ALLIES the Mothers Circle of the Hillside Our Tunes
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a ; Page Two THE HILLSIDE TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 19, 1942 Women s Page Personal Society NotesFraternal Mrs. Belle Mentor and, her daugh MR. AND MRS. WALTER Hillside Group In Wedding April 11 ter Sonja had1 charge of the initia Three Hillside Girls HUBERTUS of Sweetland avenue A lb e rt Schreiner Social Items- tion. spent the week-end on a visit to T-he opening eqremony was led by In Cast O f Tyrad Play Mr, HubertdS’ mother on Scars- Mrs. Miriam Segall, president of the dale road, Crestwood, N. Y. On Store's Club Day O T V erna Sparks Ladies Auxiliary, also of Hillside. W eds Miss Eberle Tuesday night Mrs. Hubertus en . Hy SALLY McGHEE. Among the guests from Hillside Miss Marie Ferrlgno, of Bond tertained the following ladies at a Mrs. Emmet T. White .president, were Mrs. Segall, Celia Feldman, , Miss Verna Bernadette Sparks, street, and the Misses Eleanor and social, for the Talent-Fund of the Miss Caroline Eberle, daughter of MRS. JOHN R. TUNISON, of Ray Barrett, Clark Cook Do,., and Mrs. Oliver S. Walling will rep vice president; Mrs. Sadye Bleiweis. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Delafield Marjorie Timoney, of Clark street, Calvary Lutheran Church. Mrs. Mr. and M rs. Frank .Eberle* of. Neyja North Broad street, was, hostess, to Wainwright, Hazel Peek, -g? resent-the Woman's Club uf Hill historian; Irving Feldman, senior F t Sparks, -of 375 Glark street-, will Charles Flaminer, Mrs. Ernest Brunswick, became fcHe bride of Al the Quilting Club o f the Sewing Peek, Michael Burke, Mary Bu. side at Club Woman’s Day at Hahne vice commander of the post; Harry will play Important roles in the become the bride of William Sulli Heller, Mrs. Edward Icks, Mrs. John bert Schreiner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Guild of the Elizabeth Avenue Pres Ethel Cox, Robert Cox, y j . & Cb., Newark, tomorrow. Plans Feldman, Edward pieiweis, past Tryad Players for the coming pro van, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Yamarick, Mrs. Gustave Gutzat, James Schreiner, of 114 Pennsyl byterian Church at her home on Moynihan, Eleanor Moynthan for the day were announced by senior vice commander of Hurden- Sullivan, of 45 Poe avenue, Newark, duction "Would You Believe It?” Mrs. Alfred Brenner and Miss Har vania avenue, at a ceremony'there Monday afternoon. ma Huber, Buddy Andrews alii Mrs. Charles S. Maddock Jr., presi Looker Post of Hillside and Mrs. on Saturday, April 11. The cere The Tryads, under the direction riet Cramer. February 28 in the First Presby A SURPRISE FAREWELL party and Mrs. Arthur Lapp. * dent of the New Jersey State Oscar Morris. Other guests included mony will be performed by Mgr. NEXT TUESDAY Ardele Huber terian Church. The Rev. F. D. Federation of Women’s Clubs. a group from the Boys Outpost and of Alvin Walck, will present Marie was held at the home of his fiancee, ----------------- o --------- ------ Mathias Thimmes, in St. Peter’s tus will entertain the ‘‘Rollerades,’’ Niedermeyer, D. D., officiated at the their honorary adviser, Mrs. Charles Doran's three-act mystery comedy Miss Agnes Partook of Dunellen, for Registration will begin at 9:45 Chapel, Newark, at a high nuptial consisting of 'the following mem 4 o ’clock ceremony. T h e wedding Isenstein," state officers and others. at the Newark Y. M. C. A. on Buddy Hall, of Miriam place, on a. m. when the store opens and the mass at 9:15 a. m. bers: Gloria Heller, M arilyn Kling, reception followed at The Pines, Sunday afternoon officers of the Thursday evening April 9. Saturday evening. Guests Included club women who will manage the — Miss.. Rosemary Sullivan, sister .of. jcan-and-Shirley Ahern, Ruth Wei W illiam T. S DcTugntoTs- of J. w . v. and a group- •tat elaborate set is De!Kg cdh- -Meteehem..lof-125 guests •number— of—Hillside—1 rtetels—of- store for Lire day will be assigned the bridegroom, will be maid of man, Florence Wallraff, Helen Bell Mrs. Maxwell MacMichael, church Buddy. He is entering the United to their positions in the store. At from the Boys Outpost attended a structed under the supervision of and Ardele, who all skate right well. honor, and the Misses Helen Jane broadcast at Radio City and had Anthony Zuccerello, formerly with organist, played the wedding music States forces soon. 11 a. m. the members will assemble French and Arlene Ulrich, cousin SPEAKING OF SPORTS—Jane and the soloist/- Burton K. Gehret, SUNDAY EVENING in the Hill M arried In Canac in the auditorium for a special dinner at Rockefeller Center. the Philadelphia Players. of the bride-elect, will be brides Wade, only ten, bowls 130 and is sang “I L ove You T ru ly” and “Be side Presbyterian Church the Chris meeting presided over by Mrs. M. maids. Miss Sparks will have her her father proud! S h e’s from cause.” Palms and baskets of cut tian Endeavor Society had a splen Casewell Heine, editor and business Mrs. A. Williams, of Canada, sister, Miss Audrey Catherine Chapman street. flowers against the pulpit platform did gathering for the luncheon and manager of the "New Jersey Club nounces the marriage of her gn, Sparks, as junior bridesmaid. Two THE CH OIR of the Franklin made an attractive background for moving pictures. The Men’s Bible W oman,” the magazine of the Fed other cousins of the bride., Grace Homespun Br GLADYS h e t z e l Memorial Church presented the the nuptials. Class is considering holding the daughter, Miss Pearl M. Willlu eration. J. C. Buck, president of j Solomon and Gayle Mary Cullerton, Lenten Cantata, "Pardon, Penitence Miss Gertrude Eberle of New annual Easter breakfast on Easter to Sgt. Pilot William T. Swann i Hahne & Co., will welcome the will be flower girls. WE G E T IN a lot o f flag saluting signal an air raid. and Peace,” last Sunday evening. Brunswick was maid o f honor for Sunday morning. On Wednesday of Mr. and Mrs. J. Harry Swann' members with a response by Mrs. Francis Sullivan will be his and allegiance pledging lately and HEARD at the social hour follow LeRoy W asher and Teresa Beck had her sister. Miss Marion Booth of March 25 the Passion Play will be Hebron, Nova Scotia, formerly’ Maddock. brother’s best man. Another brother, I’m glad .of it. Our boys in service ing the Calvin Coolidge P.-T. A. solo parts, supported by the twenty- Rahv/ay, a cousin, and Miss Irene presented in the church auditorium. Hillside. Tire marriage took Jr The Contemporary of Newark will John Sullivan, and Raymond J. have to salute often, and stand at meeting. “No cake, thank you. Did nine members of the chorus. Mr. Van Gelder were bridesmaids, and This is an outstanding moving pic at St, James Baptist Church, Tor present a play,- "On the Air,” di Braitsch', William Marold and attention fyt the raising of the flag, you notice that I lost four pounds?” Harry Thurber, director, is doing a Carol Ann Alexander o f Cranford ture of the entir^ life of Christ. The to, on February 14 and was solen rected by Mrs. Harry W estby-Gib Charles Dugan, will be ushers. A re and we should deem it a privilege “What were they, pounds sterling?” marvelous job with the music at served as flower girl. James Mackie scenes were taken in Palestine and ized by the Rev. W. S. Whitcom son, drama chairman. The-chorus ception will follow at the Essex to do so too. I read a letter to a A YOUNG MAN enilsted in the Franklin, and music lovers can of Elizabeth attended the bride the narrator is one of America’s pastor of the church. of the Clio Club of Roselle and Ro House, Newark. “Voiqe o f the People” column in a army, and when asked what branch count on hearing fine choral in groom as best man. Charles Eberle best. The musical setting is un The bride wore a dressmaker: selle Park will sing directed by the Miss Sparks is a graduate of New York paper recently, and the of service he’d prefer, he said, "I’d spiration there. o f Sayreville, the bride’s cousin, and usually fitting. A silver offering of beige wool crepe with po* club’s music chairman, Mrs. C. E. THE WOMEN’S SOCIETY of Benedictine Academy, Elizabeth. She writer said he hoped1 the war would like to be an engineer, so I can Martin Eberle of New Brunswick, will be taken to defray expenses. blue accessories and a corsage Kuechel. Hahne & Co. will then attends the Urban Division of Seton be over in a hurry, as he was so burn H irohito’s britches behind Christian Service held its Calendar her brother, were ushers. The public is invited. orchids. Sgt. Pilot and Mrs. Sw present a fashion show, with com Hall College. Mr. Sullivan attended tired o f having to stand at the him.” (Or is that uncouth?) Party on Tuesday afternoon at the The bride, given in marriage by MR. AND MRS. JOHN HUGHES, were in Yarmouth, N. S , for a ment by Mrs. Dorothy Maynard, church. “ Women in a Changing St. Benedict’s Preparatory School ‘‘Star Spangled Banner” being I’M THE TYPE that everything her father, wore a white satin gown of Prospect street, had as guests days before leaving for Trent fashion ocordinator. World” was presented in tableau. and was graduated from Newark •played wherever he went for amuse turns out wrong for. I chase scissor made princess style with high neck after the play held in the high Ontario, where the groom is i A meeting of the Fine Arts De Technical School.