ACROSTIC DICTIONARY C O NTA IN I NG M O R E TH A N TH IR TY TIJO USA JVD WOR DS T H E IR INI TI ALS A N D FINALS ALP HAB E TI CALLY AR RANGE D A Y R IL P E A R SO N’ M RS . C L ON DON G E O R G E R O U T L E D G E A N D S O N S BR DW Y LUDG E H LL OA A , AT I P N EW YORK : 9 LAFAYETTE LACE D W RK S F REFERE N CE STANDAR O O . 0 + ’ ' ’ 5 /z / . ac c oZ/z J rz a 6d. e 3 , ’ H C R A BB S E N G LIS S YN O N YM S . ’ - \VA L K E R S R IIYM IN G DI CT I O N A RY . ' F BA RTL ETT S A M I L I A R Q UO TAT I O N S . IE R E ' A D L E M P R S C L SSI CAL I CTI O N AR Y. ice 25 . ( lo/b P r . N UTTA L L ’ S P R O N O UN CI N G DI CTI O N AR Y & TH E E N H A N G UA E O I G LIS L G . I n c lu d in g m W o r s man y Th o u san d M o d e d c o n n e c te d w ith c ie n c e t e ratu re an l A rt. S , P R E F A C E A LL who have atte mpted to solve those do u ble Acrostics which are now so much in fashion know , m to their cost , that uch time and trouble must be expended in a search for words to which th e in itial and final letters are often a chief part of the clue . Much personal experience of this sort h as led me to i n w believe that an Acrostic Dictionary , hich the first an d last letters of all words are arranged in w an d Alphabetical order , will be a elcome valuable addition to the solver ’ s library ’ Acting upon this belief , I have gathered from authentic sources all such words as seem suited for Acrostic purposes , and have so arranged them that the eye can easily ru n down the lists of those which l begin and end with any two etters . A composer h as thus a full choice of such words as m a he y require , and a solver can rapidly select those w hich seem likely to answer the conditions of a “ & light . In flec tio n s m have been o itted in most instances , u r w although some few , s ch as pa ticiples hich are used h n . as adjectives , ave been retai ed Compound words n d in commo use are given , and some foreign wor s which h ave been incorporated with our lan guage are w ell w l d included in the list , as as ords late y coine , 6 P RE FA OE . wh ich are well suited for Acrostic purposes from the factthat they are n o tfound in modern dictionaries . The task of compilation has b e en necessarily long e and tedious , but the r sult will doubtless be of con siderable benefit to all who take pleasure in these ‘ v zl n o t n erbal puz es , which o ly afford amusement n combined with me tal exercise , but also are an indirect means of acquiring much information of very varie d character . If this effort meets with success I shall be en c o u r aged to prepare further lists of people and places , constructed upon a similar plan . H LL PP . E R P I I A M P A SON . DR AYTON PAR SLOW RE cronY , 1 884 . ACROSTH C DICTIONAR Y. A —A Antenna Abba Aorta Abracadabra Apocrypha Abscissa Aporema Acacia A p po ggiatu ra Acantha Aqua -regia Aceldama Aqua -toffan a Acera Aquila Acromania Area Academic Adversaria Arena Acatalectic Aga Aria Acataleptic Agora Arietta Aceric Aha Armada Acetic Alba Armadilla Achromatic Alga Aroma Acoustic Algebra Assafoetida Acroamatic Alpaca Asteria Acrostic Alpha Asthma Adamic Ambrosia Astraea Aeronautic Ammonia Aurelia Aerostati c Amphora Aureola E sthetic Ampulla Auricula Agaric Anacon da Aurora Agnatic Anaemi a Axilla Agonisti c An aesthesia Azalea Agrestic Anaphora Alcaic Anathema A—B Alcoholic Angina Abb Aldermanic An e tta Absorb Alembic — — 1 1 0] 8 [A L Algebraic Arithmetic Accomplished Allopathi c Aristocratic Accord Allegoric Arsenic Accredited Alman ac Artistic Accursed Alphabetic Ascetic Acetated Ammoniac A sph altic Acid Amphibolic Aspic Acknowledged Amuletic Asthmatic Acquainte d Anachronic Athletic Acq u ired Anacreontic Atmospheric Acrid Anaesthetic Atomic Adapted Anaglyptic Atonic Add Anamnestic Attic Addicted Anapestic Aulic Addled An gelic Auric A ddIe -pated Antagonistic Authentic Admired Antalgic Autochthonic Adopte d Antarctic Autocratic Adorned Antic Autographic Advanced Antipathic A u to mati c Afeard A n tiph rasti c Autopsic Affected Anti-rheumatic Axiomatic Affl icted A nti -septic Azoic Afford Anti -thetic Azotic Afi eld Apathetic Afore -hand A —D Aphlogistic Afore -said Aphoristic Abandoned Afraid Apocalyptic Abased After-guard Apologetic Abed After-ward Apoplectic Aboard Aged Apostolic Abound Aggravate d Aquatic Above -board Aggrieved Arabic Above -said Agreed Arc Abraid Aground Archaic Abridged Agued Arctic Abroad A head Arch-an gelic Abscond Aid Arch-bish opric Abstracted Air -bed Arch -critic Accend Air-thread Arch -heretic Accented Aisled Architectonic Accelerated Alcaid Argonautic Accommodated Algi d A —D] [A —E Aliped Auld Absolve Alkaloid Aurited Absorbable Allied Authorized Absorptive Almond Avid Absterge Almsdeed Abstinence Aloud Avowed Abstractive Amend A w ard Abstruse Amid Abundance Anchored Abuse Abusive Android Accede An end A basc Accelerate Animated Abatable Accentuate Anointed Abate Acceptable Ant -acid Abbe Acceptance Ant -acrid Abbreviate Accessible Anti -acid Abbreviature Accidence Antiquated Abdicate A c c iptrin e Antlered Abdicative Acclimatiz e Applaud Abele Accolade Apprehend Aberrance Accommodate Arachnoid Abeyance Accomplice Arch- druid Abhorrence Aecom plishable Arched Abnegate Accordance Arid Abode Account-able Armed Abominable Accoutre Arou nd Abominate Accretive Arrow -head Above Accrue Articulated Abrade Accumulate Ascend Abridge Accurate Ashame d Abrogate Accurs e Aspirated Abidance Accusable Assembled Abide A c c u sativc Assessed Abjudica te Accuse Associated Abjure c e Assured Ablative Asteroid Ablaze Astound Able Attache d Abrogable Attainted Absence Attend Absentee Attired Absolute — — A E ] 10 [ 1 1 19 Acidulate Adulterate Age Acknowledge Adumbrate Agglomerate Acme Advance Aggrandize Aconite Advantage Aggravate Acquaintance Adventure Aggregate Acquiesce A dversable Aggressive Acquiescence Adversative Aggrievance Acquire Adverse ggri e ve Acquisitive Advertence gile Acquittance Advertise Agiotage Acre Advice Agitable Actionable Advisable Agitative Active Advise Agnate Actualize A dvo c at-e Agn o min ate Actuate Advowee Agone Aculeate Adze Agonize A c u min ate Aerate Agree Acute Aerie A gre eable Adage Affable Agricultu re Adamantine Affectionate Ague Adipose Afi ec tive Ague -tree Adjective Atfian c e Aigre Adjudge Affiliate Aigrette Adjudicate Atfin age Aiguille Adjunctive Affirmative Air -fl u e Adjure A fii xtu re Air-pipe Adjutage A fi'lic tive Aisle Admeasure A fflu en c e Ajutage Administrate Affranchise Albite Administrative Affuse Alcade Admirable A fire Alchemize Admir e Afore Alcoholize Admissible After -course Alcove Admittance After-game Alcyone Admixture After-love Aldine Admonitive After-piece Ale Adnate Agapae Ale-hou se Adolescence Agape Alee Adoptive Agaph ite Alepidote Adorable Agate Alexandrine Adore Agave Alexandrite Adulate Agaze Alidade A— E ] 12 A— F Apprize Article Atone Approbate Articulate Attainture Appropriate A rtific e Attendance Approve Artiste Attentive Approximate Ascendable Attenuate Appurtenance Ascensive Attire Aptitude Ascribe Attitude Aquatile A sh -hole Attractive Aqua -vitae Ashore Attribut e Aquiline Aside Attrite Arabesque Asinine Attune Arable Askance Audible Arbitrate Aslope Audience Arboriculture Asperse Aureate Arborize Asphalte Auspice Arbute Aspirate Austere Arc ade Aspire Authenticate Arch -apostle Assassinate Authorize Arch -duke Assemblage Available Archetype Assemble Avalanche Archiepiscopate Assentive Avarice Archimandrite Assertive Ave Architecture Assignee Avenge Architrave Assimilate Avenue Archive Assistance Average A re u ate Assize Averruncate Arenose Associate A verse Argentine Assonance Avoidance Argue Assuetude Avowee Argumentative Assume Awake Arise Assurance Aware Armature Assure Aw hile Armistice Asterite Axe A romalite Astride Axle Aromatize Astringe Aye Arouse Astrolabe f tz o te Arquebuse Astrologize Azure Arrange Astroscope Arrive Astute — Arrogance Asymptote A F Arrogate Athlete Alehoof Artichoke Atmosphere Aloof A G] 1 3 [A —L A G A — I Alkool Ai All Aboding Allegorical A c c o mm o dati n Alibi g All -hail According Alkali Amphiscii Allodial Aching Alluvial Aff ecting Anti A n toc c ii Aludel Afore going br sial t Argali Am o A gg rav a i n g Amzel A— K Analogi c al A n e estral Among Aback Ancipital Assuming Alack Angel Aleak Awakening A n neal Amuck Annual A rac k Ann u l A — H Ark Anteal Ask Acrolith Ante - chapel Admon ish Asterisk Ante - m u ral Afresh Attack Ant -hill Afte r- math Attask Anti -metrical Aguish Auk Anti -social Ah — Antiphona l Alembroth A L Antithetical Allah Abigail Anvil Allelujah Abnormal Apocryphal Almeh Aboriginal Apodal Although Abysmal Apostil Amaranth Accidental Appal Ambush Acquittal Apparel Anaglyph Acronycal Appeal Angui sh Admiral Appraisal Apish Adverbial Approval Apograph Aerial Arc haelogi c al ’ Arm s -length Aerological Archangel Ash Agrestical Archducal Astonish Agricultural Archil Attach Ahull Architectural Autograph Ail Armful Avouch Air -cell Arrival Azimuth Alarm -bell Arsenal A z o th Alcohol Artful — — A M ] 14.
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