ORGANISATION INTERGOUVERNEMENTALE POUR LES TRANSPORTS INTERNATIONAUX FERROVIAIRES ZWISCHENSTAATLICHE ORGANISATION FÜR DEN OTIF INTERNATIONALEN EISENBAHNVERKEHR INTERGOVERNMENTAL ORGANISATION FOR INTER- NATIONAL CARRIAGE BY RAIL INF. 30/Add. 8 19. Mai 2003 Original: German RID/ADR Joint Meeting of the RID Safety Committee and the Working Party on the Transport of Dangerous Goods (Berne, 24-28 March 2003) Harmonization with the UN Model Regulations: Consequential amendments Prepared by the secretariat Note: This proposal contains consequential amendments which have not been taken into ac- count in documents INF.30/Add.1 to INF.30/Add.7. ______________________________________________________________________________ In transport category 0, replace ", 3148 and 3207" under "Class 4.3" with: "and 3148". In transport category 0 add after "3152" under "Class 9": ", 3432". 3.3.1 203 Replace the existing text with the following: "This entry shall not be used for polychlorinated biphenyls, liquid, UN No. 2315 and polychlorinated biphenyls, solid, UN No. 3432." [also necessary in the Model Regulations] Aus Kostengründen wurde dieses Dokument nur in begrenzter Auflage gedruckt. Die Delegierten werden daher gebeten, die ihnen zugesandten Exemplare zu den Sitzungen mitzubringen. Das Zentralamt verfügt nur über eine sehr geringe Reserve. Tel. (++41) 31 - 359 10 17 • Fax (++41) 31 - 359 10 11 • E-Mail
[email protected] • Gryphenhübeliweg 30 • CH - 3006 Berne/Bern 513 Replace the third sentence with the following: "UN No. 1445 barium chlorate, solid, UN No. 1446 barium nitrate, UN No. 1447 bar- ium perchlorate, solid, UN No. 1448 barium permanganate, UN No. 1449 barium peroxide, UN No. 2719 barium bromate, UN No. 2741 barium hypochlorite with more than 22% available chlorine, UN No.