” TRAINING MANUAL VOLUME FOUR For those visiting Jewish men and women incar- cerated - In prison An Aleph InstItute publIcAtIon Aleph Institute - Training Guide Volume 4 • Page 1 © 2003 - 2006 Training Manual - Volume Four THE ALEPH INSTITUTE – North East Region 5804 Beacon Street. • Pittsburgh, PA 15217 P:412.421.0111 F:412.521.5948 E:
[email protected] W: www.AlephNE.org tAble of contents Introduction 3 History and Theology 5 Daily Religious Items 8 Shabbos 11 Holidays Obeservance 15 Holiday Religious Items needed 17 High Holidays 18 Sukkot and Shmeini Atzeret 20 Kosher Laws 22 Jewish Law as it pretains to Death 25 Page 2 • Aleph Institute - Training Guide Volume 4 Introduction In this volume we will discuss basic Jewish laws. The supreme court of the US, has ruled that religious rights are not lost by the individual upon incarcration. Not all state or county prisons as of yet, offer the Jewish inmates the right to practice their religion equally, Jewish requirments permited in one state and one institution might not be permitted in the second institution. For some all it will take is an inmates request, for policy to be written or edited, for others it may take a little more. This book is not intended to make you a Rabbi or proficient with Jewish law as to make deci- sions of law importance, or become an authority on Jewish law. This booklet is to help you under- stand some of the pressing Jewish religious issues, issues you will hear being spoken in the prison you visit. Please correspond with your Aleph director any and all issues raised.