Week 1: Articulatory Phonetics (Ladefoged 2001)
Week 1: Articulatory Phonetics (Ladefoged 2001) 1.2 Phonetics: Describing Sounds SWU LI 711 Meagan Louie August 16th, 2016 Q: What are the properties of speech sounds? 1 Introduction • Three main subfields of phonetics: 1.1 Phonology 1 articulatory phonetics: how speech sounds are made • This is a course in phonology . (eg., articulator placement, vocal fold configuration, etc.) - the systematic study of SOUNDS and how they PATTERN in language • Observation I: Different languages have different sounds/phones . i.e., they have different phonetic inventories Blackfoot Consonants: English Consonants: . [p], [t], [k], [P] . [p], [t], [k], [b], [d], [g] . [s], [h] . [f], [T], [s], [S], [h], . [ts], [ks] . [v], [D], [z], [Z] . [m], [n], [w], [j] . [tS], [dZ] 2 acoustic phonetics: the physical properties of speech sounds . [m], [n], [N], [w], [j], l], [ô] . (i.e., frequency, wavelength, etc.) 5.73319396 6.35870804 4000 • Observation II: Different languages allow different sound combinations English Consonant Clusters: Cantonese Consonant Clusters: . spl-, spr-, str, .N /A . sp-, st-, sk-, sm-, sn-, sl-, sw- . pl-, pr-, ... Frequency (Hz) . ...-rsts, -ksTs Different language have different sound systems ! 0 5.613 6.548 Q: What is the range of variation in sound systems? Time (s) . Spectrogram of the word “food” [fud] 3 perceptual phonetics: how speech sounds are perceived • But before we can investigate this question, we need a systematic way to . (eg., pitch vs frequency, the McGurk Effect) describe sounds.P honetics gives us a way to do this. 1 • The international phonetic alphabet (IPA) is a transcription system that describes speech sounds according to their articulatory phonetic features .
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