Some Facts About Southeast Finland Frontier Guard

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Some Facts About Southeast Finland Frontier Guard THE SOUTHEAST FINLAND BORDER GUARD DISTRICT THETHE SOUTHEA SOUTHEASTST FINLAND FINLAND BORDER BORDER GUA GUARDRD DISTRICT DISTRICT Border guard stations 10 Border check station 1 II/123 Border crossing points 8 Uukuniemi International Pitkäpohja Kolmikanta Restricted Imatra BGA (Parikkala) Kangaskoski Immola Personnel 1.1.2006: • headquarters Lake Ladoga • logistics base Niskapietilä Officers 95 Lappeenranta BGA Pelkola Border guards 570 (Imatra) Others 87 Lappeenranta airport Total 752 Nuijamaa Common border with Vehicles: Vainikkala Russia 227 km Virolahti Cars 65 BGA Leino Motorbikes 15 Vyborg Snowmobiles 59 Patrol boats 11 Vaalimaa Vaalimaa Hurppu Dogs 95 (Santio) VI/11 Gulf of Finland BORDERBORDER SECURITYSECURITY SYSTEMSYSTEM ININ SOUTHEASOUTHEASTST FINLAFINLANDND (figures/2005) BORDERBORDER CO-OPERATION WITH SURVEILLASURVEILLANCENCE NATIONAL AUTHORITIES • exposed illegal border crossings 16 • accomplished refused entries 635 • executive assistances 23 • assistances, searches 25 4 3 2 1 CO-OPERATION OVER THE BORDER RUSSIAN BORDER GUARD SERVICE • apprehended ~80 • meetings: • border delegates/deputies 22 • assistants of the border delegates 70 BORDERBORDER CHECKSCHECKS CONSULATES • refusals of entry 707 • ST. PETERSBURG • discovered fraudulent documents 128 • MOSCOW • discovered stolen vehicles 13 • PETROZAVODSK • discovered fraudulent documents 88 BORDERBORDER CHECKSCHECKS Investment: v. 2004 392 man-years; 19,0 mill. € v. 2005 409 man-years; 19,5 mill. € PASSENGERPASSENGER TRAFFIC TRAFFIC 1996 1996 - -20052005 4 764 495 4 694 657 4 937 158 4 685 818 5 000 000 4 474 779 4 260 247 4 500 000 3 880 912 4 000 000 3 641 432 3 356 466 3 266 625 3 500 000 3 000 000 + 2 % + 2 % 2 500 000 + 22 % 2 000 000 + 18 % + 2 % + 16 % 1 500 000 + 9 % + 29 % 1 000 000 500 000 0 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Russians Others STATISTICSSTATISTICS 2002 2002 – –20052005 Refusa ls of entry Asylum seekers 15 00 60 14 00 50 52 12 32 10 00 707 40 888 30 12 500 21 20 19 10 0 0 2002 2003 2004 2005 2002 2003 2004 2005 Trafficking human beings 5 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 1 0 2002 2003 2004 2005 STATISTICSSTATISTICS 2002 2002 – –20052005 Multipersons Fraudulent documents 500 25 22 22 400 20 19 14 470 216 15 300 231 10 200 256 5 100 0 2002 2003 2004 2005 0 2002 2003 2004 2005 Stolen vehicles Wanted persons (incl. SIS-hits) 60 58 50 600 536 379 40 41 508 400 30 13 20 25 297 200 10 0 0 2002 2003 2004 2005 2002 2003 2004 2005 BORDERBORDER SURVEILLANCESURVEILLANCE Continuous leadership • commander/deputy • overall command/field command • situation monitoring centers Constant awareness of the situation – risk analysis Lake Ladoga Rapid deployment reserve 2 - 3 h OH-HVD 1 - 2 h RAJAVARTIOLAITOS Patrolling on the border 1-2/day x 4 < 1 h Continuous technical surveillance on the focus areas ~ 40 km/227 km Investment: ~ 90 cameras v. 2004 295 man-years ( 14,2 mill. € ) ~ 280 other sensors v. 2005 308 man-years ( 14,7 mill. € ) The Gulf of Finland St. Petersburg ILLEGALILLEGAL BORDER BORDER CROSSINGS CROSSINGS 30 1 25 1 6 2 2 1 20 1 1 3 3 15 3 3 24 23 20 3 4 19 19 10 17 16 12 13 10 5 8 0 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Persons Crafts Aircrafts BORDERBORDER GUARD GUARD COOPERATION COOPERATION BETWEENBETWEEN FINLAND FINLAND AND AND RUSSIA RUSSIA BASED ON: * Border Regulation Agreement (23.6.1960; revised 26.6.1998) * Crime Prevention Agreement (5.3.1993) * Agreement on Border Crossing Points (11.3.1994) LEVELS: Executive level * 2 - 4 meetings annually Smolander Pronitshev * decisions and guidelines Permanent Finno-Russian BG working group * 3 - 4 meetings annually * preparation for decisions Kaukanen Loginov * implementation (command and control) * four sub-groups Regional Border Delegates Lapland Etu-Seppälä Alakurtti Mitjushin * about 100 meetings annually Kainuu Kalevala Niemenkari Obuhov * practical cooperation at the land and sea North Karelia Suojärvi Kaakinen Tkatshenko borders and BCPs (fourth level) South-East Vyborg Kostamovaara Juvzhenko Border Delegates' Assistants * hundreds of meetings annually Heads of BCPs * AD Hoc meetings Experts * scheduled meetings INTEGRATEDINTEGRATED BORDER BORDER MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SYSTEM EU BORDER MANAGEMENT AGENCY (1 MAY) 2005 => BORDER CHIEFS - The Common Unit FINLAND - Agency’s Management Board NORWAY RUSSIA SWEDEN ESTONIA NORTH. COMMON COMMONIRELAND LATVIA DENMARK LEGISLATION* IRELAND RISK LITHUANIA UNITED RUSSIA ANALYSISKINGDOM BELO BURDEN SHARING RUSSIA UNIFORM HOLLAND -COMMUNITY FUNDING* GERMANY POLAND TRAINING AND BELGIUM - JOINT UNITS LUXEMBOURG PROFESSIONALISM UKRAINE CZECH. REP. SLOVAK REP. FRANCE MOLDAVIA OPERATIONAL SWITZERLAND AUSTRIA HUNGARY COMPATIBLE SLOVENIA ROMANIA COOPERATION CROATIA BOSNIA - EQUIPMENT HERCEGOVINA PORTUGAL JUGOSLAVIA SPAIN ITALY BULGARIA MACEDONIA ALBANIA GREECE TURKEY MALTA CYPRUS CRIMINALCRIMINAL CASES CASES REVEALED REVEALED BY BY THETHE SOUTHEAST SOUTHEAST FINLAND FINLAND BORDER BORDER GUARD GUARD DISTRICT DISTRICT 2004 2004 PRE-TRIAL INVESTIGATIONS LIMITED PRE-TRIAL PRE-TRIAL TRANSFERRED TO POLICE INVESTIGATIONS/SFBGD INVESTIGATIONS/SFBGD (CRIME REPORTS) Summary penal orders Crime reports Crime • Penal Code 375 • Arrangement of illegal • Border offence RL 17:7 16 • Aliens Act 224 immigration RL 17:8 3 (terrain border, investigated by • Traffic Act 149 • Forgery RL 33:1 13 FFG) • Others 83 • Drunken driving RL 23:3 164 • Border offence RL 17:7 3 • Total 830 • Gross drunken driving RL 23:4 5 (border crossing points; • Water traffic intoxication investigated with the arrange- RL 23:5 1 ments of illegal immigration) • Receiving offence RL 32:1 3 • Total 19 • Aggravated receiving offence RL 32:2 23 • Total 231.
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