A Y R IL P E A R SO N’ M RS . . C





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N UTTA L L ’ S P R O N O UN CI N G DI CTI O N AR Y & TH E E N H A N G UA E O I G LIS L G . I n c lu d in g m W o r s man y Th o u san d M o d e d c o n n e c te d w ith

c ie n c e t e ratu re an l A rt. S ,


A LL who have atte mpted to solve those do u ble

Acrostics which are now so much in fashion know , m to their cost , that uch time and trouble must be expended in a search for words to which th e in itial and final letters are often a chief part of the clue . Much personal experience of this sort h as led me to

i n w believe that an Acrostic Dictionary , hich the first an d last letters of all words are arranged in

w an d Alphabetical order , will be a elcome valuable addition to the solver ’ s library

Acting upon this belief , I have gathered from authentic sources all such words as seem suited for

Acrostic purposes , and have so arranged them that the eye can easily ru n down the lists of those which l begin and end with any two etters . A composer h as thus a full choice of such words as m a he y require , and a solver can rapidly select those w hich seem likely to answer the conditions of a “ & light .

In flec tio n s m have been o itted in most instances ,

u r w although some few , s ch as pa ticiples hich are used

h n . as adjectives , ave been retai ed Compound words n d in commo use are given , and some foreign wor s which h ave been incorporated with our lan guage are

w ell w l d included in the list , as as ords late y coine , 6 P RE FA OE . wh ich are well suited for Acrostic purposes from the factthat they are n o tfound in modern dictionaries . The task of compilation has b e en necessarily long

e and tedious , but the r sult will doubtless be of con siderable benefit to all who take pleasure in these

‘ v zl n o t n erbal puz es , which o ly afford amusement

n combined with me tal exercise , but also are an indirect means of acquiring much information of very varie d character . If this effort meets with success I shall be en c o u r aged to prepare further lists of people and places , constructed upon a similar plan .



1 884 .


A —A Antenna Abba Aorta Abracadabra Apocrypha Abscissa Aporema Acacia A p po ggiatu ra Acantha Aqua -regia Aceldama Aqua -toffan a Acera Aquila Acromania Area Academic Adversaria Arena Acatalectic Aga Aria Acataleptic Agora Arietta Aceric Aha Armada Acetic Alba Armadilla Achromatic Alga Aroma Acoustic Algebra Assafoetida Acroamatic Alpaca Asteria Acrostic Alpha Asthma Adamic Ambrosia Astraea Aeronautic Ammonia Aurelia Aerostati c Amphora Aureola E sthetic Ampulla Auricula Agaric Anacon da Aurora Agnatic Anaemi a Axilla Agonisti c An aesthesia Azalea Agrestic Anaphora Alcaic Anathema A—B Alcoholic Angina Abb Aldermanic An e tta Absorb Alembic — — 1 1 0] 8 [A L

Algebraic Arithmetic Accomplished Allopathi c Aristocratic Accord Allegoric Arsenic Accredited Alman ac Artistic Accursed Alphabetic Ascetic Acetated Ammoniac A sph altic Acid Amphibolic Aspic Acknowledged Amuletic Asthmatic Acquainte d Anachronic Athletic Acq u ired Anacreontic Atmospheric Acrid Anaesthetic Atomic Adapted Anaglyptic Atonic Add Anamnestic Attic Addicted Anapestic Aulic Addled An gelic Auric A ddIe -pated Antagonistic Authentic Admired Antalgic Autochthonic Adopte d Antarctic Autocratic Adorned Antic Autographic Advanced Antipathic A u to mati c Afeard A n tiph rasti c Autopsic Affected Anti-rheumatic Axiomatic Affl icted A nti -septic Azoic Afford Anti -thetic Azotic Afi eld Apathetic Afore -hand A —D Aphlogistic Afore -said Aphoristic Abandoned Afraid Apocalyptic Abased After-guard Apologetic Abed After-ward Apoplectic Aboard Aged Apostolic Abound Aggravate d Aquatic Above -board Aggrieved Arabic Above -said Agreed Arc Abraid Aground Archaic Abridged Agued Arctic Abroad A head Arch-an gelic Abscond Aid Arch-bish opric Abstracted Air -bed Arch -critic Accend Air-thread Arch -heretic Accented Aisled Architectonic Accelerated Alcaid Argonautic Accommodated Algi d

A —D] [A —E

Aliped Auld Absolve Alkaloid Aurited Absorbable Allied Authorized Absorptive Almond Avid Absterge Almsdeed Abstinence Aloud Avowed Abstractive Amend A w ard Abstruse Amid Abundance Anchored Abuse Abusive Android Accede An end A basc Accelerate Animated Abatable Accentuate Anointed Abate Acceptable Ant -acid Abbe Acceptance Ant -acrid Abbreviate Accessible Anti -acid Abbreviature Accidence Antiquated Abdicate A c c iptrin e Antlered Abdicative Acclimatiz e Applaud Abele Accolade Apprehend Aberrance Accommodate Arachnoid Abeyance Accomplice Arch- druid Abhorrence Aecom plishable Arched Abnegate Accordance Arid Abode Account-able Armed Abominable Accoutre Arou nd Abominate Accretive Arrow -head Above Accrue Articulated Abrade Accumulate Ascend Abridge Accurate Ashame d Abrogate Accurs e Aspirated Abidance Accusable Assembled Abide A c c u sativc Assessed Abjudica te Accuse Associated Abjure c e Assured Ablative Ablaze Astound Able Attache d Abrogable Attainted Absence Attend Absentee Attired Absolute — — A E ] 10 [ 1 1 19

Acidulate Adulterate Age Acknowledge Adumbrate Agglomerate Acme Advance Aggrandize Aconite Advantage Aggravate Acquaintance Adventure Aggregate Acquiesce A dversable Aggressive Acquiescence Adversative Aggrievance Acquire Adverse ggri e ve Acquisitive Advertence gile Acquittance Advertise Agiotage Acre Advice Agitable Actionable Advisable Agitative Active Advise Agnate Actualize A dvo c at-e Agn o min ate Actuate Advowee Agone Aculeate Adze Agonize A c u min ate Aerate Agree Acute Aerie A gre eable Adage Affable Agricultu re Adamantine Affectionate Ague Adipose Afi ec tive Ague -tree Adjective Atfian c e Aigre Adjudge Affiliate Aigrette Adjudicate Atfin age Aiguille Adjunctive Affirmative Air -fl u e Adjure A fii xtu re Air-pipe Adjutage A fi'lic tive Aisle Admeasure A fflu en c e Ajutage Administrate Affranchise Albite Administrative Affuse Alcade Admirable A fire Alchemize Admir e Afore Alcoholize Admissible After -course Alcove Admittance After-game Alcyone Admixture After-love Aldine Admonitive After-piece Ale Adnate Agapae Ale-hou se Adolescence Agape Alee Adoptive Agaph ite Alepidote Adorable Agate Alexandrine Adore Agave Alexandrite Adulate Agaze Alidade

A— E ] 12 A— F

Apprize Article Atone Approbate Articulate Attainture Appropriate A rtific e Attendance Approve Artiste Attentive Approximate Ascendable Attenuate Appurtenance Ascensive Attire Aptitude Ascribe Attitude Aquatile A sh -hole Attractive Aqua -vitae Ashore Attribut e Aquiline Aside Attrite Arabesque Asinine Attune Arable Askance Audible Arbitrate Aslope Audience Arboriculture Asperse Aureate Arborize Asphalte Auspice Arbute Aspirate Austere Arc ade Aspire Authenticate Arch -apostle Assassinate Authorize Arch -duke Assemblage Available Archetype Assemble Avalanche Archiepiscopate Assentive Avarice Archimandrite Assertive Ave Architecture Assignee Avenge Architrave Assimilate Avenue Archive Assistance Average A re u ate Assize Averruncate Arenose Associate A verse Argentine Assonance Avoidance Argue Assuetude Avowee Argumentative Assume Awake Arise Assurance Aware Armature Assure Aw hile Armistice Asterite Axe A romalite Astride Axle Aromatize Astringe Aye Arouse Astrolabe f tz o te Arquebuse Astrologize Azure Arrange Astroscope Arrive Astute — Arrogance Asymptote A F Arrogate Athlete Alehoof Artichoke Atmosphere Aloof

A G] 1 3 [A —L

A G A — I Alkool Ai All Aboding Allegorical A c c o mm o dati n Alibi g All -hail According Alkali Amphiscii Allodial Aching Alluvial Aff ecting Anti A n toc c ii Aludel Afore going br sial t Argali Am o A gg rav a i n g Amzel A— K Analogi c al A n e estral Among Aback Ancipital Assuming Alack Angel Aleak Awakening A n neal Amuck Annual A rac k Ann u l A — H Ark Anteal Ask Acrolith Ante - chapel Admon ish Asterisk Ante - m u ral Afresh Attack Ant -hill Afte r- math Attask Anti -metrical Aguish Auk Anti -social Ah — Antiphona l Alembroth A L Antithetical Allah Abigail Anvil Allelujah Abnormal Apocryphal Almeh Aboriginal Apodal Although Abysmal Apostil Amaranth Accidental Appal Ambush Acquittal Apparel Anaglyph Acronycal Appeal Angui sh Admiral Appraisal Apish Adverbial Approval Apograph Aerial Arc haelogi c al ’ Arm s -length Aerological Archangel Ash Agrestical Archducal Astonish Agricultural Archil Attach Ahull Architectural Autograph Ail Armful Avouch Air -cell Arrival Azimuth Alarm -bell Arsenal A z o th Alcohol Artful — — A M ] 14. [A N

A rtific ial Anagram Absorption Asph odel Analogism Abstain Assail A n arc h i sm Abstention Assoil A n gli c ism Abstraction Astral Animism Academician Atmospherical Anomalism Acceleration Augural Antagonism Accentuation Austral Anthem Acceptation Autumnal Aphorism Accession Avail Apothegm Acclamation A vo vval Aquarium Acclimatization Awful Aquiform Accommodation A w l Arbo retism Accordion Arcanum Accretion Archaism Accumulation Abolitionism Arm Accusation Absenteeism Arum Acidification Absolutism A steism Acorn Abysm Asylum Acquisition Acclaim Atheism Action Accustom Atticism Acumen Addeem Axiom Adaptation Addendum Addition A —N Ad-libitum Adjoin

Adytum Abandon. Adjourn Aeriform Abbreviation Adj u ration A fii rm Abdicatio n A dmin i strati on Agonism Abdomen Admiration Agrarianism Abduction Admission Aim Abecedarian Admonition Alarm Aberration Adnoun Alarum Abjection Adorn Album Abj u ratio n Adulation Algorithm Ablution Adulteration Allium Abnegation A du sti o n Alluvium Abolition Ad vocation Alum Abomination Advowson Aluminium Abortion Aérostation Am Abrasion Affection Amalgam Abrogation Affi liation A mericanism Abruption Affi rmation An achron ism Absolution Affliction

A—P ] 1 6 [A — R

Adelantado Asp Admirer Ado Atrip Admonisher Agio Attrap Admonitor Agitato Authorship Adopter Adorer Ago A— R Akimbo Adu lator Albino Abater Adventurer Alcedo Abbreviator Advertiser Alco Abet-ter Adviser Allegretto Abjurer A éro meter Allegro Abolisher Afar Alsegn o Abridger Affair Also Absolver Af fecter Altissimo Abstracter A ffiic ter Alto A c arn ar Affronter Alto -octavo Acater After Alto -reliev e Accelerator Agger Ambo Accentor Aggrandizer Andantino Acceptor Aggregator Annotto Accipenser Aggressor Arango Accipiter Agitator Archipelago Accommodator Aider Argo Accorder Aimer Arioso Accuser Air-bladder Armadillo Acer Ajar Arnotto Acetimeter Alabaster Arpeggio Achor Alar Arundo A ei c u lar Alder Asio A c idifier Aleconner Atamasco Acipenser Alegar A tempo Acoumeter A lge r Avocado Acquirer Alienator Acquisitor Alligator A — P Actinometer A lliterator After-clap Actor A lmac an ter After-crop Adder Alma Mater Aide -de -camp Addresser Almoner A - ir pump A dh erer Alnager l A p Adj u rer Altar Apprentice -ship Adjuster Alter A rchbishop Administer Altimeter Asleep Administrator Altogether

A—R ] 1 7 [A —S

Alveolar Arbiter Attender Amateur Arbitrator Attestor Ambassador Arbor A t-tirer Amber Arbour Attractor Ambidexter Archer Auctioneer Ambler A re hiater Auditor Ameer A rc higraph er Auger Amour Archtraitor Augmenter Amphimacer Ardour Augur Amplifier Areolar Auscultator Anangular Areometer Author Ancestor Arithmometer Autobiographer Anchor Armchair Autometer Anemometer Armiger Auxiliar A n ger Armour Avatar Angler Armourer Avenger Angor Arquebusier Aver Angular Arrear Averter An imalcular Articu lar Avoider Animator Ash -colour Awakener Annotator Ashlar Awarder Annular Asper — ’ Another Assassinator A S Answer Assentator Abacus Ant -bear 1&sser Abatis Antecessor Assessor Abbess Ante -chamber Assever Ableness A n tec u rso r Assigner Abominableness Anterior Assister Aborigines Anther Associator Abruptness Antiar f tster Abscess Anticor Astir Absciss Antimeter Astrologer Absoluteness Antler Astronomer Abstemious A piaster Asunder Abstractness Apparitor Atelier Abyss Appealer Atoner Acanthus Appellor Atrabiliar A c an u s Appropriator Attacker Acaulous Approver Attainder f tc c ess A rato r Attar A c etario u s Arbalister Attemper Acetous 0 A — S 1 8 [A —S

Ac hlys Ambages Arms Acidness Ambassadress Aromatics Acinaceous Ambergris Aromatous Ac o pis Anthocephalous Arras A c orn s A n tith e sis Arris Actress Anthus Arsis A c u le ou s A n tibilio u s Artless Adays Antiphrasis Arts Address Antipodes As A de n o s Antiquities Asbestos Adiaph o ru s Antistes Ascians Adonis Anxious Ashes Adroitness A pellous Asomatous A dvan tag eo u s A petalous Aspalathus Adventitious Aphyllous Asparagus Adventurous Apis f tssess f E gis Apotheosis 1Xssets ' A é rif ero u s Apothesis A ssidio u s Aerostatics Apparatus Assizes Afflatus Apropos Asterias After-ages Afterwards Aptness Astomous Aggress Apus Atagas Aimless A qu ariu s Atlantes Airiness Aqueous Atlantides Airless A ran e o u s Atlas Alas Arbitress Atrabilarious Albatross Arboreous Atrocious Albigen ses Arch -duchess Atrous Alertness Archives Attriteness Algous Archness Audacious Alias Arcturus Auditress Alimen tiveness Arduous Auriferous All-hallows Arenaceous Auspicious Allies Areopagus Authoress Alms A rgen tif ero u s Authorless Alumnus Argillaceous Autogenous Alveolus Argus Avaricious Al w ays Aridness Avengeress Am an u en sis Aries Avoirdupois Amass Ar mi n gs Awless Amauro sis Armless Ax if ero u s

— A ~ T] 20 [A U

Allot Anti - Christ Asquint A llotment Apart Assailant A lmagist Apartment Assault Almost Apo th egmati st Assen t Aloft Apparent s sert Alt Appellant Assignat Alterant Appendant Assignment 7 A ltivo lan t Applicant Assist A mazement Appoint Assistant A mbient Appointment Assonant Ambit Apricot A ssert Ambulant Apt Assum psit Amendment Aqueduct Astonishment Amethyst A rbalist Astrict Amidst Arbitrament A stringent A m n i c o li st Arborescent At Amongst Arboret Atheist Am onut Arches - court Athirst Amulet Architect Athwart Anabaptist Archivault Atomist Analyst Arch - priest Atonement A napest Ardent Attainment Anarchist Argument Attaint A n atomi st Aright Attempt Anchoret Aristocrat Attendant Ancient A rm ament Attest Anecdotist Armlet Attract Anen t Armorist Atwist Angelet Arm pit Audit Animadvert Aroynt August Ann alist Arraign men t Aurule n t Announceme n t Arrant Autocrat An nualist Arrest Avast Annuitant Arrogan t Avaunt Annulet Arrow -root Aversant Anoint Art Avert Ant Artist Aw ait Antagonist Ascendant Antarchist Ascent A U Ante -act A slan t Acajou Antecedent Aspect Adieu Anthropologist A spirant Ambig u

— A W] 21 [A Y

A W A c etify Already Acidity Alterity Aik -raw Allow Acrimony Amatory A r ti c all Anew c o s y Ambry Activity Ambulatory Anyhow A Arow Actuality menity Arrow Acutely Amenty Amiability Askew Adaptability A dh o rtato r Amity Avow y Adjacently Amnesty — A X Adj u tan c y Amplify

Abatvo ix Admirability Amply Addax Adolescency Analogy Adjutrix Adversary Anatomy A dmi n i stratri x Adversity Ancestry Admix Aerify Anchovy h A ffix Aerography Anemograp y Annex Aeromancy Angry A lf it Anthrax abil y Angularity Anti - climax Affinity Anility Apex Aff ray Animosity Appendix Agility Anniversary Apteryx Agony Annoy Arbitratrix A gron o my Annuity A ru spex Ahoy Anomaly Airily A n o psy A Y Airy Anorexy Abba-c y Alacrity Anthology Ability Alchemy Anthropology Ably Alectryomachy Anthropophagy Abno rmity Alimentary Antimony Absol u tely Alimony Anti pathy Absolutory Allay Antiphony Absorbability Allegory Antiquary A bsurdity Alley A ntiquity Academy Allopathy Anxiety Acceptability A lloy A n y A c c lam ato ry Allusory Apanth ro phy Acclivity Ally Apathy Accompany Almady Aphony Accumbency Almighty Apiary Acerbity Almonry Apology — — A Y] 2-2 {3 D

Apoplexy Army Audacity Apostasy Array Auditory Apothecary Artery Augury Applicability Artillery A u tarehy Apply Aruspicy Authenticity Approximately Ascendancy Authority Aptly Ascension . Autobiography Arbitrary Asperity Au to c rasy Arch-duchy A ssegay Autography Arch -enemy Assembly Autonomy Archly A stray Autopsy Archway Astrology Auxiliary Arefy Astronomy Aviary Argosy Atimy Avidity Aristarchy Atrabiliary Away Aristocracy Atrocity Awry Armillary Atrophy Axillary Armoury Attorney Ayry

B—A B—B Basilic Beatifi c Baa Barb Babyrousa Bibliographic Bedaub ’ Banana Beelzebub Bishopric Bandana Ben umb Bivouac Banksia Blab Bombastic Barilla Bib Britannic Battalia Bob Bucolic Begon ia Bomb B—D Bibliomania Bulb Bibliophobia — Babyhood Boa B C Baccate d Bohea Bacchic Backboard Brahma Baldric Backed Bravura Ballistic Back - ground Britannia Balsamic Back -handed Brumalia Barbaric Backsword Buccina Bardic Backward Buddha Basaltic Bad

13— 19] at [B— E

Bay-tree Bernadin e Be Bern o u se Beadle Besayle Beagle Beside Beatitude Besiege Beau -monde Bestride Because Betake Bechance Betide Become Beverage Bedaz z le Beware Bedlamite Bible Bedraggle Bibliopole Bee Bice Beehive Bide Beetle Bijugate Before Bile Befri n ge Bilge Begone Billingsgate Begrudge Binate Beguile Bine Behave Binnacle Behove Binocle Belace Bipartite Belate Bird -like ’ Belie Bird s - eye Believe Bireme Belike Birthplace Belle Bisse rate Bellicose Bissextile Bellu ine Bistre Belvedere Bite Bene Bituminate Benedictine Bivalve Ben efi c e Bizantine Be n efic en e e Bizarre Benevolence Blade Bengalese Bladebone Benshie Blame Benzine Blank -verse 13ere Blare Bereave Blasph e me Bergm o te Blaze

B—E ] [B— G

Blithe B rigade Blithesome Brigantine Blockade Brilliance Blonde Brimstone B rine Bloodstone B— F Blowpipe Bristle Blue Brittle Bag- reef Blue -bottle Brize Bailiff Bode Broadside Bas -relief Bodice Broadwise Bay -leaf Bodle Brocade Beef Boggle Brochure Beh alf BOgle Brogue Behoof Bole Broke Belief ’ Bona fide Brokerage Blin dman s- buff Bondage Bronze Bluff Bondslave Broose Brief Bone Brose B u ff Bo n eac e Brownie — Bonze Bruise B G Bootee Brume Babbling Borage Brunette Back -painting Bore Brute Backsliding Borecole Bubble Bag Boree Buckle Baiting Bovine Budge Balagh o n g Botanize Bugle Balancing Bottle Bulge Ballasting Bounce Bullace Bandog ’ Brace Bull s - eye Bang Brae Bulse Banking Brake Bumble -be e Banqueting Bramble Bundle Bantling Brave Bunghole Bardling Breathe Bungle Barking Breese Burden so m e Basting Breeze Burghmote Baying Breve Burke Beading Bribe Burlesque Bear-baiting Bride Burnoose Becoming Bridge Burrstone Bedding Bridle Bu stle Befog — B a] 20 [3 11

tradi sh Beg Borrowing Bee Being Bottling Behemoth Belong Bowing Bekah Bemoaning Bowling Bench Berg Bowstring Beneath Betting Boxing Berth Bewitching Brag Beseech Big Bramblin g Betroth Billing Branc hing Bewitch Bilsah Bi n ding Branding Bing Braying Birch rth Birth -song Breakin g Bi Biting Breeching Bismuth Blacki n g Breeding Bitterish Blackleg Brewing Blacksmith Blan ch i n g Brig Blanch Blasting Bronzing Blandish Blattering Breeding Bleach Blazing Browsing B lemi sh Blazoning Brushing Blench Bleaching Bubbling Blotch Blending Budding Bluish Blessing Buff etin g Blush Blighting Building Be gru sh Blinding B ulging Bookish Blinking Bulldog Booth Blockin g Bung Borou gh Blooming Bu n ting Bosh Blotting Burning Blue -stocking — B H - Blushing Bramble fin c h Boarding Babyish Branch Bo atleg Babylo n ish Brandish Bobwig Balderdash Breach Boding Banish Breadth Bog Batch Breast -high Bolstering Beach Breast-plou gh Be ltin g Bearish Breath Be n ein g Bedash Breech Boomerang Bedrench Brn n sh Bordering Beech British Boring Bee -moth Bre ach

11— 11] 28 B — N

Besom Barn Bethlehem Baron Bibliopolism Barracon Biform Barren Bloom Barton Blossom Basilican Born Basin Bookworm Bassoon Boom Bastion Bo se m Bato n Bottom Battalion Brahminism Ba w sin Bream Beacon Bridegroom Bean Brim Bear garden Broom Bearn Bro u gham Bearskin Bro w n i sm Beatification Buckram Beek en Buddhism Bedizen Bu rki sm Bedridden Buxom Began Begin Beguin Baboon Behelden Babylonian B ellerophon Bacchanalian Bellon Backgammon Bei n e an ’ Backwood s -man Benediction Bacon Ben Baconian Bene faction Bairn Benign Baleen Benison Balloon Benj amin Balneati o n Berlin Ban Between Banian Biffin Barbarian Billion Barbican Bin Barbiton Birche n n Bargai Bison . Barleycorn Bi ttern

— B - N ] 29 [B R

Bitumen Broaden Blacken Bro gan Black -martin Broken B— P Blackthor n Brown Blazon Bruin Bac k step Bludgeon Brun Bishop Boatman B u c kskin Blackcap Boatswain Buckthorn Blac k sh e e p Bobbin B uffo o n Bluecap Bodkin Bulletin Bo p eep Bodleian Bullion Bump Bo etian Bumpki n Bursarship Bohemian Bun Buttercup Bo o n Burden B—R Bootikin Burgeon Born Burn Babbler Boson Burthen Bachelor Botheration Bushman Backbiter Bouillon B u ski n Backdoor Be u rn Button Backer Boustrophedon Backslider Bowman 13- 0 Backwater Box -iron Babe o Badger Brachman Baj o c c h e Baffler Bracken Bambo e Bahir Brahmin Bane e Bailor p Brain B anjo Baker Brain - pan Basso -re lie vo Balister Bran Bastin ado Balker Branlin Bast e Baluster Brawn Bec afi co Baniste r Brazen Bergamo Banker Break in an Bilbo Banner Breastpin Bi z arre Banter Brehon BO Banterer Brethren Be bbero Bar Briarian Bocardo Barber Brickkiln Bolero Barley-sugar Bridesman Botargo Barley -water Bridoon Braggadocio Barometer Brighten Bravado Barrier Brito n Brave Barrister 19 —13] 30 [B—R l3arter Bibber Boer Bath -ch air Bicker Border Bather Bidder Borderer Batteller Bier Borrower Batter Bilander Bother Bavvle r Binder Boudoir Bazaar Binocular Bouncer Beaker Bi o grapher Bounder Bear Bipolar Bower Bearer Biter Bowlder Beater Bitter Bowler Beaver Bivascular Boxer Beefeater Blabber Boyar Beer Blackamoor Brae er Beggar B lac kf riar Brachygrapher Beginner Bladder Brasier Beguiler Blasphemer Brawler Behaviour Blatter Breaker Beholder Bleacher Breakwater Belabour Blear Breather Beleagu er Blister Brevier Believe r Bloate r Bre w er Bell -fi e w er Ble w er Briar Bl l Bellower u b k, e r Briber Bellrin ger Blucher Bricklayer Bell -weth er Blunder Brigadier Bencher Blur Brimmer Benefactor Bluster Broiler Ben iter Boa- constrictor Broker Beplaster Be ar Brother Bequeather Boarder Brew -antler Bergm aste r Boaster Browser Beseecher Bo ggler Bruiser Besiege r Bog t rotter Bru shw eir Besmear Boiler B u ccaneer Bespatter Bolster Buccinator I3esti r B e lter B u c en tau r Betrayer Bombardier Buckler Bette r Bookbinder B n fi e r Bever Bookkeepe r B u gbear Bewilder Bookmaker Builder Bez an tler Bookseller Bumper

B— T] 3 2 [B—T

Bandlet Benevolent Beat Banishment Benign ant Bombast Ban kpe st Bent Bonmot Bankrupt Bequest Bonnet Banneret Bereavement Boot Ban quet Bereft Botanis t Baph omet Bergamot Bouquet Baptist IBese t Bout Barbet Beset Bowshot Barefoot Idest Bowsprit Baret Bet Bracelet Baro n et Bettermost Bracket Barrulet Betwixt Bract Barsh o t Bewilderment Braggart Basalt Bewitchment Brait Bascinet Bident Branchlet Basement Bigamist Brant Basket Bight Brat Bassinet Bigot Bread-fruit IBast Bilboquet Breakfast Bat Billet Breast Bath po st Bill e t Breastkn o t Batlet Biparti en t Brevet Batt Birdsnest Brickbat Battlement Biscuit Bright Bayonet Bisect Brilliant Baysalt Bise gme n t Brisket Beast Bit Britt Beat Blandishment Brocket Beaufet Blanket Brooklet Bedight Blast Browbeat Bedpost Blatant Brownist Beechmast Bleat Bruit Beet Blight Brunt Beget Bloat Bucket Begirt Blot Bu c k mast Behest Blu ec at B u c k w h e at Belligerent Bl uebreast Buddhist l3elt Blue -throat Budget Benedict Blunt Bude -light Ben e ficient Blurt B u ff coat B en efit Boast Buffet

B U] 3 3 [n r

Bullet Beeswax Bigamy Bu llfight Bombax Bigotry Bunt Borax Bilberry Buoyant BOX Billy-boy Burgamot Brant -fox Biography Burst Biology Bust Birthday B - 1 But Bitterly Butment Baby Blackberry B Bu tshaft ac u lo m etry Blackey B u tt Bakery Black-Monday Balcon y Blame w o rthy B U Balmy Blank]y Bandeau Bandy Blarney Bayou Ban kru ptcy Blasphemy Beau Barbarity lay Bijou Barberry Bleak]y Bureau Barley Blo e dg u ilty Baronetcy B IV Bloodthirsty Barry Bl o w fiy Barrow Basely Blowsy Bashaw Battery Blueberry - Bay window Battology Bo bc h erry Bedew Bay Bobstay Bello w Beachy Bo dy Below Beamy Bossy Beshrew Beatify Bonny l3esto vv Beautify Bony Bestrew Beauty Booby Billow Beggary Boosy Blo w Beggar]y Booty Borro w Belay Botan y B o w Belfry Bo tfiy Bow -bow Benignity Boundary Brandnew Berry Bounty Bre w Betray Boy Brow Betty Brambly Bungalow Bevy Brandy Burrow Bewray Bravery Bey r B—X B awny Bibliography Bray Bandbox Bibliolatry Breezy — — B Y] 3 4: [ 0 0

Breviary Bulky Brevity Bully Bri bery Bu oy Briery Bureaucracy Brightly Burglary Broody Burly Bro w n -study Bursary Bryony Bury — B u dgy Bushy B Z Bu lary Busky

C—A Coma Coomb Cabala C o mma Corb Cabeca Concertina Coxcomb Cadenza Concordia Crab Cadmia C on i stra Crib Caesura Cornucopia Crumb Camera C oro lla Cub Cantata Co ron a Curb Cantilena Cosmorama Cu rry -comb Capella Crem On a O Caravella Crustacea 0 Carnivora Cupola Cabalistic Cassava Curacoa Cadillac Cassia Curia Calippic Cassio peia Cyclopaedia Calligraphic Cavatina Czarina Caloric Cedilla Cambric Cetacea O—B Capric Chimera Cab Carac China Cabob Carbonic Chinchilla Cantab Cardiac Chroma Catacomb Catadioptric Cima Cherub Catalectic Cinchona Chub Catechetic Cle psammia Climb Categorematic Cobra Club Catholic Cocoa Co b Caumatic Columella Comb Caustic Colza Confab C eltic

0—D] 3 6 [ O—E

Cool -headed Campanile Copsewood Canaille Copy-hold Cabbage Cancrine Coracoid Cable Candescence Cord Caboose Candidate Corn ered Cabotage Candite Co rn field Cabriole Candle Correspond Cabure Cane Costard Cache Canine Cotland Cachunde Cannon ade Cotswold Cacique Can o e Could Caekle Canonize Countermand Caddice Cantabile C o u n tr ified Cade Cantante Court ’ bred Cadence Cantatrice Courtyard Caden e Canticle Coward Cadge Canzone Cowed Cadmite Capa ble Cow -herd Café Cap a-pie Cow -weed Cafi re Cape Crabbed Cage Capitate Cracked Cajole Capitulate Crammed Cake apete Creed Calite apri c e Crinkled Calcarate Caprifole Crooked Calcine Capriole Cress -bred Calcitrai e Capsize Cress grained Calculate Capsule Cross-read Calculose Captivate

Crew 6. Caleche Captive Cuboid Calenture Capture Cud Calf-love Carabine Cultivated Caliope Caracole Cultrated Calipee Caraffe Cupboard Caliphate Carage Cupid Calotte Carapace C ur d Calotype Car bine Curved Calumniate Carbonate Custard Camboose Carbonize Cyc lo id Came Carbuncle i Cyl n dro i d Cam erate Carcase Camomile Care

0—15] 3 7 [ O—E

Caricature Cede Chau mo n telle Cari ele Ceintur e Checkmate Carle Celature Cheese Carmelite Celebrate Cheesecake ’ Carmine Celi bate Chef-d eeu vre Carnage Cellule Chenille Caroche Censure Cheque Carouse Centigrade Chersonese Carriage Centime Ch esible Carronade Centre Chicane Carse Centrine Chide Carte Centumvirate Chief-justice Car te-blanche Ce n tuple Chiffoniere Car tilage Cerate Childe Cartridge Ceraunite Childlike Carucate Cere Chime Carve Cerebrose Chimere Cascade Certificate C h i mm age Case Certitude Chimpanzee Caseine Cervine Chine Cashmere Cesure Chinese Cash -note Chafe Chlorate Casque Chaise Chlorine Caste Chalice Choanit e Castigate Challenge Chocolate Castle Chalybeate Choice Catadupe Chamade Ch o ke Catalogue Champagne Che e se Catastrophe Chance Chose Catechize Change Chouse Catenulate Changeable Christianize ’ Cat s - eye Chansonnette Ch romate Cattle Chape Chrome Can dle Characterize Chromule Cause Charge Chroni cle Cauterize Chargeable Chronoscope Cavalcade Charitable Chuckle Cave Chart-reuse Chute Caviare Chase Cicatrize Cayenne Chaste Cicerone Cazique Chastise Cigarette Cease Chasuble Cinctur e — O—E ] 3 8 [ O E

Cingalese Codille Commemorate Cingle Coerce Commemorative Cinque Coffee Commence Circle Coggle Commensurable Circulate Cogitate Commensurate Circumference Cognate Commerce Circumstance Cognizance Commingle Cisalpine Cognoscente Commiserate Cite Cegue Commissionaire Cite le Cohesive Committee Civilize Coiffure Commode Clairvoyance Coigne Commodore Clandestine Coinage Commune Clarence Coincidence Communicate Clause Co -inheritance Communicative Clave Coke Commute Clavicle Colbertine Companionable Cele Comparable Cleanse Colemouse Comparative Clearance Collapse Compare Cleave Collate Compassionate Cleche Colleague Compatible Climate Collective Compensate Clique College Compete Close Collegiate Competence Closu re Collide Competitive Clothe Collie Compile Clo vate Col lude Complaisance Clove Cologne Complete Coacervate Colonize C omplexu re Coagulate Colonnade Compliance Coalesce C o lo ratin e Compline Coarse Colourable Compose Coatee Columbine Composite Cobble C e lu re Composure Coble Comate Compote Cocagn e Comatose Comprehensive Cockade Combative Compressible Cockatrice Combine Comprise Cockle Combustible Compromise Coddle Come Compute Code Comfortabl e Comrade

O—E ] 4 0 [ e—e

Costume Cristate Coterie Criticize Cottage Critique Countenance Crocodil e — Counterbalance Cre m e O F Counterforce Crone Counter-fugue Crore Countermine Crucible Counterpane Crude Country-dance Cruise Coupee Crumble Couple Crumple Courage Crusade Course Cruse Cove Crystalline Cowardice Cube Cowbane Cu c u late Cowhide Cuddle Cradle Culdee Crake Culminate Crane Culp able Cackling Crapc Cultivate Cagmag Crate Culture Caking Crave Cumbersome Calembou rg Craze Cupule Calling Crease Cur ate Camping Create Curbstone Canvassing Creature Curdle Carding Credence Cure Carving Crenature Curricle Casting Creole Curse Cavilling Creosote Curule Caving Crepuscle Curvature Ceasing Crevasse Curve Chaffering Crevice Cusine Chaffin g Cribbage C u sn ee Chafing Crime Cute C han geliu g Criminate Cuticle Chantin g Cringe Cutpurse Charing Crinkle Cuttle Charmin g C rin olin c Cutty -pi pe Chasi n g Cripple Cycle Cheating

0— 0] 4 1 [0—1

Cheering Conning Chattah Cherishing Conspiring Cherish Chickling Contaminating Childish Chidin g Continuin g Chiliarch Chilling Cooing Chirograph Chipping Cooking Chough Chirping Coping Church Choking Copying Churlish Chuckling Ce sen in g Clash Ciphering Couch ing Clench Clackin g Coursing Click Clang Covering Clinch Clapping Crag Cloth Clearing Craig Clough Cleaving Cramming Clutch Cleg Cribbing Coach Clicking Crimping Cockroach Climbing Crewing Coldfin c h Cling Crying Commonwealth Cloaking Cunning Conch Clog Curbing Coquettish Clothing Curling Couch Cloying Cur rying Cough Clubbing Cursing Countermarch Clucking 0— H Crash Clun g Craunch Clustering Calash Craw fi sh Coasting Calipash Cromlech Coating C aliph Crotch Cobbing Callipash Crouch Cobourg Capouch Crun ch C o g Cartouch Crush Cogging Cash Crutch Coining Catagraph Cruth Coling Catarrh — Colouring Catch C I Co mbin g Cavendish Cabiri Coming Cecograph Cadi Complaining Cenotaph Composing Ceterach Casus-belli Condescending Chafii n ch Centumviri Congealing Chainstitch Charivari O—K ] 4 2 [ O—L

Creek Caudal Crick Causal Creak Cavil Cre ek Ceil Creek Celestial Cusk Cell Censorial 0—1} Centennial Cabal Centesimal Call Central Calomel Centrifugal Camail Centripetal Cambrel Centurial Camel Ceorl Canal Cereal Cancel Cerebral Cannibal Ceremonial Cantel Chancel Capital Channel Capitol Chapel Caracal Charcoal Caracol Charnel Caramel Chattel Caravel Cheerful Cardinal Ch everil Careful Chill Carnal Chimerical Carnival Chisel Carol Chloral Caromel Chrysoberyl Caroteel Churl Carousal Cimbal Carrel Cinquefoil Cartel Circumstantial Castor -oil Citadel Casual Civil Catadioptrical Classical Cat ' call Clerical Categorical Coal Caterw aul Cob -wall Cathedral Cochineal Catherine -w heel Cockerel

— — O N ] 4 4. [ O N

Compendium Calye n Cassation Compluvium Cambrian Castalian Confirm Cameleon Castellan Co n f o rm Camion Castellation Conservatism Campaign Castigation Conundrum Campion Cast-iron Cram Can Catamaran Cranium Canadian Catamountain Cream Cannon Catechumen Cretinism Canon Catholicon Cretism Canonization Catkin Criticism Cantabrigian Catodo n Crossbeam Canteen Catonian Cruciform Can ton Cauterization Crum Caparison Caution Culm Capitulation Cavern Cuneiform Caplin Cayman Cu rri eu lum Capon Centenarian C u rvif e rm Capricorn Centurion Custom Captain Cerberean Cymbiform Caption Certain Cynicism Captivation Cer u lean Cyphonism Capuchin Cessation Carafon Cession — C N Carbon Cestrian Cabin Careen Chac e on Cachinnation Careworn Chain Cacodemon Caribbean Chairman Cadmean Carillon Chaldean Caftan Carlo vm gl an Chaldron Caiman Carman Chamberlain Cairn Carmen Chameleon Calabrian Carnation Champaign Calcedon Carnelian Champan Calcination Carolin Champi o n Calculation Careen Chanson Caldron Carrion Chaperon Caledonian Cartesian Ch apf allen Calefaction Carthaginian Chaplain Caligation Carthusian Charlatan Calkin Cartoon Charo n Cale fi ti ri c a on Casern Charwoman

C—N ] [ O—N

Chasten Civilization Commemoration Chatelain Clan Commendation ’ Cheapen Clan s -man Commensuration Chelidon Clarion Commination Cherubin Classification Comminution Chess -man Classman Commiseration Chevron Clean Commission Chicken Clergyman C o m m en Chieftain Cloven Commotion Chilblain Clown Communication Chiliagon Coachman Communion Chiliahedron Coaction Commutation Chilian Coagulation Companion Chilo n ian Coalition Comparison Chiltern C ebsw an Compassion Chin Cockswain Compensation Chiragon Cocoon Competition Chirurgeon Codlin Complain Chrétien Coercion Completion Christen Coffin Complexion Christian Cogitation Complication Churchman Cogne men Complutensian Churn Cohesion Composition Ciceronian Coin Comprehension Cimmerian Colarin Compression Cinnam on Colin Compulsion Circassian Collation Compunction Circean Collection Computation Circensian Collimation Con Circulation Colliquation Concatenation Circ u mflec ti on Collision Concentration Circumgyration Collocation Conception Circumscription Collodion Concern Circumvention Collusion Co n cession Ciste rcian C o lon Conciliation Cistern Colonization Conclusion Citation Colophon Co n c e c ti en Cithern Columbian Concretion Citizen Column Concussion Citron Combination Condemnation Cittern Combustion Condensation Civilian Comedian Condescension O—N J 4 6 [0— 0

Condign Contraction Craven Condition Contradiction Crayon Confabulation Contradistinction Creation Confection Contravention Credential Confederation Contribution Cremation Confession Contrition Crestfallen Configuration Co n tu mu lati on Crimination Confirmation Contusion Crimson Confiscation Convention Crispin C o n fiagratio n Conversation Criterion Conformation Convolution Cross -question Confusion C o n v u lsi e n Crown Con futation Copernican Cru cifixion Congestion Corban Crustacean C on gle m e ration C o rdo n Crystallization Congratulation Cordovan Cullion Congregation Cordwain Culmination Conjugation Cerin Cultivation Conjunction C o rin thian Culverin Connexion Corn Cumulation Conscription Cornbin Curb -chain Consideration Coronation Curmudgeon Consign Corporation Curtain Consolation Correction Curtation Consolidation Corroboration Cushion Constellation Corrosion Custodian Consternation Corruption Cyclamen Constitution Cosmopolitan Cytherean Constrain Cotillon — Constriction Cotton 0 0 Construction Council-man Cac ao Consultation Counteraction Calan de Consummation Countersign Calico Consumption Countryman Calypso Contagion County-town Cameo Contain Coup -de -main Camisado Contamination Coupon Campanine Contemn Cousin Canto Contemplation Cowman Capriccio Contention Cozen Capriccioso Continuation Craftsman Cargo Contortion Cran Cashoo

— — 0 1 3 ] 4 8 [ 0 13

Challenger Cider Collar Chamber Cigar Collector Chamfer Cimeter C ollier Champer Cinder Colmar Chancellor Cipher Colombier Chandelier Circular Colour Ch andler Circumnavigator Colter Changer Citer Comber Chanter Clamber C o mbin er Chan ticleer Clameur Comer Chapter Clanger Comforter Char Clapper Commander Character Clasper Commendator Charioteer Clatter Commentator Charmer Clavier Commenter Charter Claviger Commissioner Chartere r Cleanser Commoner Chaser Clear Compeer Chasseur Clearer Compeller Chastise r Cleaver Competitor Chatter Clever Compiler Chatterer Climber Composer Cheater Clincher Compositor Ch edder Clinker Comptoir Cheer Clipper Co mptro llcr Cheerer Clodhopper Computer Chequer Cloister Concealer Cherisher Clothier Concur Chevalier Cl e ver Conden ser Chipper Cluster Condor Choir Coadjutor Conductor Choke pear Coaster Confectioner Choker Ceax er Confer Choler Cobbler Confessor Chomer Cockchafer Con firmer Chooser Codger Con ger Chopper Coder Conjurer Chorister Cogui z er Con ju rer Ch ow der CO -heir Connoisseur Chronicler Coiner Conquer Chronologer Ce -juror Conquerer Chronometer Cold-shoulder Consider

— O —R] 4 9 [ 0 3

Consoler Ce w er Caddis Conspirator Cozener Caduceu s Constrictor Cracker Caduc e us Constructo r Crater Caestus Consular Crawler Calais Contender Creator Calamitous Contour Creditor Calamus Contractor Creeper Calcareous Contradicter Crepuscular Calends Contributor Cricketer Caligen ou s C on treller Crier Calipers Conveyancer Croaker Calisthenic s Cooler Cropper Callous Coope r Crosier Cambayes C o -operator Cross -bar Cameralistics Copier Crouper Camus Copper Croupier Candlemas Cordelier Cruiser Cankerous Coriander Crupper Canonicals Corner Crusader Canopus Corn flo u r Cucumber Canorous Coroner Cudgeller Can tado u rs Corrector Cullender Cantankerous Corridor Culver Canthus Corsair Cumber Canvas Co ster Cup -bearer Canvass Coster—monger Cur Capacious Costumier Curer Capias Cottager Currier Capitularic S Cotter Cursitor Capricious C e u c h er Cursor Captio n s Co u lter Custom er Carditis Councillor Cutler Careless Counsellor Cutter Caress Counter Cyder Carnivorous Coun ter -jumper Cylinder Carro w s Courier Cymar Carus Courser Cypher Caryatides Courtier Czar Casters Court plaster — Catachresis Covenanter C S Catacoustics Cover Cadaverous Catan dre mo n S 0—3 ] [ 0—3

Catastasis Childless Colluvies Cateress Chimes Colobus

Catholic s Chi valro 1 3 C o le ssiar. s Cat -e -nine-tail s Chlamys Colossus Catoptrics Chloris Colourless Caucus Chore u s Colours Cauliferous Chorus Comeliness Causeless Chrematistics Comfortless Causus Christmas Commandress Cautions Chronicles Co mm etic s Cavernous Chrysalis Commodious Ceaseless Ch ryso ph rasn s Co m men -Pleas Cecils Cippus Commons Censorious Circin us Compass Census Circ u ite u s Compasses C eph alites Circus Compendious Cephalous Cirrus Completeness Cepheus Cistus Compress Cephus Clamo u rous Co mpu n c ti eu s Cerastes Class Co n c hu s Ceratopteris Classics Concuss Cerberus Classis Con fess ' Ceremon ious Clays Congeries C ereo psis Cleanliness Congius Certes Clearness Con gress Cess Clees Congruous Cestus Clematis Conics Chablis Cle o ptero us Cen ops Chamois Clives Conqueress Changeless Clo i steress Co n seien ti e u s Chantre ss Closeness Consciou s Chaos Clothes Consols Chaps Cloudiness Co n son eu s Charms Cloudless Conspectus Chats Club -moss Contagious Cheapness Clutches Co n temporan e en s Checkers Coamings Contemptuous Cheeks Cochleous C o n ten ti o u s Cheeriness Cocks Contents Chemicals C o eo a-nibs C o n termi n o u s Chess Coins Contiguous Cheval -glass Colares Continuous

1 O — 11 0 T 5I [ 0

Circumspect Combatant Conduit Circumvent Combu st Confect Cit Co n fidan t Claimant C o m fit Confident Clap -net Comfort Conflict Claret C om m an dant Conformist Clarinet Commandment Confront Cleat Commencement Congest Cleft Comment Conjoint Client Commissariat Connect Closet Commit Conquest Cloud capt Co moran t C on sc ript Cloudlet Communist Con sent Clo t Compact C o n sequent Clout Compartment Consignme n t Coadjutant Compatriot Consist Coalescent Competent Consiste nt l C o a -pit Complacent Consonant Coast Complainant Consort Coat Complaint Constant Cobalt Complacent Constat Cobnut Complement Constituent Cockboat Compliant Con straint Cock e t Compliment Constrict Cockpit Com plot Construct Cocoa - nut Compon ent Con sult C O - exist Comport Co n tact Cogent Comport ment Co n tempt Cogn izant Compost Co n tent Cognovit Comprint Contentment Coh erent Compt Contest Cohort Concealment Context Coincident Conceit Continent Colewort Concent Contingent Collect Concern ment Contort Collaret Concert Contract Colleret Concoct Contradict ‘ ( Olle t Concomitant Con trapuntist Colonist C o n c o rclan t Contrast Celt C o n c o rclat Controversial Est Coltsfoot Condiment Controvert Combat Conduct Convalescent

0—17 ] [ C—Y

0—17 Cecity Chromatology Cacology Celebrity Chronography Cacophony Celerity Chronology Caddy Celery Chronometry Caj olery Celibacy Chrysology Calamity Celidography Chubby Calefy Cemetery Ch u fi y a Ch mi tr Calligraphy Cen tory y s y Calumny Ce n tin ary Ciliary Campanology Ce n tury Cinerary Canary Cephalalgy City Can bu oy Ceremony Civility Candy Certainty Clammy Canny Certify Clarify Canonry Chaffy Clarity Canopy Ch aledon y Clary Cantatory Chalcography Classify Canterbury Champerty Claviary Capability Chan cery Clay Capacity Chapelry Cleanly Capillary Chaplaincy Clemency Captivity Chappy Clerc -story Caravansary Cli arily Clergy Caraway Charity Clerkly Carc h edon y Chary Cleromancy Cardialgy Chastity Cloddy Carny Chatty Glossy Cartulary Cheery Closely Cassi o w ary Chemistry Cloudily Cherry Cloy Casualty Chicanery Clumsy Casuistry Chicory Cock n ey Ch i c fi Catale psy y Colliery Ch iff Catc hfly y Colloquy Catchpenny Childermasday Colly Category Chilly Colony Causality Chimney Columbary Cau sticity Chirology Comedy ‘ ( au to ry Chiromancy Comfrey Cavalry Chivalry C o mman dc ry Cavity Choultry Commissary Cavy Chowry Commodity

D 0] 56 [D—E

Di eb Declared Disregard Di sc n to n i b Dedicated Dissatisfied Disturb Deed Dissevered Drab Deer -hound Di smpate d Drib Defend Distend Drub Defined Distracted Dub Deformed D ividend Dumb Defraud Divorce d - D Deltoid Dock yard C Demand Dogged Dactylic D emigod Dotard Dari o Den di ' oid Dottard Delph i 0 Dentated Dotted De mi u rgi o Dente d D ownward Despotic Den tro id Drained Diacaustic Deodand Draped Diaglyphic Depend Dread Diastaltic Descend Dried Diatonic De Spo n d Druid Dichromatic Determined Drunkard Didactic Devoid Dietetic Devoted Du ad Diplo matfc Diamond Dubbed Disc Dichord Duckweed Domestic Did Dud Doric Dign ifie d Dracontic Di o ban d Dramatic Discard Dabble Discord I) ac e D— D Diseased Daddle Dad Disengaged Dale D am aged Disgraced Dalliance Dan egeld Disheartened Damage Dappled Dished Damascene Dark -eyed Dishevelled Damask-rose Dastard Di sen te re sted Dame Dated Disi n terred D ance Daubed Disjointed Dancette Dead Dismayed Dandle Decachord Dismissed Dane Decayed Disordered Dangle D ecided Dispersed Daphne

D—E ] [D—E

Destructive Dine Disfigu re Detecti ve Dingle D isg o rge Deteriorate Dingle -dangle Disgrace Deterrence Diocese Disguise Dethrone Diplom ate Dishonourable Deuce D ipto te Disincline Devastate Dire Disincorporate Deviate D irge Disintegrate Device Disable Di sJu n c ti v e Devise Disabu se Dislike Devote Disacknowledge Dislocate Devotee Disadvantage D islo dg e Diaconate Disagree D ismantle Diallage Disagreeable Disobedience Dialogue Disappearance Disoblige D iapente Disappropriate Disorganise Diastole Disapprove Disparage Diastyle Disarrange Dispense Diatri be Disbelieve Disperse Dibble Disburse Displace Dibstone D isc ern i ble Displeasure Dic e Discharge Dispose Dictate Disciple Dispraise D iddle Discipline D isproportionate Die Disclose Disprove Difference Disclosure Disputable Diffiden c e Discompose Dispute Diffuse Disconsolate Disreputable Diffusive Discontinue D isrepu te Digestible D isc ou n ten an c e D issemble Digestive Discourse Disseminate Digitate Discreditable Dissertate Digressive ]) isc rete D1SS1pate Dike Discretive D isso lu ble Dilapidate Discriminate D :ssolve Dilate D isculpate Dissuade Dilettante Discursive Dissuasive Diligence Disease Dissyllable Dilute Disenfranchise Distance Dime Disengage Distaste Dim in u ti Ve Disentangle Distinctive Dimple Disenthrone Distinguishable

19— 11 ] 60 [D—L

Dog Demolish Doomsday-book D oting Depth Do rro c k D oubling D e spatch Drank Doubting Detach Drawback Drag Diglypli Drink Drainin g Digraph Drumstick Dram -drinking Diminish Drunk Drawing Disestablish Duck Drawling Dish Dunnock Dressing Distic li D u sk Dribbling Distinguish D— Drifting Ditch L Drinking Dog -tooth Dactyl Dripping Doth Daff odil Dri vellin g D ough Damosel Driving Drench Damsel Droning Drouth Deal Droppi n g Dubash Decadal Dru bbi n g Dutch Decah edral Drug Deceitful Dubbing D— I Decempedal Du c ki n g I)ali Decennial Ducklin g D eblai Decennoval D u ellin g Decemviri Decimal Demi I) ec retal Dugong Deferen tial D— K D u keli n g Delightful Dumpling Daddo c k Dell Dunni n g Daglock Demesnial Duri n g Damask Denial Dwellin g Dank Denominational Dyeing Dark Dental Dying Dauk Dentil Dawk Dermal Daybreak Despisal Dani sh Deck Despiteful Dash Desk Despoil Dearth Disembark Detail D eath Disk Devil Debauch Disrank Devotional Debouch Dobchick Dextral Decastich D ock Dextrorsal

D— N ] 5-2 [D—N

Daker-hen Declination D en titio n Damaskeen Decoetio n D en udation Damaskin D ec o llatio n Deodorization Damn Decomposition Depilation Damnation Decoration Depletion Damon Decrown Deportation Damson Decurion Deposition Dan D edentition Depravation D andelion Dedication Deprecation Dandy -h en Deduction Depreciation Darken Defalcation D epredati o n Darn Defection Depression Dauphin Definition Deprivation Dawn Defluxion Deputation D eacon Defoliation Derelie tion Deaden Degradation Derision Deafen Degustation Derivation D ealbation Deign Derogation Dean D ejeetion Deseen sion Dearn Delectation De sc rip tion Death tok en Delegation Desertion Debarkation Deletion Desiccation Debellation Deliberation Design D ebilitati o n Delineation D e sign ation Debullition Delphian Desman D ecagon Delusion Desolation D ecagynian Demain Desperation Decahedron D emarcation Despoliation Decameron Demean Destination Decandrian Dementation Destitution Decantation Demi - bastion Destruction Demi -culverin D etain Deception Demi-John D etec tion D ecern Demolition Deten tion Dec erptio n Demon D etermi n ati o n D ecertation Demonian Detestation Decession D emoralization Det-rac tio n Decimation Den Devotion Decision Denizen Diacatholicon Dec lam ation Denomination Diachylon Declaration Dentation Dialectician Declension Denticulation Diapason

— — 11 1 5] 04 [ 0 4 3

Defi er Differ Defin ito r Digester Dabbler Defiagrato r Dilator Dabster D éjeuner Dil uter Dagger D elayer Dimeter Damper Delineator Dinner Dan ger Deliver D ipper Dangler Deliverer Director Dapifer Demander Disappear Dapper Demeanour IDi saste r - t Dar Demi qr.aver Discep ator Darter Demi - semi-quaver Disclaimer Dauber Demonstrator Discolour Dau ghter Dem pster Discover D awdler Demur Discoverer Dear Demurrer Di sc ri m i n ator Debar Dernier Disencumber Debaser Denominator Disfavour D ebater Denu nciator Dish - cover D ebonair Deodar Dishonour IDebto r Deodorizer Disinter Decan ter Depressor Dismember D ecember Dernier Disorder Decemlocular Deserter Dispenser Decemvir Designer Dissector Decider D espair Disseminato r Decimator Despiser Dissenter Decker De tain der Dissertator Declaimer Deter Dissever D eclarer Determinator D1 8 8 1 m i lar D eclinator Détour Distiller Declinometer Detractor Distrainer Decorator Devastator Distributor I) ec re e r Devisor Disturber Decrier Devoi r Ditcher Dedicator Devour Diver Deemster Dexter Diverter Deer Diameter Di vm ato r IDef ac er Diaper Di vm e r Defaulter Dibber Divisor I) e f e r Dicker I) o c to r Deferrer Diet-at e r D odder

D -T] [D—T

Distress I)art Del ie t Dithyrambus Daunt Delight Divers Day-net D eli n qu en t Dizziness Dead-lift Dement I) o c to ress Dealt Demitint ’ Do c tors Co mmon s Death -warrant Democrat Does Debasement Demulcent D og -days D ebit Dennet D ogmatic s Debt De’ nouement Dogs D ébut Dent Dolorous D ébutant Dentist D ominus Decadist Depart D oris Decampment Departmen t I) oss Decant Dependant Double -bass Deceit D epen den t Doubleness Decent D eperdit Doubtless Declarant Depict Dowerless I) ec o et Deponent Dowlas Ij e c reet Deport Drau ghts Decrepit Depo rtment Drawers Decrescent Deposit Dregs Decumbent Depot I) ress Deduct Dera n gement Drops Deep -cut Derelict I) ro ss Defacement Descant Druidess Default Descendant Dryne ss Defeat Descendent Dryes l) ef ee t Descent Dubious Defendan t I) e sert Duchess Def erren t Desiccant Dulness Defiant D esipi e n t Dumps Deficient Desist Duodecimals Deficit Despondent Duress Defilemen t Despot Duteous Defie c t I) essert Dynamics Deforciant Destructionist Deft Detachment D—T Defunct Detainment Daft Deipnosophist l) etec t Dalt Deist Detent Dandiprat Deject Detergent Danewort Delft D ete rm en t

D—W] 68 [D—Y

D ust Dapple -gray Democracy Dust y-foot Dastardly Demonology Dwelt Dastardy Demy Dyn ast Datary Denary Daubery Dendrology D—W Day Density Day -fly Dentiloqu y Dew Deaconry Dentistry D ewclaw Deadly D enunciatory Disallo w Deafly D eny Disavow Deanery Dependency Do draw g Deploy D ow Dearly D epositary Draw Deary Depository Drew Deathly Debauchery Depravity Drill -barro w Debility Depu lsory Dumb -show Decay Deputy D uncow Dece n cy Deridingly Decen n ary D ermatology D Y Deceptory Derogatory Decomplex Decisory Descry Declamatory Destiny Den dro plex Devex Declaratory Destroy Directrix Declivity Desultory D u tero am Disannex Decoy e g y D ecry Deuteronomy Dog -fox i r Donax Decussatively Dev l y Dedicatory Dewberry Dredge -box Defamator Dexterity Drill -box y Deformity Diaphaneity Defray Diary D - Y Defy Dichotomy Dactylology Degeneracy Dicky D actylonomy D eify Dictionary Daily Deity Dietary Dainty Delay Diffi culty Dairy Deletory Difformity Daisy Delieac y Dignify Dally D elinquency Dignitary Dan dify Delivery Digni ty Dandy Delusory Dilatory Dapple-bay Demen cy Dilly

E —B] 70 [E — E

E B Euharmonic Ebb Euphonic Entomb Evangelic

— ’ Exoteric E O Exotic Eccentric - D Ecclesiastic E Eagle Ecliptic Earthbound Earache Ecstatic Earth w ard Earhole Egotistic E astw ard Earthenware Elastic Egad Earthquake Electric Egg -shaped Ease Elegiac Eightfold Eatage Elliptic Eisteddfod Eau -de -Cologne Elydoric Eland Eau -de - Luce Emblematic Eld Ebrillade Emetic Elliptoid Ecaudate Emphatic Embattled Ecbole Empiric Embed E c h ean eo Encaustic Embo u nd Echinate Encephalic E mbru e d Echinite Enclitic Emerald Eclipse E n demie Emerited Economiz e Energetic Emptied Ectype Enthusiastic Enarmed Ecurie Eolie Encysted Edge E p en eti e E n d Edg ew i se Epenthetic Enforced Edible E pic Enlard E difie e Epidemic Ennead Educate Epidictic Enshield Educe Epileptic Enshroud Edulcorate Epipastic Ephod Eff ace Epithumetic Epicycloi d Effective Epodic Errand Effeminate Erotic E sprin go ld Effervesce Erratic Even -ha n ded Effete E sc h aro tie Exceed E ffiate Esoteric Exp an d Efflorescence E stati e Expend E fi ran c h ise Etc E x ptri en e ed Effulgence E th ic Expound Effuse

E —E ] 72 [m y

Entire Equipoise Estimate Entitle Equiponderance Estivage Entrance E quisonance E strade Entrée E quitable Estran ge Entune Equivocate Estuate Entw ine E quivoke Etagere Enumerate Eradiate Etiolate Enunciate Eradicate Etiquette Enure Erase Etrapade Envelope Erasure Etymologise E nviable Ere Euclase E n wreathe Erectile E u lo gi z e E ocene Eremite Euphrosyne IEostre Ere -while Eustyle Epago gu e Ermine E u terpe Epaule Erne E vacuate E pergne Erode Evade Epicede Erose Evanescence E picene Erse Evangelize E pic eri e Erstwhile Evaporate E picure Erubescence Evasive E picycle Erudite Eve E pido te Escalade Eventide E pigene Escapade Eventuate E pilogue E scape Evermore E piphyte Escargatoire Everywhere Episcopate E sc artelee Evidence E pis e de Escheatage Evince E pistle Escouade E vi n c ible E pistyle E scritoire Evitable E pitome Escuage E voke E pito mi z e Espagnolette Evolve E pitrite Espionage Ewe E pitro pe E spi o tte Ewe chess s E pode E splanade Exacerbate E pro u v ette Espouse Exaggerate E qu able Esquire Examine E quate Essence Example E quidistan e e E ssonite Exarchate E qu im u ltiple Estafette Exasperate E quine Estate Ex -calceate E qu ipage E stimable Excandescence

E —H — ’ ] 741 [E M

— Everlastin g E K Equal Exceeding Earlock Equatorial Exciting Eider -duck Equicrural Existing Elf-lock Equilateral Elk Equinoctial E —H Elve -lock Equiradical u ir t Each Embank E q o al Earth Embark Equivocal E sc ro al E av esc atc h E -L Especial Ecclesiarch Earl Eddish Espial Earl -marshal Eh Espinel Easel o u a d Esp s l Ei ograph Ecumenical Eigh Essential Eel Estival Eighteenth Effectual Eighth Eternal Egg -shell Ethel Eightieth Elemental Elench Ethereal Ell Etymological Eleventh l E ul - E lfish Even keel Embowel Eventful Elvish Embroil ‘ Embellish Evil Emeril Excel Emperor-moth Empanel Exchequer -bill Empoverish m real E py E x p el Encroach Enamel Enfamish Experimental Enchorial Exscriptural English Encyclical Enough External End -all Enravish Extol Engel E x traj u dic ial Eparch Engrail a Eyeball Epigr ph Enneacontahedral — ' Enroll E M Establish Enseal E strich Eardrum Entail Earldom Etch Enthral Echinoderm E th n arch Entrammel Effluvium E —I Entresol Egotism Ephemeral Eidam Edhilin i g Epidermal E lasmo th eri u m f E fendi E pim eral ltlm Ennui Episcopal Elohim

E —N ] [E —R

Erin Excision Extradition Ermelin Exclusion Extravasation Erosion Excommunication E x trav ersi o Erudition Excoriation Extrication Eruption Excretion Exudation Escalin Excursion Exulceratio n Escutcheon Execration Exultation E spadon Execution Exundation E ssien Exemption Exuviation Estimation Exertion Eyen E stivation Exhalation Estuation Exhaustion E O E tern Exh ibition Echo Etesian Exhilaration Embargo Ethiopian Exhortation Embrocado Etruscan Exogen Embryo Etymon Expansion Endo Eupho n on Expectation Erato Eupyrion Expectoration Ergo Eurasian Expedition Espato E u ro c lydon Expiation Estro European Expiration Expressivo Evacuation Explain — Evaporation Explanation E P Evasion Explication E ave sdrop Evection Exploration E gg-flip Eviction Explosion E n e amp E v o latio n Exportation Envelop Evolution Expostulation Equip Exacerbation Expression Escalo p Exacervation E x promission Escarp Exaggeration Expugn Exaltation Expugnation Examen Expulsion E ager Examination Expurgation E ar Exanimation Exsudation Easter Exasperation Extension Edder E x c alef ac ti o n Extenuation E ddy-water Excantation Extern Editor Exception Extinction Eger Excerebration Extortion Either Exciseman Extraction Elater

E —S] 78 [E —T

Enteritis Ethics Eft Entomophagous Eucalyptus Egoist Entrails E u dyn ami s Egret Entrelacs Euripus Eight Entremets Eurus Eject ilo u s E n u b E vec ti c s Ejectment Envious Evenness Element Environs Evolvulus Elephant E an th o u p s E x c epti o n s Elicit the si E pc n s Excess Eloquent Epexegesis Exegesis Emanant E phemeris Exequies E mbalmm en t E pli ialtes Exitus E mbonpoint E pigmo u s Exodus Embossment E pigeous Exomologesis Embranchment Epiglottis Exosseous Embroilment Epigraphics Exoterics Emigrant Epiornis Expeditious Eminent Epiphyllous Express Emit Epiphysis Extemporaneous E mittan t E piplero si s Externals Emmet Epispastics E x tragen eou s Emollient Epistaxis Extraneous Emo lu m en t E pitasi S Extraordinaries Empalement i E pi z en X S Eye -glass Employment Epos Eye -witness Emulgent Eques — Enact E quites E T Enchant Eranthis Eaglet Enchantment Erebus Earnest Encomiast E ric th u s Ear -trumpet Encouragement Eridanus Easement Encroachment Erroneous East Encyclopedist Ers Eclaircissement Endearment Erysipelas Eelat Endmost E ryth ro s Economist Endowment E soterics Edict E n gagement Esplees Edit Engirt Espousals E duct Engrossment E spritde~corps Eff ect Enjoyment Essen es Effi cient Enlargement Esthetics Effort Enlist

E — Y] 80 [F—A

Eighty Enteradenology Ethnography Elasticity Entirety Ethnology Elderly Entity Etymology Electricity Entomato graphy Euchology Electrify Entomology Eucrasy Electro -chemistry Entreaty Eulogy Electrology Entry Ennomy Electuary Envoy E upathy Eleemosynary Envy Eupepsy Elegy E parchy Euphony Elogy Epilepsy Eurythmy Elusory Epiphany Eventuality Embassy Episcopacy Every Embay Epistolary Everybody Embody Epizooty Ewry Embracery Epulary Excellency Embroidery Equality Exclamatory Emery Equan i mity Exemplary Emissary Equerry Exemplify Employ Equiponderancy E xiguity Empty Equity Exotery Enantiopathy E rpetolo gy Expiatory Enemy Errantry Expletory Energy Eschatology Express] y Enjoy E sc o tery Expurgatory Enmity E SPY Extasy Enomoty Essay Extraordinary Enormity Estuary Extremity Ensigncy Eternity Eyry

F— A Fa Fanega Fantasia Farina Fascia Fata -morgan a Fauna Febricula Fecula

F—E Favosite Fibre Fable Favourable Fibrine Fabricate Favourite Fickle Fabrile Fe Fiddle Facade Feasible Fiddle -faddle Face Feature Fie Facile Feaze Fieldfare Facilitate F ebrifuge Field~mouse Facsimile Febrile Field-piece Faddle Federate Fierce Fade Fee Fife Fadge Feeble Figurante Faggot -vote Fee -estate Figurate Fai ence Fee - simple Figurative Failure Felicitate Figure Fairy-stone Feline Filature Fake Felo -de-se File Falcade Feltre Filiate Falconine Female Filigree Faldage Femicide Filoselle Fallible Femln l n e Filtrate False Fence Fimbriate Falsette Fen cible Finale Famble Fenestrate Finance Fame Fen-goose Fine Familiarize Fe eli e Finesse Famine Ferine Fin gle-fangle Fancy-free Ferin gee Finite Fane Ferriage Finlike Fanfare Ferrule Fin seale Fangle Fertile Fire Farce Fertilize Firebrake Fare Fescennine Fire-en gine Farthing-dale Fescue Fire -escape Farthing-gale Fesse Fireplace Fascinate Festive Fireside Fashionable F ete Firestone Fate Fettle Firme Fatigable Feu dbo te First-rate Fatigue Feu -de -joie Fir -tree Fauvette Feuille Fi san elle Favose Fiacre Fish -kettle

— — F F] 844 [F G

Frost -bite Fluff Fishing Frounce Forestaff Fitting Fructescence Fuff Fizgig F ru strate Flag F“ Fuddle G Flagging F u dge Facing Flaming Fu gile Fading lapping Fugitive Fag lashing Fugue Fags Fle akin g Fulcrate Faggin g Fledgling Fulminate Failin g Fleeting Fulsome Fainting Flickering Fumage Fairing Fling Fumarole Flitting Fumble Faltering Floating Fume Fang Flocking Fumigate Fanning Flog Fungible Farcing Flooding F u nicle Farming Flooring Furnace Farthing Flouring Furniture Fasting Flowering Furthermore Fatlin g Flowin g Furtive Faubourg Flung Furze Fawning Flushing Fusarole Feasting Fog Fuse Feathering Foiling Fusee Feeding Folding F u sible Feeling Fon dling Fu so m e Feigning Foolin g Futile Felting Footing Fut u re Fencing Fopling Fuze Fiddling Foraging Fig Fo rbe arin g Fighting Forbidding Far -o fi Fillibeg Forcing Feoff Filling Forgiving Fief Finding Forthcoming Field - staff Fingering Fostering Figleaf Fin gerli n g Fo sterlin g Fi veleaf Fining Founding Flagstaff Firm g Fo u n dlin g Fly -leaf Fish - fag F0 wlin g

F—L] 86 [F—N

F ee -tail Fore-stall Fell Foretell Femoral Forgetful Fenestral Formal Fen f o w l Fortune -tell Fennel Fossil Feral Foul F erial Fowl Fern -owl Foxtail Festal Fractional Festival Frail Feudal Fraternal Fibril Freewill Fidicinal Fretful Field-marshal Frill Figural Fro n tal Figurial Frugal F il Fruitful F ilial Fuel F—N Fill Fulfil Final Full Fabian Finestill Fundamental Fabrication Finger-bowl Funeral Faburden Finical Funnel Faction Finkel Furl Fagin Fireball Fusil Fain Fiscal Fuzzball Fish -meal Falcon F—M Fi sh ro yal Falerian Fitful Factotum Fallen Flail Fanam Fan Flannel Fanaticism Fanfaron Fluvial Farm Fanion Foal Fatalism Fascination F og - signal Fathom Fashion Favouritism Fasten Fool Fe eu lu m Fat-ten Football Fee -farm Faun Footfall Feudalism Fawn Footstall Film Feign Footstool Firm Felon Foresail Flam Fen

F—R] 88 [F— S

Foreship Filibuster Footwarmer Foretop Fillister For Foxtrap Filter Fo rager Frap Financier Forbear Friendship Finger Forcer Frump Finisher Foreigner Finlander Forester F— R Fir For-ever Facer Fire -eater Former Factor Fire -masher Forswear Fadger Fire -worshipper Fort-major Fair Fisher Foster Fakir Fishmonger Fosterer Falconer Fishweir Fother Falling star Fitter Founder Fallowdeer Flag-o ffic er Four Falter Flapper Four -poster Familiar Flasher Fowler Fancier Flatter Freebooter Fanner Flavour Freethinker F ar Fleer Freshwater Farceur Flesher Friar Farmer Flibustier Fripper Farrier Flich er Fritter Father Flier Frontier Farther Flipper Fruiterer Favour Flitter Fulgor Fawner Floater Fuller Fear Floating -pl er Fulmar Feather Floor Fur Feeder Floramour Furor Feeler Flounder Furrier F encer Flour Further F ender Flower Fu rth erc r Fervour Fluder Fusileer Fester Fluorspar Fusser lf etter Flusher F—S F ever Fluster Fictor Flutter Fab u lous F ield -o ffic er Fodder Faceless Fig -eater Fo lier Facetious Fig -pecke r Foot -soldier Fac ti o n s

F—T] 90 [F—T

Faint lf i st Forespent Fakement Fit Forest Faleo n et Fitt Forethough t Familist Fitting -out Foretopmast Fam u list Flageolet Forfeit Fan ligh t Flamboyant Forget Farthest Flasket Forget-me-not Fascet Flat Forgot Fast Flaunt Formalist Fatilo qu i st Flautist Fort Faucet Fleet Fortlet Fault Fleshment Fortnight Faunist Fleshpot Fought Feast Flight Foumart Feat Flint Fount Fecit Flippant Foxhunt Federalist Flirt Fragment Feint Flit Fragrant Felt Float Fraudul ent Felt -hat Flocculent Fraught Fen bo at Floret Freight Fender -bolt Florist Frequent Feo f m en t Flotant Freshet Ferment Flout Fret Ferret Floweret Fright Fervent Fluctua n t Frio let Feudist Fluent Frisket Fiat Foist Frit Fidget Fold -net Frock -coat Fi eldsport Foliot Front Fight Fom ahau t Frontlet Figment Foment Frost Figwort Font Fruit Filbert Foot Fulfilment Filet Footlight Fulminant Fillet Footprint Fumigant Finfoot Fo rcemeat Funambulist Fingerpost Forcing - pit F u n dam en t Firecrest Forefoot Funest Firlot Foremast Furthermost Firmament Foremost Furthest First Foresight F u st

F—Y] 92 [ 0— 0

Forty Frivolity Fu n e arally Fossilogy Froggy Funky Foxy Frosty Funny Foy Frothy Furiosity Frailty Frowsy Furiously Fraternity Fr u ctify Fury Fray Frugality Furzy Freebooty Fruity Fu sibility Freemasonry Frumenty Fussify Frenchify Fru stato ry Fussy Frenzy Fry Fusty Friary Fubby Futility Friday Fu fi y Futurity Fri en dly Fulgency Fuzzy Frigerato ry Fu lgu ry Frigidity Fully F—Z Fringy Fulminatory Fitz Frippery Fumitory Fizz Frisky Fumy Fletz Fritilary Functionary Frizz Fritinan cy Fundamentally Fuzz

G—A Gerenda Gala Glama G alac to po sia Gloriosa Galea Glossalgia Galetta Glycyrrhiza — Gallimatia Glyptotheca G C Gamma Gmelina Gaelie Ganza Gondola Gallic Gardenia Granadilla Galvanic Gavotta Grislea Garlic Gehenna Grossularia Gastri c Gemara Guana Generic Gena Guerilla Genethliac Genera Guinea Genetic Geneva Gutta Geocentric Gymnura G eo r i e Genista — g G e om e ti ra G B Geoselen ic Georama Gab Gestic

0— 13 ] 94 [ G—E

Gen o vin e Gleesome Grakle Gentile Glide G rample Gentilesse Glimpse Grandee Gentle Glo bate Gran dgarde Genuine Globe Grandi loquence Geode Globule Grandiose George Glom crate Grange George -noble Glove Granite Germin ate Gloze Granulate Gesticulate Glue Grape Gesture Glume Grape -stone Ghee Glycerine Graphite Ghibelline Gnome Grapholite Gh o te Gobble Grappl e Gibble -gabble Godlike Grate Gibbose Goggle Gratitu de Gibe Goggle -eye Gratulate Gi ereagle Goitre Grave Gieseckite Go ldlac e Gravestone Giggle Goldwire Gravitate Gilbertine Golette Gray-mare Gildale Gomarite Graystone Gillie Gome Graze Gilse Gone Grease Gingle Good -bye Greave Gi n -hors e Good -nature Grebe Giraffe Good-wife Greek -fi re Girandole Goose Gre ek rose Girdle Gore Greengage Gismondine Gorge Greenhouse Give Gorse Grenade Glade (i ote Griddle Gladiole Gou ge Grie vance Gladsome G o u rman dize Grieve Glance Governante Grillage Glare Gowrie Grilse Glasshouse Grabble Grimace Glave Grace Grime Glaymore Grace -note Grindstone Glaze Grade Gripe Glebe Graduate Gripple Glee Grainage Grise

0—H ] 96 [G—M

Goldfish G— L Ground -swell Goldsmith Grovel Goth Gadwell Growl Graith Gaf o l Gruel Greencloth Gainful Guildhall Gre en fin c h Gair fowl Gull Greenish Galan gal Gumboil Ground-ash Gall Gunnel Growth Gambol Guttural Gunsmith Gambrel Gyral Gurrah Gaol G—M Gush Gavel Gymnasiarch Gavial Gallicism — Gemel Galvanism G I General Gem Galli Genial Geranium Gemini Genteel Germ Genii Gentil Germanism Ghoul Gib -boom — K G Ghyll Gingham Game -cock Gill Gisarm Gang-w eek Gin gal Gleam Gawk Girl Glim Gaz in gstock Glacial Gloom Gentlefolk Glassful Glow worm Gimcrack Goal Glum Glace -silk Good -will Gram Glasswork Goose -quill Grandam Good -lack Goral Graniform Gorcock Gospel Grecism Goshawk Gradual Greenroom Gowk Grail Grim Gravel -walk Grammatical Grimm Graving-dock Grapnel Groom Greek Grateful Grum Greenshank Gravel Guaiacum Grosbeak Gre atse al Guard -room Grossbeak Green stall Gum Ground -oak Gressorial Gun -room Ground -w ork Grill Gymnasium Guesswork Gristmill Gynecium Gu n stock Groundsel Gypsum

G—P ] 98 [ G—S

Goose -cap Gilder Grand-juror Gossip Gilh ooter Grandmother Grace -cup Gillyfi o w er Grand -seignior Grasp Ginger Grand-vicar Grip Gingerbeer Grand -vizier Gro gsh o p Gin giber Granger Group Girder Granter Guardship Giver Granular Gulp Glacier Graphometer Gump Gladiator Grass -cutter Gyp Glair Grasshopper Glamour Grater G—R Glandular Gravedigger Gabbler Glass-blower Gravel -c ar Gadder Glazier Graver Gafi er Glimmer Gravimeter Gaiter Glister Grazier Galac tom eter Glitter Greengrocer Gallinipper Globular Greenlander Gallivanter Glower Grenadier Galloper Gn atstrain er Grin der Galvanometer Goatsucker Gri samber Gamekeeper Godfather Grocer Gamester Godmother Grossular Gammer Goer Ground-floor Gander Gogar Grubber Ganger Goldbeater Grunter Garner Goldhammer Guider Garter Gommer Guilder Gasalier Gondolier Guitar Gaselier Gonfalonier Gu mw ater Gasometer Go o dh u m o u r Gunner Gather Goosander Gunpowder Gauffer Gopher Gutter Ganger Gossamer Guzzler Gazetteer Governor G—S Gear G radiato r Gender Graduator Gablo c ks Genitor Grammar Gadus Giaour Granddaughter Gainings Gibber Grandeur Gainless G ib o r Grandfather Galactophagous

G—T] 100 [ G—Y

Garnet Gold -dust Gymnosophist Garnishment Goodnight Gypsoplast (i arret Gorget Gasket Got G— U Gaslight Gourmet — Gastronomist Gout G W u Gaunt Go t Gewgaw Gau ntlet Government Glo w Gavot Gowt w t Gna Genet Gradien Go o dmorro w Gent Graft Gorcrow Geologist Grammatist Grew n Gera t Grant Gro u n dto w Gerent Grapeshot Grow Germinant Gravel -pit (lest Great Get Greatcoat Ghaut (i ree t Ghost Grin dlet Giant Grist Gibbet Grit Gift Groat Gaby Gigot Grot Gadfiy Gilt Ground -bait Gaiety Gimlet Ground -plot Gaily Ginnet Ground -re n t Gainsay Girondist Grout Gala- day Girt Grubstreet Galaxy (i i st Grunt Gallantry Glenlivet Guardant Gallery Glent Guest Galley Gloat Guidepost Galloway Glout Guillemot Gangway Glut Guilt Garagay Gn at Gullet Garganey Goat Gunport Garrulity G obl e t Gunshot Gastronomy G o -ca rt Gusset Gateway G o dw it Gu st Gau dc ry Go get G u t Gau dy Gogle t Gu twort Gawky Go lde o ast Gymnast Gay

11 — 0] 1 02 [H— D

H ero i -comic Harebrained Hod Hiberno -celtic Harehound Hogherd Hippocratic Harpsichord Hogshead H i storic Harried Hold Histrionic Harrowed Holland Homeric Hashed Hollow -eyed H on o rific Hastated Hollow -hearted Hudibrastic Hatband Holy -rood Hyp erbati c Hatred Homebound Hypercatalectic Hatted Homebred Hypercritic Hawk eyed Homestead Hypnotic Hayband Homeward H ypo c h o n driae Hayfield Honeyed Hypozoic Hazard Hood Head Hoodman-blind Headband Hoof -shaped — H D Headboard Hook -nosed Had Headland H o pgro u n d Haggard Headwind Horehound Hal berd Heard Horrid Half-blood Heavenward Horseload Half -bred H e dge bi rd Horsepond Half breed Heed Hotbed Half - hearted Held Hotbrained Half-h u n dred Helicoid Hotheade d Haloid H elm w in d H o tspirited Heptachord Hound Hamated Herald Household Hand Herd Housemaid Hand -in -hand Hexachord Hud -guard Hexaped H u lch ed Hansard Hexaped Humankind Haphazard Hid Humbird Hard Highbred Humid Hard - earned High -handed Humming -bird Harp - faced Highminded Hundred Hard -fi sted H igh prin c ipled Hundred-fold Hard -handed Highland Hungered Hard head High-road Hungred Hard -hearted Hind Hurried Hardihood Hipped Husband Hardmouthed Hoard Hybrid

H —E ] 104

Hill side Hop -pol e Hypallage H in do stan ee Horde Hyperbole Hindrance Hornblende Hypocrite Hinge Hornpipe Hypostasize H in n iate Hornstone Hypostyle Hippocrene Horologe Hypothecate Hi ppodame Horoscope Hypothenuse Hippodrome Horrible — H iptree IIorse H F Hircin e Horseshoe Haaf Hire Horticulture Half Hirsute Hose Half-and -half Historiette Hospice Han deu fi Hithe Hospitable Handkerchief Hive Hostage Handstaff H earse Hostile Handy c uff Hobble H o tlik e Hatti -sheriff ’ Hobby -horse Hound s -ton gue Herself Hoblike House High -proof ’ Hobson s -choice Housewife Himself Hockle Hove Hind-calf Hocktide Huddle Hipp0grifi Hodge -podge Hue H iproof H o e Huge Hoof Hoecake Huke Huff Hole Human e H u n gbeef - m Hollow square Hu anize — ’ Homage Humble H G Homelike Humble -bee Hacking Homemade Humiliate Hag Homicide Hurdle Halting Homologate Hu rricane Hammering Homologue Hurtle Hamstring Homophone Hussite Hamstrung Homotype Hustle Handw riting Hone Hydrate Hang Honeysuckle Hydrocarbonate Hangdog Honour able H ydrOph ite Hanging Hook -nose Hydroscope H ardw o rkin g Hope Hyke H areh u n tin g Hoplite Hylobate Harfang Hopple Hymen ae e Harping

H —K ] 1 06 [H—M

Hank -for-hank Half-imperial Hodiernal Hark Half-royal Hoggerel Harlock Hall Holohedral Hassock Halosel Homicidal Hattock Hammel Hopeful Hauberk Handful Horal Haversack H an dmill Horizontal Hawk Handrail H orn o w l Haycock H an dsail Hospital Hayfork Handsel Hostel Hayrick Hangnail IIo tel Haystack Harebell Hovel Headwork Harmful Howl Heartsick Hartall Hull Heathcock Hart -royal Hummel Heck Hatchel Hurl Hemlock Hateful Hurtf ul Hide -and -seek Haul Hydromel Hillock Hawksbill Hymeneal Hink Ii az el Hypogeal H i sk Headstal l H—M H o ck Heal Hollyhock Hebdomadal Hakem Homesick Hedgebill Halm H o o dw mk H edgesc h o ol Ham Hook Heedful Hamiform Hornbeak Heel Handloom Hornbook Helical Harem Hornwork Hell Harm Horseback Helpful Harmonium - m Huck H eptah ex ah edral Harum sc aru Huckaback Herbal Haum Hulk Hernhill Heathendom ’ Hummock Heron s -bill Hebraism Humpback Herschel Hectogram Hunchback Heteroclitical Hectorism Husk Hexahedral Heirloom — Hibernal Hellen ism H L Hickwall Helm Habitual Hill Hem Haemal Histrionical Heroism Hail Hobnail Hesperidium

— II N ] 108 [nu - R

Husbandman Heap Hammer Hutchinsonia n Heeltap Hamper Hut-to n ian H e eltip Hanaper H yblman Heirship H an df etter Hydrocarbon Help H an dgear Hydrogen Hemp Hanger Hygeian Hencoop Hanker Hymen H ep Harbinger Hymn Hiccup Harbour Hyperbaton Hightop Harrier Hyperborean Hilltop Haster Hyphen Hip Hatcher Hyson Hip -hop Hatter Hippocamp Hauteur H —O H e lp Haver Halloo Hoop Hav ildar Halo Horsewhip Hawker Heigho Houp Hawser Hero H u mmin gtop H ayc u tter Hidalgo Hump Header Hindoo H yp Headgear Hirundo Hyssop Headmaster Ho — Hear ’ H R Hollo IIeater Homo Haberdasher Heather Hoohoo Habit -maker Heaver IIOO po o Hack-slaver Il ec to r Hoppo Hackster Hedger How -so Hadder Hedge -writer H u bbu bboo Hagtaper Heeler Huso Hair Heer Hypo Hairdresser Heifer — H airpo w der Heir H P Halberdier Heliolater Hagship Half-brother Heliometer Handgallop Halfer Helmet-fi e w e r Handicap Half-seas over Helter-skelter Hap Half-sister Hen-barrier Hardship Hallier Heptangular Harclip Hallow -fair Her Harp Halser Heritor Hasp Halter Hesper

H—S] 110 [H —T

High -mass Hustings Hang-net Highness Haquebut Hippocampus Hydraulics Hardfought Hippocras Hydrodynamics H ardgot Hippopotamus Hydroph ides Harefoot H ippu ris Hydrostatics Hare w o rt His Hydrous Haricot Hiss Hydrus Harmonist Hocus H yem s Hart Hocus -pocus H ylaesau ru s Hart-root Hoggers Hypochondriasis Harvest Holiness Hypoglottis Hast Hollands Hypogynous Hat H olo ph an ero u s Hypophyllous 3 Hatchet Homeless H ypo stasi s Hatchment Homogeneous Hypothesis Haunt Homomorphous Hysteric s Hayloft Homonymous Hazelnut —T Homoousious H Headfast Homotonous Haber -jcet H eadfirst Homunculu s Habiliment H eadkn ot Honeyless Habit Headmost Honourle ss Habitant IIeart H o o fiess Habitat Heartfelt Hopeless Habit -shirt Heartlet Hopples Haft Heat Hornless Hagueb u t H eathp ou t Horrisonous Hailshot Hebraist Horse-gu ards H ai rsh int H edgepri est Ii o stess Halbert Heft Hot - cockles H alf c ast Height Hotpress Half -pi n t Heliostat Households Half-shift Hellcat Hueless Half-tint Hellenist Hulans Half w it Helmet Humerus Halibut Helot Humourless Halt Hemerobaptist H um o u ro u s Hamlet Henroost H unks Hammer w ort Heptaglot 11uns Handfast Herbescent Huntress Handicraft Heriot Hurters Hang -nest Hermit

H — Y] me U— c

Heterarchy Holiday Hulky Heterodox y Holly Humanity Heteropathy Holy Humefy Hexapody Homely Humility Hey Homily Hungry Heyday Hominy H u rdy-gurdy Hickory Homoeopathy Hurly-burly Hierarchy Homology Hurry Hierocracy Homophon y Hurry-scurry Hierography Honesty Hurtleberry Hierolatry Honey Husbandry Hierology Honorary Hushaby Hieromancy Hooky H u shmon ey Higgledypiggledy Horny Husky High -and -dry Horography Hussy Highway Horometry Hydro-chemistry Hilarity Horrify Hydrography Hilary Horseboy Hydrology Hilly H o rsefiy Hydromancy Hippophagy Horseplay Hydrometry Histography Horseway Hydropathy History Hortatory Hydropsy Hoary Hosiery Hygrometry Hobbledehoy Hospitality Hymn ology Hobby Hostelry Hypocrisy ' Hockey Hostility Hypsometry Hoddy Hostry Hoddy-doddy Hoy H — Z Hogsty Huckleberry H o ity-toity H u fiy

Infra Infula Infusoria I— B Insectivora Intomb Insignia Insomnia I C Inula Iambic Iota Ichthyic Ipecacuanha Imparasyllabic

I—E ] 1 14 [I—E

Immovable Impregnate Incarnate Immure Impressive Incase Immutable Improbable Incense Immute Impropriate Incensurable Impacable Improve Incenti ve Impale Improvidence Incertitude Impalpable Impro visare Inchoate Imparlance Improvisate Incidence Imparsonee Improvisatore Incise Impassable Improvise Incisure Impassible Imprudence In cite Impassive Impudence Incline Impatience Impulse Inclose Impeccable Impulsive Inclosure Impede Impure Include Impenetrable Imputative Inclusive Impenitence Impute In c ogitan e e Impennate Inaccessible In c o gn o seible Impeople Inaccurat e Incoherence Imperative Inactive Incombustible Imperceivable Inadequate Income Imperceptible Inadmissible Incommensurable Imperishable Inadvertence Incommensurate Impermeable Inalienable In c ommode Impersonate In aline Incomparable Impertinence Inane Incompatible Imperturbable Inanimate Incompetence Implacable In appli c able Incomplete Implicate Inapposite Incomprehensible Implore In apprec iable Inconceivable Impolite Inappropriate Inconclusive Importance In ap titu de Incondite Importunate Inarable Incongruence Importune Inarticulate Inconsiderable Imposable Inaudible In c on si de : ance Impose Inaugurate In c o n siderate Impossible Incage Inconsisten ce Imposture In c alc u lable Inconsolable Impotence In c an de sc en c c In c o n so n an c c Impracticable In capable Incontestable Imprecate In c apac itatc Incontrollable Impregnable In c arc eratc In eo n ven i en ee

I—E ] 1 16 [I—E

Inkle Inspire Interlop e In k stone Inspissate Interlude Inlace Instable Intermeddle Inmate Instance Intermede Innate Instate Intermediate Innerve In stigate Interminable In nocence Inst-in etiv e Intermingle Innovate Institute Intermundan e Innumerable Instructive Interpolate Inobtrusive Insubordin ate Interpose Inoculate Insu fferable Interpretative Inoffensive In su ffic i en ee Interrogate Inoperative Insulate Interscribe Inopportune Insuperable Interseminate Inordinate Insupportable Interspace In posse Insuppressible Intersperse Inquietude Insurance Interstate Inquire Insure Interstice Inquisitive Insurmountable Intertangle In san e Insusceptible Intertextur e Insatiable Intangible Intertie In satiate Intangle Intertwine In scribe Integrate Intervale In scrutable Intelligence Intervene In secable Intelligible Intervolve In secure Intemperance Interweav e Inseminate Intemperate Intestate Insensate Intenable Intestine In se n sible Intenerate Inthrone Inseparable Intense Intimate In separate Intercalate Intimidate In severa ble Intercede Intine Insheathe Interchange Intolerable Inshore Interchangeable Intonate Inshrine Interclose Intone Inside Intercommunicate In to rse Insincere Intercourse Intoxicate I n si n u ate Interfere Intractable Insnare Interlace In tramu n dane Insolence Interlapse Intransmutable Insol u ble Interleave Intricate Insolvahle Interline Intrinsecate

I—I] 1 18 [I—N

I—I Incidental Irrubrical Illuminati Incivil Isabel In do c ti Inconsequential Isagogical Intermezzi Incorporal Isochimal Incorporeal Isogeothermal Individual Isotheral —K I Industrial Isothermal Ilk Indwell - Ill luck In efl ec tu al I -M Imban k Inequal Ink Ibidem Infernal - Inte rlock Ice cream Infidel Iconoclasm Irk In fi n ite simal Iron -work Idealism Influential m I ru k Ide sp Informal Ivory -black I imi al Idiom n e Idiotism Initial I—L Illuminism Injudicial ’ I m Iatrical Inroll Im Ideal Inscroll Imam Identical Install In c en di ari sm Idiotical Instil In c ertu m Idol Instrumental In civism Idyl Integral Indecor u m Ill Intellectual Indumentum Illegal Intentional In firm Illiberal Intercolonial Inform Illogical Intercostal Inseam Ill-will Interfacial Immanuel Intermural Interim trre n u m Immaterial Internal In e g Irishism Imm em o rial International Islam Immoral Inte rtropical Immortal Interval Islamism Impanel Inthral Isochronism Italicism Impartial Intramarginal Impel Inwall Item Imperial Ireful — Imperil Irenical I N Impersonal Ironical Icarian Inaugural Irrational Ichneumon Inchmeal Irremo val Icon

— 1—03 120 [I S

Intoleration Intro Inshelter In troduction 10 Inspector — Introgression I P In stan ter Intromission Image -w orship Institutor Intrusion Imp Insular Intuition Integer In step Inurn Instop Inter Invasion Inwrap Intercalar Invention Intercessor Inversion Interior Investigation Interlocutor Invitation Icelander Interlunar Invocation Ichor Interrogator Involution Iconolater Intriguer Ion Idolater Inventor Iron Illuminator Ir Irradiation Imbitter Ironer Irreligion Imborder Iron m o n ger Irrision Imitator Irregular Irritation Impair Issuer Irruption Impostor — Isagon Imprimado r I S Isoc h ron on Imprimatur Ibis Isodomon Improper Ic eland-moss Isolation Incensor Ichthyosaurus Italian Incisor Iciness Ixionian Inclinometer Ides Incomer Igneous I — O Incubator Ignigenou s Imago Incur Ignis -fatuus Imbrocado In diaru bber Ignivomous Imbro gllo Indicator Ignominious Inamorato Indoor Ignoramus Incognito Inductometer Iguarias Indigo Infer Illness In extenso Inferior Illustrious In f an c in o Informer Imageless In fi n ito Infundibular Immovables Innuendo Inking -roller Impages Intaglio In ner Imperious Int ern u n c io Innkeeper Impervious Into Inquisitor Impetu ous

I T] 1 29

Indigent In listmen t In tersc en dan t Indignant Inmost Intersect Indirect Innermost Intersert Indiscreet Innocent l ntertwist Indistinct Inquest Intolerant Indolent Insect Intort Indorsement Insentient Intransient Indraught Insert Intrenchment Inducement Insight Introit Induct Insignificant Introspect Indulgent Insist Intrust Indult Insolent Intwist Inebriant Insolvent Inundant Inefficient Inspect Invent Inelegant Inspirit Invert Inept Instalment Invest Inert Instant Inwrought Inexact Instinct Ironist Inexpedient Instruct Ironwort Inexpert Instrument Ir r elevan t Inexplicit Insult Irritant Inextinct Insur gent Islet Infant Intact Issuant Infect Integument It Infest Intellect Iterant In flec t Intelligent Itinerant In fli c t Intendant I— U In flu en t Intendment Infr act Intent Impromptu In f re u en U . q t Interact I . O . Ingest Interagent I— W In go t Intercept Ingraft Interdict Ingredient Interest Inhabit In terflu en t I— X Inh abitan t Interject Inherent Interknit Inherit Interment Inhibit Intermit Inject Intermittent Inkpot Interpret Inlet Interrupt

— J—A ] 19 1 [7 0

J—A Jane Jumble Jangle Juncate Jar -a-raca Jerbea Jape Juncture ar o n ell Jiboya J g e June Juba Jasmine Jungle au n di c Junta J e Jupe Jawbone Jurisprudence Ju vi a Jeju n e J u stice J— B Jcuite Ju sti c i able e rdi z e Jabb J opa Jute Jamb Jessamine Ju ven esc en c e Jesse Juvenile Jib tt Job Je ee ew - u h J stone J ’ Jiggle Jac ob s-st-aff J C Jingle J G Jndai e Jo c o se Joe Jac kflag J— D Joggle Jac kpu ddin g Jackw ood John-apple Jag Jail -bird Jo n ite Japan n i n g Jaspo id Joh n n y -cake Jarrin g Jawed Jc inture Jawi n g Je opard Joke Jen n etin g Jcreed Jon qu ille Jen tlin g Jeremiad Jo stle Jerqu in g Jo c u n d Ju bilate Jesting Jo lth ead Jubilee Jew ellin g J u dai z e Jig J—E Judas -tree Jigging Jaca tree Judge Jisj o s Jackkn if e Judicature Jingling Jac k sau e e Ju gged-hare Jobbing Jackslave Juggle Jog i Jac k sn pe Ju gn late Joining Jacobite Juice JOking Jac u late Ju jube Joltin g Jade Juke Jo ttin g Jaghire Julienne Ju g

J— S] 1 26 [J—Y

Joh an n i sberger Ju glans Joiner Ju i eeless Jointer Julus Joint—heir Juncous Jowler Ju sti c i es u stn ess Juggler J J W J u gu lar -flo w er Jac kdaw July J— T Jumper Jaekstraw Junior Jac c on et Jaw ac en t Jew Juniper J — Jupiter Jacket J X Juror Jaunt Jack-i n -the -box u stifi c ato r Jaz eran t ambeu x J t J —~ Jegge J S Jennet J Y Jac ch u s Je ssan t Jackan apes Jest Jack -a-dandy Jackass Jes u it Jaggh erry Jack -at-all -trades Jet Jan i z ary ’ Jac kbo o ts Jeu d esprit January Jacks Jigot Jasey Jack stays Jilt Jaunty Jac obu s Jo gtro t Jay ’ Jalousies Joh n s-wort Jealousy Jaws Joint Jelly Jealous Jcist Jemmy Jeers JOlly-boat Jenny Jemmies Jolt Jeopardy Jenny-ass Jot Jersey Jess Journalist Jetty Jetu ru s Joust Jewellery Jew e ss Jubilant Jewry ’ - s u d m en t . Job s tear J g ‘ ‘ Jiffy Johannes Juggernaut Jimmy John -a-nokes Junket Jockey Jo in tress Jurat John -dory Jo n gleu rs Jurist Jointly J o yless Jury -mast Jolly Joyous Just Journey Judges Justi c o at Jo vi ality Judicious Ju t Jov

— x— r] 1 28 [K N

K —I Kn owledge Knurl Knuckle Kadi Kobil K o llyrite Kali Koul K o u ph olite Kamichi Kraal Kreosote Kohl -rabi Kyri ologic al K u rk e e — — Kyanite K K K M K ab o o k Kalium Kalmuck K am K dla k - Kerchief e c Keeping room K ran im Kerf Kink e - Koff Kinsfolk Kettle drum — Kiosk Kilogram K G Kirk Ki ngdom Keckling Klick Keeling Knack K —N Keeping Knapsack K allifth or on K e K n ec k g g Kamsin Kesting Knick-knack Kidling Knock Kan King Kopeck Kantian Kingling Karagan Kawn K itlin g K — L Knag Keelman Kneading Kachel Keen Knitting Keel Ken Knocking Keelhaul Kern Kelkel K h am sin Kn o wing Kell Khan Kn o w -nothing K id -bea Krang Kennel ney u Kernel Kilderkin Kestrel Kiln K —H Kevel K i n Ketch Kil Kinsman Khotbah Kill Kipskin K i n sh Kitcat -roll Kitchen Kith Knarl Kitten Knackish Kneel Kneepan Knavish Knell K n o ppern Kneading -trough Knight - marshal Kno w n Knee -high Knoll Koran Koh Knowall Kraken

L— A ] 130 [L—D

Key Kinesipathy Knightly Kidney Kingly Knobby Kindly Knaggy Knotty

— L A L o reha Laggard La Lorica Laid Lacerta Lunula Laird Lactuca Lutetia Lan c ehead Lacuna Lyencephala Lanceolate d Laetitia Lyra Lancewood Lagu n aria Lyssa Land Lam a Landlord Lametta — Landward Lamia L B Languid Lamina Lab Lanyard Lappa Lamb Lapsed Larva Lan dc rab Larboard Latria Limb Lard Lava Lob Laud Lavolta L O’ Laurelled Lea Lac Lay -land d Le a Laconic Lead Legatura Laie Leafbud Lepidoptera Lethargic Leafed L epto ph in a Learned Leu c o ethi Opic L erista Leasehold L ex ipharmae L eu coma Lilac Led L u o th e c ea Limbec Leeward Li bellula Lithic Left-hand Libra Legend Lith o ph o sph o ric Li n den ia Logic Legged Lingua franca Lu mbric Lend Linseed -tea Lunatic Leopard , Lirella Lyric Lepidoid Lithia Lifeblood Li th o c o lla Lifeguard — Llama L D Light -fin gere d Lobelia Lad Light-headed Locusta Lady -bird Light -hearted

L—E ] 1 39 [L—E’

Legislatu re Lignine Logotype Legitimate Lignite Lo n don-pride Legumine Lign u m -vitae Lone Leisure Ligurite Lonesome L eman ite Like Longe Lemn iscate Likewise Longipennate Lemonade Lilalite Longitude Lengthwise Lime Long-measure L en z i n i te Limestone Lon g-sufferance Leonine Limonite Lo omgale L epadite Line L oon ghi e Le perin e Lineage Loophole Lessee L i on l z e L o o plin e Lethe Lionlike Loose Lettuce Lipsalve Loo -table Leucite Liquidate Lore Leucopyrite Liquorice Lorgnette Levantine Literate L orian e Levee Literature Lose Leverage Litharge Lote Levigate Lithe Loun ge Levite Lithophyte Louvre Liable Lith o stro le Lovable Liberate Lithotome Lovage Liberticide Litigate Love Libertine Litre Lubricate Libethenite Little Lucarne Librate Live Luce Lice Livre Lucrative License Loadston e Lucre Licensee Loathe Lucubrate Li eh n ite L eath so me Lucullite Lie Lobate Lu ggage Liege Lobe Lune Lite Lobscouse Lunette Life -estate Locale Lunge Life -line Localiz e Lunistice Lifetime Locomotive Lupine Ligature Lode Lure Lighth o rse Lodge Lustre Lighthouse Logline Lute Lightsome Logothete L u to sc

L —K l 13 4 [L—M

Li Lacteal Loyal Lichi Lacustral Lozel Litchi Lambdoidal L u eern al Literati Lamb ’swool Lugsail Lith o do mi Lamellirostral Lull Lith o phagi Landfall Lupercal L on gipalpi Landrail Lustral — Lan ifi eal Lyrical L K Lapel Lacebark Lapful — Lack Lateral L M Lameduck Laurel Labadism Lampblack Law ful Labarum Landmark Leal Labium Lank Lectual Laburnu m Lark Legal Laciniform Lathwork L egbail Laconicism Laughingstock Lentil Laconism Layc lerk Leptodactyl Laism “ Leak Lethal Lambdacism Leek Level Landsturm Leger-book Levitical Lanthanum Leg -lock Leyden -phial Larum Lentisk Libel Latinism Lick Liberal Laudanum Lif tlo ck Li eh o w l Lavipediu m Link Liftw all Leam Linstock Lineal Legalism Livestock Lingel L epiphyllu m Lock Lingual Levelism Logbook Lintel Liberalism Lok Lioncel Ligh t-room Look Lionel Linguiform Lovesick Literal Lionism L o v etric k Littoral Lipogram Luck Local Lissom Lugmark Loll Literatim Lurk Longirostral Lithium Longitudinal Loam L— L L on gsp eil Lobworm Labial Longtail Localism Lackadaisical L o ol Logarithm

L — O] 1 3 6 [L —R

Luncheon L eu c o thi 0p Laser Lurdan Limp Lather Lutheran Lip Latru n cu lato r Luthern Lipp Latter Luxuriation Lisp Lauder Lyc o do n Lith o c arp Laughter Lydian L o deship Launderer L ogh e ap Lavender Lollipop Laver L O Lollop Lawgiver Labeo Lomp Lawmaker Lachrymose Loop Lawmonger Largh etto Lop Law -o ffic er Largo Lordship La wyer Lasso Lump Lay-elder Lazaretto Layer Lean-to Lazar L—R Legato Leader Leno Labour Leaguer Lentando Labourer Leamer L' ento Lacemaker Leaper Leo Lacker Leap -year Leto Lacquer Learner Libretto Lactometer Leather Limbo Ladder Lecturer Lin go Lagger Ledger Litho Lair Leer Lo Laiter Legator Loco Lammer-geyer Leger Loco - foco Lancer Legislator Loligo Lander Lemur Loo Landholder Lentor L umbago Landlubber Leper Landowner Lesser Land -wehr Lessor L— P Languor Letter Lamp Lapper Levanter Landslip Laquer Leveller Lap Larder Lever Larrup Larkspur Levi n er Leap Larmier Lexicographer Lect ureship Lascar Liar

L—S] 13 8 [L—T

Limosis Lu minous Ileft Li n otus Lumps L egeremen t Lines Lungs Legget Linguistics Lupous Legitimist Lin igero us Luscious Lenient Lioncelles Lustro u s Lent Lioness Lutarious Lentement -s f n Liparis Luxurious Lest w “ Lipless Lychnis Let Listless Lyc o don tes Levant Lists Lyrics Leveret Lithochromies Lys Libellant Litigious Licit t Litmus — Lieu enant Litotes L T Lifeboat Lives Lakelet Life -interest Llanos Lambent Lift Lloyds Lament Ligament Loaves Lamplight Light Lockless Lancet Lightfoot L o c o m oti veness Landaulet Lilt Locus Lanneret Limit Loggats Lan qu et Limpet Loggerheads Lansquenet Lineament L ogglass Lapidescent Linget Longevous Lapidist Linguist Longimanous Lappet Liniment Longlegs Largiloquent Linnet Longways Lariat Lint Lo e bs Lashing-out Lion-ant Looking-glass Lion-cat ’ Loopers Lion s-foot Loquacious Latent Liplet Loss Latitat List Lotus Lavaret Lit Low -wines Lawsuit Lithotint Luciferous Lazarist Litigant Ludicrous Leadwort Liturgist Lues Leaflet Locket Lugs Least Locust Lugubrious Leat Loft Luminiferous Leet Log-hut

— — M A] 140 [111 0

Loy Lucky Lunar Loyalty Lullaby Lusty Lubberly Luminary Luxury Lubricity Lunacy Lycanthropy

M . — M—A Marsella M B Marsupialia Mab Maash a ’ Massilia Miller s -thumb Macula Materia-medica Mob Madeira Maxilla Madonna Maximiliana M— O’ M aen u ra Media Mac Magna -charta Medusa Macaronic Magnesia Megaloptera Macrobiotic Magnolia Melastoma Magellanic M ahabrata Melata Magi c Maia Mella -rosa Majestio Malaga Melopoeia Malefi e Malaria Memorabilia Maniac Malpighia Miasma Margaric Malvada Mica Mastic Mamma Mid -sea Mech anic Mammalia Militia Medallic Mandibulata M illrea M e di c Man gif era Mimosa Il e do c

' Man glesia Mischna Melancholic Mania Mitella Melic Manicaria Mollusca M ellifi c Manilla Monandria Mesozoic Manna Monomania Metamorph ic Ma n ta Mova Metie Mantilla Morbidezza Metonic Mantissa Morphia Miltonic Mantua Morrhua Mimic M arac au ba Moxa Mock -heroic Maranatha Moya Monastic Maranta M u c i vora Monomaniac Marcella Myalgia Monostrophi c Marginalia Myc an tha Montanic Marsala Myriorama M o rbific

Malefic e Mare Measure Malefi een c e Margarite Meddle Malefic iate Margrave Mediate Malengine Margravine Medicate Malevolence Maritime Medicine Malfeasance Marline Mediocre Malice Marmalade Meditate Malleable Marmite Megametre Malliate Marmose Megascope Malpractice Maron e Melange Manacle Marque Melanite Manage Marquee Melaphyre Manageable Marriage Melee Manatee Marriageable Melilite Manche Martingale Meliorate Mancipate Mascle Mellite Manciple Masculine Melodrame Mandate Masorite Melpomene Mandible Masque Melrose Mandore Masquerade Melusine hi an drake Massacre Membrane Manducable Massive Memorable Mane Masticate Memorialize Manege Matadore Menace Manganese Mate Menage Mange Matrice Menagerie Man gle Matricide Menilite Man goose Matriculate Menopome Mangrove Mat ronage Mensurable Manhole Mature M en tic u lture Manichee Maugre Mercantile Maniple Mau re squ 8 Merchandise Manipulate Maybe Mere Manoeuvre Mayp ole Merge Manse Mazarine Merle Mantle Maze Mesmerize Manufacture Me Mesne Manure Meagre Mesquite Maple M c al-time Message Marble Meantime Messmate Marcasite Meanwhile Messuage Marchpane Mease Mestee

— 7 M E ] 14314 [11 a

Monoptote Mule Monorhyme Mulette Monosyllable Mulse roof Monotone Multidentate Myself Monticle Multiple M G Moonshine Multiplicate Moonstone Multipresence Making Moorage Multisyllable Mangling Moose Multitude Mantling Mope Multungulate Mapping Moquette Mumble Marau di n g Moraine Mum -eh ance Marblin g Moralize Mundane Marketing More M u n ifi c en c e Marking Moresque Munite M arsh allin g Morgue Muriate Matting Moron e Murine Maying Morose Murrhine Meaning Morphine Muscadine Meeting Morris -dance Muscle Mending Morris -pike Muscovite Merling Morse Muse M etalli n g Mortgage Musette Middling Mortgagee Musk -rose Milling Mortise Muslin-de -laine Mineing Moselle Mutable Mining Mosque Mute Ministering M o ssro se Mutilate Misbefitti n g Mote Mutule Mi sbeseemi n g Mother-ton gue Muzzle Missing Motive Myrialitre Mockin g Mourne Myriametre Moneybag Mouse Myrtle M o n opth o n g Moustache Mystagogue Monthling Mouthpiece — Mooring Movable M F Mooting Move Mac epro of Merling Muckle Mastiff Morning Muddle Mifi Mothering Mudstone Misbelief Moulding M u e Mischief Moulting M u ffie Molf Mounting

M 1 1 1 6 [M—M

Maul M o o th all Meerschaum Mechanical Fl oral Megacosm hIe dal Morel Megatheri u m Mediaeval Morsel Megrim Medical Mortal Memorandum M ediei n al IVIo u rn f u l Mesmerism Mell Mouthful M esolo garithm Memorial M u dw all Metac h ron i sm Menial Mull M etac hi sm Mensal Multifoil Metagrammatism Mental Multilateral Metamorphism Merciful Multilineal Metaplasm Mercurial Multinomial Miasm Mesial Municipal Microcosm Metal Mural Mid -stream Metrical Muscadel Mill -dam Mewl Muscatel Millegram Milfoil Musical Millennium M ilkpail M u srol Minim Mill Mussel Minimum Millesimal Mutual Min i um Mindful Mythical Mi re dru m Mineral Mythological Misclaim Ministerial Misesteem Mirthf u 1 Misinform Mi s-call Mac ro c o sm Modernism Mis -f all Madam Modicum Missal Magnesiu m Momentum Misspell Magnetism Monachism Mi stru stf ul Magnum -bonum Monarchism Modal M ah o m etan i sm Monasticism Mode Model Maim M on olif o rm Mogul Mam Monogram Moil Mannerism Monotheism M oleh ill Marjoram Montem Monachal Martyrdom Moonbeam Mon gol Materialism Moslem Mongrel Mausoleum Multu m Monomial Maxim IVIum Monopersonal Maximum Mumm Mo on dial Mechanism Municipalism Moorfow l Medium Museum

M—NI 1 48 [M—R

Monodon Mango M erc han tsh ip Monoousian Man i c risto M estou p Monopteron Manifesto Midship Monoxylon Manilio Milksop Monsoon Manto Mint -julep Moon Maraschino Mishap Moorhen Martello Mobcap Mootman Memento Mop Moreen Mendo Mousetrap Morillon Merino Mump Morion Mestizo M— Morkin Mesto R Morn hIe z z o Macebearer Moron Mico Madder Mortification Mis -do Magister Mortmain Moco Main or Mother Carey ’s Moderato Major chicken Mo] to Maker Motion M o n tefiasc o Malefactor M o u flo n Montero Maligner Mountain Moo Malinger Muffin Morello Maltster M u fflon Morendo Manager Muggletonian Morisco Mandator Mullion Mormo Man -eater Multiplication hi ero c c o Man ger Mundation Mosquito Man hater Munition Motto Mankiller Muntin Mu c ch ero Manner - — Murrain Mucro Man o f war Musician Mulatto Man or Musketoon Muscovado Manslau ghter Muslin Mustachio Manstealer Mussulman Mantiger M— Mutation P Manuductor Mutton Madcap Man u mo to r Myrmidon Maintop Mar Myrobalan Make -u p Marbler Map Mariner Mastership Martyr Maestoso Mayhap Master Maj or-domo Meglip Matcher

M—S] 1 50 [M—S

Mari ets Metaphrasis Monstrous Marionettes Metaphysics Monteurs Marquess Metatarsus Monticulous I\Iarqu i s M etath e sis M o n tigen o u s Mars Metempsychosis Montross Martin mas Metemptosis Mopus Mass Methinks Morals Masterless Metropolis Morass Matchless Mews Mordacious Mathematics Michaelmas Morris Matins Midas Mortress Mattress Middlings Morus Mavis Milvus Mesosaurus Mcanness Mimesis Moss Means Mimulus Moths Measles Minnesingers Motherless Mechanics Minus Mottoes M edu sidan s Miraculous Mouldiness M egac ero u s Mirthless Mountainous Megalosaurus Mis Moustaches Meiosis Miscellaneous Mouths M ellif ero u s Mischievous M o u th f uls M elliflu o u s Miss Movables Melodious Mistress M u chness Mendacious Mittimus Mucous Mephitis Mitts Mulligrubs Merciless Mnemonics Multifarious Mercurials Modus M u ltiflo ru s Meretricious Moggans Multige n ero u s I\Ieri o n e s Molaris Multisonous Meritorio u s Molasses Multitudinous Merits Molothrus M u lti vago u s hi eros Momentous Multivious Merry - quilts Moneyless Mumps Meseems Money-matters Murderess M esoleu eo s Moni tress Murderous hIess Monoceros Murmurous Messieurs Monoculous Mus Metabasis Monodac tylo u s M u seites Metacarpus M on o h e m ero u s Muscles Metalepsis Monopetalous Muses Metamorphesis Monoph y llou s Mutinous

— M—T] 1 52 [M Y

Mult Money-box May-fly Multiversant Musk -ex Maz olo gy M u n difi c an t Myrtle-wax Mazy Muniment Meadowy M u scat M—Y Mealy M u sk-cat Meanly Musket Machinery M edallu rgy Musk -rat Macrology Mediocrity Muslinet Madly Medley Must Magistracy Medullary Myropolist Magnanimity Meetly Mythologist Magnify Melancholy M—U Mahogany Melody Maidenly Memory Mac c u bau Majesty Mendacity Manteau Majority Mendicity ' Masdeu Make -ready Menology M i seu Malady Mercenary M W Maledi c en cy Mercury Macaw Malignancy Mercy Mallow Malignity Merry Malmsey Metallography Marr ow Mandatory Metallurgy Marsh -mallow Maw Manly Meteorology M to ro ni an c Meadow Mannerly e e y Mellow Manufactory Meteoroscopy Merry Andrew Many Metonymy M argay Metoposcopy Mew l Mildew Mario atry Metrify Minnow Marquetry Metrology M etron om Morrow Marry y

- — Martyrology Micrology Mother i n law Mi c ro h o n Mow Masonry p y — Masterly Microscopy M X - Mateolo gy Mid day Manx Matrimony Mid-way Matchbox Matronly Mighty Mediatrix Maturity Military Maundy-Tli u rs Milky Mitre -box day Milky-way Mix May Millenary Moderatrix May -day Milliary

— N- B} 1 54 [N E

N ob Nummulate d Neologize Numb Nurse-maid Neophyte Nepenthe N C Nepheline N arcotic Nab ee Neptune Necroscopic IIac re Nerve Neoteric Naive Nervine Neurotic IIai veté Nervo se Nitric Name N e sc i en c e Noetic Namesake Nestle Nomadic Nape Nettle No n electric Naph th alin e Neutralize N u mismatic Napo li te Newfangle Narcotine Nibble N —D IIarrate Nice Narrative Nicene N ail -head N athm o re Niche Naked Native Nickname Nard Naturalize Ni etitate Narrow -min ded Nature Nide Na vy-board Naufrage Nidiflc ate Neaped Naulage Nidulate Neatherd Nave Niece Necked Navicelle Niggle N ec klan d Navigable Nightingale Need Navigate Nightmare Neighbourhood Nazarene Nightshade Nereid Naz arite Nimble Newfangled Naze Nine Niggard Ne Ninescore Night-bird Neat-cattle Niobe Nitid Neckatee Nitre Nod Necklace Nivette N o dated Neckpiece Noble Noncommissioned Necktie Nobl e sse Northward Neckverse Noctule Northwind Nectarine N o ddle IIo sed Needle Node Notchboard Negative Nodose Notochord N égligé Nodule Nould Negligence N 018 8 Nucleated Negoti ate IN oisome

N—L] 150 {N—R

N emoral Nim N on solu ti on Neological N izam Noon Neutral Nomadism Norman Newel Nosocomium Northern Nickel Nostrum Northman N w ill N —N Nor egian Nival Notation No c tidial Nankeen Nothingarian Nocturnal Napkin Notion Noll Napoleon Noun Nomial Natation Novation N omin al Nation Nudation Nonagesimal Navigation N u dific ati o n i tarian Nonpareil Nec ess N u llification Normal Necrophagan N u llifidian Nostril N e edle-gun Numeration Novel N eedle-woman Nun Novennial Negation Nutation Novercal Negotiation Nutbrown Nowl Neologian Nutrition Nul N eolo gi z ation Nymphean Null Neonomian N—O Numeral New -fashion Numskull Newtonian Negro Nundinal Nicotian Negundo Nuptial Nicot-in Niello Nutgall Night-season N0 N u toil Nigrific ati on Numero Nutshell Nineteen Nuncio Nipperkin Nisan Nablu m Nobleman Nap Napif orm Nocturn Neap Nasiform Noggin Nep Nasturtium Noliti on N ettrap Nationalism Nomination Nightc ap Naturalism Non Nin c ompo op Neologism N on admi ssmn Nip N eon i sm Nonagenarian N -R Nepotism Nonagon Nadir N ethinim Non illion Nagor Nihilism No n produ ction Narrator

N m TJ 1 58 [N—Y

Neurospast N o w Neu rypn ology Newt Nu tsc rew Nicety Next Nightly Nidget N -X Nihility idu lan t N Natrix Ninety in n Night Nego tiatri x N y Nihilist No biliary N Nobby ocent N Y No c ti vagan t Nobility Nominalist Nassr Nobody i N o n c on f o rmi st Na vely Noctuary - h N o n content Namby pam y Noddy N No n desc ript amel y Noisy Non elect Napery No mo grapli y N o n f u lfilm en t Nappy Nonconformity Noninhabitant Na rro w ly Non en tity Nonpayment Nasally None -se-pretty Nensuit Nasty Noonday atc hon North -east N y Ne rre y - th erl North w e st Nati onality Nor y Not Nativity No segay Nougat Natty No solo gy Nought Naturally Notary N ovelist Naughty Noteworthy N ngge t Naumachy Notify Nu mi smati st Nauscopy Notoriety Nut Navarchy Novelty av Nutan t N vy Novenary Nutriment Navy Noy Nay Nudity aeit — Nearly Nu g y N U Necessary Nugatory Nandu Necessity Nullify Nayau Necrology Nullity Nylghau Nec romancy Numerary N ec ro ph oby Nu m eric ally Nec ro tomy Nu mismato logy Nec tary Nummary N arrow Needy N u n bu oy Nave w N c ighbou rly Nu n c u patory N ephmy Neography Nu n n ery N ew N eology Nursery

0—17] 160 [ 0—22

Occasive Opinionative Outlie Occurrence Ople-tree Outline Ochre Opportune Outlive Octave Oppose Outmanoeuvre Octostyle Opposite Outpace Octosyllable Oppressive Outrage Octuple Optime Outre Ode Opulence Outride Offence Oracle Outshine Offensive Orange Outside Office Orangeade Outstride Offic iate Orbate Outvie Ogee Orbicle Outvote Ogive Orbiculate Ovate Ogle Orbitude Over-and -above Ogre Orblike Overawe Oilcake Ordinance Over-balance C ilet -hole Ordinate Over-borne Oilstone Ordnance Overcame Oldwife Ordon an c e Overcharge Olive Ore Overdone Ollite Organize Over dose Ombre Orifice Over-drive Omnipresence Originate Overdue Omniscience Oriole Over -estimate Omnispective Ornate Over-persuade Once Ornitholite Over-rate One Orphanage Over-ride Onerat e Orsedue Over-rule Oolite Ortive Over-state Ooze Oscillate Overtake Opalesce Osculate Over -value Opaque Osmazome Over-wise Ope Ossifrage Overture Operate Ostensible Ovine Operative Ostensive Owe Opetide Ostracize Oxeye Ophicleide Otherwise Oxhide Opiane Otocrane Oxide Opiate Ounce Ox tongue Opilate Outface Oxytone Opine Outhouse Ozone

O—M ] 1 62 [ O—R

Optimism Operation Oviposition Organism Ophidion Own Ostracism Opinion Oxen Otium Oppidan Oxonian Overwhelm Opposition Oxygen O viform Optician Oxygen Ovum Option Oxymoron — Oraison — O N Orangeman 0 0 Oarsman Oration Obligato Oaten Ordain Octavo Obdormition Ordination Octodecimo Oberon Organ Odonto Objection Origen Olio Objuration Origin On -to Oblation Orillon Oratorio Obligation Orion Otto Oblivion Orison Out -do Observation Orphan Out -go Obstruction Orphean Over-do Obtai n Ortalan Ovolo Obtru sion Orthogon O— P Occasion Ortolan Oc c ec ati o n Orvietan Organ -stop Occultatio n Ostentation Orlop Occupation Ostmen Outstrip Ocean Ostracion Oversleep Octagon Otacousticon Overstep Oc tah edron Ottoman O vertop C otillon Ouphen Overtrip Octogenaria n Outrun Oxlip Often O u tblown — Ogygian Outworn O R Oilman Ovalbumen Oar Olden Ovation Obtuse -angular Oligo do n Oven Occur Omen Overburden Octangular Omission Overgrown October On Over -ran Ocular Onion Over-reckon Odometer Onomasticon Overturn Odour Open Ovidian O ’er

- 7 O— S] 1 61 [ 0 1

Oxalis Ordinant O vergro w Oyes Organist Overshadow Orgeat Overthrow O— T Orient O—X Obdu c t Orientalist Obedient Orn ament Obit Orpiment Object Osculant O— Y Obj ec ti st Ostent a Observant Ou bat Obdur cy Obsolescent Ought Ob ei san c y Obstruct Oust Obey Obtest Out Obituary Obvert Outburst Obligatory Occident Outcast Obloquy Occiput Outfit Obscenity Occult Outlet Obscurity Occupant Out -patient Observancy Ocelot Outpost Obstinacy Octant Outright Occupy Oculist Outset Ochlocracy Odorant Outskirt Octogenary Offset Outwit Octonary Off shoot Over -against Oddity n tal Oilnut Overbuilt Odo gy Oint Overcast Odyssey Ointment Overcoat Offertory Olivet Over-night Oily Omelet Overset Olfactory Omit Oversight Oligarchy Omn ipotent Overt Olitory Omnipresent Owlet Omniparity Omn i vagan t Owl -light Omnisciency Omo graphy Ondit O— U On set Oneirology Onslau ght Ormolu Onerary Operan t Only Opponent On o lo gy Oppositionist Outgrow Onomancy Opp u gnant Onomatology Opulent Overdraw Ontology Orbit Overflow Oology

an ] 166 [P —D

Prun ella Pic -n ie Pard Pseudo -stella Pietistic Parrie d Psychrophobia Pindaric Partheniad Pteropoda Plastic Password Puma Plumbic Pasteboard P urana Polemie Pectinated — Politic Pellucid P B Polytechnic Peninsulated Perturb Pontac Pen ned Plumb Pontic Pentachord Proverb Pragmatic Per-carburetted Pseudo -bulb Pratic Period Pre -historic Petard P —O P ren o stic Piebald Pachalic Prismatic Pied Pacific Problematic Pig -headed Paleozoic Prognostic Pilchard Pandemic Prolific Pilot -bird Panegyr ic Prophetic P in e clad Panic Prosaic Pinfold P an n i c Protozoic Pinhold Paracentric Prussic Pink -eyed Paracrostic Prutenic Placard Paralytic P teriplegistie Placid Paregoric Ptolemaic Plaid Pathetic Public Plated Patronymic P u n ic Platypod Pelagic Pyrotechnic Plead Pentacrostic Pyrotic Plod Peripatetic Pyr rhic Plumiped Perispheric —D Pod Pharisaic P Polished Philanthropic Pace d Pollard Philharmonic Packthread Pond P hillippi c Pad Poniard Philosophic Paid Pood Philotechni c Paled Portend P hlegni atic Pallid Postpaid Phonetic Palmipe d Potsherd Phrenetic Palsied Pound Phthisic Paraboloid Poybird Physic Parallelopiped Prebend

P —E ] 1 68 [P — E

Penance Perpetrate Pie P e n atee P erpetu ate Piece P en c e Perquisite Pierce Pendicle P ersade Pigeon -hole Penetrable Persecute Pike Penetrale Perseverance Pile Penetrate Persevere Pileate Penitence P ersiflage Pilgrimage Penknife Persistence Pillage Pennate Personable Pimple Pensile Perspective Pinafore Pensive Perspire Pine P en tile Persuade Pine -apple People Persuasive Pinhole Pepsine Peruke Pinnace Peracute Peruse Pinnate Peradventure Pervade Pintle Perambulate Perverse Pipe Perceive Pestilence Piperidge Percentage Pestle Piperine Perceptible Peter-pence Pique Perchance Petiole Pirate Perchlorate Petre Pirogu e Percolate Petunse Pirouette Peregrinate P halero p e P i sc m e Peregrine Pharisee Piste Perforate Phase Pistolade Perforce Philistine Pistole Performance P hlo ri z in e Pitch -pipe Perfume Phosphate Pitiable Perfuse Phosphorate Pittance Peridrome Phosphorescence Placable Perigee Phrase Place Periphrase Piacle Plagiarize Peristyle Pianoforte Plague Periwinkle Piccage Plaice Perjure Pice Plaintive Permanence Pickaxe Plane Permeate P i ck ettee P lan e tre e Permissible Pickle P lan i sph ere Permittee Picture Plano -concave Permute Picturesque Plantigrade

P — E ] 1 70 [P —E

Predicate Prestige Profane Predispose Presume P rofi c ien c e Predominance Pre -suppose Profile Predominate Pretence Profitable Pre -eminence Preterite P ro fligate Pre-engage Prevaricate Profuse Pre -examine Preventative Prognosticate Pre -existence Price Programme Preface Prickle Progressive Prefecture Pride Projectile Preferable Primate Prolapse Preference Prime Prelate ’ P refigu re Priming -tube Proletaire Pregnable Primitive Prologue Prejudge Primogenitive Promenade Prejudicate Primrose Prominence Prejudice Primum -Mobile Promise Prelate Prince Promote Prelu de Principle Promptitude Premature Prisage P ro mu lgate Premeditate Prison -base Promulge Premise Prison -house Prone Prenominate Pristine Pron ounce Prentice Prithee Prepagate Preparative Prittle -prattle Propine Prepare Private Propitiate Prepense Privative Proportionate Preponderance Privilege Propose Preponderate Prize Prorogue Prepositive Probable P re sc ribe Preremote Probate Prose Prerogative Probative Prosec u te P resage Probe Proselyte P re sc i ei i c e Problematize Proserpine Prescribe Procedure Prospective Prescriptive Procrastinate Prostate Presence Procreate Prostitute Presentee Procurable Prostrate Pres ervati v e Procure Protectorate Preserve Produce Protegé Preside Produ c ible Protopope Pressure Productive Prototype

’ — P —H ] 179 [P K

Proceeding Philomath Paddock Prog Phonograph Padlock Prolon g Photograph P agack Prong Pibroch Park P ro si n g Piggish Partook P ru n in g Pilch Passbook Pudding Pinch Patchwork Puddling Pish Pawk P u ffin g Pitch Peacock Pug Pith Peak Puling Planch Peck P anning Plinth Perk Purling Plough Phrase -book Plush Pick Poach Picklock Packcloth P h Piecework Padishah Polish Pinchbeck Polygraph Pink Pallah Pooh Pinnock Pantamorph Popish Plain -work Pantograph Porch Planet -struck Paragraph Potash Plank Paranymph Potch Playbook Paraph Pouch Pluck Parch Preach Poek Pariah Pre-admonish Point -blank Parish Premonish Pollack Parrot -fi sh Priggi sh Pollock Pasch Prudish Pond-duck Patch Publish Pork Path Pugh Postmark Patriarch Punch Pothook Paunch Punish Potluck Peach Push Prank Peevish P I Prayer-book Pentagraph Peri Presswork Pentastich Perioeci Prick Pentateuch Perl son Prongbuck P erch P 1 Puck P erigraph Plani P u rro ck Perish K Putchock Pettish P {01 Puttock

P —M ] 1 74 [P —N

Providential Patelliform Prochronism Provincial P ean i sm Proclaim P ro vi sio n al Pedobaptism Proem Prowl Pelargoniu m Program Prudential Pendulum P ro pagan du m Pterodactyl Penniform Proscenium Puff-ball Percentum Proselytism Pull Perform Prosyllogism Pulvil Pericardium Protoplasm Pummel Pericranium Provincialism Pumpet -ball Perigeum Psalm Punch -bowl P erih eliu m Pugilism Punctual P eritro c h i u in Puppyism Pupil Petroleum Purim Purgatorial Phan tasm Purism Purl Phan tom Puseyism Purseful Phlegm Pyrrhonism Pilgrim Pythonism Pilum Pabulum Pin n iform Pagani sm Plagiarism Pacation Painim Planetarium P ac ific ati on Paleo th eriu m Platform Packman Palladium Plati n um Paean Pallium P lato n i s in Pagan Palm Pleonasm Pagination Palpiform Plum Pagurian Pam Pluralism Pain P an c ratium Podin in Paladin Pandemonium Poem Palanquin Panduriform Polygram P alifi c ati o n Pantheism P o iytli ei sm P an P arabo li sm Pomatum Pandiculation Parachronism Pori sm P an g odin Paradigm Potassium Pano pticon Paragram Praam P an ph arm ae o n P arallelo grani Premium Pan talo o n Paralogism Prim P an tec hi c o n Parap c gm P rim o rdi u m Pantheon P arase e n i u i n Princedom Paphian P aro xysn i Prism Paragon Passim Problem Parhelion

P —N] 1 76 [p —o

Postman Privation Puccoon Postmeridian Probation Puffin Post-town Procession Pulsation Potation Proclamation Pun Potin Procrustean Puncheon Potion Procuration Punctuation Potman Production Purgation P o u petion Profanation Purification Praw n Profession Puritan Precaution Profusion Purloin Precession Progression Putrefaction Precipitation Prohibition Pyrenean Precision Projection Pyrotechnian Preclusion P rolaptio n Pythagorean Precondemn Prolation Pythian P redacean Prolon gati o n Python P redesti n ation Promethean Prediction Promotion P 0 Predilection Pronghorn Palmetto Preen Pronoun Pampero Prelibation Pronunciation Panado Premonition Propitiation Papilio Prenomen Proportion Paramo Pre-ordain Proposition Passado Pre -ordination Propylon Pasticcio Preparation Prorogation P atarero Preposition P re sc riptio n Pavo Presbyterian Prosecution Peccadillo Prescription Prostration Pederero Presentation Protean Peperino Preservation Protection Peso Pressman Protestation Piano Prestation Protraction Pianissimo Presumption Protrusion Pico Pretension Proven Piffero Preterhuman Provision Pintado Pretorian Provocation Pistachio Prevention Prussian Pizzicato Priest -ridde n Ptarmigan Placebo Prillion Ptisan Plano Prionodon Publican Plumbago Prison Publication Poco

19—13] 1 78 [P —S

Platter Preceptor Protector Player Precursor Protomartyr Playgoer Predecessor Protractor Playwriter Predictor Provender Plover Prefer Provider Plumber Premier Psalter Plumper Premonitor Pseudo -martyr Plunder Prepositor Pucker Plun ger Presbyter Puffer Plu sher Presenter Puncher P lu viamete r Pressiroster Punster Poetaster Pretender P u r r Pointer Preter Purser Poker Pretor Pursuer Polar Prevaricator Purveyor Polder Pricker Putter Polestar Prier P u zzler Politicaster Primer Pyro m eter Poller Primogenitor P - S Ponder Princes-feather Poor Printer P ac es Poplar P rin tseller Pains Popular Prior Palacious Porer Prisoner P alan kas Porker Privateer Paleness Porringer Prize -figh ter P aleo sau ru s Porter Proctor Pallas Poster Procurator P almape des Posterior Professor Palmiferous Postmaster Proff er Palpigerous Pot-hanger Projector Pampas Pother Prolocutor Pancreas Potter Promoter Pandean -pipes Pounder Pronunciator Panegyris Pour Propeller Panivorous Pouter Proper Pantalets Powder Propitiator Pantaloons Power Propraetor Papilionaceous Practitioner Proprietor Papyrus Pranker Prorector Paralepsis Prayer Prosecutor Parallels Precentor Prosper Paralysis

P —T] 180 [P —T

Process Pandit Pent Prodigiou s Pant Pentecost Profess Pantophagist Peppermint Prolepsis Papist Perfect Promiscuous Paracelsist P erfic i en t Pronaos Paramount Periapt Propitious Parapet Permanent Prosiness Paraphrast Permit Prospectus Paraquet Persist Prosperous Parchment I?ert Prosthesis Parent Pertinen t Protasis Parget Pervert Proteus Parliament Pessimist Protopterus Paroquet Pest Prowess Parrakeet Pet Pruniferous Parrot Petticoat Pseudonymous Part Petu lant Psittaceous Participant Pewit Pugn acious Party-spirit Pheasant Punctilious Passant Philologist Puniness Passport Physiognomist P u sillanimous Past Pianet Puss Pat Pianist Pyreti c s Patent Piarist Pyro gen o u s Patient Picket P e ph o ru s Patriot Pickpocket Pyrosis Pavement Pict Pyrus Payment Piet P y th o n c ss Pea -jacket Pietist Peanut Pikelet P —T Peasant Pilot Peat Piment Packet Peccan t Pinnet Pact Pedant Pint Pageant Pellet Piquant Paint Pel t Piquet Palet Penchant Pit m - Pali psest Pendan t Pit a-pat Pallet Pendent Pivot Parliament Penetra n t Placit Pamphlet Penitent P laqu et Pan dec t Pennant Plaint

— P W] 1 82 [r - r

P IV Palaeozoology Pathway Papaw Paleography Patibulary P ash aw Paleology Patrimony Paw Paleontology Patty Pew Palfrey Pauciloquy Phew Palilogy Paucity Pillow Palmistry Pay Pitsaw Palmy Pay-day Playfellow Palsy Pearly Poor-law Paltry Peasantry Pow Paly Pectoriloquy P owwow Panoply Peculiarity Prow Pansophy Pecuniary Pshaw Pansy Pedantry Purview Pantology P c ltry P — X Pantry Penalty P an tu rgy Penitentiary Paddle -box Papacy Penny d Para ox Pappy Penology P arallex P apyr o c rasy Pentarchy Pax Parisology Penury Perplex Parity Peony Phalanx Parley Peppery Pharynx Parody Percursory Phlox Parquetry Perdy Phoenix Parry Peremptory Pix Parsimony P erfidy Poll -tax Parsley Perfumery Pollux Partiality Perfunctory Poor-box Partly Periergy -fi Post x Party Periphery - Pouncet box Party-jury Peripneumony Pox Pasigraphy Periptery Prefix Passer -by Perissology Princox Pastry Perjury Prolix Pasty Pernancy Pyx P atavm i ty Perpetuity P Y Patchy P erplexi ty Pacify Paternity Perry Paddy Pathogeny Personality Paduas e y Pathognomy Personify Paeony Pathology Perspicacity

19 —17 ] 184 [Q—D

Prepay Promontory P ysc h oman c y Presbytery Propensity Puberty Presently Properly Publicity Presidency Property Puerility P restim o n y Prophecy Puff y Prest -money Prophesy Pulley Pretty Propinquity Pulmonary Prey Proprietary Punctuality Prickly Propriety Puny Priestly Prosody Pupillary Primacy Prosopography P u ppy Primary Prosopolepsy Purgatory Princely Prosperity Purify Principality Prosy Purity Priority Prothonotary Pursy Priory Provisory Purvey Privacy Proximity Pussy Probability Proxy Putrefy Probatory Prudery Putty Probity Pry Pygmy Proclivity Psalmistry Pyretology Prodigy Psalmody Pyrolatry P ro fligac y Psaltery Pyrology Profundity Pseudography Pyromancy Progeny Pseudology Pyrometry Promissory P ysch omac hy Pyrotechny

— — Q A Q B Quadruped Q uadra Quab Qualified Quadrage sima Quib Quartered —C’ Quadriga Q Quavered Q uadru man a Quadratic Q u een gold Quagga Quixotic Quickened Quassia Quicksand Q—D Q u inia Q u i c ksighte d Quinquagesima Q u adrifi e d Quickwitted Quinquina Quadrifurcated Quid Quota Quadrilobed Q u in qu efid

Q— Ol 186 [R—A

Quartation Questor Quartant t Q u ar ern Quicksilver Quartet Quarteron Q u illdriver Q u een post Quarternion Quinqu an gu lar Queest Quatrain Quinquarticular Querist Queen Quinquelocu lar Quest Q u erc itron Quilter Quickset Quern Quiver Quiddit Question Quiescent — S Questman Q Quiet Quicken Quadragesimal s Quillet Quindecagon Quadrans Quilt Quintain Quadricornous Quint Quintan Quadrifarious Quit Quintillian Quadrigenarious Quitrent Quintroon Quadriphyllous Quoit Quoin Q u adrivalves Quotient Quotation Quaking -grass Q— X Quotidian Quarter-cousins Quarter -sessions Quadratrix Q 0 Querulous Quincunx Q u ac h ilto Q u i ckgrass Y Quarto Quickness Q Q u erpo Quietness Quackery Quintetto Quietus Qualify Quill -nibs Quandary — P Q Quitch grass Quantity Quip Quits Quarry Quizzing glass Quarter-day Q uadrilocular Quoits Quarterly Quaker Quaternary Quarter Q T Quay Quarter-master Quadrant Queachy Quaver Quadrat Query Quaverer Quaint Qui ckly Queer Quant Quiddity Questmon ger Quart Quinsy

R . — R A Ramayan a Regalia Itaca Ratafia Regatta Radiata Redow a Remora

R—E] 1 88 [R—E

Rack c hase Rean imate Redpole Raddle Rear -mouse Reduce Radiate Reasonable Reduplicate Radicate Reassemble Ree Raffle Reassure Reedmace Rage Rebaptize R eedpipe R ain gau ge Rebate Reef -line Raise Rebuke Reef-tackle Rake Recalcitrate R e-enforce Rakee R ecapitulate R e -engage Ramble R ecapture Reermouse Ramberge Recede Reeve R ambo o se Receive R e-examine Ramline Receptacle Ii ef eree Ramose Receptible Reference Rane Rechabite Refin e Range Recharge Reflective Ranine Recipe Refr agable Rankle Reciprocat e Refrangible Rantipole Recitative Refrigerate Rape Recite Refuge Rapine Recline Refugee Rapparee Recluse Refuse Rappee Recognizable Refute Rapture Recognizance Regale Rare Recogniz e Regen erate Itase Recommence R egi Ci de Rate Recompense Regime Ratiocinate Reconcile Regrate Rationale Recondite Regressive Rat ’sbane Reconnoitre Regulate Rattle Recourse Rehabilitate Rattle -snak e Recreate Rehearse Ravage Recriminate Reigle Rave Rectangle Reimburse Ravine Rectitude Reinecke Ra w bone Recuperate Reinforce Itaz e Recurve Reinstate Razee Recuse Reinsure Re Rede R ein u date Ready-made Redouble Reinvolve Realize Redou btable Reissue

R—E ] 1 90 [R —G

Rife Roulette Rifle Rounce Rigmarole R o u n dtrade Rime Rouse Rimple Route Rindle Routine R—G Ring -dove Rove Ring -fence Rowan tree Rinse R u bble Ripe R u bble -stone Ripple Ruble Rise Rub -stone Risible Ruddle Rite Rude Rive Rudenture River-horse Rue Roan-tree Ruffle Robe Rugate Rode Rule Rodge Rumble R o domon tade Ruminate Roe Rummage Rogu e Rumple Roller -skate Runagate Roman-candle Rundle R o man c e Rune Romanesque Running -fi re Roman-type Rupee R o odsteeple Rupture Rope Ruse Roquelaur e Rusticate Rose Rustle Roseate Rutilate Rose -noble Rye Rosette Rosmarine R —F Rotate Raff Rote Rebuff Rouanne Reef Rouble Relief Roué Reproof Rouge Rere -fief

R—N R—M] 1 92 [

Rill Rheumatism Reckon Reclusion Rin gmail Rhythm Recognition Rin go u z el Rim Ringtail Roam Recollection Ritual Romanism Recommendation Rival R o o dbeam Reconciliation Roil Room Recreation Roll Rostru m Recrimination Roma] Rum Rectification Rondel Redan Roral R—N Redden Rorqual Redemption Rossel Raccoon Reduction Rossignol Racemation Reed-organ Rostral Radiation Refashion Rounceval Raftsman Reflection Ra am u ffin Round el g Reformation Ro w e] Ragman Refraction Royal Rain Refrain Rubrical Raisin Refusion Runnel Ramadan Refutation Rural Ramekin Regain Regen eration — Ran R M Rappen Regimen Radiciform Rarefaction Region Ram Rascallion Registration Random Ratan Begul 8 tion Ransom Ratiocination Re ign Rantism Ration R e-imprison Rationalism Ratoon Rein - tro du c tion Realism Rattan R e in Realm Ratteen Reiteration Ream Ravelin Rejection Reclaim Raven Rejoin Redeem Reaction Relation Reem Realization Relaxation Reform Reason Relietion Reinform Rebellion Religion Remiform Recantation Remain Requiem Recapitulation R e m i smo n Residuum Reception Rendition Rheum Recitation Renown

3 - 4 2] 194 [re—s

Ramoneur Reiter Rotator Rancour Rejoinder Rouge -et-noir Ranger Remainder Rou ghrider Ran ter Remember Rover Remembrancer Rower Rapper Remitter Rubber Rasher Rencounter Rudder Rasper Render Ruler Ratcatcher Renter Rummer Rather Repair Rumour Raver Repealer Runner Razor Repeater Russia-leather Reappear Reporter Ruttier Reader Reservoir R—S Realgar Respirator Rear Retain er Rabies Rearer Retriever Racemous Recanter Revolver Raciness Receiver Rhetor Racket-s R ec u n er Rhymester Radices Reconsider Rhythmometer Radius Recorder Ridder Rainless Recover Rider Rameous Recrimi n ator Rigger Ramulou s Rectangular Rigour Rancorous Rectifier Rimer Rankness Rector Ringer Ranunculus Recur Rin gleader Rapacious Recurviroster Rioter Raptorious Redeemer River Rapturous Redemption er R iX -dollar Rasso res R e -enter Roadster Ratlines li efer Ito arer Rattles R efin er Roaster Ravellin gs Reformer Rocker Ravenou s Refrigerator Roister Rayless Regather Roisterer Rebellious Regi ster Roller Rebus Registrar Romancer Itec ess Regular Rosewater Reciprocornous Regulator Rosier Reckless Reindeer Ito ster Rectrices

R—T] 196 [R— r

Relict Ii etraot Ruralist Reluctant Retreat Rushlight Reminiscent Retrospect Russet Remit Reverberant Rust Remnant Reverent Rut Remount Revert Ryot Remu gi en t Revolt R U Renascent Rhapsodist Rennet Rhymist Rideau Rent Riant Rompu Repast Ribroast Rondeau Repeat Ricochet Rouleau Repellant Rift Repent Right R W Repentant Ringlet Rainbow Replant Riot Raw Replicant Riveret R e dsn o w Report Rivet Rene w R epresent Rivulet Revie w n Repri t Roast Robin -good Repugnant Robert fellow Request Robust - t R o u gh hew Rescrip Rochet Row Resent Rocket Royston -crow Resentment Rodent li eset Roodloft Resident Ito o st Resist Root Radix Refle x Resonant Rose -knot Ite sort Rot Reflux Relax Respect R ou gh drau gh t m Resplendent Roundabout Re ix Respondent Rout Rex Rouleaux Itest Rowport Restaurant Royalist Rumex t Restraint Rubescen R Y Restrict Rudiment Restringent Ruminant Rabdology Result Rundlet Rackety Resurrectionist R u n let Racy Retirement Runnet Raggy Ii etort Runt Rai llery

8 —13] 1 98 [ s—D

Spiraea Swab Squama Syllabub Stagma Stanza S 0 Stapelia Sac Stela Saic Sapphic Stigma — D Strata Sarcastic S Strelitzia Sardonic Sacre d Strychnia Satiric Sad Stufa Scenic Sad-hearte d Styca Sceptic Said Subpoena Schismatic Salad Succula Scholastic Salmonoid Sudra Sciatheric Sand Sultana Scientific Sandal -wood Supra Sc lavo n i c Sang -froid Sylva Sebacic Saraband Symphonia Seme ti c Scabbard Synalepha Seraphic Scad Synonyma Sethic Scaffold Syringa Sic Scald Shemitic Scaled 8 — 13 Shumac School -board Slavonic Scold Scab Soc Scud Scrub Socratic Sea -leopard Sea - cob So n o rific Sea-maid Shrub So porific Seared Sib Sothic Seaward Slab Spasmodic Sea -weed Slub Specific Second Snob Spheric Second -hand Snub Splenetic Secretary-bird Sob Stick -lac Seed Squab Stoic Seid Squib Stromatic Self -possessed Stab Sulphuric Self -wille d Stub Super -tonic Send Suburb Syllabic Serried Succumb Sympathetic Settle -bed Superb Syndic Sevenfold

S—E ] 200 [ S—E

Salute Sceptre Sedate Salvable Schedule Sedative Salvage Scheme Sedge Salve Science Seduce Same Scintillate See Sam estre Sciurine Seethe Samite Scone Segregate Samphire Scope Seine Sample Score Seize Sanative Scot-fre e Seiz ur e Sandstone Scourge Selenite Sane Scrabble Self-sacrific e Sanguine Scramble Selfsame Sansculotte Scrape Semaphore Sapphire Scribble Semblance Sarabaite Scribe Semibreve Sardine Scriggle Semi -c ircle Saree Scripture Seminate Satellite Sc ru brac e Semipalmate Satiate Scruple Semiquartil e Satire Scrutinize Semitone Satiriz e Scrutoire Semplice Saturate Souffle Sempre Saturni n e Sculpture Senate Satyridae Scurrile Senile Sauce Scutage Sensate Sausage Scuttle Sense Sauterne Scytale Sensible Savable Scythe Sensitive Savage Sea -anemone Sentence Save Sea-eagle Separable Sax if rage Sea -horse Separate Scalade Seance Septan gle Scale Sea -piece Septisyllable Scalene Season abl e Septuple Scamble Secale Sepulchre Scape Secede Sepulture Scapegrace Seclude Sequence Scarce Second -rate Sequestrate Scare Secrete Seraphine Scavage Sectile Sere Scene Secure Serenade

S—E ] 202 [8 —19]

Sn itfle Spectacle Stalactite Snipe Spectre Stalagmite Snooz e Speculate Stale Snore Spere Stalking -horse Sn u ffl e Sphere Stampede Snuggle Spice Stan h ope Soapstone Spike Staple Socage Spile Stare i tl h Sociable S p n ag e Star e Socome Spindle State Soiree Spine Stati ve Solace Spinulose Statue Sole S piracle Statu esqu e Solemniz e Spire Stature Solicitude Spite Statute Soliloquize Spit -fire Stave Solitaire Spittle Staylace Solitude Splice Stearine Solstice Spoke Steeple Soluble Spondee Steeple -chase Solve Sponge Steerage Sombre Sponge -cake S tellu late Some Sportive Steppe So n n ite Spou se Stepping -sto n e Soothe Spread -eagle Stereoscope Sophisticate Spree Stereotype Sordine Springe Sterile Sore Sprinkle Stethoscope Sororicide Sprite Stevedore Sortie Spruce Stickle Sotto -voce Spuke Sfi fle Soubrette Squabble Stigmatize Source Square Stile Souse Squeeze Stillicide Space Squir e Still -life Spake Stable Stimulate Spangle Stade Stimulative Spare Stag-beetle Stipple Sparkle Stage Stipulate Sparse Stagirite Stire Specie Stagnate Stive Speckle Stake Stockade

— — S E ] 204, [S G

Surplice Systyle Scrag Surprise Scraggin g Surrogat e — Scratching Surveillance S F S crog Survive Scarf Scug Susceptible Scherif Scumbling Suspense Scoff Sea - dog Suspire Scruff Sea -king Sustenance Sea -calf Sealing Sutile Sea -thief Seasoning Suttee Self Seedling Suttle Serf Seeing Suture Set -off Seeming Swaddle Sheaf Self-seeking Swale Sherif Serang Swathe Sheriff Settin g Sweepstake Shroff Settling Swerve Skiff Sewing Swindle Sniff Shag Swine Sn u fi Shambling Swinge Staff Sh aveling Swingle Stiff Sh e adin g Swipe Stufl Shearing -cane Sunproof Shearling Swore Surf Sheathing Sybarite Sheeling Sycamore Sheep -shearing

Sycee ' Sheeting Syderolite S G Shelving Sac ki n o Syllable D Shilling Syllo gi z e Sag Shimmering Symboliz e Salading Shining Sympathize Sanderling Shi ppi ng Symphonize Sapling Shocking Synagogue Saving Shooting Syn c o pe Saying Shopping Syncopize Scanning Short -coming Syndicate Scantling Shrug Syn edo c li e Sc arfin g Sh u tfling Synonyme Schooling Sideling Syringe Scorning Sidelon g Systol e Scouring Siding

S— H] 200 [is—x

Skyhigh Stealth Shamrock Slapdash Stench Shank Slash Stic h Shark Slavish Stitch Sheephook Sleigh Stomach Sheepshank Slis h Step w atc h Sheer hulk Slosh Strath Sheik Sloth Strength Shelduck Slouc h Stretch Shipwreck Slough Stylish Shirk Sluggish Subah Shock Slush Such Shook Sluttish S u mach Shrank Smash Swash Sh rick Smeath Swath Shrink Smirch Switch Shrunk Smith Sword fish Shuttlecock Smoot h Sylph Sick Sni u tc h Silk Snappish S—I Sink Snatch Saki Skating-ri m: So lo graph Salmagundi Skink Soot h Sans -souci Skip -jack Soph Semi Skulk Sottis h Serai Skunk Sough Sesqui Slack South S i Slapjack Span ish So fi Sleek Speech Sophi Slick Spinach Spermaceti Slink Splash Slunk — Splatter -dash S K Smack Squash Sack Smirk Squeamish Sark Smock Squelch Sarlak Smock-fr ock Stage -coach Scrap -book Smoke -jack Stalwort-h Screak Snack Stanch Seasick Sneak Standish Seek Sneck Starch Shabrack Snick Starfin c h Shack Snook Staunch Sh addo ck Soak

S—LJ 208 (su n

Spoonful Symbol Simoom Sportful Symmetrical Sistrum Spousal Syn c h r on al Skim Sprawl Synclinal Slam Springal Syndactyl Slim Spritsail Synthermal Sloam Spu rgall Slowworm S—M Spu rro yal Slum Squall Sabaism Socialism Squeal Saccharum Sodium Squill Sachem Solecism Squirrel Seam Somnambulism Stall Salam Sophism Stamm el Sandstorm Spasm Standstill Sanhedrim Spectrum Stannel Sarcasm Speculum States -general Saxonism Sperm Steal Scaphism Spinozism Steel Schematism Spirit u alism Stencil Schiedam Squirm Still Schism Stadium Stockstill Sciolism Steam Ston estill Sc o tti sm Stelliform Stroll Scream Stem Stru ll Scrotiform Sternum Subsoil Scum Stillroom Substantial Seaholm Storm Successful Seam Strabism Suicidal Seldom Stramonium Sundial Selenium Stratagem Superficial Self -esteem Stratum Supernal Sensationalism Strontium Supernatural Sensorium Strumstrum Sural Septennium Stulm Surnominal Septiform Stum Surprisal Seraphim Styliform Sweal Seriatim Su bstrac tu m Swell Serum Succedaneum Swill Sham Sum Swirl Shamanism Su m o o m Swivel Shawm Sunbeam Symbal Show -room Superstratu m

S—N ] 210 [ s—N

Solemnization Stern Suction Solution Sternutation Sudden Son Stewpan ' Suffocation Soon Stiffen Suff ragan Sorn Stockman Sufl u si on Souterrain Stolen Suggestion Southerm Stone - marten Su llc n Southron Straighten Sultan Sovereign Strain Sumatran Se w n Straiten Summon Spadroon Strangulation Sun Span Strengthen Sun -born Spartan Stricken S u nbu rn Spavin Strokesman Sundow n Spawn Stubborn Sunken Spearman Stun Superannuation Specification Stupefaction Superhuman Specimen Sturgeon Superstition Speculation Stygian Supervision Spin Subalter n Supposition Spleen Subalternation Suppression Spokesman Subdeacon Suppuration Spoliation Subdean Surgeon Sponsion Subdivision Surloin Spontoon Subjection Surreption Spoon Subjoin Surrogation Sportsman Sublimation Suspension Sprain Su bliti on Suspicion Spring gun Submission Sustain Spun Subordination Suzerain Spurn Suborn Swain Squadron Subreption Swan ’ Stain Subscription Swan s -down Stallion Subsign Swanskin Stam en Substitution Swedenborgian Stamin Substruction Sweeten Stanchion Subtraction Swollen Statesman Su bu n dati on Swoon Station Su bu rn Swordsman Steekan Subvention Sworn Stein Subversion Syllabific atio n Stellation Succession Sylvan

S— R] 212 [ s

Saltcellar Sea-rover Shooting -star Saltier Sea-water Shop -walker Saltwater Seceder Shoulder Salver Sector Shoveller Sampler Secular Shower Sand -paper Sedgewarbler Shudder Sand -piper Seeker Shutter Saper Seer Sightseer Sapper Seether Signior Saty r egar Silver Saucer ei gn i or Simar Saunter Seltzer-w ater Similar Saviour Semester Simmer Saveur Semi -quaver Simper Scam bler Sempster Sin dar Scamper Senator Singular Scar Senior Sinister Scatter Senocular Sinner Scavenger September Sipper Scholar Septemvir Sir Schooner eptin su lar Sir -c ar Scomber e qu ester Sister Scorer Seraskier Sitar Scoter Server Sitter Scour Servitor Sizar Scraper Setter Skeggar Screamer Settler Skewer Screwdriver Sewer Skimmer Screw -propeller Shaker Skippe r Scre w -steamer Shammer Slabber Scribbler Sharer Slander Scriven er Sharper Slapper Scrutator Sharpshooter Slaughter Sculptor Shaster Slaver Scummer Shatter Sledge -hammer Scupper Shaver Sleeper Sc ymitar Shear Sleep-walker Seabar Sheer Slender Sea -farer Sheet -anchor Slipper Sea -letter Shelter Sliver Sear Shimmer Slobber Searcher Shi ver Slubber

— ' — s s] 214: [s s

Super Sarto ri o u s Shortness Superior Sassafras Shorts Supervisor Satellitious Sickness Supinator Scabrous Sidearms Supper Scandalous Sideways Supplier Scatches Sightless Supporter Scissors Silvas S u rren der Scots Simultaneous Sur renderor Scrupulous Sinless Surveyor Scurrilous Sinus Susceptor Scyphus Siqu i s Suspender Seamless Sirens Suspensor Seamstress Siriasis Sutler Seav es Siriu s Swagger Seconds Skimmings Swashbu ckler Secretiveness S kinless Swasher Se den taries Slanderous Swear Seditious Sleepless — Swiller Seidlitz po w ders Sleeveless Swimmer Sedulous Sliness Sw in gebu c kler Sensuous Slugs Swinger Sententious Slyboots Switzer Se ptiflu e u s Smallarms Swobber Series Smallclothes Serious Snu ff ers S Serp en tari es So apsu ds Saah ds Serro n s Softness Sagacious Sess Solicitous Sagittarius Setaceous Son e ro u s Saj ou s Setness Soporifero u s Saliferous Shackles Sorites Salmis Shambles S e ss Salons Shameless So u lless Salubrious Shapeless Sous San c tim o n i o u s Shears Spaceless Sand -glass Shells Spacious San gu iflu o u s Shiftless Species San guineous Shipless Specious ’ Sans Ship s -articles S pe c tac les Sarcophagus Shirtless Spectatress Sardi u s Shoeless Speechless Saros Shoreless Spicin ess

S—T] 210 [S—T

Secret Shut Solvent Sect Sibilant Somersault Sediment Sick- list Sonant Segment Sift Sonnet Select Sight So o t Self -interest Sign et Sophist Seminarist Significant Sorbet Se ’ nnight Silent Sorbonist Sent Silt Sort Sentient Sit Se t Sentiment Skeet Sought Sept Skillet Sourcrout Septembrist Skin flin t Sourdet Septu agint Skirt South - east Sergeant Sku e sigh t S parklet Serjeant Skylight Spat Serpent Skyrocket Specialist Serpe t Slant Spelt Servant Sleet Spendthrift Sestett Sleight Spilt Set S lept Spinet Sett Slight Spirit Settlement Slipknot Spirt Sex digitist Slit Spit Sextan t Slot Sport Shaft Sl u ngshot Spot Shallot Slut Spout Shalt Small -craft Sprat Sharp -set Smalt Sprout Sheepcot Smart Spurt Sheet Smelt Squat ~ Sh ell jac ket Smicket Squirt Sherbet Smift Stagnant Shift Smit Standpoint Shirt Smut Starlight Shoot Snort Starlit Short Snout Start Shortsight Sobriquet Statant Socket Statement Shout Soft Steadfast Sh rift Se i -disant Sterlet Shunt Solicit Sternport

s—rr] 218 [ s—r

Strix Scurry Shindy Styrax Scurvy Shinty Styx Seamy Shiny Suffix Seaworthy Shoddy Syn tax Secondary Shortly — Secrecy Showy S Y Secretary Shrubbery Safety Security Shy Sagittary Sedentary Siderography Salary Seemly Signify Sally Seity Silly Saltatory Selenography Silver-grey S an c tity Self -sufficiency Silvery Sanctuary Sematology Simony Sanguify Seminary Simplicity San gu in ar y Senary Simplify Sanitary Seniority Sincerity Sanity Sen n ac h y Singularity Satiety Sensuality Sixpenny Satisfy Sentry Sixty Saturday Sepoy Skeleton -key Saucy Serpentry Skerry Saveloy Serry Skinny Savory Servility Skrimpy Savoy Seventy Sky Sawny Severally Slate grey Saw try Severity Slavery Say Severy Slay Scaly Sex an ary Sleepy Scanty Sextary Sley Scapulary Shabby Slil Sc arc ely Shadowy Sliriiy Sc arify Shaggy Slippery Scenery Shaky Sloppy Scenography Shammy Sly Sciagraphy Shanty Smart-money Sciomancy Shapely Smithery Scraggy Shelfy Smithy Scriptory Shelvy Smoky Scrubby Sherry Smutty Scrutiny Shillaly Sobriety Scullery Shilly-shally Society

T —A ] 220 [ T—D

T . T A T O Tempered Tacca Tacamah ac Tend Taffeta Talc Tenfold Tafi a Tamarac Tented Talpa Tambac Tepid Tapioca Tannic Tested Tarantula Tartaric Tetrachord Tatta Telestic Tetrad Tea Telic Tetrapod m n ta T eg e Telluric Textband Tli n ato id Telesia T enrec a Terebrantia Terrific Thenceforward - t - Terra cot a Teutonic Thin skinned -fi m Terra r a Theriac Third Terza -rima Threnetic Thou sand Testacea Tic Thread etra la T p Tonic Threshold Thalia Topic Tid Thea Toreutic Tiltyard Theta Traffic Timbered Th ri a ss Transatlantic Timid Tiara Trigrammic Tired la Ti pp n Trochaic Title deed -li rra To ad Tirra Trochilic Titania To d TrOpic Toga Tunic Tolled Tola To n g u epad Trach ea Torpid T— D Tremella Touchwood Trich optera Tabard Toward Trilemma Tablelan d Tradew in d Tuba Tailboard Trained Taled Tramroad T—B Talmud Transcend Tab Tamarind Trapezoid Throb Tamisbird Tread Thumb Tankard Trend Tomb Ted Triad Tub Teind Trichord

ru n ] 222 [ T—E’

Tierce Toothache Transparence Tike Tooth some Transpire Tile Tope Transpose Tillage Topple Transverse Tiller -repe Tore Traverse Timber -mare T e rse Tre Time Tortive Treacl e Tincture Tortoise Treadle Tine Treasonable Tin ge Tote Treasure Tingle Touch-h ole Treasure -trove Tinkle Touchstone Treatise Ti n -plate Toupee Trebl e Tipple Tousle Treddle Tiptoe Towage Tree Tirade Tow -line Tremble Ti re Townspeople Trialogue Tiresome To x o ph ilit0 Triangle Tissue Trace Tribe Tithe Trachyte Tribune Titillate Tractable Tribute Title Tractile Trice Titmouse Tradc Trickle Tittle Tradepric e T ricuspidate Tittle -tattle Tradespeople Tride Toddle Traditive Trifle Te e Traduce Trifoliate Toilsome Traipse Trine Toise Tramontane Trinervate Tole Trample Trioctile Tolerance Tran salpin c Tripartite Tolerate Transcribe Tripennate Tollage Transference Triple Toll -gate Tran sfigu re Triplicate Tome Transfugitive Triptote Tone Transfuse Trireme Tone -syllable Transitive Trisyllable To n gu e Translate Trite Tonnage Transmarine Triternate Te n sile Tran smigi ' ate Triumvirate Tonsure Transmutable Triune Tontine Transmute Troche

— 24 — T H ] 2 . [ T L

Teeth Twelfth Tussock Telegraph Tw elv em o n th Tweak Telestich Twitch Tench T— I Tenth Tael Tetrarch Tambourgi Taffrail Tetrastich Tapeti Tagtail Thatch Tisri Tail Th en c ef o rth Tri Tall Thievish Trimurti Tassel Thigh Tripoli Tasteful Thistle -fi n c h Tutti Tautological Thorough — Teal Thoth T K Teasel Though Tack Technical Thrash Talk Teemful Thresh Tamarisk Teetotal Through Tank Teil Thrush Task Tell Ticklish Teak Temporal Tigerish Text -book Ten dril Tilth Thank Tergal Tooth Thick Terminal Toothbrush Think Terrel Top - arch Thunderstruck Terrestrial Torch Thwack Territorial Tosh Tick Tertial Touch Tick tack Testimonial Tough Titlark Tetrahedral Tow -path Tomahawk Tetrahexahedral Trash Took Thankful Trench Toothpick Theatrical Tribrach Torrock Thermal Triglyph Townsfolk Thickskull Trigraph Track Thimbleful Triumph Trademark Thoral Troth ick Thoughtful Trough Trick -track Thrall Truth Truck Thrasonical Tu bfi sh Trunk Thrill Turkish Tuck Thurl Tush Tusk Tidal

T—N] 226 [ T—N

Talapoin Thi n Transfiguration Talisman Thirteen Transgression Talon Thorn Transition Tamarin Threaten Translation Tan Thriven Transmission Tannin Th u rification Transmutatio n Tarin Tiffen Transpiration Tarlatan Tighten Transplantation Tatterdemalion Tinman Transportation Tauromachian Tironian Transposition Tavern Titan Tran su bstan tia Taxation Titillation tion Teen Tocsin Trapan Tellurion Token Trapezohedron Temptation Toleration Treason Ten Toll -man Trepan Tendon Tomin Trepidation Tenon Tompion Triangulation Tension Ton Tribu lation Terin Topan Triduan Termination Topman Trigon Tern Torn Trigyn Terpsichorean Torricellian Trihedron Terrapin Torsion Trillion Tertian Te rti o n Trinitarian Te stifi c atio n Toucan Tripartition Testoon Tourbillion Triple crown Tetracolon Tourn Triplication Tetradiap ason Town Tri sageon Tetragon Townsman Trisection Tetragrammaton Toxodon Trisoctahedron Tetragynian Tractarian Triton Tetrahedron Traction Trodden Tetrapteran Tradesman Trogon Tetrastoon Tradition Tron Than Traduction Truckman Then Tragedian Truncation Theodosian Train Truncheon Theologian Trajection Trunnion Thespian Tralatio n Trygon Thicken Tralatition Tu fl o on Thickskin Transaction Tuition

T— R ] 22s [ r—s

Tighter Trickster Taurus Tiller Tri colour Technics Tilter Trier Tedious Timber Trigger Teens Timeserver Trilinguar Temerarious Timoneer Triluminar Tempestuous Tinder Trimester Temporalities Tinker Trimeter Tenacious Tinner Trimmer Tenderness Tirailleur Tri e r Tenebrious Titter Triumvir Tennis Titular Trochometer Tenui-foliou s Tiver Trooper Tenui -rosters Together Trotter Tergeminous Toll -bar Troubadour Terminus Te n sor Trover Termless Tor Trumpeter Terraqueous Tormentor Tubular Terrigenou s Torpor Tucker Testin ess ’ T other Tuft -hunter Testudinarious Totter Tumbler Tetanus Tour Tu m ou r Tetradynamous Tower Turnover Tetrapterous Trac to r Tutor Thallus Trader Twitter Thankless Trainer Tzar Thanks Trainbearer — Thaumaturgus Traitor T S Theatricals Tran qu illi z er Tabes Theirs Transfer Tablo ri n s Themis Transferrer Tactics Themselves Translator Tailings Theoretics Trapdoor Tailless Thesis Trapper Tailoress Thirdings Traveller Tales Thir ds Traverser Talus This Treasurer Tantrums Thol u s Trem o r Tapis Thornless Trencher Taranis Thrillin gs Triander Tarras Thrustings Triangular Tartareous Thus Tricapsular Tasteless Thyris

T—T] 230 [ rf —r

Tippet Trappist Tirwit Treat Tit Treatment Toadlet Tremblement Tobacconist Trenchant Toft Tret Toilet Trevat Tomelet Trevet Tomtit Triblet To -night Trident Toot Trigamist Topcoat Trinket T W Topet Triolet l Tophe t Triplet Ta low Topknot Trippant Taw Topmost Trisect Tew Thaw Te quet Trist Torment Triumphant Thew Threw Torrent Treat Throw To rt Trot - w Tosspot Trothplight To morro - Tow Te st Tre u -de rat Tr f allo w Trout e Trifallo w Tourist Troy weight Tournament Truant Trow — To u t Truculent T X Towboat Trumpet Tableaux To -wit Trust Tax Tract Tryst Thorax Trait Tucket Tic dou lo u reu x Traject T u ft Tortrix Transact Tumult Tran sfix Transcendant Turbit — Transcript Turbot T Y Transept Turbulent Tabby Transient Turgescent Tabefy Transit Turncoat Tac h ydidaxy Translucent Turn-out Tachygraphy Transmit Turnspit Taffety Transparent Turret Tally Transplant Tut Taminy Transport T w ilight Tammy

T—Y] 232 [ U—D

Tropology Tumultuary Twopenny Truepenny Tunny Typify Truly T u rfy Typocosmy Trum pery Turkey Typography Trustworthy Tu rnkey Typology Trusty Tutelary Tyranny

Try Twaddy ' T —Z Tu bby Twan kay Tuesday Twelvepenny Tu rn ef y Twen ty

U . U—A Unaccepted Unannounced Ulema Unaccompanied Unanswered Ultra Unaccomplished Unappeased Un lan d Umbra Unaccustomed app ed Un a reh Umbrella Unachieved pp ended Ungula Unacknowledged Unarmed Urania Unacquainted Unarraigned Unacquitted Unarranged Urch illa t Ursa Unadap ed Unarrayed Utopia Un addressed Unarrested Uvea Unadjusted Unashamed Uvula Un admonishe d Unasked Unadopted Unassessed U 0 Unadored Un assimilated Umbratic Unadorned Unassisted Un au th en tic Unadvise d Unass e rted Unb ero ic Unaffected Unassuaged Un ific Un afli rm ed Un assumed Un affli c ted Un patrio tic Unassured Un ro m an tic Unaided Unattached Unscholastic Unalarmed Unattained Un sc i en tifi c Unallayed Unattempted U—D Unalleviated Unattended Unallied Unattested Unabashed Unalloyed Un attired Unabated Unaltered Unauthorized Unabridged Un amused Unavenged Un ab so lve d Un anchored Unavowed Un accented Unannexed Unawakened

U—D] 234 U—D

Underbred Undubbed Unformed Undergird Unearned Unfounded Underground Un e dified Unfranchised Underhand Uneducated Unfreighted Undersigned Unelated Un f u lfilled Undersized Unemancipated Un garbled Understand Unembarrassed Ungarnished Understood Unembraced Unglazed Underwood Unemployed Ungoverned Undeserved Unemptied Ungranted Undesired Unended Un gratifi ed Undestroyed Unendowed Ungrounded Undetached Unengaged Ungrudged Undetected Un en j eyed Unguarded Un deterred Unenlightened Un guessed Undeveloped Unenvied Unguided Undid Unequalled Unhackneyed Undigested Unesteemed Unhallowed Un dign ified Un ex aggerated Unhand Undiminished Unexalted Un hanged Undimmed Unexamined Unharmed Undiscerned Unexcepted Unhealed Undischarged Unexercised Unheard Undisciplined Unexhausted Unheeded Undisclosed Unexpected Unhelped Undiscoloured Unexpelled Unh emmed Un discouraged Unexpired Unhire d Undiscussed Unexplained Unhonoured Undisgraced Unexplored Unhope d Undisguise d Unexposed Unhusbanded Undismayed Unexpressed Unilluminated Undispersed Unextenuated Un imagin ed Undisputed Unfaded Unimpaired Undissembled Unfeared Unimpeached Undissolved Unfeathered Unimpressed Undistilled Unfed Unimproved Un distinguished Unfeigne d Uninclosed Undisturbed Unfinished Unincumbered Undivided Un fl e dged Uninfected Uh doubted Unfolded Uninfested Undraine d Unforetol d Un in flam ed Undra-pc d Unforewarned Un i n flu en c ed

U—D] 23 6 U—D

Umremedied Un sc o rn ed Unsound Unremoved Unscourged Unsounded Unremunerated Unscratched Unsoured Un repaid Unscreened Unspared Unrepealed Unscrutinize d Unspecified Unrepented Unscared Unspoiled Unrepresented Unseasoned Unspotted Unrepressed Unseconded Unsprinkled Unreprieved Unselected Unsquared Unreproved Unsettled Unsqueezed Unrescinde d Unsevered Unstaid Unreserved Unshaded Un stained Unresigned Unshadowe d Unstamped Unresisted Unshared Unstarched Unrespited Unshattered Unsteadied Unrestored Unshed Un stifl ed Unrestrained Unsheltered Unstimulated Un re vealed Unshielded Unstinted Unrevered Un shif ted Unstored Unreversed Unshed Unstormed Unrevoked Unshrined Un strengthened Un rew arde d Unshrivelled Unstretch ed Unrin sed Un shroude d Unstrippe d Un rivalle d Unshunned Un studied Unroasted Unsigned Unsu bdued Un ro u nded Unsilenced Un suborned Un re u sed Un singed Unsubscribed Unruled Un skilled Unsuccoured Unrumpled Unskinned Unsuited Unsacked Unslaked Unsullied Unsaid Uhsmoked Unsummoned Unsaluted Unsoftened Unsupplied Un san c tified Unsoiled Unsupported Uh sanctioned Un solac ed Unsuppressed Un sated Unsold Unsurmounted Un sati sfied Unsolemnized Unsurpassed Un satu rated Unsolicite d Unsurrendered Unsaved Unsolid Unsurrounded Un sealed Unsolved Unsurveyed Unscared Un se o th ed Unsuspected Unscathed Unsophisticated Uh su stained Un schooled Unsorted Un s w alle w c d

U—E ] 238 [ U—E

Unden iable Unlodge Unsportsmanlike Underdone Unloose Unstable Undergraduate Unmade Unsubmissive Undermine Unmake Unsuitable Underrate Unmanageable Unsupportable Und ersc ore Unmarketable Unsurmoun table Undertake Unmarriageable Unsu sceptible Undertone Unmistakeable Untamable Undervalue Unmovable Untangle Underw r ite Unmuzzle Unteachable Undiscernible Unnavi gable Untenable Undistinguishable Unnerve Untie Undone Uno bj ec tien able Untoothsome Undrinkable Unobtrusive Untraceable Undue Unpalatable Untractable Uneatable Unpardonable Untrue Unextinguishable Unpassable Untunable Unfashionable Unpeople Un tw i n e Unfathomable Unpicturesque Unutterable Unfavourable Unpliable Unwarlike Unfeminine Unpolite Unwarrantable Unfortunate Unpresentable Unwearable Unfusible Unprocurable Unweave Ungentle Un productive Unw elcome Unglove Un profitable Unwholesome Ungovernable Unquenchable Unwise Unhandsome Unquestionable Un w orkmmlike Unhinge Unreadable Unyoke Unhive Unr easonable Upborne Unhorse Unreclaimable Upheave Unhouse Unrecognizable Upraise ‘ Unimaginable Unregenerate Uprise Unimpregnable Unreliable Uprouse Un inhabitable Unsearchable Upside Unique Unseasonable Urbane Unintelligible Unserviceable Urceolate Unite Unsettle Urge Unshackle Ursine Un ju stifiable Unsociable Ursuline Unlace Unsoluble Usage Unladylike Unspeakable Usance Unlike Unspeculative Use

U— L ] 24 0 U—N

Unconditional Unprofessional Un iform Unce n genial Unpunctual Unseam Unconj u gal Unravel Uh seldom Unconstitutional Unreal Ununiform Uncurl Unregal Uranium Undersell Unroll Urini Undutiful Unroyal Ursiform Unepiscopal Unscriptural Unequal Unseal Unessential Unshell Ubication Uneventful Unsinful Ubiquitarian Unfaithful Unskilful Ululation Un filial Unsocial Un Unforgetful Uhspiritual Unbeaten Unfraternal Unstill Unbegotten Unfruitful Unsubstantial Unbegun Unfurl Unsuccessful Unbenign Ungraceful Unsymmetrical Unbespoken Ungrammatical Untasteful Unbidden Ung ratef u l Unthankful Unborn Un h isto ri cal Untheological Unbroken Unhopeful Until Unh arden Unifacial Untwirl Unburthen Unilateral Unusual Unbutton Uniliteral Unveil Uncertain Unintentional Unvocal Unc h ain

' Unipersonal Unwatchf u l Unchidden Universal Unwell Un chosen Univocal Uphill Unclean Unj oyful Useful Uncloven Unlawful Usual Uncommon Unmanful Utensil Unconcern Unmerciful Uncrown Unmindful Unction Unm u sical Ultimatum Undecagon Unnatural Ultraism Undern Unofficial Ultram o n tism Underpin Unoriginal Unarm Undersign Unpastoral Unbosom U n drawn Un pli ilo so pli i c al Under -stratum Undulation Unpitiful Uh gu if o rm Uneven Unpoetical Un b elm Unfasten

U—Tl 24 2 [ U—Y

Unrighteous Un f rau gh t Unscrupulous Un f requ ent Un su Spic ieu s Ungallant Upas Un gilt Uprighteous Ungirt Uproarious Uhgot Upwards Unguent Uranus Unhurt Ursus Un i n telligent Urus Unit Us Unjust U U Useless Un kempt Uxorious Unkept Unau U— W Unknit U— T Unmeet Ult Umobservant Unapparent Unpleasant Unapt Unrepentant Unbent Unrest Unbesought Unreverent Unbit Un right Uberty Un ble st Unroot Ubiquity Unbolt Umseat Ugly Unbon gh t Unsent Umbrosity Uncaught Unsettlement Unanimity Un c i rc u m spe Unshot Unbrotherly Uncorrupt Unshut Un bu sy Under-coat Unsought Uncertainty Under croft Unspelt Unchary Under -cu rren t Unspent Uncleanly Underfoot Unspilt Uncomely Underlet Unsteadfast Un c o mplimen tary Undermost Unswept Uncourtly Un derplot Untaught Un de c en ary Un der-servant Unthought Under-secretary Underset Untwist Undulatory Un der tenant Un w ept Unduly Underwent Upcast Uneasy Unexplicit Uplift Unfatherly Unfelt Upmost Unfriendly Unfit Uppermost Ungainly Unfought Upright Ungentleman ly

V— E ] 24 4 [ V—E

Vaccine Venerable Vicissitude Vacillate Venerate Victimize Vaggle Vengeance Victorine Vague Venthole Vie Vaivode Ventilate Vigi lance Valance Ventose Vignette Vale Ventricle Vile Valentine Ventriculite Village Valiance Venture Vinaigrette Valise Venturesome Vincible Valuable Venue Vi n demiate Value Verberate Vindicate Valve Verbiage Vindictive Val vule Verbose Vine Vambrace Verd -antique Vintage Vampire Verde Violate Vandyke Verdure Violence Vane Verge Violone Vansire Verisimilitude Virgate Vantage Verj uice Virge Vaporate Vernate Virile Variable Verre Virtue Variance Verrucose Virulence Varia-z eon e Versatile Visage Varicose Verse Visible Variegate Versicle Visite Varlesse Versute V i sto men te V ase V erti cle Vitelotte Vassalage Vesicle Viti ate Vaticide Vespertine Vitrescence Vaticinate Vestibule Vitrif ac ti ve Vedette Vestige Vitro late Vegetable Vestiture Vituperate Vegetate Vesture Vivace Vehemence Viable Vive Vehicle Viatec tu re Vivific ate Veloce Vibrate Vocalize Velocipede Vicarage Vocative Vendee Vicariate Vociferate V en dible Vice Vogue _Vendue Vice -legate Voice Venenate Vi c m age Vo i clan c e

V—S V—N] 246 [

Ventilation Virtuoso Visor Verification Vive Vivandier Vermilion Volcano Vizier Vernation Vemito Voider ifi c ati en Voltigeur V ers V—P Version Volunteer Vervain Vamp Voucher Vulgar Vestiarian V—R Vesuvian V—S Veteran Valour Veterinarian Valvular Vacuous - en n o u s Vexation Vamper Vagino p - Vails Viarian Van courier Vibration Vapour Vainglorious Vascular Valuables Vigesimation m V ilific ation Vavasor Va ps Villain Vector Vantbrass Villein Veer Vaporous Villerin Vehicular Variolous Violin Velocimeter Various Virgin Vendor Vas Vision Veneer Vegetous Visitation Venter Veliferous Vell Vitrific ati o n Ventilator s Vituperation Verderer Velours V n efic i Vivisection Verger e ous V en o mo u s Vixen Vernacular Vocation Vernier Venous Volition Verse-maker Vents Versicolour Venturous V O Vesicular Venus Variamento Vesper Veracious Vasto Viameter Verdigris Vergaloo Vicar Vermes Verino Vice -chancellor Versus Versette Victor Vertices Vertigo Vigour Vespers di V eto Vin cator Vexatious

V etu rin o Vinegar Viands Vicarious Vigo re so Vintner Virago Viper Vicious Virgo Visit c 1 ' Victorious

— W—A ] [W E

W . W—A Wind W ale - Walkera Windward Wall eye Whoa Wither -band Wamble Withheld Wane W i thh eld Wapentake W eb — Withstand Warble W D With stood W ardan c e W ad Wizard Wardmote Wadded W oad Wardrobe Waiting-maid Wold Ware Waived Womanhood Warehouse Wand Womankind Warfare Ward Wonted War -horse Warm -hearted Wood Warlike Waste -land Woo d -ge d War-o tfic e Wattle -bird Woolly-head Warrantable Wayward Word Wase Weald World Waste Wed Worldly -minded Watercourse Weed Wormwood Wattle Weighed Worsted Wave Weird Would Wayside Weld Wound Waywode Well-behaved Wretche d We W ell -beloved Wrong-head Wearable W ellbred Wrong -headed Wearisome Well -favoured Wynd Weatherwise Well-mannere d Weave W— E Well -read Wedge Wend Waddle Wee W eregild Waffle Welch -glaive W esand Wage W elcome Westward Waggle Welfare Whip -cord Waggonette Welldon e Whip -hand Wahah e Were Whirlwind Wainable Whale Whitherward Wainrope Whalebone Wicked Waive VVh an g ee Wield Waiwode VVh eedle W ild Wake Vh eez e

W—H ] 250 [ W—N

W itling W oodcock Withal Wood-en gravin g Woodlark W itw al W o ein g Work Woful Working Wrack W onderful W orldling Wreak Wool Wrapping Wreck Worshipful Wrestling Wryneck Wrongful Wring W—L Wringing W riting Wadmal Wampum Wrong Wagel War droom Wrung Wagtail Warm — Wail Whelm W H Wakeful Whiggism W o rth Wall Whilo m Wrath Wassail Whim Wreath Wasteful Whimwham Wrench Watchful Whom Wretch W aterfall Wigwam Wroth W ater -ousel Wisdom W yth Wawl Witch -elm W eal Witticism W— I Weariful Worm W W ourali easel W— W eel N W eez el W aggon VVad-hook W ell ain Walk Wheal Wakeman Walking—stick Wheel Waken Warlock W herewithal Wakerobin Watermark Whimbrel Wanton W eak Whimsical W aran an W eath creeck Whip -poor -will W arbeaten We dlo c k Whirl W arden W eek W hirlpool W arming -pan W hack W hitsu l Warn Whelk Wilful Warren Whisk Will Warworn Wick Windmill Waveson Wilk Windfall Wave -worn Wink Wistf u l Wayworn Wither -lock Witch -hazel Weaken

W—S] 252 [ W W

W homsoever Windlass Whaleboat Whopper Windless What Whosoever Winde w less Whatnot W h u r Wineglass Wheat Wicker Wingless Wheelwright Widower W i s Whereat Wilder Withers Whet Winder Witless Whilst Wine -bibber W itness Whinchat Winner Wondrous W h ippi n gpost Winter Wood -moss Whist Wiper W e e dless Whit Wish er Worthless Whitebait Wither Wbite -heat W—T Woman -hater Whitethroat Wonder Wadsett W h o rle bu t Woodpecker Waft Wicket Wooer Wainscot Wight Worker Wainwright Wild -eat Worshipper Waist Wilt Weve paper W ait Wind -in strument Wrangler Wall -fruit W i n din gsh eet Wrapper W allet Wine -merchant Wrecker Walnut Wit Writer Want Without Wapacut Went W—S Warrantable Woodcut Wages Wart Worn-ou t Waitress W ast Worst Waits Wavelet Wort Walrus W ax ligh t Wot Wanness Weft Wrest Wares Weight Wright Was W ellm et Wrist Watercress Wellspe n t Wristlet Wave less Welt Wrought Weather-glass Went Wurst Wellingtons Wept — Whereabouts Werst W TV Whereas Wert Wallow W ilderness West Wheelbarrow Wilds Wet Whe w

254 [ Y—R

X 0 X —S X —X Xantho Xanthous K ylanthrax Xylo Xerotes X e ste s X — Y Xiphias X i h o ides Xenodochy X R p Xylophagous Xerophagy Xyster Xystos X ylograpli y

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