Scientific Papers of Kurt Benirschke
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Scientific Papers of Kurt Benirschke Books 1. Benirschke K, Driscoll SG (1967) The pathology of the placenta. In: Henke-Lubarsch (ed) Handb path Anat, Vol VII/5. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York, p 500 2. Benirschke K (1967) Comparative aspects of reproductive failure. Conference held in Hanover, NH, July 1966, Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York 3. Hsu TC, Benirschke K (1967) Mammalian chromosome atlas, VolI. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York 4. Hsu TC, Benirschke K (1968) Mammalian chromosome atlas, Vol II. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York 5. Hsu TC, Benirschke K (1969) Mammalian chromosome atlas, VolIIl. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York 6. Benirschke K (1969) Comparative aspects of mammalian cytogenetics. Conference held in Hanover, NH, July 1968. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York 7. Hsu TC, Benirschke K (1970) Mammalian chromosome atlas, VolIV. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York 8. Hsu TC, Benirschke K (1971) Mammalian chromosome atlas, VolVo Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York 9. Hsu TC, Benirschke K (1971) Mammalian chromosome atlas, Vol VI. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York 10. Benirschke K (coeditor) (1972) Chromosome atlas: Fish, amphibians, birds, reptiles, Vol I. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York 11. Reid DE, Ryan KJ, Benirschke K (1972) Principles and management of human repro duction. Saunders, Philadelphia 12. Hsu TC, Benirschke K (1973) Mammalian chromosome atlas, Vol VII. Springer, Ber lin Heidelberg New York 13. Benirschke K (1974) The pathology of the human placenta. Medcom, New York 14. Benirschke K (coeditor) (1974) Chromosome atlas: Fish, amphibians, birds, reptiles, Vol II. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York 15. Hsu TC, Benirschke K (1974) Mammalian chromosome atlas, Vol VIII. Springer, Ber lin Heidelberg New York 16. Hsu TC, Benirschke K (1975) Mammalian chromosome atlas, VolIX. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York 17. Benirschke K (coeditor) (1975) Chromosome atlas: Fish, amphibians, birds, reptiles, Vol III. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York 18. Hsu TC, Benirschke K (1977) Mammalian chromosome atlas, VoIX. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York 19. Gropp A, Benirschke K (1976) Developmental biology and pathology. Curr Top Path- 0162, Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York, pp 216 20. Ridgway SH, Benirschke K (eds) (1977) Breeding dolphins; present status, suggestions for the future. Report MMC76/07, Marine Mammal Commission, Washington, DC, November 1977 21. Benirschke K, Garner FM, Jones TC (1978) Pathology of laboratory animals, VolI and II. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York, p 2171 22. Russell ES, 12 Committee members (1978) Conservation of germplasm resources. An imperative. National Academy of Science, Washington, DC, p 118 354 Scientific Papers of Kurt Benirschke Chapters in Books 1. Benirschke K (1959) Placental macrophages and the transfusion syndrome in monoch orial twins. In: Gestation. Transactions ofthe Fifth Conf, Josiah Macy Jr Foundation. Madison Print Comp, Madison NJ, pp 198-207 2. Bloch E, Benirschke K (1961) Steroidogenic capacity offoetal adrenals in vitro. In: The human adrenal cortex. Proc Glasgow, July, 1960. Livingstone, pp 589-595 3. Imrie AH, Benirschke K (1962) The adrenal cortex of the nine-banded armadillo. In ternational Symp on Adrenal Cortex and Adrenal Cortical Hormones. Ghent, Bel gium, September 1962 4. Benirschke K (1962) Multiple pregnancy. In: Reid DE (ed) Textbook of obstetrics. Saunders, Philadelphia 5. Yahia C, Benirschke K, Sturgis SH (1963) Carcinoma of the endometrium. In: Prog ress in gynecology, Chap IV. Grune & Stratton, New York, pp 240-425 6. Benirschke K (1965) 1. Placental morphogenesis. 2. Interspecific mammalian hybrids. In: Wynn R (ed) Fetal homeostasis, Vol 1. Acad Sci, New York 7. Benirschke K (1966) Chapter on pathology. In: Teaching reproduction to medical stu dents. Josiah Macy Jr Foundation. Hoeber, Harper & Row, New York, pp 33-44 8. Benirschke K (1966) Sex chromatin and developmental abnormalities. In: Moore KL (ed) The sex chromatin, Chap 25. WB Saunders Comp, Philadelphia PA 9. Benirschke K (1967) Comments on respiratory distress syndrome. In: Kaufmann HJ (ed) Progress in pediatric radiology, Vol 1. S Karger, Basel, Switzerland, pp 136-137 10. Benirschke K (1967) Mosaicism and chimerism. McGraw-Hili Year Book of Science and Technology. McGraw Hill, pp 248-251 II. Benirschke K (1968) Cytogenetic abnormalities in reproduction. In: Behrman, Kistner (eds) Progress in infertility, Chap 37. Little Brown & Comp, Boston, pp 817-846 12. Benirschke K (1968) Pathologic considerations concerning transplacental fetal infec tions. Research conference on the prevention of mental retardation through the control of infectious disease. Cherry Hill, NJ, HF Eichenwald (ed) Government Printing Of fice, Washington DC 13. Benirschke K (1968) Virus etiology of congenital malformations. Conference held May 1967, Bethesda, MD. Mitchell S (ed) Government Printing Office, Washington DC 14. Benirschke K (1968) Multiple births. In: Barnett WL (ed) Holt's textbook of pediatrics. Appleton-Century-Crofts, New York, pp 106-112 15. Brinck-Johnsen T, Benirschke K (1968) The placenta. In: Bloodworth JMB (ed) Endo crine pathology, Chap. 15. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore MD, pp 507-528 16. Benirschke K (1968) Mosaicism and chimerism. McGraw-Hili Science Encyclopedia. McGraw Hill, pp 248-251 17. Benirschke K, Low RJ, F erm VH (1969) Cytogenetic studies of some armadillos. Festschrift for FA Saez. In: Benirschke K (ed) Comparative mammalian cytogenetics. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York, pp 330-347 18. Benirschke K (1968) Discussion of paper by EH Bishop on "prevention of premature labor." In: Gold EM (ed) Proceedings for the national conference for the prevention of mental retardation through improved maternity care. March 27-28,1968, pp 125- 128. US Department Health, Education & Welfare, Bureau, Social & Rehabilitation Service, Washington DC, 145-146 19. Benirschke K (1969) Chimcrism and transplantation. Discussion in fetal homeostasis. In: Wynn RM (ed) NY Acad Sci, Vol IV. Appleton-Century-Crofts, New York 20. Benirschke K (1969) Etiology. In: Dancis J (ed) Idiopathic respiratory distress syn drome. Public Health Service, NIH, US Government Printing Office, Washington DC 21. Benirschke K (1969) Multiple births. In: Barnett HL (ed) Chapter in pediatrics, 15th ed. Appleton-Century-Crofts, New York 22. Benirschke K (1972) Consequences of termination of pregnancy. In: Hafez ESE, Evans TN (eds) Human fertility: Conception and contraception, Chap 29. Harper & Row, New York 23. Benirschke K (1972) Prenatal cardiovascular adaptation. In: Bloor CM (ed) Compar ative pathophysiology of circulatory disturbances. Adv Exp Med BioI22:3-11 Scientific Papers of Kurt Benirschke 355 24. Benirschke K (1972) The use of non-human primates in research on human reproduc tion. Proceedings of Symposium: WHO, Sukhumi, 12-13-17, 1971 In: Diczfalusy E, Standley CC (eds). Acta Endocrinol [Suppl] (K bh) 166: 100-102, 260:513-519 25. Benirschke K (1973) Congenital anomalies of the uterus, with emphasis on genetic causes. In: Hertig AT (ed). William & Wilkins, Baltimore MD, pp 68-79 26. Benirschke K (1973) Conclusions, summary of colloquium on chromosomal causes of abortions. In: Boue A, Thibault C (eds) Les accidents chromosomiques de la reproduc tion. Inserm, Paris, pp 405-413 27. Benirschke K (1974) When is chromosomal analysis indicated in obstetrical and gyne cological practice? In: Reid DE, Christian DC (eds) Controversy in obstetrics and gynecology, II. Saunders, Philadelphia, pp 665-672 28. Benirschke K (1974) Chimerism and mosaicism - two different entities. In: Wynn RM (ed) Obstetrics and gynecology annual 1974. Appleton-Century-Crofts, New York, pp 33-45 29. Gospodarowicz D, Rudland P, Lindstrom J, Benirschke K (1974) Fibroblast growth factor: Its localization, purification, mode of action, and physiological significance. In: Luft R, Hall K (eds) Advances in metabolic disorders (28 th Nobel Symposium, Sept 4-7). Academic Press, New York, Hasselby, Sweden 30. Benirschke K (1975) Cytogenetic abnormalities in reproduction. In: Behrman SU, Kistner RW (eds) Progress in infertility II, Chap 20. Little Brown Comp, Boston, pp 430-463 31. Benirschke K (1975) The examination of the placenta. In: Race GJ (ed) Laboratory medicine. Harper and Row, Hagerstown, Maryland 32. Benirschke K (1975) Placental causes of maldevelopment. In: Poswillo DE, Berry C (eds) Applied teratology, Chap 9. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York 33. Benirschke K, Carpenter G, Epstein C, Fraser C, Jackson L, Motulsky A, Nyhan W (1976) Genetic diseases. In: Brent RL, Harris MI (eds) Prevention of embryonic, fetal, and perinatal disease, Vol 3. DHEW Publication NIH # 76-853, Fogarty Internatl Center Series on Prevention Medicine, pp 219-261 34. Gluck L, Warshaw JB, Abramson DC, Benirschke K (1976) Fetal and placental phys iology and biochemistry: Present and future. In: Brent RJ, Harris MI (eds) Prevention of embryonic, fetal, and perinatal disease, Vol 3. DHEW Publication NIH #76-853. Fogarty Internatl Center Series on Prevention Medicine, pp 313-334 35. Benirschke K (1977) Experimental systems: Advantages and disadvantages. In: The fu ture of cells, models, and systems in research, development, education, and testing. Proc Symp Natl Acad of Sci, Washington DC, pp 58-75 36. Benirschke K (1977) Placental pathology. In: Behrman RE (ed) Neonatal-perinatal medicine, Chap 15. CV Mosby & Comp, St Louis, MO, p 104 37. Benirschke K (1977) The pathophysiology of the twinning process.