::-a.' ■ff'kvu- .V y ...' ■ f K - - ' PLYMOUTH, MICH., FRIDAY, APRIL 10, 1912 WHOLE No. 1279 Xocal (Torrcsponbcncc NEWBURG- ELM. T ry “A cti ve T orpidets” for There will be church eenrice at the Dick Fisher has leased Mrs. Austin’s usual hour Sunday next in Newburg farm. She intends moving to North- church. The pastor will preach from ville. your Torpid Liver. the text, “The Man whom God called a .Mrs. Sam Sm igiel visited relatives in Fool.” Search the Scripture and find Detroit Saturday and Sunday. out where this text :s. Mr. and Mrs. Chas'. Hirschlieb enter­ “THE GREATEST HEALTH GIVER. The Sunday-school wili have their tained the former’s parents from election of ofScers next Sunday. Pikes P c^ Saturday. The township Sunday-school conven­ John Marian has been drawn as tion held at the Union church at I.,i- juror iex the May-June term of the Tlicse TnliL-ts mv esp(*cinlly l>cii- Tonia Center, Sunday last, wa.s a decid­ circiiitl court. ed success. Owing to the rain there Gro^X Place visited his parents at fHciiif in till' Spviti}.* of the year, were not as many in attendance as there Wayne^Sbno^y. ■ in ileaning the svf'tein of all ini- would have been had it been pleasant. Harry Atmin of Northville was a However, the singing was good, led by Elm visitor Sunday. punti<‘s. C. Millard, accompanied by Mrs. H. Ge<5’. VanDeCar of Plymouth made Meldrum on the organ and Mr. Mel- Matt Miller a flying visit last Sunday. drum on the violin. There were several Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hirschlieb called ^od speakers present and all handled on relatives in Redford Saturday night. ONLY 25c A BOX. the subjects assigned them in an inter­ Overseer Dick Fisher has been giving esting and convincing manner. The thP'* roads in this vicinity a general next convention will be held at Kim in ovnrliauling the past week. October. John Thiede of Detroit visited his Pinckney’s Pharmacy The officers elected were as follows: parents at Elm Sunday. President., Mrs. o. E. Chilson: I't vice, It is reported that Phil Wilson south Mrs. C. E. Ryder; secretary, Mrs*, r red o: Elm, who has -been low for some Lee; treasurer, Mrs. W. R. LeVafr. t%ne, has passed away. The L. A. S. met at the hall Friday .Jira Wilson attended the Republican, last in the afternoon and had their an­ State convention in Bay City last week nual election of officers, as follows: as a full fledged Roosevelt delegate. Pres., Mrs. C. E. Ryder; vice pres., Mrs. W. R. LeVan; sec., Mrs. M. Eva “Our baby cries for Chamberlain’s Smith; treas., Mrs. Wegeoner. Mes- Cough Remedy,” writes Mrs. T. Bl. Kendrick, RasM , Gs. “It is the best dames Dean, King, Mackender, LeVan cough remedy on the market for coughs and Mies Ada Youngs were elected as colds and croup.” For sale by all trustees for tSie ensuing y dealers. Elmer Barlow started for Texas Mon­ day. [ IVONIA CENTER. Burt Paddack made a business trip to Another gentle breeze from the Arc­ Monroe Thursday last. tic region struck us Tuesday night. Arthur LeVan possesses a fine look­ Must be there are a few icebergs around ing canoe which be manufactured him­ somewhere yet, although there haiie self. be:;n several war days. Farmers are hustling witb spring Charley Woi.'s people entertained work, setting out cabbage plants, etc. their children at dinner Sunday, it be­ Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith and family ing Mr. W- . '8 birthday. spent Sunday witb Mrs. S.*s father, Miss Nyijpha Peters was home over M r. Cady. Sunday. Peter Croft, who has blood poison m Mrs. Mary Austin moved her house­ bis hand, is having it treated by Dr. hold ;.Toods to Northville Tuesday. Tupper of Bedford. Richard Fisher expects to occupy her Constipation brings many ailments in farm house this summer. its train and is the primary cause of Justice Millard brought home bis much sickness. Keep your bowels reg­ bride last Friday and they are cosily ular madam, and you ^ 1 escape many settled at the Center. of the ailments to which women are subject. Ctmstipation is a very simple Report says the speaking was fine at thing, but like many simple things, it the convention Sunday at Union ebure^ may lead to serious consequences. Na­ Our highway commissioner is busy George M. Pullman, chief owner of the Pullman company, died worth almost ture often needs a little assistance and these days fixing up sluices and grading I when Chamberlain’s Tablets are given an inoonceivable fortune; yet when be was a young man he worked for day at the first indicatloD, much digress roads. wages. But hebe BANKED and SAEED his money when he wasivoung. At‘ his^* and suffering may be ar^ded. Sold by death he had thousands woiking for him. You cannot learn a/better lesson in When a medicine must be given to school or elsewhere th ^ this: SAVE WHEN YOUNG. ail dealers. (. young children it should be pleasant to take. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is Let OUR Bank be YOUR Bank. We pay three per cent interest. ^ STARK. made from loaf sugar and the roots used in its preparation give it a flavor similar Mr. and Mrs. Bert Kehrl spent Sun­ to maple syrup, making it pleasant to take. It has no superior for colds, The Piumouin united Savings Bani day witb the latter’s brother, Bert croup and whooping cough. For sale iKnimm and wife. by all dealers. ' \ Elmer Westfall Md Bertha Kehrl were married last week Wednesday and WEST PLYMOUTH. will reside in Plymouth. Cornelius Nemigh of Detroit is spend- Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Becker, Ford Green ^ g the week with Lulu Hubert. Becker and Mrs. Roy Jewell attended Our station agent spent Sunday at the funeral of Mr. Becker’s father at home. Tyrone Saturday. Harry and Henrietta Rattenbury Lee Schoch and family of Ohio are Goods The Oliver 0~98 and'0-99 spent Sunday with their sister, Mrs. soon to move onto their new farm, the Peter Croft of Newbnrg. Lucas place. are eq>ecially popular where new ground is Mrs. W. H. Coats is not so well at M re.J. C. O’Bryan spent the week are what you are looking for now and we are thb “men on the Job” end with friends and relatives in Adrian bong openea up-^and in sections where this writing. to fulfill your wants. For lunch stones prevail, the steel beam plow takes the Mr. Hvlow is on the sick list. Allan Brown ol Detroit visited at F. this evening call us up and we Hoisington’s are giving their house a L. Becker’s Sunday. will send you on the four o’clock lead, its great strength being a very desirable coat of paint. >^11 Smith made a business trip to delivery any of the following: feature w here it is subjected to severe strums Henry, you will have to get up more Detroit last Saturday. The fanners are all busy just now Fresh Cri.«p Lettuce Fresfi Parsnips 1 and severe usage. i ^ / speed next time to get the 5:30 t i ^ . Those who attended the convention spraying their orchards. Dewitt Pack­ Choice Florida Celery Dry Onions Fitted with leveniUe wings snapslips, with solid last Sunday at the Center were well re* ard and Ncmnan MUler have a number Tender Green Onions Choice Apfrfes shares as extras, if desired. paid, as it was a grand success regard­ of orehardsto spray. Mr. Miller re- Jointers or hanging coulter^ as well as rolling less of the weather. oeived a oar load of spray solution this WHILE THEY LAST coaltew can be suppBed on,these two plows. week from Toledo. ORANGES ORANGEvS ORANGES T he g range unloaded a car of foirtU- . The usual O lr^ qihibjr^-die bert. PIKE’S PEAK. izer on the Daisy side track this w e^. 10c per doz. 20c and 30c d(fe. 40c doz. ' One of the hardest hailstonns in yean > ANY TIME, ANY DAY Miss Lela Klatt of Detroit visited visited this sedkion of the country Sun­ Conner Hardware Co., Agts. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Klatt, Try a glass of our strictly “ pure food” Fruit Preserves iny of the fol­ day afternoon. lowing flavors: Raspberry, Strawberry, Blackbe’Ty, Pine^^le, Cbecry • Sunday. and Peach. j John Markey lost a good horse Mon­ lURRAY’S CORNERS. day. Bertha Cady has returned home after >hn Root is selling his stock and on L. JO LLIFFE 6 SO N a two w^k^’ stay witb her aunt, Mrs. nnnihg and Plumbing account of ill health will leave the form BOTH ’PHONES in y John Avery. of his father, A. C. Root, and loot^in f am mrvv stfttlocl in shop in tlii‘ Hoops Bha-k Roy Badelt is woihing in Plynioutb. • ano iva<ty witti a fully equipped shop to do work the west. ^ Charlotte Baebr visited Beatrice Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Murray were that will,ple!U«e you. 'Let me make you an estimate Holmes Tuesday. csUled to G reenville S a tiu d ay -o n ac- pn ti.xtures Jfpr your Bathroom. , .\feo reineml)er I Clara W right returned home Sunday ooimt of the dea^ of the latter’s brother repair gr.uiitc wear. .Come and you |will pleased after a few days’ visit with her sister, D . 8 . Moore. M rs. M urray will rei^iaiQ. Re^l Instate Avictiorv! with my '^ork.
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