December 10, 1982

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December 10, 1982 ..... R , I. Jewish Historical Association 11 1 3 a sessions Street Providence, RI 02906 / THE ONLY ENGLISH-JEW/SH WEEKLY IN R. I. AND SOUTHEAST MASS. VOLUME LXX, NUMBER 2 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1982 30c PER COPY We Need Emergency Laws To Create Jobs In Crisis Says 51st CJF Assembly LOS ANGELES (JTA) - Delegates to In the resolution, the delegate, "solemn­ the 51st General Assembly of the Council ly" re-affirmed a resolution, approved of J ewish Federations approved a resolu­ last April 25 by the CJF Board of Direc­ tion calling on President Reagan and the tors, which, "speaking on beha lf of Congress to enact emergency laws to community-wide organizations in 185 create jobs to end an economic situation of J ewish communities throughout the Un­ ''crisis proportions.'' ited States," expressed the CJ F's " deep Declaring that for the first time in 40 concern about the impact of Federal years the American jobless rate was more budget cuts on millions of individuals and than 10 percent and that 17 million families in our-nation." Americans are ''either out of work or un­ The April resolution added that "these able to find full-time employment," the Americans, who are bearing a dispropor­ delegates called for action " to deal with t ionate share of the reductions in Federal the tragic unemployment situation." funding, have seen their hopes and aspira­ The resolution called the recent "jobs tions frustrated." THESE THREE PEOPLE from the Speaker's Bureau for Ethiopian Jewry present­ bill" passed by the Congress and signed by In the April resolution, the CJF declared ed a discussion to The Leisure Club at Temple Emanu-EI, Providence, on Dec. 5. From the President " mainly a job training bill" it " firmly opposes any additional cutbacks left to right: Leon Missry, and Sandra Afsai, Co-Chairpersons, of the Committee for which would "do little to create new job in those human service programs that Ethiopian Jewry, and Michael Fink, a professor of liberal arts at RISO. opportunities." Asserting that one of the provide a lifeline to the neediest in our major reasons for "the ever increasing society. budget deficits at the Federal, state and " The poor, the working poor, t he "We Have Lost So local levels is increasing unemployment," elderly, children and the handicapped are the resolution said it was estimated tl:,at already bearing an unfair portion of the Many Of Our People" for "e-very percentage point increase in tln­ burden of the (federal) budget restrictions Sandra Afsai, Founder of Friends for Jews, who are suffering and dying every employment, the Federal deficit is in­ enacted last year," the board resolution Ethiopian Jews in Providence, spoke on day; and urged that this issue become a creased by 30 billion dollars. said. " We urge those entrusted with social "The Plight of Ethiopian Jews" at Temple priority to Jewish organizations. "Lack of employment income means policy to act with compassion and justice, Emanu-El's Leisure club meeting on Sun­ " W e h •va l ntlt ..... less tax revenues at all levels of govern­ and reverse the devastating impact of the 0 day, Dec. 5. It was "a very attentive and sheeaid. · • current econom.ic situation." ment which, when coupled with additional responsive" audience of abou 200 men thic r expenditures for unemployment compen­ The board said that "one of this nation's and women, acc:ct~·ul-krsai. -- sation, public assistance and other related priorities has been, and must continue t.o . 1-.- programs for people in need, further ex­ be, to assist its citizens to be as productive . A slide ~how' illustrated the terrible con­ d1t1ons Jews face while living in Ethiopia 8 1;:: f~under is the main speaker for the acerbates our already deteriorated as possible, to allow each individual to pe er s Bureau of Ethiopian Jewry d economy," the delegates declared. achieve his or her potential, and to provide Afsai_u rged_ the audience to take an activ~ role m savmg the remnant of Ethiopian also Co-Chairperson of the Ethio ~:n "We believe the current situation to be ,adeql)ate funding and programs for those Jewry Committee with Leon Missry p of crisis proportions/' the resolution said, \_ who are unable to provide for themselves." and "consequently, we urge the President The board said that "one of this nation's Bess Myers~n To.Speak To Women And Infants Co . · and the Congress to enact emergency priorities has been, and must continue to Bess Myerson, mvesllgat1ve consumer Sh rp legislation aimed at creating jobs in both be, to assist its citizens to he as productive reporter for WCBS-TV News in New York t ' e has earned Emmy Award nomina. the public and private sectors to lift the as possible, to allow each individual to and 1-980 candidate for U.S. Senate from ~ons fo~ two.~etwork television documen- spirit of millions of Americans by givin'g achieve his or her potential, and to provide New York will be the ke1rnote speaker at Pury _series, A ,yvoman ls" and "In the them the opportunity to work." (Continued on page 2) the 99th Annual Meeting of the Corpora- b ~he {rtereSt, and has published two tion of Women & Infants Hospital of es se er books, "The Complete Con- Rhode Island on Tuesday, Deoember 14 at ; ~m,';1r:LoHow to Buy Wisely and Well," and the Biltmore Plaza Hotel. ' e ve New York Diet." Ms. Myerson's reporting i WCBS-TV The public_isinvitedatnochargetohear focuses on consumer affairs •nd offers Ms. Myerson s talk beginnin t 8 . practical information for ti;, viewing the Biltmore's Grand Ballroog a Thp.m._ m . A r ad te ted . m. ose m- publ 1c. s a consum• voea~. she will res m attending should call 274_1100 address herselfory"Cember l4lthe issue ext. 249 for reservations. • of " Heal" th Car' and the Wo an C on- T hebusmessmeetingoftheC· . sumer. wi!J take place at 7 p.m. orporat10n K~ her Or Non-Kosher? ,i hat Is The Question . NEW YORK (JTA) Ninvolvin g chargeso f alJegd.- A total of 22 cases, New York l.ny ·• 0th ?w York Statefobelm 1!w v10J_at10ns ~fa Jericho, Lynh~'rs~· L erb were listed in ~~representation of f~ which forbids Bellmore and Hewl:tt. yn rook, North it 1s not koshe as kosher when Three cases were annou d second quarte rf were settled during the been settled by the Atto nee as having of $4 900 . r o_ 1982 with total payments fice, involving two su :ey General's of. Rabbl Sc~:1~:ll ifei?Jties, according to restaurant. The restauf'antarkets and a Kosher Law En£ u m, duector of the supermarkets each 'd ~d one of the New yo r k S trtmbnt Division of the $500. The other su:a1 a:ivd P_enalty of - Agriculture and ~.,;ketsepartment of penalty. ermar et paid a $200 Rubin srud pa The offenses char ed . 1 person and/or ;:;n.t of a penalty by the non-kosher chicken l tc uded offering stitute an ad . cipal does not con­ alleged impro er ter or ~ale as kosher; P 10 0 Ii v e r · all p d eparatwn of kosher violation char~:J ~ ~ the labeling law " ' ege possessio . h kosher law e B y inspectors of the presumptive intent" to ll n wit ":"eese sandwich as ko s~ a sala~1 and reported that 1; ;;i::• nt divis10n. He ments of $200 each cases !nvolved pay. t10n with "presum t' sher, alleged mten­ . ments of $300 each.and five mvolved pay- kosher non k h p i~e mtent" to serve as offering fo~ :i:r chic:en'soup; allegedly Supermarkets of six . chicken liver- alleg:I ~ he: non-kosher · on ~Ro KNEld ELAND (I. tor ) in T · · involved in the sett! maJor chains \vere be na Harwood' "''h · ruuty Square Re kosher non'.kosh Y f erlng for sale as • AJ rt D. Soule Ii . s " e DreBBer, di per- stores of a local cha~ments, as ~ell as two allegedly offeringe~ c -~~se products; FORD R~•nnances are 8 P 'm g~tng by John F. Custer a~ted by David and two food n '. two delicatessens, turkey as kosher; alle::di"a ;i n_on -kosher tory eoz-:r (~O)) a::!i; t~ough _Sunda'ys wi::::::::.ib; fending retail ~~f:~at1ve~. Five of the of. as koshe~ non-koshe \o ermg for sale WbeeV . - . ee review on page 5. (Ph in Manhattan . are m Brooklyn, two allegedly offering fo; ~a products; and 1 w~ -~ Staten Island ,;nJ: 1'.' Qhueens, two in koshe~ pattie turnov!r e as kosher non­ ne m t e Bronx in the spareribs with pork . ed~d non-kosher . mgr ients. 2 - FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1982 Providence Hadassah Job Crisis (Continued from page 1) Fonda Condemns Double Standard adequate funding and programs for those Celebrates Book Month ' ~. who are unable to provide for themselves." Applied T-o Israel In Lebanon War The Providence Chapter of HadaBSah The board said · Jewish Federations, will celebrate Jewish Book Month at its which make up the CJF membership, NEW YORK (JTA) - Declaring her un­ weak, petty country that they behave this next meeting on Monday, Dec. 13 at 12:30 "have identified persons about whom they qualified support for Israel, actress and way to Jews, that they deny the right of p.m. in the Jewish Community Center, 401 have the greatest concern. They are the political activist Jane Fonda condemned their people to leave the country and go to Elmgrove Avenue, Providence.
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