Research in Geophysics 2014; volume 4:5441

The , Ionian tion. The rupture was directed upwards which along with the shallow focus (~5 km) and the Correspondence: Gerassimos A. Papadopoulos, Sea (), sequence of simple source time function may explain the Lofos Nymfon, Thission, PC 11810, Athens, strong earthquakes significantly larger (0.77 g) PGA recorded with Greece. of January-February 2014: the second earthquake with respect to the one E-mail: [email protected] recorded (0.56 g) with the first earthquake. a first report Key words: Ionian Sea, Cephalonia Transform Most of the slip was concentrated on a 12x6 km Fault Zone, 2014 earthquakes, relocation, focal fault rupture. Maximum seismic intensity (I ) Gerassimos A. Papadopoulos,1 m mechanisms, strike-slip faulting, rupture histo- of level VII and VIII to VIII+ was felt in ries, macroseismic intensity, ground failures. Vassilios K. Karastathis,1 town and the nearby villages from the first and Ioannis Koukouvelas,2 Maria Sachpazi,1 the second earthquake, respectively. The rup- Acknowledgements: this paper is a contribution 1 Ioannis Baskoutas, ture histories and the increased building vul- to the EU FP7-PEOPLE-2013-ITN Project ZIP 1 (Zooming In between Plates: deciphering the Gerassimos Chouliaras, nerability after the damage caused by the first Apostolos Agalos,1 Eleni Daskalaki,1 nature of the plate interface in subduction shock may account for the larger Im caused by zones), contract no. 604713, and to the internal 1 1 George Minadakis, Alexandra Moshou, the second shock. However, the ground fail- research project EARTHWARN of the Institute of Aggelos Mouzakiotis,1 ures area of the second earthquake was nearly Geodynamics, National Observatory of Athens, Katerina Orfanogiannaki,1 half of that of the first earthquake, which is Greece. We thank the two reviewers for their con- Antonia Papageorgiou,1 consistent with the faster attenuation of structive comments on the initial manuscript. Dimitrios Spanos,2 Ioanna Triantafyllou1 ground acceleration away from the meizoseis- Received for publication: 16 April 2014. 1Institute of Geodynamics, National mal area caused by the second earthquake Revision received: 13 May 2014. Accepted for publication: 14 May 2014. Observatory of Athens; 2Department of with respect to the first one. From that the Geology, University of Patras, Greece 2014 earthquakes ruptured on land western This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Cephalonia we suggested to revise the CTFZ Attribution NonCommercial 3.0 License (CC BY- geometry in the sense that the Lefkada CTFZ NC 3.0). segment does not terminates offshore NW only©Copyright G.A. Papadopoulos et al., 2014 Abstract Cephalonia but extends towards SSW in west- Licensee PAGEPress, Italy ern Cephalonia. Research in Geophysics 2014; 4:5441 doi:10.4081/rg.2014.5441 On 26.1.2014 and 3.2.2014 two strong earth- quakes of Mw6.0 and Mw5.9 ruptured the west- use ern Cephalonia Isl., Ionian Sea (Greece), at Introduction the SSW-wards continuation of the Lefkada The Cephalonia 2014 seismic sequence is of segment of the Cephalonia Transform Fault particular interest given the very high seismic- During January and February 2014 a Zone (CTFZ), causing considerable damage ity of the area recorded in historical times as sequence of strong earthquakes ruptured the and a variety of ground failures. High-preci- well as during the instrumental era of seismol- western Cephalonia Isl., Ionian Sea, Greece sion relocation of the aftershocks implies that ogy (Table 2). In modern times, the most (Figures 1 and 2), causing social unrest, the seismogenic layer was of 35 km in length prominent earthquake activity was the one remarkable damage, and several types of (L) striking NNE-SSW, of 10 km maximum in that ruptured eastern Cephalonia with three ground failures. According to preliminary width and 15 km in thickness. Two aftershock sequential large earthquakes occurring on 9, determinations of the Institute of spatial clusters were revealed at north (L1~10 11 and 12 August 1953 with surface-wave mag- km) and at south (L ~25 km). However, no Geodynamics, National Observatory of Athens 2 (NOAGI), the first strong earthquake of nitudes of 6.4, 6.8 and 7.2, respectively. The time correlation was found between the two M 5.8/M 6.0 occurred on 26 January 2014 at islands of Cephalonia, Ithaki and Zakynthos clusters and the two strong earthquakes. L W (Zante) were isolated while the death toll 13:55:42 GMT; M is local magnitude, M is Fitting the temporal evolution of aftershocks to L w reached about 480. On 17 January 1983 a large the Omori-law showed slow aftershock decay. moment magnitude. A second strong earth- (Mw7.0) earthquake ruptured offshore western Fault plane solutions produced by moment ten- quake of ML5.1/Mw5.3 was recorded a few hours Cephalonia causing no significant damage.1 Of sor inversions indicated that the Non-commercialstrong earth- later (18:45:08), while a third strong earth- relevance to this study is also the strong quakes as well as a plenty of aftershocks quake of M 5.8/M 5.9 was recorded on 3 L w (M 6.2) earthquake of 14 August 2003 which (M ≥4.0) were associated with dextral strike- February (3:08:44). Focal parameters of these w w ruptured offshore west Lefkada Isl. situated to slip faulting with some thrust component and earthquakes are listed in Table 1. Of interest is the north of Cephalonia2 (Figure 1). preferred fault planes striking about NNE-SSW. that since 22.1.2014 the first strong earth- The seismicity occurring offshore Lefkada Average fault plane parameters obtained for quake of 26.1.2014 was preceded by a number and Cephalonia islands, Ionian Sea, has been the three largest events are: strike 21(±2)0, dip of about 15 small events occurring in NW considered as being seismotectonically con- 65.5(±3)0, slip 173(±3)0. Broadband P-wave Cephalonia. One may not rule out that this teleseismic records were inverted for under- activity was a short foreshock sequence which, nected with the Cephalonia Transform Fault standing the rupture histories. It was found however, was not evaluated as such before- Zone (CTFZ), a major dextral strike-slip struc- that the earthquake of 26.1.2014 had a complex hand due to the small number of events ture comprising the NNE-SSW trending source time function with c. 62 cm maximum involved. From the onset of the earthquake Lefkada segment at north and the NE-SW slip, source duration of ~12 s and downwards sequence up to writing this paper the after- trending Cephalonia segment at south (Figure rupture. Most of the slip was concentrated on a shock activity was continual. For reasons of 1).1,3-5 There is evidence that the seismicity of 13x9 km fault rupture. The earthquake of brevity, in the remaining of the paper the three the Ionian segment of the Hellenic Arc, includ- 3.2.2014 had a relatively simple source time strong earthquakes mentioned above are ing Cephalonia Isl., does not fit the character- function related with one big patch of slip with referred to as the first, second and third strong istic earthquake model, as the rest segments of maximum slip c. 45 cm, with 10 s source dura- earthquake events, respectively. the Hellenic Arc do.6 Possibly this is due to that

[Research in Geophysics 2014; 4:5441] [page 19] EarthFast

Table 1. Focal parameters of the three strong earthquakes of the January-February 2014 Cephalonia seismic sequence.

Date Hour, minutes, seconds Lat (°) Long (°) Mw ML h (km) Solution 26.01.14 38.2190 20.5322 6.0 5.8 16.4 NOAGI 38.2102 20.4614 16.5 RL 26.01.14 38.2282 20.4138 5.3 5.1 16.5 NOAGI 38.2514 20.4555 12.5 RL 03.02.14 38.2462 20.3958 5.9 5.7 11.3 NOAGI 38.2734 20.4310 4.62 RL Lat, geographical latitude; Long, geographical longitude; NOAGI, preliminary determinations (; http://bbnet.gein.; RL, relocated epicenters in this study.

the interaction between CTFZ and western Table 2. List of some important historical earthquake events that occurred in Cephalonia Hellenic subduction complicates the seismo- Isl. Parameters taken from Papazachos and Papazachou.3 tectonics and controls the seismic coupling of Year Month Day Long Lat Im M the area.7,8 Therefore, the study of the 2014 earthquakes is expected to help substantially 1469 Spring - 38.30 20.50 9-10 7.2 in understanding better the seismotectonics 1636 09 30 38.10 20.30 9 7.2 and geodynamics of the Ionian segment of the 1638 07 16 38.20 20.40 8 6.4 Hellenic Arc. 1767 07 11 38.20 20.30 10 7.2 1867 02 04 38.20 20.40 10 7.2 1912 01 24 38.10 20.80 10 6.8 Seismicity properties 1953 08 09 38.50only 20.70 8 (Ithaki) 6.4 1953 08 11 38.10 20.60 9 6.8 The seismicity properties of a seismic 1953 08 12 38.30 20.80 10 7.2 sequence, that is the distribution in the space, Long, geographical longitude; Lat, geographical latitude; Im, maximum intensity; M, magnitude. time and magnitude domains, may provide use useful information for understanding the process of earthquake generation and to com- pare with other seismic sequences. In this study we used an earthquake catalogue which covers one-month period that is from the first strong earthquake occurrence up to 25.2.2014 inclusive. Preliminary focal parameters of the Cephalonia seismic sequence were manually determined by NOAGI on the basis of P and S arrival data collected from the HUSN (Hellenic Unified Seismological Network; http://www. as well as from portable stations installed in Cephalonia 2-3 days after the first strong earthquake (Figure 2). However, due to the large number of after- shock events the preliminary earthquakeNon-commercial cata- logue was initially incomplete since only rela- tively larger events of magnitude >3 were ana- lyzed. The catalogue was completed by the NOAGI staff only gradually, a process that was still lasting until writing this paper. Since the catalogue completeness is of particular impor- tance to seismicity studies, we constructed a Figure 1. Spatial distributions of the Lefkada 2003 (solid circles) and Cephalonia 2014 catalogue based on the automatic solutions (open circles) aftershock sequences for the time periods from 14.8.2003 to 22.9.2003 and produced by NOAGI (http://bbnet. from 26.1.2014 to 25.2.2014, respectively (data from NOAGI: Red stars show preliminary locations of the strongest earthquakes involved in the two sequences as well as the strong ic-alerts). earthquake of 25.3.2007 which ruptured the NW part of Cephalonia (moment-magni- tudes, MW, as determined by NOAGI: Beach-ball Epicentral distribution of earth- indicates the focal mechanism of the 14.8.2003 Lefkada mainshock (Harvard CMT: http://www.seismology. harvard. edu/ CMTsearch.html). Dashed lines show the geome- quakes try of the CTFZ as proposed by others with L and C corresponding to the Lefkada and The cloud of aftershock epicenters of the 14 Cephalonia segments, respectively.5 Thick line represents the SSW-wards extention of 2 August 2003 Lefkada mainshock (Mw6.2) is the Lefkada segment as proposed in this paper (see Discussion). Arrows indicate relative illustrated in Figure 1 along with the epicen- strike-slip motion.

[page 20] [Research in Geophysics 2014; 4:5441] EarthFast ters of the Cephalonia 2014 sequence. One km. The epicentral distribution reveals that Cephalonia 2014 sequence, that is for a given may observe that the 2014 aftershock cloud, the aftershock activity developed in two clus- magnitude range and time unit the aftershock trending NNE-SSW and occupying the western ters. The first is small being of a length on the number was small as compared to other part of Cephalonia, is a continuation towards order of 10 km and occupying the north side of sequences. For example, in the Lefkada 2003 SSW of the 2003 Lefkada aftershock area. the entire aftershock cloud. The other extends sequence k=1.24 was found.2 Although the Although the manual analysis provides a cata- in the central and south sides, thus leaving an result is only preliminary, we do not expect to logue with better epicentral accuracy with apparent spatial gap between the two clusters. get drastically different results by using a final respect to the automatic catalogue, this gener- A possible explanation is that the area of the earthquake catalogue. al picture does not change with the use of the 2014 gap had already ruptured by the strong manual catalogue as shown by the relocated (Mw5.5) earthquake of 25.3.2007 (Figure 1). Magnitude distribution of aftershocks presented later. Since no temporal relation was found between earthquakes Preliminary event locations produced manu- these two clusters and the occurrence of the Since the introduction of the pioneering ally in the NOAGI catalogue (Figure 1) are strong events of 26 January and 3 February based on determinations calculated with the earthquake magnitude-frequency relation- 2014, we suggest that the presence of the two 13 use of a regional 1D model of seismic wave ship it has been verified that the seismicity clusters deserves further examination from in global, regional, local scales and in mines, velocities. With the aim to improve location the seismotectonic point of view. Besides, the accuracy, P and S arrival data were re-collected as well as the material fractures in laboratory possible foreshock activity that preceded the and a relocation procedure was applied by experiments follow a power-law which is first strong earthquake of 26.1.2014 since adopting a local 2D velocity model9 which is a known as Gutenberg-Richter (G-R) relation- 22.1.2014 was recorded exactly in the area of modification of the one proposed by others.10 ship: logN= a–bM, where N is the incremental the north (small) aftershock cluster, which The relocated earthquake events (Figure 3) or the cumulative number of events, M is adds more interest as regards the seismotec- show a more compact horizontal projection earthquake magnitude and a, b parameters tonic role of this cluster. and verifies that the aftershock sequence cov- determined by the data. Theoretically b=1, but ers only the western part of Cephalonia trend- this parameter deviates from unity depending ing from NNE to SSW at a length of about 35 Time distribution of earthquakes on the style of seismicity, material heterogene- km and maximum lateral width of c. 10 km. By the end of 19th century it was shown11 ityonly and stress distribution. The so-called b- This picture has important seismotectonic that the number of aftershocks following value is also quite sensitive to the data com- implications. In fact, previous suggestions strong mainshocks decay with time following pleteness. In aftershock sequences the param- considered that the Cephalonia segment of the power-law mode, the so-called Omori law, with eter b usually increases with respect to the b- CTFZ strikes offshore western Cephalonia exponent which theoretically is k=1. Weuse imple- value of the background seismicity in the same based mainly on bathymetry and on some not mented the modified Omori-law introduced area. well-determined earthquake locations.1,4,5 later12 and modeled the time distribution of Using the NOAGI earthquake catalogue for With the relocation applied the foci of the aftershocks that followed the first and the third the background seismicity extending from three strong earthquakes shifted at shallower strong earthquakes as well as the aftershocks 1.1.2011 up to 26.1.2014 just prior the occur- depths, while the first strong earthquake shift- involved in the entire one-month period rence of the first strong Cephalonia earth- ed towards WNW with respect to the prelimi- (Figure 4). It is quite characteristic that low k- quake, from the G-R diagram we found magni- nary determinations (Table 1). The thickness values were found. This implies that a slow tude completeness threshold Mc=2.20 and of the seismogenic layer does not exceed 16 aftershock process characterized the b=0.99±0.11. However, Mc=2.80 was calculated


Figure 2. Focal mechanisms produced by NOAGI Figure 3. The one-month relocated Cephalonia seismic sequence ( for the three strongest of 2014. Star symbol key: green, yellow, red represent the three earthquakes are marked in chronological order by 1,2,3. Key for strong earthquakes of 26.1.2014 (13:55:43), 26.1.2014 (18:45:08) seismograph stations: VLS=permanent NOAGI station operating and 3.2.2014 (3:08:45), respectively. in the frame of HSUN; KEF1-4=the four portable stations installed in Cephalonia on 28 and 29 January 2014.

[Research in Geophysics 2014; 4:5441] [page 21] EarthFast for the one-month aftershock period, indicat- 130/dip 840/rake 1720, while the faulting was observed waveforms and the synthetics. In all ing that several aftershock events of relatively dextral strike-slip with small thrust component inversions we used a fixed waveform length of low magnitude are missing from the catalogue (e.g. Harvard,; USGS; 70 s. The results of the inversion indicated that used, a well-known problem with aftershock inverting waveforms longer that 70 s resulted sequences. Therefore, comparing the G-R rela- hives/year/2003/2003_08_14_mt.php). in higher misfits. The quality of the results of tionships for joint Mc=2.80, b=1.18±0.25 and This solution is consistent with the ones moment tensor solutions can be evaluated by b=0.79±0.08 were determined for the back- obtained by teleseismic wave modelling.14 We considering the average misfit and the com- ground seismicity and the one-month after- assumed that the strong (MW5.7) earthquake pensated linear vector dipole (CLVD). For each shock sequence, respectively (Figure 5). All of 25.3.2007 (Figure 1) was similar to the 2003 solution there is a quality code18 that ranges calculations of the b-value were performed one in both the faulting style and the preferred from A to D for the minimum misfit and from 1 with the maximum likelihood method. fault as it comes out from the fault plane solu- to 4 for the percentage of CLVD. The b-value found for the background seis- tion (380/900/1720).15 To determine fault-plane Following the above methodology focal micity is absolutely normal as it falls very close solutions for the 2014 earthquake sequence a mechanisms of 40 earthquake events occur- to unity. On the other hand, the drop of the b- methodology and appropriate software imple- ring from 26.01.2014 to 05.03.2014 were pro- value is not expected for an aftershock menting the moment tensor inversion was duced as illustrated in Figure 6 and listed in sequence. However, the Cephalonia aftershock applied.16 The method calculates synthetic Appendix. The solutions obtained are in gener- sample examined here is not typical in the seismograms directly compared with the al consistent of each other as well as with solu- sense that after the strong earthquake of observed ones for a given velocity structure. A tions produced by other institutes for the 26.1.2014 another equally strong earthquake reflectivity method17 implemented appropriate- stronger events (e.g. see CMT Harvard solu- occurred on 3.2.2014, thus contributing sub- ly16 was applied to determine the Green’s tions at the end of Appendix). A statistics stantially to the drop of the parameter b. One Functions. Initial inversions were performed regarding our solutions for Plane 1 may also argue that the activity that occurred at a depth interval of 5 km followed by a finer (Appendix), which has been adopted as the after the strong earthquake of 26.1.2014 but one every 1–2 km around the depth that exhib- preferred fault plane, indicates that the ranges before the one of 3.2.2014 were foreshocks of ited the lowest misfit. Regional data of five, 3- of strike, dip and rake are 4°-30°, 60°-80° and the later. If this were true then a drop of the b- component broadband stations, belonging to 159°-180°,only respectively. As regards the three value would be expected. In any case, the the HUSN and situated at different azimuth largest events we got average parameters as results presented here are preliminary and coverage and epicentral distances less than 3° next: strike 21(±2)0, dip 65.5(±3)0, slip certainly a more thorough investigation of the were selected and analyzed. The preparation of 173(±3)0. Our results imply that the predomi- b variation is needed when a final earthquake the data included deconvolution of instrumentusenant faulting process during the Cephalonia catalogue will be available. response and afterwards the velocity was inte- 2014 earthquake sequence was dextral strike- grated to displacement. Finally the horizontal slip with small thrust component. However, in components were rotated to radial and trans- some instances, which do not include the verse ones. Then the long period part of the three largest events, the thrust component was Earthquake focal mechanisms signal was introduced to perform inversion. significant. The strike of faulting was about After several attempts our analysis was imple- NNE being around 210 in the largest events, The examination of fault plane solutions mented using a seismic wave velocity model while the dip deviates from the vertical. have shown that the preferred fault plane of considered as the most appropriate one for the The 2014 earthquake sequence occurred at the 2003 Lefkada mainshock was character- area under study.10 the westernmost edge of HUSN, which results ized by the next principal parameters: strike A band-pass filter was applied in both the to the lack of Greek stations at the west of


Figure 4. Power-law decay with time, t, of the aftershock number, n, for the one-month time period that followed the first strong earth- quake of 26.1.2014. The exponent k=0.498 (R=correlation coefficient) is nearly identical Figure 5. G-R diagrams for the background seismicity (period from 1.1.2011 to with k1=0.517 and k2=0.419 found for the 26.1.2014; left) and the one-month aftershock period (right); the mainshock of aftershock periods of the first and third 26.1.2014 is excluded. Symbol key: M is magnitude, N is cumulative number of earth- strong earthquakes. quakes, bML is parameter b calculated by the maximum likelihood method adopting joint magnitude threshold Mc=2.80. Calculations of bML were performed only for N>=Mc.

[page 22] [Research in Geophysics 2014; 4:5441] EarthFast

Cephalonia. Due to bad azimuthal coverage of mentary synthetics for each subfault. The fol- and 2 is for two mechanisms. For Cephalonia the Greek stations, trials were made for some lowed finite-fault inversion approach does not earthquakes the rake was left to vary from 900 fault plane solutions being recalculated by permit the rupture velocity to change but the to 1800, corresponding to pure thrust and adding records of Italian stations, thus extend- use of multiple time windows permits the strike-slip movement, respectively. The ing our azimuthal coverage to the west. Trials same subfault to rupture multiple times. The observed waveforms and the synthetics pro- performed for the second and third strong amount of slip in successive time intervals for duce an over-determined system of linear earthquakes showed increased misfit between each subfault is lagged in time by the width of equations of the form, Ax=B, where A and B the observed and synthetic seismograms, as the source. In this way, rise time functions are are matrices concerning the joined elementary one may expect due to the increased epicentral constructed and are free to vary as a function synthetics and teleseismic waveforms, respec- distances of the Italian stations used. An of position on the fault plane.20 The subfault tively, x is the solution vector including dislo- increase of the percentage of CLVD’s was also may fail within the maximum allowed time cation weights to be given at each subfault so observed, that is from 9% and 10% to 22% and window. that the final synthetics fit well the original 20% for the above two earthquakes, respective- We applied the inversion procedure using data. The solution revealed from these matri- ly. This result may indicate increased source the Harvard CMT focal mechanism solutions ces is not always stable and several constraints complexity, while for the second strong earth- for the first and third strong Cephalonia earth- are needed which are well analyzed and quake of 26.1.2014 (18:45:08), the faulting quakes (see Appendix). Many inversions were explained.19,21 Usually two constraints are style turned to predominantly thrust. On the tested changing the dip of the fault and using used, the moment minimization and smooth- other hand, however, these new solutions are source rupture velocity varying from 2.6 to 3.5 ing. For the first earthquake of Mw6.1 a fault of low quality. In fact, the solution quality, km/s by inserting different fault dimensions plane striking NE-SW of 35 km in length and 20 which was found A1 in both earthquakes test- and time lags. A velocity model10 proposed for km in width (Figure 7) was discretized by 108 ed (Appendix), turned to C2 and C1, respec- the area under study was used to create the subfaults, 18 along strike and 6 along dip. The tively. We concluded that the results obtained subfault synthetics. The point source respons- surface edge of the fault starts at 7 km depth by the methodology applied in some instances es were computed with a code based on the from the Earth’s surface, while the down deep might be influenced by the azimuthal cover- generalized ray theory.27 The exact way these edge is at 27 km depth, the relocated hypocen- age. synthetics were constructed was discussed by teronly fixed at 16 km depth and at a distance of 11 others,28 assuming that circular rupture fronts km from the SW (left) edge of the fault plane. propagate at a given rupture velocity every- Several rupture front velocities were tested. where on the assumed fault plane. The The fixed velocity value for rupture propaga- Rupture process absolute size of dislocation is specified to be tion of 3 km/s produced the best fit between related to the position on the fault.use The ele- data and synthetics. Six time windows with 0.8 Several studies have revealed the impor- mentary synthetics are always filtered with the s time lag duration for each one were used tance of the finite fault inversion procedure to same filter as the data and are convolved with (Figure 7). All of the different models revealed our understanding of the earthquake rupture an attenuation operation assuming t*=1 s for the same slip scenario with the downward evo- process which may provide an accurate spatial P waves. The inversion approach applied also lution of the rupture. The time evolution of slip and temporal evolution of the coseismic slip on permits the rake of the fault plane to vary upon along the fault plane (Figure 7) is presented the ruptured fault. The finite fault inversion the fault.21 In this case each subfault has nx2 using nearly 2.3 s intervals. This earthquake technique has been applied using teleseismi- model parameters to change during the inver- had a complex source time function with near- cally recorded waveforms or strong motion sion, where n is the number of time windows ly 62 cm maximum slip with source duration of data.19-25 Several source inversion procedures that used teleseismic waveforms provided sim- ilar slip models using also other types of data such as geodetic.26 Digital broadband records of P waves at tele- seismic epicentral distances between 30° and 90° were used to invert for rupture histories of the first and third strong Cephalonia earth- quakes. The stations used are membersNon-commercial of the global digital seismograph network (GDSN) while seismic records were downloaded through the IRIS Data Management Center. The selection of the stations permitted the best possible azimuthal coverage. The teleseis- mic waveforms were corrected for instrument response, integrated to displacement, band–pass filtered from 0.01 to 1 Hz using a Butterworth filter and finally re-sampled to 0.2 samples/s. The finite fault inversion method19 is capa- ble of estimating the distributions of both the spatial slip and rise time on the ruptured fault. The application starts with the discretization to a number of uniform cells (subfaults) of a rectangular fault plane. The strike, dip, rake Figure 6. Focal mechanisms of the Cephalonia 2014 earthquakes listed in Appendix (for and focal depth are inserted to produce the ele- more details see in the text).

[Research in Geophysics 2014; 4:5441] [page 23] EarthFast

~12 s. A small slip patch also appears at the 9). Since one of the main factors was the building collapses were reported. No persons northern part of the fault which is possibly strong ground motion, we review shortly were killed and only very few were injured. related with the small cluster at the north part results obtained from strong motion records. Seismic intensities of level V or more (in EMS of the aftershock cloud. Most of the slip is con- The peak ground acceleration (PGA) recorded 12-point scale) felt in several localities of the centrated on a 13x9 km fault rupture. For the in several localities at accelerometric stations western Cephalonia were assessed after the third strong earthquake (Mw 6.0) of 3 February of NOAGI (Cephalonia_20140126_prelimi- first earthquake. The procedure was repeated 2014 a fault plane striking NE-SW of 35 km in nary_web.pdf and Cephalonia_20140203_pre- after the third strong earthquake by assigning length and 18 km in width (Figure 8) was dis- liminary_web.pdf both at: http://www.gein.noa. seismic intensities in the same localities by cretized by 108 subfaults, 18 along strike and 6 gr/el/nea) and of ITSAK ( taking carefully into account that in many along dip. The surface edge of the fault starts /news /news/79) reached up to 0.56 g and 0.27 buildings the damage caused by the first earth- at the Earth’s surface, while the down deep g in Lixouri and Sami, respectively, for the first quake became worst due to the third one edge is at 18 km depth. The relocated hypocen- strong earthquake. Even higher PGA’s were (Figure 10). ter was fixed at 5 km depth and at a distance of recorded with the third earthquake, namely up Seismic intensities assigned are illustrated 11 km from the left edge of the fault plane. to 0.77 g in Lixouri and 0.64 g in , in Figure 9. A comparison of Figure 9A and B After testing several rupture front velocities it which are the highest PGA’s recorded in shows that both earthquakes caused maxi- was found that the fixed velocity value for rup- Greece ever. PGA of 0.19 g was recorded at mum seismic intensity, Imax, in a relatively lim- ture propagation of 2.7 km/s produced the best Sami with the third strong earthquake. ited area comprising the Lixuri town and its fit between data and synthetics. Six time win- extension to the north up to the villages of dows with 0.8 s time lag duration for each one Macroseismic intensities Ayios Dimitrios and Livadi. However, the max- were used. All of the different models revealed Damage was caused mainly in single-house imum seismic intensity observed after the similar slip scenarios with the upward rupture buildings particularly in the town of Lixouri third strong earthquake was clearly larger than evolution. and less in Argostoli as well as in many villages the one observed after the first earthquake The time evolution of slip is presented using of western Cephalonia. However, no massive that is VIII to VIII+ versus VII. The isoseismal nearly 2.1 s intervals. This earthquake had a simple source time function related with one only big patch of slip with maximum slip nearly 45 cm with 10 s source duration. A small slip patch which appears at the northern part of the fault plane possibly is related with the small cluster at the north part of the aftershock cloud use as it was also observed with the rupture process of the first strong earthquake. Most of the slip, however, is concentrated on a 12x6 km fault rupture.

Strong ground motion and the macroseismic field

The western part of Cephalonia was dam- aged by both the first and third strong earth- quakes. Neither damage nor ground failures was reported to have caused by the second strong earthquake of the evening of 26.1.2014. We performed post-event field surveysNon-commercial after the two damaging earthquakes, namely from 28 to 30 January and from 5 to 7 February, respectively. As a consequence, we obtained a clear and detailed picture of the macroseismic field that is of the impact that each one of the two seismic events had. The earthquake impact comprised damage in buildings and in infrastructure as well as several types of ground failures such as landslides, rock falls, ground cracks and liquefaction in soil. In the next subsections we present results of our field observations regarding the seismic intensities felt and the several types of ground Figure 7. Rupture history of the first (26.1.2014) strong earthquake. Key: teleseismic failures caused by the earthquakes as well as GDSN stations around the globe used (A); observed waveforms and synthetics for the sev- the factors that controlled the extent but also eral stations (B); time evolution of slip along the fault plane in nearly 2.3 s intervals (C) the spatial distribution of the macroseismic and of seismic moment released (D); profile of slip distribution along the fault plane (E) effects (localities reported are shown in Figure and its horizontal projection (F).

[page 24] [Research in Geophysics 2014; 4:5441] EarthFast area of level V of the third earthquake is near- ly identical with that of the first earthquake, while the large axis of the isoseismal of degree V of both earthquakes strikes along the NNE- SSW direction, which is also the strike of the preferred fault planes of the two strong earth- quakes. At the northern part of the macroseis- mic field, however, seismic intensities felt at some localities due to the third earthquake were lower with respect to those assigned after the first strong earthquake.

Ground failures Several types of ground failures were caused by the first and third strong earthquakes of 26.1.2014 and 3.2.2014: landslides, rock falls, ground holes, liquefaction in natural soil and in artificial embankement, extensive cracks associated with lateral spreads in grounds and roads. Landslides and rock falls very often were coexistent at the same observation spots petro- graphically consisting of mainly calcareous rocks. These spots as a rule are situated in quite steeply and/or very steeply sloping areas already identified and mapped by ground and only satellite observations.29 Very often such steeply sloping areas are tectonically controlled by active faults. The entire area covered by ground failures caused by the first earthquake use (Figure 11A) was nearly identical with the area determined by the isoseismal of level V. The Figure 8. Rupture history of the third (3.2.2014) strong earthquake. Key: teleseismic area covered by ground failures associated GDSN stations around the globe used (A); observed waveforms and synthetics for the with the third earthquake, however, was dras- several stations (B); time evolution of slip along the fault plane in nearly 2.1 s intervals tically reduced (Figure 11B), a point discussed (C) and of seismic moment released (D); profile of slip distribution along the fault plane (E) and its horizontal projection (F). later. All ground failures observed after both


Figure 9. A) Seismic intensities (Arabic numbers) and isoseists (Roman numbers) assigned after the first strong Cephalonia earthquake of 26.1.2014. Key for localities: Ag, Agonas; An, Anomeria; At, Atheras; AD, Ayios Dimitrios; AT, Ayia Thekla; Ch, Charakas; Cv, Chavdata; Cr, Chavriata; Di, Dilinata; Fa, Faraklata; Ka, Katoxori; Ki, Kipouria; Ko, Kourouklata; Le, Lepeda; Li, Livadi; Ma, ; Pe, Petani; Sa, Sami; So, Soulari; Zo, Zola. B) As Figure 9A for the third (3.2.2014) strong Cephalonia earthquake.

[Research in Geophysics 2014; 4:5441] [page 25] EarthFast earthquakes fall within the limiting epicentral Rock falls and soil liquefaction distances predicted by empirical relationships After the first earthquake we observed many Discussion proposed for earthquake-induced soil liquefac- rock falls occurring as a rule in quite steeply tion and landslides.30-32 and/or very steeply sloping areas of calcareous The Cephalonia 2014 seismic sequence rup- rocks. The entire area covered by rock falls is tured the western part of Cephalonia along a Landslides and ground cracks nearly identical with the one covered by land- seismogenic structure of right-lateral strike- The landslide phenomena observed after the slides (Figure 11A). In Charakas, NW slip with some thrust component. This feature first strong earthquake cover the western side Cephalonia, a car was destroyed by rock falls underlines a clear seismotectonic similarity of the island in an area which is roughly ellip- (Figure 15). The third earthquake caused rock with the Lefkada 2003 sequence that ruptured tical trending also from NNE to SSW as the falls only along the road at the eastern side of with the same mode to the NNE continuation meizoseismal area does. The most important Argostoli bay where abundant rock falls were of the Cephalonia 2014 sequence. Then, landslide events in terms of size were the ones already caused by the first strong earthquake important seismotectonic implications are caused in Myrtos bay and in Solari village (Figure 11). raised. The first regards the geometry of the (Figure 12) as well as along the road at the After the first strong earthquake we CTFZ which has been suggested as comprising foothills of Mt Vlikatari to the SW of Myrtos observed liquefaction of sandy soil in a locality two main segments (Figure 1) striking off- (Figure 13). situated in the beach at the southernmost part shore and parallel to the Lefkada and The landslides caused by the third strong of the Lixouri port at a distance of about 15 m Cephalonia west coasts with strikes of NNE- earthquake are concentrated only in the SW from the seashore. The liquefaction became SSW and NE-SW, respectively.1,4,5,33 However, side of the island, that is in an area which is evident from a series of three spots of sea sand after that the Cephalonia 2014 earthquakes less than half the area covered by the land- ejected along a ground fissure as long as about ruptured on land western Cephalonia Isl. little slides caused by the first strong earthquake. In 6 m (Figure 16). A similar surface manifesta- doubt remains that the Lefkada CTFZ segment fact, in the NW side of the island neither new tion of liquefaction in soil was also observed continues to western Cephalonia. This turns to landslides occurred nor landslides already trig- near Argostoli. More important were the lique- understand that the Lefkada CTFZ segment gered by the first event were moved further faction phenomena that associated the third possibly branches into two segments, one rup- with the third shock. earthquake in the dock of the Lixouri port. We turingonly onland west Cephalonia and possibly With the first earthquake the dock in the observed abundant embankment material another one striking offshore west port of Lixouri subsided in a few spots while which had ejected from many cracks opened in Cephalonia. This interpretation leaves open some cracks were opened. However, abundant the dock as well as in nearby small gardens for investigation if the onland branch strikes cracks, extensive subsidence as well as (Figure 14). These failures were accompanied further to offshore SW Cephalonia or not. destruction of the dock accompanied by lique- by extensive subsidence and destructionuse in One may suggest that the northern part of faction in the artificial embankment occurred many places of the dock. the Cephalonia 2014 seismogenic volume with the third earthquake (Figure 14). acted as an asperity or barrier that prevented


Figure 10. Example of two-storey building in Ayios Dimitrios village (see location in Figure 9) damaged by the first (A) and the third (B) Cephalonia strong earthquakes.

[page 26] [Research in Geophysics 2014; 4:5441] EarthFast the Lefkada 2003 rupture to propagate further which geographically coincides with that clus- the maximum seismic intensity configuration to SSW. Besides, the Lefkada 2003 seismic ter. On the other hand, the earthquake activity comes also out from that the PGA caused by the sequence itself ruptured in two subsegments, started there just a few days before the first third earthquake was larger than that caused the north and south ones, with an asperity of strong earthquake, which means that this clus- by the first earthquake. In fact, this is an relatively small size remaining between the ter should be seen not only as part of the rup- expected difference given that the third earth- 2,14 two ruptures. The moderate (Mw5.7) earth- ture process but also as a possible triggering quake ruptured upwards and at much shallow- quake of 25.3.2007 in NW Cephalonia possibly factor of the strong earthquake activity that er depths, in contrast to the rupture at deeper was a first attempt of the Lefkada segment to started on 26.1.2014. This is a point that cer- depths and downwards during the first earth- rupture further towards SSW. tainly deserves further investigation. For quake. On the other hand, it should not escape The difference in the relocated foci of the understanding the configuration of the macro- our attention that the buildings became highly strong earthquakes of 26.1.2014 and 3.2.2014 seismic fields of both the first and third strong vulnerable after the damage caused by the first may indicate that possibly two different sub- earthquakes of special value is not only the earthquake and this certainly favored even parallel faults, corresponding to the two earth- role of soil conditions but also of other factors, higher damage to be caused by the third earth- quakes, were activated onland west including the rupture process and the strong quake. Cephalonia. These two earthquakes help to ground motion. From Figure 9 it results that The isoseismal area of level V of the third understand better the historical seismicity of the meizoseismal areas of the two strong earthquake is nearly identical with that of the Cephalonia as well. A preliminary selection earthquakes are geographically coincident, first earthquake, while the large axis of the may include the strong earthquakes of 24 regardless the maximum intensity observed in isoseismal V of both earthquakes strikes along August 1658, 23 June 1741, 13 June 1759, 22 each one of the two areas. This underlines the the NNE-SSW direction, which is nearly the July 1766 and one in 1833.33,34 In fact, all these critical role of the soft ground conditions in the strike of the preferred fault planes of the two earthquakes were destructive in that is areas of Lixouri town and of the villages of strong earthquakes. The coincidence of the in western Cephalonia, and particularly in Ayios Dimitrios and Livadi, which in both two isoseismal areas of level V implies that the Lixouri. However, no damage was reported cases controlled geographically the meizoseis- seismic intensities observed in localities away from the rest part of Cephalonia, thus having a mal area. In fact, the ground material prevail- from the meizoseismal area were controlled close similarity with the 2014 strong earth- ing in the meizoseismal area consists of thick ratheronly by the strong motion than by site condi- quakes. Of seismotectonic interest is also the Lower Pleistocene formations of marls where tions. aftershock cluster that occupies the northern- calcareous sand layers are interbeded. In such In the northern side of the isoseismal area most part of the relocated 2014 aftershock soil conditions situated in the near-field of level V, that is in relatively large epicentral sequence (Figure 2). It should be reminded domain one may expect drastic amplification distances, in some localities the seismic inten- that in the rupture histories of both the first of the ground motion caused by the highuse PGAs sities felt due to the third event were reduced and third strong earthquakes a small slip patch recorded. with respect to the intensities caused by the appears at the northern part of the fault plane The important role of the rupture process for first event. The faster attenuation of the seis-



Figure 11. A) Ground failures observed in Cephalonia after the first strong earthquake of 26.1.2014. The ground failures area is near- ly identical with the aftershock area. For the localities key see Figure 9A. B) Ground failures observed in Cephalonia after the third strong earthquake of 3.2.2014. The ground failures area is drastically reduced as compared to that of 26.1.2014 (Figure 11A). For the localities key see Figure 9A.

[Research in Geophysics 2014; 4:5441] [page 27] EarthFast mic intensities in the third earthquake is con- complex source time function with 62 cm max- sistent with the faster attenuation of the PGAs Conclusions imum slip, source duration of ~12 s and down- as one may conclude from the smaller PGA wards rupture, while most of the slip was con- recorded in Sami station during the third The conclusions of this first report on the centrated on a 13x9 km fault rupture; vi) The earthquake as compared to the PGA recorded January-February 2014 strong earthquake strong earthquake of 3.2.2014 (Mw5.9, h=5 km) in the same station during the first earth- sequence in Cephalonia can be summarized as had a relatively simple source time function quake. This may have also controlled the geo- follows: i) From the relocated aftershock related with one big patch of maximum slip 45 graphical distributions of landslides. In fact, sequence it was found that the seismogenic cm and 10 s source duration. The rupture was the first earthquake triggered landslides in the layer strikes NNE-SSW with length L=35 km, directed upwards and most of the slip was con- entire western Cephalonia. On the contrary, maximum width up to 10 km and thickness of centrated on a 12x6 km fault rupture; vii) The 15 km; ii) Two aftershock spatial clusters were the landslides caused by the third earthquake significantly larger PGA=0.77 g recorded with revealed at north (L ~10 km) and at south are limited only in the SW side of the island. 1 the strong earthquake of 3.2.2014 as compared (L ~25 km). However, there is no temporal cor- The ground acceleration, which away from the 2 to the PGA=0.56 g recorded with the first meizoseismal area was lower during the third relation between the two clusters and the earthquake of 26.1.2014 could be interpreted strong earthquakes of 26.1.2014 and 3.2.2014; earthquake as compared to that of the first by the mode (upward) of rupture and the sig- iii) The Omori-law showed relatively slow nificantly shallower depth of the 3.2.2014 earthquake, very possibly controlled the land- aftershock decay as compared to other after- earthquake; viii) The two strong earthquakes slide geographical distribution. We may not shock sequences in Greece. The aftershock b- caused considerable damage. Both had their rule out, however, that this pattern of geo- value was found anomalously low with respect meizoseismal areas in Lixouri town and the graphical distribution is due to that the land- to that of the Cephalonia background seismic- nearby villages with maximum seismic inten- slide potential in NW Cephalonia was reduced ity but this result needs further examination sity reaching level VII and VIII to VIII+ (EMS) after the first episode. with a better earthquake catalogue; iv) Fault with the first and the second earthquake, In the NW side of Cephalonia the landslides plane solutions produced by moment tensor respectively. In both earthquakes the meizo- and rock falls occurred as a rule in localities inversions indicated that the seismotectonics seismal area very likely was controlled mainly characterized by steep or very steep slopes of of both strong shocks and the aftershocks by softonly soil conditions. Different rupture histo- calcareous rocks. However, the area covered by (Mw>=4.0) were associated with dextral ries and the increased building vulnerability ground failures associated with the third strike-slip faulting with some thrust compo- after the damage caused by the first shock of earthquake was drastically reduced (Figure nent and preferred NNE-SSW fault planes. The 26.1.2014 may account for the larger intensity 11B) which is an evidence that the triggering average fault plane parameters obtained for observed after the shock of 3.2.2014. The iso- use0 of ground failures was controlled not only by the three largest events are: strike 21(±2) , dip seismal of level V for both earthquakes is near- the local lithology and geomorphology but also 65.5(±3)0, rake 173(±3)0; v) Teleseismic ly coincident with the aftershock zone; ix) by the strong ground motion. records inverted to account for rupture histo- Both earthquakes caused also several types of ries showed that the strong earthquake of ground failures: landslides, soil liquefaction,

26.1.2014 (Mw6.0, focal depth h=16 km) had a rock falls, and ground cracks associated with


Figure 12. Landslides in calcareous rocks caused in Myrtos Bay (NW Cephalonia) with the first strong earthquake of 26.1.2014 (A), and in Neogene marls near village Solari (SW Cephalonia) initially triggered with the first strong earthquake, as it widened by the third strong earthquake of 3.2.2014 (B).

[page 28] [Research in Geophysics 2014; 4:5441] EarthFast

Figure 13. Landslide caused downslope in Figure 14. Failures observed at the dock of the Lixouri port after the third strong earth- the road at the foothills of Mt Vlikatari to quake of 3.2.2014. Extensive cracking and subsidence (A) and artificial embankment the SW of Myrtos, NW Cephalonia, with material ejected from a dock crack due to liquefaction (B). the first strong earthquake of 26.1.2014. only use

Figure 16. Spots of sea sand that was eject- Non-commercial ed during soil liquefaction caused along a ground crack opened to the south of Figure 15. A car crashed by rock-falls caused in Charakas (NW Cephalonia) due to the Lixouri port with the first strong earth- first strong earthquake. quake.

lateral spreads. The area of ground failures Cephalonia Isl. at the SSW-wards continuation caused by the first earthquake nearly coincides of the Lefkada segment of the CTFZ. Therefore, References with the aftershock zone. However, the ground we supported the need to revise the CTFZ failures area of the second earthquake was geometry in the sense that the Lefkada CTFZ 1. Scordilis EM, Karakaisis GF, Karakostas nearly half of that of the first earthquake, segment does not terminates offshore NW BG, et al. Evidence for transform faulting which is consistent with the faster attenuation Cephalonia but extends towards SSW in west- in the Ionian Sea: the Cephalonia island of ground acceleration away from the meizo- ern Cephalonia. Then, the geometry of the earthquake sequence of 1983. Pure Appl seismal area caused by the second earthquake Cephalonia segment of the CTFZ remains in Geophys 1985;123:388-97. with respect to the first one; x) The January- doubt and certainly needs further investiga- 2. Papadopoulos GA, Karastathis VK, Ganas February 2014 earthquakes ruptured western tion. A, et al. The Lefkada, Ionian Sea (Greece),

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