ALLIES the Mothers Circle of the Hillside Our Tunes
a ; Page Two THE HILLSIDE TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 19, 1942 Women s Page Personal Society NotesFraternal Mrs. Belle Mentor and, her daugh MR. AND MRS. WALTER Hillside Group In Wedding April 11 ter Sonja had1 charge of the initia Three Hillside Girls HUBERTUS of Sweetland avenue A lb e rt Schreiner Social Items- tion. spent the week-end on a visit to T-he opening eqremony was led by In Cast O f Tyrad Play Mr, HubertdS’ mother on Scars- Mrs. Miriam Segall, president of the dale road, Crestwood, N. Y. On Store's Club Day O T V erna Sparks Ladies Auxiliary, also of Hillside. W eds Miss Eberle Tuesday night Mrs. Hubertus en . Hy SALLY McGHEE. Among the guests from Hillside Miss Marie Ferrlgno, of Bond tertained the following ladies at a Mrs. Emmet T. White .president, were Mrs. Segall, Celia Feldman, , Miss Verna Bernadette Sparks, street, and the Misses Eleanor and social, for the Talent-Fund of the Miss Caroline Eberle, daughter of MRS. JOHN R. TUNISON, of Ray Barrett, Clark Cook Do,., and Mrs. Oliver S. Walling will rep vice president; Mrs. Sadye Bleiweis. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Delafield Marjorie Timoney, of Clark street, Calvary Lutheran Church. Mrs. Mr. and M rs. Frank .Eberle* of. Neyja North Broad street, was, hostess, to Wainwright, Hazel Peek, -g? resent-the Woman's Club uf Hill historian; Irving Feldman, senior F t Sparks, -of 375 Glark street-, will Charles Flaminer, Mrs. Ernest Brunswick, became fcHe bride of Al the Quilting Club o f the Sewing Peek, Michael Burke, Mary Bu.
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