Monarch- The New Phoenix Program- The New Phoenix Program II Tuesday, September 18, 2012 7:10

The Phoenix Program, assassinating suspected VC sympathizers in a systematic manner, worked well during the Vietnam War and is the blueprint for the current black op targeting thousands of loyal Americans using state of the art microwave (MW) and radio frequency radiation (RFR) weapons. The motivation to suppress domestic dissidents and to assassinate loyal American opposition stems from the perception of dissent against the war as treason.

This philosophy is stated very clearly in the MindWar paper written by NSA General Aquino. The DOD has a huge stake in futuristic technology that kills by ionizing and non-ionizing radiation, leaving little or no trace. The indiscriminant killing of the Phoenix Program continues on American soil. The terms soft kill, slow kill and silent kill refer to the new way of killing the enemy in conflicts short of war and the small wars of the future. The counterinsurgency doctrine has now been applied to the home front, so that the perceived betrayal of the military in Vietnam will not be repeated.

The generation of CIA and military intelligence led by Shackley, Helms, Casey, Abrams, Singlaub, Secord, John B. Alexander, Michael Aquino, Paul Vallely, and others have built the perfect beast, using selective assassination that leaves no trace.

The ability to cull the human herd with Silent Kill technology allows a few personalities to remake the entire society in their own image. (Excerpt from 2468326.html The New Phoenix Program II (1hr20min) full

The New Phoenix Program II (1hr20min) 1:19:59 - 1 year ago Film about microwave weapons war crimes and crimes against humanity. The victims tell their story of being tortured mercilessly with state of the art anti-personnel weapons.

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Welcome to Monarch Concepts Inc.

Thank you for visiting. We invite you to browse through our store and shop with confidence. The works are free to all people. If you wish to buy a hardcopy here to support victims of torture, then please accept my profound gratitude on their behalf.

Monarch Concepts nonprofit 501 C 3 raises funds for victims of torture and abuse, this includes victims of nonlethal weapons assaults & organized stalking. Three websites are for sales of films, books, merchandise dedicated to them alone.

The SUPER PAC (political action committee) MARSHALL PLAN PAC raises funds for the FOUR GOALS, political reforms & a new Marshall Plan (blogs). There are two dedicated websites for sales of films, books, and merchandise.

One website dedicated to fund the author through sales of his own films and books.

ALL sales at other websites, unless otherwise stated, go to the author. It is not uncommon for nonprofit organizations to be taken away from their founders (GRAMEEN BANK/Professor Muhammad Yunus). The author pledges that all funds go to fight for the victims of torture and abuse, and to reform our institutions so this never happens again. Diversification allows the mission to succeed, even if 1-2 pathways are blocked or destroyed. Marshall Gregory Thomas

The films, books, & songs are free on these websites:

Please see these websites to purchase a hard copy of the films, books, songs, & merchandise:

These websites have the free films, books, songs, & merchandise The works are free to all people. These websites have the free films, books, & songs

Microwave weapons to neutralize and kill political activists and whistleblowers, U.S. Citizens,The New Phoenix Program Thursday, August 26, 2010 17:01

The film about war crimes using microwave weapons to neutralize and kill political activists and whistleblowers. The author has interviewed 200 targets who have been turned into human guinea pigs to perfect electromagnetic weapons and the science of behavior modification. 2hrs and 15 minutes

Obama targeted individual assassination Phoenix Program includes Americans.

Obama has now authorized what Bush began, assassinating targeted individuals including Americans on US soil, confirming that the new global Phoenix Program recommended by General Patraeus in 2009 is now officially operational. It has been tested and used on an untold and growing number of innocent citizens since 2001's mass murder. In Monarch no-touch torture of US targets press conference slated, the writer highlighted Tom Hayden's revelation that "General David Petraeus, Commander, U.S. Central Command advocated the "global Phoenix Program," alluding to the notorious Vietnam-era CIA data-base operation used to torture and assassinate innocent civilians due to their political beliefs. (Tom Hayden, Reviving Vietnam War Tactics, The Nation, 2008) Global includes the U.S."

In "Shocking state secrets: Patriot ACT illegal spy domestic terror campaign, the author detailed how the new Phoenix Program secretly escalated since 9-11-2001 and is not a new Obama administration crime:

"Revelations that the Central Intelligence Agency launched a world-wide assassination program, and then concealed its existence from the U.S. Congress and the American people for eight years, carries an implication that death squads may have been employed against political opponents." (Tom Burghardt, Antifascist Calling, 's 'Executive Assassination Ring', Global Research, July 17, 2009)more here> national/obama-targeted-individual-assassination-phoenix-program-includes-americans Monarch: The New Phoenix Program II

Introduction: The New Phoenix Program

I Human Radiation Experiments



IV Cults and Cover Up

V Cointelpro and Phoenix Program

VI Aquino and Alexanders’ New Phoenix Program

VII Mind War

VIII The Targeted Individuals

IX The Law

X The Pleas (30 letters)

XI Science of the Virtual Gulag XII Bibliography PDF File link here> %20Thomas%20-%20Monarch%20II%20-%20Victims.pdf

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WEDNESDAY, APR 7, 2010 04:08 AM MST Confirmed: Obama authorizes assassination of U.S. citizen

N.Y. Times, Washington Post both report that the president has taken a step beyond where even George Bush would go BY GLENN GREENWALD Anwar al-Awlaki

(updated below – Update II – Update III – Update IV)

In late January, I wrote about the Obama administration’s “presidential assassination program,” whereby American citizens are targeted for killings far away from any battlefield, based exclusively on unchecked accusations by the Executive Branch that they’re involved in Terrorism. At the time, The Washington Post‘s Dana Priest had noted deep in a long article that Obama had continued Bush’s policy (which Bush never actually implemented) of having the Joint Chiefs of Staff compile “hit lists” of Americans, and Priest suggested that the American-born Islamic cleric Anwar al- Awlaki was on that list. The following week, Obama’s Director of National Intelligence, Adm. Dennis Blair, acknowledged in Congressional testimony that the administration reserves the “right” to carry out such assassinations.

Today, both The New York Times and The Washington Post confirm that the Obama White House has now expressly authorized the CIA to kill al-Alwaki no matter where he is found, no matter his distance from a battlefield. I wrote at length about the extreme dangers and lawlessness of allowing the Executive Branch the power to murder U.S. citizens far away from a battlefield (i.e., while they’re sleeping, at home, with their children, etc.) and with no due process of any kind. I won’t repeat those arguments — they’re here and here — but I do want to highlight how unbelievably Orwellian and tyrannical this is in light of these new articles today.

Just consider how the NYT reports on Obama’s assassination order and how it is justified: The Obama administration has taken the extraordinary step of authorizing the targeted killing of an American citizen, the radical Muslim cleric Anwar al-Awlaki, who is believed to have shifted from encouraging attacks on the United States to directly participating in them, intelligence and counterterrorism officials said Tuesday. . . .

American counterterrorism officials say Mr. Awlaki is an operative of Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, the affiliate of the terror network in Yemen and Saudi Arabia. They say they believe that he has become a recruiter for the terrorist network, feeding prospects into plots aimed at the United States and at Americans abroad, the officials said.

It is extremely rare, if not unprecedented, for an American to be approved for targeted killing, officials said. A former senior legal official in the administration of George W. Bush said he did not know of any American who was approved for targeted killing under the former president. . . .

“The danger Awlaki poses to this country is no longer confined to words,” said an American official, who like other current and former officials interviewed for this article spoke of the classified counterterrorism measures on the condition of anonymity. “He’s gotten involved in plots.”

No due process is accorded. No charges or trials are necessary. No evidence is offered, nor any opportunity for him to deny these accusations (which he has done vehemently through his family). None of that.

Instead, in ’s America, the way guilt is determined for American citizens — and a death penalty imposed — is that the President, like the King he thinks he is, secretly decrees someone’s guilt as a Terrorist. He then dispatches his aides to run to America’s newspapers — cowardly hiding behind the shield of anonymity which they’re granted — to proclaim that the Guilty One shall be killed on sight because the Leader has decreed him to be a Terrorist. It is simply asserted that Awlaki has converted from a cleric who expresses anti-American views and advocates attacks on American military targets (advocacy which happens to be Constitutionally protected) to Actual Terrorist ”involved in plots.” These newspapers then print this Executive Verdict with no questioning, no opposition, no investigation, no refutation as to its truth. And the punishment is thus decreed: this American citizen will now be murdered by the CIA because Barack Obama has ordered that it be done. What kind of person could possibly justify this or think that this is a legitimate government power?

Just to get a sense for how extreme this behavior is, consider — as the NYT reported — that not even George Bush targeted American citizens for this type of extra-judicial killing (though a 2002 drone attack in Yemen did result in the death of an American citizen). Even more strikingly, Antonin Scalia, in the 2004 case of Hamdi v. Rumsfeld, wrote an Opinion (joined by Justice Stevens) arguing that it was unconstitutional for the U.S. Government merely to imprison (let alone kill) American citizens as “enemy combatants”; instead, they argued, the Constitution required that Americans be charged with crimes (such as treason) and be given a trial before being punished. The full Hamdi Court held that at least some due process was required before Americans could be imprisoned as “enemy combatants.” Yet now, Barack Obama is claiming the right not merely to imprison, but to assassinate far from any battlefield, American citizens with no due process of any kind. Even GOP Congressman Pete Hoekstra, when questioning Adm. Blair, recognized the severe dangers raised by this asserted power.

And what about all the progressives who screamed for years about the Bush administration’s tyrannical treatment of Jose Padilla? Bush merely imprisoned Padilla for years without a trial. If that’s a vicious, tyrannical assault on the Constitution — and it was — what should they be saying about the Nobel Peace Prize winner’s assassination of American citizens without any due process?

All of this underscores the principal point made in this excellent new article by Eli Lake, who compellingly and comprehensively documents what readers here well know: that while Obama’s “speeches and some of his administration’s policy rollouts have emphasized a break from the Bush era,” the reality is that the administration has retained and, in some cases, built upon the core Bush/Cheney approach to civil liberties and Terrorism. As asked in his superb 2006 speech protesting Bush’s ”War on the Constitution”:

Can it be true that any president really has such powers under our Constitution?

If the answer is yes, then under the theory by which these acts are committed, are there any acts that can on their face be prohibited?

If the president has the inherent authority to eavesdrop on American citizens without a warrant, imprison American citizens on his own declaration, kidnap and torture, then what can’t he do?

Notice the power that was missing from Gore’s indictment of Bush radicalism: the power to kill American citizens. Add that to the litany — as Obama has now done — and consider how much more compelling Gore’s accusatory questions become.

UPDATE: When Obama was seeking the Democratic nomination, the Constitutional Law Scholar answered a questionnaire about executive power distributed by The Boston Globe‘s Charlie Savage, and this was one of his answers:

5. Does the Constitution permit a president to detain US citizens without charges as unlawful enemy combatants? [Obama]: No. I reject the Bush Administration’s claim that the President has plenary authority under the Constitution to detain U.S. citizens without charges as unlawful enemy combatants.

So back then, Obama said the President lacks the power merely to detain U.S. citizens without charges. Now, as President, he claims the power to assassinate them without charges. Could even his hardest-core loyalists try to reconcile that with a straight face? As Spencer Ackerman documents today, not even John Yoo claimed that the President possessed the power Obama is claiming here.

UPDATE II: If you’re going to go into the comment section — or anywhere else — and argue that this is all justified because Awlaki is an Evil, Violent, Murdering Terrorist Trying to Kill Americans, you should say how you know that. Generally, guilt is determined by having a trial where the evidence is presented and the accused has an opportunity to defend himself — not by putting blind authoritarian faith in the unchecked accusations of government leaders, even if it happens to be Barack Obama. That’s especially true given how many times accusations of Terrorism by the U.S. Government have proven to be false.

UPDATE III: Congratulations, Barack Obama: you’re now to the Right of National Review on issues of executive power and due process, as Kevin Williamson objects: ”Surely there has to be some operational constraint on the executive when it comes to the killing of U.S. citizens. . . . Odious as Awlaki is, this seems to me to be setting an awful and reckless precedent. “ But Andy McCarthy — who is about the most crazed Far Right extremist on such matters as it gets, literally — is as pleased as can be with what Obama is doing (or, as Gawker puts it, “Obama Does Something Bloodthirsty Enough to Please the Psychos”).

UPDATE IV: Keith Olbermann’s coverage of this story was quite good tonight — see here.

Follow Glenn Greenwald on Twitter: @ggreenwald. MORE GLENN GREENWALD. Monarch no-touch torture of US targets press conference slated


Navy confirms TI reports on Electromagnetic Pulse WMD threat

Targeted man wants investigation of corrupt 'security' program and hi-tech weapons

(Video) No-touch torture in psychological war on Targeted Individuals

Human Target to President Obama: Ensure TI justice and accept our help letter

CIA prevented 7000 Vietnam Vet secret mind control human experimentees from medical treatment

Friday, April 16th, Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance (FFCHS) human rights organization in alliance with Ms. Connie Marshall, candidate for mayor of Louisville, Kentucky will convene a press conference about the wave of Monarch Program criminal surveillance and electronic no-touch torture in the U.S.

Human targets of this well-hidden form of domestic terror that some call "organized stalking and electronic torture" suffer effects of shocking mind and body-invasive technologies causing severe physical and psychological injuries to point of death in some cases according to credible reports to Dupré.

Monarch, the New Global Phoenix Program

Dupré has learned from a Department of Defense engineer veteran with a professional background in this covert military program that the criminal activity involves "psychotronic engagement while operating a rogue geosynchronous satellite with directed energy weaponry." (See: No-touch torture in psychological war on Targeted Individuals, Examiner, 2010) Tactics injuring many thousands of targeted individuals across the country and globe is part of the global Phoenix/Monarch program according to the former military engineer. In January 2010, the writer reported:

General David Petraeus, current Commander, U.S. Central Command, advocated the "global Phoenix Program," alluding to the notorious Vietnam-era CIA data-base operation used to torture and assassinate innocent civilians due to their political beliefs. (Tom Hayden, Reviving Vietnam War Tactics, The Nation, 2008)

"Global" includes the U.S., targeting of American citizens, as researcher Marshall Thomas has reported. (See Dupre, "Shocking State Secret," Examiner, Jan. 12, 2010)

Perpetrators range from rogue elements of every level of government to corporations to private citizens according to FFCHS.

Candidate for Mayor represents many thousands of targets

Up against the Monarch criminal cabal with military expertise and operating with impunity, during a local news conference, Louisville mayoral candidate Connie Marshall (D) revealed that she's been "harassed by the government and a victim of attacks because of a lawsuit she filed against a previous employer" according to WHAS 11. There is an over-representation of whistleblowers, civil and human rights defenders and journalists targeted with this treatment.

Marshall, whose background is real estate and civil rights, can be viewed in the following archived videos on WLYK News in which she outlines her platform and discusses parts of the covert criminal activity against her:

Raw Video: Connie Marshall Announces Candidacy Raw Video: Part 2 Connie Marshall Announces Candidacy

Raw Video: Part 3 Connie Marshall Announces Candidacy

Congressional investigation called

There is increasing pressure on Senate Judiciary Committee Chair, Senator Patrick Leahy for congressional investigation on this form of domestic terrorism. "Not since the late 70's has a serious look been given to the increasing intrusion by the US intelligence agencies into the private lives of American citizens. A congressional hearing and investigation into these covert activities is way overdue," stated Derrick Robinson, head of FFCHS.

Engineers, doctors, authors, a psychologist, human rights defenders and others are gathering to speak at the April 16 press conference. Rep. Jim Guest, a Missouri statehouse representative will be speaking. After obtaining so many complaints from victim of this crime, Guest issued a letter to all members of Congress urging an investigation.

One press conference speaker has been featured in an episode last season of Jesse Ventura's "Conspiracy Theory" television series.

In February, KENS 5 News reported on a house of horrors created by perpetrators of this covert form of torture and mind control, persecuting Targeted Individuals (TIs). This was the first time a major media outlet reported with integrity on TIs and extremists' domestic terrorism that subsequently gained national attention. (See: Dupre, Human Targets: KENS 5 reports on Texas TIs in house of horrors, Examiner, Feb. 19, 2010.)

The importance and prominence of this assembly of individuals signals the rise of a major issue in the United States whose time has come to be addressed.


Chris Crowder, Mechanical Engineer Dr. John Hall, Anesthesiologist, Author, A New Breed: Satellite Terrorism in America Robert Duncan O'Finioan, former Manchurian Candidate Rep. Jim Guest, Missouri House of Representatives Cyndie Spanier, Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist Dr. Terry Robertson, Anesthesiologist Tim White, Human Rights Activist, Telecommunications Engineer Katherine Moore, former Vice-Mayor, Wilmington, NC Mary Ann Stratton, Human Rights Activist Michael Lauria, commercial airline pilot, ret. Joan Germano, Real Estate Agent Jo Rabjohn, Author Brian Uram, Real Estate Agent Learn more: Be at the press conference at Cornerstone Cottage, 3799 Bardstown Road at 11:00 A.M. Email Marshall at [email protected] and Robbinson at [email protected]. See over fifty recent articles related to no-touch torture of Targeted Individuals at the Examiner, 2009-1010.

Deborah Dupré, B.S, M.S. and Post-Grad DipCont.ED, has been a client and community human and civil rights advocate for over 25 years in the U.S., Vanuatu and Australia. Your subscribing to Dupré's reports and posting the link to this site (rather than entire article) is requested and appreciated unless republishing permission is granted by emailing [email protected] free to support her human rights work, including a soon to be published book about targeted individuals, by contributing at Dupré's most recent book is Operation H1N1: Vaccine Liberty or Death.

Shocking state secret: PATRIOT ACT illegal spy domestic terror campaign against Whistleblowing TIs


Chance for Congress to restore Constitution and protect innocent targeted individuals

Hit-listed Targeted Individuals call for Senate Judiciary Committee investigation

Big brother's terrorizing stalking habit legal unless Patriot Act replaced

Top-level nationwide criminal racket targeting whistleblowers hits the skies

Targeted man wants investigation of corrupt 'security' program and hi-tech weapons U.S. citizen informants, part of PATRIOT ACT illegal surveillance operation/ Photo credit: Targeted

Chris Zucker is a targeted individual (TI) due to his whistleblowing, only one of millions of innocent American citizens illegally, covertly watched and only one of an untold number of those under shocking attack enabled by the USA PATRIOT Act's illegal surveillance component that he calls a "government-mob program" and government calls "state secrets." The term domestic terror is also apropos, and albeit homegrown, it has little or nothing to do with Muslims, except perpetrators' racist exploitation of them as scapegoats.

Simplified, domestic terrorism is "terrorism practiced in your own country against your own people" (, or "involves groups or individuals whose terrorist activities are directed at our government or people in U.S. without foreign direction." (

A new study out of Duke University on U.S. homegrown terrorism says that "the threat of radicalization among American Muslims has been overstated." (AP, Study: Risk of Homegrown Terror Exaggerated, January 6, 2010) The study report does not state, however, that homegrown terrorism does not exist.

President and founder of Freedom Fighters for America, Zucker knows it does and is raising awareness about American terrorists by exposing their national system and cells that incorporate illegal government spying. He is not alone in his mission. Zucker's story, detailed in Miriam Snyder's Talkshoe Radio (audio) interview, and on Freedom Fighters for America home page (text), is consistent with over 600 American TI horror stories, each representing USA PATRIOT Act's capacity for domestic terror, including "trashing people's lives" as WAEA's Captain Dan Hanley calls it, plus torture and assassination on U.S. soil, covertly unleashed in full force, using the 911 mass murder as pretext for suppression.

General David Petraeus, current Commander, U.S. Central Command, advocated the "global Phoenix Program," alluding to the notorious Vietnam-era CIA data-base operation used to torture and assassinate innocent civilians due to their political beliefs. (Tom Hayden, Reviving Vietnam War Tactics, The Nation, 2008) Global includes the U.S.

"Revelations that the Central Intelligence Agency launched a world-wide assassination program, and then concealed its existence from the U.S. Congress and the American people for eight years, carries an implication that death squads may have been employed against political opponents." (Tom Burghardt, Antifascist Calling, Dick Cheney's 'Executive Assassination Ring', in Global Research, July 17, 2009)

Veteran humanitarian, Tom Hayden reported, "The mainstream media has never reported on the use of the "global Phoenix program" in Iraq, perhaps because the explosive terminology has largely disappeared from the writings and résumé of Lt. Col. David Kilcullen after he first being referred to it in a forty-eight-page strategy paper, 'Countering Global Insurgency' published in the obscure Small Wars Journal in September-November 2004."

"To achieve deniability, the CIA trained and transferred operational authority to the South Vietnamese national police, who tortured suspects indiscriminately," states Hayden, painfully familiar to Zucker due to his experience in the U.S. according to his interview.

Illegal surveillance

Illegal surveillance is not passive watching as commonly mistaken. (See Paul Baird, Surveillance Issues, As Zucker's account highlights, the terms illegal spying, surveillance and invasion of privacy are smokescreens for the program, tools and treatment the PATRIOT ACT enables to target whistleblowers and some people indiscriminately.

Just as stalking is often only a precursor for targeted rape and home robberies to determine whereabouts and when a home will be vacant, illegal spying is required for lethal covert attacks, set- ups and other forms of corruption to ruin the target's life, in Cointelpro (COunterINTELligence PROgram) signature style. Zucker describes the network of U.S. extremists, their tools and assaults in the shocking Talkshoe Radio interview, a testimony of how criminals infiltrated at every level of society and government, some as citizen informants, are involved in the domestic terror program that supposedly protects Americans from terror.

"Today's Cointelpro not only involves the above elements, but now targets of this harassment are routinely tortured or harassed in their homes. They are followed around by Suburban Spies or paid community snitches. They are spied upon with technology that can be used to listen to them and watch them from outside of their homes." (Targeted Individuals One system to rule them all, Cointelpro)

The contrived acronym "USA. PATRIOT. ACT," stands for Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001 (Public Law Pub.L. 107-56 cited by Wikipedia)

Since the 2001 USA PATRIOT ACT (PATRIOT ACT) secret "tools" enabled the US government to intrude on innocent Americans' privacy and violate fundamental constitutional rights that the Bill of Rights Defense Committee (BORDC) has worked to expose and reverse the Act.

BORDC aims to restore Bill of Rights and rule of law

BORDC has helped lead the struggle for transparency, accountability, and restoration of civil liberties and rule of law. That struggle continues.

The next two months present an opportunity for genuine change that only American citizens can create. BORDC invites the public to raise its voice in Washington.

With three provisions of the PATRIOT Act set to expire at the end of 2009, the House and Senate rejected a proposal, the JUSTICE Act, that would have added long overdue civil liberties protections to the many controversial provisions of the PATRIOT Act. Other competing bills simply renewed the provisions without consideration for their significant toll on the rights and freedoms of law-abiding Americans.

Instead of passing any of these bills, Congress voted in late December to renew the expiring provisions for 60 days.

"Now, with calls emerging to demand even more power to monitor and spy on Americans of all walks of life, we must demand that Congress uphold our Constitution and protect our rights. As the Constitution once again finds itself with few allies in Washington, Congress is about to resuscitate a cornerstone of the domestic surveillance regime and shred what little remains of constitutional privacy," stated Shahid Buttar, Executive Director of BORDC. (Emphasis added)

Buttar is urging Americans to join BORDC in Washington, DC on February 3, 2010.

"Help us flood the halls of Congress and bring your concerns about domestic spying into your representative's office," Buttar stated.

BORDC, in collaboration with a broad coalition of allies, is organizing a grassroots lobby day in Washington to oppose the reauthorization of the PATRIOT Act.

The lobby day will include a morning briefing with advice on how to talk to your members of Congress from issue experts, meetings with your congressional representatives, and an afternoon debrief over lunch.

"Come to Washington this February to show your members of Congress just how important it is to you, their constituents, that they stand up for your constitutional rights," states Buttar.

If able to visit Washington, DC or send a community member to fight the PATRIOT Act on February 3, register on the BORDC website and a staff member will be in contact with further details and next steps.

Mr. Zucker's account of "illegal surveillance" of individuals placed on a "watch list" is consistent with what hundreds if not thousands of innocent Americans experience.

Mr. Zucker's experience of forced drugging and medical torture, that began and continued with illegal spying, did not occur in an overseas hidden prison. It occurred on U.S. soil. This treatment could happen to any honest, law-abiding American and is happening, particularly to whistleblowers, but also to random targets in communities nationwide, due to the PATRIOT ACT.

Learn more by taking responsible action and continuing to ask, "Why?" and "Why not?"

Listen to Zucker's story in Miriam Snyder's Talkshoe Radio (audio) interview, and read it on Freedom Fighters for America home page (text). Tune into anytime to hear Captain Hanley on Blogtalk Radio where he interviews aircrew including federal air marshalls, targeted to have their lives tragically ruined from the system of terror, all due to their attempts to these professionals' attempts to protect and keep secure airline passengers.

Your subscribing to Deborah Dupré's reports and posting the link to this site (rather than entire article) is requested and appreciated unless republishing permission is granted. Readers can support Dupré Reports by contributing at She emails a free copy of OPERATION H1N1 ebook to all supporters.

Also read:

DOJ's shoot-to-kill, law of jungle rules woman's TI life

Expose and Expunge Targeted Individuals of domestic spying racket

Top-level nationwide criminal racket targeting whistleblowers hits the skies

Dick Cheney’s “Executive Assassination Ring”.

Was British Weapons Expert Dr. David Kelly a Target ?

By Tom Burghardt Global Research, July 17, 2009

Antifascist Calling... July 17, 2009

Region: USA

Theme: Intelligence, Law and Justice Antifascist Calling…

Revelations that the Central Intelligence Agency launched a world-wide assassination program, and then concealed its existence from the U.S. Congress and the American people for eight years, carries an implication that death squads may have been employed against political opponents.

The Wall Street Journal reported July 13 that “A secret Central Intelligence Agency initiative terminated by Director Leon Panetta was an attempt to carry out a 2001 presidential authorization to capture or kill al Qaeda operatives, according to former intelligence officials familiar with the matter.”

Investigative journalist Siobhan Gorman writes, “The precise nature of the highly classified effort isn’t clear, and the CIA won’t comment on its substance.”

The Washington Post however, revealed July 16 that the assassination plan was sanctioned by President Bush. Unnamed “intelligence officials” told the newspaper that “a secret document known as a ‘presidential finding’ was signed by President George W. Bush that same month, granting the agency broad authority to use deadly force against bin Laden as well as other senior members of al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups.”

According to Post reporter Joby Warrick, Bush’s finding “imposed no geographical limitations on the agency’s actions” and that the CIA was “not obliged to notify Congress of each operation envisaged under the directive.” This implies that targets could be hit anywhere, including on the soil of a NATO ally or inside the United States itself.

According to the Los Angeles Times the program “was kept secret from lawmakers for nearly eight years at the direction of former Vice President Dick Cheney.”

Despite these reports and hand-wringing amongst congressional Democrats, there’s something fishy here. After all, isn’t the whole point of America’s “global war on terror” to “capture or kill” al-Qaeda suspects? What’s so secretive or controversial about that? The descriptions of the operation that have so far emerged however, bear a striking resemblance to charges laid earlier this year when investigative journalist Seymour Hersh said that the Bush administration stood-up an “executive assassination ring.”

During a “Great Conversations” event at the University of Minnesota in March the veteran journalist told the audience: “After 9/11, I haven’t written about this yet, but the Central Intelligence Agency was very deeply involved in domestic activities against people they thought to be enemies of the state. Without any legal authority for it. They haven’t been called on it yet. That does happen.”

The program was allegedly shut down by Panetta on June 23, a day after leaning of the agency’s clandestine initiative. What make these revelations all the more significant is that the CIA Director only learned of the program fully four months after assuming office.

“The implications,” socialist analyst Bill Van Auken writes, “are clear. The CIA maintained the secrecy ordered by Cheney even after the latter had left office, and continued to conceal the existence and nature of the covert operation not only from Congress, but from the Obama administration itself.”

But was the program shut down? The Washington Post further revealed that the plan, allegedly “on the agency’s back burner for much of the past eight years, was suddenly thrust into the spotlight because of proposals to initiate what one intelligence official called a ‘somewhat more operational phase’.”

Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, a former top aide to U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell hints that the program was in a “somewhat more operational phase” years earlier, despite repeated denials by CIA officials and congressional staffers.

Wilkerson told MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow Show July 14, “What I suspect has happened is what began to happen while I was still in the government, and that was we’re killing the wrong people. And we’re killing the wrong people in the wrong countries. And the countries are finding out about it, or at least there was a suspicion that the countries might find out about it, and so it was shut down. That’s my strong suspicion.”

According to Wilkerson, the teams may have been dispatched under deep cover, using Joint Special Operations Command as a cut-out, a confirmation of charges made by Seymour Hersh in March. When U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld was queried by the State Department, “after some hemming and hawing, which was Rumsfeld’s forte, he finally admitted that he had dispatched some of these teams,” Wilkerson explained. Powell’s former aide told Maddow, “It’s laughable that the CIA has never lied to Congress. “They lie to Congress on a routine basis.” Much the same can be said of General Powell who lied to the entire world “on a routine basis” during the run-up to the invasion of Iraq.

It must also be said there is precedence for the CIA’s alleged death squad activities during the Bush era. In Vietnam for example, the CIA and U.S. Special Forces jointly ran a secret assassination program that targeted Vietnamese dissidents. As author Douglas Valentine revealed in his definitive study, The Phoenix Program, Operation Phoenix “was a computer-driven program aimed at ‘neutralizing’, through assassination, kidnapping, and systematic torture, the civilian infrastructure that supported the insurgency in South Vietnam.”

Those programs never died and have since morphed into above top secret “Special Access Programs” used with deadly effect in Central- and South America during the 1980s and across the Middle East today.

One Scandal Leads to Another

The latest scandal comes on the heels of revelations that the Bush administration’s massive secret surveillance programs targeting the American people went far beyond well-publicized warrantless wiretapping.

A new 38-page declassified report issued July 10 by inspectors general of the CIA, National Security Agency, Department of Justice, Department of Defense and the Office of National Intelligence, collectively called the acknowledged “Terrorist Surveillance Program” and cross-agency top secret “Other Intelligence Activities” the “President’s Surveillance Program.”

The IG’s report failed to disclose what these programs actually did, and probably still do today under the Obama administration. Shrouded beneath impenetrable layers of secrecy and deceit, these undisclosed programs lie at the dark heart of the state’s war against the American people and perhaps, other regime opponents.

The CIA’s Office of Inspector General said that “the program was an additional resource to enhance the CIA’s understanding of terrorist networks and to help identify potential threats to the U.S. homeland,” and that the “PSP was one of many tools available to them, and that the tools were often used in combination.” However, “some officers told the CIA OIG that there was insufficient legal guidance on the use of PSP-derived information.” (pp. 33-34) But with a thin reed provided by President Bush’s executive orders, presidential findings and 2001 congressional authorization for war against al-Qaeda, why would there be “insufficient legal guidance”? If “PSP-derived information” was used to target alleged al- Qaeda operatives there wouldn’t be need for additional legal guidance. If however, the CIA “was very deeply involved in domestic activities” as Seymour Hersh averred, and used NSA information for political dirty tricks it would be a violation of the CIA’s charter, one that comes with serious consequences including jail time.

Investigative journalists James Risen and Eric Lichtblau, who broke the NSA spy story in The New York Times in 2005, reported July 11 that intelligence officials “‘had difficulty citing specific instances’ when the National Security Agency’s wiretapping program contributed to successes against terrorists.”

True enough as far as it goes, but perhaps these programs were highly efficacious in silencing those who were deemed politically suspect, even within the defense and security apparatus itself.

While major media in the United States insist that the Agency’s assassination program was meant to target al-Qaeda assets, one question inevitably raises its head: did the CIA and allied intelligence services murder political opponents? Were covert actions carried out by the CIA–at home or on the soil of America’s allies–”against people they thought to be enemies of the state,” as Hersh revealed?

More pointedly, was the British bioweapons expert Dr. David Kelly, who leaked information to the press that the British and American governments had falsified the case for the 2003 invasion of Iraq, murdered for exposing the fraudulent evidence for war or worse, planning an exposé on the West’s continued development of offensive biological weapons?

The David Kelly File

Dr. David Kelly was an unlikely dissident. In fact Kelly wasn’t a dissident at all, but a prominent figure in Britain’s bioweapons defense establishment.

The former head of the microbiology department at Porton Down, the UK’s secret biological and chemical warfare research facility, at the time of his 2003 death Kelly was a consummate insider, a trusted keeper of state secrets; dangerous and deadly secrets that could topple governments. A civilian employee of Britain’s Ministry of Defence (MoD), Dr. Kelly was a biological weapons expert and former United Nations weapons inspector in Iraq. His off-the-record conversations with journalist Andrew Gilligan about the British government’s fraudulent claim that Iraq possessed “weapons of mass destruction” set off a firestorm that continues to smolder.

While David Kelly wasn’t a spy, he did enjoy unprecedented access to the world of secret intelligence. Indeed, according to author Gordon Thomas Kelly had helped orchestrate the defection of a top Russian microbiologist Vladimir Pasechnik (who turned up dead in 2001, allegedly from a stroke) and played a part in the FBI’s investigation into the 2001 anthrax attacks in the United States by trying to identify the origin of the Ames strain used in the fatal mailings.

In 2008, the multiyear, multimillion dollar “Amerithrax” investigation was closed when the Bureau claimed that Dr. Bruce Ivins was the killer. Ivins, a top anthrax expert at the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) at Ft. Detrick in Maryland committed suicide. According to the FBI version, the scientist killed himself just as the Bureau was about to arrest him for the crime.

Many were unconvinced that Ivins was the anthrax “lone gunman.” Indeed, Sen. Patrick Leahy, the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee and a target of the 2001 attacks, charged FBI Director Robert Mueller with staging a cover-up.

During 2008 hearings, Leahy angrily chided Mueller: “If he is the one who sent the letter, I do not believe in any way, shape or manner that [Ivins] is the only person involved in this attack on Congress and the American people. I do not believe that at all. I believe there are others involved, either as accessories before or after the fact, I believe there are others who can be charged with murder.”

Richard Spertzel, Ivins’ former boss at Ft. Detrick told investigative journalists Bob Coen and Eric Nadler, “He’s dead and they can close the case and he can’t defend himself. Nice and convenient isn’t it?”

Thomas claims that Kelly had worked with two American scientists, Benito Que and Don Wiley, who also turned up dead under highly suspicious circumstances.

It was originally claimed by authorities that Que was bludgeoned to death during an attempted carjacking in Miami. “Strangely enough,” The Toronto Globe & Mail reported in 2002, “his body showed no signs of a beating. Doctors then began to suspect a stroke.” Wiley, according to the Canadian newspaper “was an expert on how the immune system responds to viral attacks such as the classic doomsday plagues of HIV, ebola and influenza.” After planning a trip to Graceland with his son police “found his rental car on a bridge outside Memphis, Tenn. His body was later found in the Mississippi River. Forensic experts said he may have had a dizzy spell and have fallen off the bridge.”

As it turned out, the pair were “engaged in DNA sequencing that could provide ‘a genetic marker based on genetic profiling’.” Thomas writes: “The research could play an important role in developing weaponized pathogens to hit selected groups of humans–identifying them by race. Two years ago, both men were found dead, in circumstances never fully explained.”

Coincidence, or something more sinister?

By summer 2003, it was obvious that Saddam Hussein’s regime did not possess WMDs and that the entire pretext for invading Iraq was based on a lie, concocted by the American regime, and in particular by Vice President Richard Cheney and the neoconservative mafia in control of America’s defense and security apparatus.

Tasked to the Defence Intelligence Staff, Kelly read a of the Joint Intelligence Committee’s (JIC) dossier on Iraq’s reputed WMDs. He was unhappy with many of the report’s conclusions, according to multiple press reports. He disputed the infamous claim that the Iraqi Army was capable of launching battlefield biological and chemical weapons within “45 minutes” of an order from Saddam. This dubious claim, one of many, was inserted into the report at the insistence of MI6 political masters acting through the JIC.

During a trip to Iraq in June 2003, Kelly inspected what were alleged by the Bush administration to be “mobile weapons laboratories,” a claim infamously made by U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell at the United Nations in February 2003. The Observer reported that a British scientist, who turned out to be David Kelly, told the newspaper: “They are not mobile germ warfare laboratories. You could not use them for making biological weapons. They do not even look like them. They are exactly what the Iraqis said they were–facilities for the production of hydrogen gas to fill balloons.”

One of the key pieces of evidence to emerge was the JIC’s, and Kelly’s, involvement with Operation Rockingham, a secret program for weapons inspections in Iraq.

Former UN weapons inspector Scott Ritter told the Sunday Herald that Operation Rockingham was a “dirty tricks” unit “designed specifically to produce misleading intelligence that Saddam has weapons of mass destruction to give the UK a justifiable excuse to wage war on Iraq.”

Describing the unit as “dangerous,” Ritter told investigative journalist Neil Mackay, “Rockingham was spinning reports and emphasizing reports that showed non-compliance (by Iraq with UN inspections) and quashing those which showed compliance. It was cherry- picking intelligence.”

A political firestorm ensued, which threatened the viability of Prime Minister Tony Blair’s Labour government. Heads would have to roll; one of those heads as it turned out, would be David Kelly’s.

After an appearance before Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Select Committee on July 15, 2003, Kelly was visibly upset by his shoddy treatment by MPs. In an email to New York Times reporter Judith Miller, a serial-fabricator who had stitched-up evidence that Iraq was reconstituting its nuclear weapons program, Kelly said there “were many dark actors playing games.”

During the whitewash known as The Hutton Inquiry, a British ambassador David Broucher reported a conversation he had with Kelly in Geneva. The ambassador asked Kelly what would happen if Iraq were invaded? The bioweapons expert replied, “I will probably be found dead in the woods.”

Two days after giving testimony before Parliament he was.

“A Wet Operation, a Wet Disposal”

In The Strange Death of David Kelly, Liberal-Democratic MP Norman Baker builds a strong case that the scientist was murdered. Despite Lord Hutton’s dubious findings that Kelly killed himself, several troubling facts intruded to upend the British government’s apple cart. To summarize:

The lack of fingerprints found on the knife allegedly used by the scientist to slit his wrists; the lack of blood found at the scene, despite a verdict that he had sliced open an artery; unexplained contusions on Kelly’s scalp; the position of the body discovered by searchers differed markedly from that alleged by detectives; bottled water, knife and wristwatch said to be found by detectives were not observed by the searchers who actually discovered the body; eight computers removed from Kelly’s home and office by MI6 agents; missing dental records; the level of painkillers found in Kelly’s stomach was “less than a third” of what is considered a fatal overdose by medical experts. On and on it goes…

One source told Baker that Dr. Kelly’s death was “a wet operation, a wet disposal,” a term used in intelligence circles to denote an assassination.

Six years after Kelly’s murder, a group of British doctors have announced that “they were mounting a legal challenge to overturn the finding of suicide,” The Mail on Sunday reports.

A 12-page opinion concludes: “The bleeding from Dr Kelly’s ulnar artery is highly unlikely to have been so voluminous and rapid that it was the cause of death. We advise the instructing solicitors to obtain the autopsy reports so that the concerns of a group of properly interested medical specialists can be answered.”

One motive which may have led to Kelly’s murder was that the scientist was writing a book “exposing highly damaging government secrets before his mysterious death,” The Sunday Express reported July 5.

According to published reports, Kelly intended to reveal that he had warned Prime Minister Tony Blair “there were no weapons of mass destruction anywhere in Iraq weeks before the British and American invasion.” Despite warnings that the book would breach Britain’s draconian Officials Secrets Act, Kelly sought advice on how he might bring his findings into a publishable form.

These reports also suggest that Kelly threatened to “lift the lid” on a larger scandal, “his own secret dealings in germ warfare with the apartheid regime in South Africa.”

Investigative journalists Bob Coen and Eric Nadler in their book Dead Silence: Fear and Terror on the Anthrax Trail and a companion 90-minute documentary, Anthrax War, provide startling evidence that Kelly’s death is linked to a secret world of germ warfare research.

Indeed, according to Coen and Nadler, David Kelly’s secret dealings included a connection with Dr. Wouter Basson, the cardiologist who was the former head of the South African apartheid regime’s clandestine biological and chemical warfare program, Project Coast.

During Basson’s 1999 trial and subsequent acquittal, evidence presented by some 150 witnesses, including operatives linked to South African snatch-and-kill squads, tied Basson to chemical and biological research used in extrajudicial executions by the apartheid regime. It was further alleged that Project Coast had conducted active research into the fabrication of “ethnic weapons” that would specifically target South Africa’s black population.

In Anthrax War, Basson states that his findings were shared with foreign scientists, including those affiliated with weapons research in Britain and the United States. According to a 2001 piece in The New Yorker,

Basson had already put the fear into American intelligence during his T.R.C. [Truth and Reconciliation Committee] appearance, where he handed over fourteen pages of notes from a visit to the United States in 1981. American Air Force officers had been eager to develop joint “medical projects” with South Africa, he wrote. … Basson says that in 1995 his life was threatened on the street by a C.I.A. agent. The American Embassy in Pretoria admits privately that the United States government is “terribly concerned” that Basson may start talking about his sources of information and technology. The Embassy hopes that an impression of “unwitting coöperation” is all that emerges in the way of an American connection. (William Finnegan, “The Poison Keeper,” The New Yorker, January 15, 2001)

Coen and Nadler uncovered evidence that Kelly had discovered a “Porton Down-South Africa connection” linked to a global bioweapons black market. The investigative journalists told the Express, “We have proved there is a black market in anthrax. David Kelly was of particular interest to us because he was a world expert on anthrax and he was involved in some degree with assisting the secret germ warfare programme in apartheid South Africa.”

Andrew Mackinlay, a British MP blamed for humiliating Kelly “to the point of suicide” started “asking questions in the House of Lords” after the scientist’s death “about Kelly’s relationship with these bad actors in Pretoria, even making inquiries about South African links to Pasechnik’s Regma firm.”

Founded in 2000 by the deceased scientist, Regma Bio Technologies was headquartered on the Porton Down campus and had signed a contract with the U.S. Navy for anti-anthrax research.

What Mackinlay discovered about the entire operation was highly disturbing to say the least. His inquiry sparked “the convening of an extraordinary ‘handling strategy meeting’ involving thirteen officials from different government agencies. But any and all information about UK- South African germ work was withheld from the MP.”

Mackinlay told Coen and Nadler, “This is one of the most closely guarded secrets of the British government.” The question is, did David Kelly threaten to reveal these “closely guarded secrets” in the book he was preparing, and was this a motive for certain “dark actors” to eliminate a person now considered “an enemy of the state”?

These programs are not Cold War relics. Biological weapons research continues today and remain one of America’s most deadly secrets. As the 2001 anthrax attacks which employed a weaponized version of the bacteria to sow terror, and subsequent FBI cover-up illustrate, such programs remain fully operational.

The evidence suggests that Dr. David Kelly, as Norman Baker avers “may have signed his own death warrant” by threatening to reveal this secret underworld menacing all humanity with unimaginable horrors.

That an out-of-control agency like the CIA has the means, motives and opportunity to silence critics and that “no geographical limitations” were placed “on the agency’s actions,” should give pause to a society that considers itself a democracy.

Media revelations so far have suggested that the CIA and Special Operations Forces were assembling teams to “put bullets in [the al Qaeda leaders'] heads” as The Wall Street Journal reported.

But perhaps the Obama administration’s trepidation in exploring this and other Bush-era programs through congressional hearings or the mechanism of a special prosecutor has much to do with fear of opening a proverbial can of worms.

One never knows where such an investigation might lead.

Tom Burghardt is a researcher and activist based in the San Francisco Bay Area. In addition to publishing in Covert Action Quarterly and Global Research, an independent research and media group of writers, scholars, journalists and activists based in Montreal, his articles can be read on Dissident Voice, The Intelligence Daily, Pacific Free Press and the whistleblowing website Wikileaks. He is the editor of Police State America: U.S. Military “Civil Disturbance” Planning, distributed by AK Press. Obama targeted individual assassination Phoenix Program includes Americans


Obama has now authorized what Bush began, assassinating targeted individuals including Americans on US soil, confirming that the new global Phoenix Program recommended by General Patraeus in 2009 is now officially operational. It has been tested and used on an untold and growing number of innocent citizens since 2001's mass murder.

In Monarch no-touch torture of US targets press conference slated, the writer highlighted Tom Hayden's revelation that "General David Petraeus, Commander, U.S. Central Command advocated the "global Phoenix Program," alluding to the notorious Vietnam-era CIA data-base operation used to torture and assassinate innocent civilians due to their political beliefs. (Tom Hayden, Reviving Vietnam War Tactics, The Nation, 2008) Global includes the U.S."

In "Shocking state secrets: Patriot ACT illegal spy domestic terror campaign, the author detailed how the new Phoenix Program secretly escalated since 9-11-2001 and is not a new Obama administration crime:

"Revelations that the Central Intelligence Agency launched a world-wide assassination program, and then concealed its existence from the U.S. Congress and the American people for eight years, carries an implication that death squads may have been employed against political opponents." (Tom Burghardt, Antifascist Calling, Dick Cheney's 'Executive Assassination Ring', Global Research, July 17, 2009) Glenn Greenwald writes today in, "Confirmed: Obama authorizes assassination of US citizens," "When Obama was seeking the Democratic nomination, the Constitutional Law Scholar answered a questionnaire about executive power distributed by the Boston Globe's Charlie Savage, and this was one of his answers" to the the question: 5. Does the Constitution permit a president to detain US citizens without charges as unlawful enemy combatants?

[Obama]: "No. I reject the Bush Administration's claim that the President has plenary authority under the Constitution to detain U.S. citizens without charges as unlawful enemy combatants."

"So back then, Obama said the President lacks the power merely to detain U.S. citizens without charges. Now, as President, he claims the power to assassinate them without charges," writes Greenwald. "As Spencer Ackerman documents today, not even John Yoo claimed that the President possessed the power Obama is claiming here."

Referencing the Muslim cleric, Anwar al-Awlaki, believed to be a "terror suspect," Greenwald writes, "No due process is accorded. No charges or trials are necessary. No evidence is offered, nor any opportunity for him to deny these accusations (which he has done vehemently through his family). None of that." Such is typical in a fascist state. It replicates Nazi Germany. Such is the persecution targeted individuals face daily - in secret, invisible, virtual prisons in which remote electronic weaponry is applied to torture and murder with no evidence, the perfect crime.

Instead of any semblance to democracy, "the way guilt is determined for American citizens -- and a death penalty imposed -- is that the President... secretly decrees someone's guilt as a Terrorist. He then dispatches his aides to run to America's newspapers -- cowardly hiding behind the shield of anonymity which they're granted -- to proclaim that the Guilty One shall be killed on sight because the Leader has decreed him to be a Terrorist," writes Greenwald.

Nazi Germany and then Vietnam, using the old Phoenix Program, did the same. Now, in the New Phoenix Program, thousands of targeted individuals, each with personal, real-life horror stories too shocking for most people to accept, especially since mainstream media has blacked them out, know first-hand the treatment.

The GAO has reported that anyone's name can be added to today's terror suspect list, same as in Nazi Germany, then Vietnam, and since 2001, the Middle East and the US and other NATO countries where target reports have been most prevalent.

And who might be deployed to America's death squads? The Central Intelligence Agency is hiring private security contractors such as Blackwater USA (now Xe) for the secret “locate and assassinate” terrorists program according to officials, as reported in The New York Times. Again, this coincides with the dramatic influx of innocent citizens reporting counterterrorism extreme abuses against them since 2001. Some have not survived according to emails from their friends.

Persecution through surveillance

Surveillance is the key tool to target individuals. (See Paul Baird, Targeted individuals' accounts, such as that of Chris Zucker, highlight that terms "illegal spying," "surveillance" and "invasion of privacy" are smokescreens for the new Phoenix Program's lethal surveillance technology that the PATRIOT ACT authorized to target so-called "terrorists": whistleblowers and people opposing high-level corruption such as that fostering the obscenely costly, bogus "war on terror." (See: Shocking state secret: PATRIOT ACT illegal spy domestic terror campaign, Examiner, January 12, 2010.)

Although some are targeted indiscriminately, most targets are notably intelligent, charismatic and are pacifists (opposite to terrorists) with integrity and other leadership qualities. Many are journalists, whistleblowers and human rights defenders - types a fascist regime needs to engage and eliminate, juxtaposed to easily controlled "sheeple."

The new Global Phoenix Program that Marshall Thomas calls a developed continuation of the Monarch Program, employs both high-tech and foot soldiers to spy, blacklist (to ensure loss of career and income), and in the third degree, torture and assassinate. Referring to this military operation as "organized stalking," as some self-identified targeted individuals do for lack of better term or for less noble reason, creates another smokescreen for death squads. It covers-up the intricate web of the Nazi-based political program. It is like calling Gladio Nazis "stalkers."

Glenn Yeadon stated in a No Lies Radio interview that his book, Nazi Hydra, was conceived to fill a gap in the literature by providing a detailed overview of the influence of fascism within the U.S... to sound an ominous warning as to the direction this country is taking at the hands of the right-wing.” (Dupré, Progressive solutions to US Nazi-corporatism, Examiner, February 9, 2010)

The new Global Phoenix Program is a tentacle of the American Nazi hydra that has had a 100-year history suppressed for its secret development. Now refined, the hydra tentacles have reached into average American communities.

The monster hydra tentacles are embedded in the justice and health systems to terrorize those who disdain its Nazi psychopathic nature. Its false imprisonments, psychotronics, directed energy weapons and chemicals, are destroying the fabric of what was once a great nation, compassionate integrity. The hydra rages and attacks when truth is spoken. It feeds on lies and violence to satisfy its appetite for oppression.

This final stage of American fascism is what Bush secretly began. It is what Obama openly authorized.

As Baird asserts, "Passive resistance to oppression is the only way... but resist we must."

Deborah Dupré, B.S., M.S., DipConEd, has been a human and civil rights advocate for over 25 years in the U.S., Vanuatu and Australia. Feel free to support her work and book in progress about targeted individuals at , by subscribing to Dupré's reports, and by posting the link to this site unless republishing permission is granted. Email [email protected]. Dupré's book, Operation H1N1: Vaccine Liberty or Death, is available at Follow her on Twitter @gdebd. Reviving Vietnam War Tactics

Tom Hayden

March 13, 2008 | This article appeared in the March 31, 2008 edition of The Nation.

The top counterinsurgency adviser to Gen. David Petraeus in Iraq advocates practicing a "global Phoenix Program," alluding to the notorious Vietnam-era CIA operation that provoked a worldwide uproar because of the detention, torture and execution of thousands of Vietnamese.

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Tom Hayden Senator Tom Hayden, the Nation Institute's Carey McWilliams Fellow, has played an active role in American politics and...

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Ecuador’s refusal to turn Assange over to the British threatens more turmoil between the US and newly independent Latin America.

Tom Hayden

The mainstream media has never reported on the use of the "global Phoenix program" in Iraq, perhaps because the explosive terminology has largely disappeared from the writings and résumé of Lt. Col. David Kilcullen after he first being referred to it in a forty-eight-page strategy paper, "Countering Global Insurgency" published in the obscure Small Wars Journal in September- November 2004.

Kilcullen, an Australian PhD who served for twenty-one years in the Australian army, was the "chief adviser on counterinsurgency operations" to Petraeus in planning the 2007 US troop surge. He also served as chief strategist in the State Department's counterterrorism office in 2005 and 2006, and has been employed in Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan, the Horn of Africa and Southeast Asia.

In the section titled "A Global Phoenix Program" in his 2004 article, Kilcullen describes the Vietnam Phoenix program as "unfairly maligned" and "highly effective." Dismissing CIA sponsorship and torture allegations as "popular mythology," Kilcullen calls Phoenix a misunderstood "civilian aid and development program" that was supported by "pacification" operations to disrupt the Vietcong, whose infrastructure ruled vast swaths of rural South Vietnam. A "global Phoenix program," he wrote, would provide a starting point for dismantling the worldwide jihadist infrastructure today.

Phoenix was far from an "aid and development" program. To achieve deniability, the CIA trained and transferred operational authority to the South Vietnamese national police, who tortured suspects indiscriminately. CIA officer William Colby, founder of the program, told a Congressional committee in 1971 that the Phoenix operation had killed 20,587 Vietcong suspects in two years. An official Pentagon evaluation in 1968 found that "the truncheon and electric shock method of interrogation were in widespread use, with almost all [US] advisors admitting to have witnessed instances of the use of these methods...[and] 'turned their backs on them.' " A Naval Institute historian later found that "the large majority of South Vietnamese interrogators tortured some or all of the communist prisoners in their care" as well as Vietnamese suspected of collaboration with the Vietcong.

According to recently disclosed documents, Colby went to laughable lengths in trying to cover up the real nature of Phoenix. Lloyd Shearer, editor of Parade, wrote Colby in 1972 "wondering if you would care to say flatly that the CIA has never used political assassination in Indo-China or elsewhere and has never induced, employed or suggested to others that such tactics or devices be employed," adding that he would "tango with Dick Helms in Garfinkel's largest show window" if proven wrong. The documents I received from the CIA last year include no less than nine drafts of Colby's reply to Shearer, including handwritten revisions. One top CIA official wrote, "I suggest we let the whole thing drop" on an official routing slip. Another, Angus Thuermer, recommended against saying that Vietcong were killed while resisting police arrest, as follows: "'resisting police arrest'" will get you, with the press, nothing but snide snicking cracks.... and as we're really not going to win too much in a short letter anyway, why not skip the 'occasional abuses' bit."

"Officers with PhDs Advising War Effort" was the Washington Post headline for a 2007 article on Kilkullen and others. The history of university-based counterinsurgency operatives stretches back to the Michigan State University Vietnam project in the 1950s, which involved covert CIA officers training and arming South Vietnamese police. Stanley Sheinbaum, for decades a respected progressive leader and fundraiser, coordinated the MSU project and later, in disgust, broke the story to Ramparts magazine (April 1966). Nearly fifty years later, Gen. Petraeus is still recruiting academic anthropologists and systems theorists. Among them are professors at Harvard's Carr Center, which formally collaborated with him in writing the current Army and Marines' war- fighting manuals. According to a 2005 New Yorker report, American psychologists and psychiatrists are enlisted in Behavioral Science Consultation Teams to design strategies to "exploit the physical and mental vulnerabilities of detainees." Anthropologists are recruited to study tribal cultural patterns in what Kilcullen calls "armed social science."

Carefully disguised programs that use American funding and training to employ local police in torture, death squads and mass detention had continued under US sponsorship in Vietnam, the Shah's Iran and Central America before taking root in Iraq and Afghanistan. The torture revelations at Abu Ghraib prison came to public attention only through photographs posted on the web, and the official spin was that the abuses were the irresponsible behavior of an isolated few.

The evidence continues to mount that torture is being practiced in Iraq. One of Petraeus's top associates, Col. Theodore Westhusing, committed suicide in June 2005, leaving a note saying, "I cannot support a mission that leads to corruption, human rights abuses and liars." The Jones Commission reported to Congress last year that the Iraqi national police are "highly sectarian," almost entirely Shi'a, and should be disbanded. The New York Times has reported that there are as many as ten secret prisons under the Interior Ministry in Baghdad. The Los Angeles Times has described the same ministry, funded and advised by Americans, as responsible for torture and ethnic cleansing. A BBC reporter in 2006 showed footage of tortured civilians and said "it's all happening under the eyes of US commanders who seem unwilling or unable to intervene." In a July 2007 report to Congress, even the Bush Administration acknowledged that "target lists," emanating from the highest levels of the Iraqi regime, contain the names of Iraqis that are suspected of sympathizing with the insurgency. Baghdad has been turned into an urban counterinsurgency theme park with blast walls, barricades, concertina wire, checkpoints, interrogation centers, retina scans and fingerprinting, door-to-door searches--the whole panorama of police controls. The Pentagon refers to these areas as "gated communities."

Kilkullen sees the problem in terms of a biological model of disease control. In a flattering 2007 New Yorker interview with George Packer, he compared the US military surge to extending the use of antibiotics after the disease is apparently suppressed: "you keep taking it as long as possible, even after the symptoms are gone, to kill the underlying infection."

Now in his 80s, Sheinbaum shakes his head about such analogies. As he wrote in 1966 in Ramparts, "Where is the source of serious intellectual criticism that would help us avoid future Vietnams?... Our failure in Vietnam was not one of technical expertise, but of historical wisdom."

Tom Hayden

March 13, 2008 | This article appeared in the March 31, 2008 edition of The Nation.