El Mustang, February 23, 1951
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CALIFORNIA STATE POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE# VOL 11, NO. U SAN LUIS OIIJFO, CALIFONIA FRIDAY, FIIRUAIY 21, 1M1 Dairy Club Honors Chris Jespersen Dies, Three Members , . At Aaaual Baaquet College Loses Friend By Bob McKeller State Senator Girin Jesneraen, Republican, a legislator Joe Cardoso, Rtvardale; Bob for 2R years, died in Atascadero hospital 0 p.m. Wednesday Clark, Tulare; a n d Lawrence o f a heart condition. Borba, Ontario, were honored at the fourth annual Los LScheros Jespersen, 60, suddenly became ill Tuesday night. ,Hos banquet Saturday night in the pital attendants said his death was a "shock to everybody." Kdna Farm Center hall. Selected Hia wife, Jennie, his daughter for their outstanding ' endeavor, and several of hia aons wera with character, scholarship, popular him whan he died. Funeral services ity and participation, the trio had awaited the arrival of others of their namaa Inscribed on the hia Avo childran. , George M. Drumm' trophy, highest honor bestowed by the dub. Jespersen wae born in Ban Luis Presentation of Poly belt buck Obispo April 6. 1800, and engaged le* went to Robert Johnson, Pop in farming in the Paso Robles area lar Grove, 111.: Berend Broerama, for 26 ysara. He went into the real Arteala; and Borba for thalr par estate business In Atascadero in ticipation on the judging team that 1032. placed fifth at the Dairy Congress He first was elected to the as Intercollegiate judging meet at sembly In 1026 and served until Waterloo, Iowa, l*sl fall Belt buckles were also awarded to Robert Laver, Alturaa; Jack Julian A. McPhee i Gorakl, San Lula Obispo; Eugene "Thla ia the biggest loss Cal Honor* . Joe Corrloza, Los Lecher os honor student, presehts Htarkay. OrlanJHviIllam Walters, Poly haa ever halT Chria Jcaper- Bakerafield; D • n a I d Hchuctt, sen haa been Cal Poly ltealf all Frank Hopkms, San Jose purebred Holstein breeder, with m hon Woodstock, 111.: and Jack Albright, thaae years. He waa tha most orary rnembfTship to the "dub as T R Knutsen, Knutseri Dairy Paso Robles, for participation In enoroua person I have ever Products company, looks on at the Los ^.echeros bdnquet cattle and dairy products judging Cnown In thla lift. He haa told teams that went to the Pacific me he wouldn't have been In the International judging contest at state legislature for the past Portland. two terms If it hadn’t hem in New Officers the protection of Cal Poly’e In Speed, Service, Sanitation Joe Oardosa, outgoing president, ternets. Chris Jespersen waa our waa presented with the club gavel guiding light. Hia heart ahd soul by Borba, newly elected president. wore wrapped up In oar achool.” Mark El Corral Progress Borba announced that John Pres ton, McDonough,- N. V., would fill Senator Chris Jespersen “W* ere working with a* many* tha vice-presidency; Blaine Mann 1082 whan ha wee elected State of tha deportments an possible to ing. Redding, secretary-treasurer; Senator, a poet ha held oontlnouely ipcad up ftt Corral coffee shop and Angelo Pagni, Ban Pablo, since then. utrvlr* and Increase efficiency,” Coronation Plans reporter. They will servo for the Poly's Story Has Practically every major legis aaya Harry W'lneroth, actinir stu remainder of the year. lative bill which brought financial dent •tor* manager. Speaking to 120 members, Car- support and progress to Cal Poly Wlnoroth potatad out thu re doaa welcomed the guests, Shel Just Begun, since 1026 was authored by Sen vamping of the Ice oraam counter, Await Approval don Perham, hie wife and eon ator Jasperaon. Jespersen Dormit the newly relocated eoffaa uma, Arthur, Mountain View, an hon ory ia named In hia honor. and aelf-eervlce aandwich depart- orary member; Clayton Record, Coeds Here In 2001 It will require a special election went. "Everything we have done Of National Guard Sr.. San Jacinto; Jim Emerson Cel Poly’s noted "upside down" called ‘by Governor Warren to All to »peed op aervtce, and cut down and wifs, Arden Farms, Los An •durational philosophy will bo the vacancy. time the students spend waiting in Coronation ball for 1061 Poly geles; Julian McPhee, Cal Poly "right aide up” In tho year 2001 line at rnah heurs,” ha says. Royal will definitely be held In president, a n d Mrs. McPhee. by virtue of its accomplishments, "Our nawaat addition to El Cor (the Camp Men Lula Armory — (Continued on Page 2) it was predicted thle week by Student Response ral aqalpiaent, a rolling cup stand, providing th e National Guard President McPhee in a speech giv ihould help ua in our battle en before the Sen Luis Oblipn aealnat the one thing moat people Headquarters in Sacramento ap Three Jobs Listed Chamber of -Commerce. Good To New rlpr about-dirty tables. prove* the contract algned thla Hia address, "The Next Fifty nOae thing moat atudenta, and week, mye Marten Clerk, Poly At Grads’ Disposal Years,” la tha flrat in e aeries o: School Directory faculty members and employaea Royal beard chairman. programs commemorating C a 1 There's always a first time. aa wan don't reritaa," ha aaya, "la Thla Information waa raportad Placement secretary John Jonoa Poly’e 60th anniversary year. That’* tha way member* of Gemma that before the Army campa reports several Job opportunities Exhibiting a sketch or Cal Poly’s I Delta, honorary agricultural »P*nad EH Corral waa tha larg- to the Poty Royal board at laat exist for graduates and summer riaeter plan, he explained that the Saternity. feel about the 1061 stu aat outlet for coffee, doughnut* Tueaday’a meeting. Planning for vacation worker*. proposed building program te dent directory undertaken by them and aaadwtehee in the county. the coronatlen ball hee been held One auch opportunity is the coat more than fl6,000,000 was this year as an annual project , Or I pee Aplenty up until eome definite word waa position of Compensation Inou- designed for a student body of Proceeds of the sale will go to People gripe about crumba received ae te Ite location. rance Assistant with tha state o! 2700 men and 000 women. the student union fund, aaya Jim California. Openings in this field If tho situation stays approxi frem doughnut#, yet they don't Now werk will go ahead with Shepard, fraternity president. Cop wen consider that wo aall 100 exist ia San rrancieco, Los Ange mately as it la at proaont, Mo- ies are on sale for 10 cents in the !»»•» doughnut# dally—moetly the Architectural Club tentatively les and Sacramento. The Job con Phoe predicta next ysar’a enroll A8B office. within two or three hours in the agreed to do theplannlng end sup cerns administration of and soli ment will drop te 1800 or 2000 stu ■orningi. That’# tl!0() doughnut orviaory work. The Board had pre citation for worker1* compensa dents. In case of all-out moblliaa- Containing names, addroaaea and wrapper* to pick up end 1200 vioualy decided the architecte were tion Insurance. tion, McPhee said, thefe ia strong year in eehool of students. Hating moat fitted to do thu designing and College graduates and about- indication that Cal poly will bo faculty and employaea, atudent er- taughnete te apread crumba. Yet ganisatlons and governmental m" ly .Neple don’t bother to be decorating, but the ecchltecte neve (fc-be graduates may bo interested utilised for an extensive naval not felt that they have enough in obtaining a posit Ion aa Junior training program. Air force, army groups, the 60 page booklet was eererul. planned, complied «nd edited by "V# •wwwt eore at them, we’re atudenta available for the labor Real Pweport y Agent. Agents are and marine official! alio have in needed. t rained (n special tied appraisal spected Cnl Poly aa a poaalblo lo- mambara of Gamma Pi Delta Print running El Corral for the atu- ing WM done by printing student* *■*•» and what they want le what With Poly Royal Board agreeing and valuation work ana nego calc for wartime training activi *•? giro them," be eeya. to provide maepew*r,«he architecte tiation for purchase of real ties, he said. “ P«* of their elosa work, says .Aa M Indication of what El have tentatively agreed to handle property, mostly in connection N,.?£L Pr°Ject chairman. Cerral doea give them, 1000 to the affair, Anal doclelene to wait with hlgWey construction—parti "The general response hee been 2000 cup* ef coffee are eold dolly, until tholr next mooting. cularly geed epportonlty for those Blotters To Rave rV7 t 00,J■ 0vor topics were doaeu doughnuts, 20 doaen Other buoineoe of the Tuesday trained In business administration ••I® d»F- Of oouree. we •ccordlng to a State Personal made mistakes, but hone to do a anella, and about M0 afternoon eoselon Included the ap better job next year. Suggestions aaya Wloeretla. Mom pointment of Lloyd Benson, Dir Board naira relate*. About Poly RoyarJ A letter from Peal B. Limerick, ore axtremaly welcome,’’ snye Blair. *Mdwiehea ao between I t a.m. ector of Special Event*, te bo in "You are Invited to my parlor,” Credit for the eorar drawing «d 1 p.m. with M0 ef them being charge of aoloctiag the reOr Royal tree Field Enterprises Incorpora said the blotter to tho spy. goes to Jim Bays, Blair says. prepared end wrapped ahead of prince****. ted, reveals hie plan te visit Cal Blotters talking T Wall, not ex «»• by two fellow* who do no* Joe Goodrich, Rodeo Chib re Poly within the next few weeks actly talking, but they are carry ne ala* (for El Corral, that la), praeentatlve, reported that rodeo te discus* a plan for employment ing a message inviting you, tne tfne ef the thmge we hove stock l ad boon contracted for aad of summer vacation workers.