11/25/2019 Mail - Woodgate, Jenny - Outlook Large Development Sites Consultation - Representations on behalf of Harrow Estates @savills.com> Tue 15/10/2019 17:47 To: EHDC - Local Plan <
[email protected]> Cc: @savills.com>; @harrowestates.co.uk> 6 attachments (18 MB) Doc 4 FINAL Northbrook Landscape Analysis_JC_HB.PDF; Doc 5 FINAL Northbrook Ecology Technical Note_151019_IS_HM.PDF; Harrow Estates EHDC Large Development Sites Questionnaire.pdf; Doc 1 FINAL Chawton Heritage Note October 2019.pdf; Doc 2 FINAL Chawton Landscape Addendum and AVR Photography.pdf; Doc 3 FINAL Northbrook Masterplan Analysis 14.10.19.pdf; Dear Sir / Madam On behalf of Harrow Estates please find attached the following in response to the Large Development Sites consultation which closes at midnight. § Large Development Sites Questionnaire § Representations on behalf of Harrow Estates § Document 1. Chawton Park Farm Heritage Assessment (Pegasus, October 2019) § Document 2. Chawton Park Farm Landscape Addendum (Tyler Grange) § Document 3. Northbrook Park Masterplan Analysis Plan 1 & 2 (Savills Urban Design) § Document 4. Northbrook Park: Landscape Analysis (Tyler Grange) § Document 5. Northbrook Park: Ecology Note (Tyler Grange) Please note the following documents will follow on separate emails due to file size: § Document 6. Technical Paper 1: Chawton Park Garden Village: Transport Feasibility Report (Calibro, October 2019) o Document 6. Technical Paper 1: Appendices Part 1 o Document 6. Technical Paper 1: Appendices Part 2 o Document 6. Technical Paper 1: Appendices Part 3 o Document 6. Technical Paper 1: Appendices Part 4 § Document 7. Technical Paper 2: Land at Northbrook Park (Calibro, October 2019) § Document 8. Technical Paper 3: Neatham Down (Calibro, October 2019) Please let me know If you would like hard copies of any documents.