Mstusm Hiiil »Rw Plow Wtth a Moot Btadztobta* Sepd •Ached to One of the Towmrupt Trocka
, -••J^-—-•jfo^'-.Tr ~~- KT. 74, l«6 FIVE ^ ^^—^^——— =———= —ea^— ^. M TOWBHP [ ^^ ~^" • • • ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^a^^^^^^^^^^^^^T^^^^^^^^B^^^ee^^^^^f^^^awaw^^^e^^^^awgiej ^pa^vei PREPARES FOR SMQW DIB In ordnr to mstusm HiIIL »rw plow wtth a Moot btadZtobTa* Sepd •ached to one of the towmrupt trocka. That win give Cranlord low plows to put!Mo serrka. An adOHooal three RETOdHNSONC, Ptowa can be uead wtth hirsd trucks I. js*e then ahouldb. an uoaauan, heavy IWth<rfCWi»ttoBe( ikesttssnt to Onion f»tt«fsnow, according to Township i.ot tht Oaneral AS- •nstossr Thomaa J, MeUughlln. The k. Craaloni fhwrlm IHIiiiEjfci Serrfc** Tonight, by th» streat department win try out a motor- f»mls«iht Fistrisw Tns,rm»w llawlaTt drhwn akknalk .play, constructed to Iscaawattareqaeit- break a path of about two and a half "Miniih"toB«Sur>tS«ndayfwltl>t tart. It wffl be punhaaed tf K provta i tor the period of successful In Mount*, the machme The Christmai story will be retold in tons and sermon twa» learned Tuesday can be wed to drive a lawn mower. tonight, tomorrow and on Sunday in Cranford churches/ Spe- cial services, with festive musk, will be held- in all local 11* (ranted to eon. churchea commemorating the birth of Christ. Many churches will usher in Christmas with midnight employes and SO BASKETS TO BE vert to services tonight, others will hold candlelight service! at 6 a. m,t t scale on January 31 tomorrow. One of the highlight* of the musical programs tai DBTMBOIB TODAY be prevented during the week-end will be Handel's immortal [Ja» telegrams, It tt for the work, "The Messiah," which will be sung in the Pint Pres- r salartss In Ita ownNeedy of Town to Be Cared byterian Church at 8 p.
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