Lunar and Planetary Science XXXI 1460.pdf SILICA MOBILITY DURING SURFICIAL PROCESSES ON MARS. Scott M. McLennan, Department of Geosciences, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY, 11794-2100, USA (
[email protected]). Introduction: The mobile nature of silica during als and glass [e.g. 9-12]. low temperature surficial processes on Earth is appar- During weathering of basalt SiO2/Al2O3 ratios may ent from the common occurrence of sedimentary silica decrease by as much as 50% in the most altered part deposits, quartz veins, silcretes, quartz overgrowths of weathering profiles [11]. This degree of silica loss and replacements in sedimentary rocks and the com- is comparable to that expected from weathering of mon depletion of silica in soils. This is in spite of the more evolved granitic rocks [e.g., 13] but differs in fact that crystalline quartz is not particularly soluble that silica loss during basalt weathering occurs more under most near surface conditions. Accordingly, during early stages of weathering whereas it occurs sedimentary silica is largely derived from the break- during later stages of weathering of granitic rocks down of other silicates (e.g., feldspar, amphiboles, (Fig. 1). olivine, pyroxene) and glass during low temperature processes, pressure solution during compaction and creep, as well as a variety of diagenetic and metamor- 0 phic reactions during high pressure and temperature -10 conditions. 3 O For Mars, the issue of near surface silica mobility 2 -20 Granodiorite /Al has received scant attention. There is wide agreement 2 that a variety of sedimentary processes have affected -30 the Martian surface and a number of workers have Basalt recognized that silica may play a role during alteration -40 (e.g., [1-4]).