Posner President of Elektra/Asylum
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Dedicated to the Needs August 25, 1913 Of the Music/Record Industry 11W Inaugurates Holzman Sr. VP at WCI; Geffen Chmn., Japanese Coverage sNEW YORK-BobAustin and Sid Parnes of Record World Posner President of Elektra/Asylum have announced that beginning NEW YORK-Jac Holzman, this week, Record World willfounder and for 23 years the inaugurate a weekly column andPresident and Chief Executive charts on Japan, in conjunctionOfficer for Elektra Records, has with "Original Confidence," Ja-been named Chairman of the pan's leading music trade publi-Planning Committee and Senior cation."OriginalConfidence" Vice President of Warner Com- will henceforth have exclusivemunicationsInc.,bySteven Japaneserights to Record Ross, WCI Chairman. The for- World stories and charts, whilemal announcement was made Record World will have recipro-last Tuesday(14) at a press calrights within the Unitedreception in New York. States to the Japanese publica- At the same time, it was an- tion. nouncedthatDavidGeffen In a joint statement AustinwouldbecomeChairmanof and Parnes expressed pleasureElektraRecords.whileMel Pictured (from left)are Mel Posner, JacHolzman, Nesuhi Ertegun with the new agreement thatPosner would becomePresi- (foreground), David Geffen, Ahmet Ertegunand Allan Cohen. will add "solid coverage of thedent of the label (see separate burgeoning Japanese recordingstory). man "will continue to bein- Geffen, Posner industry to Record World's in- Holzman'sdutiesasVice - volved in the record business" ternationallineup."See pagePresident,accordingto WCIby advising all of the Warner-Assume Key Posts 52. VicePresidentAllanCohen,Elektra-Atlanticlabels."The who made the announcementwhole corporation will benefit NEW YORK-David Geffen at the press reception, will in-from Jac's guidance," he con-has been appointed Chairman of cludecontinuinginvolvementcluded. Elektra and Asylum Records, invideo -disc,cable television Regarding his new positionwhile Mel Posner will become and quad. Cohen called Holz-with Warner Communications,President. Both announcements man "a fine record man whoHolzman commented "Becausewere made by WCI Chairman has been inthe forefront ofmusic is such an important as-Steven Ross at a press recep- technological advances in thepect of WCI's activities, I willtion held here last week (14), industry." and added that Holz - (Continued on page47) coinciding with Jac Holzman's appointment as a Warner Com- municationsInc.Senior Vice Soko Koike, center, President of N.Y. Times Music Corp. Formed; President. the Japanese music trade publica- tion"OriginalConfidence,"is Murray Deutch Named President At the same time it was an- shown with Record World's Edi- nounced that Asylum Records tor -in -Chief Sid Parnes, left, and NEW YORK - The New will become part of the Elektra Publisher Bob Austin,in RW's YorkTimes Companyhas New York office, where an agree- formed The New York Times (Continued on page47) ment was reached granting reci- procal use of charts and storiesMusic Corporation, a new sub- from the two magazines. sidiary that will begin opera- tions on September17,it was announced last week. Grateful Dead Koppelman Named As reportedinlastweek's Label Set For Record World, thePresident VP, Natl. An at Col and ChiefExecutiveofthe Indie Distribution NEW YORK-Irwin Segel - companywill be Murray SAN FRANCISCO - Rec- stein,PresidentofColumbia Deutch, who has spent the past ord World has learned that Records,hasannouncedthe 11 years with United Artists the Grateful Dead label will appointment ofCharles Kop-Music having been president at be independentlydistrib- pelman as Vice President, Na- that company since1970. Murray Deutch uted, and that their distri- tional A&R, for Columbia Rec- According to Sydney Gruson, bution setupis80 percent ords. The appointment isef- The Times' Senior Vice Presi- tobuilda music publishing complete. Thelabel'sfirst fective immediately. dent for subsidiary operations, entitythatwillfunctionin album, a new release from In his new capacity, Koppel -Deutch's activities will includemany phases of the industry," the Dead, should be ready man will coordinate and super- theacquisitionofexistingGruson said. in October. A spokesman for viseallofthelabel'sa&r song catalogs, the signing of Gruson noted that the new the label would neither con- activities, reporting directly tocomposers in the popular musicsubsidiary will work in close firm nor deny a report that Segelstein. Workingclosely field,includingtheatreand relatonship with Quadrangle/ an official announcement withstaffandindependenttelevision, and the management The New York Times Book would be made in the next producers, he will be heavilyandpromotionofexisting Company. Quadrangle pub - few weeks. (Continued on page19) catalogs. "Itis our intention (Continued on page47) 3.