1922-07-13, [P Page 7]
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i T Thur» day, July 13, 1922. BJELT VALLEY TIMES. BEIT MONT AHA h|» T i à would soon collect « sufficient nega tive charge to reduce the plate cur i t ? » * ^cfican rent to zero and the tube would cease RUTH WILL MURDER LOW CURVE BALLS Golf Golden Rule. * m ! * * to function. The etiquette of golf is simply J A grid leak having too low resist ance will not allow a sufficiently high * an application of the golden J J rule. Do for others on the golf # negative charge to collect on the grid, rç^ulting In a very small plate cur * course as you Would have t’ 'ra J « CIRCUIT WITH GRID rent reduction and weak response In \ do for you, and you will live In * I * peace and happiness with your J the telephone receivers. J fellow golfers. On the other band. If the grid leak I LEAK RESISTANCE * * is of too high resistance, too high ♦ ♦ COo for Thli Buppliod negative charge will collect on the N » Affiirir»« legion News BerrlcO grid and the condition of no grid leak Takes Place of “C” Battery- will be approached. In any electrical circuit that has GOLF TITLEHOLDERS THE MAN WITH DOUBLE BRAIN How Impedance of Flow > '■■■ ,-r.r^^c’ , ^ ■ a difference of potential applied to ! ■ FACE SEVERE TESTS Hayward Thompson, Memory Shocked It, the current that will flow depends ra t Is Determined. ryr. During World War, Wrltaa upon the ‘impedance" of that circuit ; « ■ Just as In the flow of water through With Both Honda. Fig. 13 shows a set of curves for a pipe, the quantity of water that & Competition of Stars This Year a three-electrode vacuum tube circuit will flow when any given pressure The majority of ns do well to write I' containing a grid leak resistance as js legibly with either of our hands, but la applied depends upon how much », - i -■N Expected to Be Keen. shown In Fig. 11 Instead of a “C" the flow through the pipe la Impeded when a man Is battery with the same symmetrical by the friction of the particles of SÄ V, found who cau N P««HMl«n of Championship Crown Is alternating difference of potential ap water againat the aides of the pipe write with both Something of U noarts Inly Those plied to the grid circuit and against one another. it*! hands simultane There being no “C" battery poten In the electrical circuit, the rela Day*—Je tee Gut Herd*« Chance# ously, and more tial applied to the grid, the grid In tion between these three quantitiea Believed P rest let eg than that—when Fig. 11 Is normally at zero potential Is that the current which will flow K f he can write for h 1 ;* . r ward with one with respect to tha filament. As tha Is equal to the applied differences of « Although the Important golf fixture# positive half of the first cycle of tho potential divided by the Impedance, of the eeason are eome distance away, hand and back alternating difference of potential la where the current la in ampere*, the the performance# during the winter ward with the other. It Is evi impressed upon the grid circuit—see applied difference of potential Is to and spring eeason In the Sooth Indi Sjjjjjjwn.-T ■ dent that he has Fig. 13—the grid Is made positive volts and the impedance In ohms. On cate that the competition la going to be keener than ever In the title events. a perfect right to S. ■ the title of "Mye- < A- A golf crown Is something of sa un Time -> certain possession these days. For In tefy Man." Hay l I ward Thom peon, an ex-eervlce man V. stance. not one of tha champions of i X 1920 retained title honors in last sum- h» Denver, Colo,, la Jnel auch a man. AFFUCO j mer’s swift competition. Due te a severe Injury to hie head, T G RJD POTENTIAL In England, Duncan gave way to received during the war. he has what 'Ttcno Is known as a “double brain, < n,.- I «mo eoruniAL i t 7 Jock Hutchinson In the British open ; Jim Barnes took the title held by aide of this brain directs the writing Tins row. Ted Kay in the open here; Jesse of one hsnd while the other side gov Cmsoc to ■ T* erns the other hand. LEAK 0**0010 , - ■ Uullfor leposed Chick Evans In the . Ch*«gc on grid u Thompson’s memory reaches back With RESPECT 2 amateur; Marion Holllna took the only to the time when he left a hos To riLAHINT ^ -.X-, V.« honors so often held by Alexa Stir ling. In the British amateur, Willie pital some months ago. He remem bers nothing of bis life before that t An “Actlon-Qrsph" of Babe Ruth, the Mighty Slugger, Completing His Swing Hunter displaced Cyril Tolley. REDUCTION IN Which Has Resulted In So Many Horn# Runs. The First Three Cuts time. It was through the veterans’ 2 9 How many of these title holders A Plate Current at the Left Picture the First Motions of the Swing, the Three Cute at will be able to retain their high bureau that he established his Iden ± the Right Showing tha Powerful Follow-Through Employed by the places during the coming season? tity as Hayward Thompson. Of his family, former friends, his work and Bambino. home before the war and his activ Motion or “Babe Ruth Is a ’bust I* The pitch the plate. Is—stop, look and listen! ities during the war, he has been able 3 Receiver ers have got his number. He won’t hit F'eed the Babe low, slow baits and to learn nothing. The veterans’ bu Diaphram i anything like he did last year, either some of the best golfing records In reau and the Colorado department of I '■&: In the number of home runs or In his this country are going to be broken. the American Legion have been mak M average for ordinary base hits,” said Likewise, some of our best known In- ing every effort to help Thompson a veteran Polo ground habitue after fielders are liable to lose arms or \ & learn of his {Mist. with respect to the filament. Being transposing this equation the Imped seeing Walter Johnson toy with the legs. He can hit low ones and when positive with respect to the filament, ance Is equal to the applied voltage Big Hitter in the game In which the he does, they go. THE REAL UNKNOWN SOLDIER causes a certain number of electrons, divided by the current. The Imped Orlfftnen beat the Yanks. He golfed one at the St. Louis park Jjr r which are negative charges, to be ance of a vacuum tube plate circuit. “And1 he won’t get the number of last August and It cleared a high wire Child of Streets, Picked Up by Kind- attracted and caused to give up their Internally between the filament and bases on balls he had forced on him screen, a high bleacher stand, n row hearted Brothers, Nevar Knew negative charges to the grid. During the plate, when the grid is at Eero In the two years he has been smashing of houses and some trees outside the Who Hs Wie the next or negative half of the cycle potential, is an Important constant of out his four-baggers. They are not grounds. One he caught at his siete ■ tops went over the flagpole on the «T of the applied grid potential the grid a vacuum tube and Is called the in afraid of him any more. They know s t ¥ .5 Tragic though the story is of a sol Is made negative with respect to the ternal plate Impedance. what he can’t hit. You don’t see any top of the right field stands at the \ dier whose identity was lost after his one sending him along to first now, do Brush stadium. It was a knee-high filament but dors not lose the elec The Internal grid Impedance of a \/ft I life had gone out on the field of battle trons again. Thus a negative charge vacuum tube used In a radio set as you? ball that produced the record rap In ? and whose cross In Flanders simply is built up on a grid during the posi a detector determines the Impedance “The change dates back to the world Conilskey park, Chicago, This one says, "Unknown Soldier,’’ his story Is tive portion of each cycle, the cumu of the telephones that will give best series. The Giant pitchers found out cleared the standa In deep right and not shot through with such pathetic what he doesn't like—a low, slow then bounded an eighth of a mile m lative effect of which Is to produce a results when connected In the plate «Ly:-, glory as la the etory of a lad who decrease of the plate current,. during circuit of that particular tube. curve across the Inside of the {hate. through a playground. At Galveston never knew who he waa and who gave the period that the alternating differ It Is then not only the resistance of They’ll get him on that many a time this spring Sherry Smith served up his life for a country In which he had ence of potential called a wave train a pair of telephones, but also the In this year.” one of hla low underhanders and the never known a mother’s love or a Is applied to the grid.