Annex B. List of 72 European Municipalities and Associations 189 │

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Annex B. List of 72 European Municipalities and Associations 189 │ ANNEX B. LIST OF 72 EUROPEAN MUNICIPALITIES AND ASSOCIATIONS 189 │ Annex B. List of 72 European municipalities and associations Count Country Name of municipality Population count Corresponding region TL2 level 1 AUT Schwaz 13 688 Tyrol 2 AUT Vienna 1 840 226 Vienna 3 AUT Bad-Hofgastein 6 920 Salzburg 4 BEL Leuven N/A Flemish 5 CZE Brno 377 028 South Moravian Region 6 DEU Aichach-Friedberg 130 916 Bavaria 7 DEU Altena 18 715 North Rhine-Westphalia 8 DEU Amberg-Sulzbach 103 568 Bavaria 9 DEU Ammerland 121 435 Bavaria 10 DEU Ansbach 185 653 Bavaria 11 DEU Bamberg 145 570 Bavaria 12 DEU Barnim 186 933 Brandenburg 13 DEU Berlin 3 485 900 Berlin 14 DEU Burgendlandkreis 184 152 Saxony-Anhalt 15 DEU Coburg 82 855 Bavaria 16 DEU Düsseldorf 635 704 North Rhine-Westphalia 17 DEU Euskirchen 205 855 North Rhine-Westphalia 18 DEU Freising 173 225 Bavaria 19 DEU Fürth 128 409 Bavaria 20 DEU Gifhorn 175 000 Lower Saxony 21 DEU Grossrosseln 8 651 Saarland 22 DEU Günzburg 123 153 Bavaria 23 DEU Region Hannover 1 170 735 Lower Saxony 24 DEU Harz, Landkreis 220 585 Saxony Anhalt 25 DEU Karlsruhe 435 841 Baden-Württemberg 26 DEU Kulmbach N/A Bavaria 27 DEU Landsberg am Lech 117 657 Bavaria 28 DEU Main-Taunus-Kreis 242 848 Hesse 29 DEU Munich 1 542 860 Bavaria 30 DEU Neumarkt, Landkreis 131 000 Bavaria 31 DEU Neu-Ulm N/A Bavaria 32 DEU Neustadt an der Waldnaab, Landkreis 95 200 Bavaria 33 DEU Nürnberg 529 407 Bavaria 34 DEU Nürnberbeger Land 167 000 Bavaria 35 DEU Regensburg 189 390 Bavaria 36 DEU Rhön-Grabfeld 79 723 Bavaria 37 DEU Rosenheim 63 251 Bavaria 38 DEU Rotenburg, Landkreis 163 253 Lower Saxony 39 DEU Schwabach 42 453 Bavaria 40 DEU Solingen 162 272 North Rhine-Westphalia 41 DEU Uckermark 121 000 Brandenburg 42 DEU Unterallgäu 140 000 Bavaria 43 ESP Barcelona 1 610 427 Catalonia 44 ESP Bilbao N/A Basque Country 45 ESP Donostia/San Sebastian N/A Basque Country 46 ESP EUDEL (Asociación de Municipios N/A N/A WORKING TOGETHER FOR LOCAL INTEGRATION OF MIGRANTS AND REFUGEES © OECD 2018 190 ANNEX B. LIST OF 72 EUROPEAN MUNICIPALITIES AND ASSOCIATIONS │ Count Country Name of municipality Population count Corresponding region TL2 level Vascos/Association of Basque Municipalities) 47 ESP Laudioa/Llodio N/A Basque Country 48 ESP Portugalete N/A Basque Country 49 FIN Helsinki 628 228 Helsinki-Uusimaa 50 FIN Tampere 225 118 Western Finland 51 FRA Paris 2 229 621 Île-de-France 52 GBR Aberdeenshire N/A Scotland 53 GBR COSLA, Convention of Scottish Local N/A N/A Authorities – association 54 GBR Glasgow 593 245 Scotland 55 GBR Newport N/A Wales 56 GBR South Lanarkshire N/A Scotland 57 GRC Athens 664 000 Attica 58 ITA Cerro Maggiore N/A Lombardy 59 ITA Milan 1 368 590 Lombardy 60 ITA Parma N/A Emilia-Romagna 61 ITA Rome 2 864 731 Lazio 62 LUX Esch-sur-Alzette N/A Luxembourg 63 LUX Luxembourg N/A Luxembourg 64 LUX SYVICOL (Association of Luxembourg Cities N/A N/A and Municipalities) 65 LVA Latvia (Association of Local and Regional N/A N/A Governments) 66 NDL Amsterdam 834 713 North Holland 67 NDL Utrecht 338 980 Utrecht 68 ROU Calarasi N/A South East 69 SWE Gothenborg 548 719 West Sweden 70 TUR Gaziantep 2 384 244 Southeastern Anatolia 71 TUR Sultanbeyli 2 382 751 Istanbul 72 TUR Union of Municipalities of Turkey N/A N/A Source: OECD Case Studies and Ad-hoc Questionnaire. WORKING TOGETHER FOR LOCAL INTEGRATION OF MIGRANTS AND REFUGEES © OECD 2018 From: Working Together for Local Integration of Migrants and Refugees Access the complete publication at: Please cite this chapter as: OECD (2018), “List of 72 European municipalities and associations”, in Working Together for Local Integration of Migrants and Refugees, OECD Publishing, Paris. DOI: This work is published under the responsibility of the Secretary-General of the OECD. The opinions expressed and arguments employed herein do not necessarily reflect the official views of OECD member countries. This document and any map included herein are without prejudice to the status of or sovereignty over any territory, to the delimitation of international frontiers and boundaries and to the name of any territory, city or area. You can copy, download or print OECD content for your own use, and you can include excerpts from OECD publications, databases and multimedia products in your own documents, presentations, blogs, websites and teaching materials, provided that suitable acknowledgment of OECD as source and copyright owner is given. All requests for public or commercial use and translation rights should be submitted to [email protected]. Requests for permission to photocopy portions of this material for public or commercial use shall be addressed directly to the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) at [email protected] or the Centre français d’exploitation du droit de copie (CFC) at [email protected]..
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