~, . .~ ... ""'.... Before the MAR 2 0 1S~7 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION ,;, Washington, D.C. 20554 , ':\\ ( ..~~\.r~/r\:: -\ ~ In the Matter of Review of the Commission's Regulations MM Docket No. 94-150 Governing Attribution of Broadcast and Cable/MDS Interests Review of the Commission's Regulations MM Docket No. 92-51 and Policies Affecting Investment in the Broadcast Industry Reexamination of the Commission's MM Docket No. 87·154 Cross·lnterest Policy Review of the Commission's Regulations MM Docket No. 91·221 i Governing Television Broadcasting Television Satellite Stations Review of ) MM Docket No. 87-8 Policy and Rules ) To : The Commission REPLY COMMENTS OF RETLAW ENTERPRISES, INC, - RetJaw Enterprises, Inc. ("RetJaw") hereby submits the following reply comments in the above-captioned proceedings. RetJaw is the licensee of nine television stations located in California and the upper Northwest states of Washington, Oregon and Idaho. I 1 Reltaw's Television Stations are: KJEO, Fresno, California; KVAL, Eugene, Oregon; KCBY, Coos Bay, Oregon; KPIC, Roseburg, Oregon; KIMA-TV, Yakima, Washington; KEPR, Pasco, Washington; KLEW, Lewiston, Idaho; KBCI-TV, Boise, Idaho; and KIDK-TV, Idaho Falls, Idaho. I. IntrQductiQn The issues pQsed by the CommissiQn in these interrelated proceedings strike at the very heart Qf the American brQadcasting system. AlthQugh many facets Qf brQadcast Qwnership and attributiQn are being explQred, the Qverriding pQlicy questiQn is hQW best tQ preserve and fQster tlIQcalism". Even as the SQurces Qf videQ infQrmatiQn prQliferate, reaching all the way intQ cyberspace, a remarkable irQny persists. The American public still, perhaps increasingly, relies on IQcal TV statiQns as their primary SQurce Qf news, SPQrts and Qther infQrmation.
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