November 1950

PECIAL FOR DOUEfflBER and DE[EfflBER ... Eomplete 100' 16mm. Sound lengths of Features, Serials, Shorts

Ju past ) can. our stocks of these 100' 16mm. s01111d ll·n~ths lrom feature picture , " 'e terns. serials, comedies, tr:n el films, musicals, cl?cumcntary ,uhjccts, sport film:.. informational film:., ond other films of many types were gohhlcd up a, fa,1 as wt· offered them. Now we hnH· perhaps the big!!;est stock wc·vc c,·cr hccn ahlc to offer at one time. These lengths an.• incomplch.•) start all)\\ her<.· and encl anywlwrc. hut arc conscc•utivc in thcmselvc - not a lot of short o;ccncs spliced to~cther. They nre not identified either individuall) or a, to ubjcct ~rnupings. Thus, there is no way we can fill an order for so man) "\:Vcstcrn·· lengths, or ,o many ··traver· length,, or any certain quantity of any l) pe. All footage is regular imn!!c material (no H-1 ° Sound ~lmicah arc induclcd) and all j., in good nmablc condition. \Yhilc our '.'tto('k lasts, , ou mav huv an assorhn('nt of . thret.· 100' lengths of thc,c incom1ilctc l 61;1111. , ouncl films, po lagc extra. for only $2.9S

Or. hy bu) ing twice .is many - an assortment of -.h: - ) 011 gel them, posta!.?;c extra, for but ...... $5.49

\llll want to shoot the works ancl take a dozen. , 011 ~et t1,c best 1>rice ) t.:I. T" cl\'<' 100' lc11gth~ l·ost. postngc extra, only.. . S0.98

Then. if) 011 "ant the ,upcr-dcluxc cleat incomplete I 00' 16 mm. •muml length-. in full color - mmtly Cinccolor and Kodaclm1111c - ) 011 may lun c them. po tnge extra, each nl . . . . . $2.49

I 'STUPID LITTLE CUPID"··· 1OD' 1&mm. R-I Sound fflusir:al Film Herc\ nnolhcr pccinl in a good used print of a 100' Himm. H-J {re\'Cr~c-imngc} So1111cl \tu,ical Film folhm i11g up on tl1c , er) popular "Don't Let Julia Fool Ya" "hich \\Coffered in Jul} and August. "Stupid Little Cupid" star IO\el} U!>:lll \lillcr singin~ to cupid. It's cute and ifs tuncful. Price. when purchased nlone, $ l.4!J. \\'hen purc·li:\sed "itla nny otlicr ilems from our list. only 791:

ILAEHHAWH FllfflS IDE. DAUEDPORT, IOWA '( In~, < prm1clc s tlint if for uny n·,1,011 ) ou 110 11nt "i,h to rct;im ,m, li1r11., or rncrd1andi,l· ) ou order lrnrn Bla('khawk, ) ou may ,hip them l,,,d, lu u,. lraiL,port.,tion paid. ,,ithin fin· cl,t\.s nftcr ) ou rc·cc1H• them. tOJ,!dhtr \\1th , c py ui your m\01l.< nnd \\t•II ghc )Ou lull credit.


11n,,rcel from tlll' lurn uf th,· 1t11tury u11 to till tune of lhc \\ttr, I le 111torpuratc, a n11111ht·r ol earl> uucl ~Pl'l I a·ular uc•\, s1 t·,·l ,hots in Iii, ,uhjnl. f his onc-hnlf l'Cl'I. 16mm. ~0111111 film. produ1:ed to ,di fur ;, 17.50. is vour, (pn,1,,1,:c e:drn) for 011I) $9.0">

l I l \ E I OH fO\IOIHIO\\ wilh Capt. Edili, Hid.enh.,c.kt•r. Ci11}t, l d

11,11 I'- I OOD. \. \i,it to the l·ultnn Fi~h ~l.irl;tl in .:--tm \ork C It). \\ < w,· \\ l1t'H' ,11111 Ito,\ \ .1rious lypcs of lt,h an· e11u~ht, hruni;l,t in to 111n1·kct .iml 11n•p.1rc,I for di,t, ihulion A ,111,jl'l t lh,it "ill i11t<-rt ,1 ,111110~1 c•,, r) o w. \ full red. 111mm, , 111ud film. pro, du«·d to ,di lur ~17 ..30 (posta~c extra. 11111 11,1\ lllnd,h:l\\k Jrn, h1r;.:ai11 priCl' of onh • • . • . . . ::,9 ~;

l \ r:m IHI :"\(,'~ l)l ( "1 \\ilh Ceo1,::e GiH,t. llcrt s ,1 noH•h, of lhc t,p, p11p11l.1rizcd h~ l'cte "t111itl1 althou(\h mimrs the to11d1 of tl1,1l m.1~11.'r of the rnot111u !Hl'lurt• ,hurt ,uhjc•tt, ., nl t)1,: kind nf h 11l~c·t tl,al \l(.~I ,wulcl nllou1lc lo su, h a 1il111. Jlm,c,cr. 11 im t h,1d. :md c \Cr) ,lul'k hunt,•r \l1ould !incl it most c11j11\,1Mc. ,\, a mat­ hr 11£ f.1d, ,1ht 11 <,t·ori:P 11 '"' us thl· richt 1111I \\Tnni: \\U) 10 JHctMfl' \\llu clud.:. mo\l of us \\ ill 1m1h.1hh 1:ct 11,orc than a mild kit·k 0111 ol it. f'rocluccf tJ, I I r ckh."'l.. 111; \ll F \( T~ (Kil.ii the K.m!!,troo) . \ CT Osr: SIi \ \ E ffnm1~r \I b11f.1) ny one of the above one reel, Fl '1:-,;c: "Ol I JI (Furmer Al l'.tlfo) . 16mm. sound films, postage extra $'f.9S II \IL rfll•, KL\C (Kiko the K mi:.iroo) I IOOI\'. \ '.'i () I \ DD!• It So. O:'\ E (\low,,· \lo, i, AN HOE and THE THREE MUSKETEERS purchase d 0\ T Iii" ",( L:\T (Kiko tl1c ll:11111.1arool . together at one time, postage extra . $17.9S ()<; I fUCIJ lllOnll.I.S (Kil;n lhl Knni.:.u-oo) I JJI•. Ill',; I (F11m1cr :-\I 1".1lf.1} clcl Rio, the Collcgi.111~ 11nd 111c Can,i\·al ( hon1' 11,!)j ll \ I \ II r: ll 11 11~1 I" (~lmic \lhum) "ith K.1} 1 omtin,·. 1 11<· Collc1.1i,m, :mil Johnny Dim its 9.!li, Ill I DO\I 01 Sl'I• I C II "ith \\. G. Cl1a111ll,•r (l'rc~icl,•nt of lh•1 flO\l \ YJ IC II \I.LADS (\fl!,ic \ lhnrn) with 'I lit Four l'olk,. nterican :--,m:,p,11ler b,o..-iatio11) anrl \\'ilh11r I <>rrc,t f\ kc l'rcsi­ Turnar:i, Dd (',:hino', Ord1t·,trn m1CI Boh H.muon $9.95 11f Ilic Amerit•an i\"ud.1tion ol ~\-w,t>a11t•.r J"ditor~. \1r. t111 1 '-0\C:S OF L 0\ I: C\111\ic Alhuml "ith Gene Cru1111d,, 'i~h it • 1dlcr ,ind :'\Ir, Forrt·st di,cu", :ii.:nimt th1• pictorial h.1d,,r::rnuml Frum, Dan• Sdwolcr nn,I Iii~ S,\incl.,c,,rh Tamar,1 Del I1 appropriate nt'\hrccl ,hut,. tlw , .,rio11s points of I he \tl:intic· Cu,ino and hi, Orch~,trn , ilrtt·r. 11,e) J)uint 0111 hcl\\ all of the oll1t•r lreedo111, .,re coll· !1.93 :!tent11 on the fn•edom of speccl,. Tl1i~ uue red, lfimm. ,ouud (iln,. FOO I II \I.I. P \ It \l)I: urt) l .imikd Q11a11tit) .... ';.05 <--ed to sell for $ I i.,">O. i, your, (po,llit:<' extra) for unh .:;;!!.!J;; fO!fl IHI.I. P \ H \l>E OF l!JH /Sport) • . , S.95 1:-; \( <;l'H \ T IO:\ OF H\ltm S. TJIU\f\X (Jli~toric,11) >c \ DI 11\E 1:-- CET !•l T Oil> ,,itl,1, G~c.r::oQ \hhott, \Ir. \ hhott. su15 Ill\ E\(,I. o:-,; J IIE It \'.\'GI:. (Old Tim,· M11\it·J • ~fl.!).; an of Ncw,rcd C n1111ncnt11tor,. th,c·usws the wcl\\th of tl1e \\ OHi l> SEim:s lW lfJ4,'i (Sporl) <:s.~,s 3 Blackha" k has tlil• "orld\ bigg<.·,t ill\ c ntorv of 16mm. -.ouncl film., for sale. ln our wnrclww.e i, t·11ou!.d1 1U re the judge. 1f you don't want it, send it back!

2 I \\\ 1 l !jS TO\\:\ (fil ,,al11 Gtori:,• lluu,1011 ,utd \] Sl. Julm ,-t-1.95 UOCCE OF flIF RlO (.1\ \:-,.:1)1-: (Cl ) "1th \ l)m.t Lo) and o-..I HIPCH \:-;D THE B \ '\Dll (fil ";11, (;t>r>rt;e 11011,1011 \\ alter \Iillcr • . . • . . . . . • . . . • ~H.95 nml \I st. 1111111 • • • • • S4-Ul5 JlOC:VE'S G \LLEH\ ti, \\ilh 1·ranl..: Jmk-. Hohin Ha)moncl ():\l RIDEJn, lJOHDEH HOl'1'Dl P GI with C,t·or,tt· and l l. B. "anll'r . . . . s.m.•15 1lousto11 111111 \I "'- John ...... '-·14,!)5 HOC:l E·s 'J \\I II'\ (i "ith \\ allal·e ford and BMh.un O~I RJDEH " C 111.'l:E:'\:".F (fl \\ith Geort:t• 111111,ton I't·ppn . . . . . • • 5i-19.9;, 110(1 \ I St. J oli11 . • . . • " 14.!15 IIOJ.Ll:w: Dem·, THE cm. \1 l)IYJl)E (fi \\ilh Bill l ( K\ BOO rs (G1 "itli ' Hit: Bm • "illi:inis . . ~:19.!>5 (Hatlin Rmd .111, \rt D,l\h . . '3!J.!J5 l ( 11:\ C ORHIC. \ '\ Ii with \\ illi:un Car.l!a n a nd \loll,· llO'\f .\ '\( I· 01' 11 II \\ I. ,T 7 n·cl,. ln C'inl'color) "ith J rnonl • • , • • • • • · ~4!-J.9.'> Eddit· Dt·w1 • • . • . • . • . • • S!JlJ.95 (\C lll\iE Cl:\ \I\\I\ 7 "ill, \rtnid.1. "·tll.1u· l"urrl .111cl Tllf S \Cl BBL '>II I \\fll \ TR \!LS \\ EST h "itl1 I I Brt•mkl • • . . . . . ~5 1UJ5 Bohln Clnrl.c ...... • • . . . . • ...... 3'1.95 !AKE \ "hll (~ n·t'I, "ith Bobh, Breen B.1,il Hatlihonc. !'> \GEBH l'"H l H \ II fi "ill, luhn \\\" 111· • • • s.HJ.!J5 \l.1Ji Ill C ,.,ill· . . . . • ...... lilJ .!15 '>E\ t::\' DOOH, TO DE\ Tll (7 "it!, Chad, C li.1111llt·r .111 J Hf \I\'\ I HO\I C.l 'rO\\ '.'. fi "Ith Tim \kCoi • s;l!U:15 SH \1)0\\ OI f'I HHOH -; "ith Hkh.ircl Fr:i,l'r. (,r,1lt' Cil- rJIE \I \1\ I 110\1 rn, \S ((;1 "itlt Ju; Hith-r . . S;HJ .!-J.; ll·m uml C) Kl'11dall . s.i!J.95 JIE \I.\N \\ IIO \\' \IKrD \I O:'\I• (i "ilh D:n id CfHrit·n Sil \KI•. JI \;>;I)<, \\ ITrl \ll BDl' ll (';' "itl1 Iri, \drian .mtl ud K:i , \ldril ·111 \IILI 11-iJ "ith l'i11k > lmnli11 .111cl \1( :\ ()'),; IJrll \1('\,IJ 1.C, 1 \\it J1 \l,ir) )lt-111 l111t:f1l• S. •[nf Toh, \\'iu~ . • • • • • "l').95 "llnrtl, ••mt J: ddic :\orrh . • . . , ~ '5 u1:; SIX Cl:-,. \I\\ U "1th Buh Stnk untl s,.1,l,,r $14.H5 ~II Sllltl \I\'\ 7 n·l·I, " ith lltnn} lid,k <,l.1ch, :-.Kil' rn \( l· H (7) "itli·~ Dunn 111ul l7rn111<', C.ifforcl ,4!),!15 (.cor c ,;j5 <,H)LL.'.'\ S\\ I LI s Ii '"Iii s.dh Blaine nml Ch:irf,., Slnrntl 3!),<)j \101 OU( \ C I I ~()l \D i "ith K,111e Hid11111111r, \lourc nnd \\ >1111c Cihson . • • . • S4'Ul:3 and \\·.un•n \\ illium ...... :s4fl.95 MIi BOCCS '> IF.I'-. Ol I 7 \\tll1 ,tuart Lrnin ,md lldc-11 STH \N(;Ll'H OF TllF. "" \\1P (fi will, Ho~un,1n 1 ,1 • Chondh•r • . . • s:;!J,l)~ Pl,111tht• 11ml llolwrt B.1rult . . • • • • . . • • . • -,,:rn.O.'> Ml lll)Ell IS \IY Bl 'SI~ESS ti 1 ,, itl1 II ugh A<",11m11111t , SU.NSET C \R~O:'\ IUl>I''> \(, \l:\ (i with sunset Cnr-.011 "Hl.'15 ( f Cf\ f \\ .ill,..r .111d J \ I,· r :,lhnt • . . .,_ 11).!);j S" l:'\IG IIOS rt :-.s ', "ith \l.1rtlrn fihou Ch.1rlt, ( ,,llin,. \ll1{l)IW I'> 1\F\\ s (l\ with John ( •. 1ll,111dl'I. lri, \kndilh. CliH a1.arro • ...... 4'c.l.!fi {,{'Ofl!t• ~h 1-i:a, • • • S-l!l.')5 <,\\ ING 11 . l'BOI I S'iOll !G "ith Piuh I omlin • '-J'l.95 i\l\ Tl.In 11-\:'\{,I Iii "itl1 J um T ) lt·r . . ~:3H.!-1:» rnrnons 0:\ J)(Hl,rn \{ K ttl with B11,tn ( r:1hht· .11Hl 'li-\BO'\(,\ (.( IIHI 1.\ r'>l "ith Bmti•1 Cr,1hlw, Fili Al St. J,11111 • • • • • • '-41.S (b " 1th (,l'ori:, ll011~l11n I I\ l H T\\ h I <,1 "itl, Dit kil• \loon:. In 111 -.: T1id1, l. a11d \ I '>I . 10h11 • • $ J.l.!Jj Doris Llu\tl . . . • • 0'UJ5 ntl<.C.I'H 1-1:'\C.I II'> ((l "ith Tim '-kCm . . :s3!J.~.'i Htl'll \NS 01 11 Ir Pl C (), fl "itl1 Tom h k·r • "1!J !15 fl .\IHI I• \\'FI D I H \II (H ,dth Hill llaclio l\o\'CI .uul !OlTLA\\<; OJ IIOl I DI.cit I'\<,', (fi " itli (,ttiri,:, llu11,to11 Art DU\ i- . . . :s~\) .QI I 7 \\ith t ec ltHt\ • . . . SffJ.!l:i 0 1'1\AlLS \\ FS I h \\ itl1 Hnstl'r ( r,1bbc .uul \I SI lnlm "Jll.!Jj Ill J>J BFI C I Cl UE -;-1 \\ilh David i\fonner~. Dorothy 1 l HF ncn i "ith Uuuy I km·y. llllll('S .St a, <::;i!).'J;j I 1bairc • • • • • . . "i 1•1.'I, { XCO~Ql' l· HEI> IH:-..n1 I lit ',II I llS (6) \\ith "The Ibnc,• Busttr,' K , \ ldri,kc 111cl dnn \In" hra, . s 11).!13 -11.i, ( .urrkan. John K111~. Mo, fcrl111m . • · l l.!J5 'IX fO ( -\"-10:'\ h \,i1h lluli lt·l•lr '- lfl 11:; \ \\ \I Kl:'\C. :-.:I<.llT\l \HE ti ,,itl1 Jame, 1>111111 Jo.111 Ill PIHN10\1 OJ i:!1t1l <,'J HI ET 1fi , "it!, D.1.icl Cl Brim. \Voodhun • • . • • • • • . 4!) 9.'i K.' \ltlricli.:c .md \l.111 \t,m hrn} . . • . "-l1l.'/; \\ \ l'Fllf'llO~ f 7 "it l1 John ( 1rr 1di1w .11111 C ,ll'rnll 1 1 J. H\N10\J l 1'\'J(J (Ol "1tl1 Bun" Hrnr, 0 11d D.1,c o ·nricn -l-L!/5 1 :'\ni\h . . . "4!.1.9:i , IANTOM H \'\C,EH lil ,,ith Kt•n \(.,~n,1r.!J5 1,o er Pnor . • • • . >111 U1 11 WEST OF l'l'.\'TO H\,l"- (G) \\ill, ''The ll.rn1w llmltr,"- \( l~C Iii (1(11) i \\ ith J-r ,111.ii• l).,rro .rnd 1'.1111' R:1, Corrit:,111, Tuhn Mn~ Tt•rl1t111t· . . . ~4 l.'15 Iii hrnoud ~4'1 •i- \\ Ill:'\ 1111• I IC.II IS r.o o:,; \C: \I:\ (S ,,itJ, Jimnn l \ lDF H5. 01 TIIi \\i.s1 ·m "ilh Hill ll.1di,, .Bo) tl. ,111d .. ·> I vdon .. llarh:11·.1 Bclcl1•11 ,incl llr~i, Tonme} . ~ IH.'15 Art l)a,h 3!J 9- II \I\ .. · ...... · " \\ II\: C:JnLs I l• \\I 110\ll (7J \\ ith I nla Lanl' Sheldon I' UO\\ , ,\ I I 1., [,Ti< h tfl l "itli Roh Sl(·<·l., .;1111 \I SI. Tolm ,:l!) H,1 \\ 11"1. OJ' \IO'\ 11 f 1: IS 10 181 "ith John I odt·r. Lt•1111r<· 1 111'2t: I' Ii "Ith I- n·cl Sc·ntt and \I 'it John ~:J'I n5 uhcrt and \l.irti11 Ko,l<·l·k • • . • • i9.EH. HT ((i willt Roh StN·lc . s:rn.95 \VOL \'ES 01' 1111 I\\ '\Cl·. tli1 "illt Hult Lh iui:, nu S·J'J.H., 1iip .., 01 TIil. S \Cf' (G with Boh Stedt· . . . s:J!J.!Jn TIil: '\:'\KS \ltl C ()\)):-.;c; (7) "itl1 \lt1r) lk.1ly. I itllt· 1 ,IO \JU:'\G RJJ EY Bl "ith Lio) d Hu~hc~ :ind ~lnrion l,td,il' I !t-lli·r, Park, al..,rl,:i,, l\fo\if' H1M·11hl11n111 . anti 1n11r11s ...,. 'J- ll l,ur,. 11 . H. \\'.1rnt•r 5!J.!J5 5 Tl,1~ 1 ~!m • of ~n d 11-.rcl fe turc pi<:turt's is lo th,1 b,:st of ·om , (>II know, t._k,, in J!Ood m, J I l3mm. sound k:1t ,u..,, and short 5\1 knowltd!;e th,, h ir-t, ·t mo,t ,.irkd h,t of smh titles <"Vn jl.'d~ .11 ,ub,t,11,tntl .,llownnces. G•,nernllr, the rtll,m,tnLt 011 f, atu.r o l red 111 Ir-111111. ~uwul. ~llny 0£ thrs;: t1tl~, haw prc,10usl> be,~n is ,1hm.t h, G thirds of uur ant1cip.1t• cl rc-s,,le pnu. Thus, on .1,,ul.1'•lt ,m lt~.i~c- 011!,· and und,·r special lit'<:'USC, arc :wa1lablt: on a fl':1lur<' ,d1kb ,H would expect to st·ll ut $·1\J.CJ:;, your allo\\1m purt11,,.,._. hasis onl~ •• •n llladJiawk. E,cn a fo\\ fratm<·i; 111 full ,,uulcl hr- 111 till' n(lchhorhood of $25.00. Arw ~ood 16mm. s 1u c.ulor JTI 111d11d, ti •11 lhL· Lst. featun·~ - ,\ht Lhrr uhtamf'd from us or not - will be,•pttd nc 'i.,111, , or ulh, r 1,1atni,\I on such a has1:,. Thu,, it i.s n Mmp All of tl1, • f .it m ~ a, ccnpl tl' , nd 11, i;cocl condition. "'1atur.:illr, , 11d im 'l:r1 1L,I\ t malt. r to hep hbrarirs supplied ,, 1tl, a ch.1n,c sorri pm h h 1, < 1 1 11--i•e u~e th,m <1wrs I lmnver, .ill havt tit' •5 " ~!'C

On Ill 111, • ti,~ ,, t 11 ., , b t 1 ' nrlr 11r1nl r m.·mmg on h,md n,1 oth r '" ism rn,· , ~h; nr t 0 ',t pm,• in ,tc~k. ln nuldng l'ritc, or fr11turc pictures do not include pmtng(•. Ir shipmc11t is .! , • ;:-i \\ c nr •1• ,01 to ~w ,u nd and tlurd d1oii..-cs \\llN• Hr go C 0. D .• the cost of postm~c nod imurnnce can he collect Jll 1 !, \\ t 'll ":1tl tlu I ,,'1tn , 011r lirst d1oil'1 s h,wc, alrearlr onh :ilong with lite balance duc- ·"m the film. Hmw,,·r, if )OIi \\ish bt 'l wlrL i;:n" C. O. n. <·harge~ hy remitting in :uh-nncc. )OIi may remit U \<1, ! 1, 1 ,1, Ii, ( d,rin,fc.-tPrr~ h ,1 nil!\ (It .11,ordtr fol1£m in~ amounts to CO\C'T the cost of postage. in~urancc and 11:ic hr 1, ,r n >T• f, .ii nr, pnn!, , 011 ma, t k, d ,count of 5"li fi om ini;:. irre,pl'l 'he or vour loc-ation in the t:'nitcd States· our If :1,ly lo" pm; • "l lwt•'n or mor, prt•1t~ 10

\I 1 \ 1 11 lu .1tt ~u • f l n lLhr,tnt s acre the countr,.· d<'pE'nd on For th<' Hr,;t feature picturl' . • B!l,f..', \\~ f T l<.!lJ.1 1 of tin ir r, .h re req111rermn•s. Blacklumk, I· or e .• eh ,ulditionnl foaturc pidun• ....

\ll\ l NTT"HOl1S t-'~IC.111'~ (GJ ,\ilh the i;:nmn-up "Our FIGIJ II'-:G \I H) tll1 "ill, ns n ..11frew of the C.nn~" Kids. \I ickt') Dnnich. \tan t.:ornm11n, D.1,•icl Ho\nl ~fouutcd ...... S49, Sh,triic . • . . . • • $49.95 FIC:Hl JW, PIO~EEr.~ 61 \'1th R1·x Hell . . . S39. \I O'liC. THE :,L'"l:DO\\'N TRAIL 161 wilh \rt Dnvi.~, Bill Tl 11-: rU'I'\(. sERl'F°'T ff,' ,\ilh <:curgc Zucco, Rnlph 'Hndio" Bo) cl nml I ct Po", II • , • . $39.95 Lewi, :md Hop<· Kramer , .. S5f. 'lflE \PF \14.X 17 w:h Bt•la lu~osi and lnui~,· Currie .. $49'15 FOG T"il \1'D /71 "ith Lionel \twill. leromc Cowan mid .\PIii! HO\IA 'JC" r 171 \\ ith Bi< hard I ,mber ancl J,mc Hnxlcr S4{Ul:S Gcnri:,• Zuc<-o . . . . . $4 'J. R \DGE OF 11O'\OR G• ,litti Du~1l'r Crahh<' ...... $44 H5 Fl t:ITI\T 11O-\D tfil "illi Erich \"m1 Strnl1t•im . $44. HFLO\\ nir BOHl)l'II Wl with Bud, Jone, und Tim GAi I OPIXG HO\IEO ((il with Doh Stcl·lc , . $30. \1cCov . . . • • • . • . . • . • ..•.•••.. $44.!13 C-\LLOPJ'-G DY'l1A\l1T£:. (6) ,\ith K<'m1it l\l11,·nunl •. $39. Bl(: 11\II: OH Bl'::,r ,Ii "it!, Ikgi, Toomey uncl Glori:i G \ '-G Bl'~TFl\'i (6l "ith 'rim r.lcCoy ...... • . $39. Sl1t .;i • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .. • • • ...... $4-1.05 GA\' IICCK \l\OO ((i) with Hoot Gihson . • • $39. 1U.A7J'1G r.l'N'- mi with Hcb Ilussell nud "Hd,cl"' • $;19,95 TUE GRF\T ~HKF (S) ,,i1h Slunrt Erwin, Hohert "Iluzzy" Ill \Zl'\G Jl1'-Tl(;E HJ) "itl1 Bill Cody 1111d Gcrlnulc Ilrnrr ;111d Carl "Alfolfo' S"itzcr . . . . . , . . ..•$79. :\ll'~.,in!.!:1:r ...... •••.••..•.•.••....•... $39.95 TJIE C:IIO'iT \"\I) TIIE Gl'ES1' (i'l ,dth Jumt·~ Dunn and 81. l-EBE \HD (Sl ,\ith John Cnrra1line. Jean l'nrkcr 111111 Flori:,wc Hice • . . . • • • S59. .'.\ils ;\,I her . • •...•••.. $59.95 (6) with fim McCor ...... $44. H< lHl\' TO D \ I 11.l" .'DED ~IEN ((l) witl, Ken ~foyn:ird nnd June Clyd,• .• $44.9:i II \H\'E51 l\11-.LODY ti reds\ with Host•mnry Lane, Johnny BllOTlffiTI OF Tim WI ~T (6) with Tom Tyl<'r . . . • . .$!19.95 Downs. Edcli,: LeHaron', Orchestra . . . • ...... $59. Bl'ZZY HIDES TIIE H.\M:I~ (01 \,ith Buny Henry . $44.95 HA\\' I\ Tl C,\l,l,S (Sl \\ith Bohhy Ilrc,•n (lilo new) . $79. C \J'l"Al~ f \L.\MITI' ('ll with Gcor,;c Jf0115lon anil :\farior, Ill- AI>li\C ~ORTH (0) with Unh Strt·h· . . . $39. ;\;hon . . • . . • • • $49.95 HCLl. FJHE ,\ m,TI" (6) with Ken Mnrnard .•...... •. $44. THF. (;A TI \ V \ ~ TH \IL '7 reel,, In Cinl'colnr) wilh Edrlil' HILLBIU,Y BLIT7J;"HlEG (7 rel'ls) with Edgar Kt•nncdr. Dean ...... S!l!U.15 Doris Llndt.!11, Rud Duncan. Cliff Nazacro ...... $59. (.,.\HEEB GlllL 151 with Franct-~ I ilngforcl, Fdwnrd N'orri, 1101 LY\\ OOD A~O HNI· (OJ "ith Jimmie Ellisun, Wanda mrd • $·14, l)A'°\Gl· Hl "O\ffl\ \T WORK (71 ,\ith J'11tsy Kelly, ~1ary IIIISll Gltli\GO (RJ witli Pnt Carlyle • • • $29, Brian nnd l .uhd Tc,Hll ...... $5•1.05 JA Wl l':\T P\RJ,YJO:, t7) wilh Doris Wcstou 11ml Cerra Young • . . . . . S'.51, Maurice \lurphy • • . • . • . $4~1.93 Jl DGF\11·:\T BOOK (0 \\1th Conway Teurle . • 639 DETOl H i' "ilh Tom Ncul, \nn Savage and r lauclin J...l·.FPl:R OF THI· BEES (8\ ,\ith 1'\cil Hamilton und Dral,e ...... $59.93 Bell) Furness . . , . . . $69, DE'iEHT C8C-\l'I Ii) with \\', m:n Hull 1111d Isahel Jewel S39.9:; TIIE KID SISTFll 1G) witl1 Jlogcr Pryor and Judy ( lark 549. THE DEVIL JI \.. T (i\ wilh Bela l.ugo~i nncl \uzanne Kaarcn ~4!1 fl5 Tl IE L.l\J)Y COXFESSES (7) \,ith '\far)· Beth Hughes • $54, THE DE' II. B.\T'S D!\l.GTITEH (7) "ith Hosemnry 1.11, 1,/\IW I', THE DE.\TH HOUSE (i) with Jean Parker nncl Planche :ind 10h11 Jame~ . . .•.. $49.9:i J.ionl'I Atwill . . . • • , . • $40, DO\\':'- ~1J'iSOl'Rl WAY (.<;) with 1\(nrtlm O'Driscoll, John THE LADY HAFFLES (6) with Dorothy Rc-,•frr nml Cnm111i111.•, 1111d Eddie Dt•nn ...... Si9.95 1".rnndh H:irlnn • . • • • • $39, Dl'\f~l\' TflOURLE (7) with Tinlpl1 Byrd, Esther Muir and LA l'GflllliC AT LIFE (S} wil h Victor ~lcl.m:lc11 . $30, Harry 1,ani:ilon . . . . • . • .. .. • .. , . . . . • .. . • $•19.0S LOST n !\ '11CII 161 with • • . • $39. FECD OF TIIE THAii, (G) with Tom Tyler ...... $39.95 L \ W OF TIii~ SADDI C (OJ with Bob Lhi11g,ton ...... S39, 4 30 40

I) \I, II l ( l< • a Ihm -0 of pun h hl' Jlflt


1011 l

I J ."i 17 !i'i 7 'I II~ \\ IIISl'I Ill'\<. Kl I I "ith ·1"°' llitt,r and l>.m• 0 Bricu . · L. \ Ol ,G D"I '\ \\lll'F. \\Ith I rankic l);mo Ii: 111 Ilic hmriml l I

\'\\1'111'1:C, JOH \ 11111111 "ith I r,mkrc D:mo .. ml!-. n C'lll( l ~ I'\ IP\I >I • Thi- IC,00' red mutau th ll1d1111011d • • 1111 ,\ l'E \I.\'\ "ith Hd11 I 11 ·o~i . . lJli\\ I K\ \ r \IID'\IC.11 I "ith Bd,1 I u o~i. . BH \ '\I) 01 1111 DI\ II "ith Jun'\('\\ 111 1m,I l) ''° 0 Brlt'n tmOOKL \ ~ ORt lf10 "11!1 \\ 1lli,u11 B, udn. C\IU [ It (,11,1 h h m,- 1 an~ord .ind Id" rd '\ rn C OJ O I \l'O htD \\ llh n, ,, Skd,• (I,\( "' I) '\ l I 'i , ilh Stuurt I n•m C ' ' 111 I II ll l , ith J unts '\'c,, Ill II~ Henfr<'" uf th ll ul \lount I • • I 9'> J> \ '\(.I It \Ill \I) "ith J.1111 , '\; "II H£ 11fn \\ of th<' , , .ii \ I II ul d • I I)', DI I I'\()l L T IH l Ctl II R!:i ",tit Jun C rl,011 l ifi I) Ors.1,·, I,· 11 t I oriu~ . • .. rn \ II Hil>I ll'i , ith Uu tlr ( rabbt· 111 l \I 'it Jnhn D I \ (.0 \ \I IF\ ll \11>1 ll'i mth 8 ,h tc I I '\I \1'\ OJ 1111 I \\\ \\Ith TC\ 11111 r nd D t-1( Ill'\(. JUI I ( \H,O'\ \\1th Bu Ir ( 1,hl l11! 11 • • • , 'ii U'i 111 1 0'1 \ Kl'\(. ,itl Jue I". llrm\Jl . . I IJ~ 11 \'II'\(, lH 111 I \\I h In 1h11 r 11 I l>.oc () l\ri,11 I 01> Cl 1., 11< th foll,min hit I I I I 11 I•", I J.O'\ 1 ll R Ol II \\\ S "1th Bu ttr ( r hht nd \I ',t. J11hn ftl t.,\\ I I 1111 All I 01 l(,\H ( Ill rl\ DO\\ 'I; t I l ,r TTI I, ,,1tl1 llu r C rahb, ml ,\I "it h 1 ',ht rt , C 111 )0\\" I 00TB \I I PJS rot I ,h I I\ \IIIOlll I ( rt 1111 I 00TB \I I l''\H \1)1 OJ ]!14'1 (,I '\ I t.L \II '\ \\ 11 ll C.l ~t;; "ith llmh r C r:ihh1 .uul \I nd 11 l''i Sl\f'. \ ( ti! I L<.1 -.o:-.:c •. l'ri\ t.-impllti• 299 St lolm 111 r.110, I \ '\I) rm (,l 1 ,;·1 \\till I IDl" Dunn ,111 I 1101 ID\\ Th l 00' r t I C 1111. in thl' r ,llo\\ II • orlmcnl I I, 'I ]II( [ • I -;, 11f (,Ir I\\ E '\(.I "I) IIOI ID>\\.\\ \'illl'\C.TO'\. 1111 C.IIU I HO\I \lo, n Ill \ " th l\nmd.1 1 d,.,lT D < "u DO\\, ,o,m 11 ,, ,, " om 1 \'\'i I,. 1111 th , . . . ~UIIS ')\ (. t\ I) '1:1111 UH)CI, i'IO'\, Ch\'I> (,.\:\ C.I '\', 01 1111 I \\\ \\llh Jim '\(·,,ill ml l);nc O Brien yo-.:. ,,er, I \ "'\ \ l'I \l\'i \1111); In ! lnlr"III S ~IOllll• Ii \I\\ I\ 1' \II I 01)\ ,,1th l:t,s;.•m,tn I rtt Johnn, Down, l,tinl'C'f!I I d , OSI \1111 . l'rin•. cm111>lch: llfl I IHU \ Bl 117KllllJ: \\ith Hml Duncun nd l d .ir 1,.IDDU" K \H'\l\ \I fh1, 1600 red< n ins tl1 follonin 1,.,.-,tl((h ,ortmrn! ut film, ( Hl'I I' 1111 I 1H I \I \ '\. '\ Ill'- BllOTtll II', (,110',I \\1th Hn,1lf C ruhbt and \I '>I. '·"" I ITI1 I BIIID 1 Of I) \11 Toddlt I k ( ,trl 1111 fllHI I luhn . • • • SI .JJE \\ith }l III l'nrker HI~ in; ll\ orlm nt of film: \\0"-.;DI It DOf,S J'\ H IIO:".:. \ I \\\\I\"\ I'- BOit''\ "ilh Johnm \l,ick Brown. 1 11s HLRR < O\IE'i \I \l lCIOl S: 110\ \fl I IS DOC. 11(,111 '\ I' (II\ '\l>l I I ,,uh Hoh Slt't•h· . . SI.OS (\\ .,lier 1 :intz ( 111111111. Ill l I Bl 001)~ n11CI Kl "'' l I 11 IL f I OHi) I \ l '\ fl rllO\ "illt I red di, Rartholom~w. Kl'°C.S \hcl. ) l10t)llt \ I 08 \II '\ \(.( HII I his l(l00 n d (.nnl ins Ila fnllm, 11 n UTl· !\ti-'\ O'\ 111 ll \11"\I) ,nth \hn lkth Huglws, I d,,ill"d 111t nt rir film : 700 !) \\ 110 \\ IL J) I I I l'H \ '\ l ':\orris . . I JJS HOl '\ Dl I' 1 IGI H JUG plnwrl In \\ tillt r I 11,tnttC', fill \11:'\Sflll I \f\'- \\ith Hmm 1-tdch, C::fodys G,ori:e. ~1.!lS 11-1111 I 111 fl l· mn 17\S I~ \ < \'\01·; 1111- I IO'\ TIU \I0'\',11 n :\I \Kl H -.ith J C nrroll ",;m h Bnlph T\\11 H , \rnn, n \n,h C.1rtoon and CI.\1)1 \(urgnn BE \TT\ 'I \'\l\1\1 TIIJHTl 'i Pmc. co 1111 ll \IJ. HOGG '-Tl I'\ Ol 1 "ilh Stturt I min \I\ IU)l II O"'\ JIIT '\1 RO"- \\llh J11 ",; ,,ill Ii lle-nfnw I'\ I ( 11\\ Ollh Th lflOII r I nnl 111, tlw foll "m ,~ort nr tl1 Hm,1I \1ountccl • . . • I fl\ rm 11• or film : IIW-,11 \II I ODIi 'i \lnstl 1 • I l T !) (,0 '\ \IIO'\(. \ (,OIUI I.-\ nith llush;r ( rnl,he Fifi D'Ors1, 1"1'-111'\L \{Ol ..,I \1f I TS 1 10"1 ( rloon :mcl 1 lJ rton \I " 1 ne . . I O"> ltl ',l I J H or HID))('\ \111 \ \\i,h H11,1a ( ri 1b~ 1111 '\l \\ \1)\1 '\Tl HIS OI 1\1,1\'\ witli II r 11 Br, ~In', nnd \I 'i• lnlm l'r c 11nplr-t TIii IH'\(,I Ill '-1 I II ,\ltl1 ll4v ( orri 11. Tohn Kn \J.,, 'II OTt J(.IIT O'\ ,1 01 f', This 1600' ,~cl rnnl m th<" fol l rrhurw . • • 1% lo"in~ 'I ,urlrn nt c,f f,1111 "iPI ED\\\'\ ll(C. 11 \(.l I (t\\\lllDl l.\'\(,111<; \\1lh l0111111\ \lnck llnmn I uz1, II \SI IHI I , Sl N ,!' \ \'\D S-\11.S: )101.1 H\ OOD K ni •ltt • I flll \I \T\DOll \\ilh \\.umh \\ooJpukcr, '>I I IC.II Bl 11 HIDl\f. O"- \lit, ilh J If' I Bro\,11 I I .SI Ill \()I 11 bl ( 1 1I D,:\t r:n I\\HITL \{\(.I( Ul '>Jl t- ll, IIH>t Ol I "irh 1111 t r ( r.,i,h a11d I\I ',I John I 'l'i l'r'et. .,, le ,1 \ I 1)00(1.., TO DI a\ 1 II "ith ( luck Chandler • ncl Junr Ch,k . . I 9'> 11 U 4-Q\ \HI I) HI'\(. 11,i, )600' rt t I cont ·11 ti follm, ,11 • \IA! I. TO\\'\ HO\ "ith ~11111rt I n,in $1 98 n,\nrtmu t of f1l111s. \\ HES'll 1"'\G Tllllll I S: TIii '-POOK TO\\'\ \,ilh flu !tr Crahl1t." ud J\I St Jolin • I ()'\ HIDES (.--\I~ with (,,unset C111'5on 1.0'> l IGII T l'rin·. ~nmpktc IAIIZ.\'° \'.'\I) 'lllh A\1\ZO~S "ith Jolmnv Wcismuller ~198 \\ l 'i1'\\ .\IIIJ \\ 110\. ·1111, lflOO' n·d ('(111la111s tlu follo\\ing Tl IIROlt, 0'.'. I 101151 II\( K with limier Crabbe and 1\1 St. nssortm, nt of films I.I T '-1 'G \ \\ l'STl·.H~ 'iONC. 1111111 • • • • s1 m, I AHO '\I I I 1l owSt: f arcnda Corned, • ( /\CTl 'l Tl mr:L !'.'I; I Ill S \1)1)(,1 \\ith Te, Rittcr nnd D,l\e < \Pl H'l l ittlc Kini: t; irloonl: 1 l ~IBLl'\C. Tl \181 f O'Brien ~1.9S \\I f I) "iung ln J, rn Coopn rind l'\O l"'l)l.\:"\S, TO:-.;IO B\',f' OlTI ,\\\S "ith Hn) Conignn. Jnltn King, PIS.\'ll I \hlmtt 11ml Co~tdlo Cmnnlv). l'ri«· complcll \lax I ..rl11t1t\' • • • • • UlS TIil'. TED Ol:Tl~\W "itlt lloh ~tt·<"lc. • • . UlS \\ OOD) \\'OOOl'ECJ.:l II I HIPLE I'S. Thi, rr"I 1•011t11ins tire Wilt:~ Tiff 1 JGHTS CO 0~ ACAi'\; ,,itb Jimm>' 1.y<"l111~lcr :ind hi, ~"in~he:irt,) ~Ill' I Loui, \r111,tro111t llml Im _Ort;hc,trai • rt..AHK Som1, Dunham aml Ju, Orc-hc~lra) ,..f I I'\ TL,m· DO\\:,. ',()l Tll (Loui~ \rm~tronc: tmcl his B 'I ru: <>I 'I Ill.< I.:\ Tl Hll: s ( I reel) lnsctl Lif<.' S!) ,9:i 1 BI::.-.;F \'I II OL Il FEl:T (1 red) In~ccl Life ·!J.!JS Orchcstrnl . ,~!ILi S I omm, Hc,11olt1' nntl hi' Or<:he,tra) Clll\ll'Trrt. \\I\IOH [l reel) . ~!U.15 ,()NG or J:'\UlA (Thl' Thrt'e SllJ:1,) TIIE ('l[]:1.11''"' \ \C\IlO:'\ (1 reel) ~'l,!JS 1 i\RIJl ST (\\ ill Osh1Jrm.' nnd 111, Orchc:,trn) C'IT!'\OOK~ Cl 111 D!U-:\ (1 r.·el) . S!).9:; \on,n WE \TUER (Sm:llT Kane) FLFl'JIA;-.;T lll!:\T (I n'<'H ...... ~9.93 S\\ ~ETH!' \RT Of' SJG\f \ CHI (\f.1rlyn Stuart) Kt,c:, OF THE \RC'TTC ( t rt•,•I) • . . '-9.'l;i \\ E F.1 ,ur (,l,i, Hit- aml a \fi,,~l \ l OST \\ OHi D (1 r("d) Prehistoric Ani1n.1ls .•.••.. S9.95 S\\ J:'\:GIN' O~ \ $1 \H (Born I <'fcourt and hi, Hed J:KkeL,J HO\DHl c'\\EH H\Tfl ES R\TTLESX\KE (I ml !).{)5 Ta\ -Ii~-\\ A-11\'.\\' \i (L:iui \fc-Inhrt, m1cl hi, Ord1e,tr.11 ~'\001\'l'\l BE \HS O:\" .\ H \~lf'AC:E (l n•cl 1 • S!J.H5 T ICO nco u,·ri 11ll1, nn 'iO'\f, HlltDS 01' 'I III. :\OHTIJ "001):, ( I m •I). SI l.!J:i Tl'\IBl J:'.\G 'l l' \fBLl::" I· J-"l) (It r~ Coopl•r) TIIIHII•, LIT! Lh HHl J\-, IN A CA:,..01~ (1 rt:dj 9.!.15 \ \\(0 \ GOZ \ll (\ arios aml \ id.1) 1111: \\lllll: f.ORJLL\ ( l n·cl) ...... •.• S9.fJ5 rm \ OLG A 110 \T\J _\:-; ( \I Do~.1lme .md l)h Ordm,tra WIIO'S WHO ,\T I'm RHO'li:X ZOO (I reel) • S9.!l5 \\ \ 1 CH\ J,: ·o" JOE tlarry Clmton ;m~l. Im Orche,trai • \\I 11 REST \1' THI· l"..".:0 Of JIU THAU, (l.111,'r,011, \towitaineer, \\ HI N 1 IIE S \L\,S C0\1E ~f \TIClll~C: I'\ (\Yim:) :\l.111011e ml his Orclu0 ,tr .1) HOIIDEH Ol 11 \\\ (I reel) \\ HJ-sPERJ'\C (Uuh Kl·mwdy) "itli llu, ter Crulilw uud \I ~t. John • • ~o.o:; 1111 \\ Ill 'JLI'H \:'l:D lib DOC (.\h·ino Hey 1111d hi, Orchc~trn) ( ODI Of' I Ul \\ E S f (I re~!) "ilL Rod C11<1l·r1,11 SO Wi \\ U LIL \\ ILLll' \\ ILL ) \ 1Ifrrhie Km and hi~ Orcl,e~tr:1) C OWBO"I fl·~ rIC'l. (1 rel'I I with Hod C ::11neron .•.••.... $9.fl5 H)l II ELO'.\G TO \f\ m: \11 I l\'ilket• Hkhanls) C OWBO"t HI ( h:0:\l:,\(~ (2 rel'ls) ,~ith Tex Rithr and DaH• 10l R~ T IIE O'\I IIOSE IL1111.i '-fdul) rt• n111! hi- Orclu.' ,tr,1) 0 Urfr·n . . • • • . .. • • . • • • • • • • • • . . • • • • . $1 i .!i5 ,m n I EETS TOO Jll(: (l',1h \\oiler) \I"t',TEJU 01 HH. I\DI\:\ l ' l'HISl:-.;C: ( 1 re-cl "ith C:l'lll' \ 11trv • • . "' 1.91 HI' rt H'\ OF rJJE H \ \C:El{S (l rl'cl) "itli D,1,l' 0 Bric-n 11ul Tim Newill . , \C:LHRl'Sll HIDER~ (I reeH "itl, li111 ;-.; c \\ ill ,mcl 1>,1, ,. ()'Hricn . .tl:i AQl 4. F llOLIC ~ (I ICl'IJ • • sj,q;; reel) Ca,neron :-i!l.95 \()l \.PLU (I r<"cl ) • . . . ,-;-.u5 11 :'I: \', rH \II. rm \CllFHY ( l with Hod rIIHl, I O'\ rlTI~ TH \IL (1 reel) with Willin111 Boyd :is JH Kl Tll\LL THRILi." OF J!HS ( I reell . ss.H;; B.\ J.:l lll<\LL 11HHU.S Ofi' 19l0 (1 n·d) . Si.9;, l111p,1lum: C,1"id,· • • • . • • • • • • . • . . • !UIS Blf. I I \GUE lHSEB \U, . . Si.fJ,'i B IIID oor;s (I well • . . . . • • . . . . • . . • . . • . • . .••...... Si.H5 BIT \ ND BIIIDLE (I red) •.....•...... •.... Si.fJ:5 Bl LI BI OOl)S 1I red) • :-.i.97) BO\\ AI\D \Hl{OW~ (I rl'cl) . S7,H:) C \. \II H \ \I \C.IC ' f I m :11 • Snu!h, I Ol:JS BAI H-CO~:"\ Fl(.111S (I reel) . " !l.95 .\llwrt Eimldn. Tlt•rhrrt llomer, " 'ill Rol!t'r~. \dmiral I Ol IS-\\ .-\J..CO I f l· ICII I (1 r<"ell • Si.!J5 Rn-d. llenn I"ord. Frnnklin n. Ho1hc\<'II • • "ll.9'; -\ \I\N A DOC: \:\)) \Cl'\ II n •cl). ,,.IJ 5 PROHLE\1 l)JU-..;J.;ERS 12 m •b ) M:irch of Time l"ilm • s2UJ.'l 1'1NEHL 11!,'J (l n·eO . • • . s7.H5 POHi IC IH; l. \110'.\', :! rt'l0 I,) \farch 0£ Time . • :,,::? 1.95 '-\100111 \1'1'110 \CH ( I rt•cll . 1,7,9:; Hr\\ \HD l :\'Ll\llTLD (1 n·cl) witl1 Doroth, l\f1G11irc liPII I~ A'\1) ',l'L \SllhS ( I re.. l ). Si.!15 "'"I"\ of ,tudf'nl nurses . • . . · sSI LT I'\ I I Enso vs p(:-.; -m• <:mL (I rt·t•I "l l.9j POlll P\H \.DF rn· l9:J5 ( I rceH. • . '-5.9,'i TiffODOHC ROOSE\'Er I {J rt•cl) . . • • $9.tt5 'POUT IIIRII I.~ 01 flU: )E\H, H.148 (I reel 7-!J.1 IR \;o,;',f-'OllT\ TIO\ I~ 1 lff l 1• S. (2 m·I,) "-1rd1 of Time $24.U:i -.POHi IX <. \:\ IJCS (l rtd) . . . . · • ,:;7,115 Tt' HKn (:! rcl.'1,) \l:m·h of Time. . • W.O:; f~~ IM\IJ1'\C A_;m DT\'I:\'C .\CF.S (I N·l'l ) • ...... • . • ... "7.!J5 \\"OHD'>\\OIUIJ \:\:l> JIIE L\K"ES ( I ret•I) • stl.ll5 tc HDO\\ :\ ( l n·('I) • • • • ...... • · • • • • • '-i .fl;j YE',TEHD,\l LI\ E'l \C: \J:-,.; (I reel) Old Timt• ~fmie t,; \DER\\A'I rn (I n•el ) . . . 7}15 ~'.I.DER\\\ 1TH Cll.\\ll'IO:--s (I reel). s';.!I:; 1111 \\f'.'\lD\\ \HD\\ \Y (J r1:cl l . S'i.!J5 \\ J'\G C l A\\ \ :\D F\ \C (I nell S!J,!l5 ~\ORI D SEHJI:,', OI· rn I', ( l m·l si.95 l \I.F · l , H \.ZI \:,.;() nCflT ( I rl'l"I ) s!UJ5 .\'.\( JE:'\1 Cll!E~ 01· SOl'TllhltN l•R\:-.;CE (I ru·I s!-1.!JS DE.l.Ll'.S Of' rlIE S()l TIT SEAS (l rct•I) S9 95 ( \LIHHl'\I\ J>JCI( m: ROOK (1 rc.d ) 'S!JJ1;; ( H \HI I ','J<)'\ . • • • 0.95 F \Bl' ! ()l, \l \HSEII Ll:S (1 rel•I) S9.03 1 lh I Ur 1 m ir s,, or mon or10, two o r tl1rcu ruel ln't umfu,c thi, i:r11u1> 111 ":-.111,ndic," with the n•,,·r,1·-imai:c t \\ ith 1),1\ 1• :-.d1nnlrr ,md Iii, ,',win~lu·.trh . • ~!).!J5 printed I or Pannrn111 proiecti.111, 1 lw prints iu ll1l' loll cm ini: li,t ,\ R\ 1!1,~ 'I; H IJJ:-.:i.:::-. II ncli "ith ( :nt rud,· i'\i1:,c11 ancl l"nny ma,h.' lor 11or111:1l Hi111111 . 1>11>jl'l·li11u, and "JtiJe \\t' ,tt:!11.tlh t·Li~ K111d1t . . . . • . . • :S!J.!J5 tlu·nt ,,, "u,,•d " n ltidr p,·rc t•nta~ ... n( lliern un• \ irt1111lh hi:mrl 1 AHC.\1)1• \' \Hll"Tll•'.', ( I rerll with faht ,uul Dumk,· S!I.H5 i11 t'f111tlitio11. F11rlh,·rmo1t•. ll1t·re i, 1>rudil·alh- 1u1 "' erl:,p in ,uh llLL' F::, A'.\D llCll: (I red) with \l:"i1w '-ulli1·a11 , n1;itl.r b1·h•t·e11 thi, li,t ol nnrnwl-ima~,· .. .,oumlil·," and the· n·,·c \IJurict• R11t'u1 1111d Tlot• Ki111? Cul,· Trio . imugt• I) Pl' "11 "hid, w,• h:l\l' liod ,ucl,. ultractin• har!{ain,. (' \11'-IV \I. ~HO\\ (I n·ell wit!, l,111 l',•..:rc·t•. n,n•t: D,•Lm .-Ii,•, , C nlto11 Club Tramp B.,ncl . • s!UJ:i I ··so1111di,•, " un 100' rt'cl '<: CllHl'iT\1.\' C \t\OL', tl rcclJ In Full Color Koclnchrunw. 3 ··~1111n ,li~, .. nu ,1(1(1' rccl Sj l.ik,· Ill'\\' • • • • • ' ' $:ll.!J."i CO\IIC'\I. C \Pl~H, (I n· .. 11 "itli lhc f.'our l 'olk,, \CTE IID..\TE-DE-\lr. (Caricl.11I C arti.i1 \larth:1 \\',t} 11e ,111d ( l.1111l c I l,nruhill ,me! IJis ( lrd1c,tr:, ~H.!I:; \I:\ 'I \ll'-IIEll \ \' l~C: (F11 t, \\":1lkri CO'-Tl'\E'\T\I \tFI.ODIE'-; (I n •,·1' "ith C ,1r111clit a. \ \tEIII( \ . I LO\' I· YOL' 1Cln11d,:, rlwrnhill :111d hi, Ord1c,tr.,\ \luriu ild llav :uul \'iln \ll'n l'11cl1·, :11111 llis Ord1olrn ~H.!1:; A\lUH (Billie (ml'C) CO\\'IIOY ,o:-.c ;-. (I rccll " itli <.ur,1111 H11hi,011 nml hi, .\'-IL\\ I 11\a) Ki1111c, ,Ulli Iii, llawaiiau,) Bueknrou, . . . . • . . • . . . . • . . . . • . $!J.!15 \l'l'LI, BLIJ',:-,0\( Tl\11, ll'lic \lt•n 111 111 \lnich of \lt•lo,h } t'HO'>IIY F,\ \ OHi IE, ( I red, with The £'our Kin!! .,i,tn,.. ·!J.!15 ,\1 \ I.II ll.F HO,\l>~IDI' HI.ST (\lnrhu ,t11arl 1. . IJ\~Cl• \lt:LOJ)ll'', (1 red l with ( ':1rroll llnntl. n \Ill\\ \ ffoli G,1lli1 1 .\nu rarkl'r aml \ imutl Lupe , .,ncl IJis Ord11•,tra '-H.!15 ll.\H\1,\lll) llOl \( E ,\\'ill Brnclln ;inti his Ord1c, tr,1J DI:;\ 11 .1:n II\" (I n·,•ll \\ itl, Cu, \'1111 • . S!J.9;j BA:,t\ ~ IHJ• l• l 1100(.11· (Will Brad!") a nd h is Ord,c,traJ E-\'-'IEII C' \1101, Ii rl'el <:horns nml Org.111 . • $9.!l:i BF.<.J\ THE BE C: L' l'iF f\nrio, and Vidal !"OLK ... o,r., Pl,. \' ED IIY I IIE \ll'THOPOl, I r \:,,,: HLl' f:'- " 1'111" '\lGITT' iC11b Calluwu, nucl Iii~ On•lic,trnl <.H · \HETl'I: II ndl . $9.115 HOIIC.IE \\U()(,11· Hl ' C:I I. BO, (\lild11•1l \ J rc, and h c.m:, 1 :-. , ,,.,110~ u:s t I n:l'IJ (hdH·~l r,1 1 \\ il h Fn:clt•rieli l cl1~r anti Iii, ~Hnphnm Ord,l',lrn , IH)()T', \ '\D S.\DDLW, (111111' \'oll,·,·l lllf l'\11\DE Iiln, ( l n.•c l 1 witl1 Sugnr Kaut•. <'HJ\ \'T OF Tllf ({''\f:1.1. 1l..1rr) ( li11t1111 a 11cl Iii, Ord1t•strnJ lo\' llucli.:e, .111 rl th.• Hio Brotlic i- , COl ':--;·1 .\IE ll\ 1Cl.,11rlc "11,c,mhill and hh Orche5trnl l'\TI]\:\' \Tl()" \I. l',\11 \DE ( I M ~ll DIP!'>E\ J)OOl>LE (Larry C linton nncl hi, Ordll'stra\ \I it I, Mu~ilofl \ BJl.ilaih:t Ord1l',tr11, ha, l.nrr;1inl' DO ,\'Of Ill'\. ' rJI 1. YOt' HEAil FTIO~l \tE (Glenn Mill :mcl lire \\'im,i,• llml'lcr D.imcr, . · . . • ~!J.!J5 \lucll'rnain:<} J-\ZZ A \I) I 1'1 nm-. ! I rn·P "itl, 'llw Tim_. ,. Chd~. Harn DO:-- T Cln 1\ im:t•11! Luµl'I ·111d hi, Ord,..,tru) Da, allCI D ell., and Hillr Burt • • • • • . ~1>.H:i DH1 HO\ 1:-,, (Ddto Ill,, tlu11 Bur ,\ JOI I.) fl;\(;Ll~.., (I rt'd• \\ itli Tl1t• .Joll i· Jt,,1 .. r,, 'I 011111w I Ol' B I.ET !'FIi'- (C, lo1i:, l\ 1rl.,·r nncl lll•r· Ordtl·,tral \lurton 1111.I Iii~ Ord1t·,tr.1. ll1111 l't·rT}' nncl Tlh Ortl,t·,lra ·n.!1:5 CU>HC!.\ 0:\ \IY \ll:\I) Carolyn \l;irsh) l U J'\; '\()\ El.I ti·. , II red) will, C.r;il'ic B.arrie. l.uha H ,\HK llAJ!h l'llE L \llh r !he l>l'l'p Hi,cr Bo) , \ (,,li1L1 ,11111 1'111· 'I ,·nv !'win, . , • • $!1 .95 11.\IIHIET 1Cl111l'k 1·0,1t-r .,nu Iii, Ord1c:slra) J.O\ F SO'\f:S I reel} "ith Buh ht•1111 c·cly, \\'t mh- Uhhop illLLIIILI.\ 1100'>1.CO\\ (Tu111 E111er,011 :ind hi, llillhilh Rand ,tncl I larrr <' 11111 . . . . · ~!}.!Jj 110 I H '.'d (Tl"· Di1111i11~ 5htt-r,\ ' \llD~IC:H'I \I ELODJF'I :1 reel,) HOW C0.\1E YOl" DO ~m LI.KL: YOl' DO? (\\'ill Uradb· \\illi \1:111,· \J.1l111:c~ and lli, Orl11t·,ti'a • • $17.95 hi, Ord1t~,tra) • MlhlC \I.\" \llrE rtF-. I n •d ) \\ill, \\'illit• II,m.ucl. I C..\'.\°'T CJ\' I: YllP \.:\\ '1111:\'G HUT LO\'E, H\tn ~Can ,u~ar Cies,• and \ in<:l'11t I.op,·, and !Ti, Ord1t•,trn . s9.9;; ,\for,J,) ,\ :'-iICHT AT Tllli. THO<. ( I rt·clJ "it!, l'l'l!I!' H~an •.••• $!JjJ;j 1 LOOK .\'I' \'Ol' 1Hi1a Hio and ,\Ian Latldl f'l'\'K LE\10\',\DE (I n·,•l ) "itlJ Tiu,. Cabin Kid, ...... • .. sn.9;; l'\I l'JlU•. D OI• \\' \ITI\C FOH \'Ot (Will Brndle} and KIIY 111\1 I:\' IIIL\t'.,Ol>Y (I n•C"I J "ith Stan k.l·ntcm"s Ord1l',tral Ord1,·,1ra, :,,,:i(;k Luca, nnd Boh 11 annnn • • ~fJ.!J5 10\\',\ ( Jt,rr~ Cuup,·ri ltllt'.\IH \ SEHE:\' \DE ( l well C:inl.!er Haru1011. Nano 1T \\',"' \\'();\'l)F.HFU, Tilt:\' ( llob Hannonl llurlri,w·, Ord,eslr:t . . . . . $!1.95 1 \\"A:\'!' \ ClHL (ThL• Elon Uoy~) IHl\l.\:\'llC 11 ,\1.L\I>, I n·dl with Th~ Four Pol'-,. l \YISll 1 ll\D DU:D 1.:,; \lY GH. \DLE ' Em.:r~on's ~1ountainel'r Tamara ,111tl l>d C.i,ino .,nd Iii, Ord1c,1r:i $9.95 J.\ \',\ J l\'E (.\I Do11ahut• uncl bis Ordtc~tra\ 110, \ \(l ..\l)E Ii~ Sdm[)l•rt (l reel1 pla}ccl h) Th~ "\11tiun11I \ h:IS~ GOOD:-.:JC,llT (The U,1rkle, '>istl·r,l l'hilhan11011ic Ord1t·,tr:1 concluded hr Frt·dcrich l'C'hcr Sll.95 KISSES TO YOt' (Cilhert FrvcJ ~ \LT SUAJ.:EHS ( l redl wilh I. C. l ' lippcn . • • $1,.!)5 L.\ ( O\ll'AHS.\ (~fa,a', Pa11-,\mcric..i11 Ord1c,tr.1) s,\\!Ol' \',\B SEHEN,\DE 11 reel) "ill, Co" ',irt:! . • • $9.!J:; I E'l'''- c:1 : r \ \\ ,\ \ I· HO\I IT \.LL (lolumy I.on~ and SEPl.\ '\ S\\"I:\(; (I n·dl "itli Cah Callon a~ . \lanrin· llc~·c() Orcht'~trn) 1.111.I rl1t• hiui; Colt~ Trio , . . . . • ~9.HS T ET''> r:rn I O'iT (I inn Hnmay) SI\\ Ll\' I•, BE\ \ ' E ( I it·c-1/ "ilh Paula Stmw. $9.95 LITTLE RHO\\':\' rt:r: (t1111'rso11·, .\lucmlaiiwt·r~l .-.o~c .\;\°l) O.\'\CE l',\11 \DE ( I rt·t'l/ TUE LO\'C .\ '-'D SIIOHT <>F fl (Jolmny l.011!t and hb Ord1cstr with The lune Ta,h,r C:irh. The \lrlml:iir,. Boh Ilnnnon $9.95 1.0\'E 'flJH\'S \\'J:\"ll:H I.\TO ~PHl:\'C: (\lartlia Tilt,111) :-O'\'C.s BY CEBTl\l' I)(~ :--n:sE:--. 11 rl'l'JI • . . . $!).!J5 LI/LL \HY \D" ,\Y (Tli,• \kl-Tont·~l ::,n:-,;c;s CW I 0\ E ( I n·,·H "·ith Th,• \fdmh· \f.ticl, tmd l)\'l \k;-. \ \f \llA"~ U,\'\;J) (Gus \ ':1111 C,,.iru,\ Ordw,trn . • • . . . . . $!1.!)5 .\1l U0 D.\ ,\.\IOR '1lte \ "cJn,rn, .mt! l.11l'illl· Aui:ds) SO~<:S OF THE \\'EST ( I n·,·11 with C:1r"m Hohi,on and \II \~IF I HF. \IOOCIIFII ICah Calluw,,r m11l hi, Ord1<',lr:1) hi, Huckaroo, ...... • . ·9,9;; \100:\1.ICIIT UFCO\lE!'-t YOU ILMtl)' 11,manl uncl hi, Ord1c,ll\ ,-,o:-;c:s OF '\ t:~f'l '. HD \) ( I rt·cll with \\ ill BradJe,. nnd hi, \JOO\l, IC:11 I' ( 'OCKI'.\IL (B11dclv Clark) Ord1e,tr.1. lloh U,m.1rd a11cl Enrl ( nvnl . . • . ~!1.95 '\100\I.IClIT '\I.\SQtJEIHDE (J', ~\·will. Tut .\fan) ~O'.\C:S OF TIIE <.Ol'TH ( I r,·dl \IHS. 'r ,\ '\i.:EE DOOl>I.E \"irg.inia ~kycr~. Tice Four \fern· 2\lc ,1;tl, ThC' Dixiair, .111d Tlw :\J:ir,halh \I\ ',[I\\\ L (llorrah :0-linunirh nnd l,b Harmonica Jb,cnls) · Tl-IE \lll~IC !:>1101' (Huhiuuff ,111d hi, \'iolin) '-\\ EE'! :-.\~COP\Tro, (1 r,·d) \\it!, .\l11ri C:ilhl·rl. :\Jarhu ,\ :\'ICIITJ:--:G \1,1: S,\:'-iC 1:--' BERKELEY SQC: .\IIE (Tmnarn, Slttarl, ~11~ar Kim· incl I Hnrnl' tmcl Hi, Orcheslrn · $9.9:i Ca,inn ,11ul his Ord1l',tm) \\');\'(; ,11:1.oDu.-. 1 I n•d) with Will 13rntller tUld hi, O\' TO \ 'IC I om /Tlw Cnllt•gian,) Orehes!ra • . . . . . ~!l.95 O\'EH1"IGJTT 1Yinc1.•11t Lop..-, :md his Ord1,·)tral s\\'L\(; fJ\IE 1101.fl).\ r (i? red,) \\ilh Cm \rnhcim and his I' \t:.\DE CW l'l!E \\'OOTJE:'\ SOLDIER'> (Lom,im, Page and Orche\lTa $16.95 Orche,tral S Y.\'COI'. .\ TED ', \VJ~(; ( I rct•l) with C:ini:,·r Harmon \'ic-tor I'\::,:, THE BISCtTfS. ~JIH \ '\DY (S1,ikc Jnnr, nnd hi~ ( Youn~ nntl hi, Orchl•,trn . . . . • ' . $9.95 Slickers) P1 '1T TEDD\' l'OWELL D\'iCE B.\ '.\D II reel) ..•. .. ..•• ...• $9.95 THE PIPER l~u,au '\filler) POL"\ FUN /Harry l.dcourt and his Reel Jackets\ TH.\lLEll J',\IUOISL·: (l rccll with Thl• Cabin Kid~ $9.95 PU.\IPER:'\lCKLE POI KA tAnn l'nrkcr) l '.'liDER ,\ (:YPSY :\lOO'.\ (I reel) with J, flnrold :\lurrny. Ql'E Bl1E1',\ ESL.\ CO'\G \ (\'nrio, and Vida) ~itn Carol nncl 'J11e ~ong ~lyli~ls • $9.95 THE S.\ME OLD STOR\' (D(•I Co,ino oud his Orchestra) 8 I


16mm. "complete" (about 300 feet), regularly $8.75 each. Our price, $2.98 each. 16mm. "streamliner" (about 100 feet), regularly $2.75 each. Our price, 3 for $2.98. s mm. "complete" (about 150 feet), regularly $5.00 each. Our price, $1.89 each. s mm. "streamliner" (about 50 feet), regularly $1.75 each. Our price, 3 for $1 .89. POST AGE IS ADDITIONAL TO PURCHASE PRICE


Stocks ar<.' c:mrently good for the :\\ ailahle editions of Lhc indicated titles. However, note lhal all titles are not a, ailahlc for all four edilions. The following colunrnar lhl "ill indic:ale for you just what sizes we can ~upply of each. Additional copies will not be available wlien thl'se are sold ...... Cl C) C, C, Cl • C . .;" C • C ! -.!: e]" e::: E­ e::: el E:.:: e~ e­ e a.. E E E a.. E E E a.. EE E 11 e E ,o E ,0 0 CIO E CIO ,o e 0 0 IIO E IIO .. 0 g .. 0 0 g u -~ u0 .. u -!:" u "' ~ "' "'= Buster Crabbe - Al St. John Westerns Travels FIGHTING Bill CARSON X X X ALGIERS X X X BAU, THE ENCHANTED ISLE X X X X GENTLEA1£N WITH GUNS X X X BEUES OF BALI X X X HIS BROTHER'S GHOST X X HOLLAND X X OUTLAWS OF THE PLA INS X X ROMANCE OF INDIA X OVERLAND RIDERS X X X Sports PRAIRIE BADMEN X X X X STAGECOACH OUTLAWS X BIT AND BRIDLE X X X X TERRORS ON HORSEBACK X CHINOOKS CHILDREN X X X X BIG LEAGUERS X X X X - Syd Saylor Westerns BIRD DOGS X X X X X X BLUE GRASS X X X X BROTHER GOLFERS X X X X X X X DEEP END X X X X DEVIL DRIVERS X X Jim Newill - Dave O'Brien Westerns FISHERMAN'S PARADISE X X FlYING FEATHERS X X X X X HER~ COMES MALICIOUS X X X X - Dave O'Brien Westerns IN THE SWIM X X X X ON THE WING X X X X X PINEHURST X X X X II_IDING THE CREST X X X X Cartoons SMOOTH APPROACH X X X X ALIAS ST. NICK X SNOW FALLS X X X X BUCK CHEEZER X X SNOW FUN X X X X BARNYARD BABIES X X SPORTING WINGS X X X X THE CALICO DRAGON X X X X SWINGING MALLETS X X X X CHINESE NIGHTINGALE X X X TOUCHDOWN X X X X THE DISCONTENTED CANARY X X X UNDEllWA TER X X X X HONEYLAND X X X WHITE MAGIC X X X THE HOUND ANO THE RABBIT X WHO' S WHO IN THE BRONX ZOO X THE LITTU BANTAM WEIGHT X WINDWARD WAY X X X X LITTLE CHEEZER X THE OLD PIONEER X X Na 'ure Study THE PUP' S CHRISTMAS X BATTLE OF THE CENTURIES (INSECTS) X X THE PUP'S PICNIC X X X KILLERS OF THE INSECT WORLD X X X A TOYLAND BROADCAST X KINGS OF THE ARCTIC X X TWO LITTLE PUPS X X X WAYWARD PUPS X Children's Films WHEN THE CAT' S AWAY X IVANHOE X THE THREE MUSKETEERS X Puppetoons TREASURE ISLAND X CAPTAIN KIDDING X X X X WINKY THE WATCHMAN X X X X lOVE ON THE RANGE X X X X Miscellaneous SKY PIRATES X X X X SllEPING BEAUTY X X X X PRINCESS' WEDDING DAY SOUTH SEA SWEETHEARTS X X X X (ELIZABETH AND PHILIP) X X X X I 11 ~"tt·m . . . . • . . . • .':i14 .. ~F\\ 13t:ll.DEHS (1 reel! Home huildin~ in po,t-war Brit:iiu :so . .'.\JCHT \1:HL (3 reels) Thrlllini: ,to11 o( the Railway Postal H,•,., i, lht· lJ1gcc,l IJlod: of Brili,h lnforinalfon ~cr>iet', prints wr lu.,r nff..-red 1 in ulmoit two yt-»u. l'hi, rroup t.:J..f"..s in m;m~ nf tht": wurtimc tilm, thl\t ,\.e Sen ice in England . . 'i24. brJ.,·,· he·t"u e.au1t,tltt i hurt on l~fon"". So, tlJOtc of )OU "ho ha"·~ ht.•cu tli4.u1,pointctl OPEH.\TIO:'\ FIDO t i reel . . . . . • S5. bf:(or'-• h:, onr ._ lot k,,. ul th,· llriliih fiho.., roo11ing out bdurc ,·our CJrd(·ts ,i.·ere OUR Kl:'1-C '\'\D QUEE'\. ~lL\ 'EU WI:DDI'\C A~~l- tff1..•r-i\:,·tl. net l ln.1 . auct ",.,, •11 ,lo nu.r best to d«-lh t·r th\· l(ooch . .\It 0£ thnt> 11riDl1 arc- <"1Jm1,lt•te ilnd 1n eood rood.a.lion - man~ .lili.l· De\\. \ 'ERS,\R\ 12 rccb) . . . . . Sl4. Ol'T OF T Iii '\ICHT (1 rcd1 Scnit:e, for till' blind iu I\CCIIJE.\'l -..EH\' ICI!: (4 reels) • Sl Ul1 Britain . . • • . . ~4 .\lH rL \\' l3 n:d.. 1 . . • • . • $ I U15 J' \R'I :-,.1:.HS 12 red,, Dcnlo1111wnt of East ,\frica • . ~11. B.\CK TO l'\OH\l,\L (2 reds) lfrliuh1lituli1H1. !itnry of PTCTI' RE P \PER 12 rceh) ~ton· of Briti,h \fo~azine urtilici,11 li111I" . l 1.!J3 Pnhli,hini;: • • • . . • . . BAlLl~i Hl\mGL:: ( l reel) . ;-,1JJ:; POTTERY OX THE C:OLlJ CO\ 'if I red I Haw lla, tn B,\1'TI.J: Ol' TIii: BOOKS (1 red) . "4.H;i fiuhltl'd artidt• • . . . • • · IUilTISII l,\'J)l'~·1 H1E", F.1.IH (2 rceM . . . S7.9:-i Jl~ YCI IT,\ nn 1~ ,\CTIO,'.',; (i reels, Tfw trealrnt·ut o( "ur C\\1BHil>CE (::! rt·t•hl The Town unil tlw l'ui,cr,it,· ~I l.93 fl[•J&rHE:\'S f:11 \RTER (2 ret·h) Sloq of l'uhlic Edut·n tion Arm} . . • • $24.1 in Eni;foncl • • • • • . • • ~ 11.!J.5 J\ \ \\' \l.'\TERl.\l,S (1 reel) . • . . . . $3. CO.\.L CHISlS (::! n'eb) Storr of dcn-lopmt:nt, i11 British IU:'.TtlH , . fO H .':l'IO.\' (2 reds\ Rehahilitnlion of thl' di,ahlecl ~7,< t'oal indmtry • • • • . . . . ~ 11.!l:'i RIIl.\'E LD;E (1 rcell . Si', ( O'.\IE '\C: \P.,· (2 n>els) Hoyal Cnnndfon ,\ir Fort.'t· in \\"orld no \D TO P.\HIS i2 red,) !;,I 1. \\'nr n . . . . $9.fJS S.\LYAGE (l reel) • 83. (..O\L\10'\ C \l'SE (1 reel) • • • . . s:J.115 SCADCES. HHG (:3 rt•c-1-}. • • • • ~ll. (:H \S', \ :-.11111 l~S (2 rt'c•I ,l Farming in l.t•itt·,h·r,hin• :-1 ui:; SCHOOi. I.\' COLOC.'\E /2 red~) The rdmilding ol tJ1c CHOW'\ OF Tl IL YE,\H (2 reds) . . :::-7.!Jj t·clucatinnal ,,-,,1cm in nu~t-wur Gcrmanv. · $II: n \\\'.:\' O\'lm C \HE.:\',\lCA (2 reel~! . ~!UJ;j Sl,C0'-.0 l•HEEU0\1 (2 reels1 Social ,en·iees in post-war DITII \TEI) l'FOl'l.E (2 rt>dsl • . . s9.9S End;incl . , • Dl~SIC:'\I:'\(! W0\11::,." (2 reels) Interior Decorution ~11.95 SHOCK !HOOPS (l reel1 . . J){)\'f;R (l red) . . • • • $5.95 WHI,G O'\' TIIE l ~,\H\f 12 rl•els). EDl'C \TIO:\' ron THE DEAF (5 rccl,) :-., 14.!J.'; TUE ,nmr OF ()\f()I.0 (l n•c:I ) • . • • • FlGIITlc\C: ALLIES (l reel) • • . $3.!}5 1 HF <;TOBY OF 11.D.I'. (:3 reeh) Vt·, clnpmt·nt of the famnu,, FOHTY \llLLIO;-. l'EOPLI: (2 rechi Social proi:,-cs< in ime<;ticide • . • . . • • . :s11. Brit.1in up to the War • . . . . • s11.o;; .\ S l \HT I:\ LIFE 12 red,\ Health and educational program $11. l'CH~IV\L ,\:\'D !)()'.\ (2 rt•cbl Production of Cullen • :SI UJ:; 'il \I\IER 0:\ T H E F \H\J 12 rcch) . . . • \.14, C \ Tl:\\'A Y TO c:1m\1AN1' (1 rt:el) . . . . . s:;.n:; Sl HGt:m I.\' CHl~:-.T OISEASE (4 red,) Hi~hh ,p1:cinlized GOLD < 0 .\ST RUILDFR<; (l reel) llrid, 111.~J..ini; I" tialin-, ~';.!15 ml·dic11l film . • . . • • . . ~24,. HEIR TO THE TIU\O'.'m (2 rc~·h) Priml'-s Clitahdh :s,.!-J5 THEY un:: AG.U~ (2 rt•t•I,) Story of rdiabilitntion ol' injun·d HOl1Sl'\'C I'.\ ,COTL \;\'I) (2 reeh) ~ • •!-.Iii coal miner, . • • . . 110\\' TO Tli.\( II ( I rt•el ) • • • • . :-.5.!Jj .\ TIIOllS.\\:D \fILLJOX .\ YEAll (2 reels) J;1,CE;,_'DJ \HY BO\IB THAJ;-.;J~G (l n·el, silent) . ~:l.H5 TO\\'\ Jt\T') 1!? reeb) • . K . ll. 0 . (;J:H\I \c\l' ( I red) . s.ui:; TH.\c\Sfl H 01' sKrLT, (1 reel) L\'\UGIIII. , lrccl) . . • .. . . S:3.95 TWO \\'A) STHEET (l rel'I I LETS SEE {2 n•t•hl In Full Color ft•dmit-nlor. ~torr or tht· WAR \XD ORDU1 (l reel! . . . Oriti,lt len, ,md opti<·ol induslf) . . . • :-.:J!J.!J5 WH.\T OF Tlll: C.lllLDRE:-o; (t rt'd) . . . THE 1.1"\COI. ',"-..HIRT-: POACHER (l reel) '.\"mcllJ rolk \\'lDOEC O\IBE F,\JR () red) ~o\·elty Folk :\lusical .\Ju,kul . • . • • . . . • WDiGS f70R VICTORY (I reel) • LOFOTEc\ H \II) (I rl·cl) Commando raid on ~orwei:ian Wl'.\TER 0~ nm FAR\1 12 reels) coast ...... • • :s7.!l5 \\'OHDS FOn B \ TTLF. (I rcc!I . . . . i\l \KE FHllITFtTI. 1 IIE I., \i'\D (2 reel,) Color hy Tt·dmi- YESTEHDA )~S on;n YOl'H SIIOl.l LDER ( I reel ) color ;\loclt'rn fnrtnin~ mcll1o


H c.-c·~ n lulu of a har~nin in hrnnd new nnd , Cl') slightly

CARRYIDli-SHIPPIDG EASES FOR 1BOD' 1&mm. REELS Ewry· time we get n supply of carrying and shipping cases for }GOO' reels 16mm. film, we !>eem to get more orders than "·c have cases. This time we Jun the bigge!>t supply we've ever had. These are .~ood usecl cases that will hand either two or tluee 1600' reels. They nre equipped with reinforced com ers. .stn1 and handles. And, they're a,·ailable at our lowest price }et SI 9 (transportation extra). T welve for only $19.95. Price, each •


•Jt-1 uund Mu.s.icul hims 1m: procluctic111, mndt· orii,nlllly for pro­ iu n 1111ck.igc uf three or ~i, unit,) nt nn ndd1Lional ch.1rgc of 1.. jedinn In l'tmoram t'1llll•ODcr:itcd machines by ~ut·h co1111,nr1it•, ns for l'nch r...plac·cJ unit. Thu.,, in n Sl3.U5 pnckagc of l\\ehc mul It. C. ,\ I , (lloo~t·\·clt. Cosl,,w. Mill,\; Globe, C:ull(·u, l\1i1111t•o, 1<"11111- i1w11r11matin~ (\\fl rr11lan·111cnts will co~t } llll :;,15.!J.3 ,\ su.•15 pud crnll uml Plw110-,icw. 'flu: pictorial im:1~ i) rc,crwd 1111 th,• fil111 nitc of ,ix unit~ int·orpurating one rc11l,1n•111•·nl will c·ust }"" ~lll.i• \\lwu c:om11urC'd to 11011nnl lGnun. 11ri11ts. lln\\t•n•r, in mo,t uf tlwse ' I lais rcplnn•mcnt pri\•ilcgc thus nllows J 011 the nd\•m1tngc of pnd suhi,:cls th(• onh 1mint \\ h~rc thi, is notiu•nhlc i, in tl1c 111ni11 tit It• 11~,· prit1t·~ without the haznrd of duplicating one or two faJms >d wbit-h, \\ hen prnit:c:kd ,ts n nomuil 10mm. 11ri11t, ap(K'.ars re\ er sec! nlrc111l)' own. Rcplnccmcnls must be mncle nt lime of urigim11 ordd 011 thl' screen. J"or 111.111\ 11.~i., the title, 111:1\ he rcmo\t:d lllncklaa\\ k prices tlo not include postal!C. On C.O.1). ~bipmcnl 11ost:1ge \\ ill be collccti'cl nloni: with tht• cost crf fahus. Jlowc\·er, Bl11ckh.m k, b, o[h rini: rcl:itcd t} 11es of films in thl'se " lkLm.t• ,ou \\j~Jt to remit in full with your orilcr, you mny includl· tJi P.a.t.1i;e, • of Uirc.-t•. ~ix. hH:h·c• or tlairtt-cu unit.. ,a\'C • on .sorting mul lollo"ing ummmts to t.ovcr pncki11g, 11o)lllg,• 11nd i1t!iurnucc on tl1 h:mdlini; h) ,1"c111lili11g tl111. ..-1h of 1mdmi:t•.s 111 a time. ·1 l1h ,11vi111: i, 1110' ,r111,k·al Iii ms ) ,,.. cmlcr, irrt.•spt·dh c of ) our l()<:1tlio11 iu ti: p.~ cd along to ) uu fur, wht·n any of thtst· unit, nrc ,old ~in~h. l '11ltt-d Stnll',: tht·~ nro u,unll\' 11riced ul $l.9S or $2. W t•11d1. • ,tit11111t·nt of ouc I 00' print 1( 1 !~re m;i, be, "lthc,ut notice. tc-mi>ornry ,ubstitutions nf one or Slupmcnt of two I 00' prints . 2( more titlr, in nn~ padrni;l' be,'f."ausc of n10flll't1lar" un:t\·ailnl,llit) of ,hipmenl of thret· to .six JOO' prints • 3( ~ufiicicut 11ri11h of ,om.l' of the regulnrh· nsrlgned ,uhjc, ts, llow­ Shhmw11t of 5e\'CII to nine l 00' pnnts 4( cvn. "e 11ss11n· }Ott tltnl nuy ~ud1 ,uh~titutinn~ will hl· 11f gn•nfcr hipmcnt of ten to hHh-c JOO' prints • 5( 6( \i1htl' to those rcplnu-,l. 1\111I, any •11d1 suhstitntinm "ill h,· of !-.lti11mcnl ul tl,irll·cn lo cight<·t·n 100' print~ ~imil.u I) pc. ,1tit1m1·11t of 11im·t,·1•11 to hn·11ly-fo11r l on· p1ints j( '-hiJ1m1•rat of twe11ly-livr t11 tltirty lOO' priuts In th,w l>cLll\l' J'4C'Jmgc, of H-1• ~111111tl 1'.lu,i~I Films. \H• will ~lai1m1~·11t ol tltirtr·nm• to thirty-,ix 100' 11rint, ~l pcnnit rq1I lC<'tnl'llt nf 11111 nklrc than two 1111it\, \\ ith otlu.•r unit:- of ,hipment of c:ud1 11dditiu11:1I six 100" prints our ,ck·ctwn. in n JJ:ll'l..a~r of twehc or thirtcn1 units (or oue unit or fraction thl'rcof 11

Blaclcha wlc's p~ 7:)~ Poclcoge

contains tlic followin!! three 100' 16mm. H-1° Sound ~hl',il',11 Films, and i, p riced nt $4.9~ t:300 I - BAH BAB BL I( (Jimmy Dorsey and hh Orchestra) 13(i06 - L A HOSITA (Jimmy Don,t•y nucl hh Orchc,trn) J;3i 0 I - Al ~ REET Oimmy Dor,t-y nn cl hi;; Orchestra)

Blaclcl.a w lc's Campus Rhythm Package t.'Ontnim Lhc follo\\i11g ,ix 100' 10mm. H-1° Sound $7.95 M ril,m. nml is priced at Hi0 I - s\\'EETlll~.\lrl' OF SIGMA CH I (i\lnrlrn Sl nart) 2SOfi - ~IY FH \TEHNITY Pl:\ (The Lanell Tri,;) 3501 - COLLEGE ECHOES (The Collegians) 390fl - O~ TIIE CAMPCS (The Co-eds and Frntcmity Boys) 400Ci - O~ TO \'ICTOHY {11ai Collc)!inn,) S803 - ~ISS TIOO\I 81\HHARA HHO\\'~ (The E,corts and Belt))

Blackha wl<'s ~afua, 7:>0J,e«, Packa ge rnntains the follo,,;ng tJ1irtccn 100' 16mm. H-1° Sound Mmicnl Films, and is priced at $12.9i 180-I t.11.Y, HOT FJ\0:'11 Cllll.H t)-',·a Ortri:nl !I I 02 - JU.,'I AS I IIOUC:11 loll \\ ERE IIE.HC (1.ut. Cnll11'T 1ml lwr Ort'htm~) 7G07 - \ C:001> MA!'\ J<; II ~ Ill> "Ill l't ''D (Mar>' ilurtoul 9 1OS - Tim GOOI l' ~If\\, Ill• I· L (Marioa )lartin and lla!c J>a, i~) !1203 - Ct IJJ.S OF LO\"E ( t'h<- ~moolbinl IOGOI - I.AL \PAl.l Z,A LU (Cappy lbrn Uarmonka Roy1) IOIJOI -S1£~,·1 A l'IESTA IRod ltod(:t'n) 14301 - MISS 1.1111:nn· (Toni 1300:? - \\ lffiS l r II \IS, Pc,nn~ EcJ.,-anh) IRS04- JU:'S M\' J'I~ L':P (:U\' Ann Parm) 17~0-l-TIIE t .A<;S_Wm l TIii )Fl lGATE Alli ()hrlon C:olb)) l!!-,112 - \.\ ,"Kl·,H 1)0(11)1.H Jll:0-11111 llA.,rr.n.,.. Wrlk and hit o,.-h,•,lr.,1 2000:J-THl-l l'lle\llUI:: I'> :SOT <;O 1",\11 ,\WAY (llnn l'rff)' 11nd his Orchc,1111)

12 UARTETTE Pack age SALE ENDS OCT. 31 1° nund $4.98 en,) Utlicr .lllcl

m: \\fl . \:'\ D (The Gu,u·d men

man Package

0 Blackhawk.,s September-October Sound $4.98 E (Benny Fidch) 16mm. sound uy FicJds) d,)


3 for $t:)tJ-9S

plus postage and insurance

BLACKHAWK FILMS INC. t Package DAVENPORT, IOWA Sound $ 4.98 mk Parris ,tnd hi Mn, ioncttc ) O) le ancl hi, Puppets 1000:3 - I• \ \ ORl TES Frank Parrh ancl his i\ larioncttcs)

13 nArv A l"!!.ier Al 11rl!~ THOSE POPULA D 100' 1 Bluckh,rn,k can continually offer yo11 tht•sc C:\tcplional b11y all po<.o;ihilil) of credit lo,sc~ nod h) opc1 ,lli11g our organi clfk-icnc). Therefore. inc~pt·eti, c of ) om t·rcdit r,1lim!. mn· WI I H OHDEH. or HI o OI,l'OSIT \\ UH OHDEH, 13.\l \:\ uotlaiu~ lo lo'i c-m11· ~uoranlce protc<:h ) ou!

The,<.· art· .ill PRC' le,1turcs ,111tl \\ c,lcms. m.11I) nol pre, in on l<.·a,c. \.II arc 11-,cd, hul

\\'e l!Uar.mtcc thc,e lcnlurc llfinh lo he salisfoctory. I£ Cor · wish to retain am of the r~.,hm•, you order from 1..hi, lisL transporlntion paid. within fh c d,l)"" after ) 011 rccci, e them, of our imoi<:c. and "c'll !!;i\C )OU full cn.•dit. Of t·mmc, r mml be in ,ubc;tantially thl· , a111e c:ondilion wbc11 returne recci\'etl them. In thnc I> •I tLU' l'ncl, 1 t• of I\ 1• !-.o,111J ,nm rep! m Ill 0£ not more lh II I\\O ll 8 1.l< kh;m k'~ ,ale, pricl's do not inclnde lran,purtalion <.·har our sci dwn i11 rt pack t).:<' of l\\1 IH· or thi, arc to t!,O oul C.0.1) .• posl:tJ!C 01' express \\ ill be coltccted \\ j film. Hm\e,cr, if )OU \\bh lo sa\C by remitting in full "it] followi11(!, aclditionul ;tmount-. lo c·o, er!, postage uml Shipmcnl of one Hi1111n. sound f ealurc picture \ hipmcnt of e.1d1 acltlilional rnmm. ~ound fcahJre

BALLOT BLACKMAIL (7) with Joan Woo and Jack LaRue DANGEROUS INTRUDER (7 ) with Charle Veda Ann Borg and Richard Powers (7) with Mary Hughes and Robert Lowell . JIVE JUNCTION (7 } with Dickie Moore, Bfackf awk's [ampu! Tina Thayer and Gerra Young cont in tlil' folio,, ing sh: 100' 16111 THE LADY CONFESSES (7) with Mmicnl I ilim nncl is pi it c.'cl nl Mary Beth Hughes . 1601 - \\ EL nu AH'I 0 1• SIG\( 2SOC. - M\ I H \1 EH.NJ l '\ PIN ('lhc LADY IN THE DEATH HOUSE (7) with 3301 - < OI IJ~Gf. ECIIOE (The C Jean Parker and Lionel Atwill . 3906 - ()~ 1 BE C \\IPU l he Co-c 4000 - ON 10 VICTOm (11w Colic THE MAN WHO WALKED ALONE (7 ) wi \f;0, - IS" BOO\1 BAHIHHA BHO\ David O'Brien and Kay Aldridge . THE MISSING CORPSE (6) with J. Edw Bromberg and Isabel Randolph THE PROFESSOR'S GAMBLE (7) with C Parker and Roger Pryor SEVEN DOORS TO DEATH (7 ) with Chandler and June Clyde . UARTETTE Pack

1ati 11 l 0 Sound ~10f{l11Jtel' C1'tt66e - AI "1uJJ~ 5t. Jc~tt 11/eJtel'ttJ .A er~) 1 JORD ER BADMEN (6) . • • . • • • • . $39.95 mlicr and JLAZING FRONTIER (6) • • • • . • $39.95 Rt:\.~IL\;\;l) (The ;:: (6) • • • • • . . . $39.95 1 r rfEVIL RIDERS (6) • • • . • . • • . • $39.95 rHE DRI FTER (6) • • • • • • • • • • $39.95 lo ,~RONTI ER OUTLAVIS (6). • • . • . . . $39.95 10 UGITIVE OF THE PLAINS (6) • • • • • • $39.95 l co pii, uzzy SETTLES DOWN (6) . • . • . . . $39.95 n l IS BROTHER'S GHOST (6) • • • • • • . $39.95 LAW AND ORDER (6) • • • . • . • • $39.95 100 IGHTNING RAIDERS (6) . • • • • • • $39.95 11 , O\" .1ti ~ATH OF VENGEANCE (6) • . • . • • . $39.95 ' RAIRIE BADMEN (6). • • • • • . $39.95 •RAIRIE RUSTLERS (6) • . . • • • • • • $39.95 (HE RENEGADE (6) • • • • • • . • • $39.95 man Package l USTLER'S HIDEOUT (6) . • • • • • • . $39.95 0 IHADOW OF DEATH (6) • • • • • • • • $39.95 Sound 19.9iMOKING GUNS (6) • • • • • • . • • $39.95 E (Bcmt) Field~) 5TAGE COACH OUTLAWS (6) • • • • • • $39.95 n) Fields) 19.9fHUNDERING GUN SLINGERS (6 ) • . . . $39.95 ds) 'NILD HORSE (6) • • • • • • $39.95 l9 .9 ~11ve O'Bl'itlf - Jim 'llewill 11/eJtel'HJ 19.9 IAD M EN Of THUNDER GAP (6) • • • • • $39.95 39.9~ORDER BUCKAROOS (6) • • • • • • • $39.95 10 55 OF RAWHIDE (6) • • • • • • • • $39.95 1RAND OF THE DEVIL (6) • • • • • • . $39.95 9 39 • 11GHTING VALLEY (6) • • • • • • • • $39.95 lUNS OF THE LAW (6) • • • • • • • • $39.95 39 • ~UN5MOKE MESA (6) • • • • • • . . $39.95 UTLAW ROUNDUP (6) • • • • • • • • $39.95 39.9{HE PI NTO BANDIT (6) • • • • • • • • $39.95 p,iE RANGERS TAKE OVER (6) • • • • • . $39.95 !t Package 39.91ET URN OF THE RANGERS (6) . . • • • . $39.95 IPOOK TOWN (6) • • • • • • • • • $39.95 0 Sound 39.t,RAILS OF TERROR (6) • • • • • • • • $39.95 ank Parri ,llld hi '\ lo) le a11cl hi), Puppt I ...... ~ ~ ,,.,., "" ,. - J THOSE POPUL/ - - .. 100' 1 7ex l

Black ho w k's [ampu

c011t.1in, thl' foll11\\ ing six J 00' Hit I u, ic.11 I itm . •ind h pril eel .,t

1650.l - IIE, n Pl'IJ UI' (,U\ AIITI Par r t 7CO~ - rIU I \'-'.'> \\ fl II I HE tll I IC:A Tl \ Ill t?.!Arloa Colby) l8j0' - \ \NKI E DOOi)( t,. JU:-;HlR (1..llWl'MICl' \\,.Jk and Im Orch.stn) '.?0603 I HI I It \IRlF. IS l'\OT O J'Alt \\A\ lion J>em, aad bu Oi h.-.stra)

12 Blackhawk' s BARBERSHOP QUABTETTE Package cont,1im the follo,,ing thrcl' 100' Wmm. H-1° oun, and is priced at I 2S03 - L ITI LE :XELL The Hondolic1, ) 13002 - S \\VD l ST C \ N \HY ( Don Gaut i<·r au cl B,1rhcrsh op Quartclle) :!7107 - ~IEET :\JE T O N1G111 IN DRC \\II \ND 1 he ( .uarchmcn Quarlcltc)

Blackha w k 's et,; 7(/~ Pack a ge

0 ontmn th\• followin~ three 1011' 16mm. R-I Sound $4.98 tu ical Film,. and i;; priec,l nt 3J07- "l1 1E \\ lFE OF TIIE ~1 \ N Oi\ THE FLH. (,.. T H/\PFZr (Cindy \\ alkcr) 63 8- I DO~'T TR• ST Tl IE :\ lEK (Cind) \ Vulkcr) 10~ 3-111L LHILL\ B \ L L EHI N (( ind~ \ \ a Iker)

Blackhawk' s minstrel man Package rnntain the following three I 00' Himm. H-1 ° ouncl $4.98 l\lmicnl Films, nncl is priced at 2501 - HERE' LO\ E IN YOUH EYE (Bcm1 y !Fields) :3~~0·3 - J3HOAD\VA \ JUH n IM (Ucnn) l•icld ) 9S05 - l <' lFTJ1 \ VENUE (Benny Field,)

Blcickhawk's Sw.eate,,z, tj.vtl Package

<.'Out 11ns· the folio" ing three 1()(1' 16mm. R-1° Sound $ 4.98 Mu i al Films, and i, pri< ed ot . . • • 201 - . 11 01!.SHINEH \ ND 111~ \ })l,l rERS (F lorence Pcp1>cr) 5603 - \ Gl:I 11\TJ <' (Leo Diamond and his llamum.ic,1 Hoodlums 8406 - S\'VI ·c SH IFT S\\ ING {Gael \ mber)

Sla ck hawk's Puppet Pa ckage contain the follo,\ ing three I00 ' 16mm. R-1° ound $4.98 :\fo,icnl Film.,, nud is priced at 9206 - T HRT:F-IN-O1\~ HEV E (Frank Pnrri" and hi-. ~larioncttc 9!JOS - D \ NCJNG DOLLS (Johnny Boyle an

13 Blackhawk's '7'~ Package

contaim the folio" iug ,i:\ 100' 16mm. R-I ' Sou11d Musical Film,. and i, 1nilctl .1t $7.95 2:30S - , Ol''llE \ C:H \ ~DOLD FL.\ G (~Jen oml \luicl\ of \1clod~) '3-tOS-A~CIIOHS \\\ EICH (The ~ otionnir ) 420S - 'I H E \ t i\. Hl:'\E'!-i In ~IN (The Song teen) 6405-TITE C \ IS. O:'\ GO UOLLli\'G .\I O:'\G ( hep 1·iclch ,111d hi, Orchc,lra) 11901 - 11 \ IL T H C l ;-..; I'I ED ST TES ~1 \ Hl l'\ I•' "i (I lC 111lh nn) 19-to5 - T IIE CO\ I G lJ \ HD SO:.\G (SE~l PEH JI \ H \ T L s ) ( Htl' G renadiers)

Blackhawk's Personality Package

nt:tins the foll!J\\ in~ six I Oil' lfimm. R-1° ~ound ht IC 11 I'ilms. ,md i, p ritcd , ll $9.95 5i05- HO-XC KO'.'\ G ~ l(, II I S (Hoa~~ CnnniclrnclJ 590i - B) \~ OLD Ol I IIIW-..: HI\ EH (Bill llobinson) 8601 - J \lET ~n " \1 E Hi 00 (Jane Picken,) 910'">- I A C~C.\H C II \ (Gt•rl111dl• :\ic en) 9605- \\ EETO.NIO ~ ll\l C (l hcDunl'an~i,tc1,) 9801-llO~E OF .'.'iO \l.\'.'\"S L\NO (Gi11nySim1m)

Blackhawk's POLKA Package

l·onlains the follo\\ing ,i\ IO0' Hlmm. n-1• ouncl ~t u,icnl Film . and h p1 iced ut $9.95 1905- 'I H E rHII!.~ DL'l TAYEHN POLK \ (S)hin l~roos) 2"304 - 'l IIE B1 :1m BAHHEL POLKA (Tlic Cto11 Bo)s) .'5~07 - THE l\ ADO< I() (G,, en Willinrn~ .111d Chorlic De, clin} 7905 - PE:--;:'\S'l l.YANI \ POLK.\ (Scarles n11J J c11ni) 10502 - JOLL'l JOI: (111c Balator,. June Blnir uncl l>clsa) 24707 - J>I~A l'GIHL !'OLK\ Oeni Freeland :md 'I he Polk,1Clctlcs)

Blackhawk's [amedv Package ontnins the follo,,fog bH·hc 1011' JG mm. H-1° Sound ihns, nn

Block hawk's t:>MU '8ad Package

contains the following twcl,c 100' 16 mm. Il-1° !';ound $13.95 Ju ical l"ilm , mul i, priced at 901 - I'F.TJ) TIJE J,;nT\ lhta R11, •nd lu,r Orchrstr•J 140J l Ol \\ \U U\ Del I no aod bb Ordil'..>tra) oJO.! - \ Ol 111 \DU \II, I.()\ I 1 OU (TN! Flo-Rlto and hu Or trD SGO - TIIAT r>ID 11 , MAllll T on, l'uttor and b Orchc.Jtral o OJ - I \ \ A'SI\, l O!ll 11 :-. A rU•E Ian Garber nd bi, OrchHtra) 11001 - FOR S U..E Eclclv llo-.ard and hb Orcho tra 111:Jlll - , T l( K, ,\ 1- 1> ~ IOSI lllta Rio IWd h er 0 ~ 1111) I 14 11:? - 0'1.1' l OCJI, \T \OU ~D I C'.A1tno and hit Orcbn lra) 12803 - \\ \TCIIA KSO\\ IOI ~ (I .any Clinton and hit Orchr,tra) 13:?llf, - JA \' \ fl\ E (Al l)u111&hue a nd l,h Or~hr, tnl J 1!!111 - T UIBD OJ \\ \II 1'\C-: fCIH \ O U (Jinunr D or,~> 11n,I hl1 O rdtl'tlra) 14-10-1 - ~HE Sfl.\I r. 11 \\It "t ~ IC (J•ct. Hyllnn and hi, O rd,e,tru) 15 Blackhawk's Thelma White Package contains the fnllm, in~ three 100' 16mm. R-1• Soull(l \l u,ical l•ilim. r111d i, pril·cd :it $4.9 '2--1603 -T \KE IT i\"D GET (Thclrnn \'\ hitc and her \11-Girl Orchestra) ~.=;00:3 - ZOOT (Thclrnn \Vhite an

Blackhawk's VAUDEVILLE HEADLINERS Package oontnim the folio,, ing thrCl' 1110' Wmm. R-1° Sound $4.98 l\.111 iet1l Films. au

Bladchawk's GAY NINETIES Pa ckage

contain, tlic folio" i11~ ix JOO ' Himm. TI-T 0 Sound \1u~icnl riltn , .mcl is pric·cd at $9.95 Hl12-:\I\ LIi ILI: <.IHL (TheELon Bo,s) :>!)07 - Sl ff s l\lOHL IO BE PITIED UJ \N Ch:\'Sl RED (Ronrnine StcH11 4501 - I I S \ SI:--: IO TI:LL \ LIE (Bert Frnl1111,m) 9201 - D \.NGEHOl S ;-.: \~ \lcGREW (:\fnr~.,rct Tlnrd,> } 11506 - \Y \ 11' ~I IL '1 JJE !-iUN SIIJ.NES .NEI LIE ( I lie Four Dude~) 18:304 - ~ff llHO 11 um JACK (Toni Gilman, Ccorgc Shelton)

Blockhawk's IRISH Packag e rm1t,1im the folhming \ix JOO' lG1run. R-1° 011nd :\t u it ,11 Film-,, nnd is price cl .,t $9.95 19112- ff'S THC S \!\IC OLD SI IILLEL.\GH (\lorton Do" ney) ~ 102 - MOLL"\ l\1 \ l O'-C p,1idinel Lorin!!) 2fiOi-'f1I \T'S 110\\ I Sl'l: LJ. IHCL\ND(i\forton Do\\ llC) ) i:30S - PHIL TrH l· LUTE H'S B \LL (John Feeney) J:3IO:i- SWINGJ, O' 'I IIE CHEE:-.; (10h11 Feeney) J.J!lo,; - CO~IE 1 0 1 II E I' \ Ill (John Fccnc))

Blockhawk's MOUNTAIN MUSIC Package rontains the follo\, ing ~ix 100' 16mm. H-1 • Sound $ 9 9 ~lw.ical Film:., and i prfred at • • 4206 -TII \ rs l\f) \\ E.\K:'\~~S NOW fl ht• Koni Kohhlcr~) ]0202 - POP COES TTIE \\ E \SEL (Tltc F:i~liionnirc, 1:2405 - CI E\(E;,,; 11:-.;E ('l he ~tar,halh) 15502 - FLY 0~ 'I IIE W \LL (fredclic Fi,1,cr ;ind hi~ Sd111it·kelfritz Band) 10006 - I " JSlT 1 H ,\D nmn I" \ IY CH \l>LI : (Emcr<.,on's Monntaincl'r, 2550:l - II \ WKEYE IIOEDOW'\ (Jut'k Wltil11cy 111111 lite ll11ckctt Dnncc:r,) Blackhawk's ROUNDUP Package

contaim the follm, ing t ,, eh e 100' 16 mm. R-1° Solllld \ I 'iltm, and i, priced at $13.95 :?:!.011 - f:\I\II) \IE 8\{K TO I IU: L0"-1 I'll \11111 (C "'"'" lluhi,011 not! Im llud.. ,100 ,1 ~1,03 JI Ill\. ~kC:l'tlK I· tlCH( \I Ill (.)l Ll\<)l C I h <' Len n ll ,,_ l:!07 - (,01"- Ill 1111 11\ll"- I)\"-( E 10"-lCIIT ( :m ,on llohi nn 1011I hi< llu,k,r,,.,. ,hell - Tn \ I 110011\'. 1"0011\ . ~IIOOTI' \I\!\ I llO\I T1'.X,\S ( ,,,.,. \u,tin S.3tl!t II\( I,; I'\ TITT: \'\ODLE\(,\!\ l)i,k llu11111" ) !! SIi.! - 11011,1 II \(H', (;u,~,r n,,I,•\ Ill ,11~ TOl {,11 Bl·.l"I· \hrtlc Dunnt'on l r,>11( 1.1-tofl ,o\lt \\ lll'IIE I' OLD\\\ ll\ll'G \rt 1>.-011 13SOI l ,!l I o,c, \ll11.E (Lu..-rson < \lotwt:.unr er, 1-1601, - I 1, lT , ·1 0 1 111 \ltl( hi'\(. HlllU I I· 11,r,..,,111·• \lnw1lllint u,) 1s7u;; - HEil IU\ Ll{ \ \I 11.\ U 11 n 10 ) \\ a\., h a 11d Iii< oihhoma I '"'ho>• nncl <.nw)!irh

Bla ckl,awk's Shaw liirl Package ont.m1s thL· fo lio" in~ twelH· 100' 16 mm. n.1° Sound lu~ical Films, and i, pric·ecl at $13.95

Slackhawk's SEPIA Package

<'onlaim the folio,, in~ l\\el\'e 100' Hi 111111. H-1° Sound ;\lu~i<.·al Filrm. and b priced at $13.95 470.1- IOOT Tll \'f THIDIPEl (D,e11 fu-.r Uoy, ) 1110111, - I J'(;', \t, I' (,OOJ) 1t::dn.1 \la, Tial"l'is 1 IO I07 - I\\ EW> \II:; I r he C'hoc:d11tn·rt) IOSll.l. - Qll \RR) RO.\D !SIIJD ;\larn,in~ nntl R~U,• llo,c1ti I l~IIS - \IF!sTI:\ 'fl\lE !Th<' lt:ulio \t·e<) l PHU - ltl.0(:1, l'\ll'f\ RE\ EL~ ( Uilh ,,ml l.~uu \lbrillon) l:!IIOS - KEl' " ,\IT!:\' rC,•nr~<· \\ n,hini:luu llrn,,n j 1240" - l)ISPO~Sl-.'-'-EI> llLUn, L.,nn \lh11tlon .inti th~ f'our l\n»h,l l~h07 - C.OD'S llt:\\E~ (Gl"orge Wa.,bin,,:lon llrowu\ USII~ I 0\ 11'' l I' \ SOLi() RRL t:ZE (TI1<• Ch>uti<-lrer<) 1,lOfl'- - I\EEI' S~ltl 1:-.C ("l1u, G·niitr,11a1>•) l lWII - ll~BBLT"-(; 11£!>'- ( lhe Ch.rnlid~<·"'

Blackhawk's Spanish Rhythms Package

•outnins the followin~ h , ch e 100' 16 m m. R-1° Sound tusical Films, and is priced at $13.95 107 - Tl\\ \ :\ \ 1, C \U 1'(: \U: U,·n,ice l'~rl.."< an,J 1 heotlnr<') 205 - lllltl\U! \ -.ERF:-. \I)!:; (\l111< llbwnba Otdl<'stn) _so I - HI \l'OL \. 1C:ray Gordon ,ncl hi, On·h~•lnt) ,804 - Al)[Os \\IEl\lC\~O IE.xoti, Cminn.1 \!urn H~0G RA\( 110 C.1\\:0-Dl ( I orr.iinc- De\\ood) 0 . 04 \ IIIIU'lll \ ~!'£Tl \I ·n· I 11ho Malina 1105 ""'DELE (Scl'l!iu d~ k,ulo "ith llu• S1>Jni,h ll.·ll, 5 002 n \HK , LL\ ET :\"TC,111' Serl!io de I- ,rlu ~! 02 \\HA'I IJ\'-, TIil l, \m GOT? 1'nl:i Galli\ ~~gs CUD\',' PF,lE l \larfo C;nn1,o, \I.,, 11ml ~l.irtrta) ; "8 OOSJ \ lllll.'IID\ l.;nl~11 I>~II ) . SO, - \AMO:, \ <:OZ \K (\ arm, und, id.a)

TDRAliE [ADS FOR 1200' and BOO' 1&mm. REELS There coulinue, to he more demand fo r good used cnm for 1200' and 800' reels of 16mm. film than there :\re c~ms. However, we\ c just received a bi~ shipment - I he higgcst wc\·e yet gol our hands on. So, those of you " ho h:n e been waiting for a bargain in cans better fire your orders off to Blackhawk pronto. 1 he price (exclusive of transportalion) is as follo,H: 1200' capacity cam, each $1.29, 3 for $3.69, 6 for $6.89 S00' capacity cans, each .9&, 3 for $2.69, 6 for $4.98

17 Blackhawk's lirass Skirt Package <.'Onlains the follo\\;u~ h1 eh-e 100' 16 mm. R-1° Sound Mmical F ilms. and is priced at $13.95 1114 ',Q'\G Ol· THE L'tL\:\ n, (Thr \flL,oC \luiw) 204 \'-1 i.A:\I (Hu, Kioney and hi< llaw,oiau Orche,tna> 46114 - 1111.0 II \11 II'. (l'rint..,,, \loh,tl 47112 - TnJ: ~lGUT \\ 1: \II, I " 110'\0\fU l,anny Ross) -!SU.! - LI ITLE GR\'>'> -..11 '\CK 1Clurli, 1>,,m un fO BF (\',·r,, Uarlmtl JS.1\1(1 '" lhl LLll \'I.I lkannr (Lure and ll•rold IUrbard.,) 1'lllU.! - 111.t: I,' 11 \\\'\II ( \l \fdntin, 1,i, llawuii.111,) .!,8111 -1'01 \1' UO\ 1(,lun.1 !,;in; nncl II. mi,• 1,;aai)

Blackhawk's HILLBILLY Packa ge coutaim the followin~ h,eh-c 100' J6 nun. R-1° Sound :.\fmical F ilms. and is priced al $13.95 11111 - Ttff\ Ct: I' 00\\ :-; Till- OLD l'l\l THJ::I (F,nwi~ld) ,.,11, han~ '"' ,1k"• lluolin' :;-;01 -BEAR(;\T \IOU'I. fAI'- GJIIL Cind, \\nlkN) ;NO.? - I J II·, I \11\lLII ', iJ\CGIITEI\ \Ciotti \\ all.rr, \\ . ';;!O; \I 1\\1 \ 1)0:\ '1' \\ \'I.I :\0 \ll ,1C jO.-nHr \)Jrlintt u,cl lht lluflma,, '-t ~-102 - 01.D I l \'\K 1Frc,hlir Fid" r 11ml lti• ~,·hnlcl..ellritx lland I S,0-1 - I l'RKEY 1:\ f11l ,TllA\\ cl· «•d,lu, J,'il, I\: HI\ u:-;DTES (Tiu· ll01>,in IJul '-l11,t,) usor; l W \'\;:-,.,\ co 8\CK TO \\LST \ lRC:1:\T \ 1,,1,;1 Hat') USO I - JHl)J:\' ·r11r;; llEl> C: \UOO~R (Tom Em, non ,;,ct hi, U1llhilli1•,) 11!!/l:; - l. l'I, LIZ·\ J.\'l· (F.m,•r,on • ~lo11nt.1i11N·r,)

Blackhawk's KI-Yl-YIPPI Package contains the following h\ehe 100' IO mm. R-1° Sound .Musical Films, and is priced at $15.95 :! I lllli - IE:\\', UO\IT: 1\lerle l"ra, ,s ,,ntl C'.uolinu C".ollon) .!O?(J-1 OIi l 11\1 011 UII\I 1Th~ G;u Im Cowhoi,) 200113 - )(ICl,.J\~ \I\ LO\ F \llOl' 'a•d !?:!1114 - I Jill TROl;Rl E \\ JTIJ :11£ 1,p.ulc Cool~> un,1 hi, \\·c·,lrm Dan« C:ani "ith frx \\illlam, 20 Ill:! - ,111: \1 \HHJl• l) nm WRO'prii,:gil>< nud C'a,11li,1a Cotlun) !?bt!O.; :-.o \ \( \'\('\ 1\h•rl, Tr,,, ••ul llt'll) D,•\cri• ,dth Tiw Tlroncho Ou,len) 2:!30 I - 111:.D I\J\ UI ;11()0\ Rod H',er OaH·)

Blockhawk's PIO-UP Package c·ontains the follo" ing twelve 100' rn mm. R-1° Sound ;\lmical Films. and is priced at $13.9 !?:204 - COH'l.,lLK (Phil '-•·dy-, Marcia Gritfin and Balhini: llrnul ,, ,lfl 1- ~ ',['\ ,i:;}l Kl!'.',! 0 \:\ \'\:(,Fl, IJuhnn, Joh11,to11 1ml buutilul girl, .;ouo- ,u,~m Tllr. \lrl\'.\f \II) Uh·dd Ha.--p('r •'Hui JU\ nu.,tJ...., ';'1(1.j - n, \ o, rHI l EJlH \CU: (\laril.-n \la'nTI'll and chorn<) f,302 - \ ',l lH\G 0 1 Pl, \IIL', {A alrini: r1f h,•.mlilul i:irh) 1,30, - ',(l\U-;I 1\11"\ II'"'' fie uu 1u1d bcuuti111I i:itl,) M,O.J - LU\£ I.', \ SO'\G (Jnn,• ~f. ..,·h) •1z11.; - Tlffi \f\G{(' C \llPCs I" IJ~m· lkrccu\ 1110., nm 111.1.:,111,<; 11mui; p.,1 ki,, <:n1o 1,) !1";11~ - 1 01.:(.trl 10 D \'.\(.ll ( C:111tt r Duin OD \ll'-.nuler and rar.ule of gurg,,.,.u i:irh) 15:iOh - \I' lOC.\I, I•·~ lknn~ll ancl ,·,·c-f.llini: Lt-.,uli,s)

Blackhaw k 's Popularity Package contnius the following l\1 el\'e I 00' 16 mm. R-1° Sound • :\ f usical Films. and i'\ priced at $13.95 :?.OS - UTI ERB1. G SE:-.Olll"fA (\ innnt Lo11cr. illld bi, Orcht King ru,d h" Ord1ctl.rlll :J 10 I - \II\ 111-1 I \ \!\D Tm· \\ \ Tl· II 'I \'\ K ("Dondl,,_" \\ .-nq:s) 37113 - f'\I Jl'S J \\ ILi) .\UOl; 1 11.-\Jll-l\ Jillranor l'rt·nd,I 4;?112 - rJJE PELL.\ WJTJT TIU; l"U)TlLE (RohO(. ,·r1'\I) IJohnn~ Do""' und Ji,1111 Porl~r) 5900 - J \Cl( \ \D JIU l\\'111 Bratll,, Md hi• Ord1~,Lr11) 01117 l-'\llli\\ELI. Bl l'f:s (10mm, 11•·>-nol

16 1 O' R-1* SOUND MUSIC L FIL s




ThlM' I'•"~ ~c, of h,dw 100' JI-I ~ound ~lusicnl I thm offer tod;n , big!'-'°"' b.m; m 111 Wnun. ,ound film< \\'bile th<' 11111111:lt.'rs !Package G C'Onl; 111<"<1 111 thne I I onmn,,::e\.. nre prcdomitu111th of .i patriolil 11,1turl' 1popul11r durim; the \\ :it the~ do knturc somt• of Included are: tod.1y s top t .. knt 111111 urti\l~. I 2:i02 -. \ DOLL 110) ti c•,• Sullh ,:111 I I IOU-\IY -..b 11 It .\'\I> I 1J11111tl\' Dor.t•) 1111d hi~ Ord1t•\tr11 "ith ( um'd1•nng that till' ~H noge <.O~t Jlt:r !Oil' unit is llS little J, ',;k. Hoh l"bcrk) and for .,9_9:; you t.,.11 s;:l'l n sdedi11n 1,f mdodium 1111 cnt~r­ I h IO I -1 ff ' '.\11 (,\ l l'll1l' C;la\\ ,nu 1 rir,ll'I~) taimn,.; 1110,ics that will nm hl'tw{cn 3j und 40 mmulc< ,011 r<' l!J'JOI '>A.II Oil, 11011'\l'IPI 1 m,. lhtc nud ~tm1l0 rl'11!1, gl"tlin~ 11 lot for I lilll1•. 20·,Wj I \I \ ~;\II OB \lcrHn "\chem• 20&01 ~A.TL'IUH'\ ,1c.1r1 I"i n11 1o-..;1-111 ... r :\IGIIT \nil, HI lkh11wk, s:u,m nte1• nppll1·\ to ti t·t as 11 dm,s to ull nthrr itu ts lllackh \\ k oflt rs. If ) ou don t like 11 II·." EE!i. llllh J.iu Bomll'l ·,·m fnr IJ\ re1Ho11 rnurn them iu ,uhstnnl i. lh th<' s.11111• condition and 1i>c other solactionsl n, \\l1t11 HIii n·uiH·,11h1·m. \\tlhi11 H,c dtl\s uftrr run rt'l~in· tl,cm. ,1c<:111n11,11m·d b a l"l'Y 11! your 1m oi< 1·, 111d we'll 1,:h1• ,·ou full qodl. Package [

Included are; 4-10 I C \HI I! r, \ \IOU'\ I rhc B,1d O IIO,;llCS PaEkage I -1'10 I DI" \II .\II \HI I L-\ (1:,1\ :'\ohli 111cl hi~ Orcl,cslm IUOl,-11 1\101111 II ( Ol LD <,J I· \11· 1\0\\ (Jimrll\' Dudd :u Included ore: G11i \ lurnn 1 3:10~ 111\'\l,. \OlU ll("l -..n11<, \:'\I) STJlll'l'i ,1hc ,j\UI-TIIE ')11111'\I• OI o.;T, CI (II I\ dlub.:rt '\1it. Corn> I I I.I 0\\-. GI T fOGF I 111 II lrcm.: '71101 \\ l[f-..; I HI llW,I <, BLOll\1 H. \ I'\ Budch ( I.irk Ill I ho111.h and 11,c .\ mu.1~sadors C.rnrp:i C 11rroll J4C,(l.1 \10\ E IT 0\ I II \I dcline nd II, th BJrtlt > I.,·, and si,c other selo r. \ l H, \ I '1 Uoan ;\ l<"xrmclcr) and s/,c other n:lec-1/ans! Package H Package E Included are: 'hltl!l JIil- 'IJ\llI: (I ht· c.J.111111uruttcs 721);, ',\\ t',<;J'\' OI DII H ~I\,'\ (C:m \ 11) 15:201-(.()()l)Jn L 'iL Jo. (Le,' 5ullh,m) 710." IOII:\:\Y IJOl (.11110\ II\~ 1·0t '\D \ HO')I· I'\ I G51ll 'I I IE CO \'>T C:U o\HD SO:\C I Ill I \ '\'D t Pdu (. r.- nnd I Ul 111• Bn nu rl .:?000:i-TIHT'S \-..; IIU'ill l l'LL \In th IT) Cuop1rl \JOl-flll 1 \,1\1 I DOODI IB \\ilh,1111 I ra"l,·, and six other solect,ond :5?4 lll:1 lll"---r1 \let' ,I'\ 1 Y n,l. H.1.ln hton J'no , ml Johnn> \\ ood,, and six other scloctlonll PnEkage D Included ore; 240:J-\\ll<\T 1111', lOl'"\"lln ,n I)', 1-. ,mm· I 0\1 (T Package A !!ingin~ l'o\\cn \lod.-ls) IIOS -~A,t.,F.J: UOOl>I I POLk.\ Included are: ,'i:JO.i-\\ F ·m, Till C Ot I'LL I'\ TIil {' \STU Diel,; lloJ.:..111 2IOG 1111 TJ\l l OFT\\ O C.Sl'ltS 1\\ ini Slum 6Hl-2 \S \I\BFI (.(H -., <;() UJI s rm '\:\\\ \far, 7301-SOLDIEll"S S\\ Fl'1 IIE \HT (Ge-rlnult- Nie,cnJ \\nM1) 9fJ0,i lll'- Tiff Sl :'\'I;' ~IIJI. fGny<> Dnmn i71J5-I LO\"l·, \ !'A.II \DJ: (\\'rnn ~lurrn,) I03110-0'\ <.l'A111) \\ illil· 11 ,m,tnlJ !J 1113 \1,\11. \I\'\ Ill l'I•.., (~ita :\orm.m' l 17Cll (,JDD \P I'll\ I I il ,h, in Smithl IS.102 - f'OO \l,\ '\) <, \II.OJ\', ( fht Hurd1 !\l111111 D:111(·er1) and si,c other selections! and s/,c other 1eleclionsl P,ackage B Included orcr Package F 11:101 111:Tf'I.H \I'l l IIOI I. TIIO !-.l·. l ll·'I (Jenn l'ortc·r ,md llru llnrri~, Included ore: 0~0 1-HOI LLO 110111'\(, \I o,c. tl'liil 11,mna 11ml Cn 4701 YOl"'llE J).\ ',(,I• ltOL '> 1Elca11ur I rcnd1 (,r.iruhtcdll li-t0-1 ,\:'\D SO Lil 11.E "11\IE Ucrr> \\a~nc) ll!!lll-JH,(I'\(. JJIII \\f~ tlhc Jhoinpson "'ml 'lhe L, 17502-I Iii' 'G4 Ql I <; 110'\ •Ann P,irl,crl Jlrnlht>rsl IJJG(.I{, 'J 111: PIED PJl'LH lll!n "/ohll• nnd lus OrchMtra) I liUi-HII~ LH.S 01 flo:\1\5 {'lf1t• 111111~,·rs) 2070i PL\ 1 Tf\11 1'01,K \ 1The llu1 LMi11111 'J'rioJ 1!!1102~ I Ul: OLD \1 ILL s·1 Ill!.\ \I fl hl• ~ltmlinll,) 2(10113-:SKI~:\ Y \ll'\'\IE (Iris Cou"•'Y rm«I K1•11 :Sc-hou) 12201-111 liE < 0 \II•'> T l IF i\ \ \ \ t 1111• Soug Spinun~) and si,c other selections! o nd six o ther selccllonsl 18 VOCALS (CONTINUED) SEPIA DANCE BANDS and hi, 1.01, I.OS

s I.OS

UJS Im sl.V'i SEPIA INSTRUMENT AL GROUPS l.ll~ 20 ) \11pm,flH F cl:~11111.: uml TI,c l'hrl ,tonrl '"' I !IS 219 ''i \ \1 n 1C1 t1 11 '.I. ,~Cl I in> (.n,nt·~ ~1.!l'> "()(1(.11 J rn, (,runt, 11111 ,.. ~ I !JS

I.HS 1 us


l.'l'i I OS l hnri \\omit ,ml hi, Ord1t tra 1 JS 1l l'nn \\ oll(ll· ind Im Ori h, Ir I I <1<.;

H00(.11 ,,.,,,d I t'l'. f' ,1 I )tJ\\lrS Rll(I INSTRUMENT AL GROUPS ll!J I t9 VOCALS I 4'1 hh 401, 1lndJ;l \ "1111 HuclnU I n111l. Jr. 111d 1.49 his 1,111,

I 'JS I.US . . . 1.% I 1•1m, lkrm ,111 .1ud I,,~

H IA I !IS $1.1 20 DANCES l I\ I


\I\ I 0\ I

1ml \ ( irihn

lsuk \\ um\ 111,\

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