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PLYMOUTH, MICH., FRIDAY, APRIL 10, 1912 WHOLE No. 1279 Xocal (Torrcsponbcncc NEWBURG- ELM. T ry “A cti ve T orpidets” for There will be church eenrice at the Dick Fisher has leased Mrs. Austin’s usual hour Sunday next in Newburg farm. She intends moving to North- church. The pastor will preach from ville. your Torpid Liver. the text, “The Man whom God called a .Mrs. Sam Sm igiel visited relatives in Fool.” Search the Scripture and find Detroit Saturday and Sunday. out where this text :s. Mr. and Mrs. Chas'. Hirschlieb enter­ “THE GREATEST HEALTH GIVER. The Sunday-school wili have their tained the former’s parents from election of ofScers next Sunday. Pikes P c^ Saturday. The township Sunday-school conven­ John Marian has been drawn as tion held at the Union church at I.,i- juror iex the May-June term of the Tlicse TnliL-ts mv esp(*cinlly l>cii- Tonia Center, Sunday last, wa.s a decid­ circiiitl court. ed success. Owing to the rain there Gro^X Place visited his parents at fHciiif in till' Spviti}.* of the year, were not as many in attendance as there Wayne^Sbno^y. ■ in ileaning the svf'tein of all ini- would have been had it been pleasant. Harry Atmin of Northville was a However, the singing was good, led by Elm visitor Sunday. punti<‘s. C. Millard, accompanied by Mrs. H. Ge<5’. VanDeCar of Plymouth made Meldrum on the organ and Mr. Mel- Matt Miller a flying visit last Sunday. drum on the violin. There were several Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hirschlieb called ^od speakers present and all handled on relatives in Redford Saturday night. ONLY 25c A BOX. the subjects assigned them in an inter­ Overseer Dick Fisher has been giving esting and convincing manner. The thP'* roads in this vicinity a general next convention will be held at Kim in ovnrliauling the past week. October. John Thiede of Detroit visited his Pinckney’s Pharmacy The officers elected were as follows: parents at Elm Sunday. President., Mrs. o. E. Chilson: I't vice, It is reported that Phil Wilson south Mrs. C. E. Ryder; secretary, Mrs*, r red o: Elm, who has -been low for some Lee; treasurer, Mrs. W. R. LeVafr. t%ne, has passed away. The L. A. S. met at the hall Friday .Jira Wilson attended the Republican, last in the afternoon and had their an­ State convention in Bay City last week nual election of officers, as follows: as a full fledged Roosevelt delegate. Pres., Mrs. C. E. Ryder; vice pres., Mrs. W. R. LeVan; sec., Mrs. M. Eva “Our baby cries for Chamberlain’s Smith; treas., Mrs. Wegeoner. Mes- Cough Remedy,” writes Mrs. T. Bl. Kendrick, RasM , Gs. “It is the best dames Dean, King, Mackender, LeVan cough remedy on the market for coughs and Mies Ada Youngs were elected as colds and croup.” For sale by all trustees for tSie ensuing y dealers. Elmer Barlow started for Texas Mon­ day. [ IVONIA CENTER. Burt Paddack made a business trip to Another gentle breeze from the Arc­ Monroe Thursday last. tic region struck us Tuesday night. Arthur LeVan possesses a fine look­ Must be there are a few icebergs around ing canoe which be manufactured him­ somewhere yet, although there haiie self. be:;n several war days. Farmers are hustling witb spring Charley Woi.'s people entertained work, setting out cabbage plants, etc. their children at dinner Sunday, it be­ Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith and family ing Mr. W- . '8 birthday. spent Sunday witb Mrs. S.*s father, Miss Nyijpha Peters was home over M r. Cady. Sunday. Peter Croft, who has blood poison m Mrs. Mary Austin moved her house­ bis hand, is having it treated by Dr. hold ;.Toods to Northville Tuesday. Tupper of Bedford. Richard Fisher expects to occupy her Constipation brings many ailments in farm house this summer. its train and is the primary cause of Justice Millard brought home bis much sickness. Keep your bowels reg­ bride last Friday and they are cosily ular madam, and you ^ 1 escape many settled at the Center. of the ailments to which women are subject. Ctmstipation is a very simple Report says the speaking was fine at thing, but like many simple things, it the convention Sunday at Union ebure^ may lead to serious consequences. Na­ Our highway commissioner is busy George M. Pullman, chief owner of the Pullman company, died worth almost ture often needs a little assistance and these days fixing up sluices and grading I when Chamberlain’s Tablets are given an inoonceivable fortune; yet when be was a young man he worked for day at the first indicatloD, much digress roads. wages. But hebe BANKED and SAEED his money when he wasivoung. At ‘ his^* and suffering may be ar^ded. Sold by death he had thousands woiking for him. You cannot learn a/better lesson in When a medicine must be given to school or elsewhere th ^ this: SAVE WHEN YOUNG. ail dealers. (. young children it should be pleasant to take. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is Let OUR Bank be YOUR Bank. We pay three per cent interest. ^ STARK. made from loaf sugar and the roots used in its preparation give it a flavor similar Mr. and Mrs. Bert Kehrl spent Sun­ to maple syrup, making it pleasant to take. It has no superior for colds, The Piumouin united Savings Bani day witb the latter’s brother, Bert croup and whooping cough. For sale iKnimm and wife. by all dealers. ' \ Elmer Westfall Md Bertha Kehrl were married last week Wednesday and WEST PLYMOUTH. will reside in Plymouth. Cornelius Nemigh of Detroit is spend- Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Becker, Ford Green ^ g the week with Lulu Hubert. Becker and Mrs. Roy Jewell attended Our station agent spent Sunday at the funeral of Mr. Becker’s father at home. Tyrone Saturday. Harry and Henrietta Rattenbury Lee Schoch and family of Ohio are Goods The Oliver 0~98 and'0-99 spent Sunday with their sister, Mrs. soon to move onto their new farm, the Peter Croft of Newbnrg. Lucas place. are eq>ecially popular where new ground is Mrs. W. H. Coats is not so well at M re.J. C. O’Bryan spent the week are what you are looking for now and we are thb “men on the Job” end with friends and relatives in Adrian bong openea up-^and in sections where this writing. to fulfill your wants. For lunch stones prevail, the steel beam plow takes the Mr. Hvlow is on the sick list. Allan Brown ol Detroit visited at F. this evening call us up and we Hoisington’s are giving their house a L. Becker’s Sunday. will send you on the four o’clock lead, its great strength being a very desirable coat of paint. >^11 Smith made a business trip to delivery any of the following: feature w here it is subjected to severe strums Henry, you will have to get up more Detroit last Saturday. The fanners are all busy just now Fresh Cri.«p Lettuce Fresfi Parsnips 1 and severe usage. i ^ / speed next time to get the 5:30 t i ^ . Those who attended the convention spraying their orchards. Dewitt Pack­ Choice Florida Celery Dry Onions Fitted with leveniUe wings snapslips, with solid last Sunday at the Center were well re* ard and Ncmnan MUler have a number Tender Green Onions Choice Apfrfes shares as extras, if desired. paid, as it was a grand success regard­ of orehardsto spray. Mr. Miller re- Jointers or hanging coulter^ as well as rolling less of the weather. oeived a oar load of spray solution this WHILE THEY LAST coaltew can be suppBed on,these two plows. week from Toledo. ORANGES ORANGEvS ORANGES T he g range unloaded a car of foirtU- . The usual O lr^ qihibjr^-die bert. PIKE’S PEAK. izer on the Daisy side track this w e^. 10c per doz. 20c and 30c d(fe. 40c doz. ' One of the hardest hailstonns in yean > ANY TIME, ANY DAY Miss Lela Klatt of Detroit visited visited this sedkion of the country Sun­ Conner Hardware Co., Agts. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Klatt, Try a glass of our strictly “ pure food” Fruit Preserves iny of the fol­ day afternoon. lowing flavors: Raspberry, Strawberry, Blackbe’Ty, Pine^^le, Cbecry • Sunday. and Peach. j John Markey lost a good horse Mon­ lURRAY’S CORNERS. day. Bertha Cady has returned home after >hn Root is selling his stock and on L. JO LLIFFE 6 SO N a two w^k^’ stay witb her aunt, Mrs. nnnihg and Plumbing account of ill health will leave the form BOTH ’PHONES in y John Avery. of his father, A. C. Root, and loot^in f am mrvv stfttlocl in shop in tlii‘ Hoops Bha-k Roy Badelt is woihing in Plynioutb. • ano iva Get ihem The MaS Qffke Tiyw want ad. and get reto^. Try a wazit or Air foift in the

i- < \\

of sunrlvon that the wlrdets haa given. SCENE OF OCEAN DISASTEfl THE PLYMOUTH MAIL Although 866 are report^3~'lo be on W rite For This the Carpatbia, it la apiarent that all Free Book F . VT. SAMSEN. Publisher. of them are not passengers, for it was —Shows DEMU LIST necessary for members of the Ti­ 20 Beautiful Modem VLYMOUTU. - - - MICHl tanic’s crevr to . man the lifeboats which set out from the sinking liner. Rooms— TOOK IT ALL IN EARNEST How many of the crew were as­ signed to each boat is a matter of tells how you cait T w o W omen at the New Burleeque conjecture. A simllarily unsetled mat­ get the very latest Could Explain Only One of the ter Is ther percentage of first-class pas­ Sltuatlpnsi sengers among those saved. While effects on ytur wills. the names of survivors obtained are Contains s sample .■ They sat solemnly tbrongh ”A Slice largely those of saloon passengers, the of life,** and they took It all In dead rule “women first” should apply of the CoUr Finns our earnest Not once did equally to- the second cabin and steer­ artistV^will fSrnish e ith e r of them —the earnept' young age, a regulation which may have cost you, FREE, for any woman in the polo coat, the lives of many prominent men rooms you wish to deporate. what older cotnpanlon. above decks. It- is natural also that eerg e su it and bonbet—th£^ the names of the more obscure sur­ in the play might possibly sOnly 868 Saved from the vivors would be slower In reaching If you had told them that the whole land. The BeautifillWall tint % I' thing was a burlesque they would ^Wreck of the World’s Not a Word From . comes in 16 exquisite tints. More artistic have simply smiled at you 1%. com­ After the first desperate calls of the than wall paper or paint st a fraction cf plete lack of understanding. Titanic for help had been sent flying the cost. K^somlne colors tre harsh snJ o But they plainly disapproved of Largest Vessel. through space and brought steamers common b^Ide the soft-hued water color the play. They thought the situation for hundreds of miles aroun^ speeding tints of Alabastine. Absolutely . sanitary— easiest and quickest to use, goe$ furthest Interesting, bbt they didn’t like the to the scene, what seems to have been and will not chip, peel, " ■""" ' acting. Mr. Hyphen-Brown’s refer­ an Impenetrable wall of silence was or rub off. ence to his wife once as "WinUred” raised, between her and the anxious WHERE THE TITANIC MET HER FATE. Doctn't need an expert to and again as “Penelope” they re­ world. ' on. Easy ditectwai in n IGEBER6IN COURSE paclaxe. Full S Ib. Pkc.. wl garded as shocking bad taste or else The giant liner, it seems, went to $0ci retuUr (inu. SSc. evidence of a poor memory—they her fate without so much as a whisper list of the Titanic, almost certainly ported fields extending far down Into were not sure which. When the maid of what must have been the scenes weht down with the vessel: the southern track and skippers have Alabastine Company! dropped the breakfast tray and the of terrible tragedy enacted on her Miss E. Adams, A. J. Allison, wife, told of being shut in by ice as far SI CrsMlk iMd, brad bna. m

■Tf yoa give him up m divide with ding atm to return at once to tbe^a* Probably M ads a HJL The Marquis of Queensberry. apro­ the boy and be rkb enough atlll to voy, and Ruggles, bis heart hammer­ A young; VomaiVoman who presides over pos of the long sentence of Foulke E. hand over to my wife all she wants ing like a trip hammer, rushed up to one of the kindergarten scboola of Brandt, said at a dinner in New York:. SERIAL to gpend.” his rooms, made an evening toilet, for Cambridge appeared at her desk re­ “It reminds me of an incident In 'She turned her face away from him it was then half-past seven, threw his STATENEWS cently attired in a new close-fitting London. A certain peer drove in a i t a R Y and leaned her head once more upon cravats and collars all around the ■kli^ With no' bought other thu taxicab to Westminster and, when he her hapdfl. He heard her softly mur­ place, cursed like, a miner as he got thewonductlng of her Tegular routine got ofit, gave tba driver a very small muring under her breath, with u ab­ into his clothes, ahd red almost to work, the teacher went about her du­ tip. • sent look on. her face, accompanied apoplexy, nervous and full of emo­ Charlotte.—John Knowles, aged ties. She noticed, however, that one “The ^Iver mistook him for a mes^ w by a still more incomprehensible tion, he returned to the rooms be bad eighty-four, was fatally injured by of her charges was paying little st- ber of the house of commons and smile. left not three hours before. being struck W & Michigan Central tenlioii to. his iro rt, but following her snarled: «' *"That‘s how it stands,** h e conclud­ The three hours had been busy ones train here, and died two hours later in with his eyeq wherever she chanced to "'I hope you get turned out next T H E G I R L ed. at the actr^' apartment Letty the city hospital. Knowles, who was go. Approaching the little fellow election and don’t never get in again!* She seemed to have forgotten him Lane’a sitting-room was full of trunks, deaf, was coming from his iiome along with the IhtentJon of ascertaining the “ Don't worry, my friend,* said the entirely, and he caught his breath dressing bags and traveling parapher­ the track and did not hear the train. treble, she said; “Well, Tommy—” peer, as he set off for the boose of when she turned about abruptly and nalia. She came forward out of what He was the father of Fred and Aider- Buore she could go any further the lords. 'Don’t worry—I’m-ln for life.*** ■aid: seemed a world of confusion, dressed man Claude Knowles, and was tlm yrangster shook hla boyish bead and h r ’ / ' ^ “My goodness, how Dan wfll hate as though for a Journey, even her veil grandfather of Roy Knowles, killed said: “Say, teacher, that’s a classy To keep artificial teeth and bridge- being poor! He will have to sell all and her glovea denoting her departure.' here In sn automobile accident last skirt you’ve got on!”-~Boston Post work antiseptlcaliy clean and free his stickpins and his motor cars and She spoke hurriedly and almost with­ sum m er. from odors and disease germs, Paxtlne Marie lem pest’s Noee, Antiseptic is unequaled. At drug­ H IS T O W N all the things he has given me. It out politeness. At the Lenten musicale at the Wal­ “I have sent for you to come and Holland.—Harm Ensign, a Vrleslaild' gists, 25c a box or sent postpaid on re. will be quite a little to start on, but dorf-Astoria a young matron related ceipt of price by The Paxton Toilet see me here. Not a soul in London farmer, rescued his ten-year-old he will ha^ lt, he is so very smart*’ a bon-mot of Marie Tempest's. Co., Boston, Mass. “W hy, fh \i don’t mean to say—” knows 1 am going away. There win son from the blazing famlVy 'resl- “Miss Tempest's nose Is frightfully be a dreadful row at the theater, but dence and was seriously burned, Ruggles ^sped. pug, isn't it?” she began. “Well. I met Many a married man has a chaperon that’s none 'of y;pur affairs. Now, 1 while the boy is likely to die from his Andorith a charming smile as she her at a^ea once, and sbe Joked about in bis wife. V A N V O R S r rose to put their conversation at an want you to te ll me be{ore^l go Just Injuries. Ensign -was a t w ork in the ber nose as If It belonged to some­ end, she said: what you are going tp^o for-Dan.** field when he discovered his home in one els^. kr IL a KEHNEt “Who are you^oi» with?" Ruggles Cole’s Carbollsalve quickly relieves and “Why, you don't mean to say that fiames. Securing a stepladder he Creator,’ she said, 'was cures burning. Itching and torturing akin you thought I -wouldn't stand by him ?” asked shortly, and she flashed at him: mounted to a/second-story window, looking fora'moBe for, me he took, you dlscaaes. It Instantly stops the pain of i h burns. C u res -without scars. 25c and 60e She seemed, as she put her hands “Well, really, I don’t think that is groped his through the smoke and see, the first one that turned up.' ” (Copmclu, 1M0, b7 Tte BobiM-MarztU ObJ by druifRlsts. For free sample write to upon her hips with something oft a any of your business. When you drive dragged his Aon to safety. The house J. W. Cole & Co.. Black River Falla, Wla. SYNOPSIS. defiant look at the elder man. afi a woman as'you have driven me, she was entirely destroyed. The loss is PIM PL^ON FACE 3 YEARS though she Just then stood by her pau­ will go far.” $2,000; insured. V The deaervlng poor do not always Dan BlaJr. the 22-year-old son of tho perized lover. He interrupted h§r vehemently, not deserve to be. firty-mllilon-dollar copper kina of Blair- “I thought you cared som e for tjbe daring to take her hand. “1 couldn't Monroe.— --Fire originating. It Is “I was^ troubled with acne for three town. Mont.. Is a suest at the Ent;U3h home ot Lady Galorey. Dan’s father had boy," Ruggles said. do more. I have asked you to marry thought, from spontaneous combus­ long years. My face was the only part SlDo« It Is worth while to be well, taka heen courteous to Lord Galorey durin/r “Well, I am showing it.” me. I couldn’t do more. ,1 stand by tion, started in the rear hall of the affected,, but It caused great disfigure­ Gartleld 'Tea, N ature's .Mudiclou. his visit to the United States and the w’hat I have said. Will you?” he courtesy Is now belnff returned to the “You want to ruin him to show it. Hollfman building, 21 F ront street, dnd ment, also suffering AOd loss of sleep. young man. The youth has an Ideal drl do you?" stam m ered. spread to R. W. Berr>-man’s tailor At first, there appeared red, hard Women lean toward mystery, but , In hts mind. He meets Lily. Duchess of She knew men. She looked at him Breakwater, a beautiful widow, who Is As though he thought the subject shop on the second fioor. Before the pimples which later contained white lean toward mastery. attracted by his Immense fortune and dismissed he walked heavily toward keenly. Her veil w'as lifted above her fiames -were subdued by th e fire de­ ifiatter. I suffered a grekt deal caused .Takes a liking to her. When Dan was a eyes and its shadow’ framed her small hoy. a girl sang a solo at a church, and th e door. partment H. D. Hoffman’s stock of by the Itching. 1 was in a state of he had never forgotten her. The Ga- “You know how it stands. I have pale face on which there were marks dry goods on the store floor were dam­ perplexity when waking the streets Inreys. Lily and Dan attend a London of utter disenchantment, of great en- theater where one Letty Lane Is the star. nothing more to say." He knew that aged by sm oke and w ater about $5,000. or any.where before the public. WHAT WILL Dan recognizes her as the girl from hts town, and gcilng behind the scenes Intro­ B errym an’s loss is placed a t $1,000. “I used pills and otber remedies but duces himself ajtd she remembers him. CURE MY BACK? He learns that Prince Ponlotowsky Is they failed completely. 1 thought of suitor and escort to Letty. Lord Oa- Flint.—Fifty miles of good roads giving up when nothing would help, Gommon sense will do more to lorey and a friend named ituggles deter­ will be built in Genesee county cure backache than anything else. mine to protect the westerner from Lily but something told me to try the Cuti- jind other fortune-hunters. Young Blair this year according to an agreement cura Soap and Ointment. I sent for ’Twill tell you whether the kidneys are sore, swollen and aching. It will goes to see Lily; he can talk of nothing reached by the bounty road commis­ a Cutlcura Booklet which I read care­ hilt Letty and this angers the Duchess. sioners and supe^isors. The commis­ tell you in that case that there Is no The westerner flnds Letty 111 from hard fully. Then I bouglfC^ome Cutlcura use trying to cure It with a plaster. work, but she recovers and Kuggles and sioners ask for $100,000, or one-flfttyof l)an Invite hei. to supper. She a^ s Dan Soap and Ointment and by following If the passages are scant or too lo build a home for disappointed the- the bond Issue voted for by the elec­ the directions I was relieved in a few frequent, proof that there is kidney litrical people. Dan visits Lily, for the tors for use in constructing the roads # time forgetting I..etty. and later an­ days. I used Cutlcura Soap for wash- trouble is complete. Then common nounces his engagement to the duchess. proposed for this year. Fourteen Jng my face, and applied the Cutlcura sense will tell you to use Doan's T/Ctty refu ses to slug fo r an entertain­ townships will benefit by the work Ointment morning and evening. This Kidney Pills, the best recommended ment given by Lily. Galorey tells Dan special kidney remedy. •that all Lily cares tor la his money, anti done this year. The supervisors have treatment brought marvelous results It is disclosed that he and-^he duchess instructed the county clerk to take have been mutually In love for years, so I continued with It for a few weeks A TYPICAL CASE- l.etty sings at an aristocratic function. charge of the work in connection with and was cured completely. I can 1'an escorting her home. Dan confronts the building of the good roads. Edw ard Porsche, 1833 (!1evdand Calorey and Lfly together. - Later he In­ truthfully say that the Cutlcura Rem­ Avc., Chicago, 111., says: “^ly eyes form s I-etty th at hl.s engagem ent with edies are not only all, bu^,more than were puffed from dropsy and my J.lly is broken, asks the ainger to marry Marshall.-:-All members of Trinity him. and they become engaged. Buggies they claim to be.” (Signed) G. Bau- hands and feet terribly swollen. For Thinks the westerner should not marry church vestry and ' the rector, Dr, mel, 1015 W . 20th P lac e,^ h Ica g o , 111., threemontha *‘Eeerv a publ>c singer. John Hartley, have been sum­ M a^ 28^ 1911. Although C utlcura I WAS com­ Picture moned to appear before Bishop Mc­ pletely laid TeU$a CHAPTER XXIV.—Continued. ^ap and 5lntment are soid by drug­ Story’* Cormick ot the western diocese of gists and dealers everywhere, a sam­ up. Doan’s Kidney Pills He wanted to tell her that the girl Michigan and a standing committee of ple of each, with 32-page book, will diocese in St. Mark’s pro-cathedral at rclitYe^l the Dan marrieQ should be the kind of be mailed free on. application to Grand Rapids^ for the purpose of set­ g&Xnll)aCk •woman h^s m other was, b u t Ruggles “Cutlcura,” Dept. L, Boston. pam & tling the difficulties existing between fouldn’t bring himself to say the ped the swell­ words. Now, as he sat near her, he the ro«'tor, on one side, and the" ves­ "^ery Far. ing and made ■was growing so complex that his try and congregation on the other. “That's a pretty far-fetched story.” brain was turning round. He heard — -iv “Yes. 1 got it by iSng distance tele­ hundrw per h^r murmur: Marine City.—Caught In a large phone.” cent better.” “I told you I knew yoyr act. Mr. ■:^trifugal machine used for dry­ Kuggles. It isn’t any use.” ing beets, William Rawlings, em­ It’s practically impossible for a man AT ALL DEALESS SOC. ■ Box ' - ’This brought him back to his posi­ ployed in the Western Sugar Refinery to form an impartial opinion of him­ tion and once more he leaned tow’ard company’s- j^ant here, met instant self. ' DOAN’S her and. in a different tone from the death. Rawlings, while working one he had intended to use, mur­ around the machine slipped and fell GaHlidd Tea, by purllylng blootl, enull- ates Kbeumailsm, Dyspepsia aud luaay m ured: into It wltlv'the result that his body chronic ailmeois. ^ TONIC “You don’t know. You haven't any was llterally^groUnd to pieces. The Pettit's Eve Salve FOR CYC8 Idea. I do ask you to le t Dan go, machine was registering 2,200 revolu­ He who lends money without seen- that’s a fact. I. have got koqiething tions per m inute a t the time. Fello^ •Ity borrows trouble. DCnMCe STARCH else to propose in its place. It ain’t workmen rushed to the unfortunj

"If you give him up IH divide with ding Mm to return at once to tbo 8iip Probably Made m Hit. k. The Bfarquls of Queensberry; apro- the boy and be rich enough still to T^, and Ruggles, bis hesit hammer- A young woman who presides over pos of long sentence of Fonlke E. hand over to my wife all she wants a trip hammer, rushed up to one of be kindergarten schools of Brandt w d at a dinner in New York: to spend.” his ro ^s, made an ev^ng toilet, for Cunbridia appeared at her desk re­ "ILJemlnds me of an incident In She turned her face away from Mm it was t^ n half-past seven> threw his STATENEWS cently attired in a new close-fitting London. A certain^ peer drove In a , and leaned her head once more upon craTSts and collars all around the skirt With no thought other than taxicab to Westminster and, when he her hands. He heard her softly mur­ place, cursed like a miner as be got the conducting of her regular routine got ou\ gave the driver a very smaU muring under her breath, with an ab­ into his clothes, and red almost to work, the teacher went about her du­ tip. J sent look on her face, accompanied apoplexy, nervous and full of emo­ Charlotte.—John Knowles, aged ties. She noticed, however, that one "Tb^drlver mistook him for a men W r by a still more incomprehensible tion, he returned to the ro o m ie bad eighty-four, waa fatally injured by of p er charges was Paying little at­ ber the house of commons and smile. left not three hours before. / being struck by a Michigan' Central tention to hla work, but following her snarled: 'That's bow It stands,” he conclud­ The three hours had been Dusy ones train here, and died two hours later in with bis eyes w^^jever she chanced to "T hope you get turned out nest T H E G I R L ed. at the actress’ apartment Letty the city hospital. Knowles, who was go. Approaching the little fello# election and don’t never get In again!* She seemed to have forgotten him Lane's sitting-room was full of trunks, deaf; was coming from hlsliome ^ong with the Intention ascertaining the " ‘Don’t worry, my friend.’ said the entirely, and be caught his breath dressing bags and traveling parapber^ the track and did not bear the trglp. trouble, she said: • ‘'^ell. Tommy—” peer, as hf set off for tbe house of when she' turned about abruptly and nalla. She came forward out of what He was tbe father of Fred and Aider- Before the could go any further the lords- ‘Don’t w orry—I'm In fo r life.* ** ■aid: teemed a world of confusion, dressed man Claude Knowles, and was tbe youngster shook his bortsh head snd "My goodness, how Dan ‘wfll hate as though for a Journey, even her veil grandfather of Roy Knowles, killed said: "Say, teacher, that’s a classy To keep artificial teeth and bridge- M ng iioor! He will have to sell all and her gloves denoting her departure. here in an automobile accident last skirt you’ve got on!”~Boston Post work antlseptlcally clean and free She spoke hurriedly and alm ^ with­ summer. from odors and disease germs, Paxtfne hla stickpins and his motor cars and M arle le m p e s t’a Nescu out politeness. / Antiseptic is unequaled. At drug­ H IS T O W N all the tMngs he has given me. It At tbe Lenten muslcale at the Wal- “I have sent for you to ^m e and Holland.—Harm Ensign, a Vriesland gists, 26c a box or sent postpaid on re­ will bb quite a little to start on, but dorf-Aatorla a young matron related see me here. Not a soul iu Loudon farmer, rescued his ten-yedr-old ceipt of price by The Paxton Toilet be win bate it. he is so very sm art” a bon-mot of Marie Tempest's.' Co., Boston, Mass. knows I am going away. There win 'Why, you don’t mean to say—" son from tb^ blazing fandl^ real- "Miss Tempest's nose is frightfully be a dreadful row at the theater, but Ruggles gasped. dence and . was seriously/ burned, pug, isn’t it?” she began. "'Well, I met that’s none of your affairs. Now, I Many a married man has a chaperon And with a charming smile as she while the boy is likely toddle from bis her at a tea once, and she Joked about want you to tell me before 1 go Just In hla wife. Bj MARIE VAN V0R5T rose to put their conversation at an Injuries. Ensign was at w.ork in tbe beV nose as if It belonged to some­ UlntntiM h7 M. G. CETTNEt end, she said: what you are going to do for Dan.” field when he discovered his home In one else. "Who are you going with?” Ruggles flames. Securing a stepladder ' be Cole’s Carbolisalve quickly relieves and ’’Why, yotl don't mean to say that "'W hen tho Cl'eator.’ she said, 'was cures burning,' Itching and torturing skJa - you thought I wouldn’t stand by him ?" asked shortly, and she flashed at him: mounted to second-story -window, looking for a nose for me be took, you diseases. It instsnily stops the pain of burns. C u res w ithout sca rs. 2Sc and 60e She seemed, as she put her hands "WeH, really, I don’t think that is groped his w'ay through the smoke and see. the first one that turned up.' (Coprn«bW XB10. b7 Tk* AoMa-X«rrtU O o ^ by drugRists. l-'or free sample write to upon her hips with, something of a any of your business. When-you drive ^gged his son to safety. The bouse ■ Cole & Co.. Black River Falls, W la a woman as you have driven me, she defiant look at the elder man. as was entirety destroyed. Tbe loss is PIMPLES ON FACE though she just then stood by her pau­ will go far." $2,000; insured. Tbe deserving poor do not always Dan Blair, the- 22-year-old son of the perized lover. He ioternipted her vehemently, not deserve to be. flfty-mUllon-dollar copper kins of Blair- "I thought you cared some for the daring to take her hand. "1 couldn’t Monroe*— r-Flre originating. It Is "I was troubled with acne for three town. Mont.. Is ^ stMst at the English do more. I have asked you to marry home of Lody Oalorey. Dan’s father had boy." Ruggles said. thought, from spontaneous combus­ long years. My face was the only part Sloce It Is worth while to be well, take been courteous to Lord Galorey during "Well, I am showing It.” me. I couldn’t do more: I stand by affected, but it caused great disfigure­ Garfield 'Tea, Nature’s Medivlae. his visit to tt}6 United States and the tion, started In tbe rear hall of the courtesy Is no# being returned »to the "You want to ruin him to show' It. what I have said. Will you?” he Hoffman building, 21 Front street, and^ ment, also suffering and loss o t sleep. young man. THe youth has an Ideal girl stam m ered. do you?” '■ spread to R. W. Berrj/man’s tailor At first there appeared red, hard Women lean toward my-stery, but in his mind. He meets Lily. Duchess of She k n ^ men. She looked at him Breaka-ater. a beautiful widow, who Is As though he thought the subject shop on the second floor. Before the pimples wMch later contained w-hlte men lean toward mastery. attracted by hla Immense fortune and dismissed he walked heavily toward keenly. HerVell lifted above her flames were subdued by the matter. I suffered a greht deal caused .Takes a liking to her. When Dan was a eyes and its'^adow framed her small hoy. a girl'sang a solo at a church, and the door. ^ a rtm e n t H,. D.^^,>ftrflman’8. stock of by the Itching. 1 -was in a state of he had never forgotten her. The Ga- pale face on which there w*ere marks ‘You know how It stands. I have dry goods xSt^he stof^yfloor were dam­ perplexity ^hen walking the streets Inreys. Uly and Dan attend a London of utter disenchantment, of great en- theater where one Letty Lane Is the star. nothing more to say.” He knew that aged by sm B te and w ater about $5,000. or anywhere before the public. WHAT WILL Dan recognizes her as the girl from his town, and gniog behind the scenes Intro­ B errym an’s loss is placed a t $1,000. "I used pills and other remedie^nxit duces himself and she remembers him. CURE MY BACK? He learns 'that Prince Ponlotowsky is they failed completely. I thought of suitor and escort to Lstty^ Lord Oa- Flint.—Fifty mftes of good roads giving up w h^ nothing womd help, Common sense will do more to Inrey and a friend named toggles deter­ will be built In Genesee county cure backache than anything else. mine to protect the westerner from Lily but something told me to try/lbe Cutl- ^nd other fortune hunters. Young Blair this year according to hn Agreement cura Soap and Ointment. I sent for 'Twill tell you whether the kidneys goes to see Lily; he can talk of nothing reached by the county road commis- are sore, swollen and aching, jt will hut Letty and this angers the Duchess. a Cuticura Booklet- which I read care­ tell you in that case that there is no The westerner finds Letty 111 from hard sioners ai^ supervisors. The commis- fully. Then I bought some. Cuticura work, but she, recovers and Ruggles and Bioners_>^ for $100,000, or one-flfth of use trying to cure it with a plaster. Han Invite her to supper. She usks Dan Soap and Ointment and by following If the passages are scant or too In build a home for disappointed the­ the bond issue voted for by tbe elec­ tbe directions I was relieved In a few frequent, proof that there Is kidney atrical people. Dan visits Lily, for the tors for use In constructing the roads time forgetting Letty. and later an­ days. I used Cuticura Soap for wash­ trouble is complete. Then common nounces his engagement to the duchess. proposed for this year. Fourteen ing my face, and spplied the Cuticura sense will tell you to use Doan's T^etty refuses to sing for an ontertaln- townships will benefit by 'the work Kidney Pills, the best recommended inept given by Lily. Galorey tells Dan Ointment morning and evening.. This That all Lily cares for la his money. anan escorting her home. Dan confronts q ildld. of the good roads. Edward Porsche, 1833 Clevelsnd tialorey and Lily together. Later he In- truthfully say that the Cuticura Rem­ Avg., Chicago, 111., says: *‘My eyes f-'rms Letty that his engagement wllli edies are not only all. but more than I.lly Is broken, asks the singer to marry were puffed from dropsy and my Mm. and they become engaged. Ruggles Marshall.—-\11 members of Trinity they claim to be." (Slgn/^d) G. Bau- hands and feet terribly swollen. For Thinks the westerner should not marry church vestry and tbe rector, Dr. mel, 1015 20th Place, Chicago, III., three months «Ft€ry a pubPc singer. John 1 Hartley, have been sum- May 28^ lWl/'^^!Ttfceugh Cuticura I W'as com­ Picture moneu to appear before Bishop Me- pletely laid TeU$a f CHAPTER XXIV.—Continucd. Soap and O li^ent ar6 sold by drug­ Story” Ick 'of -the western diocese of gists and deaiersBV^ywhere. a sam­ up. Doan’s Kidney I*illa He wanted to tell her that the girl ilgan and a standing committee of ple of each, '»t£^2-page book, will Dan marrlefl should be the kind of dK)9e8e iu St. M ark’s p ro ^ a tb e d ra l'a t be mailed free bn application tQrf f- woman his mother was. but Ruggles ind Rapids^ for the purpose of set­ "Cuticura.” Dept. L, Boston, tling the difficulties ex lst^ between p a m i s ta ^ foaldnT bring himself to_jiay the WdtKes'a-^- the rector, on one side, a ^ tbe ves­ words. Now, as he sat near her, he >?ery Far. f ng and made was growing so complex that his try and congregation on^tne other. "Thai’s a pretty far-fetched story." brain was turning round. He .'-heard "Yes. I got it by long distance tele­ Imnorea per her murmur: Marine City.—Caught In a large phone." cent better. “I told you-T -knew your act. Mr. •lentrifugal machine used for' dry­ Ruggles. It Isn’t any use." ing beets. William Rawlings, em­ It's practically Impossible for a man AT ALL DKALERS • This brought hiDf back to his posi­ ployed in the Western Sugar Refinery to form an impartial opinion of him­ tion and once more he leaned toward company’s plant here, met Instant self. ^ her and, in a different tone from the death. Rawlings, while working DOAN’S one he had intended to use, mur­ around the machine slipped and.fell Garfield Tea. b j purllyln^r t«re blotxl, nr&ill* m ured; ales Rheumatic,' Dyspepsia aud luaay into it with the result that his body chroalo atlmeau. TONIC •'You don’t know. You haren’t any was literally ground to pieces. The Pettit's Eye Salve FOR evc9* Idea. 1 do ask you to let Dan go. machine was registering 2,200 revolu­ He who lends money without that’s a fact. I have got something tions per minute at the time. Fellow rlty borrows trouble. BEFUMGE STARCH else to propose in Its place. It ain't workmen rushed to the unfortunate tiuite the sam e, but It is cletfT—m arry man's aid. but w*ere unable to shut tbe m e !” machine off in time to save him. She gave a little exclamation. A slight smile rippled over her face like Akron.—While hunting ducks at the sunset across a pale pool at dawn. Bay Park, a few miles from here, 'Laugh," be said humbly; "don’t hunters found th5TN|body of a keep in. 1 know I am old-fasbioned as la n frozen In the IceNJ L ette rs found the deuce, and me and Dan is quite n his pockets Ideiftifi^-him as Ed­ a contrast, but 1 mean Just what 1 ward Glngrlen of Loram, O. Glngrlen jay, my dear.” "Why, You Don’t Mean to Say That You Thought I Wouldn't Stand by was working on a dr^ge last fall on She controlled her amusement, if It Him?” Saginaw- bay and 9He day was m issed From Forty-Five to Fifty Are Much Benefited was that. It almost made her cry rom the dredg^by bis companions, wUh mirth, and she couldn’t help it. he had signally failed, and as a sud­ nui. Sbe said languidly: "What I earch was made, but without success. Between laughing breaths she said to den resentment rose in him be ex­ want to know is. what you-are going \- *>y him : claimed, almost brutally: to do for Dan?" Ann Arbor.—The county of "Oh. is it all for Dan's sake. Mr. Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. "1 am darned glad the old man is "I told you I would shAre with .’ashtenaw' lost out on the good roads Ruggles? Is it?” And then, biting dead; I am glad bis mother’s dead, him .” system proposition by a majority of her Ups and looking at him out of and 1 am^ glad 1 have got no son." • Then he will be nearly as rich?” 129. At first it was thought th a t the her beautiful eyes, she said: "I know Tbe npxt moment she was at his "He’ll have more than Is good for proposition was won. and then later It is—I know it Is—I beg your, por­ The “ change of life” is a mflst side, an<3 he felt that she clung to bis him .” reports from the outlying districts, tion.” arm. Her sensitive, beautiful face, That satisfied her. Then she pur­ critical period in a woman’s ex­ "I asked a girl once when I was made it look dubious. The official can­ all drawn with emotion, was raised to sued. "I want you to stand by him. He vassers took the matter Into their istence, and the anxiety felt by poor—too poor. Now this Is the sec­ his. X will need you.” ond time in my life. I mean Just wbat hands and found that the proposition women aa it draws near is not **OH you'll kill me—you'll kill me! Ruggles lifted tbe hand he held and had lost. I say. I’ll make you a kind husband. Just ^Mk how very ill 1 am; you are kissed it reverently. "111 do any­ w ithout reason. 1 am fifty-five, hale as a nut. I dare making me crazy. I Just worship thing you say—anything you say.” Owosso.—The supervisors voted say you have had many better of­ Down-stairs In tbe Savoy, aa Dan When, her system is in a de­ 14 to 8. for the submission of fers.” T^ve'hlm up. then," said Ruggles had done countless times, Ruggles tbe|^ucty road system. The ques- ranged condition, she may- be "Ob, deaiUljihe breathed; "oh, dear. waited until he saw her motor car tlonwin bOf submitted to the Shiawas­ pleSise—please ato p !” She faltered; "I can't—I can’t—it carry ber and ber small luggage and / predisposed to apoplexy, or con­ see counDyek^tors at the August pri­ "But I don’t -expect you to marry me ^ont be for long"—with a terrible pa- Higgins away. gestion ot some organ. At this mary:—-Toe people rolled up a big ma­ for anything but my money.” lOB In her voice. "You don’t know In their sitting-room in tbe Carlton tin^ also, cancers and jpAors Ruggles put bis cigar down on the different I can be: you don't know '^^u r later tbe door was thrown jority against the adoption of the sys­ edge of the table. Be. looked at his bat a new life we were going to Dsn Blair came In like Si^ tem several years ago, but sentiment are more liable to formaflwegin in the county/s^ms to have changed chair meditatively, he took out hit ^ead.” mkdman. Without preamble he aeized- their destructive work. silk handkerchief, polished -op his / Stammering, and with Intense mean- R o^es by tbe arm. largely. glasses, readjusted them, put them on /ing, Ruggles. looking down at ber, >k here,” be cried, "what have .af Such warning symptoms as «nd then looked at her. ■aid: "My dear child—my dear child.” you bjieen doing? Tell me now, and a, who , of suffocation, hot flashesj "Now.” he said, ’^1 am going to trust b o n e d CASE OCT OF In Ms few words something per­ tell j e the troth, or, by God. 1 don’t:; headaches, backaches, dread of you with something, and I know you haps made ber see in a flash ber past inow what I’ll do. You went to the ’ from p U B < will keep my secret for me. IHiiBj and wbat the question really was. She Savoy. You went there twice. Any­ railway. \ Green impending evil, timidity, sounds, .Sji Anne, IU—“I vras ■_____ shows yo« a little bit of wbat I 1 dropped Ruggles’ arm. She stood for how. where is she?” it tb e com pany, al­ in tbe ears, palpitation of the thiteagh the change of life and/j leging that the Hxie waa caused by a about you. Dan Blalr

CHURCH NEWS Two new dSeo^rs .'.ere recciv^. THE PLYMOUTH MAIL After adjournment, ice cream and LUTHERAN. cake was served and a* social time en­ BoT. O. Peters. Pastor. joyed. The meeting next week Thurs­ r F. W . SAMSEN Seirices Sunday, April 21st, at ten day April 25 will be in charge of Miss o'clock. Sunday-school at 11. Nettie Pelham and Mrs.. Clara Todd SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Ladies’ aid meet iraraediat'dy after and the subject xtill be “ T he Secret of Odie Y ear, payable in advance...... W j Buy Carpets Neiy service Sunday. Health” with other attractive things 8 ht m oatha...... ^ “•breemoathM ...... 1 ...... ^ including a recitation. The Vice Pres­ CHRISTIAN SCIENTIST. ident and Supcrinteadent.s/wni' be ap- ADVERTISING RATES^ First Church of Christ, Scientist, pmntedt—suptinted.—Supt. Press. Boantt-AHCHrds 45..00 pe ry oa r ■ holds services at cnurch edifice, comer ® Vail will want a new Carpetrpet this.Sprlnti this.Spi and now is R«aolutioQ» of Respect.Sl 00. Main and Dodge streets, Sunday morn­ Card of Thaaks.Sr>centa. / Mrs. J. B. iHenderson entertained a Alllocat notiOeswill becbarged for at five ing at 10:10. Subject, “Doctrine of number of young people at her home the time to buy it and have m ade to your order. ttts per line orfractton thereof for each in- Atonement.” Sunday-school at 11 a. m. rtioii. Display advertisin grate» made known Thursday evening. They report a very B apptiratlott. Where notimeisppecifi^.nll Wednesday evening testimonial ser­ o tM ^ n u . .^%-ertiaementa w illbein aertcd mi- enjoyable tim e and .say th a t when Mrs. W e have a hundred patterns to select from , of every Joderod dihc*>ntinued. vice 7:lo- Every one is welcome. H. undfciake.s to do anything of this FRIDAY, APRIL 19, 1912 kfcd it is always well done, ST. JOHN’S EP1SCOP.A.L MISSION. qualitv and price,, and you imy for just w hat,you There will be sendee in above churcli'.J A fierce fierc hailstorm prevailed in this on Sunday afternoon at 2:15. W. H. vicinity Sunday afternoon. North of . m o r e , Come in ahd let us ‘s h o w v o u . Midworth will preach. the tillage, a number of window lights Sunday, April 28th7 at the usual were broken and some farmers who had The’ main topic of conversation the Sunday afternoon service, the sermon set out early cabbage plants foufid the W hether vou buy or not. past few days has been the awful dis­ will be preached by the Rev; Dr. plants beaten into the^ground. o aster wliich befell the new steamer ■' ^Corroll, Dean of St. Paul’s Cathe- Hereafter childr^ are strictly for­ Titanic on its first voyage across the al. We would like to see all tho^ bidden to .enter the cemeterj* without ocean, when it ran into an iceberg and j ,,ho can possioly be present to welcome being accompanied by their parents. was sunk within four hours, caiyyi^S oom Size Rugs in Stock the Dean to Plymouth on that occasion. A number of complaints were mad" nearly ISOChsouls with it, a full account All are invited. last summer of flowers and plants being of which will be found elsewhere. takeh from the lots, hence the restric- at Lowest Prices. There has been much speculation just' PRESBYTERIAN tm n. how, with all the modem safe.ty appli­ Rev. B. F. Farljer. Pastor. \J Postmaster Ladd says chain prayer ances, the steamer could sink so quick­ Services will be held in this church postcards are . .ailed again in this ly. \’’arious theories were advanced by on Sunday as follows: Morning worship .sea-J.kjing gentlemen, most .of whom at 10 o’clock. The pastor will preach. locality. Postmasters are required SCH RADER BROS., beli>- • J that the steamer bad struck the Sunday school at 11:15 o’clock. Pres­ to with ..'•aw such carts from the mails icebtn,': sidewise, cutting open its sidy byterian Guild at 6 o’clock. Subject, and persons mailing them are liable to plat' ?•. ' - “The Christian Virtues: 4. Persever­ a fine of $5000 or five years’ im prison- .A.MBUL.4NCE ON CALL. Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors A. is. Brown, of our village, has ance.” Le^er, Miss Maurine Jones. i^ientor both. sailed the deep for many years and is Evening services at 7 o’clock. Con­ ^^The Wayne County Road Commission lamih'ar with the conditions as they gregational singing and special music expects to complete the grading and ' e ^ t in ■ tbc northern ocean. ' Mr. by the chorus choir. The pastor takes graveling of the Plymouth road to De­ Probite Nolicr. Brown disagrees with other theorists as his theme for Old Testament charac­ troit just as soon as possible-work to TATE OF MICflICiAN. •inity ot Wayne ‘ Atases»ionof ibn Oonrt l< and believes the boat struck head-on, ter study, “Ruth, the Faithful.” be begun right away. Then it will be said county of \Vnyne. b«'Ul lU ^be 5' Che impact being so strong, and with a pleasure to drive to tne city—either Cmrt Boom In the city *»f l>«‘trou .... Prayer meeting on Thursday evening ninthS day of April, in tbi'yonr >'i' MmiiHROd WHY SEND TO CHICAGO its own great weight behind it, that the at 7 o’clock. We shall be glad to wel­ with auto or. team . nine Unn’dred aud twelve , Preeeut. Henrv S. Hultwrl .luilu-of froiiatt' for your Groceries, when we can save you the freight. Carefully vessel simply telescoped itself, in a way, come you to these serviced. In the matU'r of the estalo <>l Elvira P-. r. splitting open its plates and letting the Bradner. dveeuaed. look this order over. We also give you 20 lbs. Granulated Sugar For Aged People On readlnffKud 61lMt the [x't'Naii 4i| Mary for Sl.OO, ’with this water in at all points. The theory looks METHObiST Bradner Root praylnfif that atlnniii--‘l I'ftH 'U ‘'I very .plausible, as may be imagined. Rev. E. .J. Wftrreu. Pantor. said estate be i.-ranljed to heri:r'«>m e other soltabli' peiuoii J , , , , . xr 1 Mr. Bruwit also believes that the boat Sunday, April 21, our services will be Old Folks Should Be Careful In Their It is ■<5?5fc«*d. That the elithtb i.ny t lla\ 1 $ 1 0 . 0 0 next, a t te-aSu>toek it. llic lui-ena nt .said [ CASH ORDER O was going at too great a speed in that a.s follows: Morning worship 10:30; the Selection of Regulative Medicine hearing said court room, be 5 lbs 25c C offee...... $1.09 3 lbs 40u Tea ...... 99c latitude, the captain certainly being pastor will preach. Sunday-school at ______onInr<*ii I'liHi py 4 bts. Lemon Extract ... .31 4 bi<. Vanilla Extract...... 31c 11:30. Let all remain. Junior League aware of the close proximity of We have a safe, dependable, and t-hitt order b»t published thive -.u.'.-ej* 17 lbs. Light Brown Sugar Sfi) 32 Ib.s Cream Rolled O ai.s...... 9 ^ devotional meeting at 3 p. m. The Ep- previons to Haiti time ot hii irtia n. ice and icebergs barometric and altogether ideal remedy that is par­ 10 lbs. Rice...... 62 5 pkg.s. Old Tavern Raisins___ 45c tnemionjetric indicatio^, of which he worth League will meet at the usual ing in said count y - jf ^ 5 pkgs. Old Tavern Currant' .55 4 can-: Pumpkin ...... 31c ticularly adapted to the requirements HKNT^Y r .1 can Succotash ...... 24 4 can Sliced Pineapple ...... 140c must have had knowledge. A desire, hour. Ralph Brown will bo the leader. of aged people and persons of weak (A true ropy. ■ Albert W Flint. ‘ 5 pkgs. Muzzy’s Corn Starch .30 5 pkgs. Gloss Starch ______,30c aqd probably under orders to m ^e a At the evening service there will be a constitutions who suffer from constipa­ 5 pkgs. Arm & Hammer Soda .30 3 large cans Calumet Bak. Pow. .24c special musical program and the pastor redord voyage, was more or less the tion or other bowel disorders. We arc Probate Notice. 6 pkgs. Yeast Foam .. .. .24 lb. pail Lard...... 6 ^ cause of the fearful loss of life. And will speak briefly on “The Titanic Dis­ 10 lbs. Sal S o d a ...... 15 8 bars Queen Anno Soap ___ ...30c so certain that it will relieve these com­ c TATE OF MICHIO'N. .-aanty of Wayne 12 fcN^xes M a tc h e s...... 35 also, had me steamer been supplied aste r.” plaints and give absolute satisiaction S'y. AtaaeBiion the f’robatv Court Nt Remember the concert at the opera said county of Wayr.v h -kl at the Prol»ato with enough life boats to take off all its in everj' particular that we offer ;t with Ci.nit Room in the '.“try "f Detroit, on the passengers and crew, there would have house on Saturday evening, given oy third day of April, in the year one thousand our personal guarantee that it shall nice hundred and i . been no loss of life. There were boats the Canadian Jubilee Singers. Admis­ cost the user nothing if it fails to sub­ Prcseul. Henry S. Hull- -rt. .ludgeof Probate. T O D D B R O S . only for less than half of its human sion 25c.; reserved seats In the m atter oi the estate of Mftry A. femlth. stantiate our claims. This rem^y'is Both ’Phones. General Delivery. freight. The accident is so terrible, ‘^‘onTrSdlng aud hling tho petition of Chatl^ called Reiall Orderlies. F. Smith praying that admmlstratioii Our Motto—WE GUARANTEE. BAPTIST that rigid investigations will be ^made Rexall Orderlies are eaten just like estate be granted to him or som eother suitable by governments on both sides of the Kt»v. W, W. Dos.\utel». Paster. ' Our services will be as usual next candy, are particularly prompt and ^^I^°'Ordered. That the eighth day of May Atlantic and measures taken to pro­ next, at ten o’clock in the forenoon^ at oaid Sunday. The pastor preaches at 10 in ^reeable in action, may be taken at court room, be appointed for bearing eald tect the lives of passengers in a more anytime,.day or night; do not cause the morning. The Sunday-school meets ^ A ^ ”it is furthor Ordered. That a copy of adequate w*ay in the futnm. diarrhoea, nausea, griping, excessive this onter be published three Bucceasive weeks at 11:15. The evening service is at 6:30 previous to SIM time of bearing, in the Plym- land, lasts one hour. The first half hour looseness, or other undesirable effects. onth Mail, a newspaper printed and circnlat- will consist of music J^y the chorus They have a ver^' mild but positive Swift Man on die K ieys^ action upon the organs with which they IA truv cnpv.l JndgeeVt W. Flint. Register. and two recitations by friends from come in contact, appaibntly acting as a Bozeman, Mont. Couriei*:—Though Newburg. Everybody invited. regulative tonic upon the relaxed th e average BozemamtA .-uay not know Probate Notice muscular coat of the bowel, thus ov'er- it, then- is in the city a typewriting The S. S. convention at Livonia Cen­ T A T E OF M ICHIGAN. ‘ •duty id coming weakness, and aiding to restore 8B._____ At______a session of the... (U t: F< iH - ^tasC who is a “ swift” and wlys smashes ter last Sunday was a great success. A the bo-.vels to more vigorous and healthy said county of Wa>*ne. hold hi 'lu* r*’'* ^ * ' a record or two every day up m. the good attendance and a fine program. It court room in the city of Ui*ln»lt. jod gtln activity. Three sizes, 10c.,25c, and 50c. Stwentieth day of March. ii> the VK/tr - office oi U«rjudgc of the district court. will tell in better work during the com­ sand nine hundred and twelT*' ing year. Sold only at our store—The Rexall S. Hnlbert..lodge of ProLit.. h: the Aiik in t W. E. JoUiffe, the court stenographer, of the estate of Antoinette Hnrd. a mentuuy Sunday-school at one o’clock at Li­ Store—Beyer’s Pharmacy. incompetent person. * ,, was roc'5ntly presented with a special Clifford E. McClumpha. guardian of said Beef, P o rk , Underwood machine by the company, vonia Center, with preaching at two Antoinette Hurd, having render*.-d to this court standard time. Come and hear good hia guardianahlp accounts. buiH specially for speed at the Under­ I t is Ordered. That tl»e SJrd 'hv “ f April music and an interesting sermon. Relieve Your Stomach iiext. at ten oHm-k m the :i*r*jnoon. at wood factor^'. The boys at the court said court room i.tj Hoi.-jiuu-h lop exam in­ house on the second floor assert that ing and allowing -aid account. Veal arvd Lak.mb W e Will Help You Do It. And it is further ordered. '1 ::ar a copy of when JoUiffe gets up steam on his SCHOOL NOTES. thisorder i)e poblisbed for tin e G u a r a n t e e weeks previous to' said time .*i tnt:irliK lu riie “mill” it sounds like a swarm of bees, Plym outh Mail, a aewsitHiK-i nriptwl aud'-ir le t loose in the judge’*' office. The Dorothy Whipple has entered the 4th culating in said county of Wayti«* gradf*. Dyspepsia may be completely eradi­ HENRY S R'il.rtKKT office force below the room in which cated if properly treated. We sell a (A true co]>v.) .Itidait of Pi oIwm Mrs. Charles (Jreenlaw visited the Albert W. Flint. Register. JoUiffe does his hammering of the keys remedy that we positively gaurantee declan'' that on a bu^ day it sounds 4th grade last week. will completely relieve indfgestion or as though a hea>'y rug were being Ralph Cole has been absent from the dyspepsia, or the medicine used during dragged back and forth cn-er the floor. 6th grade for two weeks on account of the trial will cost the user nothing. Take FOLEY The other day JoUiffe was writing out serious illness. This remedy has been named Rexall some land contest notes from the short­ The Interscholastics which were to Dyspepsia Tablets. Certainly no offer KIDNEY PILLS hand notes be bad taken at the time of have been at M. A . C. on May 11, have could be more fair, and our offer should the hearing. The machine was w'orking been canceled for some unknown reason. be proof positive that Rexall Dyspepsia Tonic In Action - Quick In Resnkt fine, and the court stenographer was Miss Rees of the U. of M., who is Tablets are a dependable remedy. Get rid of your D ead ly K idney pla^i^ a regular tune. Judge Stewart visiting her cousin, Daryl Dowhs for a Inasmuch as the medicine will cost A ilm en ts, that coat you a high price slipped out of his office, glanced at bis few day.', visited the high school Mon­ you nothing it it does not benefit you, in endurance of pain, loss of time and watch, and at the page on which JoUiffe day. we urge you who are suffering wit^ money. Others have cored themselves of was working.! It was then 4:(^. At indigestioti or dyspepsia to tr>' Rexall Do not forget the Athletic event KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASES jUB^ 5 o’clock] he returned, and again Dyspepsia Tablets. A 25*cent box April 27. The entertainment given last by the prompt and timely uae of FOLEY looked oveiyine shoulder of the busy contains enough medicine for fifteen Friday, evening netted the Athletic KIDNEY PILLS. Stops BACKACHE, mian, nqtufg the page h e had reached. days’ treatment. For chronic cases we Association over $50.00. In the meanwhile JoUiffe had been have two larger sizes, 50 -cents and HEADACHE, and ALL the many other tiekUng|the letters at an inhuman rate. H. S. visitors this week have been: $1.00., Remembe?, you can obtain troubles thatfoUowDISEASEDKIDNEYS Id the 5o m iputes he had knocked off Edna Gottsehalk, Helen Farrand, Rexall Remedies only at our store—The and URINARY IRREGULARITIES. just 22 \^^es of the copy, taking *it Austin Whipple, Miss Newell, Miss Rexall Store. Beyer’s Pharmacy. FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS will CURE any from his itqtes. These pages con­ Weddell and Maude Graceo. case of KIDNEy andBLADDERTROUB- ta in ed 6,000 w orts, In those 58 m inutes Mr. Beyer -brought a Victor and Lame shoulder is nearly always due LE not beyond the reach of medicine. No JoUiffe, according to the judge, had rheumatism of the muscles and Victrola to the high sctibol room last medicinff can do more, la a yellow package. hammered out an average of il4 words quickly yields to the free application of week and gave selections on each, so Chamberlain’s Liniment. For sale by to the minute. Not a letter was mis­ St. Joteph, Mich.—Mrs. Frank Marti, that the pupils and teachers might all dealers. 417 Church st., says: Coley’s Honey placed, though some were not evenly compare the two with reference to and Tar C^mpt/und ^ved.thr lifes of o:ir registered. Allowing i o f all the mis­ buying. baby boy, \He had spells of coughing takes that were found on those 22 pages, 'and gagging and turned blaek i:i the not more than 50 words could hs^e have W . C. T. U. Detroit United Lines fece. I gavo^im Foley’s Honey and T ar CompounoV, In a short tim e Ik was been deducted, at the usual rate in Plyuondi Tine Table relieved and finally the cough was en­ The annual meeting was held last typewriting contests, of five words to EAST BOUND. tirely stopped and the* C(otrost t U W syneSi.'iSa m an d erd ryb oor gagging spells ceased bothering hii\. ed. A bout 75 members ana guests were fc::80pm: also »:« pm 11:33 p m. Foley’s Honey and Tar Compound has. Mr. JolUlfe is sn ' old Plymouth boy, present. A fine program consisting of ebaaging at Wapie. many times saved us trouble and this son of Mr. and Mrs.-D. A. JoUiffe. with the wonderful cure in baby’s case, mnsio and recitations had been pre­ NORTH BOUND. Leave PlynMbutbfprPlTUMbUt Kortbrfpe U:0S ___a lu. 7:lu shows its great merit. Messrs. Buck, 'Murtin and Johnson pared, and was thoroughly enjoyed by a m aod every boor to T:iO pm. 9:10 pm JONEG. tira Druff^Ut all. The reports of officers and Super­ 10:UpmandindiS:f“ “28am. — _ of Ann Arbor were gueste of Jhigene Leave— ------Detroit for>r PPlTmooth ljm ____ 5:tit a m intendents showed that good work had MlndiigBii ca rb a rn ): alsoS: a 2D and every R. Campbell last Saturday and Suhday. :o S:*) p m: t:9(Kpm: also pm been done duri^ ^ year, and there — ^ — chaasmircaea at Wayne. DR.S. E.CAMPBEj^L Leave Wayne fo r PlVimmUi-^:3nmm:^ »t;ii^aci The Right of Way seemed to l>e ho lack of determinatioD aiid ereryb o o rto *i:S P n. m p m ■ .»!*.. Uiticf- and Kcsideticv, A nn A rbor St.- Has to be givmi H arv^’s Cohditioa to keep right on with t^e work. The 10:10pm------__* Itfnidnigbt.iidnignt. first h\)u»H w est o f M ain street. Oare eonneet , at Wayne for Ypeilaati and Powder, which for seventy years has following officers were elected: Presi­ pedntaweetto Jackson. Hour:*—»t;*'* :i. tn-.l to 4. «od * lo ^ p. m. been the standard of «xortl^roe.l W hyf dent, Mrs. Jennie Voorfaic'; l::c. Seo*y, Because the iogfediaDtsgre aoj lodapevdout'Pboi e Ni».r.>. ‘ t every ^powder M n . S . B . CampbeU; Cor. Sec*y» M rt. t share in tttd'woift of M .A. Patterson; Treas., Mrs. Hulda C.G.DRAPER Dr.A.E.PATTERSON K n w - J E W a B ta n l . A iteing voce of thanks was extended Lkthce atiu resideoct^ Main street, ofToaennsr.. uext to E xpress office. to Iho editors of the Blymontti Ifail atM irtaK Ifindlha-OetrQtt Coarisr for so ‘kiDdly Hu W autii !• -i. HI.. 1 tu (4'> '*>. and altor iM w tti g w Hb m n g a id isg ow .w oik. ; . PlrnoAh. llkL ■-1 i ; i t tl

local iftevfs

GOING TO START Mr^ W. H. Hoytislat'the Ann Arbor hospital for tt^tment. • Elmer Huston of Birmingham visit^ SOMTHING relatives here Wedne^iay. Mrs. H. A. Bradley entertained the New Idea club Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. J. D. McLaren Visited her son Go to Gale’s. All goods the best and at cheap prices. We have been 'selling the best Granulated Sugar for for two months. We sdl 25- Will at Wixom a few days this week. I Annual Base Ball Meeting poundf H. & E .for $1.60. We keep good stock Fruits and, Vegetables. One Gent Sale S. A. Abelson of Detroit was calling i friends here the first of the week. The annual meeting of the Plymouth ^O W IS THE TIME TG BLV W. P. Holmes of Salem \isited his Athletic Association will be held in the We liave got to get yi>ii in our store some daughter, Mrs. Fred Williams, last way and tliis is as good as the iiest. directors, room of the Plymouth United wedk. Savings Bank this (Friday) evenlng.at F ie ld Q Garden Geedjs , By giving you a Mrs. C. J. Harris and daughter of 7:30 o’clock, for the election of officers Souni Lyon visited relatives here last and the transactior. of any other busi­ We have a large stock 'on hand all the time. We have !n bulk S e^s week. ness. It is desired that there be a large —Peas, Com, Cora, Beans, Cucumbers, Radishes, Turnips, Carrots, LM- representotion and all members are re­ tuce, Watermelons, Muskmelons, Sweet Peas, Nosturtiums, Onion Sets.,' ReeLl Bek.rg8Lm! Claude Shafer of Detroit spene- Sun­ All kinds of Flower and Garden Seeds in papers. . day with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo. quested to be present. oc 2 for tic Shafer. Bake sale at Pinckney’s Pharmaicy 1 liox Buckeye Matclies...... Charles Mason is now draughtsman 1 liox Gold Itip Matches---- . - - 5c 2 for i'x Saturday afternoon by the O. E. S. . 5e 2 for tk' for the Sampson automobile company Mrs. E. E. Maten of Detroit visited 1 hox Pulverized Bath Brick in Detroit. her aunt, Mrs. Willard Roe, Wednesday. We have just received a larSe stock of Wall Paper, which we are sell­ , Bar Boy's Friend------2(Jc, 2 for 2 1 i Mr. and Mrs. Rorabacher have moved ing-at bottom price. Come and see our stock before biijfing. , l(k- 2 for 11 Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Crainbrink .of De­ Newtorr’s Corn Staivh into W. A. Rdbinson’s house on South troit Sundayed with William Smither- Remember we keep ever\’thiiig in Drug line, Dutch Mustaril . - ...... - -lOc 2 for lie Main street. m an. . 5c 2 for way and Scott Cortrite were among the visit here. You will find the R. C. SAMSEN ^ g other improvemeats. Detroit Journal base ball prize winners J choicest selection of Fine New Phone 13, 2r s. M. J. HerrinJsfn of Elkton, Mich., Season Teas and Coffees, the ^.^bout thirteen girl friends of Miss Purest Sugar, Butter, Flour and A as been visiting her son, the proprie­ Bessie Rathbun gave her a very pleas­ Condensed Milk, all kinds of tor of the Hotel Plymouth. ant birthday surprise Monday evening. Canned Goods of the best quali­ Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Eddy have moved ties and prices that will be sure to l/i/Lrs. McCormick of Bedford, Ind., is attract economical housewives, »■ inio the Voorhies house, recently vacat­ visiting at Rev. B. F. Farber’s. Miss ed by Mrs. A R. Hubbell. Georgria Micbeson of the same place, Home Made Grape Juice, per q t ...... 35C Miss Helen Nichols of Hale, Mich., w’as an over Sunday visitor there also. Instant Postuin...... 5®^ FaLrmers, Listen.! one of the teachers in the school, is ill Marshall Gleason has.sold his home Blue Sea T una ...... —...... at the home of Mrs. Frank Hodge. and house adjoining on (Mill street to Potted Ham ...... The i .l Aii Sisters will hold a card George Wilske. Mr. Gletfson has mov­ Potted Chicken...... ^5® . F. hall on Monday evening, ed to Phoenix, where he has purchased Izumi Crab Meats...... 25c THE SEASON FOR Everyone cordially invit- a home. /y ■ Fish Flakes...... W. K. Armstrong has sold his black- Ir. ..n i Airs. George D elker of De- smithing business to Herbert Ede and Comprador Tea ...... 5®^ Fence Posts : t.viv called lilere last week o n a c the latter has taken possesion. Mr. count of the 'serious illness rfj Mr. Armstrong has not decided where he D elker’ ^ mother. will locate. -AND- ^M r. and Mrs. A. R. Jackson have re­ Only one name from Plymouth was Brown 6 PettlnSlIl. turned from ® frtiirfour w weeks’ ppIts’ visit withwit) drawn out of the jury box for the.May- THE WHITE FRONT HROCERy; friends and relatives in Chicago and June term of the circuit court—that of (Telepbene No. 40. Free Deliver; ^^D rain T ile Minneapolis, Minn W. O. Stewart, and he is not now a Jones, the drugnst, has just received' resident here. 30,000 Sweet PeaeaS ^e e d ' a from * (^ifom ia, (/^.jfarshal Springer has been instructed which he will distribute to ladies free.ff , , f u ... .. w. will soon Ilf on. Did you uvor sty all prominent Fruit Growers on FOR SALE—Brood sow with 9 pigs. account of it>' high ([uality ilml uniformity in strengtli. Wm. Hirechlieb, as administrator of A. P. Scott, ’phone 920, IL 2S. DRAPER- the estate of Peter Metavia, will be FOR SALE*-2 Philo Winter Colony Grasselli 8 pray products conaply witli the national ready to sell at his home the shoe istock Coops. L. H. Bennett. , Jeweler and Optometrist. Phone 247 T48 Main st. insecticide law. and oth^r belongings of the deceased on and after April ^nd. Bargains can FOR SALE—Geese and We guarantee perfect delivery. For spt*cial prices L. H. Root, ’phone 906, IL S and full information see I be had. .Cards havp • been received here an FOR SALE—Good light double bar- 'nouncing the marriage of -Roy Arm­ iiess and milk wagon. F. M. Smith. liJ. D. M cLARENiCC^, lac, strong to Miss Frances Louise D onahue^ FOR SALE — My Ford 1 which took place at Alhambra, Cal touring car. P. W. voorhies. PLYMOUTH, MICH. April 13th. Friends of the groom, a TO RENT—House on South Main Plymouth boy, extend ^rd ial congrat­ street. E. O. Huston. ulations. FOR SALE—6 milch cows, also a While Dr. and Mrs. Kimble were in quantity’ of clover bay and oats. John THAT YOU GAN BUY. Redlands, Cal., the past winter, the C. Root, ’phone 253 iL IS. Doctor bought air E. M. F. touring car FOR SALE—Two buggies, one new, in which they drove over four thousand gasoline stove. Enquire at this office. Central Meat Market miles, in this way seeing a great deal of Don't ask for cheapness. Keep thinking of qiudity. the country. Before leaving for borne FOR SALE — Choice ringle comb T Rhode Island eggs for hatching. That’s ou-i advice. he sold the car., 12.00 per setting of 15. Incubator eg ^ CsOl Central Meat Market, yCjpVf' 5.^ club met last Tuesday eve­ $4.00 per lOOi L. E. Bronson, Plymouth If yon know only a little alioiit brands, you can stilljlie ’phone 2S , for - ning with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. ;Cook| xnarl5ni2 - safe,' for this store always stands for your safe!tj% going ont in automobiles. Chideen pie, FOR SALE—Plymouth Rock, Rose 'S warm maple syrup, cake and coffee ww Comb Rhode IstauM Red and Indian We have i\6thiug that you need hesitate alxmt.Jiuyir^ ,.| qm ad out before Uie guests and it is Rnnner duck ^ g s for hstehing, $1.00 or eating. “ Purity a Surety” is^ our Grocery niatto pers^ng. E. J. Barr, Plymouth. needless to was heartily enjoyed. Our CHEF Brand of Canned Goods will please you.. &noke

: J' aafeL;-..>a ^ I ■ --r- • • ■ V

O k

One of tbe witnesses of Osceola's sec mss a soldier of the army In whose 125,000 AMERICANS GO veins there was a slight admixture of 10 LUXURY TRERE Indian blood. He was so stirred with TO CANADA IN 1911. admiration for Osceola's deed that be W hat is Casio r i a . swore to himself that later he would THE YEAR 1912 WILL SHOW iW hat House Committee Will See aid the Seminole's cause. GREAT INCREASE. MaJ. F rao clj L. Dade led an exj>edl- ^ASTOBIA is 'a Iiamdess sobsidtolB finr Gastor Oil, Paiegarlo,' Drops sad ’ at West Point. tipn' into < the Everglades against Os­ In a report of the House Committee ceola and his band. The soldier with (Washington) appeort the following: ^ Soothing ^ymps. It is pleasant. It c o n t^ neither Opimn, Moridilne nor the drop of Indian blood Is his Telno "Canada offers a three-year home­ HARD BEDS IN BARE ROOMS ^was chosen by Dade os a guide. Tbo stead upon good land, easily reclaimed other Narcotic snlntance. Its age Is its goarantee. It destroys Worms and aJ^ys man led the command straight to aa and cultivated, with six months' leave am bosh, which was discovered fortu­ ot absence each year and most lenient Feverishness. For more than thirty years it lias been in con s^ t use for the Simplicity and Diaclptine Carried to nately Just in time to oave Dade and regulations.” of Oonstipaiion, Flatolency, Wind Colic, all Teetlung !&onbles and Diardkea, R the Extromo In Quartero Whoro his men from annlhUstlon. All of which is true and it is n o w the Cadiata L lv e-^u rth ar There was a drumhead qpurt-aiar- the part of the careful reader to con­ tial, and tbe guide was sentenced to regnlates the Stomach and Bowels, asBimilates the Fo(^" giving teeltby^a^ economy Net Noedod. sider the opportunities that < exist in be. shot at sunrise. His lost request Weatem Canada which, In addition to natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea—The Mother's F r i ^ granted. He removed from his the abOTe, are attrectlye features. By GEORBE CLINTON. person the uniform of the United WaBhloEtOD.—M oat of th e The evidence of these Is found In tbe The Bind Ton i^ve Always Bought, and which has been in use for oyer S^tei army and put on leggings and letters contributed by some of tbe of the houee comxultte on notary af> hunting shirt of deer skin. He paint­ -(fal^ aooa will be deaignaeri to act settlers. For instanoe: A former Min­ 30 years, has home the signature of Gbas. H. Fletcher, and has been made under ed bis face and said that be was ready nesotan, writing from Warner, South­ )aa ^a board of Tlaltora to United to die. and as the shots of the execu­ o Statea military acadeiny to study the ern Alberta, speaks of that district, his personal supervision since its in&ncy. AUovpnh^merto deceive you in this. tion squad were fired his voice rang but what be says, applies generally to doatltuUon and to make retoi^nenda' with the death song of the Semlnoles. ’tiona for changes. It will bd a ca>o all of Southern Alberta. He says: All Counterfeits, ImitatioDS and “ Just-as-good ” are hut Experiments that trifle wth Maswere of Dade's Command. "i have seen six crops, four of them o f elTlUana offering suggeeti^a to ^ e Major Dade and bis command es­ soldier aapeiinteiideiit and / coa^an* were first class, one of them a rery and endanger the health of Infanta and ChUdrea—Experience against E^^riment. caped death on the day of the guide’s dant It is possible that Sp^er good crop, and tbe other a poor crop. treachery only to meet it later In the lIlow8 In size are like unto ra a t dedicated in this capital city a mon­ M jM p ffib ma n t h i p. The M You Have Always Bouglit which tbe man in tbe vaudeville ^r- ument to the memory of,John Paul "I am afrwTO^those militant suffra­ iformance doing a Pullman sleeping Jones, sea fighter. Recently in these gettes are going to give us serious Exact Copy of Wrapper. • In Use For Over 30 Years, 'car stunt pulls out of bis aft^ a articles something has been told of trouble." said one London policeman. long hunt In the berth. He may also tbe trouble over the matter of se­ "They mean business." notice that tbo cadet yashstai^d Is of curing a proper inscription for the "Why do you think so?” Inquired the pine, dear at 50 cents: that his water base of the statue. It was also told other. pitcher is a bucket and that hJs com­ bow John Paul Jones’ body is wait­ "A lot of them have quit giving pa­ PUTNAM FADELESS DYES bined drinking cup. tooth mug and ing final interment in a crypt in the rades and making speeches and are Color moro Mod. brighter md fMter color, than m y other dyo Ooc lOc pm kw color. aU filynL dye ^tm bgtothm Toacaa iy e any gannenf witboat ripping acait. Write for free booklet—How to Dye. Blea:A and M ix Cotorz. MOWBOC DBUG COMPANY, QaSi*icy. III, medicine glass is a gourd dipper. Annapolis naval academy cbapel. The practicing with quoits and baseballs.” It Is possible, that tbe speaker will president of the United States will ■ also notice that the two cadet occu- dellved an address when the monu­ What She Wanted. DR. K ELLO G G ’S !peats of tbe room have no chairs to ment bf Jones is unveiled In Potomac Before the fire o^'-Chrlstmas Eve. W . L . DOUGLAS ’Offer visitors. They have one F'ark, and thousands of sailors and two old maids w e r f planning for the straight-backed affair each, so straight- soldiers will be present when the com­ holiday. ' J HMA backed, In fact, that the occupants mander-in-chief of the army and-navy “Sister Mallie.” said the younger, SHOES ^for- the prompt relief of can't lounge out of tbe p^ltion of speaks bis words of praise of him "would a long stocking bold all you •2 i5 *2.50 *3.00 *3.50 *400 & *5.00 nd Hay Fever. Aek ypur ■ soldier if they desire. whom some historians call "tbe great­ want for a Christmas gift?” f o r It. Writs Isr FREE tM iF L l There has been no let-up In the grip For MEN, WOMEN and-BOYS ITHROP & LYMAN CO, Ltd, BUFFAIAILY. est sea fighter of them all.” "No, Elvira,” said the older, "but a \ THE STANDARD OF QUALITY of the old iron hand of discipline and Some day It may be known definite­ pair of socks would.” simplicity at West Point since the j FOR OVER 30 YEARS ly whether America's first admiral .w e a r W. L DOUGLAS SHOES / \ B S O R B l N f now barracks were built. There are fought for the infant republic from Wins Again. still bare floors, whitewashed walls, 1 You can uve money becatue they are redsee lnflsmed.swollenMBte, motives of pure patriotism or from the The International Pure Food Show held gnitowiLSof t Bwaieb—. CuwBwlI*. bard beds, straight-backed chairs, spur of ambition. He fought with In Parla March 1S12, has juat awarded Cal­ ' more economical and satisfactory in P oUS tII, Ooltor, PUraia or any -wooden water buckets and gourd dip- umet Baking Powder the highest honors, onboolthy eoro qateklr; pi— rS nothing less than desperate courage giving them the Grand Prize and Gold style, Bt and wear thanany other nukes. to bm; dooe aoi buster uider ’pers. There is a chance to give the for the cause which he had espoused, M edal. W .L Douglas name and price stamped bsadsee or rsmors tbe tasir, sad •cadets the necessary number of cubic This. In addition to the Highest Award ...yoa esn .... ----work- tbe borse..f B_perbot~ g but there are those things in John that Calumet won at the World’s Pure on the bottom guarantees full ^ u e u d feet of air In the new quarters, with ^aul Jones’ life which make It seem Food Exposition in Chicago, gives Calu­ protects the .rearer against high price* ______BedBces PEiofnL Swol- 4tn opportunity to take a bath when met the highest honors Issued by two* of lea Velas. Goitre. Wenx BtimiDS. that be may have fought because*>of the largest Pure Food Shows ever held and andinf«iiDrshoes. Insistuponhavingthe Braises, stope Pslo sad inSsmipe- ihe spirit moves. lUee. Price n.w-@r bottle St desl- sheer love for fighting and because proves conclusively the superior whole­ efs or delivered. wlllteUyooswre After Mr. Clark has seen the beys someness. purity' and uniformity of Calu­ genuine W. L Douglas shoes. It 700 write. Msaatsetared onlJ by tbe Immediate need of the struggling met Rsklny Powder. If yoor <*•»!« e«anotfOpnlTW. L Doajlu ebeeR, write W U sweep their own floors and fill their X>oii^t, Broeklofl, Mm -, for cMxlo*. Shore aent g?giywbrt> I. F..310 Teasis SL.S9risBfsld.llsss. r water buckets, and has watched them colonies gave opportunity for the ac­ deUTtry ebsrtw pcepAld. rm tt C » t^ « m«L quiring (rf that need of Individual Perhaps you are oiie of those chaps ^rill and work for sixteen hours out wb,o w ant tb e earth. ..If so. w hat would of the twenty-four, he probably will be glory which some men claim the soul of John ^aul Jones craved. you do with the old thing If you had Splendid Crops in a mood to tell congress that ^on- it? omy m all right, but that It ought to Cooper's View of His Motives. h Saskatehsinn (Veetern C m di) Jamehv Fentmore Cooper served In - r fROMHIDlTOSHOE begin somewhere else than at West If You Are a Trifle Sensitive 9 0 0 MuGheiG from 20 GOfGG Point At any rate, if be doesn't say the Un)lM States navy. In common About the size oi -our shoes, you can Of wheat was the thresher’s this to bis colleagues there will be a with his ^llow sailors of the old oak­ wear a size small) by shaking Allen's There Are Keasons — G o o d return from a Ueyd- Foot-Ease, the an iptlc powder. Into Reasonst Why You Should Bify ml&ster Cerm In the disappointed lot of embryo United en frigates he held in first place of them . Ju s t th e thii ■ Dancing Par- season eflSM. Ksny and xoi fields la that as wettas. States army officers on tbe Hudson honor the alien admiral who com- other distiicte yield­ i) rtr^ flfty miles above New York city. inanded the first vessel flying the lie FREE. Address Allen S. Olmst^, Le- ed from 25 to 3& bu­ shels of wheel to tbe Romance of Everglades. American flag which compelled a ship ^oy, N . T . acre. Other groins la The matter of the reclamation of of tbe supposedly invincible BiiMsh R ougeR ex proportion. After sympathizing with people who the Florida Everglades recently has navy to strike colors. Yet James Fen- are in trouble many a man begins to UI8EPMFITS been the subject of discussion In con- imore Ccoper in that greatest of sea nee tks* dnrfVnd feel like a hypocrite. \ grew. Moreover, there boa been tales, “The Pilot,” points John Paul something savoring of sharp trouble Jones as a hero rather than as a pa­ Shoes OKI.T ONE **BBOMO QtrTKXZnS.** • for tbe agricultural department In the triot At the close of tbe story Coop­ That Is LAXATIV BBOMQ Qtfu n jtg Look for tbo sLgnateTe of B W GBOVa. U s^ tbe World First. They are economical—not affair. er puts into the mouth of one of his ever to Core a Cold lb One bar. Be. cheap, mind you—but economical in that they xive more real wearing Not oil the darkness and the ro­ chief characters, a naval officer, these service to the dollar than any other mance of' the Everglades passed with words touching tbe life and motives A man is always willing to pay what moke of shoes. tbe ending of the long ware wtih the of John Paul Jones: be owes—If it is a grudge. Second. They are comfortable. Tt ts not necessary- shoe give service that It be made ef stiff, hard leath< ■Sexttlnoies. who m ade th a t region "His devotion to America proceed­ blisters the feet, and that cannot be made over respec.able looking lasts. their stronghold. Semi-wiid men Uve ed from a desire for distinction, his Garfleld Tea losares a aonnal action The leather In our work shoes Is as soft and pliable as bucksidn, but the liver. tough as wrought Iron.______And______I^UGE REX SHOES_ . . FIT. They please; la tbo recesses of the glades today, ruling passion. His love for liberty from the day they ore first put on until they oro worn wut. and tragedies etlll frequently mark may be tbe most questionable, for If Ambition is a good thing, bi^t don't Look for the above trade-mark In colors on your dealer's shelves, (he land. Gome in abundance atlll he commenced his deeds In tie cause and when you find It, ask to see the ohoes. Note the mark well—an fly higher than you can roosL Indian head oh a skin. It is also stamped on the bottom of every shoe, dlnds a place from the hunter In the of these free states, they Jermlcated and is a sure sign of quality. If your merchant has no Rouge Rex Shoes In Jungles, and at least two species ot in the services of a despot stock write us gnd we will give you the name of a dealer. tbirdfl, the Carolina paroquet and the . Is now dead, but had. he lived >{ iiraira. '-great ivory-billed woo4p«.Kker. ex­ In limes and under circumstances elttStoUdeye. Mo. ffirth-Krause Co.> Root*f’-— Rex Shoes «* tinct In-all other parts of thb United when his consummate knowledge of We tan tbe leather from which Rouge Bex Shoes are mode. I O U are vowels that have caused States, have managed ther« Co Keep his profession, his cool, deliberate and many a man's downfall. (heir race from extermination. even desperate courage could have Oefianee of Osceola. been exercised In a regular and well Tbe ol^er tragedies of the Ever- supported navy, and had the habits of ^Isdes, dbrk as they were, hold the his youth better qualified him to have most iateresL it was on the edge cr borne meekly the honors be acquired the iungle country that Osceola, the In bS r^e, he would have left-behind ^ -Semtocle. when asked to sign a treaty him no name in its lists that would uMith'-sle whites by which the loctP have descended to the latest posterity vyas to bo'given up. drew his knife, of hip adopted countrymen with great­ r^ruck its blade through the document er renown.” Choice Crain from the fields of Minnesota and the Dakotas contribute to its quality. o : of tnnolor. and aid: ”There is xny. Expert Millets, vbo spare no pain, or expense, superintend the vork that takes every unvorthy particle from the t produces this rich, creamy floob »igdat;TA** F o r a F * ^ Three geoeraUenB of bausevhres hare attested the goodnes of this voodethil flour. . It ban been sM that it takes, oaly "That cruy Irlsluaaa mlxod the one drop eC re* blood'to drlnka with. Whisky iM teSd.ot Hat- Sorely Economy'and Cleanliness anbothaarved in transporting wheat (ndt flour) &qm Oase distaid northvostan wfaeiat fields. Ask for Henkel's B R E ^ Sap^ . . Amectcatt. . -todioB. T h o J I r mnee fnwlriloil oC tbo th a t ^ i » s c k r FT r T 9 TT )■

’ ' TT ■ ■ 1 ■ I. . ^ Nothing jofti ^lotist like tiie. re­ CURA BARTON IS DEAD fusal of people to ^ y any attention to TWO WEEKS’ him. Founder of Red Croee Society AM E11G MINISIER The average man’s way of forgiving T R E m B l f M t Greater Fann Hficiency Dies at Her. Home in Glen Echo, Md. an enemy la meaner than bis refusal Miss Clara Barton, founder of the to ,do so. American Red Cross society, died at MEDMHIlEFRa her home in Glen Echo, £>d. SnS UPON iYO R DO matter what your d ise^ . If you snffee- The cause of her death was chronic W h e n Y('our Eyes N e e d C a r e f rom RheomatisDi,write. If you suffer fr6ea> ^koodng « Uietol D raft H okse t pneumonia, with which she was TryMoriBoXyo’•■inedj. ;. NoNol Snuutlof—Feel* Fln^'Aeta thickly.olcto. It for Bed, Weak, Kidney Trouble, writs. No inatter what BTH»or.A.s.AmMl«»ni.inii uti f>*>,i.r.ii„iiitii'i | , striolEeB alwnt a.year ago. Her broth­ Watery Byes and Orsanlsied Byellds. nia*- er, Stephen Barton, of Boston, was Minnesota Preacher Resents Be­ trmted Book la each Pseksge. Morloe la you suffer from, write to fiwiiiniiixlH by osr OeaUM*—set a ‘‘Patent Med- Vrith. h e r w hen she died. ing Called Liar by Chief Ex­ IctM"—bvt asM iB eDcomBrnl Pbyilelanr Prac- M U N Y O N * S D O C T O R S Clara Barton was bom at Oxford, Uee—______for------i IT T«an. Kow dadteated______to______toe PaO- SSd end Jafforsoa Sts^ PhOadel^ble, Pa. lie aod told by Drugglstfat lie and flOe^r Boule. M ass., in 1821. E arly in th e civil w ar ecutive of North. S t Paul. Morlae Bya w lv a la Asaptle ToMa. We and Be. she' was a clerk In the patent office Murine Remedy Co.« Chicago at Washington. Day after day she NOT k PENNY TO PNf read accounts of the suffering of sol­ Offer Is Good for the Next Thirty D ay diers in camp and in hospital until Cooking at an Art. ROW OVER ELECTION Frost—What kind of a cook Is Daw- she could endure no longer the heart­ CMCENS, TNNNINS ache it gave her. The national mili­ ber's wife? • , tary hospital department, was at first Snow—Impressionistic. S C R O F U L A quite unprepar^ for the task sud­ Parson Goes Home After the Insult* CURED BY PURIFICO: denly thrown upon it. At length Miss But Returns After Pondering Well Garfield Tea, for tbe IH* reaultiD? from Im­ Mrs. B. O. B eat. Beonettsbiirg. N. T , wrotw Barton resigned her clerkship to go pure blc^. la a remedy of tried eflicacy. tbat after barlag a Cancer rem ove front under, the Matter and Administers Drink before retiring. her arm, she was told by tbe doctor that bar as a volunter unpaid army nurse in •yatem was fnll of eaDcerou* poison and noth- hospital and on the battlefield. Sbe Enduring Rebuke. Ing could help her. She heard of the PnrlflcOi likewise called on generous civilians Treatment u d as a last resort tried U and waw Many a man Is dissatisfied with his cured. later she writes that Pw iCea to contribute to the relief of the sol­ S t Paul, Ming.—^North S t P aul has lot because it is too near his neigh­ •ffacted a core and she had not diers. return of tbe trouble. For further proof a u A a “fighting parson” in Rev. Martin W. bor’s. particulars write ^ So much good did .she and her help­ Kinney, who. following an altercation ers do that in 1S64 she was appointed HIE wiiinco ca. rw n ct stm t Fm rt*a|*.r[ with Mayor Pat Murphy after the **Plnk Kye** IsSpldem le In the Spring. to take charge of the hospital of the Try Murine Bye Beinedy ror Reliable BeUef. THE NEW FRENCH REMEDY.No.|.F*.a.faS» array in front of Richmond. Sh^ was close of the village election the olher on the field in several battles. night neatly and dispassionately laid TH ER/^IO N ^^t If a man saves money it is because •BSAT S0CCB88. coifa xn>xiT. aLADoe^Missss, the militant mayor flat on the floor of nuts. OHMKio nxawL skis ut7pnois>>»fnB s*x he is kept too busy at work to spend S n t •bw4*m ar FBtl WoklH •• MU U OUttO Powers Make Move for Peace. the post office and, with his knee MXO. CO.. lUVKMrOOg XD.'BJUMTXAB.ZOaMS.Bll«, It is officially announced that the poignantly planted in the pit of the it. powers made proposals of mediation magistrate’s suffering stomach, liade B A T flin fr STABT PACTOBin Bent Mrs. Whislow** Soothlog Sfrap for Children N*ANe .HIS nrfreelRMkbewtossiFatonta; to Constantinople with a view to him ponder on the folly of passing* the ■ ee ■ te is ■ W patent seennd or fe* re ta ra ^ teetbiog. softens tbe gums, reduces Inflsmms- Soas a Company, ntmmrT%, Washtegtom, XL CC bringing'to an end the war between lie to a man of the-cloth. Uoo, allays i>aln, cures wind colic, SSc a boule. Turkey and Italy over Tripoli. stoworfewUssnei Fearing the descending wrath of a DETUUICE STRRCH: righteous man, ‘the mayor, supine and What the world needs is less good THE MARKETS. taking -three-inch breaths, called on advice and more good example. W. N. U., DETROIT, NO. 10-1912. the astounded spectators, “in the name Detroit—Cattle—Best steers and beifers, |6.7i»^7: good tociioi' c bnti-Jier of the state,” not to mention the name A BLOOD MEDICINE WlTHODTALCiOHOL. sieere and heifers. 1.00 to l.aOO pound.«, of humanity, to make the parson let Recently St has been 'definitly proven by experiment* on eeimal* ^ t t eloohol Jo .7 S @ 6 .10 ; llKht to good butcher him up. This was done and Mayor lowen tbe germicidaT power of rite body end thM eloobol pentlyse* the white eer-^ steers and heifer.**. 700 to l*«0 pounds. Murphy, as gracefully as possible, of tbe blood and renders them uimble to take op luri deMroy diaeate germa- $4.750,1.50; mixed hutchers' f.at cows, ___I germa oanae the death of over ooe^haH o f tbe homaa race. $:i.oO05; ’ canners. common considering his late recumbent posi­ hiiHs, J3.5O04; god shippeis' bulla. J4.5I) A b l< ^ medicine, made entirely without alcohol, whiefa ia a; porejdyoei;io 'ex* too. 'Veal calves— Best grades. )G..501^0 tion, dissolved and floated toward the tract of roots, anoh aa Bloodroot, Qoeen'a root. Golden Seal root, Kfaailieike and. 7; o th e rs, $:i..5 0 0 5 .5 0 ; m ilch c o w s and prairies. Stone root, l» t been exteoaively told by dnigriat* Aor the pest forty year* ta Dr. springers, $250.50. Sheep and lambs— 8taMion of Good Form. Best lambs. $7,75 4? $: fair to good Rev. Mr. Kinney Is aljout five feet Pierce*! Golden Medical Discovery. Tbe refreshing inflolmoe of this extract ia like Iambs. $707.50; llgiu to common lambs, eight inches high, of medium build, Nature’s influence—the blood is bathed in the tonic which gives Ufa to tbe blood— A horse’s height Is measured In btoperly upon the neck. $5,500 6.5U; fair to good luitclier sheep, peaceful and kindly. vital fire* of the body bum brighter and their increased activity oonawpca tho- $4..5U0;3.5«: (‘Ulls and <'onunon, $204. tisane mbbiah which has accumulated during tbe winter. *handB” (4 inches) from tl|e summit The shoulder of a draft horst Hogs—Pigs lower. Range of prices: Mayor Pat about five feet Dr. R. V. Pieree, the ffionder of tbe Invalids* Hotel end of the withers to the ground. A typl* should be moderately sloping, smooth I.ight to good butchers. |7.60to7.T0; pigs. $606.25; light yorkers. $7.25® seven inches hlghTa trifle under me­ Surgical Institute, and a physician of large experience and cal, ideal draft horse stands over 16 and extending well back. A majority 7.40. Stags one-llilrd off. dium build and probably peaceful by practioe, was tbe- first to make op an A ltbrattvi EsfraAcr of hands (5 feet 4 Inches) and under 18 of poorly formed draft horses have now. East Buffalo. N. Y.—I’attle; All good roots, withooC a paitiole of alootot o r narootio* bands high. Tall, leggy horses. If de* shoulders which are too steep. Occa­ grade.q sold I'.c to 23c higher; com­ Late in the afternoon Rev. Mr. Kin­ **It Is with tha erestsst of pleucre, that I wrlta to let too know a t Dcient In weight, width and quality, sionally the shoulders are too sloping. mon, and medium, • H'c to 2(<<* iiigher; ney encountered the mayor on duty th* great bcaeflt s reedvsd rrem tbs us* of your lasdirlnss and sslf- best 14000 1600 steers. $;S4l''d8 60; treament at bona,” wiitaaMBa.WM. Bernik of Lsd9«iBfth.B.C. Isof* are undesirable. Such horses ' often Either extreme In a draft horse is ob­ good p rim e lS0fl(Ttl4(KI ste e rs. $7 7.50 in front of the pos office and accused fered for thre* yean frem a rumdag sorab Ccnsoltad feor doetort bo* are found affected with St. Vitus’ jectionable. Trouble with collars S25; good' prime 12000 1200 steers. him of permitting the saloons to re­ they Nifled to SMod or gir* relief. Finally I was told I was in eoesoB^ $7 25(8 7 75; best 11000 li’i'O steers. $7 tion and would have to consult a apedaHit eoooenlng my ear, tbst tbo dance. Exceptionally tali horses (over comes from these causes when the 6' 7 40; m edium b u lc lie r ste e rs lOOOl® main open on election day. He also dead boas must b* eot out baforsriis wound would basL A ksnd friend 17.2 hands) are difficult to match in horse Is doing heavy pulling. The cor­ 1100. $6 230 0 7.5: light butcher steers. mentioned that the mayor, who was advised me to writ* to Dr. Ptaree, which I did. and after asvan nwntna S5 50l>| 6: best fat cows. $5 500 6 23; uaeof tzsatzjMDt the sore Is healed, and I eejoy beiiar hsaidi than I pairs and therefore may n ot me^et rectly laid shoulder should form a fair to gootl cows. $4 500 5 25: common elected on reform ticket, had gene ever did. 1 dressed tbe wound wltbDr. Pleree's AD-HeallBg Salve and took the *<3oiden Medical Discovery* and ‘Pleelwnt Psllela* iaa b9 with ready sale on the nsarket. Such smooth, comfortable bed for the col­ to medium. $5 7004 25; irlnuners. $2 75 over to the other side. Said the Uoablea. I shall always xeemanuad your msdiriosfc horses are chiefly used for single work lar. Straight or upright shoulders de­ 0.5 25; best fat heifers. $6 250 0 75; good fat, heifers, $5 25 0 0: fair to goo«l m ayor: Dr. Pieroe*B Pleasant Pelleta regiflate liver and bowala. or as the middle horses of three bc^e tract from easy, free action of the helfer.s, $00^5 25; stock heifers. $40; “You are a liar.” team s. forelegs and generally are found asso­ 4 25; best feeding steers. $50 5 25: com­ mon feeding steers. $404 25; Stock­ “Inosmt^ch as I am a minister." fe- A draft horse should weigh 1,'$00 ciated with upright pasterns. The ers. all grades. $3 5O0‘4; prime export plied Rev, Mr. Kinney, according tc pounds, or more. In ordinary flesh. shoulders should be ' smoothly and bulls. $.5 500 6:, best hiitilier bulls, $4 7 5 0 :5 2.5: b o lo g n a b u lls. $ 4 0 4 50; Weight in a draft ho'rse is absolutely deeply covered with muscles and be stock bulls $3 2.5®4; best milkers and necessary for the haulflig of heavy free from coarseness, roughness, sores springers. 140 0 50; common to good, Serious Cosfly Sl<^ess springers. $250.10. Hogs—Market ac­ leads. It enables the horse to derive and tumors. The withers should be tive and 5c to lOc biglior: heavy and too sure to come when your bodily strength baa been ondermioed full benefit from the strength of his well covered and moderately high. y o r k e rs . $8 1 5 0 8 25: p ig s. $6 5 0 0 6 7.5: > poison of bile. Headache*, sour atoma^* nopleasant breath.' The forearm, extending from the el­ top w o o l lam b s. $8 4 0 0 8 50.: clip p e d ’ soess, and a wish to do nothing are all sin s of biuousneis—signs, muscles, adds to the effect of his mo* lambs, $7(^7 2; yearlings, clipped. $6(8) at your system needs help. Just tbe ri^ t help ia given ewri thu tions and gives him a,firm grip ni>on bow to the knee, should be long, w'lde, 6 25: wethers. $5 500 5 75; ewes, $40 5. Calves: Slow; tops. $8 25«/S50; fair to GonditioD which invites serious, sickness the ground. Heavy weight is a use­ heavily muscled and free from coarse­ good. $ 7 0 8 ; h e a v y . $4 5 0 0 5 50. less burden when not associated'vrlth ness. This portion of the body of the adequately developed frame and mus­ draft horse, together with the lower GRAIN, ETC. DETIIOIT—Wheat—Cash No 2 red. Is Prevented By cle. It should be accompanied by thigh (gaskin) of the bind leg, cannot $1 08; Jlay upeneui with an increase of vigor and energy. be fattened, but is composed chiefly of l-2c at $1 07 3 -4. declined to $1 04 ;{-4, timely nse of Beiecham’s Pills. This famoos v ^ e tab le, and always eficient The form of the draft horse should lean muscle and bone. The muscles advanced to $1 08 3 4 and closed at family remedy will clear your system, regnlate your bowels, stimidate your $1,08 1-2; July opened at $107. lost liver, tone your nerves. Your digeatioD will be so improved, your food will be broad, deep, massive, evenly pro­ should be prominent In front and l-2c, advanced to $108 1-2 and closed at $107; September opened with a ile nourish you and you will be itiw g to DO and to reaist. resist. V-; Xi> C y e l­ nnd compact, with abort, broad, clean, deep, strongly formed and smooth. low . M l- 2 c : Xo. 4 y d lo w . sOc. well set legs showing fine skin, large So long as these and other Joints Oats—Standard. 1 car at 63c: Xo 3 white, 61 l-2c. joints and prominent tendons. are free from puffs, bony grovrths R y e — t'a s h X o 2, or.r. J ^ e e c h a m ^ The entire appearance of the draft and meatiness, they cannot well be Beans—Immediate, iimnipt and April shipment, $2 40; May. $2 45; October, Tbedirsrtkaawftb ousfyheaafovriuabio—eapedal horse should be indicative of strength too large or too strongly developed. $2 28. Sold •vsiywber*. fat be>«s 10c.. 25c. ♦ for heavy hauling. A massive body, Knees should be straight and so set Cloversecd—Prime .*^pot. CO bags at $1 2 75; October, $1(1; sample. 2o bags set squarely on sturdy legs is re­ as to perfectly carry the weight of the at $12 25. 20 at $1125; prim'- ulslkc. quired. body. Sprung knees, or “buck knees, ” 25 bags at $12 50; sample al.«ike, 13 liafTS a t $ 11 75. Good quality is shown by fine, bent in the forward direction are as Timothy Seed—I’riine spot. 75 bags bright, silky hair; soft, pliable skin; objectionable as those of the reverse a t $6 40. Flour—In one-cightb paper sa<*ks. clean, well defined tendons; smooth type which are known as “calf per 196 lbs., jobldng lot.s; Best patent, AND well developed muscles; strong, knees.” Examine the knees for blem­ S>»S5: second patent. $4 sn; straight. $5 25; spring patent, 15 90; rye, $5 20. m m smooth bones. It usually Is assoclajted ishes and the cannons for splints j.”*.ed— In jo b b in g lo ts in lOO-lb ' with style, spirit and intelligence in­ close up to the knees. Splints will be sacks: Bran. $30; coarse midlings, $30: Mnc inld'llings, $32: corn and oat chop. dicative of “breeding.” $30; cracked corn and coarse corn- A draft horse does most of his bard m eal. $32 p e r lOn. ^ S A V E T H E M work at the walking gait. It is there­ GENERAL MARKETS. Why waste vklnable time and mon$y on tmreliable fore important that be should be able Potatoes are easy and off' 5c. Of­ and— buUding papeip whrayourlocal ...I------.. ♦gea' dealersdls6AL-VA*H " ** '* to walk fast without tiring. He should ferings are increasing ami demand is PRODUCTS whose qualito is guaranteed by. reputable manD> fair. Butter is off 2c and trading is facturerSy the oldest and largest in the line.] be able to walk four miles an hour active. The tone in egg.s is steady with a load. To do this the action and offerings are not so great as they B G al-v a -n ite Rooflnfi...^ were. Vegetables are easier bill the “Triple j^phaltvM ri^—Mira Plated.” Needs no paint— I must be perfectly regular, straight tone in fruits is firm. Poultr?- is and level. Joints musCbe quickly and scarce and firm. Dressed calves are He Sat Upon the Mayor. A No after-attention. First (jmt—Last Cost. Ready to lay—Ready I fully flexed; feet tnust be advanced e a sy . to wear. No skilled labor/required. Suitable for any kind of | Kutter—Extra creamery. 32c; first witnesses, “I presume I must ta k e building. P u t np ^ rqUajra lOS sq. ft. with galvanund nails, o and set down witbotit deviation from creamery. 31c; dairy, 22c; packing, ment and directio^T / a straight line. Soles of the feet 21c p e r lb. this-” ' I- Kggs—Receipts, 642 cases: current The pastor went to his home, evi­ Gal>va>nlte Flooring V i i should turn up and show the shoes receipts, cases Included, 19 l-2o per A perfect imitation of oak used owwK’oId sdit wood flooB^ I plainly as the horse moves away dozen. dently thinking deeply. A few min­ Apples—Baldwin. $'•3 500 4: Green­ utes later, however, he returned tatbe ^ving the appearance of tSe finest quartered-oak. Takes tbe plafia I from the observer, at both walk and ing; $.3 25(«3 50; Spy. $404 50; Ben Da­ ot unsanitary CarF«ts—lightens housework. Used around. e d ^ of 1 trot The feet should be lifted quick­ vis. $2 7.503 23 per bbl. business street on an errand and large rugs and for interior finish. Durable, sanitary andi ioeapan* 1 Potatoes—Car lots. bulk. $l 15; again encountered Mayor Murphy, this V ly, evenly and be «et down squarely sa'cks. $1 20 per bu. sive. up in rolls 38 inches'wide—sold by the yard. ' and firmly. Dressed Calves—Ordinary, S09c; time inside tbe post office. A Bilence Gal-'va-nite Plaster Board fancy. 10c per lb. • like a still, subzero night followed. There should be no “paddling,” New Potatoes—Bermudas. $2 per bu A An econoDxical substitute for lath and plaster. “dishing,” or “winging” In or but, cut­ and $S 50 per bbl. iThen, like an Icicle, contracting In I t is weather-proof, moisture-proof, odm-less and sani­ ting or Interfering, nor should tlie fore Honey—Choice'fancy comb, J5@16c ^the cold, the pastor said: tary. Can be applied by any one. May be pMntc * per bib.; amber, 12013c. ’ calcimlned or papered over. Put up in ro ^ 36 legs swing ont or “roll,’* or the hind Live Poultry—Spring chickens.. 150 "So I’m a liar? Come outside; I legs be carried too close together or kCc: hens. 15016c; ducks. 14c: young want to talk to you a minute.” 48 inehes wide. ducks. 15016c; gee'se. 110 12c; turkeys, too far apart. In judging of the ac­ According to spectators, his tone Gal*Ta-nite Bla^k Enamel Sheathlnff 1 6 0 1 8 c. Superkn'tdtairedfelts, red roaiDs,c‘ . for gsnA tion the observer must ^ote the move­ Crooked o r “Sickle** Hock, Nuts—Almonds, 18c; California w r I- of voice did not suggest, however, any­ nut*. 16016 l-2c: Brasils. 14016c; Fil­ thing particularly violent. j eral sheathing purposes. Especially ada| for damj^j ments of each leg and foot, the likely to cause lameness.^ Blemishes berts. 12012 l-2c; Pecans. 12016c per Tproofing floors in concrete bi ** " coDasteT Then the mayor threw Ills arms I handling of each joint and the car­ may Indicate tendency to falling. lb. foundadon walls, stormjir and in- riage of the entire body, as the horse The hoofs should be ample in size, sr/plr bu: o»r- ?bout Mr. Kbm,y and him sulatine lefri^rators. Water-proof, ip-proof, odor- walks and trots. Watch closely for sound, smooth -and symmetrical in rots. 8(8- oer do*; cucumbers. hot­ he was under arrest. Mr. Kinney, . less and sanitary. Put up in rolls m i ‘ sq. f t lameness. The hocks should be car­ house. $1 5001 7."; celery. 75080c per doubting the mayor's authority and shape. dot: Florida celery, 12 3002 73: green A*fe r o m -fft*TT l*r F O R D G . < 30. ried well together when In motion. The chest encloses the heart and onions. 12I-2C per do*. $303 50 per also his grounds (or arrest, folded the Gml-rm-otf Trotmen ot » m 4 8T. PAUL. CHIC O - 8T. LOUIS hamper: turnips. 60c per bu: water­ mayor up and sat on him. for Ss* fW«w S a o o k lM ^ OMASA 1 iBAS c m r Rolling, or waddling In'frbnt Is due to Umgq; it should be roomy in every cress 20030c per do*; gron beans. too gfeat width oT chest. Knee and *3.5004: rutabagas. 7508Oc per bu: respect. A narrow, shallow chest de­ Hubbard squash. -2 l-2c per lb; j>ars- hock action should both be free and notes poor constitution, lack of endur­ nins. $1 50 per bu "Baby** of Fam ily W as 108. comparatively high. Perfection of ac­ Provisions—Family pork. $19 020: ance and deficient breathing organs. Kokomo, Ind.—Hiram Bolton is tion at the walk is of highest impor­ mess pork. $18; clear backs. $18 500 If too wide the action tendf to wad­ 19.50; smoked hams. 14ft I5c; picnic home from Morgantown, where be at­ tance In Ihe dr^ft horse. dling or rolling. A narrow chest and hnms lQl-2o: shoulder. lie: bacon. 13ft 15 l-2c: •briskets. 11 1-2012 1-2c; tended the funeral of his mother, 108 The draft horse should show a vig­ high knee action often go' together. lard in tierces. 11c: kettle rendered years old, 'the baby of her family. orous, lively, energetic disposition, An ample, wide, deep chest denotes la**a i2 o n * r lb. pomaiie V aseH iie Hay—Carlot prices, track. TVtroit: Despite her great age she is survived yet be docile, tractable and intelli­ vigor, power, ptroi^g constitution and X o 1* timothy. $250:13 50: Xo 2 timo- by a brother and two sisters, all old­ A choice dressing and preservative for the hair, liighly gent. He should be neither sluggish^ easy keeping qualities. thr. $24024 50: light mixed. $240’ 24 5(1; Xo 1 mixed. 123 50021- rye er than she. Her brother is in the refined; delicately perfumed. nor irrltable» nor excessively nervous.' ■ Poor bocks are^a common fault in straw. *1150012: wheat and oat neighborhood of 112. One of her sis­ Checks dandruff and keeps scalp in faealtby condliloD. Noticeable vices, as cribbing, wind draft borsgs. It Is imi>ortant to im­ straw. $10 50011 per ton. ters, Mrs. Mandy Rittenhouse of Pomade Vaseline is put up in attractive bottles and sucking, weaving, tail switching, shy­ prove this deflcieficy. To that end Brownsburg, Ind., Is 111. H er oth er ooUa^ible tubes. Insist on Pomade VASELINE. A Chicago mail order concern has ing. biting, kicklzig, head shakl^. breeding animals should have good -lister, Mrs. Sallle Wilson, who ll'^^s If jour dealer does not carry it, write us. etc., are undesirable. SluggishnWs hocks and for work horses thlp alsc parchased life, accident and health W« win *1*0 bo sl*d to wnd yoa frwo llln*tr*ted booktot. a rr-. d«4eriN .n K entucky, is 117. The m ind o f th e law otbor cbofoo *-V*acUno’’ ■ rotecMloo* tor teUetoBd tomltj oa*. / , associated with fat should be avoided, is imperative. The bock (not “hind Insurance for 2,800 em ployes under deceased was keen to tbe last and AddM DmA B. ^ ' as it induces disease. Stupidity, .clum­ knee”) is commonly the seat of som« two policies. Each of the policies, she acted as a woman about 70 years Q iesdm iigh M anufacturing siness meanness or excessive nerv­ one of such diseases as bone and bog one for life insurance and the other old. ousness are objectionable and should (not “blood”) spavin, thoronghpln and a health and accident contract, are cai2n. U n d ^ B e n e a th Horn* Persian legendary lore teUs some Pere M arquette MMTIA60 WAS BUILT MORE fanciful stories aboat the rose which ' Take FOLEY ^ THAN aOO YEARS AGO. have great poetic charm. For example, j G e t s a D o g Difficuhies the poet Attar wrote “The Book of the | Nightingale,” telling how all the other i KIDNEY PILLS Miy of Vast System of Defense birds appeared in anger before the ’ in a heedleps moment the idng- Tonic h ActiM - Qnck h R colb CoRStruoted by the Spaniards Is throne of Solmnon, asking him to de : ihornes yielded to Jimmy's ardent and Trying to go through the Field stroy the nl^tingale, which would not ' Get rid of yot» D eadly K idney New Used as Military Head­ vociferous pleas and admitted that it museum has become a sort of mania allow the&Hp rest by night, but pour- ' A llm e n tS t that cost yoa a high price | quarters. might be possible to permit him to with McGinnis. It Is at once a recre­ ed forth Ua\laySc when peaceful si- 1 in endurance of pai^ loss of time and Sunday, A|x. 28 Qave a dog to play with. Up to that ation, a dissipation, a lure and a dis­ lepee-'sKouId Vein aUover the earth. | ore of miles down the bay from :ime tbey had been able to match his money. have cured themselves of appointment. Iter prolonged argument the bird was j right qt the very front door teasing by a succinct and comprehen­ KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASES Years ago it dawned upon him thai ;tted. for It explained with such archipelago, lies hidden on Cor- sive “No!” But now life was vaistly TO going through the museum was a duty patb<^that its iintimely melody could by the prompt and timely ose of FOLEY Island a veritable hornet’s he owed himself and his city. So, different. \mashed batteries. According not beV^Btralned because of its fren­ Every homecoming of the elder KIDNBY p i l l s . Stops BACKACHE, coCdescendi^giy one day while out for zied love for the rose, a passion so t o the bverland. Monthly, these bav members of the family, if not greeted HEADACHE, and ALL the many other a walk he said to himself that he hopeless and undying that it could teries make the Port Arthur Implace- by “Didyuh bring my dog?" was hailed troubles thatfoUowDISEA^DKlDHBYS mig^t as well drop in. never be made voiceless. Another ments of yesterday seem like mere with the wail, “When kin I have mf'-. Detroit McGinnis bad also something of the Persian belief is that nightingales al-s and URINARY IRREGI^ARITIES. . e' FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS will CURE any th a t. I’m go4ng to get?” until the King- a sign up saying that the museum was fied by the acent Jamie, a Persian thomes reached the stage where their case of KIDNEYandBLADDERTROUB- The Gruson tiffiets, made of con­ closed for .repairs. He walked away poet, wrote of how “the first rose ai>- opinion on dogs as a whole was so LE not beyond the reach of medicine. No Train will leave Plymouth at 9:40 and crete and steel and sunk on rock with his respect for the institution In­ peared in Qulistan at the time the 11:15 a.m . Returning leave Detroit at Intense that it was wordless. medicine can do more. In a yellow package. ! tomdations, natural or artificial, in creased as one's respect always In­ flowers demanded a new sovereign 6:15 p .ra . Tbe.situation led to dissensions also, > I the deep, resemblihg huge gray turtles creases for the unattainable. IS he from Allah, because the drowsy lotus ! The peace of the family was gone, and vicinity, while old hump-backed Cor- was now aroused. Right at band was guard of thorns, hut the poor night- kidneys, but upon using Foley’s Kid-1 To DETROIT...... 26e ' the more they argued the worse it regidor is covered from crest to shore a wonderful collection of instructive gale fell into such an ecstasy of love ney Pills for a short period I v/as en­ grew. Of the lot Jimmy was the tirely relieved. line with guns, a honeycomb of under­ thlQgs and he was puzzled to know over her charms, and so recklessly most injured, for with all the bicker­ Commissioner’s Notice. ground cement tunnels, pits and run­ why^P^ple persisted In talking about pressed bis lovelorn heart against JONEB, the Drui^^iat ing because of a dog there wasn’t ^ y IN tbe macter < >f the ostste of Wilhum Blank- ways, wireless equipment, electrical stocksNind ocean trips and the cost i those cruel thorns, that his blood, so I enburg. de»-ea»ed. _ We. tbe_ xiu iersipsi^nsd .log. apparatus, searchlights and other con­ of beefsteak and dairy products in­ far as it ould trickle into the flower’s huvmg appointed by the ProJiate Court "You said 1 could have a dogl” he for the ooanty of Wayne. Atate of kfiohinn. trivances to aid in' repelling an enemy. stead of bolding up tbelr bands and | bosom, dyed It crimson.” / (.'ommissioaersi to re>ieirc. examine and adjuat When it comes to age and roman­ exclaiming over the marvels at tbelr i ' invariable ended In the plaintively ac­ all claimii and d>>m«idK of all pereouH a^mnat Another fancy states that the Per- cusing tone before which all well said deceased. wrath at finding claims,■ ' and t ‘ Z four______m took baths the same as we do!”\ “There aren’t green tomatoes growing county of Wayne. State m Xhdfinn. oomaaia'' D> McGinnis' brother-lD-law was b ^ e r 1 ed that a rose Uqhor would “by one i^pews of absoii>ing in­ Bkmers to reMve. ang adjust aP cal interest | oqt tbore!” olalma aad demands of all psrsoss educated, so when some months make the sternest monarch “Ficklea?” repeated Mrs. King- terest People no longer deceased, do hereby |^ e notice thM we qgj Of this vast yet crude system of { MeWnnis started put to the museum of the sickliest mortal slum- go looking about for meet at the office E. M. Paanage. In the defense Fort Santiago stands as the th'ine, dreamily. “No, it's a dog. It iflth him in tow McGinnis felt^he was ; her w ^d his pains.” things they want— toey vUUsa of Plymouth, In s ^ county, en Satur­ -.^ey. What the Tower of London is er Friday, the 16tb day of August, A. D. 1912. England, what the Vatican is to the first cases before, McGinnis took | love, aVd was consecrated to Venus, at two o'clock P. M. of each .of eidd U.iye. for Borne, what the Bunker Hill monu- Everybody looked. The dog was for information as to the pnrpoeeof eTamtnlna and allowMtgaaid great pride in polnting*oIit to bia rel- the god^eas of beauty, from whose most apparently youthful, becaase it where such things may claims, and that four months from the 1 'to dar n«it is to the United States, Sort ative the old frying pans and vases | path ^W as said to have first sprung, of April. A D. 1912, were allowed dt san Santiago Is to the Philippine Islands. still wabbled slightly when it walked, be found. This method court for creditors to present their claJmste and pltchera Incrusted with lava. { roses, “gemmed with dew- or, rather, rolled. For It was fat and saves time and trouble. US for examination and allowance. The Spanish invaders made Manila \ “Over here.” he said, “are a couple : dropL” formed the crowning garland Dated, April 16.1912. their headquarters in 1671 and began globular, made still more so by a If you want to bring HARRY B. JOLUPPE. * ? V; ‘ bathtubs, too, that they dug up on of thi \Romans’ youthful Comus, god thick coat of woolly brown fur. From ERNEST N. PABSAOB, to fortify It about twenty years^ later. pompelan estate—” ! of feast'lM, and the Turks believed it your wares to the atten­ CommisBioners. one end of the brown mass a pink tion of this community, The first stone construction was the, “Sonv,” the attendant, hours ■ absolutel^wicked to step on a rose nose stuck out and from the other circular wall, which is stfll standing. ' ' our advertising colunyf^ ‘ S",?' " ‘^® “ end protruded a tiny plumed Ull. He 1...... 1... k... *.1,.! I I I really was too much like an Ideal fort Its armament hae been Uken i ^ McOlnnla said aa I “It does l^at, puppy to be quite true. away md the building, wlttln the u,ey started r&ctanUy homeward. “iiiere Isn’t a soul in sight,” as­ . parka have been oonverted Into bar- eah waste Just at Pley«l ■•‘lly. Should serted Mrs. Kingthome. “And nobody REE racka and .toreroom., the very start! WdB^you see some | Antonio Bnyona played the would let a puppy like that go for a Commodlong offlee buildings have buffed eler^anta or wimethlng farther ; tro=>lK>>e badly the other night at the walk alone, so It must be lost. It'll kUfMtePerfm been erected on top of the wall, along | pack? We ll have to try again some : performance .,n a Madrid theater. The Cofltain Your kaowB cvwywbae-for the toss flswes and /ov«r1oohlng the Pasig, and here I sojH uo was falpging and Bayona’s dis­ get stepped on or stolen or something, •dayl” and to own it would send Jimmy Into tho commanding general of the Phil-1 cordant notes [disturbed her and the The brother-ln4kw, however, had to 1 hysterics of Joy, so, really, I think It Ippine division has his headquarters. , ______u»/Rinw«i. audience as well. D isturbed m ost of ------— ------r leave unexpectedly and conductor of tte orchek- 1» my duty to rescue the puppy, don't In one of the beautiful parks within started out alone. Blpps met him on tra. He demanded an explanation and you? SiplPBaSekts the fort Is located the military arsen- ! t^e way and said he’d like to go. too.'i ^sl, with Its big etesm and electric Everybody wanted to see the puppy McGinnis laid a straight coiirse In the I . at close range, so everybody said □□□□□□□ Workshops. direction of the huge elephanto a mile | ^ Bayona was entering the theater “Yes.” Mrs. Kingthome went out and Some of the maps and plans of the or BO farther back, but Blpps collared evening his pigar feU from ite □ = o " These tra now besag gn broil^t the animal in. fort are now In the British museum, \ holder. In stopping to pick up the tvray to any aduk who o A al him. “Don’t dogs have germs and in London, where tbey were carried cigar his eye fell on a newspaper clip­ WM store, “Look at those old Roman things!” things?” demanded one of the visits after the British conquest of Manila. ping. He picked that, up also, and thls he cried enthusiastically. “Fancy ors. “It is likely to give Jimmy some­ PRIZES The fort, mostly In Its present form, | their being actually used thousands of Is what be read: has stood for 300 years. There are all ; years ago!” A rich Spanish merchant has just thing, isn’t It?” W e aUo ofier prizes to thorn That was why everybody followed grow the ^ e s t bkisaoins O * sorts of stories floating about concern- “There's some elephants back died in California, leaving a fortune of T u r n O v e r Mrs. Kingthome down into the laun­ ^ secret chambers In the walls 'and there,” McGinnis protested. “I'm told : $200,000,000. In his will he appoints frofB these seeds. See window dry to see her give the waif a bath. WiB«8. the collection of stuffed wild animals his brother, Juan Antonio Bayona, for hvbcuUrs. It is now plaifi- He was very little and the tub was a New Leaf. So far as the secret chambers are has no equal in the world—” I sole executor. Inquiries made at the Bg time. Eveiythiag hee. No very big and the soap was exceed­ concerned, there is some truth In the I “Jlminy!" chortled Blpps. “Look at i consulate only prove that Juan An- purchasq^nfcessaiy. nunom. The filling of the old m oat: the bronze tables and thl^s! And if 1 tonio Bayona lived in Valencia until ingly fluffy, BO it took four of them to wash and dry him. Afterward he Rieger ia ^ ^ man who makes closed many of the entrances to these v here aren’t a couple of bemtubs! Say, 1882 a^d married In Madrid in 1884, By snbscribln|{ chambers.' probably forever. When the j. those are bigger'n’ ours today—a fel- I where he died In MOl.” ' frisked In front of a grate fire and Royal ^erry Bods wall in Calle Aduana was removed, an i low could take a regular swim—” Juan A. Bayona, the trombonist ,lk Mrs. Kingthome admired herself ex­ for THIS PAPER tbei tremely for finding him. .inner chamber was found filled with I .“And cases of butterflies from India the son ctf Juan A Bayona, who an- JONES, the D ru^tot' human skeletons. \ and Africa and China,” pursued the swered the description in the clipping. jimmy, for some reason, was late, Phoae aST ^ Natives have a wholesome terror of | anxious McGinnis. “Like enamels in ; Hence the agitation that produced the but presently Kingthome arrived. He seemed a little dazed at the chorus the old place, and absolutely no desire , their color.' trouble with the trombone. ’ ♦ of joyful shrieks and the, bundle of to see anything below the surface of ’ 'They must have had oodles of wa- brown #ool that was thrust at him. the thick old walls. Americans who. I ter*ln those days/’ said Bipps. “Say, I “Well!” he'murmured in a puzzled with electric lamps, have started ex- * bow'd you like a bath—" ^ * Educational Progress. tone. “That doesn’t look a bit like pliuntlODs have given up, owing to the | “And Egyptian .tiles and Inscriptions i In the decade 1900-1910 g reatef ^ foul alr. crumbling passages and oth-. and birds from ^ e mQfm, I guess, progress was made in educational th e one------” “The 6ne!” cried Mrs. Kingthome. e r hindrances. and- j conditions in the United States than “What one, and what is it?” Only three' flags have flown above Tho« batutubs-certiuiily set me.” , Previous 10 year, fn the c W The bell rang just then and King- JV»rt Santiago. F o r 328 years this inelated BIpo. dreamily. “Look at the 1 ‘r^ » “ '“ fJ'- r.jort of the thorae went to toe door. When be Spdnish ensign, was unfurled to the effoct of the atmosphere on them! To >«reau of education ahowa that rejoined them be was leading by a tropic breeze, except for the brief time think that maybe Nero took a bath ' “>« «P«"ditnre. for public schools Increased • from $220,000,000 leash an Airedale pop. A grown-up the British flag supplanted that of the in—” Airedale ia without doubt the ugUezt rightful lords. The holating:.of the "Sorry." .m d ■ a a atU n d a n t whUe “ l«6.0a dag do&t know whether to eet H fob luth, Mich- / ^ a t tha en a tb a 'ft ad attUbdal m bOBi tha laiBi and- read the la- 13 o 'd o ^ or L By the way, old tong, amlpttona aad tuaga to m » l There ahen do you Inneh aa a rw^T It li.always difiUm^to''aiguc F itii a a a eai«it oT hathtaha than, toot ** Thnrad^yp,’ zaM tha Italno boy. mo who refnaaa to.ilaR! hack fr - !- 0 si"' ■ V ■| i '. J. - - ilAUiLadiai i