The Dexter Bulletin September I October, 1998 A chronological account of the World Dexter Congress by Wes and Jane Patton

Note' The following is information taken from our notes taken during the congress and may vary somewhat from the written proceedings when they arrive. We thought that our members who were not able to attend might like to know about some of the things we experienced during this well planned and expertly conducted conference.

AUGUST 27 -Jane and I arrived at Cirencester, England and the Royal Agricultural College on the evening of August 27 after enjoying the b·eauty and heritage of the Cotswold area of England. We had arrived in London on the 24th and rented a car and headed north to the center of country. Driving on the left side of the road proved to be a challenge, but with some good maps and Jane's expert copiloting we soon were enjoying a new The chamr>ion cow with her owner Di Smith of Dover. scene at every turn. Upon arrival at the Congress we finally met "the other" Rosemary, Rosemary Brown, who played a major part in the expert job of organizing the first World Dexter Congress. What a delightful person she is and immediately she started to introduce us to countless people we had heard about but had never met. Soon we were settled in our college dormitory room, which brought back memories to us all. Later that evening we met up with other members of the ADCA contingent, along with other delegates from the UK, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, S. Africa, Denmark and Germany and headed to the local pub for dinner and refreshments. It was a time to get acquainted , and to renew old friendships.

Continued on page 4 The UK judge, Piet Wilke and a red heifer named C innamon. Page 2 The Dexter Bulletin

American Dexter Association Route 1, Box 378 Concordia, MO 64020

1998 Officers President I 'ice President Secretarv- Treasurer James Johnson Kathleen Smith RosemarY. FlehartY. 4092 Broadview Rd. 351 Lighthall Road Rt. 1. Box 378 Richfield, OH 44286-9605 Ft. Plain, NY 13339 Concordia. MO 6-W20 (3 30) 659-4861 (518) 993-2823 (660) -+63-770-+ ;Jvcu/ah/e a_fier 5:30 I'.\ I CST and weekends

Regional Directors Region 1 Missouri and Illinois Jerry Starnes, Rt. 13 , Box 75. Poplar Bluff. MO 63901 (573) 785-2719

Region 2 Oregon and Idaho Roy Atherton, 21 125 S. E. Yamhi II.. Gresham. OR 97030 (503) 666-5356

Region 3 Washington. British Columbia. Hawaii. and Alaska Carol Oa\·idson, Bright Meadows. RR I. Ladysmith. BC VOR 2EO (250) 2 .. 5--+0 .. 6

Region 4 Colorado, Nebraska, Wyoming. and Utah Dawn Bittner. 1001 W. Hwy I 18, Monroe, UT 8-+754 (80 1) 527-3187

Region 5 Montana, Alberta, and Saskatchawan Cathy Nelson, Box .. 18, Marwayne. Alberta. Canada TOB 2XO (403) 847-2628

Region 6 Kansas, Oklahoma. and Texas Man·in Johnson, P.O. Box 441. Elkhart, KS 67950 (405) 696-4836

Region 7 Indiana, Kentucky, and Ohio June Osters. 8446 Shepherd Road, Macedonia. OH 44056 (216) 467-0832

Region 8 Alabama. Arkansas, Georgia, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi. N. Carolina, S Carolina, and Tennessee Jim Moody. 555 B N 15 Street, Immokalee, FL 33934 (941) 657-3464

Region 9 California. Nevada, Arizona, and New Mexico Bill Kirkland. 8636 Berry Road. Wilton. CA 95693 (9 16) 687-7986

Region 10 Pennsylvania, W. Virginia, Virginia, Maryland, District of Columbia, and Dcleware Gwen Casey Higgins. Route 3, Box 5806, Berryville, VA 22611 (540) 955-4421

Region 11 New Jersey and New York Slavka Perrone, 8703 Murray Road, Red Creek. NY 13143 (315) 947-6912

Region 12 Maine, Nev.. · Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Vermont Gary Williams. RR I, Box 513 I. Sedgwick, ME 04676-9714 (207) 326-4717

Region 13 North & South Dakota, Iowa, Wisconsin. Minnesota, and Manitoba Paul Anderson, 773 Jesup St., Indianola, IA 50125 (515) 961 -6772

Region 1.J Michigan. Ontario, Quebec, and Eastern Provinces Pat Mitchell, 7164 Barry Street, Hudsonville, Ml 49426 (616) 875-7494 The Dexter Bulletin Page 3

Dexters As 4-H Market Steers

b)· Joanic Storck We also learned that if you arc breeders. arc ,·cry· pleased with the My husband and I started a going to promote your Dcx1crs as 4-H Dcx1crs because they take minimal care herd of Dexters 3 years ago. because a Market Steers. you need to start by on small acreage. We run sc,·cn head of 4-H'cr came to us with some researching your County requirements CO\\ s. and a bull. on just 8 acres of information about Dexter steers for 4-H from the Co. ex1ension agent. or recruit g round. with just a two wire electric projects. Marvin Johnson. Region 6 a Yery dedicated 4-H parent leader to fence around it. We put up Director. was giving away a steer to be help. as we did. Our grateful approximately I Y2 big bales of hay. per shown. We requested more information appreciation to Shannon AYe ry! It also head. for winter feed. then supplement from him. and went to his ranch. in helps if you have a market for the with a few range cubes just to keep them Elkhart. to look at his cattle. We were finished steers. One of the reporters I coming in to Yi si 1. This way. we can so impressed with the Dcxters that we was being interviewed by asked "How check the animals· health. and keep bought the beginning of our herd. In are you convincing these ' big· ealtle them people fricndlv. We 'vc ne,·cr had researching the information available breeders of Kansas that you have to pull a calf. or had any kind of health on Dex1ers. there was one thing that something they would be interested in?'' problems with any of our Dcxtcrs. really stuck in our minds: "be careful I explained to her that " it is like try·ing We 'd like to encourage other breeders how much you adYc rtise: the demand to ·sell' the rancher that has ah,ays to promote their cattle as 4-H market may exceed the availability." We ha,·e driYen a % ton. 4 wheel drive. F series steers. this way we arc educating future certainly found that to be true. We just Ford a Toyota! There is a place and a breeders and meat buyers •!• completed our County Fair. and the TV purpose for both of them!'· If you and newspaper publicity created by the conquer these hurdles. then be prepared first Dex1er Market Steer Class has got to ha,·c enough steers. because once the our phone ringing daily by people from parents and children ha\'c handled and 1PJieetinr. all OYer the state wanting to look at and petted these steers. they sell themseh·es. 19gg Ann~~ &18th~ price Dex1er Cattle. In conclusion. the 4-H'ers ''ere July 1~, ,(ansas We would like to share some ,·ery happy with the Dc:-.1cr cah·es. as Wichita, information with current and potential they were ,·cry easy to break . easy to Dcx1cr breeders. Our purpose of getting train. and very· easy to fatten. We. the into Dexters was to introduce these cattle to the smaller 4-H'crs and the small acreage landO\\ ncrs in and around the Wichita area. We started out by giYing a steer to a young 4-H'cr to show in 1997. This generated enough interest that we sold a steer to sc,·cn year old 4-H ·cr. Culler Cole. to sho" in the 19!J8 fai r He chose a short leg calf. "hich gained I 5 lbs. dally. to a sho'' " eight of 44 5 lbs. His plan IS to break him to drh·c and ride. and \\C ha,·c no doubt that he ''ill do just that Also sho'' 1ng in the 1998 sho'' ''as 1hc on gmal cxhib11 or. Amy A,·c ry She sho\\ cd two long leg steers. These steers gamed 2 lbs daily. to sho\\ weights of 500 and 520 lbs. each. The three steers " ere 12. 14 and 15 months old at sho" date None of the 3 steers were quite finished. so we learned. they needed to start with older steers in order to get them finished by the middle of Dexter cattle competed for the first time at this year's Sedgwick County Fair. July. Photowaph co 11rte.l:v o.fCami ;\/cAndrel·w1he Times-Sentinel. Page 4 The Dexter Bulletin

World Congress Co111i111red From Frolll Page For example, that was where we first saw Professor W ilke and his wife from South Africa and recounted the times he spent with the ADCA at the New Hampshire and California meetings. Many of the participants were suffering from jet lag (Robin Hunt from Australia said that he had been awake for 40 hours and had eaten seven meals on his trek from down under) so everyone retired ea rly that night. AUGUST 28 - Everyone was up early on Friday morning to eat breakfast and get on the coach A cow class giYing an idea of size, color, showing and audience. (bus) to go to one of Prince Charles farms. As it turned out it wasn 't the Highgrove farm where he is known to frequent, but to Broadmead , a part of the Duchy of Cornwall, the estates which provide income for the Prince of Wales. The Duchy includes 128,000 acres of land in 22 counties of southwest England. The farm we visited along with the Highgrove fa rm is being converted to an organic farm and is farmed with a combination of crops and . There are five breeds of sheep on the farm, including some rare breeds, 130 Ayrshire milking cows, 97 replacement Ayrshire heifers and three rare Gloucester heifers. The tour took all morning Cow & calf- note the show ring, the show uniforms & the countryside. and involved a lot of walking to see the cattle, pastures where they grazed and the crops in their rotation to promote sustainability and maintain the organic status. It is quite probable that the specifications for qualifying to have an organic product in England differs somewhat from those in the US. They had just started an organic vegetable plot this· year and plan to begin a free ra nge pig operation this fall. All in all, it was a very informative tour and a chance to compare and contrast production practices and problems with what we are familiar with. Conlinued on next page rJ7 ' J im Johnson, Lee Mcintosh and Donna Martin from the U.S. discussing what the~· had seen on the Yisit to the farm of Prince Charles. The Dexter Bulletin Page 5

A chronological account of the World Dexter Congress.

Following lunch the Congress The Board of Directors are marking to the lowest Grade 1 reconvened in the lecture hall for a composed of six members and the group. report from each country on the Dexters are reg istered by the South Africa imported Dexters in status of their organization and secretary of the Canadian Livestock 1917 and 1938 and in 1959 the Dexter populations. Records Association. South African Dexter Association Robin Hunt reported that though Gregg Federov reported that was formed. Tanya Breedt indicated the Australians had imported Dexters were imported to Germany that the achondroplasia problem was Dexters around the 1900's, they had in 1965 but by 1979 there were only studied by the Un iversities and by died out during the depression and two live calves, both bulls. In '79 the early 1980's there was a marked were not reintroduced until 1979 and again in '86 animals were decrease in the number of bu lldog when Bill Butcher imported semen imported from the UK. In 1993 a calves born. into the country. In 1987 the Dexter Association was founded and There are presently 129 bulls and Australasian Dexter Association was in '98 there were 50 members with 1242 females registered with an formed and bulls, semen and about 250 animals reg istered. average herd size of 23.5 animals. embryos were imported. Presently Members from Switzerland and The Dexters are milked in in there are 697 members of the Austria and also included in the S. Africa and embryos and semen association with 5099 head of cattle association. The Council is are exported to other countries. on the up grading program with 800 composed of five elected members. In S. Africa average bull height is head of purebred cattle registered. Nancy Edge reported that New 45 inches and average cow height is The Organization has 10 council Zealand has on ly 3.8 million people 41 inches. Only black and red members and 17 regional and 1 milli on of these live in the animals are accepted for registry. promotional groups. Dexters are capital city of Aukland. In 1-960 the There are about 70 purebred herds shown at all major shows and many government prevented the and 140 commercial hers. regional shows. importation of semen because of the Association objectives include Present council objectives lethal dwarf gene. Bill Butcher periodic revision of standards of the include blood typing and/or DNA arranged for semen importation in breed and an excellent program of imprinting all Dexter breeding stock, 1970 from bulls not carrying the educating and evaluating judges for getting data on feeding out Dexter gene. Semen was imported from Dexter shows. X-bred cattle, determining the gene two bu lls in 1984. The small number Jim Johnson reported on the location of achondroplasia, setting of bulls ava il able for AI us has led to history of Dexter cattle in the USA. up a classification system and very close line breeding in NZ. In Between 1905 and 1912 over 200 compiling all the herd book 1985 the first third cross Dexter head of Dexters were imported from information on a CD ROM . heifer was born and the New the UK into Kentucky, New York and Winona Crapp reported that Zealand breeders joined with Michigan. Other importation's Dexter cattle have been in Canada Australia in the Australasian Dexter occurred in the 1950's from the UK for more than 100 years The first Association. In 1988 the fi rst and in 1982 from Canada. imports were from the UK. In 1960 "purebred" 4th cross bull was born The American Dexter Cattle cattle from Canada were registered and in 1990 semen from Saturn of Association was established in 191 1 in the ADCA since there was not Knotting was imported. by Professor Plum from Ohio State registry association in Canada at In 1994 a New Zealand Dexter University. In 1921 the re were 63 thattime. In 1986 the Canadian Association was formed with 20 bu lls and 260 cows registered in the Dexter Association was formed. charter members. To encourage first herd book. The Canadian Association new members, fees are kept low by In 1981 the first AI animals were regulations specify that al l white a volunteer registration secretary. reg istered after much discussion and markings on Dexter cattle must be There are six council members controversy. There have been only recorded on the registration papers. including the secretary and meetings five nationa l shows and sales held in All bulls with semen available for are held every two yea rs alternating the US. sale must be blood typed and there between the north and south islands. There are presently 9000 animals are no dwarf gene carrying bulls in In 1998 there were 94 members registered in the US association. In AI service. Short legged animals are of the association. Objectives of the '97 there were 500 members who accepted for registration This year Council include formation of new processed 613 reg istrations, 500 the Dexter Association has become local groups, rev1s1on of the transfers and over 600 inquiries a member of a joint classification constitution, raising purebred basis we re received at the Association board and herd and individual of bulls to the 5tfi generation and office concerning Dexter cattl e. animal scores are being compiled. reduction of animals with wh ite Continued on page 6 Page 6 The Dexter Bu lletin

A chronological account of the World Dexter Congress.

Jim reported that concerns of the breeders breeding 8% of the cattle number, leg set and anything else US associati on presently include the breed short legged to short legged. that can be determined by close increasing size of Dexter cattle and Th irty five percent of the breeders inspection. Some of us in the states the increasing appearance of white use their own bull, 25% us AI, 4% would have to do a better job of markings. The US has not adopted use a borrowed bu ll. The average gentling our cattle to allow the judge Dexter standards on ly guide lines for herd size is 12.1 an imals. Ninety to feel the udder from the flank and breeders. four percent of breeders use Dexters between the hind legs as they do in Denmark reported that in 1986 to suckle only their own cow's calf, England. The showpersons wear a Dexter cattle were imported from the 13% use some milk for house use white frock (lab coat) but do not use UK. From '9 1 to '97 the number of and only 9% ra ise more than one a show stick to set feet nor do most herds increased from 26 to 80 and ca lf. This low number is due to new of them do any showing while the the number of cattle from 155 to SSE regulations limiting export of judge is working on other animals 589 . The Dexter Society was from the UK. Breeders in the ind ividually. The whole group was formed in 1987. The strategy of the UK are concerned about the very quite am iable and chatted with us on society is to avoid bulldog calves, rapid recent increase in cattle ring side and other showman as the defi ne the ideal Dexter type and then numbers and are encouraging use of show was proceeding. The judge breed for type and production . The lower quality females to cross breed from the UK who set the pace was Society has set up a linear to other beef breeds and for reluctant to give reasons although assessment which scores 19 slaughter. The survey indicates he chatted with each handler characters. They also have a many breeders are consuming these individually about the animals. breeding value index which includes females for home slaughter. Others of us deviated from that ca lving ease and weight, number of After dinner and more pattern as do some of the other UK services, linear score, slaughter information exchange we retired to judges, I am told. values and performance testing. our dorm rooms for the night. There were two heifer classes, a Presently the Society has 192 bred heifer class, two mature milking registered calves, 97.9% easy of AUGUST 29 rH - Another early cow classes and a dry mature cow calving, 4.9% stillborn, age at morning, as this was the day for the class. There was a Junior Champion calving 28.6 months, and average long awaited and anticipated Dexter chosen and then a Grand Champion calving interval of 391 days. show held nearby at Fosse Hill Female. There were two bull Popularity of Dexters in Denmark Farm. Over 100 head of Dexters classes then a Grand Champion Bull is due to their small size, economic from al l over Britain were entered. was selected. A Supreme source of meat and family milk, low The best of the best were there to Champion animal was then named. building and feeding costs and high participate in the prestigious event. Beautiful trophies sponsored by meat quality. Dexter meat receives The first heifer class was large and many of the country Dexter 50-70% higher price than other beef. difficult to judge. The showing and associations were presented. The There are now 500 breeders of judging is somewhat different than in Grand Champion Female and Dexter cattle in the United Kingdom the US The cattle were very clean, Supreme Champion Dexter was a and there has been a very rapid but there is no trimming/clipping mature milking cow shown by Diane increase in the number of cattle which would alter the cattle in any Smith of Dover. She (owner) was since 1976 according to John way. The feet are not trimmed for affectionately referred to as Lady Di Garratt. The following statistics were the most part because the breed is of Dover. The Grand Champion bull compiled from a survey answered said to have strong feet. The was shown by Mrs. Jay Knight of recently by 124 breeders. Thirty six showing was done in a good sized Sway, Lymington. The first place percent of the people raise Dexters outside ring constructed of posts group of three was shown by Miss because they are easy to manage with rope strung between them. The Jane Paynter, Yielden, Beds. and have a higher return/hectare. cattle enter the ring and circle in an With the exception of only a few Under another heading: 36% noted counter clock wise direction and an imals, they were all of the short the character of Dexter, 24% their then line up on the same side of the legged variety. The most notable hardiness, 17% the rarity or ring. Then one at a time the cattle exception was the Grand Champion traditional nature of the breed and are led toward the judge and he Bull, Apple Joe. Al l the Dexters 14% the quality of beef as their assesses the way they walk and their shown were very uniform in their reason for raising the breed. breed type. The cattle are stopped type and kind. The Dexters shown Eighteen percent of breeders before him and he handles them to were mostly black but there were breeding 24% of the cattle breed determine skin and ha ir also some beautiful red animals. only non-short cattle while 3% of the characteristics, teat placement and Continued on page 7 The Dexter Bulletin Page 7

A chronological account of the World Dexter Congress.

The first three classes were won by between bulldog and long legged influence. He seriously doubted the red heifers. There were very few animals. The gene controlling occurrence of two poll ed animals dun animals shown. The females by collagen formation in humans has appeari ng simultaneously in the UK far outnumbered the males and were been mapped but has not been at one time. also much higher in quality. In the identified in cattle. Andrew demonstrated the female classes it was very difficult to Studies are now being done on inheritance of the black, dun and red find a poor quality animal and the families of bu lldog carriers us ing color in Dexters. Black is dominant uniformity and quality ran very deep. information from the UK herd book. and red and dun are recessive . In the bu ll classes the Champion The next speaker was Beryl WheA crossing a red and a dun, the Bull was by far the superior animal Rutherford owner of the Woodmagic first generation you get black and by and several of the bulls had some Dexter herd in the UK. Beryl crossing these black animals you get structural problems. reported that Captain Sutin was the a ratio of 9 black:3 red :3 dun and That afternoon, we returned to first one to suggest that long legged one recessive red and recessive dun the college for presentat ions by bulls bred to short legged cows which will be a different color. leading scientists. The first speaker el iminated the bulldog problem . Some of the color changes which was Dr. John Williams, a molecular Beryl has found that the long and are appearing in Dexters are geneticist in charge of Bovine short legged condition are not animals being born one co lor and Genome mapping and the Dexter related to other good characteristics changing to another by adulthood, cattle genome project at Roslin of the Dexter such as milking and the mottled red color (as seen in the Institute, Edinburgh, Scotland. Dr. longevity. Guernsey breed, dark color around Williams reported that if the bulldog In Ireland at least four strains of the face (as seen in Jersey and condition was controlled by one "black cows" were developed Aryshires) and wh ite markings. gene the expected number of including the Kerry and the beefier While white on the underline is bulldog calves born to short legged Dexter type. common more white is appearing on cows bred to short legged bulls Beryl said that when looking at the qody, head and as sock would be 1 :4. Using English data the day light under Dexter calves, if markings on the legs. This from 388 calvings of SL X SL, the it is square the ca lf wil l be long recessive white spotting is found in results were 68 bulldog calves born legged. If the light is a rectangle Jerseys and . Individual or 1:4.7 . The slightly lower figure of (longer than tall) the calf will be white hairs on the body can be due actual bulldog incidence could be short legged. to age or to influence of the Jersey due to uncounted early abortions or Mr. Andrew Sheppy from the according to Andrew. incorrect identification of short Coby1horn herd in UK reported on The next speaker was Dr. Peter legged animals. Therefore bulldogs his genetic and breeding research of Harper, the senior Research are probably caused by a single Dexter cattle since 1970. Andrew Veterinarian for the New South gene. has studied the genetics of size, Wales Department of Agriculture Strategies for identifying the bull bu lldog calves, polling and color in Research Station. Dr. Harper dog gene include: testing known Dexters. According to Andrew size discussed other genetic diseases defect carriers, comparing the is controlled by many gene pairs. affecting cattle in Australia, genosomes of unaffected, affected Bulldog syndrome is due to the including those in Angus, Polled and bull dog animals and gene shortening of bones, the dominant Herefords and Fresian cattle. Dr. mapping these differences. gene causes shortening of bones Harper said that the bu lldog gene It seemed that the Dexter bulldog while the double recessive causes expresses itself only in the long bone was similar to the human dwarf the lethal bulldog condition . This growth and causes interference with condition but when tested the same condition is found in three ossification of this bone. Twenty per bulldog gene was not in the same breeds of poultry. cent of Dexters in Australia are location as the human gene causing Using data from 1800 Dexter carriers. These carriers were dwarfism. calvings, Andrew demonstrated introduced from three sires used in Another logical location for the conclusive figures showing the ratio AI. bulldog gene would be in the of LL:SL:BD of 1:2:1 which would That evening was the Medieval location of genes controlling the support the one gene theory of Banquet, which some of us were a changing of cartilage tissue to bone bulldog inheritance. bit apprehensive about. However, it tissue. Further testing of long and Andrew discussed polled Dexters turned out to be one of the most short legged animals is necessary to and expressed the opinion that memorable parts of our visit. see if the collagen to bone formation polled could arise from a mutation of SL animals is intermediate and/or from cross breeding Continued on page 8 Page 8 The Dexter Bu ll etin

A chronological account of the World Dexter Congress We were entertained in the Tithe judging course at the ag colleges evolved in the U.K., there were Barn before the banquet by four and make sure that Dexters are many influences which resulted in musicians with musical instruments included in the training. Helen Short the development of what he somewhat hard to recognize and a and Mike Hasshill from the U.K. suggests are eight bloodlines of Court Jester on stilts. When we discussed Dexter judging and the cattle. His paper should be on your moved to the banquet hall, King training of judges in the U.K. Mike must read list as he points out a Henry the VIII and Queen Ann Bolin acts as a clearing house for shows variety of influences on our breed. a joined us. We ate on plates of which include Dexter classes. He narrowing of the genetic pool at one baked bread and supped on roast tries to spread the judges around the point because of diminished cattle Dexter and . We were country and move them to different numbers and other facts and points entertained throughout the meal by locations and times to insure fresh of view. Lord Chamberlain and the opinions from show to show. Next, the World Dexter Breeds musicians and singers. The jester Morgen Hansen from Denmark, who Standards committee met in closed juggled and ate fire for our does classification for all beef session to establish points of th e entertainment. The banquet hall at breeds in his country then ideal Dexter wh ich all countries the college was perfect for the feast demonstrated the system on some cou ld agree upon. Each country with its huge beamed ceiling, long of the show cattle. sent two representatives and the trestle tables and lists of college We then returned to the college meeting was handled in a very graduates since the 1700's. and after lunch had a picture of all professional manner to insure that Throughout the congress, of the delegates taken at the front of the most progress possible could be during each break. at each meal the Royal Agriculture College. made. It was soon evident that there and before and after lectures. the Patrick Curran, author of "Dexter were several common ideals that all halls buzzed with conversation and " gave the history of of the delegates could agree on and about Dexter cattle. The various the Kerry and Dexter breeds in the some that some countries could not. delegates, though recognizable by U.K. and Europe. He explained that As it turned out. the English Society their accents and attire, all made an truth depends on facts and the truth guidelines were used as a beginning effort to meet and talk to everyone about the beginning of the Dexter and modifications were made on attending the congress. The breed is not totally clear due to the that. The points that everyone could exchange of information about turmoil in Ireland during the agree upon were included in the final Dexters, genetics. disease, formative years of the breed. paper. while the points which one showing, feeds and types were Lawrence Alderson, executive country or another could not agree to thoroughly discussed and argued director of the Rare Breeds Survival were left out to be included in the wh ile measurable amounts of ale Trust, spoke about the Dexter cattl e guidelin es/standards of that country. and beer were consumed . origin and relationship with other The fina l product will be sent out in breeds. Many of you will find his the proceedings or separately. To August 30 - Sunday morning paper quite interesting wh en the some readers it will seem too found us aga in piling onto the proceedings of th e congress arrive. simple. but we have to remember, coach to head to Fosse Hill Farm as he reports a more distant each country has to reserve room for for the linear assessment relationship of Dexter and Kerry traits they deem essential. No one discussion . Professor Wilke cattle than is normall y assumed. should feel restricted with the ideal outlin ed the South African linear Through blood grouping studies, he points agreed upon by al l nations. assessment plan and discussed explains that Dexters may be more While the breed standards each point of conformation closely related to several other committee met. the rest of the covered. Mannie Oberholzer. breeds. including Angus. . delegates went back out to the cattle president of the South African Ayrshire and Galloway than they are barns and Morgan Hansen talked Dexter Cattle Society described to the Kerry. Therefore, his more about the Danish system of their method of insuring qualified conclusion was that there is a large linear assessment and actually went judges through a training and variation in Dexter genetics due through the classification of several internship program. They have partly to their unknown origin and to types of Dexter cattle. also published a judges manual other genetic influences along the Each country had the which includes history of the breed, way. opportunity to put up a display which anatomy. standards of excellence. Andrew Sheppy then talked provided information about their a list of undesirable qualitie~ and about bloodlines, breed structure Dexter organization and industry. disqualifications. weighing of f ~ults and the influence of A.l. in Dexters. There were some outstanding and the role of the judge in the hng. Beca use of the small holding displays and tons of information They have also established a atmosphere within which Dexters Continued on page 9 The Dexter Bulletin Page 9

A chronological account of the World Dexter Congress made available to everyone in that difficult times U.K. beef farmers many cattle to fast. EEC could ban area. Video tapes of Dexter have gone through since the BSE the breed because of the bull dog management played , printed flare up. The feeling that Dexters gene. proliferation of other breeds of material was available and best of will become more and more miniature cattle and the loss of good all , lots of discussions among the successful in the next millennium traits by crossbreeding. Delegates delegates took place in that common because of their low input. low listed the opportunities for the breed area. impact nature was expressed by this as: niche marketing, trade name hard working , in-the-trenches Dexter marketing. terminal sires for heifers. Augu st 31- Monday morning breeder. Throughout the day, it was use in developing countries. the lectures began early with a pointed out several times that there cooperation among societies to discussion of BVD and mucosal have been ~o cases of BSE in promote the breed (webpage, disease by Graham Cawley. He Dexters. international AI and embryo sales went into great detail about the virus At the conclusion of the organization). formulate a worldwide disease and its transmission . conference. delegates were asked to Dexter council and organize symptoms and how animals become list the strengths. weaknesses, worldwide genetic research on the carri ers. He also discussed threats and opportunities and bulldog gene. Delegates suggested vaccination and management objectives of the Dexter breed. the following objectives: verification systems to control the disease. In Delegates listed: low input. small of all pedigrees through DNA testing , addition. Philip Comer. who is a risk size, longevity, hardiness. publish a worldwide gene pool analyst. detailed the statistical adaptability, easy on environment. database, get competitive quotes for method of determining the number ease of ca lving, ease of handling DNA testing, establish international of BSE cases which might result and transporting, early maturity. high linear assessment or classification from eating beef on the bone in the quality beef, good milking, BSE free, system, set up a worldwide system UK There, all animals must be less good mothers and prepotency in of training of judges based on the than 30 months of age at slaughter crossbreeding . Delegates listed South African system and set up a and the meat must be removed from Dexter weaknesses as: bull dog worldwide organization or forum for the bone to avoid consumption of calves. poor feet and legs, lack of the Dexter breed. the dorsal root ganglia near the uniformity. limited bloodlines, At the conclusion. Jim Johnson spine which is associated with the doubtful pedigrees. horns. of the ADCA offered to set up a non­ condition. discredited on open market. color profit corporation status for a Wes Patton then gave his talk inconsistency. lack of culling and worldwide organization and to host entitled "Cute, Commercial and appeal to uneducated because of the next World Dexter Congress in Conservation" concerning the uses small size. De legates listed as the U S. in the year 2002. •!• of Dexters. He discussed the uses threats to the Dexter breed as: to of Dexters as estate cattle. family cows. animals for rodeos. in youth projects and their use for excellent meat. Next, Melanie Rigley talked about the uses of Dexters to graze National trust lands in the White Cliffs Countryside project, including the chalk lands near the White Cliffs of Dover. She stressed that Dexters had reduced the coarse grasses and allowed native plants, including six rare orchid species to reappear in these areas. In her projects. the Dexters work well because of their small size. ease of handling and the fact that they provide a natural means of managing an environmentally sensitive area . Diana Smith. UK Dexter breeder. then talked about her use of Dexters to develop a home meat and milk sales business. She discussed the Tn>ical countrysidcjh the Cottswolds ncar where the Congress was held. Page 10 The Dexter Bulletin

Points to Ponder or what to breed for and what to breed out of our herds by Carol DaYi1hon applies: \\ben \'OU buy. ho'' do You pick In some cases, a [o,,· tailhead aids cah·ing, A co,,· th:~t has g.ood fed and legs. out the hest animal in a group: \\hen ~ ·ou because the calf is heading dO\\'nhill as g_O()d thurJ and r in h'cation. good capacitY . sdl. ho\\ do \ Ou kml\\ '' hich to let go'! soon as it is through the peh ic girdle. good udder attachment. and ~:wod hormone Calf Channel .t & 5: Pel\'ic girdle balance ''ill liYc hmger. be productin; r; ,·cn. ·onc tnlks about "l!as\. · e:1 h ·er~ .. Hook to pin slope: It is easier for the longer. cost less to ICed. and is more likely ''hen refening to CO\\'S. hut bulls ki\'C c3l f ca lf to go up. tlu·ough and dm,·n than it is I<' cah·e c\·ery \·car and m't han: problems channel criteri 3. too. The calf hn s n 5(1/5(1 for it to go up. across, and then dO\\TI. A doing it. chance of inheriting. its sire·<; genes. so it is slope from the hook dO\m to the pin is When I start..:d \\ ith Dcxters. I knew just as important to check out these desirable, because it allo,\·s the calf to start next to nothing. ab0ut cattle. Slo\\ h . I measurements on the bull as it i~ on the its descent as soon as it starts through the began to he able to distinguish hct\\·ccn the CO\\. We don't usuallY think about the calf pch·ic girdle. In some breeds. it w3s seen probable (teat placement on hulls is ch:l!mcl on a hull. hut the I~Jcto rs that make as desirable tor pins to be the same [eYe) as inheritable) and the improbable (i f ~· ou up the chcmnel are there. just the same. For the hook. and cah·ing problems followed. \\ant heifers. the CO\\ should fnce east both co,,· and hull. then:: :ne fi,·e main A slope of not less than two inches. and \\'hi le heing. bred). There 3re others out points to look IC.)r. plus sc,·eral other related not more than six is most desimhle. AnY there \\·ho are starting out li ke I did. and points. less or anYmore becomes extreme, and judging bY the tenor of the mam· phone I . Pin location: width. thus is as bad as no angle. calls I get. they too \\·ould li ke 3ccurate 2. !'in location: pin to underside of 5. Thurl angle information on ,,·hat to look for and what tail distance. To ensure that the pel\'ic girdle is to aYoid. 3. Tailhead placement. positioned conectly, and is of a shape th ::~ t WhY is this in.lom1ation ' aluable to 3 -1. J>elvic girdle: hook to pin slopt'. makes c::~hing. easy, an angle of 90 degrees breeder? Asking price, pride in our 5. Pelvic: girdle. thurl mrgle. from hook to thurl to pin is preferred. anim3ls and responsibilitY to the breed arc Related points: /\Iso. the thurl should he equa I d is t::~ n ce all affected by the quality of animal \\'C muzzle width (pin ll'idth) het,,·een the hook and pin (hori zontal breed. We, the O\mcr-breedcr. arc in chine height (hrx.~v capacity) measurement). If the thurl is not control of the destiny of Dexters. The cow: shape and placement of vulva positioned thus. the peh·ic girdle is ti lted. breed is no longer rare, and the s uppl~· is 1 & 2: and maY cause cah i ng problems. The now meeting or exceeding demand. It is Pin width and distance from underside thurl angle is in part dependent on the no longer enough to just generate more of tail position of the pin hones: , ·en· low pins animals; \\'C must start to generate better Most of us know that pin \\ idth is an will affect the thurl angle. so a ll these animals if Dexters are going to continue to import ant factor in ease of cahing. This is measurements are interrel3ted, and must be sought a fter, and the breed-AND a horizontal (side to side) measurement. as be considered together as one uni t. rather WE- prosper. seen from the rear. Also important is the than as independent items. It doesn·t matter if you ha\'e Dexters ,·ertical measurement of that area. The calf Further topics as pels or for production. With Dexters, must he able to come out easily, and both Richard Henrv has :1grced to mY ,,.e need to marry personalitY and dimensions are critical. If Your cm\· has \\Ti ling a series of nrticles on the su~jec t of temperament with function and production pins that are quite close together and/or if breeding tor qualitY, and ho'' to select l(lr as, in the end, pet stock should be her pins arc high and close to the underside it. functional and producti,·e and animals of the tail where the spine separates from The next orticlc will include the bred for use should be quiet and easv to the body as seen from the side, then You are related points which complete calf handle. courting cal\'ing problems. Hulls ha ,.e channel ~ furt her installments \\ill include: Since a hull is ''half the herd", his pins and ta ils, too, so these t\\'O udder suspension: testicle placement, qualities are ,·ery important. Breeding to measurements are also important on the hang, shape and si7.c and the rcln tionship just any old bull can do irreparable harm. Sire. between testicles and udder; ,·ield By the time his cal\'eS are old enough to 3. Taithead placement indicators; saleable meat ,·iekl cah·e themselves, and you discoYer the bull !ligh tailhead Not good. If the spine calculations: the importance of hormone passed on defects, you have lost a rises at the tailhcad, the calf will ha\'c to ba l ance~ capacity indicators: fi nish and minimum of three vears and are stuck with come out up and o\'er. excess tat indicators, etc. I'll also indude a group of females you don't want (and, if Level tail/read: Good with a brief description of the three styles of they are smart, no one else wants, either). qualifications. If the tailhead is leYel, the system used for eYaluation linear This is why it is so important to be really call' is alread~,. heading downhill. classificntion (dairv), Expcctcd J>rogen~' selective when you buy a bull, and why· it Low tail/read. This is less important, Dit'ferences (heel). and ne\\' generic is so important to register and use only as long as there is still good distance systems \\'hich \\'Ork cquall\' \\ell l(>r both those bull calves that you k11ow will pass between the pin and underside of the tail. t\-pes and l()r all breeds.+ on good qualities. With cows, the same Pa ge II The Dexter Bulletin '-

Points to Ponder: Calf Channel 1. Pin location: width r:ff' \(

Good Bad

2. Pin location: pin to underside of tail Cff'

Good Bad

3. Tailhead placement r.u·

High Level- Best Low

4. Pelvic girdle: hook to pin slope •:n ·

Good Bad 5. Pelvic girdle: thurl angle @

Good Bad Bad Bad Bad Page 12 The Dexter Bul letin

B~ Dr. J.E. BeeYer·, U ni, e r s it ~ of normal selection practices toward a ' indiYiduals (non-dwarf or non-carrier). Illinois at Urbana-Champaign desired phenotype. Thus, elimination of bulldog-produci ng "short -legged" In the fol lowing I would like to the disorder is in constant conflict with animals (dwarf or lcthal-d\\arf carrier). address the genetic problem of lethal mai ntai ning certain breed and bulldog calYCS (lethal dwar() If dwarfism (i.e .. bulldog calves) within characteristics. DNA sequence Yariation (called Dexters. First. as the title implies. I will Fortunately. at the same time that polymorphism) is identified. we can discuss the conflict this genetic disorder breeder awareness is heightened, we arc then analyze the rclc,·ancc of these poses concerning the general selection well poised as researchers to address the differences in regard to models of criteria used by Dexter breeders. identification of the mutation causi ng genetic inheritance and gene function. Secondly. I would like to address this hereditary disorder. Over the past We can pose such questions as. arc all possible methods to resoh·e this decade in the field of animal genetics. bulldog calYcs homozygous fo r one of breeding restriction through the scienti sts haYe made tremendous the ,·ariants or alleles (i c., do they haYc cooperation of Dexier breeders and the advances in the characterization of to inherit the mutation from both research community. However. I would domestic animal gcnomcs: a genome parents)') Docs the change in the DNA like to start by telling you a short story being the e ntiret~· of genetic material sequence also change the protein that b' talc's end will hopefully proYide that is the blueprint for life 's functions. encoded by the gene and thus its insig ht to the origin and continued We now possess the molecular genetic fu nction'1 Answers to these questions recurrence of lethal dwarfism in De.\1Cr tools necessary to study heritable traits tell us whether or not we ha,·c truly cattle. in a highly cfftcicnt manner. As such. identified the mutation (or a genetic Once upon a time. during the long SC\ era! research programs inYcstigating marker) for the disorder. If successfuL history of the Dexter breed. a calf \\aS d\rarfism in Dcxtcrs arc at 'arious a simple DNA test to classify indi,·idual born. T his was not an ordinary. stages of dc,·clopmcnt including animals can be implemented. cyerYdaY calf but. the tYpe of calf that research groups from the United The second strategy im·oh·cs the some breeders may spend a lifeti me Kingdom. Australi a. and United usc of highly ,·ariablc genetic markers trying to produce. As the calf grC\\. it States/Ca nada. It is hoped that the in pedigrees known to segregate continued to epitomize the objecti\ CS of mutation responsible for causing dwarfism. Using these markers we can good Dexter breeding. In particular. bulldog cah cs ''ill be identified by one anal~· zc the. inheritance of particular this ca lf ''as especially small and or more of these groups ,,·ithin the ncar chromosome regions when passed from compact. probably e\ en described as future. parents to offspring. called linkage ext reme by some breeders. E,·cntuallY T\\0 general strategies can be used analysis. The co-inheritance of marker thi s indiYidual was returned as a to help identifY the mutation(s) alleles '' ith disease status enables us to replacement to the breeder's herd and responsible for d\\arfism in Dexters. Iocali1.e the gene causing d\\arfism to a 111dced produced some offspnng of the The first strategy is called candidate small region of the genome. thus same pattern and t~-pc . Not long after. gene analysis. In this strategy we make allowing us to refine our search for the this geneti c line became popular among usc of the Yast amount of information candidate genes as described aboYc. breeders. perhaps due to their success that the human and laboraton· animal Most typical cattle linkage studies wi thin the sho,,· ring. These seemingly genome programs hm·c accumul ated. imohc the usc of paternal half-sib prepotent genetics fo r the perfect breed We usc this information to select genes famil ies (i.e .. one sire. many dams). l\-pe ,,·ere soon djsperscd among the that ma~ be "candidates" for the genetic The bull used would haYc to be a known cnt ire breed. I ncYitably. the first disease. For exa mple. ''-c can readily carrier of dwarfism To identify these malformed calf \laS born: not to ''orry. identifY. through database searches. tYpes of bulls we ask questions such as. it ''as probablY something the cow ate genes alreadY knO\\ n to be inYoiYcd in docs the bull sire both long- and short­ or something like tha t. better luck nc.\t similar disorders in ot her species ( i .c .. legged offspring when mated to long­ time. To make a long story short. ''c d\\arfism in humans). We can then legged cows? Has the bull sired bulldog nO\\ kno\1 that this defect is genetic. ,·ct a n al~ · ;. c the DNA sequence of these calYes') If the answer to these questions for some breeders this is a story that genes in cattle. More specifica ll ~. \\e is yes. this bull would qualify to be a could be told us part of more recent attempt to identi fY DNA sequence pedigree founder for linkage analysis. histon·. Herein lies the paradox. the ' ariation bet,,cen indi,·iduals of k nO\\ It would be necessary to collect samples mutation causing this genetic genotype for d\\arfism. For instance. from the bull and cows he was mated to

abnormalitY cont inues to persist. and is 1 ,,-c \\Ould compare the DNA sequences along with their offspring and their perhaps C\Cn se lected for as part of of progeny-tested "long-legged.. phenotype. Continued on page J 3 The Dexter Bulletin Page 13

Dexter~ and gaton and bear~~ Oh my~ Although these methods arc fairly straight-forward from a laborator)· perspective. researchers often lack the resources to collect samples from animals of these categories. Thus. it is necessary to call on Dexter breeders to identify and submit samples of the above categories Indeed. a collection has already begun in our laboratory through the inYolvement of the ADCA and several member breeders. However. it will require much more cooperation to accumulate a significant number of these samples for the performance of the abo' c anahscs. Samples of blood. semen or ti ss u~ can be used to e\1ract DNA for these types of analyses. Blood samples (1 0 cc) drawn in purple top blood tubes (whole blood. not clotted). semen samples in straws or ampules. and tissue samples frozen and shipped on ice arc all 1998 ADCA BBQ at Jim Moody's. 1'/wrograph co11rtesv oj/)unna .\fortin suitable. Samples can be submitted built on the side of Snowbird Mountain. confidentially to myself. Jon BeeYer. The I 998 ADCA Annual Meeting Not to be outdone b~ · the attention University of Ill inois. Department of began ''ith a farm tour to Jim Mood,··s and admiration for his CO\YS. Jim treated Animal Sciences. 21 0 ERML 120 I W. Snowbird Mountain Dcxtcrs in Frankiin appro:-;imatcly 50 guests to a B-B-Q not Gregory Dri\C. Urbana. IL 6 180 I. N.C. Jim ·s herd was as good as promised soon to be forgotten. The tamest meat Phone: (217) 24-t-6 745. Fax : (21 7 ) - " ·ell-built CO\\S \\ith cah·es of uniform on the menu \\aS the batch of 244-5617. and e-mail : size and good proportion. and pri;.e­ Dc:-;tcrburgcrs situated between plates bec,·crra;cagst.animal. uiuc.cdu. Please winning bulls. In arri,ing at the farm of bearmcat. alligator. Ycnison. "ild include information such as relationship guests were re\Yardcd with a sign reading boar. and mountain trout. Corn on the of the animals. identification (car tag. ·· w hew-you made it'". attesting to the ride cob. white acre peas. baked beans. and registration number). and phenotYpe up the t,,·isting gra,·cl road. The Yie" Jane Patton·s "'secret recipe'" biscuits (tall. short. bulldog). For example. a " as "orth it. howcYer. complete "ith helped keep the meats separated on YOur data sheet shipped with the samples pastures full of \\ildf1o\\crs. and lots of plate. Yo u hoped you hadn ·t eatc~ too may include: cows and cal\es surrounding the house much smoked salmon and salmon jcrh for appetizers. · . Animal (#) Reg. # Classification Rclationshi ps Comments The lunch brought many people Little Joe ( 1) #5562 short sire to cah es has si red together. allowing Dexter owners to talk 4&5 bulldogs to other om1ers and compare problems and successes. For seYeral people. it (2) #4-DI tall dam of calf 4 paternal half­ Xtra Special was the first chance to sec a herd of sister to #1 (si re Dc:-;tcrs and meet those who raise them. #6()70) Jim's farm manager. Brenda Holt. was Bonn ie Bell (1) #667X intermediate/ dam of calf 5 paternal half­ there to coordinate. share ideas. and unknO\Yn sister to #2 (si rc make sure \\C all ate well. It was a #6670) memorable daY 'isiting at Snowbird Mountain. We thank YOU . Jim. fo r YOur 98-02 (4) NA short hospitality. •!• · · 98-06 (5) NA bulldog cal f Donna Martin Page 14 The Dexter Bulletin

+Classified Advertising+

C...'mt for mt annual :mhscription (.'iix is.m es) to the Bulletin is $10 for non-members. ~fake check --~' ""' ""'hie to the American Dexter Cattle Association and send to: American Dexter Cattle A.\'.'lociation, _, .." .•• fe I, /Jox 378, Concordia. t.f() 64020. Based 0 11 current studie."f the A.uociation recommend."' that the breeding .'ilwrt-legged X (to) short-legged animals he a.•oided hecau.\e t?f a genetic condition e.xi.\·ting in .\ome De.:'

Dexter Cattle For Sale

' Raccoon Valle~ ARROW WOOD FARM NEW JERSEY FOR SALE: 1998 black heifer and bull calves, bred cows and Dexter Farm bull. Ver) small and well conformed. Calves bottle fed and well handled. 221 Allan and Elaine Ahrams Telephone: 201-327-07-Ul 1-goo - 752-20~1 10-l E. Saddle River Road Fax: 201-327-1912 For Sale: Bull calf born 1/IJR. bred cows and heifers. Saddle Ri, cr, NJ 0 7~58

Registered Dexter Cattle for sale: bred c(ms, heifers, hulls. FOR SALE: Nice black bull calf born in August 1997. Also. other cattle aYailablc. Call or \Hitc lor current information. Chuck nnd I ~ct lc I )ickinson 1 WIJ ~ ) llns l in~(s l ~oad Stillwater Dextcrs Clnr ksvilk~. M ichi~~< m IJBHl ;) 996 Twp. #553 Rd#2 Day p hone616 B6H f J

Two 1997 red/dun bull cahcs: 199g cah cs arc arriYing. both Cahes. cows. and bulls. E mbr~·os also a\ ailablc. A ll from red/dun and black: calYCS arc handled daily! certified and accredited herd bY Ohio Dept. of Agriculture.

K-Ro Acres Briar Hill Farm Bob & Kath)· Smith James G. Johnson 351 Lighthau Road ~092 Broad\ ie'' Rd. Fort Plain, NY 13339 Richfield. OH ~~ 2 ~6 - 9605 (518) 993-2823, eFenings & weekends (110) 659-~86 I Kesmith(a; telenet. net

3 yearling heifers for sale. 2 black and I red/dun. All Cows. cah·cs & bu lls for sale. All cows arc bred. Ve rY nice set medium legged. of I 9<)8 heifer cah·cs. Winter is coming to South Dakota and I 3 short legged bulls- I black and I red/dun - both ready am out of space. They must go All offers will be considered. 20 for herd service. 1 yearling short red/dun bull. l/ I ~/97 . plus animals. Rainbow Hills Dexter Farm (605) ~56 - 9817 call any ftnw Rt. 13, Box 75 John Heisler Poplar Bluff, MO. 6390 I RR L Box I 10(' (573) 785-2719 Nc\\cll. So. Oak . 57760 The Dexter Bulletin Page 15

Dexter Cattle For Sale

P.O. Box 602 Jeanie V. Douglas For·t Wood, MO 6S-t73 (S7 3) 76S--t626 Registered Dexter cattle. CO\\S. bulls. and cah·es. ISAIAH FA RMS Elmer E. Templeton l{ ~:gish:rl.!d 1 )~: :-; h: r cattk - Choice ol· \\l'll -hr.:d Rt. I. Box 65 stm.:l; anti la bk l(lr ,·our s .:l~:d i on . Fleming. OH -t572l) YOU arc \\ Cicomc to visit (6 1-t) 37l--tlN2 this g.~: n tk disposition l11.:rd of all-black lwmc:J . qualil\· lk'\ll'rs

HIGHER QUA LITY BEEF-M ILK GIVE RS-BEAST OF BURDEN We haYe caiYcs fo r sale Bot h red/dun and black Mar>la nd T he,··n be fine for YOur Farm And their bags arc all packed I

Token Farm Yes. priced so reasonablY. For sale: Bull cah cs- And. so soon they can go. dob 9/1 N7 Just ca ll and ,,c.lltalk red/dun Or some photos " e ·n show. '''ins. dob 8/19/98 I black Here· s ho"· to get us I red/dun lhou·re so incl ined. EYenings and ,,·eckends. Mar·~ Ann Brewer We're easiest to find 1072-t Pheasant Orhe Clarksburg, MD 2087 1-8523 K-Ro Acres (30 1) 865-6031 Bob & Kathy Smith 35 t Lighthau Road Fort P lain, NY 13339 Tel: (518) 993-2823 Email: Kcsmith'a; Welcome to the De:-..1er Association with the purchase of Rhcma Farm Dcxtcrs to: John and Robin Hodgson of Jefferson County Kentucky ...... ,... , Laura Clifford and Irish Rose of Kenton County Kentucky. I,'·-r-· Betty and Lucius Merrill of Adams County Ohio. ' I.J s~9 'Pafut 9~«.wt ~~4 For Rhcma Farm photos. sec our web page at '"''"\v.a ht ml Registered American Dexter Cattle phone Mike Vaughn (502) 322-8332. Hanson. KY email ewewhorci,mcc-uky.campus.mci .net Marvin B and DeLois K. P.O. Box 44 1 - Elk hart, KS 67950

HaBi Farm Dexters Phone- 580-696-4836 email: [email protected] Felicia Hall & Rod Birdsell R.R. 2 Box 54 Specializing in the Beatrice, NE 68310 original horned cattle (402) 223-4297 Choice breeding stock, prices upon request. FOR SALE: Good selection of registered cows, Breeding for the ultimate in heifers, and calves. conformation. Page 16 The Dexter Bulletin Dexter Cattle For Sale

FOR SALE OR TRADE IRISH DEXTER C-o/fT1 the smallest dual-purpose canle txe_:;!} ., ' BEAUTIFUL BLACK POLLED (dehorned) BULL, KING'S JESTER #5840. Long body, has produced outstanding I Clwke Coonty, VA ~ ~ calves. Will trade for comparable bull.

ALSO FOR SALE: Bred cows, heifers and bull calves. Black / DOG RUN _9£Xl£RS and red/dun with horns and polled. Several to choose from. Route 3. Box 5806 Va 22611 / ~rryvtlle. Edward C. Browning ADCA ~ Al.IJc 540 955-4421 1176 Post Road J Wakefield, RI CALIFORNIA 401-783-9239 Photos Available BULL FOR SALE: Glenn of Green Valley, #5935 D.O.B. 4-13-93, black, horned, 41", 975 pounds, halter broke CHAMPION DEXTER BULL AT BOTH Bull Wanted 1996 AND 1997 CALIFORNIA STATE FAIR

Approximately 40". Looking for an older bull with a verifiable Other Quality Registered Dexter breeding history. Prefer a bull with horns. calves, bred cows & heifers, (503) 747-2053 bulls and semen also available

Bill and Dusty Kirkland-Green River Ranch For Sale: 8636 Berry Road, Wilton, CA 95693 (916) 687-7986 evenings and weekends Polled, (Cherry) Red/dun, 2 year old Platinum Grandson; also 6 excellent proportionate young cows bred to same.

Twi-Lite Dexters Herd reduction: Cows bred down from Doris Crowe's 5016, 54th Ave Woodmagic Plover, long legged, type, young cows, Taber, A.B. Can. yearlings, and heifer calves. TlG 1M2 Phone: (403) 223-4694 Mark Weber (920) 684-1776 Texas Registered Wisconsin Stock

Both Types of Registered HI-COUNTRY ACHERS Dexter Stock Usually Available Registered Dexter Cattle For Sale 749 24 3/4 Road Carol Ann Traynor We need more breeders in Texas. Therefore, if we don't have the Grand Junction,CO 81505 Ph: (970) 241-2005 animal you want, we will help you fmd it from our Texas Breeders. Congratulations to: Briscoe's DBL D Stock Farms JIM & CHRIS ROCKWELL & Sons Doyle & Delmoreen Briscoe of Palisade, Colorado 8218W. FM 93 On their purchase of: Belton, Texas 76513 TRUE GRIT ZOE & her 1998 black heifer calf. 254-939-6016 CONGRATULATIONS Calgary Stampede 1998 GRAND CHAMPIONS

Grand Champion Female: SHAMISTAN FRANNY (owner Moniquc Schmaltz) by Hiyu Scarab

Reserve Grand Champion Female: HIYU MOURNING DOVE VII (owner Ruth Stone)

Grand Champion Bull: DARBY DAY FAUNTLEROY (owner Holly Hardwan)

Reserve Grand Champion Bull: ROCKY RIDGE GEORGE BOY (owner Ruth Stone) out of Hiyu Mourning Dove VII


Grand Champion Female and Best Herd Award ADCA Video Show 1998 Asheville, North Carolina


Bright Meadows, RR # I Ladysmith, B.C. VOR 2EO Phone: (250) 245-4046 fax: 245-7474 e-mai l cddcxtcr@ islandnet.eom Page 18 The Dexter Bulletin

Dexter Cattle For Sale

Hammer Ranch Irish Dexters Herd reduction. Registered Dexter cattle for sale. Black bulls for sale at all times- $-lOO to $700. Linda Peterson Age: 6 months to 2 years. P.O. Box 181 Also. Bull leasing and Breeding Scr"Yice. Aguanga, CA 92536 (909) 767-0808 25-l50 Myers Road Colorado Springs. Colorado 80928

Ernie Tony Dexter Semen For Sale (719) 683-2307 (719) 683-6238

Collected by COBNSelcct Sires from Jamie O'Callen. # 19-l9. Black. proportionate type. Excellent disposition. -l2" tall ra/ 39 For Sale: months. Shomc Zcb: Red/Dun Bull. DOB 07-23-95 Briar Hill Farm Rebound's Colleen: Black Heifer. DOB 05-22-97 James G. Johnson Unnamed Black Heifer. DOB 05-16-98 4092 Broad\'iew Rd. Horned. long legged. proportionate. Richfield, OH -l-l286-9605 (330) 659-4861 REBOUND FARMSTEAD 16578 West 81 st Street South Collected from Glcncara Paddy, #3864 EX . Black. 44 1/2" tall. Sapulpa. Oklahoma 74066 I 050 lbs. 0; 4 yrs. $15 I straw + s & h. Note his offspring do (918) 22-l-7182 days not carry EX. (918) 227-4756 evenings Evelyn Colclough 10418 16th St. East Edgewood. W A 983 72 (206) 927-4608 FOR SALE

Limited amount of semen m·ai!able from Rhea of Sunshine. #4588. Red/dun. 38 1/2" tall, 670 Ibs. -'0 4 yrs. High proportion Short legged Dexter Cattle with horns: of heifers. First come. first serYe. $20 per straw plus s & h. Rainbow Hills Dexter Farm One (I) black bull/DOB 8/6/98 Rt. 13. Box 75 Poplar Bluff. MO 63901 One (I) dun cow to calf/DOB 96 (573) 785-2719 One (I) black heifer to calf/DOB 1/97

Please note CHANGE OF ADDRESS for Saltaire One (I) dun calf/DOB 12/ 19/97 Platinum, formerly in the state of Washington. has moved and is now a\'ailable by writing or phoning: HARAACRES Harlan Carpenter The American Lhcstock Breeds Conservancy Route 20, Box 81 Lincoln, 68528 Box 477 NE (402) 795-2188 Pittsboro, NC 27312 Phone: (919) S.t2-S704 The Dexter Bulletin Page 19 Information

Books For Sale Classified advertisements of Dexter cattle or Dexter semen is The Life and Times of Dexters $5.00 for up to a 2" column ad or $25.00 per year for six issues. by Ted Neal Ads over 2" up to 4" are $10 per ad or $50.00 per year for six issues. All ads are limited to Dexters exclusively and subject to A full color book about De>..1ers direct from England. approval by the ADCA. Make all checks payable to the $27.50 check or money order. American De>..1er Cattle Association. Please submit payment with your ad and send to Dexter Cattle 17409 E. 163rd St. by John Hays - USA Lee's Summit, MO 6401n $7.95 per copy. plus $1. 55 postage and handling. All transactions arc between buyer and seller. The Association tmsts both will use their own good judgement and The Dexter Cow exercise the highest of integrity . and Cattle Keeping on a Small Scale •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• {// I 1()/l '()f) II · by Dr. William Thrower - England 0 ./lle .. :1/fxl.t e )t . 7

Concordia, MO 64020 Cost l~(Re[!.IStraf/Ons CO\\S up to I ~ r. old $20 ()() Bulls up to 2 yrs. old $20.00 Co ,~ s O\ er I ~ r old $-HI 00 ~~H •1le

Chamtlion bull at the World Dexter Congress. Photograph courte.,y of' lf'es Pallon ..

The Dexter Bulletin Sept. I Oct. Blk. Rte. US POSTAGE Richard Henry, Editor PAID 17409 E. l63rd St. PiP MAIL Lee' s Summit, MO 64082-4582 SEDALIA, 65301

John s. Merrifield 5634 NE 12TH ST NEWTON KS 67114-9450 l.llll,lll,lltllllllltlllfltltll,ll' I' tl tll1111 111.1

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