Name of Deceased (Surname First)
Name of Deceased Names, addresses and descriptions of Persons to whom notices of claims are to be given Date before which Address, description and date of death of Deceased and names, in parentheses, of Personal Representatives notices of claims (Surname first) to be given DIMMOCK, Beatrice Somerset Farm, Brent Knoll, near Highbridge, J. Ruscombe Poole & Son, 9 Dampiet Street, Bridgwater, Somerset, Solicitors. 2nd August 1971 Somerset, Widow. 31st October 1970. (Frederick Arthur Dimmock and Ruby Ella Luff.) (117) GRANT, Reginald George Churches Farm, Burtle, near Bridgwater, Somerset, J. Ruscombe Poole & Son, 9 Dampiet Street, Bridgwater, Somerset, Solicitors. 2nd August 1971 Retired Farmer. 19th March 1971. (Ivor Leonard Bell and Horace Willcox.) (118) MERRICK, Kate Flat Ol, 8 Cornhill, Bridgwater, Somerset, Widow. J. Ruscombe Poole & Son, 9 Dampiet Street, Bridgwater, Somerset, Solicitors. 2nd August 1971 26th January 1971. (Reginald Douglas Gratton.) (119) COLSEY, John William Knoll House, Rectory Road, Burnham-on-Sea, J. Ruscombe Poole & Son, 9 Dampiet Street, Bridgwater, Somerset, Solicitors. 2nd August 1971 Thomas. Somerset, formerly of The Grift, 1 Church Way, (George Reginald Colsey.) (120) Catcott, Somerset, Retired Army Officer. 19th February 197il. BANN, Minnie Eliza 24 Somerville Road1, Penge, London S.E.20, Widow. Cole and Matthews, 177 Beckenham Road, Beckenham, Kent, Solicitors. (Barclays 26th July 1971 i 17-th April 1971. Bank Trust Company Limited.) (148) DRAPER, Geoffrey Broad Oak, Warwick Park, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, Lloyds Bank Limited, Executor and Trustee Department, 39 Threadneedle Street, 31st August 1971 Norman. Retired Stockbroker. 1st May 1971. London, EC2R 8AU, or Fisher Dpwson & Wasbrough, 7 St. James's Place, London (149) S.W.I, Solicitors.
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