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Its lied Wtwklr. gjnuiei &> flo«ead.Clam*"lSsttM *.i tlia poct- yOLUME LIII, NO. 4, offlca at JEUd Bonk. N. J., under too Act of Maicll 3. 1BTB. RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, JULY 16, 1930. $1.50 PER YEAR PAGES 1 TO MIPDLETOWrS BUSINESS, PRAISE FOR AUXILIARY. NAMED DOG SHOW JUDGE. RUMSOM PUBLIC MATTERS HOW TO ADDRESS MAIL. STOLK BABY'S CLOTHES. NEW COMMITTEES NAMED Walter J. Graham to Officiate at Mtint Have ,Bpon I.ilce Taking; Candy THE VENETIAN WT. Lonfr Island Affair. HOAD MATXEBS ^EFOBE THE AMERICAN LEGION UNIT IS SURVEY FOIt SFAVAGE SYSTEM MOKF, CAKR ADVOCATED From a Child. Walter J. Graham, secretary and KOTAIUANS ALSO PLAN FOIl MAEINK FAKATJE AND FIHE- K TOWNSHIF COMMITTEE. COMMENBEM. PROJECT ntOFOSED, Check up another for the "mean- treasurer of the Monmouth county est thief." TWO KVKNTS. kennel club, has accepted an Invita- WOKKS AVfiVST I5TIC. ffha Improvement and Itepalr n; One of Two County Chapters to 8u<v The police were advised last Thurs- tion to officiate- as a Judge at the dog Steamboat Company Ordered to He- Covfirnmpnfc Bulletin Sa.vs Comv- CInmbakn find Outfn# for Eunice Hondo Occupied Most of tho Tlm< cccd in Maintaining or Bettering show to bo held by the Smlthtown pair Dock or Lose Permit—Action snondenta IMncn Too Much Faith day by the Red Rank public health Chambnr ot Commcrw Sponsorina; of tha Meeting Thursday—N< Enrollment of This Year Over That nurses' association that someone had Homo Children to be Held Next JOvent to li<i Hold on the Eve of tilf" country club of 'Smlthtown, Long Deferred on Bus Permit—Trnffl'i In Dcpitrtnirnt to Deliver Careless- Month—DIseusBcd Last Thursday Fourth of July Accidents. o( last Year. Warning Signs on Humson Road. ly Addressed LetterH. taken from its storeroom in the bor- finld ('up lle%atiii-~I'H/ea got HcM Island, on August 23rd. ough hall a complete layette which at Meeting at Globn Hotel. Road mattem took tip a largo parl Mr. Graham will judge the work- Decorated Routs and I'roperttess. (&f the time at tho Meeting of th The Red Bank auxiliary of tho At last Thursday night's meeting Too llf.Uc care is taken by the aver- had been held in readiness lor a new At a meeting of the Rotary club American Legion waa ono of two Ing group and aho Scottish deer- of the Rumflon mayor and council a age person in mailing a lotter, with arrival. Thfl Kofi Bank clmmhur nf com- ,'township committees of Mlddlotowr hounds, wlrehalred pointing griffons, held Thursday afternoon at tho Globe mrco, which ia sponsoring tho Venc- township last Thursday afternoon units in tho county to receive special report on the sewer project was too much faith placed in Uncle Sam, Miss Martha Hansen, • advisory hotel the appointment of standing commendation from the national ManceBter terriers, old English sheep- mado by James C. Auchincloss, on< it was pointed out in a bulletin nurse, in reporting the matter to tho an Kisht ceJebrutlnn en the cva of Thomas B. Day, tho township BU dogs, poodles, Irish wolfhounds, Rus- committees for the new term waa an- le Gold Cup regatta, In pro/jrcaalng pervlsor of roads, made a report ai body for maintaining a large mem- of the commissioners. Mr. Auchin fiUed by tho PoBioflicr; department. police expressed the hope that some- nounced by the president, Goorgc H. bership, It was announced last Thurs- sian wolfhounds, Balukls, Doberman eloss has been studying the proposl one needed It worse- than did the as- with pinna for tho cvcnl. Tho ce}p- to tho cost of applying tarvla treat plnschers and miniaturo pinschera. With growth in population and a Merrill, Jr, I'lfins for a clambake niatlon will lin holil Friday night, ment to Avenue D and Soars avenU1 day nt tho regular mooting of that tlon since the presentation of pelt corresponding growth in total num- sociation in carrying nut its work. and an outing for the children of organization. Tho other unit is the Mr. Graham waa notified last week tiona several months ago asking for uRuat 16th anil J7th. at Navoslnk. He placed tho coat ol that his name appears second on a 1 ber of letters nnd parcels mailed, it The. outfit of baby clothe3 and the Eunice home at Chapel Hill were Tho chambor of oomnwicn hat the Avenue D Improvement at $53^.3' Freehold auxiliary. a sewage-. system. Ho eaid that a becomes incrcfiaingly more difficult blanket3 had been in. the nurses' discussed, but, no dates were set. Tho citation, coming from national list of judges acceptable to the Shet- the next meeting ho will aak for ar narlo a rcquoat of all who live on and the coat of tho Scaro avenue im- land oheepdog association of Amer- to deliver misaddressed or carelessly headquarters for a month or HO nnd Tho new committees follow; ho Bhore that they decorate and H- provement at $088.80. These esti- headquarters at Indianapolis and appropriation to engage an engineer addressed icUern, it was ntated. Its disappcarAnce wag not discovered signed by May Mncrae, president, ica. to makfl a survey of the borough.^ Special nffali-B—LeMer B. MrQueen umlnatc their properties for tlin or- mates are baaed on- mcasurementi Full text of tho hullcffn follows; ;until last'week. chnirmnn, Tfjny Hunting, Ralph PnrMsJi aslon, ami that thoflR owning boats and on tho average amount of tli« and Gwendolyn W. MacDonnoll, sec- Porter Honglnnd of River road It has never noen considered an ninl Koort John BOH . retary, rends: "Tho Shrewsbury unit was appointed a member.) of th .Isn dpcorato and Illuminate thorn lowest tarvla bids In tho paBt. Ac- exceptionally difficult operation to ProKram—Gordon Ryno rhnirman, nd take part In tho paradp. which tion on making theao Improvement, 1GB merits special commendation and board of adjustment to fill the va mail a letter or a parcel. To chil- Thornm Head. recognition for service In carrying BENEFIT FOR A HOSPITAL. cancy caueed by the death of Harden Auditing—David 'Matthews chairman, vill bts hnlfl just prior to the flro- •was deferred. The committee wil dren, from the timn they are able to TALK BY PLANT DOCTOR. vorlis display. Three fiandaomn check tho road appropriation ex forward tho natural progress of the h. Crawford. The board handles zon -write, and even to the semi-Illiterate, Thomas Lewis, American Legion auxiliary by enroll- RUMSON SUMMER FOLKS TO ing law matters and Mayor VanR, Classification—Maurice Schwartz chat prizes will bti awarded for the best, periscs to ascertain how much monoy tho carrying on nf correspondence BARTLETT PHYSIOLOGIST AD- j man, Jnmea T. Clnyton, W. Kdpar Uenlise. decorated hotilg In tlm 'parado and is loft. , , • ing a 1930 membership equal to or HOLD AFFAIR. Hasley said that Mr. Hoagland was with a friend or Tolativo involves especially qualified for the position. Attendance—William A. Miller. three equally fine prlzen will be Riv- exceeding tbo 192!) membership." only the expression of the desired DRESSED HORTIClir/rUIUSTS. 1 Boys' work—Dr. Samuel W. Hnunn Somo time ago tho townBhlp com- The Keansburg steamboat com- en for \ha best decorated properties Mrs. Jacob B. Ruo presided in Babies' Hospital of Rumson to Re- mcs-'ifige on a sheet of paper, en- cfmirman. Dr. A. B. Itamiall, Gilbert Man- on the river. mittee votjd to have gravel put on nbsenco of tho president, Mrs. Loon ceive Proceeds from Dinner and pany ia in danger of having its per- closed in an envelope with a stamp Picnic to bo Held nr Port-Au-Peclc In flon. Liberty street at Middletown village, Reussillo, who Is In Europe. A let- mit to land at the borough dock re- affixed, inscription of the address, August—-John Schumann and Jfunic—John T. Lnwlcy chnirmnn, John Contributions to pay the cost of tho Entertainment to bo Held July 26 celebration are being Bolicited by thfi Mr. Day suggested at last Thursday's ter from her, expressing her bes at Monmouth Beach. voked. In return for permission to and deposit in the nearest mail box. James Kennedy Tied for Monthly EiKkliu. meeting that tarvla bo used Instead use the dock Capt. William A. GehT "Uncle Ham" does the rest! Exhibition Prizfi. Public affair*—Henry F. Hylin chair- chamber of commerce. The follow- wishes to tho membors of tho auxil- man, Cfuifl L, Bcrge, Harry H. Clayton. ing" appeal has been iflsued by tho of gravel, This recommendation was iary, was read. Members of the Bummer colony of haus, owner of tha steamboat com Rumson, who every year present a parjy, told the commissioners he It matters.jfjftot how he does It. The Dr. Carl Deuber, plant physiologist ' Rotary education—John T. Law ley organization; adopted. While no plans wcro mado for any cJiaii-m.il), Humer Methot, John BurklSn, Heccntly West Front street at HIv benefit affair for the babies' hoBpital would make the necessary repairs to letter #ocs in* a mail box and within of the Bartlett tree roscarch labora- "Through the financial aid of our social activities to bo hold by thi of that borough, are planning a dln- the dock, Councilman Andrew Zorr a day or so ia in thn hands of tho tories at Stamford, Connecticut, ad- Correpiponcleni—Wiliinm L- RUSKCII. citlztnii and neighbors last year and er Plaza and Ocean avenue at Easl auxiliary in. tho noar future, three Welfare—Joseph Sab. KeanBburg were1 treated with tarvin, rieMlance and cabaret to be held at reported Thursday night that the re- addressee. No thought in given to dressed forty memncr3 of the Mon- - Golf—Harry B.