORMAN, CA f._9 or more edges of the table outline. The length ofthe long side of 111 RAYMOND Q. QUITORIANO, CA 111 this rectangle will be T, and the length ofthe short side of the VERLIN SCHWEMMER, CA table will be U. Ifthe stone has a diamond-shaped table, both T 111 and U will be measured point-to-point. Ifa round brilliant is ELVIN G. UECKER, TX ({i:] , drawn so that four edges ofthe table are parallel to the edges of lfi;J l{i:J the paper, both T and U will be the same, and both will be mea­ 1 sured flat-to-flat. In any event, GemPrint will draw dimension 11 lfi;J lines on the drawing in the margins of the top view that clearly ,.,.,.,.,--------· indicate T and U. § SOURCES OF THIS NEWSLETTER'S INFORMATION DUES AND NEWSLETTER POLICY The USFG is continously involved in such newsletter New membership cards are being sent to each member each time (andinformation) exchanges which currently include they renew their membership. tbe following newsletters and their respective publish­ POST YOUR MEMBERSHIP CARD IN A CONSPICUOUS ing guilds: PLACE IN ORDER TO BE TIMELY REMINDED OF YOUR MEMBERSHIP EXPIRATION DATE. ANGLES---Faceters Guild of Southern California When you receive an issue, if your membership will expire before FACETERS' STONECHAT---UK Faceter Cutters the next issue, the address label on the mailing envelope will dis­ Guild play DUES DUE. F ACETS---Columbia-Willamette Faceter's Guild All members who receive a FACET TALK---Australian Faceters' Guild DUES DUE MEET POINTS---Vancouver Island Faceters' Guild issue will receive one more complimentary issue. The name line THE CRYSTAL AND GEM NEWS---North Puget on the address label on the mailing envelope that issue will display Sound Faceting Guild FINAL REMINDER. THE NEW MEXICO FACETER---New Mexico Faceters Guild For members who elect not to renew their membership, the FINAL REMINDER NEWSLETTER---The North York Faceters Guild issue will be the FINAL ISSUE mailed. For members who renew NEWSLETTER---Texas Faceters' Guild their membership, the OFF-THE-DOP---Intermountain Faceters Guild FINAL REMINDER THE TRANSFER BLOCK---The Faceters Guild Of issue will be the firstissue fortheir renewed membership year. § NorthernCalifornia. § USFG WEBPAGE URL http://www.usfacetersguild.org 3 lu.S.F.G. Newsletter Vol. 12 No. 4 December, 2002 ! GEMSTONES ANDLIGHT -2 Another important concept regarding light entering our transparent material is that most materials are doubly refractive, so when the By Clare Gagnon ray of light enters the stone it splits and becomes two separate rays. See Fig. 2. Knowing that light can be captured and returnedto the eye froma facetedgemstone and understanding that this returnedlight is giv- ing the stone its brilliant appearance, we can findways to further enhance the returnof light.
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