Appendix 1 : Royal Gardens,

Leeds City Council

Affordable Homes

Nominations and Lettings


Royal Gardens, Pudsey


Page 1 of 26 Royal Gardens Local Lettings Plan : March 2011 1 Introduction

1.1 A key priority within the City Council Housing Strategy 2009-12, is to enable the provision of new affordable quality housing. It also identifies that the Council will ensure full take-up of nominations for affordable housing and work closely with Affordable Housing Providers (including Registered Social Landlords) to monitor the allocation of properties to those in housing need.

1.2 The purpose of this plan is to develop an appropriate lettings strategy with our Registered Social Landlord partners for new schemes currently recently developed which are entered into via a Section 106 agreement and have therefore been identified as affordable housing. This is to ensure we achieve greater sustainability of communities and tenancies, and to address concerns about premature deterioration of these sites from past experience in some areas of the city.

1.3 The Council is the Housing Authority for the purposes of the Housing Act 1985 and, as the housing authority, is required by Section 8 of the Housing Act to consider the needs of the City with respect to the provision of further affordable accommodation.

1.4 The Homelessness Act 2002 and Housing Act 2004 also identify the need for Local Housing Authorities to address the issues of housing conditions, homelessness and provision of suitable decent homes.

1.5 Affordable Housing is defined within the Communities and Local Government Publication ‘’Planning Policy Statement 3: Housing’’ , as social rented and ‘intermediate’ housing products that are below market prices or rents. It is provided to specific eligible households whose needs cannot be met by the market at a cost that they can afford, determined with regard to local incomes and house prices.

1.6 The strategic objective of this plan is to ensure that national, regional and local priorities are being considered. It also seeks to ensure that is contributing towards the creation and maintenance of sustainable communities by ensuring that affordable homes within new housing development schemes in the City are allocated to those people in housing need.

2. Securing Nominations

2.1 RSL’s will be required to enter into a Section 106 Agreement that will secure the nominations arrangements for the affordable housing units on new schemes. In most cases this will be 100% Council nominations on first letting or equity sale and 75% of nomination rights on subsequent letting or equity sale on all new affordable housing in the City. The remaining 25% of nominations should be made by the Affordable Housing Provider that owns and/or manages the affordable housing properties. This will ensure that the affordable housing is allocated to eligible households from the Council’s Housing Register, who are in need of such housing due to their personal and financial circumstances. This nominations arrangement will apply to all new affordable housing units.

Page 2 of 26 Royal Gardens Local Lettings Plan : March 2011 2.2 The Section 106 Agreement will also include arrangements for securing that where appropriate (e.g. rural sites or sites developed via a Partnership) priority will be given to eligible housing applicants who have a local connection to the area where the development takes place or local area as defined within any Partnership Agreement.

3. The RSL will be required to;

• Undertake additional ‘vetting’ checks on all listed household members prior to letting, including follow up of references to determine previous tenancy management issues, national insurance number verification, employment verification, and in depth checks for previous rent arrears.

• Use Starter Tenancies (similar to the Council’s Introductory Tenancies) where tenants are given reduced security of tenure for the first twelve months of their tenancy to prove that they can maintain an agreed standard.

• Set up a tenancy management programme for all new residents on affordable housing developments that includes: o intensive monitoring during the ‘starter’ tenancy period to instigate early action for breach of tenancy agreement. o periodic inspections to confirm identity, condition of property, family make-up, o resident group liaison to assist in maintaining good standard and sustainability

• Provide additional support and intensive management to customers with support needs to ensure that customers can live independently and sustain their tenancy. This is typically for the first 6 months of a tenancy. Additional links should be made with jobs and skills, credit union and the benefits service to help provide a complete service to people being housed.

• Inform the CBL team of the completion of developments at least 3 months prior to completion date in order for nominations to be assigned.

• Advertise the new developments in the Leeds Homes Flyer.

4. Key elements for all Local Lettings Plans

4.1 Local Connection

4.1.2 The use of local connection preferences would ensure that as far as possible, social housing would go to those people who live or work within Leeds or those who have close family connections in Leeds.

4.1.3 Local connection is defined in Part VII of the Housing Act 1996. It includes:

ƒ Those who are normally resident in the area. Local Government Association guidelines define this as having lived in the area for six out of the last twelve months, or three out of the last five years, where residence has been out of choice

Page 3 of 26 Royal Gardens Local Lettings Plan : March 2011 ƒ Those who are employed in the area. The Local Government Association guidelines define this as employment in the area which is other than of a casual nature

ƒ Those who have family connections. The Local Government Association guidelines define this as immediate family* members who have themselves lived in the area for five years or more

(*Immediate family members can be considered as mother; father; brother; sister; and adult children. However, there are exceptional circumstances where other family members can be considered if there is satisfactory evidence available to support these exceptional circumstances).

4.2 Band C

4.2.1 This element would ensure, as far as possible, that more priority is given to a proportion of people in Band C on the Leeds Homes Register for all lets and subsequent re-lets .

4.2.2 ‘Band C’ is defined as customers ƒ with no assessed housing need ƒ whose priority award has expired ƒ whose priority has been removed ƒ without a local connection to Leeds

4.2.3 This band will include people who have been on the waiting list for an excessive amount of time. Waiting time allocation has the benefits of being simple, transparent and is easy to understand. It also accords with the view held by some sections of the public on how social housing should be prioritised.

4.3 Overcrowding and Under Occupation

4.3.1 This will mean customers living in a ‘severely overcrowded’ situation, or those who have bedrooms to release for larger families by way of downsizing will be given preference as part of the current Under-Occupation and Overcrowding Strategies. This will also mean that we are making better use of housing stock.

4.3.2 Bedroom requirements are referred to in the Leeds Lettings Policy , see below;

A separate bedroom ought to be available based upon the council’s standard for:

• each adult (age 16 years or over), except when living together as partners; and • two children, where one is age 10 years or over, who are not the same gender.

4.4 Previous Tenancy History

4.4.1 Consideration will be given to previous tenancy history irrespective of tenure. Where customers have an excellent previous tenancy history with no issues of rent arrears, anti-social behaviour or other breaches of their tenancy, preference should be given provided they match other key elements of the local lettings plan.

Page 4 of 26 Royal Gardens Local Lettings Plan : March 2011 5. Variable elements of Local Lettings Plans

5.1 The following elements may be applied to new schemes dependant on the needs identified for the area and based on findings from consultation carried out with customers on the Leeds Homes Register, local residents and ward members.

5.2 Employment / Training

5.2.1 This will ensure that as far as possible, a proportion of social housing will go to those people who are employed/training in Leeds or with a track record of employment and training. This will also attract essential Key Workers to the district or those with skills in short supply. Priority will also be given to people within Leeds who wish to move to take up training or employment opportunities to address worklessness in the City.

5.2.2 Key workers are defined as public service professionals, technical, and front line workers.

5.2.3 This category includes:

• postal workers • people training for an occupation • hospital ancillary staff • local government workers • administrative staff within the police, fire service, education, social services etc • classroom assistants

5.3 Age Restrictions

5.3.1 Applying an age restriction to a property ensures that allocations are made to customers of a certain age only. This is particularly useful in Sheltered Housing schemes or housing for Older people.

5.3.2 Providing housing exclusively for older people means the tenancies will be more mainstream and that specialist homes of the right type are built in the right location for older people. New developments are being planned and built to Lifetime Homes Standards.

5.4 Supported Living

5.4.1 An agreed proportion of lets may be made to persons with support needs. Applying criteria to give more preference to people who require supported living, means where customers have identified support needs which may need a higher level of support, they have provision made available to them by the RSL.

Page 5 of 26 Royal Gardens Local Lettings Plan : March 2011 5.5 Clearance & Decants

5.5.1 Where a customers property is scheduled for demolition or purchase under Leeds City Councils delegated decision powers or a Council Executive Board decision the Council will award effected customers the necessary priority to rehouse them appropriately. Decanted tenants may be offered the opportunity to move back to the new development once completed. However all tenants must satisfy the requirements of the LLP as far as possible.

6. The Nominations Procedure

6.1 For Initial Lettings and Housing Sales Post Planning Permission

6.1.1 To facilitate tenant and intermediate housing purchaser choice, and to ensure minimum void levels, the timescale for nominations should be agreed between the Council, Affordable Housing Provider and/or the Developer prior to commencement of any development on the site.

6.1.2 In accordance with the timescale for nominations, the Affordable Housing Provider will supply relevant property details including;

ƒ property location ƒ size ƒ type (such as flat, bungalow, 2 storey houses) ƒ agreed tenure ƒ proposed affordable costs to the potential affordable housing purchaser ƒ provisional dates for dwelling completion

to the Affordable Housing Team at the Council and request nominations of housing applicants who are eligible in accordance with any existing local lettings arrangements/plan or local connection requirements.

6.1.3 The Council will make the appropriate number of nominations to the Affordable Housing Provider within the agreed timescale (usually 12 weeks before completion) and in accordance with any local lettings or partnership agreements/plans.

6.1.4 The Affordable Housing Provider will allocate the affordable housing in accordance with their Lettings Policy and Procedures.

6.1.5 The Affordable Housing Provider will provide the Council with an ongoing progress report on the allocations of affordable housing on new sites. This will include refusal reasons for any unsuccessful nominations. Should an unreasonable refusal reason be given the Council will enter into negotiations with the Affordable Housing Provider, on behalf of the customer, in order to reach a pragmatic and satisfactory outcome.

6.1.6 Should all lettings plan criteria have been exhausted and voids remain, for Shared Ownership properties , the RSL is then entitled to open the properties up to the general market. This will be following agreement from the Council.

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6.2 For Subsequent Lettings for social rented properties

6.2.1 The Affordable Housing Provider will approach the Council to advise that the affordable housing units are available for re-let and the expected date when these units will become available (or void). The Affordable Housing Provider will also agree with the Council an appropriate time scale in which to make further nominations for these properties.

6.2.2 The Council will make appropriate nominations of eligible households within the agreed time scale and is entitled to nominate 75% of all affordable housing re- lets . The remaining 25% of nominations can be made by the Affordable Housing Provider but all nominees shall be eligible for affordable housing under the appropriate eligibility criteria.

6.2.3 Similarly to initial lettings the Affordable Housing Provider will provide the Council with progress reports on the re-allocations of affordable housing on sites. This will include refusal reasons for any unsuccessful nominations. Should an unreasonable refusal reason be given the Council will enter into negotiations with the Affordable Housing Provider, on behalf of the customer, in order to reach a pragmatic and satisfactory outcome.

6.2.4 For subsequent Housing Sales, the Local Lettings Plan will not apply as the Local Authority cannot impose a Local Lettings Plan on an individuals owned property.

7. Monitoring and Evaluation

7.1 Monitoring and Evaluation systems will be put in place by the Leeds Homes team and lettings outcomes will be made available to the public so that customers can see that the Local Lettings Plan is being complied with and is fair. Ward Members, Customers and residents from the local area should be given the opportunity to feedback comments on how the scheme is working.

7.2 Consultation will be carried out with tenants and customers in the surrounding area to assess if the initial aims of the development are being met.

7.3 This Plan will be evaluated, in terms of its impact on contributing towards the priorities within the Council’s Housing Strategy.

7.4 The evaluation will assess whether the expected outcomes of this Plan have been achieved e.g. 100% of nomination rights on first letting or equity sale and 75% of nomination rights on subsequent lettings for social rented properties on all new affordable housing in the City

7.5 An Equality Impact Assessment will be carried out prior to any nominations being made, see Appendix B : Equality Impact Assessment.

7.6 This plan will be reviewed 12 months from its implementation and every 12 months there after.

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8. Nomination Decisions and Appeals

8.1 Nominations for affordable housing will be made fairly and in accordance with existing allocations policies. This will be a joint process between Leeds Homes and the RSL dependant on the nature of the appeal. Should housing applicants wish to ask for a review/appeal against the fact they were not nominated to the RSL by Leeds City Council the Leeds Homes team will deal with this in the first instance. Should the appeal concern the fact the customer has been nominated to the RSL but has not been selected to be rehoused the RSL will deal with this following their own policies and procedures.

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1. Organisation name : Leeds Federated Housing Association

2. NHO: West North West Homes Leeds

3. Addresses of properties covered by the proposed LLP:

Royal Gardens, Cemetary Road, Pudsey, Leeds, LS28 7HJ

4. Type of property: Please tick which applies (√)

1BMSF Bedsit 2BMSF 2BM 3BMSF 3BM 1BF 2BH 9 1/2BF 3BH 9 2BF 9 4BH 9 3BF 5BH Other – please specify:


5. How many individual properties does the proposed LLP cover: 41

This LLP covers 41 properties which are a mix of social rent and Home buy and will be allocated across 3 phases broken down as follows;

Phase 1 (est completion date 30th June 2011)

Social rent 9x 2B apartments 2 x 4B houses

Homebuy 4 x 2B apartments 1 x 3B houses 4 x 4B houses

Page 9 of 26 Royal Gardens Local Lettings Plan : March 2011 Phase 2 (est completion date 30th June 2012)

Social rent 2 x 3B houses

Homebuy 2 x 3B houses

Phase 3 (est completion date 31st December 2012)

Social rent 7 x 3B houses

Homebuy 1 x 2B apartment 2 x 2B houses 7 x 3B houses

6a. Is the property more suited to specific customer groups (eg. older customers or disabled customers) due to the internal or external access facilities?

The 2 and 3 bedroom houses are aimed at families with children. Preference for the ground floor flats will be given to customers who require level accommodation such as older people.

6b. If yes, will older or disabled customers be exempt from the LLP?

Older or disabled people will not be exempt from the LLP.

7. Summary of LLP: A summary of the LLP has been provided below

Age preference NA Specify age NA Average of N/A preference current tenants Local connection preference 9 Preference to customers in 9 employment Preference to keyworkers 9 Preference to customers with 9 / without children Under Occupation 9 Overcrowding 9

Band C 9 Priority Bands A/B 9

Other – please give details:

Preference will be given in the order demonstrated below;

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1st : Local Connection: Preference will be given to customers with a local connection to the Pudsey ward area.

2nd : Over crowding / Under occupation :Preference will be given to customers in the local area who are currently living in an overcrowded condition or those who are under-occupying a social rented property and are willing to move to downsize and free up social rented family accommodation in the area.

3rd : Priority Need : A proportion of allocations will be made to customers with a Priority Need

4th : In Employment / Key workers : Preference will be given to customers who are employed or in training in the Pudsey ward area.

5th : Tenancy History : Preference will be given to customers with an excellent tenancy record

6th : Band C : Customers from the Band C will be considered provided they meet criteria Number 1 & 5

NB: Homes for sale on a rent to home buy basis will broadly follow the criteria above with the addition of affordability criteria.

8a. Will the proposed LLP apply to joint applicants and people to be rehoused with the main applicant?

The local lettings plan will apply to both applicants.

8b. What will happen if no short listed customers meet the LLP preference?

Filters would be amended accordingly. For example, if there were not a sufficient number of customers interested who are freeing up socially rented properties we would consider making more allocations to customers in employment or training for example.

8c. How the preference category is defined, e.g. local connection or key worker?

Preference will be given initially to people with a local connection to the Pudsey ward area. Customers will be given more preference if they are currently living in an overcrowded situation or are under occupying a social rented property in the area and are willing to move to downsize and free up the accommodation.

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A proportion of lets will be made to customers with a priority need to move.

Customers in employment or training in the ward area will be given preference.

A proportion of lets may be made to customers from Band C providing they have a good tenancy history and local connection to the ward area.

9. Why is this type of preference being proposed? To assist with the following;

• Develop community cohesion • Provide family homes for local people • Increase customer satisfaction • Reduce tenancy turnover • Create an opportunity for tenure choice

10. How does the Local Lettings Plan state these objectives will be measured?

The Local Lettings Plan will be measured through;

• Direct customer satisfaction surveys • Lettings made by nominations • Rejected nominations & reasons • Rejected applications & reasons • Failed tenancies and reasons for failure • Households Accessing support • Performance Indicators: rent loss / turnover / void rates

11. What other action is being taken to address the issues outlined in Q9?

• Local tenancy and estate management • Support for vulnerable households • Support for vulnerable people

12. What evidence is there to support the introduction of the proposed LLP? Stakeholder consultation has taken place with;

ƒ Leeds Homes ƒ Ward Members ƒ David Wilson Homes ƒ Affordable Housing Delivery team

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13. What consultation has taken place with the following groups?

Consultees Number % Evidence response Customers on the LHR Leeds Advert in Leeds Homes Homes flyer Flyer Advertising Board On Site N/A N/A Sign Board on site

Flyers Mail shot to customers on LHR

External agencies David Wilson Homes

Local ward members 3 0 Email communication – Pudsey ward area Councillors

14. Equality Impact Assessment – please attach a copy of your EIA on the proposed LLP, outlining the potential impact it may have on the following customer groups:

• Disabled people • Women, men and trans people • People from black and minority ethnic communities, including refugees and asylum seekers and Gypsies and Travellers • Lesbians, gay men and bisexual people • Older people • Younger people • People from different religions and faiths • Any other socially excluded communities for example people who are excluded because of education or skills levels, unemployment or reliance on state benefits, residential location or family background.

Copy attached.

15. If the LLP impacts on other customer groups (for example by reducing the number of lettings made to customers under a specified age) what measures will be put in place to counter-balance this?

Regular reviews will be carried out to ensure that applicants “displaced” have alternative and comparable opportunities to be rehoused.

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16. Performance – provide performance statistics on lettings of properties covered by the proposed Local Lettings Plan for the last 12 months:

N/A: New build project: currently no stats available

17. If approved, how will the ALMO publicise the proposed Local Lettings Plan to customers and other stakeholders?

Advertise in the Area Offices, Web Site and the Add Trader.

• Leeds Homes Magazine • Housing Office • One Stop Contact Centres • On Site advertisement by LFHA / David Wilson Homes

18. Date of Board approval:

ƒ LFHA: ……………………………………………..(Name) ……………….……………………………..(Date)

ƒ Leeds Homes: ……………………………………………..(Name) ………………………………………………(Date)

Equality Impact Assessment

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Title of policy or process being Leeds Homes assessed Staff conducting assessment Mike Camponi / Gemma Haynes

Date of assessment March 2011

Reason for assessment New Local Lettings Plan for an affordable housing development

Lead officer of policy or process Mike Camponi

Date for next review Leeds Homes

Aims of the Policy or Process

The objective of the Local Lettings Policy is to assisting in creating mixed and balanced communities and to provide access to affordable family homes for rent and shared ownership.

Main Stakeholders/Beneficiaries

Prospective Tenants / First time buyers

Customers on the LHR Local Residents Local Registered Providers Support providers Local Ward Members

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Other /Additional Response Evidence Comments Key Questions Positive Effect Negative Effect Does the plan or process Neither a positive or negative LLP will be applied have a positive or negative effect equally regardless of impact on any minority a customer’s ethnic communities? ethnicity.

Describe which. Does the plan or process Neither a positive or negative LLP will be applied have a positive or negative effect equally regardless of impact on women? a customer’s gender. Describe how. Does the plan or process Neither a positive or negative All Applicants will be have a positive or negative effect assessed equally . impact on women in particular communities?

Describe which. Does the plan or process LFHA staff work to Applicants who Ensure Applicants are assessed Data Base Quarterly audits are have a positive or negative ensure that the find it difficult to at registration and that they are with details carried out by impact on all people with profile, needs and engage with CBL contacted and given advice and of support independent disabilities? aspirations of may find LLP’s assistance on CBL. When given can Lettings Officers to disabled people are difficult to customers are still unable to be obtained ensure the correct Describe how. heard and acted on understand. engage with CBL staff will from Leeds procedures are both by Leeds Fed provided support in the form of Homes followed in all aspects of our Assisted Bidding. business, and by the wider community.

This includes

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Promoting the ‘social model of disability’ at all times. Does the plan or process LFHA staff work to Applicants who Ensure Applicants are assessed Data Base Quarterly audits are have a positive or negative ensure that the find it difficult to at registration and that they are with details carried out by impact on people with profile, needs and engage with CBL contacted and given advice and of support independent particular disabilities? aspirations of may find LLP’s assistance on CBL. When given can Lettings Officers to disabled people are difficult to customers are still unable to be obtained ensure the correct Describe how and which. heard and acted on understand. engage with CBL staff will from Leeds procedures are both by Leeds Fed provided support in the form of Homes. followed in all aspects of our Assisted Bidding. business, and by the wider community.

This includes

Promoting the ‘social model of disability’ at all times. Does the plan or process Houses - Positive Houses - Older have a positive or negative effect on ‘families’ people may not impact on people of a as these properties receive the same particular age? Such as have been designed level of children, young people, as family homes preference as older people therefore the houses are preference will be aimed at families Describe how and which. given to customers with children. with children.

Page 17 of 26 Royal Gardens Local Lettings Plan : March 2011 Apartments – Apartments – Positive effect on Older people young professionals may not be in the area as these considered for are targeted to local accommodation people who may be from 1st floor up in training or as the employment in the apartments do local area. not have lift access.

Does the plan or process Neither a positive or negative LLP will be applied have a positive or negative effect equally regardless of impact on people with a customer’s particular sexuality? sexuality

Describe how and which.

Does the plan or process Neither a positive or negative LLP will be applied have effect equally regardless of a positive or negative a customer’s faith / impact on people with religion particular faith/religion?

Describe how and which. Outsourced Services


Page 18 of 26 Royal Gardens Local Lettings Plan : March 2011 Relations between different equality groups


Summary of replies from individuals and stakeholders consulted including any previous complaints on equality and diversity issues about the plan or process

This is the first EIA undertaken therefore no previous complaints or issues to be noted.

Options resulting from this Equality Impact Assessment including measures necessary to minimise or remove any adverse impact and better promotion of equality and diversity


Arrangements for regular monitoring of the impact of plan or process. Are any additions to be made on the impact of this plan or change in process needed prior to the next EIA review? i.e. The repairs service comments from customer satisfaction slip

This Local Lettings Plan will be reviewed yearly with all Stakeholders and approval by Leeds City Council annually.

Page 19 of 26 Royal Gardens Local Lettings Plan : March 2011 Responsibility Timescale Any actions and outcomes


Recommendations and/or observations


Please note that any change of plan or procedure would be subject to the normal consultation process relevant to each section. Please see Head of Service for further details.

Signature EIA Assessor: ______

Signature Lead Officer: ______

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Page 21 of 26 Royal Gardens Local Lettings Plan : March 2011 Definitions

What is Affordable Housing?

Communities and Local Government Publication ‘’Planning Policy Statement 3: Housing’’ (PPS3) Annex B provides the following definition of affordable housing:

Affordable housing is:

‘Affordable housing includes social rented and intermediate housing, provided to specified eligible households whose needs are not met by the market.

Affordable housing should:

– Meet the needs of eligible households including availability at a cost low enough for them to afford, determined with regard to local incomes and local house prices. – Include provision for the home to remain at an affordable price for future eligible households or, if these restrictions are lifted, for the subsidy to be recycled for alternative affordable housing provision’.

Social rented housing is:

‘Rented housing owned and managed by local authorities and registered social landlords, for which guideline target rents are determined through the national rent regime. The proposals set out in the Three Year Review of Rent Restructuring (July 2004) were implemented as policy in April 2006. It may also include rented housing owned or managed by other persons and provided under equivalent rental arrangements to the above, as agreed with the local authority or with the Housing Corporation as a condition of grant.’

Intermediate affordable housing is:

‘Housing at prices and rents above those of social rent, but below market price or rents, and which meet the criteria set out above. These can include shared equity products (e.g. HomeBuy), other low cost homes for sale and intermediate rent.’

These definitions replace guidance given in Planning Policy Guidance Note 3: Housing (PPG3) and DETR Circular 6/98 Planning and Affordable Housing.

The definition does not exclude homes provided by private sector bodies or provided without grant funding. Where such homes meet the definition above, they may be considered, for planning purposes, as affordable housing. Whereas, those homes that do not meet the definition, for example, ‘low cost market’ housing, may not be considered, for planning purposes, as affordable housing.

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There is further guidance on eligibility for affordable housing, recycling of subsidy, specific features of social rented and intermediate affordable housing and the application of the affordable housing definition, in particular with regard to the extent to which non-grant funded and private sector low cost housing products meet the definition in the Affordable Housing Policy Statement.

Local Connection

Local connection is defined in Part VII of the Housing Act 1996. It includes:

ƒ Those who are normally resident in the area. Local Government Association guidelines define this as having lived in the area for six out of the last twelve months, or three out of the last five years, where residence has been out of choice

ƒ Those who are employed in the area. The Local Government Association guidelines define this as employment in the area which is other than of a casual nature

ƒ Those who have family connections. The Local Government Association guidelines define this as immediate family* members who have themselves lived in the area for five years or more

(*Immediate family members can be considered as mother; father; brother; sister; and adult children. However, there are exceptional circumstances where other family members can be considered if there is satisfactory evidence available to support these exceptional circumstances).

Overcrowding definition

Overcrowding is defined in the Leeds City Council Lettings Policy as ;

A separate bedroom ought to be available based upon the council’s standard for:

• each adult (age 16 years or over), except when living together as partners; and • two children, where one is age 10 years or over, who are not the same gender.

Page 23 of 26 Royal Gardens Local Lettings Plan : March 2011 Key worker definition

Category 1 (National definition)

• NHS: All clinical staff employed by the NHS except doctors and dentists • Education: Qualified teachers in LEA schools and sixth form colleges, lecturers in FE colleges, children’s social workers and qualified nursery nurses in LEA nursery schools only • Police: Police officers and community support officers including those working for the British Transport Police or the Civil Nuclear Constabulary (CNC) in certain areas. Some front line civilian police roles are also eligible – this varies by force • Prison Service: Prison officers and related grades, operational support grades, nursing staff, industrials and instructional officers working at specified locations • Probation Service: Probation officers, senior probation officers, probation service officers, trainee probation officers and other operational staff (except Assistant Chief Officers) who work directly with offenders • Local Authority: Local authority employed clinical staff, adult social workers, occupational therapists, educational psychologists, speech and language therapists, rehabilitation officers for the visually impaired and qualified nursery nurses. Local authority planners employed by the Local Planning Authority delivering statutory planning services • Connexions: Personal Advisors provided that they are employed by a local authority or a Connexions Partnership. Connexions Personal Advisors employed by private or voluntary sector organisations are not eligible • Fire and Rescue: Fire Fighters Uniformed fire and rescue staff below principal level Other: • MOD posts: Regular service personnel, including: Military Provost Guard Service, in the Navy, Army and Air Force; MoD Police Officers • Uniformed staff in the Defence Fire Service • Full Time Reserve Service (Full Commitment) • Environmental Health Officers/ Practitioners Qualified Environmental Health Officers/Practitioners who work in a local authority, government agency, NHS or other public sector agency, AND who hold either a EHRB Certificate of Registration or an EHRB Diploma in Environmental Health • Traffic Officer staff of the Highways Agency Traffic Officer Service All applicants must be in one of the following safety critical roles: Supervisor (on road and off road);Traffic Officer; and RCC Operator.

Page 24 of 26 Royal Gardens Local Lettings Plan : March 2011 Category 2 (Local definition)

Other public service professional, technical, and front line workers, and also workers providing support services to them (or to those in Category 1).

This category includes:

• Postal workers • People training for an occupation in this Category or Category 1 • Hospital ancillary staff • Local Government workers • Administrative staff within the Police Force, Fire Service, Education, Social Services etc • Classroom assistants

S 106 definition

Section 106 Agreement is a legal agreement between the Planning Authority and the applicant/developer . Section 106 Agreements" are types of Planning Obligations authorised by Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 . This Act allows a local planning authority (LPA) to enter into a legally-binding agreement or planning obligation with an applicant/developer in association with the granting of planning permission. As part of this agreement the developer can be requested to provide contributions ranging from affordable housing, new open space , education and employment contributions etc. However all Section 106 Agreements must be relevant to the development they relate to.

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