[email protected] RMS TITANIC PASSENGER LIST Those names in bold survived the disaster. FIRST CLASS PASSENGERS Brandeis, Mr. E. Clark, Mr. Walter M. Allen, Miss Elizabeth Brayton, Mr. George Clark, Mrs. Walter M. Walton Brewe, Dr Arthur Jackson Clifford, Mr. George Quincy Allison, Mr. H. J. Brown, Mrs. J. J. Colley, Mr. E. P. Allison, Mrs. H. J. and Maid Brown, Mrs. J. M. Compton, Mrs. A. T. Allison, Miss L Bucknell, Mrs. W. and Compton, Miss S. P. Allison, Master T. and Maid Compton, Mr. A. T., Jr. Nurse Butt, Major Archibald W. Cornell, Mrs. R. G. Anderson, Mr. Harry Calderhead, Mr. E. P. Crafton, Mr. John B. Andrews, Miss Cornelia I. Candee, Mrs. Churchill Crosby, Mr. Edward G. Andrews, Mr. Thomas Cardoza, Mrs. J. W. M. and Crosby, Mrs. Edward G. Appleton, Mrs. E. D. Maid Crosby, Miss Harriet Artagaveytia, Mr. Ramon Cardoza, Mr. T. D. M and Cummings, Mr. John Bradley Astor, Colonel J. J. and Manservant Cummings, Mrs. John Manservant Carlson, Mr. Frank Bradley Astor, Mrs. J. J and Maid Carran, Mr. F. M. Daly, Mr. P. D. Aubert, Mrs. N. and Maid Carran, Mr. J. P. Daniel, Mr. Robert W. Barkworth, Mr. A. H. Carter, Mr. William E. Davidson, Mr. Thornton Baumann, Mr. J. Carter, Mrs. William E. and Davidson, Mrs. Thornton Baxter, Mrs. James Maid de Villiers, Mrs. B. Baxter, Mr. Quigg Carter, Miss Lucile Dick, Mr. A. A. Beattie, Mr. T. Carter, Master William T. Dick, Mrs. A. A. Beckwith, Mr. R. L. and Manservant Dodge, Dr. Washington Beckwith, Mrs.