Music Died,” 21-Year- Obama, Who Has Repeatedly Urged Francisco
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FEATURes OP/ED A&E SPORTS Harmony Café migrates Eating for Lawrentians Swimming, men's toward campus enjoyment with Jess Vogt on caffeine bball impress >> page 5 >> page 7 >> page 8 >> page 10 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2009 VOL. CXXTHEVI, NO. 13 LAWRENLAWRENCE UNIVERSITY'S STUDENT NEWSPAPER SINCE 1884 TIANWWW.LAWRENTIAN.COM Conkey’s loses Obama’s first contract with Glick’s research cited as 100 days panel Dylan Reed-Maxfield Fox Valley Tech 2009 “Breakthrough Idea” Staff Writer Caitlin Williamson Carolyn Schultz an apparent surplus of one trait, are seen as smart and driven with One week after President Barack Staff Writer Staff Writer [people] infer a deficit of the other,” adverse motives said the article. Obama’s inauguration on Jan. 27, a wrote Cuddy in the HBR article. For Glick’s part in this research panel of four Lawrence government Conkey’s Bookstore has been The Harvard Business Review example, the article said the elderly began nearly a decade ago after students led a discussion about what an icon of the city of Appleton recently released its 2009 list of 20 are commonly stereotyped as warm the research of Susan Fiske iden- the 44th president’s policy goals real- since 1896, but the store suffered “breakthrough ideas” affecting the but incompetent. Some people refer tified the two dimensions of ste- istically can and should be for his a significant financial blow when it field of business. Lawrence Professor to elderly people with terms of reotypes: warmth and competence. first 100 days. The bipartisan panel lost its textbook contract with Fox of Psychology Peter Glick was cited endearment such as “honey,” help Glick helped identify the beginnings consisted of Will Muessig and Emily Valley Technical College last week. for his collaborative research on the them with simple tasks, or talk to of these stereotypes, and he has Dalton, who identify as liberal, and In addition, Conkey’s has been losing “stereotype content model,” a model tested various hypotheses. He found Chris Hagin and Fanny Briceño, who business as a result of the College of human behavior based on preju- that competence is related to socio- identify as conservative. The event, Avenue bridge reconstruction and dice and stereotypes. economic status and that there is an titled “Obama’s First 100 Days,” was the economic recession. The article “Just Because I’m Nice, inherent structure between coopera- sponsored by the Government Club. The Fox Valley Technical Don’t Assume I’m Dumb,” cites the tive versus competitive group rela- The idea of the first 100 days of College’s board of trustees voted to research of Glick and his colleagues tions that is related to the “stereo- a president’s administration being end FVTC’s contract with Conkey’s Amy Cuddy, associate professor at type content model.” especially significant goes back to and switch to a contract with Barnes the Harvard Business School, and Professor Glick’s current research Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who and Noble Booksellers. Susan Fiske, professor of psychol- deals with applying the “stereotype entered office during a time of eco- “[The loss of the contract] will ogy at Princeton University, on what content model” to how behavior is nomic crisis. FDR campaigned largely definitely impact us; we’ll just have the article terms the “warmth/com- interpreted. He is researching mixed on promises to help put Americans to do business a little different- petence model,” synonymous with stereotypes — when competence and back in jobs and to fix a crippled ly, like cut back on hours and on the “stereotype content model.” The warmth are inversely proportioned banking system. Roosevelt’s famous other things,” said John Zimmerman, model postulates that people rate — and how people can be impaired first 100 days were significant, owner of Conkey’s Bookstore. new acquaintances on imaginary in some domains and successful in because his dramatic electoral vic- Conkey’s is Wisconsin’s oldest scales of intention and capability, or others. tory gave him “political capital,” or independent bookstore. It is a full- warmth and competence. Glick has found that the warmth the popularity to persuade Congress service bookstore with a gift shop, If someone is “warm” they are dimension may predict favorable to follow the president’s wishes. FDR and in addition, it provides textbook someone to trust and befriend. outcomes for social behaviors. For spent his first 100 days in office sales for Lawrence. Zimmerman Contrastingly, someone who is con- Photo courtesy of Lawrence Web site Professor Peter Glick. example, Grandma is nice because convincing Congress to pass the 15 has been working for Conkey’s for sidered “cold” is untrustworthy and she bakes cookies for strangers, but pieces of major legislation known as over 50 years — nearly half of the selfish, concerned only with personal them loudly. The elderly often find if she fails to notice you on the street, the “First New Deal.” bookstore’s history. He has a strong gain. People who are “competent” this frustrating, believing they are it was because she didn’t see you; Like Roosevelt, President Obama connection to Lawrence and the are people to hire for a job; they are capable of more than stereotypes she is excused because she is warm. assumed leadership during an eco- Appleton community. He grew up in intelligent and skilled at what they project. As well, the competence dimension nomic downward spiral, and also Appleton and was good friends with do. Someone who is “incompetent” is A competent but cold person is may predict favorable outcomes in with unusually great political capital. the family of Nathan Marsh Pusey, in need of help, an undesirable hire dangerous and a competitor both achievement behaviors. However, Obama’s challenges for the president of Lawrence 1944-1953. for most businesses. in and outside the workplace. This “Everybody has stereotyping beginning of his first term are argu- “Things have changed just a Stereotypes and prejudices influ- belief leads to resentful and aggres- habits,” said Glick. “The question is ably much broader than were FDR’s. little over the years, but Lawrence ence these ratings. Glick and his sive behavior towards people per- whether you correct for stereotypes In addition to improving the econo- has always been an interesting colleagues have found that warmth ceived as competent and cold. An when you’re perceiving people ... the my, Americans currently expect the school and Appleton a neat town and competence ratings tend to have example in today’s world is stereo- important thing is being aware and president to take swift action on to be a part of. I’ve enjoyed it here,” an inverse relationship. “If there’s typing against Asian-Americans, who being able to not just stereotype.” an array of other problems. During Zimmerman said. “Lawrence is a very his campaign, Obama promised sig- important part of Conkey’s; without nificant change on the U.S. military it, Conkey’s would have a very hard copies of books initially, and then It is getting harder for indepen- always been the case — we are built occupations in Iraq and Afghanistan, time being here.” reordering if necessary, rather than dent businesses to compete with on service. This is what I have made environmental and energy policy and Conkey’s has not been the buying more books at once and run- large corporations and chains. In the my life at, is customer service, and health care availability. only local business to suffer lately ning the risk of not selling them. bookstore world, stores like Borders that’s what makes the difference Muessig suggested that Obama’s — a few other stores have gone “The interesting thing is ever and Barnes and Noble are dominat- between us and Barnes and Noble, top priorities should be to “prevent out of business recently, includ- since [the loss of the contract] has ing the scene. However, Zimmerman and other big chain stores. There’s a depression and jumpstart the econ- ing Sparkadoodles, a gift store on happened, I’ve had so many people still has hope that things will get something about independent stores; omy,” and much of the early discus- College Avenue. Zimmerman has had call me, hoping that we wouldn’t better for Conkey’s. the only way they can compete is sion focused on the economic stimu- to make changes to the way Conkey’s be dropping off,” Zimmerman said. “I’m very positive about the through service and sensitivity to lus bill for this purpose. Briceño was is managed in order to save money “Over 800 people in less than a future. Our goal is to continue in the customer. I’m 68 years old, and I wary of massive government spend- — Conkey’s will be ordering fewer week have commented [via e-mail business and give the best service don’t want to give up [now].” ing as a solution. She thinks that the and blog]; that’s a lot of people.” we can,” Zimmerman said. “That’s stimulus bill, which is expected to contain between $800 and $900 bil- CAIRO — German and Israeli inves- CLEAR LAKE, Iowa — Feb. 3 was lion in spending, is too great. “Where In Other News... tigators have discovered the Nazi the 50th anniversary of the deaths is everything going to come from?” soldier Aribet Ferdinand Heim, of pilot Roger Peterson and musi- she asked. WASHINGTON — General Motors dubbed “Dr. Death” and charged cians Buddy Holly, Richie Valens Muessig was also worried about recently announced that their with atrocious Holocaust-era sur- and J.P. Richardson, known as “The the size of the plan, but still praised new plug-in electric car will be geries such as injecting gasoline Big Bopper.” Popularly known as it as a good political move for tested first in Washington and San into victims’ hearts, died in his “The Day the Music Died,” 21-year- Obama, who has repeatedly urged Francisco.