Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela SPECIAL SUPPLEMENT
SPECIAL SUPPLEMENT Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela 18 July 1918 –5 December 2013 Message from the President hen he was only 25 years old, Nelson group of eminent global leaders, who off er Rolihlahla Mandela joined the African their collective infl uence and experience to National Congress. His political career would support peace building, help address major Wspan decades more – as he himself said: causes of human suff ering and promote the “The struggle is my life.” Many selfl ess and shared interests of humanity. dedicated years later, through countless ‘Madiba’ as he is fondly known, has been eff orts of defi ance, sacrifi ce and commitment, a father to young and old, black and white. Mandela would emerge the fi rst President of His dignity, warmth, kindness, leadership, democratic South Africa in 1994. More than humility and infinite love for his fellow that, he became an international icon of human beings, set an example for all. His peace, democracy, respect and human rights. life has been an inspiration, in South Africa The young man, born in a village near Umtata and throughout the world, to all who are in the Transkei on 18 July 1918, went on to oppressed and deprived and to all who are bring about some of the most remarkable against domination and dispossession. changes in South African history and politics. This commemorative publication aims His legacy translated into the most to portray, through his wise words and life substantive and qualitative diff erence to the journey in pictures, the vision and life of Nelson lives of millions of South Africans who existed Mandela.
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