November 1950 PECIAL FOR DOUEfflBER and DE[EfflBER ... Eomplete 100' 16mm. Sound lengths of Features, Serials, Shorts Ju past ) can. our stocks of these 100' 16mm. s01111d ll·n~ths lrom feature picture , " 'e terns. serials, comedies, tr:n el films, musicals, cl?cumcntary ,uhjccts, sport film:.. informational film:., ond other films of many types were gohhlcd up a, fa,1 as wt· offered them. Now we hnH· perhaps the big!!;est stock wc·vc c,·cr hccn ahlc to offer at one time. These lengths an.• incomplch.•) start all)\\ her<.· and encl anywlwrc. hut arc conscc•utivc in thcmselvc - not a lot of short o;ccncs spliced to~cther. They nre not identified either individuall) or a, to ubjcct ~rnupings. Thus, there is no way we can fill an order for so man) "\:Vcstcrn·· lengths, or ,o many ··traver· length,, or any certain quantity of any l) pe. All footage is regular imn!!c material (no H-1 ° Sound ~lmicah arc induclcd) and all j., in good nmablc condition. \Yhilc our '.'tto('k lasts, , ou mav huv an assorhn('nt of . thret.· 100' lengths of thc,c incom1ilctc l 61;1111. , ouncl films, po lagc extra. for only $2.9S Or. hy bu) ing twice .is many - an assortment of -.h: - ) 011 gel them, posta!.?;c extra, for but . $5.49 \ll<l. ii H>ll want to shoot the works ancl take a dozen. , 011 ~et t1,c best 1>rice ) t.:I. T" cl\'<' 100' lc11gth~ l·ost. postngc extra, only.. S0.98 Then. if) 011 "ant the ,upcr-dcluxc cleat incomplete I 00' 16 mm. •muml length-. in full color - mmtly Cinccolor and Kodaclm1111c - ) 011 may lun c them. po tnge extra, each nl . $2.49 I 'STUPID LITTLE CUPID"··· 1OD' 1&mm. R-I Sound fflusir:al Film Herc\ nnolhcr pccinl in a good used print of a 100' Himm. H-J {re\'Cr~c-imngc} So1111cl \tu,ical Film folhm i11g up on tl1c , er) popular "Don't Let Julia Fool Ya" "hich \\Coffered in Jul} and August. "Stupid Little Cupid" star IO\el} U!>:lll \lillcr singin~ to cupid. It's cute and ifs tuncful. Price. when purchased nlone, $ l.4!J. \\'hen purc·li:\sed "itla nny otlicr ilems from our list. only 791: ILAEHHAWH FllfflS IDE. DAUEDPORT, IOWA '( In~ uar.mt, < prm1clc s tlint if for uny n·,1,011 ) ou 110 11nt "i,h to rct;im ,m, li1r11., or rncrd1andi,l· ) ou order lrnrn Bla('khawk, ) ou may ,hip them l,,,d, lu u,. lraiL,port.,tion paid. ,,ithin fin· cl,t\.s nftcr ) ou rc·cc1H• them. tOJ,!dhtr \\1th , c py ui your m\01l.< nnd \\t•II ghc )Ou lull credit. <JI cour, , re turrn cl mrrdian<llsc mmt bt: m ~ub­ •t,tnll lh th , Ill< c, nrl1t1n11 "h 11 re tun, d t, tos .1s w},l n , u Ill• ntd II IIL,ckl,n"I,, ,ak pril-c, do not indlllle pustut:,·. In \,riuus ,,·diun, ur thi, ",taloi: , ou ,, ill 11ml i11lormntio11 uu .,dtliti, 11.1( umounh to n•rnit lo cu,cr 110,lat:<'. p.1d,i11t: .111d i11,111,llltt 011 feallut·s, ,hnrt ,111,j,•ct, mul 1110' H-1 "1111111 lllt"ir.11 him,. "la n , 11 \\ i,h lo ,cml 1,1 Ii \\lili 1,rdcr. BRAND NEW, FIRST QUALITY, ONE REEL 16mm. SOUND PRINTS o/ dUeoaut«ed CASTLE ad PICTORIAL FILMS 11n,,rcel from tlll' lurn uf th,· 1t11tury u11 to till tune of lhc \\ttr, I le 111torpuratc, a n11111ht·r ol earl> uucl ~Pl'l I a·ular uc•\, s1 t·,·l ,hots in Iii, ,uhjnl. f his onc-hnlf l'Cl'I. 16mm. ~0111111 film. produ1:ed to ,di fur ;, 17.50. is vour, (pn,1,,1,:c e:drn) for 011I) $9.0"> l I l \ E I OH fO\IOIHIO\\ wilh Capt. Edili, Hid.enh.,c.kt•r. Ci11}t, l d<iic oullim, 11 lwt lit• hclil·H·, ,, ill hL· si~nilic·,mt dt \l lopmt 111s in indu,tr, ancl ,ttt'llt<' in 1111• ten H'"" folio\\ 1111-: till' \\ .,r. 1 lu~ one• n-d. lli111111. s1111111.I film, 1m11luC(•d lo ""II tor "!'i.50 i, ) oun (po,t ,ll!C l \Ira for 011[) . • . , • , $£i.9,3 11,11 I'- I OOD. \. \i,it to the l·ultnn Fi~h ~l.irl;tl in .:--tm \ork C It). \\ < w,· \\ l1t'H' ,11111 Ito,\ \ .1rious lypcs of lt,h an· e11u~ht, hruni;l,t in to 111n1·kct .iml 11n•p.1rc,I for di,t, ihulion A ,111,jl'l t lh,it "ill i11t<-rt ,1 ,111110~1 c•,, r) o w. \ full red. 111mm, , 111ud film. pro, du«·d to ,di lur ~17 ..30 (posta~c extra. 11111 11,1\ lllnd,h:l\\k Jrn, h1r;.:ai11 priCl' of onh • • . • . ::,9 ~; l \ r:m IHI :"\(,'~ l)l ( "1 \\ilh Ceo1,::e GiH,t. llcrt s ,1 noH•h, of lhc t,p, p11p11l.1rizcd h~ l'cte "t111itl1 althou(\h mimrs the to11d1 of tl1,1l m.1~11.'r of the rnot111u !Hl'lurt• ,hurt ,uhjc•tt, ., nl t)1,: kind nf h 11l~c·t tl,al \l(.~I ,wulcl nllou1lc lo su, h a 1il111. Jlm,c,cr. 11 im t h,1d. :md c \Cr) ,lul'k hunt,•r \l1ould !incl it most c11j11\,1Mc. ,\, a mat­ hr 11£ f.1d, ,1ht 11 <,t·ori:P 11 '"' us thl· richt 1111I \\Tnni: \\U) 10 JHctMfl' \\llu clud.:. mo\l of us \\ ill 1m1h.1hh 1:ct 11,orc than a mild kit·k 0111 ol it. f'roclucc<l lo srll for • li.50. tlm one rnl, Hirnrn srnrnd lilru is nnotl1cr nlackl1mll, l,an;uin £or onh q,95 TREASURE ISLAND JlC JLL.\ ND MUSKETEERS \l\l}I Ill\ s9.95 :'\OH\\\) . • $1 I .!I'.; r:{J\I\ (I OJ !\DJ\ 0.95 ,ound \ 11 I r,1,t~ $1 l,!)'.) ind m thr1r on ',IH I .utons. ~l ,cl to Sfl\.V,H\1 l'OD\\ (fr,l\d Hl I\ 111 ,IJ >f tJ, I I r ckh."'l.. 111; \ll F \( T~ (Kil.ii the K.m!!,troo) . \ CT Osr: SIi \ \ E ffnm1~r \I b11f.1) ny one of the above one reel, Fl '1:-,;c: "Ol I JI (Furmer Al l'.tlfo) . 16mm. sound films, postage extra $'f.9S II \IL rfll•, KL\C (Kiko the K mi:.iroo) I IOOI\'. \ '.'i () I \ DD!• It So. O:'\ E (\low,,· \lo, i, AN HOE and THE THREE MUSKETEERS purchase d 0\ T Iii" ",( L:\T (Kiko tl1c ll:11111.1arool . together at one time, postage extra . $17.9S ()<; I fUCIJ lllOnll.I.S (Kil;n lhl Knni.:.u-oo) I JJI•. Ill',; I (F11m1cr :-\I 1".1lf.1} I.i111it<!<l ()n.mlil} COi 1 1 c:1: \:\I) C \R;\;l\'.\ L HHYTIIM (\Jusi( \lbu111 \\ith l >i.ma clcl Rio, the Collcgi.111~ 11nd 111c Can,i\·al ( hon1' 11,!)j ll \ I \ II r: ll 11 11~1 I" (~lmic \lhum) "ith K.1} 1 omtin,·. 1 11<· Collc1.1i,m, :mil Johnny Dim its 9.!li, Ill I DO\I 01 Sl'I• I C II "ith \\. G. Cl1a111ll,•r (l'rc~icl,•nt of lh•1 flO\l \ YJ IC II \I.LADS (\fl!,ic \ lhnrn) with 'I lit Four l'olk,. nterican :--,m:,p,11ler b,o..-iatio11) anrl \\'ilh11r I <>rrc,t f\ kc l'rcsi­ Turnar:i, Dd (',:hino', Ord1t·,trn m1CI Boh H.muon $9.95 11f Ilic Amerit•an i\"ud.1tion ol ~\-w,t>a11t•.r J"ditor~. \1r. t111 1 '-0\C:S OF L 0\ I: C\111\ic Alhuml "ith Gene Cru1111d,, 'i~h it • 1dlcr ,ind :'\Ir, Forrt·st di,cu", :ii.:nimt th1• pictorial h.1d,,r::rnuml Frum, Dan• Sdwolcr nn,I Iii~ S,\incl.,c,,rh Tamar,1 Del I1 appropriate nt'\hrccl ,hut,. tlw , .,rio11s points of I he \tl:intic· Cu,ino and hi, Orch~,trn , ilrtt·r. 11,e) J)uint 0111 hcl\\ all of the oll1t•r lreedo111, .,re coll· !1.93 :!tent11 on the fn•edom of speccl,. Tl1i~ uue red, lfimm. ,ouud (iln,. FOO I II \I.I. P \ It \l)I: <W l!JAfl (.St>urt) l .imikd Q11a11tit) .... ';.05 <--ed to sell for $ I i.,">O. i, your, (po,llit:<' extra) for unh .:;;!!.!J;; fO!fl IHI.I. P \ H \l>E OF l!JH /Sport) • . , S.95 1:-; \( <;l'H \ T IO:\ OF H\ltm S. TJIU\f\X (Jli~toric,11) >c \ DI 11\E 1:-- CET !•l T Oil> ,,itl,1, G~c.r::oQ \hhott, \Ir. \ hhott. su15 Ill\ E\(,I. o:-,; J IIE It \'.\'GI:. (Old Tim,· M11\it·J • ~fl.!).; an of Ncw,rcd C n1111ncnt11tor,. th,c·usws the wcl\\th of tl1e \\ OHi l> SEim:s lW lfJ4,'i (Sporl) <:s.~,s 3 Blackha" k has tlil• "orld\ bigg<.·,t ill\ c ntorv of 16mm. -.ouncl film., for sale. ln our wnrclww.e i, t·11ou!.d1 1<imn1. ,<;mul film to crn'is the <·011- tinc11t from X<.'\\ York to Los .\ngcles ,c, ernl time,. \Ye ha,(' the hig!!est ,toc·k - tlu.• "iciest ~election of titles - ('(m,isknth· the lmwst prices - and the I lat µ; 11,1rantee that an) thin!! purclrnsccl t"rom us may he returned for full creel it "ithin fi,·e cla), (\\ ith a cop) of your in­ , oi<'c) if for all) reason ~ ou do not wi,h to retain it.
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