
-ooorn nanr o suDscnoe, ca 300 The^festfield Record 11, No. 34 Thursday, August 22,1996 A Forbes Newspaper 50 cents Driver faces drug charge in fatal crash Flea market The Westfield Neighbor New York State Trooper William Peck. Rubin was allegedly on his way home to Mr. LaFountain would not comment on tend Council (WNC) is spon- THS RECORD A passenger in the car — Joseph Scozio, Westfield. what sort of drug Mr. Rubin waa allegedly soring a Oea market 8 «JIL-4 21, of Oak Forest, 111. — was thrown from New York State Police Investigator Robert using at the time of the crash. am. Saturday at the Fan- Returning from an upstate New York con- the car, said the trooper. Passing motorists LaFountain told The Record the accident oc- "It is under investigation." he said. "We wood tnbi nation, Martinc cert aDegedry in a drug-induced haze, a attempted to resuscitate Mr. Scozio, but he curred shortly after 7 am. in the "very are doing a chemical analysis." and North Avenue*. Westflekl man drove his car off the road. His was pronounced dead shortly after being rural" town of Schroon, about 89 miles north Nor would the investigator discuss why a Vendon will tell an anort- passenger was thrown from the auto and rushed to a nearby hospital. of Albany. drug test was performed on Mr. Rubin. Such died at the scene, according to New York The roadway was dry, the sky was partly tests are not routine procedure, he said. intnt of merchandise, and Mr. Rubin was also brought to the hospital Stale Police. cloudy and there was patchy fog, said the Mr. Rubin was also charged with failure to the WNC will tell refresh- to be treated for a broken collarbone and ments. Praoeedi will benefit Eric Rubin, 21, of 329 Orenda Circle, is investigator, as Mr. Rubin's car, drifting left keep right and driving at an imprudent and. the agency's programs for facing the charge of driving with abilities head lacerations, said Trooper Peck. across the highway, rode over a patch of unreasonable on the 85 mph roadway,' youth and children. impaired by drugs after his 1995 Geo Prism The men were returning from a concert gravel, struck a guardrail and flipped. Au- said the investigator. ' strayed off a New York stretch of Interatate- featuring psychedelic rock band Phiah in thorities have not yet determined if either A pre-trial court date is scheduled for; Lunch and lecture 87 and rolled over Sunday morning, said Pittsburgh, NY., said Trooper Peck. Mr. man was wearing a aeatbett. Sept 25, said Officer LaFountain. The first event in the West- IWd YllCA's Lunch and Lee- tuna for the 00* Better Sets •la, a **«— *—^" on Medicare Planning Board scheduled for Sept 28. following • "Bring Your wtB make his presentation. All programs begin 12:30 clucks about pjn. They are free, but a res- tjvatkm is required. CaU 2J3- titt to raearve your spot Wine tatting winking rooster Ken Mareotte will sponsor a tatting and dinner to Logo lays an egg at hearing benefit the American Diabt- tta Aaeocsstion (ADA) Thurs- and fresh ignls^n that ara day, Sept 12. cooked in front of the patrons. Tickets for the optional uspoNDorr WestAekt Mayor Garland "Bud" black-tie event are available Boothe and the Planning Board- for a tax deductible $125 con- Skinless chicken was the main tribution. topic at Tuesday's Planning Board plucked away at the cupola. They Call the ADA at (101) 23t- meeting as the Koo Koo Roo CaU- vowed the sign would not put 1082 for information. Ibmia Kitchen restaurant tried to muster as long as It displayed the have an amendment passed to its winking chicken, the company's FEMALE meetings previously approved plan. logo. Formerly Employed Moth- Unfortunately for the Califbrnia- 'Your sign is too commercial and an At the Leading Edge <» hsswd poultry purveyors, the Plan- too corporate for that neighbor- MAUD, a national support ning Board members did not like noou. rne reucafwa are not going group for woman who have the idea of an illuminated, red and to ake it." said Mayor Boothe. left work temporarily to stay yellow winking chicken on the cu- MJOUSTO f. mmnvnm MCOAD Mayor Boothe said many other at home with their young pola of the restaurant in the down- businesses in that area have asked children, will meet B pm the A skiff wind town area, thfcd Wednesday of the to have their logos on their build- Jerry D skiff In ths> pond st Mlndo* Koo Koo Root is a heakh-fbod ings, but the Planning Board has month at the Westflekl femifesatykt restaurant from C*li YlfCA, MO Clark St watksn always turned them down. fomla that! serves akinteas chicken OUeuselon groups meet une or ira rewraBeniaiiw mm T;tv pjn. the first Wednesday gesnar sjeanan ei ine uensora their bright* Library. Walnut Avenue. winking, feathered Mend plan it with a bird that ahfuM attend these flret Board to 'chill' at 4-star hotel "more of an architectural C^el Bwjyn at 3817112 or Mia at S2246T1 for infbrma- Annual retreat will take place 15 minutes outside Westfield "In my book, the answer is no," said Mayor fiootht. a few drinks, however, board members and ad- As with all school board meetings, the Three board members im- Ahlielmer't support ministrator* will have to pay their own freight. Friday-Saturday retreat is subject to the state's A support group for Mends THE RECORD mediately offered their support to The board wiH not pay for alcoholic beverages. "Sunshine Law" governing open meetings. The the mayor. and family members of Al- The Westflekl Board of education Tuesday sJittaMr** diirase sufferers "This ia a part of what we need to do as our public may attend any session not directly re- Other residents complained add- matte 1J» and T |un. the night tamed its attention to Ita annual retreat job," said Board of Education President Susan lated to specific personnel or negotiation issues ing a wtamant to the downtown •ueyd Mondy of tt»»montfi Last year, the retreat took place at the school — hotel accommodations, however, are not pro- area will increase traffic oongasttoi sj| WNUWII Center, Oeneds board buikttng. In 1HM, board members vided. and parking will become BfcfCare Network, 151S chipped in to stay at a Florham Park hotel. The $2,388 total price tag is for In other news: mom of a problem. I^trtbarsi Mill Road This year, however, district officiate will stay single rooms and includes meals, "The municipal lot It Ctl tH-9700 for more in- at a nearby four-star hotel. e Progress on the construction of six class- full," said one raaktont "We cannot members will hold their annual retreat snacks, use of a conference room rooms at Jefferson and Wilaon Elementary afford to have more IS minutes out of town at the Sheraton Wood Schools is a tale of two contractors. and supplies. people double parking in the i Book-moblk bridge Plata. All nine board member* and three Construction at Jefferson is going along Representatives Avm Koo Koo ChAdren who have read at adrninistrators — incoming Superintendent of swimmingly, said Acting Superintendent Jacobson at Tuesday night's school board meet- Ron's said SO percent of their busi- let* 10 books at part of the Schools William IWey, Acting Superintendent fuller. Across town, however, growth has been Wwjtfleld Memorial Library's ing, ness is canyout, and the parking David Tuner and Assistant Superintendent for slaw. The two projects are being handled by summer reading dub are In- Business Robert Rader - will attend the re The district may also Incur a minimum ex- spots will be used tor only a short different companies. vttsd to "Wie World Hop," a treat at a cost of 1199 each. pense for the use of a facilitator. time. They also nsssrted many of shew of tales and music from Board members agn*d to have a New Jersey Mr. Tuller isid Assistant Superintendent for the patrons will walk from sur> anfcmd the world wheduled The $2,388 total price tag is for single rooms and includes meals, snacks, use of a conference School Boards Association facilitator attend the business Dr. Rader will ken on the Wilson con- rounding bueinassea and addlttonal for 11 a.m. and 1:30 pm. Sat- parking spot* will not be required. urday, Sepi 7. room and supplies. If they want to knock back Friday night meetings. tractor to step up the pace. One adult may children Mtpaceper- Attendees must register (via telephone or in person) 1996-97 school calendar beginning 10 am Monday Three snow days drift The Westflekl Public School district begins its I8MMM7 aca- for one of the performances. demic year with a new teachers' workshop Monday, Aug. 20- Thuraday, Aug. 30. A workshop for all Westflekl teachers will take Strollerclzc place Sept. 3. And schoolx open their doors to studenU Wednesday, It's hard to And time for Sept. 4. ajMrdae, especially when you into schools' schedule Pupil holidays are scheduled: art the caretaker of a baby or • Sept 23 Ybm Kippur toedter. But the Westflekl The new calendar also relnforc** the district's long- • Oct. 14 Cohjmbus Day YMGA's new StroUerciie pro- standing policy on when Mklitlnntil sruiw dnys will be • Oct. 33 Fotir hour mmkm fur itaff In-servlc* day fPfcm gives momi a kiw- THKIUDCOIU) m«|p up. Town school chlkln*n who h/ivp upprit post • Nov. fi Fwir htmr swwlon for *»N»m*ntjiry MKpact cardiovascular work' As th* final, balmy dnys c>f summer slip away and M'hk* during spring bleak - If n«xl • Nov. 21 Ftiurhour session fbr t-lementary amfwtmces •long for the rkV>, Class** close, lh# blueprint for rwxt yrar's «H«rwny schwlulo lx\ they will do no again next spring. e Nov. 27-29... Thanksgiving receiw (|t>ur hour nmnkm Nov. 27) •tart Tuesday, Sept. 3. Is making it* way to mailboxes nenwa town. Thitl polky vws Jpopnnll/ml lust ypur wrien Mother • Dec. 23 31 Wlntet/Chrtetmus vacation RegUrtratkm tor current The ofTkrla! WmlfWId Public Schools' \WM IB97 inl Nttturv closed W*stfb«ld sth<*ols flvi» times, prompting • Jan. 1 New year's Day tomtom begins Saturday. (tH> iKwnl to iitkc N long l«ok Mt tiw Fvitrunry brrak. • Jan, 20 Martin Luther King Jr. Day fndar was rmilleel thii wwk U> i*v«ry family with 1 New member registration be- children bi WwtflekJ school*. The cntenclur, which tint travel hungry iwmnU »iicl UNtMTVHtl UckrOi, • March 5 Four-hour suwlon for staff in-s»rvk» day Um, ahoufcl be In Westfieltiw*' hnruln l«»r»» the start prMHUf«J thff IIOHRI to rrflfn th* four makeup day* • March 28 • nprinH hr«»nk • March 31 Spring vncation Information on all Unkm One aspect of the catondnr that cmtniil « gnwt tfewl Th« 1090-1007 whoiil ynir will hnw Iftfi itays for • April 1-4 Spring vacation County programs and mt of controversy l*wt academic yiw In the number of p|rrn#>nUiry school Ktiutentfl IntprrtMtiiMb* and high • May 2fl , Memurlal Day vkis is avallebk! at BIB-OOOO; built-in "snow tiny*," The l»or> Ittttfl ralr>nnts hBVP IMdnyd of s«hool. Th» taut day of school for secondary student* Is Jut>» 20. Kb heartng-inipalfed can call room for Just on# school day cancellation due to harsh A llrnitwl nutnlifr of mim mfilps of th« <«lt>ndiir Is vmentsry nchool student* finish the year June 31. 'IWh«*ii work 1 SM-0100. winter w#atlt«*r, The new cnlericlar hsu n thta nvnildhhs to Oi* inihllr frtim lhi> Offli* of thnmgh Juim 24.

TWo mort wttktl Comic culture Grudge match Neglected form remains Help your child get Cranford vs. Westfield ready for school football rivalry returns fresh vehicle for expression 9M WfJtMnd Plus Special iKtlon inside ••• Sports, page) A>7 ,4 •H* August 22.19G6

UNION COUNTY WH slips to 21st in 'top 75' list TRAVEL DIRECTORY «y KEVIN COUKMN away," said Ms. DeMonte. "It's absolutely ication of staff and extra-curricular activities in meaningless, honest Now if I was number one Aiture ratings. ua: RECORD last year and now I'm ISO, that's meaningful." Ttie survey looked at standardized test re- PART TIME TRAVEL 1 BEACH HAVEN \ Westfleld High School placed 21ft in a rank- WHS principal Dr. Robert Petix had a mixed sults; the percentage of students attending four-year and two-year colleges; the percentage ing of the top 75 public high schools in the reaction to the ranking. WFACH HAVEN: BEAUTIFUL September issue of New Jtmy Monthly. The "Using the criteria they used, we are number of students winning swards; and the number of MYRTLE BEACH GETAWAY AT THE SHOKE instructional hours in the school day to rate the High school bred slightly better in a similar 21. So I'm pleased," said Dr. Petix. "I would like MOTORCOACH TOUR f m KT mak. &n*y-Tkanaq> Ililian tar IBM survey, when it occupied the number 16 to see us rank higher, sure. [But] New Jeney state's high schools. HOSTED BY (iM»hi»initiaM|ti«wr.Ad|M'i spot Monthly wai very exclusive in what it mea- Wealth unquestionably remains a factor in PAR-T TIME TRAVEL Iwr rii kn\) tm*r The dip, however, is no cause for alarm, said sured There are so many other factors." the standings, Fifty-one of the top 75 high Sun. October 27> beet Hi M mm « pnwitn. It aSn «f the magazine's editor Jenny DeMonte. The principal said he would like to see the schools are from districts in the state's two Sat. November 12, IMS t WMBM WfTtWM WUt I : "1 don't think you should be the least bit magazine consider competitive college ac- highest socio-economic groups. Fifteen schools PYQ. includes Round Trip McXorcoach Trans- iaa.Fnt concerned Westfleld placed five or six places ceptance rates, "comfort level" of students, ded- come from the third-highest group. portation • 6 Breadlasis -6 Dinners • 2 Nights Lodging m N Carobna • 4 Night* Lodging in irant Myrtle Beach (oceanview) • Tour ol Ctiarle*- Inn charged with stealing 120 from a aUy abusing two male patients. woman resident, said Sgl Parixeau. M — — *i|ami|*j |i— JS> a, AaWa^SuaA M Shirley Cola*, 27, of Irvsngten, k Ttte nurse's side wss arrested Www HrRffflllVmut RVN MVM If accused of rbndbng a sly—toss Aug. 14, aacordingto polic e reporta. gftgffk^g) AM ^g^gav^Bk man and an tT-yaarnkl man be- Ball was set at $5,000. MtlIs torytv? tween Ally 29 and Aug. ft,ssa d WwtfWdS«lJahnP»risssu. J. Ssiwlekl, D.O. Drt John Howe told T*s Rsoord Is pl«wd to BUMotinc* h# is new police wen notified of the alleged •Sttlb prescribing th# Pfisn-Psn Dl«t to crime by representatives of the ^Ihelstfeldfecoid Appropriaf patlonts. nursing center. The victims art in- Forbes Newspapers, • UtfliUtf capaciUted. A DMalon of Forbes Inc. Ubtttr Mit • Sttamtlilp INTERESTED? Ms. Colas worked for the center C Forbes Inc. 1996 tor about 2U months, Hid Det Trw WaaMMd Record (USPS 006- Ntwtlhi • milt ft CALL! Rows. 04S) is putttsrwd on Tr»ur»ctayt by ForbM Mawipapafs, aciivftion of MO't HoMft J. Sawvfckf. O.O. Hkt Jtseonl wss unable to reach ForbM Inc., 102 Walnut Av«.. PtflUaH • nursing horns representative be- Olptommtm JUmmrtemn Otmopmthks Crantord, NJ07016 glAAaaS 4k£ aTakaaeJIu Skainlln • fore prsss time. (BOS) 27841000 Second class Ms. Colas has bsen charged with portag* paid at Crarrford, NJ •eere ww rssmfry rwwwww criminal sexual contact due tohe r 07016 POSTMASTER:

Union County Utilities Authority MMo*Mi«t» mm. ft— AM to TiM eaponaibie for typographical trrort 1996 Sate IIBTHS cash A carry only Satoprir.MafecttvtS/21/Se S/27/M ! Prices |«ct lo A[K. DISPOSAL DAYS Fall Events Railway Springfield Cranford Slturdsy, September 7,1996 Saturday, September 28,1996 Saturday, October 19,1996 * x 8:00 a.m. lo 2:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. CaJMk. 14!».X""B City Hall Parking Lot Municipal Swimming Pool Municipal Swimming Pool Main Street Morriion Road Memorial Drive


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Letters to the editor ! Letter inconsistencies WSO fan wants money or Brad back Te The Record: complishments. It Is quite dear that this view conductor several years ago, the new I read in the Aug. 6 issue of the Star-Ledger is not shared by the majority of the Board of had more than two months to Ihe are brought to light of the firing of the conductor of the Westfleld Directors. ofchsetra. Is the board claiming that this Symphony Orchestra, Brad Keimach. This I applied to renew my subscription fbr chestra is better than the New York Philter- monk? ! Thi$ it a copy of a letter to Jfepmrntatiuc Bob Frank*. news is very upsetting for several reasons. The year's series and was entered Into a Will there be a reduction in the price of tick- Dear Congressman Franks: WestfteJd Symphony Orchestra, being an orga- those that renewed their subscriptions ets to reflect the possibility of inadequate Thank you (tar your recent constituent newsletter aimed at keep- nkation devoted to the arta, would seem to which I won. I am returning my winnings (the aration or ichearsal? This seen ing us abreast of activities in Washington. I especially appreciate have been above the petty behavior exhibited check is contained in the copy of this letter that White I afree with the view that there tej no your stated efforts to fight waste in the federal government and by American corporations. Apparently, this is is being sent to the WestAeld Symphony Or- substitute fbr a live performance, I do not return a portion of your office fund* back to the Treasury. not so. The dismissal also appears to have been chestra). The Westfteld Symphony needs « tend to pay top prices fbr the pos**xexy e/a While your interest in cutting back federal programs Is laudable handled in the same insensitive manner that more than I da In addition, I would Uke to corporations display in similar situations. cancel my subscription and have my money less than first-rate performance. To tat many ways, I have serious concerns about two newsletter topics subscribers a subscription series when therft is that are completely inconsistent with this interest Doth are on the During my lifetime, 1 have been privileged to returned. My feeling is that this money was taken under false pretenses. I subscribed on no conductor is tantamount to oparating a back pace and fall uhtfeV trie "HehjMng CdnftKiierits'' banner.; hear the ftnrsj artists, watch the finest conduc- fraudulent business. the assumption that most of the rnussctens ens! • In the "live in Safe Communities" article, you highlight the tors and hear or attend the performances of the An orchestra is no better than its the conductor would remain the same. Increased federal fending that you helped get fbr more police finest orchestras in the world. It was always a This si sad but, unfortunately, true. The officers through the 19M Crime BUI. While 1 am just as concerned point of interest to determine how the WestfieW The Westfteld Symphony Orchestra is now in tend Orchestra was unheard of prior to as the next citizen about crime and neighborhood safety, 1 alto Symphony Orchestra managed to retain the the position of not having a conductor fbr Us rival of George SaeO. Given the fact that law enforcement at the local level is a local issue. If services of Mr. Keimach. It always seemed that Ant concert in about two months' time. Realis- Keimach's icteass, 1 have no residents want better law enforcement, then they should pay fbr it eventually he would depart fbr a better-known, tically, how can a new conductor (guest or per- will be replaced wftti an adequate at the local leva). And, If you believe as you say in getting rid of more famous orchestra. After he was with the manent) prepare the caUiesUs lor this concert? Disgruntled and soon to be (Metal involvement in local issues, then you would have opposed Westnekf Symphony Orchestra for more than a We are in the position of having the aih—u* the allocation of federal funds for this purpose. few years, I felt that retaining his services was perform when they are inadequately preps* ed. • The "bcape the Route 201 Traffic Jams" article also exempa- one of the orchestra's most memorable ac- When the New York PhUharrnonte changed its flss the Inconsistency of your public positions about the rote of the federal government 1 wholly support efforts to reduce traffic Jams in New Jerary. especially on Route 22, but I again do not think this to a national issue worthy of federal funding. If New Jersey wants Firefighter union warns of bogus fund-raisers' calls locally to revive train service on the 208 corridor, let New Jersey provide T» The Rocersi: which may lead you to bstsve that they are tact a member of our ugaiitsallusi. We wil he the money for it to happen, and keep the federal government out It has come to the attention of the Westfiekl aftUlated with West/teld FlfBA Local No. 90. glad to tell you If the group contacting you Is Of our business. Special Interest legislation such as that provkbng FMHA Local No. 30 of the WesUleki Fire De- Please be advised these groups are in no way affixed with us, !! |1 million for the train study is what created the problems in partment that certain organizations an? so- affUiated with Westfiekl IMBA Local No. M or WestneM FMBA Local Mo SO onlyy SOBVSBI Washington to begin with. liciting the business community fbr donations. the Westfiekl firs Depsrtmant If you are con- donations once per year and this to oont In addition, Td like to bring to your attention the enclosed article These organlutlons often use names which tacted by any other organssattons which claim through a mailing. sound like the local groups, or make statements from a recent edition of Tfw Hill, the local newspaper for Capitol to represent Weetfleld firefighters, please con- HID. The article describes an extravagant $80,000 party funded by the taxpayer! to celebrate the anniversary of GAG, the very agency that was created to detect fraud, waste and abuse In the federal government! Especially disturbing 4* the news that the agency Is Senator sees entitlement threats spending almost 150,000 to publish a 600-page history book of the GAO. And all of this comes at the name time that GAO has been directed by Congress to reduce its expenses, which has led to office GOP Congress has mind set to alter Medicare, Social Security Okasuret and layoffs of auditors. As a concerned taxpayer. I urge you to look Into OAO's plans and do what you must to put a stop a> Maas.1 •• Mummm/Wt eflcteries. Unfortunately, many with having a PRSA - like any to them. NJ HTATK SKNATUK. DIHWUIT 1» Congsssiunal Republicans have al- other bank account, a PRflA^wil Thank you again for keeping us informed. 1 look forward tn your ready rejected this ides. They pre- not be free of charge. FlnaQy, fwre reply to the matter* expressed herein. Medicare and Soi-lal security an? fer to continue with fiscal smoke is the possibility that reurses opuJd Integral part* of the economic #©• GUEST and minor* - •borrowing" Social outlive their PRSA*, which rnkans itaOMMJLi ' curlty of most Americans llt»w- Security revenue, regardless of the that they would be forced to live on ever, their ini|K>rtnnl stattiH has COLUMNIS economic duress it is placing on the drastically reduced Social Se- been endangered by recent event* the program'* future. curity benefit*. in Washington, DC, The most recent Republican The Republicans' privattaauonj In 1994, tlii* Rvptihllcnn \wly trick Is a politically attractive plan plan asks too much of American*. won electoral control of I Kith the changes too severe. to privatise Social Security. The Rather than force responsible peo- 3$ The Wjstfield Record Semite tuut tlie House of Hrpre What's next? Am>nlinK to lead- proposal calls fbr the lowering of ple to accept less, the Republican*] senuitivt's. In establishing HUH ilunl liiK mcmlieni of Congress, the next Forbes Newspapers, A Division a) Forbes Inc. © I'orhr* Inc. government guaranteed benefit* should end their own fiscally reck- majority, Uu> Congrptutlonul lender "form of inefficiency" that in up fbr by 50 percent and the creation of less practices. Doing so would, fcru-j ship, under the tutrliw of Ilinise reform i« Social Security llmise "personal retirement saving* ac- tiato the first step In solving Malcolm S. Forbes Jr. ltr|Hiblklttti tni\}tirity k*i«)er Dtck Editor mChlef speaker Newt ('Ilrujrich mul fi inner counts" (PRSAs). The PBSA* will problem ~ ending the raids of I Senate minority lender I lob IV>lr, Artney him BHUI tliat "Hociwl He be private account* funded by the cial Security's trust funds. Lou Bsraony mapped mit the legislative Imple dirlty i» n rotten trick" MMI Uint other portion of the formerly guar- Publisher All Americans deserve to r«*«tv*i mentation of the much viuilted the ^oventtuetit in "going to hnve anteed benefit*. Individual* would the full benefits of Social Security, to hlte the hullct on M<>i-itt) Kecurlty Jams* H«Hly Edward P. Carroll Cheryl Pensks Contract with America 'l"hey I'lmn then be able to Invest in these ac- However, If the Republican leadss> jiml phune It out over time " •ports Editor Editor Executive Iditor Ised to rut Knvcrnmtnit WIINU* ttnil count* at their own discretion. •hip Is successful, there is no waf Inefficiency TrnglcHlly, tbr senior I disiiKrw 'lite ^wiMl Security 1-ow wage earner* will be hardest to guarantee that this will be tha Kevin ColMaan cttbwnn, thin coiiluirt hit* only HV"';lfm \t* oite nf thr> uiosl pfDcirrtt hit by Oils plan. With little to kn- cam. If thtir track record wits) Assistant Editor broMKht rtnir MIKI iinivHniiity government proKntitiB In Wwthtng- vtwt In their I'USA* and without Medicare is any Indication, we: cafj Tiw nvr>ni|(p N«>w ,let-ney wniioi ton. Kitu'h yenr .Social Security the requisite knowledge needed to only look forward to more taxes} pants $14,01X1 iK>t yivir, often In the Iftkett in rtiott* revenue I him It pays manage these account* profitably, more financial risk* and less re» Hftterwetaedonius Rick Kestenbsum •Illls M. Davis form of M (IKIHI Iriconit* Alicinl,v. out tn ix-ncflU 'IIIIB low Income Individual* can only tirement security. Retail Advertising Director Cotilrellsr mont (my $Z,ytH> IHT yt'nr d>r lh*ir look forward to a poverty stricken A nation's strength lies In the Advertising Manager mwllctt) t»x|mw«nt. If th«> CoiiKtfB tnmt fnncln Unfortu- retirement Middle-Income Indi- well hetn« of It* people. Program* slonnl riiHJorlly prevnlh. N«'W J<er year « :t7 \mt *>itt in i>r ri'vrtiup for other uovernrnent taxes the government will \m muni ensure thttt they continue Mnnnym crt>n*r in tiK^llctil i-nMtq nti|ectlvt't» lihe nnliutrifj yearly forced to levy over the prtOectH 72 do »o «* w» move Into the next! W yott iimwluer lltnt Ililn p«y huilKel ilellrits Cutrptitly, (hew year* it wil) take to fully in-ivntiw century. Th* VUestflaM Rseonl (USPR mm ctnipU'd with i-e Ini'i| \\u\i\ ittUIn iitm>unt In mure the Social Security system. ICcono Srnuhrr Jamn K. MvOrrmnr^ (D-1 jtWrt.SdlvlMolHitrnilUMllK: , 10? Walnut Avft COIttiiHcf, N,l 0701ft (Ml) B7*flO0O *»»Him! cl»M imlmjw pdiilnHfUnfoul, NJ 0/Olfl POBIMABtER rm in ymn «!ilhty to I'IMW Ihnn $y T» litllinn If Ihh pttMVSS mints calculate that this will cmt MUklbmr) m»*i*ni* tJw 19th dte HSSM *SrK) OTtSflO*''" flirt'"" N^wspapum, FotflllmnMli Office, F*() Ho* BtW Bonn ytnir iwn tlocijprn nttd ti» hnvt> m- lonliTiili'ti, noil il no JMIIOII is Inken the middle class several trillion (rict itt tt* Ntw Jtmt\l Slate MJ0M76 8utMK»Tptly mull. Dim ynitf wllhln Unloti County $10. nutrit enmity Inlfl types of H|«pclnUy iwn, It \a to the iimtrnry. Mucinl ftwurtty will HO, ml 0t><«t« l»0 f» mhiwilt)* rail t ft*I —*' dollar* lot«n». IV district Ituiudm ,flvt\ cltnii Unit (he Hfpiililitmi'V pliui l Iw >)olvrr\t hy the yeiir 2013. Privatization will also Include MUUtUm>jc Cimntyy ctmmunitim WrHsUs: will lenvp MfKli< nrt> In Jt"t|H- raunwront age Increases from 08 to Toumthlp — Nmi) Jtrrmy't f\fl dlnkm bpt*»u»# h«» ifolbMKl lite tnttitii H HIRIJIP umiit* of economic 60, Ail btmeflctariet wUl also have Utrgmt munieipalifv - qfwhkfi ht security fur retiree* and other ben- «uti w*rp too drastic and UIP to confront the cost* associated it aim mayor. Augusts, 1996 Community life

Demand grows for au pairs Youth provide child care

AUOUSTO F. MENE2ES/FOAftES NEWSfAPfR9 fc»... Martin of Oraat Britain sports Intamatlonal haadgaar aa aha ptaya tha watar balloon tossing at ••turday's Nomahagart Park ptcnto for Au Pair ataffara from tha Union County araa.

ilies. Fifty-seven families ^n the Cranford, candidate, who is required to Although ths feirapaant ara hsra tor a Westflekl and Scotch Plains area are each possess an international driver's Hesmt and BBBBBsitBWal ttssmam Aftakoamst aiamaassssfVaa |a«iaBsl #SBBSBSBBBW NEWSPAPERS MIMMB 1asTIaV| ilsV ipiWasHy MfWBW HIssVIV" housing one of the foreign born child care has completed 32 hours of child cam train- stlvMlncnrruminMyaciivttis^AkssdbyMs. Almost 100 EF Au Pairs carried the sym- specialists in their homes. ing prior to family placement Weiman, tha group recently held s bsnsftt bolic intemaUonai torch at Nomehegan Park The interculturnl program brings young The cost is about 1192 per week, regard- car wash, which ralaed $310 tor Cranford flatmrtay for their own brand of Olympic women and men 18-26 years old to the Unit- less of the number of children in a family or Family Cant. Ms. Weiman also coordUiatss ed States for one year to live with American their ages. The service is also tax deductible. monthly social outings for the group. Tha annual marathon, organised by local host (amities. In return for room, board and Having an au pair la a mutually benefiting "I currently hsvs rsuussts tor au pain dittdcart Coordinator Michelle Weiman, a weekb/ stipend, au pairs care for family and rewarding experience. Host families are Iron* U families tn our local towns," Ms. tha group together for a day of children up to 45 hours per weak. They also introduced to different languages* customs Wsimsnsaid provide light housekeeping duties that apply and cultures, while the young Europeans ara Ths coonanstor also said young swraas> i and good old-fashioned fun, ans continuo to appty tor tha yarlong au Tht Uva-tns, who hail from Sweden, Ger- to the children's care. At the end of each exposed to the American way of Ufa. Tha program also affords them the opportunity pair work. many and England, are part of the Interna- year, host families are eligible to renew their "Ones they return horns, most oomanus tional nonprofit organization that provide! request and acquire a new au pair. to travel throughout tha United States and their studiea at Inlamatkmsl univsraWes," an affordable child care option for local fam- The organization carefully screens each improve their English. she said.

Auousro r **£HtnniTom*LZ NfwsPApfn* Young adults In tha Au Pair corps compata In a sack raca Saturday at thalr annual plenlo at Nomahagan Park, Craniord. in tha photo at right, Victoria Psrtson of 8«vadan strugglss to pick up a glaaa of watar; aftar spinning around holding a baseball bat. American Girls Fashion Show Junior League plans history-inspired attire show for (all p mother* tn *»nt'»y tuet'tlwr whllo helping II»M fortu* The Junior League of EllwiMh-Plalnnokl will nnt« children ifi vw aren " present The American Uirla Fnnhloh Show, a funh PrfKwnlpi ni»m th«» nhfjw will lion«»nt th«» Alf>8 Ion show and parly featuring historically ln*plr«>flt dothing for girls, Satunlfly Sunday. Nov. ti 10 nt Union Catholic Regk>iwl High Nrh.M.I In SUh prtfVldlo(( hw will liy lhf> pvpnt will I* «lnn«tptl tci Ftiw»ifrmry Cuts present two wtiturlM of Klrln rlntliina nnxlflfxl hy t>By <'nrt< Onlrr In in «(Ti!l local ohiktnm nntl wo»nnf»"''*'I hy hlnloHctil wn-m Nnt«t» JV-rvlif 1 tkm snd t>nU»rtAitirtiPtit, 'IVkfU (o 'li)* Amprlrmi nt, gtipoN will *»t»jov ii*fr*'sh $2(1, HIHI will t»«» nvnihililr in rulel .'V'jiUnnlwr l>y in- m#ntsf party fttvont HIM I n chancf* tn win |f> I'tfticriiit < •(inipiifiy r(itnl(>(,< suhfii I iU'ts or prises, Irtchidlng t»\» of n\n <1<>||« fhim Kir Ani 77. Girl* coUeetkwi. 'H\n Junior l^n^iif' N mi i>tgnni/fili(Hi of "The Junior l*«»|ti»»» In delljtlitml to U H Jarilna Butlln and Katla Barnss of tha Junior Uagua of eibMbath-Plalnflald throuftlirnit fii*wt*rs, mtnt* and Olrli Fnhlon Show to sa hatd In Novsmbsr. Augtwt 22,1996

Elisabeth Sergeant Lea, 80 Obituaries Nellie Thomas Hoffman, 106 Active in early childhood education I Teacher; co-founder of club in town developmental nursery school in Nellie T. Thomas Hodman, 106, member of the Westflekl Women's A memorial service will be held and the Daughters of the for Elisabeth Sergeant Lea, 80, who Westbury which became well- Ellen Tall Cole, 75 died Aug. 13,199-6 • at Th- e Greenlea- f- club died Aug. 13, 1996 at the Genesis known for its programs for young nursing home in Moorestown. She American Revolution. Eldercare nursing home. She had children, their parents, teachers in Art association president; DAR registrar was a high school teacher and the Surviving are a son, Robert R.; a been associated with early child- training and local mental health A memorial service was held Sat- in Mountainside. She also was a oldest living alumna of Randolph- daughter, Elizabeth H. Alexander, hood education for many years and agencies. When Frondelea was de- urday at Frenchtown Presbyterian member of the National Society for Macon Woman's College in Ash- seven grandchildren and 11 great- was a certified alcoholism coun- stroyed in a 1977 fire Miss Lea be- Church for Ellen Tall Cole, 75, who Historic Preservation and the land, Va. grandchildren. selor later in her life. came a certified alcoholism coun- died Aug. 10, 1996 at Overlook Hunterdon County Branch of the A native of Dinwiddie County, Her husband, Raymond S., and Miss Lea was born in East Or- selor and worked full-time as a vol- Hospital in Summit. She was a Lehigh Valley Chapter, Embroider- Va., she lived in Westfield before another son. John T.. are deceased. ange. She lived in New York City; unteer with the Union County past president of the Westfield Art ers Guild of America moving to Moorestown in 1917. A memorial service was held Sat- Connecticut; Westbury, N.Y.; and Council on Alcoholism. She retired Association and a former registrar Her first husband, Wayne E. Mrs. Hodman taught classes urday at Presbyterian Church, of since 1977 in Weslfield. from the council in 1990. in the Daughters of the American Knouse, is deceased. which Mrs. Hoffman had been the She earned a teacher training de- from 1911-17 at Petersburg High She worked with the New Jersey Revolution. Surviving are her second hus- School in Petersburg, Va. She re- oldest member. and New York Education Depart- gree from the Child Education Mrs. Cole was born in Baltimore, band, Samuel LM. Cole of Green- Arrangements were by the Ma- ments to establish licensing regula- Foundation of New York City and ceived a degree in mathematics Md. She lived in Scotch Plains; wich; a son, Richard E. Knouse of from Randolph-Macon Woman's this Funeral Home in Medford. tions for all day care and nursery a master's degree in early child- Lambertville; Sergeantsyille; and Fairfleld, Iowa; four daughters, school programs. Miss Lea evalu- hood education from Teachers Col- College in 1911. Memorial contributions may be most recently in Greenwich Town- Valerie Kooyker on the made to Presbyterian Church, 140 ated emotionally disturbed chil- lege of Columbia University. ship. island of St Martin, Kendel CuMon She also was a co-founder of the dren as a consultant to hospitals A sister, Sally Perot Lea, died in of Frenchtown, Betsy Broughton of Newcomers' <3ub at the YWCA of Mountain Ave., Westfleld, NJ. She attended the Margaret Yard 07090. and clinics in Manhattan and on February. A , Richard M. School or Art in Washington, D.C., Somerset and lisa E. Knouse Westnekl Mrs. Hoffman was a Long Island, N.Y. Ill, died in 1994. along with Kean College of New Braiman of Changewater, and She was very active in the New Surviving are two nieces, Bar- Jersey and the Madison campus of seven grandchildren. Jersey Association for Nursery Ed- bara Couphos of Fanwood and Pa- Fairleigh Dickinson University. Arrangements were by the W.E. ucation (now the New Jersey As- tricia Woodward or Westfleld; six Mrs. Cole was active in genealogi- Johnson Funeral Home in French- sociation for the Education of great-nieces and great-nephews; cal societies related to the Howell, town. Memorial contributions may Young Children). and 14 great-great-nieces and Tall and Bates families. be made to the Frenchtown Pres- great-great-nephews. ianxung Her early career included teach- She was a founding member of byterian Church, P.O. Box 114, ing at the Kings Daughters Day Memorial contributions may be Community Presbyterian Church Frenchtown, NJ. 08825. Nursery in Ploinfield the Presbyte- made to the National Council on rian Nursery School in Millbum Alcoholism and Drug Dependency and the Burke Memorial Day of Unkm County Inc., 300 North A Wedding? Nursery in Newark. Miss Lea later Ave. East, WestfieW, N J. 07090, or Robert F. Crawford, 73 was the director of the Stamford the North Shore Animal League, 25 Day Nursery in Stamford, Conn., Davis Ave., Port Washington, N.Y. Crossing guard; supermarket clerk Call and the Bronx River Day Care 11050. Arrangements are by the Robert F. Crawford, 73, died Aug. during World War II and was a Center in the Bronx. Memorial Funeral Home in Fan- 15, 1996 at the Cranford Health member of American Legion Post 1-800-273-8449 In 1956 she opened Frondelea, a wood. There is no visitation. and Extended Care Center. He had 60 in Roselle Park. been a school crossing guard in His wife, Madeline Corfain Craw- Ext. 6123 Roselle Park and from 1986-86 was ford, is deceased. Surviving are William T. Purcell, 66 a clerk at the Pathmark supermar- three sons, Robert F. Ill, James To Get a FRE£ ket in Union. and Christopher, and a grandchild. CIA agent; a Korean War veteran A native of Bsyonne, Mr. Craw- Services were held Saturday at 48 Page ford lived in Westfleld before mov- the Mastapeter Funeral Home in T. Purcell, 66, died Aug. College in 1951. ing to Roselle Park in 1976. He Roadie Park. Burial was in Forest 14, 1996 at Overlook Hospital in He was a member of the Forest served in the Army medical corps Green Park Cemetery, Morganville. Bridal Guide Summit He once was an intel- Hill Field Club in Bloomfield. ligence agent with the Central In- Surviving are his wife, Joan from telligence Agency. Looney Purcell; two brothers, Jo- He lived in his native Jersey City seph and Thomas; and several ) nieces and nephews. and in Bogota before moving to A funeral Mass was celebrated

Jerry HattUck and Jo* Vttro drtvered kay hit*. David Lelz. 32. Joa Sob«l«, 33. Steva Good- wood merchant*, and there I* no limit a*-to SENIOR SOf TBALL Lenny Yennleh pitched and Tlno larmoeone man, 34. Joa Donnolo, 35. Tad Moss, 36, Jim SMOHl S HHILI PBAOOLFOUTINO how many Hmea k can be used until its mpBfe- turned In tome flna SakHng play* tor tha vic- Osliilo. 37. Mike Walters, 38. Duong Vo, 39. The We*«1eid Policemen'* Benevolent As- tlon dale of 12-31-OS. Th* coat of tha cards Is tor*. Alan Lo, 40. Hugh Cdeman, 41. Ernia Jacob, •odatton, Local 90, announce* their second •10, and is available from piayera In the he- SOUND OFFI MANGELS REPEATS AS CHAMPION 42. Tom Oatrtno, 43. Stawa Einstein, 44. Tom annual go* outing wW ba Monday, Oct 7 at aodatlon, or can ba ordered by senolngj a Got a aoore to report? Have a atory or fea- Antona's Pub 13, Krowtckl-Oemay 3 NcOallan. 45. Matt Power. the prestigious Echo Lake Country Club In check or money order payable to SPfYBAj to ture Idea? Or do you just want to vert your K-PIUS DIVISION Mike Oand pitched a masterful threa-ruo Wettfletd. spleen to th* local aports editor? PO Box 264, Scotch Plains, NJ, 07076. ' UNION COUNTY SOFTBALL gama whHa ha and hi* teammates fueled tha WOMEN'S SINGLES This outing afford* residents, buainea* per- H your answer to any of the abov* la 'Yesl,' Union County Senior Softball League Chair- often**. Oand knocked In Hires rum. and Frad Tha toMowtng Net atawa tha WTA Woman'* son* and the professional communky of woat- pieeee oaH Jama* RaBy at 2764000 or Nnad faaktantiai and down- os IBM badg* holder* tor th* Sootoh Plain* town areae of Fanwood. Tha rao* begins and BUM. liW«Ma7 Ma at Jo* Bergar, Char** IS. Jan VakMoo. II. Robin Baaay, 20. Tha event la aancttoned by USA Track and PSA goM •hart, th* coat • $73 per paraon. All la available In the Recreation Office, W-L UntTt*aVt| C*W1 QiOOHl Mw NOfffl otUVTIpf fQQw* Kathy O'NaW, 21. Kavan Fried, 22. Pal Mudal- Field and win feature many of New Jereeya top proceed* wH benefit the We*t*eW PBA oca) 113 Municipal Building Scotch Plain*. Mangel* Realtor* U-3 tared thrao Ns* each, and Ron TorakMto Matt- •on, 23. Lorraine DoSortjo, 24. Pat Page, 2S: runner* and local participant* of alaga* and SO* Sick and Deem BeneBt Fund. Or can 322-6700 tor answers to questions po- Marlon Roofing M ed a three run homer. Diana Flaming. 26. Tina Waakewaki, 27. Tarry aDenaa. Awaraa ww oa preeeneva *D overen For further Information cat Captain O. Mo- tenUsi ptayera might have, LA Law ft« Maori 26. Pam Lemer, 26. Janet Cornell. 30. plaoe winnen m wa6 a* tha top three finishers Cabe at 766-4017 or Mke Patrick at 241-6900. In maaa and lemak» ag*-group eaaagortes from Pioneer Transport 3*12 Antane'e Pwk 13, Travel OwMe 4 Carole Small*. 31. Law Sharkey. 32. Paula HELD HOCKEY ' 14 and younger to 70 and older in five-year LACROS8C CLUB Again, lake Oend pitched a strong game for Long, 33. Rtbeooa Tamborsane, 34. Debbie The North Jersey Field Hockey Assocfatton •O-PLUS •LAYOFFS 1 RoWan, 35 Lynda Pony, 36. Ella Qreenberg, Increment*. The WeatfleW Lacroaae Club la aeeklng vol- Anton*) * and Oary Weite, John Pdriooo and begin* •» dub league Sept. 6 at Cedertjrook The 80-Plus playoff* began yaetwday, wttt 37. Diane Barab**, M. Maureen Meytor. 36. Amantkae at th* inaugural Contact We Care unteer coache* and managon. Anyone inter- Al O'Addto paced the nWng attett. Oennaj ^k^^^^a imm. h M ^ tk^m !•• ^ ^m m ^M^MM —a. aaW^ *^LaW^aaM^kl^a1 Park on Randolph Road. PteinfleW. ' Mangel* tangling with Pioneer Treneport at JIN Loewer. 40. Joanmene Nam. 41. Chertot* 5K road race wM Include a cuatonvd*a*gnad T- KoMwkx want J tor 3 wNh • eolo homer tor eawci in oacoming a rnarnDer or *ie vvejfepMi 0:15 p.m. at 8* Ward Park In Linden, white Cksvenger, 42. Glen Smith, 43. Janet Koehktr, Inat pOflrt*f*KXT) V00O *W)Q Onfwt, tt feWwOfTi piiBp Al aoat-high achooL coUega or aduN fteld Travel OuWe. Lacroee* Club or my question* concerning Marion Roofing battled LA Law at the earn* 44. Sarah Sharp*, 4t. Unda Cokwnan, 4S. daai^B^a^aa^^^^ ^^^^^^^JI^ t^t^^t t^t^t t^B^n d^^Hta.Aa^*^d^jst kuj hookey player* are weicoms. Club lesgue registration can comact Ed JoB* (Z32-B70S), time at Orange Avenue Field In Cnmtord. Theo Tamborlana, 47. Meesea Qould, 46. Pat wswiWiDi rnswvpv sjno irHivic iifuvvovo %/f gama* are oaaeated each Sunday at Cedar- • 7| Prim*) Time Entertainment The mot entry tee John Flood (654-7441) or Lot* He*/ (tXt- brook or at Draw Untvenkya wiaoW lurf stkf Tomorrow, Friday, Auguet 23, the winner* of Tend Jim VtrcM- Clark, 41. Beay Hotjarth, SO. Lori Smith, 81. BilCa le 110 N racerved by Aug. 20 and S1S untM 9:45 3B60). In Mariaon through Nov. 24. Players can reg- each gam* will meat lor the chemptoneNp «t m

. .' , v* <1 AUQUSL22.1996 WestfloM Itocofd A-9

Westfielder's organization wins U.S. group's excellence award The New Jersey Association of School Business Of- outline what school districts can do to conserve en- ficials (NJASBO) has won an award of excellence in ergy and thereby reduce their operating and mainte- the Associations Advance America Awards Program. nance costs. The president of NJASBO is Arlene R. Lampert of The judges were looking for programs which had a Westfield, who is business administrator/board secre- significant impact in the past 15 months, were in- tary for the Hanover Park Regional School District novative, timely and could be duplicated by other There were more than 180 entries nationwide in the associations. The Associations Advance America Awards are competition. sponsored by the American Society of Association A panel of 23 judges reviewed NJASBO's submis- Executives. The awards recognize significant contri- sion, which focused on the association's energy con- butions to society by trade associations in areas such servation manual. NJASBO produced the manual to as education, product and safety standards. Keane enters partner-in-training program Amper, Folitziner and Mattia, certified public ac- Mr, Keane serves on the firm's manufacturing and countants and consultants, has announced Robert P. distribution group providing specialized accounting Keane, CPA. of Westfield has been admitted to theand consulting assistance to the firm's manufacturers firm's partner-in-training program. and distributors. He is a member of the American Institute of Certi- Mr. Keane is a graduate of Fordham University fied Public Accountants (A1CPA), the New Jersey So- with a bachelor's degree in accounting and has more ciety of Certified Public Accountants (NJSCPA), the DIrMtor Katharine Brolhler presents a complete than 16 years of public accounting experience with New York State Society of Certified Public Ac- aMfcaVaaMaT ," Darryl Watter. both regional and international accounting firms. countants and the Garden State Credit Association. Chamber establishes FORBES NEWSPAPERS • UNION COUNTY own 24-hour website BUSINESS & SERVICE DIRECTORY to aid town, shops Servincj Wcstftold. Scotch Plains. Fanwood. Crantofd. G.irwood Kcmlvworth Th» of „_, which BASEMENTS DRIVEWAYS CLEANING MASON Commme has to the also contains information on the Widt Web. Tha chamber town government, schools, houses is an the World Wide Web of worship, history, etc. "By using the dynamic web as MSIOSNTIAL its medium, chamber members will WET coHawncuu. iCJLtt Inc. and is available 24 hours a MKHJSTRUL. Prof«sslonal day IVam anywhere in the world be able to offer their customers an BASEMENT? to the chamber's website entire on-line catalog of products Cleaning cam tknpfy "dick" on a product or and services which can be con- (Serving Customet AN TIM Timt) • Water proofing • Sieps • they are interested in and stantly updated." said Mr. Walker. Sint«1MS h This ia the single most exciting >TuNylr«urtdl Sid&Lualks • Patios currant infer- ^«tosS««i tacrtnotagteal advancement since itiHlullcil • Foundations • Fireplaces fcncheJa* photographs, the fax machine." • General Cwwlng • Pron«tlonal BuikHnot from the Us* of more than 100 local 'Rj*W^aNO^«F)wW«ing Katharine Brattiier, executive Parking Areas • Sealing REPRI^KVTATIVK farm to inajtetar for use of the ser- Mhwfiiay programming from »•• ISTIMATIS Resurficing • Curbing • Sidewalks A Con retc IfltUMMd tha Long Ttrm Csn Network. It vice. They may view the programs TRU( K it HA( KIIOI HKNTAI AT l-sm-nnn-mnn wUl htsp tha staff stay abreast of they choose at the Westfleld Cen- ' Ceiling ft AHtc Fans • Air Conditioning lines Free BstimutcN l-"ully Insured 04-1314 • Heating Lines • Swtmmlng Pools/Hot Tub* Serving Union County and Vicinity currant long-term care news, clini- ter. Tb receive credit for the in- • Security Lighting • RocMsed Lightu OR f*W-7**-;HMrO "CAIJ.7DAYSA WEMC om Services cal news and also help them earn struction they must pass the pro- 99 6N7-U6I4 continuing education ctwUU. gram's post test Waatllsld Center la located at "This is a good way to learn at CONTRACTOR 1»15 Lamberts Mill Road, but tha your own pace and at convenient EXTERIOR PAINTING NMRruCQQti comes mm weetcon times," said Nicole Joachim, a r* OurniiHinlcetlons In l%xaa by eatel- habUttatkm technician in the phys- 11U. Broken down into 11 basic seg- ical therapy department. "It means T- M. & R. CHAPMAN BROS. ments, the that many of us will not have to EXTERIOR HOUSE PAINTING Water Problem Lie. #1428 throughout the day. Staff at vari- travel to school or to seminars." Specialists • Plumbing • Spactalliina In cadar *h*ka% and £ Gutter Installations & Repairs all types of wood d Roofing-all types A Repairs • Heating • Cooling • Alterations • Repairs i Obituaries Painting old aluminum aiding to Q Paintlng-Exterior/lnterlor 6 Basement Waterproofing • Air Conditioning look Ilka naw 20 Years Experience Exfrlor staining on all typas ot wood Fully Insured 276-1320 John C. Steuernagel, 84 For Prompt Courteous 2S Ymmrm experience • Free fatlmmtmm 36 NORTH AVE..E. Retired owner of flower shop in town • fully tmund Service Cell: CRANFOBD John C. ateuernsgel, M. died John I., died in 1989 NORMILE PAINTING (908)494-3561 908-755-0752 Aug. t, IMS at his home. Me was s Surviving are his second wife, .ttMong Westflekt resident and aMary Louise; two other mm, longtime owner of a flower shop in Charles R. of Seaside Height* and f I f CIHICAI CON 1 MAC TOM TREE EXPERTS the town. Christopher W. of High Brldjce; u BATHROOM REMODELING Mr, Steuernagcl, who graduated daughter, J. Catherine Fay of Ken PLUMBING from Westfleld High School, found- iJworth; a stepson, Kenneth Hunter ed Steuemageri Westfleld Flower iy,California; a stepdaughter, Ann Shop on Springfield Avenue in CuzzoUno of Cntnford, 10 Rmnd ABLE ELECTRIC 1MB and operated it until his re-children, two rtepftramfc'hikJnrtn "If it'H Hlnct.fh:, wn flo It,!" tirement in 1970. During World and two greatgrandchildren. Graveside services vwrr held We Reflnlsh! • War II he worked Ow night shift in • Porcelain a war production plant to keep the Aug. 10 at FalrvWw Cemetery, FULLY INSURED WOODSTACK Why Arrangements were by the Gray flower shop in business, TREE SERVICE • CnrBrnlo Tllo Buy He was s first reader for services Funeral Home. Memorial contrilrti Call im f or n Uonti may lie matte to th# Oirtntlim Sinks, No MOMS Bottled at first Church of Christ, Scientist, FREE Estlmatii on East Broad Street Science Tenso* PourulnUon, P.O. Low, Low Rates • Ounrnntflnd Water i Pitlm«l««: Sath S Til* AlUrnallva Hit first wife, Catherine Ctwetia Box (132, Princeton, N.J. 0BM2- Ask for Frank Htrttor Clt!#»fi OMotitint* Comm«rol*l S H»»W»nll«l |gj| Steuernagel. died In 1971. A son, In #1 I '.00 rnie ESTIMATES H«mov« Moat EniptirMIn* mill Mlnnmli CHANfORD 1-800-852-BATH,,: Idtal for low •ortliini tllnl* 276-S752 "• 908-630-1570 """.ss NO Chamluali NO Uniluhlfy Werner Pflug, 81 Equlfrinni NO R«]«ti«lv« MARON UMHIN(. Consulting engineer; German native INFORMATION Werner Pflug, HI, ri<. KVP N.Y., 10M at his home In Scotch Plain*, lyn P lAigan of HnrtwUIr, "" He retired In 19?» after 30 ymt* as «r»and tVtrhiira of Cheater; • Donald S. Rockefeller „ , f3lMitM>th f>wtfiifi of NPW TO AlrV! IMISI IV (nr ' a consulting engirt***- with hu (Mm York CHty. sml a nlstrr, lisp fSin! PLUMBING A HEATING INC practice. nalmrfwiiltlnK (All Spring Specials THIS SI•All- (,fiiri)ilotn Ha was torn In Magdeburg, <**- A rnf»mortsl M»rvl«"p will lip in YOIII IOK HIS t'liinililng • many, and lived In Wtwtflekl before at til* Willow ()rtiv«> PtwhyU A moving to Smith Plain* in 1000. Churrii. M«*m«.»rlitl ifmtrlNillntiH (1 ASSII 11 U!SAI,i;S * Hllr It A Htm Mmillriy Mr, Pflug earnwl a bachelor's d*>- mny Iw K)AII t .liirrinny 'iriivltn^ FVHKI nf UIP Willow OKW y gree in ehemlotl mumming In KI nu*»l VIAIIVI; g* I roo F 'jtir • 1W7 from the Ci*»|a»r ihxUm. n toriitn t^iuitrh, Ittfll Kwrltmi Ibmd. Stale L/c. 04209 Manhattan coltcffp. He was a mem- Hwitrh Fialfi*. N..I (mill. VI 1 -NOl »55fhmnn ber of Willow Omve f»rwibyu»ri*n ArrtttiK*'t!i«»nU hrf by th*» DEANKOEPASONi 276-6677 rtnl PVirwn' J{jHn*> In fnfiwin>rl on m>n ;»ooo Church In Scotch Plains. rrh*»rp Is no violation Union County Surviving we his wtfe, ftuth of -r ^ ,-»-

August 22,1996 A-tQ Westflol— nocofd assified INTRODUCTIONS Central New Jersey's best choica for meeting some- one close to homa. See Weekend Plus ANNOUNCIMINTt SIRVICIS GENERAL POLICIES & SERVICES

(a Wftf appwai by ttm Pubtthtt. w*> 1a>rtpM to cwncfr aw ss^r*^ sw""^

aaf tor anam *» WHS* WEEK * Call your salea rapra—ntrtlv 1020-1060 2010-3100 HD WwwPBi)>MP"""***y fcjfiwi or •Or mQt* NIIIMIIaanKJfi NMW •MM.0YMINT AUTOMOTIVS sYHMi flOt •MOHPD VW OQOffl* STSBS ? poffion Of •OjfMMnWlt GNPfVsf MUST DO) fFsSflV (MtrWI 30 w»V not bat cow*Ma-rd SPICIALS Waa, AtaatwCaM*. cfta«*a of mh. «rsao tors o (to* Automotive • AM cap**/ or bold Mars SO* par Him, par waw* Apartment Rental iaBB—SLJaaY)—B^BSS* C<*_iWad ntm* mrm comnWaatonaWa to mcogntmd Merchandise) mgmndmm af 10%. Service 9010-8100 •010-0710 •010-0040 CLASSIFIED HOURS CUSTOMER SERVICE AD DEADLINES BUSINESS 8. SERVICE DIRECTORIES Tn-Cotumn Advertisers OUIDBS • MONDAY 2:OOpm Appears every week In Cit—Wed •STATS Hi COLUMN • MOMfMY 4:00pm 1-800-550-9405 TO Place An Ad Gal Monday thai Friday Outside New Jersey AUTO IN-COUIMN • MONDAY 4:OOpm CAsafnA HSADV APS » MONDAY 4~00pm 1-800-550-0405 8:00am - 5:00pm 1 908 722-3000 IN COLUseM CUaSaWFIKD • MONDAY 4:00pm Legal Advertisers WAI -STATS TAB • THURSDAY 5:00pm Outside New Jersey CaN 1-008-722-30001(6203 AaJTO/CLASSIFtBD DISPLAY • FRtDAYi-OOpm 1-006-722-3000 THE RESULTS

YOU EXPECT CtMBNV 01181188) SMI, fa-U- IM I p*_a TANNIBJfa fe^^M flBBBB^«_l ^B_MB_ U Qu-nnanu d M». and up. •aVaW) ejev—|< e^Fsp. _ COUCH- Wttlta, 3pc r$x$ Sactlonal «Mltemsn: kam S18B00 low moh MBTUCttEN- » Taaaa h m FMtl Color WMNN- ITS. kTAWAT fooal nmm. |tn. SfM Waa>a>iia*an Ra)., Fri, A«« 8/34, «am-4pm. 3 1* «t Ut 8/24. -rota TOOAV 1- M». ttova, ITS. f Sal. A Sun^/23, 34, 2S; Family Yard Satal AnH- tomajthtng for afttor, «1T0. Can tfajHvtr. S-Tprn. HH Mama, lota of quaa, folk art, col- i Ml BIT- aolld pma, Antlquaa, Mlac. loctlblaa, turn. Houta- ftrda Color conaol* TV 1100. "braakfrpnt taal*, • •acacatt. c»n*\ C*na«la •RAMCHBURQ war**, kid aluff, book*. ptt can r»-«an. NOTICE: MOAMOI AU. HI ORfMT WIAMI PISCATAWAV- S1t ia*M «**- «a) Sat a/ ft Sal. 8/14. 8-T M. Mm-fam. 4 Family-1 s>* MVASLS Si Mop) HAf lt*m», turn, WANCC ' toy*. »_Ck to Mhool ADV6RTI9€IN VISA «r Hama, homa *cc*i»orl»i, WH%£ PIBCATAWAV- • V aporttng good, ate 3pm Hov*ng Sal*l CM- «y«M A«« A/I4 A N. S- m FORBES Cart. For a €|uo«a on lactlbtaa. Emmafl. Kalrya, 4_____ U * _T_B)_ _ka_B_ft_B_lJ W* Handta all Wnda ol •RIOfHWATtR- til Humma)*. antiqua tool*. spin. n/Fr, ame wesnajw ALL Auctkma. toacl-Mflng in H*n««ali A«« Sat. t/S4, Victorian draa*. furn., toy anrt much I CLASSIFIEDS Antlouaa, tawa, Tool*. •am-iprn. AC. Chrlatmai plctur* frama*, oil paint- Art. Qlaa*. Eatitoa, tiaa, italnl*** *ta*l link ing*, Jawalry, pool iabla, 1M1 AND WATCH Furn. •SAUTtPUL aiHL- 11 Olvorc*. Bankruptcy, • wrtaueat, ate. 231-9J91 and lota moral a/t4 10-Bpm 1 -8OO-559-9495 AMO M*PRAWA-t. Mvy ISjfnSSjf rf^^SW^ai (. r,-_.— ^^P YOUR urt. blond*, N*v*r m*r- kara Or tat a/24, lam- CLARK- It Sahuyler MtTUCHtH- 3pm. t». mutil famHy. H/ Book*, atopa«1 A m*w*t Atd. UkM Itivil. Sdaka Dr., Sat A Sun 1/24 I St Upajn- Ay*., Sal. RamateMfeVli, BUSINESS gantlaman J1S1 for it V-AM INH, Toy*, booka. racord*. 26; 10-Bpm Huoa Sulll a/34; Mpm Ralndata FAX 908-231-9638 cloth** Malndata: a72S 1 har tavtrajna. Oat-. Rltndihlp, mwrl«a« ino tINhtt P-I To Banafll Noah * Ark 0/2S MOVING SALfcl Va^VSB-aaV 1 VSr lay* 8*rid photo to CUFANOt-M. Animal Ra»cua, Evarythlna Muat Qo. Or a/34 A ft, 8- Sjpm 9 F»mayi Colonial CaH Anna, P.O Box 42, •»• Baby Orand Piano, Furn., B01 300 ejJ^d tta eaa Owahanar Toyi, cloth**. fl»h tacfckr Country furn. toM GR tiM BawHaj-a oW AAmOMMWAAfTM AoVartfM In SS-7S% Oil Bwmmar TAMI MRTUCMIN- 44) DlicrMlly oplot* your Clathlna) lar Woman, High quality woman* d*- St 1/74, «00-4prn Ql Mam arfoBra «•**••; dfili** No *«p*rl*ne« CfNwran a> •**•>. aignor ctothlng and ac gantlc S«hil 30-40 yra. of ^w*"B» »e«eBse^iTf( IM nSenwry.ili NMM- c**aoila»-Armanl, Calvin acculumatton. ton to Laddan to Froaa) mM AWWVALS In our Sal. 8/14; t-4am. Many 0W, uwcodiwn furnithtngt dapt: Station Khtln, eacada. Valantino. A Chanal All lt*m* ara Rl MITUCHIN- «t) toya, HH Rajma, Bltt#4, tfVM WITHOUT China Cab , Charry Cor- Wa**4taM Dr Sat, A Sun Cowipu*aia A wo—i. f UN, ifiwll *nn*t p«rt)*» nor Cab., Chsrry Bdrm. laail 7S% off tha orlg OLAtuai- Sato, rapid, CO»t ? locnlloni 5bb 6/34 A 25, II -4pm Mov- t a« At, for •!««•• mtn • woman non-turglcal, pwnwnanl aat, Wadoawood, Lanoi, ing Salal W/D, offlca SOMIRBIT- •)••- A IhoM w/*lt*rnatlv* Hf* LINO! GHRIkTMAt- and Royal Scttwariburo Pataatc Av* Wa*t Catri aqulp, turn, gar dan toot* Batal %M. M4, aam-T I- OM Frtanda, lailoiatiofi In M w*a*». China, CharwMlaft, Ari, w*ti 201 -aot-eeeo and Baity A Mat* Mama, H/H, Ralatrv**. *w«*th*ar1*. (tyM* PMlnxad, comtori- Alrlina pHol davalaaaa, Commanoratlva Collac- TS11 «0<*, *njoy»tn» way to Lamp*, Scone**, Rug*, 7*2 Moult Tpk. Short aiae. toutp. *»oaar* A f^AaUl BBBB_BBB_t BBiB_BBBBBBBB_fW Doctor approva#. Ff#a tora plat** Hand paint- *^^Pfaf8jp ^^^^BFVJV) a^aj§r^^Ba^BP|^fajr Mirror* A much mot*. Hill* 301-664-6464 Both IMDOUIMK- moral Cation Av* to •t t ommani infoimallon by mall: ad, oold trlmmod, 107t National Saarth f]4t H thru "MO Alt I for »S00 •tora* now open Sun II Aim MM* (aawna* *l Franklin Brvd Ind »•« Money Back Ouaran*** VMO-909««» (BOO) 47273X0. *«1 »4, £O« W«fr»r~ma M), 8*1 Aunlo Blaka Ava. i40«) Mt SSrrOO, ffa a (4M) Fraa Information 24 COaWIUNMSN I • •DltON- if Ch*ndlir Sun a/24 A 25: fMpm houn dairy Call now! Na«ord ft Italan to act* 9«* 5S?7 8ATI8FA8ATI8 C Tua-C tO-a, Tfuwa III • Conn Organ; mtic 1-800-4-Sf.ARCH PHBBI Browiari Wai- riON aUAHANTf E00_ Rd, (ofi f l«infl«kl IUI ) d Sat IM. StS-T—-TTSO 34 A 2S, S*m-3pm HlH WHOIWORtlOOO YARD 1431 UnaawiRa) COtfMB A J«W«U»V rom* IK t0l-4*4 tt44, • HAH! WOVHta- CloHwa, furn, M' >NAf»f>tR RIMNO WANT8J0- Tap l>ri*** ^aajBod* 90(3 •OUMD •ROOK- III Kama, tool*-yaid, o«n •All 1 BOUND BROOK- WITH- Scandinavian, aqulp much morel m Maiaaw N. ctr. a/24. dlihaa. baakata, ate Paid tor Ooka A tB WHI •rankNn ft Sat. 8/ tat. S/M. Si* and r*«f b«g SfcOO/BO Colna A Jawalry t European, Mowlh Amart- 24, 9-4pm. H/H llama, Sam-3pm. Baby turn., M84U-M74 ean, Aalan, "tu*atan Htah IfJM COMf*ATWU OARWOOD- 417 Oak •i*c A walght *qulp Ralmiala: t/2f or IrrWraJ" ' • •»«. Wa aJao buy and toy*, baby alutt, tool*, •I Frl A Sal 0/73 A 24. 1040 •ehool aicKanq* afu- clothlnj. Moving Sal*l _ cloth**, lamp* and oth*< WBSTFIILD- 117 It ARCAB* BAMBS- for danti arriving Autuat. r*p*lr computerat itwnl timOpin Malndat* p/30 houtahold Itam* homa*, pinfeall. vldao, lora, prlntara and board* A 31 1ST SAir Arrrn Paul 81 (tat bloc* oft pool tkaabali. |uk*«, •swons si rrvei tO«^«4 74»« Broad) a/34 A 38, AISC Call •OUMD •ROOM- ITa 76 YRS. IN HOME I Col mor*. Naw and racondl- ADOPTION A W. Htftt St. Sat 1/24, laollbl**, knlck knacki. NO. BtMSON- IS PMMto « Wam-ipm FatH-owa S tionad, fuHy warrant** -horn* of lava and mualc Sam-4prn Paddla Car, aoma turn tool*, Dr., Sat A Sun S/24 i F*mlly Salal W/D, Micro. Al*o puroha** or trad* tool* intlqua*, 45 naw Itamt, *om*lhlng TV, Baby aqulp adult '•walii your bubv roian- HIAHT O* JIBUl- ba ?S. B-3pm Olntng fioom OH H TMB M PAW- eiatly tacurt wiln caring racordi, ate. Prtoad iall (•t-lial Prov ; HH Ham*: blkaa, lntant>Ma atwfl, aduiad, glorlflad, and li c N LY Bin •of* bad, rug, alarao •iclvndad lamliy Km,Bin pratatvaa thorouahoul StOUMO fMWOK- Tf W. MANVH.UI-»l*m*y«. ^ . 9^*i' J PiL PJffVM, iyqj34a7O44 811 a • PtWHRHfS •pk, gaa grill, paMo furn, OBIVB 4 placa. loft BR eamara*. mttliary, TV*. Ih* woild now and for- 8188-•*»*•* Sato* TOPBOIL/MULCNRS fM- ft S/Z4 _ n. 9am •724. Bam 3pm Mulii NO. •DIBON- tB B)Wf ft!* cab e»*r aoulp, AC, *•», mvttti Urn ftn**h; •v*r Baciad haart of At Wholaiata Frtoa* 4pm Ram or thtna. rurn famllyl Purn. clothing, nlnfllan Dr Sat 8/34. World* Fair, fountain ADOPTION- All«ql«on- 8118 I colraoWataa, cloWtaa ga- mm eood Ortj tttOO, pana CaN tTl^TTT #*, lovtnj, ttntnolally aa- Jaiua riava maroy on u*. Pick-up or DaHvairy On sn, m) Act, H/H baby A H/H llama, looli, Oam-tpm, aaac. *qulp, lora Caah only I No aarfy aakmg MM CBda IMI eurt ooupl* mamad 7 8t Juda workar of mlra- MMral Cull fOMfXMOOO it, elothaa A mwi Chain link fanca furn. plut Inl* moral btrdti yri) Tlufty 8-apd. blk*. (.!#• pmy lot ui 81 Jud* 81*8 Ofltos P< yaar* wiartaa to adopt halp of ih* hopalaaa pray hand brak**, Hka m nawborn. Counliy horn* Im in Bay ihlt pray«r t MO CatlfMM-TliiaSS Siurrnundad by davolad SIM liniai a diy lot • day* It 818S t4>Buy COat'LBTB If OSS family Call anytlm* I hat navar naah hftawn to •00-431-8BFS lynna * BATtLUTB tVBTtM- lull Publication muat b« PVn pnPV VTVrl S/VaBTIWISJ • Mall SA ^ |)H>mtt»cl Thanh you It at »i8/month*. (wae) io rut Juiia for my prayara hav* Fraa Programming All RLiOrn vinuiN t 9PM ITS TIME malor oradrt card* *o- (Navai dnnwii tu fail) oatitad Can nowl 1-«00- *Oh, moat haaiiiilul tiow«> LAFAYSm MIU. AWT1- •f Ml. CaHticl. fruitful NOVtNA TO ST. JUOS- OWBB CtNTtR- Lafay *ln* aptandru or Haav«n, Mnly Nt Jud*, Apotlr*' *n» ISuiaax Co 1 NJ KJ1 • Camatant NBW ftlim,* •laaaad Mnthar nl lit* niul Matlyr, giaat In 383-OOtB 40 Friandfy U**d FumHura^bittqu** •on of God, lmma<'Uiai* virtu a and rich in ilaaiar* riicnlaylriq affitrtf Trunka-Wood Oanoo* Virgin, ai»ltl m* lit my mliad**, naar klnaman abl* anllmia* ancl quality and much mor* f Jaini Chrlit, faithful uollaetlbl** Cuf* tin OOtDfN RAINBOW nacaaiity Oli. SIHF of th* il«ir«mor ol all who GAR at Bwavaf Av* ptamlaa* Clovad tua* B«B n Iml'ih*l|>! m» nki) your apacrai Annandal*. NJ OfMI mi, (mmIn ynu HI* my ionm|o in tlin* nl Place Your $17 Garage 8008r»«« » molhar. Oh, iMy Mary i«>il tu you I hav* OVtR II* SMO¥CCAa»t Baaew m 7801 Molhar of flnil, (/tman of «IHIMI»« f'om lr>i daplh VllUtai ANTtOUt Sale Ad and Receive Shop op«n Sat A Sun !»• Haavan anri Farihl 1 I niy haiirt amf humbly CMNTtR humbly banarh ynu S or »ppo*rrtm*fi1 »u i<> whom (Iml hai Anth|wlrtf At H'a B«*l Claan outa Huy ou't ML^B^Bbaa A from Ina bottom uf my u»n nut ti gr*«t powai • FREE Signs AUU*i| A haart to tuco'ii m> m thti An aicltlng naw Antitiu* tTjjv II i ti in • to m y Hflufu ura ovcus A BMILI naeaaaily thu* mo r»nl*i mint wllh Ih* ftn Mlataitd IMP '"• In a*t anttqua* and cot • Rain Date Guarantee Bic cond orlg 8781 lfta non* that ran witriitinrt |n>i*nl and urg*nl Call h**' pat* ot ait *t«M and your sowar Oh, «lmw iy laciatila* ttom HO of N.I • ilntfi Hi ralutn I Prtmlar Oaalar* •paei** fof adoptlofdp l mt ttataln you »'• my mil in maka your Hours: Monday - F. aaoattria eoat MitHnMiH a mothar. Oh Mary, ion R£ACH OV£R 300,000 READCRS! Op*n r day* flat W-ri JO Day Ftogram a CatT for mo** Informa- calvad wltltout iiii, i»»v n kniiwr\ inti ^HMI* 8:00am-5;00pm tion earl lor ua who hnva t*«*v* ha#n In rtiy III* ymi A'* wnii lar utoeti Itama, yrfiwajrw, Namt: F>BORtABIB ma, i want in tiii* KIIOII turn, rtafl*. warm, »te> •RB- Naw approvad Ul (trayar to thank you tm Slrrjffl: apmy alop Iteny flaky. all (hing* a* you iwnliim C*nl*r A Wrtnrtarlngi rail tltta M 100* monay onea again tiirit I I»^»I GOT A 1IM4 W**Mngt(ingt n V«ll«y na«n No iifi* arta«ta want tr> b* •sparatail Work* wh»n *varythln« from you In at*r«ai glory ay. GOi)D THING? wt*9 fall* Call m>w IMME tharflt you fm your 10-0 Itiairjy toward mi stm»; -- •-• Tha paranrt TELL PEOPLH FRIEND Phona: •IM, •««•! fdhrt Call ABOUT IT IN a«»i *p-, twa-If l-ti 44. IN iM- On bad. r"a- flfiltCi rayar FORBES fiaf 188, w**ht»»/tifyr>r eHnar, lamp. t»Mkft«nt, FORBES

41110 4130

AIMST* MMH.Y Mr- LOVHM CAM- In my BAD CREDIT?- Vou can PALMIBRI MOWBJia CAM- In my Mlddl«»l« Somerset home by slltl get Personal Loans •Abeolute" lowest prices ATLANTIC CITY TRIPB- home. 91«e rsgaHsml, 4A*BBB^K« *•—— —fc-— ftaeJdkaaAeBiJBK OIT YOUR HIGH $500 to $5000. Mort- on aH "small' or 'large' iwTmBjtf ivwsBjr, msBjnfaj^g. •CHOCK •QtffVALENCY gsge* and Hefl's up to moves: t piece name, 7days a wk ride In kiiury. CPR certmed. Fun. safe, yrs. Smofco froo, CMI, MIH.OMA- In 4 short educational environment RUN YOUR SERVICE AD •0% 1TV Mln. Monthly In- pianos, Apia., homea ft CeMforreev. n44ttl 411 for all age*. Meets hv week* with our easy to come $1000 Required 1- smaH office*. Uc#005*0 follow home atudy BOO-217-3035 Eat. US. Affordable Proteaslonals 411*' eluded. Una fence* in MAARTINaVH.LSVm.UC yard. Caw raS course I-W0-M»-2IM 41fB-IMunMM WHIN-COT by 10 yr». IN OUR CLASSIFIEDS! oip. CPU eert. NON- PIANO LaaaoNa- in 41M - Ufel 8f MIND YOUR 41BO • toSte * Loving envi- •moklng MOM MtWM, your home. Branchburg, ronment. lr~ 4 line* Por 13 W«*ks Brldgewater, Hlllsbor- yd, am ~ - will ough.Cell 9»e-4MT. OWN • Party A Bn**r- ml. of AimnoS cere for your cMM In my Neeftemcr homo. Includa* meelt, TUTORIMOt Reading, BUSINESS! 4fi»- snecka, acttvtttee, tun ft math In yr. home. 10 yrs CHID CAM done In my tote at care. Item cell public echool exp. Cert.K-e A H.S. M«th;MA OuneSen home. 10 yra. USE eaper. Lund) ft Snecka . Call 272-5315. Keyboard, organ ac- provided.Reee. rates. AVAHAtU- U*e m/out, rele. cerefuMy WANT TO FLAY FORBES cordion, guitar, this ed OROAM/nANO- Ilka a A-^iaA.AM - * — - * Adk. ^k^b^ Bb^^Bk cheeked. 432-MO0 eniaMe you to one iree C*NU» CAM- Do you pro? Leern the secrets CLASSIFIEDS! eeally In your home or lesson per femity. begln- my atudto. Prof, teacher, ere through advanced. Monday Morning inc IMMECMATI CABHI We Your home or our studio. otvee you peace of Mndt June 757-3343 F/T, PfT. **• kVout, Ortv- buy Structured Settle- as years leeching experi- Somerset CtW IM-SIM, er'e Me.ft e*ver . ree'd. ments, annutle*ft Lotter y ence. Profession*) musi- Hunkwdon, 7BMB9B CHOtClCAM 4110 Winnings, Over ONE cian with BA Music Edu- CHILD CAM- In my •Ot^tT-VTTT HUNDRED FIFTY MIL- catlon. Ron Fragnsr. home. taf/tod. LION Funded to datel 90B-3»-ft410 Not a Broker. We are the ikHI TO CUM UP f Ity eare. 10 yre. eap. AUTO Funding Source! SINGER Ante/Bemt/Oarage Preleetlen-Low cost ASSET FINANCE COM- e Remodeling Deorts CHtLOCAMt- AuPalr- Free Qt*. •oe-7M-74»o. PANY LLC WO-407-444* * MM Dump*

IM t wttt pr««ant a magical IT'S TIME > Rf UARLB ft MBPOW- HOUaeCiAN f$ ANY CREDIT eiper. of cornedymeolc aWLf —«*omen to clean Whly. ft Bl-wkly. Reaaon- POUCH AtMNCV Reel Estate Refinance 7 m fiwajllnOfl MitaWQna) rOt ilrf a), ram innvi CaretuNy screened, FORA your houae, condo, office able price*. Eicel. Refs SpeclaHiIng Mi older ft deye • - » Mortgage your ohHd's neat perty Wt>«lthC»m for Ion* profcesionaity trained. Call 548-eirt. Cell Petty WOTMim EngHen • spooking, legal slch cere, flouaekeepera Menev Unlimited. LTD. WtOAQ It VOUf otl GARAGE SALE! llve-ln/out. Enec rafa. 100 Perlne fid. Old vita*. Eaperlence me CARPST CLaANHtO RITCHIN CABIHBTa eoe-eaa-om BXCAVATION beckhoe COMeHITlRB-ril make beneme of interculturel shampooing, Com- CLIAHffO- Dull sitetiy, Bridge, NJ eoe-eo7-a7?o your PC friendly: trouble- Licensed Mortgage Bank- and truck tor hire. Hourly Ity service end prloet. chad cerelAvji HW per QUALITY CAM mercial ft ftWdentiei niched, scratchedft wor n latee. AM typee of demorf- shootlng, Instsllatlons. Free Elt. Sai-7«7 •raas repaired. Kitchen THERE'S er, N.J. Dept. of Banking 704-eMt free eat. Private home deycere tor Tune Up 90a-78S-1977 iton.Boa aaa ma. infants and preCARM- T CLIAMIIM- PLENTY OF •Q •chooiert. Cduceeonei ft Kirbv roam method safe* POLIftH LAOV- Can 1»BBT CONBOLIDA- New, Service, RebuHet Oovi Cioeing, tree eel. Bel do»e321-Ofia transportation. Call 9040%. Reduce Interest. a tun. eete ft IN FORBES - M For the procioua nudi Tta eoe-4i*-een stop collection cells. eiwlionmoni Al your child deaerwee, Avoid benkruptcy. FREE — Flyers. t CPU Cert. pteeM ceM e»*.iH7 m Cendee/LOW CLASSIREDSf jTrtm- to. Ptfd be. w«ajaje^l ajfaw MO* Prof. queMty eve. c i fOjVO* Rtel nfl. Pi»c*ti poitTtoauaaa HQUM Non-profit, llcenaeev mera.ChalnBa«*.Frae « Supppp . ind, reHebieCm. . eet.PAJ.deitvery. ceM aoa-mjatft •O. PLAHtrWVB Mom rafaf . eoe-75eoe754 1»74 Cerol. CLIANIR no extra bonded. i-»0fr«u-04ii flfPOROABLB NI«H •rtll caretor you r shttd m charge to wash Mind*, dUAUTV- chlldcere my home. Meal* pro- CLBAMHM- Home - stove ft ov«n, clean re- CUBTOM ™ an my neifneaMj Office ft Apt*. Oood Ing . w>sh windows Own If you mailtd a flytc to Marten IS we. e*p Mt- luwan/Bnook pro- vided, affordable »»/T ft KtMrfT F/T hre 7«7-Mta. ret* . low rate*, Call trans, eip'd good ret. •vary homo wo'ro deltvarad BMOAMOCIBM, pfofw) tv vided. Ceil fM-1911 Claudia 7 pis call Clda ft Kalis Afl UVt IN aO. PtAHMWLO Mem 352-1 tee DfAMS OACVACKY to, It would cost you ovtr vetet eerytoe*. tTt-0N7 win caretor you r chttd in Cere In my Otptndable, honett, $7,800 Juat For Tho for 11 mo*. Aver, coat home. Fiiet Alde/CF,,. my home. Meal* pto- ftiaPOMai«LfJ, f»RO- IZOOTwk. I7J.7I73 vided. eftordabie P/T ft reft Free eat. 75J-OW1 oNAL CLBAN- loceHy . POSTAGE!!! GET YOUR •mall group, Lole of rn h 7»7J7 Please leeve me*aage. inn • TLCICelw-eiM •Ra- with eic. ref*f . MESSAGE TO OVER Oowna, Women ft , CAM- WWIH pick up aTATt CCRTM*WO Clean otiioes, houee*. ORIIM Liaeowe- m drsn* ClotMng, Men'e cNM et OLMM V cBchooo i or Fuity meurad ehNd care Eipertenced, Refs.. own spts Moving In/out, ear- your home, By experi- 60,000 HOMES THIS Butsa, Alssreisane Cueh* itansp. Union County pet cleani ion Cewereewee. eek alter another Mlddiesed i provider In Hie Hetehte ia01 ence pre*s*e

A Guide To Local Profeuionals Servicing Your Needs For: • 4030 - Corpentry • 4130 • landscaping & • 4070 Electrical Tree Car* • 407S - Gutter* • 4140 - Matonry • 4000 Hondymoo S*rvket • 4180 • Fainting • 40S5 - Hauling ft Clean Up • 470O - Plumbing • 4100 - Home Improvement Heating 4 Cooling • 4125 - Iftlerier Deng • 4970 - lUaJiff*) MAKE YOUR HOUSE A HOME • 4127 - K.rcrwit • 4330 Wallpapering LANDSCAPERS • SIDING • BRICKLAYERS

AH RAfsftWR COON8V BLaCTRIC- CIMTOSJ BUKOWRS irieTftbki AH type* , ReesVComm. Oreperles, Meupnolstery Ltc tS7t, Futryjneurd Irian H Formerly at SteTnbachi ft "egging lob? Tired of Hahne e. 47 years sup alee. poor service and no re- Senior discount. Free • LfCTRICAL W0R«- sponse Free eet Rea- Shop at home service Puttytnf, Broken aSeee repslre, Caulklne ft Commercisl. reeidentisl aenebie rates 7M-tS47 W. Center, >0a-7ti7rmg, Service Formica, Corten or Qrsn- eagle Fence ft Supply 300,000 READEiLS He. 10 yrs. eap. Free Est eo*6»e-8778 free HHXTOP BLSCT1MC MURPHY TRBt BRVC * CeiMng Fans, Servtea FIX-UP TIME? 23 yrs. sip AM tree cere Upgrades, Poet Lights junk removei. bemt. ft slump removal Quality OWAUTV MABONRY Frse ESI UC # 1TST3 amc*,yerde, foots work at low retesl Putty walks, Patios inatent Ouattly Sent«e USE FORBES I A A. BM Ji • FOR LESS \ m vra Vou CeS We Heul JUWUB BiaCTWC CLASSIFIEDS! Lie iteoo Commercial, PRIMITIVB LAWN Over H yrs ftfa-ITM * ntstdential ft industrial 1SJ CLBAN MM. We CAHB- Ba*lc quality BA4) flftABJCejRY 714-BBTB Beeger Live better sisstrlosSy take anything BUS trvek service end prices Top auatily werk 10 Cell «oe I4«-MS» load. InehaMe kiedlnf ft 704-OBM free Jet Veers lap. Free let Celt T Jl UWH ft LANO- TftTl Owner operated, peddle CUMNUPATTtCS BCAWi- Vydcleen up, CONBTRUCTION- All tans, roof fens, outside Bemts ft Yards Advertise your lervice In Forbes s Classiliod Secllort ^ TVl^ b lighting, svo ehanges, Free Bet appMenee heek-upl ft CaH Rudy T1B-BB1S ou'll reach over 300,000 readers that are your potential more Ue MM, me, free metee set, is yre dee CLIAN**!*- Bireie customers. Increaee profits and ^a^ tt ftevee expand your customer baso today! t I Quality work. Insured, TtCHCONTIKM, Reassonsbll a TRIATMBNTB- Also lawn oare pregri s etep for r i ^beautlfu BI. 'e«n«ee_Bfl.l».1Uo CLBANUP • LISJNT farern. rwwm BKBR, mmm.t ui •sterlet Home fteeetr, kMHAHM-of e* types • tneuredSOft-tiS-im Owners, Biding, Deer*. 11.J00-559-M95 lawn malnt, mulch, top 7 •tlTTBRBft _ Free eetlmaiee. rneured soil, aeed ft sit type* of &ahaaS^B*a*m Wtssindaial aeftft Low rales Ws work Professional Paintine ^f^n«vaa^Bi •ejnwrPBPJwi ^PPV' Throughly cleened end rft4-tIM Fuity me. Fleas. Free «sf MB DaniBOB-eeaVMI flushed Ouelity screens Crr RENOVATIONS • DRIVEWAYS • APPLIANCE REPAIR ins. ineect control ft deep tr*>itir i r>it WrfJBJi BjeWpO •^P"B~ep^BBB-vBf r mstelted. ftejfeir work -de** idseeplrtg ceneut- Nobody Covers It lefteri done 'I'll be (here to de Lawn mslnt olssnups, ttJ windows, deer*, lha |ob * Oreeorv Cort MURRICANI OIMOLI 4190 4100 shrub trimming ft prun - Hayes Oen- TION-Speelelliing in ing prompt reiisble ir acting Roof Teer Off. interior I ftjRBs Chertle 7_B8-M»» _ ftsa Roofing FRBB |BT. Interior Demolition Alt 4100 FuHy Ine 7*Mf TjT DRtVIWAV BBAUNO SMMT ROCK ft AMSRiCAk) Oft Alt J Type* of Cleenuji SPACKLa- Patches to Complete lawn csre JOHN MACNAMARA AAROOFINO AOTW Complete renovstiiint, Collsgists Beelers will PAINTtkrO Aiwsys masi sitere1 Home repeir eldft n e repairs, plumbing, re- apply * thick tesl coat- wslls, wtll build ft finish RBSiOfNTIAL AND At RBI* MASOteWY- We , il/F»l ftseommsnded guerantsed Qulters Celt Areit0t-«tt-0*4t COMBRCIAL fMMviCaa grouting Free Cst Fully ing by hsnd Free esl HBOOB TRIMM4NO by Int Decorators 10 yr* oteened sll homes Ml Ins Can Randy sjjMge-4170 isndecepe design, plu do It all, Big or *m, Bee- CARMNTRT- All smelt, fMrraOf t to 40 yard Tiiim)Ri olsllilng In Irlolt, Bio«k k Fop Cell John foeotlll ftr dlseounts/oredlf sereia Make e Uet- O*ve • CeH demoWlon services In- mulching, n f lendscsp emeplert tM-3B04 medium reeelra inside/ ciesr up these smeir f»ame at ORlViWAVB/BBAL Professional Irtstsllstlon Con«rele Pulty In*. Free A ft J PArkmNO out ft new work Ceramic tire house and yard BATHTUfiftTaA COATINO- OsekS sesl Ing 2/rlJiBS. Interior, eiterler, ciesn-up* Lendseeping Ceramic - II yr*. super Fst Honest Work/ fair A POWtntWAIHtM* Hie, •heefreefc. reM{r». »Jr?Je4 RBBURFACtM*- S Ing, powerwesrilng, rota- uioA « BON n Landeeepifigg All As-PflOSS- »!«-ft47 Int/tMt Hotwe* e Oedkt WMI drenage Svt-eei9 yesrs warranty, free esti- tilling Otj»l work 9 yri eee)-f*«>eti« BON Tnu e *r>ortf»i>i». N*MHOeMtftk> 4T AA TAURUB MASOMftr washed • sselad Senior i meter Can »8*).7Se-»l81 •>p >rse sst_ n*2 r. VASTINO rWork. Free F.stlmats*. ttm Mo}c*to OdS lobs lawn care A Jt, 4(fv*rt/l* In rne Reiisble »34-«»«t» TAR AU type* Brtok, Block ft Ini ft *n psinNna, wf> aosra MOMB «#P. DRfVinirAVB- tree ett CONBTRUCTION Concrete. Free Bet BILLS PAtMTIura AND BALTIC HOOFINB -All small) OetfceeeMing (t«w washing, smelt en- Tiling, sheet rook, paint- r»n blsoktop, sesl coating Custom nenovetlons LAWN MAlNTtNANCI eoe-414-oett PAPBRINO ~ Inl/Fni trtmetnterler rspelrs am* repair Ffes Fst ing, 'I haul demol o*' or Relglum blocks Our Additions, Kitchens AM phsses ln«l Umun Also Orlvewsy »*stlrigs ir>g, rjhfuli Tilminlnq A BlH *OM>41J|S _ "OH disc tst |ob bemt attl« oleenup, dur itst vr e«e0M« fiethroom*, Bssemenis tree Fst et« m t**€ eo«7»i«4 4140 mar. addtllona " Beth- fuily In*. Free esl Inslalletlnn, Sprlrtu •j.' OARRBTT ABBOC. Joe ftM-7M-7f»O Clesn IJp Jeff TIJtr4f pRoarra PAiNTtfea CAPICB eoMtr, ... Yrs lip Roofing, room remodettng is my 0O0 -KHHJ'•• OBIIBRAL slityi ' MM94D Complete Home ftsrno nt only Quality work Fr04ff*tfl| Of •"*•' TyjpvC ildtng, Wtnrfowe. Doers MPAlRft- II. hsullng. i/lmg Siding, Hoofing. nan* fists Hell <»»'y eingies/rtst/Sfew Porches, Decks, lesrtem brush cleared » <•• CAFTpftNTRV ft ROOF- Clutters, IseJers, duori, A- i wAVNti p. aeon l ••> PTepalre eeMI4J ft Outters meet repsws ISKI- repstr Celling ft wlnHnw*. poteh enotti Quality masrinry ser e3 Free let Ler*ei *0'3 rove p floor pofdhet, stsps, •ures, decKs, bsths A vine* rre« estlmsfe Ref- OFItFPtTH PAINTINO tOOPNSSl- Slrttri|" Owt" csrpentry, piinltifl re- tmawewmeni by paint dill SWSOJO ttltnttsns, Water prtwnng •rsrmes Insiireri *0 yrs *n Pltd Int ft Ftf Well lers, leader* ft K>BB»I. plai>»rn«nt windows S lanertng, Powerweshtng F*l ralr BfTtBB. install doers, windows, Beere rsmotieiintt *>n> CBRAMI6 fILC Mo iuU ton smatll W» « family l>mlri»*« t?v«iy deeits frse ww'k, loo *ri*r»?lan* M yrs K>t> gladly abQept VIM/ MC. |t lH ee*afio •reeesf BBB-BM--ft ft iflm ft repair work Gelt striming, gutters elesnea rternodsling, Instsllstinn Dlsooverl Full IJOft In s torn eoMfMM*'• tin lott <«» S»neH Why y «?f3 end repelr Ft«* ssti OOWWBI CONB T. IOOBK pAierrtfKi int. Member H • B ttmrff ROOPINQ rtealdenllei hre«* ylTT ler Hang dont see M. •»» ceil us AAADPTTWAU.* •He. free •«iim»t»* Mik< Ing Airless spraylnd, peeieiist Reel erlee 4«f0 >«.f*y foorr * rW?r*W?# es« •fACNUlM OttlviwAVS- Perklna lm ioo% melWi lots Hlank tqpnerT, JM CONBTItUCTION xiwerwsrthlng Smell mate ihitit ItslyeeItslyee' Over »(1 ytt e«f) Bl*ps, sidewalk* srpentry SOU fM-IMt leiistaetron uueremad, tnck. Painting ft Csrpen storted. eeeied (W a FHPf PDTIMAfi llr? • ,«n OHris tor eellmese try (Jreat prices polios, belgtum hionk In »'< 34 culture stone Phone: p BPSCIAL Free »n.i neasonsbl* »nf) svpefl DAKWUCCI Q rtee estimetse csti hrfi li work, n«mtirit iMlwe us', guller r,l«»nlnu dC sncerJ Cstl for you' fully Insurari Free ent »o«-rtit-«Me after» no way 1 Hv»«i (M|)«II»M. • •rirwinw w»«ti with every Ajn>a Over 9)0 yr*. ennerlsnce needs »oe-»e» 3«» WIMOOWe A OOORB No Job too tm*ll Call 60B 419 * trrl \ah Tree e>t( sroyrt e«p Qreet prteest JOHN MOOCAL We ifSn pelrit V'«" ALK BUCTRIC- re*i«i, fA *'' 1-8Q0-559-9495 MASON ini«fl eliimlnitm tlrtlrtfl In IMTORIOP) ft cell toll free WICMBY dt t^mrti A IMdutl ev*H BUtUWMB OtNBRAL CONTRACTORa Mks new <(»»•, w«s*e««J», night* i)«tk sntf Penee Bieseft s tile MM UP AOAINBT TMfJ WAU, ing. BletnlriQ Sn( mnsoxry flrlrik work a Ortff |ar>* neihs it yrs e»p Cat) * # MR. OO-RIOKT * * if. k wirlr. i>nrit?iela fll .toe y|>|iw Ortyewer Beeleeetlne Hole* petthed. Call w^h (Mriltnu? Henttndt fully InaiirsH f'*» ee ft Torfree««. ft *, Moving? Oell me for ail n««tf* O^- Psvlnq- fM«ea your work, e»t» pairrter, Fax: funs, «moH rfet*et«»*. Qtnerat MANmM Driveways, eurbs, all spackuler, Tile, pwoh * NO JOB liaMlrig. t types eonorstet, septic *«reen repair, Blo«'« dr « TOO SMALL cfuieh t»to i oo it AIIi is r* **P cfih repairs. Fully inss FrreFee 40Vtffrl* fn tfit Ctttiltttri! insiMllsrt/ Mastsr of ttis 00S-8a«-3SO0 #7934 en"! QuaiHywerti artel rete* Sfl C 908-231 -963ff Free Ifl. f|B>Tffcr*.tf C*M»OiS 79-9314 nnow A-12 WostfieM Record 1886: Employment s »«•<•; j

mLLSBOBOUGH TWP. POBUC SCHOOLS management trainees BLUE RIBBON IDEAL FOR RECENT COLLEGE GRADUATES District Al ENTERPfliSE-RENT A-CAR, wo beHave In giving •Aal4:MPM2 StmttdtliutdimAudn- Immediate Vacancies you straight talk about a carear wMh us. Tha lacts tawafc must have nficmtitm may leasaJw mtt speak for ihemsarvas, me way we operate and what vedkuadrhwsac. f parch*!* tafarawtaa SUBSTITUTES you can enpart when you join our company. COL «aMS •. Perm. post. owPer mmmtk rnma\m tton SS.OO pa* hr. Ca* «aaVer Part-Time Teacher/Nurses YOUR Cirailtfisft $irvie» Rto $60,000 Dally • gx&HwH training In amwy rowa* of tiBBB MPJMLV- •tuft- Ths; .Siar-U-djier has early Must hold or be eli- ourbumlnmmm ing envslpaii your tecsv wonting part-time work A good m FuH muppott mnd mnco* tiOfl. •uMtfWOntp $NIMpWsVli w IK 11 IIIIIM Starting salary is gible for NJ cert, or m your' gto^fnn pay, PTJPT. WORKBRS % III per week, plus cur expenses substitute cert. NEED N0WI n«II DE- Coinini'iSHins arc available • A mtntetund can TAILS send MSt: P.O. hrinfif boiiulits include: Visum. Secretaries IA promotion tnm within policy Soa 50O-KT, Uma. PA denial and vac.'iiinns. Kapid $10.25 hrly ComptMi* comp-mmtion 1M37 dOAA increases in salary Si* mornings Knowledge of Word |>IT week for a lew hours a day before end of After BUY IT preferred The RSQVIfifltfHTS: aoma Library Assistants crate* SELL IT L'titl ToH-htee • A cuatommt —tvica focus $11.72 hrly • A atrong ptotm*ak>nai Immg* School Aides AaattaeN* RENT IT 1-80O47MK9 m A cfan driving mcont LVtfl $7.90 hrly Choose ENTERPRISE, where growth Is a resWy GIVE rr AWAY Custodians (It's a tact that our Extculi* Managenusnt is a IMP direct result ot ourpromoto ttom within policy.) $9.35 hrly Che HOUSE WITH FORBES Criminal FORBES NEWSPAPERS (t-S:»»pNi) CASStHfriy Moe*af*M background check mmH FOftTVNOfFS SfnbWoubW e ewdj tMN or required. EMPLOYMENT GUIDE Typing. Pert-time. At •Baal SWM *>V***V BJBBBBBJ HtT Interested Woodbrktgm, NJ Home. Toe* troo 1-BOO. dlvaralflW duW Mwn SSBVBTTB Bat. T-S12B for applicants may Fri, Sat, Aug 23 and2*,10:30am-9:Xpm help you find that perfect job! tMV9 OSV. OOftVflflB#ni listings. Directory OBor. CHILO CAM- Afford- cotton. Oaa) Ttt4TO0 able, legal, live-In Euro- call Personnel To lind out more, please call our Human SUM'S POBtlBLI- pean AuPalra. For more Office, Resources Oepl. al: (t*a> atS-ISOO a 201,202 Heading Books. Port- inlormatlon call Kathy or las resume lo (SOS) 7S1-0S01. irme. at home. To* free Faccone ll MS-S2S-44M Hlllsborough Twp ,PoMa.Tap, i-too-ses-sm t«t. R- or 800 4AUPAIR TUflwViRQ- Public Schools, S^BB^SBaW^ a^BagBMSajBB^BTs^RBBJe 5i3t for Hsltrtgs. tMfac- Sj Enterprise tory Offor CHILO CARS- Work in ISV9I1-1BW your own horn*. Apply at 555 Amwell Rd •asesses WMKLV- Monday Morning, Inc. RBSTAURANT OBMON4TRATOR*- Assembie products at 8010 Ct#*or TrMfHM Neshanlc NJ am^A a^ataBBlL^aa^^MbaB •fkaBdB.rl BA • am s^ — w 526-4804, In Hunterdon PART TIME rWl e^riVsValeVBjial f^B^BBj 9V w ••rn home. •asylNo isPtngl 7«B-W3« 06853 Now accepting applica- Vour era paid eifocl SOtQ CMMCa CIRCULATION tions for permanent posi- VAN0Rn*MB yd S-11 FuMy puafantstd. No «. CLIRICAL 908-369-0030 SERVICE REP tions: ^h a>A ^bM^k^K^h BK.aMJKA^H^baaLA^^B^a- B S090 •Monday-Friday Par Ofm SuosWutee #ntf In IMMSOtATB OPS EOAAE M/F daytime hours Oual.: CDL Llcanao ? (ClMa B er C> wtfti ertafiao iweooaarv. \* The Star-Ledger hae im- ef mi Time Closing 04-441-777S. felt. BOOO We art In need of positions. sort mediate opening* lor secretarial, data omry early risersi »l 1S.00 start- Apply In parson or call: and clerical people OINTS1 COMtYHUC ing salary plus car ex- Raadina books. To* Pros for the CraeiHlrdT* (1) SOOBBS I77S bl. Pv TKmAFPRSWTICSS Weatfiald insurance penses, dental A vision Ouol.: HB Ons«. Maplawaad Aroos, benefits, vscatlons, com- 9274 for deltas. S100- Mortgage aipor. a plua. Vr. round work. Muet ba Agency has Immed. F/T loto Station Road In em. phys COM). Relo- Of F7T opening. Oanafal missions, rapid eaiary in- Placataway BBS-SSI IDSam. * KMftaW . a%R. Call for ami. 1 creases. CALL N0WI (BBS) SBI-MoB DMVtftS- Ragionai and cation raq'd H.8. grade M t k^flO fit* Potonllal. _ _ OTH Poaitlona available to aaa a 3434. SOOtsAsat SCHOOL. MM MMVBM PukllT Bahoela, SOS PC users. To* Free (Ik nowl CalArk International MorvWad gam-2 »pm. 1-800-274-6629 needed HIMsboro- aroa V- P/T. t S0O-SSB-B778 Eai. T-M74 Offers QflEAT PAY. BEN- a ne^ssaHy. POSTAL JOM-I12.6A/ routaa and or trips doya. (B:1Se»a>«:tSMi) tar ttatlnge.

EFITS, and tha chance to Mr. Oawifl hr. to start, p4us benefits. .11 VIS par hour bus/ EH B^aaBBaj^ Ba^Ba*aBs fp^RHJ #aj (pBJBj( MSIOIO- Must hava WAItflWWMIMM ^ eBBSffMLV Carrlere, sorters, clerks, It SO par hour van. COL *B BH« arr HOME MORE OFF- outatandlng layouy t A JOS) SSNVKIS USA. computer trainees. For claw B-P or w+H train eoN Naaded. Ptn. fm. AM or Stuffing envelopee i CANIOIVIII- Reipon CLSRICAL-Immediate rtNl Must be 82 with desdesigi n compirtampitar skWs. Into on |ob occupations an application and exam Jim TSB-STBS PM. CaN AtMttl or CM home. Send BABC:F ft I slbte, dependable peroon opening FuH or Part time COL and HaiMat en- Earianpc cad In Including names, tele- Info Call 1-SOO-27f>S0IS, Dent S2. Boa 1302, wHh rets to car* for I dorsement, soo-sso-aise MuMlmMHa. Muet func- phone a A addressee ext. 2617. SAM-»PM UCRaTTART muat have Windows *xp. No long lime eipet. raq. school age children tn Call Sharyn Patlllo 80S- DfHVINS- SOLO/ tion both independently nationwide. All for 7 days. laWjAAU a\ Some Computer. Oootf •»••» fl WIP _ - •- - my Weetflald horn*. 1-3 574-8200 Ext. IS TtAAM Taams • f 100K * and aa a Team Fieyar HS.gs^tai call 1-800- daye/wfc, 3:30-A:30pm. t Trelnata • ITOK + t S3K Pleaaa aeod racurna and 7S7-f " PRINCIPAL- Valley dlctton a mint. Frlandfy, VlfyS < NO I Mutt hava • ear. Call sign-on (taams) t Drive sample o> .flaaljn work View Middle School - craatlva environment. •M " Join prowoti tB M UMetL miP M to 3S Log Manufacturer IS TBS-70S2 4flVtrf/i» convtntlonais coasMo- 10: ""OS) STCi Grades S-t, Walchung, CsJir " "" ooastl Sonueea, benettta, hrs. par w«ak. Eapd pjer- NJ. Application deadline KHn-drlod log slylaa, kn th# CltttHitd! 401K Covenant Trans- •UMCK, Mjnrr. faraansion Flan. Call Sopt. a, 1MS. Begin du- starting SSSOO. iMMt CHILD CAM- Oarwood •0A-133-40J0 btwn •- ttrrttory. Mr, Buck 1-BS0- irtl. Ideal lor college port (experienced) 1-S00- ties 60 days after ap- tlCUNITY 44t-43I4 tut SV-37. MAMCUTTfftt 6 pm. pointment or sooner. Call 32t-SS47, Ota-Timer Log student, car* for 5 a 10 CLBRK yr. old boyt, Zpm-6pm, iQradustaa) H0O-33I- Hair Cutlers A Manlcur- LABOMN • Sal) Land- KM-TS5-S121 for applica- FT Tamp. 90 day appt. tion packet - WaKshung UPTOM.00/HH M/F. Tranu. r«. M2S fit. SV-27. Week- 1st. Us, waih-tn cHantale scaptngA Lawn Mainte- AIRLIWB •ot-sii-oVTS Computer, Phone, end Flacrultats. nance FT/PT. must ba re- Public Schools, Typing, Filing. CHd Vdoa A Edhxm. Watchung, NJ O70A0. BH> •ACTOHV SHOP soonalbla A hava valid We are looking for a low MIODLfSH- Live out So. PHd, Murv C1. CaH fjajiTsf-SStl er drtvaws Hcense. Call lBjaw Slw u Ml e»ri TM-4SM OftNATOR t*^^»^ e^a^F »^»^W good people! Wo or* FT (or 3 children. ages toa>SASM>742 io^Hvan Fa* placing ouality people In 4-T, yesr round. Must Smsimsil light HeHemsm , leeaR, Sawv^iS frof h< An iauat Op- a Fortune SOb eofnponv hava cat A raf*. N/B pta- (aam-4:S0|>m) A busy AtHfmatlve l_ *h_afc faUaJHkatafVad^Eak S^^W Afl fefred 908-80B-07M SSSSSS ISM saake parean M tram In Somervllls Law Firm all phaiea. Ceunter security posWom aw net Hard work aood pay tr- IS hrt.pof Mawy teak* energetic A well •ales, Inventory, mer- PROJICT COORDINA- the same and this w(N organlied paraon with 110/nr. t72-lM0 commlsaion r more AoVertie In (he chandising, Hek Oraes- TOR— temporary/full Drove It. We have full and For Pool clorlcal A typing ikllle lor Ing exp. helpful. Ad- part time shifts available into pioasa call (BOB) tma position. National ABBSAIBLB ARTB- diversified duties. Mual vancement OPPty. for Active buHding melerial Meelin Agency. Qood ae wall as Rouble hour 7ta-M00a*i.SBM have car. Oood. eaiary, Hghl parson Sal + center has immediate communications skills, openings, f aperlenoe Is Crafts, Toy*. Joweiry, benefits, working condl- •ACUtTY- PT Journal- b»nellts. Edlaon araa. opening for a Loader/ network and heavy not a must, but Is pre- Acnvmts *. •setter IfJ^g^ •^^^Baa^fc ^^p^fj^. aahA^aB^ Hone. Call MAVftt-ITM. lam teacher and advisor ferred. •T*aajf VB^pvarTBarSBaB^Pp SjB^BB^a^ anf-^aa^aae CaN SSH for appt. Porter Full lime. Some phone work. Can 90S- Sb.^hjjbKkjH A^BI a^aai^j^ aa,^h^^HSjaai ta^a^^a^ for student newspaper. weekends. All benefits BBS 711 BIIO nCMIP* W1 fUMf MEIf HTfflw. CWWHIMIM Mester's dagrea m 750-J333 PART TIMf Oafortumty. Qreai AOMIN. MIT. we OFPIR: 20 hrtAMi. OuaWad Can- Qreai pay Free deMMa Seeking a self aiturad HtniMO- Earn up to EngHsh/JournaiUm re- i HMMTVLMt T MTBTBRV P/T, 10-11 h»«ra f»«r call 1-BOO-4U-4O07. , 14 quired, Journalism expe- CO. AH Retired Training dldakM mutt itinii t-2 «aak - — ' highly motivated Indi- $2,000+/mo. working on Busy Cranford Salon iSSSVaSsy BRB— lor local stores. • Uniform* Furnished hrs (ftB) cruise ship* or land-tow rience preferred. Sand U4 A^ rf^iaJ Bmal vidual lor FT office work. ! needs sup etyllsts to •BMSM «r StOS5t/hr. FREE prod- • Benefit Package CASH PAID WMKt/T- companies. No axp. nec- returns to Human Re- I work In a frlandty envi- ucts A Food. Call now: Ca* Computer literate ml sseMT-tnsse-MT-t s • Advancement Oppty Carn 19 for each orrvo- excel, interpersonal A aaaary. For more Info. source t, Rarltan Valley ronment. Salary, Com- •H-7St-tt0fl» Community Cottage, P.O. f lope you shift. Ftee de- organliatlonal skills A call 1-20«-«71-3862 e»t. mission, Bonus, vaca- aak for Pave tails Bond SASI: lha ability to work Inds- CA96W Ho« S306-MQ, Somer- tion, continuing educa- MACMHta OPtRATOf] RARITAN HBALTH Call for Info M/f. Automatic machlnet 8W Route IB, naritan Part «M m a psnttenlly Dutlet Inch viiie, NJ oesre or can tion and rteatth benefits •rlvata home «aytore N. isth Street, tie. MOB, DANCI TIACNtP] «f Call Linda eoe->TS-»eBT producing smalt matai Certllled Nurses Aldes- 906-981-1M5 QNIINaWOOK Cuilomii Service, ASSISTANT TlACHtA B0B-SM-1MM, ext. NIB Plseati«*ay/Mld«leae« »h«onia A2 BM1S Phone, Order Entry, Bill- for Information parts. Inepectlon la pri- P/r alt shifts. Qood work- MANOR NUftttNO • energy, anthuelasm A HAIRSTVLttT- F/T or mary )ob luncllon. Will Ing conditions A benefits FRIBNOLT TOVa A ing We otfar a compeli- atrong denca backround WELLS RiHAWLlTATlON llva aaltry A lull benefits *SNCI HsSTAUJRS P^T with following for train. FT 7tm-3:30pm. 90a>«a-ti50 _ OtPTB- has openttige needed. W-BOB-OSaa HalparySub Contractors friendly Somarvllla eeton. CENTER Sand raiuma to: Cat) Ste>aa»eSS4 ft aUAHDMRV 9 r% P^tB*avVfra^s71E' ||V>SvEVTaVtV for dealers. Neosth Wr* Well eiUljllshsd com- Salary and/or Commit- AnaffWeteettnaSetm Mlero Tube Fefcrieetere DILI NILP>- apply al aatfi Mlddleaen Boro LICBNSBD AQSNTS »S8 Old School, llemoniary). pany Eagle fsnee and son, negotiable. Health ficiusive title, home 110 Lackland. Of. Mike's Subs, 4JAW. 90B, supply, Drivers license benefits avail. Needed Also Agents for New Brunswick Road aJlhCawBwtain kAtafaaUaf ftAllBBBfll BASMBBn Mlddlem, WJ 0SS4* or HHIsborougri, Enp. a » OPCRATORS- For mtg weekend Open Houses. Placataway, NJ roqulraaksaic knowl- decor, Chrtetmee Horns. id. S2e-577B Slave goe->si-7703 Ml Rook AIM Call for catalog one: Irtfor- •IMI Mln, ay 1B yra. FT/PT disposable towels, web Call Karen SOS IBS I«SS iOE Qreon Brook, NJ QfS12 MOMIMSTSR apjroi. 17ThfsA»aek mation t-SOO p I 01 TOOL MAKIP.' HoHomm e B FurnlshtnflshFht s area f>/T F/T No e»»Sft- AilfV nick K»«t»nhmim DO YOU: Jf as itOSj SM 440t ooniliieratliiii, plenita MACHINIST BOOKRSBPBR-PWLL atorotoo.. snee or setting required. ssntl raSMina lit Wsnlect Please apply in MS- Mt hrs. OWP- RRichari d Roborti Limited Minimum investment ia> e f n|uy Working wilh gutted 1-000-40e).|MJ Khti? MAINtlNANCE Boa »J7 IF, 17 Aeeitamy iniinn al Mioro Tube DOS Computer necee- S7I Park A PWna ABIT. MANAOIR e Work Well St., Mewarh, NJ O71D1. »60 Uckland Or INc'ftBASB PROPITB Aleo SMoinu. t>tss»ing, Inriep anciently? MECHANIC MMdleseii, NJ PRBBCMOOL PIANO OVSRNIOMT- tsrasst PULL TIM* RRCSPTIONISTS- for Bensft^yjMaWt^^^ Oeahier TT/PT poil • Take pride in you' , arc filletUiml Him di far TBACHBRS- flailble Qnitns shopping malt ef llprti Apply tn o»n with Knnwl *) u»"»'*l 1'ixlnlB '•Kiuim tit till ANO MAI I Aaants tn A P/t. mln t Write sects system Awa to waver in Qunovtsn nies a day. Mil UIIINI II A««m lolot A, yrs sg*ney sup m busy s»|iet Small efftee. araa A have baatc atono Homepage evattaWa. OaH 5*! ct'l w/pa«ienue< aiirt'tm naric* nhllli r«<|inroi< AUTP ftCHI A M«i nlIn tun* mp |un ihlt«H> nt r* (1 HII. H*. ntfics System 1 s < riemtngton area, j^JtOIIJMO^ir I S00-40I-SS1S lil. O70B rnniiliail Flnmin I'ftkl In f nr Hill HI 11/UII Cull Fran •BB-TM-riSI ses«SBe>4ses Nowl THAINiHi <;unnnt lit oino Moldor* f»rr*il W« (ift»r nn Ktrni RSCfPTIOHIST PART Unlimited g nfiar »() ilny* wink Irnui l»(it (tnliiry unit tiaxntilx TIMf 10 to IS hra a LAW SNFORCSaWINT Will Train! ftftlaiy ulua > F I wtwi, ronwon p»iin. VPH )'<|) Av*llnlil» for I liulltlo < eornmlttlone F»(»M«nl (lakn* r, ' nl a0S-tM-O0»0 NO SXP, Nt6BSM«V environment Urnwil ^FNItnOO Now hiring. US Cue- npptyi tool RiCIFTIONItT tomt. omcers, Its. for •uturban Tire Co MANon Into cell I1S'7«4«SO1O I'tmi HOMF PART TIMt ' Ivanlngs ll A M«lti< ri«n !ltm1 imln luitnyn To Advertise, Dial Tha jwrtonaMa mdhrfdual fat ?9to. • AM M 11 .101 flnpk AVBFIUP SELLING? SHARING? RENTING? PM, 1 days rmi tin l)IH«lil)tr)nk we aeak musl petoess OARPBT CLSANMNB gnn /rtf) jt,(>A An nfflhnia «l ihn good Hfwna and typing fMfBD MOWBTT inille. fOE. Wees, esil PAID TRAININO DBIVfH» Jlwlfi Tm.i« 1-800-3 59-9495 B«ln1 nninflhni Wetl lo work fr»m Ate you lotikinu lot >I M«iiHh Cum Ryaloi Jsrtioe DHatlo to arrange porlnttan Nnw hlrlnu an mterwtaw: home? FWT. new career oiifiiy? Baars dflv*ri Itif 11 a < 11 c M I n < I MBCMANICB R aooeo»-snt Cleaning Services ths> S tutu Hnttin witakly l« )'tMti»iimt« M|t»niiig, full OUTiTANDINO HOMt nation's leader is now t nlloni pny CIUII|IIBIP limn, pay* wall ()l»mi EO tO6SCllft0 spptldallnM* BUSINBBS OPPPP. liHfialll* Hui (iifi» it pmt hti|i, Mnlnlitiisr.i p •Nip MANOR a full We provloa ymi w/ltain of our Bnl«l>l (••ilk*, rm«.«n A WilHiilo RiCSPTIONlSTS- Mi • II,,.. T,. I II,,,,,I. I ),,,„,,. l^ •'orimrvp r«I»M«KI| hon •rid earn I, w. Ooftft Co. dl yaut Mfel Call John or i <>tt«|><• r111v« unl . |i(t Masklno Rlria)* denial uf t«p«ndmg Ihin | Costt Jof|t«rS-Mi«Olot, wkly P»cot iimd |ik!,,,.t < I I. • Ilia i lifinimotl (AH t ? I) rl 0 M 1 (1 3 ? l tie*. Oayt, Ives ••< F«(;al oppoil CtH tOO- tInhin {',o . ppnalmi. vn • I ,«.,U,, I ,,,,,, Cll •0S/««r 4N4«%9R cod* SUB COL Wivt** (nlldii A oh h pny (nil l«ll itll * ' •-••r,. II I. I I,.,til l'Ui Mrim with iiNt* KI full fir eaekaoe flu.ne Illlny. yssr. Call Sarfjar* or ftetatle, sewT SAM to; •Irii day haalth/dantMi, po'tunltle* lor lluno whti 1 HOO '>')V BobbJStHI-tyi-1144 nk Oi*t qualify Unmiiany dilvni* I'Um* fnuwttod iftms lyplno, (-mnrniipr 01K ikHIi tklllt M Dill" CdH weleotn«, up to S*n >;*tilt per mil* •yRVBRVBP,iSTIMA. I tfiS'l fox 90fl~'J'A\ V6.JH TON- no •«« neost- •try, musl fi«v« car antt WORKI-. Pafd 'ttlalss, ictlii ami down. iMte motlel walk- • W«»»n enestl, y«*f ttrcni'iti ' i tfct»eii Ins. Call Artie e«pt»i» sppesawe Balary IBOOHBOO NJ arivtr's n« commission 91917 •go H : August 21722,23,1996 Forbes Newspapers Forbes Newspapers / S M U-1 — =|

Remington MITSUBISHI Wants You 7b Know... New Car bMMorias fnNew Jeney And An Bqpanded PmOwned loo

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And We Won't Nay Hart To Cot With The Price Btherl NEW '96 GALANTS & ECLIPSES! Remington Rts. 202 & 31, NEW 96 MOIMTEROS & 3000GTS! Flemington, N|J v •••• SPECIAL C108E-0UT 908-782-2400 Brand New 1996 MITSUBISHI Visit .And Drive MNTHWLS Flemington.., NISSAN Automatic, 6-yl Eng, Pwer Strrtg/BfHi. Air, Dual Airbags. P/Wnd/Us/Mirrs. CD Changer VIN •TJOO24O9 MSRP $33,364 UIM payment based on 42 month closed end lease LMM $2000 down, plus 1st mo. Piyt. & ref Sec Dep Due at Ptr Mo. You Simply Can't inception. Mileage m excess of 35,000 mites O$,i5/mi. thereafter Purch Optn al lease MOOIHef SK O«p ftrtrt Of PMy 11 end $17,379 28 ut S Brand New /A NISSAN 1993000GT6 MITSUBISHI i For Less... 2-Dr. 5-Spd Man Trans . 6-Cyl Pwr. Slrnfl/Brkstfl/Brks, Air, CD ChangerCriangei, Dual Air Bag VIN #TY0030?8 MS FIT 131,895 Lease paymen! based on 4? month closed end tease S^fX down plus 1st mo Payt A re I Sec Dept Due at mcnption Mileage in excess of :jr>.fM)O rnifB«; O$1o/mi thefonltor Purch Optn at lease end $i4.:jf>M BMt Tin Prtct MCPMN a Take Your Ptek Why Settle For A Cur You Don't. Wan*? Why Full Prlcei Include all costo to be paid by a consumer nxnept tor Hcentlng, r«gmtriitlon A laxsi, Sao. Dap. Reqd, May vary to out-of-state rflnidants, Finanoa or \m»m thru Mitaubiahl credit. For SOIULMHIC'H Inbelicvnble Ad Price? Why Shop Somewhere You're Not Comfortable? Flemington Nissan Is Ready With Over 350 New NiwuiiiM Available... And Nw One Does Flemi More To Bring One To You For LCHHI

Rts. 202 & 31, NISSAIM Flemington, NJ NISSAN 908-782-3600 Rt«. 202 6c 31, Flemindton, NJ Call 908-782-3673 "\

August 21, 22, 23,1996 P.S. Thanks for filling up the car SMU-2 / Forbes Newspapers with gas—nice touch. Automotive repair industry The way we see it, fiist because you're buying reaches out to customers WASHINGTON, DC. - A group proach to customer relations into standards are vital parts of the cus- a used car doesn't mean of automotive maintenance and re- its daily business; tomer communication process, tell- pair facilities in New Jersey wants • orient employees on how to use ing consumers exactly what they to drive home a new message to MAFs industry-developed uniform can expect from every MAP mem- you should get second- consumers: "We're changing for inspection guidelines for all major ber shop." you!" To strengthen consumer con- vehicle systems when working The New Jersey program is the rate treatment. That's the fidence, participating vehicle repair with customers to explain in- first stage of MAP'S national roll- shops throughout the state have spection results and recommenda- out, which began with successful reasoning behind the agreed lo follow the industry tions; pilots in Indianapolis and Pitts- standards of service set by the Mo- • post and adhere to MAP'S pledge burgh. MAPs initial roll-out will torist Assurance Program (MAP). also include programs in Detroit, to customers and standards of ser- Chicago, California and Virginia. Saturn Certified Used Car vice on walls and in waiting areas; 'Technicians at MAP member "We intend to enroll service pro- process, anyway. Used shops will now use industry- • offer all customers the op-viders and retailers - from small developed inspection guidelines to portunity to have a problem re- independent shops to large chains provide more complete and con-solved by an independent third - throughout the U.S. to educate cars—Saturns and other sistent recommendations to mo-party through the Better Business both facility employees and con- torists," said Lawrence S. Hecker, Bureau — at no expense to the sumers." said Hecker. makes—sold in the same MAP president. customer. MAP also offers a free brochure MAP got industry experts to- "MAP participants and their cus- for consumers, "How to Find Your respectful, pressure-free gether and developed uniform in- tomers will finally be able to trust Way Under the Hood and Around spection guidelines for all major one another, thanks to the use of the Car." Write to MAP, 808 17th vehicle systems, from electrical to MAPs uniform inspection guide- St. NW, Suite 200, Washington, way that we sell our new ones. We think you'll like brakes to suspension. All MAPlines." said Hecker. D.C. 20006-3910. member facilities have committed Guidelines for exhaust and brake MAP was formed in July 1992 by the change. Hope to see you soon. to following these guideline!. systems; electrical systems; ABS; a group of service providers, manu- "That means no more second steering and suspension systems; facturers, associations and others « Every usvd car uv sell is backed by a limited warranty, not lo mention guessing, no more worrying that a heating, ventilation and air condi- who were concerned about the rep- I^Vl the fact that it undergoes u thorough. 150-potut plus inspection and different shop will give you a dif- tion: and engine maintenance and utation of the automotive repair in- l.^^^4 reconditioning process, tlacb one is also cleaned and given an oil ferent story, and no more miscom- performance are available and dustry. MAP works to strengthen •/""* and filler change To top it off, a .1-day money back guarantee and munication about what the car re- being used by technicians in par- communication and trust between a SATIRN I ^f^Q .lO-day/1, SCO-mile trade-in pulley are included, as uvll quires," Hecker said. ticipating stores. the industry and its customers. X—*C*lCJ Only at participating Saturn facilities ©J996 Saturn Corporation Participating companies made In addition, the pledge to cus- MAP has also established relation- this commitment to help to restore tomers and standards of service ships with consumer groups and consumer trust in the automotive publicly proclaims the new way of regulatory agencies. Future MAP maintenance and repair industry. doing business that MAP repre- projects include a shop accredita- WMK,4dr.,4cyl.i«>., c, ronwfllbte, 6 c;rl. Blue, 4 dr.. 6 tyi auto w/mer , t ilr. I cyl. aulo Each MAP member company has sents. tion program, automotive repair M/t. A/C, llntrt §*•,(». •MO, r/S/B/W/Uw. A/C. dr. P/S/lVW/Us, A/C. linlcd l"Sil/W/lk\ AC, limed glas agreed to: "These are not PR gimmicks," advertising standards and wide dis- wiper, MVM Mi cm Ikttxl gtew. IT. tfcfr, AM/FM (flash, n. dclr., inl wipets, rr drli , inl wi|X'ri, AMT'M • incorporate MAFs unique ap- Hecker said. "The pledge and tribution of its materials. S7.7M M VM4Cri»M». Mmiraai., (ih, cruise AM/KM shrai CMS., till, rruiw sli-reo i ;is*i. till, cruist: 46.W7 M V1N#M7W3GO ni VIN#LT)(X*IHZ Wfi'f/.WMH $9499 $10395 $11,995 Children at risk in pickup beds 2*., 4cyl. «*>., f/VB/W, While, 4 dr , 4 tyl. 1 -spil rur(|in>ist-, I dr, (i cyl auto A/C, Nrtcd glm, rr nun irao*., P/S/H. A/C, w/uvmir, P'S/II'W/ULV Trucks are becoming a popular Kids do not belong in the cargo most noncollision deaths Involv- •t M^H*t i^iU/VM a^H i^iM. Mr., ir. wiper, AM/FM tinted ({Uss, FT cfclr, Ins St/Anl. A/C, IHIIHI Bias.*, rt form of transportation for family area of pickup trucks, whether or ing pickup trucks were caused by aMoam.tiii.cn.br wlprrs, AM/FM Mem> t av. . dt'fr, inl wipers, AM/FM stereo travel. Unfortunately, occupant not the cargo area is covered falls due to swerving and hard . V1N#NEI019O9 lih -(3.743 VIN»1IZMWV. us* , nil. truist', -.uiiri«>l VIN'I'CiViOW) protection inside the cab is lim- More than 200 people die each braking, another reason children $9500 $11,895 ited by space, number of safety year as a result of riding in the remain at risk in the cargo anas $12,995 belts and the (act that pickup cargo area of pickup trucks, more of pickup trucks. trucks are not required to meet than half of whom are children Until new laws close the gap in all passenger car safety stand- and teenagers. chiki passenger safety, NHTSA ards. Space limitations often lead According to BIA, brain injury and BIA recommend all children parents to allow children to ride is the most frequent cause of dis- ride in properly installed child SATURN OF GREEN BROOK in the cargo area. ability and death among children YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD SATURN RETAILER Kids do not belong in the cargo and adolescents in the U.S. Fur-safety seats. Call the NHTSA area of pickup trucks, warn the ther, BIA reports, more than one Auto Safety Hotline tolMree at 1- %• 270IOUTE 22 WEST, 1-906-752-8383 National Highway Traffic Safety million children sustain brain in- 800-4240393 for more informa- Administration (NHTSA) and juries each year. What concerns tion. A DIFPBHENT KIND of COMPANY. A l)n i I:HI:NT KIND »/CAK. Brian Injury Association (BIA). both NHTSA and BIA is that -NAPS


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Tha 1999 Cadillac DaVllla Conooura gala 17 mltoa par gallon In tha city, 26 on tha highway m BUCK k CHEVROLET, 22 on avaraga. W I WAN IK ) 111 YOl'K III I SI-RYin Concours has creature comforts Al'TOMOl !Y1 DIM IkSIIlP •y TOMHAQW mised seating position. Its front shifts smoothly, the brakes stop Let's Get Acquainted With These Introductory Offers: bench seat contains a retractable quickly and there aren't many ve- FORBES CORRESPONDENT armrest that can hold cassettes and hicles on the road that can outrun 01 i'o\ Ol I»O\ With the passing this year of the CDs, as well as providing coin slots Concours. CadiUac Fleetwood, the car that and dual cup holders. Torque steer, where engine LUBE, OIL & FILTER typified the classic American large Soft leather, standard on Con- power affects steering motions, is % sedan, few will notice its popularity cours, is very comfortable, while its almost undetectable, while its trac- 95 is being replaced by Cadillac ve- wide dashboard is carefUUy de- tion control, which reduces wheel- 15 0FF I hicles of almost equal proportions, signed in the vintage Cadillac tra- spin on slippery surfaces, now fea- the DeVille and its upscale sibling dition, with styling cues borrowed tures an override button to deacti- *15 ANY SERVICE WORK the DeVille Concours. from its more modem cousin, the vate the system. Service Center: 149 Keglnii Avc. • 382-7800 Service Center: 149 Regina Aw. • 3H2-7K0O The old recipe for the traditional Seville. Its interior controls are all One per customer. Present at time of write up. Expires Die. 31,1996. "land yacht" required acres of in- either powered or work automati- Behind the wheel One per customer. Present at time of wrte up. Expires Dec Ci, 1996 terior room, soft road manners and cally, and are now larger and easier True to Cadillac tradition, the plush comfort amenities. But to to operate. Concours ride is soft and plush. ( Ol PON achieve this goal, performance was One of those auto features is its Cadillac calls its underpinnings the compromised and road handling Rainsense Wiper System, which continuously variable road sensing MAKE YOUR BEST DEAL AND TAKE AN ADDITIONAL •wasn't even considered. Concours automatically activates the wind- suspension, which uses a central adds nimble handling to the ovcr- shield wipers when it starts to rain. computer to monitor wheel mo- all picture, thanks to lots of high- Another is its climate control, tions caused by bumps in the road, $ ANY NEW OR "tech gadgetry, along with nearly which keeps the cabin at a con- along with steering angle to stiffen every creature comfort imnyinahto, stant temperature and features or relax the suspension according USED VEHICLE •03 our test vehicle of tho week ventilation ports to the rear seats. to pre-programmed instructions. One per customer. Must present coupon at time of purchase. Expires Dec. 31,1996 demonstrates A powerful ll-speuker AM/FM cas- Its goal is to improve ride qual- sette stereo .system is standard. ity, without sacrificing handling. Outside For such a large car, it handles well FREE SHUTTLE SERVICE At nearly 2 tons of mass, the car On the road enough to give complete con- fidence to its driver under most ev- is easily recognizable as .coming All front-drive Cadillac models eryday conditions. The interior is fVom General Motors' upscale ve- are powered by the revolutionaiy incredibly quiet, nnd its four-wheel hicle division, even though it has Northstar System, and most as- disc brakes with anti-lock control been sculpted in the Euro-sense. sume that Northstar refers only to work well to slow the huge car, al- Its corners are rounded, the hood its all-aluminum, 32-valve V8 en- though they suffered some fade sloped and the cabin glass is gine, but it is much more than after repeated high-speed stops. wrapped by thin strips of bright- that. True, it gives 300 horsepower New this year is the Magnasteer work. Tlie stand-up crested wreath (up this year from 275) and will variable effort steering, a combina- hood ornament is conspicuously rocket the large vehicle astound- tion of hydraulic (the traditional PONTIAC/CAONXAC missing and reserved for the lesser infjly fast to freeway speeds. power steering type), electronic DeVille. AH DeVille models wear Its 295 fxiimds-per-foot of torque and magnetic assist mechanisms 41 il \US(H ( I Sl( K s \ I isl \( I |( )\ alloy wheels and large 16 inch gives plenty of low-end power for that adapt to varying road surfaces tires, with chrome wheels an op- quick acceleration as well. But the quicker than previous Cadillac sys- tion. total Northstar System combines tems. engine, transmission, suspension, RAHWAY (W8)3820300 Inside braking and staying inputs into Price Trie Concours is a true six one package. It is easier to say, The manufacturer's suggested SALES • LEASING • SERVICE • PARTS • BODY REPAIR passenger vehicle, and nobody though, the engine is powerful, the retail price is $40,095; as tested, riding inside will suffer a compro- four speed automatic transmission $43,515. IM \ I


LVO BON t ' MtlM.VI* ntrwm '17-995 505 N. BROAD ST. ELIZABETH NJ. — —— t m (1-8OO) PONTIAC/BUICKJ 7^8-6ll0

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JIBP MOLI SOS N. BROAD ST. ELIZABETH N. J PLAINFIELD (1800)788-6110 >f)c(pf Include «H coiti to b« paid by « oofnumcr 9«o#Pt for llomte, fifllUfrttefi < '!*••'- SMU-4 / Forbes Newspapers August 21,22,23,1996 Leaky fuel injector needs to be serviced

FORBES NEWSPAPERS Automotive We've had a 1986 Pontiac 6000 Qsedan for several years and it's Q&A given us very good service. It has about 89,000 miles, a 28-liter V6 that the second pump is starting to engine and an automatic trans- mission. It's been serviced at regu- leak again. I'm not sure if the parts lar intervals and maintained well. store will take this one back, and I Lately we have had some problems don't want to keep replacing the with starting. pump every couple of yean. Why 1 have to turn the key for almost are they going out all the time? a minute before it will start. When A It's possible that you refilled it does finally catch, there's black '"'your power steering system! smoke coming from the exhaust with the wrong fluid. In years gone So far it has always started, but I'm by, mechanics almost always used afraid the battery may run down. automatic transmission fluid (AIT) We haven't taken it to a mechanic in power steering systems. The yet, and wonder if you could give right fluid to use now is special- us some clues as to what the prob- purpose and made for the unit in lem may be. your truck. ATP and power steer* The 1996 InflnttI G20 gets 22 miles per gallon in the city and 28 on the highway, gMng H an average of 25. A Your Pontiac engine is fuel- ing fluid are different, and if you ^injected; and with that many used ATT when you replaced the miles and years on it, I would look first pump, it may have allowed into the possibility that one orthe seals to become damaged. Try Infiniti G20: luxury in a small package more of the fuel injector's nozzles flushing out the system with a cou- arc starting to leak. The system is ple of quarts of the correct stuff being a luxury car. The company encourages without being incredibly expensive. Many of pumped up to a fairly high pres- and see if the leak stops. If it its dealers to offer low-pressure in the sales the cheaper imports have had to revert to less- doesn't, you'll either have to install FORBES CORRESPONDENTS sure and starts to work when you room and the red carpet treatment for owners inspired underpinnings this year in order to turn on the key. Fuel injection sys- new seals or replace the pump Infiniti popped onto the American having their cars serviced. The warranty is achieve "decontenttng," which simply means tems are fairly foot-proof but can again but this time use the right market in 1990, its parent Nissan immediately good at four years or 00,000 miles and even they have to make their cars more cheaply in sometimes develop a high-pressure fluid. It's not different just to make realized there was a relatively unplunibed better on its powertrain. order to keep their prices competitive. leak that can be dangerous. It's a a profit. Check your owner's manu- market niche it could mine if it introduced a The company also picks up the tab for any Tom — Right — and that's another plus for fairly simple test to pinpoint an in- al to see what Chevy recommends. compact luxury car here. The G20 was brought roadside assistance needed. 1 like the idea of buying a luxury car regardless of its size. Its jector leak, but it's best left to a • • • oft line the next year. While road tester Tom being catered to — especially when it comes to professional mechanic. Have it maker doesn't have to skimp to meet a bud- We received a flier in the mail Hagin likes the idea of luxury coming in a buying a big ticket item like a new car. And get. checked soon, because prolonged Q •mall package, his dad Bob believes "luxury" that goes for any car on the market. cranking of the engine will cause that has a coupon for a special An additional plus for the Touring model is deal on a 30,000-mile service on maanf "big." Tom — I wish we had been given the Tour- the front seats arc built like aftermarkct sports starter damage and also drain the tnfiniti's manufacturer's suggested retail ing model to evaluate. It's another $2700, but battery. our '93 Toyota Camry. We haven't units with a wrap-around design. TTiis gives a had it very long having bought it price is $24,300; as tested, $27,645. it includes a viscous-drive limited slip dif- tighter seating position when the car is driven * * • — Regardless of what you say, Tom, I ferential, which should make it grip even - second hand. Even with the cou- fust on curving roads. They're more in keeping Wc have an '87 motorhome pon, the job is expensive and Fin •till think that $27,000 is a lot to spend on a ter. It also offers leather upholstery and some with the car's sporting nature, Q mounted on a Chevrolet chas- additional fancy trim inside. not sure it's worth it With alt the two-liter sedan that seats four people. The In- Anti-lock disc brakes are standard fare on sis. The engine is a 454 cubic-inch finiti people should at least offer a V6 for that The twin-cam 16-valve engine is the same electronics that new cart have, I both versions too, another feature that helps to V8, and while the rest of the ma- didn't think tuneups were as nec- much money. Then it would at least have a lot on each model, but I don't feel either version chine has given good service, I've keep the driver out of trouble. essary. of muscle to show for the money. needs more than 140 horses. I would have also had to replace the power steering — That much extra power might well enjoyed the standard five-speed manual trans- T«m — Although it doesn't do much for the safety of the G20, Dad, even you have to ap- unit twice in the past two yean. A Whether you have a Toyota upart the food balance the G20 exhibits, Dad. mission too. I think a sports sedan like the The original problem was that the '"'dealer do the job. go to an In- Ramtmber, it really isn't a slug in the per- G20 cries out for a stick shift when the driver preciate the quality of the sound system. Standard on all models is an AM/FM radio/CD pump leaked, so rather than re- dependent or do it yourself, dont formance department According to the fac- is whipping along mountain roads. build the pump myself, I put on a neglect those major services. tory, it's good for 130 MPH; and as you well Bob — My "whipping" days are few and far player, although it is only a single-disc system. The A-pillars even have a couple of small rebuilt unit. Things like vacuum hoses, drive know, the handling is nearly as good as any between, Tom, and the automatic is a fine belts and fluid hoses go soft and nsr-drive sports sedan on the market choice as far as I'm concerned. But I would "tweeters" built into them as well as four other It wasn't more than four months speakers around the interior. before the second one started to have to be replaced p— Straight-line performance isn't everything, have liked to try the Touring version too, since The coolant is changed, the you can drive the G20 all day with as Bob — True, and a quality sound system leak. I took it back to the parts it comes standard with Yokohama perform- ing, transmission, and brakes am much comfort as cars costing a lot more. As could have an influence on the mental health store where I bought it and they ance tires that are the same size but a bit inspected and the tires are rotated. for the size, it points up the fact that the of the driver, Tom. If I had had really good replaced it at no charge. I was very more "sticky." The motor oil and filter are definition of "sports" means that performance systems like this one in those old cars we used careful when 1 put on the second Both versions have the same sophisticated changed, too. A major service in* outweighs carrying capacity. suspension systems front and back, and this is while you guys wore growing up, I would have pump and lined up the pulleys. I dudes all that and more, so It's - Well, you're right about the G20refreshing. It makes the G20 handle superbly. been much calmer on family trips. also made sure the belt tension wasn't too tight. But now I think usually worth it to use the coupon. (A.)ACURA of SOMERVILLE

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ton ACURA SupcrCare **imi Ml Firt *$!torz Ml of somerville 70/10300 j€trH€*y'* A cunt O**.tlt*r 21.22,23,1996 iuide Forbes Newspapers / SMU- S Why Ray Catena? \\, .ivt's IS Vlllsl.tl III I It.ltHI ( ills ( ar Wash I U.iMll

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1M6 Hyundai Accent Coupe gets 28 miles per gallon in the city and 37 on the highway, for average of 33. yundai Accent has what it takes board when the seat back is fokted forward. Getting into the rear wasn't easy, but at least I didn't have to go to the chiropractor when I got out tat had a tough time in this country, Tom — It has some other standard extras that no to Bob Hagin, and things awn't getting any make driving easier too. The side mirrors are remote' Jbr it in the entry-lewd "econobox" market adjustable, and the hatchback and gas filler door can be unlatched from inside. But the hatchback door Tom fJb0m says its current Accent has what it takes opens just high enough so I bump my head every it "dwTeirnt" and successful, ivhile his father, time I get into the trunk, and that trunk space is wants to drwe the hotrod GT version. The Ac- quite sparse until you drop the rear seat Then it's big \ II i .111 I'll < I \\ IU i| M1<>< li I •. .It i (In I ii;. •, t , \ i i hat a manufacturer's suggested retail price of enough to hold the "necessities" of life. i I nu mill .1' *%7S6; as tested, $10,061. Bob — Like a pair of skis or a disassembled moun- 4fleb — When Hyundai first came on the American tain bike, Tom? You've got to remember this Accent ! 'I \I'K ' auto scene 10 years ago, it was a sensation. It had is pretty much a town shopper and wasnt designed 1894 1994 1MS.S conceived in Korea and designed in Italy. The for cross-country touring or pulling your ski boat But S G-20 Q-4ST J-30T train was engineered in Japan and various since it has four-wheel independent suspension and ; such as interior fabrics*and tires were made in front and rear stabilizer bars, it handles pretty well for I US. Best of all, it only cost a bit more than $6,500. a small, inexpensive car. new Hyundai allowed buyers who would have The single-cam engine only puts out 82 horses and 1993 1993 1993 1991 I to buy a used car to drive something new. while this is enough to squirt the car through city J-30 J-30 J-30 Q-45 A new Hyundai is still not terribly ex- traffic, it's a little short to be doing much heavy-duty Omk Butaonttv Wttif Satln/Ba BlackFine Cmarold/neigor Ctwrry/Tmn Leather, t Leather. 4/0/S nil. J i at its |8,?00 base price for the new three-door, hauling. Its performance strong point is it gets 28 3*.J«J "•Li'"*' mufla VIHMMII37I7 , The company got a bad reputation for reliability miles to the gallon around town and almost 10 more afiktotmi A irt years gone by, but maybe those kinds of problems on the highway. I'hf I l >\\ M VS VKK AM N ' dan be expected when a relative newcomer takes on Tom — But it's s good thing our test Accent had heavyweights who have been in the small car busi- the 5-speed manual gearbox. Dad. That mileage drops MSS for a couple of decades. a bit with an automatic and the fun quotient drops

U H O 1M D A

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LEASF PE1 MO. I >sn 289 24MO& Now's The Best Time cMi »it, rtmott mm, Stk #6V66. VINITDJ59636, MSfiF$&360 m* U on 124 mo ctoMd «nd IMM W/12,000 fnuVr 115*M tintHtto $1350 c euh 4 S1N5 del dwounl = downpymt, (Sffi III pymt, $385 nl Me (to, IIM To Drive One Home! today rtbM [to d*tl*r). Si 964 & it lust mo^ton Pure* of* .|i5,4t«



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II K \ \l i M \\ MARK VIII

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8O0O 8020 •0*0 4U3O HJOO 8600 llJm»J*fcllt • AirtOfnoMfes) Truck* > and Vans MOTORCYCLES BOATS HIT THE ROAD! /WvQfflOOIfVS •tasoo saio • ATVS aaio Boat* FORD- 1360 Mustang 8630 : GT, Chorty Red. 53k mi., aa» - Mocwda Powar Boats •UICK 'S3 REGAL- 6 COMM./PASSENGER AUTO BUYERS 8330 - Off-Road 8S30 Sailboats cyl, auto. 102k. cruise, , auto, tjll power, mint 8640 I cond., must tea $8600. We buy late model 8240 • On-Road Motor* loaded many naw parts. truck*, can, American & SZSO • Part»,,Aeee»orl«» 8650 Marina* H500/BO 756-2407, I Call 908-204-3467 GMC TRUCKS Foreign, low or high mile- Servlcai 8660 Rental* • MITSUBISHI- 87 Mi'- FORD- 87 LTD, All op- ags. We pay off loans, 1HO • MUceill Chariara : raga. 87K ml 4 eyl, 5 . Hans, no rust, aolid body 1 New Pickups, Cab/Chassis, Dump Trucks, Pas- lease* overnight. B07O Slip Rentnls I Spd. Good Cond. $1550. j in daily ••rvice $1650/ senger, Cargo & High Cube Vans. Jimmy's, 1*O0-22B-t9O8 B6«0 ' Storaoa *U1O Supplies I 906-4637042 I BO. 906-756-7070 iWOs, Suburbans, Custom built, truck bodies, 808488-2817 8«M 1 B7O0 i Psrts and I OLDS- '85 Cuilnt JAGUAR 91 XJS-VDP gas or dlesel, aoma leftovers and all naw 'TOP CARS UNDER 1150- All ATVt Aecasaortaa ltN I Cierr». naw trans/ex- | Excel, cond. loaded 50k KICK medium duty series up to 54,600 GVW. models. Seized and auc- Service UnetefS**8O I hauat, AC, good cond. i ml w/warranty musi sell GMAC leasing or financing, discounts, demo tioned by DEA. FBI, IRS; HONDA- Fatcat & 8710 • Mlsc Boating $1600.908-755-2625 ! $22,800 906-233-5591 specials & rebates on selected models, No truck*, boat*, computer*, YAMAHA OX 225 Ma- furniture and more. Avail- Sales comm, top CSI RATINGS. chine*. Good Cond. Call ! MAZDA- 90 626LX, able your area. Call now I 908-960-5070 1 Blue, Sspd. PW. PL. 1-800-451-0050 Ext. C198 CLEAN OUT P/sunrl, PB, AM/FM cats, COLONIAL MOTORS IppKllHI | exc. cond. 74K. $6250/ CRAZY HIGH PRICES I • PMnNy van* YOUR GARAGE! BO. 908-9M-5326. US RT 22 W For Cart, Vans A Trucks Atfi fn Clutltfd FIND YOUR we, NORTH BRANCH (SOMERVILLI) VIP HONDA don't cost — I VW 92 QT1 Fully loadad 1SOO-773-S757 (908)753-1500 Anytime UaMhwlM USE FORBES ; manual, A/C, aun rool They piyl DREAM BOAT alarm, excel cond. 68k • Trucks and Van* CLASSIFIEDS! CHEW CAHQO VAM-81 Advertise GOVERNMENT SEIZED Find the perfect vehicle in SB,400 nog. 272-7705. CAM— lor pennies on 10 • Parts, Accea- V-8 305 130k naada work in tht CJassMed! $500. Call 271-5762. the $1. Jaguar, Corvette, 8400 ana) Sawvlees the Merced**, BMW, Por- • Awtexwtlve •110 ach*. Honda, 4X4*. RECREATIONAL MUm trucks and more. Local VEHICLES 1130- itaneoua FORBES AUTOMOTIVE aalea. Toll h«a 1800-669- 2292 ext. A-4000 Awleiwlhia .- '93 Skylatk. AC. ampers GUIDE •W, 18,700 ml, awe.NASH 28- « cyl, modal SEIZED CARS FROM TraHare cond. Alking $9,995. 320, 42k mllea. older t«s- •178- Portche*. Cadil- Metor Homes 0O8-S34-2262 lorailon. Call alar 4pm. lac*, Cttevyt, BMW'*. 0 , CAM BOUGHT * 8OU> Acc«eort*a 4S*nric* u MS-7M-SS18 SSHHEMMOVALM Corvettes. Also Jeeps, 4 CAQtiUkC- 83 Coupa WD'i. Vour area. Toll ftee 8440-MlMRV BARGAIN Davllla, 20fl, AC, gar. 01 Any Junk. Car 24 Hr Towing Service 1-B00-898-977B Ext. A- HUNTING? MOW kept, axeal. cond. 1 5139 tor current listings owner. 77li $2495/80. • MS-754-BM3 • M6-6aS-0416 FIND THE baapar 808-aiB-t>44 SEIZED CARS- from FIND IT TOYOTA- S3 Tare* SB- $175. Porschae, Cadil- BuiCK- 83 Rtaat, a cvl. V, 8 ipd.. alac. aun rool, DOOOI CAHAVAH M-4 PERFECT ***** IN PS, PB, 40K ml on rebuilt 83 MU8TAHO COHV. ABSOLUTE AUTO lacs, Chevy*. BMW'S. IN FORBES fully aqulp. runa per- cyl. automatic power Corvette*. Also J*«p*. angina 2 dr. 4 m ttraa. fectly. 155K ml. SS80. naw roof 73,000 m., p/1 Cash For Your Car ! CLASSIFIEDS! ataring 86.500 ml. *2550. ,p/W ,AC , AM/FM $3,300 VEHICLE 4WD's. Vour area. Toll inra M9, Travel FORBES SMS/BO. 561-3(01 Call 526-011 a. »»> $50 ft Up SSSt aos-au-utr 424-1237 or BO Junk or Running Free 1-800-8M-9778 Ext. Trailer, AC, awning, IN FORBES H8B Ptckup-LocajViM A-5274 lor current list- bunkbed*. sleepa 6, CLASSIFIEDS CHCVY 78 COHVCTTC 'nga M.S00.908-218-0485 2 5th ann I vinir y CLASSIFIEDS! w# Buy vwaa) BAviai modal.31 .OOOfc, excel, 1-SM-S7f>3MS orlg. cond. loadad, tllvar coupa, 350 auio. Mops, • 14,500/B/O. 908-526-2884 S4 HR HOTLINE! CHEW- 77, Corvatta, SELL YOUR 350 auto, need* paint ft interior wwk. 14200/BO. 908-985-6043 7 DAYS A WEEK! NO ONE TURNED AWAY! CAR FAST! KEMPER CADILLAC 5 mates from Bridgewaler Commons Boot* 22 East al Route 287 Overpass Bridgewaler (908) 469-4500

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1996 SUNHRI SI SIDAN! 19NC Nw* 1B«t w/5Hfxl Man Tfansmiaaion, AM Cond, Dual Air flay. 4 Wruint MBW I'DHI <\\ Mi. !• I jeS Anli LIM> Brake*, Piiwet Btaartno, I'wr Front Dim/Raar Drum, Ilaytirim h,«i. l»>•.I l.iuk', ! Runrtriu tamp* I'aatkH* fhelt Om\nt Syntam, ? V Liter 4 Cyl I fig I la< Cyl I M| 1 ilti'l Am- n»ar Window Ootuuger. AM/FM KIM Hta*«u wdix* A C«iwt(!« w/Auli. InaiMi. U rtMj jiyntl ^ Much i WHI1 rHWln.ii '

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19)96 HRiBIRDl SUNPIM CONVIRTIBUS! 96 GRAND PMX SI SDAM I '96 lONNIVEUI $•! N»w IW) 'tmirtd */'Hl ( iKir V'fi I nil Kiiitl A.. |i... « 3 « N»w t'Wfi w/|)iml Al( ftngn ^ Hfumil Aiiloitinlx; tiaiiwnmiMin. I I I ilm ( 9pec«ai pra waaon pftc« on lh» ton««t Itung on wfitMHs the 1996 Vfl f iioiiiB A Wrwel Ciivwir l)l»c Urufcm A Wlnml Antl 11«*» |ltiiMlt> »i« wnnthtf g«ts 1wr\ and ni 'ilwiHlig. l'(jw»t Utwr !<»,*•. I'tiwnt Aiilnnna Vaw Kwy H I •wit Dmtcmi I'nit Kay II Ilinll (lolnim.i tn( )<••• • •" ,, VBAir QMH AM/rM filntwi w'A'rtn »!«V#»MI Caa*. IAVEJ Cholc.•i of cokicoki'nl ami aquiprnonaquipmenti fotorr triir!hirj, wnekw»ekfnl ^hopoef*ilioposrs'' iinioimm ririwiinmi . Itnnitnnr Wimlowimiow Unhiguniimti.yun' . '.MIK'.MII«« <•(ionttul• . 'ilfciri U»i|ii AM'fMf III 'Itumiiltwlt" •ly.Umi *'A.it. n WINSTOOOl '16,659! PON IMM1DIAT* 39; OWCMSIIP OftlG.MSRP Br^SsW ^pves) ew ^ vaaaiBriv » IHHLJVmYl •22,4841

AsBum© PayrrmntB II you'vo got t\ car or t a car or If you're a first-time on new or late-modol buyer or a Colleyo Grad, truck to trade in, rmk one ask one used cars, trucks or 4x4s y Worker come on in and claim your of Gueon City's busy Workm Previous Bad Credit no prob Bonus Discount up to $4001 Al! Bees to Qlvo you a FronBoe lorn Credit OK is Guaranteed! applicable Factory Rebates * GMAC In- „.. |VlHICI.lt APPMAItAL Find yi HI \J actly how J( Oly jti' contivoB ar« IN ADDITION to any Bonus out exactly how much tf'8 worthi to obliga- 1-800-NIW WHIILS Discounts you qualify for at Queen City! Call for any auta \nto{9*M)n& CuMiit f (Gall 7 Days, 7A Mm 1 80Or,n» 943,')) QUEEN CITY IS RANKED #1 IN SALES AND SERVICE SATISFAaiON! F'rlr;rm IMCI all (.:t?rif?urTiHf f.;asts liceriBe rey, ti/ tirjc A MV ffjos 'Arttaunl CRYSTAL AUTOMALL HAS THE





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llMMrnyn MAZDA Mil


«wum wmul r*i MWMWVS rwN fnw r-mn ffitNK. W(ms rm iwwn fi MAI\ WAI umu *am MMVAN4 01. m\ WVH AK AMIMSTl KK). Mil 1A1W WKhflMII SUMHtIADIA1S MMirlJIM^ VIS tl.'l«ni W.ANM&All SfASllNMXMW$IKi»s \mHtMllW til 1 1 i-:i'ii»h>ifc «<« •nilpad* mV t. «n^ '• t" *'. -M ON OVER 200 QUALITY PREOWNED VEHICLES awe •«) FORD ESCORT ix '93 BEO METRO •BMVYMVAIH 4»H4t;YI! A(fU), AIK AM/I'M -tMIX •!< Yl.IWil N(>AIK HW liVl. AR ANVIMVIVKH' i I ASMfrhK/litjiJIU AM/TMlASSITniK/Dlil: T^ftAilSS 2mtRAC


w4 V Weekend Plus, August 21*23 Miscellaneous stuffMIIMIIIIMHhMIMMHtHIIHHHIIIIttMHIHIIHKIIHIiHHMIIMnHtllHHIIWtMIIIIIHll«HIIII««lt«IH*l«MMI«*M»ltnt*fl*4****H*MI l HUmMIKMHIMMHIHHHHIMIMHtHMMHWIHHIMIHHMHmMyytMl suspect wit arrested and tram- flwswwbtn Uieres § hmefal ported to hwnkjuiiten, pottoe said •f hippy tat** The'Duh' A warrant was approved for About MO fans and panties, Correction $5,000 with no 10 percent option. tiling $3,640 in value, were stole? "Caffe Piancone allows diners to relax/' in last week's WWeend Another man and woman were (rom display racks in Victoria's Bui, misktentlfled the chef at the South Plainfleld restaurant files also scratched by the suspect dur- cret in Menlo Park Mall betweer Caffe Piancone's chef is Mike Smith. ing the incident, police said. noon July 21 and 3 p.m. July This week amongst ihe Ufaktnd HUB apologizes for the error. police said. itories from the police logs 0/ Has Robert Downey Jr. A manager said she first notic Forbes Newspapers, we have ap- moved to Jeney? about 60 bras missing July 21 parent tales o/sex, drugs and rock A West Camplain Road, Branch- After discovering an additional 2( Wroll; burg woman reported a man broke panties stolen July 23, the mar We didn't know alcohol into her apartment and was sleep agcr notified police. The ma Itm you the immeHiet ing in her bed on the night of Aug. said a number of "gypsy-type" |K- (MSStS Mill Mpf TIR A Piscataway woman was 3, police said. sons were seen in the store U>t charged witlt domestic assault 1:11 He was thrown out by police. days, police said. a.m. Aug. 7, police said. The victim said the woman was highly intoxicated and she alleg- edly became violent with him for Who we are and what we are on unknown reason, police said. Weekend MMI is an armor-plated batmobilc driven by Forlv s During her rage, the womnn al- Newspapers, A Division of Forbes Inc., °Forbea Inc. 1998, and CHILDREN * TEENS * ADULTS legedly bit and MTatrhed the vic- appears in the Hills-Bedminster Press, Somerset Messenger- tim. Mice reportrdly observed Gazette, Franklin Foais, Bound Brook Chronicle, Middlesex BEGINNERS thru ADVANCED fresh scratch murks 011 the vic- IXinollen Chronicle, Metuchen-Kdison R

CxjmpWt* Ungtfic N THE GREAT LOVE AFFAIRS At1«ntlon I Weekend IMus Of HISTORY: mi CROSSWORD. ( IHUU Dick, Tom & Harry ly G#rry fny j M m 6 Sit 105 fltNf 5 fl O+iar SwnOina rf HI * 9 r; 2OTWy I Jl ClylnN I SCUBA I |Claitnitar1at jtho following jlocntloni:

41 I l 4t I L«H rtmgh I • W*tttttl# YMCA I 44 ID 4ft j liglfiftlngSip u if fcnki I • M#W\ riWMTMWOM TMCA I4 j 4R I 80

61 Boy H ff Wiwi •

I Thnri j 3D Tonriyiftn MuuntlM

TO HAVE AND TO H0U>...... f0MVIII1 OCEAN EXPLORERS 3ft ' AQUATIC CENTER m Qipr CIIITIPICATII AVAIUIII. m MinvMtoNiij Hi ncHrciHTiw. m mm fillnon MfMl ni(M) Answer on page 11 Weekend Plus, August 21-23

"* Mt....i.....t...t.M. IHHI«m«UHiniNIIHUUHIHMIIIHmHHHHm«IHMIMUUUH«IHNmu«imHIHHItim'l 1,000 WORDS Contents

Miscellaneous IIMIIIII

Confidential 3 Don't

Cover story ,.4, vote Weekend Confidential is hearing & lot of political talk this month. The Republican and Democratic conventions are here, and once again "Music" Toleviiion (MTV) is there. Remember 1&92? The massive "Choose or Low" campaign? Even if you were not an MIV watcher, it was hart! to miss the reel, white and blue logo when you were switching channels. The message over the uirwaves from the rock and roll channel was: it doesn't matter who you vote lor, just vote Chmsr a candidate or you will lose iti tlf'tv Think about that foi a minute. Music Mix 6-H You must vote in order 1<> \*> Imppy asati Ainmrim If,yum civit1 duty, twrnlywunclhlng slack en, to vote. If you dili I will Flicks OIIIIIIMtHMM* ill swindle you out of youi minimum wttgejoh First of nil, it's not in (i ,?.iirvlo vote* What it all tin- caiidi'latrs Pet Talk MMHtMMIII to were evil? Most, it not all, oflhe leading polltiriuriN an* a^-nt:. ol darkness anyway Hut M'!V 'ifivi li' you don't pirk 'ioinfnno like Ijeno m Kulani (if the mlush Nw Alii What to do., 11*16 nnee Parly, you will I/>KK! This country wiis founded by white, nlnvpholdiruj. property holding nwIeK who didn't want to Introductions 17 pay (heir Uw*i 'IVy walfd n ^ovemment s;o itmt \Mt\\U* like them would U1 thr (inly volcei They didn't ftitiun! Mlarkers with Ihe Vnle, «ut why Nfioidd we'* Dining (hi IH They're the K

(h«t only Twitting tnd turning. Profmlonil ikittboirdir Rich Lopti tt Extrtmti In Brldgtwattr. Cover photo: pfirtlfin of thn jitipu l)p dlkfWPd tu vote in the Hi r, C'mig Kllhoni, hft» that nfler these henjics, the vie Klltioni ItftN tiie iHive to »mk Pltyl* turn, lirt th*1 upp^r rpsehes eontrol the gift s(»rne iw^ile wy made told re|»ortpr« they Ailly tin- HHDIIIIT, "Can you nl III drive?"' M uhep nmn1 If they wtitit to Johnny Oirwn grp«t Uie fli>llily til'1 plot twtatu in Mi« and to tell Kn«Mirr1 f fumiierdink Sum Sutptm (m Vj rhe ruueh taller than the namesake for KlIhoru'N «wn Ammn) ml Mkhtlh As for M*rV, go Uek to running hoiirft of ph, He's \MMH\ hy w most jieopte nny, Killxwit 1'ullowed mfinhood. On «nother rerent ppi- w, find slfly (rtit of the ptilltienl great writing st^ilt, loo. a re|Kitt nl)O!il Ifvibiani in the wide, the lui^t dismissed tin un* Ihu (rf* SfMilemm) enjoy Ytm're only Imving ti ()•« You Iwvr to pny elow attention armed forces by telling vHvt'm, runny ronuvliafi who n*ktf) if hr'd utmctive \u\\mii «*n |>op eulturr when Kllboni (I<»»R thn nrws AUR with the help of mood lighting, he Invited buck hy nayinK, "Slim rf wmu hmk h I>?l»» 8«« The Itnnyrr Innpirwl him to get, wtttm in Smtwtlte. >l Mom of liuij/hWi If you don't IIBVP mhlp, J "Nixon Yoiitii; and IttcliHrd Jewell ciH/.y in thr* theater m(\ »nw 1 Now thiit thnflthmtint'H #wn RANDALL MIIUH check It out, you must not hestltntf Never WEEKEND PLUS far one tumm «nd mw rpiwm and ail, mriny refKds from mat- only - CemwJy Ontnrn 11w A retwt Daily SHm item BIKHII on the rtmd and Kll mind all HIP other channel!, Tin Tom Cruise naving some fellow tKtrn dws Irrtviirwit Interviews Daily tftomHn and of Itself ii Daily HHou\ a disn*ap^Ku1 i and hi lartmji take on each day ! news, a yacht fim reported with obacure almo«k«l^briU«( worth th« emm of a oabk bill. *m*4 Weekend Plus, August 21-23 Cover storyUIMMMIMMI*|(MttilMMMIHiltMI»MMtMMIIMIMIIIIIllll I IIMMtlltlHIIIMMttlUHMlTllMMIMMMM H

i MUM RANOAU MILERAVtEKINO PIUS •am lutptwft and Mtohallt Plant talk comlci with itort own*r Chwlti lapoafto at Comte firm of expression Advantura In lomanrtlla. "It's really a unique form of funny, dramatic, or totally out of flgiirinrH, miyn the younger for his eventual reincarnation t( Vtotond Pfm writer muss media," nays BUI Bauer, a 30- thli world, real wacky ituff. enUiusiasU Umd to lean Unvurd Suf)erman itarted witli two hey've U'en anmnd for de- year-old enthusiast from South Them's really nothing else like it" newr titles, some more traditional kidft that combined the idea of cades. Comics, caricatures Jersey who's t»en collecting Bat- Over the years, comics haw de- ami other* obscure. H|MICC aliena with circus strong veloped Into u unique pop art/lit- "It's almost like another world," men," says Strvr Hpat1**, a colli'ctor or simple drawings used to man comics sineo he was in the erature fortn initially entering to says Scan Case, a 12-year old fan for many years. "I've never hern Texpress words, thoughts, second grade, "It emnhlnrs art, re 1 i kids, but by miw luring far more nt'tilt Hntir mtuir INMik series "I to into him, t itiens or entire .stories In vast |H>p ally Hood ait in some cases, with adults than initially imagined don't know bow it all not started forme Hut what a money maker really unusual stories. It ran U" "We get n lot of kids in here, but I've siTII ii hit nt iihl i iiinic s ntnl And I've heard the ereatoiii nevn the adults are sitili very interested OH'V'1*' illl Mfjlli Snmr (tftHV re.illv $A .mytbin^ ni"M' (ban n i tt in tliei "mles1 Ri»ivs ('harlen Ks ltie||)K rt.|!ri! thrill, ln|| ! |>|r|rr f''\v thmf-iiitid I'or Hie I'len " |K)Silu, ownrr of the I'loineivill*1 lite tn \M'| urn , " Otltci Miiivel (.'nt I He-; beriM s 1 IMISIHI AdventtiH ( nmics on Mum The WdlM (it ciiinir \|||)>H, Till h;ive ^utlrii costume makeovers in Street "I'd say nine out ol' 10 \w Ifrtitr; ;ih(| cotme luniks has ;, Sti /tmii/im/tyilifi'mun/, but In the KB|n»ltl», win* turned his youth (H'niiun who.iHldly, m>veniued lute '7(to,H (Vesliei aerli'H focu^'d Ail hobby into a htminesn eneottt pnst 'Mi In a «lurwd maneiivn on turturnl psyche of !4plflf»y*!» eoinics, mugn/.inefi, Ixmkn tn stimulate 'inine leiicwed |lilere'4l (I'let^e turn to page 5)

U9 At 1**ft. A modern nolrlsh fldoptfltlon OD8 BY BMAHON WIlflON/WfeSKEND Pt U we know and love Above, some of th» olanio 8up«rm«n »terl«» Weekend Plus, August 21-23 5

(Continued from page 4) In the Infamous days of New 1 remember seeing the Phan- alter ego, Peter Parker York City's politico "Boss" tweed, torn when I was a aid in the mw Other comic books, like Archie local newspapers discovered the ies," lays Sean's father Brian dur- and Disney, exude a more feel- best way to convey the level of ing a recent outing at the Bridge- good tone. deceit, fraud and corruption en- water Commons. "And of course "I'm more into good storylines demic in his regime was through everyone got the comics, too. Now HsB and artwork," says Sam Sutphen. the now stereotypical drawings of it's a movie. It brings back a lot of "I'm pretty minimalisttc about city hall fat cats - giving birth to memories." what I buy now because so much political cartooning. And what happened to all those of it is so bad. A lot of these dark- By the turn of the century, bare- er series, I think they're funny. comics he collected? They're too dark almost" "My mom probably threw them TtTt''s a/most like another away. I doni know anymore. One Comics acquire vak* thing I notice though is that when Joe Conzolo, owner of JCs Com- 1 was a kid, they were 10 cents, a quarter. These comics are going HI ics in North Plainfleid, keeps a -Sean Caw keen eye on trends in the comic for $2 or $3 now." book market. He has watched the 12-year-old comics fen Another big boost to the comic S^B^B^B^H industry shift from significant industry was as soWiers prepared numbers of series and distributors ty a newspaper existed without a for another world war, comics were to virtual monopolies in the 70s political cartoon or popular strips often tucked into care packages, and '80s for the DC and Marvel of "Little Orphan Annie" or the becoming an convenient source of titles, then back to a more fluid "Katzenjammcr Kids/' as readers easy reading and a way for comic market with the emergence of in- sought light humor that was easy publishers to win fans. dependent titles in the late '80s to read. The 1960s saw another twist to and '90s. "It was really in the 1930s that the fluid market as so-called "Un- "Just in the past few months, it's comics as we know them really derground Comics" hit the market, been shrinking again as dis- started," says Esposito, exploring the previously taboo tributors are merging," Conzolo By the 1930s and '40s, the first Right man for the job says, listing several significant adult topics of sex, violence and speciality publications devoted en- /^efyBswsiuwkptkteihirn- pop up and develop/* movements in the market, "It's tirely to comic storylines - or the drugs with characters Like the Fab- ulous Furry Freak Brothers and I T^ons sto* attribute Bamburtk seys the slluii of not really going to affect what's modern "comic book" - appeared his magazine is that it sikww oer* nut there, but it could limit some in such publications as Action Fritz the Cat. V^ the* hei brought himi "The underground comics have osrtein mews* el euooesi as art tooniitiwhoothtrwiitwcuid of the volume, particularly new Comics, Detective Comics, Disney tortpubttehorofaBoufld heve Ittlle) cherw of fitting pub- material." and numerous others that either really died out," says Conzolo. 1 BrooltbeaedMsyefldentooinici Uih*d to, at tht very least, »es ComK books ore not only a died out or survived because of 'They've gone mainstream under msjetins, ^ ^ th^rwwkcircuiMed. source of entertainment, but tor counterpart movte serial produc- the independent titles. That whole Ovy Is, ethnsilssjBf i send of 'tartoorUftsowepend their many provide a unique area of In* tions. trend was over years ago," enttre UJi sending out wvk end vestment. Some back Issues of "nwtMmjmlnftillw never pt putMhed, heseySt classic comic books, particularly mei ne sevsv si ewvywiv wir? "Mere, they o» tee their work first editions or first appearances SWlS^P iS^Sl^ m Ip3 S^Bp IP^SMBBnP^SfW BSBW f^ rtfjisfty and t*«t fceii 1 of now popular superheroes, fetch WJL W IUWsT IBBBJBI t IMBM) food/ prices ranging into the tens of BBanDUnKf ISWBMRW InSlSBng Thst doesn't mean theteny -uj ~J turftt MMM^^^^Mttl Mill ^Ha thousands of dollars. PSJBJBJBB •esB^Bwup sjsisw^sw^erT^B^p^^ST^HSIIB^P^psesje For years, fans congregated ut veoSwiisfy MMB\ • Me cwew mot Bemburefci MMS slmii> conventions to swap, trade and peosuse ttiey pey. ui Mti utdUsi sell, but m the market saturated, met nMsjiBiie jMajajMei ereiy eursiiissinsuis m nwsuMwSBi* the trend geared away from con- other meiiiMaiiied with tkmi, Bembufek turns a lot of vention)! and Into smaller shops. oofflsos sy eflsssi swell M oeer. business ewsy. "For a while, there would be Bsfl^uNAheeesMflehsdriw we hews e pejeooon ftnn WM three or four convention* on the seven dURMM reesoni Ibf ifjH^ Hnrne weekend And in the samn hunwuus mi tMMiw prose, Uoni«Wii<:ThUpublicetkm |Nwvks end wWflpL no kmp ems, tfs e photo let arrow," nays VAmtofa, whose store 'Ioemeup«iAi»neirisaiI now/1 dont went W) hurt any. ti lurgr selection of books, «M dseotsM mrMtams to one's Istttngi end most ceftoofi« g ami collectible!!, "It Ju*t SOnMOMftM iMlttfflBl isli ere used to rejection eny- M gnt to Im too much" 'murky at best,' • he em "I was vMor, h« H9». HAIMI H'I notthat For Kftpmito, the trend towmd tfotoig to oefi H AMM notnltnoi the ides* en bed, h'sjuil the imtilfrt HIHIJW, ymmjp'r reader* CtfmgWidkttC oompetition is so flewe." nnd n desire for rwwer title* sin USSTSBUnBT S pHSSeSKIVl Wm IntheflveyeenMurlevhas nnh i\ K'»*l trend. has mdmdbnMm* hm \t been published, Bemburek has "IVopit'just limiting Mt it (Vom cttftoo^andseveitiathfn^l taken on four volunteer editors I he Invpntrwtit nngle rwilty eoii feUoWkni « eim^t fust- keep H end «ther esstotsnti that help trwi* I ho mnrket," hf nays. "It's it funny end sfSlNlesL him put the megfttine together pit'tly (|IHH| miirket right tviw with 'IdonHwantthititufTin w6 puah overel circulation to f (H^iplr itdorrsltvl in MOW titles." heie/ he leyt "Fotttks Juet 14m mm than 11,000. "Thrro'i always going to IK> pro a peper so much. I went this to "In 1902, It was getting 1 lUtl« pie looking fc«- thr c»t*1i?r stuff, Im ne nvin HI yesrs own now, iiunrpsinig wwnuw 11 WBUWU WW cHiiir like ! mild It kind of takes And, unlike many melatinm, only ptofyk making nnv mtm«y Ihetn Unk," Ptymsltn ndth "If y»ni Bembunk (tap* h)i certoan *m thii wwi lha post ofrW/* h» iNtii to plat* pieets in th« flm wys, "Kven whtn Urm»» wtw sUilt follorling iHtr in life, ynw etui psser peps of his pubttoetlon Unjgh though, t Biwiy* fwl good spend H lot of money on UvM is ehmit piitUnej thift mil." sues, but fwopln don't sooni to CMt #fyrtfm»rkirtptaw'wls "ClvttrvUilrtg r**#iHy gm»« bwk to Frit* the Cut Krtptkmi frnrn Cindnnnti; hr> InUilhnMuHttf/'hfwyH."!!')! WhlliM.-nmle. bturitsarr in whig says. "Right now, w«V* gt^ sulf H'4 n living t wuuM l

uking his first solo album, fnarticukilf Nature Bow, Mallowwi former School of Fish memlxT Josh Clayton Felt to recapture a trcehuusv dream he had in his youth. Clayton-Felt's stepfather had a big house in Vermont, where tho aspiring musician dreuintHl of someday building a recording stu- dio nnd calling it "The Tree House," he says in his press bio Much later, as u \m Angclenu, he sought a studio away from the dis- And Be A Kid Wrth Your Kid tractions of that city to (Teate his own music. Clayton-Felt found his 'True ft Sun. House" at a place in Topanga Can- yon which an associate not in the know deserllx'il tohi m with those exact words, lite remote sanctuary rieeame his home and musical workplace for three months, in- cluding a week where flnods trapped him inside. Now he's \ emerged In bung Hie music he nuidc thrie tu the public with the iilbuw and n.s n|ienin|; m't for Ton Amos's tour, which anives Mon- V duy «t the TNC Bank Arts ('enter

Q: Where mvyuu STRIKE ft SPARE A: "I'm actually at this place called JOSH CLAYTON-FELT Wolf'lYap, just ouUkleUtMnu town culled Vienna (in Virginia), i 380 US HWY • 356-0011 We usually get in curly am! sel earth is not to U Uiken lor grant- your favtHite eomic Inxik clmniii' t thinga up and do wundcheck." ed. When people drive uround in and why? Q: IX) you consider yourself im in their can, they think they're in A: "I'm not a big eomic bonk read articulate nature buy? control and they forget About it. er, but my belt friend write* for It's n gd reminder. After the The Simpsons (eomic book) He A: "1 don't kiitw. The truth in that 1 the UtJe was Just a joke My mnn- quake, people in I,A. wen a lot put my name in one of them ager tut* a great memory and I friendlier to each other than they'd There's a jKister for the Three told him tlu? name of this song, A ever been," Strange D«ys FeiUvnl of IW and Q; Who nrr your musical heroes7 it lists three nameu and one of few weeks Inter lie »uggested 1 use 1 it UM Uu* nil mm Utic I nnkni Imn, A: 'IViy, there's m nwny, and it's them is mine*. Urcauw he'« my %w dd you irmomlior thin constantly changing. When I w»s a fiiend, I'd have Ui swy Uiat. (paus In Romr wayi, i\'% Ukett on kid, I definitely liked... let me es) I did like Tin Tin, n Fren» h iiWEEREND IN meaning ilmr Uien I'm not sure 1 think about Urn lately, it's a lot.of ttmiic, when 1 was gnwlng up can Hrtimlftte Oinn (laugtii), In jfiw ftitists, like Coltrnno, Chet (| Wh«t wnukl you like U) In- wmw way«( it'i bring dlKonnoctecl Ikker, Miles Davis Thwe'i aim doing it the turn of th« century? SOMERSET, NJ fh»m things. If we were itill eon other people like ftrian flno and A: "1 would like to \* in Ow Or nectcd, we'd ir cnlled artJailflte Daniel Unois, who «m pi-othicern, riliettn MHI hiivr nil my friends in n I'm Mill working (tn it. 1 think wr Iwt the way they henr mvwlc in big houw and bt» hiving«rnmiw all Mr." anuizlng. I'm trying to think of the Jam m It tum» to midnight I'm Qs IXt you ml»R lieing in Bt^hool of mix tape I made In the ear It had not so I'd rwn want to knew L mn+j ^^ ^^ *^ A f John Unnon, The BraUen. Also when ll turn* to midnight. Ifdbe A: "Only Mntintinwi. I'm very l*rinrp I fldmirr |>e(iple who com- Id happy U) Itw duing my own tiling, bine bbrk mul white ituiflic. Hen Hut there In the emuflrwlrrie of 11 drix did It early on Some of tny Tori Ami« euuitht the attention 2 4S.-2 5 IMMMI, when* you can my on nuige, heroes are pnoplt* who've d»nr or Wwkml Hm witJi « qu«U' fb»t» th«t, Not to name it white mid her \nvw hh in which *ht wy». 4 im'fh \ium< (1 wk n/ ftnlit/nn, dt/lcifiWn t? fo'fflf M nrwl eowrltrr in uV grmip)' bM.lmt .Jherr's so numy 1 "My frtntkmiihlp with thr h*rj»i 'Iril'l With Illwi mill OfHUMn /til fICll Hi irrhliMft/ No matter how the dhow is going, etntld list them for lumrn Our day chord in n lot like my rrlntloiwlwp ni|/r*|trdlti. llylnn is ntnn/ltif( with hnrpslebottl Just wfllkihK up 1 /flimmn (^ irrflf/in(j n/i/mir/, nl| /m wi/f in cur lnijrc. on iniiffifuiHn/, music wmim to gn,' lV.bMarley." to thr Instrument unit iflj/vfril fc/i// TINI \miwri «» Virffjriffrt (;ln» {y /mtlr), Umt Sptnktn, 1 s«w in your pirsv. ^: I noti('I'd n Prinrr IndiH'iice nn I he kryneun U1 ft hit of n Inform, hpfnniwU, Spninl JhuM tf IV^d«tfm|f fi^^ifi t/ 4 fmAjno Sfcuii- WHH that you went your oihum. You hnve to tie ptHlent with it, ( through « pretty bml flood in I, A A: "l1int'?j nx)l I used to whh h 1 tipvrr wun In tny GARDEN STATE EXHIBIT CENTER llnve you hud any eftrihr|unke rx Inune r»ft»'r school om j MIMlir HOI'TI Wt MIMtMM.N) rrennls Ftmkudelic, (j«p Bmiii, It should t*)tjiiHt> n (IB mtUt *MI of IJHCH SM firkwiy nt NJ tPHf hi! 11)1 A: "Well, ywth, I W«B fent Kick Jmtifti. 'Hmt ninky ntulTfiifi . $IM) «f'ihl< id Imluifti \m wwlttirt, tfirilicti It fuhlnn thnw when the big mmke of a year mid me rtway from the brwlnchw of tank Arid Oflter w\* ri,U SIKW MGMT, CO. 1(11*1550020 B half ftgo hit. 1 cfrttldn't sleep nfler whonl. I'm hnppy to l)r able to wnrm Tor! that for a week, II'A gtrHngr to Ir bring that into nty music, now." Joan (l^tmiFHt g p m, eslerp with gomething like Uint. tt Q: We're fteaturing a ototy about Aug. W. fm mm romlhdii you that the power of the eomid booki In thin litu«, What's Weekend Pku, August 2143 MUSK Mix t «>M«MMMI»»IMllH«lllltMII«t(MBIItlltWMMIMMMMMmMMMMIHIMIMIM«IMM , ,„,„", .««•»« Shell stimulate you, attract, captivate you Melissa Etheridge is kinder, gentler than her lyrics may lead you to believe

ts lite a realty $wt etissa Etheridge is gen- tler than one would ex- party, but you'® in pect control, It's like a bunch Mi Speaking to Wtofcnd Plus last Saturday from Syrtcuae, the 35-yetr-old singer-songwriter filled with passions and displayed a quiet charm and wit that seemed far removed from the emotions, almost tike bellowing voice and gritty prose of tribal rituals In other her public peraona. cultures, where the The Leavtmvorth, Kan. native and IJM Angeles transplant li in people get together to the midst of a work) tour support realte their energy and ing her album YW Mltte sitcret, a multi-platinum success that fea- experience renewal.' ture the hits "t Want to Come Over" and "Nowhere to Go" Etheridge's emphatic delivery onperfbrmlfgoonoefts and tales of working-class values moat resemble those of Bruce infomercial and I fclt unoomforV Springsteen, but the is less politi- able witching it Thtre was no cal, more emotional than he is. mystery, no suspense. But I guest The song!) of Melissa Etheridge you can't avoid politics this year, suggest a woman out of control; that's for sure." urmhir to restrain her romantir impulse*!, she is a sex kitten eon (| Air you still a strong suprwrkr timmlly on the prowl A Ming of of I*r?sklent Clinton? unrhirkwl (Nirt' lurks behind A: "Yes, twt for different reasons. I evrrv melody. U'hrvr Clinton IUHI hi.t wlmmla- Milt her interview personality is trtition lire hruiiwl for changr, Injt ililli'irnl Sho IN H reftsonabk rrm tlwn» art« fleflnitrly thing* I've din- lun* woman who Is mncerned agm«d with" |mtitir*;, itiiirrinicr* nnd <*vwi Q: HIM h «a? A; "WrlJ, UiU IX)MA nr r>ft»nw* of MiirrUigp Art Hi* wm* to luppnrt i\ Hnw is the tour going? How MELISSA ETHCRIDQE Iritis is it going for7 thin iflfH Umt guy ppopto p going to Uw flown rrwrrtagt* t grtnv up V ••|i'smnng wry wrll.lmtit'ti A: "Yw». I \t m\ Aim but yt/u're in control, It's like a them and read them for noun, I'm 1 in this cmintiy with lin 'hajifjily lii'i-n vri'v lung Wc'ri jufU hark in iittd I'm looking to y 1 did (Mtlumui, too. renewnl." w»mp|«w I w«» mentioned in It, I hi! 1 nit niiw I'm trying In make *i ami I havp n right tit m- I've Irt'H Uilkh)^ with \m>\t\v. 1 mm!*' it in n comif bonk'" < t.mrlHick thrrn The tour Will thi* sunn Ifrni'fllfl Ihnt n innn ii movie on Jn/ii.1. Jopllri I : \UtM do you Ircl win'ii thr show •m Dr. W artd wnnitii wtKild ^*t through I (tin MhK in Hi'1 Him find Ihut h«n hi'litril with thn A: '"11K* ifiilly, n'lilly Hunt q: So I ({iiesn you didn't like, P& if Wh.ii do v ntv 1 : Hnvf yr>ti ri in thir;. b'riiiiw \\U\['K how the thf uuvt\ tiiwmil tlif end when you A: "I nHimll.y IUIVP it mllpetion of s wirkr." my 'I'm going liMiitHh,' AIW old I'ctttiuUi I have every Ctt/Vln V "I'm wortly »shr^wr, 1 would shows I Itrcp my huv\ itml nml Ifabim Ixittlt HHTP \* I'r 1 MY Umt What 1 do is iJrtprmlnttl A; "No, wf dnn'l nm| th* rhurfh (^; .So If you nim tfllit, Will yirti r|o mr» loiigpntrtigh until d thr iiniimtl 1 i»v the Kvtqtrtiiihli'Hl ami Pin in We (her lonuUnit lnm IH itn Jilhum next yifii'.' 'd urid icudy loffolo nod Inn k him down 1 When I'm in Ni«wt)rlt'ium, I'mun rtifninlttrti tit A: "Ndt it sluilin attnirtt, Iwil prul)- , I (lon'l wttnt t/> go lntf'k lo nfart iiiiikf linn nfiim/ilr a video ftrf ristrkily thr my hntrl mttl cry 'the r»lnr of thi'i ! I'iiici SHtnr thing with Tn uhly H ';niiit(ll,ttt( k nlbuin to tfo in«* ThM wimld o»«k* tne very rigfi(» wn wnnt. It'i llkn ppri wilh tin1 film Yrm iilno might w*1 n vi\r\M |q horrlhlo, 1 mn't nlittul It* JH> Iliny havp happy" ttink Hut whrn I'm in MHHIWIIMII. plr my, 'OK. oh WP won't Img HVP nlbum fl-oin m*» O"xt ynar, tho^ guys pnytnim?, but m woti't Rincp thut'd nomnthing IVP nrvrr I'm M llw lh trt tbrm grt married Plttiw.1 It's done l»ftiw." Q: We're doing H st*»ry about nimir " "' ^"Idg* P^ « «•* 1 WlMMlUI AlrIltt|t Af fll1 f What -'nyirti think nfthls yrar> unMunati ." batiks this week arid f wondered If * " rut*? M yrrti »w the fiftii What in It llk# for you to ppr you liked comic Ixioka. MwWtowtaiHh R p.m. Dn you hive any tatnutI n (brm live on it«g#7 At i(I love comic books! 1 used to Aug. 28, Pw Information, eail : "fraught hits of H. It was an acting? A: It'i like a really gnat party, go to the corner store and just lit (201) 6884500, JVIUSIC JVltX WnkmdPkAuiuit21-23 ,,,Xl ,»MMHM.MMI.IIMM(«IIMMNHm.M.MMM..H«.mM.HHHM«mHI««Mm.MIHml«M.MIIM«MIM1 The Court of the Crimson King is back in session King Crimson is alive and well and coming to Asbury Park have to play whit you said you flUs rotate crfte would play. On the other hand, It rogressive music ptorwen often more freedom became it al*

PKing Crimson, now in lowi me to do the cnuy thing11 their third incarnation, are. would like to do but couldni do if touring tius summer, with there wasn't that anchor liming to a itan in the area scheduled far the band. My job Is tomak e things Saturday nt thr Parammmt The- o bit crazier than normal rock nlcr in Anbury Park Wwk?mi IH\a drumming would be." spoke with world renowned drum- Q: As a musician, what are your mer Bill Bruford, who hits playcnl feelings on bootlegs? With ait three incarnations of Hob- A; "I know Robert Ifrtppj has a ert Fripp's group, first in the 1970s, whole essay on this which he will then in the parly '80s and now, in probably treat you to nometimtv the mid-'90s I'm more mellow about all this, t Phut also spoke with newer King admit when people first starts re Crimson memlier IVey (Junn, who cording there was this big uproar plays two unique instruments a at CBS Records I now Sony Music "fctick" which is a s|*viul type of Entertainment) about home taping ba«H and something known to mu and how It will kill music and all licians tis a "wun giuUir." Crimson that. It seemed the musicians ileases toutind hig sbehin secondd thresoloe album new re, Th- e mighnil tipt thenbo abl' ien to ipnc controc tx'iutl itf oknighr for-t corrtingsThmi Slur, Thmk,; all thes Thmknlfne recordingk nn*d biandd iHoldt As. 1w thine nokw musician know, everybods have y B'ftocnncan U1 foui^, 'Prely oCJunn Uisnplinn hus juse t re- recordgot tos lum everythinp it. There'g alsl threalle timey noth. It'- s Roeonk KliiK Crimson is also ing they can do about it You can playing shows on the (1.0 HI) K complain all y«u like but you can't tour with I/»tmy Kruvlt/, Husted control it" limit, Son Volt und Joan OHUM tic t|: Or you can do what IMtert Our Will Bruford Interview is fol Krlj>p did with The (In-af f Vcwecr lowed by (nil talk with Tiey llunn ... lieat them at their trwn game. A: "Yes, you can put out endless PUBUCI1V f»*K)?O BY W VlN M 311 NI1I W t I, imilFOHl) oflkinl booUw, that'H tme It dues King Crimaon: gultarlit Adrian Baliw, drummtr Bill Bruford, drummtr Pit Ma lit lotto, gultarlil Q: What IK the most rewiinlmg IIH hurt to hear n really terrible piece and group Itidtr Robtrt Frlpp, baiilit Tony Ltvln and gultarlit Trty Qunn. pwt of the new Crimson'1 of music released in a tiemiUftil A: "Seeing new faces at the shows jacket with the name King Critn in Yes wluit*oever" THKVOIJNN A: "Yes I ho|)e Ui do MIIIF dates King Crimson only makes records Htm on top m\ somelwdy rise Is 1 whrn It \\m something to any, HO It charging a lot of money fur thnt Q: Yiw dirt the'TlK^ivsiii "See i|: Whiil hie . iwM-n ihe most re either in the full or most likely m in wuHiurftgiiiK 1<> HIV new young 'Hmt htfrU liecau.se I think it puts ondsOiit" tour Can wimlm^ »IS|XH1 n!' ynui temne in the winU'rof thlnyeur" ftKVR and to!«' written customer* off" ClItiiMih no In!•'' l^: 1 >r» ytni ptvfer livr work \" >'u Q: How nan your attitude toward (J: Kor TTimlc, did the hand come A; "I didn't w\|oy It til nil Hwmnt A: "H>i nut jml pljiymu with nrw tmmnn limimedtVom the'70s m with planned material, or were their fuull It was the first lime ! HI twnlwil IKr iv.illy im ndiMi1 A1 'I think I stiinidlelhe-.|iM- 1 InndTHOs miothe'iiiis the snugH written in theHtudio" hiiiI Urn it hired (jun when- tin v pliiyeis It !'; uuii^ml In hnvr thiit inim 1 like WMiinlm«. I likepl«v 1 1 A: "It's pollen mfinilflylH-ttei A "7'lmifc w;m kind of n return t»> |U'it nivt von ii milnry ch^k af the tuiinv hujhciiliU'i musiriiui^ in » nitf mnuiul in the Htlidio 10' TuuHnw \IHC(I \oUf iiHinlermh form album in the wane thnt n lot end ol the wt'ek iitnl you don't i;o t*nk luiini .lu.l tn piny witfi them' rurdinu in llkr luilldina«iM-^ll' When t Rtltlied, I! wa;i like lieinu i\ of thmkiutf alwwt the all nun went totnitifl mrciinijn Hint Mvmn! Kmi in pHty nvrr thr loji" lure" ftrcmnn chmnetl to H liutlilmn Ai on liefore the band was* even to very wt'iit' to nw and 1 tlvtunht I ^: Whrn dull toU-iiKnpp In-linsk q: Whiit »re your feeling «1KHit 'H hour* liotkc, the phone would ^elher Hulrrt Usually st«rtn the wmld like Hint, hut arluully I iv yiHl In join lltr UtlllT ring and funnel tody would say 'tlo I mil rolling with n tune nnd half ally hatei) tt A: 'Well, Hi)U-i1 hiiij thin jjpnup in «tnl piny ut \\\v- ulare'Theiewns m 7'fmik's cane, the first HI Imrs of A;' It'») dmtniellvr Ymi get uV "I thfln't kimw anvlhina ittniut tmiwiilculai lifeout'itde or it Vrmm' Hint Indicates Ihe tfenetnl ty|K' orprmon whow (inii'Us, whit-11 nmv 'untiui llevr he linked uir in \Wf* m HUM" Twlny, tinirmit 11 very nvili/nl" din r1 inn Uiat tiling ttiv pi that Tve come for KttmiKe I dldn'l knmv wlint 'Jiiip tf I hitve llsirnttl ID ytnit ncwsohi Ql \\\ you prefer live work In »;1u r.o in Tlwn therein huge, :mii nmv I'm tfritnK to «rt it.'wind : |H't's Htudv' Wir; I didn't kimw filhum, Tli4 Mitfil ,\{ur( ^ |rw Inn*•* tliu wink' of liimmmg ami improved r; lint tlwklllflof tK'^MM I Wttlii I- Al "1 Ihink I do. yenh \\\ nlwnyt II which Kiven riwtoRirihe i I'rlri (Jnlnii'i wnv lutts tind nnd flu disenviTHiH iww lliin»'/i in 1 pl.iy to Anolhrt MUJ»*H 1 tdthw* I* pleoiurt! tn tneet i^iple. Kveryone People in tin IIMIHI HH,V 'that's nttr, so I w« ^nH -ui long" bitlit! munti'HUv llmltltifi to you m n you with Yen' I assume "no" due pirtty much It 1 wrnit tu hfltl tiHlruplwimtttw rmrn l|»r M: I'm ItMtklnK fonvwrrl to thr As- drummer tiuv to the nctuul iwm- to your previous romtnent?:, hut III you for taking tht* time Ut i^'HUse I couldn't HntU Imry Park shftw. ber of members? let you sriBwer that wild me t think ymi an- fr»r thrtn Hut yw \ nn very f ( tKt >( 1 t W A: 7w. that should |M gw» At 0n the out hand, it is, ixK'imtt.' At "No plum to I* in Yen nt nil ! iwpr«l nil my question*. happy with the result" eftuse it will only be ui, not 10 \\m m two dnimmem, On m did n rmirtltin thins ^ ^1 atid that A: V,m\. tt will ta itran«e to be t)i Will ymi W doinn fifty tiw dates other bands Uto UM K.0.ltD.fi.n tntml, thflt'H limiting betmiw ymi wm that. I h^vp nt» ftirthw Intetf rt to suh|vir1 flw ThIn! S tmir. 1 m \(Mn$ fotwifd to it." Weekend Pbt Auguit 21*23 9 I ••#••*••••»§••••!•*•«*•« Costner rides again What's the ticket? Alms on the bills of just haw much of their N tea* price they're roth. Ifevtewi arc by Wafend Hui dim Tin Cup -star criMc Wftfy Coho\, except where noted


silly story ••••ii*ett«**««ittttiittitit

Alto* UNI.•HHIIHIMHHIMIIIHIIIIIItMilMIMI IS fter Wyatt Edrp and Wei- tcnwrid, a tot of people m Hottywod have been NHMMMIMIHHIUINIItlltmNllltl M.M Awondering if Kevin Cost- ner would ever rediscover exactly what it was that made him a Big f>al Movie Star. TVy need won- der no longer In Tin Cup, Costner plays Roy McAvoy, a si«ody tfollf pro in a Love urtiy driving range in u smiy ... I hen you'll love ttwn in scrdy Texas. He leads a PteLCtTY PHOTO BY 8*W*Y BWDWIN Surburban Jewelers ictittively careftoc, if dull, exist- K«vln Cottntr, aa golftr Roy MeAvoy, turni hit star wattagt Over 1,000 l.hiilro figurines tell if she shows up one always ready with a wisecrack to happenexi to hong. Russo has niuht nr OIK- day, when Costnrr keep Roy well grounded. And more to do here than in her usual Aiilks into [\\vbuilding for H bwr, Davitl Simim (Don Johnson), spunky girlfriend roles, but her it's day, iinti bofort1 he munugts to Roy's once and foturc rival, is character is not well written, fun ,h tin* Im, they walk outside there to compete with him Do * Tht rw In on *•# a(Mh «nrtiKWW. Ihi ft* LOCATIDIMILINORTNOr mul boy •toeutta «tlsf witm^nny,and|Mup *Hm#**•**,*», NOUTI31CIRCLI (t(W)7M<8413 In \ *'

Weekend Ptui, August Watch whether shelters fix their animals tcr approved a resolution in 1993 cats who were adopted a few Vlfeetond Plus writer to support ovariohysterectomies months earlier arly-aRo spaying and ncu- and gonadectomics (yikes!) in dogs Dwpite most vigorous efforts on -„-, ** taring is, by definition, the and cats from 8-16 months. the part of "feferto ensure surgical sterilization of kit- Tho advantage of this technique compliance with these require- Etens and puppies before is particularly evident to animal AN AM I! TNI COT theyrrachpuWy, whichmn shelters, which bear the brunt of It approximately 6 months. This the companion animal overpopula- concept is supported by large scale tion problem. A majority of shel- •nimal welfare < »rganizations like ters inquire mandatory steriliza- sources are overtaxed as is without the Humane Society of the United tion of animals adopted from those undertaking a manhunt for adopt- States, the American Humane As- premises to halt the cycle of ani- ees gone AWOU Of course, if the sociatinn and tho American Veteri- mals that return to the shelter - adopted animal in question is a nary MPCIH'UI Association. The lat- the offspring of those dogs and bloodhound, he could conceivably track himself down, but this is in- deed a rare occurrence. This delinquency is not even (mclwHog oral cane* softening & x (ays) about money, as many organiza- 1M tions provide the surgery free or LOOK! hold a deposit which is forfeited by (includst scaling) SENSIBLE the negligent adopter, The delay ll DENTAL FEES! fill, CIMHHW. Him mostly about making an effort or MUMS getting around to it. If only these M.KIMITHM.KUCHAftZ {SiivtK amalgam om suifact) folks had encountered my Uncle Howard during his lifetime. A con- CROWN noisseur of bad jokes, Uncle Qoneml Dentistry (Porcelain Httftt lo nwtal) Howard kept a corny prop token "IV» Trutthotnluo Fnmity" mmm\ in his wallet at all times. Whenever ftSYwtlnlOUNDIROOK (UppW (V lOWflf) someone laid he'd do something 3560678 when he got"«round tuit," Uncle MSTUL OOmiSES I lowunl would sure enough pro- (t)|i[>«r or lower) duce one Wouldn't it bo nice if iil i h|»g#)| may tin im ti« iHittinttii in tnin«t > this were something humane soci- smni iimtAenoNS eties coukl send home with the

O^'/L.yp.'-. ., ;;VJ^-V.>^:.'.w^: •.»-y.»:" '••'.-y».* / .>-v>.\-i ... r* h tin1 dfvrloptnont of rally spay iiculcr prutH'dtuvs.aui mals air nhlr In \r "fixrd" bel'ori' hi thru nrw homos 'P»ey can IK- iidopti'd thimigh the shelter mid pit-ktil up diivctly (VonUhc 1 nfii'llii's rliiiii or vt'tnihuriflh TIM» kicked in the head wltli an Iron months, The HSUS Is quick to opi offer 1ISIIS (HuntM out that ratty spay \m(, It wus this Kill. point out that adoptions should Rf nclllnq or Hetytllnfl ing or nnitrriitg ran ulsohenefil Then there am some who arc not hinge on Immediate accept- f«nt«itlcl ni thtit don't (M'tlorm Ihr nvrrly connrientknis about neu* ability of an animal for surgery. duroih liotist1 The avail tenng, like mywlf 1 nearly had Options should 1)0 available for nn- nhilitynfiht' nurgi'ry tniicuin my cat sptiyed twiee She eanie to minis who HIT curtfntly n f>»fir mutiilv mciitts shHtriH I'IIH move me us II strny, so I knew nothing health rtRk but otluiwiw gcxxl up the Hlrrlll/ntioM dcudlini1 In \\w • •I'her reproductive- stiituit. I nsked nmdidiiU'Bformloption p rontnict so Irss time her vcteriuarifin to check for a war elapses Ix'twi'tMi mloptioh mid fol At 4 months, my nrwwt cat, liefore the ojriiilion tilid he flhI John Shrt(\ is fle-velopinu «iWI ew up 'Htis Hliliii'viHtinl t'tintmrt ( I'md (me Uiiforlutmtely, Kitty hml i;n>wii phynit|tie, hut he n'Uiin.'* the w tipjKiiiUhity fut ownm; to \n% fieiloted U.'I'otT* she wtmlil to move, give thplr ]*i nwtiy <>t riid'ny HIUI trm|>emment of u kit nllnw hei •;('!('to \ir shiivcd, "-n >;fie fuin«-t nlMitit MntliMKuVirN.il ten 'llih Is Ihe most (hidly com ltltuitlofi(nshehuithenl)ilityto iTiitly, I hnptrmitiu sto to check on her ptogresa. trnrh utmost evrrythinn nntl thr into «n Hir« shi'lU'l vvhnr it 2 "Slu-'s doing (iii'nl," (he irirp moUvHtiithiosmwhltiill. I hear riu oliI cut WHS l*'inu Initial told me "She's aliendy up that's why Mothnr Nwtuit' makes IHT twnnr lurmwi1 thr kitten*, like Iwhlm, »n PUtfl - ytW

wtHtvftlt'ml didn't tik»< tlii'< Ml eilti^ she hudn'l \\m\n can't Imte them for brwklhfl ymir ; || lluu nltmuiNHly W)tr|iril Joy tteir;med |Kmsrsslotm Isn't It nlw itllv wivui'l ItwlHtotigh.lt lunts this wtis liHntly it Iiinrlmnrk in the to knirw thnt IHJW. whllr yoiifrp fb(' tlic fM hint IKTH mloplril hmu nnnnU o|" veteruinry medicine rveryihthK eluc yem own, ymi iht | Inratinn WhtTC Btl'tili/iilmti Thr prutiieols jin'f(l!lereni )m "tW vfiir Mltrti n«s well'' \vii<;tri|uimll«ul Hppnmitly not ''Ictili/iitioiiolyoim^tersjititthe n|>e!-nllrtn is not eonilflrred tnni'p Anita «!ii> AiifttMitwrg wmkn with l'iil inl hint dllTliult VHtniMHi-ltitw who per »««''» M mloptnlilc ttrtf. Thi* Wi'ithtm »lw» (1 Hhoder recovery \mhv\ fat hrr lintiir with thrnr rjit^, Moti^- i'M iif*w hiyfriend weraevlrt KUty imd Joltti Hltttlt, and A re- !• »K I hi s cat but keeping some of studies show no ilgntikiirU phyii- trieve, ttujity Bon, For mot* Itv in kittens - which %mld nevpr i kltl d b Ituvo \mn bom in the ftnt place. »mon| ddp and eat* terluwd at 7 This column nma the tornthww k If ever mmmm df served to be wealy and thau nwteml at 7 * the month, August 21-23,1986 I ' I • I Weekend MM 11


Ht«MI««MIMMIHtlt* it


M*MM4lltt«*H»H«IH*HM»MltM MM ViilPlfh WWteM. ButWUke MHMIfimftltHIHIMHtH U (2OII6918383 n •Music, dance, craft* and other ctnlofru of indt|f«rtous Americans, Auf, 23 25 Mufti $3.

Garden State bhibit Center ?OO Atfmm Dr, Somw»t I9OS) 469 4000 •Maior antique thow with mom than 200 deafen, 11 a m. 6 p m Ai* 24, 25 16, tUtWren undti 12 frw. ftfttAftftNIWJMMt mbmm IUM» IXTO M^nrtmmMamorial Holiday Km Drtvtliit Route 22. Sprin|f#td 1201) 378-3/79 Somervlllfl ifm stamp mi poitcartl eelteetwt, 10 em- NI0M76 's 30 p.m Ag(| 24,10 • m -5 p.m. Auf. 25, Ow to it (m ftKMt&OO Wa $?, itfitw rttueni and criikjrtn (rti. want to know: nf Arrwiea if 2ft Sum* A* KJHowmuchl (201) 267-0404 • tftih «nnuit c»teh'«tfjn of JawHh cuitufl, 11 OigPhcme number I m « X) p m ItptlJWn dita Sept, 2, *13t6W


(0CNI) 1312055 TCP 1€ CDS •tenth of l«0»ntw cuttun, Au| JUS MH fw MCh

a* JMannaw (Miaan MMMI •lomtc mmi Mt, T p.m. Au| 24,31 4 ftqfte MhfAnt 9ta DouW) Caupl** »16 MMti |g, chrtflftn ] 13 M BO

OOMWt fOV ANO oouicmtii wow Inneh 1, North • f«t it wy». 10 8m,-4 p.m. At* It ehWW liwJt a. Tht aoan (fugwa) tttftilNOtUMMIIIfllf a* Tria own ^i Ay«

•Strtti f«ir *W t\m$ < (TomNty of AMfcfltoortlt 901)

10. tin1*! Tha Antlquti Waakand In Somartat on Saturday and Sunday promlaaa to ba a graat rtlourct for vlntaga bridai gowni, auoh at thla ona from tha Houaa of Qabrlala In Naw Orlaana. 8aa fROM PAOt 2 TOMft HARR Y

1 vi pm VI f;hfl- HAWHWU tlmn NfWMIttlYltAftMUftgVM 201W %\m It

111 emidw •tnUtn frefti rrwrMt trf th« twit ?ft him by Klvlft &r»lth »^l Scott 453 New itt Sp^; 1 p m. PUNITWTMtAMI It i m. Aw| jl thufKJiy, Au|. 30

HMW/WWUIY I^H u * Inff fnVmi Wl w wwft •••p • VdundPkAuguit2i-2) IHMtHHMMMiMMIIMMIHHMMIMMntMIMItMMIIMIIIUIHMIMMItMMWhat to U


8 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 21 PNC Bank Arts Center Garden State Partway bit 118, Hoimdel (908)335-8898 •Jen guitarist (former) and ho*N player (latter), both mainstays of CD 101.9. Theater 140, 136; lawn $31. BMCM1QNAT MOW PLAYING CAMUJON CONCERTS WOQDMNMI HAM Hunterdon Hills Playhouse Route 173. Hampton Graduate College (908) 422-6909 (201) 301-0562 (609) 258-3654 •Second annual ACT Awards (New Jersey com- M Oeadry Brief Caee, OOT spoof done dinner- tofts* m the Qrwer CtMtond Tower 1 p.m. munity theater) presentation. 7 p.m. Aug. 25. theater style. 7:30 p.m. Saturday to Dec. 28, Sunday. Free admission. Admission $40, includes dinner; reservations •R RoWn Austin, Aug, 25, required •UaaJ.Lonlt.Stpt. 1. WOCUMINtl 475 DeMott Lant. Sommet CarreHM., Randolph 8 p.m. Friday, Au# 23 1201) 9*7092 (901)873-2710 'Joint Eclipse, drama about French poets •P/v« Guyt Named Mot, N«w Jersey premier! Watchung Circle, Charles Baudelaire and Arthur Rimbaud. Io of wry-90't New York reviM, To Au«. 25. IQOI) 7U-01SO Aug. 31. Admission (10; group rates avail Admission $17 Saturday, $15 Friday and Sun- •Jic pianist performs In the round. Admission ttLKMYNN day; discounts available. $10. MOM! CLWT0N4 Routf 1, South Brunswick WAttWtttTONCROIMNt (609) 443-5598 ITATtFAKK •Murder mystery dmnpr theater with audience 8pm, Tuesday, Aug. 27 Route 546, Hopowetl participation. 7:30 p.m. Aug. 23, 30, Admis PNC Bank Arts Center (609) 7371828 lion $39.9*S Garden State Parkway WNTIRDON KILLS •flddtef on i/te Roof, new production of the bit 116, Hoimdel long-running Broadwey musical. Aug. 22-31. (908) 335B69S fi in, Hampton Adults $750, $6,50; senior cttinra $6,50, •The Awesome Power of a Fully Operational (800)447-7313 *5.5O; children $3.75, $3.25. Mothershlp with the man who pilots It. •Joe Stvii Me. ii riH# miisir.il with m VINCI MM4JKA * taproom included. Io Aufl ,11 Group mtos COMING UP iWiiilithlf, rdll lor prices 4 p.m. Sunday, Aufr 25 MtMNR MYSTINY FUNCTION 10 1860 House 3MNMI CP.UIII tommy» fond 124 Montgomery Rd., Skillmtin |6O9) 443 5538 Route 27, Metuchen (609) 921-3272 •Leaving from Randy l#ok, Point Pleasant nnd (908) 632 8502 •Jan pianist performs In a gallery setting, Do- Toms Riwr, B p m. Aug. 25 Admission M Mtitammr N/(Wi Dream, Shekespeore nation. $699* DOOWOPtXTRAVAOANW MUMOttt MVftTtftY stnrMlard dons out of doort. 6 p.m, Aug. 28- 8 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 24 (HNNH THAW 31, Free admission. PNC Dank Arts Center (608) 443 5598 •Leaving from New Mope, l\i, I'M) p.m. Aug. Qardan State Partway 3431, Admission $69,95. Exit 116, Hoimdel WHOM MYITMV TRAIN (908) 115 8098 10(19) 443-3TOH Kid Stuff •the New Jersey-New York 80's sound despite HwtvingIrnm inmtwrtvitlBandDingoes, ?:i() the misleading title: Lesley (toe, The Tokens, p m And, H31. Admission t.ifl 50 The Capfti, The ShangrlUs, The Claistci, The Suun Mirti and MirQintu CIMIII nhtaru th* muilo lor thi Ptrk production of Itttpfof 0«t» mMoh runs IHAKtlPIAAl FtlTIVAL alar $37.60, $.12 50, \»m $20 through Aug. 30. Stt SUft. Bowne Theatre, 11 «m. and lpm Aug, 23, DUMIILAND 24, tiucki County Playhoun PAimOONCtftTI Mint theittr conctrii 6 p.m, lundiy, tm Id- to S Mmn SI, New Mope. Pa, OW Vorkfld, Brldgewater of j» romance 8 p.m. Saturday, Aug, 31 (908) 722-1200, tut. 351 mission. liy Jean Amnihh. lu Sept a. Admission $30 • (210) Mi 2041 PNC Bank Arts Center Shows in the bandshell 7 p.m. Sunday, Free •16. •"Wtio'i afmid of th« bl| bad vrolf?" Admls- Qerttan State Partway F admission, OOtANMOVI NWKWIYTHIATM won $ > tmilie, Hoimdel I0UCAT0M COALITION •Verdict, Aug. 2ft. (901) WO MM Nttdis School, Higfttilmvn WBTTVALOr •Ongnalry a Canadian acolyte of Patsy CM, Ocean (WO) 286 fltr/9 lARMMKOPOHAMttOfd now a woridwlrje star of mainstream pop (9M) T fB 0039 •SedUfWOHl, p||y liy Donna ^p«i:tof H p in 8 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 24 ("Constant Craving"). TNirter 149, lawn $2lt, Au| 33. Admiwion in free admtssten fbr all. The Or«at Auditorium MA«0 •Monologue*, a reading of Ad I of Mwt> New lerwy tm "loit' «tm of NMH«H«II ttiot tug MeOrttw the f*tt PARTY DOU* I ifi ll/ft'li, " •Niturtng \m ftrnMliowl NilttltigRle^ th» ater 147, lawn 120 hto p.m WedrKwtty, Aitg. ?1; tm UN stfdptirt from dm ntiwi MUtlO-ltMHt-PAftK V.tm &lr>|pui mm larwie l»yih« . Adult* f 10, cNMwnunMr XI V Av#., Ws»tfi#ld fttver Rd WOMOUIYAIANO Jo« Cocker, Buddy Ouy, (9OR) 74*1 (Wl) M/ 4900, 309-1410 Or., filiwtn Hmm MontlBy, tt* ttatMiifv lh* f-gbutrjus thundertifd! i p m «iurKJiy, Frw att •tribute art covering 'jifl gtut/p" tmitrtfi of Ihmiflf |40, Iftwri $20. drove Ave,, the 801 M*m me: Cfftnfort} High khOCi, tm WflO HJhi A d,intB vtwil if* it cliiifrh THIBMCH8OYI Kot^ (nig Iwnd), Attg MUlifi'lN TMt PAMK m*Hl to Aiig in Arliill* 11 vhMm U 4 (i m Sunday, Au| 21 g ths gartfen la/Nig Lak« Patk PNC Wank Art* Center Stite, h#rfofm)fi|( M port of a Ufeef gey pto- fMUMttN THIAfflf COMPANY M»p(« Ave.. fttnith 8 P m, Sunday! 8#pt i file, tm odftiiMitiM (MM) tfo :wm Bank Aft* CHSr KINOOWMION Ketrti 0tt, Linwon tilt 116, ftirttw twtt*f1« f n rti 8 firti, 6»turd«y, kit ih iifjfi, l*ii«fflfwni theater Mil 318, •Still riding in tnm tmmf ef htt* fwn i, Aug, 2ft, Whlln ffiMI BtnVl IfrtlUfHl I Hif, K "SurfifV liftfi" te "ifefcefflt" e*ri though 34, AtMt» H«, Nriiw mm Ittd lluflflnt* Wfttf n Nfl vwf ftr MWul BOfl Ht nil BMfl MfttflWi 13 «Hl und«f 113. Pn>f^8 0n5Vl Rflii bUHH^tJAt^ tNtMf 137,10, Urn 120; iWi) 748-1911 '" vf '>. Wwkcnd Ptui, August 21-2) 13

•OftM MUn, Sue Dtcfchwt, Aug. 30. •For Nowmbatpigductten of Mate, Cotyf Au- M on new American muefc. Stoflert *Kh cho* ditkro tor principalraaati an d crtorue I p.m. ra» aajwrtame encouraged to iud»Jon, y 29.CH for tpcMcs. (90D 647-0138 0MUNWP8CM8M Open Jem, Sundayi. (600) 6«3 »122 6:43 p.m. Tuetaey Opart Jan MU)on, WMnaadayt. •For 19B8-9T aaaaon of choral concaru. Au- UmMMattwdM Church, 201 Open ecouttic etaga, Thumdayi. Mor* tor tingm m el parH Au| 28-30 by UmhtAM. Eaat, Cranlord MICMf OQNNOY 0UJ8 ippointnwrt only, MuM bi aWe to wcatin (908) 245 2339 1900 Route 35, Ocean ; pfaaaiMl MhacHon iwiukad. •N*My tormad emamtole of Dngafl 9-13. (908)517^0002 •Andrew Wee day, *** 22,23. 475 DeMott Lane, Sornenet (908) 873-2710 M»aaUI»CMMMU OMMyRttttWMl •Johnny A**, Aui 23. 425 Ptetttnt Valley My •For Ortobaf producton of 61 Church SI, New Brunswick •ftoM Char* (bluet), At* 24, 7:30 p.m. Monday (chorus), Tutadey (orcte* WntOranga Amarfwm %eonc«aKon. AuaiUoni 7:30 p.m. Ua); Arts ButtAng, Rarttan vaHty Community (908) 246-3111 (201) 736-2728 Aug. 27,28. Two mart and twaa women Btut* Dl, Wednesdays, Cotaga, North Branch •DamooWtyam,Aut22.23. nettied; mutt have eicaltnt comic (908) 231-8813 •Mffm Shannon, Aug. 23. •flhttt Tyler, Au|.3L Calltor apaoMca . •Johnny Cherte* 4 The Sbntrayi, Aug. 24. •Re|onei orchaiira and chorua bawd at Ih* ottuwri Ortega. Oaantngi in ail itr^aatttona; aui- •Jame$ Taylor Quartet, Aug. 25. toutJttftttgewej* (908) T7S-I7Q0 •Tenant* Stmien, Aug. 29, «•) 72H800 tton naoauary for orchntra. No audition •SepuRura, Aug. 31 (M9) flTWU neaaad for aiparientad choral aingan. •N#( Tram, Aug. 30. QMp NcharOt (piano), brunch Suntap. •Nada Smf, Suptftrat Tht vmmrt, Sapt. •For 1980-97 emon of chorai concern. Au •Jimmy Johneon, Aug. 31. il«wMlriah},Thune*». 1. tmionaj Art* AugM by eaeolrtmtnt on*, Of MW JBMBY CAPfUCMO A WNQ 81M88 FA6T0AV xi el vocal range* needed; etauMbe 34 Division St., Somervrtle 8 p.m. Tuaaday 90 Cnurch St., New Bfunawick Pretbytarlan Church (908) 526-3222 (908) 545-4242 •Stolen Hearts, Aug. 23. 1614 Main St., Balmtr 140 Mountain AM., MtntfMd Comadyclub. (908)322 7240 (908)) 6tl'9T82 WartminHar Chok Cotaji tMUchFtW.H 22-24. •85-vrJce chorui that iina> Ofatoroi, Mum, Regency Hotel •6% Htctor, Aug. 30.31. 101 Walnut Una, Pdnoaton •WaltWtNay,Au|25. Requtemt and cantaiM .Wwt Winchor LI D8«« •ArttlS«laiar,Aug.30,31. (609) 921-7104, Ext. 260 (604) 987 8018 r, 111 Prosiwct •For Ami Mtaon oftifcetminiiir CommunM y 1HA0IWWB8 7:30 p.m Tuaaday; UnlM Method* ChuNH, Corrody club. Chorua. AudHiom Au| 27, Sent. 3,10 by p 1331 OcaanBW., Sea Brtght WaiNnglon VaNay M, MwilnivWt •Taytor Mason, to Aug. 25. appointmtnt only. Sif^art of «N ItMrii w«l- (201) 731-2369 (908)842-7300 (908) 604 2039 •Scott Bfuc«, Aug. 27$flpt J. •L*f Roy Aaamt, Aug. 29. •j« Qfutnecfcy I The Kouiarockar>, Aug. 29. come; fee IM. CLUiMW •Chamber muw enaamble ipaoMiiingln «•• MNMHU8 naieeanca and Baroqut worki. Tenon, beam, Route .W Sayrevtlie 1039WatnmgtonSt, g 1908) 727 3000 baritone! and an accompany needed; Hoboken (908) 786-7592 choral eiperienca required, •Itek Derringer, Aug. 23. (201) 798-4064 •For Octooar producdon of OUetemf Au- •JohtiValby, Aug. 24. ditioni for Aunt mar and mala iftgan danoara •Bat* tha Biua Ox, tdat Ray Condo & The 7:30 p.m. WMnetday •Ray Chtw, Gerald Aliton, Aug. 31. by Appointmant only One malt dancer mtiM RlCOChflU, Aug. 23. limtad MtVKXliil Church COACH N PADDOCK •Fctandi, Romani & Countryman; Uffy Anwl- be iralnad m baiat. Rout* 173, Hampton cant; NovaMaan, Aug. 24, Cathedral of the (908) 832 2196 •Sonny Burpis, Aug. 28 •Jim Hoffman, Aug. 23. 89 Rldga It., Newark •All-woman ememhto «4rt#ng barbenhoa- COttNIMTOM 369 Broadway, Long Branch (201) 484-4600 Rehearsals Kyle. 25 New 5t, Metuchen (908) 229 9196 •For loltmn high Mali on Sunday, plus m HMHIAMD fAM( (906) 949-5300 •Hh toflmn, Aug. 23. vion and concerts during Chriatmaa and U% QOamUNfTV CM0K1I Davern Quartet, Aug. 23. •D Generation, Aug. 24. tar, Auditloni by appolrttment onty. Profat- CANTMMU 7:30 p m. Thunday n Chiawon Quartet, Aug. 24 •Greedy Johnston, Aug. 30, ilonal lenor and alto needed; volunteer ilng VT*WF^™PW™ wf^Ra^^B^ama> Rtformad Church, 21S •Kan I'eplow^.i Trio, Aug. 28, en In all patta welooma. Need not be Catholic. 7:30 p.m Wednetdey Second Ave, Highland Pant • »iH McCantn quarttt, Aug. 30. Sonwiat County Envlmnmantal Education Prnbytefian Church, 409 (908) m\m, 572 5405 •Marry Allen tyiartet, Aug. 31 Canttf, 190 Lord Stirling Ret, Daiklng Ridge 494VatteyRd. M(Hinl8ln Ava., Sound Brook •Preparing fur cabaret concert of ihow luflft, me citotiMADi (201) 335 94H9 Upper Montctalf <

aloft wound. To take nrThi e Wayward Wind" )ius Ywung i Pkn mutlc crftfc the sup|X)»ed "improved" sound of unrl Dentee Dm|Hr (think Frilly rll Young muJ Crazy HUG), one would have to buy a PurtiHi colliding with Emmylou flrdsrthrrwint'fora CD player which fan process Hams) oxcfiuriKiiiK warm vocals (uivcin tl)04 with HfXII)encoded discs These play (icconipaniel Yotiiif, iindlhc lx*v. admit, I wns |ierp|exed Mtmn Hull Uike hisnjwlxiy htit r»ff, K wim "ChniiK** Your Mind" Mr/is sounded awful V17 muddy on •idinc KimlT, pat YotuiK on the bock ti'ifli Amp-la wits (i ImlDntit iiUnim instrumentation and vocak and I'IIHJVC hini for writing 1 hut nul llx liuimhy K1"**'1 im'k't Then, usiiiM the .same CU player, ".Southern Mmi" our* wii'i cxfurttntf umphfiei and sinkers, I HMrnerl 'Hit- uveml! wmnd In »bil t*K> 'ft newest \v\vm\ llrukm to mi lllK!l)enciikrr m I wnn lif heavy thittiving, "Slip Awwy,"» tiit( to hear how hh ncoiiftic tenin|/ btiMxIiniitiine '.Itnilur In'Vnrtiy 1 In) !;oun«l«i on HIK'U It'fi wrtrifwhwl ftttlnu Ihmi, that Hie Ktlit'i" in li'm|KiHiiilKiiit*n An indication of howlliM the only real rlunkei on YoiltiH'^ buildup 'Hie Ktiltm1 inlrrpliiy *»• torn oot can b" found un Y< new album limkvn Anirw M the tWt?eii YntthK Htul KlMtik "fNitM'li't" iM W«w#t 11 Mobile Mdelity reis t, t) live verniun of Jimmy JtampHni in (tripplxM YminK'i vu- sue of nn nlbum Hint represents Cflls (1111 fiHei^l whif'h filvcs them Y'xinK's country (WTI'MI It ii inter In fW tr-eoidrvl It) n tiny Northern lin etheretil (|iiHllty I1'"' thf ntn* i(4iitiH l'» n«'te that \\ win one of Ciilifiitiila hin with nil thn iHK, Mu^ir AICJHI*1," l)if< HIIMIMH mcntiniicil tr; "uniep as*;iH-iatn| wtth suHi a li yently wht'5prr3 nbftiil the ie';enlative N^il Youn|/ mur.lc" to j K, . p UpS nnrt (Inwiin nfdfillv lid' f Irffcri HIM uiil'4'q IliWMllit M|^l fW/y Hiit'F!*1 WHterly MUililtle IV| iVKthnlMH with Mimn llnll, hap« Youngs intefitlnn WIMI to vim 1 Young Iwii w*se{| (i Itiiity ii(iw '(!t'h 'Hti'ifilhum wan fait I v over vry tin fntslratinn (HI brj/inninf, looked at UH1 tittle o|r H* relent1 muni' iaii*! and the nhst^i'lefl they enrnpntihlc dlKltfil) He him lieeti but, with the great trntU'Rener nf eneounler alonfj the way Hut Neil, 1 1 quite VIH'«I mKmt.tlnit hlit hMnvl ul country musk In \iw \mi fmv you made it. A Her yvtm nf fllnig dlgltftl BtrutKUh lih vK H!K:1) e, Moblta Kldellty l)«s picked H l*, you made It. Why relive that nmw* e|nsrH«it tn tht1 Wftttnth of nn- It at thn llstpners 7 NIILYOUNQ r " r "•• * What to do Weekend Hut, August 21-23

First UnntdMethodlit Church :45 p.m. Monday MpliCwt Center, 120 Findetne Ave, Bridge- (908) 281-8509 tier •Cnsemble for singers in Grades 4-9. Au- "OS) B47 2180, S26-O872 ditions by appointment. die ewtmblt lining barbershop ityle. MtNGtRCHM tflMMN IVMVM0NV II p.m. Monday ':|0 p.m. Monday Sacnpr Halle, 220 Somerwt Itmington or Annandale St, North Plamftold KHi 730-8941, 782-5160 1908) 276-8572 •Community ortlttttm vwth amateur and pro •Chows that specialim m Germsn song. All HtKtftti players. Audition required lor now voices welcome; not necessary to ipeak Ger- man IMNA MMENHtVAiilYCHONUt ':48 p.m, Mondey; Conservative Tempte, 201 ! p m. Utettiay 1. third Aw., Htflinri Park i'eopleCtre Center, liO Hmternn Av« Bndge- •08)54584*2 watei «Corw?Hjnltv chorus ipecialuing in Jewish II ITUMG, CHI for in audition. •All-woman ensemble singing birberttiop MMIV style. Women in all vocdl parts i HMONVOHMUI 80MUMTVAUEY r30 p ni. Wedniiday OKHHTHA ^WermwJ Church, Main /Mpm Thursday It., South Band Brook Hound Brook Hlgn School {•06} 725 6U8 Route 28, Bound Brook •AB-womin •nwmbii smgtng barbershop ttyll Optn wrtMntli. •Community orchaitf* wtfi player? from trw MMtCHMALMOIITV irt«, Ntw pliyf rs n#fd#d, etpwI^V f rtnch T:)0 p.m. Mmdty horns, ainn| bauct, ccllot md lubw No Edition," lh« 1996 Quttni of Harmony, Swttt Adtllnt Inttrmtlonal Champloni, will United Mithodiit Church (iudilion mcdftl. In tht Festival of Birbtnhop Chimplom at tht Gnat Auditorium In Ocian Qrovt, Stt In MPlfhH., Mwmtown IUMWTCHOWU Conctrt. 7 45 pm. Tutidiy trwl nng» ortlormi irn) ir«diLion*i Chfiit Chtitch, 501 SpffngpiW Aw, ^tniitut pm Aug. j<\, i\. H Jo am 4 .Ui (i in. Monday f tidfly Closed lloute 12, Whitehousp litalum (20114flf.l4B4 •ftioto b«Md «rt, to Aii|! 11 Stpi. 3. (908) 534-8283 W JIMIY Wfflfr •ALURYAT • fO-m#frbir •nwmhHi unfi n| chwul work! •Photographs by Wink Elnlhovsn, to 5*pt. 30. Catl for Men dty i hourt. from lr» RifwlHancd to tt» MIITOiMYIM IQUN NMHOOOAUIKY T p.m, Thundty •Balloon in. to Aug. 31. Reception with WN< WOMtNMUMW Rtxiti V(KI, (•firuMon Wlvw R(l. I tilt («oe> 2N flam Ham Coombi Au| 24, Will tna n MOpm. Mondiy rr» (n)rttiHKnr cull for «*:h dty't fuxift 1 p m. «v»ry tiny \w# iuJmtuiori. Our Iwtor'i luth*mn Church •"H«fl#ctlon* Along tht Curtol H(N«wiri 4 •' llrbfln StwlHs.' In Supt A s'ussnt c#cK0j MMwy •tymptwy wcntitn with pitytrt of ill ipi ft»rit«n ormnvmy, to Stpi 2 NtWitNlfYCINTtR Rout* 206, Uwvnncwvllto MAmiAOAUJIVY VISUAL ANT» \ (901) M9SO00 (6O0) M6B327 •Afl-wmin ehwtti ilrgng iH lym «f rmJWc flit Km St. Summit ? p.ffl, fnuftdiy Optn by ippotntmtnl onty. N*w rntmOtn wottwt*; no flwrt» 1, mow ?7.mui Nil Umt« Methods Church fm mlrtHMKH!^ cull for wch tHy'i howi, *9tudmt irt, Into 11' BfOfct St., WtttfMd 101 m to pm «v«ry d«y- •Union flinty luftotl Art «od Cfift •UTOtUt UNIVINIfTY 1908) 33* MM •A "ftvimwr ftojourfr of QleM VMrntk, to Coltt* Avi,, Nfw •tnnniblt (hit ih* mufor ohoftri wort* Aug. 31 1908)7821417 tMH of I ipttifnet •cttpud; KMtt ind HUKTIBOON ART CINTId MIMNUtORAfilMIN HFIMI •"Dirk tUgy" of fin Am Fllfrt 163, \m itunfni woofliw. 1 Umi C»nttf »t, Clinton 89 Chuffh 5t, WWAYVAlilY (90N) ?4 bttvwin Soon Mill and Ford Hilt, to Ml Iff < MITAJKII UKm ipm ttmbr TiSO p,n, MofHMy MIMONAfttietNnR •t)p»n mi mbiti nhw, to Au| 24 IHAM8OUIH OAUIftY Wfffl NotUt Cfiurth Bl« MttHfif Avi B? Bridge 5(, If 0 tim it Sipt. IS. it l.m,4 m. Mnndnytrmtyi i-4 p.m. KINNIOYUMARY ^ (Ml l«pt. ;, rrm ottmliwfv tm Htm Urn, Noonn pm '^uini^ m •Ptotefftpht tt y fm^m Virt *^J Wwnt •^culptUNt by ^l*ii(i |IM% 5l«m, l« Aug. 31, -4 p,m by i««Nfl Item, umON COUNTY ADMINIIT^HON m»\»m JMMtn OHORVI mm ffMtw* ef K*hy wini, OWUWN'I IHOIWflDHWWAl (hw ( U) Au| It, i 10 NlW PWVlfltfWI W) .to Ay| Ii 440 flMf W., North aw«h MAINIffttffftAUJftY 3730, ^ 3f9 11 i,m,4 ofti, Wrtf«*(l#y-rfWiy, 14 p 10 AHftANVAUW It L#flflHJ,M^Q«lt#fv, toAug, 31 p.m i"3 m DO" from Mtrlw d«hr. Co^n*" Cupol- Af fHf MMffAMI im) md Ji«ti Ituffltbwm, Ubrtry CwHtry, in llaiik ti**jiJ HnV nrWIB MIlilUHNPUIUOUIMRY p is A4 •ft pwi anmttn m pirform* yMf- 11. trum: WIITIWAH0 UIMITY IHOHOUIt FfkMy inti 6«luutty Aim

mVmWIrMi wmrflM \m man RIMIMIWWMW 10 Ml -1 ; 10 Wr\ iS Sonicty August

Monmoulh Port^t MMIMMMI te olmotf ovtri Whot ort you woMn0 tof? Como Sunday, Auguit 23 for fhi running of Iht $300,000 IMHO Handicap, Htb wtfcomt D. Mtoynt Lukai and SittNA'SSONG tht 1995 HoMH winnor, bock to btautHul Monmouth Park. Pkii Uvt tnttrtolnmtnt from thi Mlkt Dalton land. Enter to win on# of ton prlit packagti for two MONMOUTH PARK 1 trom 1>ump Ptaia, two of which art VIP grand priitr RACETRACK (Musi be 18 or older to mfa No purchase necessary) CKminpiirt. Nl • V0« ?7? SKX)

fhotougtibrod Kmlng through Mondtiy, 'iepl V JIM) lol<« ixH 105 on H» Oardcn Stats Pkwy in Ottanporl, NJ • For mof« into, toll 1908 727 JIOO • Dining Reservations 1-W8-229-21OO • Oioup Sain 1-908-571-5544 iinlori Ht HMMMU admimon iwry day • Children 12 and under admitted WU • Grandstand St SO • Clubhoun $4 • Owval Parking )1 Tht HoWoy Inn at Man Fall li Monmoulh Park's noil hoW For nurvollonj call 1-800-2-JERSEY Weekend Plus, August 21-23 fl ...... MM.....WhatM to...... HIM . do t ••*• * •"••• «••• •••"• "

fM ARTMUtfUM »3, a*** cteam md ttudants 12, undarilNa. (609) 25B37U •Concord $»»«, 3 p.mAi4 25 10*m.-5pm Tuatday Saturday, 1-5p.m. •"Botanicatl at Bcttnoa and Art," to 9#pl. 1, Sunttoy lours of the collection 2 p.m. Satw MHiM'IOMNi NOUN day He* admatfun. tiniup toura by ap 1281 WwW, (908) 463-83U •ifSOth mifiivtfMiy eihibitton, lo Oct 21 Artifarti of lanotLanae* tndtarw and i ENVtMNMNmCINTtft peoplesfrom V* land now hnwm * PIMMH- Mill 11(1 away, Noon-5 p.m. Ihunday SatunMy, 14 p m Sunday, Aduto 12, chHdifn It. (90BI 2BI-M31 MM and maa*, 3 p.m. Thursday. Adulti 1 & p m tha Dm Sunday of a«h month OOOf IN MtU UWOMMTYHUNU ftouta 513, Chattai i RMf Hd, riscawway Heslorad grnt mill firon the IWi cttHwy H) 741-41// H in $ p m Friday tiwwtoy ttvoutfl Stpt 1. Cloiad tor ranovationt, 10am 9pm ^dmty, Sunday fruniSepi / Oct. 21 Donation 3 S Mountain Av* Montcltu •HfHilihnW m*moratii!ia AIIR, M, ^ i;01) /46-5&W Roula 10, ParMppwiy tl l.m.-5 pm liiaiday, WatJnasday, fnday, Saturday; 1 !\pm Ihiirwtey. SumLty frw Mmaum and itmly < \»\\w in the homo U'UO- i for nwithtra Nwi irwmttef artmn i. I«17I Of Otitttiv StK kitty Nnm-itptn y, 1-4pm S.tlurftoy, St««1ay. Adults $ t. rhikirwi utnter \i torn I rw .Hlnnsston !itf wiimr i Ui/«ns .tint Mute'iK $ till SrttimWv until : |i in Ulna. * Iduid 1'nlptn I'tfciiiigiiiph* iif IN' Sonify • Woman * WIHK in mt» and utiflv lo i ,11 A hy FtiitMl hKtpr to Aim ^ UltJIIVtlYOUttTOVmi * Hf fl« Img AniPfu ii to l>w I! Jehnwn Parti Hit, IH«<:«tftWrty 0 Nomwndy Hei^itH Mi! VMftfla of ftkwlwl IHth century Outlines se\ Momtlowi Aid* th# WkWfcM" Cittmly f\uK Point* Mfltinn No luwi offawi «t (u«i*tii (lift nJtop' ^WMHI artmiuioii fn* nwTitwfi Noti niem(*i Ttmt Ntnilvt" It on* of tho word! of Cil Hart on ohlb* •! tN Mtln ItrMt 0*Hwy md until fiirthat mrttr* : «yt* 14, itrww fitiieni and tlti Framt Co. In Sklllman. SM Qtihrin. *U|)rt«4l« on (he resolution, 11 *i in i \\ n\ Ml %J f tW (KilUlftlKH^fc« « Ifpt ; t p m Utl h>t twh ctny'i tnut mtTtwittos MID M10MTUM 16H Hohait Art , Summit of the t ftntd lo S«|>t I JO II m (9081 JMBW 1901) 70 until dutk avtry day •Optn danc« (pmnar atttt* #t tkt tod* t«M •!.t\#(\K* tiy In" low, t« Sttit U *, I P m Aug. n He****** 0" to TKMUIM MATUM T10 p m Mambm tft,»»« (l m , IUNN> ') • lh» Art o» Oc**u*1' to Hw Hi HAHCHt OANCITMIATWI M in tm N) NMfQMCAl UKKTI AND ICIINCI CINTId 1 MM 4A01 ) < hit } K) Hrowtway, Hmmk 4W Naw » rovHJanca fld •Opan ptcrw at IK** i»i«'«i WKJ Ijim da tiny R»|ittfiition raqiUfK) fur lumtKii htH, PutttNan. 9 p w Aug .10 Cmi m 1449 ol |lw tt) $5 doubtat Irwh, •A' kftnada' for famthai, R p m i m S«ft ? Mamban It!*, rwn , 10•« 2t Of OCHtftAL WPA* JfRUY MUHOUII WAILACIHOUII* NMIV ITAtl MUMUM al Qw4 wwrtH now, 010 tHHCH |«QI) <« MM ftt fkm B<" ^Wh A»nbo>, Ing U M MI 4 4^ |t nt IttMMlny k«l(inti*y. at tihrifw til tM M*H«* r\>«*tal at WfteWn. • P m A4 24, CM pm Stmttny I tan wJmHmtw ha *% (it If* h Ooff C •htl|HN |tCrt1«rv Wift WMtWOltHi tiy liilin II W in Swi»rvtlli ift U/(t 10 # Ml M D940. , in 1 IWX! 11pm Wi(1n»*Hrf.|*tiifUty, *HflM M liMPMni K NIITOWCAt lOQtfTV ArtHH»: OMNHOMINIttHHtl Parti, itt*w< tj»irt ? t ml 14 nwh«r pttnt« fnHii tlw tttfoftliNv to nvATiinoo viiuoi •Dint* « V*n |, Nih^td, 0 p m At* X), hy NiitK-y t^ihan, Atm M (>t 11 I W> Wt n. ClttTMAl CmtllJ M pm h«i»mSufM»iy iri 1/tlll.MfOIOO tAU rtiiNOi ciw 4011 it t; 9it» in iwman S10 and lattar, Win, 9pm Au| 31 GoK IW. NIWMW MUIIUM *•#!» 10 it m B)»in mtfi 11 #ml t«N«t) •Danf« at *9f*itH at h^?i^, 9 I?, IfflHtt HWjJflW FMHMMIM , MK) J1CWI13 •Matting m Mffwmnitfi Ki^ian, MO a.m m Dw Oardan 9t*ta Atg jtt Mtftt »MM» by Aiig ?|, Off#»M WWHICTWfl 10, in t) (Hilt •lni|l #1 QantfH it, to w ?r CmitJ " If* |*tMttftf> hy Guy CnMltth, y»«f i trftMf ID N.M I M«fy> th« SttlAHait »htn - NKM-4 p t wm iditHct cimtti It Nm in ^^^WkwR mntnV N J tumpik* bit t4» in ih» f ^ Oct. ?r Adutu II try titwn ttt Wtftf AftN ItNOlll IH TMWIU0WI ft* MM t tO l.ffi, "Htm* tmm * ton" 9;JO i. 'African dmfi Mm to IN twn-Bafwtn It PWiWW HB:I i." to Juw iW»f. \m A Vwtto i

iWnl VVT^VHIV etttwm FfllW, NoirrNnAmntio Bat- •OWlfliUI 113, unw tttuwt t«d 111. thtt- , H D*H frttir* ID. m i wan it vpiy Paw, NRin| MMMUU06NMAU MWH«#M Oatmty A#M H (I0D11I4H4 don mint August 21-23,1996 17 To Respond to an ad call, 1-900-370-7446 $1 99Per Mmuto To Place your FREE 30-word ad call, 1-800-881-9582 You must be t8 or older

Tubing, Whitewater Affectionate, caring Handsome, slim rafting, the beach, US SWM, 35, 160 lbs, DWM, 38, 6'2", ISO Open, make sense to brown/blue, good- adventurous, affec- me in summertime. tionate SF, in need of call it intelligent looking, n/d, enjoys cad it excitin DWF, 55, seeks non- the Shore, Cape Cod, warmth and compan- Do you enjoy people, ionship. Your needs smoking, conserva- weekend trips or mean more than playfulness, depth, tive Gentleman, for quiet evenings, seek- company.«23437 mine. ©23446 imagination, nature's ing attractive, stable beauty, affection, Very pretty SWF, 37, F for lasting, loving Professional, finan- kindness, intelli- 5 6", great shape, relationship. cially secure DWM, gence, spirituality? Catholic. Enjoys Metuchen area. 48, no children; ISO slender S/DWF, 35- You: 44-56, n/s, trim. horseback, golf, hik- 923447 45, with sense of Me: warm, caring, ing, biking, antiques. Caring, romantic humor, for friendship, bright, spunky, curi- Seeking nonsmoking, S/DWM, Catholic, 37- DWM, tall, thin, pro- possible relationship. ous, 5'2\ 113, very 45, confident, humor- fessional, late 40s, V23449 pretty, strawberry ous, financially with varied interests. Rambunctious SWM, SWM, 32, tall, polite, blonde. 923450 secure. ff23434 Seeks warm, roman- 33, who is into alter- intelligent, solicitous native music and attitude; loves to I'm not a princess. Wanted: mas- tic, n/s Female, slim NYC, looking for acook, do housework Slim, pretty, blue- querading as frog or to average, for com- mitted relationship Qirl who Is not afraid for slender, shapely, eyed, blonde DJF, 40, SWM who's caring, Professional GWM, 923444 to be a little silly quiet, confident, suc- enjoys movies, supportive, smart, it 23433 cessful Lady or 44, seeking GWM, n/s, with charm and walks, tennis, cook- Fun, friendly, support* assertive Woman 21-45, to share character Seeker is Sincere SWM, 25, friendship and good ing, quiet evenings, ive SWPM, 37, athlet- attractive, fit, outgo- with mischievous independent, creative M times Gladstone jokes, hugs, more ic, 5'10 , Edison, ISO ing, teacher; enjoys laugh, sarcastic SWF, 46, considered sense of humor arid Seeking attractive, fit, kind, intelligent, ath- sports, working out area V23453 smart, attractive, car threatening grin caring DJM, 36-44. ing and a tornfic letic SF to trade mas- and the beach. ISO sages and enjoy out- «23448 up to 6'. nonsmokor cook H23443 SWF, 21-28, who is dotis V23454 fit, fun and tntolligont. 1*23435 SWM, 33, looks All calls will bo smokor, onjoya alter- Mf N Si t HINJ Handsomo and sin Lite is not a spectator finsworod! nntivo music, Howard Wf »M» U coro SWM. 44, 5'10. Intolligont Oriental nport DWPf\ pifiys at Sormmiot County, Slom, rotlw binding 175 lbs, non smokm, and outdoors, sonks fnrmilo, f>fj, honest, cycling, hiking, cross* numerous intorosta n/j-i, hardworking Adventurous WM, r ottructivo, fun, advon nnjnyB movios, danc- country nhiing, , fit, fjasygo 40s, rommitic and ing and commumcfi- turoiis SWf, for ing and dining out. ing, outing woll is tho nttmctiVH S/DWr-. 'ilJontiirKioiifi, sook tivo ISONWI.40 4/, ffionrir.hip and morn I'iO nonsmoking rowmd Snnks Umm f :Kb for dating, possi ing Wf to >lmru Itkos outdoors, music, ffVMm WM, !ifi (I'I, with nirn- mnto S/DWPM. :m magic momonts, bio long torrn rnln mimourm;, gtnoi ihir intnnmt?} For RESPOND TO 46, for ptmibln long Micro to of tho homt tion*ihip Children nvomrujs, for po?»sr frumrMiip, tmm relationship rind intirnnto rotation wolcornn, n/drugs bio long lorrn mla YOUR FAVORITE MM

f rnc Inttcwluc Uon AIM! Orw Frw Hntrtpvttl A Wwh1 Up To

MOW TO IM A< I YUUM * Ml f AD to Mn«t|KHKl !o Ail«» Mitlow My Mnll Only • A,'"' \ Block of Time™ •\ t si I (ii I'liif HUM -ti|ilM I rtn I'K * C«H t WH) RHI Wli'»tin tttrm MFfit I AM Yft AOAIN 'itm IM VWWf Vi»(|o «noliKi)j tf.e Inn /iiiji Vi*n "' MailBff.tifH A !hnl «ll t'l'i tmiilltfl' »l"i¥ nnlMitt't imri tn tour rnwvfii MN

,!.<,!.-.., //[• IM 1H Ml lMr r.rn^ Ifl' | Wflftt t'l rt« morn flh'djt dm) jmf'i'irr' I qll out n«w oun tiMr MA»)r.oMi:f r)f,y J JMH^ 4 1 tly py WMItFMAIF Atmrho'l r. Hi ctfifiy (t In* #lv» Will Ml frh»«n in fftetlv* m»)l HM«| I* w>irdi aiptotingt (;*« f turn )/n Min $' (ft ttoi Sl/fl, ft«flt#«i Mfw*pip#f#, PO flat IM!, fflfh*« Ntwip»pwi. r»O , N J Mfl Renaissance 1 18 Dining OUt OmM Food * RnMiuMy Priceneed • Onn AA Of Offf Premise Premises* Cnteri Otterinmg ftl • •••«•••«•«••••••• H «M«. Specialty Cakes I or All Occasions 12 Center St, Mrtucfiett • Vhone Cuunary Renaissance Verve brings elegance to Somerville Dining Certificate Complimcnlary lintrec Monday thru Friday ferve American Bar and Lunch. II 30 ? 00, Moo Ffl • Dinner 5 30 (HJOMon Umrs • 5 30 9 30 Fri h Sat Restaurant seems a bit Vllit ui on oi NMote 6/30/96 and onjoy our complimentary entree when an outofplaceonSomer- app«tlitf and anothw online ot m\uu\ or greater value Vvillo's Main Street, op- U» ft ottfuitf no) me tittlmt No| vtlxl im Haluuliyl, Sunday* holiday fxjsito the courthouse. It's the kind in ciKi|urHiHKi with any olltai oltti ilth gmiuitv will IMI wtttatt kw ('«• luH VIKJM of (ha chtt h iie^Ml ufltt tt aiitiiwir v)ite, who is also executive chef, have tiuns- fonned the dining room with handpaintwl walls {by Jane Nash tC- 6ra Shelley), A bnrkgnnind of jazz nxxjrdings, and gi Unity "wimctimeg ftinky" but often quiet Dinner Sunttiy tfom 1 A. " I 4 :W M» vocals, adds to the resemblance of a New York bistro which is culti- vated yet charmingly casual. The focus, however, is on the Thursday, Friday 4 Saturday f«fy tuttdiy A thundiy f(KHi, 'Hie nine item menu, with a fvtnlngi m MCAIWHI MMUUM Irom/OOpm m Ih* Mil C«1i Dining Mown single special the evening we were there, includes distinctive dishes Hint will rotate every (I H weeks, A Rnutiful WcdtUfiK urglnitn at McAlwri HiMitinnt & tslr rm just like the art work. Kntreci are rpicun*an crentions *iivn l MI b\ juii'.lHMlly presented with ll» al OKI lll^llll IK'tt li:Mh(llil h'OMl. .llltl ,llliil|t,|t>li' Inictive Hair of drizzled sauces mid I IMKMIMH • Unliltti)^ • I uj^ucmem V eunlttli vei'etahies that uuinv Cull • Sttimt'n • I tit Mi tiiftti* • \t 1 oiitiiMiiliidoin up in naiv Instittitc nf Ann'Mi'.i^nitiu atesndii to (heir lejnTtuiiv (»hvi I7 14 IMislnn Avi'. . SomiTsrl, N,| i)HHl.\ (Hlsly riul Li rmlt' hit-, Ins lir,nt and sntil in Ins wmK (*>0h> W> 2522 . I H\: («>08) 460-2224 l*lttV!. I,illl1,!' IVnlll $l:i!»fi I'M i;nlled I'nr inannhf. < lii'iitti with

lor grilled Imltv mi k nl lumlt with 134th Cannstatter mirir,i lash th-.h, *A with the tamli l.istv, Irndti and eiHiked |K'i1'ei'tlv pink The HANIlAII Mltn II A! I M f|l' II US smitked Hf\\ Vrnk 'tup 'iteak V»rvt co-owntr iinci vxtcutlve chef Mfcha«l U Corte hnrd at l$IH!l!ihvith ha-.h Imnvn |«'tati«tuto tun In tht background. ill ih Caianieli.'eil nimm tnaema S.dln and Ixnith^n '.auce m!(| till iilly inilditnit w**\ My fiivuritr •iented The rxhihition ofrlr|jan1 \up! tntti'lijiht !he jitnuinaiul. w«s wild mushroom iKotlo with ,\ dinner1! i«* enhntii i d In a profes- The ;auleed led •:imp|M«r($17 |l ru ( ItH'iiU'Hi \v»tVi ($f)!lfi) which nku sional wait «MT who tittehtivrly I1; M-rveil under n le|H'e of vey ciin Iw* oflloitMJ ni uti cntrt'o for •M'rx'n dinrri chottuiH e)iM Muik by Muilkvinln Ooillngtn (30 pc, bond) Chathmnrui with lemon RIIIM hut Ht tinr riul nf thr mrnu h an '$17 %) nttd other mrnu Itrms In Homier' urillnl Inii^'i fur $55(1 nrnr ftiturr To owner V\l«y Authentic Otrmon Pood eluded niRrlnntrd tuna sti'ttk, mn nml «t thr othrr (wt> FU'HIYHI snlrn- HU IIN live jn// will |jp teed duck litriwt, )*tt M»«ml Impound A Domestic Iten nnfor$ll)»r» the fall mut they are planning '>u nndjiminly $111)5, H Brtll 1 Dontlng In our Optn Air Tint lifpwrlji wiylliiM mv $ft and it) pnrlor on tiie Revond (loot. lantignn with tomato elude a 1««ty rit'inr lintlw titid H Chltdrtn'i AcUvllIti dflirious m Vrm Aiwricmi Hur And IU»iUu- dltitirt, Hint istjH*|i«ht i'H Incttlitr twn Ritupq ($4 fi runt, IK K, M«h, St,, Sonwrvllle; Iiu* mostly Wmih 11:30 am4.*M (Mrttt 0(MN it n chllH Hii/|Hieho mid n itm^itl wrvwl Ity HIP KIMSB <$[i $||) inxl thr \u\Mn- lupine Irnutiftilly wrvrtl in l*tttlrM$iri-$:itl) A InhKlmt nl thr !»:3fl p,m, Monday ilwr^Ay, to 10 ft white broad rimmed «ihitll<*w (Vnhi of thr rrMnUlHht Intwh into !«»wl with H ilnllop oriutiHrnRuq p.m. ^Wj»yH(iliirdfty, llur open Ww dining atm. Dinars nmy wl nt 11:30 «,m,-mlrinl|ht Mondny. in the mliidlo nfthn hnwn Ihrlmrjnit not unpiif tht> Ttmnday, Ui I «.m, rrldiy, 0 Is fl tar-typi ^ntrtv f p.m. I ».m, HnUiniiy Cld^d Sun* spicy Prinep Kdwnitl Island Hiere are mnloguy tags st dtty, PirtlM to Sfl ivMl«bl« to llttlp neck clams In Verve! Kach dish liinnrtJitlc JownKaln dlnttiff room 3 garlic Ijroth ($616) was rc- whole to enjoy ftfuhavoru s Thundiy, LLJ August 21-23,1996 19 Dining Out? WANT SMOKEfREE MINIM? f* i F«[ (Oft al DM p* im SMMIN By Phyfils R«ek«l HMand Pirn cutoy correspondenf risteuranH, and a Nii The Arc of Hunlerdon Cwinty and master chef Craig SMton of BMtf iaaAA AWiJ HAilflHAA fall' Use Weekend the Byland Inn »n; hosting A Taite iH Ckneroslty, an evening of l goumvet cuisine sampling, line 105Mowl«in W Svmmil, NJ07901 wine tasting, music tind u gantcn tour 0-10 p.m. 'Hiurwiay, Sept. 1!). «W JERSEY Plus! The ftind-iuisor asks for business attin\ and uffws a 50/50 nillld. GASP Rcsrrvations, by Sept. ft, iiiv $125 MM tiy ASSIST Gfoup Against prr person. ConiploiTicnUn-y pa!run Weekend Plus Restaurant Pages rrsorvutions for u,\\h aw nvailii $300-$5,000. SCIKI flHM'ks r to Thr Arc of UtinU'idoti offer a complete listing of places U) 1322 StaU' Koulc :»l, Suite fi, LIVE Anrumelulc, N.J. (HIHOI. Kur inlnr- ENTERTAINMENT inaiinn, cull 7.10 Wl to enjoy fine dining iind sreal service! • • • Specllaltlng In Bluts, Jiu & Accuitlc The (train llousr ,il The Mill Inn in liiiskiti^ Kul^c ha.s BAR & CAJUM j.tiiricil In crnpliMM/f fjirnily. Clnl CUISINE 'Inn Mi«"Mt OHDtlK f Uval Si'pt. U 7. I'or rcsf-Tvations or CROSS* S Ttw Northern Border" more information, rail 221-1150. • • • * Lunch it am-4pm • Dinner 4pm flpm FRIDAY NIGHT DANCE Wlllir's Tuvrmr on ltnuU< I • Unique Bur Menu 'ttil 1am August 23rd - Jim Hoffman in llrdnun.iri, will offer u hack to W!h(K»l Npfflitl Sept Il-f) llis- The Crossroads at Garwood August 30th - Invitation counts to U'uchir;, librariatw, bus 78 North Avtrtui • Garwood * 908-232 WM dnvcifi plus discounted cluldicn's GSPExIt 137 North Avenue Ihru Crinlord To Qimond meals and a j'jvc away to chttdren under IX Koi toon1 Inftrrtruitidii, cull m iwio. » • •

TJII* MiMTH'NtaU' f'Hfc in 'Hie Knrrwtal nt I'nncrton Hold and

IVCM Jii'imy Krenh u'vi'i |KisHihli* in Hit1 All'/«Ih Smwiwichw VI o'lu the Korifstal Ihtmm UM to MM i Maikci cvfiy Satuniav through Oi-tolxT. Km (ICIJIIIH, cull

• • * H'nr dining IH liTi|i«irtiint lo ymi, New Jct'ify (IAHP ((Jroup .l Sinnkii;)/ rolliition) Urn u Mtills to do ctniy of N«'W M*my rcfitiui -, thai h.in mnokili^ iti Iht'dtn- Menu for the Week of August 2(I, l*Wf ; mr;i, iihlifiHKh they may IK> In $4 no (of) mull nr hotrl whu'h may not f*» Thr booklet Is i'mr will*' Ii) (JAM!1 »l 105 Mountain tiv,}\m\ ) MnwItwIK W fX) (or) Ave, Miifrimil, N,J HVflOl; or dill Ihi-ni :if Z7:i!i:i'!M Tli'1 flinrliii-y is f f nrnnn $4 00 (of) til';'i /ivinhtil'' ori 11M Internet via finlmon$4?5 !I»P Woild Wid.- Wr-h Illtli http// www r'fllln'{ l^'tlwiirst A Polnln Pnncokos $4 25 or • * * A dinner In bnirfll roiiM.lntloii for f lillilrrn With Mm Inr,, TIH> IMmipr of H«|tr will l>< II-Id (i i-in U'pt 21 nt <:in'iifil|r»M Mflf'M Mnifiilh7/;i'l',it in riilifctnn It in 440 W. Union AvrM Konml Brook (Kl. 28) 764-9255 Mild f) "*'Vt'|| inunr ;i^|lf(d dlfltl'T 62 W. MiiiiiSl., Somcrvlllc 722-8782 fonlijlmtrd by wHalm"! chefs rrom Nw Jeiw-y, t^lifotnla, NJ?W Yr*rk. For rnora I ' . ' 14 >•* w August 21-23,1996 I.I. IK total • mmi • PWT«$ FOA AIL OCCASIONS 1'imhnentul Cutmth1 OFF Check (IwtiMuhruml, t t*\ir SJW •I at tat MM IwMk tr fliwr fitra \ t ^^h I.UKKMKRTAINMUM combined wtlh tiny uthei titter f <(n

ht! IU-JWI BVPHYLLIS RECKEL ft. "H (IXITi:) 4 Milts \itst o/ainum *(HM) V$-7m

Weekend Plus culinary correspondent • ^m ^m ^m ^v ^v ^w «•• •» ^v IH« W •• When a restaurant is busy on a Monday Night, it's a telling ERRARO'S sign st offers good food nt good value. DINE ON THE " That's the sign w c saw w hen wc entered II Pomodoroon WATERFRONT a Monday night, und it proved correct. Featuring The Finest Seafood, Steaks & Chops, Lobsters U More! OP SOMIIVIUE Enjoy Outdoor Dining Insurant & Pluerla Early Bird Specials & Lobster Specials Wnt Dining At Thursday ami Sunday 25% Oil FOOD BILL OPfN » I-idy (t Oil (90$) 707-0029 On I OH Premise Catering Available

W i w ^iw ^ 1 •ff^^nlajtfti ^ nAattiMAfifc ^ i^^ • iMi^i 1 &kt$ na^ i \ Taw'' ^^^^ *

Home News s c l.iiji>\ Oailv !,IMK!U'III \ |'!iiiur j'uu!» StarUdmr Miilla\ ^|n\la!»"^,:; '^IH Mniiii1, ihru hiii\ Courier-News f iliijipv Ilitin M'iihi.i\ ilini \'n>U\ **** Jewish Star 1 l.m Ijitittiiinntiiit 1 ihlit\ llini ^nii'U Open Lunch & Dinner WON fMIN«7»» ( IK.:

Dino unit Sam hheilr of II Vonunhro i1 iiiinu' II PomodiMi), ts Italian I IK1 main h nu»tr U' h'\ wmk ir 1 v'K' (||il h'sl.itiMiil wilh "inul IIMHI, iitU'lh-'i'iit M'IIIU ,mil i. \Kn. ^n|u\ I! INMinulnin'Mmitli'UK-.iK1 Spanish & Portuguese MUMU'is VIIM .uul hinn Mtrdimnc ,i l,iu\ v'i. Pacilltlti •UAKI'CHOPS PASTA n' ollici .in rn"imv! i Imf tin* ii'siiiin.iiii biiMiuv- .mil ,is NEW BAR MENU 1 Mim I-ri «)PM I/PM • r»(tl ft Sun, for l. WlU'ls Itl.Uiill'rls ,lh' linl ,|ho\i' Inlpil)" III \\\\' hU'lU'll I Ih Solllmlt 1'lnvi'fs m Uitilnrm u'l ill II I'ummloni h,b ,i \\,i\ wit Seafood • Stonk • Voal • Chicken • Pork 1 * M

"ilhout \tu )<>d (Hit t'\' C KKiouvN 11T&Ti// v CAiV v Verve American Bar 1 Rvitaurant Come In And Try Our Groat Italian DKhos A- mwmh kistoettmi ItoHano

- Gourmnt f'i//n • Ititlinnfipmi.tlty l)ishi«i V I-IU K 1 • - f- , • ' ' * 1 ( Hot H (loliI Siilr-i H Sai i(71 niv I hnn, t I ih ..fin

Forgef Our Dfl/ly Lunch Specials ^ (e»* tot out Ft* Movlw Ihmtm #4ttoU Mnn Ihm fhum 11 (XMinlo II (Kipin JFfl A Sflt II (KlflMitd Ir1 (Wliim ' SuiHliiy I 00pmtn II oaHflnt Run Plfl/n * Wnrrnn 489-2626255 ' Faxx 469-2677 y Forbes Newspapers

August 21,22,23 1996

Coldwell Banker INSIDE raises money Realty notes and for Habitat Property sales for Humanity "' 1 A Fort* Nmpapwi Supplement RealEstatForbes Newspapers e Judy HMfkinwn Crwyl Fentk* CONTENTS Qanitod CMCUIIW Editor Manager

2 Connto Mahonty Michael C. Homyak Cover home Telephone Heal f state Sal« Htp Account Executive

Malcolm S, Fwbea Jr Cover story EdilOf-m Chief of Fofbw Magume and Forbm Newspapers tout 8. Binony lick KtttentMMKn "ib(wh*r George Gannon

•**> Advtfiumg Of«tof HHUI Advwtismj Mwtaser Realty notes Cover house; Spruce Hill Farm is located Property sales in Mendham

Forbes Newspapers tomtTHt MwwftQtf-Gttttt*, HMfrMnlMtir Nil, Bound Brook Chronicle, Tht Chronicle, MttuchwvEdison Review Piscataway Review, South Plainfield feporttr, Frinklin Focui, Grwn Brook-North PMnMd Journaf, WarrwvWatchung Journal, Highland Park Herald, Crantord Chronicle, Scotch Plains Fanwood Press, Wwtfield Record, Buyers Guide To Subscribe to Forbes Newspapers call: 1-800-300-9321 • To advertise call: 908-722*3000 ountry life beckons from Spruce Hill Farm Often referred tu utt the "CJoUirn thmugh H foyer and K&Hcry hull t«ir hai view through French doom baths lerve the residence. /' the cnrllMt |>art of this oen with a Mtuinw and crystal rhan- from the breakfast area. Complet- Also on tho property arc a llvo tUr> wui a Uitir unsiupassdl in ilclior. Iliruunhdut the tuniK*. ing the first floor are a mahogany car gariige, three storage build in RS the OTt of living. Bpnut* Itlll Fttrni, with law window* mu) oilier with rlrt»placv( coffered wil- antt u delightful icven nnmi car- 0 VJKtH^r rrsirirniv drHlKuctl hy (Tilings ctriitr an mini of ing, uphnlKtcntl WHIIM, wrt luir nnd riage hfniup with ftill kitchen, liv- the Nwv York firm of Unit Ik He- ArrhttiK'tural drUiiLing in nurtile (xrwiler room, « catrrlng ing and dining rooms, fireplace, Witt In 1000, rt'tJiins ilw privuey clmlwi 11 flr*pta(t% marble, luutl- kltrlu'n, fumtly room ami a w- Uuwliedrooms and twoanduhall find characU^risticji of fine nrrhtUv It* m^ludnl WIKM! floor* nnd [wnrlinu, dwirn mmtr tiled Rolarium Iwthi i IHWKI, 1 PUMWII tif that ivftirlnshrd to itu'lixli ijiit'lrtia, \\vvn, live molditiKN tuul door*. 11» htmw conliiinx six family Amenities iruiudr mjtmimtl 'Hie living riMiiii with (hwv wull Nilnwms, riM'b with its own buth, heated SIM-I (XKI), "old In irk" p.i nnd III farm HCICH nf nv HI lit an estate iin-ii of roll tHi|K*r n\m\% tn brick walls UIHI is Hilly imxlniii/.hl, nnd tm ml Uo» and U'ttmrs, new twd/one ... (hiiis fcittd, ttii1,lc« Inyjiy Ing hills, 0m slaicnMircd, i;',(K)(i luiJmtMit In the cherry pnht'N It thiluiml ftwii- itNiin staff Hpttrtimml heating iiyntrnw, invisible lrticin»{ I, In irk (li'niiil.iii ir:,i i, IWINK jump HIK! fti'nh wntrr brnry HIHI Hiilituxl nxmi A (rntrr 11H» nuiNlrr miita* Invitrn rt»lax«tion HIHI security sysU'nv IIICI ntlv ritwin ii lull rhitnw I«'K ttt \r KnlhciiMl fhttn Ihr hlmut I wnnnita kiti-lu'n with Sub with ti Kitting ntom, ;«mkitig tub, To view the hnsr,c, inht\VI;U, BANKKK

iiki i i mi South Plilnfleld (ilmoit In H< Idlion)

BRIDQEWATER $273,900 Far Hills $1,325,000 Uk# Innd N«w.. Only 1730,000 1'tivity itumndi in ihti cu»tom umnlty frenth hmMtucco home Thllftyi*fltl(J(;ol(iMHlt)flsnt-t)a|)|iortlMt llml)tc*iiltf rulonwl like new" Nmbcmity unnly /1'/ yrs you^' Lmiliim Ai'trwl Hy a itre lined drive, ihr rrMttriKt i< Iviutirully wied nn 11 • • Ift, 16 bath tamtity \m riK, r M, I n, i m Ilixtf plan, grtnl foi rntrrlwntng Vaulted cnlinii m t K A MHR I iioilrd with IK-WS iw rltHikiflR lielth, wwxh »ml the vulley Wtiw iigmdr s! (ul tie m, w«H{cd k atioti t |!l now' B]) M6513 HHN40U H dho boaitft ttoutji* Ar>d«rton wwdowi, Btdtnlnitir/BrldgiwitirAfH 908-W8 IBS? (MINI Owr 100 Offiot* )n MilropolWaR Rcgkin

S f t MENDHAM 1439,900 MENDHAM $179,900 BRIDQEWATER $273,900 KINGWOODTWSP. $249,900 INVITING!! 4 bedroom mufti-level Colo- QUALITY LIFESTYLE comes with this 2 Like new) Th yra young! Exciting floor NEW Colonial TO BE BUILT - 1st in up- nial SpHt w/ltrgt E-l-K. butcher block bedroom, 15 bath townhouse Formal plan, great for entertaining Loaded with coming 9 lot subdivision. 3 to 4 month table. Game room, study/den w/buiA-rn LRt>DR, Iptc in family room, In/outdoor upgrades, cul-de-sac & more! bookcases Finished basement w/exw- completion, 4 BR, 2 5 baths on 2 5 acres. cise room. Gracious porch overlooks pools,tennia.seuna, hot tub Private com- Bedminster/Bridgewater Office 908-658- HURRY' Bedminster/Bridgewater Office Inground pool w/watertaN, poolhousa. munity with gated security Mendham 9000 IOM#513 908-656-9000 BDM633& landscaped flower beds 2 decks (1 oft Office 201-543-2552 M0M14M MBR). A must see1 Mendham OHtee 201 • 543-S552 M0M1611

MENDHAM $539,900 MENDHAM $450,000 BRIDQEWATER $247,000 RARITAN BOROUGH $294,900 UPSTAIRS, DOWNSTAIRS, loads of space WRAP YOURSELF in tranquil Wonderful 3 BR Colonial with FR, 2 5 Spacious Contemporary Colonial on cul- In this brick ft shake colonial set on 5+ acresw/views 5bedrooms,3baths Multi- baths, % car garage, many upgrades de-sac, 4 BR, 2 5 baths, center island kit, level wooded acres w/pond 4 in ground level decks over look f reetor m pool Coun- Meticulously maintained End of cul-de whirlpool bath and all the extras! pool 5+ bdrms.4 5bathB.au pair suite try kitchen w/fplc Porch enjoys view of sac Bedminster/Bridgewater Office 908- Bedminster/Bridgewater Office 906-058- Eat-in kitchen w/firnplace (amity room & gardens Horses, dogs, children & sin CM-9000 BOM6M0 9000 BDM6402 much much morel" Mendham Office let will love the lifestyle Mendham 01 201 543 2552 MOM 1606 te 201-543-2552 MDM12W

RANDOLPH $285,900 MENDHAM $314,500 BRIDGEWATER $379,777 TEWKSBURYTWSP. $215,000 t.ight, bright. 4 bedroom, 'i fi both Colo OfllOHIHJI.UHIAMHOUM (.umnwn Beautiful tnulti l»vnl Colontnl %\\% high on Vmtn(|n (iolornnl no\ on 'i pivkHM gcres ni»l on fMivatn 1 ftom womieiri rotting will this perfectly rmnMtwrwul A ».let.oral«l 4 nf;til flu mi. MflrioV'itmlkitcht»nAbii!hn f ;hnrming pirm floors & cabinets plus a accommodate you A your budget t rtr« \\\\ horna in nouyfit «ftt»r nniyhburttfjod '•jiJfiroOHl pfltMi Ifi UiniiMtl pool $,iin tun h f,iotin!o()i()wK k Dmlininster/ large family room with brick Fireplace, f Hw/l)iH;ktplc, llornry w/stonefplc, now Mmlrriirtdtiir/lliHlgeWBtnf 7)ffi(,« MOO fiW Hriignwntm Otlice 90B05B-9000 ceramic tile foyer h kitchen, conveniently ly rflMovfilftd kitchen ttrul very pretty ynrtl (>()0() B0M0441 BDMM14 located In Ironia section of Randolph all Mdd It) thd charm Htmlistlcally prirjd* Mendham Office 201-843 2552 Wont last' Mmdham Office ?o 1 543 ?5M MDM1609 MDMim

MENDHAM $245,900 OPEN SUNDAY 1-4 P.M. CLINTON TW8P. $785,000 UNION TWSP. $349,899 1lth CENTURY HERITAGE Inlhrt 240 MENDHAM $219,000 Outstarwiing Cuetum Gtilonlnl. apprnx H\mtHmi\i\w H NM l>rl(;k front Colonial In •r. ©Id beautifully r«novai«d New En. At TERNATIVE TOtOWNHOUQf > flpankiui «000 sf offms t BM, 4frpl, 3family rooms, Stormbrldye on prof lantlacaped lot w/ Ilind col Thm home offtff witii plank immftoulate cottdltitKi wooded, pfivale All in ground pool w/J»cu//i on 3 * flcresl viewn' Qui»IHy thrcnigtioiit t)orr1 miai if ,,fi, htnd-htwn bejfn#, front to back LR desirable this ranch w/rtew klfeihtn. enclosed Badrnlnliltt/nrkJyaWfltur Office »(MI C9B Herlmlrtstw/Brirlyewiiter H Wd«S w/lltldeionitplc.ORw/tofrwrcuoboafde, onrch. werHied 9C* a»f(iQ«, d»r;k terrlfK, mm IDM0O17 B0M country pine kit w/br«aw«»l now, 4 brs, BrookeWe location me ilto VAM fill! IW. 2 fbthi * tarn frn w/c«thwit«l ctilina ift at htrttom of reaervmr. 94 WOOt)l/Nn Umfom Ott ?01!)43 25S OAD oh left after twinPjrkDriv« Mwidrmm MDM1S30 ft 543 2952 (M1«1I Mendham Office: (201) 543-2552 Bedminster/Bridgewater Office: (908) 658-9000 Over 100 Offices in the Metropolitan Region , 4*-Augtltl1,tt,S3,1N6 (I RealEstate DONMi) T. IRWATA FOR StSS.660 OK OS- MIDDLESEX UNION t\m IV LALANOAS. FHROS A. A «IO- 45 MOHAWK AVE. SOU) TO TOJRES, PATRA, COUNTY LUIS, FOfl %mW ON (M-I1-M •¥ MAY- COUNTY fill CRESCENT PARWAY SOLD TO RO- OUNILUN CNN* JESSE. DNQLJE2, JOSC k A MAMMVT FOR 314 THMO ST. 8010 TO WATT, THOMAS 741 UNOOUt BLVO SOLO TO VILEZ, »43WON0t-*tlBYKSHO,ftAifHA SMOBM OH IV JOSI I NELL*, FOR 161,000 ON 0S4MI ANNETTE. o, to* onus BY CHRYSLER FM8T FINANCIAL SIM. mmi VUAOE SOLD TO BAA- S3 MOHICAN DRIVE SOLO TO QREQORY, CONTRI.ROBfRTA. RETT, WANE, FOR 1101,000 ON 07-0MS BY 11 CAM0KXX ROAD BOLD TO CASf- I FOR 070,090 ON 60-ft-M It CMION PMCATAWAY DONWAN, HELEN R SONNI, QMRCUI T.t FOR 1171,000 ON ITKMNWONST KXDTOTAMCNBMJM, 1111 W. SCVENTH ST. SOLO TO STOW. 41S UNDEN AVE. SOU) TO WBflN, mm« JUDITH, ran MM.OOO ON ow » ENS, FCRCVI m, FOK 1103,000 ON 0M7- OMMSIVPURNS.TBIOTNV, 7S U 0RANDI AVE. SOLD TO WAVRO, STEVEN J. A K*STA A. FOR StBS.QBO ON IV BJCNf N8T0CK, EU»T * AOWf Nf€. •6 SY BRYANT, iUTTH 84 TANSY COURT SOLO TO SVEHU, JAMIS 0.1JQRN A., FOR Sf 13,000 ON »• JOSfFH F A F€RA FOR HW WO ON 07- OS-ti-SS BY O'CONNOR, DAVD P, A MAL> • ILV n>Cf SOU) TO MMMOUT, Jtf tot) ¥mm ST. SOLO TO RCWNWN, 0r-*6SYDAVW,FAUL 0IISBYFUMORE, AUEN0 AROWWNE REIN A. fflfV M, FO(t |1«000 ON OHMS BY NA- JAC09 L IWM A., FOB 1145,180 ON SMS- N ASHLfY COURT SOLD TO TOMBJO. M. IOISHAOOWLAWNDRWISOU)TOPUU- OAOSST.WAVNCS. NIV EAST, MCHAAD C 4 ANQf LA F. DERCCKIOCANA, FOR S14B.00O ON Ot^S- ER, DALE tt A SOPHW M. FOR SW.BSO ON 71* O&ANOO ST. SOLD TO WOODS, *» HUDSON ST. SOLO TO OESHCLDS. SSBVSCHEURLI.ROIimi wesmtu) SHMUY K, FOR tnl.MO ON 0S-11SI •¥ IRA J N, FOR I1MO00 ON OS -IMS BY OS-IS-SS BY CONWAY, JOSEPH D, A MARY 71 KNTUY COURT SOLO TO «7 v. mm AVI. SOLD TO QANZ, JO- KLMJOANM TASHMAN,ftOSfMAftVQ E 13 mm ROAD tOLD TO CHAKt, 8M1 CU9TER ST. SOLO TO WMffNEV, QMNRATM. CAROL M, FOR IIHMO ON sim FOR smssi ON 07«« BY Stt SCOTCH PLAINS AVI SOLO TO MCHAIL J, FQfl tHttt ON 0S-1I-M IV THOMAS A,, FOR • 167,000 ON 0*11* BY 06^-HBYFMlMTQINSCO. KRAfMER, SCOTT It A LOR* A. FOR CHAFf t, MCHAIL J Hit AUWO00 ROAD SOLO TO ItiOMS ON S7414B SY FAffTM, MAURO I TAMARACK DMVC SOU) TO MEDVECKY, M MATTHEW COURT SOLO TO MEHTA, TOWW, W«SLAW A WONA K FOR JRIBEVCTLY. t24t.U0 ON OS-IMS BY Lf BARON, JOHN JOIIPHIJOANN. Ft* 1313,000 ON 06 13 RAJEEV A NAUNI. FOR 1244,WO ON 06-14. 741 CEDAR CREr DRIVE SOLO TO BAU- 640 RAHWAV AVI SOLD TO IMNBfRQ. M OY MUUER, EDWAW) J IDEORA TISTA, ROBERT D A MONtQUE T. FOR E4PAM6UH MeVKRET.MCHAELIJOAN, HANS A VICTORIA FOR WM.OOO ON 06II- 30 MULBFRRY LANE 8010 TO NDVKOVtC, 1142800 ON 05-1716 BY RYAN, JAMES T. A 1440 SENECA ROAD SOLD TO RCIUY, 9 WATER ST 8010 TO AMADOR, JOSE A, •SBYROY.PALAA. OOHfllVOJf. & LUKIt, f Ofl IM0000 ON OS- FOR ttftS.900 ON Ml 196 BY BELL, JEANE. STEVEN I A DONNA M FOR $160000 ON Ill TRINITY PLACE SOLO TO KOPYTA, 13 M 3Y QATTO, JOHN IMAMY CHARLES 4 KIM 0673 M BY TITUS, JAMES F, JR A ELAINE 41 FARMHAVf N AVF SOLD TO GERHARD, 514 SHEFFIELD COURT SOLD TO RO- iHANCHtUHO E HENCE FOR tfM.000 ON 061» 9S BY S€IV< RONAID, FOR 170.000 ON 06 07 96 BY QCH DfltQUES, ALBERT D FOR f 115,000 ON 08 217 CAROL JEAN WAY SOLD TO Mil- 1171 WOOD ROAD SOLD TO WPAOLA, ERSON. JEANNE Ml FAITH B HARP, RONALD 09 M DY CHOPRA. SltAKUNTMA MAN, RCHARO A VICTORIA. FOR I2/&0O0 EDWARO M. FOR I337.SOO ON 062796 BY ttl 8. CHESTNUT ST SOtD TO MEHTA, 106 IDLE WILD ROAD SOID TO SACCHI, ON0S-0S-NBYFELOER.M1AA. FtANTKOW, ROQ£R W A NANCY. MUNE8H L I JAYSHREE M. FOR M43 OOD MICHAII J, FOR 1)11000 ON (M MM BY 41ARAPAHO TRAIL SOLO TO MCQURRAN, I UNAMI LANE SOU) TO nilO, DONALD ON 06 M IS BY SMITH, VICTORIA F SCHIflR, DANIEL J A BARBARA I 211 FIRTH ST GOLD TO PCLLEQRINI. NANCY, FOR 1164*00 ON »U »• SY WfA J FOR |m,2S0 ON 06 76 N BY COHEN, NO SPWNOf If in AVE SOtD TO VILLANf, 21 IA8TLICK flOAt) SOLO K) MfSStfR, MICHAEL W. FOR DM,500 ON 0110 M BY BtO, WILLIAM J, STEPHEN 0, A ARtlNEU DAVO A NINA FOR I1S4500 ON OS-tO-M BY nOMRT M 4 (itoHaiANNA, rof\ %mtm UAISEH, THOMAS Q* SUSAN 0. 4 PUEBLO TAA1 SOLD TO STOLPEN, B ETON ROW SOLD TO OUAIE JOHN M OERFRADI, ERNEST D A VICTORIA ON OS-10-M BY MUtCAHY, PAUL 4 CINOY 1503 CLINTON AVE SOLO TO SABINO, ALAN, FOR I2t0,t00 ON QS-12-BS BY A SUSANAS. FOR I4M.0OOON 08MM BY 48 DORIS PARKWAY SOIL) TO JOHNSON, 3 AOELPMi COUHT SOLD tO SISOIAK, JfAN. FOR 1190.000 ON (M-07M BY BRENN, JONATHAN I DONNA L. BADALAMENTI, SALVATORE J. DAVID J A WENDY N FOR MU.OOO ON OS- Jf ROME M, f OH 1160,000 ON 06 OS 96 BY DOWNEY, CHARLES1CARMFLA. 724 MAONOLIA LAN! SOLO TO TORFfY, 1MI BY MARSHALL, AMY A. HOTM. JOSCPHtNr 3 iWfS tmiENWCH ST. BOLD TO ZUL- KEVIN T. A USA, FOR 1181,760 ON OS-OtSI WISTFIHD \m BOVNTON AVE SOLD TO MSANTtS, 4 flAINFORO HQAO SOU) TO WRltS. TOWSKI, STEVEN, FOn $187,000 ON Ot-14 BY UMANSKI. SCOTT G, I SM«DRA I N4 EDQCWOOO AVI, SOLD TO MILLER, MICHAiL A ELtZABfTH FOR 1176,000 ON JAVIER 4 AMY H, FOR 1158.000 ON 06 1? M I)V CUMMINO, EDWARD K III. MIIY MEDVICKY J08CPH M A JOANN I 159 TIN t.YCK 8T SOLD 10 KANE, KIM- IIM.OOO ON QS-M-N BY MAR- mom AND PARK nnuT, i on /ANO, CMARLfcS A 169 N NINTH AVI SOU) TO llfUON HIV :W19 IIANTA ROAD SOID TO LO7A. JOHN, ING I OR fftOO ON OfltRWt IIY IIKAUN, HIV ion %\mm ON oe IOM i)Y NOVKOVIC. INUII SH1MI DOIIHIVOJI A UUDICA RANALD C. BROWN 130 N HIVfNIM AVI UOt I) 10 MAI (Hi V 'ill lir MAMMAN. IMVIt) J A ANNA. OMH FUO1 I A JOANN !i, (Oil WMkX) ON OS 06 98 HY HQSI NIIHUt, MlUIIAt I 1934 Washington Valley Road, Box 68 lift UNCOIN AVI SOU) U) (lOUHUNO SOMERSET MARTINSVILLE, NEW JERSEY 08836 MARC. I OH IVlVillHI ON Otill/% MY COUNTY MITtK MIN 19 MAMII AVI SOU) 10 MINI)!/, VIM MDMINSTfH QINIA, IOM IIJO.OPO ()N IWUHHi ItY fly AUIUMN IIHK1I I4OA0 SOLD TO GOAN, tAUAN NANCY c, rou mm ON OSII-M SY 19 CAWHNilM I'lACI !iOU) fO (lAMtlYl 4UNUAA SYWIIWBW, tHUMAH J , It HI 1110,000 ON 4/ I'tNi UOUIII Mill) U) SAMSON, JO 0S-W9S IIY IIAIIIKIAN, JOHN W JM Sfl'M A, 1011 $ 110,000 ON 0B09M BY Palace a long time coining Om* of the lur^st Immr* \\\ Hill floor plan. 'Y\w htnno slioutd reach tlbnrouKh tnwiiHliip \m ipiilt* n his runiplrlinn within the next 00-00 tory. 'lilt* 0,2(1(1 H(ftim-fB fi«iil cunti'm dny*t. This unique

PtufpSMnn.il ntlii r Idfiilcil .'it *)| West I lid Ave ()ii(lof;i mm* ItH ittioMjwoMniy iniioilrlnl, !nt)',r lot, 8 ol'llccs, ?,MKI MARTINSVILLE $259,700 BRIDGE WATER TWP. M| ft i»| oltji r <.p;irrl full bii^rnirnt, COUNTRY SECLUSION! 4 BEDROOM COLONIAL! Wiilk upmiir.iiiiiiMlriiiim'i' firc.crnttnl ri ItfiiliDiiiii C.utHitfY (iiipn1 '} 1 1 lf 2 YEARS YOUNGI JIII, iihiTtti systnti, piivn), hrh'Him wink ;!!')!) iri'<> i'ljtiMilyfnintil II "•mi pnictil CAU QUICK!! Itl'iiknl piitkni)' li»i In] H)(;us .MIST 'iiririi Ul'il'O with |.i(U//i hfilh ,1ml ^^tlk^fl M()V]' IN' loi Stilr HY Ownn fit".! Iliini An f*siit"" mofn with hath 0( n«sr TIME Call John at 2.11-144(1 lor iippoiutmcnt (908) 469-2333 MLS. A Fort** Newspapers Supplement RealEstate U August 21,22,23,1996 -5 New homes at Kensington in Mansfield Kensington at Mansfield is a vir- rently available Chelsea II model tual recreational wonderland. homo making its location ideal. Every home is situated in a pictur- This exceptional home boasts a esque country setting with expan- fireplace, a spacious gourmet Hekne A»«M8U, an associate dollars for the first six months of sive views in all directions. with RE/MAX Preferred Profes- 1906. kitchen and ceramic tile in the Conveniently located near the powder room, it is available with a sionals in Bridgewiter, has ranked "It has been an absolute tremen- Route 10 business corridor, Kens- in RE/MAX of New Jerseys Top 50 dous first half for our company," ington at Mansfield offers fast- cation for families" 6G4ay or sooner closing date, list for highest dollar volume dur- said Tom Polikuha, office man- acting homebuyers a choice of four The community's two on-site Homebuyers may make per- ing the month of rune. Her out- ager. "Our extremely dedicated new field model homes. recreation areas of 10 acres attract sons! selections now un the third model !KMH<\ an Essex 11, which Is standing performance places her and professional staff have A Brighton 1 model will be families for picnics, and tot lots, achieved this milestone through tennis courts and ball fields enter- currently under construction and at the top of ow 710 NO/MAX ready for occupancy in u soon as will be priced from 1240,900. professionals throughout the state. delivering the highest level of cus- 30 days and is attractively priced tain sports enthusiasts of all ages. tomer service possible." from only $201,900. Golfers are minutes away from Construction will soon begirt on playing 18 holes of their favorite a Devon 111 model home with an Jordan Boris, The exciting homes at Kensing- optional fifth bedroom, will lie of- president of Cathy SpU»- ton have been planned to offer the s|)ort at the newly refurbished ter of South Mine Brook Golf Club. Excellent fered from $230,000. Ionian Daris best In design and location, This Farinelia Development is also of* Inc. Realty Plainfleid has award-winning community, which fishing in the well-stocked Mus* conctcong River, just across the faring, for a limited time only, a Services an- joined Burg- is already 70 percent sold out, is $2,500 upgrade and option credit to nounced that dorJT, Realtors comprised of 116 three-to-five- road from Kensington, continues to draw locals and serious fisher- help buyers customize the Chelsea Gary Hudufe, as a sales as- bedroom single-family homes on II, Essex II or Devon 111 homes. a Green Brook sociate in the generous rolling homesitei In War- man alike, Bedrooms can also perform as a Mary Farinella-Capnraso, Presi- resident, has Arm's WestAeki ren County. dent of Farinelia Development, ap- j»mcd the Office. Best of all, Kensington offers the guest room, and home plans can proaches the homebuilding pro- firm's West Or* Ms, Splinter advantage of all public utilities, in- include an optional fifth bedroom. cess from a unique perspective, angc office as GARY has held a New cluding city sewers, and no home- Laundry rooms in some models that of a mother of two small chil- HUOAtKO Jersey real es- CATHY owner association fees. have separate outside doors, and an Investment SPLINTER dren As a second generation property mar- tate license "The needs of growing families the fUll basements have extra high builder, MS. U|ioraio meticu- keting specialist, since 1993 and are always our top priority. We de- ceilings. lously designs each home to reflect is A member of the Westfleld and sign homes that are flexible and Kensington's Brighton I Model, the lifestyle hsbiU and needs of which is available for a 30-day or Greg Schmidt, an associate with Middlesex Boards of Realtors. adaptable so that they can accom- buyers like herself. Farinelia li modate the needs of parents and earlier closing, offers many attrac- also very active in promoting the KEVMAX Preferred Professionals, tive features. A fireplace in the has ranked in RE/MAX of New First Realty in Edison is pleased children right now and in the humcbuiJding community ut large to welcome sales associate Georgia years ahead," said Mary Farinclla, family room, ceramic tile in theas siie serves as president of the Jersey's Top 50 list for highest dol- Crosier, With 11 years of real es- president of Parinella Develop- kitchen and hardwood ll'xns arc Community HmkJers Association lar volume during thu month of tate experience, Ms, Crower spe- ment. "Especially in summertime all Included In the low $208,000 of Somerset ami Moms Counties Juno His outstanding perform- cializes in relocation in Middlesex when outdoor recreation is so Im- base price. Call 813-2727 for more informa- ance places him at the top of over County |X)rtanl, Kensington is an ideal lo- There's a park udjoiiutiK the cur- tion. 780 REMAX professionals throughout the itatr. Mark IMUn, an associate Tom Altlerl, a with KFJMAX with RFVMAX Realty Pro's, Inc. in Pfpferml Pro- Wostfleld, has ranked in HrTMAX fessionals. h«s of New Jersey's Top 50 ln»l fnr Mnkfil m Kr7 367 Chistmit It highest dollar volume ynii MAX of New throufth June His Jrisfy's Top 50 Union, N J. purforrnunw ptows him i»t Uir top list lor highest of over 780 KFJMAX professionals (908)686-3000 tliM'Ughoul the stair * • * SUNng Horn* In Union County Sinct IBM Miii'k (Jrw?ri wiiMiuhwl Century wfS MARKHEFUN II WunlPn 4 Orrrn'n Kust Mrun vniuiiic year lo offfiw has mhlrvt'd M com flnlr tlutnJKh .luiHMihd mcist uiill.1 Mik'HiiiUMd in llv ii'iinlicr nf !tiili| yt'Jii to dale thmunh ,Umv


COLONM Well maintained 3 bedroom aplH in estate section olColonla IN FORBES with inground pool, lamlly rm plus Florida room METMW ROIILLI PARK UNION M«tuch§n OMIce COMFORT & CHARM COMBINED OUR HOUSE CLASSIFIEDS hprtt II II '. 908-494-7700 flit ^ r>i |(1r fllpHnf i|ij

HOURS Moulay- Friday 8:Mun-S:00pm

JO0t000 Rtadtn Adnrtiu h Forks (lasufttd

WN1M S H IL IS H 0 R 0 U C. H SPECIAL OFFER IUMJV Oi HAM M10 Your hew*, mU your 3 fufnuhat) rmi %mt paymtntt. do fipam. mo • utili Rail I 8*c etow qu*c*iy. any •'•• it(i Avail imnw) I* any pdca, ani 550 MlfltHM mmNn Ovml/rti Liuuiuniv umlrn AtMitmenU MANCHtUflO 2 bf, 3 IIIDROOM AHV SIT f rM|M«t Avt UK • Apirtmtoli lo ham $1200 mo I 1,1 .VbWIIIATAHOTWAlKk •IKUHIAI mo iac w pal, aviil •140 MM'MMiMMIhaw' MM ABOUT LAMM ATA • Sulntantwtl I'taywouml 9 1 Cail%44'«M0.( Silci Offlce CRMWOWO- ' tfQ IB, • Uf^eM Swim tlult in Air.i at KMm combo. Balh, Nominal I IT 276-0370 1/iO/mo 1 mo, iaft IANOAINI OM OOV •410 Avail *'1.IM'I/I-3UM__ BROOKSIDE OOH 874 6044 or W 7180 INNMINt HOMII DOKCHIlflff S«v« op to hO\ iii moit Minimum of no* down HOUSEsomaivuta JftiWiy nivmion DM I Ivd H«mh hmta* 1 HIV l« Itiglil*. IM W MutH M fMii|idiH»t *otl d#y [in ra»p|l modtt't fit! Luiuiy GARDEN APTS. (ifinton. N.I UMIfl it«tifiM «v«iltlt(* l« MtttnM '«» p*mMt« (Hi |g ml l\*al, wtih 908.725-2%*) $1 OfitMf|uiitl hi m, ((i¥«r, 'ting i ilovft 722-9177 Womtiunritr l(.li (AC hfpol YtHtf «i»« loll mtUKiad iv^ mo tar $150,000 Illl (O |»(Hil, 1#JHli« r«l Ht,'/1 fur Mtntni MANVIUI ?'1 mu t nurli A H4lln^t il2Mo,UMcUi4Mov^M) 10 gir fimostiltO, bimt DUNIUIN ?nd II 4 it QOVIRMMIMT FOHI n*M «I'litiif'U fit'Hif • tm« K hai'v AC, rafim Lilt 8 MM. $691, «r $707. CiOlfiP HOMft loi (1000 • tHili !l%9 n'4 Mat A H/W I'KllI No lini) g«t HIM* piniilii im 11 [i#tm FOR NBW TENANTS ONLY y l nil»nl til. H»|)n «, yr 1110 nrrVt Your *(»« Tnll (Offi eolonlil for mo ftlf 1«OOMlifl Pit ivmi !i#ni in 3 nn r\ IRANCHIUflQ baihi, all apfH Vm «ti| Mil Ifi Auftt MUM fm ruirynt iui •OM ya*«l 9 car HILIIUOHOUOH At 0{t»n I rulllng Pirn A (mdihii hou*if>d fintil p ll rt Soil toy* tlimi Out If OOVinNMINT unlit NOW AVAIIAIlf lOUfH CAROLINA ItOOO &tf 'no I OVAL «1i»fl U^lini »IM.(X»0 CiOIID HOMII tm modafilt h HOUSING t»«rwtf* tin $4 90143941 AI #f# AI rsr/wr MODUtAnT CUItOM y WCXHHK) l0l VA, Kill), ihtf yout gtoM Intnma i» HOMII Mill MtMfW HIALTY wtvtli bout Hip In Nn moanay down 1 panw 77,m M.000 All itftfHHOMIIA U ll MJ0 2 paiinn 79,000 40,000 it tint |t ( Tftll DI0OO 4S000 "i y Iwil Hi lid lo ttm Nrtflinl f«ir ytuir lui ii* ui l'«¥tfl ItM t (KK) W»0 touilnq Ait nl ip» wil(M, ifwtf, mm«t 11 M4000 34000 -M.0O0 li mftlmi it lHty»l In •WWIIWAttW r>«tl»Ht fltWKlf^ WUti uitaholtl may pmtntnn•• l-ort *l|n ftvttlfthlt f.dll MitUCttIN- ((•willy lf« a miKiwali in THI Ml IT HOUIII WAmlK TWP LtNi Mn. \np vlfw 4 ItMl, prl P«i, I in and imft t,r»m» 1, ? w 3 barroom Ynut MiU will I'TVI ( lion MlU»o HOUSE M html •nl Pnr Iniarvlaw Into rnloi, nligliiM, m mm* 0A WATiHtflOltf y lunihtil i 1lpn*1 origin, nt »M Nun lr««« Hnin* W' fATIO MOWf • Ni* HUNTING? II* Walk tn lion to mak# «fiy utrh (l|iH»IO» (ttmt, I' A p MANVIUI- i BH. i#p ! BARGAW l Avail YOU iflHl g«f«u» A Ml pifk) homt In amid USE FOHBES aril W/W carpat, gar, HUHTINQ? fm Il fit M HM ftlua m* Can pAV»tt riiWt tlwrflif •(( CLASSIFIEDSI mmmn lac > rti MW tN Thli rtiw«p«|i»t will no! t ? 0 (1 P 0 A • H II y 3M-937I *»' hl i rt M.wb. FIND IT f y vltt«, c«r with, NIIHAWC AHA lnu (or n«l «it»i« MUMMY MALI V ^W elotai, a«i»y toy#f, NOMII A IN FORBES potHf, nin#** It tfl vWtllnn n? I Activity f»t Nn in/pfi atta PM«I Ma INW C5w» niflii* irg CLASSIFIEDS! mnrt KH, taumtry (n ni ill [)IVn*U tt l l Ing* «r|v#t((«H in ____ •OUWD fir« M*it. hoi p v nI|[»lp«' •'• tvill»hi# Nut HtirhH 1110 • Mwwai rtf lata g«i. alfr inpl Mo patt Naw G«H MM Avail immart No llfMi O ptti t*rnf pntirrad Call o nl MOOK In homing r>n IIACH- SC Ol tut!, NtlHAMIC ITAtiOM^ 3 Mill, mtt «HH. 8 §«, « Oeialw ofitlo leu AtttfflM ft M wlHMNff B«, |(KK)/mo a)u eiwd birth, OA0, »kylilti, Muit Mti Ml.tOO Citi 109. , in tif hintl)««tt It I Mil i B m A Porb« N«Mf>ip«i Suppltmant RealEstate Augusts, 22,23,1986-7

ApAft manes

NO. KMftfttJlJD- 3rd fl Victorian, HMork tft- NMTM M trlct, 1 1ft, Hardwood 13tt k«. In naw Stora/OfftM (loon, Tow* Am, win- PralMadleal Bldg lit Convanlanca Slort, dow Mill. Charming. wor I offcai, lev., KH, Vicfao. Oanca Itudlo, noo.Avint/1 m-mi racop. A dttk trta. f Agcy, prof offlca Ampla pkf. la«it Part or Low rant. WJ- North all I2I-1N5 901-2314710 of 22, tffl 2IR, tmi ear- pal I pairri. WftD Hook- up, ur, No paii M7$ *

in \ht MICATAWAV- 2 Ifl, KH Btml in fir MNCaMNaraWHaa) 4,000/7,000 iq ft ot cm Offlct/Wirvliouto, 2 loading ctociii, on Rtf RAHfTAN- 1 B*. don, 200 S, Traffic iloht M- 2nd II. W/D. no p«li. cm CaMaat-tilUM. I72S t utftttat. Avail 1/ is MtoauiMHtaa (artaja NARITM- 1 W, tola* hook-up, Conwntant to OaaatiMMIIaa Iranip,, M2S ptua W HANITAN- auildrng. 6 2H1rt072»7lS rantili, tictl Incomt I luttnati Section * AWT AN- nar fully (urn apt ItOOO/HiO InclurJMuttti

- 6800 ovHca) wawia»a Cozy I bdr t« hit »f- SO ft of prim* fttall ftct lor tir\0« in 2 (am sii.if n in datirabltt down hqma, no ptll $625 H/ IM «7. town nr«a Municipal 0ISP0UIU WA«H$ HWincI prkg w/mar anl(«nC» in |)«i too Daalara NORTHLAND RIALTY, HWK fl* In Mm Invatt, $320 tOMMMUt sir)) flfjo mi ielum 572-1700 i BR $550 In quif I ••Ulna Shot! cardan compel term iMifti 90ft 218 t<)(K) llO to. lr*fa It. DUNILLIN Approi CHI MM2M12I r*00 iq It nlci office ipitt 7niJ fJwr, gnat locution, rrmil i«t C mo ttW 2063 PAftHlUt offlC*t/luH«i in H MULtY HliOHTI Olfict Ctr Pltait con Futn room avail In prt- Uet PhHip W Smith lit, vala homa Q«r, Phont, tttfoltll cibla. Poo), Hot tub, CAC. till Ine uliU * 1 NHXItOMOUOH mo IK Hf% i»jMI Prtma locatton ruriqtt C MOTtCf: AH MOMI8 NOTICI: AH WANTIO NOTtCl All MI5CH- Mold, room I htt, ava», TO SHAM •tfvffilta* TO HINT advtrtaa. quirt laffirw. raaa ratal, mama »a MVAiU IN mama art PAVAtU IN LANiOUl HINTAU TNINTOM. ITATI iaao*o rt nic* araatOwtMSM HOOM LOCATE - ol ADVANCE by oaati, ara ADVANCE by cain, llfing 4,112 W$F *llh ttuiy Intttcillon $/*JO •OMlffflUJ- Omlit thtci, VIIA or Maiiar chMk, VIM or Maatw •AYAiUWAOVANCl },$001 / on lh« fin) two 912 Ml 1«1 Of M man-torn rm, randeniial, by ottlt, that*, VIIA ftaoti (w l«t»t Irttil lor f, N/S, HVW*, we., Cud, for • qw»t on Card. For a ifuod on coat, p**iM call coat, pNMM etN or Maattr Card For a Iht lobbyltti lawyer. MKTUCHIN virlfty of proffiiloml with lm offtcat aviHiWt 1 fo ' MOO-SW-MM madMa »*•'• MOUM M roomi Oil Strttl pult laiufifui 4 cfii Call for Iny Conv*nl«nt to i IIfl home Hill '• mlormttion town and ititkm Oi lift tp< lor q 3 '4 bltni. VMortan Offka WIITMIIO f raKratf parion ml nilahbornood, MflMilM aOIMSMOO ftmtt* 10 Ihtit hftmt */ Horiaa. oar ot lion imoliir 14JO plui Hori in pool from IOa-iM4aM KM 311-MM Avail Stpl


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BACK TO SCHOOL 1996 A Supptomont to Fort* Nmnpaptn • Auguit 1696 • Union County Edition 2U Forbes Newspapers AuguM 21-22,1906 School bell can signal stress Westfield dance school to begin for over-worked working parents its fourth season on Sept. 4 Once upon a time, going bick to school the «wWnf mothen ml tingle fatten of the nation'l 11 million school-age children, The WestAtU School of Dance (WSOD) tend danct competitions and workshops, eoch fall conjured up delightful thoughti of and work with renowned choreographers, buying new clothes and school supplies, will begin ita fourth season of dance edu- meeting old friends and new teachers, Counselors report thai parents hive a ction BtpU t Has presented guest teachers such The lifestyles of the '90s have added an long list of concerns nn|tnf torn locating The school wu founded in 1991 by its as Savwn GJowr, Bob Rta, Crystal unwanted wrinkle to America's back-to- program! that coincide with paitnta' work owner and vtlitk director, Jenny Logus. Chapman, Douglas WaswU, and Robert ichool routine - strcssed-out parents in ictwdulti, to transportation, to ttotnsingo r Since 1991, WSOD, at 409 Boukvtrd, Nunez from the Broadway Dance Center search of quality child cafe, to finding programs for children older than age 10. WettfeW, hsi brought the art of dince to in NYC. The latest U.S. Census data show us that Fortunately, there is help out there. For a new high in the Union County area. • Holds adult and children acting, six in 10 families today have the sole parent instance, thanks to more than $10 million in Program! introduced have included: voice, and musical theater classes. or both parents working outside the home," grants over the past seven years from Day- according to Barbara Heisman of the Child • Adult ballet, tap, Jaxz, fitness and • Houses the Westfield Young Artists ton Hudson Corporiuon of Mlnnttfriia, ballroom classes. Cooperative Theater. Care Action Campaign (CCAC), a national Child Care Aware provides a nationwide ed- child-cave advocacy group. ucational program that includes a toll-free • Children's ballet, tap, jazz, modem, Fall registration for the Westfield "Child-care resource and referral counsel- information line for parents, By dialing (800) point* and acrobatic classes. School of Dance will be held noon-fl p.m. ors across America typically see a lot of 424-2246, callers can learn of resource and • The Westfield Dance Company, a Aug. 27, 28 and 29, For further in- stmsed-out parents at this time of the referral counselors at local non-profit agen- young people's dance company, gives formation on any of these programs, call year," says Dwisr Nelson at the National cies in their communities. Counseling fees dancers an opportunity to perform, at- 789-3011. Association of Child Cure Resourci1 and Re- are either free or charged on a family's abil- ferral Agencies (NACCRRA), "It's a rval ity to pay, program officials say. chore to pull together high-quality child The awareneas program also has devel- care for either the school-age child or the oped a flve-step plan for identifying quality preschooler." care and a checklist fur parents to use as Yogadance helps expand horizons In the fall, the headache is intensified for they shop for child care. Nicole Mode's career as a ballerina in ments she had to rclearn were similar to the Paris was cut short when a lace on heryoga postures she had done as a child. ballet slipper broke and she injured her From that, she developed a system knee. gadance, combining yoga and choreo- graphed ballet movements, reflecting her Who we are When, years later, the snme knee gave faith in the self-healing potential of the Sack to 8chooi Is published by Forbes Newspapers, a division of Forbw Inc. way, she suffered a pninftil and debilitating human body, mind and spirit. Forbes Newspapers hemiated disk. Her recuperation meant Nicole Mode teaches weekly yoga classes months of liydmtherupy, in which she slow 102 Walmrte Ave.t P.O. BOK 6?6 to 200 stndent» ranging in ugc from 16 Crantord, NJ 07016 ly and gently learned to move in a warm months to 93 years at Nicole's Institute, 94 (908) 27643000 a FAX: (908) 27M220 pool to soft music, During this M

•••#•• B&ii #•••••


BALLET' W • JAZZ' POME • BALLROOM ..Toward a Happier SENIOR LINE DANCING' PREDANCE FOR 3 YEAR OLDS & Healthier Lifestyle! COUNTRY WESTERN DANCING Whether your goal is lo shape up this summer or to just have fun, we have the perfect class for you lo enjoy in a personal friendly atmosphere! Aerobics • Step • Slide August 26,27 flf 28 Circut Training • Intcrlal Prcft Pos t Natal • Ballroom Non-Wed 4-7pm African Dance Sept 3,4 Tue ft Wed 4-7pm Workout FOR INFORMATION « TO REGISTER CALL: 276-3539

CUSSES BEGINNING SEPT. 5TI AuguM 21-22,1906 Yvette Dance Studio offers full range of training Debbie Couiy, (Undo? of theof step and bands, total body wok- Ywtte Dance Studio of Mbrming outs, body sculpting, relaxation, Arti and Ewrdse, announce! the aerobics, and more will be oflered opening of iU 43rd t»U MMOR of Most daises combine a cardioo* the font in dance and fitness vascular workout along with the The efforts of Mrs. Coury and use of weipits anoVor bands done her itaff have retailed in a school to popular musk;. Ttay will tko ba oflwini the hlghcrt quality of in- Introducing the exercise ball In atroctkm in the am Whether the body sculpting classes aoal is a professional career or the All instructors are qualified pro- ojewtopment of grace, ooonttna* fcsskmala dedicated to the art of tkm, fitness or dancing far fun, • dance and fitness, insuring tha total range of training is available. best in quality education. In the Personal attention and progress fitness department, all instructors are emphasized. are certified and CPR-trained Ttte large facility offers classes In addition, teachers from the in tap, Jazz, ballet, pointe, and studio attend national conventions modem for the pre-school through for the professional during the the adult. A pre-dance for 3-year- summer as well as take master olds will be offered as an introduc- classes from key teachers. tion to coordination, rhythm and Debbie Coury, former board of movement for dance. director for Dana1 Educators of daises in ballroom dance for America, recently was asked to the beginner and advanced begin- judge the National Dance Compe- ner will include the basics of fox tition this year in New York, trot, cha-cha, jitterbug, and samba. Master teachers from this con- In addition, country western danc- vention have been invited to teach ing will be offered in the evenings at the studio during the year and and for senior citizens. the upcoming season, She will also For the first time, classes will he be choreographing for the Mid- offered in African dancing m well dlesex County Parks Department as Yoga for those interested in for its Dunce in the Park program. more of a relaxation class. Tills year students have per- During October, u cluss will lie fonnwl in Plays in ttw Park, West- offered for the tecnaflor interested field Rummer Workshop, Dance In in learning daneo for the UHHIUT the Park, Montrluir State Theatre The studio has expanded its pro- Frst, find Papermill Playhouse gram to include the latest workout, Summer Workshop. Studanta from tha Yvatta Danoa Studio, Cranford, who raeantty parformad In Putton Danoa The Slide, Combined with aerobics Former students have appsand Thaatraa Spring Daneo Conoart ara, front row, Cortmw Uatortofi, Sandy Mammami, Carlaaa or step, the slide will provide a in Broadway, Us Vegas and Atlan- Mtytr; bach row, Allaaa Taara, Cara Matawian, Kata mchlto-Ztc*, Valarla Santiago, Rttotwi unique workout, tic City shows, as well as Danot Wllhtlma, Danlallo loan and Mary illan Wltaon, In addition, combination classes Industrial* and newspaper ads.

^—I • •• If you like to crawl through

tunnels op all fours.... i t Give your child the Advantage of Self Defense Closed circuit TV of all classes • Sludants Gain art dafanii* control dtaciplina*ialtHttfm • Students B# comt motivated • confidant • proud W»'v« |t>t |vM what yoo'ft lt»hlrt| Url • 8tud#ftUHiv«CUtl • Claasts for the tntim fimlly ilil^ fttr f|r«lj»lirt| •*» lirljt V"H ' |' (Mt» wdli yiilll i hlld * • Programs tailored to fit your nttda ftrrtU MM\ ititr ip

Still a Groat Value at only $6 per Child Per Wk v Ono of the) loot t Moat tuoooaaful Program* In All Now Joraoy Clothes Sat., Aug. 24 It Roglatratlon Day SlgnUp Computers Prom 10AM-2PM A Moot Our Cooohoa Furniture Stereos BACK TO SCHOOL SWIWJ VCR's Registration Fee is Only $15 lint ••«• A Ihaat cm \ COMPLETE PAIA Books OF MOUSSES and everything tiyr I'xiimitmtiims Clark Lanos \% Located at 140 Central Avo. In Clark Contort I mm • liyi<< limn else they need! JiiHt Off Exit 135 on G.S.P.W. Call UK at Robert E. Brunner 908-271-8631 (908) 381-4700 Prescription Optician* 4 Blvlalona tor Childrtn Agoa I thru 11 inn I iiru.'idSt PARCEL 232-8182 PLUS August 21-22,1986 Gymborees holding open house in both Westfield and Cranford Gymboree, the world wide leader in producing parent/child programs, invites parents and their children (three-months through 4 years-old) to a (UnflUed open house. An open house is an opportunity to learn how creative play and movement can enhance develop- ment and learning in the first five years of a child's life. It's a great Unto to meet the staff, explore more than 40 pieces of colorful tyke-sized equipment, sing songs and participate in a special parachute time. An open house will be held at Westflekl Thursday, Aug. 29; 6 p.m. for 314 months and 6:45 p m. for 1-4-year-olds. Crawford's open house will be Monday, Sept. 9; again 6 p.m. for 3-14 months, 6:45 p.m. for 1-4 years, For more information call 233-6669, Gymboree is celebrating its 20th anniversary. During the past 20 years Gymboree has continually updated and improved the program while retaining the original philosophy and heart of the concept. Gymboree of Westfield and Cranford are now taking registration for the fall classes.

A familiar tlgn nmlndi motorists school soon will bt in ••••Ion. Back to Class Dance Shoes • lights School days mean time for safety Leotards • Skirls • Leggings This short primer on bfick-to-sehool cially cfOMwalka Many are staffed with CAPEZIO • DANSKIN safety from the shell Motorist Club may law-enforcement officers or crossing PHYSICAL FASHIONS* BARYSHNIKOV iiu'iiti a lot to you and your family. guards Ui assist with student and motorist • Reduce speed. You'll be better able traffic, • Share the road with school buses, At tn respond to mhool-relatwi hazards, such promotion ;is children darting into the street from least 22 million srhool children ride the Mwivn parked cars Remembrr: Driving bus to and from school each day. To help 117 MtUJURN AVI., WUfUMI, NJ • ( H|MHMU are usually rrttrietud in school prevent accidents, be sure to stop for a 127 ST. 17, IMSON, M • WN) MM7* 1 WHIM during hours when children * truffle school bus when it is stopped to load or 120UNOXAVt.WtlTyiILD,tU' (Ml) WTW7 discharge passengers; and report illegal or I* greatest. LXUNDLDSHMLMHtHHOUHS • Olwervt sehool tow ilgiw, espe- dangerous school bus driving. In Oregon Don't season

111 lh* ftielnY NnrthwtM, we uutk pu Out (out In nin-DiMilili- Wtiiiiitinvl'iiika OMMid Up MM'vrt «hrti^lngwrftlhw, WH I «l" Our • Wfflthn lllriiliiirs;(/i|i iiulllnri Iliidliil p VIM tied llt'rt(iinfll«l« (fn^ll, vnitlni;iimtriHfin /((»|H«h(trttl ^wll wild mi MIX tiw f IttilftH- «*••*!«• Sl important to education, untnr forachoo i actMties and stay In refu- the US. Department of Education and tha lar touch with taachan. Read to your voy theat dayt, and laachan and principals ahouid reach out and mikt ptfwiti and U&Sicivlify of Education national Partnenhip for Family In- young children and share books with your volvement in Education are launching an older children limit TV ton o more than community members their partner! Educa- important initiative to cdnckfe with back-to- two noun on a school night And talk with tors can uae the phone, newiletteTS, home Now that kids urv going buck to school, school time. Us called "America Goes Back your youngster* about the values you want visits and E-mail to Imp parents informed It's a good time to ask: When* do you haw to School: Get Involved!" TJiis is the second them to have and about the dangers of and part of the education team They can to live to find good schools? year for this initiative and I wouJd like to druga, alcohol and tobacco, take advantage of community learning re Do you have to live in a wealthy suburb? invite you and every citizen to participate. • taajaym; Remember that quality edu- sources. 1>iey can meet with parents at the Do you huvr U> head for the b\£ cities? cation is critical toproducin g a quality beginning of the school year to agree on Anwrica (Joes Back to School: Get In- goals and responsibilities Most important. Should you go to a university t»wn? volved! asks parenta, grandparents, najgh workforce, Many businesses offer leave and' The answer is: Good schools can be found they can make parents feel welcome in the bora, educator*, students and all community or flat-time tothei r employees toallo w school and include them in decision anywhctv in America, You tun find them in members to work together to achieve these them tovoluntee r in schools and to give the inner city, in the suburbs, and in rural making. 1 gottta: Making schools safer, more disci parents the time to participate in their chil towns. That's what Money maga/iiM distiw- ptined and drug-free; putting computers dren's school activities lime "family Southern Illinois University President 1 Ted Sanders has summed it all up best "If ered whrn il went looking for Anuiiai's 100 into ciussrooms, improving reading; making friendly ' businesses have \*xn rewarded belt school dislrirtA. The results of the with higher worker productivity. Business schools are operating at maximum ef- aearch can \r found in tin- January 1!)% smre academic standards Are high; preparing ficiency, they are responsible for about 40 to young jieople for careers, and making col people can also provide work-study or> 50 percent of what a child learns The other iliuf of the nmKii/mi' and it's un artirlr th.it porlunities and internships and apprentice evtry parent, educator and nli/en who cures lege more ncivssibltv A frw kit is available 50 to 80 percent of learning comes from the about education should rrmi that offers lots of Kood ideas for achieving ships for students, and help define the family and the community" "Money isn't everything" tkvliirrd these goals in your community. Many of skills, knowledge and work habiU needed President Sunders is one of th« four en Mow The districts that made the list en these ideas have succeeded tn helping earn for success tn today's challenging worchairk s of American Goes Back to School Joyed widespread community sup|*>rt and a munilics like yours improve their schools. place Get Involved1 The others «rt Tipper Goie, hl|h degree of (wrrntul involvement, and Just coll the US. Di'iNiitmcnt of Education • Ctavmmlty mtmtera: If you're in a com- the wife of Vice President Al Gore, Joan many were m arras when1 the avenge «t (800) USA l«FARN and ask for the Ameri munity, cultural, religious, law enforcement Dykslra, the president of the national ITA. home cost less Uian the US median. en (toes Hack to School activities kit or othnr neighborhood group or orgaruu and Bo Jackson, the actor, businessman and TTie fact that good srhuols cun lie found Until it arrives in your mailbox, bore are a Uon, you can make a t>tg difference, too 1065 Hcisman Trophy winner forhi s gnat anywhere -- so long as imrvnts and rum few tips to get you started. Work with the schools to offer after school accomplishments in college football munltles nre willing to work for them is t Parents: You can make the biggest differ- and summer cnnchrr>cnt prttgrams and We're proud to have them. We're also good news for every iiti/en We all have a ence in your children's education, Reiearch homework centers Become tutors or men proud to have the many thousands of citi Itike in quality etluctitinn, even those of tin shows that when parrota are Involved in ton. Help with adult literacy eflbrta /enEstats wh> o haw already Joined us, And we'll who don't have children in schoiri .Strung helping their children Icani, gotxl things lish computer tatit in ncighborlutod centers be proud to have you, too, and everyone in ichoola butld siring ruminuiutirs and we till hapiHii Children get belter grades, behavr Crratf saft' d»rridors for children going toyour community. Join us and help build a want thut, better in eluss and Mtv more likely to go ti» school And encourage your local paper U) better Mure for our students, our families Because imtenta! und community in college. % heir's what pnrents can do: Vol report positive stories about young people, and for all of America, Clark Lanes Pick Up Service Clark Lanes Junior Leagues Sat at 9 or Noon • Beginning Sepi 7 w

Still a Great Value at only $6 per Child Prr Wk Out of th« Itit I Moil lueotMful Frof rami In AM Ntw Jtrt«y

**.-.!«- »*T^ • W '. -.. ••• . • . . • -...... -.-..•, ...... ,. „. .„ r, K. . i.- w,,rl

Lvi*f»/ifc^M ... :V.— - • • • . . . , -..f.-.. ,..'.. t ' • Clothes lat, Aug. 14 li Vt*f Istration Day tlgn * Computers Prom 10 AM-2WA i MM! Our Coaohtt • Furniture * Stereos Bmrosaiooisnniu • VCR's Registration Fee is Only $15 OfFA * Books IHftta at* BttvMM Ourlrt| Jufttor U«|ii«May OF EYEGLASSES and everything /,)r l\xamitmlhn\ Clark Lanes 1% Located at 140 Central Ave. In Clark AA Contort /,(W* • / »r f i7n.«« else they need! Just Off Exit 135 onG.S.P.W. * Call u% at Robert E. Brunner 908-271-8631 / (908)381-4700 Proscription Opticians 4 Dlvlalona for Children Ag«a | thru 11 mill Hni.ic!M • WK'iitiHil PARCEL, -4 I 232-8182 PLUS August 21-22,1988 Forbat Newspapers 5U Gymborees holding open house in both Westfield and Cranford Gymborce, the world wide leader in producing parent/child programs, invites parents and their children (three-months through 4-yvars^oid) to a ftin-fllled open house. An open house is an opportunity to Icam how creative play and movement can enhance develop- ment and teaming in the first five years of a child's life-. It's a great time to meet the staff, explore more than 40 pieces of colorful tyke-siiod equipment, sing songs and participate in a special parachute time An open house will be held at Westfteld Thursday, Aug. 29; 6 p.m. for 3-14 months and 6:45 p.m for 1-4-yoar olds. Cranford's open house will be Monday, Sept. 0; again 8 p.m. tor 314 months, 6:45 p.m. for 1-4 years. For more information call 233-6669. Gymborw is celebrating its 20th anniversary. During the past 20 years Gymbort*.* has continually updated and improved the program while retaining the original philosophy and heart of the concept Gymborw of Westfietd and Cranford air now taking registration for the fall classes.

A familiar tign reminds motorists school soon will bt in Miskm. Back To Class Danco Shoos • lights School days mean time for safety Lealarcfe • Skirls • Loggings Tins short primrr on bnck-to-whoo) crowwaUu. Many arc staffed with CAPEZIO • DANSKIN sali-ty fi

In llu» HiM popular p«fk»« dwlgn^il to Milnil Up . mil l! leu!ilie* ii zip Mill liner

•twH with «n M"I'H IVt*« HITIMKHI FLEMINGTON DIPARTMBNIPARTMINT STORSTORKI RT. 31, PLIMINOTON, NJ • 908-782-7662 ON UW 2 MILIINOITM OP 1HIPUMINOTON CIKU wow HOUPli Mwi-Thufi, 9am-inii., trTMrn^m lot, 9Bin-6pm;J>inJJ«m!»| I.! •* * * f

At Union County Vocational-Technical Schools, Fall session has day and evening openings SCOTCH PLAINS - There is skm Wednesday, Sept 4. the Divi- Horticulture, Masonry, Machine my popular offcringi will be it* In addrtion, i full •till room for more students in the sion of Continuing Education's Technology and Welding- Also in pealed and included in the wide range of vocational ounce ii more than 100 foil and part-time evening classes begin Monday, place are a Supermarkets Institute, variety of diversified counee avail- made available for trades persons Sept, 16 with the exception of able in the fall evening lewion, day and evening courses being of- a Child Care and Development or interested residents A flexible MarucurintVNails Technology and State-licensing courses available fend by the Union County Voca- Program, LJW Enforcement Tech- schedule it provided to accom- Cosmetology which opens Tues- are nurse aide for long-term health tional-Technical Schools as they day, Sept. 10. facilities for the elderly, and bar- modate individuals requiring late begin their operational year Many favorite classes Patrick Mauro, director of cur- bering for the NJ. cosmetologist/ arVnvxm or evening claeahouri. the (all semester gets underway In ffl sessions. rkuluminstruction-admlsslons, hairstyling license. Due to the en- Registrations for day session arc with the opening of the day ses- points out the day session provides nology and Twilight Culinary Arts. thusiastic response computer pro- being taken 9 a,m -4 pm. in the ikffli training In a wide variety of The latter la for adutta above high grams for beginnen and experi- Technical Building at the Scotch technical occupations He says the school who leek training in theenced users will again be sched- Plains Ctrnput, 1776 RariUft Road. Auto Technology Program with its food service area. uled along with another favorite, Jurtone Automotive Service Excellence Daytime classes are available to Auto Mechanics for Men and TWi is also the site of the phone all certification has been highly re- tuition participants as well u high Women. evening session registrations to to {Witty cudceived ai his the Building Trades school students who wish to attend Other courses include: Automo- take place 1:30-7:30 p.m Sept 44, duller. UCVTS on a ihared-time bub, tive Service ItaeUence Exam Honiwrtd ChW Cin tlQ and 9 ajn -noon and 1-3J0 FlwlW* Cirt Tim«t The Culinary Arts and Balling TTiis method affords young men Preparation, Computer-asiiited p.m. Friday, Sept 6. Imurid • Individual Antmion programs have vron numerous and women the opportunity of Drafting, Air Conditioning and Re- honors and garnered praise from learning a valuable trade in ad-toleration, Power Engineering For injbrmanon about tfwda y Untun County (MI)MMU4 many quarters throughout the dition to earing a secondary school (blue, black, red seals) and Ma- ea years. diploma. sonry. Popular offerings being re- sewion call £19-2999 and (fut HuMndimCminiy |W)7IMtll Among the many popular cours- According to Thomas E, High- peated are: Manicuring/Nails Tech- evening teuton call MMM2 or es are; Graphic Communications, smith, director of Adult Education, nology, Cake Decorating, and 29H.


100 Diversified Offerings Daytime Tuition Courses for Young and Old(er) Plus High School Students on a Shared-Time Basis Job Placement Assistance & Financial Aid

Evening Adult Education



DAY SESSION for full details EVENING including ADULT EDUCATION registration information (908) 889 2922 1776 RARITAN RD, SCOTCH PLAINS, NJ 07076-2997 Meryl to teach acting classes THE STAJt UNIVERSITY OF NEW JERSEY Cynthia Meryl Broadway performer and Director of the Weitftrid Younf Arista' Co- operative TVatre (WYACT) and this past summer's production* of "FioreUo!" and Crimes of the Heart," afain will teach be- RUTGERS ginners, intermediate, and advanced acting classes at the WwtfleM School of Dance, 402 Boulevard in Wettfiekt. Graduate School of Education These Acting daiset concentrate on im- provisation, character development, and GRADUATE COURSES IN EDUCATION scene study. Ms. Meryl also offers two Musi- en) Theatre classes, Beginnen and In- Ctntral Joraty Sltat, Fall 1996 termediate/Advanced, which focus on song selection and interpretation, ensemble work, voice, and movement. Private setskmi in Counts can bt counttd toward the rtqoJftmtnti for tht MJ acting anoVor voice are available, Ms. Meryl, SuptfvitoriC#ftKctte,thtNJErKlofMffl u professional actrets in the national theatre arena for over twenty-five yean, designs her and, dtptndlng on program ftquktmtnU, • varttty of Ed.M classes to prepare the performer for audi- andEd.O. programa,QaaaHbagintha^^ tions and the professional stage. Ms Meryl, an original cast member in 12/2J/W. RtQittrattoo by mall on a tpaoa avtMaWa ba»i» untt Tommy Tune's Tony Award-winning musi- 9/3/16; aptcial phont ptrmlaalon riquirtd after 8/21/96. (906- cal "Nine" with Raul Julia, has played Ebu CYNTHUMMVL in "My Fur Udy" opposite Noel Harrison at 932-7496, X205) the Pittsburgh Civic light Opera, Nellie in presented by WYACT and smyurtrt by the "South Pacific' oppoaite the opera start Wettfleld "T torth e past two holiday aaa- Giorgio Toni for the Kenley Circuit and aons. In it the played Mrs Cntchit and Mi Chester tudgin for the Cincinnati Grand various other roles, and convinced profes- Opera, Hortense in "The day Divorce" at sional New York actors and local acton to Mtntif RiUkfdlllOA A OWW donate their talents to complete the rett of M 6:30-9:10pm Otrfw* the? Equity Ubrary Ttestrc in New York T6:30-9:10pffl and again at the Qoodipeed Opera House in the cast. Ms. Meryl directed and produced Psychology of ths Exoapllonal Child Connecticut, Charlotte in "Beyond Therapy" WYACTs summer presentations of "Cam- opposite Pat Piulwn, in the review "Side by elot/' "Stage Door/' "Carnival" and "A Mid- DliabtMItt Th 6:30-9:10pm Side by Sondhetrn" with Artene Francis, summer Nights Dream," and would like to Curriculum Dev. In the Hermiono Gingokl, Harm Conned and sec the young performer not Just aware of Secondary School T 6:004:40pm FWhmann Drxlic Goodman, and the list gors on. current Broadway fare and talent, but also Qualitative Methods: Design & Analysis M 5167:56pm Penned Ai a fond raiser for WYACT, MB. Meryl •ware of pttit theatrical works, and dedl adapted Dickens "A Chmtmtia Caml" into a catM artlit* who*e discipline and terh* At South Brunswick, Crossroads School stage production, which has \mn\ nirjut's greatly influpnewl the ttipatre today Introduction to Counseling Psychology W 450 7:30pm Robblns Group Psychology: Theory & Practice 1 Th4 507 30pm Mattrich Personality Assessment iitrument ror me scnoo (Doctoral Students only) W 4 50-7 30pm N«tMl It's Not Too Late! Multicultural Literature W 4 507:30pm K!og-9havtr •')(. I '!'» Arts 4 Cognition for the Child with SpeclalNeede 5O-7:3Opm Hlnch Principles of Staff Training A Development 7 40-10 20pm Woolll At Now •rvftewfefc, Woodrow Miaou School AilhoriNd VAMAMA Mathematics Curriculum Study M3:30-6:10pm Dann Deiletfof StWH At CoNe Nook, AtfmHHalratfofi liflMIng Introduction to Mathematics Education T 4 30-7:10pm Alston/ Mfrtnf nfww Stkm t* Martlno Him At Mnceton, John Mfftherepoon Middle tehool Musical Discount Center Using Lego-logo Robotics In Teaching Mathematics 3SO North Ave. • Girwood Seminar m Elementary School „*«,.* .,, , I Mathematics Education W 4:30-7:10pm Alston/ Adamopoulos ill Wast Mffmf aor, Mfeet Wlndsor-P/a/nsboro High lohool / vi f Curriculum « Instruction W 4:30-7 10pm Hayden REDEEMER Introduction to Counseling Psychology Th 4 30- 7:10pm ronNrton-CM At Morrletoivit, Morrtetown High Schoof Curriculum Dev in the LUTHERAN Secondary School Th6 00 840pm Weiss DAY SCHOOL Learning Disabilities T 6:00 8 40pm I Irycah At lAtOfttoivn. MAICOM lulliNng Multicultural Issues In Counseling Th 6 20 9:00pm Sherman Quality Education For Th© Christian Community Learning DlaabHItlss W 4 30 / tOpm Fitch

High Academic Standards* Concerned Certified Teachers **UnfJ6fyrftdimt^ number lor Endowment In Special Education ONLY, clow not carry • Nursery • Kindergarten • Elementary (Grades 1-6) graduate credit Settlon Hmitad to pOuftte <»tiKimiu • Extended Care 7:30am - 8:00pm tor further Intormailon, a listing of counts at oltim silos and my miration matirlall, contact the O!tlc# ot Continuing Education at the Graduate School ol Education, W8* 229 Cowperthwaite Place, Westlleld 932MW, X2O5,206 or Ht 908-93? -1W0. flEOHBTEfl EAftLY! (908) 232-1592 first recslved, tlrst registsrsd belli. AuguH21-22,1996 ealthy eyes are important educational tool Parents want the best for their children, "What's most alarming to many parents is many children toe fihen th«y cannot wad Soltis says, the process won't be as threat- and good school performance is no excep- that their child may not know he or she has the book that's in front of them/' Dr, Hop- ening, adding that if a child needs eyewear, tion. This fail, millions of children will go a vision problem," says Richard L Hopping, pin| says. "A number of children withdraw it is important for parents to be supportive. back to school equipped with new pens, O.D., BVI national spokesperson, "Children from school, leimlnf and extracurricular ac- "We find that kids generally react more , notebooks and erasers. But many children don't have a frame of reference for good tivities because of their frustration." positively toward eyewear when their par- lack the tool that can help them perform at vision. They think their blurry vision is nor- Hie, BVI suggests parent! be aware of ents and eyecare professionals focus atten- their optimal level; a professional eye exam. mal and assume they're seeing the same some common tigns that may indicate vi- tion on the hip styles and cool colors, and 1 According to the latest Better Vision Insti- images as their classmates. It is important sion problems, such as: the enhanced performance that will be pos- sible in school and extra-curricular ac- tute (BVI) statistics, one in four children has that we send the whole child to school - • squinting, rubbing eyes or closing one eye; tivities." a vision problem that could lead to learning and that includes a fully functioning visual "Children always want to feel that their and behavioral difficulties. While most par- • turning or tilting the head to one side; system." • headaches, nausea, dizziness ancVor ex- opinion counts," Ms. Soltis says. "They will ents recognize the value of good vision for Parents can help their children by in- cessive clumsiness; be happier with their new eyeglasses if it is their child to do well and excel, many rely cluding a professional eye exam on their • placing the head close to a book while a pair that they themselves select with guid- on school-administered vision screenings back-to-school tn-do list. reading or continually losing place while ance from a trained professional. Working which may detect as little as 20 percent to "If we con catch vision problems early, reading; together, eyewear can be customized to fit 30 percent of vision problems. perhaps we can spare the frustrations that • short attention span or dislike tmVor their prescription, face shape and personal- uvoidance of uprose work; ity." REGISTER NOW FOR • daydreaming. She also recommends that parents and A first eye exam may occasionally fright- eyecare professionals discuss special Ions CINDY SMITH DANCE STUDIO en a young child, but parents can offer rcas frame materials, such as specifically poly- BALLET • TAP • JAZZ • MUSICAL THEATRE DANCE surnncc by having their own eyes examined carbonate lenses, the most impact resistant first. Keeping a child company (hiring the lenses on the market for active children. ALL AGES - CHILDREN exam is also helpful, ffte BVI sponsors a public educational TEENS • TOTS • ADULTS "It is important to make rye examinations program called the ABC's of Eyecore (An- u positive experience for children," says nual Bock UvSchool ChcckupH) that helps Rene Soltis, an optician from Bethlehem, parents and teachers understand the signs REGISTER FV, who is a BVI Advisory Council member, of vision problems ami the im|>oi1uncc of "The initial exam sets the tone for how a regular eye examinations for diiklirn, SEPT. 4,5, & 6--6-8pm child will feel atxmt maintaining good vision The Better Vision Institute is a nonprofit |ATQ»RWOOD STUDIO) and wearing eyowear for the rest of their organization dedicated to educating the lives. The exam should be discussed natu- public about eye health issues. For more 98 NORTH AVE. • GARWOOD rally, so the child doesn't jierceive il as u information or to order a free ABC's of Eye- 908-789-9123 (Tightening experience. Questions about the care brochure for parents or educators, write exam, and use and care of ryewcar, should to The Better Vision Institute, P.O. Box 1245 ORANGE AVE-CRANFORD also be encouraged" 77007, Washington, D.C. 20013, or call (800) 908-276-5053 Once the child known what to expect, Mi, 4249422 PRINCETON BALLET SCHOOL The official school of American Repertory Ballet

Cvnthi «A M Ma Mervl ^^ Broadwaa^V .^ 4A> ila m tfK y Stage and Studios in Television Actress Princeton . 101 N. Harrison Street Director, Westfleld Young Artists' Cranbury^lAN.MainStrtTt New Brunswick • HO Albany Street Cooperative Theatres and this Past Summer's Productions of Call Now tor I all 19% Including class scluululi-s HOKUM) A (WINES 01TIIK 111 ART 609-921-7758 offers professional classes In the performing arts Acting lor Beginners, YlUtf • Illli! Ill -! tit Intermediate & Advanced mllit'iiyjit ilih-t Musical Theatre lor Beginners, NURSERY SCHOOL 'intermediate & Advanced Tompl» linlh f.l, Cronford Private Sessions available At thff NiiiMtiy Jii.lit »i)|, your ilulti will find wmtnth mid iiomlutt, nvmi m hn m nlm to explnrn Ihn world Out (unqmrnottctmrnqwR Ifilpllmitinl t\w\ Mtuotiunnl qtnwtli in Voice & Drama IfiAch^n phytn nl nnil 'Hii.lnl ^Itln, mid pmimiti^ Jnwlili IHOJW { Opon House Thurs. Sept 5,9:30 am 11 ;30 I'all Kctflstrailoii: Am'.usi ::i, ,'.H. ami 7 ), \2\m 8pm s4t Cflll 276-5437 or 448-2B54 at ihcWrsil'iiiil Sthnol olDatur 402 Hoiilev.ml, Wosillekl J !i mornings »? nfiiutmim* |wr Wtlh Rxtpndnrl hniirq fl ',) For Information Call, 1STAFF CERTIFIED Ellen LmM, Mmctor STATE LICENSED :908) 233-3221 Augu* 21-22,1

Get in step EASTERN GYMNASTICS Robyn Dance Studio ACADEMY set to open fall season Joan Robyn Dtnce Studio announced teachers in the New York area. the opening of its fall season. Tfcachen on lUff this year include: The studio located it 250 South Aw. in Julie Gale, professional ballet dancer for- Fanwood will offer dance training for the All Ofyftpk tVMti iftchMHig: TranpoUMs, Tmbk Track, Ovufcni pro-school through the adult. merly with the Westminster Ballet Com- sport* MH awl the ALL NEW PRESCHOOL AIR BOUNCE*! In addition a new expanded program pany, Leslie Schafcr, teaching exercise will included a selection of fitness and and dance, Karen Rosen, step and ex- AM tnfeuietuil Qmtykd Stiff with Certffledtoiis Im exercise classes. ercise instructor, Donna Acker and Irene American Red Cross First Aid Debbie Coury, director of the studio, is American Red Cross CPR Ulcsky who will be working with the pre- as a professional dancer who has performed U.S.GF. Gymnastic Safety Certified on Broadway, in industrial shows, and school through 7 year-olds, Joan Robyn, P.D.P I & 2 Gymnastic Certified television and newspaper print ads. who has danced in variety shows, USO, Mrs. Coury has been a former board of night clubs and Dorecn Mondi continu- director for one of the largest national ing to provide the latest jazz work. dance organizations, Dance Educators of America, as well as a master teacher for Past students have gone on to profes- sional careers Including summer stock mm 4 QMI cuues 1h


offering a flexible, accessible and The lueccn of (lie USA Olympic Uymnmtk Team affordable degree program deigned to In AllnntB linn wared our rnrollnifnl, meet the need* of working professionals. Eflitcrn li linppy to n\mu\ our nrhrdulf of pilmr*timr nftertchool aUmn, with out lurgfr fnrility mid nddltlonnl Take classes on Friday evenings mid Sniurdnys iirwfttnfTmrmhrrt, Complete a degree in lour years with summers off

Earn credit lor life experience CUSSES BEGIN SEPT. 6thl! RegiMcr Hi Oprii llnunr mill lukc $5.00 Off yum KeniMrnllnti Fee. (Ifftr l WW* 70 Jackson Drive Crunford, ISJ 07016 (WH) 272-25(i0

TO LJARN MORI CALL (201) 784-M00IXT Mt O 10U Forbes Newspapers •eok te teheel i August 21-22,1986 UCC begins y 0 new prog Union County Colleges 63rd academic New ceitifltite programs also will be im- tions program ii sifted at those who wish to ence center while taking classes at UCC. yctr will begin Sept. 4 Highlight! of th« plemented in Multimedia Development; transfer to i four-year college, providing a They also will benefit from internships at new year will be 10 new academic programs, Gerontology Activities; lntetpcwtin* Spoken brotd-btstd background for upper kvtl local rettsuranti, D«ect transfer into FDU's 16 new courses, a mujor modernization Ungusf* MarkMing, Advertising and De- study, (bur-year program is possible without risk of prqjeet of tho Science Building at the Cran sign, and End User Computing. The Desktop Publishing, Multimedia, credit loss. ford campus, and a new 00 car parking lot TV new courses being offered for the R*fy and Television Options meet the Ite new multimedia development certifi- at the Plainflt'ld campus Ant time during the Fall Semntor ate learning needs of students who are oriented cate program will offer instruction in such The college anticipates an enrollment of Communications Technologies, Masi Com- towards the hands-on aspect of communica- popular software as Microsoft PowerPoint, about 9.000 full-time and part-time students municationi Ethics, MuHknedis Develop- tions, with prepirstion for transfer, while Adobe PhotoShop, Macromedia Director, at its campuses in Crunford, Elizabeth, ment I: Presentation Management, Multi* Film, Print Journalism, and Public Rela- Adobe Premiere, Asymetrix Tool Book, and Plsinflfld and Scotch Plains media Development II; Multimedia Autho- tions options will provide a more traditional Fractal Design Painter, all popular multime- The Science Building at the Cranfonl rizing, Digital Video Editing and Multimedia focus on baccalaureate program preparation campus will feature renovated facilities. An Imaging, Interpreting Spoken Unguage I, and transfer dia software. entire retrofit of the healinitfvenUIution/air Career Orientation and Professional Devel- rHw new gerontology program, leading to T^e new end-user certificate program en conditioning system has hvu done for opment in Hospitality, Seminar in Biology, an associate in arts degree for smooth trans- abies students to work with the relational classroom urn I laboratory s\wv on both of Introduction to Structures I, and Elemen- fer to a four-year institution, and the geron- database access, so they can give computer- the building's two floors nmt the North and tary Typewriting, tology activities certificate program, help ized meeting presentation, and be able to South lit'tiin' Hulls on the first floor The New courses to correspond with English prepare students for national certification as deal with spreadsheets necessary to create second floor has new lighting, finishes, fix- AS a Second Language (ESU classes being an activities professional, as well as for a such presentations and gain background in tures plumbing systems, cabinets, utul labo offered for the first time this fall are Intro- wide variety of jobs at hospitals, senior network administration and desktop pub- ratory table* duction to Contemporary Business for housing and assisted living locations. It also lishing. Incorporated into the program urt: Other major projects on [hv ('runfnnl Speakers of Other Unguage*. Cicneral Psy- provides training for persons of other disci- two courses - Data Management and Data 1 campu« inciudi W\v installation nf newchology for Shakers of Other languages, plines who wish to learn more about the Communications and Networks lighting in three parking lots, of n tin' nlarm Advanced Reading in Business for Non-aging process. The only one of Its kind in New Jersey, und signalling system CUIUHVUHI ilinvtly Ui native Speakers of English, and Advanced The marketing und chemistry degree pro- the new Interpreting Spoken Unguagcs Crnnfbrtl Pnli nvatr audio ment program will provide theoretical and and the tftudy of film and publication (Hitt- TWism Mnnageincnt. Marketing, and emn|Ktet discs, CD-ROMs, or rontpnt for the hands-on pxperirmv as students learn at ing. Emphasis is on hands-nn experience Chwnlutry World Wide Web. 'Hie funeral communica- Puirlelgh Dickinson's own corporate confer- For more information, coll 709-7500, Helen K. Baldwin Nursery School Founded 1956 Continuing a tradition ot providing love, nurture and sound educational programs lor young children. We Hivt Owning* For Pr*>KI First Presbyterian Church Springfield • fi Union Avenues Crantord A Window on EWorld 2761168 ANNOUNCING THE 6UND Karrn Dfrrnody, Dirtclor RE-0KNIN0 Of OUR CHILDREN'S THEATRE SECTION EXPERIENCE FEATURING THE LATEST VIDEOS * Now YOGft 22 Clawieii ench week lor all levels • Aladdin & Th« King off Thl*v«» Nicole Leflrnnn ongoing pnnicss to • It Takfts Two • Wishbone 8arl*a rcvilflli/c ynur My • Tlmtny Th* Tooth • • Tht Miiglc School Bus • RlcharcfScarry Series Join ui tor a FR££ tecfura about Yo$* Sc/tftc» • Dr. Seusft* • Sfssme Street • Iliun. Sept. 3 from 2-4pm T*i,u hint} (Gxpundml ?»*-lorn«' »t Sat, Sept. 1 from 14pm Mon.Scpl.'Ifroni'l-ipin IMIWIIT CHILDMNI ICKI FLICK! , Nicole's Yoga Center, Inc. ALL! ^ 94 North Avt. Cinrwood • (<>()H *ilhWiat#*i^iiitm>iii>^nt \jfmnm'»^^*#—T^-Mfl I'I 'jl' rTi:--'jJiijiMitiMiiiiiiifi)-i i|K i iiil r--"-'---hi-ii iMiairtiiii II II i •>-••* . •: s-v AuguH 21-22,1 College survival tips There's help for first-time dorm dwellers Most coUtp bound high school graduates Other Hems on her suggested 1st include Ms Smith says. Rutgers* Division of Housing and Con- huvc enrolled in the college* of their choice a pair of thongs fcr the show, a bathrobe She recommends that students shop for ference Services provides each incoming and many will spend the summer shopping and a shower c*ty fcr earning toiletries to Items such as toiletries and laundry sup- student with a copy of "Residents' Ouide to and packing for life may from home. the bathroom. plies before arriving on campus. Students Student Services" upon arrival on campus. life in « residence haU ii quite different "Do not purchase items such as rugs, re- can watch fcr specials in home town su- The brochure provides additional in- fmm the comforts of home, but careful frigerators and micrmwvea befcrt coming permarkets during the summer and pur- formation for students who reside on cam* planning can make trie experience a pleas- on campus," Ms. Smith cautions. chase these items on sale. It makes good pus u well as a list of items that are not ant and memorable one, says Dawn Smith, Many rooms are carpeted, she says, and sense to purchase large lises to last until allewwd in dormitories. assistant director of housing at Bulgers' students often can rent appliances from the next time the student returns home, Ms. For more information, call Ms. Smith at New Brunswick campus. vendors on campus when they arrive, TJiis Smith says. 932-1010. 'Incoming students and their parents saves students the trouble of paying for should create a shopping list to avoid pur- storage when they vacate the dorms during >r unnecessary items," Ms, Smith semester breaks. Will Kill* VOl \ It is important that students consider Ms Smith recommends that students the amount of space available and bring contact their roommates once the assign- ON \<>IK IOIS! ' wild thi-m nnly those items they will use." ments (ire made in August and coordinate Children • Teens • Adults She oilers several helpful tips for newly efforts to prevent duplication, especially of > Bullet • Pointe • Jazz i nniilril mllegc student who will be living large items. m n-HiiiciKt* hulls. "One roommate can bring a television -Dunce for SHM cxtru long shifts \yhi*n ymi shop and the other provide a stereo, ruther than Registration Aug. 1 lur IKXI linen, ' she recommends. having two of each." she says, Won.- Wed.4 Most (tillage campuses provide extra long likewise one person could provide on twin lutta ami it is difficult U> cover them iron, while the other provides the ironing Information Call: 322-4906 wilh uvular sheets, she says. bourd, Ms. Smith suggests. Dm ol the first items student* should Roommate* should also discus* issue* I J()VN I)\\( I'liichasf is tin alarm chick, nuiybr one with such us the telephone - who will provide § ' iisul III \\l \l I •! WWliul) •• Nidin A miding lump in film> a nwroslty," one, who pays for telephone connection and Ms Smith snys in whom* name the service will be installed, BACK TO SCHOOL SPECIAL Men, Women and Children Can Take Advantage of Our Back To School Special!

• Cranforcl Chronicle • Westfielcl Record 2 For I • Scotch Plains • Fanwood Press Intro. J Only Send A lorbcs Newspaper To College $39.95 with Uniform Order Your Local Paper Today And Keep Up With J wllli lhl< Ail N«w rfurknli mil y Your Home Town News While You're Away J CWIIHM I* ttmibinad wnh my

Inliniiily IIIVUIF <)'il til I • Cnmlbrd Chronicle $18.75 $21.00 $22.51) J • Wwtlield Record $7.50 $ir).(K) $15.00 | • Scotch Plains l-anwxxl Press $12.75 $15.00 $18.00 I CHUN'S BUCK MM'

to onln1 ( nil: I'orhrs Vuspji|HTs, ( imiliition \k\)\. 505 Vcmll KOIKI. Sintrli I'lains, NJ 0707ft 1-800-300-9321 (908) 322 - 7644 . I :•, Baldwin Nursery School celebrating 40th year Helen K. Baldwin Nursery School is celebrating ita 40th y«ar as part of the Christian education program of the First Presbyterian Church of Oranford. Nursery school provides the transition for young children from the security of home life to the larger world into which they will grow. The teachers at Helen K. Baldwin Nursery School arc dedicated to providing the right worm loving atmosphere in which children will grow and develop as unique and capable Individuals. The school's purpose is to offer valuable educational and social experiences in large, well-oquippfd classrooms. The school is folly licensed and accredited by the Na- tional Academy of Early Childhood Programs. Children will be grouped with others of their own age and maturity. The school has openings for Pre-K this fall. For Information, pteate call 27*1166 OF NNCE WwHr^Wl

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