IHfj^iV •twf'^-'^'yn i.i|.i.iii -111111)11 Wlit. j .i|..ii.i |...^i» t'".,.!.^" Jjf..i|ii»i. yj.in, .


being closed he asked to be seated neir tbe in which he lived h .d been for years under a venlent or necr's'iry, to ask the p'opleto BLOOD IN OPELIKA. cbaici.l, which rtquis' was cuapliid with A RED HOT DEBATE. republicin mayor. Mr. Walthall Blluded in enlarge tho^e p^iwers. PUDDLERS UO OUT. The piifloner stated h" had dalermined to ddentally only to the i.racticeof frauls and O.N THAT I'ROPOStTIO:?, bribery at electioi s io some of the iiorthvrn i i.lsokUl Rtv. I). MeCon. ell, p»ft ir of S. be rotted the rigbt to make Impiijy in tbia states ard asked wbotbrr tle83 were not S ephen's Kpi.copsl church on Tenth ctreet. oa"". The Aberdaen, MUe'leeippI, Inci­ more dargerous to the perpetuation of free Zt institutions than aii> tbiog thit bal Le-n uor queiikioa w»8 diet&^tvfjl to him. Ororge's challenge, referred him to section Held B. Barnes. dent Up In the 8*natp. charged eguinst a imu of tbe poutbern stat.s tho Rolling Mill. It IS evident Ibat Alexander's reuoa bad '2, ari icle 4, consti'ution, in thrse wordsi If, he said, thrro was a sir w of fori'e becou* unsettled "Q eccunt of mental ex "Citiziis of each stato shall b) entitled to on the p-irt tf the wbile people to 8-;vi- citemant, caused hy bi« rdigious and politi • II tbo tb>' ]i.-ivilegos and linmuaities of citi­ themselves from i e^vo rule, that was, at A Trag rty r'a statement Mr Rengi-n conden;n&1 tie outrage at Abcr- Uau Wa^ a Uf^po^ate antl l>Hn- Fi«iu the CharKe.4 AfMlnst It bj viction tban thn buv Ing of votn. I •1«a,Mill Iind I>1H<-II irK^a \lt Who wa" given in a sirilgbifurwaid manner, and dern, I'Ut d nird tbe right if tbe govern- Ingalls and Otiiers. Mr. Geory-s spolie of tbr rrsolu'ion ua un­ Ju tintl a New l.oilgr. goioiis Chararlcr. he fxpre^sed regret tbat his eliut hud no: iiirnt ot tbe United .Stiites to take juris Uc­ paralleled lu tbo bi-lt iry if lettis'atioo in this Btruck tbe hi hop. tion of it. H ' ep kr of what the people of couniy. It Wss a hiinpir, lir-M pr. position Wheo iiskel if he reallzjii what th'i oonse Tex-s, aiid other son hern stairs wrr<) doing to placa on tb? records lit the nenate, a rr­ quences would have bfcn tilu.itbad le in tbe way of iruciiioii fur tbe b.'iieflt oi port of u Uiii'rrl S.utrrt iiiMr-.lnl aciing as a CLEAR CASE OP SELF DEFENSE killed the b.shop, b.'r'(/lied, "Y«', I would GOOD ADVICE FROM REAGAN. the c lorol 1 iviple, .Hiid sai I 'bat if scc.i n-.l STATEME.'Jrs FRO.\I BOTH SIDS3. detec'ive. W'bilr tlirrr nilglit i)o aoiiir ex bebaigii> g leuly tliroigh could not poH^ib y bo 1 retended, be thought, N) tof t'lc amalgainatid aPROcli'i.m ot puaie, to sto,I, tn tbiok wbat they were a. d tbe ji o,ile of thr nortb ought uut to us.' ltep'e!a't rney K nerul, WASUINGTD.X, Jau. '27 —K^artsei.t-itive the mer prulilein us a foot ball for sectional nolnn dtpot, a dutunoi) < f »b:ut 100 ynrd-, cu' j» ct It had Inen refernd to by t^ie dln- be (dr. O-orge) had been fiinilslod ivirh u ab.iUt Bevetity.flve men went into it. Yes­ Porney uf Ala'iemais sei iou 1> iil witbpneu- agi'a'lon. aad fell, llo waa «»aisted to the pUt'oriii. tJiiguinhed neiiator from K-ii'^os (Ir gall ) CO; y ot the iiurfhirii ri p irt, and bo bud r.o terday morning I'lid llo ii H-I .1 itiies Monart/ B>. nitt. last TI.UI-MIUV in bis (Wi.llih'ib'.) abrence, Mr. 0.!orge agiin tick tbe tl ior and the and Dr. McC'iy ir^cfidcd to loofc 8t^(r tie obje'!tlon to have it roud from tho clerk's wout through till mill nnd ir quired of Ow but from riftiluig tbe rep nt of tne senator'ti rosobitioo weut o\er lill tonioriuw nicbotil wo,uni. He lingered about five miau .ea BLJ d»«k. He admitliil thit tbo fnc H h.d bem action. men wbo of tlicoi had j lined tbe uew lodget. r- iiinrkH be saw tb'it lit* had cimmented ou AN OLlTsOLDII'lR GONE. oorrectly s'.afrd by ibe ..si n itor from ICaoi-aH This was i.limt 7 or 8 o"cbick About 11:39 died. Ihe baiiil g in ini^y of Secretary Proctor tbe othei' day, perhaps wilh u little c iloriiig, Mr. Wbcelur came il null toll the men lha* After shooting Mr. Carroll, Mr. B«rce« at .ibirdee^u, and on a m.ist brutal and out- aud he hAd no hesit'iti in In duluuiig thai OiNLYOxXE MAN KILLED tb.y u uld htiip vio. k as to.tu an tlic run ma- walked np Soiirh roilroid tvinuc aa far at One of the BraveBt of tbe Confotl- rAge--us aes>iutt C'unniitt'.-d on a citizin the transaction was snob as deniundid of tbe nniiiril in tbe rtsolution. F.-om what, he legislature uf tbe stt Co of Mississippi an ex nnls'aiil. Tbere were quite u nuiiiiieroC Wright & I'bi m '.son'* diuz store, wbero be eracy Dep«rtc;d. (-Valthill) tad heaid of that alTair, he felt amination and rrpiration to the moa who otbor puddles in the mill who were nc nibeni UKT Hid UROTIIHR, wrirrnntrd in saying that it waa simply tbe bod been tbus mnltreated. The Oamp Hill Wreck on lhe S & of other liidg's at Oate (Iity, Hussein, r snd Hon. Au;,u9'u« Uinie<< Upon mottiaK bim wo: k of R fow p rconi, and I'ltUiiurg, and tb'se all quit work wilh ths Death uf (apt. t barli s V. lieud at JKc Mr. Chandler advocated the reaolu'ioi, W. Railroad, Ibe forn.ar Slid: "GjR, t hare shot at Uini DISAPPllOVKD BT THK COMMUNITT, memliers of tbe new loil^e. lilla , lklUsl>s'i'pi—I>r>'ds of Dar- and declared tbnt he bud not seen the re­ twice, but doii'o kn iw vih.ti.er Ipiiit him or in which it occurr*!. He kuew that enm- port and di'l Q-JI k iow wbat it cont'iinei, "Ihcro is nu Ktrike." said Fiiiftnciil 8«»- it-g Cliroi.U'li- tii.v.i no pailicubir giii.T- w.ir as un cffl.Tt.r uf the conrfdertite S'ute8 Ib'Ving thut ibo rep.irt wa-i one which it was THK OlllUI.V OF THK IlIKFIUt.'I>Ty unqualili- dly and iioreserve.ily tbat outragu lUiCis, and bad no intentim of n akiiig aaf navy, di'.d here yibtord y of Bright's dia- tbo pr.ivlcco of the sriiato to cill f.r. H • demand at present. 1. i.^ prooible tbit th.» ia as followf: Ai) ur a niintu biiiea Cftrrnll on tbe secretury of wur, and on the cilix 11 '•^i.-e, of vthicb ho b.is been iiiog a nuffercr. understood that tbe iittoriiey general, hrar- new lodge wou <1 lav.i prejian d ii scale t*> I anied in tho resolution. Coi.L'MiiUH, Ga., Jnn. 2(J.—[Specfal ] — approached Augus us B iruoH in tli>r.ni:9 of D cta-^ed w-.s a na'..'vo of Yiz'o countv, i'lg ot ttiat cui.rN|i;e, bul direct'd tho ninr- Iirevent next July, and buv» or.,'ai'lii3i a the probute jn l,,e, wti. ro the Utttr hud jut MIS iwippi, uod v.a^ lirirn iu IStlJ. U • wi s l-HSfing trom ihat 8ul'j"ct, Mr. Walthall shal to make a r>p' rt, nnd tlm' tho niHi'i-liil The p'irliftilfirf" of lust nighr,*a wrerti on tlio mill coiiimit'i^t ; but iiot'>Ji:g lieyoi.d ihat." p oceede't todiHCUSH tbequestion of federal in­ oonciuded » rptec'b. Carnill cioiinMiii.u to a cader. uc Aniinji.lif wh 11 tue wur broke h'ld d-jne S'l in pur-ouiic' uf iioi' ins-ni-^'ion Sivaniir.h nnd Western roid, near C-iup '• W'li'it do you vuppLSu the aciou of tba tei ference In stat' el.ctiou". He a.;rt'od wirh If tbo ait ri e;,'i;r'ri 111 nol U iiie.l .S itcs abu^e Mr. B-rntH io vary s vp.-e tirin^, end out, ai.d at one* r.sixu. tl ui.d ttiulercd bl* Hill, (Irt a ftrtuiiid by thf ELquircr, vrc a compiny m, r-iisl'" Ur. II.gills that tht' ruce question waa tl.e a-vord to bin i--.ti\e bt;:e. marsh'.1 h-id bten lioiii^ a urong to tbo-.tiil" ''1 suppo-e tbey intended tinip tho f.irtna- went so far as lo ctv mpt to tp,'. in hla tnce. moHt f'irini'table at.d porti'iitio is ever jno- fo lii*f: of Mi'siB-ippi tbo Keii-.t.i oiulit to Iilld It nut tio.i of a ll il;;e of the iiinnli^ itiiat.d nsHiciar AU tbe liniu tho cQjiverB.Uiin was in pro veii'id to a free p-ip'e for toluilon. He Kr'tnmt HtMiry HtuHh of Uolumbiis lopt lu Msy, 18tfl, be wa-i 1 rri- T' i to ('u y on acd it woul'l tlri'l it our by tt^e Ldoptioii of tion in the l)iin.I tho SIcR'.e iu t.i.> Liiwer -M-s-i8.-.ii.nii| atm tbe renolutio I. If ibi' tc a'e w-is not iiiil> bfforo tbey kmw it.'' collies;-ll I 111-' p - B4;o by Kai ragu. ot Ih­ Ilia' ii-nm-Mid rny pric icil remit. Ho lie- to bo tiu'itrd, Bbrii Hroi'Kiof t i.-, kiid 11 j 1. e ', hu'l Ti'die nf the rr.-t will itie. IH H)S nil- rOCKET, 'The null bun bo.^n u nnn union mi'l, has li» vel tl:ut url'l.'rury eni.caten's could bur wrro cioiti.ii.ieil, by b ii-|^ nfkr.i, " VVii.t "ir.- Tr f.ill N '. :tl wth.b )ij (1, with cni^inu N >. ti rtn. UIS v. f.-e'l w .^ so Im-liy bur. thut t-be il Mi:-" and more tbm ii:.i-o oslie i .Mr B.^riipi if h In0'eas'> tbo ditli'ultv. He wai uiiiti.e t.n yoii goiiii{ to do all oil. ii ? yu c-innot br'p 512, in «*tiuri-f» o? OonliH^tor LurkHy, ani saidt alter lue li/,-it. He sub* quently "Ye", pir; f ir a long ti'iir; ever sinco th« was propyl ed to li.:ht him. Mr. Bjruei', Oecilo ho* t'e evil cou'd bo in t. ui, with ei't^i e N ». r)lO, eust- B'rve.1 otl lb) Aik-osis ubove Vuk-ur,?, strike of "S4, but tbere hive bf.eo unioa atiy coL.grttoJoual ucti'H re .\lot- ru n employed in i'i. I'be only dtir.'reuc* nuUire was aho tu lie toi't l y u pora'or from M.s C'.lli ll ll wl I'.e K»inK in oi p'isi,vi rlin'isi- ;i^ ai his life, a'ld Irid to pa"* Cinoil, whi rt- f-.tt. Uo Bitii^-'ii oonini^i d«'d lb'(.1 .r- lietwicn thn nii-n ot d the c *)nt t'.vi-n y mik'j* an hour. npon hu.lii.d t.3 tpit in Mr. B rues'fact, enc, difltio^ie-i '. lure'l r;uiub^r of no-i-'-lian.. COLLI) NOT BK HIVKHSKO. tlic rcfii'tti of the conqniiyto mcrt wiih a yi-u iluro 11't i qiiio iniu oiitra i. s . f tins I h • I (' i !.M;t oi't'UTtd in a cu*; nnil o'l n veti^'i U, und imi-n.-, oi'-er d-c a of d-i-.iinj oy the I'lws of men. 'I b» p-opo.iiion of forl- (."'iiiiiiitt. o of tlie in.-ii ill rfi<'ird to tht> the spit Bii.iing TiTj- ntjir hi.^ chnit. A^tir sori, I n t* ci'iz 11," thru, b'l id. It'll lot I'urvf, Hill the cn-w nf t pi"vr train (."ouiil .-f:/-d th.i AiiK-i «-. ' r Vf-iMie cu-^'cr Ciiii!i, ' nil conlrol I it t'l.o el'.'-tii-u wm ulinnl, h lb r.e.er of iion, ibe i.U'i.ber of |>ouuda atttnipilii,; to flnl Carr J;1 .1' tliii tine. ir. setia'e talloii on woi ful nuvl Um. u-.ublo tl . (iiiyiJung to iTt'Vei.i. the. FurUUnit. Jt r-ri i-b'S ill P r-.t. ro, li-jtb tr. Ue veas S'jorrlv tl.at each man sbiulil It' requiicl to work, Slid, nt ibe s lutl." in stitis Iti pr.if-.-.1 d :'t euirt th It ih » p>is b uni trtiiu hi\ \ uvder>^tu waa agre d upon to l.;C thf in.'.tter .irop, rec p ur.d, h j vn. ••, • ru Cip"i« UMII 1 vy tIUI"« Hllll the like. Tb'H tin y woviM not ilo, I uri.offt wii.-i 11 sri'uroii lulr C'uotiii^ of t'li- ni< • t a' (> iUii> Mill 'itut ili' vi. ^, b >u'i miiko :b'iU/li th't iviigcii b ivo ll. .11 tbu S-uii> us in i-.>j;iovue. bu*^ ih-j nuttiri.l obj-", wis to !'•* in w. ut i)iU'vi)h. ll')'.h tr-itn* wt-H' Opelikli. I' se ins '.- n hurti'..r. in tb:'eu'.Vy Jir 'loiin-c I o I tloi pi o.ie of union iiiOli " c uut tb it voto f ir the republicin pirry ou' iu:i I'^ as Olli rvi(, ai.tl no bJairiL« i^ at- Hi' 1 ist '". T".-' pr. i oiir.n WHS Hii-.-b 'Irnc - til .I 1,1 I ws tb-'ii ;iiO'ir 'I'ld of tli. m "Yen, deci "(illy ^'I IVe arc .li.*.-Murgeil,. and k'pt his worl Uiit 1 to.l.iy, »h>»n hi> I'unit anv ni iro work ("\u^hr (bv iinil WUH Aiill bnrmui^ ut o. lile ajrutu tpp? r. d on thi ftr.oM. In isthe Wi-b'i I,'.,,-- tm^ ..'••,.••%'• :%•'•'<• d ; v.-l U-i •:^i liter'. ''-it'i V:o 0 • ii!e uui-.'i >a of n'l.-i.,.. Oil Fa^ z w:U .i-'. -*. v.j:,,.,t ot piotest or wirl - in t'. e mill. It is iii'.d'i co'.ditloiinl that w» how 'mt nien''. nniversdiipi.io 1 ih.t Carroll came to Opo- iiv..rky b, li t ,.r (w moitb dorti j; tse i.'.i.xijus lo pte-ei VI. lb* ^pin' of ibo govern out I'O l.o; bivc a lodge 111 t'-e mill, aril we iika for tbt-rx:ji-e H pu'pre^ i;f nne'^icg the t:i>;hi; cu.l 1.1 d.i.vii th" 'lv.-i-si;i^)' riv.-r to- oent As proiif that t e ci-l irrd popl-u! ANV ATTKMl'V TO ISTKIl FKr.!. KIIIKMAN HMITII'S Tll.\(i[(; DKATH. •Min't Wi.rk uile.ifl wi do. 1 HU,p sa there W'trii v,e S'a, t'.t inil. ?'ili ne N.i O l.jars. .Wi ssnip;ii «vcro not d'prive 1 i)t ebeirri^bti, diflljulty. Wb 11 t 1) Binoli.ig tr ok place Th'S victim of tol i oiitra,?", be weor, on lo !\lr. Jill ry Siir:h of tliis fity, tlrriiian on will be u neci-s.y of iii'fpg our p'ac'H wiMi H • seiit ah jvo tind in', tbo tri grupb wiri a. b.i s-ii .bnt tb'» 1:1^.-0'.^ of tl.ut rt l'e kii )W othl r men unl 8:1 the c mpany r.C'C s from Mr. B'lrnea .'.a. 00 h a wuy to t'.-e p.&Ccltl •» 8*v, was n .'t H c •/, n uf ih . i-t. ito of Mis.i-i- thi- fHHt'inuuil ttiiiu, W-.-1 t'iio only p.Tfiij;: Un ni-.'ri.ig tho ciry Lo lio .-< eil ibo unin 1 n ttv.t in a el p!» C'-nVircMiiji.ul district in «i(ip'. if he ml li'.'iiTi, 1 ll 1 'lit k.i'iv 'bit 1 li liie.l ill ti'l' nt'fiil; n', a* li li>- ill:' 1 ur, linpu^r, I ." p^sitiiii." Up'in are ng Can r 11 ii.i wal net hiiM to con:<.' !i,,M t.t b' Ir mie', pru-um bly ou acr: uul oi' M:s.-issippi thsie we're sr-oui'l I'ot ll' wiliiriij 10 hAVo ttll"'V'.'l t.ie of ('u y. JI ^ wrtH bull; ll uiidor the wrt-rk no m'ari r, ami Carr 11 igULrod tbui} winn­ WHAT MR. Iiwyitii SAVS; tioili--tU ot l'l alio.it l.i c >'0, whil'li'O MOttK OK THAT UACID IN OKnCK, p I'^ers in tu-it «t itc to d--./'w.'b tin ir'.ii-- u ll ufi 10:15 luun n?g it h^H hitly lia I i ot ing, uud co'itiii'^el l<> urpro.'cli, aod than crt;w wire covo-tni it fc-erii army ov-.-r- ii-tion as th-.'y tl 'aso'l Hi w-is ii-.t a cit'Z'ii ti'i'ii r«r.)v».ri'(i. Tht? u» fortunuLe aia-i was A rep irter of tho .ACJKII.'IHAI.D fi uni To'rd for by w.'^i e p oole, tb'in lla-rijon cou's fur tlio occ.isio 1. Ttii'u sl.-o pus-'-'d I'f Ibr wtii'r or Mi-'S'i'sippi, i.ir. ho 'AOS a (ill :ibm' ;15 .>o.r9 ol'', rtud livid at the tMtrtier Supt riiitt Iident ll.vyerat bm ri .>-i.i, i.c . ou. IN SELF CUFKNSE, h^d upn'riiti-'l eliice bis trrni b'gni, bu'. pe.'Crill fi-llornl j.U ll'r':t-, w uh- ut hll.J;;!oi.i;i z 11 of tbe IJ'iicnl S'li'.'s nnl 'if tbo s'a'o of llf K ^.h uvtr-ueaii'l M n'h Hirt'ct UP !• av. 8 •l.e .H util Hig'111 lis l,stiui.'bt nnd nH^nl Mr. Barnes sl.ot bin. Cavrjil b)roav^ry ! vvill n llie 11'giMS Wero ei.c iurn.;o i, iiy t:e in:pnsit'. A:giera Sil!; r 11 dol tbo rtb-l 11 .i< htiipj p ''.cftilly i.ui.'iiii g sis II ,'iil jiviicii'li-n. l^'*^i^l (Ioi h 'if h^-r hmUm 1. I'tio ntnl cn'w.n pud Jbn><: d. ptrtmeiit In s'ut do.vn," ho ra- lb-it tb^y c.uld nre. "'iio.i tbey w re io- all as a dmigrTms, un,'-ciU()Ulou< HHJ r.ok- Uld w .rkid on doivn iy the lo*e'r .V "d vv.. ere to b - roll b- ro tint, ic is bcyOiol wi.: bl! briiki^n to h< r hy K/rennin Albrecht pli'il, '•becciuc seme of tb" ni.'i. in it have vi 111 to.-irry tbn;;-! Ivi.s ij/ninst tbo wr.itis less mun, wbii • ur. liirtjPH hu:< a reputi'.tio'. ci'y, f'O^'^ of ;.b*! fedir.sl giitdi'iH^s i.li*. a'y til* c'lnipi'triii.y un-l p >wrr of toe ei'oii .r o* ut an early hour ihirt mtrnin;? Mr. 8(ui-.h • liinli'irgi d tlienis, lve-<. It is nut a lockout, ibir.'wo'iit ll. a h'l-'oui liirtii'-niii • ' of tir rp-:'ui; Ji ilt" 0-' t.'T. Twelv" 111 1'H b low be tlir U-iited Mtiite.i Mod <-f th'j govcrniU'iit of wt(H K MtTtut c.'iP (ir-vcr in Ci'lunhus f.ir a 11!.d 1 oie o' them ere barr d fr. in Kob'g to just the re/ifs.). F:-q". iitly Cur^o.l his pr-'i^-. lit coi do O-I.**, und lb- ir.-.obes of the CUy tlie iliysb p Hii'''':i-i"i:fl w.-t> q'.i'irt.nd, lie Uoi'.'d i^'ites tl inquire into a wron,: lon^ vi(ii'\ Jljhis l.'foii a tir. nia-i on th,; work wbt 111 vor 'Icy please, and one of the atteinpt-'d to t-ilia buui.wi lifa a.id ilio coui- t vo lU'VS fc-Lunl bo ijrrdlly au>;iiirntrl ttl-' We'l') w s'ijr. e I 10 rtc iMiik I.ll I ere?* u 11 c'l'il by t'lr ii.'oi le or .\li'j-:.ssi,'pi, ir.t on fOtil fnr ohout. tlirie nim^hs, ami i,i wt II la.sl thiiit;< that I did bi f ire leivi, n t',o mill Tnrre *M u d is, a revival of unug iniciii, an munily iu wbici he Ilv d ttond laiul d Knd lb- bo'it, bl iwn u;i. U i-.d mid ttciiiu.'n o^ I hit st llo, lllf un a i-il-z 11 of kn wn in th.? o *y. lie wai on tho rtmd *as to ti-il til-- puildb-r ll! H.i*^s tlj.it if (iny of biterrtipt.o'i of ttu'.'*^ rel.-ttioiid tn.it H.'rin-iil l.N t'OiNSIAST TliliKOR bis par'y wi.r.- 8u''S-quei'-ly * ..lea prMo.iort^. llir U'lio'l tS^itte, biinsnf a ci iz n of an­ iiji u'. (.'.y-.'-ir ago, but gfive np hin po^i'.ion cb - mi.'ii c.-iine i'i and wiuit-d to w. rk uniler now to (ifoini e ^^--ol to both rai»H. Vroa of bim. Mr K id HiriieK, th-man »lia di'l SiUC':' Ire war hi Imn c»)mniRmi'-d ves-el< other tt-i'r. I wunt to P'liy tn lli'tt H''n'-i'.iii Ului rt'luriifil tiiili;,! iti'ii.^t (Vit (•.iin;)aTiy. IU- regular nib-s as bcretofi rc to flm up tbo lerity woulii bi binl.rol ii..d biisioesi rn in tbo C^'C'val .-^uierir'an tr..d'>, aul wiiuu that J'liinrvrr it Is m.'.do to ajipiur tb.it tl.r turii'ice-i ail'l let tbem go aluiitd. the •hoot.iiiir, iaa hrohr o. Ilo/i. Aui;us^us ti'ipro.H.-I'lip^ilr I. To,T' wiill.d tm fricti-, n G ivorror NiclioiN t stit nrlico ho nppoiii'ed 1-iWs 01' iLe Lioi'eJ Htitos ure TflK I.v.UJKlCD MK\. Barnes, wh *e fac» Crrill a:, ornp'td to fpn. a.Ill ai.-qiib-t, und I veu bl lody firife?, ' ll i-l j'i»tB;x jeiirs figo lod-iy eine.-) tbe Rj-.d harbor iLu-iie-rof N-v Drlnm. It is hnnl t') ttll j'lrit ho^v Ilr- crt-vv of th" lllll Htiii'te I a-.i .1 nu'.i u-ii-'n iii'il, af'er a In. Au iuqucs*. wi;l b9 luld io i.orrow Dr. NOT STlieiNll KNDtJilll WlIK'tl ALL. Iltl'I.DlllCI), !,w(t fnyiinew ep(*i|Nd thi; honihlj fate whiih loi.g und (xp"ii«ive siike At tli.it limu McCoy sfnleJ to tho jary eiu;i;iui-iid tb^t TH Ai. KIN I. i •VA.'.A 1 AN'Y. to protect tbe citizen ot fnilinna agiiinit bi'' M Kt.-tMnni iSoiith. but, ia his o; ini-jo, tbo reyijit of no c'ln.rr's- tlie coiiipmy Msolved Ibar it i* ml I iiitliava tbe d.oeafrd ciino to r.li) death l>> a pis.ol wrong'nib) Iniikii of tho M-.-i-sl|ipi, m Kij^ihftr Jl J> ckcr of the wcrit b; Uf li lhcy <;ive ^itOO to ih.it tiraily ilioiiuiii nit S'ljo ;l eloct'iin in u-iy t .utoern s'nio wm J II lodi:c of the union tn the mill, nlibi ugh it thnt 11 CO. Zr-ii of N AI Y'lrk ii no', sifr 111 his irui.i «i'«i!jpt>ii "virti u few bcrH'clU'fj and bail, and then Iho dae ua-id was c^rriatl to Fui d, lie i-O'itriille-i by aoy f' nod . IB •. r« in tlii- Kiv^imri J/JHIPH Vtiee wai ri.Ilnij; in th*» 11-i-tot he.so i-lat-:1 tbit Uu> nn'l was a non- S. Wcrtr.ni of A Uiirn, Oi, trtasuier of oe ibal yen wi 1 sue '..'id in pro.t'ii lu^' a d n •tandtrr, "a d'.ng.rous and co.-pirati. ri.an a'ate inruut i:i(iro d.iniliiu .100 uud nl-aot <^t b Wie aiiii wMa throw) on the atovo and tir-ioii null N I oig'iiiiieiuoii I lia teiiiied to ihe Gruiiy in i u.r.ut com.1.ittt*, whic'.i lar»e--„i n-on tios bolj' tlur, the eon.i'o if bas met hia j i.st ries-ris " d -uib t'ltviry iot.«r,*st an i li.-ip-i and n-plr.i- hfidl> hurc on th" rnisr. and hnvk. in:-iferc with iill in-iii»,^ •:. t tirniat'.ou a IIIMII' p itis u'^H i| at (I! C'.* contrilu i'-n ut.d gii' ly :ib-iro witb you th:i 'h'cab^M", urid wdsthriwn to tho (Ioor. ll lire.l I'puit, OH TO I.iliiTt.(;r THliM " lllll men r. ciivn the sime p'ly a.s is given ploi'Uroof parpotu.:in< l'e nienory if FI.UE IfKOM TIIK HDMKS Uo Waa IiU t iu the ba.'k and aln.) h-id hit* bim wbiifpevery tnotiv.^of liff? vas prnu'pri-d aaninst ."Uch ii.Viisi'in r f their riglita, but 1 at union null ; ec. ivo th'ir nio'ie.v evi r.v .S it- PaiLAEELPHIA, J\n '20—Dyiiiig con- of fbcir'S-ilvi a ar d tho r 'I'.ce-itoi's H-> wou'd l» t aiikle tmind. by live of III--. I; li-iiv-min fliaso teuil the siy tj 'hii: HI natir tli-.t if Ka' z bud beo'i a iir-l;i) ; ^re nii.'ir..nle'''l in c JSO of a strikn -ir 1 flrmatn..u nrvicts at ISt J bjj's E;.-t cori d not o.i w.sil t.heoi t) vi--l:ifo U'ly pu'ilic l*..w E.'vtinetrli J. Voore of th" e:iHtb und cceck to J. A Uim lii-n'l, ti'oatur(r. At; ciliz'U o' tbo stut I I't Ka-is'is nnd if it disiKr.'Ciii»-i:t as to i-cile, to ri o-ive tbe oU .churcb, cornrr of 8 Joi;.. und Bronn I r ary priv .•<.'rlKlit, l.ut h'> wouii urg.i Indn JLi : p'li and >UH';iinel a fev lji-n':^''H. lai'tft. sh- ul I npp 'ir th it tiio liii.ii iritirs of Mi'sis- >ni,e p-.idini< Ibe htl.l, in nS i f tliMiiatt.r, f Streets tl';i.< c t-, tii..'-: c vi nii;.', .he cot-Kr, i-u­ tb'»ni, III C bS n reiuidy, but us u CuijiJin.-tiir H duntj:t'r jjaipel fro.n hi; ca­ (lllll are liiiil'ed in in lo-p ct, (xcotit in ro- Tbi« r'^frrs f work, ai.d iu- lefs toprevent HUCU a ivroi g, I will )in-ir revolver a', Bi inp U hitiik^r, who waa acd 1.0 i n, and tho neo •. s.'v for clouo an.l fu't; on t Ir'grtph-d from the FOMI^ tta", thn s'riic ed tbe iii'imei.t tbi-v c.-ifiitnl. live up ti> U'l'-e lo bi.n that' tbo citizi s ot iho siato uf taking pp.r; in b- sci in. u, HriV a shot ul Nt.n' QUILTY. in'Wj vi.il I t an-", co. s »n'. co operntiuo for W'iu;id..-d wi-re nl! d nn^c weli and that u(jnu Ill-Ill to cill ut tbo olli VI (ind get tneir self pp tl'O ion. H. wuul-l appeal to thein K'V..sus wi'ui.i tiko It in'.o tboir baiiiis 11 ro hitn. lui.ni .-i; ey 'I eif wus nr>'..t c.;ii'u The Allig.d Ao<...iU|>li. e of K. A. ISn ku I I them Were dangeron-ily hurt. money, tior, but it w.-s quckly soou thut. no bar'n 'or ttl. ir i'wn safety, to subiirdliiato all KB. t it ui.dtorxait rrpara'i'n. [Murmurs <»oi-H -<;./t Preit. EXTKNF OF TMtt WllKr K 'B.-f-ire tilts." men org'i'i'/."! tl.eir li'lge had rouit'U fn m h-.-naot A:) r/fll.;-r was pirty ll ffLrrnc .1 and p rt., divi.,i-,ns tu that of •diaapp'-oviil on ibe dm icr.i'.ic sido of. thr MKW ORLKANS, J.-in. 3.) —rhe jury to­ on S i'.n day iii,5li', 'h'-y w lo warnel ihaC hastily Bunjuii.ied and the v i.rn.(i be nmr eud uiiU purpose. cuumbcr o.id si'iuo manifoat.itioiiof a; p^iu 10 R'.dly IX ;t?ir custi cy. At the ttatiou in the (la'li-rirti ] were cirrulan-d in (J>lii'nhn** and <) ifbki dii-tid in ro irecio" with ib.'. bord licfi.i'ca- TIIEUK WAS Nl) HAVICTY wiult bl die larK'll on M'iid ly, and t'loa* llouEe be gave bis 1 ume aa D.:ing Mr. VVuItnnll eniiciK d ull the prop.ised Kioea were Jarge, co'inolidi cl enj^iiws, and tun.c.i a venlict of not jiu'lty. Tin.-* ese can md", to plnco bis fl ig. r on tout clnuso of w.re not di-cbii(r d, Ibey eimiily qui", nt Story Btouc u leM r he h.id received wIncu rrinediis for tbo racj tr lub'e, iuclulir.g de two ».if the lust ownwl t.y thu (J.'nLrul rail­ bas oc-'iipivd tho ai'eiii.100 of ttie court hioce tl.e constiiuiiiii (rbii-h uu-horiz-d tba f-jiloial ibeir own acci.rd." induced bim to u.ak>. Ibe attMupc upou thu poriaiion and dislruticlii-i^inrnr at imnos-d road. M.OLdi;y, ai.d !s the moai; imoorU.n.of ibis g'lvrriiiijeut, III uny o' it-i iiruncbes, to pu'i- "Whit are you K'licg tod i about i.'r" Venerable b'sbup's life. Abxand.-r was ble. Huch Cl ioi ed nil n-iH H uyl- locked up pt.idi; g an invei'tigatiuD of tbe and L> r.ch were, he S'il, not typei but A TiiJRRIBt.E ACOIDENr. P'Odi^los; but s-mo people at tbe noi-th, milted wttlii-i '1 H.ato und not ug-iiunt tte (inytliliv at prisent, Web-iVt' stock ei^oiigtk •wtter. GRUI^^.S Ull4.\ .O.N H.i^,(;ij;0. jmlgi g tbr whole negro ri-.o ttf Ibem, diJ laws of tbo lj.,itid B.ftttrs A Vuiinij; I.ally I'll iiivii l-'roin it ltii|!;.>y iiiitl '1 run tic lliil-bing i.iili) if thu mlil for Alexarder, who is a well drr«-ed young Aim.Olt l.inlii.tlyJiillrtl. I hluut tbree weeks, aiid 1 ii:i-lerst.»'.1 t'"it 'fhe Trap Sprung Wijile a D/piiiy .shor.ft' not uppronint' tbe dre d in «hich the s nth Mr Booooer asked Mr. O.yirite if he lUn, about UO yeara old and a)pireutly of eri piopie stord of nrg.o rule Toe tioople iloul.tea tbu p'jwer o( Iho eena'o to chai |;- Ci!It.DKii" t^t.lcl JUJ;'), a Vi-ry tstiinable young utl< iiiiir. 11 milie a u'licii mill of it, (Jt ''laa waiiemployeiid that B shop Referring to the munleipsl elec'ion in we vrant to. Tho question is simply that sprui g at eijbt minutes past 13 o'clock, aud a cl'iusB in tne coustituiiou thut gave tho accompanyiig her, Iruu the ba^gy, only ' Wblttaker ia a Tile bypocrito, and iu favor of Jackvor, Mios , spok n of list Thursday by we will maintain a uon union mill. The ili- Brnxton was pronounced d*ad mid was cut generul goverjmeut power to tak'.' jurisdic­ slightly il juring tbe latter. I sellers and after bearing him preach a Ur. Ingalls, Mr. Wal ball nkotclied the his­ recturs aie uuaiiimous in tbat decision. down in twonty oainutes, djatb en>iuirg tion of a ci ime commltied against the laws Don last April, before the prohibit;lrn tory of thut City f ir some years past, uud from strangulation. The drop was sprung of a state. Some Townley I'ersouals. |iMinpaign in this Btate, in whioh the bishop referred to MeW.ll, the republican iiundidat.) Mr. H'lar th'iugbt that in this case it was TOWNLKY, Jan '27 —[Special.]—Mr. An Hull's Colton Itevluw. I every man must vote accordlLg to hi^ before the black cap hsd bom put on, and for major, a« a nnn wh-ise former admit.i^- not necessary to enter on that de'iutable d"'soa I'ownley, wbi has lorBonio time been NKW YOKK, Jan. 27 —Too Sun's cottoa conscience, he entered lutu a corre Deputy Shtriff Cuarles K Parkes fell »iith tra'ion of thdt cffi'e bad been mark, d by grouud. Coogrees bad among its obliga at Uuin in atteudauca of the nurmal h'gb review says futures decliued 5 to 10 poio'e, Ddence with tbe birbop, the result ot tbe negro. Tho riepufy was painfully hurt immoral.tii-8 and de:ds of Llood, nbile hi» thins tbat of protecting certain rights of 6cbi,ul at that place, returned tu bia bume at with Livirpo.'l showing lesa buoyancy, re­ ktch wag to convince him that the rever- by the fall to tbe irou fl jor. competitor, Itfayor Beck, was a northern min and brd been a republican when Mcliill citlienehip He held that it was withiu the thin placa a aay ur twu agu sick. ceipts largi-r and the lungs real'zing prett;f I gentlemaa was au eueoiy of tbe c^tufe Lfwis Pugb, who was murdi'red, was a was tervlii;^ iu tbe confederate army. Bi-ck, CO sritutional powers of tbe.eenate to In­ Miss Mamie Jubo arrived from Memphis freely bu b fi.r foreign and toatheru ao ahibttlon and should be removed. He well to do farmer, and was murdered for b» said, ban b?en chosen mayor of the lead quire ioto every transactlaii that to k place un lait Siturday evi niug, where tbe his count. tSpeculatioo tbough still large, wea Ibeen waiting for a chanco to get at the hia money. He was as.-a48inated at hi:i ing and largi ss democratic city in the state, witfain the limi's of tho c lutitry, iib a view beeu for mme time vitiiiug relatives. not so active nor so excited as Ijst week. sp and learning tbat be was to tek< home, in tbe SMUthirn part of the county, and bad been supported by tbe white people of atcertttining, not merely whether tbe con- Gen. A J. Manascn, onu of the oldest and The southern markets were rather Uss activ* in (be services at St. John's charcb being shot in hu bed room. A little grand •titutinn and lawa gave ailequ:ite powers tn m'lct highly est emed citizans, having been OD npot, but in some cases were 116a,Vi • J(ht, be weut Iheie determined tu son, who was with bim, was al»o shot, bu*. WITHOUT KKUaKD TO POLITICS. tbe United Rtatrs tn srcure Ibe rigbts of r. pretentative ot thiii ciunty several times, bigbvr, and in New Orleins, thoiigb yri_..> him. He requested tbe oshtr to give re<»)vered from his wi urn's, aud was the There wers other republican mayors in citix .Dsblp,'but also tor the purpose uf de- decliued, option trading woa aotive. CottOB • leat in tbe galUry, but the gallery la very ill. Ue is very uld and teeble, btiog main witness In tbe trial. democratic eitici in Hianwippi. Tba town V-Tjilaii'g whelbrr it wu.^ .ip..;ie:.t, tua- ab..ut CO fcare of fge. oa '.he • p?t was flrm. ,. T-r» , n.i 'ii-'i 1 THS WEEKLY AQV-^BEEAJUDt WEDEEEEAY, . 1890.

a Urge vote, the second In fact on the list. J. H. Metzjsr, swang wide the flre door, waa made for middle slz»d people, men- nu. T. .1. MITCHELL. A TALK AT MT. PISON. He had been adviied by (riends iiot lo gi to ITINERARY OF BILL JSYE. opening R U. E , ran a pokor into thn bot toliy and physically. Tbey get on the best. Hc L"uis. but ader that he (eit it was a maw tf th« engine, leiiing oot a 11 tme This Is no place fur extremea. If you are a He Usa Come to UlnninKham to Hake I Oommlsaioner of Agiiioulturd Kolb duty that be owed the alli nice, and did go. which reach'd (or my iithe and g:.zelle like t >oI, go to the iustltu'ion for fools It you Hla Home. He hal voted ngaliii.t 'ho obnoxious r.8.i- Qobs o' Sentiment cn tbe 'Wild limbs, geiily scircbing the emiroldcry of are a genius, you wil b'> t lerated as an ec­ Dr. T. J. Mitchell is m Birmingbam to Addresses the Fermers. lutions, vh'ch, however, wire really noth and Wooly Weet. inv Dr. Jigger underwear, roired at tbe ti.p centric but di^e'isM mind. 11 is better to stay. He was for eev ra years presid' nt oC it g but an < xpn ssion of opinion, and were ot its lurgs and drowned my voice. keep in the middle ut the road. tbe normiil college at F orence, nnd g»T» In no way bindli'g upon tbe alliance as it "And do you not at times have to throw "By tbo wey," aaid he, in onclualon, "I that iustiiutlon it-i great at irt on the road ^Jt-il Jt Two Iliiurd' Speech In Which He t.x. WHS a non poll'Ical orgm za ion. It bid DiviTjjent Kdttiirlal Wri iiif;.—1'Inmbnyaiit her over und run (or the woodbox or jerk S'^e tnat ycu aie in one aay the superior ot success. Ho h'.s l.e.>n liiri,i|{ tn AVoot* r»(^ been stranite that only a d-w pip ra in Al»- cently as an-int ot Van An'werp, Bragg A plains Ilis Posliien nnd Slakes Far ot a Coiulurt ir—Tulea Told the poor child o( sooie uukiown Penn^ylva- Cbiuncey M Uepow" Hosts ol Fnr nds. lania hnd raide war upon tbe alliance in nia duke (rom the track, bandl'ig her i>ick "Thank ycu, ho*? ' Co., but has cime tn BitniUKhHm beeauM regard to the resiliitinn Texa", MlsaiS'li pi, in a Crtb. to her pireutsunsca'hed and receiving fO 80 "Well, be sajs that tbe fatal mbtake ot this is a more centr- I nod pruminent polot (i'>orgla, Siu'h Knd Nirth Carolina, West t'lerefor, at the aame time getting laid ctT his lifetime was in making o humorous from which lo ciiduct the s uthern branoh MovNT PiNSON, Jan, S.'i—t^P""'!!'.]— Virninia and Virgirii were all repre- H'opyrlchtcrt. I.s90. hy KIOTAR W. NVE | for thirty daya fur not keeping cut of the speech. There's where you huve the advant­ (if the bus(n(sa. Ho ia a le ned schiUr, an pente.i in the atl'ance cinver.ti'.in; >et the experienced teacher nnd ono of the moat Xrery seat in the Methodist cburch here IN TIIEDZ INK CoiNrRY, IN i way uf lhe regular through expriss, beit.te age of Chauncey, I thiuk." pnpers ot none of thens of Ibi? seciion of the ciunty, pirt of dowu the - - - - railroud—I leave tbe name At this point I was quite exhausted, a' d so three was the uiijut. unholy war so was tbe engine 8 i ili' engineer did not Body coTrr«(1, with srnlofi. ItcliliiB terri* them membtm cf tbe farmers' alliance, and blink till I c.in get a reply to tho letter I DEOEPriOM AMD DaS3iiiriON part planters who bave not ytt joined that .\ rinuil.e'* of qu-'S'io ,s were a^k'*!! by have just writt n to the eup'rintendent— hiar me. I took uft my plug bat, put uut Itic. SufTi rlii^ «nrAnTH1 in n spot nal lir^'jr (han a p ',.r(.ncis n gudli nun un I whom tbe uiifor ('tut. I' s[)ri nl inni'Hy a I i,\eT n\y b id . nud inH topics tbat wbi'ti tUi- proper times comes," ami tb' (11 or aud brcnk up h- p;.y bonies, ani ji pa^t I ous i^oil at a dog wbo W'.m not of genile • f the t Ille 1 WHS proving t''an a high laiiff luiioie girl re/'intid as such He hud c mo iiii'lcr my 'lai's 'lir- .sc^if^ w miil ilrop ui\ of me i'lterrup'-iou was greeted by a thunder of Iiirth as wo sc.(Uled into otU'iel, at.d ull nil the time, Hllll my MiiTri'i* vn-* ellliIt'^8 aod w ul 1 lil' llie siiiiio O'le was us ciisy aa tte Into tbe coniinuuiiy Hot long befo,-e and At a few minutes tu 11 o'clock President 'lip'iui-e at d ep.iiovi.l. After illus rating coi.v, rsation was drowned in tbe tiirnio'.l of pliid tbo trode of a uie. h'liijc and black- witliout r. 'i-'f Oil.' I!lo•I^^l^i tlollars would not the pi-sitio'i be occupied bef'jre the peoil-' nth. I* a d the eu'i ry tb ' 'ume. nn ecb'iing ytllatid screi c'l enl roir aid tv.'iiuii mt'h-ve 111 H (n^i'n--e ovur nvniu lama Tayl ir of tbe county alliance, in a Irief, but -iiiiih, Ou the pIci of louving to ShetH-ld poor inin, but ieA licli tt be relltveil of what iLiUt felieiti ;us specb, intn duced the com- with some cipit'd stories, wb'ch. by th'^ .-pit and diiiUilc sbulll'i as th.) (C»ntric he induced her on iho lOth ii,stint fo leavo somv I f tni' dni'tdrs wii I wm lft)r --y auew riag- uiatiionor of agriculture, taking occ i.siun to •v'ly, the Cllll iiissiont-r tells in the iin'st Ciiasid tbe diiiwhead over tho s«ltt flying bomo with biin and hla two children, the worin, I'soriii.'iis etc. I too-; ntid ,. ,Stir-ap*- aay that it waa enougb for th • au lience to ' ffecln e manner, bo closed an adilri-s tlat c) liidi-r isc"ipoiiieiit with a d.iuhiy e.,'i!Oed purty travi'.itg ju tbo man's two horse rilliis oviT Olil' voir and n bn f. but no cure I etateiiieiit like that ot Wall streel on o buey wi'iiMo t'VO tr tf.ro ' d cmr'^ H''d no cu'o. I know bal he introduced Captaiu K lii His wus listetii d to with tbe utnii-st an''"'*^al •vi gin, Beforo stariin'i: out bis wife bod, cHiiutu pn.i-.'" V\e rTiti'ii,\ lt;;\ii.ini:s t-o much. nan e was kro vn to every tarmer in A'a­ an1 int le.st ihriUKbout, and wh-c*!, if the day. So be lost thit leni'irk. at bis requ'^it, sliipped all her houschol i T1H;.\ bavf ni-H t-my '•k i'i u.s .Ita'-aud froe from \ bama as one of theiu, as well as a:i eari.est. .liscus.'-i'ii s of tbe crowd, as afterward over- "But uh, air," I exclaiiu'd to tbe fireman, ijeljukii gs by rail to ILirilson'a address •i:tU-sHK H liiliv's. All f fscd of t'lem were three heird. tell anything, mide him ih ch 'Ice of b »XCN of ( vr UVW 4. Hild lluo-' 'ool 't's of ^'iiTni RA »tlf reliant clllcial, a zealous worker and a who ioves a beautiiul girl nauied Auuie, It Birmiiigiia.il, Tbo pirty re'iched Ilr^oLvi: T; >u <1 iwo (Mki-sif ( t-ri rnAS(.>Ar. If true, tried aud trusted black belt democrat. tho Voters in M.iuni Picfoii nei»ibtiorbood. "c-in yuu not tell uie suuu thing brave ui.o Co-pers stoticB, un tbe L' u.svii e and Nas.'i- you hMil boi'ii IiLT' Hild mi \ou would have ".Mr. Chairman, ladies, gemloieu and teau iful that JOU h'lvo doue, something vil e railroad, between .Montgomery ano (lUKNl moi Inr % (!'• tm ynti woiil.j have had tbe A llu-'KeiMis Crtst'i. nioiuy 1 look L'tl like rln'pit t,iru io your book Wkuv cit z.'ui"," said Ciptain K ilb as he Ibat 1 cau m'lko a dear litllo story of and Birmingham, on tbe Friday night folbiwing of j>ori8sis (picturo i.uint'tT tW''. "Ilow to Core toi/k the stand, "as your chairman has cor­ 1 I.iy 111 ville l.'il ;/eii-l-;.\ lllll incr, print, somethiug tbit will bring tears to tiieir depsrtur.'. Haralson ann unced that skinDl.se ses"). buf now IHIU as elenr as ariV rectly statid, 1 hardly deem it nicessary for Atteiitiv,! reading of tbe Mmtgomery Ad (yes utused to weep, sonielbiiig tbat I cot. he would remiin there and work tor some person ever WHS Through ii're.e of hjibii I rub (Ut iu the boll.luy runib r ot o nice pnpBr days; that if the place euited bim he would my liiimls over iiiy tir • n and h'^j; to scraich once tne to bj introducd tu an audiecce uf farm­ \'ertiser for soiiiB weeks pist luust c iiiviiH'e it) a while, bul t'»*nmber lli, and remained there for aome Cuticura, theKreitt'fkln cure ond (lUtlcura Soap. ' Iam pcrcicalarly glad to bave an oppor­ licits, or merely pirates and assassins, wnh use tbat?" two weeks, wuiting in vain for ber busband an exqiiisUebkla HeauHiU'r. extirnill*, speedily a taste tor arson, and whether It Is the dim to come. Sue wrote to him, but get no permrtnen'h eureevL-ry species of ituh'ln?, burn- tunity tu address tho farmers uf Jefferson "Yes " iuK Kcaiy, crustoil, pimply,scrofulous aud hered- couaty, and will, I thii.k, ba able to interest ocratic party they are about to blow up, or "Well, be used to come down town even­ reply. itary disea'jf.v and humors of th Kkfu. scalp an^ merely a design to rob the atate tr-'osury blooii,with loss of hair, from piii.pl-s to scrofula. you in aome of the matters which we bavo ings and we woul 1 meet at 'The Busy Bee' Not biing oble to learn anytbing of his is oom muu. and buru the s ate houso, are su-piciuns to viait and pUy a of 'O d tiledge ' rto d everywhere. Prloe Cutieura SOc; Soap, whereobouts, although she made considera­ 2^.1 Resolvent, ITI Prepa-ed by the Potter Drag which ore yet to be aolved. It is, however, We never played for lhe drinks, but we "The law prescribes Ibat as commissioner (iretty well oj^certained by our vluiUnt ble inquiry, her ouly course was to return to ami • hemict'l Cf>rp 'tation. Boston. «rf agriculture it is psrt of my duy to meet would often, wben it wss time to go home, her old home, wbere she now ie «f*"-end f{»r "How ro Curt^ ^'Kin r-lseases,"' M friei d, the Advertiser, that P.irson PHMCK. ^0 illiistrations au'* UH) '.'»;tlmo Ials. with the farmers uf the siato and discuss shake each oihi-r tor tbo drinks. 1 do not Inquiry made by Probote Judge Frezer Alams is a pagan, that Harry Mc dri' k now, even beer." PLK.S, bl«ck-h ad", e.'iapped and oily sl witb tbeai sucb matters ns may be to tbe Cill is only a synonim for- "1)11 elicic-i frum the r-iilro'id authori,ies at Bir­ "And wbat waa this shaking tor tbe ^ I»r vn led byCuicuM Mc iicttcd '^oflp. iuteres'. and advancement of tbe agricultural Harry," ond that Keub Kolb ond II ub minghom the informo'i'iu that on Deoom'ier drii k-'i" Mction of the community. In pursuance of Hurrows are ide.n s-nins. Further reveK 19 laat, two boxes ul* hou.sebold goods were fRlEF.HUMKiiEU^AnsM. '•Why, notbirg at all, 0i:ly we shook lliis, I sboU endeavor tu give you pome out- ti'ins are being mido iu'o tbe toriu ius ram- delivered to one A. B HiralsJu. r\ jftT In (>• o ini 'tlte tli« I'uI'uttcurt a pokir for tbe beer, ar.d tbe ous who \ qpV A >titi I'aln I'la-ter relieves Kiie of the work of the department, its scope, ltl.^ation8 of ihis frightful {.lu' at tbe rate of The viciim estimates the vame of those s rhcQ- list paid (or it. Bee?" \ g feX^maiic. sciittic. hin, kid ey,chhese t and its aims, achieveinonts, aud what cj-opera- several columns a day iu the Atvertiser.and elT-cts at Jlod. Among tbem was tbe \ ^ mn^culnriminprilnsnns and weakne^scs.Tbweakness! a to», aud how given, will aid in the accim- we shall s ion have all the fact-; which fac s "And taoi* old was tbia Ho^sy haired child greater part ot her persouil apparel. " lisrt and only painkillinj,' i)l'is;er. ylishmect of tbe purp nes whicb tbe legisla­ are t'? b-i printed in a ban Iscmi edi'ion ot you apeak of ?" Her father tarnisheaus wilb tbe fidlowlrg nov 2 sat suu wed a w-1.5orH;jfol r ture wb'^cb creatid the otliee had in vie.v. six volumes, bound in calf, otid oprioinentid I TOOK (IFF MY PLUei HAT "She woa tben 12 yeora old. At the time description uf the snindier: Me i< about 45 "After tbat I sball speak to you in regard with a skull a':d ciosi b nes. {it is piopr of tbe accident, huwever, she was abuut 18 years uld; weighs between 145 and litH to the farmers' alliatico, and alsj of the un­ to say that a suit is pending by the st'He Ic wbs a foggy u'ght. We were iate. Yi u pounds, has fair complex on ond reddish Going up the rood theother day, with will notice ibat, I uae goOd grammar. Put just aud unholy attacks that bave been made printers to have tbe work done in this sta'e, tbe liroi d and decoUette bifom if Lake hail; two of his upper front ceeth ore go.ie. upon me persjually and upon tbe alliauco as and not at A'fanta, aa was done by tbo Ag- tie printer ou that, will you, pease?" H.s bad, 88 sta'ed, two sons abuut 12 ond 14 Pepin glistening in the cr'sp air and pul- Stoiy firemen and engineers alweys use GHRGNIO GOUGII ^owii an organiz itiou " riciilturol itflco a yiar or so ogi) sotiiig I eneatb tbe i rigbr dicliiiitg son, and years uld respectively. Tbey traveled in a Tbe cummisiiloner then took up the ag- 1 onr grammar and spell a liltle quer. They woguo drawn by two pony mares, both buys, Vor it you (lo not It may l)pisiturB iu tbo cub, tur we eld order of ibliigs, and brought the pliater plai-h (if a riishevelid egg on the tirond brow advertise tbe si'uuudrel aud worn ths public lace tu faco witb a probii m whicn has not We feel safe iu saying froui tbe present eut bavo to look out for our troina. We ore against bim. leok the guil y will all be bruusht to justice of a l.ciurer, I thi ua when Mir.nehaho bad not Iji-m em­ SCOTT'$ tot one line of policy pursued, aod it bad ot on early day. Mob luw is to be d, pre- plea-iug prevaricatiuns to people who get HE m DEAD. caced. Tne danger istbiiding, tor "the vil balmed in i-opg oi.-d interurtian bus iet=ieen large prices per column fur tbem afterward; been an era u( prosperity Even immedi­ St. Paul nnd Minreapolis c< uld lie bought ately after the war the high prices made it lain still pursues;" but m„at ot os can stand but we havo a little upen stretch ut roa: Toung Bukart of Tuscuiabio. ?«ev«r lie- it es we aro veterans ot tbe turbulent epi­ for o 8>iing-of gliss biads, even %s William b-re, ond sj I will talk lietween work, as gullied \^oii(ttilTiu&u«1!%, ^ lor a wbile proBtable, but at las: tbe lleticit Penn purceased the state of Pet nsylvnnia. in the worla's supply of cotton waa made up sode 90 feelingly pictured by tbe poet: yuu seem to be a plain min, barling ibe CHATTANOOOA, Jan. 25.—[Special.]—Chos. and we were confroated with ^a problem tho It was in Penneylvat.ia only a shi rt time (ligh but, which bas no business on a locu- H. Hubort ot Tuscumblo, Ala., whoto ot gracdest and mist intricate and tbe greatest "Iley. diddle, diddio; agu that we met, running out of Altoona, mutive." tempt ot suicide yesterday waa wired you in Tbe cat and the tlddle; the justly celebrated coneiucor wbo can ex­ tbat has ever been presented to the Aoglo- The dish ran slier tbe spoon;; "Well?" detail, died this ir.oraiug frotn the ellects of Of Piiro Cod Liver Oil aud Bazon race. The ideas uf great plantations llie litlled"g Inughed tend bis ears, like a j ick it-the b x, at will, tbe twenty-eight grains of morphine be I do nut recall his neine, but I oo remimber "We 1, it waa a foggy uight, and we hod j HYPOPHOSPHITES acd limited crops had to be abandoned, and Aud the old ticii ebaled, to busilo not only to make uur regular timo Bvallowed, never regaining cunscicusness. at mce ic became necessary tbat nsw m'eth Andlhecow juniped over tho moon." thit after I b id asked him semething abuut His mitlier reached tbe city too lote tu s^^e whether we were late or not i^everjil times, lut 10 keep out o( tbe way uf late ir(,iiis. It ods musr be devised, and that it was to bo W^ATiiR AND OAS. was right along here th-it I bjioked ahead him olive, btf, returned home tbis atteruoou j It la almost as imlotatilo as milk. Far done, and the progress most come from the be held his head duwn to my lips and shot wiih his liudy. j bottcr Ih.-Lii olliiir so.Killed Einulslong. between sew ps ot coiil and a girl iioing j A woudortul Uusli producor, men who were prepared to fertilize their Tlie Talladei^a Compai.j to Increase Their h B ear cut at me like tbe warm, daik tiose The ( niy explanation made of his self- of o baby elepbont. He bas a naiionulrep dowu the track wiih ber bock tbis way, and crops with brains, aud wbo were to etudy FHCilitiea In Kvt>7y Olrettion. I cuncluded sbe wes crying a goed doil, for murder ia lb it be was iu love wi'.h a young t tba necessities of tbe lands tbat bad becoms TALLADEGA. Jon. '25.—[Special.]—Moyor utitil 11 that way, it seems, liut I did not lady at his old home, wbose parents openly know it. O hers whu knew both uf us en- sbe bad her mull up to ber eyes all the time, •npr.-^ductive by the wasteful methods of Shkespeore of New 0.1-ans was in tbe city and ot ccureo thot kept her from h. aring ul'jsc'ed to bis auit. Ho was uol in deb} lot mer dnys. yesterdav, aitendiiig a special meeliiig of jojed tbe meeling very much. Smee that I here and bis habits were good. have been less ii.qul-iiive ahout triilns One the train. We wfaisiled, but sbe di.iu'c Scott's EniBJsion stockholders of the Talladegi gatli^ht and bear. I tcid Harry oud be reversed snd all It was to meet these conditions that a few cm hardly reulizs buw sirange tbe ^ensa- (ThPro aro poor ImltAtlona. Ctt the genuine. wHter compony, of which he is president tbat, but I saw I'd git to get out on tbe BESSEME R'a N ATION &L BANS:. years ago the dl maud tor staUstica, for in Toe meeting was ca'led (or the puri'Ose ot tiun is whi II h(i is greeted in that way liy formatiun uu Impr ived metb'jds, and similir uue to whom be has ii'j letter o£ mtroduo pilot nnd help, uo diubt; so I crept, uut nov21 cod NU w jy nr authorizing the iisuauce of Srtt moitgage ihere just in time to catch tbis fair young The First ^Kal onnl t\uiliorizv«1 to Itegin data that the bureau of agriculture had bonds, Hud while it is not kuowo wbat bu-i lion. ItusluosH. teen created. Tbis was ia ItiSA, aud Hon. girl liy her bb ndo ai-d biauiifui Pytcho nei.s was transaceel at tbo mee-tius', i. is I also took o ride rut i t I'bilidelpbia in ki^ot aiid awing her free of the track," WAsni-STON, Jau. 25.—Tbe comptroller £. C. Kelts was the first iucumtient, and ea- generally understood that tbe S'o 'kholders the cab of a loconmive engine bittr e'n. It nt the C'lrrei.cy b-is authur z^d the first no- ".-*ni did you save hei?" tfred upon bia duties under most ceriius i it autboriz d tbo directors to i.-sue flrst mort WcS the Henry F. rtnaw of the B.bimore tionel b-^nk of Besseni'r. Ala., to begin "Yes, I 1 avi dber. It wasn't romantic, lieuUieB. Tuero bad Lot bten a single cent gage lionds cn the franchiso and prep r y ot mid O.-iio, (ii.d I liad to t et up at 6 o^clock a. business wiib a capitnl ot t,50,0l)0. and ycu'il buve to change it a go d deol if appropriated. It was in the second year tile convauy. Tbegruivthot tbe city dar m , to do it, but as I went to bed at 5.4S you priut it; but tuat was tbe way it hap­ that tbo Uw which required tbe commis­ iii^ the P'iSt two years lias created o i-tronti bi.vliig b.i n to Ibe uni- ii le'.jitje club t'.i see Frt.tit-Sbarliig; in Karupe. pened " sioner to crganir, i bea , county and statu demand um-ng the cit z-118 fur an imro-ise some trieniis tbe evi uing tiefo.-e, who b^d Pre fi' 3 aring in a mi 1 or factory is being agricultural organiz i'ior,s waa carapliid iu tbe nuuili -r of street lights and an ex detained me, ii. did JM t ma'ter. Becuri'ig e '•Who Wf^s i ?" tried ill numerous places as on experiment. with, atid tbes:a'e agricultural 8:,ciety was tension nt tbe wiier moii.s Tha cip cily l-ound of cotton wa-t.-l do not mean ihis in "It wus this little blende girl of Mileses," The fullowing example iagiven of the Alsfos organized at M ntgomery. Nu one cm of the works, wih tbe ex'ension conte.ii- llie eociety teis, for tbat kiid of cot on "AI d what did be sny obout it?" wood p-iilp fuclory in Norway, tho balanco doubt bow much it bus accompiiahid and is V'l.ted, is sulTI lent tu ru| p'y gtis and water wai-tB has litlle to do wiib this '•Well, fiisc be didn't know what to tay, sheet ot whi -h has recen'ly opp'xired: Tne accimplishii.g at present. There were DO for o ^-ity of 25,0110 people. let'er—I wentdo*nto the B>iltim re onn aud then bo sys. for be is not a man uf value ot plant and bull linga is $63 84'', an'l alliance men, only one or two clubs aud Ubio dl pot, and, locking c-iic" more at mv nie.ny words, ond also he is o poor man, but on this 5 p"r cent is charged ($3186 per about twent}-five granges iu all, went Ihe company bos tieen doing a prosper little V( luine of mechanicil terms, 81 tbat I be d d catch me by tho hat d and his chin year). The force consists ot a manager, a Into it. 'US b'u-inesa since tbe ccmpletion of it> eoud t'llk inielligioly viith the engi.'ieer, I ireu.bl d, drebe wss his only cbi d and ber biok-k-~eper, a cashier and eix'y men, and The 8pe6ki>r then took up his work of tbe woiks It bas an ixc'ueive fioichise f r sup '•lambered tip tbe front stci p of tbe cab. mother ia dead, but he took o s.'rap cf cit- tbo wages psid oer veir are, respctively, department in detail, referring tu tbe meth­ pi}iug water for domestic aud miiiufaeiu - We ri:dej ( Ul to Chister and t'O k. Th.t i^ tun wo-te out ut mv poeket and wiped bis »10S0, ^900, 1801. '*192 and $158 Fur in­ oda tbat had been adopted to aid tbo farmer. ing purposes and tor fire protection, O'.ii dl I know ahout it I beor I a nar, a bis-, ejcB wi'h it ond s id, 'Oil man, I can uot cidental (Xpenses ^121)04 p?r yeor is charged, Ee Colled particular attentiuu tu the protec hl-u for suppl} inj gaa, elec ric and otier a snort, a wbisile, a riii^, the qiick rurnbh lecall whst fatbeis do when tbeir dear aud ranking the annual cost uf working about tiun that wts lil'urded thimin tbe matier of iitu (.inciting lit^h'.s. Its busiues hiH stoadilv ot the t.ilot, tne ga-p of tin mu i valve, the uuly ddugbier.! bre jerkid trom the jtws o( #16,000. The first year's groaa rrrfit ecnimercial ftrtibz rs, aud tbe right tbat. increa'ed, and its record for 1880 shons that low vib'ation of tbe crown stieet, ibo inrr; ilraib, but if yi'U will excuse the blunlness ami unted to $28,604 Ot this sum $3186 •acb oue bad to havo his samples tml, z>d it was able to piy its fixed charges and a ing of the cut ciT, Iho (igh ot the moLkej (if a plain old man I will snake you tur tbe went tor Interest ou the capital, aud, with Iree of cbat ge. He deprecated the si.emmg dividend on its s ock. wrench, aud we wero oif. drinks ' the $16,000 working expenses, it left a bal- lethergy ot tte (armers io this matter, aud At St, Pi.ul I raet o very toll Scotchman, anca ot $7440, which, with the exception of NELLIB BLY AT HOME. "Is not the life if the engineer ono ot ex •bowed how there might be a great saving if treme peri ?" I osked HiryS. Bura 1, nur I am six (eet high, but he looks dowu on my $706 carried forward, has been dislributed they wiuid unly study more attentively tbe She Completes Uer Trip and Uas a Warm baniisime engini'ir, Herild iot henr me, briud ond deiolated skull as do the gallery equ-iiiy between the alz'.y-three men, giving aecissitiesef their soils aud avail tbemaelves people when I bobni.b witb the orchestra on each about $1115 Moat of the workmen •TONIC- M elcome. cf tbe facili ies eff or ded by the deparlment. have used tbe money toward buying for •\ViU cure Dyspepsia and Indigestion, and NEW YORK, Jan. 25.—Miss Nellie Bly has an opening night eontainiug a diveitiese- themselves bouses In the neighborhood of rorLore to hciilthy activity thoso orj.^an3 of the Wheo be came to speak c( the farm-^rs' cuuipleted ber trip truund tbe world. Sbe inent. the tuct'iry. liuily, whioh, by disease or over exertion hava alliarce after giving a succinct bistuiy of accomplished the taik in 7'2 days, 6 hours "You roust bo very fortunate to be so l)ccomo debilitated. A slnj^lo bottle will de* tbe movem nt, Cdptain Kolb urged uuou and 11 mirutea, baving covered duriug ber large and tall," I fold; "you certaiuly com­ every (armer to attend meetings of some nionstratc its efTicacy. travels 2ii,UO0 miles. mand tbe retpect of every one." sort oCan agricultural club and diicues topics For Sale l>y all Druggists. Price, $1.00 i>ep M'SS Bly reached Jerrey City uver the "Yos, I get; all tbe respect I wont, but I bottle. Dr. Schenck's New Bouk on Lungs, In relation to tbe work. Got rid o( the no- Penns)lvaoiaroilroad at 3.51 this afternoou, tion that a farmer cannot be benefitted by get no conifort. I travel a good deal and I TtrLIOrSNKSS, SICK HEADACItEl, Liver and Stomach mailed free. AdUresB and was given a hearty reception by the • uS r o good deal. My wife ia quite abort. iiWAltTUUItN, ITVEB INDIGESTION, X>r. J. H. Schenck & Son PhiladelpMa. reading atd atudy. The lawyer, tbe preach :UX£f£:i'iSIA, COMTIsAINT, JACNSICiS, crowd ot frienda and odmirers which had Yuu know toll men always aaorry short eod KUU t&wur UT, the decor aiid men in every otber sphere gathered to greet ber. The wh'stUa o( the lore to read and atudy to keep abreast of wives. Well, she cinnot touch her (eet to steam craft (n the river gave her a uol»y lhe floor, and I am knocking my brains out progress, aod it is aa with tbe farmer. K ad welcrmo os she crossed tbe ferry,and salutes lfa« sgrieultural papers and keep up witb tbe ill the time. In a street car ber (eet s ving flred from Battery pork and Purt Greene like a pendulum and my legs roach across times. After ezplaioiog bow he thuugnt park, Brooklyn, added to tbe din. In New tbat tbe lawa in relation to immigration ibe aisle wbeu I sit down and my silk bat Yl rk she beld a reception at tbe Wurld looks like on ocrimoolaus porcupioe all the •honld bo changed, so that the burden ot tbe offlce on her arrival. •ipense wcull not be all borne by the time. The straps on a atreet car make a farmer, Ihs 8(esker turned to other matters tail man buy a new hot every six weeks and at a personal nature. THB BEeORl' CONFIRMED. a sbort woman can'c reach tbem witbout tearing out ber sleeves. Ihe Abscondiug lelephene Agent Tflll Be referred to the (act that a statement ' 'I dun't know how we are going to rem­ had appeared io print to the effect tbat Rei uru and ittand Trial. edy Ihis thing, but I suffer especially, (or I Commisbiuner K >ib bad been going about FLORENCE, Jan. 3") —[•^peeial.l —A press can't Bleep in an ordinary berth at all. I BT USING THE GENDDIB the state arraying the alliiiuce farmtri- dispstcti of tbe 221 annciuncid tbat (i A hove a bed made ta order at home, but I (gairat the bankers and all otber claries of L^ngwoithy, the defaubing general mana­ can't put it in o ^hawl atrap and trovil witb the Community. "It is alie, and I bave ger of the Bell telephone company of thb It. I lie dingonally, like an unprincipled -—CELEBRATED—— so stattd. The alliance antaguuizfs nu ciars aid the adj JiniDg towi s of Tuscumbia and politician, od night, ond tben In the morn ^fE-AfNESS or interest, eud it is well known that I bave BbilH-id bad been csp'ured. The leport bus mg, wbile I tie m> sloes, all tbe people in been cuiflrmed. Liigwurthy lived at tte JL XEW TREATMinKT, always beid that agriculturists aud mil u the train walk over mo un their way to the CufTercrfl are cot generally aware tbi (Bcturern should go band in band as flsters." Walker house in Tor. nto uuder tbe nume of l^LBVER PILLS! dloii g car, and a stut man in the uppei TEEPABED OKLT ET I tbebediseasua arc contagious, or that tbe^ He puinted cut tbe necessity for diversitl d G. A Long. His » hereabouts wera ktiown '«rth falls out of it astride my neck Hi 1 are due to tbo prtsouco of living par" agriculture and divertifled indu?tri; s creit- ad the time by tbe compaiy. rte bas agree'! 7LEIVIING BROS., Pittsburgh, Pa. I sites in the lining membrauo ct tne no s'lys, 'Excuse ine,' and tben falls over m> I and eoBtachian tubes. Microecoiila X ing a hrme msrket and railed attintiin to to return at d stand triol, and it is sutp'Mid 'eet, eiiH-liKmy lap, aud goes away, and tb( >3-I3o!rare ot COUHIEBJEITS made in St Loui3.-8l I search, howover, baa proved this to bo • I be is now in the state und. r the sui veilance the immense bet eflt that mi.'gnifljeot Bir I.l I. W...& u . uiiji u .u .ra, , a'lil .ts ic.e vur- moo opposite steps on me through tbe cur • tact, and tbe result of tbis discoTerr fai of a privote oeteciive. Lnngworihy went CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH I that a simple remedy has beon discovered I mingham bad givon tbe (armers of J.ffor- qiiti' buy 8t('p|img and s.,trtiug he wotlid ain, brails me with bis valise, oweari, sbort iu his acoounls to the am' U'lt ot f llOb I which permanently curoa the most agBr»> I too cunty. i.ot what 1 suid. tbinks thit makes it all right, and keeps on .,_ PENNYROYAL PSLLS. I vatedcaseBOftbesedistroBBlugdlseaseaby I some three weekB ego and tklpped out, leav —•\,f4 lied Cross Jliiiiiioiid ISiaiid. Lisily, tbe matter of the tit Louis con- 'And, fcs we say in Enj'an^, do joa not I reusing till people come in aod tell bim tha I afowsimploapplicatioQBmaiiettwotseeM I mg his uneuspec iig wife tiebind, wbo deeplt *V *JL;; •rii.'.iiilv M-linl.l" i-iil for sill,-. is«rfiinil I ajiart) by tho patient at home. Apampb>l Teiitiou was bcuui^bt up. When tbe atate entii-wuh biuity zes", btir tiwhile uion we ar • in tbe lOund hou-e. - I.ddl• " i I. nsk llriicirlNl f.ir lln-liln. ceusuris hiui fur bis aci iuu. Oambling was iliiiiid liruiMl. J let explaining this new treatment ia sent I conTeoiion met at Auburn he wns present ri ll 1... luiiic boM'^, fpaldd the cause ot bis do«ufall. th a j ly life as yuu g-yly t ol you t-:ip mill lu: iiMeUduthcr. S<'iid4e. Yfrct by A. H. DIXON & BON, 337 ami 8901 and wus ooininatid as one of tbe del gates. d'lwu llie wold and out IKM uss t..e mer ', l.ke 'I hear peoplo soy all thi) time bow lovi^li culiir* mill •'Keller I'ur \ WoBt Btreet, Toronto, Canada. to be so large and toll; but tbe world is not I l.iidk'N." 11. loir,-, liy iiiuH. Hai,ie i'oiiarI'aiie . He had ei-ked tbe c nvention vut tu elect (lerditlon btaii g tau bark? ' Chichester Cheuili'ut Co., Mud^wd 64., i*kU«4la, l'i For a (disordered liver try iJeecham's Pills. mode (ur targe people ,or amall people. It Ikim, but iu spite u( that he was biaored bj At that lut'iueLt Ike ruddy flriOMO, Mr. ' uct22da eud audwy ly ..^oout 1; IU tu tb|and;w7 m THE WEEKIiT AGE—HF«AIJ>: WP»inESr»AT. JANUARY 29, IHfO 3

had atrong h»'ilthy sprouta. Njt rao.-e t ja.i atrui gle. The t.ouble ot u?iog h' ll-bire be ted, but insteatl teed 'ats or wheat Mako iG!MCi;LT(JUAL iue in ItK) till'd lo com ' up two or three tijn s liuri -g a ae.isun is a ^;reat thi ni pc-aicli f. r it II i ub ts ore ti in with Tb« variety was tje D kiti ril mil b:i,('. or toa bappy gu-lucky indiviiiu l. a pale c--aili, look uu'. f.ir iici at utj'jo llu- (Cftmtnnnlcntltn" on Aijrionltur.^l a'Hl Hnrtl- planting was u.a le Miiy l'">, ih.i ntn'btrhe On p"ecli, ch.rry and p ar treis ue trr- hath d^es tte "tuk R|iray th'b'U-enMl Cultlirst 'r.ipli-*, writt.'ii t.ll o"!,' vl'l: of tb '.'^iu'i'l. ing c lid tor tto season. Oi Ju'C .'i 'ho •ilizers ci'u'ai'rf'g plioi-p loric acil au'l pot- roosts w.th t:u:o ptr I nm. Tneu tted tbaiiklulb ri-('i'ivi''i an.I iti«-jr.(-'l Thi.s |ia;4e Is stand waa gO'id, and cultivat'un Iwgan Jnn J g'ter-u-ly, and a'l w.l! ue «t'l. devoUit tl III' iot-r st ol I l.iiitois. fir.HITS. as , butlit'l' or iio uiiriigen. F;iiuii^;n ot gudeuerb, rural!.-, s tin i lioiisckLepcrs generally.] IU The cuts were d-oppe) 1'2 i"Cht'S ap»rt tl 6 littt'r 11'inen': «^i;lusutily be foU'id iu It a few guu;ea fuw's cm b." i.^ducL-'d to In the row, ard civerc'l with a hoe which (.rouid b'HP. Sable manure, blood, eto, roost io or rear by tbe poultry h.iuM' they lett tbe furrows Hllll open. A'i the flrst ^WBBB^SSntHB^SBSa Our 1 nblic K'lailH. induce too strong growth. will affo d pio; c iuu a.ti.inst chicken Thore are fnvv MI ij c s <.f gr a'er inipnrt- hoelrg, Jane r3, 300 pounds more ot the No puc.'ulent to.'d is more greedily eaten IhitveJ. Til'y ure Iitb: sleeiiers an I make Aoco to th-* CO liir.iy ,c, the pre.-i;n. tiiu3 ih an t'rtillz r were sprinkled in among tho pi by pigs at any age than beets. Tney may a tieinendous r'.cKet when d s urted at the estsblistinii-nt of th.) bfit ami moet di­ tat tea, and the fuiruws filled up by tbe be fed any time from tbe flrst t linniu^a night. rect meai s of ooiii'i U'llc .t on lietwe.>n it.^ hoeing. during tbe growing a3ason to the tully Give the poultry intended f :r bretders people over it.i hUhv ya O' the forty two 8?a9onal>l'i woatli:r followed, an'l the po­ GREAT COMBINATION! grown ruotii in wii.tjr. They arc e.=prc'.aliy next season a gutd >bow. D!jp isp uf j t ur atatns sni SIX tf rriLcirlta ( f the Unl; ei States, tatoes were woll plowed June '20, and a valuable ns a part of tbe winter food tor surplus cock rels ur inferltir i-tuck. They not one of tl-.cm h-is a putlc road law tha' pecond hoeing given. F.'um August L'i to bre.d'i'g HOWS, and same beets ahould always will gain weight nnro rapidly if i o' alliwetl •ecures to tbo p3"pl'i piil'!i>i highwajH ade­ September 1.5 tho wejtber was dry and be saved fur thot purpose. to run out. Let jour hrC'dirg s.oi-k bave quate to DKBu the lioiiiandi). t^jme of w.arm, but c iol, wet weaiber followed af'Cr as wide a range as possitile. (be older an'i more dens ly pir'Ula'el f:f tbe the latter date. Tho crop was dug the latter Keep the wagon well greased. Grease Is eastern s'atiK h'ive m::f'e hdiiie pro.',res.^ in P';rt ot 8e|iten.b?r, and c mipbted O.^tuber cheaper tban iho wear and tear ut wag'ius Silt is a necessity tor fowls, and when it tbis directiun. but ar" y. t far ti'^blod the re- 3. Reputable wilnesses were preaent at tbe and b; r.se fl fugitive "lave lnn in American Agrieul'urist a'id otbera inter­ last twice as lung aa one tbatdo.ea not receive food is fCiis Uld wltll it witb b ntflt. Oivo Vermont or .VlasscctnisBits. Our biw in'ik- est* d. tbese atie.iti'ins, liut will greatly lighten tbe your fowls a propurtiun ot palt in the food era atem I'e'.er to have coinpr-beuileJ the draught aud i r.ivo a saving to tbe tean.. t*o or three tinns a week. Any peivoii scmliiiff at once S'-J will receive Here is a 1. sson trom wbicl'' every farmer great V'llun and liiipirtunc, ti.e a'wjlutn shrul 1 prullt. What Mr Mc'J'iy d tl in Manure is the key to ail auccessful gar- The early bru hrs must be hatched uot necessiry of pro'id ' g «; and i c-no'iiii'al buildiog equally as gootl resulr'i raiy b'-roalizol I-u'j ct tt> suf-oj waahea. Fine manure upon the br.-t.l nnd bow it is ft tl and man­ and ObTc* of our t-tr^'i'a an.l coniamo r.-iady, T.ie diir-roiico in clinvv e, uuwever, would hui b: tter lopuo in uiiare h'ap t) be aged. IMiircli 13, 1H90, and all <»f lhe lollo\viii«r arlieles, viz: uoc.'SjUa e a clittrige i'l ' ll I p.'i'iolif p!'»nt sp'e-.d O'l t!i^ SU' t'-cj in apring aftei' plow- •a comiia'.eil wnh our roilroids, mut have I'l old w.Jat.T r el von cyga nre enough ing anl liarves,i'.ig. Willi a t'or'ju,< i jire ii.g f.nd hi-rowtil in. led to tbe c •i:i'lu-.ioii tbiu. rnucb of the I'jcli t ir a gouil p z d ll n, ni 10 t .r a sinall o o jiiia nil of tue lo I, care in tlic ;-eI.'c'.io.t uf ol Biprtcinti 11 of g.idcoMiiiin lO'ihsnl Ov r.^uul tho atur.'of s'cd on hand and Wneu >• u te-ll \ou!' si fra (t , I yuu b I'lKl d-'til, lib ral 'ipjilicititin of sU'talile maiiiir.i Of the UM'' rii> fur ski-li't c'sil ei'ftl:ie.-'r.-i i;i thr'iw H-A ay all cf iloubr.ful vit'dity. Mist have a leg lar liiii '..v.Ty for. iim.i for fe'd- and judi 'luus culture, nur fu'ni"i-s uriy re-t Mkeir r'.ii-1'U'-. ii.n u'.'l innliiti iiam;e i^ tlue fe.tijare g.i'id at tho eu-1 ot ftiur or live iiig ih.-iii) -.'o nifj l.jc tbem re nain i If the A largo 16-page 64-column Journal, isaued twice a mouth iit Hinably cilcuUte on ot'll to OUO lii-tDea per ./lo the wall' of pr.tctic. 1 k.i'in'iedii'' on toe years, unl .spi.e-hes, melons, and all ot that i.ests until ib-j ciigs cio.ll Tnel-i't week ot acre which will pay f.T be'.rer than c ilt'.iii part I f in s: pe pl- a- to wuut cms iontes a fa nils list tt'iii'St ii ileUuiiely. 0,iio"s, incula'iuii B|ir;uklo tliu eggs two or three Philadelphia, Pa. and our siViple cr.ips, ai.tl can bo djL.e rtiih really (V" <'ru d i ud va tt'oiioinio ndv.'.n par.siiipsai.il cirrotit uro tho peeds wbch tions very I g'ltly ivi'h w ,r n wattr ju.st be­ Itss labor anl expeuHo. ; It Is t!u' hanilsotnc-**, iK'st UM<1 chi'.ip's* a'-tr^i'iiUmV rt'i'Miora-.'i MiriMliri tllli I'lUlo I • — ttgeatTtT a pi-vroii-', ad liUe-A'i'je to in- (ir.iners nre mot parlicular ab'iUt. 'I bo-e fore thu h'.ll returns to th." ne.-t. 1 rtnt I"-, ll ntii 11^ nil o'her-* In ('iroultiiitii mil iiilt'ifi v;. h.ivi r^ nl iin'S'"it H I'ln-iiiii! [•» i d • • •ufBoient liw.s up 'U il a i-uijjei'^ wh'j snp'ily the marUet with crops shiuld : J.'i'.niKn'.)!!!*-^ I'licii is HM ii'iMi irit ,• jii KII | • The Fossibi ilies of Oti.:-.l. There ia a l-irg 14 iantl:y tit wa*er in th'j ; Ihut in'il'iitis )M Ih'- f irill. I''*riu « •(! I''.r<' -Mc ^u-uV 1 tn- o i ev.-ry itifiu 'iiil -ii iv-ry ;' —- In thfl bi-l ori.-ll i-k?t('i of is r ni pub­ put th- ir dep'^udence on varieties known to A sample of Oira ti'jor the.t ii said to he c.^mpositiun of the turiiiii. but the avidity . r.ii'-ii'iu' U Aiil iiMTisi', iuttT.'st. I'n'rtiiiii nuti lIl•^lnll•t i'wry m 'iiili T of tin' li.nivi'h il l; | lished ll.v the IVnn-.yiv.'ii'ii railr.i.-id, it IF b ' nm I'l-talil", and not ri'-k noVeUi'.s until ^~; .s n, \vi'I*'i>ino visitor in o.^ry f imiy. uipt^'* ti »;r. ^tor K uoniit. ul n'mli'ii; iniaiiT. an I is •—~ a-l str' ng ami j^lus.iy os raiiii.i, was recent'y Willi wbit-li cuoli 'll turnijis will bo e'i:en by stated tbot ut ( ne tlmn ili" luptrvis ira and a trial has pr.ivtil ther value. - — Wortli mou' I hllll mo^L j mriiiils i-o^tiiii^ sf voral Hm "s as mii'-li. Amon; tin- wriLr rs for '•—— sent to tbe agriciilrural dt'pai'trae .t at Wash pou try when the ib't b-is be u mostly ot traek f.ri imn w re nutiiibtl with au txcol- - - l''iirin iiii'li l'i nwl'i iiri; iiioluik'J .siunj of llie iiDHt iUsll.ij^iii«ihe'l fiirriHTM otiil iij^rhtal- • — ingtiin by .Mr J. H. Hil ti' KIg. li.ltl, S. C. A^IKS and hen manure, if mixed together grain, ahows tbat a change of Inld Is bano- ; turn writers iu Aiucruu. :—— lence far bilrw tb.' id a- oi p ifci'ion en­ Sicrttiiry Uu k, in ackno*loili;iiig the ra- bttore IK irg ijp;i!ied to tbe eoil, nsalt in a llcial. Vh: s.) wlu. raise lar^'.e II loks of ducks tertained li> the in''Uag(rs, und tn remedy ceiot. Slid that ne hed piles of le'.,ters trom lo's of ammonia from the droppings that and geese co'isitl'jr tUiU'ps the beet and thia he latter odopted tbe plm rf bavirg all parts ot tbn south, ird citing au inclina­ gre-itly lesfens the value. Fut tbe ashea on cheapest foid that can lu allowed. Tbe fach supervlpi-.r piepi.re rn lis division ote tion to substitute okia ttr jute iu making alter the manure bas b?en mixed with tho cooked turulpsare.siiinkl.il with meal artl mile of i-uniplc irach, iiot limiUn>; bim as to THE -:- LADIES' -:- HOME -:- COMPANION b'lgging. and for utber purpose:! for wbieh S'jil; tbe ammouia will be absorbed by it and bran, ted warm, and tbo birds allowed all eoat, but rt qulri; g tbat I' bi' maile aa perfect tbe jule is usei. Secretary Ri»k wis very rem kin in it tor the use ot tbo crop. Woud tbey can eat. Tne small and UQsalftble may •a possiblo. Thw i lUctri', tupervisors aud -; The popaUr home paper for ladieH, n preHentiti^ evory ;- anxlt us to obtain infurmation as to the ashes are a valu.4ble applicitlon to soils de- bo advantageously used ia thcpume manner. foremen thr-n pass over thei'e t'aniple hiiles, -; phase of hime lifo, fiiRhion, (l)m'Kti'* economy, care of ;- practicabiliy of prapariog the fijer, and Iident in potasb, and hasten tha decomposi­ carefully tzamiuinit each, tnd at tbe otclu- Fowls must have a varied diet, as uo sin­ -; CTiMrpn, social eMipjptte, L-U*, having; a rtrculution of .- upo.i tbis point Mr. W, E Lu Uow, a prac­ tion in coarse manurea. alon ot this inspection tho moHt i-xjeiienced gle element can supply all tbe needs of the -; lcO,UUO eopioa each in^xie. tical macbinia'.. who bas studied tbe plant rapervinors acknowbdged tbat tticy had Saya Frot. A J. Cook: "It is conceded system. Frovition must be made tor feed­ fora long time, saya tbat he can make a never before known what a perfect track that silage is preemiuently tbe food tor cat­ ing vegetables cci^asiouaily, in addition to macbine that will aepirate, at a vory smill waa. May not much tbe pami b.> said of tle. I flnd silage just as goad for young tbe allowanco of grain or meal. Well cost, tbe fiber trim the wood uud gluten. the maj irity of piiple in regard t.i our colts and other horse.s—giviug one teed a steamtd chopp'd hay, or, better ptill, clover In tlie casa ot j^e, ho siys, all clTorts to in­ ll Ocmmon roatl"—that th-^y have title re;Oiz day of good bay and adding some grain. I enailugo should be fed onco iu a while, nud vent a m ciiine t^at wiil do this prolitably ir.g coi.ceptt in of a per'ec" rr ad and its also Ilnd that my shiep nover did ao will as cabbage leaves will be jireally rcllshtd. Oa's J) J havo tailel, and it is orl,' iu India and sinco I bavo given tbera allsge. Not only do uut contain tbe tatttuiug elements fuuiul JJ JltlQs of ttie World. economicadvai't i(i,e'iov r an inditV rtiat une. The Ciiina that labjr Is ch'ap enou.t'h tor tbia tj ', MaLifrstly, pucii is ibn C.SH, and thu remedy do thuy thrive in the winter, but dr 'p their in aomo other foods, jet for egg production bti d'ine by hand; hut in the case ut ukra, As a Oonci'^.o and latolligont Fpitomo of tho World, it ia Fqual Ilea in the dlrectbii of tiio e'luo ition of Ih.i lambs without trouhle, and the lambs are they are unsui]na.sed by nny otlnr gr iin. tbe wo'jd S'jrruuiiils the liij: r :.'.i:il can bj ea to auy $10 Atlas. I people up to ft I) tter k':owled.lre ft r mor-kn ..wie.inj as to il.eir S'.-i n- is safe fruin all danger ot 1 iss, antl is put atcacheo to "11 orill'o 111 llto sufe a short llu' hlirrini; cveiiU S. tiflc and tc iicin o cui.h'iu tion and m iiii- opiiii'in as to wh'..'thor or ii it i*. c niid luaep where it wili do the most g'o i wben it is cone-8i-.ap;il tu'io. Williin tlio box au oval I tennnce. ' b:s b-.s b o.i itU-twn iu a m-irked ar.iti'd as a c st low euju^i t) wa r:int its sprc'id upou tho laud d.rect from tbe stable. piece of pllv..reti glasn 1 x etitls trom t'lp to wilh Willi ll the • degree dtt.in;^ th'j pa^-c y^ar in tho numerous inft:.uf--\cture. Cotton iiiiinurac'ij'"ors in liottum at an ii'gle u* -l.'i degreis. An egg Seeretary llu'k of the dep irtni'-nt ot ag­ wurhi ll '•ni«, IUKI ot j sritl^les that b.-.vo upp'J Jl'.l ill p mpab t f ..nn Liwell, M'lS:!.. W'.re not p,' piied to ven- hav.ntj Ueen pl .cd i.i th > tostiT, its c .ndi ricul.ure na:-i au horize I the preparation aod ' andiuthn jour,'.a.u ui.d peri, dical* of tbe tuie an opinion as to tb) piacriiM iiiity of liun c.m be clearly seen by bi,iking at tho which we li'tini, ul­ pubi.C'itiori of a ii.iok giviug tbe eymptoms day, anjoiig wbi.*b muv b-mt utio .td "Xutes -ubstitutlng lc f.r cotion ill tho iii'iouf .c- r H I'll in uf it iiiroui^b the tuUe; thus, if of the disiH8->s to whioh live stoek aro inci­ most cocxisiti'iit wilh ou tbe M-k lig tif C:"iiiini>n Rnds," by ture ot ch'.ap cl'i'h, but a r. [ires- nt.'ttive of cbar aitl nlinust tia:spaiuiit, tbo e^.'g ia dent, tog'ther wi'b the esleblirhtd cures Janie.-i B Ocot, aud -'fhe R :a'l (Ju-stion th'i LJ^CII machine conipaay s-.i.l ;h-»t th.- frtsh and ot prime quility, w.iilst, it it thoir orrnrrt'iu^c, th ret ir, the text to be accimpani-d wiib io FennsyivHui'k." i'j .^ainiitl 11 Uo.iiiiigiu company was coasl.it-ring tho ad>-'i-i-ilii.i y of looks opnt) le, ani tbo c 'iiteiiCa apiirar thick idates lllus'.rat rg tbe aame. This woik will throutih tho oloctrle the Amerioan; ' U lail Legislation tor tile turning tb'ii- in.cS:nes;o the develn|im"ut or inisiy, it is uuflt for f iod. lbs aiiplisnce bo issutd in bulletin torm, and thm be pub­ •-'^Aolericao S ats," by P. ofessur J;-Dkrt of of tho uew dber. Okra can be cul ivated sbould 1 r.IVO uf groat value to c loks and lisbtd iu b'lok torm tor distribution as a c'lrroTilH thill noE Knox college, publisbe'J by toe American with viry Uttle labir in t o sout'i, and it I.uu8ewlT''s, ami also tu poultry raisers, who, [.ii'dlc document. Diseases ot sheep and Kirdle Iho ijUitw. Wo •eanimic as Oi^iatiur.; "lli'ids an-l Kc*' can b 1 put to the u^es ii'diciti'd ns ciietipty by its use, are able to i.iile the progress their ciusrs will be the flrnt bulletin, to ap- Xaltiug," hy Cup';. Francis V. Grceni., ai.d as is claiined, it will be ». urth millions cf made by the germ during it cubation—a \ ear vtry soon. livo iu till a^c of In- "What 1 Ku' w About RnroD.-au K :ad-'," by dollars to thij secion. matter of vital imp irtaiiCtf wheu "po-tiog" Joaepb Feiii ell, in Ilirpur's We-kly, <.f A go id home-made flre extinguisher may tollif,'cnr-o—iin ni;e of wbicb a second edition wan riquired to meet House I'laiits and Henlili. ho made by tilling up ur.liniiy quart bottles » . nniliipHnl inoiiiK for the demand for theilh). trato'iiircicl.-hy I'ap­ Thi Maasach.isetts hijrin'ultural sociely wi'b a saturated soluti'.n ot ctimmon salt, TIIK UOI .>KIIOI.I). tain Greene; "H'ghvvtii Inr.ji-'.vt ment," an and placo theni wheru they will do tne most anjuiriii^T k'iowlodgw has for sjmo time takoii spoojiil piins to eu- Ile of (looil (Jlieer. •rticle by Col. AI-'ere A. l'.)|)B befure tbe curage wioilow gardening as a. saiiirary good in case ot need, fhey will be tound There never wiis a day su Itiof^ -mi fii^e titll 00a- carriage bn'lders' na ionul bstjcisiiui'; "i'he nearly as S'^rvicaiiU as tbe expensive hantl measure. I', ii hell t) bj of grei" average ll tliil n.'l have an iii'l; Ciuin.on XI ISIS," by Friti-s-or Shabr, uf advauta,n;e to tbe hB'ib.h of Ihe people to grenodts yuu buy. Should a flie break out 'l'l ere never wa- a iiisii tu poor ili-inii.s I(.'n"nmc-c be- Harvard U' iv.Triry, iu S^r.bn.r'a Via^a t'row them ».ilb torcJ puflic|ji.t to break l'e llill mil have a fr emi. cul ivate a few of the simpler pl.i'.ts during fjiiiso of Ih , luiincr- •>Le; "R furfa'iliit'," a letter by A J thtm into the ceiter of tho lire The salt Antl wiieii lhe loni.' tluy tiiiila RII end ninttr in th- ir b'lasja. Tne m ir-il ilT.':!t is It I riiiKS ti e lio't' ol lest. Casiiatt in "A P,oii t >r Bettei- Riad.v," ty also lleltl to be v^ry marke.i a'id [>o.-iitive. W'll f irui a clatiin^ on wliat'jV'.jr object the And liu who hits une ^Il•nfllllst friend OMS Honri\ H oi iiiiar- •William 11. R>)'i'.V"; '-UuMicip 1 E'sjineor wttior tuuches, and makes it nearly inc .m ribtiiild cuuul blni^tll as lilefct. I'be BO.'iety is n iw eo'^-igi-i in the t.-ee dis iiia inn ^o Irr Ay aud InKi" f'y I'l'.-tis-or Hnupt, ot the Univera triliu'i'ju ut pimphl fts tJ 'oieh th-J best bis'iole, and it will prove eiro'i'ii il in many ,;'Oiiyx)''itm'tii»iu..u.x:v .rnMv., ...... ^ tv:t»2it'va^:j':',l,., ' [i- ..T^'fU'f. There never was a i-loinl that hi'l Ity cf P. nnsylvania, ri'.d Iwfoie tbe Fiai k ca.-es, where a fire is jast starting. m«th'j'.i3 ot cuit'.ir.; an'l e.sp-ci'.lly co enable l':ie MitiliKliI ail fiuiil sik'lit; wi.Ioly .liiliiw.'ii. If linlnsliue a'.tl i-ubii'iiel iu i:s Journal; ehildr. n to caro for a f-'W fl,jr.il pits S.m- '1 here 111 ver v. its h lile so sad A h'Tse for far.-n purp'iscs is worth m re ii^mm^^'^'^i^^- '•• •''•^"'^•'trifi^i^'-i- '.-oi'i^'^yo u wt^h l(» keep **Improveme It of H'g'i^V'.ys," a siriei of I', luul nut smne ' eliulll. it''tiun is tao sum of all s.c..'iic i for th'j pj'j- at 7 than at any other ago. Ho has neat ly •rticles on tbe m.kTnj; and ciro ot ^•o'lri l'l rel'UlJie lur lis liie snn i\t Inst ple at liir, tiom atiii'«L?iB •ppr^^ciation ut bet er ro'idj ami 8t'-e?is, and So tiiirruvv fnini me, priiy. ^ uiinisteriirg to heal'.li Fr of; s or Me. ban ooe will tieited is sill able to do gu il SLT- coKlii.^ ffM). All mips nro lii'i'i-e -:- l*ilate," the milk of human kiudueDS for want of an Tennessee is moving ar-t.vely and earnestly relations ti the vegetable world througli bis ure Is carritd off and the tubsoil dies, a outlet it thtre wne no liltle cherubs to The famouB paintlri(? of -which -waR purchi'^od by the Post.master- on this subject. Let Alabama and our sis­ olfact'.iry organs, as well ns through bis of larger fl-ld is op.jn to the action ot tbe cartes. Oftm ai:d often wben entering with Gcnoral a. a cost ol'over $1O0,(JO0. ter Btates lake it np and never cease working gans of taste. Smio porfu nes are iujariou' routs, and they at onoe g) tliwQ as tar as some misgiviiige tbe great ball of a uew until the battle is won. to some persons that beneflt olhtrs. In se- possiblo. During tbe dry S'-aaon the plants place my heart has leaped up at sight ot a To give our readi'r.s an iiitolligont idi'a of tlio vuluo of this (irand lectiug our huuse plants we ehall no', go tiud moisture btlow and endure drouth much tiny woolou bootee, a very rainbow ot bopo, OlFer, we outlinotho ."imcial fealuro.s of ali tho jnjK'r.s and tiic pioture. amiss in takini; by preference hiliotropes, better than do those plauts growiug on au Jtu Acre in I'otatues Tbat Paid S13C0.47 lyi: g on tbe waxed flu r, while the eight of mignonette, the old fashioned r se autl appe undraiu' d soil. Tbe soil bjing warm, aa Mo^t Costly Painting' in the World—'Chi iat Before Pilatti." a wreck-'d tiu traiu bas lit'ou as wtlcome aa We have alrtady publisbtd the result of 6C;>nted geranium"; and for bulls the fri:cHia wull as disintegrated to a great ddpth by ac­ a ctrd of iuvilalioa to a bill ia to a youog the contest on tho one ecre priza fir the and liliea. The relation of Eauitation to anl tion of air, beat and frost, it ia iu fluer con­ lady. largeet yield of Irish potatoes offered by the mats is quite as cics'j as tbescientJs'sflaJ itto dition, permits of a eupply of moiature to .American Agriculturist ou last year's crop, I a to plants I do not like to distuib the plants duriog tbe drouth by capillary attrao- God ble s the baby I it is a better tonic 'Whl^-h was awarded to C. B McCoy of serenity of the domes ic Cit, but a med'cal lioii, and the surface aoli is lees liable 11 be llian ail ttio bitters ever advertised. Arooatcok county. Wan", who harvested journal asi'ures us that an outbreak of acar- come hard. Hence draining ia beneficial Thu bi'iy bas a mission and fu'dllls it; it from a tlrgle acre 738 bu.shels aad twenty- et fever in Chicago was c rtatnly caused by t.uring both wet aod dry scaeona. has an o j c!. iu life and eccomplisbes it. If flve poQtids ot potatuts The rei proceeds tho spread ot cun'.aglun by means of a car. tv. r It beciiines ueceesary ti Ihin out the "A good truit tree is worth J:^," we of the crop at tl.c inlinary market price was Otber di.sgusting diseases aro frtqu ntly p;'Iiu'a'ioii I liope tbe prociss will nut begin heard an o'd far uer eay recently. If this i.s Si60 47, which, with thf abjve premium ot ppread aiiout by dogs, notably,tae itch. W.j at tl o biiiull end ot tbe buiiian race, fur I tl U'J, an orchard ot ono acre containing flfty ^SOO, and oce of ^'I'lO > IT red by a business have iraced tncbiuosis to tbe big, aad it is allirm and inaltitaiu tbat there ia not one ireee ph.ull increase the value of tb.j tarm flim, am unied tu Sjl'^GO 47, wMch ia in thu more thau pr,ibable that the cow ia the ori baby too many iu tbe whole world. upon which it is situated by tbe pleasant sum tenda of Mr. Mcl'oy af tha reward for the gin ot eome ot our worst riiaeasas. Cits are of tli.'ibO-lets the original value ot that iu- •are beatowid up n lis acre ot p itatoes. very tu j.?ct to dipb^ria; and riiphll> ItlicaiaatlHiu aud Catarrli. ilivi'iuel acre. Whle it migbt be dillicult This experiiinee Is of c,ur.i 8u::i'a coses la not ouly waste a'jd turn her into soup. cheerfully recommend it aa a good tonic as a work of art IH'>oml the power of iau4iiaiie to ilon'ribo. uml worth a tlio'ii-an'l eeriuoiia an k ^.pkilIn the furrows 1100 pou ids of a goid moral lossou. All the oolors lu the o Iglnal paiiiiluif are fdiilifiilly ropioiluoiil In tb:ii pleturo. and tul, but barmtul. Nover let the towla out ot tbe house in and quick cure." its artlstio client Is sroaily enlmiu'oil oy lino eiiibi>i«.tii)(. uhliiK It Ihe "ralneil" ell'eot of thu orliiinal. ^I^NJUnercial feriiliZ'T was distributed, and On apple orchards that have borne aeveral the morniag when tbere ia a fog or general Mra. M'lilMa NlebolF, Knoxville, Ttnn, Kqual iu si/.'j anil artistic merit lo ploture.'i sohi 1. stores 'or $10. The foiluwiiig tosllDionlalleilttc is a specimen of thousamis rcoyivoa expres.iliig appreelaiinu of this truly graml picture: liiitb • hee waa well incorporated witb the cropa, ivood aahes (leached or unleaebed) dampneaa. Wait until the sua appear.!. writes: "I bad catarrh six ye'irs and a moat (The compO'ltion o( tbia fertilizer was ground bone, or basic slag ahould ba ap­ Small farmera and villagera may produce disalrtaaing cough, and my eyea were much Kr.NTONvii.i.K, INI).. December 16.1889. lows: Nitrogen, 3 to 4 per cent; phos anoileu. Five bottlea ot B. B. B., tbank I receiveil your picture. "Christ liefore Pilate." In very sooil eoudltlou. 1 would not part witi plied annually. one-halt ot tbeir meat supply in the poultry it for SIOO. I lUluk It is really a wouderful work of art. 1 thauk yuu a huudred time* lor It. le add (availub'e), 7 to 9 per cent; pot- God, cured me." When the soil ia naturally poor or has yard it tbey will give the Bubj°ct propar at- ABRAHAM DA8HL.BE. S to 6 per cent) John M. Davis, Tyler, Texas, writes: "I become exhausted, as shown by weak entiou, •nd a half barrels (11 busbeU) ot waa subject a number ot yeara to apella of A-C/T? rART 39. 1890.

Augustus Barnes and threatened to take An iBcldrnt at Gaph<« might be, as tbe •trains of Uaiidslfsobu's 'w.-dding moroh* A letter writt»n from 0.tdid-a, la this Willia-n Wiggins ia tbe asw poitn astsret 8e lator sajs, "preolpi atel." When they jis; ts hat pr as a b-ile pou' 1 oe." rPflolbUEO KVKRY WKIINK.SIIAY M0R.Nl.SCi h es revolting way to have prevented atij State, to the Cl-veland, O., I^eader, by H'gktowr, Cleburne coanty; J. W. Wll- Bv THK violence on hs part than for Ur. R B. "itrs. K-nlly W. Y ," hu b.en copied do that a nior.^ fortulda>'le force than burn, at Trenton, in Jaeksonctiai'y. AGE-HERALD COMPANY B.irue.s to shoot Lim down oo the street. ioto sivsral li publican papers at ths Nortb Mr. Walters n's 100 (IHO unarmed Ksntuok- r; Tbe Carbon Hill Dispatch ha« quit using LOCAL iT So. 181'J Tbe laws ot Alabama do not {lermit a man and male the subject of editorialsabusivs of ians will tr.kt the fill, and the battln w 11 a patent Inside and now boi^ts that il Is the BBTOSDANTilNnK. - • BIKMlXdllAM. AI.A. to walk ebro id breathing out tbrratmin^s rage fl.-roe«t in the North. TheSutliein only all home print paper iu Walker ccunty Th's w.ek is felony ireek for tbe erimioal^ tb- Sou hern people. oou "t against neighbors. Th.rcisa legal wry of Deir.ocrits could well enough held tbeir own The Piedmont Post promises to print both In the course of ber letter the Leader's sides at home, as the bw>t wuy to show that Nine prisoners wore put ia tbe county JoQ A twelve-paKojeventy twoH'oluiiin iiowKpaper restraining such characters and tbe law in a military contest atKlokt Southern Us- 4(TOteO t» the iiiu>r*.'.] •died in the Soulh. is tired of doing nothing and a nsw one is seeni" to have been tbe cose, they shou d threatens u ed be dr. aded. The Amerioan Ing burned five hiusen. Tenns by mall, postage p«id. SLOO H yoar: '•VV"e were sitting in the hall oio evenlrg welcome. Bti Troiittis. 50 renta. have bod him placed under a bond to keeji —ftvs of ths unreconstructed and mysdf— peo(ld are too cons'rvtitive, too sensible, too Torre Is a long an I loud call for mtmnted PlHTiirer oopi"' ""' on aprplloatlon. Fi'.nr U»v. S. P. Wc>.t will at onoe enter on hla p Ilea 111 Birmi g'l'iin. Rfiunal Iti'lueomeun lo cliilw and cauva.'<.Miii; the peace. when our gonial landlord began to euloflze patriotic, but should it cotnt) it is uot tho duties as Bt.'nt of the orphan's home ot L'tila Alice Hi I, daughter of J. T. HIU of ate-otji. We epeak e-f the cas* iu i;:e general iispect South alone tbit will sulT r. Summei a Id. Uis address witl all the while Hi'iirt moiirT nnlv by Praft, P. O. Jloucy Ordor the dead cMsftain. When I said I had ao Cittlbiig, del 01 T'luesday. •I rrf-gi'lered Ultor. AiMros.* only. We treat it a'" a type of those cite^ he r«tlude,ia. use for him. war was deolirel, and they There wero s.tven "Sundiy dru'^ks" takaa THK A«iK-HKR.\I.n, Pi;f Inm Pnicliictlioii. E.litor McNeil Smith of tho Prattville •ot.stantly ooourrirg in fho Suuth thit give op-red upo'j mo on all *i'les. I stood bj my 111 by lb- po ico last Su'iilay. ItlriiiliiKbHiii, A1». Ponn«y'vaui* nuy be ou'Strippcd sonie Progress ceUlirsiel his ii.'itii birthday Ihe tills sioion a cLaracter for violence UMI out- little gun, ail'l was not routeel frotn the fli.'d. Thers was a bg rteminl for Sloss flrit diy m lb-* produ'.'tlou ot pig irou, bot it Olher day, by d ii.kiug au extra g'ass of iLtttrid in the iKwtoQlco »l Birmingham. Ala. laTiT that does it muoh damage. A cla-ge The nrxt day luy brotlier aid husband ( hi bu'ter lu'lk. mortgige bonds ou Tnurpday. n neronil olaj* maMor. still h Ids ita prestige very easily In that lu pUv I'C sentiment iind a belter cbs- rvatlon wero not p'esenO en 1 myself were hoycottsil The M'u'^i.romi'ry Joiirnt.l sees one con'ola- Q lie a nu ii'wr o' Birini'igha-n police of- partieulir, even in tbe iicremsed output Aluliaiiiii Vii-WH. of the law is wbat is neede.l to prevent euoh by th'? Soutl'ern wo.iien in the hotel, making tiou m tne Ol'l > k lor a Here • p diti ial eon fie'er^ ar» sill et d with the gnjifio. oooutrenro". Men, jUL'h as Mr. Allg iod ef It a p'rsonal matter against us. O te wo- O'the 8,.')7T,( 6S net torn of pi,{ Iron pro­ p.iisn. It wtll make the people reid to. The I ew city prson will s-ion bo com­ The Ncw York Wm M of Mo: liay jmli ue^ppap rs. Oe.irjjitt and Mr. C'lrnll of Oi olika are rep m'ln, who pat ut our table, w< ull n it come duced in the United S^atei list year, Penn­ pleted Hllll roiiiy fe.r ticoup'ji.cy. Bi't'c.l iutrryiews wi'.h n nuu.ber nf S.uth Troy boys are po glad to see the Midlsid rifunted to have li.en, ii.u*t not bo coonle- tober imal.-while we were thtre, and in sylvania turued out 4,iyi,'Jl-i D'ct ton, or C mst iblo I. G. Smith o' beit 117 has re- «fEcrn, I iok.'d uji at ranili lu, in regird to railrciad that tb"i r.re always iilaylnjij altout stgned h'S (losi lon ami lelt tha cty. ii.inifd, whatever th( irsocialoo' neoii.in anil every wny wos ai iL.^ul:i^g as p.issib'e." uearly ot e-liulf. BenatiT Butler'j resf lutiou to provide f n the tricks. Willie tSrunneu is lyiiij; up now T|-e K .tghts lit Lol ei if Ho icr gave • staiuiing. A nibii oipilreof niiir.ler canni t Ollio o, mes to I'.MH sylvania in rela­ tbe cmigr iti'jn ot t'le tiegroos from the She fu-tler stales th'it: "T.ey drapid witti a mas'ie i fo it. suppor e.t S ibl-tt hull ^llllr^ ay ui,;ht. I'O a (.enllonmn, ami is tnttilo.l to no so.'t ol tive pninicioii veiih 1 •Jli'i .IT'J ret tons aid Bontlurn Stitis. We npoiluce cliorthire the liuil'logs for Jeff, ard I know cue rhe't"fpoct. If fuoh a churaoter tlirsLtetis o'h r Ali'mna third KI'.II TJI.il.'.') net tons. In Ibo wiril'.rful e.''iwcli of i's low'i V.m- I'll iti^ cliir^.! of robb ng W. A. fidoman. tkcaa reported from Alibiuia. N irtoerii ru'u, snd a ll'publioan, wbo ul- fi'Ti y has tiroui;m- I tbtn lecion, there aio dilTfrenoc.-i of opiuiou out ot tlte town btt ue I would do it! Amen hiv. ft r U'll in of Hie Foijrth .\lab'ima cav it cini-i'erid by the p'rceningo rulo. I'ei n elry Hiii K iiriii AU'uua inlaulry at iikbani, ia tbougbt to ba dying in tlan- Ihereare none wh i dou't a^rfe that the Ih re i< rarely ever any LCJe'slfy for a and ain.'n." re 1 ^> sjlvaiia's iitciia-e was oy'J.O.'iO u»t tons, llintjviile on I^elTUiry 'A eountiT would be better clT with a lionio- mun n liking a jwrsonal defoncj to tbe ex- S.une N .rthern pt»ople who cnme Srutb I'be eilitor if "bo Al/ibama Roptlst went There is a pr.wneot of « c irnor in Qidsdan etit of killing another. Su-h action isix- and Alu'tama's 311 i)U3 nt tons. grtico'.i.i nhke population, but BI nie arc cou seem lo think it thi'ir niiisiin to pl ^y the lo bo ir Bfn Terrell teotiire on tbe Allian.'e 't lok, us it is st.il a b g bluU bis beeu sold J The total prodiiol of the entire South last •toaiiioJ to thii.k that the [.roposn! move ou-able ouly when the n\i?'ans whioh tl.e luw pirt i-f spi-s, an.l ro tort alUyed evi.leic»s at Montgomery, ainl gives him the finest stort. year was l,,')86,70i net tiuu, wMeli iudiivitee Blent is i.Tiproctieible, and o hers Iuli' ve provide have bei n exh'ius'od. oi dflovul y to th'ir pa.,ers at home. llie sort ot a .send olf in iiU pap.^r. Tite buiness men of IMrnilnghim claim 1 a iinft rairvelous growth. Tbis is nearl; 'hu their bueiiiieia Is mjoh better thau ona Ifc^t negro labor is nrc.vig.iry to the BUOC.S' most frequent and most giit^vo is e-f tlit-se Silcott got. sway with re.'.rly $1000 o' TnK o'd time Kn g told of iu "Tbe Gon- double the Southern output for ISSIi. Cieneial Wiieoler'ri niouey. As ((o.i.l IntOe y ur ogo. j fol cultiv.ition cf c. t;on. .S me n p< at what churges alwa.s is tnat some ons has snubbed will hav- it, the generul is b ttter off tbau Th' rv) a ill bo a sooi il reunion at the First | d,iiiers" was an i.leal c'ever fallow, and tbem acoinlly. Cinsidering the time that the South has wo have bem accustocud to htar ever fitce m stsu'hi^rn cmtressiiien. U pi..t chuich after prayer meating Thura- ] there are very few, if ary, of his kiud now bee n lu the business it is forging ahead won- tbe war, that if Northern poii icians will Wbat if their rep rts be tru ? What are O/'irk bad a literriry organizition call'd tuy night. livil g. His epeoii s pectus to havo run cut a derfully well. This is especially true ol ccaxe tointirfere in S-uhern i ITiiri! the thry going to el i about it? There is no sur- th" Gorge Eiiot socioiy. J u>t as the town THU P.UI Hiyne school alditi-on hsa j long time ago. I", is related: Alabima, that takea tbe leatl of any otber roce relation will be peaceful atd cgretable veillaice over tbe South 'uch as Grmaiy enters its inateriul br.om this sooie iy EUB- reached tne se'.'outl story. The work ia prt* I Southern State. With such pro.;r»sa in so pends, Cuiims. but that's the way. gns'lug rapi lly. '] •Donch. When lie had Khoiil li wine to drink hollls over the coi quered provinces ol It raade liim very iftd to think sh rt a time it is no idle boast to say tbat C ilumbus, Gl , continues to be the Gretna Sneak thieves have beou at work in Bir- I All tf these objections are mistakes The \lsace Lirraine, and tven people thiire are That some, at junket, or at jink. Green of east Alab-.ma The Isst c luple to mingham, and saveral p trlles are poonr I at litierty to select their own a"H'Wiate3. the futureceafer of pig iron prJuttion will Movement is pradicable enough and if the Mu.st be eolltent wi'h toddy. flee thither were T) D. Chad wick and Miss fioin their visit. I be in this State. Oovernment eliculd deteriuine upon putti. g That this Mrs Euily W. Y , was Lli/.ie Card'iii of Uchee iu Ru'sell county. William Pcei les, a colored la'iorer in tb« I lie wished all meu as rieh nn Ue Greensboro is oouuting on TO'lO bales of Georgia Pacific yards, had a leg brokeo I tt inlo execution the impedimauta in its va) (.\ud he was rich as rieli oould bul, U'ot oslrai iied becau e of her being frotn Bijj Monev in Strawberries. cotton this season. A great dial more than while coupling cars. I would scon be obviated. As to the opinion So to the top Ol every tree the Norlb, or any particular ep nion she S-veral years ajto a Yankee farmer pur­ that is raised in Greensbtiro'a territory, but Th^ie WHS a deli,chtful niudcale at tba I that the negro. B wculd not emigrate, that ia Promoted every body. might have expressed, is clear enough, since chaseii a "worn out" farm iu West Tenues- it is shipped off direct to the larg.-r marks's. Pok Avenuo hotel rntirsday nigot, ia honor I she reports haviig gotten on very will fir •orea.ion why the ttfort should n aten fare of the eouiitry. refe red t >, it would doubtlets oppear tbat I..d^ed lu jiil Thuts lay nigtit. 1 limy had lived then his "Looking Biek ttc mule. It was the general opinion of h's her life. she mid 1 so U'O vc J iffu ive n mark* tu S'jitl'iy was a lovely diy and almost every 1 U ij a yery great mis'alie to suppose tbat ward" would have bad co success at all. neighbors that the Yankee would ftarve, It is not improViable that thers will he Iter h-tarers. sonietbii.)^ especiaiiy harsh, ili- one took advantage of it to bivo a ride on |1 cotton ChDnot ba grown eicpt by nfgro I'l- Nobody would have thoujht it worth tbe and wheu he proceodid to set out ten aoree seme dovt-lopmonta before long iu the ni tie' some one of the .lummy lin.'s. I bred, and caloulateJ to 'Aound their sensl- of imiiorting Cuban ores for steel making fcoT. A larg" [01 tion cf the cotton crop I- reading. in stratvberries they cono'ud'od be was a Ou the Ist of F. bru iry Mr. Webb Craw- I bilitiei. purpoj's at Biruiinjhim. At least, the »oi» growu liy while labor. This is partic- oral k, They knew h-i was not rich be- foid will bee me usistant eaahier of th* I About FlagN. proj-ct is being iuvsstig'.tod. «l f.ivr, and w.s takan to fl began Io s tba.i ooe year ago. Tho Herald tbe bio<.pital, wh'.-re ha diel Fridiy. • •ountries, but that is thi result stars and a red globe in the center. The or General Shi rtdm iu the cmitany of their of the eouutry. is counting on doing a great, deal biVt.jr thau In the ease of Hu. b^s ag iin it the G.?arK'k ',1 of the bg plantation system whioh globe ia girdled by a white or guilt band, friends imiiijiiateiy after thoir d oitbs, that during the pr sevt yeur. whieh bears the mor to: "Ordenie Pro- The Yankee t'lankod them for their itd- Pio fil' iiol»By, thi juy r-iuriiBla Tardlot fl prevails in th'S) sections, and uot tioUj;h there are ii a y S'ouihern Indi. s, tie Tno Selma bridge cunti| any are njakiofi: a ot $;M0(ld»'nj.:,(^3 f'lr ilio pliint.ff . ,1 v;c ; faid be would tiy mt to be e. i;har,5.' ii'Tk on the 1 pposifri side of tie river vo kecause the negro is a necessity there greso " The s'arF, wc tupprse, are e-n- iisbes of whoe Ito ues givo the >• nre in ''the bie'.er memories c mcerQiog ! o'h of those b rt ni.iy ivl.n a 1 eiit-or.ii im nt a'i.1 bill at I plants. ting up seas and prop ise to give henCed of cheap laborers, aud they me thv ncgroe.i stars and stripes.'' Wba'^ the globe repre N rtberu heroes. And •h,.ul 1 sitin.) Si uheru Selna 1 cool place iu 9Utume>r. Sublet. uall aul a 1 e'j ly ib u t.i na iC wan I Well, to cut tbe story fhort, thero is litll. fceoaiL^e they are most avalKblo and are sents we are unaSlo to divine. person hive been so rud.* as to have msde ArnfricuiMiroli.il stood the beat fximi IT is said Bruing uioi is to have a DSW fl elso lut 8tra'.vb:rries grown in that seotion cracker fevcto.y It will bi rua by ezpari- I trained to tbat kind ot work. The delti There aro very few natioual fl igs that UOO a remark ill suoi c. mps y fhe woul.0 nati' n f n- the West P.iirit cadetship from now. Cotton haa beeu abtndoned for truck tba tliird district, and bas been nominated enoed men, and has a good cipital taok of 11; H wonld be a much richer and more desirab e pofsess any claim to artistic b.^au'y. The have raied ab u bir a weuse ttorio ibsR farming aitd the cul ivatiou cf small fruit to tbe place by C donel O ites. He Is a son TQK coping for (he fence atiout the oom fl •Gantry with a whi e pipuUtioa and more i-implest and most ell'.'ctive in its com^'iiiia- thac wli.'b the L ader's corre.poulent de­ The adveuturi;u» Y'^aukee has grown rich, ol Soii'it.or J. B. Mitchell of Russell. knufe has til b.^en put in position and tha {U ceueful syilem o farmirg It has the most tlons and coutrasts is the French tricolur. scribes as having raged iu Gai«den. work of grading the grouuds has been begnau E and ell ot his Soutbero neighbors are trying In Gierke courty, Mr. W 0 Wiggins and productive lands in the Uuited States, and The Confederate sars and bars w.is a pretiy his wife both diel of typhoid fever withiu There are a ^reat many Northern pr?ople to emulate hia example. The present status Tobe Weldon, the life eonviot who n- 9 iraght tn support a large and wealthy popu Iilg, but it waa at'aodnned betpro tbe close two hours of each other This Ls n it often cnped from Pratt miner, was captured •! I in Alabama and tb''y mako suc'ti exceiliint Is shown in the to 1 iwiuf; from t'ae Nashviilo lation, and t'.;eji with large cities and 11 nr of the war for the red fl ig with a blue croes, the fate of a c uple wh > have lived together Irondale and ia aijilu .it bis old place of bad- I citizens and gicd nrigtibors withal tbat Au'erican of Sundny: until tbiy aro 00 years old, ness. I tailing towns. Its popnlation now is very which was much less eff ctive. the natives would be glad to have a great From \V. H. Horris, president ol the West Teu- Tbo D cemlier report ot the Alaba'na Thirty-two eonvi(!l8 have been remora't • largely African, and conditions tbere are The flag ot Great Britain is a marvel many m ire like tbem—regardless of their nefsoo llortictiltnral Soeuty and ono of the most weather s rvlCs is juet out. In it Professor fro o Pratt mines to the ".TUUI" at Wa- I T«ry similar to what they are in the West ot ugliness, with its 11 iniing red fleld and political opinione and aflillatio. s; but Ihose .suciestilurand e:!ttinsia.stic fruit uro*ers lu the Meii piv's a suiiiiiary of the weather for the lU'iipka. There were eix whites and twant/- I iniiia blaii'ils. combination of crosses in the upper coruer .Sintli, the American corresp ndeut learns that p'St year. Thsre were 114 cloudy days, 181 six negroes. fl ho come purposely to got insulted and tlieie aro now about 180O sliipjiers la West Ton- uext to the staff. ol ar iluys and 1'3U fair days. Tbat was at At Knoxville, Tenn., W.liiam J. Yielding fl h may be true that the whites ard blacks monufsct'ire material for tbe R-puliijsn nesssi Hhiiaie engSKed in sum lying tlie teeming Aubiiru. "Trie star spanglid banner" has been thoiinuuds in one cities with fruita aud vegeti- an 1 Miss Lutoia McD iniel were married antl V ai the South wculd get aloug well enough press to found its abuse of tho S.,uth on, 1'h» Alexander City Vidette annonn'?es will b.o "at home" i.i Biriulughim on and Ifl compared by the irreverent to a barber pole, bles. tcgelher if there were no Northern inter­ usually succeed iu their endeavor. simi changes. J. D. Nolen ret.ras altt- after February 1. |fl and even its devotees are force>d t) confers 'I'hoprineipa' points of .-hipnionton tho Louis­ ference. But wbat guarantee is tbere that ville a.d -Nashville railroa.l nre Humboldt, Beil.«, ir-her. W. U. Woatley takes editoriil A p<-ominent broker says all Birmingham ;|H that it is not a work of art, but for all thit llltlclle;bi!rxc!r. c'large end 3 Vtn V. Wllila.iis'n becomes the Mich interfeisnce will to" continue It han Biirtlett »nd i;ib«on. Consi.lorible fruit i» ihiii- securitiae are bound to itdvauo^ hefore long: {fl it is o groat old flig, and loi g uny it wave The death of Ex Heoutor Rid lleberger at ji.'d Irom Howii.«viIle, Milan an.i rnz-viiit. Ou looal. The Vidette is a lively and growing and that there are more CMIIS from abrOMl ,fl Ibeen kept up constantly for m< re than fifty paper. over the lind ot Ih'j free tul the homo o( his home in Virgin'a removed oue 111.' Mobil.'aii't Ohio r.md are IliiinbotiU, liyer, than ever before. iH jears, and the indie ili'in are that it wiil bt- Friililsn.1 and llemlerson; Jai;lc.ou also ships a ' he next famous female temperance lec­ the brave. of the most picfuresque figures that ever ap goo.l iniiny berri. s. Citizons from difforent pirtions of Jeffar- 'H iDcreated rather Iban diminiii.ted. Ci rtainly turer is liktly 10 be an Alabama lady. Sba son county wa'it tha precinct lines changsd. ,H The Bri'Z Iian flog is pret.ty cncugh for all peared iu the upper chamber of lha Federe.1 On tbe Uiiaols Ooutral ar.; .M.-ilina au.l Green- •» loag as the ni gro is a voter the R publi Is \liss Fannie Grifiin of Montgomery, state to m'-et the requirements of tbe new aM H practical purp'ises, and we hi ps it too miy Congress. li'-td. org-.n z T ot tbo wom .n's christian temp' r- ein party will use every endeavor to place enlarged populitiou. j's long be the n'itional enibleo! of a free aod He was a man of exocetlir.gly smsH On tbe X'^nptjrt News r.iilroinl are Fllpplu nud ano- uiii.in Sua is SilJ to have wir, pjttto Thieves went th-ough tha re'^ld^nos of', liis it fluence in public mutters aVio^e thit of pric|.frous pe/ple. It ou^sht to be ri)C0(£- Curve. aud or gll uiity. calibre. He gidned plaoe by joining Mr. Ilorri.s Ihinks that with an sverngo crop Sid Moore, on the Sou'h II .Su-ie"n taih r aud graaafiib:r , and necessarily follows, c.-n-ideriiig that he is a yar s, had iiisri,tht arm a iiputat;',? at UMI SBcnt to the South as a section tn^l c ul I be iiirn'oiit sum of Sti. 0.1,0).! I'uc it at'21 ceuts, aud .8 sti 1 a y'iu'i< mao. H publicm poll ician. Thre is on od There is no reason to ."u.opis.-) that Ki Idle tlieiesil I r. m'li..8 i'i.cOi.O'i). ahouleler and is doing vary 'ffi 11, j •aed to its detriment iu any sort of sec Ional burger was not honest atd evei conclcn- Jets"y bulls are very pre ty, buit they aro a;'h iri-m about the impoisibility ot damag­ ifici-niB p''r.| nit. the u«uil prioe, the galh- da kti'roui 8 iineiimi s. Mr Johu Berber TKHHK is a tremenl'ius d-im ind for build-] •ooite t that might ari.ie, end ndtierliig tious, and it nqutres no exeic'.se of charity rrluK ol this ennrin los orop will o ist tho mtinifl ing mat riul of eveey ilescrlpti.in It is said ing d.cayed hen fruit, and tlieu we bave (f Mou'ijoin ry fou'id thic out when he Uiiidly, as be doea, ti tbe eecUunul Uepuhli- to cull bim a era' k. cent anli'U.it of ttiin.COO. When it is reoierab' rad ^'•nt to tie bis tip f. r ihe night. He was that ths brick yards cm no. meet the ordan! aan party he is a constant meiacetothe suoh eiamploii as Bl'.itie, Du 'ley and Steve lh.it lliis nora Is iiriuoipal y done liy women smi thit tyime in to them ui.s ilicited. l Themost creili able Ihins; in h's career cliitdron. wild woMid lio'^liave lu'tde afty witgc rstlog easily .st list acscounts, thou,'.htie E kins, woo hive all doae worse things thau

sleadfait in the faith anl un'vavg In has naver she wn any deaire for a knowledge priori to rhoin^ rxlra, 2.*t0i-|.B5. Wheat dii'l «•; their devetion to it* great purpoiM to ss. ue TUR niON MAKKET. irrtpn nr ('!o-ii'« it«.a'iv: No C! r»-il, 8.v,>«\'»',c TRADE TOl'ICS. A BULL'KT IN iiis HEART of s.'-ien'illo egrkuUnre. lu fifVrt nr; (.pitiiiiK niO'Urnl^-'y t.ctife, .'.-•»'^r good governnitnt honest y ar.'l eoononiioally The »tratigrr was sbort cf stuturo, middle- down H'd ucHk. No. 2 r.r mrrrilnehnm liomlfl ftnd pioiks, Kxchangc—- Grief BLd re-^peratloa. p'pe hat. He d'd not Pnem to be iu a very ing New. Jsnn«ry. :;7',,c: Kib-rui'-y. w»i; M ircli, ;;>«'.••: KOLB AND Ili.s E.^KMY. First ST-'iine. la'iw.'cii 1 wentieth anl 'iweuty- [treat hurry, but walked 1 Ue a gentUniau of May, :;iV^(' oan op'iot.s dull nii'i wewk: Uo\tT llrst streets. (JUI. Inl repori; Jrtiiiirtry. . i*','(•: Ft'tirufiry. 2'.h-: Marrh. .;7;!^c; Nu. To the Age-Herald. le'sioe, duly iniprasied with his own im­ Koah tv. nnnilltiB .Suleiil. s at the ('aid. 'j i'e inix'd wr tfrn, 2-u'-i e. ITop« F1K.ST CALL. 8E<,o.Nn CALL, SiiKFriKLD, Jin 20—As a I'liinlsfos'etl portanc*. Arm Bid f.iiriv m-tivr. Hu-'ur-raw tirm anil 10 a m. l'2;.1u p. m. Hiiwevtr, ami A Promise Tbat W..U—V ''rii'.tliis i»nd li. f'Ttiinate par J 1 have »«t long and pa iealy wa'oh- "Mornin'I" sa'd Jeke, raising his tat­ (piict; fnir rrll in^, ft'-,c: n ntnfii'^Jlf-, 1*^ te>-t f<'-.: tered bat iu rrspecfiil salutation. r.'ihud .^l (illy Hiid quiet: V. ^d,,••>• ,e: extrn ('.;>U (jirl 'Qid t> He the cause. ing, soiling aud trjing to thi ik ••hat ti.e Kei pa riicpH I p. • '\,e\ ufl A. -'i^s't*'" niniild A. tilpc; s'nndrtrd A. M nt((frasry Adveiti'S • "as alcilMi; ht or 'Moriiiu'l' returned ihj stronijer, balt- (V ^(•: confl" tj t rr.-.' A. O^c; 1 nt '.af. 7'tf PANKS criit-hid. 7',c; iio-' tha (liir"reiit s.einlts "Way say," said tbe stranger, interroga­ dull ^Ince I) ^y-mber j.romi^ea au early pe­ •('a'.'^p • 11 ' 1 11 • sttH'lyund (iii.l: mi'-c hi b:trr.'is. P'rkcr';. If .',iy. rctuicd lu-rc, I'lii'adt'lphia r. iiiral ."^.'iTii'irs First, it. a'.fa''li» K-.lh'e pre*iu'iioti'iii in ' IT^r tive y. riod of aoti-i»;y. Priim ore llio F«\aie with I'itv Nnl link... 17. favor';bl/kti watu thij community, took «nd hrth 111 TC, 7,:'>", Koshi qn i^-l; mainc-icnm- 170 il g to 0| pose a ui&u h o^ecl l-y I'-e Adver­ "H a in's o' folks goes ont d»r to larn how ninti tu i.;n..il, \.-:u-i].22}{: Turp'-ntlne duii a-d First Nat lliink.. his li'.) at tie Call.tell hotel Friday th'" netiiand fcvirlr up to p!0(liio:ian, Kur- Is' N'l I! •lli'lill l-ll tiser. Ofo. uri/e, under a republi'an f. riiu to triak'- fl'ie truot ni'ow on po' l6.n," con- nniuli a., Ht •IJii.'J'.c. I'urk luive ; nw*", (Id, 1:17 mcriiin about 2 o'c'.vjk nicw* nro dfi^po^f^d t > s-dl ot ly ns they m tk-» U'M'a M.'.n; mc s, inMV, hi. 0 ilt -J.', bef n"l>-t: U'll.rso I I'l.s 11 of goveriiraaa', the liiiiubls't ci 'it: baa tt liiiuol Jako. "You'll bo mo'n ap to tee >•• h'lll V .'u SI I'ill the iron. The (I'lorati TH f. o. b, at liir- cx'ri nics»:, 7iO. He4f iuinis sluw at I2l'}>ii2 u Ash r" liuit! btfora the tr.ag-ily be oalled osk honors S'l tho oic.i'or (c« n.e A' vtr a-iih's 5. u ntver I. irid befo out d r at dttt 'li'Tcc 1 href dnll; I hy cxirn India ir.e ^. .^ ' fi-i Mnlll'll l.t r I'M' at thct 111'o Bi'd ni-k'-d for a room. The User wi ull be viern it no' for tbe Aeiif-llKii speerini'Ut st.otioii, vidiii yu gAlnedar." l'»'(). Cut Hi. Ills (Hli, I i.'cklcd hclli-s.; %n'-'n<-. Nj^'pie's tisv h'k pil k'cd Kluiiildcr't. 4al'i-c; pl'klcil Immi, H'.itt"'-*. n'ght cb ri a-yii;! Ill h'm to No C9, on tlte AI.To I'.utI tl'H bilan.'e of li'a true i.e u cratio "Way hi I.V' iiiqiiir-d tbe rtrangor. Nf>. 1 inuf 'Iry.... l\(ll.1.(1 .MI.S. ?if. m .v'idicK d ih shuri <'I.'ar. .'1 v.'i. bsrd quiet and fourlHor, He bid been in tb'ro but a pap-r.. 1 f tho tt-it' 1 was forced t.i hcl 1 up "1 reckon IOU k.iows do wuy, or you'd a Nf*. 2 fuiii dry 1.') .'".0 to ir, fj; w'^icrTi Bleatn, «y'l; (V'v su'iiii, !t'i--; '•I'il.lJ iHH sbcr, '11. , V. 1 en ll i'< up'.i of truvelii li nop, ' nd s ek a no-r.. viiln riiie p'ttnt of attack "xelnie Yiu d-s k.ep on out d's jer Ko. ^ ('juurif;..., ' .'1 ivi to lb u iquiohs !•' h;i':iry. f-.^J; .March, c. :{j nsk" 1: M v. I'jis ,•• R'v c.l... Uri;y l-oiye ..". 11 in) It) 1.) (W ilii,''in.>'l A A 11 who vere el. epii g ll; up rnieiis a j iooi.t, Th. II lb-y attack Kill's itetcot'raoy. MT s'jai»bt furrui streot tell you git to cle fos t> 1'. n-kcd. T'lci^hts stuitdy; coUun. ISGIa'/i^d; In i's revifl -v .if tl:e in n uit>ik.et thid wtelc Si N Vl'i it 1; ,. Wfre ovn k 1 I'I 1 J a ptaol eb'it. O e o ttem G'Oit I H'-ub, if ,V"U kre i.ot a ilenioorat of bi^ ga o, an' yu tu 11 io d r 11 jou want KiHin, id. j Ihi^ Ualtiui'iro K- c iriJ fn'-, »: \IIS( LL^.tNirois. at O' re fc.-ive iLo ali.ini, aud aa inveiliga- 'lo^ fli'st WK 01'you aro i.othii'p, a-id sern SI'O s.il tii'iii li 1" gr'iiio vim s on' da. 'ir iii< Tho two roii.-i)!'ra i iTis worth n-^ti. ^^ in cnrruN M WIKKT* Ulllii.*''.!! I'ilr... tl.n f.lio-ed. lliiy los', of n-b'O'i I he e tinttcte is s-i'ls- plu 01 or.hud »u' cl ,t ur strawberry patch tH*» Cl lido iron tri'e j i«i n(»w nrottiPlMa- Wi I ol I'.t I','. fie 1. I Wiil Wrtger Dl. Ii-'ad tti'.i K'lb ha* tn' si-ll lik'' " HirmlnK''''*'" ' ' jtlarkot. V,,Ioi II"«:'.iol.|, Wl.en 'Ite iK' r of llon.il'en's ri'tni WiiS Sftotit (ic^' r.brg to ns u'ce) oil rsi-, lhe "Kil" excl-'.ini'.l tbo strfin.^'T. I piinrj tJuUi e9i in d' :ii *iiil iii-d ih^ nrcuuiii- (Virr.''l-dd'.ily hy P.. V. , uia:i!Li,'cr lis It M fo I • lul 1 cprii .', 1.0 ivuK f ui.il lytn,; ou llu baei, a p-"s '^Vir 111111*10, csiiso llf wiii'e mi'i's g vrniu nt vv^ert* tbe " VVnit iiioiigiit be yo eiiLi.l-.'tnents?" in- l!;titv ii:qi ri'l* tur {)-• uu di* in'.o w:Hen irn;i I'.iss.-'ntT I. I'",..! 27Ji Cori so tii'ir-J. bujt-J'8'!i (til I'lu rt luivr I). (II sur- (icn I mhd i'l-.e,.. 1 f'­ '.'iislll M.t il f.. Ml Adverti.^er hi'.s oi'ly spu.t cuts. 1 will epii' el J iho. .-'fi'i • nudd im; , lo Nilhlif; w F di' irstig d tb u', tbe reom, priB ig'y q IK*'; sin"a 'he np nt^ t.f tht> Ifl,'iin l';'isi''V... 12 1 stake ruv reputation tin*, be b ., d.ii.e iir re "1 I b S 'ivatine.'','' S'lld tiio .straiiRpr. Mi 'd MIL' 'i h.'in 1.'.' I'-'l','. Ul'l 1 Bnd til'r.' vas ev.iy indicitem ih.t the yv ir. Fill* tbe pu^c »> (It q Me a i.umber of n'l-.. RC ual l«li ir fur tbe pi'l.T in 'lie s'a'- t'i«ii "V lu cum a fur way., I s)ie,!l.-," veiiurid I-nv, tiiiddiim:. . H'lni'i iV W r 1 "'ii" •trict i,oiid ordfnar,. itliiiii .s.ian r.l :HI fi-.'ald'id as c umi t'i d o.liiier lely oucl 'b ' 1 f tito lor. o O'op'iv.'.l '11 tbo .tVdver i-er .Iil.e, iinwiliiiK 111 exp I'O liis i)^'ior ii.Cd of i»q'iirifi hasro it-^tti pr..stur,-| uu.l qiwo a 1 FO sue .- lull- ll I'. lie tu'ci'e • ii d ". itli. ut runt) r of oontractrt pdc*d for n Vt.iitCy of GooJ ordinary lilii.m r.t ^|l•.. 0 1 oflii'e fr '111 li'O edi' -r i'i c .i.-f to ilis ile.tl. g ei^raphy. 'U iw di I jou n't yei?' I '..mil I' 11 \l C.l '""Hi otttug I.. Ii' 1 J itpt n th" b d with bis wo k, ('•wn-.u'ti (Vir luriilirg, hri.l^n * ui'd- 1( tlte Adveitiser will p- ou's oie man 1 i "I lieeu ride em de c^az," siil tbo <;»'n»ral C ^ttoii .Hark* t. cliai. I' '-t Cu .1 tyes CII eed iii c! I le I niUs er ss. d poio. fulh ii fi, ito-it bu' d.ri/, rlev .t'li r t^iri'id wc tc, I'lMi 1': K l.l'o... s llllh. ast A at.atui, i^ln-ie K'lb Itvos ao.l U htra I'ger. •y. OU his 111'.St. li.e bir sde lay ihd p'su 1 bi'hi t( H a .^r -.i.t de.l uf sh'p work, Ti.*- r li'irl. I'.ii I .V 1 '"m" kin'wii, thil gill says oiy as-orci'ins. Mie i I "1'lunni what sort o' oii't-^T dit Is," »' ll.'.' I. I * V '•u\ p>iiit whiii inm M t'/i.rd are w-i't-ti- 3 ('hh' lO'I I I I." U e w..ik It. WttH a S.in h W'll let the d otAi'or selo.t my lu-kei lo" gof- "ai'l J ik.., "out I l.y hit's per.er 'a 11 oiu'e —"rti -r. - tc il'TilI :r M I. I'oi f't Wiirii. o8, I Lcl L» I cnly ono baretl ciia i'j^ vpry cl jsely i-i iho t xp itiRi n, or 3 '* Ivl.Ill 1 nn.l I •J50~' eritor. A i.iulo he'll ston at ever b lUs ^, a'.' bo al­ ii .1 • tho probii.1* ex IUMHIO'I, ff d-Mriad. ^'lut 'lono. '5 K'l v. A 1 I I'liorpe I. wajs w.ii's t) tuk' lie wrong roil, an' dat, Tbi "i 11 ;;rirny arnun 1 th-j correr" S'»s it* 11 lind • is PI X oim 11 l^now ^\h'i.t t' e rail­ I'l'Stl'.'liitiii i.e.. Tb'H) ctd- h'd il'^ceii Iho tniz7.'e of the way hi, Ink . ail) lioly a loug ti.i.e to ride v. I.'iki' l.'iii I 1 o her inistuke igain. She is very il-.iny t'td roud c mpdid'Sot i,i.c ('(lUMi-rt arc bk-ly to I seit uji'^in-i' I is b.i tist ii' out an inch b' low iiin Illl wbars '' ? Kllsli'V l..lll'l Co t e eft lopple. till It e I ui/e". bi.d rangd bv tho dtmocra's of Al itia ' a toat the d ) in t;it? way C'f <5ii'fiu I.ll. ;;, hrid^^»' Iciild- ICii'.'r'pr s.' ,M Co " :Vi"" "Y u le « djt fus bouse up yonder luongst .'^I.'ll M < ..1 '•. '0". '.'.•,:t sUli i cb-rg.> wout K atid llr«; ihit K In is o>;r ii'g and >j 'Titr*! impr '-•> in n'i of r til w iV livcylnn!l('''H N rf .-k...|ht 4 S'ciily •'IHlll (1.11 107 .'..11:1 I'' 1, .t M C'l .. il dem iri'e-!'" prnpf.tio* S lOU'd the d'nii'ld fruni ihii just l.t.ck if til. lixtlinb. Hi'l rieath niu-t I Ittl'Iv a deinocr > ; thut evo.yboly ktovs V'HPiin'trCjlO •;, S'...ii u'l llH.;'. .) .1, am .'S.'.'.I.S liii'Isil.n I.e.... 0,' (.'A 6*t "1 sliun,'' .said the str.ingor. Bouro" he I'tric'', iii-y nre q I'o cotdl b'nt Firm •J.'-:! ,'|.'^S hove ben e.liniwl ii s'ania-c us, for, Hl-itha ; ttiat be f"m;ht, blel urd st.'!.) too r. '^Inli ...Jll'ii llm,' City I. C.l "':to" though tht 10 WU" 1.0 eiute p«y, ilio o.urso of | nolly in the liaik elays ot reco. s roc ion "K. J. u eo ill tie g'lte des dis sile o' dat th-it tl'e P'T st tV iul! ia ' h^- *'ruilfl irou tr-i-'o Uif-1,1,1 .|i(>'<; I'lrol .S '..1 hny. III I'll 11.'.'la Coal C.l... I'h] mVn Jll';:; l''irm ;ii:i r.il.'.'. llfii'l' rson s'.t .1 s) the I ull. It w. s u h aalo h.Vt ptoitid directly (wheu Ti ler c .ui'in't stand lhe o d I'ly's bl us», y u'll he mo'u np to Sto Joe Eidy iu will di-'ftp;,u'!ir in a vfiy ft-w dny*. Tne fuel :ii:i uar ku'iciiin bou' do lot." SuvauriHh Iu'.', (pniiit 'i'tli •t:tiil\f2;o h^l:-.h^ leilt'rs'n liti Co 61i tbruU(;h llto h't rt. The bunoirh-Ke was de'ncri.oj) to bs doubted. Then wlia" that hu.ers nre pi]r(^!iu-i:'g v*^ry littbi now N.(» lciri> ill 11 Ui .sh'ii.lf II:MS UIKt ' J71.K11 I-T .tci'.i ':i enttrely IP eri.al, titid save Ihebuind hole nex? The giiir.l on tbe wa'ch tower sounds "lli u buckru? ' ii quired the s'ranger. d«>e^ r.oC ("ius*''iny (iliini !?i ^vol] ii.foinio 1 Mnhilc ... il' Olli Q'lk'l a.vi'.i ;l O'J .''.00 2 '.D'.r. l..'t''Is l.uil.l Co.. 52 Ci "Joe, he's my br. r-iii l-ew,''said Jake, ciroh'S Funia(v c tnp.ii'ioH rrc A > f r ovrr Mcini 1' ina •2..1 .il) 11:1 ll.'C.ll il ]•: c ,v M c.l... S'J in the d.ad ii iiii's siort, there was toibing ant''her aid'in Li^ti^n at h^r words 111' I'n-i'.i 'J'l. ss "1 'uuvviys he u-ie to l.e fo bis wife quit him. An;ju , I't' K.rin Miir'l t'.tltCo "'is" to tell of bis tregio inl. "P.. F. K'lil). candi,l.'it.^ for g'lyeris'-'r sold That lit ir< a miitiT o7 inditrt're;>o-j lu f harics n!l';>> Kii'ii ir.i'.i Il'.ll|lil00 ::'J,'Oi N ll'hniii l.l'o... 411 Well, J.10, h»-'llshov you round de plaoo. Tbe lol'c'e ivei.' a*, i nee notifl d and Ilte williout my conipnt, is robbing thf stnte topiu *vhG^her Lmy>TH Hh'>w thctHidveii fer, of o mr-rt, arM hop'i.g Mi \t thu pn-fi-iit duU- lis! iii'i.t ol L'OKwO'd & Mllbr, where the o' do bill Wen yiu go in dal house yo l,iv(>ri>(>ol 4'oltiin l>l;irkPt. sli,ili, ,1 cti Co 61) U 00 coroi er peinti l'l 1 io to b'i prepiied ftr f r wt i'h tny pir.ir.s p;y) $1 ,'i70 O'i, trav­ nesii may briji^ ttlK.ufc tm^ifr and pos'i'-ly 1 ii,iiii!'sini It Cnl. 71* eyei^'il open pluiu suininh." loi^t^r pri !ei Thtr^a is oo a^Rur moe us yc. l.ivffi'oni,. Jiin 27—Nuun V ttnn nia'Wct I'liiii c.t I , ,>...!. S7 butial atd iiih-q'lettly removed to the eling n[(i-iiS'« ("XC us vo ot 'A'a Lsina O'l WJIS tllli, luid prices were hare y .supported; KH "Hi!" eiclalnied the stranger. fhat I'l^'h B reimir wdl fnJlo-.v. (,) hitn'.iuu'^ li'iiii c.tl C pill U) 1 6 rcsidei.ce r.t Mr C palimd, on S u'h Htgb- Wb'fls') f ir lilnismf ai..1 two clerks oui ing Atiicncin iniddiinK', *'!>d Hnlu.s. lO.'io b'llf'-s r,|skiii'.,-a''I.tl. 21 tbn 6 ye-ara of ijoiioibei or in iffloo. Ho- "VTou'll lee mo mtik an butter '11 you ever for Ht.kju.lnnl bi*i'd-i aro $'20, ifU) and )j^lM ul .Inch ht*" ''a! h were for « • cu '' tut No. 1, li ttiid. fiirKo. 'Ih. V\.st Kii'l l.Co. W' rc Ann r oiii. Fninr*''; 01 cued wilh :t '.-clur Woii'lsliitk 1 Co often.o 11 111 '3 o'o octc, but was suloitciuetilly at d pild for lb-largo am'iuiit ot fiJTi} 4'"i ".Slniiii nuttiii; fit um bim!" said tbe p e-tem er.orm'nn tiuput is prac icdty ro!! rcc'hik'. hiiL slue hccitnie tl.-it. pcstp m-J until tlis 11 erni' g worth of Si'ed and given tbem away to (U'e strai'g-r in cont.'inp uous tones fur I "o inoTittn l) cini-', 'rlie (lo'licici-f -tincrl"iin m ddlinx und ow nilddliu^ claun:' noNiis. "Y. u'll s.e sump 1 In lier whit look like iri.ri • n'l'Ul ha-* wr'ti'iuily grow.i •ihCo mid (jUnlMlioilF: Aliihiima A's ... in.' Erlur in the ni^Ut the .leccs-d had fariicrs in tbo s'nre, and oiro-el ttie groat r. I'^iiwi sr.il funmiir rrom H 1,0 0 C->I)K ppr w. f-k to A'd, lunu irv del very f' A al aula .\ .s \o) In; 110 'I am'a siiule S'fcd. A'i this h' bos etone a bit: H oci.e.i grin er," c mtinu' d J i'.e. K id writicu u loiif; ler er to lis lola ive', in .hmuiiry mid I't hriia y delivery.0 7- viiiai'. A Hhsiini Il's .. .. 1.1 "Kl! tor trui," ex'liiliind tlto 0 raii,ier. UOO n: tihiH tim*', nv ir crH^np of U'M^O 'O-IN p^^i Ki''.ru ry MU 1 Mnrch delivery ...fi Rfilill'ii''. MO'II wliica It is su p eel that he bi'i t om jioo'l- by I'om S'My's c.iooivii cs. lln and th'* A lllll.ti'ia Il's ... ' llii; ' Dy Cllll hit da sep'rater," sa'd Jake, wek. ur d ail Uicii'Mw.' of (Ut * n in tdo nu-n M'.rcli lit d -\prii dchvcry 11 7 '..• 1,1 i '.1 '4 1 bye aud lut) iipl bed Ihe ine lives ivbich bttl'inco of jour eerva ,i.s have tu n.-l .\iiii' Km lisl','... "iili; "an'd..y gri iits de mik in hit D'V ii«s Iter td tf.in'xu li. 13 UioiM'-m nnd i-. !;• fura Ai'iii nnd May delivery <"' H.r.iil .III III'lMll H'h.lii 11 .t !•: I. promt t'd bst- I- eiiuolion. At ali eveots, B(,:aii,st you, llii pvopt». I aui the ool \hi\ tmd .luuc 1 ,171" » ti !l -111 .«•' po's de milk in hit an' tuns de cramt, eaiiio (to*' pri^tlu-'i'iri hrtM ii.croa' d nin-u mdfiurn '.! .1 H'lnim r K'y Cu i»X his rc a'tves . xp a ii il lo tho C'l'iiier that faltl.ful. I.1I0 eCiii tare vou Lit tmu .In c :t'id In Jf delivery (1 i.i .'.III'..; li'i' • ll'lia"i \V U c,,.. 107 rs you turns a grinc roo , Htiii de skim' milk nifr Iibout US,(H(0 tonn ptr w,-* k nnd thn .Pily Hii-i .\iji:"iist Ichvi-rv li Il-r.l.li.ili 1:1 01.1 tbfy v>'le eoiefi d rs lo bow and «hy be | s-lec you''oIllii ri—ull uf Ih-in I I'u nott illiiiliiic .t M (,, lull hi spiies oiu'ii 11 lit 1' h'le s-iose es y ii s.e pi'os'M.t oatt.u' t(» no mort) th'io (^ulh^;l*•n^. to An';usl nnd Sej-tcrnh rdc'.lvi ly.ti II liia Cjil'l.v.'li Ho I 1.. came to his d>u h, end el d iot desire fin sall.ill.st at S'I viiii< JO'U as on «X(jon.'iit o' (;over oinlraot! in h itid (iii'I Ivn !'-S loi ilf"'Vc V "t t.4lllHy''K cicariiiiip, '.WO K'yi.inl, ir'sh i|s l.i'. speo out'n a ct .w's till J, on' de reiiiinuut hales M 't\ ILU 1 PJI'Oold dociiilK. que.-1 beld Criier U li'iitt nasui.ubl' to prinotplo and .-i d'sfemiioitii' of truths. I 'T'^.m bit lu 1 ottt'u aner' hole. Y"U s.o Kiiii kn I'liri"!!', ..| 102 lii:iV< obtain tbu htlir Ib'it tho ce.etise.l hid wii'it to iii'in ge t"n while concern 'You l.iVKiiftini., .!>in •2:.~2 p. m.-—Co'tou.--Am ri lli'llili'l-^oll SitM 0:1 1^8 lit uiin.s de milk same ez you grlues the ciirroiit dono»i.d. Tn-i u' ki uwi\ fa'-.'.nr cfin mmd nii'ldhnK', .lo of A ibsfua lire i, iiorai't; yen so c^iod meat, on' dot na'iiH d' in lhe matt-r U the v i^nn\^ ut tht» Hi>ri;K luw iiiiddibui, (1 Mi.d; ^;ond itrdiuarv. ;i Tl lid; .•I l.tsc Is' Mnn a-l tb'it I," v^. ull b'd a pie l.iii naiy iiivi s iga lied a /iuir.li'^u. Inm ttie lu >M I linV" cnaiii come al>io»o f'oin de ekiiu' roilk." irAdp, T hv-ro fM*« nitt'iv re.i-ou*i for Hiiyin,; nrdintiry ..',d. S.ile.s ol duy iiichidud 85l0 halew S I tt.-i "Jll M .11 ti'l ul' Auc i nun. tSi'iiiitiis'iii 1 I'll tion lit I est. BLd biiiii, out ths truo story of t ken 0 large o' y ur int.oest. I '»bo must th;»t i^, will r.H \eiy I rt.:*', and takln^^ ihnt, ill-' tho ira^ loy. belli").-.!' UOI bero. If }ou d.u't lur.i Ibe ' Hutiipb !'' giuotoil the striiiiger. ! AiicMc.'ui middling and low middling daurt- vi^r.' of th(» c>'-p, t.hft 11 U idMait IOAIT pri(M.'-i qnui. tiiiu.^: Hii'es; Alter e.llls H^lllrllMV (..ii'N.Ii 11 IjUud Mr. lirittiton. who btts been in tho em­ "otire uiitter i ve • to nie jou are rui .d. P.y Ibis tlm" Joko was boirliiniiig to grow irt idle. 'Vuh ('.*\yifiiy nf th' itharcwl fur .hiiiunty ilellvery 7-i'.i.r I nipiiny, ,'. 1 stnir. s at 0 liittl-dell l..iiiil Cu£a- p'li.v, .". 'slmr.'s all's ploy ol L. ;i ail & .Stono fur iii out a yesrai.d I'li'ii; gr'ind (Id pai ty itloit has soi d the iinioitteiit. Hu hid bop'i.i to draw th' n'.o'H is btill lu'iivrfrn 11,(00 and TJ dOO tonH .Unn .ry nmi I'dniL.';, d' nv ry 7-l.|'|! sthitiier Into ciinv. r atioii ood thus I.'i'-li l''«lit iinr\ )ii>d Miucii dc ivcry... 7 !"• sil.'-: I'i.sl la I ll.'s-i' ner Lui-.I Company, a 1 alt, WrM o J. 01 g iii'io ..f s tri'iy, i- di.s Mtfirri.-of a 1 iii'itiy wim,. rs wit| he disr.ipt-d P' r i*tMk, and thu eatin.' prof!uc:;iou in uuJtr .'ill sliiUfS HI '..',: Il.'ss.'lil»' ' l.ii.il ComiiHiiy, •*: tno'1 j ct of his visit t. AuSn-n, I ut tbo M,lic;i iii:d April dehverv I 7-''.|'l': try, t! 0 bad ti e 11 1 e t ot ell r f bis fro MI.S i be goo i o d sop if ileiii i.'r.i'j' s I i.-t It' the c 'irra t, Apnl tuid May delivery ' S M.l< . li.,rts lit '.'71..; i:es^. nnr Ii-.iiil Ciniipii'v, ll> entire eie v d'i.'t o'.. y IKO. l-lo.i el-S jour ri.aii di.l not seem d'ep 1 ed t.. ti 1!^, and Ihe­ thiiri's nt -lil,: I', ssetiff I 'lllll Ci'iiiii inv, '2A and I'cicci t. s. It ja taid, bov.e\er, that t)\\ifr branoht'ff of Ihn ifOT t''a'7e nv^ t\r- Miiy au • .In e dehviy <1''.|1< I'Wii P'ilV'.t.'ou, ih-re iv one rni re tld. g t a'.i ii tie be tail! w^s Hh.'ily uiiintolliii,it.le to .lur';- HU'l ,)uly d'-iivery . 10 l'.l ' sI'UI, s III 27 .-. II; V„ H-i'lili I I.11111I C.iiiip.iny. iou thero 1.- a v.ein n at ti.e b ittooi of ibe liou livr nnd pr.'cB ure h'^-i. Whiio Jh-T-' i-i sli'ir.'s at 27; lti"s in r l.itii cinpiiiiy 11,1' sliiirea ^hi'iliirg . f. I can'c fo'aot it. A v..y lisok Jato. .lulv an.l Aiiini.'t delivery 11 l'.l r bio, vtlieb ctiU eil btin to r ke Irs 1 fe. very lit 1« iiH'T ri'mand ft|r Btt f.'l bl) iin and Auv's' 'le 1 i'ry ll-i..i'l': III 27. ll.i'l-.li 11 l.'inii C,,„i|. tny 2.0 shtr a nt ti'.^; j'uler 1 b'd a (rii i.d, to me dear, wlio I.a'l'i c.iiiip.inv ii .siiiii.'s III tl ; (iada. A f. w r. g' ir a^i', while sltghily uniier tb 1 ' I reckon I bat'er be knockin' long," said ''dJ.-'l;*, thi_'r« nr"i ^ft >n-^di I uyns awitiioj; Kinurcs qiiiei. leai.rel u tbi'il term. K Hi o jot d .iul • l''n I.ail'l I 'iiiiipniiy, hull' at ii'.ji fill' Slion irfluei 0" 01 Iquui, lo b'came exc c liii,"iise.l tlio ce.uss of iti.. 'ber. Att.-r a l,.|ii.I C.nnp.iiiy. '.'I slut s al C (hi'.ihileii l.au.L colon.tin.Cl. tivi, 1 i.il revealed 11 num .tr of "Ynu gft'hii day f.-r wu.'k f.-r buckra thfir fnt'jrn [.iriduiT. will st-ll dt good pr;r't.'*i eluded (|Ulet. I '.ininanv. .'1 share. HI I stui'iny coil veir ion niy fii.'id wj s d featO'l. nnenc'iii inlddliiig and low lUiddhnF; <-!'iiisi' secrete, lo a well-toiiwii gentletnaii In tho mil '1'' eiiqiiireel the stronger. Btu -ma tinvQ b e.i q i >t('d in norc'i-rn mar- Kill's: S'l' •l'l "ilLiiseiuer i.iiu,l Compauy, 1 bave 1'n^ sinoe f rgotei. tbo ui-11 who quiitaiinnv: 10 shares ut t I tl 00, city. Wiibi uf levelling the identiiy ot hts "I don't w.rk at thesperiii'nt s'atloi," k*!:-at .fli?. ('i'fa*'joal UUKMIH hAVO t'old a. .|H:iunry (h- iv< ry '1 t' Mti'"' stood by my fii'Ud tor throe long .la's in inDnioialH, hi. il till a a t that tn uliie wes said Jake. "Joo K'ldy, li-e HiajHoiii.lar " ii)ti\ hcihp at ^'t-b .Inuu.irv uiul l-chniarv rid ivery ti (»'""li • -VVvrkly Cotton Mutuiuni.t coHveniioo, bur- 1 hKvn'tt f'lig t'eii Ki'ubvn. Kl hruaVx a d M»iieh delivery (> '• A-^l coming pp u bim aud hc didn't know bow it "Ktity wo'ina day hab uo otierslitil''' NFW YoitK,;l,iii. 21.—Tht' weekly cotton rr.- I spit ou my shoe and sliari-efte*-! n y knits At l>< uiNVille. Mnrch nud April «h*iiveiy ,n 7 '.Idl wcu d et.d. at-ke.i fhe i-trat g'.r. Aj.ri >Mid .Miy delivery il Yi •'UV iiiirt is as follovrs: Nel retfipts al this port. 7071 th.tdi'.'. ami I have wait.d. Tbe d«v has liitlfs; gross reeeiplH. 4l,::(8 h'i es; e.\ports to It is 61 [ pofid thct be comrounid'ed these 'Y.'U go on out dar, an'Joe he'il show 1 Ori'^VMJ.E, Jan. 2i).- I.-pcrivil.!- Hall JJrothrrs Muv nud .luue di'hvcry u 0 ' ''• ' c me. 'X'tingance is mine'—sslth the Adver- Jc Vv •«>•; .1 li.'Hnn.lnlV'h. --efv {-, •() ..id • lir.'at Hriniin, i:2lrt bales. expoiLM to l''rillico. facts in tbe letters tbiit he bft behind hlni. you de biHg oat patch on' de g«ril''n sttss an' hi:l hall's: exporls to eontinenf, '27110 hales; tise,r." A DLUOCKAT. lie coirs, an' mpertickiar dim flue faiuiu' '*tltf» h^vo incTcnscd in volutnr nnd in nutnbcr luly Hud AiTyust4l-,hvcry d 11 lii 1' Tbe prelimiiiirj inves Igatiun ot the coroner of I'-awkftf Iinn?<: iimviiiitii-H viricil rrnm car lomln Al mist dellverv 6 ll-i.'ld* fiinvniil.'il. '.9.Hill bales sales, Issl bales;spiunun, will develop itli Ibo lucs hogs dar cloast to do barn." up to in 0 tnn )ol>i, mostly fur d livi-'y diiri:i;< %-ieiler. JHuier. IVHUIC. l.ssl hallos; sttit'k. halt's, "Who ba'n?" Ii ipiired the stranger. the I.ext sixty m iiiiu-ty ihivs. 'llic tr in sur i Ians (lALVRsro.-j, ,IBII.'2I."-Net n'celpts I7.nn!> bahs; (rniiiprw.e Tkri'Hif pra'itih of b'lth cliurfti'il an'i New I'ork Cottoa MfirlciilH. gross reeeipis I7.iti 1 bales; salea 10,127 liules; ex- *-lKE CCUNTY ALLIANCE. RUBE BURROWS' COUSIN. "D'e's Hve or six hoKS dir, an' evrr one cokf III* iuls. Pri-CH, an n rule, linvf !.»"n wi II P'Tls to i;r.'nt Hrilain llli'iS Imli'S, l^, t'ontliieut he's i;i a pen by bisee'f. D (uss one what inAJiiiiihK'd, vv)|)i thu «x> f,.!! 'tl of a fi w snifitl NKW YOIIK.MHII. '21 -—CAitto-o vtns nt'ii'Iy.' •1711 hales, eo.'tstwise ll.BIt bales, to ctiallUtii — ^!i• ill 11.(5 npliiiiils 11 A Square Uic at ilie .V.lvertiser's Anti- you oome to—" foimiilH l(it» whiili urf eiinriC'l phK'ed »it so'f<* hall s, t.i Kraiiee hales. A Singular Sp'.citnt n 'Who V/anta ('"Met s8ifnis fniiri tliu t'Mrr''i)t Ik' roi It \H kni IWII Mi'l.llllllf ..rli'illl.'i IP i*lll.'iiice C ur-e. "E ity you do ycrry me," inteirupted th',' K.Ucs ""luv 7 Noit|.-oi.K, .laii.'21 -Nel rt'it'ipls .S2I0 bales. (?ro« Ih'it 111 x\ie iM'iir tu rt- .minit- pronilnt'ni noicurnK r.ifipls s211 bales; Hull's ;l'jitl l.ulcs; c.xp'irls. eoiist- Chinei Grovo al i-uioe*, in Pike cyiunty, re­ straniter. will t(>(]iiiri< furthi r ruinI'Kiuaiiti 'ies ol iioii. tind '* ft c'- iiiuiit HI p rt'; .*I0,7 to Bo Arrester}. I'.V]. .'I.s to lln Bt llrl'iilii 11,1.;' «is.^ 2.1.SI b'lles; hi lireat iJritaiu 8LI0 bales; ta con'.y id pt.d ih follnwing resolutions: tli<'~t' tl i-iHin».:ti ol tiuH kino o' hutni'-hN lu t-lu'lit toiiliiifnl. • bales. "Do fust one," resumed Jake, iirilat/il lu uive n hope III fi,!(*.iiij,' of lUu ntar futuri' Kvii'iil.'. Ill I'oiiliii.'iil 11.11 H-s. v.-'i, 'I'h .t-je bl lieve the course the by the riideress of Ihe int. rrupti.ui, "d.y'no coiirfe ol the ijiariift. sioi'k lit .'.it I'liiil''! sinii's porl.s r .1.' 2 lULiivoKR. Jan. 21 -Nel rp(-elpts.'.r.00hales.gmag Mon'yi-n.iry Aeiveiti .r bas pursU'd in con- Uncle Snin's Autlioiitteta Loolelvf; i;p the ie+diii' him em bu'trrmilk, an' dey wei^^bs .'^(t'l s lust w.'i'k l'ol bi'fori' rcpirl'.l. iilH biie re.eiplsfll :l hull's; s.il.'s l.S'M h.ijcs; spi TS l»a Hiri Ht.AfVl KOITNDBT IBONB, roinllitll'tioll mill •22Si it-,los f.ir e.\!...rt. I'lt't's; expnrls, to Ureiil liriuiin tiuies: fco demii'i g tbi rtc.i"ii ot d.'l. gees from Al-t- litni evsr m.in.iu' to S'-e ttow louoli lie faten Kec.irelB tn See ir III y Wunt II m Sonthcra Ooko, No. 1 8!'> 00 to 10 Niiv Y iilK. J.in. '.1. —Ntit rrroi],IK, •I'll t'l't'.; e'liiliinnt S'lt bales; eoa.stwlse 5201 bales; to bania at tbe S . Louis cinvenliou and dat niKltf. Ha uex' oue dou't et.t ouhin' Ih V.', o hi t;r..ss n I'l ••|,ts, 717^ hill's. ClLlll fl iliir a I'l'i.s-:* I K line.. I.ai. a. For fell.ivO J5 the nu or. Ja 0«J to lo cbargit'g ih'.i .-t,loiia>ita del. g ition with dis- but oorn—" S Cli'lV. .'^^ IS .0 tO 'a'liit. IlnSTON, .I'lll.'21.—Net receipts ai'OQ bales, (jrost lovulij Ul d qti sti.niuL' the r fealtj' to too Mulionluf; Valley, arii] Lake .I'll,unry lU'ii.cry ...in ('7'»'o:is r.'f.'ipt. ;0'.17.1 iHii.-.s; sitles fjitles; exports, to "Ki !" exclaimel the stronger. Mil tiiro •20 to I'i'liiiiiirv .l.'ixery. . ...iu c.l it 1 1.' II (Ir.'itl llriluin .'(1:11 bales: lo eiiniliifiit — liiili'S. dtnioora io puty is pr.-U!Oturo, uncalUd fir L. ii. JI iisoio, a j.iu'tg man ef ab'.u" 20 BoiUh'-rii ntrftl (;oke 17 .^^ to I' ni Al.l.'l'M '1. "V'TV 11.'." 'I .11 rec ly 01 iidir. 0 Ij; titat »« claim tb.- ri., a; .1 tils Colli Stt'ort If, li at 17 10 1'^' P I ml. r ... llvun. I (l.l.'li.'r ll li....y .... ll,.i"i'll.|- hiiles: to i'0..tilienl h.iles, aco.'idid t'l h'l o ier clues e of men to in.'i- nt tho court bou B Friday ly aituouiici g uniiib.'r '1 ben feet's a stii.kiii' out beOiCH Mottltid 1.') ht ttt to 00 cuto eur ei. s res to slspi lex's'a i'ln so HS to -NiiVLiiilnT il.';i\fry.. ..iil.l.'*.,1U Jll i-AVA.'JNAlt. Jnn '.'l.-Nel rifeipts 'f:,:ril Imlcs; wbo ho wau, Rii.l tbit h- lad oiniis in to tho him. CAR WHCKl, AMI) MAI.. KAKI.I! I.'lOKS. ern.^ ret eii.is i|, :1,1 l-ales. sal' s :r.7.'. iniles; exporta favrir IHH fiero .r os IMII es ''t'.er callings or cily toil'nver Itiius-if up 10 1 b-. a'l'boiiti.'s Houlhc-rn HUmluril Kraiidw) 'il 0 to 21 ro >.:v (ll letliia <; itloif ]'')ll tires. '0 i.r.'nl Hiiiiiili 7i':;s hn fs. In eonlilifnl 1 Ht avcca'ioiia, IIM- %e i d.t ve ol.,i n tiii-. ii^bt "H'^ warn't raise in An' um. N-iw, sob; " (<»niiT hrHIll") r.l w 10 lill hi H . wii.tt t 1 D'lU'v S'erilT A .Irew Hur­ NIW lIKi.i ^a, litll. '27. -I Ottou fulnri s c' hae^: foitstuiso i:i..'i li hules; t.i l-'raiiio bal«ss. we et'Stie . q-i'd riub.a t'l ti'l ai.e' s ect:.l fa­ h-* C' ill'' a fur'^woys, nn' w'en k'** O'lino 1 Ijiko 8u[H;nor 2J to to 'ii iO giii iiod i .f iiu'.l bou t'l'i ll.. hid learned si"H.if. .-nil's .|:; :>o hnir N K.v (Illl.KANs, Jan. 21.--Nei retelpts n.lliO Imlea, vors to iiii'. VVei i.estre to suppress nc lec'O I he rid ono ..' rl.'in or cri tors «ba'. .1 iiiniirv il.'liti.ry . ii'.i:\ gros , r.fi^ipls 0,..'..2 h.il.'s: siil.'s ai.ioi l.,iles; ic- ttiat tle.-io were warr.i.ls f ir h'lii for ('..iiii At -tl, i.'.iiip. tlr.i.. 1 p.eju tic. 8 aid St-lSah atn .itluii un.i you 'i'lwed you como on. I', hniiiry il.'liv. ry ..11 f., p .ris lol I reut 111 I lain :lii.717 hull's, lo Krnnee'2 1 llfti terf.'i.iii;?, aod as ho Old not «ait to have WT. I>II71«. .IHII, 'i'. --[^ |.vi'iil.|-Roijcru, Brown .. I ' .s hftles. to eoniiiiunl 12,0-8 bales, eoustwiho t&77 il.cul--t'l) ^Hi.o o.l eartli aud ^ooi will to "'*iiiss Jtiii Clai t in be woa do fis one .Mill, ll .le'it.'rv any tri.ubto he bad cfieie lu lo give bim««!f .Ik M.'iii lo.ii. mv: .April 1' lii.T)" ..10 Sl hull's. Uic k Ild seo'l hint Moes Jim know do dilTer'noe We arc iinal.le to Hilvii.i'11'iy fliinrfi'liilili' iiliftiipo . M.S'. C iri'etlo'i —I'xp; ris eoiislnise Jan. ..0 shoullt up H-tj then went oti to say tbit h-' was M.y .l.llv. ry t« ix » bog au' a i iv^er. N 'bmly oaii'i. fool ; 111 Ihis I, Hill. I..) . r.ili'iis hi-'iin; limil.''1 I.i sum,I .Iii'ic .li'llv ry mil. iluve hell .".lj.",2 huus. Jun. 2'. 1121 hules. 'i'l eief ire we rik lhi couuty alliance at one of a ga-'ic of siviniy, n no of Mhiiii hiru A b"g might cmi'd lulk, bu . bo cau't' lots, . Knriiii'OS .'niiiinii'v.T.v li in i , ih.'ir vi-vv-. .Inly ili'livery ..11 11 Miie.ii.K J I'l.'.'l.—Nel rieeipls 7.ji:!> bnles, gross its If xt e. s.t.m to Inks sime aoiim iu the I'ou'd bo tiken alivo, an'l as ttiey b'ld laaiie n 1 il up-<'ttrs IiK.'ty tlnil Ih.' pr, s.-iu inil '.ill . ii^iust ih-lit .ry o.l .s mste hUie'f smell liee n iii,ftiiuuti\ul'eadi I. o. h.. St. Louis: III. Ills 21 •',.8 hules, sales21,1.,10 bales, splnuerb lillt .1INOH A"" » ... .11. "1A WKli; I. hal 's. or n rury I', f^i" stui.dii t) in oppoti'.ion to wi;s not wiilioi^, le sdl, to tell lha wliere- It hi w,sa niifgr „,„ ^^^„^. ^.^,^^ ^^„ CHAKI.OAI.. AiorsTA. Jun. 21.—Net.receipts HOGS bale*; Bll c qti s, c inbii.e-, iii'.nopoliea end tiuete; abi.n s or ^letray the idoiiiiiy of any ot his "Wfll, hit w»3 trylii' to pi's hitspf olT Houthern coke. N 1 % 11 .'ill (.0 20 on shtpiiii'iils 72t.'i bale.s; sales o'Jt. I taile-^ spiuuoni tiue de.11. or Its, h.c^U'S we are wbiia men con'eoeratee, tut h* wi.u.d eurren'ter blui- for a nlg,ijiir, 111'ef hit diM oily wonld o I *i"thern roke, N'o 2 ... I'.I IH tTii!«. Jan ?4.—Net rei'i'lpls 4V>:| tiale*; cl'.im all rights kiid ( rivileg.s accorded any ever puiiistimenit might b ' 1. H c d, and Iheu ... '.0 Oil IO '.' on I'r.i*ia|..na. r.loss reeeipis 4'.'.''>.l bales sitles .'•'> li U.ilts; exiairrs, iHisiU ({wlne roun wid CuDi-.d folks ili.« niiuute. ((..minrn r.hiir.'.iiii N.i. 1... to (Irt'ut hrltiiin bale^s, ui ennlinent 21611 Otber elais of ci ii-ns in that paity; that wo b?Kin anew and live an honest life. ... I'J jl '.O •211 Kl Uni.K MirATs—ini'jir i.i.lfcs. ii'iyr bfti'on, G'i'.'i D '•W'pn M6S4 Jim CiaMoo runt K,,.rt hit, ' J-'^lhi'm rnHr-iml, No. •.!.... 20 111 bales; eoaslwise LOI hules, to Krunee batea. desire the il suit ifferei us b-res-uicd and D.'pnty Uur^in took him into cas'ody and H, shi.ill'l.'rs. ..!J:i. hit wa, ,taii.n' up Hra'g'lt ol, hi ,, hiny IUIK- \ ^'ZZr\ '^hHrroal; No! 'J.:...." : 21 00 tr> 22 Ml I'oKK HAMS, I.U' -.Hllgiir Clire.l h«n|. 'J'ialle Mo.NTooMKRV, Jan. 21—Collnn ni'S'llled; mid­ kt the Adverileir understand that vie are es xirted the self accased 00 interfeiter before aa' walkiu' 'tiout lik^ hit own di town Hit OiUo .Softi'ii.'ri. '^1 it) til •il it, dling 10.i: r..'.'iptk IU.'. hules; shlpmentw 4777 Eot to De resd cut; of the party by ony cl qu.' br.rtkfMsi h.i.'.iii HiOo: i.li..ni.leri .'.',11 Ulli e.l States Comnissiooer Hunter Hers had on britcbies au' a oat nes z.c ly'like CAS WHEKL AND AI.I.LAIILK IRO.NS. I.ARi.—'rierii'*. .'.'a'': fiO It. tins, i,ii,s •, jo Ih tln». hules; sloek present year 52y.i balu^; last year or caucus or rii g or politician; that we do- 10,.4X hales, sales47.7 hales. HiuiKiu announced that he nnd Cburlen item wbat you not cn, iiii' li.uk lik" hits lAko SiijKirior t:i hU to 2". o:i I 'i :; 10 lb tluh, li>4u; 5 Ib tins. 0,4"; !l lb tine, 7c. coi.nMiHis, (JA., .I'lll. 21.-Collen tlrm; mtd- eiro tie cunty alliarca to nae ibs ii.fluence Uuud, wbo is uow with Rube Burrowp, bad slanuin eolUr wos (("ine to nav* hits yis«r« ctoutheru 21 OU to •2i y) iu promulgating thvpriLClples of the alliance '11 ing Iii',:ri'eeipts 11,1 hules:sliipmi-nts2KIi k>alefl^ engaged extensively in c.ouuterteillQg some tr. ilit bad OQ a churn h%t, too, niiii ilit COMNKI.IJIVII.IJC COKK. sal' s 117" ualfH; steuik present year 11 5t8 hales;laa8 throuttb Its orgets, and re'ute the id a f iroeerlel'. tbree years ago. Tney had mala, he eaid, ilid f.ir a tack, an' cf you ilou'c Iwlli^ve II'P, Kaiit Bt. Lools th '2A PDOAR—•\'ellnw ciniiiu-fi. burfl'.j: lx)nlllfAn^ year 11,0*1 balea sought to te promulgated by its enemies hoth bogus silver coiu SBI bills, and bad an you di-fl bub look in iiltjt pen an' H.'e ef d^t at. Loul* 5 40 pnre while, t'.j'. rrninsl A. In': urannlated NAMIVII.I.E. Jan.'24.—Cottoii WRS s'ea.ly; mfaS* tbiat it Is a poiitiral organiza'ion. extensive layout tor the wcrk io tb'i fastness sUii.dar'l, 't-/,c:. |si*.lere.l an.l out loaf. S /;. tiling lll'i;8 halea; shipments 20.^1 iMiea; "Wtll sab, Moss Jim stnnish dat hog. 1. t'liiijf . f lim dity "h.i li''i.ii'it on h.s .Icv.lop'.1 RICE—Louisiana, 4K"'.l- South Carolina, 0'/,ji the forrg ing res. lution of tbe Cbiua Orove Hlusor, aud after a few mipu'es cxtmiun alt ttiioiiKii lhe west, »inl huy. rM liive tie er.ii'y sunk 2011 hales. el lance, and adopted uoanimouiily by a tion Commissioner Hunter decided that tb Sit oi.en hits m uf, but bit ccuMo't do III'III.le 1 t.. I" e. Iio'r l.nn? llii'v eiiii il.if.T piir- riANPY-ljirg'? ftii'l RiTiiil! slii'kH. 'Jallc: lancy Nrr RKCKII'TO rising vote: uotbin' hut des gruut, same aa any ^utbir ' chsseb. wlih the o joi of hii'ikiiiK pric'ii. Inr. ajWorn-il. liltl,,!': "\tri hmey, rja2i'). NEW YORK, Jan. 24 — The lolloiTiiig are th« fellow was either crasy or a crank, and d's total net reeeipts of coitou at all pons siiKie Ijep* llesolved. That tbe alliance of Pike 'Og. Hit low 'hi,' au' hit low 'kl,' en' hit' i',''^, "'"" ih-.'other iinnil. nn- Iinu in ii .'ir i".sl- CBAOKKKf-Siiil.t -XXX. h'/,,c: Niigar XXX, 7>tc', charged him until Uouday. Meanwhile tbi tiun. heiiiK in the in^in ll. avllj HI. .iHii.l b.'li.'viiii< ginger snaps XXX.h; iJmhloi. 10>ic. tember 1. I88J: county erdoree Ibe resolutions of ihs pri- marshal has written to Huntsvibe to sse i' I )W 'yl,' but hit couldn'c say na'r wtrd I the Hitnation to IH. iiilrins eaiiv s r mg w It . ihu lialveston 7K9,820 mery sUiaiore of Chioa Grove, with tbe ad­ *bat an} ko<5y cruld understau'. N'> WOD- ' htavy u.lvni ce.. in e..k •. i.r.', freUlils an.l Uh.r. New Orleans.. ...l.'Ui.UM there is anything aaainst bim tbere. (laiiiied (Hoods. .Mobile .... '2.'4.W.« monition to olIlaBeemen tbat the opposition ivr! Hit was drs a romm m bog, au a f Iray : ll is niainUiilitt.l ihat priees .'aiiiii.t tUHiline mil Li FBDrrs, Ktc—Fiii'&pple«, 11 I'ih per dozen; .Suviinnah . . 8 8 87S of the Mrnt^ooiery Advertiser lo the order, peaehew, Htanlari 2 Ih. il ,2'). li . 3 Ib. »l.7.a2 'v (.'liarle.'Uin .... .Ill ft»» its bitter and unreasonable h sti,ity t.i it AN ASS IJV A LIOJN'S SKIN .... at dat. Moss Jim have p ck,d up ma.y i^ii';;;" ^"i^v^.;?' i?; o'ol''-:;": a;;'r';:,:;i;: d'.sucnn.lH, 2 It.. Jl i«i; d'i n Ih. 81 .'.0. Toinat.ies, Wllnilngtdii ... 12U.077 and the unfair and urjust manner iu which . u"Welln dea, liksahe hit, K'e. n MCH Jim sse bow de [ drl.n ninlm'll.s o'.niinii" in the inaiii st ioi-y rs man.lanl 2 Ih KJ.-: do :i Ih.ll 00. stra»lH.'rrins,>l 75. Norfolk .... tlli.HM U.'iipb. rrles J!.mi Hlaeklv'lrieii. aOcal iW. (ireeu llalliniore .... 5!.»« jt bas waged it)B wnrfere upon it, merits n' lay he dta fl ippvd a rope roun dat boit's evei, IlloU^h c niplaiiit. liri'heard of faJuig oir New York .... loo.ais BT WII-TOS BURTOir. iu inquiiies foruew bilsii.esM. gagfii. »1.7.''..i2 7.'. Pearn. 2 lb. HI soai I'lnms.lil ('.5H their urim>asnrFd roodemnatlon ck an' drug bim rut dar an' put him in 1.7i. AKpara'.{'i.s *, i>'>i4./l'. Iireeii "orii K'.sgl .Vl Kosion .... 47i. :04 Not long silica, ai Jake was doing looi' at pen, an' sot bia chum bat befo bim, au' /*t * lllcujf't. FlUH-I'tjvi'ovK'ers.f ill we^lit 1 lb Jlail 10 ilo Newport News...... 2'.«74 R-iolved, further, that the 1 fforts of the niiCAOo. Jan. '24.—lS|H'elal]—Rogers, lirown & I'hiluilelphia .... lU'JUZ woik lo a gardeu, hs f spied a colored ma .'j'.ri some sl''>i'S iu tiit fur him to eat, au* 3 Ih. JI 7i, Ilj'l'.t weit'hl 1 lb. ff><; do'2 Ih, JI.IU Advertis.r lo show tbat alllaucemen are Co saj: miiekeritl, lll.'2;i; herring miickerei. %t:ih: sHlmon West roint .... '2,Ji:2ra ntitruo to thu white race snil to tbe plars of diatlcgulihed appoaraiics wikiug ID II' I'S lie?u dar ever sfmcs. If you go dar au' A ll'inrishUiK car l.'H.l hnsiness is In vrogresa, f.riMt.t^t: ^arilii.i", f *..''(ia4.7r': miibtHrd sardiiie^ Brnns'.vifk .... 91.07'i with un ocea ioimi siz''«hle or.l r r un.le.l np I'ort Koyal acd pu'pos*8 of the deiuoora'ic purty are dirictioD cf t'.:e eXi.'riiii*Dt si^itioii. Non ;) ak lo him he'll d»s say 'hi' er 'ki.' U.nierajiy. howev.'r. the mark,-l i.s .[iiict. I'rti'.-H 93.7.~ia3.'JO per caae. ' Kr I cnuld,I'C talk nothiti' but • utlandinh the C'l la up liii* wiles of a denagOftue and Juke is quite (C3UBtO[uid to E«eii g f..riiiei remain tirm, an.l in one paiiiii'ar ut leiui th; Total „ 4,6l3,a)7 stbnpibat paper rs unworthy of tbe esoifl- Ik yi u woulrln't ktti'h ine a puk 11' roun' tendency,ia still towanl furth,' ailvaue.-. I'his fireud Kl lifts. deiiCo or 8Ui.p'rc ot lili-tneemn; aid tbat from various parts of tbe sta'e wbo cooie i' ui'Urn. No, S"*!! I'd hit de gnt, au' I'd ih I spei: (illy t'U' of Lake Hila-rior ehareoal, Fi/)UR—(.'ommoii. 8:1.7,') per hhl; faiilly 84.Ot Weekly Ititnk .SiittaiLiFnt. W ii.'h m ill dini'iiishi K 'U.ip y a',d i er i.-ln< choice, Sl.2'i; fancy, '.4.60; ei'.ra laii.;y, 64.75; the a'liai c-iuen cf Pike o.uoty burl back Aabum to iiiforru themsrlvM on some mo '. her bard. Tt k< is too smtrt 'roun yar. d.-m-M (i. A vi'iy o, en wi .ler ill tlie woo !« has patt UIS. h •Irt. NEW 'YOBK, J»n 25.—The weeKly D«nk the improper ipdnuations and uujust Inusu- ter p riaioirg to tbiir vocation, but sur 'nu can't fo'jl uoliorty by pu'tli.' on a cbun iniiieiliiry lurirtilo'l .'.wiiim operailon.. 'Inire I'ORN .MBAI.—B'anflar.t. 48e jair bushel. statnineiit is as follows; does of the Ai.virt rer that 1 key are rrgsged t an walkiu' on yo' bine la'ga—n'lt Cfp'n -a a good ileniand for Ohio 'oft ii.TS. h it iu siiia.l MiynELLANKous—('racked wheat. '4 25 p'.'r hall tari«eri are always Anglo Saxons, nev InU ^oulh^rll iroliH i-tit but little figure, beiug bbl; hoiuinv anl grits. '.M.OO per bbl; oatmoal. tiewerve, Increasij ....:i7.250..^'2S In apy (lot or (cliima to damage, it jure or Ijoans. d,'Crease ».... It..-lli'it Degrops. i.ka was tbtr, (ore inrpriscd, ai u kin talk 1 rprck Uosa Jim Clay tou's held at tuo i igh prieen. ii!t.75 per hall bbl. destroy tbe elimnuratlc par.y, wiib thai r hi g huntin' dis morniu', an' I w uldu't SiHiele. inereasti 7 2 5.61* ha at onoe le.olTed lo l-iy doivn bU boe ai MARKiiii'd UY ULill.aRA.Pa. Legal teiiilers. Increase „ >i4i,'.iO> auprenie c-ntempc ai d hi.ughty disdain that ' s( rire •( he didu't rome long dis wsy Mlaee'lnneoaa. Dt'iKislu.. increase 3 7m,»IO any fatsebo. d is reijelledcr Intuited resented aicertaiii what bus'iiesa was taking l.i ti ' s' ary minute, au' im;)nriiclar ef be BOAT, DANDLES AND STARCH—Soap, 3Sa5!

' . • .1. • •• - .' .'• • -^ tiiiilAis^^^iiiijSii^i'i.iaiir^^ THE WEEKLY AGE--HEBAIiD: WEBNBSDAY, JANUARY 29. 1890.

It was er.ouRh—a m'ment of diliiium, and e'eiling of the west portic) la thn great in­ WOMEN IN LETTERS. then two souU throbbed thiough love's lirst MOiXTIChLLO, verted comp tss, tbe work of an Iial'an. It is kiss int 1 Hymen's ht ly—one '' kept cimpai y by a large iron banded clock Afur Ibis nieliii'g sc no, Mi'S Breckin- Tbe Ancient Mecca of th9 Tecno- iu the wall overhead the hall entrance. Their Euccess in Fiction, But Not rii'ge go s to her r..i>n', ki-se'< herself in Ihe On either (•Kle of tbe main building are cm- veiiient wlng'( wich apiclou' and c.iinfort- )li.\ f :. i'iii Poetry. 1 ckii g-xl\fs, and then buthis her f«c.> in 'a cratio Pilgrim. eriiii?oii llnh uiiitu t'Ovi'' fn ed with double ably arranged rooms. Overhead is the violits and warm milk ! dome fBfb oned bo'l room with Its varirudy- A A'lslt to the Bonio of Thnmns ,}etr.reua. Mndrin Ki.Tel I'roiii « "Nashville It will rot txuite surprise tbat this love- c ilored windows Everything otmut tho aged .structure indic»tei> C'Smfort and con­ I'ru"-Uo.valtios ns AV.elders of Ibe lidentd "Nashville pen" repnS'nts the llie (Mit Itliryt .g (•riiuliil—Tlie Alnn- groves of the blucgrasi c untry as teeming venience. The wings nf the buiMlng are I'ra—liook Notes. hion Where He Llvtitl. witb wild cauarirs and t'iaibtiiigalcs. Oue each C'inntcted by uiid»rground pa'!sag''a more qU'tation and I hnve done. Chapter witb olH.: s, servants' quirters and other outhouses, and at the brow of the mount'iin BT SAMUKL UINTVKN mCK. Xlltp-us with this sentence: "How true CilAiii.OTTKSviLLK, Va , Jan. 23. —[Spe­ t'>r V'ffifi'l S»N''''^i''P''. .5'';'iif'?p?! niijPQi'r'"^ ni?rTi'!inf| | iMor is that famous underground tunnel thr< Ukh it IS that 'r(und our heart's mezziraniia cial Gorre.ipondence ] — "Charlottesville, For the Ane 11. raid. which, it is said. Jefferson once escapd is,'. litOua wi»j„...j,;—~-„i,;.ti«,ji,ii l*!gi>a{juij"—»ji;'ji;!U(;5-jJ LiiCii drift the actual sounds of common|:Uc:>." Cbarlottesvllle!" shouted the brakeman ot a The held cf flcti m appears to b?, thus far, from the Britishers. The last is nowuuueed Wha'is a mizsiramla? The dictionary SOLD BY ATX DRUCrGZSTS. the only dtpartment cf liicrature in iihich westbound Chesapeake and Ouio passenger end is rapidly flllirg up, there b.ing only Is dumb I hoiHd at flisi it m'ght bea mis womeu can o^nip^te wilh men and divide train, putting bis bead just iuside the car fpics enough left for a !• treat for yord priut for MfSOiKilamia, but tbat s«eet bope PmOE 2B OEMTB PE^ BOX. tfae honora and fi.iat.cial reaards of success door aud uttering the words iu long dr.twn fowls. Ill front are m ij'.stlc shade trees. rail'd me. Frrhaps m(zzaramiy Ti! a.S. p. K i'f 'JI \ M. S(. lIel(!!s,Lii:icasIi!rT,Eng]any claim to greatnets, while of the English the excesiiive uso ot chewing gum. all polita north, Harper's Ferry, the Hho at ev.^'ry aMachment and convenience, we rore 5'.\a'.".'i:i> s'S'.\Tit;w, 3«.-5 & acy CA:\-.IE. MT., ."VIIW YostK, tioTelista wbo have coinpleU-d tbeir lift -work, Tne author of "Misi Breckenridge, a nandrah valley, VV'hsoingtou, Ballimore and strolled about the e.iit lawn hoking out four women, at least, aie entitled to tb'it V.''io l'i.' y ."f (!:-i:";';r';;t dues m.t keep thetn) will mai! Reccham's Daughter of Dixie," has publi-hrd her novel Pailadelphia!" Aud as the truiu csme to a toward Charlottesville, and noon found our­ kttribute in some degree—Cburlotte Bronte, Piils oil rc'jL'ipt uf \ixici2—but iK{nire first. (IMcasc mention this paper.} anonvmt..us1y; let us hoiai for the sake of bolt thero was a general rush, ram, criim selves stretched out upon tbe velvety grtiss- Jane Austen. Diuib Muiocb Craik, and tlie cirppt.d FUrface ngain viewing the Ijvely her relatives and friends she may uever and j im of p isseng'-rs of all kiiuls and d'>- author of ' Hi.-uola.'' A'ter naming Rich- i'O niry that stretehi.8 all abtut us like o reveal her came. icrlplii'u.i, wi'b variously shaped baskets •rdsm, Kieluihg, Smollett, Dickens, iScjii panoramic dream. R. L HAKPEH. •nd Tnaekera), one ni •; scartb iu valu for * * * hauil-boxes, vali.ses and Biralogis. The •nother to c.iniare with tie above m ii Tho mi?t importaut 1 terary woi L tVot blind man with harii r.rg.-iu and pr'o I b y Haby'a Ititth. EFFERSON COUNTY tioi.ea female writers of fic.im. K.iur out hns betn prt.:dui'ed in AiiieiiC'i tor twenty guitle, Ihl' oil mau with cruto'j, the fat old Tlie happiest part of the .1 ly's pregratnins of ten is nut a bail al owi. g fur tbo "weaker ^eura will he "Vhe Litir.iry of Americm wt.m lu, th'pritty young lasjiie with b-- to our liitl.^ ones shoul I be the b''tir devot-d Tefsel," ai'd it 8.1 nis the ncre creditable I.i'traturo,'' in el'veu volumes, of whieh witt'iiiiig smi es, the peort yt.U"g ma", the t') the bath. IC tha ebil.i hi- he-ilty nnd vig only one remains t:i ap^iear, '.h-^ tenth \o! irbon the faet is coi.i-i lired th.atiiipiat grnlT tiuveilng siiiesmnn. the news; apcr cor- oroui there will benoiireatir euj yn nt days, even rnore than uo.v, beau'y w.-ia val­ ume li'ivii.p just 1 fc the press Tbeeleve'ith --:-• Warsiioiise re-suuii'li ut, the o'd maid witn bir.l C'g->, for llim than a goid splash in a tulitul i f ued higher tbun brains, a'ld a''blue stick­ will cnutain short bhigraphies of the eu hois «eie oil Iher... After the ruali »»'as all over tepid water I lay pirticiilar stress upon tue Carry tho largest stock of S'uiU'haker and Tminessee ing** wa* rcgftitie'l as an t'l'j ct of cuii'jsity whose work is represented in the lelee'tnins. temperature, for if tn.' Ivith ba givdi in the antl (piiet bid bten rei'tt.reil, we were aoou ratter than un.l)'el f r imitation. W Hat is The coinp'lers of this gr^.^t work are E C. raorni'ig, as i( usually the cme, ond iu wo WiigoiiH and Buggies and Sprint.' Wurlv of every Itind tbe cau-e cf the disi'iirity betwein tlie 8:eilu.an and Kllen M. Hiiieliiiison. en rout- alouj< the w.miing plk" roal to tlie tar fioiii (vnich on y the chill ha.! been lak'-ii and stylo in the riimth. '> hr oMo.st and best pat- Itxes lu the iual tir of literary achieven.tn::'' . . . obj ct of I ur vi-it t'J Cuarlotsville, tbt) biihy can g i from it into his oarrlag" ronized Cottoii WarehouHi; in tJie city. Alp!;oi Si Diu let's new novel is lo be en­ The greit s". ciU'B is, uud lubw.lly, the ine MO.NTIL'nll-LO, TIIK IKIMl!: OK JKI'lfliKSlIN'. eut of doora with perf. c", impunity. Any ry qu.iliiy of educational adv-iut'ige^. When titled "lhe Coruvau." It l.s BCttily com Chung' of clJthing, tio, cin he male at thia plftl d. A few miles lia^'k we had passed Shad- cixducitiuu cejw-es to tie regard, d aa au (x time with leas dnngir thun at any oth.-^r. Ill tt review nf Hiwell's novel, "A Hizird will, a lit'le diiepiditeil ti>'*nreminding one porimt nt and becomes the rule iu nicnti.1 There are many whj advo'ate o warm ba'h S'lthering ly it-elf in Irciilitles, refu'lng to of Ne.v F,rtuii"S," t'le Bistm Literary of tne rus y baml..-;^ cbaruc'.enz'ng th" lum traiuing tbo w.irld will probai'ly wiiiie-.s a just l.jfoi-e pu'.t n.'. the child to bed. and i. iCTT^HY (IF MRJBLIG CHARJIT bei iug disirictn of the north «cat torrituriis tec: ma a part of the general community W'-ridsays tha'. th« novelist ''hiS c.:nvertid i.s un.l ii'iteJly soothing in i's eir.^cit, but more iqial divisiuu ot literary lauiels Aim wlmt ot t^i!ad*(ll:" O i, it was the Thi< was Mr. Inf aim' i.taiement of th. two his croehet book into a spear" Tnis is not where hu' 'ine hath a day is given, and th.(t. j'jsi'i* i?i...i(-i>u Kr> ii«r X'HT^ Turning to living story tell rsin .America ot birtliplaci of JtiTeisoii. Io (*t.s aieo the elem-iits of the problem 1 differs in noth- withou pii.it. la all lurtioient, I q lestion the adi isibliity of least woiiiuu bus p.oved her abil.ty to ciuterof that c.iiv;.l:ic cticle oi.c i irtha'i- iiiK except, perh'jps, in cont-ipei'ess and piisl- BV THE "Hies erit pracKelida giving I b'.t ono iu ih« evening, ra'.her thiiu contest the paiiu nith ber more mus sinistra .iniiin Ho.-loliia." i'etl by so giai.d and stately a p-i pie as ihe fiveui-ss of s'atimeut, from Ihat miUe o io Ihj morninjr, for to take a baby from the culnr competitor. Wbo cui mci.tu n Randolphs, tho Hveses, the JitTersir.s, the hui dred times tiy souibern spenkers. warmth pf bed to tbe (u'er air without the tbree men noveiists wi rthy to be BAOK TO raa BALLOON. Monroes, thu Mudismi'; aid today, tbou.;n What thcL? The hearers ond rentiers of Intcrnisdiato bath, wouli only, in ordinary MEXICAN iiamed with Miss Murfree, Mms Wool.'ou time has taken away tbe giants chat gave Ur. Ingalls kave o right to ni'k him, What, The Next (jueer lauey of (he (Juoena climo'esi, iiccssicate in.ire heavy clothing •nd Mrs. bi.r>ut f Aru HuwelKs, James aud nistinction to this vicinily, tbe great old to oue of tho whites, they have lifted up a National Qc^erntnent, of Fiialiluu. than it is wise to accustom a chili to wear­ Cable dtseiviug of the bunoi? Kven it lij feudal mansions, the bouses of planters still hand to defend thenselves against the at- Operated rnder li Twenty Vears* Contrac> The rumor comes from abroad, on what ing. tion is estimated by ita cash returns it is bear wituess to past opulenc?, aud ibe lovely tacki of an ini^igiiitlcant minority. by the i>l<-zican li.ten.atlnual Im­ seems ui questioned authority, that at lasr, provement Company. •till a question if women do not lead the viu tcntry of the Blue Ridge mountains ro While I do not heli'tve in the wholesale "Try justice," Mr. In|!olls cries out t") the after a quarter of a century of servile devo­ In tbe army of American novel-writers. I'. mains tn all of its primitive beauty. Yes, "toughening" process thot some mothers while south. Bul the white snuth will reply tion to tbe classic iiie.t, fa-hion Is ahout to .Monthly Four Dollar lirawinf;, held In the Mo­ ia rumored that the Century company withiu a scjpe of a few milss from this an­ adop , 1 do erapbaticolly believa in nccus- to him, "Jpsticejwas tried; it wag tried for resque Pavilion in tlie Alameda I'srk. Cityo?' take the one great departure whieh will recently paid Mrs. Barnett tbe bum uf $1U,- cient town, the Bine RiJgea hove giiien tomiug an infant by degrees to dllTcreuC years, with United States trocp< to see that Mexico, snd publicly conducted by Govern­ wholly transform the UUe ot the day from a meut Ollioials Hppoiiiied tor the purpose hy tb«- 000 for tbe serial rigbt to a new novel. shelter to tbree ex presidents of the suitie temperatures of cut=r oil', with sullloieut It was done and Unitid States mari-hils to seeming sylph into something resembling a Kecretari"8 of tho luterlor and tho 'Treasury. political creed—Jeffemon, Madison aud clothing to keep hira corafortibly warm, but suprintend it. At.d juitice brought us the * * « balloor. Tbe fiat has evi'lent y gon.< forth, Monroe. And ev.n now this gectiou is not uot in banlliog him up, as i.s so often djtie, ro'icollest mirgoverument in history, DRA-WINO OF FEB. 6, 1890, says o fashion letter iu tbePallad-lpliia Time4, Lyrics from the p?n of the of Rou- wnolly deae.ted by fame. Some t"ur miles so that only o very led and uncomfortab o undi-r tbe manipulation of your own by authority thit ho pj will again be worn, jnania are cmong the advertised altractions from IShadnell is the old hems of Senator little face is visible and whit might be a party." Wbtit can Ur. Iigills say 80,000 Tickets ut «4, «i:lSU,00O. and tho duys ot civcgii g skirts at dotdraiiery of the New York ludepcndent. In ttis era William C. Rives. It is now inhatiited by sweet, happy biby is reduced to a not.da to such a rep'j'! Nothing, except to CAPITAL PRIZE, - - $60,00O; discluring the outliues ot the figure at every of totteiii'g thrones aud tumbling dynasties a popular uranddiugbter. Ami He Hives, scr pi bundle of clothes. N.ithcr w.iuld I repeat bis warning that injui^tice will turn aro evidently numbereii. t'he firs', sug­ PRICE OF TICKETS. AMERICAN MONEY. It is a matter of furpiire tb'it an "uneisy whj;e fame m an autborers has bten spiead advocate hathlrg a caild b tore o fi-eex breed revenite; that v.rlagt come back to gestions, area iu advance ot French fashion- Wboles, n4 — UAIVI'B, wa — Qaarteri, (J, head" thot '-wears a crown" should have over two couiinems. cept on cold winter days or iu damp weniher the wrongd vr. That is truo, uul eve platts and beard of as being wiru by tbe time or feel tbe dispt sition to indulge in —t ven th?n rather tave the cbill taken frotn s..uihern white sbould remember it. But UHI OK PKizasi distinguiihid women both in Paris aud in literary purtui s. However, if the ft rth But to returu to Monticello. 'Within a lha oir previous to the bith aud hiVa ni threats aro no* stnti'.-iniro-.liip; a jeroml-^d is 1 CAPITAI.I PRI'iiB OK JI'iO.uOO Is .!60,WO L'>ndou, ahiw oniy a moderate degree of 1 (.lAI'lTAL PRIZK OK '.M.IWO is ooming vtises of tbe royul poit.ies do cot siiort tim? We bdd begun to, asjend tlie "iit­ lire at the time. U'lt pta. tii'.'-l^p )ir.ici. F.o 11 a la'A'jiiver men . K,00O rotunliiy ai.tibut the faintest hint of ih'j far­ 1 c.-vriTAi. riduK OV lo.otKi is . lO.t.'OC CU'p^ss in merit her "S'jngs of Toil," which tle mouut" iiseif two miles ou". from Char­ 'i'i\e'1 ii(jhi to i-xp ''t 1'.111. tli"', not tlenuii-, thingale, but wren ot ce tho ttart bus been A cupful (if lukewarm water, in wMh a I tUt-i.N'Ll PRl.nC OF -.'.(11)0 is . '.2.000 have airi udy appeared in tbe Iijdependent. lottesville. Fora long distuLca we Ct'mU ci itidu. V. ib-il di-e'vorkii may uiiiu.ie oi ti l"i;i/.'':.i ,)'.•' i,ijijo are..., . 8,1X112 made it i* oi.ly a iiustion of timi* nheii this pini'h of t)Or.'x has beu (ilaeed sbould I'O O' tbat periodiC'Al will uot gnio much iu bril­ Sl e tbe home of the fiitber ot A'l.ericaii lu­ '.Viitiiifg'o'i 'lUiiieiiie slalo with la'e sup-j C I'ltlZKf Ol' 500 are..., . s.occ. liancy by tbe (mpi.'>ineut of n yai.y oa iia revival may i.e expected lo "spread i siif" ilt prnileucp, at tt e sumur.t of lhe mountnin knnil; wi.b this tba moi h fh'iu! ! biciie .t' I'RWI'isOK 2IJ0 arc... 1 ers atui lorsii'S for son e new exciieitieut 4,'XC- oorps ot coiiiril'Utord. Tbe aenqui-i of iu mi ro wuys tbitii one. Tiiere is a criaio ."it'iU £ eS higb. Our lyes Wiie not fik'n (ully wttsbtduut, using for thi purposa O'l ,.» I'Kl/.KS Of llX) are lO.lxm Ilut ih y are u iwtirthy of eo great nn occa- '10 PltlZtSOF till nre WOS) peisi-te: ey a', out it, for wilh ibe high El z- old piece • t lima that can be caar, aside nfter Lcrxie offers ouotaer instanca ot high tjirth rrom It all tbe way, onl> to obic ve tl e tx NII n 'll* sti lii'iiitint' lis ;i qi'^sticn, nod, we j.;vi J'HiZKS OF 'JO are ll.Oaj tt ethan collars, poii.ttd waists, fiatlieied ome u.sing. Anothtr cupful of el.anwoim atekiug literary fi.me. The nnrquis tea trmiB liHttuty of the driveway, all th'.' will Hllll. 1 f 1-11 th- u;hlful ami able a titan. API'BO.^liltATiON rRI.!£S: water should be used for batbirg theeyts, years ego cau.e bef6t.,tiJu frlto, Iiarraiiie puiiu of rt.'petatle nitrit, aid skiiiipy li.il skirts ^e m out of hor mmy and tor a moment at the big g-'-te entering the I'are biing t'lk.-n to cleansa tlie c 'rners. 'i'n'.' O ..e tliii.c; ueiiui' in Vlr. It'Kails'suet cti, liu Prizes ot E.'m. »I't'. to 'iii.i'i'X' t'rl-.o, ..SOTT.- cow he ltt.s yutt flnijb.d a story for a Siot- ic r.teds I'Ut ti:e swelling ard piiiipous ^kirt platittt'io'i prop- r to purcimso mtraiioj lios- head shou d receiv'i the next altention, aud »^riii H.-k I ur c;;!. r. tl tedow i ilizeiiii to note it tl»Pl!Zf.1 ot Slu, «I'IS Ul 10,01)0 Vv 120, Hi Termitiiils of 2'i'-. de- tis^ pt nodical. The scene is lu.d iu Can>.da to ^ive'b ' (a^hi'inahlo eotuiiio of lo iluj ba tlioroughly washed in the bath water to •tUo. T' 0 sena.or did i oi comnit him.selt efs, ror, na unnatural us it may stem, this Oic'iJil t-y 80,01X1 .Prise, lb,' batt.r to give bira o And ll little lioiit erejit ilii lo the lowu i6 pcr cent, ot the value of all th'} tlcke'is ioa ;trtseA (eraun. sp'ii'gi bith daily for lha first tlirce menths • -a larger proportion than is giveu by any oVn^ "Miss Breckenridge" is a bo.:k that will g'Udarmes torc.id a piisige for their retreat Ou the mutldy wiive, in the uioroiugdiiu. o'aery. FiiiaViy, tho number ol tickt^tsls lln'i.fcyl. After drying rub tho i kia vig r, usly with surprise tbe (nlics. In criticising a volume iu Cf.'Ulusion, and tbe n.xc day sit the court Some di.stance to the summit, afler po's But thnt lillle bmt wilh Us reeil liko oar 10 SO,0(iO—'20.000 lees than Is soW hy other lotter;**- one gots through a mental operati'ju of latlies wore skirls with a hoop Others coi.- ing the big tioto, all aloug tbe catringa way alcihd applied on tbe palm of tbe hand, or, IIIOUHIII news to tue tnwii thut mude it weep using tbe same schetne. hitter still, with ii little oliv.a oil well For full p.»rt;eiile.is, addicss C Biiwtet'.t, wpuratiigiis merits fiom its dcfecis, Ihe tei'd that hiopi weie evolved O'ld receivid ou either Kid! is to b-i seea the lang blad'-id Anil lilt' |ieoi.-le were iiev.ii so i;.iy ii-i hefore. .ipunarto, im. City of Mexico, cr OHAS. BK prcce^s suuiewhat ris^'mbllng the winiow Iheir suggestion fnm the pretty fulluefs of French grass, brought across ths ocean and rubncd iu. Ekhir alcohol (r oil is viry And lliey never sK pt to sound a hleep. MANTKI-L, SliU i:hureii sti-eiit, Ni'tiUville, Tfli.n., strengthening, but tha former i'i a little less ing of chiiff irom whtat. Now, if anvone hkirts invent, d by VVattchu, ano iu tnis cou- pl^nttd by the hand cf Jiffersou himself. News of a wreck thut the bonttnau hatl seen •General .V|.;eiit. To sa\'e tiiae lu getting ticket], "(-iilress your letter.') lo Na.hvire, Tenn. •ppli.s tlis p'cctes to the p.gi^ ot "Mi-s iiection, while mtiny aie s'.ill in clinging Halt way through the wojded pas-ure we d'-iiroole on 1 cjount of its drying the skiu; t>trin the h'y. iu ii lii-ree wiii' it'iit'i either, too. Is useful as a preventative cf K'lclosc psper i;)..ui y In Ordiuary Letter, Poit- '" Breckmiijgt" he will be rewariiftl for bis ik rts it is easy to tee that tlie trursi'iou to stop at a small Coiuinou eiiMiyli. sueli tliiiiys, I iieuu, 'jd Notes or Kipross r,\one-j Order, or Uurrotioy Yel the wiinieii crieil aid ihc mju tvere pale. l»bor liy an iiumtui-e amount cf ebsff and— h'iops Will m.i be a difll-oult oi e fiooi tte Isolds —Oijod Houiekci p'l g. .'(ttinniiting to j3 by onprjio at our cxpcn.si, io ANCIh'NT BClltAL OttOUND. no grain. If it is ihe o j ct of the boik Watteau s'jlcs ih.'.t are uow the vtry high StraiiRC Ihut a little hnnl eould brinR l-JishvlUa, Prlres paitl without ilisooiiut. The enclosure is not more than 50 fe". AGKllTS WANTKD. tpsniu'eor imprtve, ic ia on egr.gious est fashionable voniua. llarri- d lliuDirs. Tiiiit i,'.-t to p iii'he ll town iu tt nrs quare. Ou the old, weathtr b'^iten toiib Tttilure, and jet its au'.hor has Strai'gf liow often Kome small ihliist Address Clias. B. Mautell, iCiO Chnrcb struct^ stones we read tha names nt ilifforent mim It la o mislake to ei'i qu'ckly. Mastica­ May shatter and sliiver tho h'lpo of years. Msthvilk', Tenn. not lived in vain, for tbj volume Nature iu Convulaim bers ct lhe Ran.lulph and Jeff'isiu famillis tion performed in haste mu-t he ioiperfeci", This is lo certify that the Bank ol Commt.rc»,, 'tboruughly instructs ils uutortiinate rei ders Oh. none but the snivel with silver wiiiss at NashviUe, Tenn., will pay all prlios drsiva in Is terrific. 'V; !c;ir ;c eruptions, cycKire.n, with the best; of leeth, nnd due ttdinix ure of how not to write a novel. Tbe naria.ive Near the center stands a maj. stie oik tree. I'iiiit liioo Is o'er the riv r siitl KUiirds the town. the Mciicnn Lottery 'ires'.uteti at our couutur?. csiribquukes ere anfully and inm^ntlously salivury sxireti m with tho food cannot take Hearts liiiif of the w.ie euch evening brings. ie so thickly stiung with g-udy nrj cf.TfS Under the b" evulont shido in Ibe suuiner (IIJAS. B. DOKOAH, O'lsLln. tioturetque, t.ut scare, ly desirable to emu­ place. VVhen a huga mass ot in.iJequately As the title comes up and the tuu itoes tlown. s-irCt ivd isw that it calls to ndiid a Ecbuolgiil's charm- days of 1705 two stntieniB of Coke and — .-Vrtljur W. II. Kitou late iu ac'i^in anl i tTect ty tho administia ciu-he.l muscuLir llhir. or utidiviJel solid T'vn. C. T. DUBNNKW, Strug ut tawdry butluns. It is evident Lyttlelon useil tj sit on a ru.tfc bench and ti'U of remed.ps wLieh pr due. Ciinvulsion mat-rial of any deacr'ption, is throwu into that the "Nasiviile peu" is wielded by a while away tbe lazy summer b.urs with (l.*te of Now York Polyclinic.) «Ld agony in the abnormal portion of the tho stomaei), it acts as a iiuchanical irritent woman. Tbis faoi ia pluin from tt.e nuin­ stuly and pl.-.ns for the future. They gone human frame. Such ia the i tfoct of tho old and seta up a condition in lhe mucus mt-m- DUS. BETTS «&BiiTTil. ber of paragraphs devoted to tho beruims mutual vo«s to ba buii'.d under the thaio Sliin and O-eEito TJrinaryDiaeases:- fashiored violent puritatives batply fulling Ir'itiB liuirg of thot organ which greatly toilets The author ot "SIiss Br.ckeu- of this very tree wbeii death sheuld oyer 38 St. Charles Street, New Orleans, La. a S'pecialty. more etd more into disuse, tni of which impedes, if it does not ultt^gathir prevent, ridge" revels also in the descriptions ot ua take them. Uuder tbis sa'ue tree ia an old [Opposite the fit. Oharles Hotel.) nooras8. lOaijt} 12seeourt floor Morris building. Htstetiir's titomach Bitters is tbe wbole- tba process of digestion. When tbe practice Ollii.e hours: » tfi 10a.m. aud '2 to 4 p "i. Teio- ture. I will quote a parugr^ph: "I'ne tombstone on wbieh is the name Dabney srni'^, pleasant and far mure effective ton of eoting quickly ond iliing the btomocb phone 8 IS. ja'iiiitw ly •ootbern noontioe, hcuri-liko bad denned Carr. A little owoy by bis side is the great ceaaceum. Tney weakened the intestine-— with unpreparetl food is hab tual, tbe digest­ TUK ORKAr imeKOVKihKNC IM her glittering g'ltden wimple uf sunshine grani e staff erected to Thomas Jt ffersou ive organ is rendered incapable of perform Ftysiclaiis \t Surpoiis the Bitteis invig';rates the.Ti. Tbey left the that sbimniered ddzclirgly through the crys­ And these wire the two student frieuds. On aud bowels inactive, because incapacitated by ing its prnper functions. Either a mucb Are still treating, with tbe greatest skill au tal air,—air that is briliiaut and sparkling the latter's monumeat is that famous self- success, all ensiiii g tee bleu e.S'i. Tho Bitters, on the con­ larger quantity ot food thau would bo nec­ •8 liquid diamouds. Ob, southern euueblLt! written inf cription: trary, and btcsuse it enables, not forces, essary uudiT natural oondilions is required, ROOFING mere vivid tban tbat fl-jsbed from blue Chronic, Nervous & Private Diseases. them to act—a vast and foitunaie difference or tba system sjffers from lack of nourish­ y^e. are now reudy to snpply the product of ei>- Italian tkiee! Fulling lightly as dream —perpctu'ites their activity and regularity. ment. Juat as o man may g'O on for years tirely new machinery and processes just eoro­ thistle, it quivers iu gilded kisj on the i "litre was Buried Thomas JefiTerson, j Nervous Debility, Lost Man- pleted, by aid of which we not ouly have greatly The liver is beneficially stimulated, as ibe with defective teeth, imperfectly masticat swaying tree tops, and Bhimmeriig hixiil. Failing Memory, V.x- Improved the etrpngth aud durability of OUT kidneys olso are, by this medicine, whicu I Autlior of j ing his food, and wondering wby he suffers through filagree leaf roof, it eUuts like liaiisting Drains, Terrible wel known ASlll<:-. I Statute ol Virginia for Religious Freedom j tbe causa of bis lllne .s might be remedied.— with nevcr-laillnn success. the most de- tlo •ft'EEKLV AGK HKRALD, Farm and Fire- i Father of the I'uiversity of \'irginia, I Kidney and Urinary com- all parts of the world. S* nator Ingalls' tipeech. Plaints, Oleet, Gonorrhoea Stricture. Varicoecl. It isKupplitdready for usa, in rolls containfos dide. Ladies' Hone C impaniop, the PeerL ss i Boru April'J, 17411, O. S ; DicdJnlyl, 1820." i and all clsc-ases of lhe genito uriurary orvaut 200 equart feot, nwS weighs with Asbestos Root A milliner's apprentica might admire this Alias of tbe Wtjrlil, and the great pic ure Ncw "Vork Herald, cured promptly without iujury to stomach, kid Coating, ready for sbipmeut, about 83 pouuds to kind ot writing, but to readers possesring of Christ before Pilate, all for |3, incudirg Senator Ingalls' sretch yesterdoy was neys or other orpans. 100 sijiiare feet •oy literary taste it will brir g only a sbud- a ticket in nur grand gift distribution of The meuulain tcp'sreaehed after many what perhaps he inteuded it to be, a rath r No experiment Age and f xperienee Impor­ The imp rtaut features of our recent Improve- meuts, for which pteuta have beeuftrautcd audt der. Tbis Tenuessee uovelist seems lo tave tant. CoiiBtiltatioii free aud sacred. Mutch 13, 1^90 E ltd Ibe artv.rtisemeLt winding, stia.'y driveways. Aud we are at brilliant dii'play of verbal fireworks. It Kye, Ear, ThruHt, Lunus, Liver and Blad­ others leen Hppl'cd for iu this country aud ii> taken for her models Ouida, Amelie R ves carefully hand to jour neighbors, and send thu bou.e of thegrfst Jefferson. From this abounded in epigrammatic E.tatein3nts. No der Diseases tre .teil wiill suocess Europe, are described in our new clrouidr.whloh, and Bertha M. Cie.y, and like mos: imita­ in your sul scripti'us. All of these Ihii.gs Bunimic that princely mau must ba(e douii- doubt it tickUd the audience wbii;h list- Unequal' d with simples, will be pent f;ee by mail. It is adapted for steep or flat roofs in all cli­ tors, has succeeded in acquirii g from them no will furiiieh our nubscribers on ih-^ re neered tlie whole country. How graud, how e ed to bim. But reading coimly tbe re­ Heud 6 rents postage for celebiated work on Ohronic. Nervous and Delicate Di-'eahCs. Thou mates, and can bo readily applied by iinskl]le€& only their most glaiiug foults tShe delights cipt o( lii'i net cash. jiniOtfd&w inspiiiug the scenery; how enchaiiiiug every port ot it we connut see tbot he contrib saiitis cured. A friendly letter or call may savt worll meu. to Uce unusual and high scubding wonls, environmuit. Senator Vest his detcitel u'ed otiylhlng to thi solution of the i roblem you Inture snffer'iig and shame, sud add golden «**^Thore are inferior imitations of our Asbeo- such as "copp^rcsque," "Raoihrauieique," 1h« Deadly Cold Bed. tbe dream like landeC'jpe in o few ii tin.; wbicb he be^an by declaring insoluble. yuars to Ufe. No letters auswered unle;js ai-com- tos Roofing ^pnrihasers nre cautioned. Exclusive sale of our tmproved ANb(?stos Rool- "orlentale^qu"," 'nival," "umbrose," pauieii by 4 cents ill stamps. Adilress or call ori If trustworthy statistics could be hf d of words: "The eyes re't upon a landscape of The Caucasiou roce is masterful, domi­ DRS .'KTTS & HHITf, ing will be giveu 10 reliable dealers iu importaui: eto. Of curse "Miss Breckeiiridge," whine the number of personi who die ev. ry yiar enchanting benuny. On the rigbt the lo.v- nant and jl alms of the purity of its blood. 38 St. CliHrlua •It., New Orleans, l>a. towns wh.re we have uot already made arraugi> given name is Cleopitra, exee's tbe sorceress or become perinauenlly diseased fio u sleep­ lands of Virginia stretch away in au un­ It has the brains and Ihe couroge to rule, Xoeon Oft vnti S3 wvj nr':ii"«»"l fis. loi.pnr^e meuts. ot tbe Nile ia luveliuets. Here is the way ing in damp or cold bed", tbey would pn b broken plain to tbe ocean, with the Rionua and it will net tolerate the rule nor admit ahe a|.p?ar8 iu cbeprer ti: "Sue stood, a ontl J.imes rivers, like tbn ads of sliver; the mixturo of other racs. The negro race H.W.JOHNS MANUFACTURING CO.. ably be astonishing and appalling. Ic is a AN ASTONISHING BOLEMANITFACTUBEES OF thing of bt^auty herself, by the mar peril that cmstautly betets triveiing men, whilst on the left the Blue Ridj;e, robad in is mild, submissive, clannish, gregarious, • ble bolubtrade, most cburmii gly H. W.,To»in*»» Klreaud Water-proof Asbeato* oud it they era wise tney will invariably ez'ie hue, looked down up"u tho billowy O Kansas stotesmon, senator, one of tbe TONIC FOR WOMEN. iihea-liluif, Hiillili .le relt, Kti-. Atih«Ht.«B gowned iu a soft Cnlnese fabrii? insist on having their beds air.d and dried, hills that nestle at their feet." lawgivers of the union, bova you to offer as ASoiler CoveriiiKH, Ht.^am PHCkiui;^, of pure white, ber cepperisque h.ir rival- even at the ri-k ot causing much troable to We spent a time in looking about tbe old a solution uf the protdem you have stateil? tirepi-oi f PKinti., Etc, liiig the sunbeams in red gliur; her blue eyes, th.ir landlords. But tbe peril resides in the manision itself. It is just at tbe brow of tbe Nothing. Notbirg at all. A threat that Samples and Descriptive Price List Free by Ma!^ witb tbeir golden lights that were brillitut b'lme ond tbe cold "spare room" has slain mountain looking to the westward and near wrong done will bear dreadful fruit. Tbat | 87 Maiden Lbne, New York. ••sapphires Fet with siraw diamonds aud its thousands uf baplets guei'ts ond wili go tbo frent of the town, just sufflcient in area we oil know. A dark bint tbot the negro ; CHICAGO. FHIl.ADKI.PHIA. BOBTONj. iMsatiful as an azure Juue sky ablaze witb on with ils slaughter till people learn wis­ for tbe purposes which Jefferson desired and will presently revenge bimself. But the ne- i dec3 eodAw 2m the glitter of sunshine," etc., etc. dom. Not only the guest but the family no more. A small garden ii at the rear gro showa no signs ot becoming to that cx . H?re is a choice morsel from chapter iii: often nuffer the penalty of sleepicg in cold looking out over tbe vail, y farm lands. I: tent o Ciucasian. Into tbe very states wbere and WhiBkey Habit; "Leapit g tlue flames were flisbing in the looms and chilling their bodies at a time is Idd eut and was doubtless kept with mar­ nagroes claim tbat they nove bnt lately Its cured at boms witli­ depths ot ber lapis-Iszuli colored eyes, when tbey need all their bodily beat, by velous precision aud neatness. The beauti. suffered wrongs ond deprivation of rights— out p:iiu. Bock of par­ •ad htr curved lips, so like a ruby Cupid gettirg between cold hlieets. Even iu worm ful lawu, the shade trees, the orchard, tbe into those very stoteg—Arkansas aud Louis ; ticulars sent F R & B. summer weather a cjld damp l>ed will get in bow, were shooting tbeir glittering smile fencirg—all show the mechanical genius and iona—negroes are now emigrating l S. M. WOOIJLBY,M. D. ila (deadly work. It is a needless peril, aod ,. arrows straight to the beu rta ot tbe m(n ta^te ot the har.d that established them. And from other states. The contisted Atlanta, Qa. Offloe 65i WbDvibal Bk •ronnd ber." It ii not to be supposed tbat the neglect to provide dry rooms ond beds the bouse—well there Is little uie to tarry in ehction books of evilence hove lan 1 oodtliw ••oh a brilliant creature (xiuld give her ba« in it tbe elements of murder and suicide. a minute description of tbat wteu tbe reader mucb testimony from negroes thot tbey CARDUI heart to a man witb an ordinary name. Oh, —Good Houtekespiog. bas had the advantsgs of su many excellent were prevented from voting, driven from ADVICE TO MOTHBBST aoi "Mr. V.n Renselaer Rwtevelt" is lhe magazine articles of late in the Century, their homes, even in some cases tbi ir cottle It Strengthens the Weak, Quiets the ••me of tbe young man wbo wins her aifec- A Uealb In Aberdeen. Harper's and other publlcstiouB. There it and borses destroyed. But not a scintilla ot Nerves, Relieves Monthly MBS. WINHLOTTS 'tiODS. In tbt- grand proposal scene be falls ABEKDEEN, Miss., Jan. 25.—[Special.]— stands. After the old soutbarn planter's evidence, so far ae we bave discovered, that Suffering and Cures tm his knees, buries bis face in her gown, Mr. George H. Heard, sen of Dr. J. U. plan of architcctui e, but alfO and perhaps tbese colored people are leaving or mean to SOOTHING SYRDP and exclaims: Heard, of West Foint, who wes engaged in more after the sole aud original ideas of leave the regions where they hove been thus FEMALE DISEASES. JefferaoD. It is approached from fhe east dealt witb. Nor tbe leaat testimsny from •booUtauwayv i M oMd loteUldiMi tMthlnf, n " 'Oleo, is it true? Is it true? TeU me, milling and farming at Muldon, in this ASK YOUR DRUGGIST ABOUT IT. •ooUui th' * cUU softaDi tbe nms, •U»ri %% and west lawns respectively by spacious tbem or from their wbita neigabors that tell me, you love me!'' " couaty, died st tbat pUoe on tbe morning of •1.00 PER BOTTtC. UM wind ooUo, and It fha barti nnadr porticos with Urge white pUiars, Iu the where the negroea are eight, (en or twelve CHATTAWOOGA MED. CO., ChattiiMiogi, Teiw. JS^ "Witb her face on bis heart sbe told him ^tfas 23J iust. 's-x'i;-' ...M PWifWMlMJIUl"*.' ' '-P^ 'TW^mnE, R WSEKLT AOB—BBBAIiOi WKDNEBDAT. JANUARY 29. 890,

brigbtn>>n of life than did I. Yoing, rich bo told me wos fslse in Its every particular. Biiri'ed, gl i"ing with color. H. C Hunn^r and with a fair shsre of gO' d lookK, In t'lat H'lw I sundered: Oh, John, It ee^mi-d t') me MELODY OF THK MOxNTH. hia i" tiiia number "An OU Faahii ned Live BOi'S AM) (UULS. "ADreafflafldaFur^etti fool's paradise called love bow could I think thit time KOUM never pass so thit I migiit Song." ?• Otherwise ? Tfae woman at wbcsi shrine I die and end my misery. My fae tith failed BT MARTHA YOUNO. C'hirlea Waabington Coleman, writ.-r of Granlmottier R y oolebed h^r specka, r»- worrhlpped «^ai a beaut.fnl creature, hut ns i and I wos ordered sju'h. This place seemed ni'iny pleas tnt art ci>'S, haa in Hume Maker odj'jsted thnn on ber no-e, then to k up har I afterwards ]eirct>d was as s uUe^s as sbe I the moat quiet of any I could flnd, so I came Forthe .\seHcrilil. gr-.ce'ul verre, "Thp I) ughtera of the For the Age-Herald: knitting of aoft wh 'e y>rii, and as sh^ kalt wan beautiful. I did nit hu'pi^ct tbat my I hern, and for three years have lived out my The metered pajes of tbe magazlnrs that "Vear.'' Jiniptrine Pulhirra wi'lc me ti the Sbe loTCd bim; at a had knotrn it ever quietly ard fteadlly on she excliimed: wealth had ttmpted her to answer yts wben suli'ary life, never drtamitg tbat it wos are, truth to tell, the leai-t read part of a new year la "D comber-Jiinutry." Kite •ince moroInK, atd uuw 'twas almusi; ni^bt. 'Wel', it is ns'oni hill'.; how tbi ti'ues and I asked her to bi ray wifo. Wiih a man's htre I should meet you "' 1^(13011 Uiark'a verse", "An Aapiring H'.U'ii- Poor Jean I Her flmt f reat trl^l had come periodical, aro worthy our best notic^, for nil tho surroundings do cha ige. Fifty yew foolsh vanity I fanciel that stie cand fir Was tbo dreaming ? Jean clasped her kieper," ia very quaint, and wiil strike a to her, flndiDg ber all unprepared to meet we may ba sure as we turn the leaves of the though givea tima and oppirtu'iity tar me, not for my potsidsions We h-id heon hands tightly across ber breast to keep back sympathetic chord in miny a hou-ekiepcr's it. Io was the old, olda'ory—she lived him, current magez'nea tbat each poem we flnd cbangi. JuBt fifty yrais a,^o thisJnuiiry engageil for nearly a year, and our mariiowe tbe low soh tbat seemed forcing its way to heart. E I'. I.iiw'a "Cradle S ng," Virno •Ed bo was going away—guing away after a was sat for an early date iu tbe comirg year. h^r DKiuib an Jobn Clayton pressed his lips tliere lifars virtue in itself to commend it Wdoda' "A SSun-et Mirng ;" "Father my father moved to Ibia c.untry. Hs'was liappy summer uprnt at tbe o'd farm hou«e; Angela was ao orphan, and KO.nebow 1 nevtr lovingly on tbe while furebead of the woman for Ibe place it holds. Tne profewriler Diniion," hy Edward Wright; "The a large slock owner. HenlliAed his oaitle going away, pi^ruapi (orerer! He bad told fanciid that her gunrdlm liktd me. Had I before him, may sometimes, witb one or two cargoes liOVBtB," D ira Riad Oodl-, and "Ba ij tor. m liu In tlie w.jo.is all winter, feeding her so early that morning as tley stood to­ been a j-^alous mau I i-hould have bren most "C instance;" sbe gasped. How often sbe brcugbt frtm tbe FcitunDte islis, win a Eila" conclude the list of pncnia in thia ex- them only ill tbe feverort wiather. Faiher gether under the sbede cf tbe miming- unhappy, f'T ber gunrdiiin was continually bad seen the name written "Con-'tunce A, celli-iit magazire, an t ill 'i, nt helper and ad bought large'y ot imd on eich bile of glory eud JiL-k-lenn vines that c'.aiuber>d name for biiufielf that may sarve as a sirt witb Angela, siim-times to tbe rX'-!u-io:i Moulton!" Y'S, that was it—Constance viar in tho elliit of home-making. Tne the Tall ip .o-a river, tar. bud; b;s b mws over the side of th-j oM-fiishioiieil g.)Hery. of opm sesame lo a cove'id place In current tv n of myself. I was not j "ilou?; I lovel Angili Moulton, bia C instance. Tne girl's M'igi zire uf I'.ietry, tbi n^h m duly a re- on the weat Bile. In the ejrly s; ring ba literature; but when, if ever, the poet fliida It bad been four n nijlhn ence be had came the womau to) wdl todiulii her. heirt grew faint a' d cold, till it seemed vie-v, presnts with each i-sue a tew orifiiiiril drove bis t ntirc h' r.l of ctt'ie over tlio river, to tbe f.rm as a "summer l> aid'r," and as hii rame a card uf admission for bia verse, "O le raoriiinic as I toi k my seat at tbe almoKt deal within her, hut in thote few p lema, thoae nf Janii iry being a aoonit, ia tb' nst silo th n ulTir.lod thi b-tter Farmer Dile cxpr-bsed it, ''he was qifet. breakfast table in the St. C lurl'S b t.i, I mon»en'8 fhe te- med to pu* aside ber old we m:iy bo sure b^s rac'i is ne-irly run, aud "8 rike, Strike Thv Harp;" a roiilo'lKt tiy grazing grou da. I w is j iat 14 years old and'pearel like b-i" wan ens ly pltipe), for noticed that nl^ny of my arqn liman-.-c-s ciiililsh life forevor and puts the bcuuo'ary tbat his sonl is rven netrir putting on im Vioio V Pri'-e, a doutile qiatraiii from tue 'hn, hut I hal boe'i ac'u-t iiii"! ti a kind he Eexer (iavH IJO tri uhi', nuKay." Four Peemed to loi k curl lunly int i luy f-ice as line of w; mai'.hoiid, Iu a moment tbi" bad mnrtali'y Ibin b a work. Thua with a poi pin of W Wil-iy Miriiii,"!,' .aa." of outdoor life I ciiill cioi, aillle or COonttiF; that m-ai t 121) di ys of p rfect bap though they wtre striving tore^d soin tbiug learned to dissemble, and as sha pa-sid i iVH expecioiioii of liniiig R'.metbiiig ot T'le liri..ht p ens fitr i liii Iron that Wile barniaa a pony na quick as a ly of my piiifs-', tbat bill ll |ipi'il hy aliii'st unwirc. swiftly towfird ti e 1 ivers at thn gate J.ihu bro'hers, nnd ^^aa very inu -h pi iiaid over tbere. worth in each rljthinic coutritiulioii, we .\ wake giv.-a are lifle gem i " I'Uo HilUta Jeau'a hig hiO'^n ()is grew viry wl-iful as Cl'iyton wondered at tuo glad cy ou uor the ac.Min|iliahiii nt .Mv niii"h"r h id giveA "I took m hetd of it, however,more than turn to the p.iitry i f thia month. of t'o lila'Uhirl,''hy V. Ciraizi;a st iry (be thought cf tho imys thit w.ra to to woider lit it, and uif lidi'l my pipi'r, lijiH nnl tho hnppy ligbi, in ber ejes. rne Boie.e il a'rue '.O'l in Ireiki ,at honi'i. ti'.ie, N rare we in miny iiHlui.i't'a doom d to lik'i K iii^a'ey'a "t ry, m vi r c, i f the "Ptyl- eom"; ria. s thnt would be to glancing over Ihe c iliimus for i'eins of iu- ihiu.!li, t'l" fad liefr,' on.- IICIVM to Ala- ' O, C iiistan.'i !" sue gas >ed, ''Iam so ai'ift di'n t Iling mo r.ite fun'jiia thr.hlbj on a g liden c! o d of a atory tbit (1 utei u 1 out of Bbo gave cn-. I'lii*', sl iw ^ilim-e, fl'-ni; nt the article beaded, ' S"iS ition 1 Eiipt-mnt in "'b'lol, AU t''i» ii ceasary 'mo,^ein'nta of hia'ove 6'> ry, th .ugh I liitle dreamed nielidi, B) ni'iny qiititit e ii;c ita set in "llc'ir tiuliiili juvenilia. farm ti uee, tbfu a. thi.^ hilU thab were H'gn Life '• What girl he i h-^i-ii no fmili-ih, V'ro ni'ile, oni I wis hurl-d ill to JOU wag 'A'ig"lH ' ftly dirlin/, I am so I'ttiutii pbrane?—il is iiUo opening a cjskot of Whi'ii lov, U'ld nil llu'W.'rl'i ivaiyim:ii;, donning thfir iic.v f 11 dns', ib n at tho I wiifiilertd. and h gm lo r 'id tbe t.riicle, ghi'i foriour nikf—';o gb il I o nid not .And tijril. c iiviT^C'l Ms Wi'l] as slliii;. s" o 1. rilis was a grmd plm for jewel'i. Ami nil :i '-lilt fac d lhi. f.i r cic iliiiu field', and then -'ith a s ini b ru; t h.r il dlf. rtiitly at flis , then wib an intinne h. 1(1 h.'irinir the "tory jon hive just liiiith^d. mother. Sue hal been reared in old The pof niB that lie in thnt'g a to i"o«i ut licr d iiijh'.er pear;s. The "Ec'io S i,,-g" ot Tiioni'ia B.ilry by Cava I) ity B iti s, I' a lilt of verno with liZ'Iy lo Illd fro "i.h t.-cli ni v iiieiif, ot h r aic uut of the youi:.^ Iail>'n ex'rein » \uu'b, U .ry, Bl s'lo w mid oft n -ay t,i h"r fi i 'iid*. Smi wouud hiT iiriiis arouud tho f >rm of .Ullrich is 11 txqusiie tuat eur. ly that slendi r fi|;ijri'. How «iiu;d it be w bin he had nivtr made tmir i ii(;a,;Miieiit k i i*n. an irrisiai.iiily fu luy llhi-trnthii.; ' A Phi the b'iiu'itiil i^om'tn b:>rlo ber, renci'iiiig liiigir'ii t fiiiry wa-^ g^ ni P She wi.iiM n e K'I I ariy us u.-ma rhiy had at last deo.dd lo Ij ipg the matter los plicr," (^h'iil'iite .M. P .ck ml; F.-a-k out ono li ll' b.-own hand to J ilin Claytoi. D'-nipst.'r S.iei" iiai.'a "Ar.-ichii'^,'* a quai'it each diy in d t.-iki'her ugu ar (lall ip oVrT to u clor-c, atid as the laly in qui s'.ion nas "!'. iiuloni of Ihl' iTV-^Idl nir. I I feet, luy m nher wia of tie B' F Vs of As he to k li In bin o vn tho (ull moaning of Iliiiii; It r of iiiveLt liiy.-tLry!" I'lendiua: ot th-^ Ig-'cd of (Ireeci-; ^l thur the fli>;d ou Ujii, b r prit.y e rrell, bul sbi' no' ot ogo acioriiug tn the la vs of lUn Vi'iiinia. I'o 1 ho gr.'it diatpp iint, nont of me words "O hal sp k u to ber but a fuw <» i"a" lo e, preaent d'y Iiliiii<. A'lo'b r wou'd ridll lilNi.e. At Ir-iaUraBC nho w.iu d Riato, the lovers had cro.*&cd the boundary will any to bmr and jiy to repoat ita II y in ither I dil nit t il; 1 ti sch.iol. I moiii'ints hi.iO'' come to him. lii«lit iiiii'o, • Ja k F i.tcr'a tiird."!," ia hy eit at tbe he-.d of the lahle ,;-IUJ Ind alw • s liio and b 111 been m\rri. d iii Ihe a >j III.II'K ">cbo! ei'ho!" Elith M. Thomai in lu^lo 1 iii'il fur my h .'ue lif'; 10 i'd I havo cir- "Hul yoa—Miss Dile—I—" riiiiua vtr.'p, ".Mma Sana," wi uia tho ivy (ii-iih nn R. Ifc.ater, tho aiitiior ot " roiili done, bu'. Ihl re \« oull bi oly three rupn stite. Full Uiui-s and jii iuliirs Wt-rn 11" I th'S'': o ll 1II. t'l uy rural ho ii'i, then "I?" Fhe S'.i I, smelly, with a low, wrenihi-biut tho Tnvraua for 1' eay, tin- Munzi," that li'iliad o' baiiu'ing ineasur.'. intu which ebe wuuM p ur the Hieiming; given, aiid \h3 namcij wtTe tbi.-o of th.e -ir wuilld have ll 'I'll well, hur, I c j.lld i't, SO umuwd liUfch. "U'hy, Ur. Clayton, this] only H.iC'.'hua to vvhoiii lii'iderii in *!'la miy " ll h ' L'Via Sflii'0*i B'ier," ''Pua*y'a R i- bleck Coffee wheh na< oil Aunt I-i a > r's woman I lovnl nrd btr gn -rdi in I bfl' 1^. a'tor tinea in 01 In' stav. Mi'.r.er wiis the happiiJit of i.i',' d:-nt-; You did not j sbij; liyuiiH and luing won-hlp. David W iily." ''Whi'li irfi.mi'a A'iv n'em.int," ''Lit pride. Afler liretikfiB' s lo wml 1 pmct- -B Thot was all. N.t a li « fir waa very mu 'll gri v .1 over the c lUrie I ini-an what jou a;;id, and I-—ivell, y.iu kuow | 51. Itiirii writ a a llllll ".Surii.v';'' a'id, a; r i- tl • Pit hpis." "I'he I/ghti ig of the Sun" OD tho prt'ty liltlf! rosi'wooj pi-.no me—not a word or hraiow of hud laker; fill'r only c iickl d over ihe I could r.ot Itave father, grtat thiiu, title, "A Precursor of Milton," tfae time befure be cann f O, vi'i; in road to bl pretty Will laid, and world, seeking foigeifulnctia or light I '"Tisn't good for your vani'y, my IcrJ, briU;^-'to view i no of tlio.-« who.in fatner A letter frou RaiuT, which la n little icg! How sbe hid neglctd tba'ofla'i! iiuy ber all the protty b 1 ki ahe will want, have nevtr I.eurd trim A-g—from her— is il?" she asked, witb a sly twinkle in her timo his relegi;til t') too runka of jireat pl'ic 1 in tho lu vi-r p 11 tion of M'lUtgom'^ry She had left (ff 'Strickland's Livrs." to or bave tiino to leid ' H'i I waa reto sj'.i sincH tho i moruing I re.d if btr inirriage, brown eyes. He arinped ber band heartily; forg,tten oiita. From thia Avifua, hinbop c unity. Alibinm, to tlm Puilailc!phiaTimea, read of Claini', the lily maid i ben at and it is my w!»h chat I ucver lUiiy. Msi nli doubt had gono. He had been Ueceived. of VienuH, wo are t-i kii'iw th'it Milton bor­ tella tne followiiuj; a'oiy; from ach'ol a'l too aion. I have otien felt nigbt; cnuld sbe ever go bsck to Ihat life, so Dile, 1 havo told jou my etory tbat you The girl had uever cared for bim rowed the pl»n ot the xre.'.t Kii;iliah rplo; A tiiignlar fro.k of nn'iiro waa brought to the neceaaity of lieing iie'.tC'r inf irui'-d, but I devoid of imeres f tihe si.:,h d as ebe i.sk d might forgive the bitterness with whirh I "Think ynu, Jean," bo iiaid, gratefully, and wllill tll0^^.1ll^c•itator of Aviim exiols i towu yeaierdiiy by a negro w.iiuan namod could not ho conteute I ao far awiy frotu herself tbn questirm, and then btr face spoke of life, for mine bail not been a pieis- "my gnod lictle friend! But corno, lotus thia aa a pi em "far hroidi r nni bolihr'' J mo Cirter, who boa until rec^-ntly b en home, and going to ecb ml in tho up hill brightened, for an und tbe hend of tho road ant one " go on to tbe house. Tbe after glow has thsn "Do Init 11 Muudi,''he, b buving that en ployed on a funn near here. The freak country waa theu an linpoyaibilit} ; our n-ar- came striiliag a figure she knc» DJIC?" he hiijihtnoss. It li.-;3 a ftbadow for eai'b one, tee I havo learned tho adage about 'com thoiiiut>ou fant of its mj;', oiiiig and al-epin^ In a s:.'iiiuti)> upon tlie hiart," Tugether tho m in and woman s'roUfd up appcur poeiiii of rare li-auy, of that iuikli- ao nothii g of every t'li'ig-li "W to ap.>ll alt may steal tut aiid join tbe Brownies iu their iii'iat ll'i urul 'naiiior. Iti ap'ecu ii lirni'.eil Her voic lack.d the frcshnesi it bail con­ the iiroad road loaoiug tu tho houso Jian iialilo ('Xiiui.-iittniHS of Kintlniont, tho ijuality I'lO I mg, ll ird w.ir la, cm toil ui aoiu ifiinif tu ri'p'.'atif:g w.ir Is und saiiten'.i s which it romps ovrr tbe flild.-?" tained only yesterday, oi.d bad a wenry woichid thtm till they entered, and drop­ of true-t poetry that Hta it elf todivero of thil hMiiiry of all the c lUfitrioa, the b 1st He pp'ike lightlv, jei bin face waa a tr fl i iI nole in it tha'sciucii hiiu lui.euly. Whit ping lu-r face on tbe o'd moss-covered post hvura. I r^i la i ig no'.bi'ig itr iioiii ce qiii'e c irreio.iy, evi'ii audi na we c iii lunseti bnd ibii-kii g—a pleaiont cccuiavion, Wi.s i^inginy, and tbe oM, faniili'ir worda d'lrtone," thu foncy th.t tho yea liold-i lu a do " j unt aripy chili 1 in tha'i one ni'ivenient h-r aid' lid a miiuthfiil to the ni'iiblcat t'.ni^ueil isn't il?" teoiui'd III mean so inu'.M from liim: compo'.Ite, inarticulate murmur tl© my rind "P. ia well enough to wiah fir giod thinga, j ini.cceiii heart was laid li:ire to the shrewd 'Nut always, at leift I do rot flnd it FO " "If you e-ere ij'ict 11 of iil.'as irc Riuiida of tie bind of tbe living; the princi. Tiie hallo's ai Liculaiioii, though ra''iier gran Illl I, bit I ilm't think onr niuiia will man of lhe wi rid N : i, c uld not be pos And I were Kiiin oi imiii. He li.oked moodily down thernsdimd silenc plo that rinija through this il le pie ii of T. Welti, i-l diatirc.', and c'car, iin-l baa nothi ,g b'H'.i llilt."l wltll ui"^ul infiiriiia'.i in at yours. •iiih I h > told him.ni'lt antri.y, but his ki-i n Wo'it hunt dowu h.No iny-'tiicr— reigned for a ffw iij-iinnts Thtn— I'lui-ll I lit his nyiii|4 ftlillier T. Munger'a is tiie ln'at l.eachiag of tbe eaat of tho liapiiig ucc-nt if cliildr-'ii. 'i'hat it ia Why yuu aio our tn king cucye opidia, oy s could nut lii- diceived. Th y b-id rend '•What pretty afterglows the sou'.hern Ami Itai'Ii his loel 11 iiiiiisure tbnt th" west gmapa afiiTi only an f xtraoi diiiai ily d'vch pej power of grandma " ari.ht—.she loved hiin. What was to b* And Iilld his moulh a it in— •kits con Ioist cf," be Bsid slowly. "D i "That woiidrou.s voice. O iiiid, fs surely Ihilii'. miri'icry ii ahown by ita imitating every iu "I don't feel that I aui thit, yet. I am I dont? Ho had ni v.r tho.iyht of this, ihe If you ii'ere ii'ii'eo of pli' isiii'.' II 'Cii-iii of the voic • and ri peat 114 with 1 quil you kiow one of the mnny pl-asarit memory And I were kil j; o' imiii."' Thnt self .'•uine voii'..-. e onitil li'id l^ iiiliie." i/lail that you Mud lU'j uaeful, if 1 am oid : btemeil such a child. c; rric'neas leiiteiKva In dill'-.irent lan.ifii ge*. pIcturtB Ibat I bhi.ll tnke away with nie will Tben theio was a sinidiiu pause, anl then, In Mra Margaret J. I'rt at u's sonnet, and decrepit." Tho cliili will alio Rl«b o.- Iaii,(h, and even foe tbat of an old f&riu h< use, red nud gold HIS li.tle friiJiid was d ar to bim, biit as a sound ot liughtir. Jean know thit they "A Daina'cua O'lidin," ther;> is hidden ' tJrindina, yoiiapik'of your'atlinr set­ ping a thort measure af cr h"iri: g audi, do deckrd hills in the diFtance, ai d thii lieKU'i bis wifo—no, no! he ciiidd t.ot ibink of il! b'ld noi a thought for hor—not om 1 S i-no- undfr the lilr'ia'ima of fancy, under tho tling on tho Tahafio'i-a rivir. Waa it tbis ing all without any exproaaa m of tho f.ici .(oi afterglow liKhliug ip the fnce i f a i^lrl An * jft, why 1.1.1? If his o.vn Iitu oouid 'hing cu'id tuuclied bor hand, ai d looking i.iiniiii^ra qiiiveiiug rliylhinic'iUy aa ruiii- s'liiio Taliapooaa ihat wo have?" beyoi ll the ouo natural to au i fant ot its as sbe leans againtt the gate. This lies hetn I noc be happy, was io'any reason why he sbould down she saw Don, the thii^gy Newfound- cartirsod k'uvis, tho tiling tho world lovea "Wby, yea, my child, you inua * nn H'rive lO hrigi'ten lur ? t'ln was a lo^- tender age. I plesssnt satiimer to me, Miss Dale, oud I lind. standing at her side. His eyts were brat and longest, a nohle heirt. lira. uiideistanii that days iiiuy come iiig I't.Is thing and fo.i.e d'ly s'lould teach •hall rem) mber it witb mucb pleasuro wheu full of a mute sympathy as he gized up ioto Preiton's losa of sijibt has not marred her Tho negrupB abouti r.'gard it with aiip"r- and days may gn, but the rivers himto f'lTget. Olll ying the iiupube, bo I am gone." her faca Whiit wonder that tbe girl's portic vision and liko a skilled artist sho stitioua awe, and even the mother, whiie ninai'i BOinnibing tlm sine In all ond said sl'iwly ond lb Ui^htfuliy: she BU "klea it, seema to have a hurror of it, "I em glad," she sild timidly, looking up c- ur-ig" gave way? tihe sank on her knees, niaki-S ber readers s-e distinctly the picturo tnroug'i all ag-ia. Fifty yeais ai£:i now £ and Ba>a Ita P'.culiarlty ia tbo ro ult of into bis face. "I suppose you a'e lonKing "1 liuvo told JOU my sory, .Mlsi Djie, bidirg her face In the shaggy neck. "Oh, i-b» ilraxs iu fourteen lino linea. II 'I n c irried my first boat acr.jaa tin Talipioa* just as it is. I b:tve striven lo f, rget the aonie conjuring proc'ia by n neighharini^ to get away from tbe qui. tof curciuttr* D ll;!" she sobbed, "thty have forgotten us!" riiiiycr lluchison baa accuatoiii.'»d nc'i^-i- river. Aa I told yon fathi'r had carded hia woman who ruiied my li^', hu*. I kno-v that voodoo doctor, whom she bnd (irnidtd. home to your buntlirg city, and to tin) old Poir Joiin! p'lor, lonely lit'le child! zine reudera lo link for exquisite w- r-i fr..in cittlo all on tiio eustal '0 ot tho riv.r. Well If tonight fho hbould cove li^ck lo inf, free Sbn faya that it b-g'i 1 to talk when hickinu life with tts ceieil'PS rtundcf plea-urea. AcroS' till* gloom cime the words— h'-r pen. ''A (iod of tho Azteca" is one of thoao cowa Wv'ro to io .k of er, that Is they and I'jviiig as of oM, my hi'wrt would g'l out ' If you wero ipiteii of pleiisuro orly a few d'tya of l-i'dng aix weeka old, and Tben your friends, you niuit be and—" ber strong'Bt poems. The p.et baa cb ,:en a wero to ho fouiiteil nnd faitul oici a weok to htr iu forgivfi ej3 iinl, pirim^s, 1 iv?. And I wore liiuK ol piiu," that sbo abai'dniid it for nt^arly forty-ei.ib^ "Tbere are no friends who will rare narrow wny f.-r ber verao to tread; on the and quite n nuinher wero to In milked K'.o.viDg all hi', dll yi u think you c uli iMAiiDAKiiir K O'BRIK.V. houra, thinking it wns "do deliMl liiiiiseif." whether I go cr cornel" be seld clnioiit one iiidii tbe viliiptii'.'iia phuaea of u reii,i,ioii t*i<'') a day. Ku'li r iindi levoiol very care eu' U.5I1 for iue to btc una my wile—to buiit of iropit'-il air.', fnah biooiua, nofea of but on heiiring it cr,. from lui'gir hiriiii- roughly. "Wbtn I go it will not be b caau.w IS Tiiti; e> iKK. rough bu', BU'i-tanii'l hateam. Uo gave blil g a lit'le of jour su Bliinn into my li'e .the iut'', aloration of yoiitb a li beauty; on tei lllll f(cling co: q'lero'l hir sup'istition. life is pleasanter tn rau iu town tbiu In uie one, whic'i I Boon 1 'arned to pi'ldlo suo- —t.t help mo nni co i.fort mi' i 1 my tn u'll ? Whon I ki.s«!t'(l lior thnt iiitrlit in tho hfi'Uviiy the ohl r band, fuliiiig like u sb'er b itioni- Her ubj' cr in hriiiglrg it ti town wus to country, buc that I am obi ged to go. Lifrt 'I Wfis ttit ihirk thut riothi \e wa.s pljiiii; c-safuUy. Wnen Iho biHy wurk aousoa F.IIKIVO me if I am a'lrujit and i-lart'ti yo-j, le.^B 1 recipiie, the lil'iuk horror of that hivo it bui'izd by a ini'i whiro ininiatcr ig the tame to mo eveiy»h ro, a hollow And unl bj t.j: sure but l'tl mis*, h r. camo ou my boat piddlii g nai turned to trot i am go'iig i-wny toiuorrn.v, nnd lousii fiii'.li, liuiiaii aM'riii:':) Tue p'lot lend i her here, tb'i c 'hired pist.ir ut h-r ctiiir *h r fua .mockery, a shun), a hu iibu,r, to c une d wi Wiij, 'iwii.s n^lit 1 bbo >ld kiss bur ii^'i-in. 'Ccount, aa I veiy hand wi a nu'il d to stir iHKe your aiis'.v^r wib me Toi k'»iliho verae ligorou-jy tliruugb tho narrow rouil ilg to p rfor.n tliat rito. She tiiinlca li ip tofaclsl" Hu PfKike m miily i.nd dug b.s liio soil. Auut Diiiiih, the old iitgro co ik file ynu H,i' a-t, for it ia a .-on ;in llilitg >oa 'l'h»'re wos (luricnOf-K on ovotTlliiiii< rouud ua,J without a iininient'H leaning t'io far to ti'in ni ly c lUu'ca it tli'» cinjirin,^ a-.d cure heels Impatiently iito the gruvl d e r'h 1 wMsro.i'hiu« in vuiu 'o-ibe ibi'»r, n.d iniaelf «eie to do the inikng, so tbe nre guil g to di'ivile I villi IKS houn'.'t with either i-iil.>. " I'l'e Wintir Kidds" a ila I HI c i'lll, na she re.;»rd8 ic. "I do rot thii.k life a hunilni,?, ilr CUy- Ali'l Iho wliiic 1 i*n> si'fkiiiK nn exlr y u, ai;d ^ay that I do not fi 1 t i»ard yi li soniit from lhe C-iriadi-in poi^t, C'larle-* ri. ini; <" '' aotiii g lUii ni-iially (oiiglr. m-a on ton," Jfun fibid, ll tr fla wuinily "I., b«s JtteuliHp eued 1 ki.'-hea bur hiiiuemore. th'it pisiiinat*'IJVH Unit I (;r>ve'.o the 1 nn ti. 11 U bi^rta ia a di-irinCi cintra'.t to lhe water wi'll .'Viiiit Dmib ami'g at the always Ven plea a. t lomerur. biro in my PhOBI^lTi I'HhJ LORD'S .SUPPER oC whom I tl 1 I JOU, I Ul my hiart is ?ull if Anil 1 WHsu't q'lit" suro a.** I loft hor, Mrs I'leaton'a ' DimiiSi'.iia Uariien/' yit iu i.j'-li eul of tie ll iat wh 1' t vo I irgo w lodea dear old home" Thtn btr ipa jiricvei ns As to « both' r ^b•.• lik^d it ur nut; South Dakii a Pro Ibiti nirt's - iii'tre "I.urks hid till' RiTUl of C'sO'i'V, the ' im •be stood erect uod Mie ir, a 'irAVe ItilH ll<- ilciily flll'l i.hciiia..lvta ciiiifi'iiutcl with par­ down upoii htr bre'ist, I.ui Ihn Iipa s emed Ar.d t'H' i;H.s'i ! grau'liiii, you have done some won- sky. Then tht- clas,! r. 1 x d, and sle knew The I'l'iili lii'ion bill now pindln^ in tlie leg- hijr «oril« retched him, tho voic of Fa imr "To tbe Tiar" ia a loi g, hLuvy pirce of 'lerful tliiiiga. i iidiu'ro It all, but 1 dou't tfaat J hn Clayion wis s eukioi.' Ilut her ro'l ohook^ KO rogulsb'y dimolod, ial.ture la baid 10 be the moat Bw.a pii g cud Uale came to them through the siili -jir: AUI hor t yes hhduo so ^* lokolly h. inht, rbyin". ihiiiU I Cl u I cv r he HO brav.-," "Bo you ttiii bl leve Ul Ibe br g'ltnesB of ir iiiclad measure ot I's k nd tliat boa iv.r "0.ime In, Jt'aiiie Ilrill, i w.tutjoul' Thut I Hiio:-sc wheio her tauUKut-s woi.e a-strtiy- Tho brigbtreaa of brie a brae verso s'rikes •'O'l, It wonll teem out o( life," he wns. jipyiig iu a rep ,.g, hitler nu;- bll u suhiiii till til the I'AWiiiaking puwi r of Hi iias h.iiid and ho U'-ed'!! h r Sbe thri ugn tho more d. I'cato poesies of the place, now, ard I shnuld not bke to voice that j irred iip -n her Ri-iisiiive nei ve-i. Aud 1 ro'^.chod up and turned out tho liKht. any sta'e, anl tho s'a'e pr',hiiiii.hiii leagu'i raistd ter f^ica. lighted witb ha^py, sbioiug — iJnstou (iiobe. Ci'iituiy liho a |,'leaui of mnhght to cill ua si'O yi'U eigige in lU'b wnk ai "O, for the credu ity of nvt nti en tbit he­ ia ni'ilii g alrmuoua 1 IV .rta 10 secure itn eyes-. to a work-aduy world, a snarp aunheam •a Idling und hariuaaln.? h MB'H, or cirrying paasiigo. The Itgi-laturo ia bi'a'e.^-d by a lieve in love and tLe lot gtvity cf lovf—that shot into the opaline, del cioua tints of d.iwn. a ha'ti'.'iu acroiH tho river But it ciiiii nat­ '•Wait for me bere," she s^id softly. THE It.VXK CLK.VRIXGS. S'rong lobby, with a libi-ral tpiiiikling of is ever loc kirg forward lo something b:i,.hf, "O.' a Ijady" is a pretty pc'urj of a pretiy ural en,ugh to iii», and sum d to ine a ttt "Wben I retuin yi.u sball bavo my on- W"iiieii champi ins of the cui^.e, and tb 1 '.'iP, never bsokward at the shidy ipir.s ot liti I ' The Clearli gs ^liuw tlie Patt Week's liusi­ room "Negro Plowman's S.ing" is ouo of thing to do All jou'g peopl • ah luld h»vo B'.ier." look for tbo hiil waa, on the 'whole, dec il'idl} Tbis mocking laugh somehoAr aiig--ielthe ness A'ory l.a'u;e. E Iward A. Odhum's good pi* ct-s of dinle'..'t. s. nil exercisi H ibvel p tiieir inn cna and She turned and fped along tho pa'.b to tbe favor iblc, when B an ip Hir-:', 01 hi h.lf of gifl, and sbe thmw out her hanii.i ni h n "All Ariib Biyiijg" b ilds a Hentiment ser- 'iling liealtliat.il atri luth t;i their bodi-a. farm housn, leiiviug Jobn Cl lytou standing The b»nk o eariiiga 8i uiiv w»r6f'313,- hla cluich, in ered a vigorous pi-oteai. pretty imp-ri us motion very uiilike ber vicoable to vciBoiiian; many make uae of it" Y iur tOichira now have you lai practica cal- oloue by thi! ga'o, Uor hi'art was si; giuK, aou 31), and the baUnc s ij-lfj G80 61. .^'g'lii Ht Ihil meai-ure in it.a present f-irm usual gintlenerg. "A Lifter" is a viry bappy frur-virae laihoiiica, and take u'hi r exer'i.-ea ihit w-r» I'bo CI ul.l help bim and coinfort bin. tite IIIC cU'tirin;48 for tt;e wfok wore |!)."il,- Hla ut j Cli III la has^d on the ground t'a "Huthl" ehe B'jid shirp'y, "you must not piece. The last rhymes of "Tuou^nta not iiic.esiry in my time Eub da/give c u'.d bo of Koine u e to him. Huib'e liltle 390 7'.J, wiiob is over |.'5U00 laiger than "the Epi-io ipal church decKr.'a it uii- apeak so of life tu mtP 1 will not listen, do on tho Liito Wnr" ore enough to make ua plenty if b idliy txirci-o for general Jt;au uever thought of the 1 ive that wns do hll CO tbe clearing house has beeu In opera­ lawiul to usa the uofei miby she day, and with It every kind of business is but madicir.al, ini'Chanical or scieutidc pur- erciao withuut auything uf that tint li'lof^ sketch and forgiveness and self immolation is thinks of me? I " kissed bim to softly as she performtd fur growing and improidng. posts. Inasinuch as celebrating the lord's riqiired. Wtll, w.i h-id to li-o early ia a fair flower to bloesom from a fine pnem ou "Who ig' CuustauOL?" he asked, half him the little offices that lovu can make no Tbe banks duriug liie past week bave all supper caunut properly tie classed under any thoaa daya, and we felt liko reiring eaily; revenge. Tbo poetry of the Cjsm'ipilitan luUy. sweet. boen rushed with busiuess, and they report of tlieae brads, its pis.-a^o would make it un- we slept to •; heap by exercis", why, there id is clear cut and polishod as a set dia nond, "Cocatance? Oh, she Is the invalid fripud "Ah, Jtanie, you're a sweet good lass," mODiy as bebig eatier than for months. law'ul for tht Epae ipil cburci to admiuia iioihii'g lik'i. But 1 don't want tu crotk, tbe poetic idea beld lu the verse is as dla- I visit in tbe cottage juit over the hill ba- be Sli I, as be kifsnd her and bade her Itave T he trading bas been large in every line, ter one of the sierdiuonta acciirdiug to the childreu. I am tn rtly tpe k'ng uf tbe tlnct and sparkling as tbe gleam lu tbe yond tfaere Ur. Ciay ton, yon muiit pardon him fcr a time. and Birmingham is on a solid business boom. tenets ot tbe denominaiiou. cn'ingo. I want yt'U lu gi otieni aii'l iii>- lucent depiQs of tbe stone; eachscentiUation ne for rppaktcg so hastily, but I coul I not p'ovo overy opportu'dty, tor a oullyni liva Down the path she went aoftly, fall of of fancy creates a reapondtnt glow in tbe bmr to bear yoa si.eak so bitterly cf life, The obu' xioua features will ot crurae be Ulty years frum tu lay, juu w luld di u'Jile'a bappiuesp, her sweet face tinged with tbe DEC.\Tllll STOCKIIOLDKUS heort of Ibe reader. Frank Dempster Sher­ removed without delay. C)ar prohibition wben it IS such a sunny pleas vt tbing. I atea greater change than I hava ao.m. S> shyest ot flu-hes. He was santiing by tbe man has made the electric Kpark that speeds fri nds cannot afford to put tbe churohes in did not m<;an to speak so w.trmly." Refuse to Allow the Property to Be let tbia be yuur g iljon, if P. la nut exactly gate, and iiivolantorlly ber stops grew through the wire strike the key-noto for the name ciia I witb the sti ions. But the He laughed a slow m- ckiug sort of a Itoudsd. to niv liking " blower, for there wos another form stanilliig bird-Bong in hia poem "Two Birda " M O. Bomewhut amu-jcatar land com­ "Oh, grinlinother, we thi: k til' preaeut beside him wlih bowed heod aud a wumou's Gil'iogtiiu bas a graceful rondeau, "Had I tration ot the HUpertlci ilily aud thuiightlisa oudgtli in defense of tbe great strong world. pany mtt tbe other day. agii is just flplei'did, hnt wn ciul 1 b.vo on- voice waa saying in low touea of intense en Yl ur Love " The ' OJe to Borrow," by Zi-ittl which only too often cbarocteri/.aa the Could notbioK sbake yoar (>ltb in iiP" They decided by a vote not to issue any j lyed a life lik" your's waa in y ur girlho il. tre'jty: William Bronson L' Due, dees not carry in most w.'ll in entioned eff irts to reform bu "Nothing at all," she declared stcut.Iv. bonds on the property, and after some rou­ 'How could I believe otherwisi? I had its well rounded whole a single useless line maniiy by means of iekiia'ation. I'nere aeems to have boon aoiiiM hug ab 1,1b "Notbing?" he repeated qufstimlngly, never bdd occasion to doubt his wor.i, and, tine matters adjourned. This prop'witlon 1': 80 free and easy. 11 d you ever m'o: the or worthlees word. I'roblbiiion Is embodied lu tbe organic "Tfalokof all those dear ones you have uien- wben he told me that it was in his power to was mado some time ago, and bad been Indiana wheu tbey wero nativts of thifl 'tioDed. Has not sotne great sot ro w fallen thoroughly considered beforehand. law uf S u h Dikota, and au honest elf irt ruiu you forever, in my piwer to save y u Dora Read Goodale oppears in raore than COU'.try?" on each of tfaeir liven? Your fatber—for­ should b • made to enforce it But the ear- from ruin, what cculd Id). He ttld me one migazine tf the month. Her "Nym- "A few, I will tell you BOnie'blrg ot them give me—la blind I Your good aunt sufftn d Likuhliig fur a New Kuule, neat champi na of tbe cause would ilo well that you had go'xiilod away your entire phie," In Lippincott's, ia very creditahlo. at auothir 'Ime." STU.I.A STii.Mt. the 1»8 ot tbe man gi-e loved, before tfae GRKENVILLK, Jan. 2.5 —[Special.!—Major to romember that IroncUd atoiutes are not for uiie, and had give'j your notes for lirge Au.el e Rives' "Blua Water Lili s" is full BIDDLEBBRG-t!.B DE;4.D. I Tear bat^pa^std over her mirri.d life, Ai d Danblin, Colonel Steinbart and Kx-Mayor always the most cIHoicloua laws. CUIUS of mjiuy to d ff rtn". noted g^m'ihrs. of beiiui.iful line, but tbe lack of cutting and A. Ilrlllhl-it. Hut lirriillii "l-lf.! Kuiled Ye»- thia friend of your'n—this Constance! I'd McK lizie are cjllcoting sub ciptiiiiis today A Small Sum. He bod biU^ht up thoso notes, and, by forc- pi uniiig (1 pri COBS tbat improves both plauts ^•ger Ihat it Is some moitil agony tbat baa for tbe purchase of tho Greenville nn IS luth- tenliiy. ii g yoj to piy the amouuts on tho day tbey ' and p etr>) li-avea her work marred by CiiiCvuo, Jan. 2.^.—B. P. Hutchineon, in •Bade her an invalii. I-i it not n ?' OBStern railroad. A committee will ba ap- WiNCiiEBTitii Vl., Jill. 21—I'it Senator- fell one, bu cuuld ouly ruiu you In tbitt many us hsi lii.ea and interpolation o' many au iniirview tbis afternuon, statea that aftt-r "I dp not know," tba girl sn^wercd p linted at ouce to at eud to tbn mitter,and lli ldlB"irg''r 111 d •it 2:'iO o'clock ims mim­ way, but o uld prove you to lie a p o- fancies foreign to tba main idea of tbe work an 1' V Btigatlon he is unatilo to asci rtain I fdowly. "It is true tbat Constance alwuys as B'.oa as everytbii g is is iu sh'jp" tho mat­ ing. Thn ex S'l ator baa btien ciiilluidtu pnfeis'onal gambler, and totnke uway your The best poem in Lippincott's is James that tbe embtzzlements by Clerka Stoutr Wemtd to hide a secret uf her imat life, and ter wi'l be plaoed before the L 'uisviUe aud bia room slice tie h 1 dayp. Ho was ua- social position. lI-< knew that I lov-d you, Whiccimh Riley's tender song, "In Tna and King haa mulcted him heboid $',2'J00 or through ail tbe tbree years I b->vo known Nisiiville railroad iu Cinciona'i. c inacinua for ihr^H wieka ex^'p'i at lu'or- and told me thit I c uld save you by lUNrrj- Evening" Otber orl ides bearing on poets 13000. i licr the bas ntver sei med to kn^w a happy Ihe Greenville amateurs will shortly ap vula. Hia fuu ril wid tak'< pla o tomorrow ing him. He wi ull not even let me si nd and po«-ty in the current i.umber of L ppiu- I fDoment. Bus tb>s4 are no'hing but in |>ear ut tne opera house In "Amoug the ifterniHin at It o'clock. The iutermeat will yoa a Une of ezpUna'lon, though I begi^eil c'ltt are, "Tbe Theatrical HenaisFaii(;e of SUPERtNTKNDE.NT J. D MO "ORMICK Of Ifltwices," sba ex'lalmei passiouait-lv. "I Brenkers," and a farce eutitled "My Turn be at Eliu' nr^ KO hard to be permlC'ed to do tbi" mjch. Saakecpeare," and Richard Henry 8 nd- Pra'.t Wiurs expects the output uf coal fir Jiirill not believe tbnt life is the izquisice Next," Within a m lutti of our marriage, he woa dard's article on Katbanlel Parker Willi-i; tho mouth wili amount to conaid^rahly ovtr Hoavy Snow tUirm In tliiiii.'nry* Ijwio yoa would miica it out to be " A Urge nnmher of mortgages are now be­ found dead ill bisofScf ohair. "Heart dis­ this last article being of dlBconneoted een- 100 ODD tona Tne output for tha past w-'ek ViB.N.SA, Jill '2') —'hen hs be n « pro- "I will give JOU ye; another instance ing flud iu tbe probate offlce. ease," ihe doctors Siid, aul I a girl of 17 tenoeg and discontented rpirit. waa 40,000 toua, aud fur ttia week before longeilaniw ttorni lu Hungary and S'.yra. I llian," be said slowly. * P, rhups you wil wss a widow. You wtre far away, and 42 000 tona Silt rheum, with its BEoiiiziiie Iton and S^rlhner's poems sre like rubles red with Houaes are d mil shad ami many livoa have Itut least pity me, if you do LOC learn to duubt after soms time had pass'iid, I learned that paio, is cured by Hoi}l'a f«:»parilla. Give the glow of "atonement" aud self sacrifice, Iiiflueoz* mnst be pretty bad In^hrOlild. been loat. Bt. Uartin's cath.dral at Preu>- world. Four ye^rs ago tbere did nc. my gnardian had deceived me; that tfae atory & a man who belitred more firmly in the it a trial. "the Ballad ot Tonio Maii2a" li ringing, I FUty-OBe pupils atayed at home on Friday. burg was damiged by tbe storm. •:s-j^K>MnrRV\iT'iJi^-


riprisentatlves wrreadmitf^tl. whereupon a theater by tke otty autkcrliiaa, it U th mght GENEllAL NEWS. portion of the < fii •. iiiet'ting. therein. Blc Batch of Opini .at H lUded D..W3 o« Oftmaty if prepsrolrg a world's fair fcr Tl o r»i ai« commiltee bas reported ad- Gadsden has two jug factor!e». Tf. K. Ltake hos been Fupnrlntendeot of Y*B'er,lay. An Entire Family Taken to tho MoNTOOMSRT, Jan 27 —[^ lej'ol ]—Th» 1887. Tprs. Iv on Mr. Call's re'Olutioii lucking to Ftnnsdalo is to have a n»w j»il. the P<|--on and Coal valley minne, but baa nrgotiatioriB to eti I ah n repulilis lu Cubi. ra>lgnei ti go to Richmond, Va. Bit or* foll'iwiii< supreme Oi>urfc dcciaio .3 wtre ren- Oaidnrr, Maw., had au ^85,000 fire the Tusk'-.Ioosa haa aioib-T Bvitl club. HcBpital Two fre'ght trains rr.n toxether near be Ittc his friandt pieseuted biul with a dtred todiy: Si-i-h. Tuacuiobia hid a priia flght lait wsek. handaom* diamond. Ston", 0 J.—Jjhn Dita-n va. the staU, Tbiie hnve been heavy snow storms In | Whieliiigon the liist. A onductor wai The tind Partleiila •-Seven Motherless kilUal and s-jv^iral olher petsjcs surioualy iu- Real eetste Is b lOiuing again in Annis­ In Mobile, Waltur Williama waa sentenced from Dtcttur ci.y C'lari; lilllr.ntd. HuDgiiry. j jurifi. ton. to the penitintiiry for Bve years for killing Ciiililren Nnr»liiK a r>y|e.g Father, SjoisrTille, J.—D Biackaha.ir y.i. thestate, from Dale circuit o-iurf; affl m'd. The lottBt repcrts from Dr. i'eUrs Is that The Oir worka at Qiidaden are overrun Henry C Belas. Williams sjspecteii Bolso Ike Uldest a (an uf le Teara. I-ham Harrlaon camp ccnfederaie veler- J A. P.estwood etal. vs the state, from- be is safe. ana, Cumlus, Mlsi, has been preaanti il with crders. of intimacy with hla (Wi.liama') wife and The coal Irr ubles at PuDxaatawny, Pa , sk^t him with a shot gun. Covington circuit cmrt; sfQruiel. witb an elegant uil pjrtrait ot CJIOUOI U.r- To date Springvilla has reoaived 3200 biles An entire family, conalatlng of seven James CcdliuB vs the staui', from Birbour remaiu unai tiled. risou. The Rslna young men's chriUUn associa­ of co ton. BiotherleM children and a dying fatber, were ciuuty coart; reversed without being r»- Cirstriciion of the Delgoa Bay railway Vf. A. Clark, elrc'ed by the demoerata to Florence has another building and loan tion elected E P. Gait, prisident; W. 8. ttken to lhe hosfiltal ye»t-rday morning. mandid. has been reaumrd the United State* senate frora Montana, can osaociaiion. Butler, v!c»-pre«id»nt; J. W. Hurt, secre- J. Sammona vs. tha Sta'e, f-nm Birixinr A prifcisor at Vienna his diBCOvered ths cot count the inilliciia uf his wealth ou hia tury; F. D»B. H»liH»r, general lecretary, Tbey arriv«d in Birmingbam In the early county court; reversed without being re­ The negro state alliance w^g in session last and U. A. Wilkina, treasurer. Icfluif za btccillus. fingers. week In Sel.na. dawn, pennilesa, homelets aLd almcBt bag- manded. The 24th, at Fl.-ir,«nce, as tl e c^ge of th(> gageliaa, and hnddled togaiher In the depot, Tbe thip buililirs'Blrike, at Bel.'ast, has TiiS editor of the Kansas Citv Times has Tbe SprlrgviUe Advance has two devils M. R Bredei va. the ttite, from Law­ North Alabama fu nece, loaded with iv.ks rence circuit court; iifBrni'd. lietn omicoliiy Bettlcd. hod an interview with Mr. Cleveland, in and a bustbt'. not knowing where to go. Tbe fatber was which the tariff reform questi'jn ia diicuasi-d and ore waa beiug hoisted, the cthle krok* Giorice M. Toylir & C). TS T. O. Hughek Rrports from Brszil say that D» FoD»ec», Talladega ia preparing for a complete syt- epparently III, and tbo children, consisting very frtely. and it t«ll, o«rrylog down with it two men from D citur city court; fffiime'l. provisioDBl tuUr, i« dying. Vao ot sewerage. who wers riding ap, contrary to critra. of four gitls, the eldest of which is 16, ond Tbe farmers' Brancialion of Sinth Caro­ W. P. Baiki va E. T. Biagg, from Uont­ Adsro F.ripaugh, tbe vettran showman, Tbe grippe pnv nted tbe prize shooting Tbey were botk ba*ly bruited and Injured, three boys, gathered aronnd him, crjing. gomery circuit court; rtHnu.Vd. died in Philadelphia the ^22 I. lina, a rew pcUiicil org.anzition, bas but escaped with their ]tv«s. talleil a conveution to nominate a state maich at G.tdsdt'U. T«B BCKSK WAS A PITirUL O.NE, G. L Worth va. Mout^ome-y L. & I. Tie piogrtsiiivo iiiiners ar.d Kuights of Cl., trom M'jutgimery circuit cjurl; af­ ticket. Tbe Hantsville foir association elected TT. KlKT-paUe ciirei all disease. Write fer cir­ and a kind hearted gentleman, noticing labcr of Ohio hive coniKilidattd. F. Uarth president. ttiat the father w»s ill, queetioned him. firmed. A cjllifion occurreii oa the C hicago, Rur- cular. iniH'iisA Web'i. ajceiiis. J. A. Divis et al vs J. I. Hmi'h, from There was a heavy shock of eart! qirko at lington and tjiiicy rood neai'Siantun, I iwa, Marriid, at Per.ite, R ib.^rt C. Washington He gavo hla name as Columlius Thomson Rctlfiit L'.ke, Ttnn , the 24th. Miller nnd eaid that be woa from Calhuun Cherokee chancery cou.'t; reveraid and re­ iu which ocetiigluecr and sevtral pasai-ngeis and Mine Moulo Zi'ghir. Three Tons at Ft rtlllzers tu lie Given manded. Away. county on his way to Divltville, where he Tlie Giimsn peiara aro enythicg but were kilKtl. Charles AV. Childi has been appointed E. J. Jamrs et sl vs. the sti'e, trom pleased With the S.iuoan tjeaty. hud relallvea in whi>so care ho was anxiooB The il flusTzi baa bien sn prevalent asuong pestmaster at Marion. A rare chance ia offered farm'-ra for ob­ to place bis children, aa be did uot lielieve Barbr.ur c rcuil cju.t; r..Vir9.-d and r»- taining three toua of tertilizara Iroa ot coat At Pat lathe deaths duri'ig th.i wei!k were tbe miu.ocrs of the y leliec legl.ila'ure tha'. Tb" Methiiilista at F.iuti3dole will build a lie WaS mondtil. 685 liEs thon ftr the prt vioua wetk. uo i.ei'i..iia work hoa ueea tiouo lu the house new church this spring. by aiihaerlblng fpr the "VVKHKLY AOK HKR S. H H domoii va J J S W.lli^, from LONO FOB THIS tVO«I.D. TbeZavikn minera. In G.iiainy, have ati far ihia fioariun. ALD and aecuriniT a t'cket in the grnnd gift Barbour cir.'Uit o; ur.; iiOi -1110 I. Tlie Bjp'lat chinch at Tuakalocsi ia to diitritu I in on March lij. Juat at this aea- His wife died at a little sta'ion called decidtd to j lu the Hem n ttriktis. Banker Jreeph O. Ditman of Pnila.delp'ii* Cl'iptoii, J. — B b JuhiBii va. tie state, have a hand ome organ. .s in nil fnimnraare lurking arrangenieiiio tor Vorino In Calhcun tounty last Thun iay. Tho Atlui tic fciid D.iiViile road from Njr myjuii udy diaappeartii D.-ceinh ril t^uu- from Lime.ituDii ciicuit c uri; re'.'eiBe'I and An iron bridi« ia Vl he built acrO:s fertil'zara for 11'x'yeai's copa. Hy i-o.id After I'uvirg giv.n l.iitb tj twina, a girl reiuaiided. Iclk to Danville laa btn f. rmal y cpeiitd. day latt bia b>ly was tou:.d lljating in the Ing |1 to tuo .AtiB IILIULD tbey ciii '-iiuio Cvp'-t-aa cefk at F.oreuc'. nil a Imv, noi. q'lite threo weeka ago, htr McCleilin, J—W. D. U-.yn s VB. J. H. Sihu;iki.l tirer. the hiait Wtekiy i ewapaper ever punlialied iii Miis Clara A Tilghom uf Vicis'urg ccm There baa been n good tlemand fcr mules huai'.h bad compi ti ly given way and her Shor' et al , from Ciiy cinnccry curt; af- The first conte-:ted election cis 3 bifiro Iho the aouth, aud in addition to its regular niit'ed suic do at Julk^on, Miss., on tiie '22d at Ureeuabor.i this s-.ns lu. illness terniin.itlig fi^taly, this man, who ia flrnii d. coinniittte in coi giisi woa leporttd in fnvur vialta for a year they will recaivo a ticket Tbe glapa b'owera lickout at Sili"*!!!, N J , III bid hsalib, tound hnnBilf with seven Giorje T, Cniiidnck vs. Am'ricin Free­ of ttio repu'ilican. The committee decided Birmingham par'ii>3 have bought onsid- that may draw a tou of high grade feriili- has ended, anl the imu aic going to woik. cclldrt utn bia handu, the eldest, a girl ot 16, hold Il M. C'l ot Lini III, from Tallapoosa on p litica, not f^'C's. cralil? property in Oidsden. zr. Three tnia will be given to lucky aid tho yourg^t, tho twins ot a feiv weekn, chancery court; nill nie-I. A nninbrr ot milla at Fill River, Maas., M bile is to bave a sportiman club ond fl rmera. Even it tbo li'ket Bhouli tail lo to t«.ke care ot. HLa wife's Bicltii03.a ond The L ndon pajiers announce that Count Jim Rutligo Vl. thi s'.at?, from Madiaon couttmplato trjiug tbo p ill; ebiring plin. Ihe Hutet cluii hruae iu tb: south. call for n tun of firtilizora, it ralgbt s'nnd dratb and lla own poor bealtb, taken wth do I'aiia, at tbe toriniuati'.n of bia vi-it to circuit ciuri; ullirond. Three mm fell into a tank of boiling wo tor tho lf2'ill arild iiroeeuf, one of the $T''iO tlie-largo family he hod to provide for, hid Lsbon, nlll peo'ia''ly spend a month or two Cnarlio Fulhr of B auloii kai two flngoiB Nathan Uall ot «l. vs. tho stitc, from ter at Grand Rapids, Mich,, and oil wiilj in the United 8 ates. by beil g csught in seme belting. piano", a fliOi) orgon, ur eome one of tho alisorhel every ctut he had in tbe world. iiuintrouB pri-werita tu be distrilmttd among Olid fetling bimsi It UL&hlo ta take core of Gineva circuit court; revercci and re­ die. The court of error and sppiiala of D-Io- The Curla'iiin d"noinUia'i ul are propari'ig manded. The governor hia s'gne 1 tho bill giving tuo Bu'jacriusra to the WKKKLY Aoii HKII hia tainily, he bud left Calhoun county wiih wars have handeti down a deibi'.m uptioid- to bui'd a new chnrch at Florence. fcham ord was mr,king. on effuri to rtacb M A L'nton vs. the state, from Pike cir­ JiiCkton, Mias , a ntw c^arlor, and itia uuw ing tbsconatitationality "f ttto electoral pell R'V. J. H. Sringt'lliw of Tuiknliosi ALII cuit courl; ullirmed. Could $1 be invested to bet'er oiivontane DaviaviUi', wrere both he and bia wife had a law. tax collection law of ISTli. will go to New York for his health. J'lbn B uo Vi, tbe ttate, from Pike circuit than ill a Bubacr piion to the WKKKLV AGK- relotivea. Toe Iittle monev ho had barely John O'Dwycr is in jail at Bo^t,on on a S.'nator Cameron has introduced a bill, Iba Motbod'sts of Warr.or have gotten dffraytd their fxpersia to Birmingham, and court; afflfinoil. charge of roLbing a safe ot $I(K),IC10 secur­ HKRALD, wbtcb entitUs the snbi-crib'r to a E II. Caldwell va. Amoa Grider, from prepartd by P»ymaster C nie tf tbo navy, into their ntw church uud are happy. chance at one of l(i:!9 valuable priisants? when be got clt tbe train here be not only ities. to reorganize aud tquiliz.! ihe tank aud pay found biniaclt very 111 but peuniltss. Jackson probate court; revers.)d and re­ The new srci-il club at Tuskalooaa slarti Now ia the time to tubscribo. The catarrhal pneuinotio has broken out of ps'raoiis of the navy. manded. cff witb a meaibrrohip of tweuty-one. jan 28 run tt wky tt Tiio man aud tbe tbildren weieat once G orge A. Seawright vs. H. A. Palmer, among the cattle lu portions of Ptonsjl- Oeorge Lounsbcrrv, c.ishicr of the New Warrior bie reteived 2'530 biles ot cotton stnt tothe hoapltal, where Mias McRie, tho from Butler chancery c lurt; iilli.-med. •ania. York p isttjlice, auicidtd the 24h by bhuot- Kl «trnp .la. ! Kl' < fr |« tbia seaaja aoi ic ooitinusa to 0'.nni iu. kind hearted nune, and her asaiatants did Georgo A. Alex-iuder ot al. ' vs. F. U. iug bimself throngh lhe b'-'od. His accjuais The English board of admiralty haa everything iu tUeir power to make them Hill, from Birininghara city cjur;; reversed ordered the constiucition ot four more iron­ aro short from t40,C0J to f 30,000. Tho planters iu Hole are well up with their c imtortatilo The ehiidren, who were un­ work, and iabir is generally plentiful. ABOVE THBM ALL. and remanded. clads. A negro jun p d on a utreet c. r ot ladia- kempt anil soiled witb travel, wero tidied up Merit S reot et al. vs J Selig, from Tal­ To tbe 21-t t: ere hll hi^en exc'img" 1 by "What n Morgan C'ininty ^ an Saya of Nine and a suhstantial breakf aat aerved to tho eu­ The damage done in K igland by the late aapoli-i, Btaobeti the driver to death, stole laiiwspii tiers. ladega c'aancery oourt; reversad and ro- storm was enormous and can hardly be com­ tho eai'h box and t scaped bofore th» patsen- the state bou la to the value ot iJTJl.OOJ. tiro family, wbile the tather was giveu the mandtd. So.MEHVlLLE, Mo'giu County, Ala., Jin. beit medical assiatunca and nursing. He puted. girs kuew auytbicg was tbe matler. W. H. H Howell, an old tiino merchant of R Kimbreel vr. W. D Rigors, trom Ma­ 21, IbOO.—Pleaae Bfiid me a numbered re­ p ppeors All ert Paul Smith, mamger of the Chi­ H M Jackaon, former psiyirg teller cf ' Huntsviile, died r€«r that plsca tho 2lal. rengo chancery court; reverBod aud re­ ceipt in ycur grand distribution 13'.h of UTTEKLY PROSTKATBD cago clioring hiiuse, fell dtad iu a street car the Naw York sur. treasury, who ran away A gri-R', nnny hoga wtro kilied In and Uarcb nex'. I beld an unlucky nuniber in manded. the 2:Jrd. wuh $10,000, has beeu atn; to thn p nitiu- anuiid tiitiie during thJ late coli weather. J our last dlatribution. I bope thot I may with grief. Tbe twina who lave como into Tbe Btorma on tl* Erg'ish const durirg tho tiarj lor six yeara and fined if 10,OOU. Misa Ka'o Elmoiida ot Faunslale put a be more lucky in the next, bat your pap-r is this world under BU'h in luaplcif ua c.rcuni- Died at ''lllipo't. pa-t wttk lavo tetu tho most tevere ever Ex-Pi'e.'idmt Cleveland wrote ii letter to atop til a tramp a "ii..sa" with a revolver. more than worth fho money inveattd. Tne I 8 ancfa are tt e only bappv OLeaof the gr up. MiLT.roRT, Jan 27 — [-ip cial 1 — Mr. rh y onca' K'.i! 1 inyii, i.i.d appear liUiiij j Frtti'k Bill y oi-i'l at iiii re-i io.co ii iiill- kuo»n. the c.invi.n iju ct the cujt.ma fureinsn Woddell ot Sbt fn id woo tha prize at the AOK HEKALD atanos tod'V in tho frou' | t'^ilors aasic.aiiou, iu which he told ihori rank of a' uthern journalism. I am o readtr ' p caai.. 1 with ll a ho pilal. Tue dd si gir', i piiit I'ta. rueal.-iy ;ii>th% of uu u uo-iiii. Ha S?i a'cr D:tniil »ai the orator before the Teuuesaee Valley gun cluii shoot at Fl irence. who, ter f-tlir .'•aJ'.", ia bbr.-ly KJ, bia a i had r.-cirirly uiivtd t'j ibn p a.ij t.o.u Pick- legisla'nre on the CLCi:iou uf the Jill" D.ivii biiw Ihey were inttrcaied lu tar.IT reform. ot nine pnpers t-f national reputation ond Chavc ry court waa in se'-siuii at Tuake- none dn I pnfir bit ire the iihle AoK Hliu iniiur-: r i.pp' raoco. The aorr.wa of Ifo enc I" iii'tv. minio.iial. FiVo desperadoes, wbo atien p td to nur­ gte liisc wi-fk, Ciiai cnll'jr Foser pie>,d;ng. wr.icu b' v, lir-e'-cd h r oa the veiy thrtab der a c.'Uai able and hia wife ill Wyttiditt.e ALD. Sueceas to the AGK-HKKAI.I), OI d The wer department will i-eue a set ot A little StiU if Roliert Adama cf Stant n. may ycur gm: gift olT.'r to suiii-iribers be ivAd ot W'.tu 'Utiood have converted hi'r into in the battle ot j cunty, Wta. Vir^i iia, wero ca,i;U'-u I wh la n-epf locol ilg ail tue irtop In jumping f n tn a r.ail. o^d treetio brulio a a tueceee. I will send you ti club soon. A LITTLE Cl.D WuMAlS. Chicaoiuuga. ttiih.ep io a ah-iuiy boat on the li'g Sin ij, leg. H ^N. ViHT Ko > frville, AIi. The Uiail car on nn Iron Mountain train ] Tbonias Riinoy, a well known ranehmin t-'lic i., txiri null riiai'C in boih ber taik C'lntri'ctorB will pul-vey Floret ce O'ld no;; I IT nnd d,taa, I n I baa ovuK'iilly nevir toteihtr with uil the mull, wua bu.ned ne-r i ot T.xis, di-il i,( th,' grip, cud iiuinediaiely Cure l.a tirlppc wiili I'll-rt'oimi e. Kuohle. Ark. i aftirwar.ia hi? fathi r bi.-forr. O i bT i evtilvi'j ' il g rctiu aud bluiv bis brains tut nuh a t-ruge. thi I- ro of b r young' r hrothrra an-l slaters The Iiditt rnllfr I'ralers in London ore ' WITH TUK TKADKKS. p ^tol. B,sseinpr hai g-antol tUs right-of-way to ai tl f.iihirr, ai.d si.e d I'an't apiii-ai' like tiie iickirg ovir o ct rntr iuthe i tii'.-ie by tLe I'l'll atio ia, but a timple, un''du'.!a'ed "Id The co'T'mer..'ial asirciation nt L'ali'.5n ia tbo Briaifi.ld, Biocton and Birinirguam Y.sierday's Market wi AclUo One On Para merchants. road woman, who, in ht-r simple f.-itbn) i, f ela do tViiyihing iu its piwtr to bijctt Jiutli the Mxclian{,ea. liie duties and rtfpintihilitiis devolvin,;; Hon. William Crutchnil of Ttuneaate, Aliiert Hutcbinson, a negro car coupler at g'rrb'«^yt^Q an tx menitei- of cuiifeitS--, ditd at Uhat'i.a I'^ gliitit, and tl unm.ra fru,ji other t-'oun- Tbere was a right nc^.ive mai k's! in stocks up in b< r. ti ivs ere working thii couuiry fur ail it is Mnnigoaitry, wtvj run over and kiiltd the BOi ga the '2') h. ycetertiay and it ia (ji'owiiig lu iuttrtst tach Tre Georjia Piclflc railroad company w.irth. 22 Id. Tbo W(ft Virginia legiilntur,-^ crg.n'z d day. i.ii'dly fu-iihe.i the en'ire family wiiu An E--glis'ii fcyr.dicate hiia bonded tho Mias AU"e DuB 130 ct Macon ccunty died 'WfdniaJey es a couit ftr t: yiug tho tujor- Tho Block exchange had a If rge number ra-i.. a to Dav'svi In, f r vhich point they P.ii'tUiid, M.0 , ami iling woika, Curtia ehip at 'I'alla-.iSg'J, where she was a'..teU'ling w.-re put nil iiio lU.-lO tr.ia la*' night:, with H^ti ri'd Ci iiteac. of visl ora f' r flrst call ycaterdity, and tb'i lij^mmt'^yii yard pioperty aud a uumhe;'of niiuia of BC'lOOl. lull itonrmc'-'S, c'ea.i faii-s und in a b.-tt.-r l#^..-T,/ f' •_'•. r. V, ..i. .— . t . • ^_-l. ...2..... Tbe FuBtntt lipbttcuae, Qiie;rstown, is ziiic, lead tiud b.lvi^r along thd coast cf Tho Bhelll'll'. quarri s have been l.a'ed tracing w^a excet'dinglj' good for Monday. cou'liiiju m every reap on tb^ii when th'y dii-plii\iLg di.-uo.-t siguula, tut uo vestol ean M..viue. ond will fuiiiiTh lluxiug nia'.trial to tne -there woa on op'vaid tendency in Gads­ a-jiT»-l. ill BoiniiiKbam, tlanks ta Meg go to tbi relief. John U.iriey and theee ckldroa were (urnac'S den, oui 8iiO ebiirea wero [lu. ch s >d, the Millio, the li.-'ad rur.se at tre hoapltal. Thfre is a ?carcUj' ot labor in ond orcunl burnitl lu dealli ut tit. J'uhi a, N. F. Tho Tbo Shtnild s'rfct I'oilT.iy cinip'-ny have prico riii gliig tioni fc'j 11 GJ Thero waa a Abei'iien, .Mia , t'liuaed liy buLda going to father atit'c.iptid to B..ve his cuil .ren and littlo ex.'itement create.1 when 6^ wtisi flTere'l Iiiaiufect your hull-e. prevent nrilnrii nnd fe­ lea.'.'fd their hue butwecn that place an.', vers ui all .^.iuda by Uffiuithe I'ilei-iroiio's'i tbe Yi.z.>» b tto ua. meii l.is fatt, iie.n.; foand with uno c iil.i in fu.cui'ibia. fl r any p5,rt of 1000 ahaiea, but no oni- t n k Tho biftid of gnard-ntis of Cork, Ireland, i bis anna. Mr. ond Mra. Aycrc'.t cf Hancville l.isi, the I if i'. 'ihu tiiaiket ia .a;roiiger on G* la- STATiS EXS50;JTI''r.=] OOMMirrKB htve been iflie'nily d.;s,olvtd icr niiopiing L'jon Abhoiit was iu.iu^urato 1 oa gover Ih'.'ir b.iby laot week ly ita beii g Bui'jlheied d'oi than it hua v t hec-i', »^.wK-., •* ^ '•'••'i»;.*;.5'!:-','..'iii '••-•"i,..tff G. o. go Ltiiga'.-fl, the defoul'.ing ie'e- Fairuir, 20. "•>r'if i ce. itury. It iB- checker ond »h'sS cub at New Orleana to 27^j Du il g the day yoo alnr&s ibin,{"d cseil by Ibe 'lui;e'l stai'A.i tJo/i'r.iuj.iiii. ^''u'dorseiS* P'.u isiiali'. Old R. B. iSaundsra was ap- biin.'S. TDB lnulla oulho ni*ik'ta»y liiat tetB l.s may c.iine up. burned on the 2'.3 i. Whitti, or Li'ner, fonueily au expresa p'jiutfd in h'a ph.i;o. by lhe'll'll 1^ of th^ Gridt lluivji'ilti'vi tis tho At Montreal A. W. Morria & Brcs' metsenft'nr ou the Q'j5en und Creacont, Be-'«ei'.i''r ia bound lo g t higher, and tha'- "N'olltiw fever at Ja"k.soriYilic, Fin., wis cured by Ktrit'ii;'';!. I'lir'wt 'in I mist li^il lifiii. ilr. Price'a R V. J. H. lirjeinof Hu-Litsville bas beu the iillil p,an'cliy f-Jelin;i uf a few dsys ago ttrcaai ftiitiiii.; t*.i'.vil.ir il'.>3» wu oo'.itiln Am- cologne woiks mn'-e an iissigtimsjut iiiib wanted fur rii'ibin.!; tit.'gage, waa orrea'el Fletit '.iioi-e ivilh'iut me iiciuc or dl u:;s. hoMii.g a snias of proiUable religioua ier- naa ail gono. ni.jiiiji, I.ime. or \liiin. fcoUl eiitr in > an?, tolal lib li.it s cf {57U,()(.:0. ot Lirciio, T. x , the '24vo. H-i had b.ea iu I'ltlCiS B.iKIN'li I'OWDljR CO. Mexi.io i'or somo time. vico) ut Fiori^nce. El; ton trait hondt h->ve advanced two or xi C lorh'M l.nck. By tho tx^lorirn tf natur-il gas in Cilum- KKW YOKic. cmoAiJo. ai.i.0Tiy. T*o taciona (f o Po'lah church at Piy- Mombi-ra tf tho two military ciinipaiiiea at thr,^e pointa rtconrly, and ore row *trong at .Sinnu'l Bik T, a ci.-rk in oie of our prin- •btis O , thrte peraona WHO killt-d and a dpth fo! r'li ini uth. Pa., b.ll a regular pitch baitle over Gieenviilc hai'o c in.-iol,dated aad lormed the 08 . ho K y oa land c inpiuj luve bee'- cipi.l jaweiry stoiesund Jivini'al IlJiil}^ etoi-e feriously wounded. b-yii g tneit. ill, too nu'ii tin 'ciiiii't" say. :.:i '1 Euticri.-i.r tTror. \'Zf y;:ui liuryuig the ren.aii-e of a deitd per.-un in the Gie'.'iiviUo nil company. B'i--h siri.e', ia in In- k. At the laat draning W^-r. ^^" \ ficsviias ratuvi. n.-..m Tbeie ia a pro-pc; ot Paducah, Ky., be­ Ciiu^lt'iy. Tl.o c, lllll waa up.?et and ti.e Wit d -lock ia still weak, oniv 5T§ ii.avlrg uf the L''Ui-l*\"a Stut' L-ittiry Con'pauy he '^^srcucl irg kft cn i.n i.-l'iiri by tho ao.iou ul the The Ge.,rgia Pacific depot at Lseds was bren off.^rod, though the stock lu held slrcng .tiz. Ciriiaa rollel f.u; aud the grtu-id was hr ,ke opt-n o.ic- o'gut l-.t't wo k und a tzuuk tiiund nim-ilf 'ir'd.-rly piaBs^ed of the amng "iTin)Sj^'"''''^'^''''°*''''^'""'''""l'''''''-^CCS3C'S, Ohio aud TeiiUtwe rivers. at (il). ' covirid with blood. 0'.id aoni'j cluihirg t'tolea. sum ot §'l'~i,lii!0, lie having mrchaaed n 'i^i Hljiii!.':S'rtm i'..ra, statea that tbo provincial giv- wai oU'i'oi MeRti-rouy, tiough ucuo waa o(- c-pit,,,! piizi of iJia'in.Oiiu,—Sun Pranciico c m-l'l.toil of th) filibauia iUiduud fi'Oji THE BIARSTON CC, VJ P.'.iiH FU-::;. flLW YOiJK. ernnieut hiia canceled tao co;iCii*i*ion ot 21 ttroi ut ai.y figure. (Cal.) Call, Noviiii'ei'BO. jnl 'Ai e-1(1 ^•*(W \v killed by a railroad t.aln. b'.ii.l r.tl^'- to liontgoititry. A train waa roobed uear Tu'ire, Cil., the rtis per pouud ou ruhber, grauted reoeutij THK PHODUCI ixcnANca. tu aitrcautii'.^ coiiip"nies. I-t V Dr. Tylerot Biruiirghvm delivtred GiliXU Tl) IU;NT.SVlLLi' nUlyrrjO Havo vou !*it 100, §1,000 o^810,- Slst by two uiou. It la not known how TiiO produco txchan,'?'^ In th'^ '''lorria bu'ld- UII \Cni} *'00 .o invts^. si't'uro y at s per much mr.ccy XLt y sw'nred. I-l tue trial ot Rev. J. Ii Surgii, at a leciDi'o t > tuu youoii: IU-JU'S carialiau atai ing waa well pairoi' z.'d jeaterday, and thti <*»'i.,t., S'Otir »1 by firKC inort- llichiuO'jil, Vl., furc^i.dnc. unbecumu.g a ciaii'v'n lit Soriugvil 0 laat week Hr Wyr.d'iani Hro-vu ia going to Hunts­ OF p^Ke un liinni Rhaa r<>il cstdte?' The str'ke at the lumber ciills at Apala-i traders till C'lm" cui pretty well, ui.Bt oi villi.to li'.e lunTC'it and p iiK-ipi! g'lrtrai't^etl, niiriiater, tue c lUuiittt'C d; ci'.'ed that u.eu- Willie L'Wia, a nc^rolud of Monlgouoery, tb.m bl ing bulls chicola, Fia , is ovtr u.d the trouble ia all ', taiiy he did no. know what be was duiug, H" Wiis a cltrk in the. land rfheo at Mont CASH. TioiL' tiue lule . yt'itr-.i.s yoaehojse. hss ciifetHei to Irjiiig to kill biu tjiO'jd- Tue bijc.gKac move was iu Bugar truat ('urre*;poi d-'imy HIJ iriied. . j -etded, tho niilr.u going home. aud ai4m said the chiir^in. gomery wl" n tbn hooii br-ke on' an-i camo moiber I ecuuaa sbe acoiJid hira. b lUda, Ibe activity b-iiig simr3 ot tho D citur land, im­ Niirtb Center avei Uf, shor, and kiUetl his te'tlay, in fu ur.s uti loog as they remain so sir. ug TUe Chfupes'^, 'h-' Best and th) Livest provement ami iurtuc company, by vote, What is ScrofuEa »i/o and then c'Jtumitte i Buicide.' Aa Caftain KiljOatricIt was walking al mg A Btoiii in wLicii a larno uumrier in It is tbut Impurity in the blood, whieb, accumu­ I- Ntiiu iou ix tilt) \V<<>1 I. have ritjjtd ui •ooui thei*' compauy. An op-rat ir at Provii, i ci. R. I , his sue Twtnty seveath B'.ret-t j o^terday mo-iiii g, Bir'iingbaui is int-rest'-'d is Lioli-viile aud lating In tlte glands of the neek, prodaces uu* 'urNGMK\H d Yoiinfj; l.a'J es prtYfiri-d in »- lew weeks lor r'nl life, au'l aru H"-si-tu.l to ceeiled in cardiig spinning and weaving the he met a darkey wi.h a iiag ovtr hia ahoulder Bama, oce of tho parlies angagei io burn­ Nasbvill-a and it mnde a grtat cbango and ftiijhtly luraii:* or spellings; wliich causes painful \ tuat evideutly containel a livo animal of ing Bom.? baild,n,i3 m Dciiui*, has bien aent hieh positiuus iQ thegrealo.si b a iii-ss ucuter in product o( the Cu'iitsj ramie plant. ADVANCED SEVKR4.L POINTS ruuniug soica on the arms, legs, or feet; •which Auieric i. aooQo deacription. to tho peniieuti-..ry Jur th.rteeu yeois. derelopes ulcers In the eyes, oan, or nose, often Till' in''>'^t pmetipal R- stem oF business trrtinlng At tha ci'lehration ot tha birtbdiy ot "VVh'ise cat have ym ia that bag?" atkd ani clo.aid at SSj-i. It opened at Soji, ma­ •auslntf blindness or deafnoss; which h tbe origiu and the mor-t Jiruefui p^iimin ihc^'^orld ever Fiedtrick the CJrtat the emperor pn'oented tbe ciptain. The M in'!i. It reached 87,i^ at one timo hire A.lYit There ia a heavy flght bsing madi against aa tbe weli aud dry pacies are pretty evenly ofttin wlien other niedielnes havo failed, has A -t, ChiCR 'u, Iti. « i ree. '( weutT- ered aeven plump puliots. yesterdoy but quickly Bold down. niim Tears' e-x (Hr^ence . ;aubi sehVi qiiietK iui0 the conflruiati n of ex Cn eroor Warmoutb divid d. proven itself to be a potont and peculiar medicino jtfrllN 1:T'I .1 I KUClpiA ff-i". '1 1V -li^rw "Wnoss ben roost have you been rjb- Wheat coniinuis a'lout the same, ar.d May for this disease. For all affections of the blood •s collector of cuatoms s'i Niw Orit^us. Tbe Eist Tenneasee, Virginia and Georgia delivery cioaed at 79i It open'dat 79/j, Hood's Sarsaparilla is unequalled, and some of tho all. i'. HKJ^IX «UUKAItlU-a UtlliU!ilXAb birg?' be atktd the darkey. railro.d bas been aued for .|20,0*i0 damages Wesley McNamaraof Sarattia, Kan., was aud at oue time was down to 79. It will euros it has effaeted are rtally wonderful. If you I CRKAM, OB MAUIOALBSACTII-IKB* "I «war to 'Gol, boss, I done gone ruiae tor lhe deoth of Conductor Quiun, near bittt-n on the finger by a strange man and dem eU'ckstiS mvBelf, I ain't done salt 'em; probably sell down tu 75 suffer from scrofula In any of Its various forms, Bmrnoves tui> now haa every symptom of hydr^phobia. Piedmont. be sure to give Hood's Sarsaparilla a triaL pimpleii, track* I wouldn't tink cf such a ting " There haa been large trading in some cf i.>^Iei<, motb patctie* Mr. Michsi, Davilt in bis lecture at Cork, "I haven't tha least doubt about your The Bteamsliip B^nwick cleared from Mo­ the moat active stocks recently, and $'j0 raited tb'-m cut of, and you must come and j wharf in that city. by C.!. HOOD A CO., Apothaeuries, LoweU, Mass. Torp^do boat No. 1, for the Unitid Fitates Klertrop ise, cures Briukt'a diyease and ail ^ tection. It ll •• navy, waa au'C Bafudy launchid at Bri-tol, beard with ma until ic is solved " Tha tupps a sgnal snccees. They siic- kidney uouhlea. 87 years, and IsiA . B I , thu 231, ond c'aristened theCaahing. barmiesswe tut»^ w.»s foand In ths darkey's hip pocket aud in ceedtd in rai-ing enough to moke tha lost LOOK TO IT ! it to be sore it to The national conveotioti of mirine en­ addition to the origiual chargo ot "anapic- paymtLt on Ibeir organ. properly inad«i> gineers, ineeeaioa at Ciarleaton, havo bad a ioua charooter," thai, ot cirrying coucealed Dr. Georgo B Eager, pastor ot the Anijis- FOR MEN ONLY! Accept no oolia- Pome Bub^rribern to the WHEKr..Y Aos- gxid tima, elected cffljors and adjourned. —" iror LOSTorFAILIiro KAITHOOBi terlott of slmiiu weapons was entered againat him. I tOB Biptisi chuich, ia deliveiing a taiies of HliBALD will get the I'iOO Gold Preaent to ' Oueral and MKRVOOS 0£BILIIYi name. Dr. L. A. The courts in Iowa have decided tbat the Aiiyone who bas 1 >8t saven hena will ilnd :, lec^uree at tbe young men'd cariKtian aeso- be awurdid iu the Grand Gift Distributi u JWetkneis of Body and Mind, Effecta Barer said to » JJof ErroriorExiitssesinOldorYounr, lad; oi tbe bant* fcighop of tho Cith'ilio chureh has a right to thom at police headquarters. i ciatioD rooms in that city. of March 13, and every one will have an R.IIIUI. a.lil. aiKllOOD (tally H«.l4r«il. Haw to enlars* and •ilenca a priest tor diaobaiiienoo uf ord.ra. Tbe biggest ezcuraioa ot the 8°asoa was at 8tt«a|ll»D WKit, CNDIITKLOPIiDOKUAKSitPABT801 KeDV. ton (a patient): "As yoa ladiea will ose tbem, I equal cbnuce at tbat, as well ai for any other AkialaUl; u>ralllii( HOaK TREITIKNT—Bimau In a day. recommend 'Gonrand's Cream' as tlie leaat Jurm* Tbe town of Utiita. 111., wos almoit de- Fiectroiiols«^tor8ale.BuBois

IMM WKWHl-t O.^a, MISRAJ^M: ** MUA iP" MA * . JA>UABY 29. L^** O

no r'.i^« troubUs; th* wbit<« aad tb* blacks taken in t*v*ral dollars. U* i* snnh a cari- il g th* entire eveaing tellingyna what a de­ [EMORIAL SERVf:^i£s. ata In no danger uf a dash here. A BLOODY TRAGEDY. oallj avary an* who ••** him seadt ainia ons ACROSS THE LINE. lightful rime she had at th* party aod how "As to the hills providing for the dsporta- •la*. In healing him b»re Celonal liil** had 'be sat up all night an I t mk tbe Srst car ta tion of tbe bl.cbs," s Id Ja-'ge U. P. Ck)'.- • Texas Court Houaa th* Scene of to pat bla wita to wurk to get kim io and the morning home, aui flnaliy ihe will sop- wood, a li«rtli.g lawyer ai (i plau'tr, *I OBI ot th* wagoB. pl»ment b«y ihotr TU»lr Ap ^,.i olnilea of tbe th* hog slid rigbi out aud into the pen Tbe Th*T Present a Measorlal Cavrrlng th* tbiiik It would be bo b for the- r good and as They Kn'*r th* UnUdiag. colonel 1* an eotarprlsing man—loves One roi.Ue llie Boi nausas, ErU LOT. d. Co', 'VV il. Priile, for.'nerly an ex':nnsive OALTBSTOS, Tex., Jan. 21.—A terrible 8aa breeds abnut bim Fle says It d ps not tion—All Kufcrrcd. "La«t nigbt there was both an opera and a pla'it«r and nnrctaat, but uuw a retlrtd cost aa much to raise flue stick as i« does tragely was enacvd in the court h lase hire gernsan, and bsr* is a basket t have Just ca4)it.-li'eakii g, we must hav* tba negro it w* ex­ was th* oalcome of the Fort Band trouble, bare tosay that ttty intended to get Sue flowtrs were a neans of sptcial attention— pt ct to continue proiuclng ootto.i. Coiion wkleh resulted in ruch a battle betwaeo the st'Ckand give tbrt ba raised on cempMratlvtIv nothing that Is from tbe farmers' alUincp. Tbe fo lowing yentlcn iu memory ot Jiff^rroa Davb, ber party, had a difliculiy with three Gibson aaxilMrlaa tor a convei.timal evoal." link t irwird to 'ha abolislim.ut. nis i ot nur worthy of txhlbltloa. Cilonel U is wlllii g IS a synopsis of tbe li^gisUtiou detlreil: mcst I ItfutrlouK citiisa and public scrmnt CO ton Bel'ls No wuits man could supply boys, all membrri of tbe Kl ini-ko tU Iavit as lo bis weight, but auy "Whit b'ooin c^usaiutrt the general de­ That no more meney i» appropriated to They risulYid to rtcord al biin th»t he tbe pact" of the n«t;ro iu tn* S'juth nor dj JAT BIBB rARTT. ena that s**ii bim srili dou'it no lo g^r. mand f" cimiura^^e imm'grIti in; ofipisiti^ tbe re|x*al "R-s«s fl St. always la variety, any- gave t'J tbe public swvlce tbe grtat.->i>r< in Wharr.vu and killid kiM Ihe tmpleyineot of so much (if the oonvio' lUNULNCEU IEU FAITH. •n n who order rare nithing alsiut variaty, ttm dliipl .y of bigb eadownmeuis of miud ing tb* kiirplu.-i," s.il Ui-pt Arthur H Knl When thi i>a»e dime up tnr trial Tarry f popu lur, tx United Statm marsbul unttj- Ur. a cnang* of vinue to Uilv*stou. Judie* nflas ILlla (jaatou tf liirbour Cciuatj Cou> f..«irry; that a law he eaacteil prihliiiting variety." Uievaland and on exti.nwve cetteii pi uitsr, larity or tucctss la deviate from Ibo line of I'.rk»r, liidicied for murdtr In Ferl Ba. d v*rt*a I* Jadalam. irusts in Uiisi-^ppl; thit ruiirnads, bank.' ' I am uot saiigiiina an to t'lu reiult of Vil "How do bills run wilh thes-.ciety boysf" dutj ; county, alsuscaied a cknnge of venu* to Mont(Oin*ry Advertii*r. and oiber Ciir^ rail, ns he required to pay "That is a Innl qiiestiei. I have regulv uu'ary tmijiratlon of t;ie Hkgroes. Thti Ihb county, aud iha ousts ware s*t dawn tor an I.d val iri m tJix iiiste'id of a prlvilnge That in tba neTeral promotionfi through tyiiiCil BoutbTu riiiin Is the ne^ni'ii idftal of A siimtwhat nufrtquunt aaremnny was cu'tonitrii will) np.nd a V once a week and toiKy. Wltii»s»es fer biitk th* pro»«catlon witn'Sted at ihi rai'druc* ot Rib i K K ibi; tbit Ihn oimmiin soliDiil law lm chaiig»»il frrm that dnwii tn those wbo rpend a ciu.ile wbiib hn rnecbttd tbe klgtiMt giadeof public "bit man 8hi a'd tw, and whll^ he daiUhts aud d«fsDte had brnoibt to tbii city a Ur^a til einlmdy tbu fa.luwltg—To tqiioliai) the in worrying aiid mo yiug bini, b« adntirta Pitcher, at Ko 40 aoloombe str public schoil fund, and ami iniitnts bloi and w J' r.ev«r, willingly, urday ttftarnuon by a pri" ileirboar couuty, neir tb* villas* at but as c loka aatl h UIIP st^rviims tneir places Parknr, Judge Wnston, Hr. Gale and aoaur How* lunitttirs to ooi * st of tnree flrst gride teach vrritus H iw abjut lliat f Isit trut?" renown to the stat* troepa, aod la the civil o bsrs eateritd the frunt do*r of the ennrt ets; tbut truitee.i of schools be allowed to "Well, yts, bi ihe wny I have indicated. servioe rt Ihe atute and lu tba United ritdtis wonld be h..rd lo fill, at Ivttst for many Hl^r par*nt9 are b*tb living and the isa h'-u e. Terry leudtd tbe aicoiid step whsa very baadraaii' ynang lady nf simi 20 ysKr-i, upon scbrKils at auy line during the The intn whu pay oub gel th* pl"k ot the bis ai'liinvnieuts i>flict«d honor uonn Misslj- years, lb Ti.foro, I itiubl very muili If the tk* reared In the Mttbixllst ctiuicii Her reauon scbulua ic y«ar that thty may elect by rease, and ot euurse every fl iriat knowa Bippi anil inipaned lustre end ii.flaeoce to solution t f tbe riot ^r.;lii*m can b, iKitvsd FIRST SnOT WAS FIRBD. fur this urutflal Btpp is auid tu br pr*p«ru uisntent ot a nia>)rlty of tho piitrniis; tn CONriBHNai, and th''n tour or flre shoes wert fli ed f rt aa day Bigbt a.id stopped at a privat* beard­ and amrloye be •iia.ii*il; favoriii«! a law es- ever." render a preiiiu'.urft apiaiin upon, aa It in­ d:ff*iit a d<»m m- mit rsof thn 8up'rvl.«eion aud throughout a lung, ra nothiiigafiiiu^il.-ory iu ih* mat'.or. If bt Ttrry bad killed in WhArton, Dan Ragslail noagragntiaii ininpoAad of bo&ii si-xea, the nrt", ais't aiill lulls and r.'quiriiig Innpeirtiim thrte niilis ab fe this piacti, lost night lie- Fled aiid lUuitii.us career; wants to gll, lut bliM g<; If nol, lot him utAy. and youag Mitchell, all from Furt Bond laJl*s prad* iiinatliig. All tbuf* prisant on tbe hoof ot all twitt o ittU ofT.red for aale Cwe-n one Ii*n Griy, wbo was a biin t li"ti«r ot dray In a flit lio Tin UK wb ih make* tb* trn* glory of mme atlor la'mr liuit tf.ki> the plaire of Ihn dignant, because the Fort Bpud faialitis Rtb i Fnch«r dncllntd to be lu'ervltwei ooiumitoiM Ali tb'i recomiui'.idatiom. wi'l figlii.; then Grav t'" k a shotgnii luailed with Bta'eH and niitioiis, and coinme: d bin nana n gi-o, aid wb lo It is a fuel lh»t his lai> r trr.s steired the si-itlenest of thtir troubles as 111 tfcls par tcalar convarl for iilivimm le* c nil" up at the proper time for oonsidera- tiB*ks oi, iin'l kh It Wig^ini, the 'vliile'-hargo to fu ur<> gimratious lis *n exiiupl* tf all ai.u hts m r'-l' ata nut wh.t thty ih luM b>, here. Imm-tlia'ily afctr th ' sh'Kitlng sons, bu . hi* g*vt th* r. lortur of tb'i A Iv«r- lloB lint r'u,^ his rit'ini-Tic';,riivna g ml thruugh tlstr a p'lr^lou of itj* rl ua' mail up'ii such tba is ek'V>.tii tis and »icasliini ai-id alri.) iiiforiiitii him thai, tie bad Tne menu rial sirvioM wem of a most sol­ atily w*ih ul' la'K witu auy oiuar cia^i Tbe prlu'^'pil oii" wai V a O.bi'in, who flred bus aot sir'-n Lteii fiiU'id. VVige;-iua WiU I'Ot'll S'l int 1 liU fill I imiiiy of b itb s x IH iiia.i.tiers emn hi.d iiupn»'lve charaC'er. thft wee: Bill set." tbe flr-t untl only fa'-.l uh it. Uo ii a munt p'otiably die. lie h neru drunk. Gray haa *h 1 ri inauiM firiu ant 'iue to tn i.- vo*ts Tne N«wHtiii« ijikrii/ian l. llWiie. in III 25 yt-ira od in.d trai.ts tne matrar lii-Kii 1-1 iiivaral tim.lar scrapes before, but TBE DkCURATIONN OV TBE BALL Jolm U N-.iiini'.n, plantar—I an hnartl'y 'TtiN cui.vtr I-r- u.l .S'.iuri'iy bu u uiOi.t fn- JACKKOI, MIIW , Jan. 21 —ISpiciil.) — I'OilIy. G.b-i n nr.s to* o dmt m*n in vhi biw'.ys I viii' H ilm la V. of the bou«fl of r,*(.reitntallvf* with evur iof.iMir(f tpnigrii'iiiii or I'oi.iii aafoa fnr viir-ilil* imp't'Hi-'ii u.'Oii Kill pre«i'iit, a.d tb Mii»i Ktn. Ute Tu iK-r, tno nov H.ie liiira ait.icki g pi'tj, four llf the othtrs btlrg grei-i'H bid Hiwrrs wtre elaborate, ai d evi- Iht leijro, and wi uld ehi erfu ly .wiitiio lablil IS g. ti'...Q.-d lint ha h^s ai 'ei auntir-r llan, t'l k '-n-ivg' nf me -.lu'e lihnry tol-y, uniitr '21 itjtrs of »KC. It wjs eJn'tnt tliat llrU'uales I.l tliH >lii,.piii|; L.«agBe« deic ruiiuicBY. Jan. 21 —lH,iecial.]— Tbe c. iiiiiiittt* briugbl lioiu B-'.uvior sev Uast ill! ment nf pi ur loib Iry. I bi-be-t 111 tor'ttr yeiire ling thu pititliin of trie iiuiny toou-and vol tilt s una III Ite toutbtrn prop* n-ouki b« Pa-ber aa ••* 1 rji 'Terry Jiidte P rk..r in a Usyur I'l .\ GriiliuiR bus aiipuinted the oral mosl Sfccnd rbbcs, wbicli wera appr'i- The ncophy'e is prrsi'nisd by a frie-jil uaaeri Hll", it is pi' d'. U't I, -^ill iiiuki a 11 lo f"llir»iii,4 ilri-g-ui'H to the ib'ppiiig and piiitiij dspluyd. A 0-nfetterat* 94g, "tti» b.ittfr off -vitbout tlm I tgri. Whle Irlir, intmUruf ihe siit.j legis a urt fro Ji Firt libnriKii Uiii. Uirincy, itie ritiring of- Mid dtMiiilile white U'lor at lha , would rieii I county and is chargnd witn hAVi''g (jll thf I co-i.s o 1 Willi':! ifliili plaoi Hiturilrtv Inlusri I ioiiiiiH 11 lie bel I at Waibiugton, buniilH lliu* fl'g," tba swori of Bueuu Mr. A!» Ijnliirnn uf O.e i vlllr pr-.i ii ' tl d.vr, g.^vB univ-ir-at suti-if ic i.i-i, md Itav..-- F 1 rmiry g. li 'i' d 7: Viita, wilb Willi h the fcword cf Iiee h.euis quickly nui plait biui iihtii t' e C1U88 u tl'O liiit rmt In Rr b ncud lllll convert, anu utt r i-iiuiiiig t'i*t po'-.iuii til:- piiKiii I witb thu este-iu und atfoir.iouuf Oil W ti ii-.e.e, NV. F. Vindlver, M.j. Bide ty BUii'', I ai ging mos-i and t IjHters of lUv K H DiU.o I, pastor cf Ibe Metbo- HI* tri.il lor mu d r coni.a up foniurrow. uf till.- itii-ip urn wlrrli ii f'-aii'i III the boik evaiy patr'n. W W KcrewH, iliira™ Hml, Capt J leuD oranges fii'iii tlie ttan ane of tl.e lute ex dist I'tiuich it this city, mid: ''I ibl .1; it Hn is c'largiil wi.b klii u^ a ntfjro iu tbu ot R.itli, nliic.i cn. -iiH Rutii'ii aiisivtr r.i G'til, Hn. J. hu R Tinn, Hm. Tbu nae chbftnlii. OM nil ka facli'g cf thf tpa-ious wuuld I e b-tt'r fjr bu'.h racta coul.i tli" KIcbincnd i iot. N.lutli, ib» (uilowii.K qiii.s Inns ware u-'k-'il; Tttlil OWL Pi!li.)P ,B H. Watt, j'.. All x-iiii!'r Troy, Hon. galli r ea of tb* hall hanftii grtofnlly druiip n>;t!ro !« t't ilf by biii.sii f Id in'i k low "Hll* tills (vinviirt, of Imr owu frtti will Tlioui.'iH 11. Carr, ('ol. William ii. Jones^ leg tbn scmbra col'jis of monrnini^ for tht wbetbi-r this would be prucicaiiit nr nDt A T-WBMTY DJI PIBOB. \Tha Com* la BlrinluBh^iu tu Make in and Oiintenr, di-i-l-,iii il iliak slia WHILIS ad Hon. Tbu.iiat (>. WiilUms, Muu. David dtKd Giact/uby drooping Irom th- tal'erj Tbere ttr* lo.l maiy uf ib.;;,—a'Kiui tt,Oil), Muhl ar It Sw.alkrart's ditlrts to I iitor bi'ii tt'e Ci-Vc'niiut uf ii.i-arl 'I ' K.iuing, tv B Hibli, jr., Mi'j M. C. eornicojeie nremh.^ot tha immort«l svcr- liOO, I bcli'.vc—anl th'-y uiu! ii/ly fa>t«. A N*w Way to Cat ry Yonr Tko Ia«it oar at iiii^li. and ihu first at dawn Hurtle, Hun C W. Buckley, H U. levin, grctii. Tbe pillows supporting ib* gallsry than y. u I'.n lilt 'hciu nmai. If ifity ar« ric ure. Aiisiter, "Yt'W.'' a»e dvcidvd obj mis ol curiusiiy. Hill. tl. L. Moses, J ):in C. Hjrtor, J. I. are entwined wi.b black, while tba imurn hire Vl UMiy, th ' only « it; i'ln of tbiu m gr , Clara Pello. Then Ih- "nbol turns ani nsVs: "Do yru Thtir passengtrs ore alt. gttiier of a dit- Mi-Kiiinty, Theo Wilch, Ctinrlts H. Crom­ ful droopiLg i^paolfb moss mcmt tisufull) proti III l.s tn give Ihiui i.lit-gi>'(,tl tind o.ris- Wrerevtr a ci-rta'n joting Udy thot I Iv,!'.. I- Mill living OJII o' I.-na/'if" ft-raat class to Ibuw who go toand froin well VV F Joseph, Col. O O. Neisou and adirnt: tbe claiuitlers. Bibiiid the Kpuak- tiiin cviu'iiii'in It h'i'« ii vntir, ihn niorn k'low tflok out tet puist- I notic-d tba^ it Th* ansivar Is: '1 tuilrve in the one In C. K. Bullrs. er's cbair and ubove the a'covti appears intelligent ihs bstur. ll'i turds not to huid a $'30 »iilil pliio*. One dny 1 ven'ured coinpar^lils an-i etenral (iod, wh-i is 'b.' Ihe active whirl ot biisireia or purju't of to i qa.re xby it was sh* al-^a^s woat crrrtUir, prenei v.-r and guveriior of thi* uinc'a iiigln-r e'-luci.tioii aa tbe p'l'ilic pohool pleaanre during the day, A Telephiiae Lina iyrganlaeil. aboat accoiupavi-d by tuch a l.'.rga pitce i>f wuriil, tatUtr ut maukind ami Inaidej bin A LIFK gIZB PICTURK aud ii duiirl'il fm ,lii>! 1 fuve;- bij ro Tuey coutisl mainly ot "owl p'rple," that money. A gmitli- Hush roso to her prftty Hi'NTSVii.LB, Jan. 21.—(Sptaial }—The of Mr. Davis. Th« i.peakcr's stand is df>c moval it 1 Cii' be dnna ' BOUB " fn*-! as sh* to.k lb.- gold ci infi oia her purse. islo say, |ienple whe habitually katp Ute Hunttvi le, Uuiittrsville and (iadsdeu tele- orated with a diap^d C'lat of arms of tbe Dn y.iu twlicve in thn law uf Gmi' 'if," suiil I'ref. Oiorg^ I... Qiiy, prla- Shi" g'z-.l>bii.g annunt ot enr tion ia bsr v lc*: tu ii'.iP'iifss, Ini'iiui tftlity and e.. rual blits " ibey iiicltiie tho flashily dressed yonng itiniiig i.tUivrt: Presideut, Frank B Qurley; anl neatly adirntd by lioKinf, graceful regro lubor, fut bon cn tbf Pittsil of provid* ii-'? II.an, wbo has pa88.d tliu evtuiiit; In bank vice prtsldtiir, David Wu*; Inasurer, festoons of tlie siuthern evergreens. mi rk€t tbe-per thun tb^ cost nf pioduemg Archie L Rsun; secri-lary, W. H. Riy- "Bu',"tad I, "$'30 IH pr.clK,l.T $30, no A'.fwtr. "1 b«lie-<« ill lhe e'trnal jll' ice uig tue tiger und steing tbe o!u|>hivit and Tbe clei k's pe>k, which wai occupied by su b lion 111 I'lttibuig, tha ciid of ihe mnnil Tiie line is operating now to Man' rnrr*. I »up(,o8-i a h'«t< ry nilgnt p •• «a of Oud whn re.vards virtuu anil purl hen wkll is returning ti tha su'iurban viii ige, tfae sixaLer ot II a occasion, is a p c uro if PittRtiuig man niu'-t. go wiibnu: hrtind. whare he livts, tuas t-o bi ut his wo.-k at tiis Chester, and la paying loveilntsi^, kdorned witb floAii.g vims, and That is ihc «.iory in brii f. the c illiit o' ui'dit'oiinl value or a gold pitot. T.'ll m* vict In tbii life and In the life rter'ial " lo-v Wb»t is tbe hutory ot that jiricela.s What Is nuw jnur oiiif^Mlon anl prayurf UiUil b;)ur In r. lioiaitt .tna JastlAad In ajorsfd vii b lovsly exotic fliwers, which tli-i mini i.t(»rii p ii'Uln-ion ot ttie wo^ld U vlng looa bis liard e.iriiel du Ims lu ihe v.r moniy for an- thtr iiiiimi- t in fclUnca, and Guil, into th* nacreil cuveniiitt lietween tl -d Hllvotli g .lIlKvaU. coiiibiiied, prist UIB a b uqu>t of li'VeliiifSf ISO iiljl',OIJO. To fihdt th* m-gro rnlgM. |i«x uf uuy d'lB p.'l.inn lillll is now burrylng and bmu'y. A labia onVtireil witb "hit* attuiii in bis own Afi lOan Ir hita', wo do th'.iii, Io mi iltap saiprii'e, liie top fttli' e and Iiroivl, Ul d firi-viii- live in faithful o'l*--- ROIIII, Ga , Jan 81 —[Sit^ovil ]—Tie c.in flr.w up like tbo cvfr of a w»t'h, d-M.'«r tJ lfti*ai-l'-i d .'C riiiw ani law as It lie- iKOk tu b'liiie and ihtl miii-s The man lid Biiiln is in front if ihe df&k. Ibis, cL-u, ii. not Uiioiv, lb u^li It is leitiiii ibit no nan, "hi ir'nrmrd his oil' fl Ibi.; bu.tir hair vi'iiiiiit of tho norij: sr'". ju'y lolay over the t^sttfully dicuriilid. Oa this tulle waH ni'ioii iiidlgi'iiinis to tbo miisth rn heinl and Kithia Ika rim ot tk* InwAr s«c r.ooverf a IIO" lUiix'.ti'r In liratl I ir«y tu r> mains af Mr UF Aigiti was thai hi till! I rtl.rovtrivl a tln'td pir rait • f a very th." et.rm.1 Gull to r» Riblii atsii ut the same tiirni Is now rei.ui ring FUDNU DKAD IN BED. fcr' s Burt tie (niiiieuiaiic pilmetlo. Ovi.r lacta bkv.i cn il ued in th< saua teni­ that's a-fully uio^ But in.'t it a till ca-o- thiu pi-ueeiii-iil the cniiv. ri to i.ho o p->-t:ii. hum', an I tlia ouun ry tu npUiii wno leiv vvho rtosivwl h'lr as i\ rau^^'-ttir In l-r^tl. all, tbe tory wiill ut co:i:Ui I'^li'< of blo'd or the le-* to mrry him In ynur In'S" Hu i| O«J h mn Ai.b lhe avow, il i-.titrni n-ili iii iif t.-e .'tu Olll Citlinen l-usi-as Away la tha Silent Thr ceram jay Is brief and (t-I^mn, siin-il.- ETAS 9PAHGLSB BANNIB txiii uriiatii'n nf um' of tb* s orks Iii ynu nh'.ul I give biia 11 a liorsa-aur coiiduc i, g tue Bl,^h t, Mi'l li'iviiig teen ihtm is hii llaura ut Mitbl, toi bv misiaiie bo III day." and Siililtaii*. u.id made u pruf und impi-is- Cm Ri'a • ll Fr^tica r.ud lii'iiaiis b^vt iitiittnl, Iliif b.ck •'! .ani.-n" fri bit c in,p minus, winrft The fami y ot Mr. Jubn M. 8yk>*, at shfdii its luistie uiid glary. m.d 111;- C:*'lilt iin }iai-iiKiL.tiii cordu'iiB its slun nn tiioRo who wtre pr'-*ei.i. Mis*i (JAH- ' Yts, I tal ihi'iiKOt of timt," tiplbd • .I-.l b 1 will it^aie a id wlume an'.'ii.i'-h'nen' Vi'lma stji i 111, innd-i a tern do dise iv.iry Ibiitieii join g laul.i- rrpmsented the late d'S u^ilons ill Fitni'li, biAilag a nt'Oiig um hat b*i.B ti*pii-l. g f r thiu ttep s: I.Cfl lost ttie $'J0 5 nuiile m-.n's tw "t tart, "an i s a dtl vy b'l wiil 'ihci: f r ni/n. a ili,> ui Wl diietii'iy iiioiiiiiig. Whuu they weut tJ Conftd- isle tt .'e-i aj» loilowi'i ludiiih arc nt l.i l-ke in.m.vr the tipitt, May and was Kive'i tha new irime of Itui going to tba Jewallar'd to h^Ytf bim h.1 reliies Wl h tn.' privilivgijl em 'allisneii' a V litii billl It wa'l f ,iin I ihat his aplrio hod MIS Ji-Hitpi, IUI' s Lilla Ciiiles. lardH aiul liitii'iiia huvo pro'-tiioftd thn Cr'oUsi put on a ch. i'i." Ml'bal, by wnicb tho will bttr.ytttrr In FII r:d«, Mi-i O a Uasnii, ot ihos'-nry lellvr his tiperitiii.'e ot a nignt II d duriiig the ni,(lit Mr. tiy krt bnd been of Oeiitr. 1 Aoisri.in, .\l«.x cj anil ISouth "Whal foi»" tsked I. kn wn. W.t,!-.. Noith Cniuiiu'i, Mii« Viigle Omeron. HI Ih* ci y. III fnr a. Visiui days, but nelllier family nor Anur.ci. Uu ucrisw liP'we n «ie,jroH.s ai d "Wny, to iv-tar biui of crurse." I* cinv*r«t!on witb Rabid Fischer, bw S utb Con llllll, Min Nam y Culhoun. III i-ds ex^irof'l s> teriuus a teriaiuallon of Ciuc-^jilaiis IS out of Ibt qamtlun. Ttiis ia 'nVii.r^f" saiil to the r-'-p irtor: Anyiiiti wb 1 wiilks the s reels nf UirmlnK Kt-ntucky, lliim E iza (joiau. him wi I nuti'y ttmt t'*'i Lbirils of f le ptdO|il' tbe illuiss Tbe death was due te heart lltid OK iKi'.h m-'tal ami a.iii.icil ^ri umls. "Why, or—that i«—oh, doa't be so l&qala- "Jiidaitin hoaro mlsalo'nri*'?, an'l s^eks TeuniBief, Mi»» A':i.i» Stine. heme IS me nut tbe sumo hui euouuuters f-iiluru ui.d other complloations. The fua- i Ive pleuse " no crnv-rtM, and if ap'jiioaio i is mad", V. L u Sana, Mii* K ta Ciianibera. "The Diau who pnp.Ms sucb a solulloa during tile d y. tra! wi'l t'ikt piuce th 8 muruing. 'ibtva words were acciinpsiniad by a mint cum* voliiiitailiy from the c invert, Ot orgia. Ml H Mai y Evans. is bei'&atti cnuti'Uip:.. Tbe fact is, tbe siiyiil siibmban to'vns Ur Kykee was well and widely known tn rurh tf bltitd to Ihe emlinrrasaod ubild's who must b* pr iperly vnucbcd fnr. Thn TkXns, MI'S Lulu HatriuAton. "As an utifail UK trierd to every human around Humnjhiim svery evtning em,i'y a fuce that liiokod apipUxy. Ojr inganl'iis caadidata receive* full ins'ructlins wlilnli of- the cum nu ity, and his iMrvaved fa'aliy A'abama, lAitt 'Wiilt* A'klntoa. btiFg wb'im cn^ftilVH timrgy bai si-t upoa oel t-iin pr I raiu o^ their male p-ijiu'atiim j'"eli.rs cwnlnly di th»lr sliar* towards tiu rtqr rtmovwl gtntitr Br* to •*r*moniui ar.it nut ulwaysper'oriiieii In tyn • Biu uitiacilve ply at the ojiera huuse or Tte orators wtre Judge J. A. P. Camp work out a bigner dt«tliiy thin ti.*y can agoguaa Hiwtver, wbi^ntvtr onnvai ts nre S'lmo other aaiu^emeut to nhich tb»y are Tha Keeent Ilcatb uf raany Keat*, tha bell, reprmtntlLg th* lupreire crurt; Hm. ev.T bope tur ainia ilils coutimmt." FATALLT INJURED. reovlved, it is done very quie'ly and very Invited by trlsmls *»• beiux or takta by I'uel's Hiatev. 6 A. Wlls'in, tke retiat*, *i:d a a. J. H. "I Konld," Slid th* RAV T A. R"«», tew kaow ot It, save those prtseut. tiibeis Ol brotbtrs. Is is teldoin thty re A reotnt death was that of Kaat'a sister. Sharp, Ihe hi use All tb* speecbas were ef VTh le loloxlaatad, stilHam Slarmany main In the city overnight, however; thi-y Methodist cUrgymao, "adv(«*t< alibvnl In convaraatlun witb several mvmbsrs ot Fanny i^eats, Buys the AthrcsBiBi, "mar- the bightst order of eli^ueuo*. Afi*r thin Jaiays ITrfim a 'rr.-i,la ami is Killed. gt-utrally take tbu las', car and return bume appriipriati .u by tb* general govemmaafe th* oniigr*gatlon, som^ of thirly five years ri*d Senor Valiutin, ljlano>, a diiaaish gen- followed ttie benediction, wken thty ad- AKHISTUW, Jnn 32—tSptclil/)—William fir the coio iaiition of Ihs n^[ro in this standing, it was ieamnii tbat imee thana bulf TUK I.AKT CAK AT NmUT thiaaii nf cmH-d^riblu aoixMrplishnoaot, who jciuined. 'F'.tbrflai.d,' provldtd tiey b* under tb Gvriiiany ot Clay couny, whiU in an li/tox- disiinguisheil hinvelf both in the dip.onMtla doitn, as far as tbey knew, hava lieeu oou- is a curiosiiy. it may lie going tn l^iRsemer prntiction * i thi Uui*esl S'.ates governm«inii, Ica'tMl conlition, jumpxd from aa AuiiUtoa se v.cu of his c iniitry and In liter«ture a* vsrtsd In-o tb* aoiii^iejiailon of tbis ciy. nr iitkeview, or Gate City ur Avondale, or (tiUlTB A ROBEHRY. und coiitrolrd, iu a liia ted de^r*", by tti* aitl A lautic ir.>iu tnis evening befwsfn Mo the author ut 'Djn Estebin' and 'Sindoral Ifaatly ail were ladle.s wbo bid married into kitist ii*.ke or Jnnesvilie. ur any one of the countiis of onr HISII men anl statesmen." Elilery aud Jenifer. Tha train was ruaning the Freimisrii ' Tnere are two ions aad A Safe Clacked and a P-lg Vuna of Money the faltb, or these wbo contempl itad such numeruus tubur.iin towns; yet, nina times "I d3 not tliink," said Gl L-iuiiiemann, a at full npi-ed, ar.d Germany's head struck a twn diUAblers, children of thig marrtagat obiHlned. siamp. fraclui'lng bis skull ahlinfllciiug a step, and to tbeir kno*'ledge thiy hud OUl. of ten, tho moj-i'iiyuf its pa^a-'iig'-rs mrirrbant, '';be fcbcm*! rf negre amigrail.^n nsvar known one wbo regrattwl tb* vons Ot the s ins uue t- In the civil emplny of tha ELBA, Jan.20 —tSpeelal C-rrespondeni-e ] fatal irjuries. will be fuund to bi yuuiii< men wbo have or colotiisation pra.'ticabU. W., ot tiiU sha had taken. H.ianisb givernmiit, while tbe othar, tba Dr F M. Rufhirg Gi«'OV«rf*aili tf .ladg* Davraport. nainesiik" uf bis iluitrious unola (DOB Juaa 8 te had hirn brok»a opea aud between easily supply their pUtw; but Arkanias, It is geneially a j ily c owd that Imnrdfl liUiiosy K vit ), has earutd distlactioa as a flOOOand |-2iOO rxtraceii tberefrim. Tbe Louitilaua aud Uii!el»lppl could not cuitl ABBHBsutiT, Uit* , Jan. 32.—(8p*cial }— THB BUGGS KIL.LINQ. Ihe last ojr at night Tliero is uoiriy al­ p.iinter III hU nitive oiuiitry. Living ta Juiljia J. J. Davenport, wko eame to tbis ways one or two young ni'-ii whn are tx-'ro safe wasin an Bi.ociupied bnildii g, wh'ch vate thtir crup-8 icciesfuby wt-b^iut mgro Miss Ray ttallty uf involuntary Maa- 111 lenue t ir m-.ny y Dr. Ru-hlng labor. The only solaiioa that I cau cm t-ae aiaughter. \j aii'is and bis wife suffered some jaars ago as a diug s'ore. Tbe nioLey btloiigcd to tbe a«o, disd at hts bnm*, slxmll*s nortb tf Ak- macn" in tbe>r ba-'cnena luii revels dnrliiit is tb" higner tducitioa of ib« nsgro aLd bis DAWBON, Ga., Jan. 12 —MIfS Lilu Ray, nameriiiMl penunisry lusses, owing to wliieh estate of Dr. J O. Mn. re, deceastd, of thoroiigti chrtntlaolzitlon. " *idiitn, I'lsi aight. Ha was an eduoatad ibe evening, and ihuce furuith tir* tuu t r , Siinura Llanos ui'ceprtd a civil lisl pensloil, gintlemau of Bn* locial qa'dltUs. who slaw Farmtr Hjigs fir atieiupilng to tbe crowd niid kenp evtry one in t'te cir In i which geld ett .te F. U. Ruibiug is tl.e ad- "if ibe prrpo^il ixo us," said Itr Hin- ((i.idiv nxaidoi 11 Inr by tbn lite Lord Bea'> miiiistratiir. No clue to tne perpetrators of enter ber rooai, is at lin-t a fra* woman. good Lnmor. if ihtre are any you -'g ladies t n U C.rr, prnaiiivut it tba Tucuinba Bh* waa put on trial i nme' lately up'in ber (sir-il Id, bl n co<;uiiluu ot her brotber'a tbe robbery. A BIO Hoa. un board, and frtqu- nily there urt, i-'ie rlln w irlil wide reio.vi. Bennr IJinos lived t) banki g con.pmy,'can be coiisuraiiiat«d S4t- retura from Montgomery, aad within twenty is a nuvei'y to tntiii, an tvtut in tlieir livv, UlHctoiily to iha aearn, thru the practica­ A Wo-.ider aa SCxIiiklll .a In Talladaga, miou>-*s trom tke reading ot tbo indiutment lin many 'M, aid ditd in 1886, leaTiDg Bl mtthiiig tn bt laluoil uf at h'-me and tu l.is wilow to Olll-'uiiter, wih uuatiated ea- NEGRO BMIGRATION. bility ot iho c Iniiia tinu scbi me w uld '», VTaigha US4 Puands, argamanit lu the case b-gan. Tbe grt-aia't thtir b'sux f-'r I'ayt, uud yos, fur wetks tu of Cl unn>, awurid Iro not buiieve th«ti e',y a. ll Hllll 1 RfriBB, tbiidifllcu't|i of latiioh- IVhat Some AlabuujiiAi a Uave to Pay In TALLADIBA Jan. 31.—[.-Spiijlal Oorrs- ia er^s; w^s niaait.'«c«d iu the trial, and cime. Hut if it le a novtl y t.ir a yuu'iit tb>re ill a p aii m th.i south who ban givi'u sp ndence ]—llol. J K U Its ot Miles {^at- whf.a th.^ jury r«tlred they sgraud upon the ill,? Ill til" nor dal rg.) fuimly of tataerleiM' Kesaril to Uen«lor Hutler'a It«8olatloa. lai y to lie un 'he lott otr at right it Is sull tbC' ntgru quae iun hvi It u« thought, sni wk i uBIu'i, Kurclay station, Eiit Ttnutaa*, 'Vir- following vtrillct; g'iinilciiii Itll O.' tbes'oue is already m k- muie so f'.r b- r bi occupy a a, a^ un I K b 'r way an a palnttr, for the artistio Special to the New York World. hi>s tb* eiiiir* inttr* t of the country at g'liii ar.d Utui gis railroad, Is tbe o>rn*r of "VTa, tk« jny flnd the detendan*, Lula pruciivitles o' the K-ata family apputr in a TtJiiCUMBiA, Ala., J..n. 19—In this s*c- htart, noa'd oppita th* raovsuient. ditu*rxiit«s tbink it i> old bu ac n inpl hti and hi> orl 81ie il eitbar a ci y girl who Is gol g on a p unda I run. Hr Asa Jawellnf T*i»aill*«, the oiinaj'siiia ut a la«tul ueu wituout dus Eleua Bleckmain." buc little iiilerrtc Tie o ilortd cilinii s aie, j way for tkis lo tw d .r* in for cungrtes t Kr., made th* colontl a presenl of a pair oC oiicufasptcMnn " visit to a frirtiid, or a suburban m s'i wb'i asa dais, quii-t and li < ffeiitiTe, snd gentr- { pass an act authorixiuK tbat an *l*:c|.,n ni pl^'S ' b U'l twi yesrs a.to aai la sbl| plug lo Judga G i*rr/ than aintenoeii hor to P'^y a oamama. remained at a fritid's h ii'a nntil th* flrst ii'vir here this ni'irnlnu, and t*a eirs were Oollertor, atftsnor and niOLuber of the legis­ cruise, b* don*, bu. it wi old int he right, conclflied h- would carry hlui lo Taliad.* grip. Buuday eveuing sh* will entertain yuu dur-{Baaa wereetversly irjarad. THB "WEEEJLY AOK—BSBBArDt WBWVS<9ff>AT. JlNUilRT 29. 1»90 10

a'ca'de of H'-Ira; to haUd a gr'**": monu-nent nh i« of Finlsterref G •od Pi'»rre'a face TBIOKS Ol' GARTERS. to lb' mur.-ter'd nnlcsst; Vt make bia nl'tsl grew Iilg and suleian. Tog' tter w, tried AFOOT IN SPAIN A Yellow Chnim Tbnt Married Ihreo and kill r-'sp* cted and feared, it nothelive'; III insk- the ollti'ial inibscT* niiderstaiid th* lilrlk~l.i»|-naca*s *l*wela. and Bom-h iw I felt a no mnm thrill of pi 11" h«rmles.«iicss t f my vocation; that 1 W,IB llaraFcUe. Amid the Desolntlon and Squalor and c ngra ulsil in iu the pride of my Q'her^ meri ly a sunnv-beartid vl-jin e or tra­ friend, de pliw-l C got ih lugb he was veler; a still more Inmcent auior or writer; D ictms may croak till thsy are black In of Finlsterro the face about impedftd circulation and cold Our gotletie was a sunt crate uf I'iO t ms and a lover ot my fellow meu at Concarncau feet, lut the crazi tor tbe siik elastic be burthen, and ^c-.rctl¥ ha'l we g'lt out uf or F.uisterre. jeweled garter is on the ti.creas*. The dear Tk* Cnrisas I».opte TTho live la Tfceir sight of th* gapli'g flsheim-n ot Concarue-ni U..f. r iinate word thit nne word, "au- gtrl* will have them. Tbe yellow garter is Buu aad Harharl* Igiinraiios In wbtn our shre - d cup'aiii, stripping biinttlf tor." ' Dialilosl" wera shouted upon thtm tne correct thing, heeldrs possessing a nijs nearly i aked unwuni.d fn m bis boly some a Spain inight lurk lo my In- Priiud Old Spain. tic attraction all ils own. scarlet and yellow stuff which proved to rlTansivp appearing iierBiii:; and the imp>- be tbe teut, 111 and harmlsi-a old wrsteb kuew his "I've got It," announced a preity girl to 1 lyal duty. In the name ut t'o* crown I her dearest friend. RA!»TI/«IDB CAMPOSTKLA, Hpain, Jau 8, SPANISH FLAG. must remain, under arrest. I couli have "Gcit what? Ligrlpp. ?'' 189i(.—tS,a!Cial Cl rrtsiKindeiit ]—Oi e bas Waen this was run up, everyihiog was pro tlirown every on* ot ths srickon souls of "No, nr; Sallle's yellow Hart'r. You all sorts otgxid lock In aiiv. iiture whtn Uiiunceii snug and tidy f.ir tba voyage, Fiuisterre i"to the sen io an h'lur's gontl* know it married tl.ree giri.s. Jennie was wandering am mg the lowly of any laud. A which, with f-iriy favoring wii.ds, WiS ac ex»rclse. Bnt I set mysilf aaguirdover tbe last, ai.d she promised It to Bie. I got mist uoeipec'.A;d pass Ige Iriui Finisurre, In compiifhed In ju-t four days 1 found that myself that I might not esc ip», and, ai sen- it abtut three wetks ago. and it was a little B ittaay, ti Finisterre, lu Spaia. an Amerlc\n'9 ordinary geigrspliic knowi- tlnela and prlsjutr comblne'l, passei mv too large. Instead of tighirning it, as I eaoh the wildist and mrst romnntic *igetif Ib* Biy of Biscay is tiiiiject to m d- fl.st day in Spain cirrying uuions, sardinbas ahould, I nnly pushed it up to Ibo top of portion of their resprctive c3U'itri"S,r suited illcatiou, or ra'her i zpinsloii by aven once anl civiarr from Pierra'a b fits at the my stocki.ig and wore it everywhtre I from beoonsiug a'qiamt'sl wito thi Bitton siillug across it O i the majsufour youib- baach t) tb*cmp"y ttnrahoiise of the mighty wont with Jim, hoping It would brli g him peasantry and li-ber folk about einisr, tlme it seems but a linv, wrinkly hollow set sK-aldc ot desolate F uisterre. 10 time. Alackl The o'bir aftrrntou on Qnlmparle, ad Conc*rnpaa I'lowling In the coast-angle norlh rt the Spanish Pen- Fifth avenae down It fell, Ilk" Mt Ginty. I aoout brougbt m* amnng the sardine flsUt rs KDUAU L W.IKKMAB. insul > nnd ti tfe weet ot Franc*. But Its bade Jim turn bis ba.;k wb le I pirk-d It up, There ar* h.iets rt them at Cuiicorii.'au. length fnm the Braton FInisterre to the and oow the charm is fled, because if It Thirteea huudred lioits are In use, nnd the S.iaiiish Fiiilsttrro must b"neaily iiOO mllai', LIFE IN FLORIDA.. drops duwn over the shoe yuu are Irst, atd smell of curing aud decaying fl^h Is at tnufS whil' our siillng c.-.urie rxru'tlt'd 6ll0 F r TU* illlxta Pnrulalion-Vn AI BOfet I'er. tbrrt'a nu hi pi f r you '' intolerable. But am ing the lis'n-rs tbtre tW'id'iysand nights we sklrti d tbo Frrnch ftlt llelllm-riicy. iraa an unu-uil exci em u'. O i« m.an, coiist, by night now and then catching I had Fanny Dave' port's new garters In Vit-rre Flisju t, ti rmerly ot Tre^junc, bad glimp-'es of warning lights, flit^U'iig or Uxe i, LANK PAIIK, KU , Jnn. 18 —[Special Crr- my hard ihe other day. Tbey wire one ot been most fortun.te fnr years It was where iiangrr lay ; by d.sv c iiiiempUtin,< en rifp ndence.I—I bave hearl it aseerted of htr cbiistmas presents from Mtlb.iurnr Mc- whi-pered amung bis MIows that he b id unnroke.-i line uf plum-iik * surf, surniruire I Blrmiiigh-im that one wi uld meet there in- D'lWill, i.i.d I f a delicate lavt nder eolrr, Bomebow mad* league wih tbe fait its at bv gray diin-'s of temp st shlttin.!: i-aud. bere litvliluais long lost tight uf and forgntten, with Urge, square clsspa of frosted gold the old Druid stoiusot Carnac, at inidiittit and there ja8 full npon ibe a'.Rgedo.r. Oiies in July illM, fur teu days chair nged dread cry, knowing a fellow creature's bfe timc if suffering from any considerable was going to Spain fora Gl^isy sort ot tramp E glushinan, aod says ta a bystander: I'nd t'iu I ll den city ut pilgrimages and testss, ot B Itain, wnid'.r struck at the power of triflfts witb wbat may soera " a simple blood trifle and experiment with uncertain means disorder," but which in reality is fast sow­ Pierre Flnqurtf I louud the in which 177 lances wtro 8,i!i'.—a,l that he speech manifest-'d In a wild aiiimil, turns to G*o:g* Kannan Baa a Ltttar Pravlns; tb* of relief and cure when thus afllictod! Don't ing tbo seeds of a fatal disoa-so, when the the lake and sci ks in a solid contemplat; on Murder of tbe Uxiles. forgot, at such a critfcal time, that tho only might be eniiiK-d to remnv • un irnn link oarly uso of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical of Its ripplus tbe answer to tbe enigma medicino j)0.ssrove to his sanstaciion tbat lhe large p.irt of the lungs have broken tlown, Ink U iris, or n n ote tiom thrm, carvini^ no medicine can stay its fatal iiri-igri's.s. Skill Disen.st's, or for ono on liroiichial, Utter of tba piscf, siving tbem a'l muci f.iwl skininif a lo el.er o as: f.ir piey. ruuii reti massacre ot fxil s by Rut-s an sol uu' a Ir'ni'-it-ad in a virftin pine tiir^st. 1 h. How important then "that the earliest prc- Throat and Lung Tliseascs, eiii'lu.se ti'ii cents, labor Why did I want tok ow tbe deipi-eJ diers at Yakutsk Is au ludupBti.bls f,'»c The Biy of Fmlstsire cnnprii s a leist bulk of them do not a 1 in jmssested ot niiinit fnr nn inciirnble caso of uitulklass ctiii.ot de-cry living b.i grr wnh a f-if try that is alisolu'ely Imp isi-ib e nu'rign believeil ths, after I nad twics htlted mm •'"•'•• •••' •' ' "" ' '••• Catarrh In Ihe Hi-ad liv lieasr or lo.vl up.in the be'ghts ur \vi tiln tha lor an Anisri''an In c imp eheiii. The grait- wlih Ihe BeiuiB ovi r th- roui^b waters of ihe till' pioprieltirsuf DR. SAGE'S CATARRH REMED'/. gor' charge. A oralt wbicb (.tilei out uuder C mcarneau's gle, BlarCr. up from somewhere behind tfae sigiits he h'is seen unless be ia particalarly mtutlon, lu I87D. hy an overwheboiof popnls ESTAOLISHBO IB67, (REGISTERED). grim walls with all of Fierie FT quat's eplendid medical work ; •honhlDO read by every crag, O'id c nnen to us as if imploring food. qutstbmed. vote. 617 St. Charles St eet, Bt. Louis, Mo. man wbo ll nervous and debilitated. Addreso, earthly po.-eeBsluua, ctibfly aunverted into Yet here it was tbat ouce ten tbousund !•• MAMMOTrr T>IIA\V- 1 REODLAR OIIADUATE of two Mtilical Colleges, Prof. F. C FOWliER. Bloodiu, Comu ohrques on tha tiat.k ot tipaia, Atocba It, SPECIALIST in CHROSIO, NERVOUS, SKIN and goileons paid trinute to the migbry pigan I^OM iwjkc piMs... aeml-Annanlly titnur trp lU . ly Madrid, for g Idea or,zis, while a thousand and Uecemherj, uni itaaXANll SINOI.I' BLOOD DISEABiS for >0 yeurs. Connultatioa at ciiy uf Duyo, and ull the then kuown world Ol&ca or by mail, freo and invited. Poaitivaly Cures F ,lNr .V.A.. .N'.iv -2. li«J. Breton flslitrmeo and tlieir wives looked Just across Ihe loke frrm Line park tbere MI'MHKK UKA'tVINOS Inkr placn in eUH'l' made homage 10 lhe might mistress of ihe ot the othei let months of lha year, ntu' AiCDW^r^l I4S ORGANIC WEAKNESS AiiF.HEitAi.D On.: Th.j hiKh arm iniKihlQe I after in t p m-moutbed wundermi-nt. binigiit 111 you Is KI h*iiii. 1 sm woll ple^fwd sea Ursts bad been b.irn, bbd micgltd in lives n Fieochmun aid his »ifi<; uixtt 1 thtm are all drawu ir pablic, at ttie .Vcatlem) NB.KVviPUO FAILING MEMORY, Is a Creole fsmily; mxt lo tbe latter is tbe of M'oHlri. N»ii- Orlftntift. l.a. I^CDII Iirv LACK OF ENERGY; with il. It is all you claim I tr it It iaa firet- • But that was a strange, wild story that her wondrous octivltii'e, had died, to give cla^s SewiDK Maciiiiie tti'i biss in.ichiiie ol our Urge grove of a walitay St Lnuis womm, D ED Ilal I T PHYSICAL DECAY, iiciKlibtT-hooil. My wifo says no woni'iu witb a eame little by little frum PIt-rre Floquut's place to other lay I lad men who bad livod ArUlni from ln>U»triil«)n. Ki«eii» nr lniliil«.'iic,! iiro.liiping who personally superintends bir own Famed for i wenty Years Nervounnati.Pebllitj-, Dtnmconof HUht.fceif Ul«(ruKl, Defsct family oi Iwt'lv.i e.\u b-i hapuv witboat oue Uke lips; a story that a Hugo or a Sue would IDeir little Uvea in "tbe great dry at tbe business, and, adjiinirg ber place, we flnd He Urmorv. Piniptei on Kii«e, A^iTjion to Bocli-tT. I-"'"' o' it. Aiui'h ob ici'il. Yours truly, kave world's end " Here, 100, the patron saint For Integrity of its Dra viigs and i4mbiiloD,Unfltinji»Marrv, Dj»p«|i»iii, HlLDtaU Devfloimifni, M. R. Gl{II''FI.S. Flint. Morgau Co., Ala. ot 6p.iiii, St. Jamta, had wun the hi-ath-n an Alabama fumlly. Prompt i'Hymont of Prizes, Loat Uftutiood. B^nd tor QutiBtiou Xilai No l.ituo, WOTKIV INTO A BOMAIfCg iiovis wk If Spaniards from pagnuiira to christianicy. Capt A. J Pni.res came from Ala' a'na Altestea as lullows: of the weirdest tasciaatioa. Aning the "We do nereny rertilj tlia. nu supervlEC it, BLOOD&SKIN "U'^OBIS NuE so much as a olock ot st ine or a Ismp- abouo twenty years ugo. Pushing uud ener­ Pyrenees, and the Aquitauiau muuutiin and arraugemsnts for all the Mouthly am) SRIII Afferltug thu lloiij.Kotie, Throat Bkio a».l Bnn.---, Hlotrlie*. est-ravogtd giave cm be fuuud, as s gu getic, genial and hi>pltabte, he has don.i Annua. Drawlni^s of 'The Louisiana State Liutier; Mucuiii pdtctii-s tn montb, Bniptlonfi, RLoiiinntUni, h«.lliiis Titiiey couutnei boto slltg of theiu ei-p-ci­ Uair. Acne, Bcxema, OIrt Jflorei, t'lcem, I'nlnliil KirtlittiKs, wbare Duyo was, to day. Did the awiul more than perhaps any othtr man to iittract (loinpauy, aud in person manage and couirol tr wLftl*vtT CRUno, poRltlveWand forexur drmu from •v-.u-m aliy iiS Spansa Galicia, Navarre, Htuisca, Drawings themselves, and that tho same are co- s*a SBgnit it? Can tbe tooth of time (luaw sottltrs to tills region. His wie, a Miss bj Hafe Uuioedlta. Send for Quaetiou Liat Mu 8 lr<3«. Lirida and Qerona, iu tb'i French Ueutes ducted with hcneaty, fairness, aud lu good lalf BO flne aud aanibilatiiigl. > Here sbould Drake be'ore marrlaifP, christened the plaoe Pyrensea, Ottcouy, Guienue, Fuitou, and towards all parties, aud weauihorlze the Oompa URINARY now Bit, rtacbing witb white wings of ot their set'.lemuut Tiliha, and si Is It now ny to use this oertlBcate, ivltb lac-slrailes of on KiDNEYMD •parisly, in Bncteuy, Ilve a strangs race of Dl»n»iiPi«. Putnfnl, DitTloult, loo frequent or Blooil* t'lin* fxjDIGTIOtfJH^I^^^ ,TS£LF /-ii': commerce Ihe r.mutest plaoea ot earth, toe knoivn Fur ytars Y.il>iba has been tbe to- sii^uatures attached. In Its advertttemints ' r.NNATVRAIi IHHCllAHtJKB promplly curirt. 00>OKKUd the viietit, met ill btigutten, bidty of iVirs. Pnarte bas bten the a tracting CATARRHJHROAT, NOSE, LUNG DISEASES JO"!i iii.ir,^ \'.'nr'!5i flll'l noarly L'lU'ii m-'to llbisira* with the Cretins, those gdtered, ricietv aud und ctmentlng force. On acc U'lt rf the I;":': il;;i:: ;t;;y OM.'T AipriS ;i'i Lii.-.i"t;:'iy. leprous dwarfs of northern Spain and si:iutb- 80DUB!« AND SIMSTEB BAHBARIANS liverte character and po'i-lon i.f the luks eiB Franoe Bnt (be Cagots are another folk populurlon, the method mist gentrally in eaiiiely. They hav* lai ge, bmy, muscular of all Sptin No man, wumaa or child A il-mri'.y i', il^'Cjv't Frintii-j Ofiico. I'ri.l with USJ for combined euitriainments is II"' b, S. Euprrrnc Court. It i.i r.''i"n".('iiil.'il forms, well-shaped skulls, alm-jst Grtcian among them can read. Th-y eoek their thrt musical or mite mtetliig Tbose Cotuniljiiiauerk, I'V tl." tt.-.i.o 3M;.'!'J ofsclioclr. ill 3tf slaic., uud •OSes, flne, bloida hair, blue eyes and fair, ho lies and besot thi-ir si uU ia fltry agnard- i.y l.n.li'iy Collo.jo I'rcs'tS ol' V. it. an.l t'alip.':n. i.ffa'rs take pl»ca at Captain laky cimplexioas w.th large but exprasniio lente. They are f ui witn sores, and re- k fie the andorsl^cd Banks and BankeiB w.l ll i';;!i iiivali:alil.3 ooin;iain'in in overy School mouths aod regular, perfect teeth Tbese in siime aud uois ; aod heaven help the P.ares' biue. Gimes are played pay ail Ifrizc* drawn lu The Tjoulsiima State I>.it Viirlds which may he presented at our counters ami lit cvi-ry Fir.'si'to, helplws oue that drifts alone amoig them. the ho.-no made urcbestro, corapoied of play­ ware tbe striking characteristics of Pierre .•-"l.; I'V nil r.o.'ksclliTS. l'.;iii|.li!"t froo. We came to anchjr wiihin li 0 yards of ers by ear on the violin, guitar, flute Jand K. H. WAliMSLKY Fren. lioairimaa Nal.lik Fioquei's torm uud face, as well as of bis BIRMINGHAM BJSINE^S COU EG'. etc. MESniAH tl CO.. l'iib'r:i.Sii'r;or:!i"!d Y prepa*"* d i a fe^ w- uks for HCIU il hnd IOHH. SALESMEN:un' a retail ir.'Mlo. U'l* nre tlie Ivgeat wifa. Ths Cagots are believed to have de­ b' r hat, and, steadying htrselt d 'iigsi le the Ihore is ttlwa;s'0 be found at Line park, Sranvly a day Daises withoul nd uni tti % from OHH niaiitifnctiircrslnourHaelnthow»rli1. MtxralHalKry |ialil. Persia h JUsi-s, disappeartd within the door of the Ynlaha or Tavarie o youig lady wb 1 c-»ii to two new Htii'lt'iU'i Wri'.t; f.ir eiroii'-ir, and R-^t neat p«taltlun. •onnjBdvRMf^ii Tnr wav*"'. a of Entile, >rtj» U^lo(kn^ wif a p"u AMIOS W.\Rn. IV-Mident. Trance and Spam, the«e ma> k.-d aed shau portal ol'ingits front. Pierre Fiqietaud will be at lhe inuiiciiles. TneKftny* Kebruay 11. I81'0. P. O Box ;W9. Iliruiinghaiu, Ala. myself Wero tben rowed to the siir.. by dec.*.') wnu TRVYKD-Iiay pntiy about 14 4 linnd * hish, Bed pel pie are variously ca led Calliuerui, I have been etrnck with consid.rablo i> hod ill frvnit, oisli fared aid a litUi)s-*ay- two nf hia stalw6rt eois. Just as we Isndtd, S Caqiins, Caooos aud Cahtts. For a thru for(!e by a phrnomen in that is cbaruct-rls'-ic CAPITAL PHiZt, $300,000. b* on •and years tbey were supeis iiiously avoided tbe door (f the large bi uie re opi n-d and ot tbis ttciinn. I: ia that pir.'trty setmi uu- wlion iKf-t heard of. A ]d>iiral reward «ill be sometliing resembling the /riaih if Rip Van IOU,000 rtoaets ut «3'ifCach; Unlves «!'>, paid for infornintion kadiiit; t > t e recovery of by all i.tber iubbb tat ts near tnem. Tbey atile of itsflf to affect the social prsilon nt Uuujt'jrs *«: TenUm *<; Jwnil- Winkle ou. his returu from bis sleep ioibs lhe above j-uLy by Georgj 1. lleivett, (.'oalburg, were despised, pi-rseiutud, maltie'ltiid, r.- Ihe lake settlers. 1 will venture the projsisl tl«l>.«. Kl Ala j ^d tw It gaided socially and legally as oucascs, und mountains, raLied its hauls ti tbe tk^- and tlun that a man can rulee a family rn lake IJIST OF I'HIZKS: tbe aupeistiiiun o( tbe darker times attri­ Jet lhi?iu f-j.il wi'h an rxprtstion of surpri-e, Hirris with less loss ot esteem or of Im- 1 PR'Zft Olt Jliw.unt' Is l3Vj.li, 1 PRIZK OF lOO.OuO ia Oll.OtXl UTLER'S buted lo (htm all manuer of foulness Tuey confusion und utter liVlplestn-ss. WnBt'rkii pnrtance on less money than it cau be dou'j up the be^cb and accosnd tbi figure civilly. 1 1'KIZ.K IJF .•iil.uilO 18 6IU« COMMERCIHL COUECE OF KENTUCKY UNIVERSITY, POCKET INHALER were believed to tie witcbis; uuvieros, or auy whr;-else 111 too U ittd States Frora 1 I'Klifi OF '2&U0UIS •2yt,v:.i. C l.i:.\INCTO\, KV. raisers of the storms and ttmptsts, tbe "Pardon, in tba name of Ond," spik the Iho vary fact Ibut the peop e live, for tbe '2 t'.i liis OF io.uix.1 are SLify And Inhalant riires thin old man, who pruvid to be the alcal'e 6 I'RIZKi! OF 5,ilU0 are iJ.UU lUfrbiit Awaril Al Worlrli Fipotitioo. * "iitHrrh, Iionchit'8, Bpanish peasantry called tbem. Every dark mo-t p^rt of thtir limr, iu the optu air, ami no.ik-kir»pirK. HusinMi. Hhort-liaa.l. Tvpe- •26 1'K'ZK.t) OF i.OOO arc •A.iTM 'Ktriii n. Hild till dis- deed pnrsib e was wi bin their power Tbey ot FiBis'errr, and wret btdly 111, 'the from tie furthir fact that the warottb it Wriiiiiv uDil Tib'CraiihT laiiRht. IWlO.^iu- cHj-iF td IliP Tliroat lOti PRIZKS OF ."Hxl are .VJ.Om -. lU.iHHl i)iBriii«tf« in Builness. ffcjin-Vow exbal d L0xi"U3^ odors. They bred peeti plight we are fouud in. Every 8;;ul ia Fin the cliiiate renders a wooiea snirt or HU'i l.UllfiS ('(111 11 iip- iOti FI-:r.iKS OF 3:W are rO.Om Address WimUU U. 8I1ITU, Tr^'t, l^i-xlngtuu, Kj. iKMi- i' tHkeii in sea- lencesai d epid.m cs. Tbey were compin- itt«rre i.i '1 cmlco dress tho cos'uine rexu-ar, and, SiHl PHI.'AESJ OF 20n are I'XI.IHV Ot;U2U i\J.. .S tl 111 W7i Foii. The Kdis; of Ai'I'KOXIMATIim PlilZKB; {'tiuph Medicines. ionsof cats ai d uwls, and c Uld see in tbe AryLICTBD UNTO DKATH linally ncc 1 usi eveiyone is in')'-e or lesi nf a Bl^ht Ik t em, Toey were c impleiely and pion tr, and ttie su' iil Inltrciurse is nec?8 um I'rliCB ol loiXi aru « .'iiJ.lM. OIK HKiAN ril>lNri ><;tl are 3U,0iK For ('Ntn!n>/iit,'H addre.-Js hmidilj" a i H knife 'Ihn itiliHlcr i.s nppro ed I y absiluttly otiiaoistd, uul c imped d to live sarily n.itb.sed upo:i el-ganceof ttttir-', c ime tu port, be yuu Gailega s, m:rehiiit lOOPrUesof 2mare iCiW M E. WADKWHRTII. A.M . Ph. D. Director Pfiysic.ari« and by the M dictil ,b unials. hy •lone, or iu quarters by tht mselves, a' d in rtt'i g riiOiii manners ora knuwltdj;'! of wk ly Hoii«hton. MJchii;aTi. driiygi.-<(N for 81: bv"m»iil ifl Jj. men, or pirates. It ibj Ut'er, yiu m y TKKMINAI. PllIZEU. towns and eiine wh-ntver tbey n.ade tbiir lbs ia eSj W'lia sttp Tbe cr cker la -in W *•* S^ITII A V.*t., Pr pVfl, cipture and cirry nlf iu bmd ig- ai| uur ii.9 Prizesof «190 are $ VsO.t 410 MicJiiKtii -t , Utift'rilo, N. Y. appearanof, tbey were obliged to wear a o*-ner or lands as well as tb'i cul ure.l ge i- 9."J iirites uf liw are 'J9 Wi Vi? fifi-S. V ""^' I" :/'l"M'-i-"n \u 0,-,r..i'..,i ...I- peopU, ana thi're be noue to lift a priv n- j" I.'l \\-\l f><)'-V scarlet cl Itb, tnat all oi-bers mii^bc avuiu -ileiiun frou Ai» lama or .VHch'gnn, a'id Is a 3 4 Ptfr^tJ? ,HI .,>:,. .'.u..ui...-.i:i. .i"M|.i"rl'.ir- 11 ve hni. Wou it 1 Go 1 you w.r.', if 1 ke •M'i Krliei. aol•llllltlll^ to Sl.O .1.Hi' •wi.t l'i l..r..tlbupiilj Cu.,Cliira|jt..lll. pirtll • o Jl yuu de-irt? 'hem o us fii iii K awav them. Djwn until the stveutetuth century aci 'idinglv n-o ign'Z'd fnr h'Satti liug wurth nivn-o time on thingj* that don't pny; but wise ynu migh- rjb our coaitd ot '.bis dre..d No-re.—Tiii'icets drawing caiiital priacii arc nut iiii'2*i wk Iv • •I^i#«« - "rf wiut.- 'iLt Liiiiiga mit 1.11 It was not c.unt'idtred a crime to ki.i a Ca- m re ih>n be Is.-mitLd n,:0!i fur Cin fe eing fcalit.iid to terminal nria.-s. (ilauui 1" send SI.fO rtt..ir e for ui> K-lfU-f't outhi iit our got, if be (Jlfeuded. So Pierre Fi ,qu)t an i Ul yhii g pie'.y lo be a "plu'ii lir'.uy " (Jreat Nevv rit^llle•• t o ;. If b ok HHO t-rius not all his family were Cignts. His onu stoii? Thin tor the fl st time I fuund tbat Litie Ibr Indian, however, ibo cruck'..-rp u-ex­ LlMPRoyc^-,^e L IGHT? sui>i»ct«>ry we 'viil refund your m •ivk. AGENTS WANTED. .Noctpi''^! iieivl. d H'thlaflies i 1 ;,'c'irlomeQ Aa hii:idr(d yearn be.ure his greut-gr.iud- Pitrre held a Spanibb lO lyua In bi.s b'-'tl and it 1 e; Cl ill fast oisnp^ie-iring utidi r the indu fuipU y<'d. Don't I 'se time n wri int:;. ".-itep in faih«r was It 8,1 ike Aiih 'h-' a-r-ittge arcent of G .1 ci *. tnce uf lhe p:irti cul,ired CITIMZ itiou, which •VForrinb Rrtteaoraiiy luriheriniorraiitiui Vl hde the WHIITS .^re trll h ed." I> vs art' worth de^ire-l »*Tite Iftuibly lo the uu'.Jorslcriicd, cie11'toinlro(hirftlM'm. Tniu Hox. // blemish ou beaa- liso OS caniiingly told bim that wren bis ty, auil deBes d» name and Ti.catlou; became Ushers at CJU litis arid solitude until tbat day comts wheu ishiied tiy ali KxiiruHs Coiupii.iios, N'ow York Ki 19«rirftSllVl>. 0. UiLLE.VU Al CU., Cbicat^o, llllaoii. =5 family and ^oods wero dibpnsed at MeIra, chauRO,IlraIt or Postal Vote teotiuu It 0 ai earaean; others uf tie Bpaulsb Cagi s came; tho last one oill dlsnppear iuto tbe pathless nov6'6t Wk stood the tea or then blmselt and h's eldest sons were to re Intermarriage resalted. S ime oUd aun swamps ot Okeechobea. Oxuooit. 37ycar^, and Isso turn and ^h the lurillues with his Gallegan AUdress Begisiered lAi'.tors eontainiug cnrrencj •ome emigrated to America. Pierre Fl qiiei lo harmlL-ft.swe taste irethn-n ot F nlsune, ani that meanime OBI Iiii3)i*<>A'«'urrounilinK eoiiTities. }'av»ble properly made. bim ooupetenca. Witb its increase caint toitipt no couQ. sh u d ride at an ihor before hi. very daor as CHICAOO, Jan. 23, —Dispatches from many O'l iii.'-t Lllinent or lung loau plau. liAtea mod­ that iuutflnable lougiug that c imas tu kinw "KeiiirniOer, tha. the pa.,-xatiul el prlsff erate. .Ap,dyto terfeit of simllAI lOs;-^e fjr sueh p' rformafc v The wea- plats lu Wisoonsin, luwa and Illiiio .s r'>- name. Dr. L. A. the land from whence oue sprang. Knri *Ji Guiiraiitee«i by t'uar Nationul Banks ol MORRIS LOVKMAN, ztneti oil al-nlds embraced Pi rre FIrqust port tbat tbe nn rcury yest r lay reach d the Stw Orleaus, and the tickets are signed hj tni Saver uald to • foata was his moiher's nuns. It was tne Attorney-nt Iviw, Unyek t^ 'I honr>a'ro, the latr.i>r temperature being re- lal of all the ftkin preparailons." For sale by all Xeira was the village trom wh^uce bis av iichcmcs." 5:iiniiMnndmayl{n<->whowchi1db«arine rec.rdod at Black River Falls, Wis , yestrr UNIS UOL.I.UAK IB the price ol tbe saaileai I ..III"-L-ift-'Ctcd without pain or da.B^ drugKlsts aud fancy goods dealers in the 0. 8., eestors bad flscL Pierre was real.'ziog tbt Cauadasand Europe. Ferd T Hopkins, proprie­ WHAT OF TKS •XTBAIfOKBO ? flay moroing. L'lst evtaing the weather part or Inictlou ol a tlctet li<8nKl> BX U'l In cr ui^it iiiretbciriilii. ^end furbcaled drtam of his life now in returning to Spain iT;foriii.i:i..,H. A woclerfcl fiiccoverj. tor, 48 Broad street, ruuning throagh ttl Main moderated and a heavy snow bas fallen over a-.iy drawlug. Aiiythimt In uiir uainelolTe'eJ ioi the foreign ll', wno surely was no man of Ii'ss than a iioUar is a swindle. Ur.^. J. QYE, Buffalo,N.Y. OtBco. S7 Great Jones street, New Yorit, la his own ubip, rich enough to be made ivJS eodiastiuln ouw w Uen a, aor oao liitly to rd.uiu ;u thj sardl- a largi area. sepll Tted sat su iw « oeSi cm w THE WliEKIiT AeB—*fKB/ir.I>! IHEDNEBDA', JAM AKY 29, 1890. II 1 gpotl'men above quoteil. In fact. 1{ thi vincing you just how depp blue may lie, or RULtS KNOCKliD OUT. general bis any In biy it ia tx-Tcis". li­ SOME LITTLKFADS. an Ale.xandrite I, nliirig green In the dny ha? a pair of Ir'il'a'i I'l'.ibi and a pulling ina tune ami pink at M*h', is t^e ambi'l' n of Three Excppt.lons ta the Law of chine in bit law < ili e and wrestles with Women's WeakneEsis Aired by tl.e smart girl. Fonuuately, fashion didl- •0M these in tbe intervals liatxeen his legal c-ites certain fl'g*r.l as the correct oms for Health and Fxerci-e. boutt. It is oily necesFary to tee him to One of Them. eircling with gi-ni", and theae are the tbird know that be is a man wbo Is fond of ath- and lil tie linger of each hand So.ne ex­ |.-tlc» More than si feet tall, with Im­ tremists, who have put uil their money in Senator Evarla. Chauncey Drpevr itntl Usb mensely broad shoulders and brawny Irgs Bly Trii'k ot a Wonian Who Vmclliei two or three i-piici .lly handai.riie rings, only i V /T "loll LoV-f />ii Ingersoll Mt.Ter KzercUe and a'ld arms, with clear blue eyes and a mas­ ]':i'uuuin7 by (iettlag sick—tieneral lUlow that tne left hand should lie orna­ sive bead, ba looka as tbr.ugh John L. mented, but Djmo Fashi'jn herself is more New York UuH«lp. Ara Never 81ck. Sullivan would be very small potatoes in generous. c imparison with him. He and Chester .S TUB MOST KASniONABI.K RIM.S. €'ii\ tJV^ '> TtiTiSfJ Ex-Attorney Oenaral I.,eBlio W Ruffiell I^rd are t^o of the Hiert loik ng men inthe NEW YORK, Jan. 23 —[Special corres The woman with a slender band and long Juiige Uiltun'fl attorney in the Stewart will great metropolis. They are chums and of poi.dence ]—Can you imagine a woman . ^'' -I ' -- tap'-riBg lingers cm, aa far as rings are con. mittera, sikld reoantly to tbe Itew York one way of thinking on this aubj-ct. They becomihg an invalid to be economical' esriied, ^er, the better of her slater, whose S'l/ \5o\i/A^^J IX^ i)\nA corranpondeut of tbe tit. Louis I'ost Dis­ were bom witbin a few miles of each oihT hand la thort and dim|iitd, and on which IV'rrt l|ob.i. CyS'Rf.5 6 patch: up In tho Adirondac region and bave regu­ TUB WII.KM OK WOMAN. rings give a p.i'lgy look. What are the Sin "a'iV A\f ABcT-Tif "The senator is the only liviug liwy^r, larly speut a pnrtion of each year in oamp It's probable thutyou have always though lag out In the b'g woods and fishing. They that beliigMll waa expentiive, but there is • faabionable ring,;' Well, a pretiy piir of or- S- § -.§V and the only one of vrbora thtre ia any handa that were di.|i!'ni.ii g ho-pitality in are tkiil^d in all atbletl.^ Fporta, and are bright woman here in New Yrrkwhohas record witbin tbe past decade, who could in the ahape of tea the ii hir ufternoon were bis prime le.'k all day, eat a dini.er of raid t'l bavo caught more bass in the 8t. put hereelt on the sick list this winter to Lawrence thon any other two men in tb* good form; rn tbe third Huger ot Ihe left eight courses end drink tbree bo'.tlea of save mouey. Slie is n ally not very strong state Mr. Lord, alih'ugh not quite so hand, above the wediiirg ring, was the en­ vcliie at night and tbeu sit up uutil 4 o'clock looking and she said 6ba could not bear tbe maFsive ai bis friend, is other ivise as largfly gngement ring, a supirh pmk pi ari i-et about in tbe moruing poring over law booka, strain of norr) irg aa to bow sbe shou'd get with diaiii'inila, ami ubive thia waa the withuut showing the eli^btfst proportl'iii'd, la nn expert boxer and would rather amuie b:inielf with some S'lrt of vio­ new gowns fir tb" piitriurchs and theasstia- gubrd—a n.t iiurrow butid of goiii, with -<-:^..... TltiCK or WBARI:«EBS " lent ex'^rcise tha.-i eat at any time. Every bly and the dilf'-rfnt private balls. She Ibitnunils Stt in ail uniuiid ii ofter ibe Kig- had a great many-htiiiils imo dinner dresses, "II ou- iiKiny ii.^cs hence shall ihis our lofty .scene If all of thn sriiator's childien were alive, night after putting his paper to priss he lliu faiihloii. Oil the little linger wna worn there would b.-. I understand, stnii four;e»n runs acro'8 tbe Hro iklyn bridge aud out velvets, silks a-id bnii-ali'S, and with Ihe a liaii'l with three superb atones i-et upi ii It lit: acU.'il oVr of tliMu In lb) gieat Btecher trial be was : home a iliatance of fully thne mile'^. G.-n help I.f a clever littie Kreuch woman and the ~a perfect white daiiionil with a p.ai'l on Ilv tlie only ono of the many ci>uiisi'l empioye'l I eral H'jistll saye that his ilr'a of life iii- U'le of a lot of lace ami fur Iriiii- eo'li ni'ie. ttie giiiici for tlun waa a cb so n.-itiiiiis )rt iinhoni ;iiiil in li)n'j;iies now who CMUie to tiuie i-vtry ni'Tnlng anil re­ j voives go id healtU. To k.iep tb s he tX'jrcisea la ng;^, they have all been aitireil into the cliain of gold and plutiniiiii Tlie riglit hand iiiikinnvn." main d sir'iiig and biaity wbile the I pient fully, eatn a bi'arty breal-fast, alight mortt fetching; of tea gowns. She no linger showed the very blue of heiven. (Jo the third linger wna a pert, ct tiiiipioiae in its luw I'ook" p'lfi.! up ai.d the case began to supp r ail'l a s ill ligh'.er lunch. litH a d.iy "at luiine," l.nt every c'veniiig FOH HEARTBUKN AND INDrQESTIOW. at'i'Uaie i K llml c iniplica'ed nature. All j ''I don't Ibink," he aaid, ".'.hat there arc lie'.Wfen .'5 nnd 6 her frieiids drop iu anil i, ,< ,i 1 1 i | , , h ,1 i w l.^ of p^yrtc-il prostration iind p'ople wouiereil cut p c'u"e—she reite ou a loui'ge with Hve or ipiolHes. Theae atines w. re evi r> one of yliiss ol it t.ik.ii lifti"i, or liv.'iily iiiiniiti's b, fiT" eii, 1, i,,,.,,' r'liev cs I le 1 iil' t e ut rLwI to »«eH ibi.-i il.varf in Htuture c i:.tinue ci'in •ix »ift Hniin pillows hehiiiil her, so that 1 iil.-ii loiiM.lir It a UUO Ionic und a must u.\celkiit ii|,|ii'iui:r." i-".iii.ij. KKN'ATOR K\ ARTS' I'I.AN. them a pirttct blue. Hi" Uiid''airalil" tinge ami nnilinia: ed, with bis nientil vigor rtallv she is balf s'tting up K ime one of undiiuiuiiheil, wbile hia pn factional I I'ouM no get al ing it 1 ate nu-'b he'irty ot green not biing even suggeaied by tbe " For lliri'i'vi'iirs T WHS Ir'iiil.li'd wilh liiiibirlii, whirh I'ausi'il luvniniclil.' lo fail nml f meals as b'-duu.«, even If I d!il exiToissi. I li'T girl friendi servis the tea, and the pKice envious tonka c*at up in thetn. ivaaKri'allv inliii , 1 in ll.-h, uml l.fi' lunl l,i-l all ils eharnii. I .l" , • ,' ri, ,, , n?, 'lall brethren, giants In compari.HOn with "f h'l mr is a lo* slool b'liile the Invalid's r"„,,',lii.a,li,it 1.. i."i;iVi'. I. 1 ;ii.iM M"t ll'i llllll-.. 1 ilieii it,.,:,,,.,, „', trvSWll'l's sI'V!.''//,'''?!'; him, w^re oi.e af Ci-r an itber overcome It d'in't tbiik It is weil to eat heartllv a i~. .1, .~.l A ii'W l.iiltli's llf tins wi'lnl'Tfnl m".hiini. m.n r ,i., IPII ilii,.ainl lu.nii.in.Mil enn. c lui'h, whero, over the fragrant cup, her TASTKB IN WEAllI.MI HlXliS. ifl of iiiori- ihfP pvsing interesi, therefore, ni.4ht or to go to bid ut 2 or o o'clo iv lu ami 1 now I'liiny l„.ll,..r hcaltU than rvr 1' fm, . j, .\. \a,'|.:,'mtmv'i l"miia;..l'''' "yinptims ure detailed to the sympathetic to observe "hat the s-'hator says is his own tht) morning My hour Is betweeii 11 and A young wommi who haa a fad for em­ HIS HEALTH WAS nuoKEM. '''I listeiiur Siie will ti-ll you that sue can'c go bflii'f uh .ut tl a cauBo of his streugth. Ro- midnigh. 8ix hours of cintli.ucd fb-ep eralds, btciiuae tbey aro auid to bring toiid " For two yi'iirs I was aRV'cti'il willi (TCIII'MI .l''liiliii, „n.| I was fast lu'eoiiilni'ii iilivsiciU cenily IIIIH i-iaiement was made on MUthnrity: aiiHwer my p irp iS'j;!. I din'c waut to h-iVo out to dinners, or to dauce<, or toe ojiera, health, wuiisu large one on the thii rl ti ger, Mri'ik. It.i.ik,|iiaiililii.s,il,'v,iyiii in,. 1 ,,,„:,i hrar of. lmt lli, i ,11, nVi: ,Vvliii V my st' nuch working, thoUi;b, whun tlie but the do.itor permits ber to go to the tbe guard for whiuii la a band of giseii .•ili'i'toiiiu,'. .M li'ii-tl, li'iiiumi'iiii''ltakiiii.'.-\Vll'rs,si'i.:rn''ir,< s< ,„, J,^,^^.^^^^^^ llillll iilh-r takini; a feiv liotllcs. It is without an ,'|m,l f,ir liuil.lin. ii,'. tii • r ',',• i ImiiVlli "Mr. Evurts Is knocking down at one leinainder of my bo-1y ia at riist. There i-i tupati'r becAUie thero she i-^ amuiied without ekamel wita tiuy illiimindataraaet in ii ; ttiia blow one of Ihe mott cberinbed theories of Ha.l il n.it Is'cli lor SWIFT'.S .'SPKCIFIC iS. S, S,, I'woiiM iimloiilriAl'iv llaV.. li!', „ i , ny no question, ho vever, nbout the fact tbat intkiug the s ightest exirtion, or wtarying riag, by tho by, is of HuH.sian workmanship, >'••'""•'"•''•'>• -I. I'. IIKV.VNT, Ili'ri.l.'is.ollvilli-, N (,', '^ ' ph^Kicians liy stating Ihat the reasou why all men are not alik '. DilTerent n'lturfs herself, and a specimen of inameiliig that is not be has nevir he<-n !lck n day in hie life, and,al­ rtquire dl!' nut treatment. Stiil, I never known here at all. "Women wbo love goma Trcatiso on lllii.i'l ami ,-;kiii nisi'a.n'S nniil..! fr.' though a spare man, he is capable day by heard of exeiciso hurting anj body. Eipe- SHE TOUCIIKS Tim IIKAKTS (IF MKN. rile superior to the aiipursi.itious regaiiliiig day of uiireinltTing work and always able cialiy is It of alvantage when the hlood is If you are a man and h'lveii't a brickbat the opal, and to get one that bus all the StWIFT SPECinC CO., to dine frei 1> iu tbe evening and afterwards slugginh. I think Senator E/arts is aging. where joni heart ought to be, you volunteer wonilerful tonea lilecded into one {i. riect (Copur'itlhird In, n, is. it CCA to return to his wriiing table, is tbat be ATLANTA. GA. I Is t>pp'-ara lo me tbat he is getting old rap- to get Ull ft theai.er party, and you glvaa fiery ni'ias of color ia the desire of the very never taken, and uever has taken, any phys­ I id y. I understand tbat he has of late given lovely lu.ipar afterward. Sne enjnyii it lm fashioiialile uiaiden. Sh* loiiga for It os au ical exercite." np eating teu c. urse dinners and drinking ratusely and you fairly blush wlih delight engagement rin^i, and hts no bi'sitancy THIS This d*clar»tion was made last summer six battles ot wino every nigbt." wben ehe tells you tbat it's the first time aboKt reminding Charley tbat in yenis gone At that time I endeavored to see the sena or r. mny be said in this connection that Dr. shs has bsen all a to eat anytbing with auy by It is always called theggem of Cupid, and and learn mon fully from bis own lips what Depew, who bas always been quoted asa plamre the entire winter, but she has en­ that love wus uuppoaed tj be bel 1 in bund- Chill Tonic bad been bin p'^t.c Ice in tbia regard. Tbe be'.vy diner aud who attends baudqU'jls In jiyed thia supper, it's ao well chosen. To age by It Uiiigs on Ihe tliumba nre IIR-- t-tiKHl tho test for years, and docirine prcinulg'ted here neemcd tolh mon- t(»i riv niTiks Tcry IiJKh a« ft «)hlU I numnrabl'i, baa be^n mUrHpreaentid In this nave your s "ul, you cau't help Ramling her a neith»r pretty nor faihi luatili; lhcy struua and u j>it.tilUd. As tbe senator ia have bfen advertising doiiges of a few niMl A BIMI «Uir«. ll (-onUitiunO I ri-giril. Ho told in • that he always ate his basket of frii't next day. Yoa don't know iiniiirttl imisim. coiisfqiifntty pro- not ID the linolt ot makiug sensational variety ai'tora, but that dues not ni'ike , dinner at b imii bef-ire attending a baiqu.t exactly what's the matter with her, hut you (luf«"H iMPin'of the tuul ftlvcta re- statements, but ia rather inclined to be thsm either iu go id taate or becoming, KuliiMi; fr.iin tho UKC of (^tryrhnlSc I and that he never touched any of the wines tbink it's aimehing coiiuecled with her ultra dig-nili> d, lat Grft thoui^bC it pos­ Sonii'liody wrote thit atti r tliree Miontba It arsfiiif. etc, It i't KUiHTior to qul- I except the ehumpai,(ue of ivhich he drank Mart. The funny part of tho whole bu^i- iiJiK'Fur tlu' Kpt't-dy etiru of uuua- sible that he may have heen mlsrepreauted. was fa^hloLa^lle to remov.-tlie Aeldii.i,; ring, ; only a ^itta i r two. It is to be noted, in neiia Is tlmt th'j littl'i womin ia .luch a natu rinl iliM'H.M'H. I called at his bouae on Secoud avenue and ml actr.-Hs she Is beginning lo be!ieve ber a Btaienii'iit thut ia alia< Iutely unriie; it la at bis ofiice, but he was not lo be found at pIS ing, that the idrai of Measrs. Evarts, fa'sbioiiub,e to do that which ia piop'-r aud DUNOAN'8 ; 1 -geiHoil Htul He^.ew aro ruiioui*, iu view own SI' ry. In Ihe moriiing yiu meot her eitbir place. Mr Josiph Cbonfe, the elo out t'lkii.g a i^iilk, aad she tills yoj how tt cornet, au'l the weildii'g riog onco asainuerl. qufnt iraior, aid Mr Evarts' siie I of lhe tact Ih'it iim^t pr .fisi-ional men are It li to lie worn evrii it ileiiih or the divorce Cough Balaam, j ni-i. uousunly Int-ri-atud iu nihletlc iiiitttrs wearies hur, but aha a-ks very sensibly, parti er iu taw niitt era .s ild that the sen­ •'What is the uie of one's going Vo a d'lcuir, court interter.'S. The »oinaii wlm hna Mra. If tjikt'ii ill tiiiic, will <^urs.'4. H Tt'iicitB ol j their li.'s in;ir.y nil tho promineut profea If one d If sn't oiiey him?" With tbe stiriiig thi- Imu^', rrinip HtiiJ ty>i(lH. It trouble to Wliti- uut tbe ubove qnotatiun and there will come to h"r good heali.h, and, fur gol.l buii'l ' n the third ti iger of her 1 'ft hhiiiilii hi' ill ('Vrry hous); during ' l-i inal men .\liiaru not by uny lueai.a bin lhr full luiil wiiiliT. ari't will have haude,i it to iny owu part, I f.ol like appiauliiig the iioiid, mill alie who lo.via ii iili for caprice oriry nidinli.-is. Brains and inu-icle g'l (IiHior bum. Wrile (or testimo­ well-in'ailing littl'i hypocrite, for, aftr all, ia a'liiply arniuncing to the worid ut Imgo nials. Mil. CnOATK. I haii'l in hand .md itis no U' usual higtit to her colli' dy la the means to a good end. that there ia a viicuiim in ber liruiii tioit, Tho Ahovo Remelios Are 50 Centi "What do y.u ilonk ot that?'' I aeked ( soo ja'l^:es a'ltl siaierim n con is ing in the him. unless aiiiiiethiiig ela- ian be fmiiid, bml b.;t gyiiiii'i iu.i.ii ct N w York clubs tor phya A NElV fSK !'• Ill l.'ltK.STS. ler be lilled up witu sugar plums THEWtBS MiNUFACT'6 CO.. Mr. C loa'e read it over vpry carefully, icil lioiior.< l*r'.t w ut>vr '•On, I ret 1/ ciu'c eay mything about FKOM TtlfiJ OrtNEBRAKB. cr.-«t III gold 0 1 tbe top of one's (tn'kiiig ia who are ticisimt'tu you? We uaed to c .11 thia, ynu ki.ow " .IT did Ijy the iiria ocra'lc deinl-mindatne thetn bores, but aa thi-' ia alwaya suggestive The News of l''iiuiisdillfl Fiily Iteported, Mr Cboate wus not impatient; he was 111 P-»iie. tiiiu his the audncity of her kind, of getting there evtiituully, the nume nus aid a Lively Fiiii-e It Is. diplomatic. anil diieen't hi sitate to me a crest bduiglng been Or.ipped, though the people exist. "Tbere can be no qu"9tion about its ac FAUNSDALK, Jau, '3'J — [>pwinl ]—Mr 11 one of tho noblest famillea in the worid, Tho wise won an ia iiie one who has a cnrscy, Mr. C'biau?" I a-ked bun. James l:*iortell bas resigned aa marshal of or, iudeeiijin my times i-be coolly and ciilinly book on the civ r t f which ia writteu in "H'm, ah, »ell, yiu know," said Mr. tur city, anil K H. 8.iuudora now has the Meb.cts one whi ih ia royal. She has cou- large lettera and red nik, ' lieware of—'' Choate, striklig his C'in nfloctively and app imtment. K810 IV/ a weakness far that belonging to the I'he educated yoUig winisn who con­ gazing with ^reat lutentnesa at a blank Tne city lathers have let the contract tor priuce of 'Wr.les, tor the a«plratlon of all cludes that the alphabet has beru Inveuted space over my bead, "do you really waut a new j »il. these l^di^a in Parin in to be as Engllah as since bor birth. to know?" Mr. A L. Bennett has contractel witb poasible. Pistache aiik stockings, with theii- The frivolous creature who thinks you ore erent on in g ild threal, are the fad. And a " Why, cert-iinly," I replied. J F. Diinwood of Sdiua to buiid bii new 'just tiying" to know how ber underwear la ly whose slape la not be quistloned, and "Well, thi^n I am very sorry I can't tell reiidince. is made, who« shape ia known to all tho gay French you," eaid Mr C'oate, beaming on me gra­ Tue Methodists will build their new Tbe lovely young man who wears three world, fell out of her victoria that she ciously, "I wli'h I could, but I really d .n't church this spriug. diamond rings and Ibinka you are ''just loo might have an rpportuulty of display- know. You might ask him when he comes A tramp domandid dinner at Mr. Ed sweet for anytbing." log well theso aymph'inies in green and back " monds* a few days since, and dli'covfred The horrible old hypocrite who talks about that there wtre no men at heme while he gold. Truly the ways of women are won- her pohitioo iu society and the use sbe Is to I wailed for three moths and then I wrote deiful. tothe senatir. He evidently did not re- was eating. Ha then began to order the tbe world at large, when she would best ladiea to cook bim somethiug extr«, and was oeive my letter a^ I obtaiaed no reply. I A NEW FAD I'Oa LUNCHKONg. serve it by decorating th'i Insido of a tomb would have btiidoied all attempts to solve BO bbusive that Mi't Kate Edmonda ran to The old man whu kisses you because he the problem at this time had I not casually her father's desk a'id securing a revolver Y'ou mu"t have, if you are a smart hou^e- remembers your mother wneu she wae a mentioned the sui'j ct oue day while visit­ made the tramp hurtle In a lively manni-r kieper, a dozen ot satin dtrnask ssrvietrea girl. ing Dr. Chauncey M Drpew at his offlje at Dr. J M P. Ot s preach d to a largu for yiur lu'icheon table, with motto»« from Tbe yonng man who Is l.md and under­ IN DOUBLE HARNESS ! the graud centi al depot. Dr. D^pew was congregatiiin at the Presbyterian cburcb "Alice in Wonderiaad" embroidered uuon bred, but wbo speaks to you und mortifies half reclining in an easy chair, talking over Suuday mornine. thern in gold thread If you haven't choien you and claims a right to tii'ii'iaiutaLce be­ tliem for your., ot T.>ry spare figure, wbo ba.'n'c great whiie before the wbi*f|ii uf tbe M , M. the E.iiaoopai cbuich bell Friday wl". Vary good aud vury s.'ife nujj.ct for cjnver- any adip isa t's>u ' to disp se of, doesu't,it &. T railro'Ad's locoiu'itlves ciu be he'-rd. nesaid tne advent of anothir b-ll, in fnct of s.>tiou strikes mo, slau'i in very threat need of exer- This ruilroid will criis.ilue G & C. L. Go's eevhial bellti, quite a big lirll aud some little oise. Bi,{, fat m°n migbt rt quire it. Itit railroad at two pi .ci-s. now WOMUN CAN GROW FAT. bfcijls it Was 1). H. Bed, ouce of Besieiiitr, 'llic GriiiitetCouilii'ialioo Ncw>|i:i|icr Oil' Ever Miiilc. amazing, though, what remarkable strength tlieu of Flirt Payne, Cornelia, Ep-*s, and Evarts bas lor a man of hia years, and bow g^^ BLACK-ORAUbHt uu cnren ( oustluatioi- S imebody who haa raore angles than .'urvea w.'inis to grow t'lt. The best I can LO . bock lo Bi-saeiii'r, the b.-at plica of oil. he has bsen able Co vt, 'lat'i a good mauy accep­ IliB AIIK Hl.UALD tiik"!! p'ea'iirc in "aniioiiniing an orrnnKeinpnt I'y which th ted notions as to tbe b st means of preserving BQ,^.UTIFaL. fci'LORBNUB. -ay ill. to try aud e'lt a lot of aw.eia, all the Dr. L. G Woiias'ju. i'.act.co Imited ti -t-irehy fo 'd p'laaiblf, to dri.ik chO'^olate New Y"ik W.'Dil Hllll WKKIVI.Y .MIK HKH.M.II viiU lm furniH''oRHNCic, Jan 2-J—|.Sp"cial ]—Thi cify who are in the h'iiiit of ge ting migrv will Dipew undoubtedly hud lu mind when be Ciuneil rue-irji/ n gnr, rtLtili-d a c >atri40t never get f-it. In Afri.'.a, wbere llei*h la aaid tbat rome luen ougbt to take exercise with M.eir, tl'trif rJ & Ct. ut Cliatcuno "gii, considered a uecepaiiy to b'auty. the nailve A FHA.RB'UL EXPEBIBNOB. Best Two Newspapers Ever Published, in ordfr to keep in good health. The coio taiiit.iry enguifi r:*, wh) i*ill s irvty the city lllliel increase it by ho ley and fresh datiR, Three Fer^ol'M Oeiiil und Wutlii-ii tintl nal is lurge and fat aud d sn't appear lo be and prepar.' pl-iti^ for A rjinpir»te system o' while in aome p'lrts of A^ia, wbere to more CbildrrU hHireiU]£. io Ttry mu^culir f.ir a miu of h'S buill sewerage an 1 drairiu^e t-ig-ih-jp wilb esti ihaii iiu'r..ly "iucliue to em tonpoint'' i.a ho K""*!" *'^"" '" ^"^^ or one of llic other l'i;!(i valuablo aiil useful prcHrnts. He read over the a'ateitieuc about B^inat' r mt'es of unme. Ttie (*yste'ii id siid to b- counted lovely; y-'U'ig womeu with hop n in ST. PAUIV, Minn , Jan •2'A.—A Tosoma, Th« Ncw York Worll is tic (iient Lnnsiaipir of tl'c vvoriil, with tlio hirncst circa- S!var> when Ihan 'editto hiui,aud observfd: self oleatiiuif and uf ihe n\oi'. modern ar ; he direc ion of profeasional beauties, are Wash . i-pei'iiii lo tbe Pio'iier Presa, atiyt: Intii II lit auy pupor on the continent, boiH)5 OV make « orrt- yut in dark rooms when tley get to be 10 The fi'^81 traiu in leu days uver tbe Union eilitiotifl. la, not what y>u people cjil exi-rcls^ Evory pl-te profilt> o? the ci'y. phowuig grtvded of yeirs old, ara allowed to worry ab ut noi.h Pacifi'i r.iad airiv. dhere yesieroay morn­ This unpreceilcnteil offer, the PI|'IU1 of which has never before been mmle by a man takes snme, of c lursa. Wny, I walk htreeta, iiiter.-e«tioos, (rtn The work will lug, aid fed uooo a in xture of II UP and ing. Pwssengera report a auow blocka'le ncwspiipi r, shonlil add at Icnst ."i i,IHill t lour i-uns'rijition li-t iu the sou'h alone. Wa four or five milts around my cfllo.i every take two month*, att^r whifh the city will the nieiit of dogs. To's iS highly reco'n- n-ar B'lker City, Or,,, where eight p'ss'-n- want . viry body who does not nlr. mlv tuke b i li |i'iin'8 to do s i for their oivn S'lk'i and day. I nalk at lenst a mile or two when I receive bidti for ih':-i)r()p »«»d ><\» em, m "Uded, and one i':u''c-s.H'ui li-.''.uty, in giv­ ger trains were sno ived in, tne lirat ono hav­ hcnelii, more thsn for ours, as nc'l'ier the AIIK IIKHA[.I> or tho World derive any play billlaid4 A mau takis exercise in tbat ing her experi-iiCH and deittilii'g her ciiariii'*, ing been caught Sunday we-k. Tbe pa-- proBt, at lie fiMce chvrg-'i for the two p'lp TS'I'hi-r tnan the sitisfaclion of sproading way, JOU ki.ow, wilhout lb ukmg. Wnat? A. R. Johnson, wbultPtile priiflucf. Rfiip says that her eyes cannot be se.'U, and that sengers report a ti-rriiile experieu'e, thre.i this V'lst world o'mosl. vuluable and useful iiiforiii'itiau cheaper than it hits ever before Ha never nid piay billiards? Well, that is o biu), 1910 Aveni^ D. m-i if wk Kia nntfriri to h r to llf'. h'r armi I purs na hiving diol durii.g the b ckade, bn II 1 ITcied or nmy ev.r b- otr"ri'.l aH'Hn I oarloni. Besides tbat, a mm djes a good WorK oil till hhop« frtigrvflsii};, icar'ely thii k the A'nericiii young woman, ai d a number of woroeu an.l cln dr n bi-ing Write the Willi, N" - York, f ,r su ople c n.y of tho Wei-kly World, and enclose Idealofthlnliiugiaud that'sexcrcise iuits way FLOKKNCK, Jan. 2-j —[Spcial ] — Work i^ho ia aylfih like, woud care for ibs diet, taken ^ick and receiving no oil e U'tentiou fl III lo lhe AoB ilKKAi.ii for loth papers oue yea', and receive a ticket in the AQB- I JOU know." on the M-mphis aud Chirlw:*to i sno^j-i pl mt I ut if her digestion will stand It, she an at than thit extei.ded by th ir fellow pus-en- llKRAl.n'SKnind ni'i .li-i i I'li'hm. "Well, colocel," I asked him, "do you in prOjreoii oufflit; InpUed. "I don't feel any the worse for it wearing bella i n your pretty little loea, but former p.iy iug teller of th^ sub tre.'ieury, itiH-i TM n'w \itn cjtii'' u^'l Wfl; A New Churcli at Florcnc-«. WHEN V(MiHr<^ ill ftf^Hiuit', a Ixinl u in yourtielf auil iilt urouuct yon, Itbougb. I am sure I am healthy enough. I If y.iu want to he countel, as the pretty Wno rin away with tlOOOO, aud who plead 111; >i 10 >i It 10 It 'V11 .V'l' 'I" 11 IU I'C floding any fault Try soma fellow FLOBKNCB, Jan. 23.—(.rip-^ciul.]—Tb© Faust of the Oaiety comji vny sings, "up to ed guilty to tba charge ot emnezz emont a WHO U KICKINQ. ChrisCiaa dennminatioti are preparing to date," you muat wear rious on your Angers. few daya ago, was today aeiitenced to six -:-ELECTROPOISE CURES ALL DISEASE! -:- tam not." build a nf>w church. The mum huil'dng Women like rings, first i f all, becauFe they years* impris.mment in Ibe Krte county pen­ will be 84x50 (eet, wi b an audience room IS<» ]>li»ll«'i" Wlmt ItM IViitiK* Ol- JXJlttlt•<^. Wl> were walking on Broadway at tbe mike tbe btnda link prettier, and nix:, bn- itentiary, and tu pay a fl.je or $lU,OJtl, the With It ynu oan do as liiinlr.'ils arc uoiv I'lliu—y.m cun I'lir . y.iiirscli jt your home, with.iut tho Jtiwa and the colonel chu'kled as he crossed 56i50 feet Ths rtar wilt cjutaln study cuuie they are tbe only ornaments at which amouut he embi zzled. use ol Uruusor meJiciuCBol auy Iriud. Kor lunlicr inl.irins lui ti.l Insl ltt into the street and jumped on a h irse- and otber apirtments The work will bo they cin gezi themselves. To have the band EL.BCTRO-LIBRATION COMPANY, ' witb tbe agiiiiy of a trained athlete. peguu iua de of a mouth aud cjuipleted A' lock whiter because of a gre'it red ruby A, RJ'ihnaon, wl olesale produce. Ship Kiioiu 111, Walls BuildUiu, Mux Tl, liiimiiinl nm. Ala Or. JOHN N, WEBB, liiaY. Are., Washinglou, D. C. dvan diw General Baueli diffe:s dtcidedly from tbe ^an oarlj date. glowing upon it, or a ricb sapphire con­ t. him, 1910 Avenue D. aei wk tf 12 THE WEEKLY ACE-ITEKALS: WET»N»»»4T, JANVAKT 29. !»t». IN GOLD! M $5,769.00 $5,769.00 ^6oeo^liooa^^coo»t»io>6ea•»J^f^fe . .^^!.'^flt6^|fA^I»>a

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Fifty prizes f J 1^^,!,^^, g,^g p^,,,^^^ ^inytts Ul 50 One box fine Cigars Two huudrtd priz«s tplfctid from the Franklin eerips, $1 tach 200 ,9^*'*^'*^" ^imported China Dinner Set, decoiateJ 40 00 FuriiUhid froai Gi.rii'Rup't, O'Brien'i Oper 'JL'"* 5 Ool Ono hundred prizes 8«'lecl«d fyijin the most famous poems 50 ••> Toxntabua ^^^^ y g Barton, ji'a., 1913 Second uveuue. One box Seal of A.mer!ca Cigars. Fifty prizes oC il."j*thoine'8 fchoice works ,. 12 Sne tiB'^ English Bn-ei-h-Loading Double Barrelled Shot Gun 40 00 Five p'unds Yellow Lsbal Smokinpr /bT^ •• 5 jj0O0 i Twonty virises of 8ir Waltur Scott's swlect poems ,,. t/ * Vvu jn^^ ff„,„ ^y^f, Birmli.gbiiui Arou Cooipauy, 1901 Snoutid aveuue. 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One dwzen Sdilitz Beer •*f' 126 Furuiaked trom Tlu Burnett, r "j I Philadelphia agricultural monthly , Two prizes of the Brinly Plow, $10 e»ch 20 00 ICai.ufaiiiured by Brinly, Jliles ti Hardy, LonutTllle, Ky. One seSett lnci««Alden'ts Classic-I.iiterar ' / Cyelopedi*, thirteen volumes IS 00 ^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^ p^^^^^ 1.6.-Q. Total value S.'i.'Tda ' -.--— . twenty-seven Tolumea ^' "^ „. ' These splendid presents cost you absolutely not one cent, a» tliey ar* g*v« ^ »way to our Weekly subscribers, that tkey may share with us in our profits. By becoming a member of the AGE-HERALD FAMLLT, which tai ^ . Q^ D*Uar, you get the Best W«»jKly Nttwipaper lm th» World for on* year and may g« A PRESENT OF TW^O HUNDRED DOLLARS IN GOLI or one of the other 1638 splendid «if ts to be distrihutod. Will you hes ^^ subseribc for the Mammoth Twelve-Pa^e Weekly AffC-Herald, get th© best and cheapest pape and at the same time share in our splendid gilts? * , These presents will all be distributed, and why not como in with ^^^^^^ ^^^ participate? Then subscribe without delay, and get your neighbors who are n«« M^ ncribers to join you. You will get the best newspaper for the tm ' household It« Agricultural Department leads all the agricultural publications of the South In I 0ound, practical, comprehensive teachings. Active, Energy ^^^ Agents are W^antec IB every neighborhood, and with our unprecedentedly larger ^^^i^.io^, canmakemore working for the AGE-HERALD than for any othor paper. Itis notrombloto mbscriber. lor tbe MamnM»tJ. Twelr-Page Weekly Age-Her ^^ ^^^^ ^;^ Specimen Copies, Agent*' Outflt. Blanks, etc.. and begl^ work at ohco. Addrw. or