Drew Pallette and Jerry Schaefer Brian F. Mooney Associates 9903-B Businesspark Ave , California 9213 1


Excavations at two rockshelters located at the base of the Martinez Mountain Rock slide and 600 meters west of the relict shoreline, provided substantial information on Late Prehistoric activities from the period of the last major lacustral interval. Both sites were interpreted to be temporary camps that were used primarily during times offishing along the lake shore and plant and animal procurement in the surrounding . This was indicted by several lines of evidence including fish and mammal bone, lithic and ceramic types, cached flakes from the Wonderstone quarry source, and bedrock milling features. A reconstructed regional settlement model was based on the morphology, ceramic types, local topography, and Cahuilla ethnohistory.

INTRODUCTION Environmental Setting The study area is located along the western Project Description margin of the , in southwestern This paper presents the results of a data re­ Riverside County, California. The valley is the covery program conducted at RlV-1331 and RlV­ northwestern portion of the , 1349, located adjacent to Toro Canyon at the base bounded on the northeast by the Little San Ber­ ofthe Martinez Mountain Rock Slide, in central nardino Mountains, on the southwest by the San Riverside County, California (Figure 1). The two Jacinto and Santa Rosa Mountains, and on the sites are situated in southern Coachella Valley, east by the and Mountains. approximately nine miles south of the city of Coachella Valley is part of the hot and arid Color­ Indio, and immediately west of the Torres-Mar­ ado Desert, a subregion of the Sonoran Desert. tinez Indian Reservation (Figure 2). The study RlV-133l and RlV-1349 are located at the base was conducted at the request of the BLM as part of a massive rock formation known as the Mar­ of an evaluation and Section 106 compliance tinez Mountain Rock Slide, at an elevation of 55 program involving a proposed land exchange m (180 feet) above mean sea level (amsl). between the BLM and George Berkey and Asso­ ciates. Fieldwork for the study was conducted The study area lies within a 45 km long and October 5-27, 1992, the results ofwhich are 30 km wide ecological zone at the interface of the documented in Archaeologtcal Investigations of steeply rising Santa Rosa Mountains and the de­ Two Lake Cahuilla Campsites Near Toro Can­ sert valley floor. This zone encompasses an area yon, RiverSide County California (Schaefer et al between -69 to 2657 m (-230 to 8712 feet) amsl 1993). A summary of the study is provided in from the floor of the Coachella Valley to Toro this paper. Peak in the Santa Rosa Mountains and the inter­

Proc:eodings oftile Society lOr CalifomiaAl

Riverside County


Diego Imperial Escondido County C ou n ty



o 15 30 M M e s

Figure 1. Regional location map for Toro Canyon sites 106 N Source: Portions of uses 1:250,000 Scale o 2 3 4 5 I X 2 Degree Quadrangle, i Santa Ana and W~I M e s

Figure 2. Project location map 107 vening Sheep and Martinez Mountains. The sites three lacustral intervals in the last 2,100 years lie roughly 600 m west ofthe shoreline ofLake (Wilke 1978). Waters (1983) offers evidence of Cahuilla, parallel to the valley margin and lying on four intervals, while others have suggested a fifth alluvial piedmont, colluvial slopes, and rock out­ event (Dominici 1987; Laylander 1991, 1994; crops of the Santa Rosa, Sheep, and Martinez Schaefer 1986, 1994). Waters (1983) suggests Mountains. that the most recent Lake Cahuilla lacustral event may have been comparatively short in duration The biota found in the study area has been between A.D. 1300-1500. A fifth partial infilling characterized by Sward (1990) and a full plant list to sea level is fumly dated between A.D. 1600 and is provided in the test phase report (Ferraro and 1710 (Laylander 1991, 1994; Schaefer 1986, Schaefer 1990). Species characteristic of the 1994). creosote bush scrub plant community dominate the area. The vegetation is well adapted to the Lake Cahuilla provided prehistoric popula­ hot, dry, and includes creosote bush, tions with an abundance of resources including (Larrea tridentata), brittlebush (Encelia farino­ fish, shellfish, and waterfowl. The major fish sa), ocotillo (Fouquieria splendens), white species included striped mullet (Mugi/ cephaelis), bursage (Ambrosia dumosa) and other shrubs. a squawfish (Cyprinodon macu­ Cacti include barrel cactus (Ferocactus acantho­ larius), Colorado River pupfish (Ptychocheilus ses), fish-hook cactus (Mammillaria dioica), and lucius), razorback (humpback) sucker (Xyrauchen various kinds of cholla (Opuntia spp.). Desert texanus), and Colorado bonytail (Gila elegans) wash plant community species include cat's claw (Gobalet 1992). These are all warm water species (Acacia greggii), smoke tree (Dalea spinosus), that tolerate muddy conditions. Mussels (Ano­ blue palo verde (Cercidiumjloridum), desert donta dejecta) were abundant in shallow water, lavender (Hyptis emoryi), andjojoba (Sim­ and natural deposits of their shells occur in the mondsia chinensis). area.

Twenty-three bird species were observed by Then, as now, the Salton Basin waters provi­ Sward (1990) in the study area including quail, ded a major stopping off place for millions of dove, cactus wren, oriole, sparrow, and several waterfowl and other migratory birds. Many varieties of hawk. Mammals occurring in the area species ofducks, geese, and shorebirds were sea­ include jackrabbit, cottontail, kangaroo rat, sonal, ifnot permanent, residents. Freshwater badger, coyote, mule deer, and bighorn sheep. marsh plant communities existed in the small embayments and shallows found along the shore­ Prehistoric Environment line, particularly in the northwest part ofthe lake. The single most important topographical A small embayment or is located 600 m feature that dominated Coachella Valley during east of RlV-1331 and -1349. Archaeological prehistoric times was a huge fresh water lake. studies (Wilke 1978; Sutton and Wilke 1988) Lake Cahuilla extended from the delta of the have established that bulrushes (Scirpus spp.) and Colorado River northwest to the present town of cattail (Typha) were important plants in this com­ La Quinta, a distance of 185 km. It had a maxi­ munity. Sutton and Wilke (1988:4) describe the mum width of55 km and was up to 97 m deep. northeast comer as containing "the most produc­ The lake formed and dried up on numerous occa­ tive segments ofthe entire 450-km shoreline of sions in the last 50,000 years (Waters 1980; Lake Cahuilla, supporting large growths of aqua­ Weide 1976; Wilke 1978), but only the Late tic plants, fish, mussels, and various aquatic stand at around 12 m amsl is associated birds". The degree oflake level fluctuations and with human occupation. marsh environmental stability remains a question ofconsiderable importance for understanding pre­ Lake Cahuilla appears to have had at least historic settlement along the Lake Cahuilla shore­

108 line (Weide 1976). bead. The recovered ecofacts include 319 (28.1 g) bone fragments (including large and small mam­ The small embayment, east ofRIV-1331 and mal, fish, reptile, and bird) and 246 (33.8 g) 1349, would have provided a marsh-like environ­ pieces of shellfish. Four modem ammunition ment (Figure 3). This small lagoon may have casings and a few pieces of recent bottle glass and been periodically filled with stands ofcattail, tule, plastic were also found subsurface. The majority and various kinds of reeds along with shellfish, (86.5%) of the artifacts were recovered from the fish, and aquatic birds. With the raised water upper 20 cm. Of the seven features, Feature A table, mesquite bosques may have existed adjacent produced the majority (50.8%) of the cultural to the shoreline. material, from 16 units. Features F and H ac­ counted for 13% and 16% of the recovered material, respectively, with the remaining small RlV-1331 RESULTS amount being found in the four other features.

Site Description The spatial density of the recovered material The site consists of a series of small rock indicates that the focus of activity for RIV-1331 overhangs and rockshelters with an associated was centered around the shelter at Feature A, with surface artifact scatter, several rock cairns, walls, smaller and more limited activity areas located at and milling features (Figure 4). Situated 600 m the other overhang areas. west of the ancient shoreline of Lake Cahuilla, the site's elevation is 60 m amsl and 48 m above the relict shoreline. Large boulders, some over 10m RlV-1349 RESULTS in diameter, occur throughout the area and pro­ vided prehistoric peoples with shelter, work areas, Site Description and cache locations. Test excavations suggested A rockshelter with associated bedrock milling that the site was a Late Prehistoric short-term features (Figure 6) is located at the interface be­ habitation area contemporary with the occupation tween the Martinez Mountain Rock Slide and the ofthe Lake Cahuilla shoreline (Ferraro and alluvial fan deposits just below the elevated ter­ Schaefer 1990). race on which RIV-1331 is found. Two stream channels that intersect below the site have cut into During the test phase the site was divided into the face ofthe slide, forming a narrow ridge. At a series of "features" (A-M), most of which are lo­ the foot of the slope, eight large granitic boulders cated in Locus 1 (Figure 4). Charcoal from a are situated among numerous smaller talus rocks. hearth in Feature A yielded a date of 320± 90 The rockshelter is enclosed by four of these large years B.P. Feature H is a rockshelter located 90 m boulders. RIV-1331 is approximately 100 m to south of Locus 1, while I and J are milling fea­ the south. Remnants ofa prehistoric trail run tures. Feature J is a bedrock milling area located between the two sites. Cultural materials recov­ on a small terrace adjacent to several drainages ered from the rockshelter include ceramics, pro­ near a stand ofjojoba bushes. Four shallow mor­ jectile point fragments, debitage, ground stone im­ tars with surrounding slicks were formed on a plements, and fish and mammal bone. Six bed­ single shallow boulders. Features K, L, and M are rock milling elements occur on boulders surround­ a series of trails that traverse the site. ing the shelter area.

Artifact and Ecofact Assemblage The rockshelter is located under four large Data recovery at RIV-1331 yielded 275 boulders that enclose a somewhat L-shaped 23 m:! prehistoric artifacts (Figure 5). The assemblage area. Three of these boulders (measuring 5 by 10 includes 185 ceramic sherds, 81 pieces ofdebi­ m, 5 by 8 m, and 6 by 8 m) fonn a rough triangle tage, six projectile point preforms, and one shell enclosing the L. The area between these three

109 I o.. \ )


Lake Cahuilla shoreline .~.... --' : "-"'~'"

Martinez Mtn. Rock Slide

N o='--- 125-­ 250 W~B Met e T S S

Figure 3. Locations of CA,RIV, 1331 and CA,RIV, 1349

110 "" CA-RIV-1349 Site Boundary

, ,, \ ..•~ : \ ..- .. ~ .. '---"- .. -­ ..------­ ...".- --...... -- ,--- ttl ;1"'..... _-- ._"',..---=" __ 'U~.-loeus 1 " ,--_...... _---- ..­ , ,/" ---_.- / ..... I ~~-----. ------.... I ...... --.....,- "'..... _ ...-t;l"';t //.' /""'" -. ~ /j / /"" 'M ,t. / \ ..~' /~ CA-RIV-1331 1/ Site Boundary r-I ...-- ", I' I ,.,. Martinez Mt. H ",. Rock Slide "~,,, (


G Feature J o Boulder ( ---- Trail

N o 50 100 !!!!!!!5 iiiOiOI W~& M e e T s

Figure 4. Feature locations at CA,RIY·1331

111 Point Preforms



She11 Beads o 20 40 60 80 100 Frequency A. Subsurface Artifact Class Distribution for CA-RIV-1331

30-40 em

o 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 Frequency B. Vertical Distribution of CA-RIV-1331 Artifacts

Subsunace Material


D ~ E t2 F


o 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 Frequency C. Frequency ofArtifacts by Feature at CA-RIV-1331

Figure 5. Artifact frequencies at CA,RIV, 1331

112 "...... __---__ /SHeBoundary 1/ -_--.L-.. ( -, a.7\3' \ (1 ~ I €J5a 4 \\ ~ 6)~ \ I I I I \ I \ I \ I \ I \\ I' \ J \ 2 I &.AZl I

\ ,,', / " LEGEND~ ------/ / ""'" Bedrock Mill" -- -,.,­ eng Feature

Rockshelter Interior

N 024 F""'I ,...... W~B M e e s

Figure 6. Site map of CA;RIV.1349

113 boulders is partially roofed by a smaller 3 by 6 m are situated around the rockshelter. Five exhibit boulder. No swface material was observed in the moderate use that has worn through the exterior more open north-south leg ofthe L (west cham­ varnish ofthe granitic boulders. The largest slick ber), but flakes and pottery were found on the sur­ (Feature 4) measures 25 cm by 40 cm and dis­ face of the more sheltered east-west segment (east plays a slight depth due to more extensive use. chamber). There was some indication of distur­ The southernmost feature is located in the drain­ bance from pot-hunting activities but it appears to age south of the rockshelter. be limited to a small portion of the eastern chamber. Artifact and Ecofact Assemblage A total of 804 prehistoric and five historic Full data recovery was undertaken by excava­ items were recovered from 18 units during data ting the entire interior ofthe shelter within aim recovery ofthe rockshelter interior (Figure 7). by I m grid system. This included 12 complete I Recovered ecofacts include 1872 (242 grams) by I m units (besides Unit 1) and portions of II bone fragments (including large and small mam­ additional units. After excavating several units to mal, fish, reptile and bird) and 26 (0.5 grams) a depth of 50 em where rocks and cobbles were shellfish fragments. The artifact assemblage in­ encountered, it became evident that artifacts were cludes 611 ceramic sherds, 175 pieces ofdebitage, largely confmed to the first 20 cm. Thereafter, three cores, five projectile point preform frag­ only the upper 30 cm ofthe shelter deposit was ments, five milling stone fragments, a shell bead, excavated. two pieces of modified bone, a utilized pebble, and a modified tabular stone. As with RIV-1331, The only subswface cultural feature was en­ vertical distribution ofartifacts at this site was countered in the eastern chamber, and consisted of primarily limited to the first 30 cm with 90% a lens ofcharcoal which may be the remains of a coming from the upper 20 cm. Horizontal distri­ hearth. The charcoal lens extended from the sur­ bution of artifacts indicates that artifacts were face to a depth of20 cm. Ceramics, mammal found throughout the shelter with the largest con­ bone (both burned and unburned), fish bone, and centration (84%) being in the eastern chamber. lithic debitage were associated with the lens, but More activity probably took place in this chamber no fire-affected rocks were observed. Two radio­ of the shelter since it is more enclosed and pro­ carbon dates were obtained from charcoal in this tected from the elements. area. One sample yielded a date of 110±80 BP while the other dated to 80±70 BP. These late Ceramic Assemblage at RIV-1331 and RIV-1349 dates may indicate either contamination or late Alternative models to explain the very distinct period reoccupation of the rockshelter. Both ceramic assemblages at the Toro Canyon sites rodent activity and some pothunting were clearly provide insights and potential avenues for future evident during excavation. Flotation samples research into Cahuilla mobility and resource use were collected from this possible feature for strategies. A total of 739 sherds were analyzed further information on its content. from sites RIV-1331 and RIV-1349. This sample included 720 body sherds and 19 rim sherds. Six A possible cache ofthree wonderstone se­ of the body sherds were reworked into disks or condary decortication flakes was found in Unit 20 show signs ofwear. The sherds could be classi­ among some cobbles on the south side of the east fied into four types that conform to Waters' chamber. Recovered from a depth of20 cm, this (1982) topology, based on Malcolm Rogers's material may have been cached for further reduc­ (1936) type collection at the San Diego Museum tion. A fragment of a modified tabular stone was of Man. These types indicate an occupation recovered just west of the flakes. spanning the Patayan II phase (A.D. 950-1500) Six milling slicks, each on a separate boulder, with some possible minor occupation extending into the Patayan III phase (A.D. 1500-post 1900).

114 Point Prefonns Cores Debitage Groundstone Cemmics Modified Bone Shell Bead Miscellaneous o 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Frequency A. Subsurface Artifact Class Distribution for CA-RIV-1349

0-10 cm

10-20 cm 20-30 cm

o 100 200 300 400 500 600 Frequency B. Vertical Distribution ofCA-RIV-1349 Artifacts

Figure 7. Artifact frequencies at CA,RIV,1349

115 The assemblage also typifies a population living flakes on the surface are atypical of Lower Color­ close to the Peninsular Range with only limited ado Buff Ware types. Similar micaceous buff access to sedimentary sources on the desert ware was reproduced, however, from Lake Ca­ floor or Colorado River. Over 94% of the cera­ huilla clays exposed by San Felipe Creek at San mics were Tizon Brown Ware, divided into coarse Sebastian Marsh (Schaefer et al. 1987). The and fine subtypes, that characterize residual clay addition ofcrushed quartz to such a clay might sources in upland areas or clays eroding down well simulate what is described here as Toro Buff. from the Peninsular Range. Only 6% of the pottery was attributed to Lower Colorado Buff The dominance of Tizon Brown Ware in every Ware, derived from sedimentary clays. As such, excavation unit indicates that it was the locally the ceramic assemblages from the Toro Canyon made type. This high frequency, however, is more area, as well as adjacent Lake Cahuilla-associated typical ofthe sites in the mountainous uplands localities in La Quinta and Indian Wells, are quite than in desert lowlands. Percentages of Tizon distinct from contemporary ceramic type fre­ Brown Ware at other west Lake Cahuilla shoreline quencies to the north and south (Figure 8). sites range from 10% at IMP-4495 near the in the south (Gallegos 1984:6-6) to 36% at A complete description ofceramic types is RIV-1179 near La Quinta in the north (Sutton and provided in the study report (Schaefer et al. 1993); Wilke 1988:67). however, of note is a new ceramic type described by Schaefer as Toro Buff. This very distinctive Sites in the La Quinta area show the greatest and enigmatic type was found at both sites, with variability ofbrownlbuff ware ratios, from 100% the largest quantity obtained from RIV-1349. The brown ware at RIV-4168 and RIV-150 to 31% ceramic is a thin, well-smoothed type with a sharp brown ware at RIV-1179 and only 4% brown fracture. The paste ranges in color from gray to ware at RIV-3682. All these sites appear to have buff. The temper is composed of abundant angu­ solid Lake Cahuilla associations, so chronological lar milky quartz with small amounts of angular concerns do not appear to provide an explanation feldspar that make up more than 50% of the for the variability. More likely, the La Quinta area fabric. Small amounts of muscovite mica (and a was occupied by people whose territorial range in­ few specs ofbiotite) appear in section but the wet­ cluded major areas of lowland desert habitat to the smoothed surface finish brings the particles to the north and east, as well as the Peninsular Range to surface and gives it a lustrous appearance. Except the west. The Toro Canyon sites indicate a con­ for the mica, the temper resembles the crushed sistent high frequency ofbrown ware. Both the quartz that characterizes Parker Buff. Unlike rockshelters and the nearby Lake Cahuilla shore­ Parker Buff, some of the temper shows through line site at RIV-3880 (at 15 km) have virtually the surface. The mineral inclusions also lack the identical brownlbuff ware ratios, further support­ mafic minerals and that often occur in ing arguments that the rockshelters are contem­ Tizon Brown Ware. Subsequent comparisons porary with and part ofthe same settlement com­ may show this type to be described in another plex as the shoreline sites. To the south, no other region, but until that time, these ceramics are published Lake Cahuilla shoreline sites are known discriminated by using a new name. to the authors until reaching West Mesa in the vicinity ofDry Lake and Superstition Mountain Many ofthe pieces have a gray color that is and continuing south to the U.S.lMexican border. typical of a reduction fire. A piece ofone sherd All these sites show a consistently low proportion was refired in the lab to 800 0 C in an oxidation ofbrown ware to buff ware, indicating extensive atmosphere to determine ifToro Buff is an un­ local production of buff ware, particularly Tumco usual, reduction-fired brown ware or buff ware Buff, from lowland sedimentary clay sources. type. A buff-colored (7.5 YR 6/4) sherd resulted Toro Canyon stands out with some ofthe La from the refire, although the large amount of mica Quinta sites, as lowland Lake Cahuilla associated

116 North Shore ­ RIV.3793 RIV·1179 RIV·3682 La Quinta RIV·2936 RIV-150 RIV·2199 RIV-4168 L. RIV·1331 Toro Canyon RIV.1349 { RIV-3880 IMp·S260 West Mesa I Mp·S261 { IMp·S262 IMP-4962 Yuha { IMP-449S

o 20 40 60 80 100 c/o CERAMICS (Elevation is greater than or to 12 meters)

'---_--...[ % buff ware % brown ware

Figure 8. Relative quantities of brown ware verses buff ware sherds at selected sites along the west shoreline of Lake Cahuilla. 117 habitations that bear ceramic assemblages more Mesa. The remainder is usually a combination of characteristic of upland areas. Salton Brown, the only lowland sedimentary Brown Ware type from West Mesa, and Tizon This unusually high frequency of Tizon Brown Ware from upland areas. Sites in upland Brown Ware can be explained by the proximity of areas of the Laguna Mountains, however, contain the shoreline to the mountains. Other shoreline less than 1% buff ware types with the vast major­ areas are usually much further from the base of ity being Tizon Brown Ware. Clearly, brown the Peninsular Range where greater opportunity ware was transported down to the Lake Cahuilla, existed to find sedimentary clay sources on the but little effort was made to bring buff ware up the desert floor, as well as to extend the settlement! steep grades. subsistence system to a more accessible Lower Sonoran Desert habitat and the resources that it offered. preference for residual clay sources ex­ CONCLUSIONS AND tended into ethnohistoric times after Lake Cahuilla INTERPRETATIONS dried up. Saturino Torres reported to Lowell Bean (in Schaefer et al. 1993:72) that the best clays The two rockshelter sites can be characterized were located in bat infested caves in the Tuva within a collector-oriented settlement system, Mountains and at Grand Canyon. Men were sent based on site morphology and artifact content. by designated trails to quarry clay for the women This must be an explicit exercise whereby inferen­ of Toro. ces concerning chronology, economic activities, residence patterns, and social organization are The predominance of Brown Ware also may empirically derived from material correlates. be explained by a settlement pattern that favored Through such an explicit approach, the archaeolo­ upland occupation, even during the maximal in­ gical investigations of RIV-1331 and RIV-1349 filling of Lake Cahuilla. This supports Weide's can then be placed within the larger context of (l976) model of seasonal temporary camps along known cultural resources and thus contribute to a the Lake Cahuilla shoreline. Substantial residen­ better understanding ofhunter-gatherer adaptation tial bases in transitional and upland areas would to the Lake Cahuilla/Santa Rosa Mountains inter­ have formed part of the seasonal round. A large face. When added to the corpus of excavated and amount ofthe pottery would have been produced tested sites along the entire Lake Cahuilla shore­ at such bases and then transported down to Lake line, these studies help to solidify a more sophisti­ Cahuilla during fishing and hunting trips. Many cated model of Late Prehistoric period lacustrine ofthese vessels would have been cached at or near adaptations in the . the Lake Cahuilla sites rather than transported back up the mountains. The sites under consider­ A. Chronology ation here would have been optimal locations for A charcoal sample from a hearth feature in the caching strategies because of the numerous cre­ southern portion of RIV-1331 yielded a date of vices in the Martinez Mountain Rock Slide. In­ 320±80 B.P. Dendro-calibration suggests a most deed, several caches were reported by local pot probable date range ofA.D. 1460-1663, although hunters. This "gravity model" explanation of averaging is affected by the DeVries Effect of ceramic type distributions is even better illustrated secular variation in atmospheric carbon isotopes. by ceramic type distribution on the southwestern Two charcoal samples were dated from a possible shore of Lake Cahuilla in Imperial County. Here a hearth feature (Units 15 and 16) located in the wide alluvial terrace provided sufficient exposures eastern chamber ofthe rockshelter at RIV-1349. ofsedimentary clay to produce substantial quan­ The samples were obtained from the 10-20 em tities of Tumco Buffand other buff ware types in level and dated to 110±80 B.P. and 80±70 years Patayan II times. This type constitutes over 50% B.P. Dendro-calibration suggests dates of A.D. ofthe assemblage at shoreline sites on West

118 1675-1943 and AD. 1686-1929 respectively. exhibit little or no midden accwnulation. Midden The date from RIV-1331 conforms well to a is here defmed as dark, carbonaceous, organic de­ fourth maximwn lacustral phase ofAD. 1450­ posits from sustained or intensive human habita­ 1600 and to the associated ceramics, fish bone, tion. Artifact densities were also very low and beads, and Anodonta sp. shell. A date cotermin­ culture bearing deposits only extended to a maxi­ ous with a fIfth infilling between AD. 1600 and mwn of 20 em in most areas. Only one area of 1700 is also a possibility. The anomalous late RIV-1331 (Locus I, Feature A) contained any dates from RIV-1349 may result from recent density of artifacts and an associated hearth. The historic uses ofthe rockshelter, as evidenced by 27 ml area of Feature A would not be large recent ammunition casings in the 0-10 cm level. enough to accommodate more than a single nu­ The charcoal may indeed be recent or contamin­ clear family residential unit. All other features of ated by recent soil disturbance from pot hWlters or RIV-1331 produced small artifact samples charac­ rodents. All other artifact categories and fish re­ teristic ofephemeral nonresidential activities. mains indicate a contemporary, Patayan II occupa­ These other features, including the bedrock mil­ tion for both rockshelters. Radiocarbon dates, the ling stations and low density artifact scatters presence ofLake Cahuilla fish bone, and shell throughout the area, may be interpreted as bead types all provide evidence that the two sites specialized activity areas aroWld one or more hab­ were occupied during the final phases of the itation or hearth zones. Likewise, the maximwn Patayan II period. usable space at RIV-1349 is only 28 ml and also accommodates a single hearth feature and very The lack ofPatayan III pottery types light and shallow midden accwnulation. Such an (Colorado Buff and painted pottery) within the enclosed rockshelter could have been alternatively ceramic assemblage and lack ofethnohistoric or simultaneously used as a single residential unit period items also suggests a Patayan II asso­ or as a cache and storage facility. Ceramic con­ ciation. Evidence of a post Lake Cahuilla (Pat­ centrations and the wonderstone flake cache, from ayan 1lI) use ofthe sites is limited. It is during the Rainbow Rock area 25 km to the south, in the this period that a shift in settlement and resource east chamber indicate storage, while the hearth procurement occurred as a result of the desiccation and other artifact classes point to food procure­ ofthe lake. The village of Toro had been estab­ ment, processing, and conswnption. lished by ethnohistoric times and was located 3 km east ofthe two sites. The inhabitants are The artifact and faunal assemblages suggest known historically to have gathered plants for general activities of what were primary economic food and medicine in the general vicinity. The kin-based domestic units. Both male and female very late dates from the hearths in the east cham­ associated activities are represented. Milling im­ ber of the rockshelter at RIV-1349 may be alter­ plements reflect seed and plant processing, as do natively interpreted as the only evidence oflate the bedrock milling elements fOWld throughout the ethnohistoric use. The sites were probably visited site complex. Food preparation and conswnption and possibly used for plant processing during Pat­ are reflected in the ceramic and faWlal assem­ ayan III period, but no temporally specific arti­ blages. Two bone awl fragments suggest basketry facts representative ofthat time frame were re­ manufacture or repair, as well as other fabrica­ covered. tions offiber or hide. Preparations for hWlting are well indicated by debitage and broken projectile B. Settlement and Subsistence point preforms. The successful outcome of Both RIV-1331 and RIV-1349 are interpreted hWlting expeditions is fOWld in the wide array of as field camps that were used primarily during animal species, with the usual focus on lago­ times of fishing along the lake shore and plant morphs and possibly rodents. Given the lowland procurement in the SurroWlding desert. This is location, the low frequency of identifiable bighorn indicated by several lines of evidence. Both sites sheep bones may be more a function ofoff-site

119 meat processing prior to returning to the tem­ Whether the fmal desiccation of Lake porary camp. Certainly, unidentifiable deer-sized Cahuilla around A.D. 1700 caused an abandon­ mammal bone constitutes a major component at ment of the desert floor areas remains unknown. both rockshelters. High frequencies offish re­ Shackley (1984) has suggested a change in em­ mains relative to mammal bone (34 to 52% of the phasis on certain plant species such as agave in total faunal assemblage) and quantities of Ano­ the post-Lake Cahuilla period. Whether this donta sp. shell indicate substantial fishing and change also included an increase in the use of mollusk collecting activities. Gutting and open air desert plants such as mesquite and cactus remains drying of fish may account for why so little of the to be demonstrated. However, certainly by the fish bone was burned. Fish bone was not suffi­ late Patayan III and early ethnohistoric periods, ciently concentrated in certain areas, however, to permanent villages had been established on the ascertain if specialized fish camps were estab­ desert floor in areas such as Toro, Indian Wells, lished during specific episodes of site occupation. and San Felipe Creek and at the mouths ofmajor canyons such as are found at Palm Springs. The No longer can we accept simplistic, unilineal seasonal scheduling and mobility continued to be models of lake infilling, large-scale population practiced, with people moving from the desert movement to shoreline residential bases, reces­ floor to the higher elevations to gather resources sion, and population resettlement to mountain and as they became available. desert habitats. Study after study has shown that seasonal temporary camps were established along By the time offirst European contact, the the shoreline. The two sites represent small Desert Cahuilla of Coachella Valley were well­ temporary camps used during times when prehis­ established and occupied about 14 villages and toric peoples exploited the lacustrine shoreline of numbered perhaps 3,000 persons. Most villages Lake Cahuilla located several hundred meters to were located on the valley floor in areas of a high the east. These sites may be considered as funda­ water table where large mesquite groves grew and mental, short-term occupancy, residential units of walk-in wells could be dug, or at reliable springs basic domestic groups. Many of the larger sites or or streams (e.g.,Thousand Palms, Andreas). Hor­ loci located on the relic Lake Cahuilla shoreline ticulture was being practiced by the time Romero represent aggregations or sequential accumula­ came through the valley in 1823. tions of remains from these basic domestic units. Only limited archaeological investigations The inhabitants ofthe Toro Canyon area were have been conducted on post-Lake Cahuilla sites. collectors who used sites similar to RIV-1331 and Most of what is known is detailed in oral tradi­ RIV-1349 as temporary campsites while fishing tions of the Cahuilla Indians of Coachella Valley. and gathering along the shoreline of prehistoric Early 20th century ethnographers recorded many Lake Cahuilla. Collected resources may have of these traditions (Wilke 1978; Wilke and Law­ been cached within the rockshelters for subse­ ton 1975). Oral traditions tell oflife around Lake quent return to residential bases or camps at Cahuilla, fishing and hunting there, and of the higher elevations within the Santa Rosas. Gather­ fmal desiccation. Ethnographic evidence provided ing oflacustrine vegetation was somewhat restric­ by Cahuilla living in the Toro area indicates that ted due to poor access. Ethnographic and ethno­ they originally were located in the higher eleva­ historic accounts, as well as the ceramic analysis tions of the Santa Rosas (Agua Alta, Rockhouse that demonstrated a predominance of upland Canyon, and Coyote Canyon) west ofthe present­ brown ware ceramics at the site, suggest that day village (Bean 1990; Sutton and Wilke 1988). residential bases were located in more strategic Wilke has argued that this oral tradition provides and productive vegetative communities, such as evidence ofabandonment ofthe shoreline after the Upper Sonoran or Pinyon-Juniper zones. fmal recession, movement to higher elevation, and the subsequent repopulation of the valley floor

120 after the establishment of substantial mesquite Laylander, Don groves (Sutton and Wilke 1988:9). Of course, the 1991 Phase II and Extended Phase I Tests at same stories lend credence to a post-lake model Seven ArchaeO'IO'gical Sites (CA-lMP-62971 where the population moves from already existing 6298, -6417, -6419, -642216423, -6425, residential villages in the mountains or foothills to -6427, and -6429) in the Kane Spring Area, the desert floor following the drying up of the Imperial County, CalifO'rnia. California lake. The next step is to investigate more post­ Department of Transportation, San Diego. Lake Cahuilla sites and villages and compare them to earlier sites. 1994 Phase II Data RecO'very at the ElmO're Site (CA-lMP-6427) Imperial CO'unty, California. California Department of REFERENCES CITED Transportation, San Diego.

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