

R. Kevin Smith, DO, and Karen O'Mara, DO Chicago, Illinois

Overdose from tricyclic (TCAs) is increasing. TCAs are well absorbed orally, highly protein bound, and high­ ly lipid soluble. Clinical features of poisoning with TCAs occur within 12 hours of ingestion, usually after a dose of 20 mg/kg or more. Clinical symptomatology involves various anticholiner­ gic, , and cardiovascular effects. Car­ diovascular accounts for the majority of the fatalities and may include a hyperdynamic response, various arrhyth­ mias and blocks, or severe . Prolongation of the QRS interval of 10 msec or more implies severe toxicity. Many factors limit the usefulness of drug levels in the over­ dosed patient. Treatment revolves around good supportive care and general poisoning management. The physician should no longer use physostigmine precipitously. bicarbon­ ate is effective in treating many of the cardiovascular compli­ cations. Other cardiac drugs are used but with varying effi­ cacy. Patients with significant signs or symptoms of toxicity require monitored hospitalization until clinically free of mani­ festations for 24 to 48 hours.

Overdosage with drugs sion, coma with respiratory arrest, convulsions, has been reported as early as 1959, one year after complex , and myocardial . their introduction to . Because of the The purpose of this paper is to review the current complex central and peripheral toxic effects of body of knowledge on tricyclic antidepressants these drugs, the physician who treats the over­ (TCAs) and their toxicity. Increased understand­ dosed patient may find himself managing hypoten- ing of the mechanisms of toxicity, pharmacologic interactions, and clinical manifestations allows the outline of a rational mode of for patients who present with TCA overdose. The need for a safe, effective pharmacologic From the Department of , Mercy Hos­ therapy for endogenous depression led to early ac­ pital and Medical Center, Abraham Lincoln School of Medi­ cine, University of Illinois College of Medicine, and the ceptance of TCAs in the United States more than Department of Emergency Medicine, University of Chicago two decades ago. The subsequent reported inci­ Hospitals and Clinics, Chicago, Illinois. Requests for re­ prints should be addressed to Dr. R. Kevin Smith, Depart­ dence of profound toxic effects from overdose ment of Emergency Medicine, Mercy Hospital and Medical with these drugs has apparently not outweighed Center, Stevenson Expressway at King Drive, Chicago, IL 60616. the benefits, as these drugs are prescribed more 0094-3509/82/080247-07$01.75 ® 1982 Appleton-Century-Crofts

THE JOURNAL OF FAMILY PRACTICE, VOL. 15, NO. 2: 247-253, 1982 247 TRICYCLIC ANTIDEPRESSANT OVERDOSE than 24 million times annually in the United arrhythmic, “ -like” effect.8-9 In toxic in­ States. The current indications for use of these gestions, the list is expanded to include myocar­ drugs are endogenous depression and adjunctive dial and central nervous system depression. therapy for in children.1 The increasing incidence of overdose with these drugs correlates with prescribing practices, making them available to two high-risk populations: the accidental inges­ tion2-3 in children less than five years of age, and Effects at Therapeutic Doses the adolescent and adult suicidal ingestion groups. resemble chemically in this effect. The tertiary (, ami­ triptyline, and ) are more than are the secondary amines.4 These sedative effects may result from their potent antihistaminic properties.10 Tricyclic antidepressant drugs have a three-ring nucleus (hence the term tricyclic), consisting of a seven-membered central ring bounded by two ben­ zene rings. Imipramine and each Effects contain an aminopropyl side chain with three sub­ Both central and peripheral manifestations are stitutions. These drugs are the parent tertiary seen. Tricyclics are competitive antagonists of compounds. Demethylation of these parent at the neuroreceptor site. Anticho­ drugs produces the secondary amines, desipra- linergic manifestations are common at therapeutic mine and , that are also pharmacolog­ doses and include dry mouth, , uri­ ically active.4 Doxepin (a tertiary amine) and nary retention, and mydriasis. differ from the other TCAs in their central ring structure. These six drugs are the most commonly prescribed in the United States and are marketed under a variety of brand names. There has been recent approval of two other TCAs, tri- Blockage of the Amine Pump mipramine and , and one One popular hypothesis for endogenous de­ antidepressant, . is pression is the depletion hypothe­ structurally and pharmacologically similar to imip- sis. According to this hypothesis, symptoms of ramine, while amoxapine may possess a more depression are correlated with the level of norepi­ rapid action but less potent activity compared with nephrine (and ) in the . Tricyclics the other TCAs.5 Maprotiline’s antidepressant ac­ block the of norepinephrine at the syn­ tivity is similar to the older compounds,6 but apse, allowing for a longer sojourn of this neuro­ it may possess more adverse effects, particularly transmitter. It is thought that this mechanism may seizures.7 be the means by which tricyclics influence de­ pressive symptoms.4 Recent work is emphasizing the changes in the pre- and postsynaptie sensitivity as contributing to the antidepressant activity.11 Actions Four effects of therapeutic doses of tricyclics have been described: (1) sedation (- like effect), (2) central and peripheral anticholiner­ gic effects, (3) blockade of the presynaptic uptake Antiarrhythmic Effect of amine , the perceived etiology A quinidine-like antiarrhythmic effect of tricy­ of the antidepressant action,4 and (4) the anti­ clics has been documented. In one study, imipra-


mine was shown to reduce atrial and ventricular Toxicologic Properties arrhythmias at therapeutic antidepressant levels.9 Acute tricyclic antidepressant ingestion in ex­ cess of 20 mg/kg has been associated with toxic manifestations of myocardial depression, serious arrhythmias, coma, and respiratory arrest. How­ ever, death has occurred in a child with a dose of 200 mg. The lowest known fatal dose in an adult is reported at 500 mg, although survival is also re­ ported in an adult after an acute ingestion of 10 g.14 Tricyclic antidepressants are well absorbed oral­ Toxic sequelae are complex and relate in part to ly from the and are rapidly the high lipid of the drug and distribution distributed into tissue compartments because of into all body tissues, including the central nervous their high lipid solubility, reflected by their large system. volumes of distribution. The TCAs are highly Early toxic effects on the heart are mediated plasma protein bound (76 percent to 98 percent), through anticholinergic mechanisms and are seen with an alpha, acid glycoprotein as the major pro­ as narrow complex tachyarrhythmias. These may tein. Once a steady-state plasma drug level has be hemodynamically significant and require treat­ been established, there is a positive correlation ment. With larger doses direct myocardial de­ between drug level and clinical antidepressant pression with decreased contractility and resultant response. This varies between 50 and 170 ng/mL, hypotension are noted. His-Purkinje conduction is depending on the tricyclic.12 prolonged, and wide complex arrhythmias and Because of their high lipid solubility, tricyclics sinoatrial and atrioventricular blocks are seen. are reported to show tissue levels 10 times greater Ventricular ectopy and arrhythmias are common than plasma levels, and myocardial levels have and often refractory to treatment.15'20 been reported to be 40 to 200 times plasma levels. Toxic effects on the central nervous system can Children, with lower lipid stores, may have higher be mediated through anticholinergic mechanisms blood levels at similar milligram per kilogram and possibly through blockade of amine neurotrans­ doses, possibly enhancing toxic effects.12 mitter reuptake. Alteration in The TCAs are metabolized by demethylation, ratio in the brain has been speculated as a possible oxidation and aromatic hydroxylation, and glucu- mechanism for the seizures and choreoathetosis ronidization via the hepatic microsomal commonly seen in TCA overdoses. Increased tox­ systems and are excreted in the urine. A small icity results in profound central nervous sys­ portion of the drug is excreted unchanged and is tem depression, although the mechanisms are detectable in the urine. The demethylated forms of speculative.21'23 amitriptyline, imipramine, and doxepin result in pharmacologically active metabolites. Enhancement of the hepatic microsomal en­ zymes will alter the rate of metabolism of TCAs. Substances that act in this way include barbitu­ rates, , and cigarettes and will increase the rates of metabolism of TCAs.4-12 Gastric secretion Plasma Drug Levels and enterohepatic recirculation of TCAs have Plasma drug levels reflect only a small portion been described. This may account for as much as of the total body drug burden. Interpretation of 30 percent of the ingested dose in a 24-hour pe­ plasma drug levels must take into consideration riod.13 Theoretically, repeated oral doses of acti­ parent compound and active metabolites in both vated charcoal may remove this recycled drug, but the protein-bound and free forms. The free (un­ evidence is currently lacking. The high degree of bound) drug is the pharmacologically active por­ protein binding and large tion and accounts for only 7 percent of the total weigh against significant removal of TCAs by plasma level. Early investigators found that in­ either nasogastric suction or multiple doses of ac­ creasing the pH of plasma resulted in a decrease in tivated charcoal. free drug, but other investigators have not agreed

THE JOURNAL OF FAMILY PRACTICE, VOL. 15, NO. 2, 1982 249 TRICYCLIC ANTIDEPRESSANT OVERDOSE with this mechanism.24 The amount of pH change coma. Coma usually develops within six hours of needed to show significantly increased protein the ingestion and seldom lasts more than 24 binding was in excess of physiologic range. Other hours.29 If coma persists for more than 48 hours, drugs also bound to the same plasma proteins the physician should suspect a mixed ingestion, could conceivably displace the tricyclic antide­ particularly with sedative- compounds. pressant and therefore increase free TCA levels The coma may simulate brain death with complete and contribute to increased toxicity.12,13 loss of brainstem and cerebral function. Continued Correlation of serial blood levels with clinical resuscitative and supportive care is mandatory to status shows that an acute total TCA level in ex­ ensure survival. Involuntary twitching, , my­ cess of 1,000 ng/mL is strongly correlated with the oclonus, or choreoathetosis, frequently seen with development of serious arrhythmias (50 percent), basal ganglion , occurs commonly and is coma (20 to 40 percent), and electrocardiogram also a result of the anticholinergic properties of findings of QRS prolongation in excess of 10 msec TCAs.23 Generalized seizures occur in 10 percent (100 percent).25 28 These levels were obtained on to 20 percent of the patients.20,28,30 Central nervous patients presenting with an acute overdose in the system depression may cause ventilatory failure first several hours after ingestion. Drug levels ob­ and contribute to aspiration pneumonia. Seizures, tained more than 24 hours after ingestion do not agitation, and marked muscle activity can lead to correlate well with clinical findings. It is also diffi­ and acute renal failure. cult to interpret drug levels in the overdose patient Cardiovascular toxic reactions account for the who had been taking a TCA. Clinical symptoms majority of the fatalities and are the most difficult may appear at lower plasma drug levels in these to treat. In the event of a mild overdose, a hyper­ patients. These numerous factors limit the useful­ dynamic circulation predominates, with tachycar­ ness of drug levels in the overdosed patient. dia and a slightly elevated . Marked myocardial depression characterizes the severe poisoning with life-threatening hypotension. Electrocardiographic (ECG) manifestations are varied in TCA poisoning. Mild poisonings present as a sinus or supraventricular tachyar­ rhythmias, the result of the anticholinergic effect Clinical Presentation of the drug. Severe poisoning is characterized by Clinical features of tricyclic antidepressant poi­ life-threatening conduction delays. This frequently soning occur in the first 12 hours after ingestion. occurs with doses of more than 20 mg/kg20 and These are typically most dangerous in the 12-to- usually develops within one to two hours after 24-hour period, but large ingestions may present ingestion. an immediate threat to life. Three systems are Prolongation of the QRS 10 msec or more im­ principally involved: the anticholinergic, the car­ plies severe toxicity and usually correlates with a diovascular, and the central nervous systems. plasma level of 1,000 ng/mL or more,28 but there Anticholinergic symptomatology appears ini­ are exceptions.31 The ECG will show a progres­ tially and is present in most TCA overdoses. sion from prolonged PR and QRS intervals to vari­ These effects include , dry skin and ous AV blocks, followed terminally with severe mouth, hyperpyrexia, dilated pupils, cycloplegia, and an idioventricular rhythm and decreased gastric motility, constipation, and uri­ cardiac arrest. Various re-entry arrhythmias may nary retention. occur and include premature ventricular contrac­ The central nervous system manifestations are tions, , bigeminy, and fi­ due to the anticholinergic and antihistaminic prop­ brillation. The prolongation of the QT interval erties of the drugs. These effects vary from mild predisposes the TCA-overdosed patient to tor­ agitation or drowsiness to severe , deep sades de pointes.32 The recent mortality from sig­ coma, or seizures. Initially there is a brief period nificant poisoning is approximately 3 percent.20,30 of excitement followed by , dysarthria, There are several reports of delayed complica­ and visual and auditory . Severe de­ tions, including relapsing coma, recurring ar­ lirium may continue, or the patient may lapse into rhythmias, and death.33"38


Treatment which is responsible for the metabolism of acetyl­ . It is the only choline esterase inhibitor The most important aspects of treating tricyclic that enters the central nervous system. The side antidepressant poisoning are good supportive care effects include excessive salivation leading to and general poisoning management. A majority of respiratory insufficiency, generalized convulsions patients respond to these alone.33,37 The physician if given too rapidly, spontaneous emesis, urina­ should first maintain a good airway and assure tion, defecation,44 and, most important, brady­ proper ventilation of the patient, which may in­ cardia, hypotension, and asystole.45 clude suctioning or positioning of the head and Physostigmine is an effective for TCA- neck in the noncomatose patient or intubation in induced seizures, but many favor the use of diaze­ the comatose patient. pam29,38 or as the first-line drug. It is Preventing the absorption of the drug is most wisest to avoid physostigmine if the patient has important. The anticholinergic effects of TCA may bradycardia, conduction delays, or hypotension, delay absorption for many hours, and the initiation although some seizure patients will respond to no of basic poisoning management is mandatory up to other drug.38 The dose is 2 mg intravenously over 2 18 hours after the ingestion.38 If the mental status to 5 minutes, repeated in 10 to 15 minutes if there is adequate, the physician should use syrup of is no effect. The pediatric dose is 0.5 mg,44 ipecac to empty the stomach contents. The coma­ repeated every 10 minutes to a maximum dose of tose patient or a patient without an adequate gag 2 mg. The physician may repeat the dose every 20 reflex needs intubation with a cuffed endotracheal to 30 minutes if there is an effective response. The tube and gastric lavage with a large-bore orogas- antidote for physostigmine is sulfate in tric tube. The physician should lavage the stomach one half the original physostigmine dose. The dis­ with the patient in the left lateral, head-down advantages of are that it increases the position. Continual nasogastric suction removes central nervous system depression and has a short little more and may cause severe metabolic duration of action. Phenytoin should be used cau­ derangements.3 tiously, as it may cause hypotension, bradycardia, Activated charcoal is effective in preventing ab­ and conduction delays similar to TCA.45 47 sorption of TCA. The physician should use dos­ The physician may use physostigmine for un­ ages 10 times the amount of the ingested drug or 50 controlled delirium or myoclonus. Diazepam is an to 100 g if unknown. Repeated doses are probably alternative if bradycardia, hypotension, or severe unnecessary, and a recent study casts doubt on the conduction delays exist. drugs such quantitative aspects of the enterohepatic circula­ as and have anticho­ tion process.39 linergic properties similar to TCA and can poten­ Cathartics such as sodium or sulfate tiate the overdose. should follow activated charcoal. Dialysis and forced are not helpful because of the large volume of distribution and the high protein binding of the drugs.38,40,41 Hypotension Circulatory management may be difficult. Hy­ potension is the result of the myocardial depres­ sant and the peripheral vasodilatory effects of the Central Nervous System Complications drug as well as the conduction delay. A Swan- It is best to manage uncomplicated coma by Ganz catheter is most helpful in guiding fluid man­ supportive care alone. The physician should no agement. Most recommend the use of crystalloids longer use physostigmine as a diagnostic modality initially,38,40 but the physician must avoid fluid in the comatose patient, nor should he or she try it overloading an already depressed myocardium. precipitously as an antidote for TCA overdose. It Military antishock trousers (MAST) provide a re­ is not specific for anticholinergic drugs,42,43 and it versible fluid challenge and may be helpful in guid­ has many side effects. Physostigmine, a ing the use of crystalloids in patients without a drug, hydrolyzes the enzyme choline esterase, Swan-Ganz catheter. may be


helpful, as it reverses TCA-induced dysrhythmias appear crucial to ’s antiarrhythmic ac­ and hypotension.36,48-50 The dosage is 1 to 3 tions. Nothing is known about its use in the setting mEq/kg, titrated to a pH of 7.4 to 7.5.40 of TCA-induced ventricular arrhythmias. Fluids and sodium bicarbonate are effective in Phenytoin may be useful for ventricular ar­ the majority of the patients. If these fail, the phy­ rhythmias, but it is not an innocuous drug. There sician must use pressors. The selection of which are several reports of fatal cardiac death with its pressor agent is controversial. All may cause ar­ use. Many of these deaths occur similarly to those rhythmias, and they often fail to raise the blood from TCA with conduction delays, idioventricular pressure effectively. The use of levarterenol bitar­ rhythm, and asystole.45-47 The physician should in­ trate or with both beta! and alpha prop­ ject phenytoin at a rate of 50 mg/min or less, with erties is probably the best choice. It is wise to cardiac monitoring and frequent blood pressure avoid digitalization, since most of these patients recordings.46,55 Lower rates are necessary in the have underlying heart blocks and conduction dis­ elderly or in patients with heart . The total turbances.15 Catheterization of the bladder will dose is titrated to the control of the , avoid , a common problem in but not exceeding 1 g (15 mg/kg) in the adult. It is these patients. important to avoid the use of type I antiarrhythmic drugs, quinidine, , and , since they have actions similar to those of TCAs. Conduction defects imply significant ­ Cardiac Complications ings. Treatment is essential if accompanied by hypotension or severe arrhythmias. There are no Supraventricular tachyarrhythmias occur com­ reports of treating non-life-threatening conduction monly, and treatment is usually not necessary delays to prevent future catastrophes. Sodium bi­ unless they are hemodynamically significant or carbonate is the first drug for life-threatening con­ they occur in patients with underlying heart dis­ duction delays. Recent reports would suggest ease. Sodium bicarbonate is effective and should phenytoin as the second-line drug after sodium bi­ be used initially.36,48'50 Physostigmine and pro­ carbonate.45,55 There are individual reports of the pranolol are the next choices, although of physostigmine, , and prac- may become a better alternative. Propranolol will tolol, but previously mentioned drawbacks limit worsen myocardial depression and should be used their usefulness. The physician may try emer­ only for supraventricular tachyarrhythmias with a gency pacing as a final effort. normal QRS complex. Some recommend practo- The physician should carefully monitor in an lol, a cardioselective beta-blocker with less myo­ all patients with a QRS interval cardial action.51 of 10 msec or more, cardiac arrhythmia, or central The treatment of ventricular arrhythmias is ex­ nervous system or peripheral manifestations. tremely troublesome. The physician should use Most recommend further hospitalization for 24 to sodium bicarbonate as the first-line drug.36,48-50 48 hours after the patient is completely free of all Beta-blockers and physostigmine are controver­ signs and symptoms.38,40 Appropriate psychiatric sial. There are reports of their efficacy in this set­ consultation is mandatory. Asymptomatic patients ting,49,51-54 but both can potentiate hypotension, need basic poisoning management and psychiatric bradycardia, and conduction delays. More tradi­ consultation. Observation for eight hours is es­ tional ventricular antiarrhythmic agents also have sential before considering the patient safe for med­ their drawbacks. The usefulness of is ical discharge. questionable, but some use it as the second-line drug after sodium bicarbonate.40,49 Bretylium may be an even better alternative to lidocaine, since it is effective against ventricular arrhythmias and has the added feature of not depressing the myo­ References cardium. TCAs block the amine uptake mecha­ 1. Hollister LE: Tricyclic antidepressants. N Enql J Med nism and may prevent bretylium from gaining 299:1170, 1978 2. Tricyclic antidepressant poisoning in children, edi­ access to the nerves, but this does not torial. Lancet 1:511, 1979


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