Danzhou Yang 2010


NAME: Danzhou Yang

TITLE: Associate Professor

ADDRESS: Division of Medicinal Chemistry Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology College of Pharmacy University of Arizona Tucson, AZ 85721-0207 PHONE: (520) 626-5969 FAX: (520) 626-6988 E-mail: [email protected] WEB SITE: http://www.pharmacy.arizona.edu/copdirectory/dispperson.pl?person=yangd

GENDER Female DATE OF BIRTH March 5, 1969


Date Institution Degree (field, advisor) 1998 University of Kentucky Postdoctoral Fellow. (Pharmaceutical Sciences, T. G. Burke) 1996 University of Illinois Ph.D. (Biophysics, A. H.-J. Wang) at Urbana-Champaign 1989 University of Science and B.S. (Molecular & Cell Biology, W. Huang) Technology of (Special Class for Gifted Young)

Professional Experience

Dates Institution Position 2009-2011 American Association Co-Chair, Young Chemists Committee, Chemistry for Cancer Research in Cancer Research 2008 - present University of Arizona Associate Professor of Chemistry 2008 - present University of Arizona Associate Professor of Medicinal Chemistry 2008 - present University of Arizona Director, Drug Discovery and Development Graduate Program 2005 - present University of Arizona Faculty Member, BIO5 Institute 2002 - present University of Arizona Comprehensive Member, Arizona Cancer Center, Therapeutic Development Program 2001 - present University of Arizona Faculty Member, Biological Chemistry Program 2001 - present University of Arizona Faculty Member, Undergraduate Biology Research Program 2001 - Present University of Arizona Director, College of Pharmacy NMR facility

1 Danzhou Yang 2010

2001 - 2007 University of Arizona Assistant Professor of Medicinal Chemistry 1999 - 2000 University of Kentucky Research Assistant Professor of Chemistry 1996 - 1998 University of Kentucky Postdoctoral Fellow in Pharmaceutical Sciences 1991 - 1996 University of Illinois Graduate Research/Teaching Assistant at Urbana-Champaign 1990 - 1991 University of Illinois Graduate Research Assistant at Urbana-Champaign

Honors and Recognitions 1984-89 The Exclusive Special Class for Gifted Young in China Honor Graduate, University of Science & Technology of China 1996 Francis M. and Harlie M. Clark Research Support Grant, University of Illinois 1996 Student Paper Competition Award by Sigma Xi Scientific Research Society, University of Illinois 1996 Graduate College Thesis Project Award, University of Illinois 2000 Howard-Temin Career Development Award, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health 2004 NIH Special Emphasis Panel member 2009-11 Co-Chair, Young Chemist Committee, Chemistry in Cancer Research, AACR 2009 NIH MSFB study section ad hoc member 2009 Session Chair, “Chemistry in Support of Cancer Drug Discovery I”, Chemistry in Cancer Research/AACR-American Chemical Society joint conference, New Orleans. 2009 Organizing Committee, International Symposium of NMR for Biological Macromolecules, China 2009 Advisory Board, 5th Modern Drug Discovery and Development Conference, San Diego. 2010 Session Co-Chair, “Career Paths in Cancer Drug Development” 2010 Symposium Chair, “G-Quadruplexes as Targets for Drug Discovery and Development”, ACS National meeting, Boston. 2010-16 NIH MSFB study section member

Professional Societies 1996 - present American Association for Cancer Research 1996 - 2001 American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists 1997 - present American Chemical Society 1997 - 2008 American Association for the Advancement of Science 2004-2005 American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB) 2009-2010 The Protein Society

Research Interests High-field NMR macromolecule structure determination and structure-based rational drug design, G- quadruplex DNA secondary structures and their interactions with small molecule drugs, anticancer drugs that inhibit transcription factors, topoisomerase I inhibitors.


2 Danzhou Yang 2010

Teaching Experience

*University of Arizona, College of Pharmacy

2001-present PCOL 420 (Case Studies in Pharmacology, 1 unit) – facilitator of 2-3 cases/semester 2001-present PCOL 421 (Case Studies in Pharmacology, 1 unit) – facilitator of 2-3 cases/semester 2001-present PCOL 837(437)/537A (Medicinal Chemistry, 3 units) – course lecturer 2007 PCOL 837/537A (Medicinal Chemistry, 3 units) – course coordinator and lecturer 2001-present PHSC 596A (Medicinal Chemistry and Developmental Therapeutics Seminar Series, 1 unit) – course coordinator 2001-present BIOC 595B (Biological Chemistry Journal Club, 1 unit) – course co-coordinator 2001-present PCOL 695A (Research Conference, 1 unit). 2001 GENE 670 (Recent Topics in Genetics, 2 units) – guest lecturer 2001 CBIO 596H (Cancer Biology Series, 1 unit) – guest lecturer 2003-present PCOL 530 (Proteins and Nucleic Acids as Drug Targets, 3 units) course lecturer 2003-present PHSC 670 (Drug Design, Development and Discovery, 3 units) course lecturer 2004 CHEM/PHSC 549 (Chemistry of Natural Products, 3 units) course lecturer

Students Supervised

University of Kentucky, Department of Chemistry

Graduate Student Research Advisor to: Li Jie (2000) Liu Xinli (2000)

Undergraduate Research Advisor to: Alex Bingcang (1999-2000)

*University of Arizona, College of Pharmacy

Postdoctoral Advisor to Jixun Dai (2001-present) Zhizhong Meng (2002-2004) Attila Ambrus (2003-2006) Emmanouil Chatzakis (2008-2010) Ravi Mathad (2008-present)

Graduate Student Thesis Advisor to Chanda Adikaram, BCP/Medicinal Chemistry, 2001-2006, Ph.D. (2002 and 2003 BCP fellowship recipient) Dissertation: DNA and DNA-interacting proteins as anticancer drug targets. Ding Chen, BCP/Medicinal Chemistry, 2003-2007, Master of Science. Dissertation: Structure and drug-binding study of G-quadruplexes. Kaika Okamoto, Pharmacology and Toxicology, 2008-2009. Jessica Foritn, Medicinal Chemistry, 2008-present, Ph.D. Co-advisor Yuwei Chen, Chemistry, 2010-present, Ph.D.

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Ph.D. Dissertation Committee of Tom Dexheimer (2001-2006, Medicinal Chemistry/BCP) Fei Hong (2001-2005, Medicinal Chemistry) Hongliang Jiang (2001-2005, Medicinal Chemistry) Zhengzhi Xie (2001-2007, Medicinal Chemistry) Aik Teong Ooi (2002-2008, Medicinal Chemistry/BCP) Qian Cheng (2002-2007, Medicinal Chemistry/BCP) Yong Qin (2003-2008, Medicinal Chemistry/BCP) Tiffanie Bialis (2003-2006, Medicinal Chemistry/BCP) Ashley Fisher (2003-2009, Medicinal Chemistry/BCP) Wendy Hartsock (2004-2006, Medicinal Chemistry/BCP) Kexiao Guo (2004-2008, Medicinal Chemistry/BCP) Hong Gao (2004-2007, Pharmacology and Toxicology) Mital Bhakta (2005-present, Medicinal Chemistry/BCP) Diana J. Uribe (2007-, Cancer Biology) SunMi Lee (2008-2009, Cancer Biology)

Visiting Ph.D. Student Advisor to Daniel () Zhang

Undergraduate Research Advisor to Beth Rosenberger (2001-2002, Pharmacy student) Alicia Newkirk (2001, Pharmacy student) Adrienne Kiehle (2003-2006, UBRP student, Physiological Sciences) Ly Ho (2003-2004, senior thesis, Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics) Adrian De Alba (2004-2006, Minority Health Disparities Program) Lucy Sanchez Covarrubias (2006, Minority Health Disparities Summer Program) Mimi Tat (2006-2007, Senior Honors Thesis, Molecular and Cellular Biology) Irene Alderete (2007 Summer, Arizona Biology Network Summer Program) Matthew R. Karolak (2007-2008, Biochemistry) Marti Larriva (2007-present , Chemistry) Newsha Sarmadnia (2007-2009, Biochemistry) Bobby Abdallah (2009- present, Chemistry and Biochemistry) Frank W. Li (2010-present, Physiology)

UA Graduate College Summer Research Opportunities Program Monica Alvarez Malvido, La Salle University, Mexico D.F (2008, Mexico-UA Summer Research Program)

Host of Visiting Scientist Hu (2002-2003, visiting scientist)

Host for Local High School Student Intern Jessica Wang (2001).

Graduate Student Rotation Advisor to

4 Danzhou Yang 2010

Chanda Adikaram (Fall 2001, BCP/Biochemistry) Hongliang Jiang (Fall 2001, Medicinal Chemistry) Fei Hong (Spring 2002, Medicinal Chemistry) William Taylor (Fall 2002, BCP/Biochemistry) Josh Black (Fall 2002, Medicinal Chemistry) Qian Cheng (Fall 2002, Medicinal Chemistry) Aik-teong Ooi (Spring 2003, BCP/Medicinal Chemistry) Ding Chen (Spring 2003, BCP/Biochemistry) Sonia Ahuja (Fall, 2003, Medicinal Chemistry) Justin Dietrich (Fall, 2004, Medicinal Chemistry/BCP) Davide Botta (Fall, 2004, Medicinal Chemistry/BCP) Katherine Block (Fall, 2004, Medicinal Chemistry/BCP) Samuel Jayankathan (Spring, 2005, BCP/Biochemistry) Vineela Kadiyala (Summer, 2007, BCP/Chemistry) Xi Chen (Fall, 2009, Medicinal Chemistry) Liu Qi Chen (Fall, 2009, BCP) Frank Tedeschi (Spring, 2010, BCP) Cory Burgess (Summer, 2010, DDD)

Pharmacy Student Advisor to Kathryn Matthias (2001-2005) Robert Montierth (2001-2005) Robert Moore (2001-2005) Alicia Newkirk (2001-2005) Yen Nguyen (2001-2005) Sarah Nii (2001-2005) Brian Moran (2002-2006) Zhinus Bahraini (2003-2007) Katherine Tauson (2003-2007) Nisha Donda (2004-2008) Caroline Sepp (2004-2008) Courtney Weiser (2005-2009) Matthew Potter (2006-2010) Guadalupe Sandoval (2006-2010) Jesus Solis (2006-2010) Kateryna Yenina (2006-2010) Amy Gowler (2007-2011) Jennifer Schiefer (2007-2011) Katherine Schiraldi (2007-2011) Tracy Post (2008-2012) May Li (2009-2013)

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Interdisciplinary Program and Training Grant Participation

Pharmaceutical Sciences - Medicinal Chemistry Graduate Program Biological Chemistry Interdisciplinary Graduate Program (BCP) Cancer Biology Interdisciplinary Graduate Program (CBIG) Undergraduate Biology Research Program (UBRP) UA Minority Access to Research Career (MARC) Minority Health Disparities Program (MHDP) Arizona Biology Network Program (ABN)

Editorial Reviewer

Nature Journal of the American Chemical Society Biochemistry Journal of Medicinal Chemistry European Journal of Biochemistry European Biophysics Journal Nucleic Acid Research Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry ChemBioChem Biopolymers Current Cancer Drug Targets Molecular Cancer Therapeutics Biochimie European Journal of Medicinal Chemsitry

Grant Reviewer

National Institutes of Health, RR-03-009 Study Section, March 2004. National Institutes of Health Special Emphasis Panel, November 2004. National Science Foundation of China, Major Research Project, June 2007. University of Padua, Italy, Research Proposal, June 2007. The City University of New York Research Award Program, January 2008 Cancer Research UK, May 2008 Science Center programs of the U.S. Department of State, May 2008 Internal Reviewer for the AZ Cancer Center’s CCSG Competitive Renewal, October 2008. BBSRC funds biotechnology and biological sciences research at UK, February 2009 NIH, MSFB study section, ad hoc member, October 2009. NIH, MSFB study section, member, 2010-2016.

International Activities

Organizing Committee, International Symposium of NMR for Biological Macromolecules, , China June 25-29, 2009.

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Advisory Board, 5th Modern Drug Discovery and Development Conference, San Diego, CA, October 14-16, 2009.

University Committee Service

Department Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology, Medicinal Chemistry Seminar Committee (head, 2001- present) Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology Medicinal Chemistry Graduate Student Recruiting Committee (2001-present) Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology Toxicology/Toxicogenomics Faculty Search Committee (2001-2002) Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology Pharm/Tox Faculty Search Committee (2006) Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology, Director, Medicinal Chemistry Graduate Program (2008- present)

College College of Pharmacy Computer and Information Services Committee (2002-2005) College of Pharmacy Research Affairs Committee (2005-present) College of Pharmacy Graduate Council (2008.4-present) Curriculum Committee (2009- )

University Biological Chemistry Interdisciplinary Program Journal Club Committee (2001-present) Biological Chemistry Program Graduate Student Recruiting Committee (2001-present) Arizona Cancer Center Molecular Modeling Core Committee (2003-present) Biotechnology Faculty User Committee for the University Biological Magnetic Resonance Facility (2002-present) University Graduate Representative (2002-present) Biological Chemistry Interdisciplinary Program Steering Committee (2008-present)

Facility Service

Director, NMR facility, College of Pharmacy, University of Arizona (2001-present)

FUNDING HISTORY (* denotes awards received subsequent to the appointment at the University of Arizona)


American Cancer Society Institutional Research Grant, Grant No. 85-001-13-IRG, “DNA Topoisomerase I Target Interactions of Camptothecins Probed Using Biophysical Methods”, 06/01/99 to 11/30/00, $20,000 total costs. (P.I.)

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Elsa U. Pardee Foundation Grant: "Anticancer Drug Camptothecins Target Interactions with DNA- Topoisomerase I and the Rational Design of New Agents”, 7/1/00 to 6/30/02, $65,000 total costs, (P.I.)

*Arizona Disease Control Research Commission, “DNA and Topoisomerase I Interactions of Novel Homocamptothecin Anticancer Drugs”, 7/1/02 to 6/30/05, $149,350 total costs, P.I.: D. Yang.

*UA Faculty Small Grant, “DNA Interactions of Novel Benzophenazine Anticancer Drugs”, 12/15/03 to 12/14/04, $9,860, P.I.: D. Yang.

*National Institutes of Health (NIH) NCRR, Shared Equipment Grant, 1S10 RR16659-01 “Acquisition of a Bruker 600MHz NMR Spectrometer”, 4/1/02 to 3/31/03, $393,000 total costs, P.I.: D. Yang.

*National Institutes of Health (NIH) Career Development Awards: Howard-Temin Award, 1K01CA83886-01, “DNA-Topoisomerase I Target Interactions of Camptothecins”, 4/1/00 to 06/01/06, $682,926 total costs, P.I.: D. Yang.

*Arizona Biomedical Research Commission (ABRC) 05-002A “Deconvoluting the Structural Heterogeneity of the bcl-2 Promoter Quadruplex To Enhance Drug Targeting”, 2005–2008, $450,000 total costs, Co.I. (PI: E. Lewis).

*Arizona Biomedical Research Commission (ABRC) 0014 “Drug targeting the i-motif in the c-MYC promoter.” 2005–2008, 750,000 total costs, Co.I. (PI: L. Hurley).

*Arizona Biomedical Research Commission (ABRC) “Novel AP-1 Inhibition of a Highly Potent Anticancer Drug XR5944”: 2007–2010, $150,000 total costs, P.I.: D. Yang.

*National Institutes of Health (NIH)/NCI, 1 P50 CA95060-01 (E. W. Gerner, P.I.) Specialized Program of Research Excellence (SPORE) in Gastrointestinal Cancer, Program 4 “Drug targeting of the G- quadruplex-NM23-H2 complex in the c-Myc promoter”, 2008-2013, $236,500 total costs per year, (Co.I., P.I. L. Hurley).

*National Institutes of Health (NIH)/NCI, 1R01CA122952-01A1, “G-quadruplexes formed in human oncogene promoters and their drug complexes”, 2007-2011, $284,655 total costs per year. (P.I.).

*NIH R01, 1R01 CA129424-01A1 “Development and Testing of ERE-Targeting Molecules for Breast Cancer Therapy”, 2008-2012, $300,000 per year, (Co. PI, PI: Sidell)

*NIH EUREKA 1 R01 GM085585-01 “Establishing a molecular system for drug targeting of transcriptional control”, 2008-2012, $302,000 total cost per year, (Co. PI, PI: Hurley)

*NIH R01, 1R01 GM083117, “Gene regulation of bcl-2 through DNA G-quadruplexes”, 2010-2014, $297,306 annual total costs (P.I.).

Pending NIH R01, 1R01CA153821-01, “G-Quadruplex-Mediated Transcriptional Regulation of PDGFRb”, 7%, (PI)

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Arizona Biomedical Research Commission (ABRC) “The link between Nucleonin, c-myc and Cancer Treatment” (PI) NSF, “Ligand recognition of human telomeric DNA and inhibition of telomerase” (PI) DOD, “developing novel novel agents targeting the ADAM15 core promoter via stabilization of G- quadruplexes” (CoI, PI: Brooks)


1. International Conference on Molecular Structural Biology, Vienna, Austria, September 17-20, 1995 Presentation title “Structural Studies of Interactions between Anticancer Platinum Drugs and DNA--A high-resolution NMR spectroscopic analysis.”

2. American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS) Midwest Regional Meeting, Chicago, Illinois May, 1997 Presentation title “Liposome Interactions of Lipophilic Camptothecins”

3. National Computational Science Alliance (Alliance) Chautauqua conference, Lexington, Kentucky May, 1999 Presentation title “Structural Studies of Interactions between Anticancer Drugs and DNA.”

4. American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting Chemical Approaches to Novel Anticancer Agents Anaheim, CA, April 16-20, 2005. Presentation title “Solution Structure of the Biologically Relevant G-Quadruplex Element in the Human c-MYC Promoter. Implications for G-Quadruplex Stabilization.”

5. International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies G-quadruplexes as Targets for Drug Design. Honolulu, Hawaii December 15-20, 2005 Presentation title “DNA G-Quadruplexes in Oncogene Promoters.” 6. International Meeting on Telomeres and Telomerase in Cancer Research. , Taiwan March 26-29, 2006 Presentation title “Intramolecular Human Telomeric G-quadruplex structure in potassium solution.”

7. American Chemical Society National Meeting Telomerase: An Emerging Target for the Development of Anticancer Agents. San Francisco, CA September 10-14, 2006 Presentation title “Intramolecular Human Telomeric G-quadruplex structure in potassium solution.”

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(Featured in Chemical & Engineering News, October 9, 2006)

8. First International Meeting on Quadruplex DNA Louisville, KY April 21-24, 2007. Presentation title “Intramolecular G-quadruplex Structures formed in Human Telomeric DNA in potassium solution.”(Invited to write a meeting report for the EMBO Report)

9. The Twelfth Conference and Exhibition on Instrumental Analysis Beijing, China October 18-22, 2007. Presentation title “DNA G-quadruplexes as potential drug targets” 10. 31st National Medicinal Chemistry Symposium Presentation title “Targeting transcriptional control via secondary DNA structures” Pittsburgh, PA June 15-19, 2008

11. 4th Annual Modern Drug Discovery & Development Summit San Diego, CA October 15-18, 2008 Invited Speaker

12. Chemistry in Cancer Research/AACR-American Chemical Society joint conference Session 6: Chemistry in Support of Cancer Drug Discovery I Session Chairperson and Speaker New Orleans, Louisiana February 8-11, 2009 Invited Speaker

13. Second International Meeting on Quadruplex DNA Louisville, KY April 18-21, 2009. Invited Speaker 14. International Symposium of NMR for Biological Macromolecules Hefei, China June 25-29, 2009. Meeting Organizing Committee Speaker 15. The First National Conference on Biophysical Chemistry, NCBPC1, Chinese Chemical Society Beijing, China July, 2010

16. G-Quadruplexes as Targets for Drug Discovery and Development, Symposium, ACS National meeting Chair and speaker, Boston, MA August, 2010

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17. G-Quadruplexes and i-Motifs: Structures, Biological Roles, and Therapeutic and Technological Applications, PacifiChem, International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies Honolulu, Hawaii December, 2010


International *1. Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Beijing, China, 2001 *2. Beijing University, Beijing, China, 2001 *3. Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology, National Institute of Medical Sciences, Beijing, China, 2001 *4. Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China, 2001 *5. Institute of Synthetic Chemistry and Natural Products, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, China, 2001 *6. National Cancer Institute, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College, Beijing, China, 2002 *7. School of Life Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China, 2007 *8. Fudan University, Shanghai, China, 2007 *9. School of Chemistry, Beijing University, Beijing, China, 2008

National 7. College of Pharmacy, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky, 1996 8. College of Pharmacy, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, 2000 9. Center for Discovery of Drugs and Diagnostics, University of Central Florida, Orlando, Florida, 2000 10. Department of Pharmacology, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 2000 *11. M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas, 2004 *12. College of Pharmacy, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky, 2006 *13. Department of Biology & Biochemistry, University of Houston, Houston, Texas, 2007 *14. Department of Biochemistry, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, 2007 *15. Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, Georgia, 2009 *16. City of Hope, Los Angeles, California, 2010

Local 15. Beckman Conference, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, 1995 16. Center for Computational Sciences, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky, 1996 17. Center for Computational Sciences, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky, 1997 18. Department of Chemistry, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky, 1998 19. Genetics Program, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, 2001 20. Cancer Biology Program, Arizona Cancer Center, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, 2001 21. Departmental Colloquium Seminar, Chemistry Department, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, 2002 22. Biological Chemistry Interdisciplinary Program, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, 2003 23. College of Pharmacy, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, 2005 24. Biological Chemistry Interdisciplinary Program, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, 2006

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25. College of Pharmacy, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, 2007 26. Biological Chemistry Interdisciplinary Program, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, 2007 27. Departmental Colloquium Seminar, Chemistry Department, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, 2008

PUBLICATIONS (* denotes awards received subsequent to the appointment at the University of Arizona)

Peer Reviewed Research Articles

1. Danzhou Yang, Yi-gui Gao, Howard Robinson, Gijs A. van der Marel, Jacques H. van Boom and Andrew H.-J. Wang "Structural Effects of C2-Methylhypoxanthine :Cytosine Base Pair in B-DNA: A Combined NMR and X-ray Diffraction Study of d(CGC[m2I]AATTCGCG)" Biochemistry 32, 8672- 8681, 1993. (Impact Factor: 4.493)

2. Danzhou Yang and Andrew H.-J. Wang "Structure by NMR of Antitumor Drugs Aclacinomycin A and B Complexed to d(CGTACG)" Biochemistry 33, 6595-6604, 1994. (Impact Factor: 4.493)

3. Howard Robinson, Danzhou Yang and Andrew H.-J. Wang "Structure and dynamics of the antitumor drugs nogalamycin and disnogalamycin complexed to d(CGTACG)2: comparison of crystal and solution structures" Gene 149, 179-188, 1994. (Impact Factor: 2.258)

4. M. Sriram, Danzhou Yang, Yi-gui Gao and Andrew H.-J. Wang "Crystal and Solution Structure of d(CGC[e6G]AATTCGCG)-Drug Complexes Reveal Conformational Polymorphism of O6-Ethyl- Guanine:Cytosine Base Pair" Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences - Symposium on DNA damage: Effects on DNA Structure and Protein Recognition. pp18-45, 1994.

5. Danzhou Yang, Stella S. G. E. van Boom, Jan Reedijk, Jacques H. van Boom, Nicholas Farrell and Andrew H.-J. Wang "A novel DNA structure induced by the new dinuclear anticancer compound m- (1,4-diaminobutane)-bis[trans-diamminechloroplatinum (II)] crosslinked to a GpC site in DNA" Nature Structural Biology vol 2 No. 7, 577-586, 1995. (cover article) (Impact Factor: 13.555)

6. Danzhou Yang, Stella S. G. E. van Boom, Jan Reedijk, Jacques van Boom and Andrew H.-J. Wang "Structure and Isomerization of an Intra-strand Cisplatin-crosslinked Octamer DNA Duplex by NMR Analysis" Biochemistry 34, 12912-12920, 1995. (Impact Factor: 4.493)

7. Stella S.G.E. vanBoom*, Danzhou Yang*, Jan Reedijk, Gijs A. van der Marel and Andrew H.-J. Wang "Structural Effect of Intra-strand Cisplatin-crosslink on Palindromic DNA Sequences" Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics vol 13 No. 6, 989-998, 1996. (cover article) (Impact Factor: 1.826)

8. Danzhou Yang and Andrew H.-J. Wang "The Structural Studies of Interactions between Anticancer Platinum Drugs and DNA" Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology vol. 66 No.1, 81-111, 1996 (Invited Review). (Impact Factor: 3.182)

9. Danzhou Yang, J. Thompson Strode, H. Peter Spielmann, Andrew H.-J. Wang and Thomas G. Burke “DNA Interactions of Two Clinical Camptothecin Drugs Stabilize Their Active Lactone Forms” J. of American Chemical Society vol. 120, No. 12, 2979-2980, 1998. (Impact Factor: 11.98)

10. Ignacy Gryczynski, Z. Gryczynski, Joseph R. Lakowicz, Danzhou Yang, and Thomas G. Burke "Fluorescence Spectral Properties of the Anticancer Drug Topotecan By Steady-State and Frequency-

12 Danzhou Yang 2010

Domain Fluorometry with One-Photon and Multi-Photon Excitation", Photochemistry and Photobiology 69(4), 421-428, 1999. (Impact Factor: 2.768)

11. Yanbin Zhang, Fenghua Yuan, Hua Xin, Xiaohua Wu, Deepak K. Rajpal, Danzhou Yang and Zhigang Wang “Human DNA Polymerase κ Synthesizes DNA with Extraordinarily Low Fidelity” Nucleic Acids Research, vol. 28, No. 21, 4147-4156, 2000. (Impact Factor: 5.396)

12. Danzhou Yang, Jixun Dai, A. H.-J. Wang “Structures and Mechanisms of Anticancer Drugs-Target Interactions”, Cancer Chemotherapy and Chemoprevention, Rui Han, Yan Shun, DaoPei Lu (Eds.), Beijing, Science Press. 2003. (Book Chapter)

13. J.-Q. Gu, Y. H. Wang, S. G. Franzblau, G. Montenegro, D. Yang, B.N. Timmermann, “Antitubercular Constituents of Valeriana laxiflora”, Planta Medica, 70(6), 509-514, 2004. (Impact Factor: 1.879)

14. Jixun Dai, Chandanamalie Punchihewa, Prakash Mistry, Aik Teong Ooi, Danzhou Yang “Novel DNA Bis-intercalation by MLN944, a Potent Clinical Bisphenazine Anticancer Drug”, J. Biological Chemistry, 279 (44), 46096-46103, 2004. (Impact Factor: 6.482)

15. Attila Ambrus, Ding Chen, Jixun Dai, Roger A. Jones, Danzhou Yang “Solution Structure of the Biologically Relevant G-Quadruplex Element in the Human c-MYC Promoter. Implications for G- Quadruplex Stabilization.” Biochemistry, 44, 2048-2058, 2005. (Impact Factor:3.848)

16. Attila Ambrus, Ding Chen, Clifford Whatcott, Árpád Somogyi and Danzhou Yang “Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry protocol for monitoring the progress of enzymatic 13C/15N-labeled DNA syntheses ”, Analytical Biochemistry, 342(2), 246-253, 2005. (Impact Factor: 2.67)

17. Raghuram S. Tangirala, Rachel Dixon, Danzhou Yang, Attila Ambrus, Smitha Antony, Keli Agama, Yves Pommier, Dennis P. Curran “Total and semisynthesis and in vitro studies of both enantiomers of 20-fluorocamptothecin”, Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 15(21), 4736- 4740, 2005. (Impact Factor: 2.478)

18. Laurence H. Hurley, Daniel D. Von Hoff, Adam Siddiqui-Jain, and Danzhou Yang “Drug Targeting of the C-MYC Promoter to Repress Gene Expression via a G-Quadruplex Silencer Element” Seminars in Oncology, 33(4), 498-512, 2006. (Impact Factor: 3.634)

19. Danzhou Yang and Laurence Hurley “Structure of The Biologically Relevant G-Quadruplex in the C-MYC Promoter.” Nucleosides Nucleotides & Nucleic Acids, 25(8), 951-968, 2006. (Impact Factor: 0.798)

20. Jixun Dai, Thomas S. Dexheimer, Ding Chen, Megan Carver, Attila Ambrus, Roger A. Jones, Danzhou Yang “An Intramolecular G-Quadruplex Structure with Mixed Parallel/Antiparallel G- strands Formed in the Human BCL-2 Promoter Region in Solution.” J. of American Chemical Society 128, 1096 –1098, 2006. (Impact Factor: 7.696)

21. Attila Ambrus, Ding Chen, Jixun Dai, Tiffanie Bialis, Roger A. Jones, Danzhou Yang “Human telomeric sequence forms a hybrid-type intramolecular G-quadruplex structure with mixed parallel/antiparallel strands in potassium solution.” Nucleic Acid Research 34(9), 2723-2735, 2006. (Impact Factor: 7.552) (featured in C&EN, issue of July 31, 2006.)

13 Danzhou Yang 2010

22. Jixun Dai, Ding Chen, Roger A. Jones, Laurence H. Hurley, Danzhou Yang “NMR Solution Structure of the Major G-Quadruplex Structure Formed in the Human BCL-2 Promoter Region.” Nucleic Acid Research 34, 5133-5144, 2006. (Impact Factor: 7.552)

23. Chandanamalie Punchihewa, Adrian De Alba, Neil Sidell, Danzhou Yang “XR5944, a potent inhibitor of estrogen receptors”, Molecular Cancer Therapeutics 6, 213-219, 2007. (Impact Factor: 5.171) (featured in DailyUpdates/LeadDiscovery Headline Articles.)

24. Jixun Dai, Chandanamalie Punchihewa, Attila Ambrus, Ding Chen, Roger A. Jones, Danzhou Yang “Structure of the intramolecular human telomeric G-quadruplex in potassium solution: A novel adenine triple formation.” Nucleic Acid Research 35, 2440 - 2450, 2007. (Impact Factor: 7.552) (featured on the cover of C&EN, issue of May 28th, 2007.)

25. Chandanamalie Punchihewa, Jixun Dai, Megan Carver, Danzhou Yang “Human Topoisomerase I C-Terminal Domain Fragment Containing the Active Tyrosine Site is a Molten Globule: Implication for the Formation of Competent Productive Complex.” J. Structural Biology 159(1), 111-121, 2007. (Impact Factor: 3.496)

26. Attila Ambrus and Danzhou Yang “Diffusion ordered NMR spectroscopy for analysis of DNA secondary structural elements.” Analytical Biochemistry, 367(1), 56-67, 2007. (Impact Factor: 2.948)

27. Jixun Dai, Megan Carver, Chandanamalie Punchihewa, Roger A. Jones, and Danzhou Yang “Structure of the hybrid-2 type intramolecular human telomeric G-quadruplex in K+ solution: Insights into structure polymorphism of the human telomeric sequence.” Nucleic Acid Research, 35, 4927- 4940, 2007. (cover article) (Impact Factor: 7.552)

28. Paula Bates*, Jean-Louis Mergny* and Danzhou Yang*, (* denotes equal contribution and MS correspondence) “Quartets in G-major. The First International Meeting on Quadruplex DNA” EMBO report, 8, 1003-1010, 2007. (Impact Factor: 10.086) (Peer-reviewed).

29. Jixun Dai, Megan Carver, Danzhou Yang “Polymorphism of human telomeric G-quadruplex structures” Biochimie 90, 1172-1183, 2008. (Invited Peer-reviewed)

30. Chandanamalie Punchihewa, Danzhou Yang “Therapeutic Targets and Drugs-G-quadruplex inhibitors” Cancer Drug Discovery and Development: Telomeres and Telomerase in Cancer, Keiko Hiyama (Ed.), Humana Press, Springer (NJ, USA). 251-280, 2009. (Book Chapter)

31. Jixun Dai, Attila Ambrus, Laurence H. Hurley, Danzhou Yang. “A direct and nondestructive approach to determine the folding structure of the I-motif DNA secondary structure by NMR.” J Am Chem Soc 131(17): 6102-4, 2009.

32. Chandanamalie Punchihewa, Megan Carver, Danzhou Yang. “DNA sequence selectivity of human topoisomerase I-mediated DNA cleavage induced by camptothecin.” Protein Sci. 18(6): 1326-31, 2009.

33. Zhenjiang Zhang, Jixun Dai, Elizabeth Veliath, Roger A. Jones, and Danzhou Yang. “Structure of a two-G-tetrad intramolecular G-quadruplex formed by a variant human telomeric sequence in K+ solution: insights into the interconversion of human telomeric G-quadruplex structures.” Nucleic Acid Research, 38(3): 1009-21. 2010; Epub Nov 27, 2009.

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34. Danzhou Yang and Keika Okamoto “Structural Insights Into G-Quadruplexes: Towards New Anti- Cancer Drugs.” Future Medicinal Chemistry, Vol. 2, No. 4, 619-646, April 2010.

35. Raveendra I. Mathad and Danzhou Yang “G-Quadruplex Structures and G-Quadruplex-interactive Compounds” Telomeres and Telomerase: Methods and Protocols, 2nd Edition, Songyang, Z., Ed. Humana Press, NY, USA, in press, 2010.

36. Feng-jue Shu, Neil Sidell, Danzhou Yang, Caleb B. Kallen “The Tri-Nucleotide Spacer Sequence Between Estrogen Response Element Half-Sites is Conserved and Modulates ERα-Mediated Transcriptional Responses.” Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, in press, 2010.

37. Jixun Dai, Emmanuel Hatzakis, Laurence H. Hurley, Danzhou Yang. “I-motif structures formed in the human c-MYC promoter are highly dynamic–Insights into sequence redundancy and I-motif stability” PLoSONE, minor revision.

2010: c-myc Biophysics; mycA; quindoline; 85697; EREx2; review


1. Danzhou Yang “High Resolution NMR Spectroscopic Analysis of Anticancer Drugs, DNA and Their Interactions 1). Platinum anticancer compounds-DNA interactions 2). Anthracycline drugs-DNA interactions and modified DNA” Ph.D. Thesis, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1996.

Patent Applications

1. Thomas G. Burke, Danzhou Yang, Ayhan S. Demir, and Ashok Chavan “Oligonucleotide Delivery Systems for Camptothecins”, U.S. Utility Patent Application S.N. 09/807,332, Patent No. US 6897200, issued May 24, 2005.

*2. Laurence H. Hurley, Danzhou Yang, Thomas S. Dexheimer, Daekyu Sun, “Drug Targeting of the G-quadruplexes in the bcl-2 promoter” Provisional Application for Patent, filed February 3, 2006.

*3. Danzhou Yang, Laurence H. Hurley, Jixun Dai, Attila Ambrus, Ding Chen, “Folding Pattern and Structure of the G-quadruplex in the Human Telomeric Sequence Formed under Physiological Condition.” Provisional Application for Patent, filed March 30, 2006.

*4. Laurence H. Hurley, Thomas S. Dexheimer, Danzhou Yang, “I-motif structure in the c-Myc Promoter and Drug Targeting with TMPyP4” Provisional Application for Patent, filed April 13, 2007.

Submitted Protein Data Bank Structures

1. PDB ID 1AU5, “Solution structure of intrastrand cisplatin-crosslinked DNA octamer d(CCTG*G*TCC):d(GGACCAGG)”, Yang, D., van Boom, S.S., Reedijk, J., van Boom, J.H., Wang, A.H. Release Date: 1998-02-25.

2. PDB ID 1AU6, “Solution structure of DNA d(CATGCATG) interstrand-crosslinked by bisplatin compound (1,1/T,T)”, Yang, D., Van Boom, S.S.G.E., Reedijk, J., Van Boom, J.H., Farrell, N., Wang, A.H.-J. Release Date: 1998-02-25.

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*3. PDB ID 1X95, “Solution structure of the B-DNA hexamer ATGCAT complexed with MLN944, a bisphenazine anticancer drug”, Dai, J., Punchihewa, C., Mistry, P., Ooi, A.T., Yang, D. Release Date: 2004-09-28.

*4. PDB ID 1XAV, “Solution Structure of the Biologically Relevant G-Quadruplex Element in the Human c-MYC Promoter”, Ambrus, A., Chen, D., Dai, J., Jones, R.A., Yang, D., Release Date: 2005-02-01.

*5. PDB ID 2F8U, “Solution structure of G-quadruplex formed in the human Bcl-2 promoter”, Dai, J., Chen, D., Jones, R.A., Hurley, L.H., Yang, D., Release Date: 2006-11-07.

*6. PDB ID 2HY9, “Solution structure of the human telomeric quadruplex”, Dai, J., Chen, D., Jones, R.A., Hurley, L.H., Yang, D. Release Date: 2007-04-10.

*7. PDB ID 2JPZ, “Structure of the hybrid-2 type intramolecular human telomeric G-quadruplex”, Dai, J., Carver, M., Punchihewa, C., Jones, R., Yang, D. Deposition Date: 2007-05-25.

Published Abstracts

1. Danzhou Yang, Andrew H.-J. Wang and Thomas G. Burke “Solution Structure of CPT-11 by High- Resolution NMR Spectroscopy” Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 38, pg. 17, 1997.

2. Danzhou Yang, Andrew H.-J. Wang and Thomas G. Burke “Structural Studies of Two Water Soluble Camptothecin Anticancer Drugs and Their Interactions with DNA” Pharmaceutical Research Vol. 14 No. 11, S109, 1997.

3. Danzhou Yang, J. Thompson Strode, H. Peter Spielmann, Andrew H.-J. Wang and Thomas G. Burke “DNA Interactions of Clinically Relevant Camptothecin Drugs Stabilize Their Active Lactone Forms” Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 39, pg. 373, 1998.

4. Danzhou Yang, J. Thompson Strode, H. Peter Spielmann, Andrew H.-J. Wang and Thomas G. Burke "Double-Stranded DNA Interactions Stabilize the Active Lactone Forms of Several Clinically Relevant Camptothecin Drugs", Pharmaceutical Research, Vol. 15: S-561, 1998.

5. Danzhou Yang, J. Thompson Strode, H. Peter Spielmann, Andrew H.-J. Wang, Ayhan Demir and Thomas G. Burke “DNA Interactions of Clinically Relevant Camptothecin Drugs Stabilize Their Active Lactone Forms” Ann Oncol 9: 233 Suppl. 2, pg. 61, 1998.

6. Danzhou Yang, Ignacy Gryczynski, Joseph R. Lakowicz, J. Thompson Strode, H. Peter Spielmann, Andrew H.-J. Wang and Thomas G. Burke "Double-Stranded DNA Interactions of Camptothecin Anticancer Drugs Probed Using Biophysical Methods", Biophysical Journal, 76 (1): A129-A129, 1999.

7. Ignacy Gryczynski, Z. Gryczynski, Joseph R. Lakowicz, Thomas G. Burke and Danzhou Yang "Fluorescence Spectral Properties of the Anticancer Drug Topotecan By Steady-State and Frequency Domain Fluorometry with One-Photon and Multi-Photon Excitation", Biophysical Journal, 76: A447, 1999.

8. Danzhou Yang, Ignacy Gryczynski, Joseph R. Lakowicz, J. Thompson Strode, H. Peter Spielmann, Andrew H.-J. Wang and Thomas G. Burke "Double-Stranded DNA Preferentially Binds and Stabilizes the Active Lactone Forms of Several Clinically-Relevant Camptothecin Drugs," Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 40, pg 209, 1999

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9. Burke, T.G., Chavan, A.J., Strode, J.T., Giovanella, B., Danzhou Yang, Curran, D.P., Bom, D., Josien, H., Pommier, Y., Zimmer, S., Fraley, K.A., and Perez-Soler, R. "Development and Evaluation of a Liposomal Formulation of Highly Lipophilic 7-t-Butyldimethyl-silyl-10-Hydroxycamptothecin", Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 40, pg 113, 1999.

10. Danzhou Yang and Thomas G. Burke "A High Sensitivity Differential Scanning Calorimetric Study of the Interactions of the Highly-Lipophilic Camptothecin DB-67 with Liposomes Composed of Dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine", AAPS PharmSciSM, Vol. 1-4: S3310, 1999.

11. Burke T.G., Bom D., Kruszewski S., Zimmer S.G., Yang DZ, Bingcang A.L., Pommier Y., Kohlhagen G., Perez-Soler R., Strode J.T., Du W., Gabarda A., Chavan A.J., Latus L.J., Curran D.P. “Novel drug design and formulation strategies for optimal topoisomerase I inhibition by camptothecin anticancer agents”, Abstracts of Papers of The American Chemical Society, 219: 348- BIOT, Part 1, 2000.

12. Danzhou Yang, S. Kruszewski, D. Bom, S. G. Zimmer, Y. Pommier, G. Kohlhagen, A. L. Bingcang, W. Du, Dennis P. Curran, and Thomas G. Burke “Modifications at the 10-Position Markedly Impact on the Physicochemical and Pharmacological Properties of the Novel, Highly Lipophilic Silatecan DB67 and Its 7-[(2-Trimethylsilyl)Ethyl]-Analog” Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 41, pg 655, 2000.

13. Danzhou Yang and Thomas G. Burke " Interactions of the Highly-Lipophilic Camptothecin DB-67 and Water-Soluble Camptothecin Topotecan with Phospholipid Bilayers --A High Sensitivity Differential Scanning Calorimetric Study", AAPS PharmSciSM, Vol. 3: S, 2000.

14. Danzhou Yang, Stefan Kruszewski, and Thomas G. Burke “10-Hydroxy Substitution Markedly Impacts on Physicochemical and Pharmacological Properties of Highly Lipophilic 7- Silylcamptothecins”, AAPS PharmSciSM, Vol. 3: S, 2000.

15. Danzhou Yang, S. Kruszewski, D. Bom, S. G. Zimmer, Y. Pommier, G. Kohlhagen, A. L. Bingcang, W. Du, Dennis P. Curran, and Thomas G. Burke “The 10-Hydroxy Substitution Markedly Impacts on the Physicochemical and Pharmacological Properties of the Novel, Highly Lipophilic Camptothecin Analogs”, Clinical Cancer Research 6: Suppl. S #226,, 2000.

16. Danzhou Yang, J. Thompson Strode, Andrew H.-J. Wang and Thomas G. Burke “Stabilization of active lactone forms of clinical camptothecin drugs by double-stranded DNA interactions” Clinical Cancer Research 6: 227, Suppl. S, 2000.

17. Danzhou Yang and Thomas G. Burke “Interactions of the Highly-Lipophilic Camptothecin DB-67 and Water-Soluble Camptothecin Topotecan with Phospholipid--A High Sensitivity Differential Scanning Calorimetric Study” Clinical Cancer Research 6: 452, Suppl. S, 2000.

18. Burke TG, Houghton PJ, Born D, Yang D, Wu D, Kruszewski S, Pommier Y, Kohlhagen G, Perez- Soler R, Zimmer SG, Strode JT, Chavan AJ, Latus LJ, Curran DP “NCl raid-sponsored DB-67 displays elevated lactone levels in human blood and potent anticancer activity in vitro and in vivo.” Clinical Cancer Research 6: 225, Suppl. S, 2000.

19. Demir AS, Tanyeli C, Zimmer S, Kruszewski S, Bom D, Yang D, Chavan A, Pommier Y, Burke TG “Development and evaluation of a remote-loadable liposomal camptothecin which contains a polyamine functionality at position 7”, Clinical Cancer Research 6: 453, Suppl. S, 2000.

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*20. Jixun Dai, Laurence Hurley, Danzhou Yang, “NMR Structural Analysis of the Complex of Telomestatin and Human Telomeric G-Quadruplex”, Clinical Cancer Research 8: Suppl. S, 2002.

*21. Danzhou Yang, Jixun Dai, Prakash Mistry “Structural studies of XR5944 (MLN944) and XR11576 (MLN576) interactions with DNA”, Clinical Cancer Research 9(16): 6083S-6083S, Suppl. S, 2003

*22. Zhizhong Meng, Danzhou Yang “Computer modeling study of camptothecin interactions with human topoisomerase I and DNA”, Clinical Cancer Research 9(16): 6111S-6111S, Suppl. S, 2003.

*23. Chandanamalie Adikaram, Megan Carver, Jixun Dai, Danzhou Yang “Structural analysis of human topoisomerase I C-terminal fragment containing the active tyrosine site.” 95th American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting Proceedings, 45, 3083, 2004.

*24. Attila Ambrus, Ding Chen, Jixun Dai, Roger A. Jones, Danzhou Yang “Solution Structure of the Biologically Relevant G-Quadruplex Element in the Human c-MYC Promoter. Implications for G- Quadruplex Stabilization.”, Gordon Conference, 2005.

*25. Jixun Dai, Chandanamalie Punchihewa, Prakash Mistry, Danzhou Yang “Novel DNA binding mode and mechanism of action of XR5944, a potent clinical bisphenazine anticancer drug.” 96th American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting Proceedings, 45, 2355, 2005.

*26. Attila Ambrus, Ding Chen, Jixun Dai, Roger A. Jones, Danzhou Yang “Solution Structure of the Biologically Relevant G-Quadruplex Element in the Human c-MYC Promoter. Implications for G- Quadruplex Stabilization.” 96th American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting Proceedings, 46, 2529, 2005.

*27. Jixun Dai, Thomas S. Dexheimer, Ding Chen, Megan Carver, Attila Ambrus, Roger A. Jones, Laurence Hurley, Danzhou Yang “An Intramolecular G-Quadruplex Structure with Mixed Parallel/Antiparallel G-strands Formed in the Human BCL-2 Promoter Region in Solution.” 97th American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting Proceedings, Vol. 47, p456, 1935, 2006.

*28. Chandanamali Punchihewa, Adrian De Alba, Neil Sidell, Danzhou Yang “XR5944: a potent inhibitor of estrogen receptors.” 97th American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting Proceedings, Vol. 47, LB310, 2006.

*29. Jixun Dai, Thomas S. Dexheimer, Ding Chen, Megan Carver, Attila Ambrus, Laurence Hurley, Danzhou Yang “An Intramolecular G-Quadruplex Structure with Mixed Parallel/Antiparallel G- strands Formed in the Human BCL-2 Promoter Region in Solution.” Experimental Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Conference, 2006.

*30. Tiffanie J. Bialis; Thomas Dexheimer; Mary Gleason-Guzman; Danzhou Yang, Laurence Hurley, H. Transcriptional consequences of targeting the i-motif structure of the c-Myc promoter with TMPyP4 Centennial American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting Proceedings, Vol. 48, 3169, 2007.

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*31. Jixun Dai, Attila Ambrus, Chandanamalie Punchihewa, Ding Chen, and Megan Carver, Danzhou Yang “Human Telomeric Intramolecular G-Quadruplex Structure In Potassium Solution.” First International Meeting on Quadruplex DNA Proceedings, 2007.

*32. Jixun Dai, Attila Ambrus, Chandanamalie Punchihewa, Ding Chen, and Megan Carver, Roger A. Jones, Danzhou Yang “Intramolecular Human Telomeric G-quadruplex Structures in K+ Solution.” Keystone Symposia-Structural Genomics and its Applications to Chemistry, Biology and Medicine, 2008.

*33. Chandanamali Punchihewa, Megan Carver, Adrian De Alba, Neil Sidell, Danzhou Yang. “XR5944 is a potent inhibitor of estrogen receptors through a novel mechanism.” American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting Proceedings, Vol. 49, 4747, 2008.

*34. Jixun Dai, Attila Ambrus, Chandanamali Punchihewa, Megan Carver, Ding Chen, Roger A. Jones4, Danzhou Yang. “Molecular Structures and Polymorphism of Human Telomeric G-quadruplexes in K+ Solution – A Potential Drug Target for Cancer Therapeutics.” American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting Proceedings, Vol. 49, 3194, 2008.

*35. Danzhou Yang, Zhenjiang Zhang, Jixun Dai, Roger A. Jones “Two-tetrad intramolecular structure in K+: insights into the interconversion of human telomeric G-quadruplexes.” Keystone Symposia- Structural Biology, 2010.

*36. Danzhou Yang, Xi Chen, Feng-jue Shu, Zhenjiang Zhang, Megan Carver, Caleb Kallen, Neil Sidell. “XR5944 interacts with diverse EREs differently, which may influence ER inhibition by XR5944.” American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting Proceedings, Vol. 51, 4616, 2010.