THE UADINO WEEKLY NEW SPAPER UNION COUNTY. ,,THE WESTFIELD01' LEADER. WESTI'IELD, NEW JERSEY, WEDNESDAY, JANUAllY 18, 11111. TWEL PAOJIB.-t omftl VII fDUCE HIT Y. M. c. A. WORTHLESS UTILIZE ... PASSESMAlE A !WPLANESTFIELD TO THE OLD CHECK-CAUGHT TO I ESTIGA E. CHURCH BUILDING WONLr=CRT'S NV TE M. hi to IR Re H. Middleditch len Without Place­ ...It d be Old Yount 1 Oltender-Held C. A. tor Wants an1 So"" .. to Y. M. II Plainfield Grand Jury Explanation of Questions Hard\'\'ore f llcmdaf Asked Local Oa e'Nnlns a JHDa lll&ll, •u aaT• hla near.• u Ira V...bonle, ahumb at rell.deDOG aepal Ia n"rlns completion, u Plalutleld, in a Ilia 1111• Newspaper 11 to become tile quettlon u to wbat ..,.. tile wllo._11 lltOre of MOOile)' ot the old cbiUob bulldlnl on the a pur· • t-rowert &114 attet mulnl Noeer Good sua tlon• land adjolnlnl Ia comln1 111 for 1en· Store eral dlacnulon amon• tb cltllena of : a : .. l A. A. Mak• WNttleld, who have tbe lnterHt of on National B&DII!:u to tbe: oa tiM! Peoplee for Future Busfne• Method• ;��a:. :: tbe town at beart. It bu been tbe =ei'\IM d:: of and:::: endoraed L. N. Aruol4 bope or many tbat tbe old bulldlnl fOr flt. Tbe elerll: ..,.. auaplclona II i.s the corner of fe t Jt 1 Ud refnlld to calh tbe ebetlll: and - • Wblcb more Or - a Cberlabed the ..-, u e a lend111arll. would not bave to be ro· and Broad Streets. taua-.tlatJOIILI mane•r left the atore. b__bli S y Comm tbe pollee were IUitl· fnted mdl'M or dlapDNd ot for uae of any M 111. r•llr lt'<'ular purpoae. Manr lUI· ad llnallf located the fillow ... uo... Elm C a o Broad tee have been coualdered but �tll• lllo re of b rlee Olull:, a Appo wbere he b¥ purebued a tbe conaenaue of opinion amon1 our 'Phone 198 oltllleba Ia tbat the bulhiiDI could be ablrt and bad ·jut preMatd r wh tbe an Ideal quartere for a Woat· ebeell to tbe clf! ll U 110" At the IIMIIUDI of... tbe town conn· Commanloatlon wu ..-lved from IBUl _ of the ouol Men _, and t ll tbe 1 Y pa madetleld branch Y '• .____________ _______________ arrl'led oo 0ilfll l'der I II ar Conne II mao tbe New orll Telephone Com ny _ e I Oil Oild efta.... Cbrlltlao Aeaoclatlon . ..._ tbe �-tlon bonN. In - to tbe etretlt 1 .., ·- ..awalttq our tbat tbl)' bad notllled held Mlddl-.!ltc!Ja r•d the tlnt of f U tbla could be done, It 1 1 rea11 ed CloHtile IJII' court be wu local tbe Public Benlca Corporation tbat n .Jo..• • • qa..Uou Pllblllb-.! In a paper that a lon1 felt want would be lllled aetloa of tb e 0 rad tbeJ could not 1trln1 tbelr wlrH on d u of a proper quartan wbere the aev· · ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Yoans P&Dibnme II aal to b• the u part ot latenlew wltb Coullcll• tbe pol.., of tbe Telapbon• Company i -0-o...rne, ot eral hundred youn11 men of t.be town. - v•.u Coaetable ...- Ia couectlon with until attar tbe dltrerencea betweea - pala�r ud maa Hobelllteln wbo b ave no c ub b or quart era, a d-rator 1 Ollee .- ll . tbe town and tbe Publlo Benlce bad ·- tbe lettar r-ntlr reoelnd br r ; . PlaiiiAeld,t-eutr·tti� yean old, u d could con1relata ror Innocent recre-; .._'"' oc- •--•e, � a been aettled, and tha� tbey would i er. It 11 tboUibt tbat be wu Hobelllteln from llflll of Newark ..atlon, phyolcal deve 1 opment an d a. The Same Place: BROAD and PROSPECT STS. tilea w dow paeHd ereet tbe polee mentioned In tbelr a wortbl- era repr-ntlns Dr. C. neral meetlnl place. A• It Ia now, party who a lawr )1. r. pr8'11oua letter, notlfrlnl tbe town 111 atu e of .. tbere are many youn• men Weor.-, alwol on which tbe atcu r 1: 1 and otben, a• tazparen. Tbe derll: wben worll: would com· Y - - a be tleld •bo beloo1 to the tbrhln1 •1 The Same ........., -ercbant bad been for1..t qu11t1on, •w A McMAHON'SFair Treatment men�d. u printed, wu :a followa: r · rponalble M · c In Plalnlleld but or cou ae ,_,. qo, ud that lie II l'ln A communlaatloa wu recel'led • · that t. l would llll:e tn be larormed It Ia bnpolllble for more tban few ....• Dumber of bad abiCkl from former Mayor A. L. Alpera, en· ' ' • ' Combination est s lla-.. tana-.t D number of the bow It that Dr. lected to tall:e the time to IO there and It 00 n lD a " II 11.-l bu ae ciOtlln& the report. of tbe va.rloue a·emalna a ract tbat prelent condl· Honest8 0 Pricd eS aellllborin&Tbe towua. 1118 In tllow mattar wblch Ia n&lltJ 111· town departmeatl. Mr. Alpera, In cr tlon• are unntlafactory pollaa d-rve s reet e4t\ for ee o h doea everJ bll n volv me no m re t an It letter, made aeveral recommend&· : 1 1 11.•••••••••••••••••••••••••111111 action In undlal up Tb • qul!lltlon b•• of ...,_ n ar aen ••- _., prompt ro 11 tiona to the new council, uamely: ht. b othe memb er of tbe couao 1 n o m c Cl u • of e w atil ld • = aucb record·br.. ll:lnl r tbe o ""!!i!!!!ll!!!!!!ll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ll!!!!l!!l!!!!l!!l!!l!!l!!!!l!!l!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!l!'!!lll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!• tbla fellow In � T bat atepa abould be taken to have Women'a • • at tbe time the contract wu made. where tbll need of oome proper q uar -- e. the proper lellalatlve utborl y to · dt.eo'18re4 ll lllddledltcb, a l , tera for tbe younll men or the town �� 1t wa& later b t lle rt• ld tb t � ========= ===== 'I po- r. I.Jl pa. ea • 1he the lla:ror power to veto. · lid ====== ==== belli a a . baa loug been r eallled. The wemen =� Jt• tbat tbe cb ell bOoll fi"CCIII..abicb tbe un 1 be had member of oo cU Tbat the town ahould bave comp· c ay a wae of tbe lub alw e r n up agaln•t; the blank ebecll bad been tell:en t ller, and d That minute• or � for tbree 1G�.ra and wu, If be �llbt ro , S . tbe tbe lllaln obatacle that la:r In bavlnl l Westfield Securities l'rutcbey'a Pbarmaar. Tha Y. olleeJI lD tbe meet1n1 of tbe couucll be printed. l at t.be perfor- nr ao, proud of ble rMord. Tbal In no bulldlo1 In wblcb to bouiMl a auG. ,.. not torn out r•r Mayor Denol• tbouaht Lbat tbe rae· I Company • ied M. C. A. Now, however, tbe build· ( We.t Broad Street but bad clipped on:.i tb- tbl'ee be d • a earner �bee ba tr to ommeudatlona of tbe former llavor · tltted ln1 for oucb aabu purpoauob. le found In 130 . rNJedlr. The for11H 11: Mne tb.e town to tbe tl18t of bla labtL- were �nod onea aud till)' were r perf t J did re- tbe old M. E. Tbe location tAr ID tbe cbecll booll M i l , ttu. ll ll:now 1neb arred to the law commltee to con er bJ ty t be ot tbat t t 11 central a nd It ,.. s tated one a lualv l ld wltb the town attorner aud m f�· .u e a 'f eace I4J UMftleN a eondttloli 41d alit nd did llOt feel Aaae · of thole wbo baa taken liP tbe aub-, .-..:�1. uataed accordlnl to tbe pollee. UlU blrman Tllompaon to - what could 1rach a condition abould be al· Ject for dl�euaalon tbat at compara· 'rbe ohlefa of pollee of Montol&tr done. aa4 be ti'IBIY amall expenae the lower floor Jllldlaon are Upetlted In towu to- lowed to ulat. He hoped th at a Couu�llman Jl(ld41edlteb tbou1bt co r could be nverted Into I:I'IIIP••Ium w to looll onr tbe aoonlllld to.... committee t1f tnvNtlllltlon would be that u tbe town bad 1rown ao mucb lt be act wltb batb roonla, bowllnK alleya, etc., I Ia t.bou1bt be mar the mall ud t l u tllaU t appolnted tbat tber would tll& l w tbe eouncll'e duty to pub· tho m alo auditorium utlllaed for In other hr tbe aud II wanted Dlanea qu llab tbe mlqutea of Cbelr meetlnp a• variety of choice in lots to be s...-onuaa. lelllY 1 n tb • 10a ttar. a lecture room, library, reading,I -·-·---- all the Information the public that tbe lnelnuatlou roon••· or divided up Into aeveral we tboapt uow received wu tbro .. •b tbe col· had in Terrace Park cannot be QOLr OL'UB OJ'PIOD8. • -.. roomo. It baa alao been IU1181ted lmplled In tbe lutervlew wu a r e- umue of tbe paper&. Tbla matter Al1ell tbat the tower c ould be tall:en down rr..tdellt. ll of tbe wu leo ref rred to tbe town att r exeelled in other localities of the Town ; worih·m.aiecl ectlon on all tbe memben & e o · and tbue Ill VI to tbe new church nlore ney tbe . M. E. I Appotated. and tbat tbe mattar ebould nd LawA Committee complete ld1111tlty •• tbe cburcb HE couacll . Oommit.tee. Conncllmau A. M011er, of tbe of Westfield.
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