Acquires Former Red Lobster Site
Family Expo has something- for everyone- this weekend IIARI'EK WOODS--Take part in a very latest in products and services for hotel front desks, cooks, kitchen Children may attend for one Other exhibitors includo the US. ~+iwupcontest. See a miniature Air available to children and adults, help, catering, wait persons, public Saturday, or a full session of four Army, Blue Cross Blue Shield Blue E'orrtbjet. Obtain financial planning focusing on options which would relations and business management. Saturdays at a cost of $25 per session. Care of Michigan, Young Health insights. Learn stress management or strengthen the family unit, said Judy Since this is a family function, Having an English father and a Center, U.S. Air Force Kucruiting, ti~blcmanners. Or sign up to receive Caudill, national market director of Brown's mother will be assisting her mother from Barbados, she said man- Total Health Systcms Inc, Michigan thc Connection or Grosse Pointe VNM Events, coordmator of the in explaining to potential students ners were stresstd in her home and ArmySt~urities. National Guard and Prudential News event. how, through her customized pro- believes they should be taught to all 'l'hcre's something sure to interest Doris Brown of Brown's Restaurant grams, they can learn coping skills, a children. The Grosse I'ointe News and vach family member at the Family Servers Academy of St. Clair Shores trade and get in touch "with reality." One of the new services to be intro- Connectionsors of the event. and W4 Country are spon- Expo, March 6-9, at the Eastland will be one of the participants.
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