March-April 2018
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March‐April 2018 המרכז היהודי ד'פורסט הילס Adar‐Nisan‐Iyar 5778 Vol. LXXII No. 4 THE FOREST HILLS JEWISH CENTER Annual Gala Journal Dinner Dance Saturday evening, March 10, 2018 Honoring Simone and David Eshaghian This year, we are blessed to honor two extraordinary and outstanding members of our shul, Simone and David Eshaghian. Both Simone and David share common bonds of love and dedica- on to our shul. They have been a part of the Forest Hills Jewish Center family for nearly forty years, and have been acve and involved members. David has served on our Board of Trustees, and Simone was President of the Parent’s Associaon of our Religious School. Their amazing hard work on behalf of the FHJC, whether as a Board Member or behind the scenes and their unwavering support for the tradions of our shul, are well known and respected. The Gala Dinner Dance this year promises to be both fun and elegant, an evening of wonderful and delicious dining, dancing to the wee hours, and sharing good mes with friends, old and new. There is no beer way to spend an evening and at the same me support our shul and honor the Eshaghians, a couple who are genuinely generous and truly supporve of Forest Hills Jewish Center. Please call the Center office to RSVP: 718.263.7000 x 203. Purim Schedule Wednesday, February 28 5:30 PM Minha 6:15 PM Special Children’s Pre-Purim Program FREE (Dinner by Reservaon, starng at 5:45 PM) 6:30 PM Maariv and Megillah reading in Lile Synagogue 7:00 PM Fesve Megillah reading and Costume Parade in Main Sanctuary Thursday, March 1 6:30 AM Shacharit and Megillah Reading Saturday, March 3 7:00 PM Kadima/Teens Purim Party and Carnival Set-Up Sunday, March 4 10:00 AM Nursery School Purim Breakfast (By Reservaon) 11:30 AM Purim Carnival FROM THE RABBI’S STUDY Shabbat Zimriyah Rabbi Gerald C. Skolnik Song Fesval Jackie Mason at each other, and in so doing create likes to joke ever deeper ris in our society. Mentally Saturday, March 3 that the Jewish ill people who harbor inner rage and holidays are have far too easy access to guns shoot never on me; up our schools and destroy not only the we’re always lives of those they kill, but also of those complaining that they’re either early or they leave behind. The cumulave effect Following Enhanced Kiddush late. He’s right, of course; it’s a me- of all this is numbing. We become, at honored tradion to say that. But… this our own peril, almost impervious to the Who will sing? Different groups within year, with the glaring absence of an problems all around us, because to be our synagogue community (Men's Club, Adar Bet to push everything back a bit, other is just too painful. Sisterhood, Teens, Religious School and the holidays of late winter/early spring Purim and Pesach (not to menon Yom (i.e., Purim and Pesach) have really Day School students, Nursery, Board of HaShoah and Yom Ha’Atzmaut) are real- snuck up on us- at least it feels that way Trustees, and others) are each learning me reminders that we have known to me. I’m not quite ready. one song, or will be soon! difficult and dangerous mes before in With Purim but a few days away, Shab- our history, and though it has been pain- What if I can't sing? It doesn't bat Zachor reminds us of the ever- ful, we have, ulmately, prevailed. This maer! Shabbat Zimriyah is for present, lurking danger of an-Semism. is the season of our historic redempon, Sadly, it is always a mely reminder, but and our faith must sustain us in the be- everyone. this year, with Poland seeming to want lief that we will, yet again- we and our What if I am not part of any parcular to roll some kind of blanket over its own world- know that joy. group that is parcipang? very troubled history, it seems parcu- In that spirit, I wish you all a Purim larly appropriate. And though it is Sameach and a Chag Kasher V’Sameach! Contact Felicia Leeman tempng to be focused on our own ever at [email protected] and we will find -relevant need to be vigilant against you a group to join for the event. senseless hatred, we are also obliged to be keenly aware of the hatred that is all around us. Liberals and Conservaves, Rabbi Gerald C. Skolnik Democrats and Republicans spew insults The Message USPS 340-300 The Forest Hills Jewish Center, 106- 06 Queens Boulevard, Forest Hills, NY 11375-4248. 718-263- 7000, Fax: 718-520-4369. Website: hp:// Affiliat- ed with the United Synagogue of Conservave Judaism. Pub- lished bi-monthly September-June. Subscripon: $25 per year (included in membership dues.) Periodicals postage paid at the COMMEMORATION—WED. APRIL 11—7:30 PM Post Office in Flushing, NY. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Forest Hills Jewish Center. 106-06 Queens Boulevard, Forest Hills, NY 11375-4248. Editorial Board: Karen L. Stein Please join with us on Wednesday evening, April 11 as we gather (Editor), Gerald C. Skolnik (Rabbi), Henry Rosenblum (Hazzan), in the Rabbi Ben Zion Bokser Sanctuary for our annual observance Deborah Gregor (Execuve Director), Lynn Lancaster (Director of Yom Hashoah V’Hag’vurah- Holocaust Memorial Day. The pro- of Congregaonal Educaon), Iris Chomsky and Lynn Fisher (Co- gram, which will begin promptly at 7:30PM, will feature a presen- Directors, Early Childhood Educaon), Philip Dickstein taon by a member of our synagogue community, Mr. Arthur (Assistant Director of RS/Program Director) Laurie Worthman Schwartz, on his harrowing warme experiences, which include (Office Manager). Officers: Ilana Altman (President), Helaine Fox (Vice President), Felicia Leeman (Vice President), Richard me spent in the Lodz Gheo, as well in (among others), Ausch- Chase (Vice President), Pauline Raphael (Vice President), Bill witz and Mahausen concentraon camps. Regen (Treasurer), Randi Zwick-Marks (Secretary). Arms: Men’s Nagilah, the Forest Hills Jewish Center choral group, will be per- Club, Warren Wankoff (President), Minyan Club, Bey Korb (President), Sisterhood, Debra Weil and Marcia Belgorod (Co- forming. Memorial candles will be lit, and Hazzan Rosenblum will Presidents). Opinions expressed in The Message are the au- be channg a memorial El Maleh Rachamim. thors’ and do not necessarily represent those of the Forest Hills We hope you will plan to be with us. Jewish Center, its officers and Board, or the Editorial Board. 2 NOTES FROM THE HAZZAN UPCOMING EVENTS MARCH EVENTS Hazzan Henry R. Rosenblum The Sabbath is “Melaveh Malkah,” marking the im- March 1 Purim enhanced by a minent return of the Sabbath Queen March 3 Shabbat Zimriyah large treasure to heaven. The Zemirot tunes are Purim Carnival Set‐Up in Gym of poems and many and varied, reflecng the com- songs which munies all over the world in which March 4 Nursery Purim Breakfast are sung Jews found a haven. Purim Carnival around the Sabbath table. These ta- On March 3, following the kiddush, March 10 Dinner Dance ble songs, called Zemirot, may be we will have a shul-wide Shabbat traced back to the Second Temple. March 17 Men’s Club Shabbat Zimriah. Different groups within our Bidden to make the Sabbath a de- congregaonal family such as Reli- March 18 Blood Drive light, it is natural that music should gious School and Schechter students, be involved in helping the Jew to car- March 30 First Seder School Board, Board of Trustees, Sis- ry out this commandment. The Zemi- terhood, Men’s Club, Nursery school, March 31 Second Seder @ FHJC rot helped us to enjoy the Sabbath Haverim (New Members), Youth and to shut ourselves off momentari- Choir, Nagilah and USY will each sing ly from the pressures and persecu- APRIL EVENTS a Shabbat Zemer that they have pre- ons which were all around. The pared. This will be a wonderful shar- “payyetanim,” composers of sacred April 1‐7 Passover ing of music as well as an opportunity poetry, came into vogue in the Mid- to learn new melodies and see our April 11 Yom Hashoah Program dle Ages. Many of the tunes for their congregaonal talents at work. We early poems, being borrowed from April 15 Men’s Club Man of the Year are all looking forward to this excing Dinner the secular songs of the day, became happening and hope that you will very popular. Many found their way Yom Ha’Atzmaut Zimriyah enjoy it as much as all the parci- April 18 into the Siddur and into everyday pants do. What a great way to cele- April 27 Instrumental Kabbalat Shabbat religious life. The Shabbat Synagogue brate Shabbat! Teen Shabbat Dinner service is rich in such poetry; L’cha Dodi, El Adon, Yismach Moshe, Ein B’Shalom, Keloheynu, and Adon Olam are but a Hazzan Henry R. Rosenblum few examples. Many piyyum, bear- ing the unmistakable influence of the myscal beauty of the Kabbalah and of the biblical “Song of Songs” be- MEN’S CLUB SHABBAT came popular Zemirot. Since the early poets were Sephardim, most of the MARCH 17, 2018 early Zemirot were set to Sephardic tunes. Centuries later, the Zemirot Starng with Shacharit, connuing with the Torah Service, and through became especially popular with the Musaf, Men’s Club members will have key roles in the service. Hassidim of Eastern Europe, for their Steve Goffner will be channg the Haarah; and Dan Korb will be roots go deep into the myscism of the Kabbalah.