hi to IR Re H. Middleditch len Without Place­ ...It d be Old Yount 1 Oltender-Held C. A. tor Wants an1 So"" .. to Y. M. II Plainfield Grand Jury Explanation of Questions Hard\'\'ore f llcmdaf Asked Local Oa e'Nnlns a JHDa lll&ll, •u aaT• hla near.• u Ira V...bonle, ahumb at rell.deDOG aepal Ia n"rlns completion, u Plalutleld, in a Ilia 1111• Newspaper 11 to become tile quettlon u to wbat ..,.. tile wllo._11 lltOre of MOOile)' ot the old cbiUob bulldlnl on the a pur· • t-rowert &114 attet mulnl Noeer Good sua tlon• land adjolnlnl Ia comln1 111 for 1en· Store eral dlacnulon amon• tb cltllena of : a : .. l A. A. Mak• WNttleld, who have tbe lnterHt of on National B&DII!:u to tbe: oa tiM! Peoplee for Future Busfne• Method• ;��a:. :: tbe town at beart. It bu been tbe =ei'\IM d:: of and:::: endoraed L. N. Aruol4 bope or many tbat tbe old bulldlnl fOr flt. Tbe elerll: ..,.. auaplclona II i.s the corner of fe t Jt 1 Ud refnlld to calh tbe ebetlll: and - • Wblcb more Or - a Cberlabed the ..-, u e a lend111arll. would not bave to be ro· and Broad Streets. taua-.tlatJOIILI mane•r left the atore. b__bli S y Comm tbe pollee were IUitl· fnted mdl'M or dlapDNd ot for uae of any M 111. r•llr lt'<'ular purpoae. Manr lUI· ad llnallf located the fillow ... uo... Elm C a o Broad tee have been coualdered but �tll• lllo re of b rlee Olull:, a Appo wbere he b¥ purebued a tbe conaenaue of opinion amon1 our 'Phone 198 oltllleba Ia tbat the bulhiiDI could be ablrt and bad ·jut preMatd r wh tbe an Ideal quartere for a Woat· ebeell to tbe clf! ll U 110" At the IIMIIUDI of... tbe town conn· Commanloatlon wu ..-lved from IBUl _ of the ouol Men _, and t ll tbe 1 Y pa madetleld branch Y '• .______arrl'led oo 0ilfll l'der I II ar Conne II mao tbe New orll Telephone Com ny _ e I Oil Oild efta.... Cbrlltlao Aeaoclatlon . ..._ tbe �-tlon bonN. In - to tbe etretlt 1 .., ·- ..awalttq our tbat tbl)' bad notllled held Mlddl-.!ltc!Ja r•d the tlnt of f U tbla could be done, It 1 1 rea 11 ed CloHtile IJII' court be wu local tbe Public Benlca Corporation tbat n .Jo..• • • qa..Uou Pllblllb-.! In a paper that a lon1 felt want would be lllled aetloa of tb e 0 ra d tbeJ could not 1trln1 tbelr wlrH on d u of a proper quartan wbere the aev· · ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Yoans P&Dibnme II aal to b• the u part ot latenlew wltb Coullcll• tbe pol.., of tbe Telapbon• Company i -0-o...rne, ot eral hundred youn11 men of town. - v•.u Coaetable ...- Ia couectlon with until attar tbe dltrerencea betweea - pala�r ud maa Hobelllteln wbo b ave no c ub b or quart era, a d-rator 1 Ollee .- ll . tbe town and tbe Publlo Benlce bad ·- tbe lettar r-ntlr reoelnd br r ; . PlaiiiAeld,t-eutr·tti� yean old, u d could con1relata ror Innocent recre-; .._'"' oc-•--•e, � a been aettled, and tha� tbey would i er. It 11 tboUibt tbat be wu Hobelllteln from llflll of Newark ..atlon, phyolcal deve 1 opment an d a. The Same Place: BROAD and PROSPECT STS. tilea w dow paeHd ereet tbe polee mentioned In tbelr a wortbl- era repr-ntlns Dr. C. neral meetlnl place. A• It Ia now, party who a lawr )1. r. pr8'11oua letter, notlfrlnl tbe town 111 atu e of .. tbere are many youn• men Weor.-, alwol on which tbe atcu r 1: 1 and otben, a• tazparen. Tbe derll: wben worll: would com· Y - - a be tleld •bo beloo1 to the tbrhln1 •1 The Same ...... , -ercbant bad been for1..t qu11t1on, •w A McMAHON'SFair Treatment men�d. u printed, wu :a followa: r · rponalble M · c In Plalnlleld but or cou ae ,_,. qo, ud that lie II l'ln A communlaatloa wu recel'led • · that t. l would llll:e tn be larormed It Ia bnpolllble for more tban few ....• Dumber of bad abiCkl from former Mayor A. L. Alpera, en· ' ' • ' Combination est s lla-.. tana-.t D number of the bow It that Dr. lected to tall:e the time to IO there and It 00 n lD a " II 11.-l bu ae ciOtlln& the report. of tbe va.rloue a·emalna a ract tbat prelent condl· Honest8 0 Pric d eS aellllborin&Tbe towua. 1118 In tllow mattar wblch Ia n&lltJ 111· town departmeatl. Mr. Alpera, In cr tlon• are unntlafactory pollaa d-rve s reet e4t\ for ee o h doea everJ bll n volv me no m re t an It letter, made aeveral recommend&· : 1 1 11.•••••••••••••••••••••••••111111 action In undlal up Tb • qul!lltlon b•• of ...,_ n ar aen ••- _., prompt ro 11 tiona to the new council, uamely: ht. b othe memb er of tbe couao 1 n o m c Cl u • of e w atil ld • = aucb record·br.. ll:lnl r tbe o ""!!i!!!!ll!!!!!!ll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ll!!!!l!!l!!!!l!!l!!l!!l!!!!l!!l!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!l!'!!lll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!• tbla fellow In � T bat atepa abould be taken to have Women'a • • at tbe time the contract wu made. where tbll need of oome proper q uar -- e. the proper lellalatlve utborl y to · dt.eo'18re4 ll lllddledltcb, a l , tera for tbe younll men or the town �� 1t wa& later b t ll e rt• ld tb t � ======'I po- r. I.Jl pa. ea • 1he the lla:ror power to veto. · lid ======belli a a . baa loug been r eallled. The wemen =� Jt• tbat tbe cb ell bOoll fi"CCIII..abicb tbe un 1 be had member of oo cU Tbat the town ahould bave comp· c ay a wae of tbe lub alw e r n up agaln•t; the blank ebecll bad been tell:en t ller, and d That minute• or � for tbree 1G�.ra and wu, If be �llbt ro , S . tbe tbe lllaln obatacle that la:r In bavlnl l Westfield Securities l'rutcbey'a Pbarmaar. Tha Y. olleeJI lD tbe meet1n1 of tbe couucll be printed. l at perfor- nr ao, proud of ble rMord. Tbal In no bulldlo1 In wblcb to bouiMl a auG. ,.. not torn out r•r Mayor Denol• tbouaht Lbat tbe rae· I Company • ied M. C. A. Now, however, tbe build· ( We.t Broad Street but bad clipped on:.i tb- tbl'ee be d • a earner �bee ba tr to ommeudatlona of tbe former llavor · tltted ln1 for oucb aabu purpoauob. le found In 130 . rNJedlr. The for11H 11: Mne tb.e town to tbe tl18t of bla labtL- were �nod onea aud till)' were r perf t J did re- tbe old M. E. Tbe location tAr ID tbe cbecll booll M i l , ttu. ll ll:now 1neb arred to the law commltee to con er bJ ty t be ot tbat t t 11 central a nd It ,.. s tated one a lualv l ld wltb the town attorner aud m f�· .u e a 'f eace I4J UMftleN a eondttloli 41d alit nd did llOt feel Aaae · of thole wbo baa taken liP tbe aub-, .-..:�1. uataed accordlnl to tbe pollee. UlU blrman Tllompaon to - what could 1rach a condition abould be al· Ject for dl�euaalon tbat at compara· 'rbe ohlefa of pollee of Montol&tr done. aa4 be ti'IBIY amall expenae the lower floor Jllldlaon are Upetlted In towu to- lowed to ulat. He hoped th at a Couu�llman Jl(ld41edlteb tbou1bt co r could be nverted Into I:I'IIIP••Ium w to looll onr tbe aoonlllld to.... committee t1f tnvNtlllltlon would be that u tbe town bad 1rown ao mucb lt be act wltb batb roonla, bowllnK alleya, etc., I Ia t.bou1bt be mar the mall ud t l u tllaU t appolnted tbat tber would tll& l w tbe eouncll'e duty to pub· tho m alo auditorium utlllaed for In other hr tbe aud II wanted Dlanea qu llab tbe mlqutea of Cbelr meetlnp a• variety of choice in lots to be s...-onuaa. lelllY 1 n tb • 10 a ttar. a lecture room, library, reading,I -·-·---- all the Information the public that tbe lnelnuatlou roon••· or divided up Into aeveral we tboapt uow received wu tbro .. •b tbe col· had in Terrace Park cannot be QOLr OL'UB OJ'PIOD8. • -.. roomo. It baa alao been IU1181ted lmplled In tbe lutervlew wu a r e- umue of tbe paper&. Tbla matter Al1ell tbat the tower c ould be tall:en down rr..tdellt. ll of tbe wu leo ref rred to tbe town att r exeelled in other localities of the Town ; worih·m.aiecl ectlon on all tbe memben & e o · and tbue Ill VI to tbe new church nlore ney tbe . M. E. I Appotated. and tbat tbe mattar ebould nd LawA Committee complete ld1111tlty •• tbe cburcb HE couacll . Oommit.tee. Conncllmau A. M011er, of tbe of Westfield. The terms can be made a and of Weatlleld. a OV bave a tb orou• b IDTaa til Uo n At meeting of tbe board of I · Second Ward, Introduced a reaolu· T T queatlon ezpenae atta h lhlOrl lutlo , be of c loa f Weetlleld Golf Club, lut Introduced tbe followlnl reao u tloa re1ardln tbe urcb of aup to suit the business convenience ot any ldatat o tbe s p ue - to tbe proJect b avlnl arlaen, It baa uded b tbe Mayor by any town cer and .. tbe followlnl were 11lected to whlcb wu aeco 7 : pllea otll , bad at· been itated tbat ·1n all probablllt:r • appeered !18: Proaldeot, J. Allen Worth; Wbarn�, atatement hu taebed thereto forll)a Of requlaltlon eae o purchaser. The pri�s are lower than · 4 tbe pr ut truateea f tbe cburcb '\'kla l'll , Cutler tn be uattd wben auppllea were to be p ldent Jamea E. ; the ll priDta pur DI to could be prevailed on to mall:e terma � R · In p bllo porti w Davia treuurar, 4. D. pnrcbuad. Tbla re1olut1ou provide� h they can ever be in the future. If you Me tllla council, wblc would be Ntlafactory and come from a member of tbat all nppllea tbat are to be pur· Card . a wbl�h would meet In a 1eneroua T•tt� Commlt· · t-P'red G . Bmltb, wllleh cbar1ea In elflll that tbe conn• c� amountloiJ onr UOII muat like Westfield do not wait until the land ' H. b n to aplrlt auy elfortli which might be cllall'ma a adve n;' Cbarlee Kyte, .Johu ell connteunced det.llqa be- be rtised for Hml-annuallr. made br tbe public aplrlted citizen• Weat and Dr. W. 0. New· fllll wn ra of tbe Tbla reeolutlon wae adopted after h beyond your means. The rise �A. L. tw tbe to and membe of t o Ytown to ralee a fund to eatab- _. eeveral alteration were made. . ; d ' • llab a M. c. The truateea, It Ia is in , connell In wlolatlon of I&w an a 4. Dlnaer--.1'. B. Wllaon Mr. MOHr read COillmunloatlon values in W estfleld has far exooeded .;..fstaall 0. W. Ran· atated, wo11ld m11eh prefer to eee t he; . s. Galeean Whereu, tbe people of tb• town R d al1ned bJ aeveral realde!ltl of the old cburob building bave Ita uoeful· baYe a rlpt to lulow whether aueb Beooaa Ward eomplalnlnl tbat the the carrying charges for the past five neee de.,oted to work of a aeml·rells· a u1at1 condition lD their IOTerlllDI automoblllata u eed l!luclld anuna s ch ra e U lou a Y.ct r auch aa Ia aaaoclated a e pNdway, and that It wu dan er M. years. llody; now, thenfore, be It K · • ltb tbe C. A. and they would ou to tbe cblldrou and ull:ed tbat uudoubtedly be quite prepared to do Reaol'led That a committee of the pollee be lnatruoted to bave tbla their obare toward. Klvlnl the to�n The tbla connel� to be oompoaed of three Population creates othe atbleUc commltteea wUI daqeroua practice- atopped. Tbe organlntlon whlcb would be of r memb a appol tad br tb M a an lt.t8l" a appointed '»1 tbe pl'llldnt. er , lie �••- t� matter ,... referred to the Pollee y demand, Demand .tlo 1 f t untold advantale to 10 man of our I The Jllebo b propoal· to eonduet an lny_.. n ° increases cost. Lan Golf Clu Couualttee. roung men y M c A would of tlre eub br pu ll h rlnp, at 4 1 &loa, Ia eoajunetlon wltb Cranford, tlll ject, tl c u llr. MOHr al110 brou1bt up tbe ....llP board oouree, be 'rree ail ��tlon. wblcb all penon• mart ��ve =� w the b qf before tbe ud tor the wb� • mat r of war In wble automo- The aubject, I t Is aald, will prob· 1 Information upon tb ma , Ule matter will be dropped. be d d bllea crowded tbe eaat end of the ate· � 1.., . an ably be taken up at tbe next meetln' a I lD I fll· Inv te to appnr aud teat • •' tlqn, and aleq ulle f r tnformatlqu .· that ap a tbe anr · d o of the Woman' Club· Other orpu- lllOft penoDI wbom the comm1 ttee or • dellnlte plana re1 at 1 Ill tn i mar to w b 0 wu reaponalbl e of tb I urnl b U r 8 lzatlonajeet are alao dlacunlnfl tbe Ub·, be 0011114- eouaH 1 thln 11 a ble t0 f l •n I&Cll: latfor for ate CIOIIIOIIdatloa will ltl of p m room pplnl and now tbat It baa been raleed · lDformaUon ehall be peraoul J I • · · vtted to a ud on ,.d off the tralua Mr Moaer • tbe to1Pn at- a ll"n.eral dlacuaaaon of tbe whole, is PP"r· tbat eald tbat extremAiy lon1 train• the tleld amo111 our cltllena I• l)robabl . , torue:r be requeated t e:r.tendt�d e to � ta� far be:rond tbe 1 • PreMilt •�>- The y • M • c · A · would arouee the for the eommlttee anu ..e CC:.!� ,... • • au4 esam commoda'lo Dl d llll tbo UK bt tbl• ma Westfield Growing! ..- lntereat and 11nllat tbfJ moral aup· D tbe lDvNtlptloa lDe w It- v rloua I l ter ebould be remedied. Ou motlou a a port of the cburcbea Ill! -· of llr. IIOHr to and ldd add commlltee be Weatlleld, It 11 tbe bope that • .. ll le41tcJa ed t ' W estfleld Securities · * "VIJIJoll Couatr Mr. _;_·--·····------Oolt Clll•·" t;!: ':k nown lUI J>nbUo Ba fatr ud Conven· rch aut.borltlea of all tboqbt t It would not lle r the chu tbe! � lenee Committee a . wu ppomtad cburchee Ill town will talle the mat-1 Company \he May01. to bave to appolDt committee Wut Broad Street ur•UGUJ&A'IJOa', Tbla II to baTe Jnrlldlctlon r qltetlon. ot tltl.tlll D te up for It Ia n lm· 130 � eoiDJDitteeb meatloned l �:,:. �>nr all �tema not on ed br th ac l ee d ?� e r 11 l) robable tbat tbe tl'l tl qf aome W ad be �r ��·P =t .. otba�.�!.. ltt- Tbe llaJo� _____..__. o at ...... pbllanthroplat may alao eallaw4, •-•- •ppo ted e Cl l lo wln I t.o t • wu couae aa �mlll ac lD thiL matte·r· eouqty well repr-*!d aome flltute tilDe. ':'1111 ao UMa l :. �:"commtloi wu lm Voeer, t Olftld llbalflllaa, aat\ ID&UIIur.U.n r81tantar, at aarrled. TJ•lOD Conllllllm• l'lord, aad De- ·· · Ther at 1eut •oo ilr. HCIIleuteln tbea tDlrii4 ...., 'l'BAD&. .. were UI4 Camp. liP BO"•"' OJ' lbo ud rvort at a futnre lllaeUAI of the ------�:------•••• 'llara of tile town oo�l or tn acbeduled to be bah\ on or aro�&nd o e coaneJI.. - of lla ." uly ou of bl r, will be dla· THill DBIIOCIU.Tic:l-IIIOK-. duaa artllt of latllrut.loul tiiUltr, I J!llla amountlDI to IUII. J were J l' rtla l ¥ y u aputa d\lriD tbetl'wu torma pai . O u ll lu p d e- c u..- u d arranpmenta, made to oatar1&1aer of aote, • QQVtet 11114 TJa ,..o tloa .- ado ted ,_1,.84 anf. orllered Tile r ddalw Afwr the Culno movlul pletnre H. H . Pil&ler, Uau1 lfet- •nd tbe treunrer 110� to �ply pe u,. Botl t Hea .., .. ,.. ••t dowa &o work ;o mallie It or otller t.IWap •"""' . pJ'OYlal"ae. rt of rd o lth a lhow 1� onr ne:at P'rlda:r ., ...... the a alllllber plue4 uc e e partloular. Other .. ...,_. llfoiUIO\•• M. llouddef, J. RlmaoD4 wltb Ita nd oa lie. Tba Board a c.,., Ia T iT ...... eehM l lliPd 11lll take JG-'on of be t.o 1M! nt 'M Oeorse m. 1Uobardtou 11114 Aletterwu,_. ed hom Coua· al hea r IIJPPlOtJrlatlQn matte111 rela�ln to tile town'• ••l· De!llocrata .. lth fo u llP mJaa told ....,,at• lleaiW lOINof11.,.. d fare will lle taileD aad plaa 1&14 tbe 01111110. N(J oae lboa,�ld tbil • Prancb. T� pat...._ elllllaa Holla..-la read •* tb.ll et fl,IOO tor til• .,.,.r ten. • a rDJal 11004 ...... o .. ttm• ... � the W'lrll aottee to tommuaLGUIGu WUTaotlftl! f • tor tar.. am tlllt or activity . lllllOtef u It Drom.llea to Ill ou ot 41we& coua&r. rrmur...... - U14 ....,...... ro a &Jna ... . t here...... wu to - -. YDMte the , �...... •• � llll- tQ tlerill oftuPoawoo4 ..,...,. bard Will&. U llU lleea IUUI8t.adliltll4ilt& • ta tilt tU �UG ,... Jtr , wh rh lo ------� lndl· ('fl�IJ',.\S\" F.UI:ITIOS. ··•••·d f'ft<•h rao•·. Pi ORAD UATI CHIROPODIST � ------,! ; dlrPrtnr11 !llf• W eat� In ""r•rotf' d ; tJ�tPopa!hh' not Tlw · nr ­ Treated : II 1'rnat ('nmpan� n1�nnirr•l1 IAI!It W Sueeeo•fully lhf'l@nwnod, I:&JIIOr trf'RtmNH 1Im� rct 81-niMU l'1 . rll� RIIIJIII"'!P to " partlruJ&I' lltiP thP. yftBr 191 I. oOMI !ithAmpcH•inl( fiPY. C J nr hf"Actar 10 ·,iU A. M, r on for �UTili/\\' l!'lH'hlllt(, hut rontrnlo �1111 p <'dol Tit<• offlt·.ro�offt)rnoon f'lpctNI were followo: at�.and MAnlrurlntt. Tt-c•atnwnt !•khunl. •II••••••••. oo �•It• 12 m i aruJ all ctllf\BRPfll l Ri<'haut H<'holf!IB; vic'th 11110.\rl MTH�:��T 1111ur�t't1 rurahlr of Ko\I'IT 1"u1;111:�\- m�tttln«. 1 ''"' antlrP Clol.,trlloldPnr and ol!<'retary, T r o IIIII-I\ Rl•:'l'ltl-01. lu Hiatory-What it --Their Education oot<>opatl•lr Pllrtlr.,, and which are and treuurer, Rnbl!rt W. flp\' Pn•tor. Healin1 and lnterestinl C'onnoly, I' W ltnlllll, • ·· and or a rompreh.. noiYe nature. Harden. Th� board declared the m I ,, OSTEOPATHYfacu m of Tlh·lldf1\--l'rn.'ll!'r mr l � i u• al quarterly dividend. ·;t,����i'.h��fo 1f'1\ •. co lnned.) PLUMBING ��:�:�=-� mf'('ttna.t n I It Thun•tla.)-·-C 1·: I p The !ollowlnl! rtrllrleo on rlone loy le&lll and bouncla. The m. OotroJl· rapid, hao been ron­ (��-" � j , ... � toRK'iiATinNAI. furnlahod to the L�all�r at .. owth, whllo : An.murl . athy LAne Luoml11. Mountainf'utor Av•nue., WPre olotentl! and ht>althy, each yt>or ohow· DR. CTRillR'A LICCTURii:. () n . our r� u� Dr. Maude llar«er, pr...,l'd­ I Hf"t�ltlt•nt.t·,•nehlnlrl·fo. 3011 a q •t h;v F. ln11 an lnrreoar over the yl'ar l,aat Wedneaday tbe Plalnllell! Huruln\ m 10:30 m. of WPotneld, N. Tbey deal with lnl, until now the atuclrnta' roll ln­ Sur.tlrH l'"ol•lt''a�dwot 12 Pe n . J. Dontal Allodatloo held tbelr month· !' LBRI DE Mlrt·"\'nunp- t>rk .. ll A" lunda oriPnro aape<:ta and are rludFI nearly oeno hundred nam,.., I !J. W 0 Kl m w�lJr.,.•du.r. tile In all Ita j Mr·vlt· . numberor patlento In clln­ ly meet1n1 and banquet at Wntneld. TRI!UTY artlrularly applicable ju1t now In while tht> Hlll,'l' f'HI'Rf'll · lro trl!&ted amounta to Mveral tbou­ Dr. Cryer,"' the lJnlnnlty of Penn-,I A ELM STREET .\vrnue tiL t .o ylewp of comln1 leglolatln troubln MRB.f'B-Rundar.Nt'W \'ork a. aand •ach year. Nor Ia thla all, for oy(Y&nla, read paper OD "8argery andli:U 48 7 :U, I:U, • muat roolt!Dd with. a lln •- a. which lJatenpatha today there Ia ararrely a community or the Teeth," llluatrated b)' lantern : lioh Da \'111. b :3U 7;;jU p rom nen and Gaafttter �UnfiA\' ...\\'f"pk 7::10 m In the United 8tatn hut what con- Plumber n,nedietlt•ndltJH). 2::10Bl�"ttf'tl f1 8flt:rameht.m -·F.d. alld.... arter whleb there waa de- . folundll\·, l.l& I' m (Mtfoopathy, talno an oot110pathlc phyllrlan, :0 or bate on the aubJect. The buolneu' to inform the man or woman a What Ia. . dHlrn .. f A��. To the avera1e OIIU>opath)' meet1n1 wa1 held In tbe Wnlfteld PubUc j !'" "· I 'n fp• ��<;��1 �t i r Fl�·m. o yearo, on retroapeet, Tbe acleoee or ooteopotbyprlmarll)' i t l n •lnn•l•�t>ll. lllt f \ I rn. peri d or flrtoon upon a moat lll1h arhool and tbe banquet In th" zen he hu removed tO � :3 -' r."'n.(" leJmobut a day. �:venta whlrh ha!'- l!eprndo !or l!o ourr<•o• North Avenue Hotel. llRtn;�'�·J� J & � thorou11b and com po ehenalve atudy , llr.THUIJI•T. pened that lon11 110, otand forth II of the anatomy and phyaloloii'Y of the Amon1 thooe p...,.ent were: On. qlearly aa on the day on which they an ody, b !or Ito obj..ct Hillman, C. C. Devla,R. W. �:m­ hum haYing U.eroon, 11. P'. W, P're1eb, Moore, Su ���:�:�{!��=��� � . nrd\�:· Citi 1-IUhtiR.\' fiit' � �nm:•;��, r.urrecl, And yet, In nrteen yeareo the malnt<'nanre or rompllote clrrult c. L. r a moat alu- I• m oc 0, ef.'ntly, lr•Rvin v STREff l•:t•\\'flrth o aynlplthet- T. Moore, C. W. l.eonard, C. W. BROAD n l It m there boo hf'pn biOUibt forth & Of the motor, oenoory &ncl l'rnhntlonLt h lllo!Ut!fi1unda1·, 1 rt m. Montfort, Atwood, Whit­ ZZZ l'nn.•rr ntf"rtiFlMCl:•lll \\'r•lnf"•d&)4 p rn. Jc nerno, to and hom all the or1ana IJ. 0. 0. B. whlrh, otartlnl In a amall lord, W. �;. Atelle, R. 8. 8tenoa, of ted to l'lails rnetrmlttlnll a per!""t !roo- Wht!re to R · 6 IlL oota to the oouthero m m., waa the 1u•t at a dinner at the 1 "" "" !nr •II branrhH or HurHin.\l' t·� ttlPt.'lln'{. �dl•H•I. 121• dom of all fluldo, !or�ea and aub­ • ' ' m a. a orlenre atlll yollnl In yean, but w re It ld "" TnrPtlllp.7 North Avenue Hotel, tendered him !Pave 1t h cou r atanreo Pf!rtalnlnl to life. r .1\\'r-•lnr"•hn· c E :\::10. 11 m.mll!'fltln., already ahaklnll the roundatlono or TINWORK m 9 hy tbe Plalnneld Dental Aaaoelatlon, Pl.l!MRIN(l, IIK,TI!IiCl, l'IK•II. !\ p unl'rfl\·.-fduy tn l'hUI'c'h The appllratlon or thlo knowledle m. , tbe old and eotabllaheo lchoolo or or w hlcb Dr. C. M. P'. Jllgel, or thla L-1 IUblt' I 2 to the healln1 art 11 where tbe achool found, for careful aearch ha i ------tilT. t'-\1'1.•" f'tllFl Rl'll llledl r 1 ne. s town, Ia prealdent. ' . n•. tht or oateopathy dllf�n !rom Ita pre- Th...,, Hunda�-··i . Anti am. tht> New lklt>nre. d""eaao11. Oateopathy retalna the A.l'upP �t�:�:�"/�,,��h·;;10 •;ri'·,;oII m . 4:30p m Ootcopathr, not revealed it. Youn1 ao lo thla aclenre, and radl- knowled11• Kilned In the medical 00NORF:811MAN TUTTLIC ltnl·• ('nmmunlnn. l'lllnfiRY. n� • m. nr·"t In th{> 1:1011 cal aa are Ita departur"" from the old world, but bellevea that the admlolo- WA8HIJfO'J'()l!ll. Wilcox Pope, a OJi'F FOR llu() f;urrdu.ll•n� m month, m; tbeorle• ani! lawo or medicine, It de- tratlon or l!ruu In a remedial lflnoe Good buaiueu judgment tlney .. or ret & Hrv 81 Cro.- n.,.... , penclo on no myaterlou• III!C I, 11 a ml•take. That, by a thorou1h and •T. I.I'IHl''O akl•h Conll'reaaman Tuttle lnYn today' ,. mflthodo, no oenoatlonal or !ro undf!rotaodlng or the meebaolam or diet atett not only the lfl"eateat CARPENTERS I•;\, Ztnn, t� C'hurl'h. f.IU!II, lor Wuhlngtoo, where he will at­ BUU.DERS. ''"r• tbeoriN, but Ia baoeo on common lhe human oyotem, on an anatoml­ n•rl't l.ukt·'" A �lrt•r• l1 " ' .. tend the Democratic caucua. Thla nu.. u( Jlnllflt>rMlltHIH.v, t•rt•fh hhlJ.! Oah rnt ,.\\"' oenae and the very lawo or nature. cal, pbyololo11leal and bypolc baalo, �lU� OlJMBIIlLAifD � m f.luncla'· Ht·taunJ," en pr ari a WILL, l ITBUT 1 ' AI I ll It lo, lla prlnclplea a ao caucua will elect tbe membera or the care in e bu H.IHJl'h,·l,.llnn II l·:ntl,·nvor ii'IPn·lc·e. :t::UII' 1•"' �� Yo11n1 rt� dlaeaae e11nbe preYented or cootroll­ or aa the•• world ltltll!, although In ed, by the applleatloo of advanced Waya and !Ileana Committee, which p TP!ephnnr Pt'R\ rr m"PtlnK. 1 old 11111-.1 mt•c•llnJ!. l'"rllhn."'-.hlPIIIIIhiY. I 1' n\ oapeclally at present Ia the moat lm- t common with eYery other �rr•at dla- prloclplea, peculiar to Ottteopathlc 1 precaution of leaving it f'lu•lll 1 f' I 1• rn f�,.,,.. It the N. J. Ptt It remained !or one earneat practlee, In an esactlnJr and dellolte portant or all the commltt-. aa w•�8TFn:Ln, l c h �oYery .. It ,, ' 1 R l'a!'ltt1r.,:,��re•toud baa acquired mucb o! tbe powerfor­ ����:�� �I � m1n�f;•lll�11 .�'St'�� mind tu nrat dlacover Ito vlrtuea, one manner. n v hllf'. II ,,n. , be o . <'hP<"r!ully Furnlahrd t merly In the haoda or tbe apeaker. where it surely will f und t H"'•hl,.rh"r t1H ,.. Ut·11ud "'' wboee cou1a11e never !ailed, o The admlolatratlon of dru111 !or �:.uma.lnhhlnllH Promptly Attrndl'd to tbe ICO!fa and jeero or thll IIIDI>t't.r�o.•eant I 1 the allnlatlon or human aufteriDII, II Conrr;re.. man Tuttle !eela that tbo anclpreJudiced, to conYioce the worll!I perha�� In a more chaotle condition power which tbe Waya and Meana ELM STREET, or Ito hlNtlmable value. today than enr before--by reaaon Committee haa of appointing the J The history or oot�opathy Ia th11 or the wide dl!ferenre or opinion other rommlttefla meana murh for blatOJy or one man, patient tluou1h latln11 amon11the ochoola or medlrlneea­ the advan•a11eor oortbero Demorrata. J but .. trlalo, unmoved throu11h ridicule, � and certainly 10 when the advanc­ NEW ARK, N. conftdent or the correctneaa or hla ed atate or the nineteenth century Fide6ty Trust J.Co., SELL, Idea, movln& onward and upward to clvlllaatlon and reaearcb Ia ronald­ . the goal or bla ambltlon.-tlle bet- ia rquipped to be of aervice to ...,., ,.,ll,· ered, and thla otatement Ia fully evl­ n tn. ternunft or the human race. &PII .. ,...... It wao whllo he waa atudylng aloo1 More and more It Ia belo1 reallaed �I ae Local Baggage hpress the linea that be dlocoYert�d that tbat tbe Ulflor dru1a Ia not to be de- colat of Ch es, Contrahanrls, Caro­ AUTuMOHILE the human body waa more tbao a peoded upon: and tbe lotelll1ent o DEPOIIT DEPART- I PAINTING mere Jumble or bonn ann neab but phyalclan, aa well aa layman, Ia not mcls, etc., warranted to pleaae a merbanlam, which In cooatru: li:ORTH A\'li:., "'MIT other, until he nnally Belllod In the 1 mentT!::e Ia a�;;t moat it�v esbauotlve i.u knowledge town or Klrkovllle, Mo.. wher b b - e e o or the anatomical uctureo, and I:BTATil and pn tbe practise of hla new method the pb)'oiOIOIICal !unctlouaot. of tbe hu­ RUt -Ilflua&JI o! treating dlaeaaea, wblcb be called man body, In Ito wldeat aeoae. Tben We Hell Real ��•tate. Q. Oateopathy. Hla elforto at lint ea- Ia obaerved the !act that DIID Ia a We Rent Real lfotate. cited nothing but quiet ridicule, but complete belo1. capable or per !orm­ We lnaure Prope1 ty. tbla was quickly alleoced by aome tng hla own n:ttolal and physical acto We Furolah Money marvelouo curea wblcb he performed. wben In health. Tbat dlaeaae Ia alm­ Mol'tllage. 00 Hia oucroaa 11radually drew around ply dloorder, and to reotore health him a band!ul or entbualaata wbo I Hahne & Co.'s ••'1.00 We do auythlng h111ltlmate In n...,lllta.tea .. a correction or tbe dla­ l!:otate Buolneeo •nll �-l atudled tho ocleore, and, havtoc been ordered part.w. will rent lnaurante. thorou11hly Bcbooled, out Into li - went In tbe restoration or heaub the oa­ D Oil tbe world lo tbe pro!e alo .l LIGHT TOIJCH VALL BCUDD pr·actlce & n teopatb worko ontlrely 111 harmony ANNUAL JANUARY !\ION ARCH & IB the <'UI became . . . Ao oo · were wrought with nature, correcting dlaordera or t , N known throughout tbe United Btatea mind and body purely upon a pbyai­ for one rnootb U I:Irn l Wettlleld, z. IUtrerela fi'Obl Hery aliment beJrlll baall, through tbe &ppllratlon Of to pour Into Klrklvllle Intent OD re- Citbla advanced knowled�re or the lawa tre.. ment at tbe hllodaor Dr. and prlu�lplea or the human body, CttiVIIlllStill. Many or thoae cured and not tluoreby looking upon dloeue aa aome f15.00 " lew who were convinced or the dlaorder or tbe normal !unction or will reut value or the tr ...tment by ocular evl- tha body, ann not •• an er.tlty to be 11 donee Blone, deolred to atudy tbe attacked b)'aome rorelp force wblcb LIGHT TOUCH woudertul adence. would only alleviate, aota11onlae or PracticallyFURNITURE Every Piece SALE ot Fur­ 1'\1\turally, the rapid 1rowth of ln- overabadow the realtrouble. for rnootha tereat In oBieopathy oauaed Dr. Still 1 Tbe patient Ia eualned from a •hi: work nl�rbt and day In order to pbyalcal atandpolot. Patholo�rlcal ni ure in the Store WiD Be to I l accommodate all wbo came to blm condltlona and '•ymptoma aro ua�:l •• Sold on tho 'monthly pay­ lor tJ:eatment aod loatructloo, and cluee to lind tbe cauae ot tbe dla- t Reduced in Priee tn.a lntereot coatlnued to lncreaoe eaae. Ba<"k or tb- 1l1na and l)'mp­ IDeiJt plan. Oive ua a tri11l 11 I loa�ead ot abatlnJr, the doctor aoon toma or tbe dlaea" muat traced tbat be muat devlltl orore elab- the h;ln of tbe nerve aupply,bot Ud order oo 1uppliea. aawrrato plllno !or handllniJ the patlenta tbe eourae01 or tbe bloo.,cbannela from Furniture Parlors, Librariea, and atudenta. Lata In Dr. BUll tbe par ta dlaeaaed to tba exact reg­ 1893 fo� erliCted a bulldln& at Kt1 klvllle, lt!>n, or primary Ieaton, cau&IIIC tbe fiE - lYPEIIn£1 .,.., called the American 8cbool r. F'Prrla, fnrm<•rly pl aotor of rept oIt aprt!ad .-··RRron . MAKES FEW REDUCTIONS ON t

James Cllrk Appealt 0. for and and Largest Amount of a77rket Str19eet 77 St79reet Reduotton M Market Newark, Newark, N. Wl!atneld citizen• who d"ll"'ld ...., durth•n• thn am n of In ou t their .... N. J. � J. IMomnnt.a appeared before the Unloa ===-=-==== ·-==.: - -- - ('ounty Doard of q a lnt on J: a l l ot Taxee at Ell�&betn lut TburldQ' mornln t en tw Jr. Tbnro were • tr- o I ljr of tbeee appeala aud e bt &p�ll were aucc-fal In 1ett1n1 tbe l"'ldll., t on Tbe l"'lduetlona amounted Ia l . all to f4,400 or a IDA to tbe to'lnl of U1.18 or lnC!Ome. be ••peotlcl there Aa ...., at t mM,mtaht 10me itt e Jed l l l feelln1 dlap.. the A11111eear bJ' appellant.a and J, II.. Manb, wbr. wu the repraMnta­ theC. tbe local board r nt !, !, of p , 11! In for eome ratber cauatlc- remariiLcaat mi or ll:zcept1n1 In a few n ca ...., Mr. Marab and hla auoclatee were upo­ be d by the County lloard and tbt r l a 111 reduction made on auJ' 1 e t t ona appeal waa tbal of W. PeQilbtolll. wbo bad U.IOO aken orr0. the ment or h Coopert ho o 118118111- t e u1 on aroa• o ree t t, when be abowed the btlle for the coot a d au otrer to Mil at n ta,ooe, Tho act a tbll u l lou to the town In lar1e1t over-a.-ment Ia tii.U. Meun. JamH Rou, JamM 0. Clark and Dr. William Gale ware moot otreauouo j �tlon In their ob e a tbe valueo on tbelr property, bntto lbel8 none of 1entlemen •era uful, no­ co caeeptln1 Mr Clarll, •llo 1ot a UOO r u io . ed ct n. Mr. Clark ulled A ain the Broom Rri ade Is at Work with Its \\'onderful Price Reduction tor blmaelf and membere ot bla ram• CLTHE TAG EAg N SWEg EP SALE IIJ tor rlcluctlo a bargains of a sensat1onal natu re. Your neigh bors will come. u amouatllll to This is n event that comes but once a year and is radiant with .14.000. UPON Everybody who can will get here to share in the greatest sale of the year. The discounts are in no case less than offand Tbe toppellantl who won their .,.... ' !4 were Mar1aret IUeb, of Clark atreet, in many instances much more. THE ukod tor tt,OOO, and waa awarded UOO; Robert of Cll111· Single Article In Our Mammoth Store E�cap:!5 th� Tremendous Price Cutting JJ'. Mltcball, a berland atreet, uklcl UOO, Not tor h4 Amaze You wu a•arded lbe full amount; Bargains on Every Floor That A. 1!1, 60005 Decker, or North a ue, SHOWS \V iii yan ..-IYed Make it your business to be here to-morrow Be the Arst to secure the choice. Bear in mind. you buy it here It's alway11 ,1,000 reduction, after uklnl if a for YOU little lower price, and, above all, remember that U,OOO; 8. A. M ullar, or ll'lrat atreet, In 10t a UOO reduction, wblcb be. uked '\(IHA T WE SAY IS SO. -· --· -·�----·----� - -·-- -- -·- for ; Jamea 0. Clark 10t UOO out of PLAINLY .. -=== ==,.,:· aalled for on CbariM FOLDING TABLE •�oo au atreet Sideboard EXTENSION TABLE Jonea, of Willow MUCtt Like Like cut. Solid oak, po lish finish, property; H. L. cur. Quar- u v w feet. !leg. ce Grove, aok'ed U.OOO lua aluattoa HOW lilP�CIA!,:! terrd aolden oak, a pri Same Waatrat.loa. cl reer. exrenday 6 sale, at and waa awarded UOO; Geor1e MONEY ly rr. 1.50 e r special, durin11 II, poli•hed : 7 I V Condit aaked '600 reduction on IIlla Folding Clothes Dryer hhigh,i�h In deep Z4 48 atreet property aud ceived the YOU CAN an carv, d re Llll.t: ('\IT ir .. i n&. .! e aamo, Peckham e�e n4 o pr h and w. 0. r l MoQ'u lne• J.• rl<.•o ea.c�o bla U,IOO u i on tba Cooper SAVE When closed wi ll not ocrupy le 69c red ct on e r e propertJ', mor spare then a p c s: • Slands feet brnwn t� i.�� . . . . by 7l� hilth, spreods 24 98 Weatfteld waa repreaented Ito reel i n attorney, Paul Q. O iver equal or e One 49 l and ·by W, KITCHEN tire IO 32 specialsl we haveor J. wbo quai d ao an, wtpert oD bi2g••t u lonll time . valuattLee, ono. Ui had In a c CABINET NO �IAIL OR '!'HONE OROERS 7.50 BrinK correct h n e If possible c a & Dining Chair lined with fnch nlttAJ\ITe : el�>arantly nnlt�hed, nllfOIJI.ALI' .AII'H IID!DI'O not R•!Ithf'lPt1 l'hi'OJ �tnd• , h Box l.i llle Cute u poorly At Lyon� Lut Thundar. sear: � n l ne thlln C"Oiltlnwted klnd, ut a table thot J'arma o•k ; nicely poJ. t' tlflll nw1 e 11th:- tu rnnkll. lome Lectur11 loon. Reg pr�ce Rockers l•hed. p ce S! Here 1.75. Sale ri Telephone a1d and Chair Rattan Tho monthly mooting of the l'riD­ clpala' Aoaoclatlon of Union countJ wao hold at Lynna ar o hut T ur .. F m h 98c day afternoon and tbe followlna teachero were preaent: County Sup. erlntendent vl prluclpalo Sa r.., Woo4• Wal n Deyo, Baum, field, Kline, to Howell, Boehl, Roaelle,, TownHn4 and J ohnaon. The ocboola or the dlatrlet were ve r o d vlallod amd later a lu haveE y kitchrnl\.and Regular lacquere�1 very fUh- t1'1Pf.{ lni�Y !ln!"t"·d. •liuk brflwn halloducatlon, and all e of oeason. e just bought or orcl�u. IIJi r lutorealed In ada­ tlrt>•. tu\.Ju- '\l' r c Any JIIy builL prk·: 5;.J5 nllil .. catlunal maHera ht vlted. al l a manufacturer had and Full size, lbs., pure :;tuntia Reg. ;�:�;�:�',�;:.h�:�:��·v p i e 56.00. __ �---711 aro s�i ·,.·o-!J,_ Fulllba.,•lzo. �s Jo' ebruary meeting ot the will sell la.r year'l whlter�tt. h �� \\��e n ;·I,,J:'t ·.� aocT e o � !hemp c e01 pure h o u •· e la.ll n wlu be held at tbe bomt ri , rom, of wholesale fancy art lick,fdllCY never t at Mr. Jobnaon, Cranford, TburedQ', 1.,11, t·� 'J., lick; rew. oold or fr1.m f lo uo.oo. February 2. 3.99 price SIO; I••• $12.11.'1,thau at .. Jo price EXCRAJII'OE TW: (JOJUI DANK BRANCIIlilll

6.98 size, l o ftneat8e98 felt, lm­ 4ft. 6. lbt, tuper extra Pull 55 b , Ten yean a10 rew people b Ins., M p r al edge, ln.. ad a Jm:;.r>.d peroonal bank account, wb>,. '•''· deri reg 6 bor· but rdae, t'UUrl'li lu todair lllrah 75 eal ·, at ·. $16 fOf tbil 9 •75 with the wonderful banking faciU. � 9 •• • • • • • • • 3 • ;:_ac��� �� �.'.U��·��tl :. lleo or aucb lnatltullona aa the Cora J �: xc han1e Banll,. l b Ito IIU-fOU w t HAT RACK I bra Crib and Mattress nebee, neryona have paroo I�Uu ca.a • e h eonal aecount wltb tba bank • "'· l..lka sizeC\lt. W at wered o&IJu Ill- locllta4 Ish, 16•24, it 3 do ble at a couvouleot point wt.ere they bookw ; ic ure with hglaaa. Rea. . . . I!UI e per yard . da .50;r while tney g price 59c . •. .... lly on lbelr way to the tl"fohl· price S f lui. . Ingrain,r . 444: Tu Ingrain, reg. price SOc per yard AUilutor liP. S.blU, reg. 2LOO $14.15 ladlea al110 find a 1reat . It ...... 59c . . . 16.98 aoneateaeo 49 c Ingrain, reg.Ca pricerpet per yards . blllMer b&s. 9112,Rug rq. Zilts . ... to have tbel baak loeatacl OOc . 67c r UIW Tapestry, reg. per yard . . 1'01· where they do their llloppln•· price SSe . . Wy lrutelt lip, Usll.6, !Ut .. 19.08 Tapestry, reg. price per yard . 65e Our J>OQple from J111'M7 1.00 . Ne• Will . . 75e And botb lbe llraac� Velvet, reg. price per yard .. . Wy Bmsclt II(S. biZ. rog. ..Z9JI .. 22.00 locl!te4 ll 1.00 . Hudl<>n TermiDal . . . 75e Bull«ll!J, ai Velvet, reg. price 1.25 per yard . 1t111 Wlltea Rqs, hU. reg. �.98...... lU.75 and Cbu �b . 95c atree\1. clctwniOwll...... •. tb11 l'elldiJr h·llnlto . Axminster, reg. price I .35 yard . .. 1t4tloQ, Ull per 98e fnldl ,. bl%, roc- 51.51 4l.SO aod 11<1 YOrJ YIQ 1e11t lllr!WK upto"!l'a, ALL MADE, lillY Lillllllll. nc.JlflcoLU. wpoolal 75c for all tlltll' rtlllllll*'llcuM clutiQfo rt, LAID AND LINBD PriiiU r..-....fl'lce nr. llc."r1 lf'Cial IUI4 ID FREE t.r..a U. lii'IP�!':-fillqiii!W wtU wo'*' un.&Jtv 1s, 1911. ______LBADD. wm>wan.&v, _,::, __ -·--- ·- _ _ �L'"" m� �=;���;� � .. . surC�IIIa �RE OF mE �Rm ��� ·L� ��� ,--E-�80�,��V-10�l -YB8TI uuol exoerded fh•• cap- Or. �n m uo•l lhH'II llf half - -I_N_ I�S�T ��� .-, -�,�h ���-�rn�-,���.,�-��: �� �� ��� �� ��- �;� -, ..,,,. :I 'T ltf'f'J('.'Rfil ------! h� 1""1 Jnltn� l'f I � ;�;���;; ;� ;m �.�w-�;���� �-� -n �v ���� .��-��� ''"' 1•>1 1 1"' .... 1'00• tal ltork. all new R.('f · r- f u,un ' H II n N a r h n 111<1)' ott "'"'.'tltlfl, tn w 71 � nnnh - - A 1 Oue o' the Enigma• of N•ture Th t rh:htPf>tHh .. "ho ""'Pd f ('fptp ··tt r1 urlng )'PR.r or an 1 At t a Solve. tflr••t- hotJflil l lk�P tww·w " \\ U"'hllll.!.ltltl hP annual rn•wtlng of F ir- prP l ur "'(�re addPrl tlw Canftot n h l '.l a\- Sc1ence lft'o ln fiPMrh· of about two Ctf'ry working ' ('f' nU�te y AAsodntfon, held In I lwln:::"' knon only " mr� ill;.!t llifllll'& cfptnl� �n�AI"ln� 111 nl ltH k. f r ' 1h� hi"P Uthtn• 'J agt• ,01 VIPW rrumnn t ha rrnwR. W'Hiil • f\t•llntllt:' S R AR HUR WA SH WILL day. ('ntnplr.ln Pnd f'Ont- l ta oomf' �� l m last I Jlli ln (lr t lw qurfRcP of thr- ttn rth. no !.!'Atlnn On our Ot'{"n!'lllnn. nrt� ur"' Wll" MA TE T L t l r I hhl t'tltl lrrf" J� lltA. ('mont :� c·om ••nloo ����:� J A on Af lH•f Jt" riday tn-r �L� . l"((fffMJ1t uf part._on will he round on Rnother 1 rvf'nlng the rollowi H� more mllfttl drf•p. '''hiJP the '"'" prP,IIt'hlrur UP!t rl.' two hnntM� puPtkHI omr('rH \\f'lf' th:tn thh"ty � 'llllltlnac R pogo. I n .,. wn" ' bt�dde PLAY A T CONCE T 'ror tne .1. In i �. �lob<' dlulll�f�r. There ao h� <'tollhl rt•rl In th� p,...... n, wlo tUJ rn.- I• ------�I••• tN >ear B. I• 11.00�1 tuiii'M In l l •PI'IIre "" b "thP mlnu!� bal!ld drutrlll. rn r•ldont; G. Fink. vl<'<'-pr,.l ll will 11n,.. Ob. dllfo Methodist League Get ocal 111, I>. Fink, Malmar and y b� Talent Also for u w. c. trnntl 11""1'1•. olmulalf>d rltr ••·lluo uf tb.> .... PlaytM. sorter. to In "''m" r.... (K'<: ta utonlohln!l'. IPDtlrmaa wbn on�• '""'' to .,..111 w. 11 A ll... r band, "may not thP ------·-- moot alnrmlnl! thnt we are b bled tbnt WbPn b"urcl•• mlftalf �flo' . . lm a alP Jan. Tbe Cblca(l'o Olce Club, a quartet a om all to n tiO �m· ' �� !Nor of tbn��e two band• Take for lnetance w . , plotely d t>wld or any dl1'1'CI knowl01ntlrtb a lo b Ia wmmo m h 1 o • be dur- and I hr n oo t of o e ' A rtf'l' lfOina on ot> • i 01' • MPd · 111,_ January Thll orl!anlsatlon v ' mom.'' aln on·. hnt a na en t aot. Why, thn queof lon : thlrkoe��a f!bt' tbkkn""" or kid or e t'll lnnr:oor Pill will u •lntdt> - nhurrh ' un�er the auopl<'rl apnood or•r a • rludr." and artrr nno <'rtb a b o u • ., I'P1II • 1 � Men"• L<'ague of the Flrot Methorllat It'D !I 1 · ba 1 I about three thouund eniiJ!if'm•nll ' lo therl' In It for )'ou ! ' J.fe lll o ' ., If a n d , Yo' p· tie mo m tban n root In dlnmPier lnt•"al ll• Mid. "f.n•tly." 111 ' "1111 .,11 II• wn •li- r.hurr. Yale, a noted expert on lun11 y Laot Saturday the Pooplett National best lillht, and it does. is ro uble of Pbtladel hla be In telephone in the home the Bank dlrectoro elected omcera for 1 ' P ' will saves c h arge o e r th un It ar I urn. It has a stronR, durable shade-holder A time, !be enau lng year. Tho aame gentle- nerve force, and physical atren of the 'I Captain Brown will aok the Jlf'Ople thar Is held firm new burner • men were elect ao directed atralroi and rrue. A tl 0 f WeotHeld to h e the od work elves added arrenKth. Made of solid housew'ife. In count�}'_or c1ty� she tbla laat yea r: llamuel Townaend 1 P go can J. E. alon1 durln1 hlo ota:r here, �ommenc- brass and finished In nickel. Easy to busy prnldent; Gallagher, vtr.e-prell· 23d. 101 Monday, the always UI?On the Bell Telephone 4eat, and H. H. Orlowold, caohler. : keep polished. The Rayo Is low priced, Setv­ A ice, withrely and long compartooa of the January bur no h r lamp Rives a better IRht at con­ ' 7 01 c ita local distance atatement with lut year o &howe the We1 ahould be r"reful to got out or any price. I nections. remarkable otrldeo In the advance or an experience only the wlodom that tlaer, Alwaya tbe bank'• buolueoe. !X>poalto have ti In lt-aad otop there, leal we b" Once a Rayo One. U29,602.79, lncu•aood or 33%, like the cat that otto down on bot B YORK TELEPHONE wblle tbe account• In number have stove-lid. llhe will never ott down on NEW COMPANY atmo1t been doubled. The ourpluo a bot ato'1'8-lld agalu--ond that to and proHt ar.count lncreaaen well; but aloo ahe wlll never olt down Ewry B1U T1Z,pltmu i1 llal Cnlu I'M Sylfm • 17, 25%, H.DOI.- of or nearly In one year, and on a cold one any more.-Mark Twain li\ .�

I merDency 31 rea ID-D I.E ID

To Begin .Saturday, Jan. 21st., at A. M., by order of the International 9 Sales Experts oi N .Y. at FOR135 B. Broad THE Street, Westfi BENEeld, N. J. (FormeFITrly occupied byOF Union Water THE Co. ) The enCREDtire stock of ITORSa well known concern which went Into the hands of the receivers consisting of $10,000 worth of high grade

- Rubbera. Rubber Boots and for ladiea, men and ohildr&o. aa been removed e convenience Arctic , SHOEb muat sold S-here for th of witbin buaineaa days fo r beueat the creditor.. the aale and positively be 10 the ol

Sale SATURDAY,�JANUARY 21, and coatia JANUAIY 23, The now ud will cloeed ues NOTICE 24, 28, 28, '1.7, Z8,WAIT I29, 30, 31, WAIT 1st lltore Ia remain unW I n... lie WAIT t Saturday, JanuaryBegiDs ll.t, wlum the •OON ...... m our wiMow timeliter L m., .._...., letla &nat .U. t. • uy .. f:aiJIFellwy lor..,..,.... I e. m. 8 uUI tbJ•SKEPTlCS oftl', y. IA'tiJIDAY, JANUARY ll•t. wW open 11nd the entire 01' lot hlft be thrown .tock wW be llld-, uthbac bop you away t1a1a ...... _ ...... waluu Ill placed at th�t mercy of the public by order RA I LROADoar FARES wbulowe. Yn bow tM laeur t. Mt. THI8 8ALEL.UT8 ol the 10 DA Yl . a.t ...... of II mi1M u4 ONLY ..... of tM .... et bttematlonal Eqerta ofNew York. lor a dlotuao .. ,...... , •y lat.raatlaaal b,...u N.., ,.... Sal• N.OOWorth or OYW, ea totloa of ..tun bit tlollot. York. Tbe International Salt�a Experts artt buyers l or a l kin a bankrupt. and a�•tgnee'a stooks. we .._.r� e--aargeat tnetituttoo of ita kmd to tbe world ofo eratin p g aepu�&te •tore� and warehouae1 tn The oitaes tbe United Statea wttb omues at and Oaoal tre aud to Leno¥ Aven principalWho in 215;. 253 tJt ue, allOitJ.: tbe S oolli 662 New Y"'rk MONEY CHEERFULLY R�FUNDBD ON ANY UNSATISFACTORY PURCHASE JfiiW naaY ftDDBDAY, WBITI'JBLD, , JUUABY 18, 1911. yer. the mrC'hRnlt �WWWWWW��""""""""MMN.WWWWWiilll'lllliiii'III..._..MM�WW"' 1\nd trndPphRtnn.n.rP.ttlar nu•E't. anti the evunii1JJ.!< 1 l'. 'T' l� A Y N () W to while plei\IAntl1t'r Loure llna to awRy • Coal, Kindling Wood White Portland Cement •onJoy All braudo of \:V ( > () I > 1 � lJ �"" r 'H Asphalt Rootlngand ADVERTISERSWhat Local SPECIALMerchantsS Jack lll'flta d1l. whlrlo Our Muon.!!.' Materlall!l Fertilizers Have To Offer. their advertlaement on another page t t at tne pr lcea will you ha llnll..,hnhl On<>t'c'lal l KfYPn truellla1 of Stklnda.orag e Warehouse fully. l'ldreltla MIIII IMaltry, The holldar ruoh heiDI o""' "Herr" all Ofllre and WiiiNhmu"' Baumann can devote n10rf! time OFFitE and STORAGE, North Avenue and Elmer to 8trHt the tareful poaiDI of children (which . UD-IIH A IIM-J bla NORTH VF.I'flTIO "-th A-u tel...... W; 1!1 111 lti'Mt ...... , RMd. tbe acivertloemento caretu llJ'. Ia hla 1reat IPftlalty l at new plloto1rapb otudlo, Broad etrePt, , Ladle•' Look bar1aln1 ror In our advertlohtl( columnl. Lawrance, the Broad otreet grocer and but her, alnce publlohlnl prlceo J. lrvln1 Comp&DJ' c WORL TBL&PBON:I 78-L r. IIILL:IT'l' B. are ot ll ••II· In b advert1aln1, hal bftome po.pu· J. If. J. l .. TUTTLE BROS. ln11 the ramouo Lehllb Co al. lar with thooe who have been brlnl­ lnl tbelr 1oodo out from New York. lf ·)·ou a mold, advertiHln Tb8J' reall1lnl they can do ao well � p n..-da Notice" t-Ji umn. th< l bo\b aa a d r Worl & Millett " ed to qualltJ' n p ice. Furniture remond, cltJ'or country. 8Uber1 Bro1. , ahoelot1, 1 U Broad REAL O'l>onoell omre 114 THE LEADING ESTATE BROKERS Rroth11>ra. North otreet, announce their Hm oem l-ao­ nue. Telephone 197 a•• -W . oual ule, It Ia a l ran e oale to BROAD BTRBBT Wntfteld Inn Block c ea c 127 make room for the opt ln1 and oum· Coal and Kindling The IA&der 11 devoted aoleiJ' to the -r atyll'l. Tbe7 will dlopooe or LUMBER ANO MASONS' SUPPLIES public lllter•t. and haa no Hlllah, po­ FOB HOUBBB TO RBlfT ROUBBB FOR BALB IDJ' pair of lhoett DOW ID tbe otore at Teleplaooe 02, Wood. i I I l ti al or per10nal end1 to nne. lrett J' reduced prlceo. A r al c i pe uo or BUILDING BI'HB AND PAUII IN OROIO:I BBOTIO!fl. PhotOII'IIPbl on poetal carda make Hutchlnoon'• pew addition to their nlentlnM. Six for ao ceota at at e meano reple:.lohed otork If your Plumbln& Is We have a full Uat the m01t dnlrable looatlou, and oan good or or in Oaulflann'a, new 1100do. TheM popular 1rorou can now hnn atly claim "Weatlleld 'a Defective Have pleue you with prion and Juot a 11111 to UJ', vtolt the eoal e terma. Leading Oroeery." Their trade­ bin, and If It Ia e m ptJ', or nearly ao, n arll "One Prlc&--the loweot. One MONEY TO LOAN ON BOND AND MOBTOAOB. Tuttle 414. l 11 McVOY Broa. Phone 11rade- -tho bMt. One place-cornt�r ronault They oell coal. r ad otreet." Elm ana ll o Jl'or the weddln1 eeremonJ' or the Roth Co., butchera, of Broad Attend to It & funeral oboii]UIM Doerrer, the ftorlat, atreat, aro popular with tho houoe­ the prlcn :UTABLIBHBD ran bl relied on for frMb llowera. wlv• In WHtfteld, due to TBL. ba a"d for mtll ta. 11160 DD Planta for d ora lve purpol(ll ai••J'• c r No ucuoe now ee l for the tired ouburbanlte to carry EOWARO Mana(ler on hand. Office: W. North Avenue. N. RROWN, out rood product• from New York ao well, n t bitter, Peter KIM, rtlllllllll there II more when ran do If o 306 Funeral Director--Embalmer at tbloho atore. prollt In quick uiH for e aah con- ELM STREET , • tl nueo to underbid tile other mar- "Wblte Gooda" are the cuotomar,. 47 to meate tnd Ya11tabiH, WILLIA M H. BARTON k e In price of January uiH tbrouKhout tbe couo­ but atrlctlJ' for caab. trr. Mlu Piker, the ladiH' notion otore on Broad atreet, Ia abowlnK a Edward McMahon, the pu a po l r full line ot IID1erle Dll11'.ATJ'TP.I,'f'l, J. otrflrl. boaue lltreet. G d1 d d. ll•lnc th em euppor&. "IJouat • ....._, 1148 WiUhlact.a an Novel i• In El trlc 00 l a.. � InK Lampo. ·------� - Brunner, f•�-. THE.,,. eaa,.. tnH and .uara.a­ the popular Jeweller of ...,..Weetlleld,"-.,.,...... ,...,....,.,,.....,...,.. __,�..,...,,..,.,.'='.....,.= 111-W, WllmBIJI. ..•. TUIM CUY:PA.NY oulil l ; Broad otreet, .. ,.. bualn•• ••• never bond,.,. thi• and real Mt&Le, and==== l mortp,pta1uuu•r GUARANTEE MORTGAGE= = I =====;;rc,r prlnt!IJ-al and =hlhHPl �tarauLeod, 10 and that prae- ======;; on bu good with blm, be au �;�;;� nelliDI•••· pt�r oeot.. wlt.boul .L-' AND TITLJo: tlcaiiJ' oold out, but be baa replen- n... :-. lu-�"eator A care y a J we , The Westfl'cldProp. INSU RANCE COMP..\NY. u 1.o &&.1.81, tnauraacej et.a. lehed with nne new lot of e lry 1. DICKSON, watebeo, elocka and cut Klau. ABSOLUTELY CASH OAPIT AL l'AID IN OI'J'WSR8. : • - • • WMtfteld Leader omee 11 open Slag Roofing Metal Ceilings A•n••w llrJ.. s& JII Tbe ;;::::::::::::::::::::::::::; �dea& BOTTLED) PURE t2SO.OOO �tc� a. 8 m .. Bunda71 .,. llltormatlon cllf'erfnllv fnrnlai.ed by from m. to p. K ••••• I . nn. ��.'�· �.�' "" !"�_&a f�'::.�::: ce11ted, r e v oewa, Early Mornln1 Deli ery Q. Ohver, ·'"'"''" M. "' "" Soml, cbalo. Tbe Ideal prHent at all HI· Forty·Five Yeara EI,, To�r-\Ve welronlf' t�VI'nt a onaecll'aning in t hom,. \ ""' aubj�t to t.he rondltlon of the h• aoo that roo an or an auh i ing in the lmsineuhe iB of the mala part of the bulldlnl! \\'eo�tllelcl d d J'OO to or aall e an . �-n on te ep ll once a y . On motion of Chalrmaa ('ao�y ... m l bo 011 r neoe&�ary t ea uo, • pertalnln1r the l.O\\'D opeNal o!llrPr wao authorlaed at ... u r to • All thiM haft tlor wit W1lat- a of U6 per month. Prudential 'Phone.. or 111 oalary The 407 anywh�re t an P'. t of Maple atreet, ho eon1plaloedJ lllllt St. l'aol'o l<:pl��topal). l l of! w I home town Westf e c.l en em flrld. ']'he l'ry h tho manner of eonatr etlnlr tbl oewer As a W V Benlee1 next Bun day: t at mllde t. be ·Nater ba�llu up on ble t i1 such an intere1tfact in thataf. Holy om m un on at a. Rrlvanta!(�S prop­ C i erty. h le wu referred to the Ooard i: 30 111. mo£a oou"id••r11tionny anhd inare lk winogrth uyp therefain provl's it and furthermort• Mornlr.s Prayer and Bermon, 11 of Ao-aouT and En11lne8r Vara. a. m. town Wi'Klfli'h\t'ra 11hoa uld not P.YI'ry other town i1 ji'Bioua of Tho m""t1n1r th adjournPd. Westfield Real Estate Co. t e the us. n Cboral VHperl, 4: p. to t hat cPrtain advan it ha1 b n prnent woere Mayor Dennla, fail l&lfeR JuMt now, SO 111. KPe TholtlC'ouncllmen F.va111, Hohenaloln , � arP t o ere that do no becauae aome of ouree oitizena are aaid, h that , CaiailhPr nnintPnt ional or t erwise, l " !JIIilly n ny bla •Ill be, Tb the eve ing theme " e Westfield. not exist in town will benefit fromoh aane A Supreme Paulon." C.htl a Good rtnanaial ltaH1Dft& for m The prayor and praiiHI ••nlee for va8t a o y the per- adjustment. If any the Year men at 9: •• u ua are tj riti , of e e a 1 l • ' aona'l'hc wh o ry ng to a cur hPen aucusec.l vindicat f6 11. m., . and is penon hasd Jl' B of Ho!r Trinity ' t> atber yer, tbe Sunday aehool at noon. BROKERS home in a 1uburi.Jan town pri- m at " Well, t Bora' meeting at m. outaidel'll u I!By, • Roman catholic c tc h hu found p, w f om bu Epworth League at8: 807 p. m. mar ly "get a arey r e pl are on job, an in( ba bl• worll ba• locreaaed to b pthoo bow, h t t •uc a i trying to o the city " in aense f t at e the y an eatent tbat an aulat&ll• waa ne­ term I'XCPpt inevPry t e matter of cohn- TLhath eprela ceill."n ' t IIDyt.hing r,.oaary. He hal enga11ed Father e Columhan of the Franeloca11 Monaa· Fl,..t Raptlat Chnrrh. har not unt ing down Wt!slllt'ltl. dthatv nt canges 8en lcee Buuday mornln1r at 1 0 :30 liN . a try at Pateraon to help bllll, �: venlng aeJ"VIee at 7: ffi. Sunda factoryvenience. hiles 'f heyor homes in hfactory are too great a ita citizens y nd a aarc Th� nan al roport of Holy ft cl Brbool at 12 o'rloek, towns, but thl'y want a home in a Ity baa b- announ ed. Tbere wao a Suburban Real Estate be1t that it is p01111ihle to have. Trin­ Prayer meet1n1r WednMdar even­ a l f balance ou band of c at the he l hfu location ar from t e the U,6U.OI lug at o'eloell. I. L. Brady, leader. beclnnlnlr of tho year wblcb waa In· 8 uoillllt B.lld they want pla e whereh TBB G.I.BBAGB AND AIBU l.adleo' Mlulonary lloclety c . c a1ed br ol tion do11atlona, 11 re lec , moet lu tbe cburch parlora Tbundwillay living not a matter o e t pew rento, rentac and 111• 111o11 fundi be The Board f H alt Commi ee artoruoon at 3:30 o'cloell. Broad St., Westfield, e of existewillnc l' . mere on Oarhag<> Disposalh is aotivrlyt to a total of 16,670.19. Tbe cburch debt waa decreaHd U.900; Improve 221-223 The u ex e ed ­ J.: 8TA1'1!: TR.\N81>'EJUJ. N J. c ll train 110rvice at at work oolleoting d a and rna­ be ade to lbe erteot of REAL n t ment• will m 30 St ....t, New City, N. Y. disposal of Westfield commut- $1,191.70; taxea a11d lnterllllt to Roem a.A., Church York the terial to preaent to thea people of The follo ing tranlfen bava been as a a U61.67, and the Nmalnellr to malll­ reeorded w be omee of tba ou11t out vBIIt re Weatfleltl for a plan by which rea­ In t C y d tenance, aalariM a11d ll:led ehar.rea, e lat ar Uu.ten annot ignoredan and th R g r : e c be e ident8 will omp tent aer­ loaviDI a bali111ce ou band of U8.18. b ta et u:o. to u have c Luther M. W l llet AI· reaao ai.Ji commutation rate ia fr d Deremer, HEADQUARTERS FOR vic . of the moat difficult e loll IS, 14, 16, 16, worth considering.e The beat f a blocll map of Oalllanll Garwood. eure•One relative to t is matter ia If, J BOOITJNG TBDIIBLVa New e y Suburban Land, Com­ atreeta in the State N w t;reey e q e of d of the t u stion fin hng an lo JamM Do 'll'dall, Io J9, 30, l> y J ta be f auit&ble are to ound in Weste field and mea a fo b � New n r diap anli after col- and TGWDI AdvertiH. 31, 32, lo k 18, map of Jer1ey t outlying s o Oitiu c ectio that . 81\0konc, Wnob., lold ut more Suburban Land Company. of e UB lection has thebeen made tbao o Frank J. Bor r u:o. ohn C. manyare being h de loped are con von· '100,0tMI loot year holding berl4!1f e et to a \'e moval of ashes is also Thepart re­of llon a d map to tbe 1111 A n J trolll'y Une. to Fti. , Io ta 6 6 ient to t is work B.lld no l>ubllc gn1t>; Mewphl• expe<·ta Wutlleld Pari!. B, of I committee 'a IJl ear6&110Cintloo,ly at l e11tertalnment aull recep.. h l d a seriousrua matterh as this is but will ot 20.000, Ia work n u to Uon of tbe U; S. lilml1rattou made their h om a r ro.lsl g •200.000 be ulled In ex· Alaocla· b.ave e e e CBII take time and do it right. plolt1n1 tbe Rhtte to eatab­ lion, at tbe Palm Garden, l'" Uty­ t their aud 1uhstantiate he st tementh us-ts el�rbtb 1treet, New York. very a . Uab odntrlllillllf bcadqllltl" FRATBBNAL CALENDAR. ln 'the matte.· s hool­ permanentIn wanr tb gb ut tbe cool! vaudeville pro1ram 11 arraugellA of c s <:,ltleto ro o countrr.tera u tor by Comml�taloner William&. Law· ft ld atonds at the top. equip- MlsRio,lppl li IJ'elllnl In olttllaarr. 1011. wlt11 110mewbot alrullar r•loo; otabtJbuiQ' e ee Lea the prealdellt of tbe a r n P. ' monte and in exc ll nc r a odatlon Ia, for e of Neb oal!,a newgpat[lerw ll•n·e pledged N!tiPOilolble tbe ar· 18-Wo.tfleld Lod�re of Odd P'ell wa. u �aching for theit baa noe auperior.e the o t(' llletbodlcally rangementa. Men11o Tribe Order ,,f c • D- Red Me11. tbeDliHih'ea lbelr •·ommunweollh• o.ud to ruls�nplolt e buil inp com. Loyal oclatl n. $2r�· modern school Ita Au o . wltblo t hP t• omlng '' nr wltb whl<·h plet.ed an contraeted df r , give it IO--C&Dlral Collndl M 000 \ o Jr. o. u. A.. to tbe work; tbt• Northern c.l 23--Cuurt Pro'llllent l. do amp e roorn for avery child to re. O. has Juot put al'ul'IOQ' lort•d 34-Upchurab Lodlle Jl'. RaUwfty <·omt>nny of thlrtr wrlten publl<'ltr men at l the ful benefit of the bt�st. U--Wealftold Lodge ofA.. Odd0. u. �·ew.llow.l nud ceh•11 ork ca \llpatcll ot a r l for U_;_Fi re l Council Royal Arcanum ve tla q development lof th modern public a de ll d o Our n i aohool idea. Pride of ll'l&lr Co c l � � e u I'WI · Dau�rbten of Liberty, Weatfte\d is a town worth ta\k. Star of WeatDeld Council D h ADVA:NOB CLUB MEJi.'T FRIDAY. a"- · imr h t.tra or America. Tbe about t�; you frienda in t I ilnt meetlua or th�> Allvauee 17-WeaUield Camp W. Ia e u e oity, and a plaoer e 0. W. Club 1 bfld led for Friday ev D- it ia Lodae Ins next. Tb liar· lllld e o ao-,utaa F. A A.. M. e boateu Ia Mlu iu will I.J o me more a.ud more rlet William•. Charlea �h•dlllllJ&l Mlletdq..ra-. of will read the paper entitled "Tbe attrao.ti vo u ' Odd J'eHow a Hall- t• onaer ," the town goeM theon. Westfielddevelopment haa ita l a and Mra. T. Calr111 will Ceutral COUIIOII, Jr M. apeall ev nIll. 0. U, A.. . dilfe rttnces of opinion ov a great or e 011 current e ll r Con1 panloo Court Lally, J' ut n. �lltltfer11 but whenevere the \lpd\ureb L.odae A. mlUiy . 0. U. w. Pride ot Our ll'lalr Council Dau�rb.- towu and ih udv ntaaea a1� at ia. ��o t"n of Llbe.rtr. . o OBlTll lllY. ' . aue the people of th11 wn are in of Odd J'ello"n. - WutDeld Lodp a or of l eir towu and alwaya Meuno Trl� Order of M!Uf.' e v t Red ·�·:·: A·. t·��·· c··. I h-- �-· -··--- ·------C.mP :y:�.�:�:���;, f Weallleld W. ;; gool) for it, 0. ��; AND y no··: h word W. QAT I'OULftY b&VI' to lilly e · ; , , 11 e ha.nall Haii- Mlu lilmllr' Moore died at than we sell. our are T 'iii::�' tltiup W rro the juat WuLlleld 'Lodp Ordar bome of ber alattr w, Qeo, All f, BB.UlQ&B,t Proprietor1 A. ·lu-la f do not aa ra. e tht!Y o d or Fo••· M and •n e properl , thua - h l -==ld in 'Weatfield A. meatsy When u th peo. Hali- Moore, lu lut rld!J,)' dl & P' BROAD &rean11m lifter P'afl•ooll, &TAUT P'I reallle c l a IID1erln1r llln-. Mlaa Moore keptin1uring fineh ftavord and aouditiOP, matteel'll IU't Coun i ' pie apeak otit all.d R1171l Are&IIUJil, te;wn� ral .,. .. a f rmer reelllent of tbla towu. you want to get really good I righted. Many in Lo A-latloa. T o r are S\lor t Da111ht1n be f1111•nal se vlcea were bald ho111 If not ol W e� ll. l rneat yo y r ahape today A.merlea.e CouncU blfi- late realdence la1t Sunday after· u o l'1n& a- " u W of u muket- P...U,ad .,...... Bote�. · COIIducted bJ tbe Mr. in e abould do beeau<�ercod t sir W•tfteld CollQia'' Otd HtJ­ ll.ev. r her eatfield Gab­ . p��ople art more of 110011,er. laler lllellt w 111&tte apath01tio I.Uopbl, ... l tb.e falll· h .. Ill and d not m.. lly plot PlaiD• Uapt!R town o take the 11emeter Ill tbe Seotch' tere&t al!airl aa do the r. in eatlield. of W llee'a Cull lt.rHt •...... larket The remalna of Mre. samuel Y. w•:sT ..'I EI,D LOI!IRM eloter-tn-law of Jam t•t,AIN THE PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK f'lark, N 0. ar this town, were brou1h t TO ..'Jt:Ln Cl k, or OF WESTFIELD, NEW I>Pre from New York yHtftrday for flehool Hochy JERSEY lntPrm•nt 'n the family plot In Fair­ Thfl WMtftllld High Team played lhtereatln1 l&me lJI,r OOIIP'BOLUB'8 OALL-OORDDUD B'I'A.'l'BDR'l'. view. an with the l'lalnlleld boys the lake Therl'l waa a re1ular mP.etlnl! of h onThe ere )'Pitftrd&)' &ft.. TJIJt- the Dorcaa Bodety of the Preabyler­ 01'8 by 01'11 rnoon,t RESOURCES Corr!'.sponding wo a .. of 4 o I. lan chu•·eh afternoon at p. n llrstfirlb wrust ay Alliance of.... New Jereey, M Twain. baalret Nutley and Wntlleld ball will be held at W. T. U. Hall. Minimum Chari'" Fttt- tea meet 8:16. (1. 1 ,...,,.,...,..,...------­ C..ota m• Friday eTenlnl at e t 2H Eaat 8tata atreet, Tr n on, on Thur• Dr. H&fll will addreu the new day, January 28th. An elaborate baa be"n prell8red Mtm'e lub of TrlnltJ church, Rah­ program and nu­ C meroua reea a ll'rld&y ennln1 of thla wsell. dd e will be made. For Sale or Rent? wn, a The ftr t ou t Mlae Amelia Baatable, of New a of the M n alnl'lde Yorlr. apen end We dances, llv•n un er the aueplres of l the week with al­ d to p e 11et em ploy­ Held tho ooroul(h authorltiN, will be held Then It•! u• add ri you can by frlan.da. materi•'ly the c tlfective In the Town Hall next Friday evo ­ We most lllg us to 11aint and d�corate. can samuel Silberg, of the llrm of enn llllll(est the 811- A lar11e att d­ t that berg Brother•, apent Sunday with rel­ lnl, January 80. e will attract the. anee Ia expeotttd and a 100d time Ia tre:arment; h kind purchuer• or remera, at In �rive eatimate. atiTn Dover. promlaed. an lowest prkoa. We'o be al�td to you placed In otronK Mn. B. Elliott, or Dudley ave­ R"liWtl 1 w. Hon. l.loyd Thompoon, of Weat­ ii'iUJI;.MI r4.}�·1m r::· on nue, entertained the Friday Nlaht :�'l .[..�a.\ �. fteld, wao the only Republican ap­ . li·26·tl Euebre Club laat week. , liu'i'.�f.�!:•h:a: pointed on a rom mlttl'll to haveotl­ room LlndaaY county houee, wlth lmJ> 11.\ I Clark Dallae, of Euclid avenue, pte the alle!l'tld Atlantic �-�J.: NTI)a r 11411 ,1·11 baa returned after apendlna aeveral fraud Five Democratl are anorl­ atro•t. - a. daya at Manaequan. ated with Mr. Thom paon on thla com· - nne, la.rKe. - Bros., Inc. •Alall•• ':-A lmnrovt>m enu: lararelO·r oom mitts•. t lot. Menno Tribe, Red Man, will bold Welch uae; AGENTS, o their regular meetlna tomorrow Next ll'r'day Rfternoon, "The RMIRI I ��!�-:,�:�.: ff{ •�rm :t�:!f. ''•�J Odd Fellowa Hall. and LltenT')' elrIIB 4\ )No Leade-r omce. 1t Tomorrow afternoon at there X. for a few weeka recreation In F•orlda. 2: S 0 �Lf.�M()vlng ma hi e will be ht!ld the January of 'fo notify your landlord n lll&etlng o r ,�·��:lr�8rp&cture2�'21" it::r�c . Mr. and Mra E. F. Low, or Dudle7 the Woman'l Auxiliary of the Hoard • rg �u� d���-· �: . avenut�.· It avenue, elft yesterday for Florida, of Mlnlona of St. Paul'a Eplacopal you intend to move. Also to ' where theY will apend the balance or cburl!h. The ------ladlee will mHt at the TO \ill· the winter. R. R. on Elm Extra Special aouu:loutrh h)·. RI!:!IIT-Applf to H. home of Mrs. Blnclalr, let VB know just what you atr .. t, and It Ia uraad that all mem­ ll!l'f•:RlOR Uta:OR"TING-Beot NeW The brother of W. c. Hart, of South n ea. Br ben attend mt.:��� !:fere c �r ��� avenue, baa eoma on IQdlana . want, so that we may have for Friday and Saturday leu � e B. z from will u to vlalt the 1aUer, who Ia atlll yery The 0. 8. hold their an n al JURA. L I. dinner Reeoenweber'a. J'AHOY J'OWLS, . easy term e. low with pneumonia. meetln1 and at mp e time to lb ...... 20o The PPu.rHOIII'aall1 Compan,81TKI 1l.on a l get the !'AHOY B.OABTIRG OBIOKBRB, . . lt "olumbua Circle, New York, on Fri­ lb ...... 22c nt1 The Ladlea' Bewloa Soelety or the 3 brood n chlcll­ day evenlna or thla week. Thla Ia y u � PBIJD B.IB B.OAST, . . . . n bou.e for o ...... en•. lndullhtJ; lt h..d e ..lelu.nd 200 Rt�da, Preehyterlan church are plannlnl to lb . . . 18o Ji()U a..t.�-;;;a=- a.ndWh ite Le•horna. an annual affair and Ia looked for­ BIB.LOIR BTBAJ[, . Mrve a chicken au pper In the Pariah ...... •... f"Jrrnouth Hock•u 7ah�1:de�11ry cheafi ward to 1"lth a 1reat deal or expect­ lb 20o ·�ua n 1 1 HouM February LOilf POB.K OBOPB, . . . . . 9. ancy by the membara of tbla oraan­ ...... !'m�it1)�, If a lb . IOo ��� ROOH-Handanmt>b furnlehed. Mr. •¥ Mra. R. J. Brook­ laatlon. ROJD-'IIIA.DB POB.X BAVBA.GB, ...... Puilar, of lb ...... IOo cooking. 'l'he Hlllcreet. e e . lyn, and eon, Robert W., w r To 10 to the hll dance at Moun­ . . �:�j R.UIBVBGU BTJLU[, ...... end aneat• at the home or R. L. next for 2 lb1 . . lila loOltOK ROOH, to let, at u�Caolao.r·-�� talnalde Friday eYen lnl and Landlord 18a v n LAMB, ...... •....•.. 8pechLl low rateIS. U,by year. RmltleJ, on Euclid a e ue. the b�nellt or the many Weetlleldera UGI lb who will taa a will leave at IROVLDJ:B. LAMB OBOPB, . . . . Mlu Either Many, of Weetflald attend, a e ...... �Mo�day morning. an amt��th}'lt 8:30 lb . ao and from the corner of Let ua know jWlt bow 100n .J:SW.L BAXIRG POWDBB., "h . . 10. ' ��n��![d't':'!laller. 110,.- 11 tf for a while, but If the lncreue lleepa BASTBB.OA.D B'l'., WU'I'J'IJ:LD Emma Hutchlnp, the Mnn-year oliunta. Lawre160 nGe 's Mtlrket l�t�'I·-Furnlahe-d up atlll lar1er platfOr be private old dau1hter or Mr. ud Mra o-r will '1'0family. 117 Euclid avenue . c_ iiUI �• OJ' IR LIRJ!l OJ' roont• 1n - r . Ul'l' BVBB.YTHING N. i U-t! Hutcblnp, of Broad atl'9et, Ia , TRJl JIBA.'l'S, o COil• also write Dfi'ULUfOB lined to her home with meaalea. Siegel A Cooper Ia dllltrlbutlng We OB.OODIBS AND VEOBTABLBB OAR BB OB­ U O,OOO to varloua charltlea b7 a vot­ VOJCflPo.rklT atreet. baa returned 'I'AIRBD AT THIS MAB.:U:T A! ALL S!Z Mra. H. c. Piller place it leading com­ TDOB. t w lnl contMt. The many frlendo of and in r · her home on Euclid avenue, after the Children'• Countey }\ome are re­ ��q:.�:r;. h� :f 1en 1 ln •evard. S:�T� apenulftl a week with ir d mlnded that lhe7 can help bJ eaat­ ����:��= 10·11·11 Maplewood. panieB. 'WA.N'TBP...... Youn• m&D for •tock clerk lna a TOte when they do a little ahop­ r u who baa IDI alore. lr.1 lo li t Mn. V. 0. B rtla, been P at the above-mentioned eonfloed to her noma bJ llln- for HoQle baa 1'8Ce1Ted mone7 from OoJII1&1t · ' �:fl1-11·81/..1� ; The N�. J. 0:o'� &0!·v�riu!: you going to have your n h ..wor eneral weeka put, Ia now able to th.. e eontliilll, and It Ia hoped �hla •:::;��:�raf: :::!ue� u rt he oqt apln. J8&r will have a larger aum, which Are llit t o! t r be will Indicate> an added erea AUTOMOBILE OVERHAULED oom o lll'tlt hov.e· Thlf Demoorattc amolrer will people In e WA!ITK.o--Two In Y A. th one IOHataln, tlle North aveaua shoe merchant, accompao!ed by bla HERBfRT L ABRAMS. wife, attended a nriJriM part:r aJven throuzh to North Avenue PWJALL IIIILIIIL bJ MIH Oreenhera, lln. II Wter ef at Phone 15l TELEI'IIOIIE 311. BIIYera•.eln, U.roue, laat 6h�u.411o)'. A. waaon beloqlq to MIIOU lck bad.l7 damqe4 1aa Dday BOII w .. w�W'rt­ mornlna. One of the S.tLE caught the trol l Qd In eJ traeb wrencbed the body Sale FOR � 1(1018. Piano Player William BehmtU killed In front aa owl Big January White or Wolllfert'a bat4wNe Jton !':':t••ln• L. A. CONDli'ION laat Bu y AutomaticIN GOOD nda 1'1811IAI• U Wll a )'Oil.. ,I llld 80 OF one bad '*- atlcnlt toq w t...... c�q,.. , PIKER'S A.LIO ROLLI UP· eral ura. Dla'tr.u ., '10-DA.'fE KUBIC, ·v ERY atlAIONABLE. Cbua Coale, UNDE�WEAA. lur •• the A IWtGAJN - CHEAP Dr. o• 8 en ly r&l'ommendc!l bu olneu at>CIIon dralnBU Ia ll l '! WESTFIELD HOD TOWN the ra oparrrroenta In bougbl at t•rlce• bv phyolcl�n• h�althfulneu, · .t. may � for :··-· · ou•P• be h�vlnr the death In - ��:R;��.-- �-; fl aud the · N r11t :::::::- ··=� p,ooo 130.000 loweet etown �::x;� -· rrom 10 of New Jel'lley. The Ia U r•uglng State 6-:·:.� ��=� termo, rent• var,1 :� le C B ELECTf;·-:: \.,,.(>1. upon whi L Mldd oountiM y lilom�ra�t and JtelideuUal uor month trell built, with n beautiful r�a­ Ft..-ld<'l ('oundl. Un1urpuaed .t.J a et n and at p. t lo afternoon at t. hP Ufi "oo I"'' ma m""t m. h I.ut Thn!'lld&J niKht Jflrealde b we� o ided with a com ldenreo, and bandaome atreeta and 2 h8lcl Oentar. Weat fte d to pr v Waablnaton achool for llut purpoae of l well pa ved and obaded, th� meettnl! wltb a l&ri!P werqe oyetem, the belt wa- avenueo, Hroi 1911 -· -- viet� oe Y A ear.hanrlnl! vlewo relative tu thl!lr ._\ tttntdan�@. Two ,,_.rP au r ound o euuntrr OFFICERS fOR THE E R altuated ter. 1111 and �l•etrlc lltthll t.tberal ·rhronlb the In ool and lor 111neral �p�ll£"atlon• The to'lrn of . r l l . och o read a d one card recelvfld. w ... t ftel11trtct C•erll Mark Wl!bo er to· William Morrl110n, \'lee-prealdent; Orator Hall announeell a d nner otlll at •orll malllnc on ralmlllea and R. t would be held on October i William Helnclle, tr&aourer, 'lrbooe cblldten have ..bMn 111 da Jnqu11nt U, 1811. Stanley Horr, oet.retar:r. Tbe Houae In atte11daure without Juot cauae1 for Com· tho oame. M uch pro1r- baa bean Commlttoo, tbe AtJ'I'O TL'R F.8 I'IRJC. Entertalllmeot made Ill thla work Mr. Weblter. and other atandlnc commit­ by c \ mtttee Laat !Iunday Inc, t>r. N. Croao, of Cambrldle, morn about te• •Ill be appointed later b:r tbe . 11: so Mau., 0who baa leduNd before tbe o'cloek, a larce Peerleu tourlnl' ear, preoldont. pupllo of tht1 Hlcb oebool on nrloua tbe propert:r of Huch M. llmltb, of Tbe .. uburban Club waa orcanlaed o o the ocbool laat J'rl· orcul n vlolted Clark otreet, caucbt ftro &lld before o! the old day We , lecture oome time dur­ from amooc tho member• the flameo •ere extlnllfulohe4 dam In& the mo,.111nth of Mareb In Weot eld · W•tlleld Club, •hen that elub ll . ••• to the 811tent of wu done extol. Rooma were rented Weotfteld Hl1b Bcbool 80)'a' 01- -- to noo tbe Pearull nuhdlnc and the batlnc Clult--Tburoda:r, Januarr 16. to the car. Mr. llmltb had returned -Photolrf'&pbell Ill IIF ...... membero worked hard to put them In Debate : "Reoolved, That the aoutb· from a drive tbe da:r prnloua and tbe reoult I denomlnatlonJ neelleot condition 'lrlth ern tat• were Juatlll9d I .-lthdra•· had put some oil on thll ear to lo OHn The comn111ta- of aeaees all the ra�llltlel an4 oon­ S mornl111 an4 'VIlh rhurrheo all that lhe club no• hu elecantly fur­ loa from the Union at then time of lion raU 1\'11111'1&.per ont h .. t"o cenceo of a procn•ooin and the dirt. oll lc lted yh back o pool and bil­ Tblo II .T.U m . Well puhllc llhrary, newopapcen1er¥r1. 11ell-ofa nllhed apartmente, a our Civil War." Aft. Wm. Bachman. o 1111 'flltld Ia alao readll:r acreoslble Rnd oth"r manufac·turlng community and an Ideal needed lire from tbe enctne causlnl the by ral dered bo• liard table and whatever lo ll'red. Bruoh, Wllaon Rtueraon. Nttc. and lrolle:r !rom Newark, Elltabetl. �ut


Laat Friday evenloc the Board of . Albert E. Health bt'ld a opeclal meeUo1 lo . . Por Ne,. Tori< Newat·k Sayder, their room• In tbe Town tlall build­ perrect that made special ord"< only 1 1ew. o t a(!o. - uul llllloa­ m . - belh I New new and s·.-ue� was w our n hs . 4'1. ­ W..UW4 co:.f r wltb the Chief of tbe is u:1p'eannt nl'ces­ ark,) U.l!. It(t 07.hrou UctiJllll trah> to '• l.eadlai inC Newark),att.a\f, Fire toD epartm t the contractor and This a voluntary sacrifice. We were p�1l to the T.ef,1.01 7.11, 1.4 f, e n sity of .:utli112these prices -;o renJn o· the we were delayed uver 11.11Uli, a. m.: Uf, t.H. t.fO, , unmer;:dully by thJI two months GooU at·c l ed e the rain· a.:! lt. U, U4,ia.u. U.-!1 J.U: t.U in opening slore. Th;s lremendou3 stock muit be moved 0111 the Joss wh:�t U rolla:h 8portbaa th• b t In retard to d a.t once. he it may. (t l,, Ul,train to Nowt.rUl, o.ll,k, U�. T.til ltatloaer of ort l o wa•te 'lr&ler from the our or ore broken, and io the many styles you Rod a 10.1111, a 7.H, 1a·u· u• c 1 NO/'\E or 1h• •rylc• •izes d EACi-1 or -.·m COM·, !It· } tl 4raln boardae on w l b the apparalua ol hom B, an t• .u. •.Ul.u m. &unda.n, ud b :11 PLETE r&nge al;:ea :�,� 5 to""'"'"' 10, h �;?,:A, C, D E width&. �.�, ,,��:.�.�, T.�•, u.ol!.> oa,·ll. 1.11, will bo w bed In tb ne'lr head every I< t r- at nt Colt, Dull Calr. Gun Metal, and lt.41 a. · .. ll Plenty kind or h P BoN Cair, Wa�t Calr. Vlcl, Kid 8.&1,U.h. l.lo, l.h, I' l.ji, iu', u· <& lire · plenty or bl&ba huck.loa, bunou, lace and bluchers--ln narrow, ! For l'h l ' ' quaJterl. eAfter a abort confllranee or taM. Some utn e ahDHe wltb medium M.Hl IO.U,d lp hlO.Ul · m...... •nd tots, plain tipped. c111 1.41. a e •·'•·a. m.: •·•• · • lbe matter wao left In tbe ...and• of a a, U.fl a, ,., wide or SuJ>da.n. t.41 us, a.u, t.n: tQ,fl,For e&dln11 committe and the M o 'lrltb power ll.U p. m.: and1.11 a.Ha m.rr l bu 1.01, r "' ...... , thlll the proper7 conn tio a aa Ebn at. e r. ec n r : ILlli, .., Tel 137-Jt. to 11 SEE OUR CLOTHING SALE AD. ON PAGE l Ul . .... mflde. HarriiiOn, Harden, F'or t.ln• on. l!ethlehe""- 411fiiiOWIr prompt· These Bargain� "Mo 1•." I ly. "I ho�l' bl't'n mi•IPI'ID!r tnw:ml "1 bad pln�·.,.J the llouudlull 1 oet al�•ut my trapa. lfPUm· ThernselvesOver pn� thP rrbwny wtt lm•rro•l'd no I.., hO'tll•r.l �lohor bllnll v arlou� 118rklntr...,•m•. Jut mut· 1\trM... no� ur 1 iw Ju1 ely •t tbP lllu�bCPr,n h �t'r)' nndot· c.&d · of dP(llll'lO'CI lltn�m. rn� A tllrl'• �nl<'t' (n hll)' • IP�IDifl n 81• tra�ll�e Tol.,., enllrd, l'rr l�. I bt•tml th• ll�:hc or a t will d .,.. y noa ii•Pd that had t•-•n net "Oh. .. n ll'lh ut hr;ttw"""i'lllt"M>lull thM 1 1 nr.u't <'I'!IE'. JlliPd trom nrnr I'Prond:l, "On!)· 1 <'d. llo)l[lllll! ll"bl dnr " npprundtlnl( lhti ••J WUUidn•t blt f'P ffiKbt•nf'd bf'r to o . IUDW UUt!' \\ U,. IliAd_.,, fnr ftU thtut.-h tn•lll "'" r tb" hP llnnlh· bl< IIt'r or MklrtM nnd n pnttrr ,.,.n•·•·Hh•l\lllltltua: r.. th• 11"1• world." a1>d A t ,.r· Dlf'llt tht• lh.. tlnth. Tnk· "' " • b ' ��<> hi. i HI bPIOkPnPIJ l bt lilt• fllrJ l'll lllP run Upwards of One Thousand II 1 � hi t>d1 ohook w � n th h.l' or nd f l t for ""' uf w: ntnJ[f' 'tnltonf'.. wouldn't bd,.«'& nlull' bndr tn join lhP omnk�r. "Cr•••· IDv I t-lu ffi'"U 8 Ulflrtt"'r t etKII'l<•· rur "'" h•cl to "'""' l piP&III!ott •1•." bt'(lrd hPr In un Pn;r•r. luw­ Suits and Overcoats Will nrl''"'J:"'I rl�tbiPnPCI bPr to tbe anplo In I ony at thut liuw nwl tjlnt•"' bt'HvPn:·• PrP() thnt 't k• 111 "h J ru.l,.tad my fHilft, nwho t\'f1'C df'\'RII{I\flna Be u nt I illll'IHh'll fur IIIPrt')' 11tarl'd at blm b•lplnoly, na� �ollld �l'l'nlul't' In whllr nnnnPIH?" Offered at These Ridiculous rod•l • 1 ThP "hnddt-•tl. "'llntlnf'f' &nrt l Ond wnrdl lo ntrul tbo )'••hori"'l ll ''"'lhlll'. luud. yudt•IPC! 1 01' mnn J • I lnllfl, nud pawo lnn tbat m1 81l8Wt'rlml,.,dltl, IK'Oidl<'O n11 bod nr dPfRMIRtnr-wbAt? Monln Crl•ln . Prices, to Close Out Broken ln>14t '' nut UH,.UJ:· nt Pd. balr, nubiP lroftlp"- lb.f IH•rlol'llllllh·P ta k J ...... , ut t'llllll lltPllM d "Vou'd IPII oht' Jnt•rrnpt- llll)' Ill t••ullry y . "Vnu t bJnll told a hP CTied. brtiPr " n I Jt.r· youm•." Lots and to Lighten Our And "'"'" wn. •II ' wrid· tbluk ; lied wb•n I !.could PUrDP!OIIy, "If don't mP , ""' wh•·u m;· II• "You I!'J WftOI (!I i Ju thP Jlrt-..htdlou lhi'P

. n a wblrllna �•b .. . 1 "" t111·Jou•l,r lllnt It bUrn· awa1. I OIJI "lh:hthut O("tt. di'OWilO'CI. rl' wu"' u M"· Great Bar ganizi n g. l(l't'WI wu��t l'l'dtuu utlt•, 1\' hunp .. .And hnt it mntt•r? ld me. )lhtluly · m w 'I'hl• r.. lluw ml!lhl luorP JooPiy ot• the wooda l ulu u t•nn't und•�tnnd. Wbo•n you wuot oemblnm'l'. 1a1 tbe P<"••·e toy., kn< wbul In I nCo hH11 a rulht•t dtt1·t"UI l'uun,::Pr hr ll r \\' dn you lnok huck or th• nlltU I ku•"· .. "'"" tlu•·--ut l' y·>Ur Jfp uud It yuu, unci luok ' tt•ll• I OtriHII ItutcrP••Iunri wa• that If the SI back--ah:'" liP <"�11'\l oUI, Ullt'rlnll Alt 470 Suits and j1 O Suitsand 8 OfN'UkPr bud nut bt•c•n lntt'rrll)lll••i Over- b it lnenbPrrnt oylluiJIP. "I ut a ,• hokPd, wuuld bn \'P •um••· 1 ba;•k and ll'o nll-·h/lod! All tb••• tbl� IJI>Int bP coats Thai Were "'uldt• hut·oh·· Overcoats that t)d 4 t u t 12 u dnu"t knt>w! l 1 b Your lire HWdy, $ i -"""'"· I "I'll <'OlllP bnt k b•r• wltb a bnnd For the who hu been little delinquent wit\! regard to his W nt r bno tau��;ht you, und ,v ou know, but I • man 1 Suit btiV II't.. bud tomnrntw oigbt •nd ""r•mnliP 1h<" IJt'au· or Overcoat, this is a propitious time to spruce up in one !!lese surerh War tson• don't know, I my ur•. or . II'• ��;on•: buvp lo ""ordo tltul one.'" made gems of tailorcra rt that we are clos•n& out these monce·meated prcces. All at J\er•dl't• IIUfdI Co mP. bUrnthnt "�hHJMirur Ia �WrVfl(l:' anld fiRM r WniJid Atnfldf'fl, All and Watson Suits and Overcoats are now re-priced All m1 band from m.• nrm a d orm lookloll In at my duor D•·• wluutt'• $20 $18 II $12. n 1111 no bluet trnm my bod rntbl'r tbnn trnnbll' hPr lniPr. the $22 and $25 model� are SU.50. Netther blacks r have been exempted fl'ill'hlon y o ld t b<"lp "You ha YP pRR8fld &rent bour jUMI from these tremendoua reductions. or bPr, but I u n' tl RJlPR killll' 111 hPr any � cbuu can DOW, Amf'diPIP." mur• I They are b�oken sizes or our hest- aelling number�. and there are upward of bt>l)t WdDtllllt b�r HI(IIIU," "It was llkP tb• old do.••· truly!" 10 - ga me s clearance Theae U• pou!tf'd. lph1 from bla brow ''TbPY are orr tor Trnu vllle. I 1.000 nt in this mighty movement £,·ery One or Sulta w 11: 11 otqo. r All . c bPIIYY not of tb• ht'UI, bUt ilko pow?" and Q,·erroata Are Thia Season'• Production. \IZes to !tO heat meaaure. tlull onfiPW, l ilt' ton>hPnd of a In ••ru­ "No. mon•l•ur; tbP1 arP on tbrlr wn;· rlnl pain. 1 modP o"rvou•mno u•te to vl lt the rbut•ou nud otnJliK"d h•r� NOTF�Our Broad Street Wlnelowt eontaln 1 dlsplal" of 114.!!0 Sulll a . che tho 81'1BP t P nf!Jiortuully and uldh I"DIIy,to only l ....uu... tbp run from 'urlo and and u Market Street Store Qlsplav• �12 Sulta and OvercoatL h mod• tb• too bot," l bad O•crcoato. o r _ alwn•t timidly: · tit" •'To \"'lRittl Qul'"n"n,.,.. r. ,.·nu mPnn ?" �nut It It •buuld diRtrPU ladyl" "Y�IbPn I t'n. Mill'. Word Hr •·· running u ·ay and by h•r look," I to a��ld wll (To be coolin__ ue d.___) _ CIJU oiJtrr:loliTI·l�n wh�lll'tllll�«'t- I'IIII UIUifl llt.rbll)''l'b TbPI'I' Watt 110mPtbln11 Iliad od Newark, New Jersey tbl' curn tbe \NUb, He atop- dltr�I'Pnt 111 bl• lunk tbnt, 110Ilk• any olb·8 I'OIIud of 1*1 •burt. •r drlood UJ> old, blundt•rpr lu my Jtlnt'P, OBDJ:RB . 11111111 ftol - - Her I>rl'MPd a�ratuot ber aide. J l on ln•tallt tl'udpu�y to lau11b. It - -RATBRNAL bul her, FIKF.SIDto: OOUN'CIL He llfh'll hlo aud •pold. 1 1 I couora. of all upoD allotrl'lbl'l' ntiAtak•n."p-. be d.ow,uw;,.;,per&IOru c.wo.. Thr 111onl1 way to ou<'�-rully trPnt : ft,. ,.. IIHIIII TAYLOR 8CBOOL GOBJUJr'I IJLVJ:BWAU h'l\'b11t It that 1011 btl dP.. catarril by Pmpln ranat>ll' or rPOIKIIDIII lbp lofec· L. WATDIUlf "I koPw a.bouldo't-•• 1 fHrtftlt ! 1:. 1 118 tbtll bad oddPCI a U011l blu nd•r or ronoumptloo uud utbPt' dl.... u�l!l. :rOVUADI PDI t'OU b�lp it." D ,whv Not ' t tloo I dn't 1 to till> loDif ll•t or tb• att•rn<>VD-''Ibut We b &Yp rPW<'dy lln>pur from i "Yc·u P&fH'c·t me to bPIIn•. tbal'l" . u <'d wbo 't· .... 1 addood, "It m1 .- I• rillbl." � u D de s tbP pr...... rlptloo ut a pby•ll'iao I "It'• tbP rrutb. t'OUid\)'r:" r & r I b• allnr be ••rllld wbarply, for lblrry Y"""' atudiPCI aud m11d e ('11· 1. li1. "I• J IRU � •bptll"a doa't "I -now!" I I'I'IUI'D<'d •mllbllll'· �.. dd e & Sift tarrb ·� lulry, dOd WbOIIP r�ord ' I beJ'ood�t Ull• 4ttall•u wa• a Jlll• llrot tor to b•altb lldik'd bullklly,Will -.• ba b I l'l lr I ,... l'd 1D i t lnklos tbal know ID11Dinl of M k e�v-'7 ... wb•re hllo trPatm•nt• waa ID l waa"lt 7011 to llf>rr 'WbdiP... r , ' l28 �11.' Broad Street. ,. prearrtiJPd. "Wiuu Rid 11« I d n&tb•r not 11111 11 n1 et fo llowPCt Tbat r ml'd1 NJ>ollo. bar •• e the �'"I 1:1&11»-'lciiiJII. 4'� lll I do kDOw." Rellllll Ua�u·TOile. We are JIOIII· .' Fine I 11101• Qn Qlllck)7. Ia wo "V I'J well.'' aald "WUI ll•• t bal will rompl•tely OYI'rt'OIDe Goou •'il&:.:c� more tbao lbatl" rou •tell be II ftd-'. tt..uY" eatarrb all It• •arlou• tor!DII. ;· y " ::..UhPr If abe woul4 "'htt-- uw Lamb 1D GJWit at lf JUU will It 10 at tbat.'' � r rnult• let - let 8 wbPtber acut• or b , tbut we "lllillia�ralu."Ors "Tba!nk ,-uu," be •ld aud. wllb ao .. * bl>r promb to r•turn nrry JIPDDY llllid u. . Pricu "Wbol PIMI>1" tmpul .. Wbl<'b but too plnluly s�alty f t· tbe lllf'lllrlne In ....r1 ..... wbere Ri&ht b ., •• 008 auwi'N'IJ amblr. of ITtUitadt'. bla baud. .... t t. 1 •NeiiiiDI.'' be olfered IDt I . . otalla or tor •111 doea not .. tbf>D bP Ibf>D for IDOIIH'Dl took Dly ""UI dltlttUIPiod For all the cho·- It reuoa ••• B - I It II, lind Waa lbe umnwnt a1&e 't pu� IafJ QMI'. •IIW>d-tor 414 1Fitblll -· for It wae ot We waat 100 to tr1 Bellall, a a Wt!ID DO tbe market aftorda ... .. to fl)iue to .... 1Ut1Uirlet6 ruut re- Yal'll· WA.'I\:11, CLOCK tiD . •t»Ak"- Ia TO Cf! OD our t'«ommpodtlllooaod 1 AND ou lllllll' REI.JABLE tblull. not !" .tlnut<'d an.d prtl to tbe al'aiNor d'Armaud. Vege- . We .... rt�rbt b •r• wb•r• JEWELRY "1 .tloukl I •tUM. In Meat. and a11tee yoa .!Nfllt out at blw wltb UflrWMI i.UI(IJ.. It 'WIN early dWik. l'row lbe and do nqt roolrat< •l o . REPAIRING •lldUrtDJr <•awe IIOIIudtl<'01111• U�e. JOU MD1 f) • p:lll•nll1 Jlrd uf lbe, luo , I table. at the Very tlf., Jf• HlouQ lt. btl Ullatloq Wb8D you i .... � tollowlul till> ...... t.uybter aud t·Ut terlnt �ole... of 01' riBk t1'7 1\UMII : P)'Oitl 0.. Mut·u·T- un our 1{1111raolt'd. -lit• bioi baftda. wblrb wPre tb• eutr•••• • couple of lowest prlcea. w .. of ton ell� baW"e AIU<'U·To11,. lo two • lld uotwt.ltiDtC bltl a.alble \111811 tourlul ''" tbe "baull'f'lll'll eo· ,..,�,. ...,..1111 a ,.. ti.�all11od VPrJ tbe lt!MtW t. rMr tlret1 itb '1(1 �ttDIJJ eu11� ofti!D p PIVd lu NBIIUI !111 'll' TeL WNtfteld. taklol ur 1••111• 11 •ut!l· · IRy IIOmPtbiDf to 1011, btll·k•ta watttr bi'OUIIJt b1 .,....Oil· oUt> 110-t·ellf - "•t aiM did of M 318 ciPDI a Wurkood IW)I..-lt>U IMki'C! IIIIIIIIJ. ordh1arll1 kUOWII II UIOUJrlOU, to UWke I'OIII'Mt' -.•t a•r J 1ae UPll 1111 be weu "" . u .. w. 'Not wu m•u •• .,.rtorm· Tbe wbll du thlop care YBI')' .,. 1 1<»111., 1....,.101�111 1M •w•·- I•Jbac of tlmee, u4 .,..... at.. luut t pr181 t bero wor.1y tbll waa bltl 01U•·" fOf' • """'" little tor act\111 ""'r•lfP In •awb ln•tnn•""' "1 ftPfJIIM4' •II Mt rl Ill• 1 the r•ulta-- .. ,.., Th It w1111 Jullt the llll'On... a a .., a It wbet mo11e:r •Ill noble them . holll..,. r l!ffttll fnf! ,,..I'ddar -a UNit wuwllbdti...S tor 1 11 to Ia tbrw II H�tul'mha """' aDd DJHUIIIIf iPo• tblq a frlelll· l'd dd,_ lllw IlO • ll•wc-4._ u4 •�•r llttllllleJ. 'l'be mnuractllrar ..s ll 4IDlllll would ...,!" preotlliJIIllloll 1,1( do rala•eaw lilt JOU "•n •Hti•ID"'" Thoo n 114'1111 WOQIIIQ war a mercllut nttr Nlllailld aDd we tu areb lnrpr t11a oni:Jbe at b- J. 11\tQI'I! · u tile Pill Ia plu�. T l71ii0b rm "MIIPt.MJ-r• be .u,._.t l "'*"ra.a .,.,., lllP .. ., P a aO wa 11110 ltll w110 Willi ._,,. uti tltt.Wr liP wooca.riQb' .., ...... 11 ... � .,...,un, die " .. lfiiiO.Iat· .. l'GIIIIDI Dllt. � ,.. ,_ filii ,... ;., � ...... , Q� � l-� .. , ..·a •tl1tiiiJ. � 10 at t dttb ut l owa no oun o. •audevlll� he l y re , 11� uall nnt week n b the d---Tho"The ---- ope ----tta r-" k !lonJ----- of Dlt'fl." Old at u h111"j, ;Ire a�o f u•lr a l otar ...... "The "Crapa," and a h n- t M l - bill. llr. Army Oame," e acl 3 2 oad16 play•n ...... Lot "••• . A••s•t. ,. •·ompany f Notice of Hearing • W...c.lleld Cutao. d mlnwtrrl no••ltlro ..., be!ore Payton ,...... , o .. r •••• !lln, •• o ...... 7 1 rt>d l eau > o o • ' ' Me Five B f C'om�·"' .. . · . . The plrtureo lh cwn laat week 1 t h I "I ortant feature o r �r r n�. l1.rk.ft�r1;���� lllll.t7 f II!> IKh ...... f!d i nd a o a 10 l � 0 T u ay The om y ''Sh pe a B ll r ," b - �r . r M.Co� P"araall. e nc .• dl...,.,t f o tlle pahy. l .. " .. h rld evenln1. cldnMday, mat- : j 1 m bairn . flo 1�1 t&JO 1 l&led Knl1ht, one : t orrerlnl! for � b t h ...... Jo_�· o! tbe nneet b : ob . i 110�'!'lila . A. o. be u 18 Ill 1�h,. er Daneera 8alllo . o � on l at- lnee and nl1ht, Jan ar · :_• � R ty W l1euht t �."•:::: :p: piAIIIota tbe opec a y ��� �: : the �;. F y l .I m:: :.r :a : circuit. A. l ; bill will al o lndude Vaoco, -'4 io M k : 1 .. .. " : : i will be added to the re1ular Plaln""ld t o c nc e i Cath' lneW.Tinker 12J '1 :: :!o t t o Th,. ,...-c mmon t �l muolclan ; rt ll'owler. Ma101 rac n a � r l':t\: 14 14: " :: '1110 Wed· turday for a abort B d e More ...... 1H:i: ohow 00 M 011 d ay, T u eeda and I B rt, Aleun e and Bertie, �JCd\\'IHi..l � ItI:U" 146 ntdo l!lmbrae1A >ldo 18 Sa , January 14, a The ' 8. Harr>· Y y e oo M. Haao wi :::n 141 I. :1:1: ol Three I' o Mr. ll JullliDI ordar n The J'ado\tee needay Dllbte nest wee'll. l ...uon nl N l n ol Bruoh pr t hlo , 1 l rated and muolca � ea. Alloo ... lf:ym t��ri.'.'.'.'::: : l Booton, and ot M!':y•�.r�t:LJ j:::: I 2 11.30 147 n.:o been n d b . . blah claaa artloto have e 1a18 1 ll 1 I ra ohn en-t tb nerr dal y· :m. II Frecl'kA. 11 1'tttYehen Ul o U:: : day . � ...Ul lt.O�8.40 li/1:T 1i . . . y of the band110meat and moot f . 1 .. .. nl . ·------l ... 1 IU �c. Oottll�k . u f. 1 . . 'I'IINtre--CarryiDI a . able tbeatrea In Oreat•.r comtor:_t,.New . 11 Ha • 19.06 110 c. lil. . . u Plal a ne umber o the a cto n Torll. IUOf": �t,.�l: ii:n or n tleld A llal r1haUann Operar a-..,, 11.a I u 81 Lo•1 0.l" h M. l'aarof�!:�.terd ....all.l 10l 16.60 111 . t n t - will o pled u nudnllle obown In the belted be during tbe 13.01 Ill . complete ocenlc environment, tbe AI. . o ""at; 4lf 11.70 ...... •••. . Field Greater otrelo a tt by tblo progreaeiYe 0 16.50 s. � ���� :::: :111 1+.JI: 6; Mln u- � •I r c e !J Malltat" IU .. o. ll att a t audl n to tho nbat- Januar 13 II,_'• r���·��� 1l 11.60 114 ;�hn 'ic. '. II U 110lutely notblnc o! tbe theatre 1 cee own uctlon o! Wlnch�ll Kukol ...... l tA . llmokln1 Ia and pu Mary l'�."rtne 11.40 John Mar); . . I n aiJo•ed po - IWIUO . .. Mary anery uceptln1 the drop cu.�teln famo a comedy "The Fortu neBmiUI'e 10.40 t1:1 fi�::.���, �:.. .�II "·'' 181 u Al X. a tbe ule Thlo theatre at- 7U ke ...... : r prlrea r � HuM• U94 71.00 Xuc.�man. lUI ll!The ope l opectaele entitled �. In l r. !Tbe production of tb a cl-Io I �· K .....• . nt te 11.11 nln fordo one of tbe beet e �r lnmento e " l Brhl11•t O'Jtonnell. llrelly Al Ales ol tbe W l : In eomPdJ wr t n at IIIIa populat !r(�Jr.a��tl:�.;��:·�: '* :: for tired man o mo t e act n arr llordor . . . Oottllck. •• hi l or II r a • l l w • i l l J tu:11.16 :' lJoty .. . . 10SO :m11.10 m118 Cha8. Ill . ' H t truly one of 1randeur d, I lbe e t a de playhoua� •Ill marl! ...... : and •oman tbat ean be 11ven. Bl . orrM. • Lander- 16.60 161 ne Dan!. 'I• !7IT . 6I 11 n one wblcb u te. 170 su .. · e irely dllferent from any prov- j ftrat appoaranre 1 po p Jar prtcee, 99 I 11 .... 16.60 111 .' IOUI tolferiD . pect l I• In !Cl'w York tfto - au hty tu :u:u.u I .. I Thlo a a e "N c , the a at 100 11.60 ...... c ...... alnte !>Ieee Wftl liMO t1 J •. : I. three IICenn and tableau : F irM!, Marietta with T r ..ntl nl and U et B oad way. wbere U.H. 101IOJ ct!::,II'IIC�.oiiitak: rg&0 11,60 a vlll a y th('ntre on r 44 Haran I 11 Cl�rk .. :::: " Or l y/•rltPr., 174 � Pot!Da . . : i c lla u l," l- lfarrold, and the Manbatlan p ra run ootid 11.98 IUO Jl: 7 l d at tbe ourt of oln , O fN &o.41 101 175 , 1 "Dav e It •••aoono. J•earaall ComJtRny. IU4 : I I the eon11 which rbarmed llaul Houle caal, choruo and orcheatra. lwo 131.20 101 J����n�·e���=��:. 111: .11 1 .09 171 : H1 7.7& D n.oo . 99 9 .. n o IOo Ferri• Pf"&.r•a.UCompany, 70.29 117 ___7 J a d hlo coh rto. The atm011 phere Ia 1 � t9.70 . 1&.4t 11. 10 Tbtoatre, oma ce bobPl Morehou•r. II IU7 " It loo . n o! o! R.,.ablk !f. \'.-R n to• J•••nall .11 t , n:!'u n o e ll!nerally tbe dayo the pa 107. 3 Jf'nnlc A l- Invaded tbe company preoent1n11 1 m r lm- 101.60 hou•e 71.00 Not h br I tha larcho ourroundiDI tbe moot bu PLAINFIELD ...... Mnr�·100 II w hl � m0 °, 0 1 11 n t th 0m a,0 Rebecca o! 8u nny rook P'arn:. Llet C lII I 00 at t Yo ow roo c prN 1 . ocone. n I t a nt a o ne \01 , r 00 141.00 t �I A no uo m b U.I O �n r. 1 '" 11 ,· a, ontb uw tbe marrlap or ErnNt U:l8 110 �1 0��: II. e an1e of ocene e�rrlea the 1pectator ��r ...... •� u& c :':1·�."1�1·,,Nat h Truex, who pla a the Frankhou-., It o' lock tho OYonlntr. to hear J�i,.'!,� to an ar or of beautiful wer tr p y AbiJab P'lan. TH EATRE � � � . . J-;';.","J',:';'In Jl':�����r to and •on· b fto a, o - u Ill JteardonJ. A Mary.... older reporto. · and J lia M illo, 181\ 11.00 obJection• aUch mapo ea and domMtlc, ohrubbery and all el>ar ty b y 100 d ct l l """nl on o , l e &I one MOSDAY IW11.10 l:I fla:f�r��!nf!���: : · 01 IUlUIOO �� b p n tbe of P'red J:\N. filii 1�A ��·���1T;; '�n';h��.¥ l,� A�:3 a to that bAutlfy nature ; tbouo- lll Jo:\.F.NIN(I, IUD Pearl'a1J Comp'y .lOll �:a�� at or' bororo tho lime l Tbomp1100•1 O r leo reception 711.41 td'" ::,e � . ���� and of ftowetl IDdiiBftOUI of all " l ." A F. P.dwordo.. . ��·�� 0 i m W. 111.11 116.31 and ...... mont I W&l e 0 the ll&le for the In cllmee and countrl"; 1arlando of lh n YOUDII 71 00 r<>i><>rt. m•p r n n ou ple after the maun..... They w re 101.60 Tho ':. � �::' roaeo; ower featooned on trelll Jao. ll'•rrlo ... J h . . -; r e 117 �:�r!�.;rc�:�:. ��: 1:: 11.76 \�4 <;,•.".:' .� �!.�·��� :r"" . • married at the Little Church Aroun U.lormn.7o m \\'elltnwton1!. Morf"-IU l'h-rl. . Apploy alld ooaph 'i: tru y ad tropical tranollloa. Another d Madame SheiTJ O houae . H. � l n...... Jooer•h P•rry havln!l' J to tbe Corner at noo Kate DoUil&o U •• . 121 boon� &I>J>olntodl'orrt : lnataateueou traallormatlon carrl• 11 ar 11 o u .& • . act thnretn th@ la ltead "Ito lame r n t the fo r \:"il :! l...�"··����:: 141. c of Wl•lln, Jo pb Broolla, the produc- l oo,.. n ll e and the admlrlna audl•nre to tbe Inter- ero o! tbe eartb." houae . too ��u�7UO r r " • • e ...... �; '\:r �� andJ ·oc o er and the iM!company I&Ve them pr o n fW81.10 Jennie A. MorP•. and .. .., mont... lor of "Tbe Palace of Momuo," The ' Ill 7LOO l�tovement � 'i�� /,�\\"a o.: r:r•,,c:! eata, and at tbe at&l� door tbe youn - U.IO11.10 hou•e ...... too Ca e o e le b l tb - •A- � ! C , ere u " ' •00 ' '' '''ell\n�tton More· CHARLES CLARK, El e b er mentben ohowered them ll 1 ' ... . IU lo m e u nl& PR eto:._...... , 'l'lk!., ...., 81.10 hou•e . amoke Of modernd mlaatr Jiy t r with rice. , IU , ...... U& TOWD C k. a u.n Joobel Morohouoo.IOt tii.U�· 76 r a cyclon" of humor of the duak)' Amerlt>an Mual� Reate o ld N. 'l'.-corae on oale aL Casey's, P'rutcb8J01, 11.10 llldward 8. Moro­ W atfte , N . looee Hall, IU . . of the Southland and hllar- Payton, the fa oua atoek actor. hou•e .....•... n.oo dt>nloeno Union Newa 11.10 100 I January :��i 1;61�l-l m will Wlndfehll'a, &Dtl Co. 1&.80 8&.&0 11.10 •t·IU Sink and Lower I of a .&o every Day Prices Lower .IO Stove• U:w 1.10 1 •. u 11.71

141.10 m:u 14.U OREEIE'I IWEEPIIB 118-WIITER CtEllliCE 111.11 is in J. W. adve se we 0 ,. l the first week of the great eve ti�t� w h full swing. As rti d, lf-1 wil feature selling so�e marvelous ar ains Stoves, 1 a d Heaters. The a noun e n i b g in 'dt•. 16 bft cem nt of this sale theralds the ;:Jeanini of a 111.18 l�anges n n for w1se home-make har­ lr vest rs. No half-hearted price cuts; no penny-ar.te reducth�ts;golden fictitious or inflated values. We h v no lied a e made a •• llmio, all .. sl u hter of values that will make the r e · 'r•••�leap ••••11-a, ef .,.. and a g ave ag We�ie-eamer for Joy. STOCK OF STOVES Rli&ES SACRIFICED The time buy a Range Is now. The place $10,000to AID to buy right Stove is here. This is not the mere advertisiog talk. We went into the question deeply before we decided to handle the makes we sell. Then Stove Lot •e placed our big rroal- 10-store order at a big price �onces·ion . Bik. No. Na-.e of Owaer. •••· M 7 \\rc:Btft�ld S«t�urlttea •••• . fiO.IO Co...... I Hoourltioa 80 W•••• tf Co Oo.IO leo� ���1111111 the Matohleas " l1111r ...... 80 '' . ,, tO 41.80 8 \V eMtfte\d.... Becurlttes. .. Order one of these Ranges- it111 for days. l••c• \\'e•lfteldLO. 8ccudt1ea. , · If you're not satisfied, we'll 10 Co O try 30 ...... •.•.•• 80SO . take it back. ther words, this offer to you amou loyd Tllumpaoo. .. U I nts t o demonstration. 11 I\V eatfteld 8ecurlUea. u•n In o a 12 t5.10 We want to show those who come after . .•...••...... you. Don't take our Co 80 word about 11 w,.tnetd. . Beaurltlea, BO t6 ...... these amous Get your information CoF. Ilo. .ndol� h. BO t�.H�80 i t hand by using one .. f "ltawer" I1111L rs 1t11 E.Wl'ot6eld 8. yourself and testing he good qualities we f Co n ... J b:o- claim for it Then, and ...... ur only tntc lt a GO 4&.60 a l then, you'll know that t we cla rn true. 10 WeatftoldCo ...... 8ellocurlttoae 70 ea ol 13.�0 all i is Q II W tll ...... It � cu . d . . 90 11.40 tak s only ome to change Seourltloo 80 m U Woo\lleldCo ...... •...... • a 11 88.40 the ftre-box n eattleld l:lecurllltHt and reverset the "\\" . . . Th�Jj f- ...... es We•tfteldCo . . 100 H.OO Beaverne Ran Bakersges I. grates of a "Beaver" 17 Ileal l!:o­ Range t o tate .... .•.... Alon•o N�tl•on.<�o 100 1G . • . 00 Fl bum wood instead 18 L.llll"n S o n...... 100 &0 7631.00 Are of hard or R 1 !l. t r 100 78.00ou or is ss nt a Ho t. •. Dyke .. e soft coal. 1 Weolfteldb 1 Van t!ec urllleo A. �o£0 s e as e i l to Bum fuel I co ...... t oo the hrusewifet as a watch to the . . . ?6.00 Is the handiest atwh ichever 00 �;:;��b. the time and 18.40 ::-. bu"iness man - bo''t must be you'll burn ' ...... •.....• less of it th n with ' : I �� .���ilaCo ;.�Becurllloa':Ifl:ie.i 90 18.40 per a Weatfteld dependable. The woman who old-fashioned25 rang es,cent because 'I' ...... of the heav . 10 ,uo Y. WeatnetdCo Becurittea prides herself on baking the best and design. I . ..••..•••...• wlli Co 60 tight castings " '\V eaUield B�curiUea tl.60 pay you to sell yourscie oldntific stove It ...:o...... •.•... in town can't do justice to for junk 11.nci Securhlea ii iO begin to save money G Wik!•lfltlld. . 00 w:th "Beaver. Co ...... h�r skill she uses a that a '' . . 10 45.10 1 \\'eMU\vld. �•CUi•hiea. . if range ...... 10 won't hold its he t that \V�•lfteldCo l:h:curttte•. .. U.Bo 1 . . a and t.:o ...... A�_na . . . . . eo doesn't warm all sides of the !':f '"Yoo ... ;g • : ... :� art fine bakers because the 10 . . 60 U46.60 oven uniformly. "lea11r" r 11111 fi.IU.OO right amount of heat ea hes every part � c of the at t he right time. a e money, tlmt., tro-tble and worry byov�n . S of thv ese handsom� Ranges mvestmg now in one curing the great Mid-Winter Cle Reaular Ranpa, now arance &ale ezs.OO •...... eaular 1 �.ftO R Ranpa, now ...... • •30.00 ...• ...... t s.oo Re1u1ar Ranaee, ...... • ...... •40.00 now .. . 8U4.7ft Reaular Raniea, ... now . - ..• •.•..... e45.00 . 8l� 1.00 Keaular a .. . .. R na••· ...... •eo.oo now . . . . •tJ3.ftO full 11� n•· Tt.ia A II Cta,., loo• plete line of lb� .1. ler '' ll. lrce.. We'll or dl 111ft Hill­ e r•., wltll tr l q ers r11cinc price •11 the eet ll 111rt .. er •nll' Rance 111 lU.IO Ia .. revlded ,. .. . fro• 1p. . Oyt ... ••• • .. 4UOt UO • It at I !'r.. ena ear •tw $8.88 .. p.13 -.1 11:u�1.13 U.60tUI ..... 'riD'I'I"DLL) 1ni J.U.l)8, WSDWUDAY, UKUUY 18, 1911. ··- :�,:·,:�·:��·: : · : ,.,....�A��VS.J'Q:llJJVat�U s Cdt nu -. . . . . :: :::·:- : : . J\AAI� ncr?; -..;- se ssw•• n m.;s ;; �. . noiN,c.•;,.:.�!' ����:�··nr.F. Of lnt.orn Mt.t.o IJot.h Men nnd Womnn • Hamilton . . Th� l'ff'no havr oto rtPd thrlr l liO� You will ! · :: 1™•: m1,1 1 I' IX l\II"FFI.EH�· Jo� or m(�n. won1rtt Plttd chlld�n. I nnP. < :--.·:·: :·-..:.::: 1:�;�1 1r;\t�•1��;�n�� �: �::; 110t knn\\ th1•lr \' R!U1• 'ttl �ml try .. . . /' IIR IH'KRII 1' 1� ft I!Rh � I not n�rf't lllrl(e a1•ortment. .,..1- llutP . .. . twn IVP�k• ag:o at IINr Rrhullr.'o 1'1111 IIII I N'A 11111'1\E\' I'AI'R .I " 0 W. ,., ...... ::: ���lOG . . 971I I !>I t!'.'>' l'H'K\mPn. I�AR 1\ t PW llnf'mNI r• r plrr;nnt JrOOrliN, R\trP. to ploaao lloflrt er ...... , , 105 New llnP-uno hRd to hP t>rPpart•d ,·rtf T tl1f• ('Judi {'OllR" ror In ftll thf' quartPr ll!t'W. Darton ...... Prf)llldont RrhaMPr raptur"d hi• T�n llne·up: .... ltH .... A . C. • ! p N. Y. ST. NICI\.'8 8. C. O rtlieb ...... tt faithful l.IPilt. J)om rP.r, Herr Oral I Plo.._ llalhllnt ODENWALD'S 0.. tllre _, te . Trevenen ...... t8 and John Danh on hl• tum. Hont Elftl lttreet Rahway \\'In� Eu7 Goal I the•tatleft Baun1ann wu choe"n loader In lh<' a !aot bunch or Millo ...... Waobbum A-W.• nN• Wo 11n I. a K. a-� ,.,...... Ito.,,. Rahway sent ovN '-Kl&e lklu!dule. ab or Vtc4'-PrPald�nt �: �kel. H<> Point youn1atero to tackle Rube 81-riiOn'o had... llrunnPr, Bchulta and Wittke on White ...... , , klchard Jan. 17. St. Nlebolaa VI. Hockey on Friday nl11ht, and went hll olDI Klllott bad a bard man In Wanderera' H. . and Dr. Mackeule, Tbe club will uoe the nam" The 1'11 1l i I. . reat. The conotant toolnl! told even Fur • r hrre Nnrserira. bl1 own Weatfteld Baoe Ball Aloorlatlon and l11 l \'l' y right at the Wt�Mt fl�ld Rlt.chle to follow, but held Hockey Club of New , ork. Tlmen on Herr naumann'1 nf:nVPII, for hf' ift'IIIH t'111il'oruia l'ri\'et, play all bome pmno Saturday• and A ft•w 11� foii.dy rivalry betw�pn teama Du Frnne ...... Britton relved 1l1ned : will pooltlvely ap­ • Killer ...... Blooei'IOn I led by Prealdent Schaefer and Vlre­ Rovor pear. Prealdl'nt �: manu�! •J ette! to oee who Goal• from fteld-- Auatln, 4; Ayreo, Bblretr ..., ...... , . Hamley EVi�l��,. �: vE:NINCi Schedule will be announced In a could wtn the moot 11am88. The Ritchie. 3; Miller. 1: Centre ICoXGICoPT 8U�Ooi\'V •• Droo�o. 2; few weeki. ...•...... quaint aayln111 and doltltrl of the lllllott. 2; Rruoh, 1; Underwood,6; 1. Lltllton MacKenale Un­ Weetft.,ld Cubo will be 11l ven a m@mber• are a aource of ron1tant Door• opon 7.30. Matinee 8aturda)'• a 30. Goa Ia from · foui---·Biee.,roon, Left WIDI . . • chance to tr)' out tbe new ••••e•a­ enjoyment Ill the raaden of the derwood ' 2 Auotln, 6. Refer­ Martin ...... Bul1er Al>MISSION CENTS. ' LeadAr well know. The club hao Mr. 'Marun. tJmplre-Mr. Buckley. ' Rl1bt Wln1 tlon. 10 Time-­ otarted Ito ll&mea on<·e more, and th• Tlmera-Uuree and Bavlt.. Jackaon ...... Frederick All tbe fano remember Fred Boat­ c Leader baa made an angementa to Two balv.,. of 20 mloutel. Bcore-Creocent A. .. 4; Hockey ner, the otar obortotop tbat belped bavo a correct report of their doln111 PI C TURES CHANGED will Club, 1. Ooala-Llft.too, 2; BuiKer, moot to defeat tbe Hexa1on Club. EVERY DAY Next Friday tbe Nutley team each ,.....,k for the benefit or Ita read· Bblrlltr, Kennedy. Refere&j-E. Oar­ he the vlaltor o. Danclnl will follow C. Tell your doctor, lawyer, merchant, ero. Bo tr you love plnorhle watch on, Wandereto' 8. Umpire--Fred tbe game. mlnloter, rlerlla tbat Weotfteld will tor tllf' lgglng, Grading. � act. Bet�IOD, roUIId a apeclal mateb for a lar1e . ....; Klendl, r;, I; Alexander, ltde bet between w-rberl and Remedial ll''!lllatloa, aeekllll more FOR EVERY llalabur)', B. Huabe��, Car ter. Ooal1 an4 Miller. Tbla equltablt� llgbt 1awa, will 11110 be In­ C EN T R L A V E N EST F I roui-Kiendl, Carter, 1. Bcbwab, Ortlieb 0 A W ft'llm G ; troduced, a1 will a regulation oee�- I U E, E L D , Hu1taee f"r mateb .. attraetl111 mocb lotarnt 11\lblltltut - II'. C.. 1 ROOM TELEPHONE 3aa ... aad will lead to more duriDI the 1111 the eatabllobment of a pro rata 1 I 8-lllfkl ; Ubl tor Kabler; Jaquel for Na­ I son. ayotem of llcenae pa)'ment. The mo- I A,le,.;aljder : Bal,bur)' for Mabon. Ref· 108, � 14 Um­ Darby led tbe buneb wltb fol­ torlot will aloo ... 11 tor llcenoe reo• 'i OU E Tborpe, Columbia. n er .. -'•. J. to be htermlned bJ a bone-puwer • Ceatral :owed ·ciOH b)' tbe \10 IDID laot t , pire--A. J. Sa.tmou, Brookl)'o M . he H ....11. lo tbe roll"'tr MoJUiay nllht rathll obtained b)' the A. L. A. 'f, Ill. c. A. Time or bal't'Ba-JO 111111- Bntel.. 10t ol a good rnrmula, . IDitllild or tbe mak11r'• rat­ . IC4. w!Ua 'inu will ftr11l h6re iu v.. rl�ty uwe lq. GALE'S-·-·--�-- PHARMACY �- otart wltb two olean fram• wbtle -·-· ·- or Mt "VItt. dto1dwu •wt Othclr tbe reot or the bunch bad a break In IIKIIIIHuh'h POOL. 1Jue•t11r'• t•r ..•wrllttluH I •u·ruu, t utUIHI •un•l.,d Oamea. rn.JlE lh�l. "''II I h" . tbe lint aad MCODd fniDBI• BQI!OI.I FUJU( ...... -\lllo"tefthlot'bt ur l•h•lt�r• l'•••t •rtl• aeeoQd • · ,., •·f Ut�Nt •11d w•"r. Uh•l4t, BROAD STREET, WESTfiELD Yale, 17; Ta lnlt)', 13. ••• e c!o.. uutll be 1ot a Prulor. UIIM Ji'111u'a hOIINif fllrUitUft5 L.hut of Poao, U; Oarlleae, 16. bad bre,r, In aUle IUtla, pttl� onb aJ COlllmerce, 4 7; Plaln!leld, 17. tba-.e plna on double beader, wblcb .Tbe tournammt bacan laot Mon- w•l•t f11r. hun. 81; St. Jobo'a, 14. gan lllllllct. a laad bard to OTifoOme da.)' evenl111. and ti.r1e gallerlel bave fnrtohnr..- H�n btl QUI - =- - auo woa tbe Pt'IM 'll'ltb a Kore or attended enry game tbua far played. UPIIOLITElY WOU llltl•J ro 190. fur I:Jtdh•r HOCKBY. Tomorrow evening a. apeelal match A ttDM•r KtUrr lli-&Artt The duciJ·JJbl abootara ba.d a mer- •Ill be obol between Geor1e J.hlder­ pt abr•q uf IIUUIY �>pie bJ ..r,, tbr" men Jolaell tile wald end Den KlaMm or 1100 polntl �arty. e of "--r . •7 De'll' I!UWIUIJ IU Save Half Pric Admission olub--Bartoa, Trennea aad HaaaU· for 1 live dollar cne. Tbla ma�tr ba1 �crowded at attracted 111ucJI att.eattoa and a lar1e Thll CDIIIIOII aud •• tve Ceull a· lll atl lllll one li!ILurclal'a Jollllll...... at. Nlebo'n Rlur, wu LIJJl, Plalp. 1011111011 tg Tuetd Dould bit tb41 trail from atl.eodaaee Ia e.llpeeled, w 4. e't'e� pme lut wMk. aY 1:811 a�t tbe St. Nlcok'a u.d Na'tW YoriJ Q.e14, ruut "*'-" 1119, �� llloN Tbe wlonerJ ·or \be aln1le ••me at lhl! tb•a Iaiit Pd pla�� are MotraU, Blndar'tWe.ld, .a. c. DlaJ•d t.hetr a .. t matell, wiUell ""'• ft(ow luJMI \fl41 Q, ..,..., ·uan b7 tba Men:urJ root••• 1·1. lilt. IU.Iftl!l, C.are RomlNII "�"'I• J, BIJl4er'JI'al4; Tilt f4*11' Yorll.e•• ootplay.- Ger4R't 'lb '.-.. ,&M JCiu.ol...._ ,_. the' ·-rl Qorvall, s_.,ae- WliiTFIBt..D CA.IINO • ...- aD4 w011 wttb ..... rot 111ft pll ...... er, J:rllecr,,· Thoa a L..- ""'· ------·-- · .. __ • _:::::::-.. ------___ -��.- -��;.;.,vll-;:--�-ut_a _t ------_ IAII1J.i.l"f U,�tit. ______-·-- ThP "I"' e -� LIWAL .NOT (;t:ll. LKO.-\ L NtmCI:I!I, 1IIOTJCJU _, ___ AMlT!UC..tRllf'l'l!l. ltJ lrnowe no bou !oreI,lo yton R 'lo. N•- , o A �-: . lN••�>•rt d"'d mlniiT�I nov�ltl•• "l.ellt Ma Five Shnt· 7 ��r;�•l,l,"r,�';.�:�tl l lll pr I 6 j .. lt h The plrtnree lh<''IVn last week Wflre dreamed of jumble , m�ortant tcatureof a K� �·""•" � �•- e: �:thPr l given ...... U:1...... � . .U f!xcoptlonally amu•e and Pntertaln.l n I<•• thot Jarn Jol" n :: 2lJ ��; :� 'pleaoe dlv.rt th f\rlt appearllnee Nnt I• h··r-h•· th• Doa t:80 ,: �· f :; \ lU �- : 10 IO•IIIM... tr or �The Tbtee MaNa .. .. t��PtJlll•d;�,��: ��ru�J�� " n n laOn� Jre n n . &I larJe rrowda ea�b eYPnlbl. 8tand6 4 ''1' B th a " t e n thla n U.e�'t �t�:·,�rn:.� n!,.atl·\ �ur�;�� thrlr :� 10.1: 1 b•:97Jfl Ill Ma . ':� l'! . ::.2t tlle he ottom of e Ke , h I oc'�ua o)� n••tlonal danciDI JJ• l!tah• r .o,; " .lor••·.•·· h•v. 611ftl :.:4 lt.U �· J�·� ret �:- Rt.�h: &146 & hant ! l . " .. r • U o room onlr al&n wao hunw: out Cant·l·Cb.,..r" burl<>�que on c \- o Sa ... 1t7 rtopur·tl'l, niHJ•"' Rtut n.nt•nmrnu rnr 11.1 4 �•I1 33 11 Ot lnr; " . • f!ll·l •b h�t -t o thla count , ..__ 11•••• '"'l" 10 1f.IO � • ...u Nav- lualon roug ' ' "''"'''"" r , '"' ""'''""'''"'" don• h M.1 n nln&. The comedr cler; 8 hi ann I! !lora " "Th ' t ... tht>�rd��n.vr«tll:":•���:f:�� P€>ar:�"1 Cmt�pP•·•r•all.a y, Tbundar eve . pa t tt William Morrie Inc., direct rroalUleJ .. :: and napp and l t tllf> mAU rhl " u 1t k r at at ConeJ al Rntew," K .. e e �, po eI i..oa n, wbere ������d ('t1h1��: n · . =� : P'red'k..H.1'revent�ll .. iO 8 m Jim and Jac � Hip drom" do A,U.llt lmllt or lncld18h(1Ll to1II ' oa Co all y.\1 II ue a :g ��:t:11.&0 all to mak� thtB . moet nttiDI re aradlnA'whrrJe upenau l..awren('•r l Ht"'ieft le. . 117 n 10 I aon and Incurred 111 �on· u l l 1 II ut: 111'1111 It C th i e loland" waa a acream and obould llfth year or played lor an eut h ... h ea J ar ebratlon of the twenty- ';; �� ;eno ������:·•.,.: · :�·�;:-��·.�:J''�h.' i:��� w t 10.1 ... ::���.;,!_'.;,;.;,; epeated. MaD&IIIf illiam ba• en-be e ht h c h r IV ��':;.� ��---- .. .. W • the AI. o. P'l ld Mlnltrell, w c ' n 70 A ��:a r· ll ml it ""'!�J r :� :� !1::! �i.·A �:���an'�!b�t on thl� ;;;�':,\'"t\ � tl��; . l , 3 31 ft 0. Knllht, oue or tile lln•t be t e olrerln1 lor e dneod ay thao or lalii;�;.'R'ouhF :;: 0 ,1{n0 l l 11. N. Lo 11 " rared A.. il w Oancen. , �",: �,�����:�Jon•ll·;tr•t andbene ftt• �';'."��!�: 73 R'l!;.i'' , o. • u o will the Roberty ..a fall> t oxc oo I he 0.1 tlt:tZ .- �- I 4 : !nee and bllllt,January 18. , u co•t o ::. II t A opet'lalat- 1 •...... •. planlota on he circuit. I vaa�o. the O\'l'r IIJJ;Pclnl wa• charaed 775 �'�-() 78 I112 " " " : : It 1 1 0 bill will ai•A""" Include •.\V M. Jl'rutehty t • it=l: be �a. to th� \ow n "' lora•- a 1 a n ln Allleck .: 74 tr ction will added to tbe reaular Platntleld 'l'hflat,..,-comme c l!l tlan; Be tie Fowler, Maeoa1'he - frc���·�K�!d!"n�n�t��(�f�1 �:: n Ci, .: � : muol r •• n o • , Jaouarr for a ohort and Bertlo, folluwo: ��'"��� -;[r1� hu ... i" II .. �Dtb�e :_ _:_:_ :: 0 ohow on Mondar TueldaJ aud Wed- Saturday 14, M. Bart, Alexandre •• �� 'iJd'�::u 3");':·T�no�=� l:f� . gI Haal will Fadott.e :l d • .. t · N1!l110n n The 1 .. " .. lt&rry lido 'I • MUDD only, Mr. 1JUI!IIllnl Jorda •. � 77A Arl•ry mi-�;: :::: 1 n: If . . . . ' a nelldaJ Dllhta or nest w eeII Tbr B u · · 7 . :f ee pr-111 hlo 11lu1trated and muolc l n0 . onhth�:r,�'r.:\�· r:;���\�.��:·r:�o:�1���r·: 71 Alloo L, r �l · ·1 Jll�oJCmt'""r __.ft�;. .: ::: 41, e 1ton. and otb•n •• 1 �dt "a a"h o� t·,F. or� ni �_ Y· ...2 ua \: 1 I hl&h claaa artlata bne been en1a t an n h 19 l r t F . . 3 L \( pd entertainment, comprlolnll cla11lc R - y "'!�� �;,",·�.r_.a,n•.•I < ".. P'' "n'd e nno,.c nt"a• rt�,,� !!-_ 1t I L · I ':� t :t:i: Orand �...... ou-. N a k � .._ I> I . ....J'obu I E b :: • w;. .; bar e I rtain • ..._ n llumbI ot n. h . ! "\ I for tbe vaadnllle. No extra � , . llftllnr muolcal oolo!atl, ente · Opera• .---.. ., �;'.i nrJ tbo wn r the adm, t ,, er, aud the r mn•ny, pve them prltll-- o houoe . . l n b t o o ld lm· lor or .The Palace of Momua, The o · r ''!.".'i,:,':,� : b a �:1;� : · •· · � uso Ill o r,.!�� ,::�nt"' ��rl" m nt Fll en to, and at tbe da&e door tbe young- : · o . &l� �:\Oo 1\.DO I'RICR8---30c-. 71k., ,1.00, •, • �� :::;:: I ll JW�.�.\'!.,l t�- . Mor•· ctiARl.EI! CLARK, Cafe Comedle, berelu lbe bl l! , " :::::: ItI u:i:fg:&o �ll na n er membero ohowered them with rice. 111a: · • •6 ·1 ·18 . _. Town Clark. omoke of modern mlutrel•y turn a N. " · · · · ! 19 IOt125 H Hall, O U.&O 111 ranb'�"·Moreh�u-rio . tii.U W•otneld, . J u r loooe a cyclone of bnmor of the du1ky Amerl�an Maal� Y.--Cor••Will Heats on aalc at Cuey'1, P'rutcbGJ11, tl'.' :."r ��-i1:'ll:.�'t\ o I U Moro· N. J . an a :�� :� Ho m o .bldwllrdhmpoon. U.IO , We want to show those who come after you. Don't take our II W oatftold.....•.. uri Ilea word ;about Co Sec ..... 10 U.60 11 w,.tneld l!oourltloo, , these famous Get your information first , .., , ..• •. to " hand by u ing one Co.F . Randolph.:. 60 "haver laaz••· s U E. 8. tfi.60 yourself and testing the good qualities we claim for il Then lG . E•- eo t5.60 ' and only Weolftold .RolLI. . . . tate Co . . .. then, you'll know that we claitn i� true. ll Weatfte\d l!ellurltles 113.20 . . . . 70 all Co ...... Q U WooiGold l!eourltloo 0 18.10 It take.s only a moment to change 15 'secui-itleo 9 ...... ,.,.....,._ w.�Co..'l!.i.i , .... , ...... 80 88.10 Th� the f1re-box and reverse the 14 " 78.00 Jj�S r· ...e1tftehl Co ..•... Securltl�•, ...... 100 BeaverFine Rang es grates of a "Beaver" Range to H WeotftoldCo Real ...... Eo-1 0 76 0 38.0000 wood ins tate . &�;;;.r;=::a. tead of hard or 11 . . &0 76 Oil Are Bakers AloJ\IG Nel11onl!t•rn. . . . , 100 is as essential to bum R 1 Wlllan Lr.Van Dyke ... . tOO 76.00 soft coal. Burn whichever I Robt. I.. A �o£0 store fuel . He-ourlllea as a watch 8 We•ttleld . . .. n.oo the hrusewife to the is the eo ...... 100 handiest at the t . . 88.40 time and E. 8. . Randol�h, •o man - you'll per less of I o llFld than with We t o , ...... Securltloo 8� 11.40 bu..,iness bo•I-J must be burn 25 cent it eCo.o ft eld dep nd ble. The woman who old-fashioned ranges, t' I W t ...• 8ecur1Ueo, , •••• , ..t." o , •• 10 �uo e a tight castings and because of the hcavIt Weld BecuriUeo, prides herself on baking the best design. i I W ...•... •••.•. w t Co 10 U.BO to sell y scientific bread in town can't do justice to pay ou Weatlleltl . .Seourltleo...... beginyou r old stove lor 11.nd I Co . . . . . IO U.BO wth a "Beavejunkr.'' � Wooll\old llecurltleo 10 15.80 �r skill if she uses a range that to save money · n.BO • .�.�.i

Reaular Ran .. now 8•1• •zs.oo a, ...... •..... JJ.fto Reauler Ran.. now •• •30.00 a, ...... •...... e 1 s.oo a .. . . . Reaul•r Ren ••, now ... '40.00 ...... Reaular Rani••, now eu4.7ft •45.00 ...... • •••. .... •o t.oo Keaular Rana••· now ...... •ao.oo . •u�.fto fall ••­ -- lhll Ctu��tt ltolll Itt II A ••• . . •f ll t�•J ...... ,. We•ll credit ra11 witt. plele liae Beat- t1 ell the ers r111i11 ,rioe " aa111c11 prlee ' an, aan llll.iV 1a pravlhcl 181.10 ia reu •ul ••• ••II 1! 60 fro• 11r 4lt.80 • ...111 It at e11r ...... II.U 1p. 19.70 11.11

117 1:< !uu1.aaUl I'I�OCJII,Ji: l'FF'N l"l.l'll lntorm•t to Thr l'rr 'no hn Of Hoth Mon and Womftn .. tbPir o n �lid rhlhlrf'D. You will . otRrt<'d l I 911 l HOttmt !';JX MI"FFt.�:Rt'· Fnr'ttl mNI, w mP ...... A Jlrt�1tmtnnt y a rmtel one. se8 William• . . . , . . 97 kno¥� tl1t•lr \' DIUP )ou try lwr <"A"' !1q l,-tt. k b ssap, lor th" l'amntl� and None . . -�� wao hPicl Rt llnrr bill ...... :; � ·T··· UIO'd � .. ·i··;?;S·;;·iJ . . . · \\•• nt� ttl(• •R• nl• Kayaeor r �--· IJonllill 109 Uoumann'o. t'hapmlln . . 101 the rn�ular wnl'llly lona bi'IIRI1 ...... ('lllt.IIHIta·t t�t. N'R Tt IIOCIol'h <>r . ne u 110 to ...... p prepar»d. 1'\�(ntfttl.'K\\ FAR t'oA llr11•wato lnr!Inc• m�>n In tbP,nnrlo, quadA •u1r � aea . lOll N"w li - & had lo l>� a . �:Tn.-\ Thn llue-up: Barton ...... 101 Prll1! df'nt l!chal'fPr raptured blo th� ('l nHt at: l 1 11.\KK loL. NICh.'!!• Ortlieb . . faithful l.l.,ut. lloerrer, Herr Oral N. Y. C...... ST. S. C. . , , ...... tt Rahway y. A. Travenen and John Darah on bla team. Htn Plere. lhol .. llll Goa ..•...... t8 ODENWALD'S f:.. Baumann wa• ehot�en leader In tbr ElM it.-t Milia ...... t Wa bb rn Rahway Ollnt over a raot bunch or a or Vlce-Prealdont Jrcll:el. He Wo 11oo I .•H. lrNtt Troll... Ito"'" Point u abaeonrP youn11tera to tacll:l" Rube non'a Brunner, Krhultl and Wlttll:e on ... White ...... klebard Jan. Nl�holu Hockey &IJ!rel&tlon Friday nllht, stand went 17. 8t. bla aide. The Bchaefflr forces were Cover Point Ch11b. n. bed In P'tra 100d luell: and won moat of !lome wl h to victory. Broadfoot ...... Murchie Jan. 10. Cr88Ceot va. New Yorll: t. a 3 4 16 tb• I{Rmea. The lo�al nve were no mat.cll for Rover A. C. ' At the tnt aeaalob, on Wednnday fl••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••! Mallen ...... Gordon tbe Rahwaylana In any poaltlon. • . nllrh t. Hl'rr Baumann'• team bad to Centre BUIIIi BALlo. \ crowd waa the largnt aeen on b te he duat again. Pr�a. l'lehal!fer The Cutl a Cornell l 1 ...... • waa In hl11;b trlH, runnlnl{ over wltb .oral rourt and the rootera or em n Left Wlnrr The dlreclora of tbe Weatneld Ball the 1-ema1 which be claimed were not THEODORE A BALL both t thlop lively wltll Peabody ...... Freeman Club were Invited to tha Board of achoola p mfOantkw, to be aarraatl�. but nl'verthe· WESTFIELD NURSERIES l�t• Right Wing Trade committee meetingand met tbe their hl�h achool yella and aonga. IMe l�ft a 1ore apot on tbe Baumann Deo•lla ...... rreeer-Campbell om�lala of that body laat Tbunday Miller'• dod��;ln1 waa exceptionally Herr Brunner had exrellent good and the team'• paaalng worked New Yorll: A. C., St. nantna, and received tbe aupport or l'orceo. T; carda when he captured tbl! blrda, yet GltoWF.HS •tthout a hltrb. Nlcholu8cc, S. __ C., J. Ooalt----caatleman, tbat orpolzatlon to help mall:e •uc­ Olo' · hla partne1 a faiiPd to meld ao be ...,. IWMitened Infant ceeaful their deb1JL In our •oclety, AuaHn waa the Mallen, Pan worthy, Murchie, could not It wh"n be 1ot Into a FRUIT, SHADE AND ORNAMENTAL TREES I; a; Mayor Deool1, Congrea1man Tut· help at ahootlnK KOala; be b&Cied ten. Fnaer-Campbell. R•fer-E. Rodi­ bole. Joy waa depleted on I!Very Ayree and R t hl" alao did good er•, Hockey Club or New Yorll:.Jud1e tie, Cbarlea H. Denman and othera And Hardy Pluu f r and Garden l fMturo of Lieut. Doerrer'a face aa •II o lht Lawn worll for the teamr . Rru1b wu great of play-E. Garon, Wanderen' H. C. rordlall:r l'l'eeted the club director be wu able to mall:e one trlcll: arter and dlacuaied problem•. :IVJ:RYTBIBG IB NVaa&Y on lnt.,refer.,nce and abot nveral Ooal umplree - George Harmon, • anothl'r, merry over the Pnemy'l de­ Tim LDf. al had a bard man to c., Tbe club will uaa the name The go a. �lllott Wand.. rera' H. and Dr. Maellen1le, feat. r n tant loalnl told even WMttleld Ban Ball Aaaorlatlon and The a fall ht hl'rP Wt>Ri fleld Ritchie to follow, but beld Ilia own Hockey Club or New , orll:. Tlmera on Herr llaumann'ao nerv ..a, for he Fnr dPiivery, rig 111 the NuraeriPll. agalnat h m -Mortimer Blahop, New Yorll: A. C., play all bome pme1 Bllturdaya and fullo\1'8 : California !'rivet, for lu�dges. i . began bid up pretty blf(h, ao a1 to II. r ..w i1r·•u� RS Bnr­ The a�ore of the lint ball wa 18 hollday1. 'l'huuht•rgi, fur hrdg<•M ; !.om ard tall and Oeorrre T. Stebblna, Cree�ant A. trat hlato o ppont'nta Into a trap; It waa bt•Tf'y h y Poplars ror to 10, in favor of the vlatton. a Clean aport for aport'• aall:e Ia to 'or l'aroliun l'oplurM, t(llillk rruwln1 1h11tle C. Time or halveo---10 mlnutea. DO f t e Oel'med tO be agalnlt ht•dlfl'�, wu a fBit one be the alo��:an and they appeel to all 81'ft'I' IIR ; r The aecond period him UIP.and t eam, lor at the ond �il"l'f �lnplt'll ; Weattleld for their oupport. Tbe ad­ a lr•••• ; �ugar M11pl�a ; No wtly Mn11 ll'll ; Orlljtll and aev a l tlmea the referee bad to Friday evenln1 the Cr....,ent and AchaPIPr hadhlo won ftve, wnlle Bau· ViUt•s ; Apple, l't•ur, l'lum, l't•ach ami u c �r mtaatoo prlre will be, gnod t nd Che1•ry, (.l i u e 'l'rP<'B. call lime out wltb liVe mlnutea to go. Hocll:ey Club claahed In one of t be a a mann only two l{ameo. Buah wao In u ed aod bad to be car­ rougbeat r;amea thua far aeen at St. centa, lleld J centa. U j 5 llorr !khulta aayo muat have orr the lloor,r Keeler tailing bla Nlrholaa Rlnll:. Many meon were pen- new Wf!t h ey are no ried Playera' headquartera - Willett'• nrdo next time, plare. allaed from two to alx mlnutea. good then we will 1bow Br.haer.,r otel. The line-up: By the Moonera wtoolog tbla H how , to play. Piller, of "Rache" match tbe:r are tied wltb the Mer - Addreaa all eommunlcatlona to fame will be tbert' alan. R W Y WB:SrrJELD. rurJ footers L . for the cup. lmton Manager H. c. Wetmore, The lllr'n Pinochle Club ta one or AH A Weetfteld. Left rorward played a fut game for the C ota J. our lo�al orl(anlutlona, formed aome Auatln Bruah Tbe line-up: re.ce . .'1 . yean at the home of Cbarlea ...... • Reereatlon Par Ia an ideal lleld WeSTFIELD Right Forward CRESCENT A. C. HOCh.B:Y CLUB. Doflrrer,BlfO tht' ftorlat. It Ia compoaed ... , Elliott ror out-door aporII:ta. Terma on ap­ Ayrea ...... Ooal or our well-known German cltlaena, CHAII. W. WII..LIAJIIIII, . Center �tlcatlon. Addreea c. R. Bartoo, LeeaH and...... ·:= Tbomaa Wooda •ee­ wbo mPet onr" a weell: to play thr ...... •..... retaly, care l..eader omce. Brooll:1 ...... Underwood Po tnt falk'lnatlng lame or plnorble, thua Left ouard Twenty pmea will be plaJed, drive dull care and bualne.. trlala Kennedy ...... Davld1t0n ..tx CASI N ()·:. . . Bu1h Ritchie ...... awar. Fnr lome yean there haa ...... Cover Point PlaJera' �ontncta are being re­ Refined Moving Pictures and Illustrated Songs . Right ouard Du Freane Britton b n •lo&d:r rivalry between team• .•...... ceived atped : I will polltlvel:r 1\P· Miller ...... 81-raon ledee o Preeldttnt Schaefer and Vlre­ Rovor pear. by I 11om lleld- Au tln, A:rrea. Bblrelr Hamley Preoldent anuel Ecael to aee who a ...... •.. Schedule will announeed In a � 00111Brooh, 2; Ritchie. 3; Miller,4; 1; Centre be could in :mthe moat game1. The E V �: 1� '\" }:-4:: N NCi t: few weel11. w eXGePT AUI'e held at the New Audi­ Plalnfteld. Moulding and Masons' Materials, and two rou I &oall. •• Tbe llne-u p: ning, and dodged tbrou&h the Tiger torium, Newark, on Monday, Janu­ defeo1e with ean. A.ay 1tarted a ary 23d. Klndllngwood and Fertlllzt�rs. MONTCI.AIR. WESTFll!:t.D. ARC brilliant play toward the end or tbe Thla year'• allalr promtna to be N�LSON tCl D Goal and Lumber Rlgbt Forward econd period, and 111 1a1ged through one of the &ala aodal event1 of lllltral lntlllld, Young ...... Orlmth, Wlttll:e the Cornell defenae and paued tbe Northern New Jerny, ln11mueb aa 01111 and Yardl : Awe .. IIIII' llllriH Cronlat, N. J. w. !.eft Forward pucll: to Angell, who drove the dlac the committee I• aparlntr neither A. L&brew...... E. Oladwtn In the net for tb11 lone tally. money nor time to mall:e It a huge Carpenter Center Tbe ltne-up: •uceH. -H. White ...... K. Penehoen Score--Cornell, Princeton, 1. Already a vaudeville pro&ram, con­ E. Mat ew ...... Lightfoot · •nd Builder b a Goal-·VIncent, 4;Ma&ner, n­ olatlng or 1(:1 bl&b-grade acta baa Rhlht Guard A lell. Referee--Geor&eI; Harmon,3; been enaal!ed. Spaall:en or national Car.ter ...... Tlce, Bourne prominence, 1tboae namea will be Wanderera' H. C. Juoge of play-E. 0. Left ouard made public nut weell:, will addreaa G. t=. W. WITTKC Garon, Wanderen' H. Ooal Um­ Bnnche• STATIONERY E. Oliphant ...... R. Jacll:aon NEWSDEALER pt,.....-Clarence PeacocC.ll, Princeton the a�aemblage on motor and nation­ AD al alfalra and the banquet will be un­ ol Carpentry Ooala from lleld-Labrew, 8; and V. T. Herriman, Cornell. Tlme­ OIGARB and TOBAOOOBOOKS TOYS Oladwtn. 1. Ooala from foul­ ll:88per--Oeorge T. StebbiDI, Creacent der tbe peraonal 1Upervl1lon of Carl Sebwett1er, the club ateward, who Repalrinl Young, 2; Oladwln, J; Ortmtba, C. Time or perloda--20 mlnutea. S'I'HEETS N. Reier---Mr. Martin. I. A. aa ctLterer ytelda lba honor to BROAD AND F.Li\1 wgsn'IELD, ,J a engaged In tllat profe11lon. no Promptly The Yale bulldog wa1 turned over man L&1t year'a banquet was attended on 1t1 bacll: by the Columbia lamb at Attended to Columbia Ronta by almoat four hundred Prtaeetoa. the St. Nlcbolaa rlnll: and defeated motortota, Columbia awamped Pr inceton lut and It 11 expected that at tbla :rear'a THE WELDON CONTRACTING COMPANY. to laat weell:. The game was won event there will be a l&rg6r atten­ weell: at the former court 38 to 11. andI 4loet nveral tlmea durtnrr the dance. Retenatloaa are being made ELMER ST REET For the llrat time tbla aeaaon tho $eaalnn. Yale bad fatter all:aten, but through tbe club aecretary. 224 Blue and White played all live melD­ were poor abootera, wblle the Blue ben or the taat naaon cbamplo111blp and White bad aplendld defen ... Telephone 347-W Jamea R. Nugent, chairman of the . Batea and Harding did molt or the t.eam. Leglalatlve Committee of the New "'"'"'"''"'-"""·-=·""-.....,,...,.__,_,__...... ,.,.,...... ,--= Mabon abot aeven lleld goal1 u b\1 work for Columbia. Jeraey Autom•lblle and Motor 1.-.ub portion of tbe eventag'a worll:. By The line-up: GENERAL CONTRACTORS, tbt1 conteat the Columbia will preaeot that orgaolzatloo'a re­ Irving and Cherry wlnulng Bro�olumbla, 6; Yale, medial motor veblcle leglalatlon on laad In the acnedule. t. Office Cor. Streets. now Ooa111--Batea, Harding, J; Lou­ tbe nrat day or tbe -lon or the law­ Tbe line-up: trell, Whltlocll:,8; Hannon. I; cox, mall:enof New Jeraey. lnumucb ao LUMB PRINCETON. Refere--Bare Kennedy, Creaeeot A. 133.L. RAHWAY, CO IA. Mr. Nnrent In addition to being Left Forward C. Jud&e of play-Oeoree Harmon, devoute or motordom the chalrmaua Phone N . J. Wanderere' C. Ooal umptrea--­ Ia Kleudl Car of the Democratic State Committee, ___ ...... • II. Rlr;bt Forward tar C:rrll Nathan, Wanderer•· C., and and a power In the council• or h !£_£!!S s. lrlabon ...... Peld 8ter lln1 Martin, Cu•acent A. C. Timer party, the motorllta flnor­•• W Croll:er, Wanderen' S. C. look for Center - . J. able reaulta. Aleu.nder Hugbea Time of partuda-T wo 10-mlnute and New Janey Ia the only state to • ...... 8. U:t• E. w. CHAMBERLIN Left Guard ooe 10-mloute period. Union wblcb prohibita at ee u lv Bwi.UIOn Kabler other statea from touring tberelu.of GENERAL CONTRA CTORS I ...... ••. r·-·-·-·-·-·�·-•-n Rlsbt Guard BOWLING. The motorlata of the State, . . . . llparlla therefore, up In anuaa&alnat theare, ...... Sewer, Sidewalk and all Lee .. . . boapltable ataad of tb., State ao ex-in- ' Score--columbia, 38; PrlnceiOn, c..&ao Allep. Oradea of Cement Work. I In tbe pr-nt motor veblcl. I ""''"'uuolrd 1'00 '. ,.,. '""Irh"'' .,.,,.1 rhw ...... ' T lolty, waa a uooudframea. uptll be got a •·f ...... '""' ,...... ur ,...... t •nt• 1 "' u•" -�••· U•••l, BROAD STREET. WESTFIELD Yale, 1 T; orl .rllale,U. bad llreall:el!Mt ID tlte IJiltlq ...... Parter. furuilo•e as of � uly SUPPLIES PGnn. U; u. flltll, hnaulfll """ klu1• Admission tllree me11 tile •aid and Ben or 100 polnta hi rarly. ,., weq; uw Jomed Klu&ID and for a live«foliar cue. Tbll ba '"'whur Save Half Price of •lub--Birt.oa, TrenP H&IDU• matllb a crow4ed .. attracted muck • large C01111011 111d 1.-' lve Cent• R'lll ad oue kL�rUJ'I Nlcbo'a• attllltlna and Til'- 1111! JIIII'IOII M.. at. taatIUu-. weell:.waa Tu814ayIt t.AJl.Dou ld J>la!O· 1.0 A� "If:' pmo bU tile trail troll) at&eadaoee Ill e�peeW. th�r ._t tilt e!pt "'luaer• ot tile aln1le I:Btl Yorll bht '*1184 Ut, tu t. a1 Mil Nn llllt weel, an4 JIWI� 1111)184'tile are l(olaU. lllllll A: (), playfllllit. Nlell'• tlltdr 61'14 111atcll, wlliell tb,_ aow lDI!II &a.. Q. Blodenr:ald, "' •ou bY 7·1, PID(18rwll4i ·. ."'en!.!Jt)l. eoota•• ;l. C� Jlolu.JIIr1, J. . e . . ll� ' !Uf... r . 't... ., ... y,,•• •• • . ,.;;'Pbtl· tile --. .... t.u.d ...... a • �vall, ...... ,.. ,... �·· r !Afd �- tlle•-f• "�'· 11!11"' •·"" .;.,. wtU...... 1 ..,,, TliOfa. ----· - ftl WlitfDLD ·------·--·- = .,.. ------� ---- __ _ ---� ______------18, 1�!� "" p J.1!'�__ WZDDIDJ&Y, I.UVIJlY p t o � TR K COM. . �:: ..;��e: .� ': e:: � S UC r:a: o PARI REPORT _i TRAINr--·- THESHOWS GREATER ACTIVITY o di � TWO MEN IULYi..ED A SHORT Westfield ��:::b� ; ����� ..��: reople h n•� : B To Save the oolod, otn1 a mue eac.h:' year � ouch FROM CROSSING THAN EVER BEFORE d ." : !1o :!�� DISTANCE wa,. that the� nle will not be a of a .- �����ehuraen, �;� and::u: In a ::1bort�:�; time �:·the:::: prop of ma bnellt .. rtJ will terial piUinre ••onndboo for tbe entire; t o•w• n a-. I t ld-Taken Freight luoh Work to Done on � n We tfle to IHt The rMponolbltlt,. for a II'Mt deal or the work or tbe put ,.... bu HolM Here-Later New Park Grounds­ ReeYe, been In tbe band• of W. Edpr who, u cbalrmu of tbe Oronnd Identified $350 La ke Cared For CommlttH, bad tbe r81ponllblllt,. for tbe care of tbe lake propert,. both In tbe 1ummer and tbe 1katln1 Table Lat l'rtd&J' afternoon t'lta men On one Small Item for the .etiYitiM of tbe Park Comml• aurln1 December. It wu tbroulb '1'111 l were kllled ot� the Central railroad we1'11 lnc1'11&red tbe put ,.ear. hl act\'fltiea that tbe ake propertJ 111oa wl orl1lnal J bou bt and btl tracka about a quarter of a mila up At tbe -lon of tbe Le1t1tat· N i 11 ellle- little information on the Plarket lUll IMit work on tbe comm lulon duriD tbe track toward• P'anwoo4. It I• a law WSI eo fe ln1 u n I paaoed u n po btl ,.ear• of Hnlce bao been tlr •1'11 &J'811 1uppoH4 that tbeJ were walkbll tbe A \be Park CommiMIOn In towDI tbe appreciated. 1ummer a h concern tried to corner the Olive market and failed oompletely. tracb and In 1ett1n1 out of tbe wa,. Lut Frenc »owen and dutl81 of a 1bade tree of a local tbiJ atepped dlreatiJ In had a tremendoua which they were compelled to dump on the market. Our lon wbneYer aucb Jaw MKRORAJf'I'B'------AM''If MJUI'I'IlfO, Thi• conaern .took eomm... llerebaate' .o\1- front of a rut nprea. IIIIOUid be taken adY&Dtale of bJ tbe At a meet1n1 of tbe buyer knew a rood thing and purchued •1,000.00 worth of theae roodl, ud the people aoclatlon bald nnln1. tbe fol­ Wben found hJ tbe rallro&IJ peo­ of eouacll of the town. Tbe council lm­ Jut Iowlnl ollcen wel"' elected for the tle ,both were dead. TbiJ were We.tfteld will reap he that time Olivet have �the open IDMlateiJ took adY&n e of tbla t benefit. Sinae adn.aeed market over tq ,.ear: Pr4!1ldent, A. Hutchlneon ; B. frllbtfUIIJ man11led beJ'Ond law tbet at pr t tbe Park com­ nret Ylee prMident, Dr. Gale ; aecond r-11- per cent. our pricea will a e. 10 8181l nltlon and tbe 1l11bt wu almott too 36 But not adv nc a l million b a Ito orll nal dutr of looll· Yloe-preeldent, R. Hohneteln ; ...,. retal'J', C a l P', mucb for tbe workel'l who brou1bt a\ after tbe parka of the to'l'n and b r Clark; treuurer, J. 0. � CNIJ. Truet- el ted were: Dr. tbe bodl81 to tbe frel1bt bouH In Buy OLIVU now t e care of t e b b 1hade tr- ln " ec •Ito Gale, McMahon, Lawrence, W11Uield, wbere tbe bodlll laJ until the public 1treete. cf. Dr. W.IC. W. 0111 and Ill.Decker. c. tbe proper olllclal• arr!Yed upon tb" Aetl nl under tbl1 new autborltJ It wae Yoted to el11'.oee on all boll­ ocene, Tbe remain• were later taken ordinance• were pa1Hd for tbe care daJI froDI Wuhln1ton'1 Birthday OD, l lu lnl Election Day, Janua y , to tbe mori!Ue at Plalnlleld. botb tbe parke and the 1bade tr-. nc d to r '! of 1911. The two men were later ldeutllled Durln1 tbe 1prln1 and eariJ eummer A banquet 11 to be beld ll'e brua.,. u Patrick Oormao and Jo pb the elm treeo were apln epraJ'ed for 11, and tb committee ee Be­ The Windfeldt Combination Market e I• M811r1. Mc­ branch In Gorman '1 pockell were the elm V rain,. coa­ Woodrutr. leaf beetle. erJ Mabon, Welle and E. !etten . of riCODimendaUon from for diUon• made tbe IPraJIDI dllllcult, A vote of tbankl wu eztendecl to mer empo,.en, Wllll.:m Tll!be, of East Broad St., WESTFIELD tbe We1tfleid I..eader for an article IIliiviiie, N. J and tbe autborltle•­ but the elm treee bave bt1111 p...-n­ , publlebad In the paper commendlnl at Bett'• Aeadem,., Conn. Tbeee let­ ed In 1100d condition• wblle In nel&b· the merehan of the town and tbe ten 1poke nrJ'. well of Gorman. 120 la boriDI tOWDI wbere DO epraJIDII W&l empJo,._. branch bad letten 1D bla clotbBe­lnl Special attention paid to Telephone Calls done, man,. of tbe 11aat elm• ban from aletere and from tbe wrltlna: It 'PHONE ON II: OF THE OLDKIIT HOMEII. r been 18rlouiiJ' dama1ed or bue been wa1 Judlld tbeJ were In tbel "teen1". Tbe 1lrl1 bad wrltulll from ldlled. Mr1. £1eeta f,you, who died lut 402 a N w York and letten Wldneld&J, wa1 born 11 J'&l.l'l a1o home In e tbe the fall a 1100d dnl of prun­ were written around Thaakq!Yinl ln In tbe bouH In wblcb 1be died, and done In yarloue MCltiODI or - blll Mre. Lron'l mother wu alto born In time. Tbe men were J'OUnll and In the town, until tbe w11tber became the ume bouH where 1b1 died at no .... way bed the appearance ol tramp1; cold to make work In the tr­ tbe adYanced a1e of 104 year1. Tbla A 10 u l ua tal al lor tbe clotblnl WN of ncellent buardouo and the work wa• •top­ hou..,, • t ted In Moun n de, 11 - clean 1ba . Tbe prualn1 wa1 careful!,. done, 1uppoeed to be one of tbe olde1t q'ualltJ and they Wtore ven ped. It 11 auppoaed that tbiJ' were In all arg carefull7 painted homee ln thle � l e were vldnlty. d cull •eareb or work. �:::�or �e�i���:�!" �:!n�;t ud tbo apeparance or tbe treee much Improved. A new dam wu built at Peo ar n11riJ alw&YI when The bod7 pf Bebraacb wu claimed ple e The called tbe new Juo what many penon• need at Juat thla aeuon or the ,.ear. Baturd&J' bY bl1 •later, M11rjorle Be­ editor t the lake at a mucb omaller expenee one �:eta to k o tbem, and plerc" epeclal �1 than n w branch, of New York, and Interment writer up bl1 deoiL Now 11 the time to b l d up your run-down 1y1tem. Take PettJ'I wa• at flret thou1M Doe-rr. throu1b tbe outer bu1kl of artlflclal to ll l "Youn1 man," be uld, •nerelJ, Wino and Iron NOW-wben It will Tbe park property wa1 enlar1ed lt7 whlcb theJ' wear belore the world. wa1 made In the Roeedale and Lin­ ·I do you tbe moot IOOd a taw eUII•raUonl, Beef, den Park ce eterr, alter a abort fu­ don't mind before 1erlou• follow. durlnll tbe year through the pureba1e deteet beapa of people that bave- ''we - Ulnea1 can but you ban on IIOIDI! a Ue br the council I 1 I neral e�rvlee ad been beld at tbe be on recommendation only met at dinner; but think I like 01 h llt too Petty'o Beef, Wine t.nd Iron Ia a moat elreet!ve tonic and atlmu· DIOriUe, atrODI." - of the Park Commle•lon of the Peek- enrybodr that I bave ever ad break­ lo.nt. It make• blood, lncreu�a one's appetite and bullda one up. h "In wbat wa,., •lrf" uked tbe IIU­ bam propel'IY In tbe rear of tbe ake fa1t 'tl'lth.-F.IIen Tbome7croU Fow­ The bod,. of Gorman h1.1 been claim­ , recommend It-and refund your money If nnii&Uafactory. Bot­ l prloed pen pueber. and eztendl l Mountain avenue. ler. ed by ble 1l1ler, who live In Bum· \\ e n to • "WbJ, In your arUcle on Col. tle, 60c. Tble wa1 boulhL at a co1t or f8,876. mit. Bbe wu located tbroUII� e R� th YCit In be JUnlle J'OU ltate tbat The pera propertlea now con1l1t Formerlr men atrected a falae con­ ell'ort• of tbe Weotrteld pollee aud t dlateiJ after dlapateblq tbe loUD•fel'Qo PJIARIIIA.CY :: :: of tbe trl&lllle on Mountain avenue, ataney, today they al!eet a raiH ln­ eame P ain eld Monday � make :: to clou1 lion be ealled for a texl. Now, which wa• preoented tbe town by dltrerence 'Tia all ac rdln1 tbe arran11emenl te forfi tbe funeral and In· to eo anJ rreenborn would know that tbeu Prudential the re1ldent1 of tbat IIICtlon, tbe lake faahlou.-Vaaverr&rlnee. to terment. . are no taxlcabo Ia Alrlca." 8ulhUnc didn't allude a elr ." Open NtaJat :: taslcab, N�WI\RK. N. J, :: «I"You dldn'U" to AD "No, m · �" Petty's I ;,������;;��;;���;;�--�--�--�-�--�-�- -�--�-�-�-�-�-�--�-�--��- Bhe bad refUied ll1ten to bl• oult wblle tbe bll toreto alon1 at a I mile clip and::�:: beear wu :�deoperate. �0. 1�15<11� "8uppo11,'' be 1bouted aboYe tbe roar, "rou 1bould 188 me undor the11 wbeelo, would JOU be eurprl1ed T" certalnlJ' would," reaponded the a: haughty"I beaut,. wltb 11'11&l coolaeu. "I didn't \mow the machine needed �oth repalrln11 Go.'s ." Broad Street Juat the Thing. 102-108 "Got that'• for Market anJthlq 1004 'PHON& UO rorns!""Take tbll home aDd t.rJ I�" lood for "Ia It cornlf" "I've need It on mine for tbe INt Semi-Annual Clearance Sale fiYe Jears and lOt the bealtblllt l'n First coru 7ou eyer A.w.'• IEIIPiall&tion, Forthis Thursday,Friday and Poulble Saturday Roderlall.-"Tbe aatr<:aomere report that tbere II a dlltlll'bauce at Prime Native Beef All Standard Makes. No Prison-made .shoes in tbe pole on tbe planetll'&al Marl. Wonder "'bat ca.uaed ItT" Van Albert.-" H'ml II&Jbe two ez. our stock. Made unaer healthful union conditions plorera dllco'fere4 at the HIDe Fneh lt Ume." Plate lb., 8c Not Moclll'll. Chuck Rout • that a modem p "You be Ia bU­ antlllropiiU".,. or «I Aid a 'lllod•t' plllllaathroplat." Steak a., "Ob; I WU IOIDI tbat I bad Rib Rout 12�c A r=cw SPCGIALS bll to I&J IIOt ..,. 0( d111141 of pbllaD­ ·-••IYerUHd." Blade Cut�. • 4.00 Bates Mfg. Co. Shoe, now 2.26 tblon ..., • ao" LANDING. A Strloln 12�c or Porter a.utRoue • Steak or .., WOMCN 18c- Queen Quality, now Small, Corn-fed 4.00 lace button, Jersey Pork 4.00 Walkover, or 3.31 Queen Quality, now 3·50 lace or button, 1.91 3.50 Walkover, 1.91 teel Shod, now or button, and 3.00 S 1.91 Waldorf, lace 1.10 ..,14c Mayfair, lace and button, 3.00 to 1.89 Walton Shoes 9141 1.39 Lean WholeU. 8. lnaMctM ...... 11una or IWI ...... IL . All genuine bargains. Must move to make room 1 c •. 6 for Spring stock. Every marked down. 1 c shoe llle Dlfflrilnoe. ' e.t>te.· llrlll• ...... , ....., 6 --H• .., a WI whalel; bol�otrik• aa a"' bald •v�a blow Wll• a 1allor .. ... _.....l!oii4 ...,.1UIII&IIo ..., 22c _. He on'1'D-411...... pure��Mta bl·.wa .tore Bore.-"ltWHII't to .... 1trillts -. '1'\e tiiiU __,. ID•t J'OII lletwe 1M 1 nfuW. lla.,. "�or70V ' Tille ....,..,_,.. � Shoeists Borld.-'11 "* llawe It, ...... SILBERG BROS., Westfield's .,,.lilt, ......